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CAP Final Report
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 01/03/2005
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Conway K
Download: ML19318G264 (58)


The Maine Yankee Decommissioning Advisory Panel A Model for Public Participation in Nuclear Projects A REPORT BY THE MAINE YANKEE COMMUNITY ADVISORY PANEL ON DECOMMISSIONING February 2005

The Maine Yankee Decommissioning Advisory Panel A Model for Public Participation in Nuclear Projects A REPORT BY THE MAINE YANKEE COMMUNITY ADVISORY PANEL ON DECOMMISSIONING Prepared and edited by Catherine W. Ferdinand Black Diamond Consultants, Inc.

February 2005 i

Demolition of the Maine Yankee containment building took two years to complete. The dropping of the dome section using explosive demolition occurred in September 2004. Maine Yankees containment dome is the first to have been dis-mantled using the explo-sive demolition.


Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Executive Summary v Introduction 1 Section I Background 1.1. History 2 1.2 Decision to Form An Advisory Panel 3 Section II Decision to Form A Community Advisory Panel 2.1 Establishing Panel Charter, Size, Leadership 4 2.2 Determining Panel Composition 4 2.3 Meeting Format 6 2.4 Agenda Setting 7 2.5 Training and Education of Panel Members 8 2.6 Establishing Trust and Successful Working Relationships Between the Panel and the Company and Among Panel Members 9 2.7 Getting Information to the Broader Public 10 Section III Accomplishments 11 Section IV Lessons Learned 14 Section V Recommendations 18 Section VI Perspectives of Individual CAP Members 6.1 Hon. Marge Kilkelly 19 6.2 W. Donald Hudson, Jr. 20 6.3 Daniel H. Thompson 22 6.4 Lewis Curtis 23 6.5 Dr. Paul Crary 24 6.6 Ralph Keyes 25 6.7 Raymond Shadis 26 6.8 Steve Jarrett 27 6.9 Don Schuman 28 6.10 Ted Feigenbaum 30 6.11 Hon. Charles P. Pray 31 iii

Table Of ContentsSection VII Perspectives of Others 7.1 Greg Foster, Lincoln County News 32 7.2 Bob Kalish, Times Record 32 7.3 Charlotte Boynton, Wiscasset Newspaper 32 Section VIII Epilogue 33 Appendices Attachment 1: Original CAP Charter 8/97 35 Attachment 2: Revised CAP Charter 11/02 39 Attachment 3: Sample Public Notice of Meeting 43 Attachment 4: Decommissioning/CAP Milestone Chart 44 Attachment 5: Draft CAP on Spent Fuel Storage &

Removal Charter 47 Attachment 6: CAP members - Past & Present 51 iv

Executive Summary Executive Summary W hen the Maine Yankee nuclear power plant closed prematurely in 1997 after 25 years of operation, only two other commercial nuclear facilities had opted to decommission by prompt dismantlement. While the plants operating history had been one of successful low-cost, reliable generation, the two years preceding its closure were marked by unscheduled outages, increased regulatory scrutiny, and considerable media attention. Given the significant negative economic impact of the plants closure to the local community of Wiscasset and its surrounding towns, and looming questions about the future of the 800 plus acre site and the inventory of 1434 spent nuclear fuel assemblies, the company decided to create a new vehicle for communication with the public - a panel of community stakeholders that would become the resident experts on issues related to the plants decommissioning.

Sections 1&2 of the report document the steps taken to form such a panel including the mechanics of selecting and educating the members, meeting organization, establishing trust with the stakeholder interests, and getting information to the public. Section 3 includes the panels analysis of its accomplishments- in improving public discussion and comprehension of decommissioning issues, in impacting company decisions and in setting an example for other communities to follow. Additionally, the report in Section 4 includes a discussion of lessons learned by the panel including having a defined role and staying focused on that role, being open to and respectful of different perspectives, taking the time necessary to educate and listen, and the importance of consistency in participation and in meeting regularly. Section 5 includes a discussion of the eight recommendations of the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel for other communities facing any similar challenge

- be inclusive, educate, pay attention to structure and organization, encourage public involvement, maintain media interest, answer all questions, use technology and share knowledge.

In deciding to compile this report, the group, recognizing that members came to the panel with differing views, experiences and interests, chose to allow panelists the opportunity to offer their individual perspectives on the Community Advisory Panel process. Other stakeholder interests, such as the media, were also invited to comment. These perspective pieces are included in sections 6&7 of the report.


Views of Wiscasset - this pretty coastal village was host to Maines only nuclear plant from 1972 through its decommis-sioning, completed in 2005.


Introduction M aine Yankee Atomic Power Com-pany (MYAPC), a single unit 900 megawatt nuclear power plant, in the small continued to oper-ate.

coastal village of Wiscasset, Maine generated When the over 118 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of plant electricity from 1972 through 1996 . In closed, August 1997, the owners of Maine Yankee the Maine announced the permanent shutdown of the Yankee nuclear power plant, eleven years earlier than Commu-the expected termination of its operating nity license. At the time of the plant closing, only Advisory Panel on Decommissioning (CAP) three nuclear plants in the United States, all was established to enhance open communi-relatively small in scale, had been decommis- cation, public involvement and education on sioned.1 Maine Yankee decommissioning issues.

In the wake of the shutdown decision, (Attachment 1) the company and the community shared a Over the past seven years the commu-number of challenges. The community nity has witnessed the removal of compo-wrestled with the significant and immediate nents, the demolition of structures, rail loss of its tax base, the concerns for the safe shipments of waste and construction of a cleanup of the property, and the looming spent fuel storage facility. Through the CAP questions of the storage and ultimate disposi- process, the community and the company tion of the spent nuclear fuel that would together have wrestled with issues such as remain on site. The company faced the the final condition of the site, impacts of challenges of an immediate dismantlement of spent fuel storage after decommissioning, the facility in a relatively new regulatory and loss of tax revenue.

environment.2 For the decommissioning of With other communities certain to face Maine Yankee to be successful, the the issues of decommissioning nuclear facili-companys ability to satisfy regulators had to ties or other commercial or industrial entities be melded with public confidence in the in the future, the CAP and Maine Yankee decommissioning process. wish to share their experiences and perspec-During the plants final two years of tives on this challenging endeavor. This operation, constant stakeholder attention had report documents the rationale for the estab-worked to erode that public confidence. lishment of the CAP, the process of determin-Maine Yankee management decided that ing its role and functions, and lessons learned some vehicle for improving the companys regarding the CAP process, including interac-dialogue with the local community was tions between the company, state and federal necessary, whether the plant shut down or regulators, the media and the public.

1 Fort St. Vrain, Shoreham, Pathfinder. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Fact Sheet on Decom-missioning Nuclear Power Plants, March 2003 2 In 1997, of the other sixteen shutdown power reactors in the United States all but three had been placed in SAFSTOR, a condition where the plant is maintained and monitored to allow radioactivity to decay, but actual dismantlement of the facility is delayed to a later time. Two commercial reactors shut-down in 1991 and 1992, Yankee Rowe in Massachusetts, and Trojan in Oregon, had begun decommission-ing activities but had yet to file License Termination Plans for NRC approval. Connecticut Yankee, shutdown in 1996, opted to pursue immediate dismantlement about the same time as Maine Yankee.


SECTION 1 - Background 1.1 History by accounting for more than 90% of W iscasset, Maine Yankees host community is a rural community along the Sheepscot River with a population Wiscassets state valuation. When the plant closed, Wiscassets state valuation dropped approximately 35%. Other towns in Lincoln of about 3700. During plant operations, the County saw their county tax effort increase Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), an area 56% to cover increased costs of county gov-within a 25 mile radius of the power ernment and the loss of plant, included 15 additional towns, Maine Yankee from spanning two counties. Over 50% of the Wiscassets tax base.3 regional economy is based in service and During the plants retail trade industries, much of that in twenty four years of support of tourism. Government, manu- operation, Maine Yankee facturing, con- received much public struction, agricul- Sheepscot River viewed attention and scrutiny from Wiscasset ture, forestry and from the media, state and fishing make up federal regulators and the balance of the anti-nuclear activists. Three times Maine regional economic voters opted to continue the plants opera-base. tion in highly publicized statewide refer-When operat- enda campaigns to close the plant. Maine ing, Maine Yan- Yankees operations remained in the fore-kee provided over front of public and political attention 500 permanent jobs. Fifty percent of the during 1995 through early 1997. 1995 permanent employees lived within 20 miles brought a near year-long outage to repair of the plant. In addition to the permanent leaking steam generator tubes. 1996 followed employees, maintenance and refueling out- with a state-initiated NRC Independent ages brought an additional 1000 temporary Safety Assessment and anonymous accusa-workers to the area approximately every 18 tions of safety violations. In January 1997, months. At the time of the plants closure, the NRC placed Maine Yankee on its watch the company paid the town $12 million list of troubled plants and in February the annually in taxes, covering 90% of the Maine Yankee owners entered into an agree-communitys municipal budget providing ment with Entergy for new management of quality community schools, fire protection, the plant.

and other services. The plant also contrib- As a result of the extensive outages in uted to the neighboring local communities 1995 and 1996 and growing concerns about through purchases of goods and services, steam generator reliability, plant owners financial aid for emergency services and conducted detailed economic analyses on the corporate giving. Additionally, Maine Yankee viability of continuing plant operation versus contributed to the budget of Lincoln County permanently closing the facility.4 By May 3

Economic and Property Tax Impact Analysis: A Report Analyzing the Economic Impact of the Maine Yankee Decommissioning and Future Economic Projections with Site Development - April 19, 2001, PA Strategies, LLC 4

Report of the Special Committee to the Maine Yankee Board of Directors - July 30, 1997 revised 8/5/97 2

History 1997, the owners announced that rising plant continued to operate or shutdown, repair costs and uncertainty regarding plant management recognized the value of improv-restart would lead to plant closure unless the ing its dialogue with the community, includ-unit could be sold. Efforts to complete ac- ing its critics. To help guide the process tions necessary to restart the plant were Maine Yankee enlisted the help of State indefinitely postponed. Between May and Senator Marge Kilkelly who represented August 1997, the plant owners negotiated Lincoln County, was very involved during the with PECO Energy for a potential sale of the PECO negotiations, and was aware of many facility. Those negotiations failed, and on of the local concerns. Senator Kilkelly pro-August 6, 1997 the Maine Yankee Board of vided insight about the necessity of manage-Directors voted to permanently cease further ment commitment and openness to any operations of the plant citing economic process that included the community. Man-factors as the basis for their decision. agement also reviewed efforts to establish citizen based advisory groups at Connecticut 1.2 Decision to form a Community Yankee, another re-Advisory Panel (CAP) cently shutdown nuclear plant and other W hen the owners announced the possible closure of the plant in May of 1997, company man-industrial facilities.

Work began on drafting a charter agement had begun strategic planning and identifying for decommissioning. Within 30 days interests to serve on of the owners decision to shut down, an advisory group.

Maine Yankee filed with the NRC the When the decision to Post Shutdown Decommissioning shut down was an-Activities Report (PSDAR). The nounced to the public PSDAR outlined the activities, sched- in August, the com-ules, estimated costs and environmen- pany had already tal impacts associated with decommission- formed a panel representing a cross-section ing. The PSDAR stated the companys inten- of interests as the formal channel of commu-tion of decommissioning by prompt dis- nity involvement with Maine Yankee.

mantlement. Regulatory changes to Techni- Given the immediate start of the decom-cal Specifications, decommissioning planning missioning planning activities, the economic and preparation, characterization of the site impact of the plants closure on the commu-for radiological contamination and decon- nity, perceptions about the plants safety, and tamination activities were all scheduled to be the regulatory and media focus on the plant, complete or underway by the first quarter of company management needed an expedient 1998, within eight months of the plants way to get information about the decommis-closure. sioning process to the local public. With the During that summer the company also components for establishing a community explored the idea of forming a community advisory group in place, the panel held its advisory panel to provide advice to the com- first public meeting on August 21, 1997, just pany and to serve as a liaison to the commu- two weeks after the announcement of the nity and to the general public. Whether the plants closure.


SECTION 2 - Formation of the CAP: Mechanics 2.1 Establishing Charter, Panel and committee business such as voting, Size, Leadership quorums, and meeting scheduling. The original panel size was fourteen members T o formalize and guide the group, Maine Yankee drafted a charter stating the purpose, size and composition of including a panel chair and vice chair initially appointed by Maine Yankee. Eventually, the charter was revised to reduce the size of the the panel. The charters purpose stated the panel to thirteen members, reflecting a long CAP was established to enhance open com- standing vacancy.

munication, public involvement and educa- Marge Kilkelly, State Senator represent-tion on Maine Yankee decommissioning ing Lincoln County, was very involved on issues. The CAP will serve as a formal chan- behalf of the community during the PECO nel of community involvement with Maine negotiations and was aware of many of the Yankee. The CAP will evaluate and comment local concerns. Senator Kilkelly supported upon data and other information provided the idea of the community panel and agreed by Maine Yankee and other reliable re- at Maine Yankees request to serve as the sources. The CAP will function as an advi- panels first chairperson. Senator Kilkelly, by sory panel. (Attachment 1) This limited virtue of her many years of service in the scope in purpose was tested over the years. Maine State Legislature, was experienced in The group debated on more than one occa- conducting and facilitating meetings in a sion whether to address issues such as the public forum. The panels vice-chair since ultimate disposition of the spent nuclear fuel October 1997 is Dr. W. Donald Hudson, Jr..

and site redevelopment. Repeatedly the Dr. Hudson is president of the Chewonki group concluded that these topics, while of Foundation and was originally appointed to importance to the community, were outside the panel by the governor to represent the the scope of their charter. The CAP members interests of the environmental community.

made a conscious decision that their role The Chewonki Foundation, a non-profit would remain focused on the nuts and bolts environmental education institution is a close of the decommissioning. The panel did neighbor to the plant. Because of Chewonkis remain apprised of developments on the proximity to the plant, Dr. Hudson was aware tangential issues of long term fuel storage of much of the plants operational history and and redevelopment but did not engage in well educated on issues affecting the environ-debate or discussion of these matters. In ment.

addition to stating the panel purpose, the 2.2 Determining Panel Composition charter broadly outlined meeting protocol and membership terms. Another notable aspect of the charter was the provision for public access and public comment at all M aine Yankees goal was to compose an advisory group that was bal-anced and that reflected the various points of advisory panel meetings. Additionally the view held by the public. While the costs of charter provided that meeting minutes be decommissioning were of interest statewide, publicly available. many of the immediate concerns were more The company established a workable local in nature, i.e. economic consequences of panel size that would adequately represent plant closure to the community in terms of stakeholders but remain manageable and loss of jobs, local tax revenues, other spin off balanced with regard to discussion, debate benefits, and concerns about emergency 4

Mechanics business commu-nity, local town govern-ment, Maine Yankee, the local CAP meeting at Chewonki anti-nuclear planning, site cleanup and fuel storage. In activist group, local/regional emergency fact, most of these anticipated local economic planning agencies, state government, re-issues already had received considerable gional marine resources interests, environ-media attention throughout the summer of mental interests, radiological professionals, 1997 during the months of negotiations with science educators, and general representation PECO Energy. To reflect the impacts to the of neighboring communities (EPZ).

local and surrounding communities, a major- To insure the CAPs objectivity, a num-ity of the panel membership was reserved for ber of interests outside the company made representation of local stakeholders. the initial appointments to the panel. Three There was a diversity of opinion in the seats on the panel were determined by posi-local community about the plants opera- tion, i.e. the State Senator from Lincoln tions, and management assumed that diver- County, the Wiscasset Town Planner, and a gent views would also surround its decom- Maine Yankee representative (the company missioning. Including a critic of the plant was president or designee). The Wiscasset Select-vital if the panel process was to be valid. Ray men, the Maine Radiological Emergency Shadis, president of Friends of the Coast, a Preparedness Committee, Friends of the local group opposing the plants operations, Coast, the Lincoln County Commissioners, had a long history of opposition to and the regional and local business association knowledge of plant operations and regulatory directors, and Maine Yankee each appointed concerns. Mr. Shadis was a resident of a one person to the group. The Governor of the neighboring community and was viewed as a state appointed a person to serve as the credible spokesperson for local opposition to states liaison on the panel. Additionally, the the plant. Other interests were identified Governor nominated the four inaugural based on anticipated issues of community public members representing radiological, concern such as changes in emergency plan- marine resource, environmental and educa-ning requirements and impacts on the ma- tional interests.

rine environment. There was also desire to It is worth noting that while the original have professional radiological and environ- charter of the panel contemplated two year mental experience on the panel to provide terms for membership with the possibility of independent perspective on technical issues extension, the actual experience of the Maine relating to these subjects. At its inception, Yankee CAP has been extended panel partici-the following stakeholder interests were pation and continuity of membership. Over identified: Lincoln County residents, local one third of the current panel members have 5

Mechanics served since the beginning of the group in the local news media attended and provided 1997, including the chair and vice-chair. An coverage of meeting matters (see 2.7 Getting additional one-third of the current members Information to the Broader Public). Over have served since 1998 or 1999 . Since its time, public attendance has dwindled to a few inception, there have been approximately 20 regular attendees but media participation non-Maine Yankee members who have par- and coverage has remained constant. On a ticipated on the advisory group. In Novem- few occasions issues with tangible impacts to ber 2002, the company, at the CAPs recom- the local community such as noise of spent mendation, revised the charter to reflect and fuel cooling fans, concerns of radioactive preserve the panels existing membership material going to a local landfill, and confu-(Attachment 2). The charter was revised in sion about federal standards for site clean-recognition of the value of the current up, drew large audiences.

groups experience, the lack of turnover, the At the time of this report, the CAP has task of educating new participants, and the hosted 50 public meetings. The meeting short-term duration of the panels mission. schedule has mirrored the pace of the decom-missioning. In the first years, the panel met 2.3 Meeting Format approximately monthly. By 1999 meetings were scheduled approximately every six to A ll CAP meetings are noticed in the local papers at least two weeks in advance of the meetings. The meetings are eight weeks and in 2002, as activities began to wind down, the panel adopted a quarterly meeting schedule.

also noticed in the Public Information section The nature of the early meetings was of the company website, tutorial. The information shared dealt with Notices include regulatory, financial and technical issues, and time, location and a brief description of terminology. In the first three months fol-issues to be discussed (Attachment 3). The lowing announcement of plant closure, the meeting duration is three hours (6 - 9 PM) company provided information to the public with a short break. at the CAP meetings about the filing and Prior to September 11, 2001, regular content of the PSDAR, the selection of a site CAP meetings were held at the Maine Yankee characterization contractor and decision to site. Because of the change in security regu- contract out the decommissioning, and the lations post 9-11, the meeting location was filing and content of the rate case to cover changed to off-site facilities within decommissioning costs. During the presen-Wiscasset. There has been discussion tations of this technical information, the throughout the course of decommissioning panel and the public were offered the oppor-as to the value of changing the meeting venue tunity to ask questions or offer opinions. The to other neighboring communities. While questions asked at the early meetings were meetings were not held in other communi- recorded and answers were provided and ties, the change in venue from the plant to posted on the companys website.

locations within Wiscasset did not result in By July of 1998, the panel members increased public participation. Initially, the transitioned formally from the role of stu-meetings drew public audiences of approxi- dents to that of advisors. At the CAPs initial mately 10-20, many of whom were concerned meeting, Michael Meisner, then Maine Yan-critics. In addition to the public, members of kee Vice President of Nuclear Safety and 6

Mechanics Annual facilitated planning session - 2002 affect management decisions, and concerns about flow of information to the public. In September of 1998, the panel met in a day-long planning session, facilitated by an independent professional. The goals of this meet-ing were to revisit the mission and objectives of the group, to address the identified concerns and to develop a work plan for the upcoming year that would provide opportunity for appro-priate public input and discussion in Regulatory Affairs, told the panel the com- advance of significant decommissioning pany had not decided whether to keep the activities. The company provided the panel spent fuel in wet storage in the fuel pool or to with a schedule for anticipated decommis-construct an on-site dry storage facility. 5 Mr. sioning and regulatory activities, and the Meisner invited the panel to get involved in panel identified issues of concern to constitu-this issue. By spring of 1998, the company ents. The format of this facilitated working was weighing the pros and cons of the wet vs. session included break-outs into small dis-dry storage alternatives. In July, after a cussion groups and offered panel members series of technical presentations and site opportunity to exchange ideas among them-visits to other dry storage facilities by the selves.

panel, the CAP endorsed the idea of con- From this information, the panel articu-structing an on-site dry fuel storage facility. 6 lated its vision for Maine Yankees decom-2.4 Agenda Setting missioning: A safe decommissioning (both actual and perceived) which provides a safe W hile decommissioning was very new to some panel members and most of the public, Friends of the Coast environment and an opportunity to improve both the economy and the ecology of the area; a decommissioning which is cost (FOC) came to the process with formed views effective without compromising safety.7 such as advancing at the outset a clean up The panel also established a work plan and more stringent than that required by the meeting schedule for the following year. In NRC. Balancing the learning curve of the general, the CAPs meeting agendas have public and the agenda of stakeholders be- included routine informational updates (such came one of the initial tests of the process. as regulatory matters, worker safety, decom-During the dry vs. wet fuel storage discus- missioning activities) and specific topics or sion, some panel members raised issues issue areas of interest for discussion. Some about the CAPs role (advisory or reaction- examples of such topics include the follow-ary), the agendas not allowing time for dis- ing: Wiscasset landfill, spent fuel storage, cussion of issues, the members ability to transportation of waste, site release criteria, 5

Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning, Inaugural Meeting Minutes, August 21, 1997 6

Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning, Meeting Minutes, July 16, 1998 7

In general the group agreed that a safe decommissioning process would be one that met NRC and scientific parameters, exceeded national (OSHA) standards for worker injury, accidents and exposure; and was below the dose limits for exposure to workers and the public. CAP Meeting Minutes, September 23, 1998, Attachment 1 7

Mechanics license termination plan, large component Survey and Site Investigation Manual removal, reactor vessel segmentation, secu- (MARSSIM). MARSSIM is a guidance docu-rity, Natural Resource Protection Act (NRPA) ment developed by four federal agencies permitting, containment demolition, and (EPA, NRC, DOE, and DOD) to provide federal and state legislation and litigation guidance for conducting the final status issues. Also included as part of the work plan surveys of the site. In 2001, many panel at the CAPs request are routine project members traveled to Yucca Mountain in updates from state and federal regulators and tours of the plant site. Traditionally, the last portion of the meeting is reserved for public comment and questions.

The annual work plan proved to have several benefits for meeting scheduling, preparing both panel members and the company for presentations and discussion, and for giving the panel, the media and the community notice of significant decommis-sioning or regulatory activities. The work plan also provided flexibility to discuss emer-gent or unanticipated issues. The panel has Nevada to tour the proposed national reposi-conducted a facilitated year-long planning tory for spent nuclear fuel and learn about session on an annual basis in September the challenges facing the company and the since 1998. state with regard to the ultimate disposition 2.5 Training and Education of of Maine Yankees used fuel.

Panel Members Members of the panel have also met with community members from other areas, T he company utilized a number of methods to provide education and training to the panel members about decom-either while attending the decommissioning conferences or at site visits. CAP members toured the Maine Yankee site numerous missioning issues. As noted above, nearly the times during the decommissioning. New first year of meetings were tutorial in nature. panel members receive an orientation and The committee had presentations from plant tour.

company staff, contractor technicians, state In addition, individual panel members and federal regulatory officials and outside have read and researched independently or in experts. In addition to information pre- conjunction with the interests they represent sented at regular meetings the CAP took and have shared materials and perspectives advantage of opportunities to attend national with the group. Panel members jokingly decommissioning conferences, to visit other debate as to whether they have received plants (both decommissioning and operat- reams, rooms or truckloads of documenta-ing), and to receive specialized technical tion about decommissioning. The CAP is training by independent professionals. For routinely provided copies of regulatory example, a number of CAP members joined correspondence, filings and relevant media Maine Yankee staff in a three-day training clippings. As a result of all these efforts, the seminar on the Multi-Agency Radiation Maine Yankee CAP members now include 8

Mechanics some of the most knowledgeable citizens in the state on the subject of nuclear plant decommissioning.

2.6 Establishing Trust and Successful Working Relationships between the Panel and the Company and among Panel Members T he company took several initial steps to give the panel credibility with the public and to demonstrate a willingness to share information. Within the first few CAP members on first tour of containment - 1997 months of decommissioning, the PSDAR, the the noise problem and modifications to the 1997 Rate Case, the selection of the decom- fan system were made within weeks resolving missioning contractor were all made public at the neighbors concerns.

CAP meetings. The company gave individual The panel has had access not only to top panel members access to documents previ- management, but also to the people making ously viewed as internal, such as Radiological the decisions on projects, whether they are Incident Reports (RIR), and made provisions Maine Yankee personnel or that of contrac-to inform panel members about internal tors responsible for the job. Project manag-company decisions such as selection of a ers have attended the meetings and have Decommissioning Operations Contractor heard first hand the concerns or questions (DOC) and efforts to attract interest in site about decommissioning activities. This redevelopment. Additionally, while Maine public audience has extended the account-Yankees executive management changed ability of project managers from manage-several times to meet decommissioning ment and regulators to the local community.

needs, company leaderships commitment to In addition, it has offered the community a the panel process remained strong and con- view of the professionalism and commitment sistent. For most of the meetings the Maine that these decision makers bring to the Yankee representative at the meeting has project.

been the company president or another The success of the Maine Yankee CAP officer. In 1998, when neighbors, irritated by members working relationships with each the loud noises of the fans installed to cool other can be attributed to the following: the the spent fuel pool island came to a CAP individual professionalism and personalities meeting and voiced their complaints, then of the members, the strength and consistent company president Michael Sellman was leadership of a capable chairperson, and the seated on the panel and heard them. Engi- value of shared experiences. While the panel neers had predicted it would take several consists of individuals with differing back-months to modify the fans and reduce the grounds and personal feelings regarding noise. The next day Sellman challenged nuclear power generation representing employees to think outside the box and differing constituencies, all members have resolve the noise issue. As a result, work afforded each other the opportunity to state began immediately on finding a solution to opinions and have listened respectfully to 9

Mechanics each other. The panel has adhered to the provided for exchange of ideas and informa-meeting ground rules established at their tion free from the media, company and first facilitated meeting. Those ground rules public audiences.

were as follows: to listen respectfully to one 2.7 another, to provide each person with an Getting opportunity to speak, to remain informal Information while following Roberts Rules, to allow the to the facilitator to manage the process, and to Broader provide the opportunity to present a minority Public position.

The strength of leadership demonstrated Eric Howes with AP reporter David Sharp by the panel chairperson, Senator Marge Kilkelly, has made a large contribution to the smooth working relationship this group has A side from panel members conveying decommissioning information to constituents or acquaintances, the main experienced. Senator Kilkelly came to the vehicle for dissemination of information from panel with 16 years of legislative service. In the CAP meetings has been the local print addition, Senator Kilkelly had served as a media. Statewide print and television media selectman in the town of Wiscasset for four paid some attention to the CAP at its incep-years. She was skilled and experienced at tion and have provided some coverage on running public meetings and at facilitation, major decommissioning events, but have not and has run the panel in a fair, evenhanded played a significant role in educating a state-and even-tempered manner. Whether the wide audience about decommissioning issues.

meeting audience was large and disgruntled Meetings are routinely covered by the as in the case of the residents affected by the three local weekly newspapers (The Wiscasset noise of the spent fuel pool cooling fans or Newspaper, The Lincoln County News, and few and content, Senator Kilkelly has run the The Lincoln County Weekly) and by the local meetings in an orderly, open-minded and daily paper (The Times Record). The media organized manner, respectful of the effort have received copies of the presentation made by any public to attend and respectful materials and had access to presenters, com-of the time commitment of panel members. pany officials and panel members. Often the Dr. Hudson, chairing meetings in Senator panel meetings would be the venue for first Kilkellys absence, has also led the meetings public release of information regarding a in an open and respectful way. regulatory filing or decommissioning activity.

Lastly, many of the panel members have These releases make the evening meetings shared experiences beyond the regular meet- newsworthy for local reporters. The panel ings. Recognizing the early start time of the has also benefited from the consistency of the meetings (6 P.M.), the company has offered a local journalists. Many of the reporters, like meal in advance of the meetings to provide the panel members, have been covering the members an opportunity to socialize and panel process since its early days.

engage in informal dialogue. Additionally, Maine Yankee also developed and the experiences gained through travel to maintains a website,, conferences and site visits have given the to provide decommissioning information to a panel members a chance to get to know one broader public audience. The site contains another on a more personal level and have information about decommissioning and 10

Accomplishments regulatory activities, spent fuel storage, together on a regular basis a diverse group of license termination and waste disposal. representative stakeholders with company Current information is provided routinely management, state and federal regulatory and CAP minutes and press releases are personnel, and local media. The forum made available to the public. In addition, the encouraged public comment and questions, company has posted large regulatory docu- prompted discussion and debate, and pro-ments, such as the License Termination Plan vided to neighbors a method of conflict on the site. The site also contains links to the resolution. The open discussion format State of Maine, the Nuclear Regulatory raised awareness in the community about Commission, and the Wiscasset community long term issues of nuclear waste manage-websites. ment and disposal.

The next three sections (III, IV, and V) reflect As important, the CAP process pro-common views of a majority of the CAP members and were vided transparency to the decommissioning developed in a facilitated session. Panel members were invited to respond to questions about the CAPs milestones, operation. The CAP forum provided addi-lessons learned and recommendations for others. Their tional non-technical review. Through the responses were compiled and discussed by a majority of the group. The ideas for which there was consensus at the public meetings, the company explained to session are included in this report. Also included as the community the various operational and is a broader list of decommissioning ac- regulatory steps that were being taken to complishments.

accomplish the decommissioning of the plant SECTION III - Accomplishments and how those actions complied with all T he significant accomplishments of requirements and expectations for protecting 1

the CAP include the following: industrial and public safety and health. In essence, in addition to regulatory scrutiny, The CAP provides a forum for the decommissioning plans routinely were public discussion. put through a public straight face test Before the formation of the CAP, where the perceptions and perspectives of 2

issues about the plants performance either stakeholders were considered.

were the subject of well crafted press releases by the company or opponents, or were aired The CAP process leads to public in out of state proceedings or behind closed benefits.

doors in meetings with regulatory officials. Maine Yankee, through the CAP pro-While Maine Yankee prided itself on its cess, put a great deal of effort into fostering openness, by staffing a visitor center seven good community relations. The openness and days a week and offering the public tours of opportunity for dialogue made possible by the its facilities and informational briefings, panel enhanced public understanding of these efforts were perceived by some as complex issues and gave the community a orchestrated public relations tactics. There greater sense of comfort with the decommis-was no formal system for company manage- sioning activities.

ment to engage in open public dialogue with CAP meetings were a vehicle for educat-neighbors and critics about the companys ing the community about the site release policies and practices, or for members of the criteria and the differing views of the EPA and community to express concerns to the com- the NRC on these standards. They also pro-pany. vided a forum for Friends of the Coast to urge The formation of the CAP brought the adoption of a radiological clean up stan-11

Accomplishments dard more stringent than required by the virtue of these repeated appearances, the NRC. While the CAP did not take a formal NRC players established relationships with position on what standard to meet, the panel panel members. The NRC could explain not expressed early on that to be a successful only its decommissioning oversight role, but decommissioning, the site clean up must be also organizational and regulatory changes both real and perceived, that is both scien- underway. The agency became active part-tifically defensible and perceived as a clean ners in the process at the local level.

site by the public. CAP members spent Similarly, the states oversight was numerous meetings grappling with how to demystified through participation in the assure public confidence in the sites clean CAP. Quarterly updates from the state in-up. The panels interest and concern in this spector and participation on the panel by the area undoubtedly influenced the companys Governors State Nuclear Safety Advisor kept willingness to exceed the required clean up regulatory issues and concerns transparent 3

standards. and helped to clarify for the public regulatory roles. Regulatory agencies, whether rou-The CAP has an impact on tinely present in the community or not, were decisions and generates change. asked to account for their actions at the local level. CAP views progress on Vertical Concrete The CAP process resulted in many Cannister construction - 1998 changes at the company. Maine Yankees organizational culture became more accus-tomed to openness and dialogue and less defensive and fraternal. Because project managers and technicians were routinely asked to explain plans to a lay audience and to answer the simple questions, they became more skilled at it. Additionally, public per-ception about decommissioning activities became a consideration in project review.

On the regulatory front, CAP meetings gave the federal regulators, NRC, the oppor-tunity to listen to community concerns and to engage in less formal and more informative The CAP produced changes within the dialogue with the public. When the plant was community. Through the process, citizens operating, NRC personnel were familiar to became more educated about decommission-plant officials but were relatively unknown to ing issues and activities. The CAP partici-the local public. Regulatory issues were often pated in decisions that had a tangible impact heard and resolved at NRC headquarters, out on the community, most notably the decision of state. On the infrequent and usually to move the spent fuel to dry cask storage.

contentious occasions when the NRC ap- After many wet versus dry discussions and peared in the local community, officials were visits to Independent Spent Fuel Storage often defensive and ill at ease. The Maine Installation (ISFSI)s in other parts of the Yankee CAP requested and received quarterly country, the CAP went on record in support updates from the NRC at its meetings. By of dry cask storage. The CAP also provided 12

4 Accomplishments The CAP provides education.

The decommissioning of Maine Yan-kee involved many firsts. Industry and regulatory experience on decommissioning of a commercial plant this size was limited.

While project managers considered informa-tion on technology, science, other experience, and regulatory requirements to inform their decisions about decommissioning actions, Soil Sampling on site the CAP process allowed for sharing of this information with the community. Addition-the venue for the community to air concerns ally, CAP members traveled to decommis-about decommissioning activities with direct sioning conferences, received technical local impacts. The panels concern for citi- training, toured other nuclear sites, met with zens distressed about noise and its agree- regulators, and met with members of other ment to provide a forum for airing those communities as a means to educate them-concerns led to a solution for the noise prob- selves and the community about decommis-lem. sioning issues. CAP members became the The transparency provided by the CAP most educated citizen group in the state on process has resulted in fewer public com- decommissioning issues.

plaints and misgivings about the companys The routine meeting format served to actions. When, at a CAP meeting, a concern get this information to the media and was raised that low level radioactive waste broader public. The meeting schedule al-may have inappropriately been sent to the lowed community members access to infor-local landfill years ago during operations, the mation about decommissioning activities in a CAP became a public forum to address resi- timely fashion. Additionally, the relationship dent questions and to discuss company and CAP members maintained with company regulatory actions as a result of the allega- officials gained them access to detailed infor-tion. The company held meetings for abut- mation that otherwise would have remained ters to the landfill, investigated past release inside the company.

records and conducted sampling and surveys The education provided by the CAP at the landfill in conjunction with state and process was not limited to the panel mem-federal regulators. The CAP process enabled bers and community. Regulatory officials the company to confront and deal with com- and Maine Yankee also learned. The munity concerns in a direct way rather than Governors panel of experts, the Technical allowing unanswered concerns to create Advisory Panel (TAP), appointed to assist lingering doubts about the overall quality of state personnel on radiological issues, re-the decommissioning operation. Addition- ceived copies of all CAP meeting information ally, CAP meeting materials, in the public and was routinely informed by the CAP domain at the Maine State Library, have process. The NRC, the state, the EPA, and bolstered the public documentation of de- the company were informed about commu-commissioning provided by newspaper nity perspectives on issues such as site re-articles and regulatory filings. lease criteria, fan noise, appearance of the 13

Accomplishments 6

The CAP sets an example.

The Maine Yankee Community Advi-sory Panel on Decommissioning has estab-lished a road map for other communities facing the decommissioning of nuclear plants. In fact, the CAP process is an ex-ample for any community dealing with a complex or controversial issue. In the year preceding the closure of the Maine Yankee CAP members and project management tour plant, there were literally hundreds of news removal route proposed for large components stories on plant activities, potential closure, criticisms, and controversy. During the ISFSI, security, reuse of the site, and project decommissioning years, the media coverage 5

impacts on clam harvesters. became better informed as plant issues were aired and discussed in a public forum, pro-The CAP is diverse, inclusive, viding opportunity for criticism but lessening consistent and well led. the opportunity for one-sided representation of facts, hyperbole and drama. The commu-The CAPs accomplishments in these nity still faces tough challenges as a result of areas are evidenced by the relatively few the plants closure in terms of tax burden and changes to or criticisms of the panels compo- economic development of the site, but there sition and leadership. The panel members is little evidence of divisive sentiment about represented a credible cross-section of the the decommissioning.

community and brought to the panel differ-SECTION IV - Lessons Learned 1

ent social and political perspectives. The CAP process included critics, and allowed for dissent. While the panel was a collection of Clearly define the purpose, role individuals, members embraced a common and scope of a citizen group.

goal and vision for the process - to insure a decommissioning that met or exceeded In most cases, members on a panel expectations. This shared vision and such as the CAP are volunteers. People, individuals commitment to the process led to many of whom are professionals in their own consistency in membership, bolstering the right, donate countless hours to this process.

groups collective knowledge and credibility. Value their commitment and do not make Perhaps the greatest endorsement for the volunteers guess why they are there and what quality of the panels leadership is the con- role they play. In Maine Yankees case, the sensus by members that the leadership was panels purpose was to enhance communica-excellent. Members commented that they tion and community involvement on decom-felt their time and input was valued by the missioning issues and to function as an panels leadership. Meetings were well advisory group to the company. This role planned and well executed. As a result, the worked. The CAP had no decision-making or Maine Yankee CAP kept up with the pace of policymaking authority but did have the the decommissioning. ability to influence decisions and policy. For 14

Lessons Learned example, company management sought the available to the group on efforts related to opinion of the CAP members on the wet site reuse, repowering, and spent nuclear fuel versus dry fuel storage issue. On numerous removal. On the removal issue the CAP occasions, both inside and outside of the recommended and the company plans to meetings, the company sought the expertise implement a successor community panel that 2

and advice of individual CAP members. will monitor spent fuel storage and advocate for its removal.

Stay focused on the defined 3


There are many issues tangen- Educate, tial to decommissioning that impact a Educate, community, the most obvious being Educate.

the ultimate disposition of the spent nuclear fuel and reuse of the site. The CAP Knowledge acknowledged these issues empowers but recognized that to people. De-engage in finding solutions commission-to these would detract ing of the Maine Yankee facility from the focus on decom- was a first of a kind operation in missioning. Perhaps more many respects. The decommis-important was the panels sioning was complex on a number understanding that having of fronts - technical, scientific a successful decommissioning was the neces- and regulatory. The credibility of the panel sary first step to assuring site reuse and fuel as an advisory group hinged on their having readiness for transport to some permanent knowledge and understanding of the issues repository. Essential to this successful de- presented. Panel members concur that the commissioning was the recognition of indus- educational value of the conferences and trial and radiological safety as paramount. travel to other facilities, in addition to access The CAP continually applauded efforts to to technical training, greatly informed their establish and improve the culture of safety on participation and perspectives. These experi-the project and made the topic of safety a ences combined with the constant flow of regular update at meetings. information and initial tutorials during the While the group decided to focus on meetings led to panel members becoming the decommissioning, it did not go unnoticed most informed citizens in the state on that the CAP had great interest in post- nuclear plant decommissioning. As noted in decommissioning issues, such as site reuse the accomplishments, panel members have and spent fuel disposal. In recognition of become a resource not only for their commu-these interests, Maine Yankee supported CAP nities but for others. Their expertise is attendance at industry conferences and tours recognized. Several CAP members have been of Yucca Mountain and encouraged the able to share what they have learned to help groups dialogue with other communities. In inform state policy makers by serving on a addition, the company made information legislatively appointed state panel on Low 15

Lessons Learned Level Radioactive Waste and Decommission- execution, and thoroughness of site clean-up.


In addition to educating the panel members, take the time and effort to educate View of the community and general public. Utilize reactor technology, such as the World Wide Web, to vessel internals -

offer information about decommissioning 2001 and the panel to a broader audience. Publish commonly asked questions about decommis-5 sioning issues and the responses to those questions. Post regulatory filings or link to the sites of regulatory agencies. File infor- While decommissioning a nuclear mation from public meetings in the public plant involves complex issues, domain at a local library or other publicly multiple options, and countless 4

accessible place. opinions it is not mysterious nor beyond the comprehension of Embrace openness, respect community members. Be patient diversity, listen, and take some and persistent.

risks to build trust.

Decommissioning of a nuclear power Insist that the community process be plant is a complex and multifaceted project.

transparent and open. To accomplish this, There are multiple options available to deci-one must respect diversity and divergent sion makers. What has worked for others points of view and invite those divergent might not work for you. While the accumula-views into the process. As one CAP member tion of industry knowledge about decommis-put it, Do not be afraid of having noisy sioning grows, there is still no set prescrip-opposition at the table. Air criticisms, voice tion for a nuclear plant decommissioning.

concerns, be respectful. There is debate at all The issues are complex and society and levels on some decommissioning issues and technology are changing. Regulations, a the public process should reflect that debate. combination of science and politics, are The goal of the community advisory panel is dynamic. Factors that may influence decom-not to have consensus on all issues, but to missioning decisions, positively or nega-have a process that better informs decision- tively, are sometimes beyond the control of making. project managers. For example, during the The trust established between mem- course of Maine Yankees decommissioning, bers of the CAP and Maine Yankee company decisions in other states like Texas and South officials was accomplished through mutual Carolina altered Maine Yankees options for respect and dialogue. The company, the disposal of low level radioactive waste while critics, and the community all took risks by national events, such as the September 11, agreeing to participate in this process. The 2001 attacks, changed the outlook for reuse result of taking those risks was greater access of the Bailey Point Peninsula.

to information for the community, resolution While much debate is around method-of differences, and a decommissioning that ology, the complexity of a project is not has exceeded expectations for safety, prompt always technical. When Maine Yankees 16

7 Lessons Learned engineered solution for cooling the spent fuel Consistent participation matters.

pool post shutdown met all technical criteria but failed to consider the impact of the noise There were three areas of participa-on local residents, the CAP provided the tion8 that were critical to the success of the forum for citizens to challenge the adequacy Maine Yankee CAP process: the consistent of the companys actions. Residents were not attendance of the representative panel mem-intimidated by technical specifications for bers themselves, the participation of the state fuel cooling when the result negatively im- and federal regulators, and the consistent pacted the quality of life in their neighbor- attendance of the local print media. The hood. As a result, engineers found a way to Maine Yankee CAP was effective because the meet the requirements for fuel cooling and majority of its diverse stakeholder represen-resolve the noise issue. tatives consistently attended the meetings, engaged in dialogue, and took information back to the community. The appearances of the state and federal agency personnel served to inform the panel and educate the regula-tors about community concerns. The consis-tent media coverage of meetings provided by the local newspaper reporters brought the information about decommissioning to the broader community audience. To achieve this consistency of participation consider the following:

  • Expect panel members to attend CAP members and local media on a routine tour meetings and have a mechanism for remov-6 of decommissioning activities.

ing members who cannot fill reasonable time Hold regular, well announced and commitments.

well planned meetings.

  • Provide opportunities for informal dialogue between panel participants.

Decommissioning activities are

  • Empower panel leadership to invite planned actions. Public meetings to discuss federal and state regulators into the process.

project activities should be regular and well If necessary, use community or political announced. By planning the Maine Yankee connections to encourage state and federal CAPs work on an annual basis, the group agency participation.

was positioned to be proactive rather than

  • Make the meetings newsworthy.

reactive on issues. Giving the public lead Develop relationships with local media, invite time to digest the implications of major them on site visits with the community panel projects served both the community and the and allow them unrestricted access to the company well. panel.

8 A fourth area, participation by the general public, was discussed at length among CAP members. While participation by the public is important, lack of public participation was not viewed by the panel as nega-tively impacting the CAPs success. Certainly, on issues with a tangible local impact (for example fan noise),

there was significant community attendance. Given that meetings were well advertised and held routinely, this group is hopeful that the broader community has been satisfied with the panels representation and the media coverage of decommissioning events.


Recommendations 1

SECTION V - Recommendations Be inclusive and work with differences.

5Maintain interest and involvement of local media.

Decommissioning a nuclear power plant is not sexy and if one has a good process Consider all the potential issues that for community involvement, it might even be might impact the community - regulatory, noncontroversial. Decommissioning is environmental, transportation, emergency however, newsworthy. There are several management, etc. and think about who will impacts on the local community and its residents. Make the media a part of the 2

care and who might have knowledge to share.

6 Include at least one critic. process.

Answer all questions.

Put time into education.

Record questions and answers. Find a All parties involved in a project such mechanism for publicizing common ques-as a nuclear plant decommissioning can learn tions and answers. If the answer to a question something; panel members, company offi- is not known at a meeting, follow up with the 7

cials, project opponents, state and federal answer when available.

regulatory personnel, town officers, elected officials, community residents. Often these Use technology.

groups learn from one another. Look for opportunities to provide education, and look Use the web technology to get infor-for opportunities to let education happen. mation about the decommissioning project Site visits are a powerful educational tool. and community issues widely disseminated.

Offer stakeholders tours of the project on a Keep information updated and current.

3 regular basis. Educate panel members and the media as to how to access relevant information. Use Pay attention to structure and overhead projections, or current technology, organization. during meetings so that both panel members and all others can see what is being presented Structure and organization matter. In graphically. Consider televising meetings to Maine Yankees experience, the pace of reach a broader local audience.

8 activity at the onset of plant closure was dramatic. The number and complexity of the Share knowledge.

issues discussed would have been over-whelming were the group and meetings As one CAP member puts it, In the 4

unorganized. United States, there are over 100 more of these decommissionings to go. The nuclear Encourage public involvement. industry, through conferences and network-ing, will continue to build upon the lessons Never stop inviting the public into the learned by the early decommissioning plants.

process. Experiment with meeting locations; Communities will also benefit by under-never tire in attempting to encourage public standing the experiences of others who have attendance. faced the challenges of decommissioning.


Perspectives Attend conferences, meet with members of I believe that the CAP accomplished other communities, seek information and several very important things in its process:

share with others what you know.

  • The CAP spent an entire year on tutorials and members became well versed SECTION VI - Perspectives of in the process of decommissioning and safety Individual CAP Members and were able to talk informally to commu-6.1 MY CAP Experience - Marge nity members about the process. A strong Kilkelly, CAP Chair orientation program for new members al-I s there a role for the public in scientific decision mak-lowed them to quickly get up to speed and ing? What are the ben-efits and challenges of opening up the internal Eric Howes, decision making process Maine Yankee and and letting even oppo- CAP mem-nents have access to bers Marge Kilkelly, information? Those Ralph Keyes, were the basic questions and Steve Jarrett tour facing us 7 years ago Palisades when the CAP was estab-lished.

The old adage of Knowledge is Power was central to the debate. How much knowledge participate in the process.

was the corporation willing to share with a

  • By holding regular, well publicized group of community folks who ranged in meetings the CAP provided a forum for the expertise from a nuclear physician to a State public to ask and receive answers to ques-Senator - and in philosophy from staunch tions especially when the decommissioning supporters of nuclear power to an high pro- impacted their lives; fan noise, waste dis-file outspoken opponent-and everything in posal.


  • Asking the dumb questions - by When approached by MY staff my major serving on the CAP as a lay person and asking concern was to identify the level of commit- for clarification on presentations we educated ment to this process. Would they share the technical staff about the level of under-information in a timely manner? Would CAP standing of most people. Staff soon learned to members be actually providing advice not put information into understandable terms just reviewing action taken by administration which could then be reported in the local and the Board? If MY was going to ask a papers and the entire community could number of community members to spend understand.

several years in this process it needed to be

  • Prevented conflict: there is no way to an honest process. measure something that did not happen, In retrospect I am very pleased with the however it must be noted that the decommis-process and the result. sioning has gone on for several years without 19

Perspectives a major lawsuit or other effort to slow down 6.2 On decommissioning Maine the process. This has been advantageous to Yankee - W. Donald Hudson, Jr.

both the company and the community which will get to reuse some of the property more quickly.

  • The CAP process created and docu-A s I look back on seven years of regular meetings, conferences, and site visits related to the decommissioning of mented a model of risk and success that can Maine Yankee, two events stand out. The be replicated by any organization. first event defined the process for me and the It is hard to imagine that this process is second - a site visit - brought into focus the moving into the next phase. We have gone fundamental failure of society at so many from looking at computer generated pictures levels to resolve the difficult and seemingly of the site as a greenfield to needing to see intractable problem of closing the nuclear pictures of the plant to remember what it cycle.

looked like. I hope that our experience and The decommissioning began in earnest the documentation of it, can help others in August 1997. The Community Advisory along the way. It should not just be consid- Panel met for the first time that month to ered for decommissioning nuclear plants but review the Post Shutdown Decommissioning also for operating plants, and even other Activities Report and to begin an experiment kinds of facilities because communication with public participation new to the nuclear can only help to create trust relations be- industry. A test of the sincerity of Maine tween towns and plants. Yankees managers for an open dialogue Marge Kilkelly was born in CT because came near the end of that first meeting when her Maine born parents moved there to find questions were raised about access to infor-good paying jobs; they returned to Maine when mation normally kept out of view of the she was a young child. That fact has shaped public. Maine Yankees president, Michael most of her career. She grew up in Boothbay Sellman, opened a door to the Friends of the Harbor when fishing and tourism equally co- Coast and Raymond Shadis that evening, existed on that peninsula. She has a BS in Social which has remained open to this day. Of the Services and MS in Community Economic Development, because of her belief that the most watershed moments in decommissioning important legacy for the next generation is a Maine Yankee, this simple overture ranks at state with vital communities and a wide variety the top of my list.

of jobs for a diverse population. High level radioactive material - waste Kilkelly served in the Maine legislature in the minds of many, spent fuel in the lan-from 1986 - 2002. Her top priorities were guage of the industry and regulators - re-maintaining rural jobs and communities. She mains on Bailey Point at the end of the day.

currently serves as the Director of the Northeast The visit to the Palisades Nuclear Power States Association for Agricultural Stewardship, Station in June 1998 convinced me that dry an organization of northeast legislators storage was the best way to handle Maine involved in agriculture and rural policy.

Yankees spent fuel for the short term of 50 Kilkelly lives on the Eastern River in Dresden, with her husband Joseph Murray or 100 years. The visit to Palisades also where they are developing a small diverse farm convinced me that our community as well as and value added enterprise. Between them she company officials, state inspectors, and and Joe have five children and six federal regulators should prepare to secure grandchildren. and watch over the stranded nuclear material 20

Perspectives on Bailey Point for several lifetimes. we begin with people like Einstein, Fermi, The national debate about a single re- and Eisenhower, we are only in the second or pository for spent fuel from commercial third generation of the management of reactors at Yucca Mountain in Nevada is atomic power in the world. We have to plan, polarized and, at this writing in June 2004, is realistically, to manage the nuclear fuel cycle crippled by a congressional decision to virtu- and its highly radioactive and dangerous by-ally eliminate funding for the NRC license products for at least another 500 generations application - effectively ending the project. (or 10,000 years).

Can the history of land use prepare us Who will shovel the snow away from the for this new responsibility as stewards of air intake inlets at the base of the casks, or nuclear materials? perform the various daily, weekly, monthly We tend to have a very short-term and yearly inspections if the casks are still on memory when it comes to industrial and their pads in Wiscasset in 2050? In 1998, economic development in the United States after 5 years of use, the concrete pad at and around the world. Small mills were once Palisades showed the signs of over a dozen found operating on every major stream and surface patches and repairs. Who will design river in New England. The owners and man- the new pad in Wiscasset and re-sleeve the agers of those mills must have had plans for steel canisters in new overpacks in 2075 the regular maintenance of belts, gears, when our coastal climate has wreaked havoc shafts, and structures in order to guarantee on the concrete?

that they could earn a living by grinding With the possible exception of the Waste wheat or maize into flour for their customers. Isolation Pilot Project in New Mexico, there Our assumptions about milling grain is no system yet in place on this planet that changed when the technology changed, and has been designed to these tolerances of 500 the vast majority of operators walked away generations. It is high time we create such a from their mills without a second thought. system.

Paddle any stream or river in New England Don Hudson was ap-and you can find evidence of this abandon-pointed president of the ment. When we move on to new ways of Chewonki Foundation in 1991.

doing things we tend to forget - almost Following graduation from immediately - about the past. As a result, Dartmouth College in 1972, the infrastructure of our society, mills and Don developed an interest in factories in this case, tend not to last. His- plants while leading expedi-tory is poised to repeat itself along the shores tions for Chewonki in the of the Back Sheepscot River. wilds of Quebec. That interest The only truly long-lived, man-made led to the University of Ver-structures on the planet that have survived mont where he earned a more than a couple dozen generations are Masters degree studying a rare Arctic/alpine plant, then on to Indiana University to complete monuments or shrines whose maintenance doctoral studies on the origin and evolution of a and care is a part of culture and ritual. domesticated plant, the tomaté, before returning I believe that we have to plan for chang- to Chewonki as Head Naturalist in 1982. Gover-ing the culture surrounding waste as we plan nor Angus King appointed Don to the Maine for the long-term storage of nuclear material Yankee CAP - just up the bay from Chewonki either in Wiscasset or at Yucca Mountain. If Neck - in 1997, and as Maines public sector 21

Perspectives representative to the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment in 2001. Don lives with has wife, Josephine, and their two sons Charlie and Reuben in Arrowsic, Maine.

6.3 Individual Perspective on the MYCAP Experience - A Statement by Daniel H. Thompson, Wiscasset A s resident and Town Planner in Wiscasset, I was favorably im-pressed when Maine Yankee officials ap-proached me about the Community Advisory Panel. I stated my perspective: I want to see the highest and best reuse of the site. Al-though the reuse did not become the primary Don Hudson, Charlie Hudson and CAP members Wayne Norton, Dan Thompson, and Paula Craighead focus of the Panel, I am pleased that the most tour progress at Yucca Mountain flexible end use was kept in mind. Further, I am very pleased that the owners of Maine the operation to a mind-set for quality pro-Yankee wisely decided to decommission cesses, continuous improvement, and unusu-immediately rather than put it in safe stor- ally open and candid communications with age. both the public and their employees.

Maine Yankee, state and federal regula-tors patiently educated us in some very Dan is a charter member of the Community Advisory Panel for Decommissioning Maine specialized subjects. I especially appreciated Yankee. He is a member of the Maine Associa-trips to other power plants and to the ses-tion of Planners and was the Town Planner and sions of the American Nuclear Society. I am Chair of the Wiscasset Comprehensive Planning in awe of the long-range planning of Sweden; Committee in Wiscasset for 13 years. Dan was they thought through the whole cycle from a member of the Investment Committee of construction to final disposition of spent fuel. Coastal Enterprises, Inc., a community develop-They then executed their plan apparently ment corporation for 8 years. He was founding without flaw. President of the Board of the Genesis Fund for As an engineer and management con- Affordable Housing in Maine. He is currently a sultant, I examined and monitored the de- member of the Economic Development Council tailed plans for the decommissioning opera- of Maine. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Maine and New York. He is a tion. Maine Yankee skillfully and methodi-nationally certified professional consultant to cally planned this virtually unprecedented management. Dan is President and a Co-de-construction. They focused on safety of Founder of Advanced Management Catalyst the public and of the workers. Although the Inc., a consulting company established in 1993.

media did not applaud their safety record, I He spent 33 years in the marine field in which he believe from experience in other industries worked for Bath Iron Works, Sparkman &

that both the accident and exposure records Stevens, Inc. and the United States Navy. Mr.

are second to none. I attribute their success Thompson served in the U.S. Navy as an Engi-with both safety and the smooth progress of neering Duty Officer with sea duty in the North 22

Perspectives Atlantic and for four years at the U.S. Ship of its spent fuel was shipped off site, and Repair Facility in Yokosuka, Japan. some was stored onsite by the NRC. None of these applied to Maine Yankee, and we were 6.4 PANEL MEMBERS VIEWPOINT - in new territory with its decommissioning.

Lewis Curtis Therefore, the staff spent a lot of time edu-cating panel members on its process includ-D ecommis-sioning a nuclear power plant ing tours of the plant during each stage of decommissioning.

Finally, Maine Yankee assured the is a very involved smooth operation of the Community Advi-process. Having sory Panel by budgeting for it and providing completed a military great support, without which the panel pro-career involved with cess would have floundered. My hat is off to nuclear munitions, I a group of panel members that devoted soon found myself countless hours to study the issues involved immersed in the in the decommissioning process.

study of a different Lewis G. Curtis, Major General (Ret.)

aspect of nuclear application. Though my USAF, spent thirty-four years on active duty as representation on the panel was as an emer- an officer in the United States Air Force in gency management agency planner, I found aircraft maintenance and munitions. General my other background helped me to under- Curtis supported nuclear alert on both bomber stand the issues of the Nuclear Regulatory and fighter aircraft. Curtis provided overhaul Agency (NRC) and the Department of Energy and modifications on aircraft, munitions, and (DOE). ICBMs. During his tenure in the military, Two aspects that made the panel General Curtis served in eleven states, three European assignments, and one tour in South-function well were the openness of the Maine east Asia. Lew retired in 1989 from the position Yankee staff in offering information and as Commander of the San Antonio Air Logistics seeking inputs from the panel members; and Center, which included responsibility for man-the diversity in backgrounds of the panel agement of Air Force Nuclear Weapons.

members, which Maine Yankee used well. For the past thirteen years Lew has been The panel included both supporters and the deputy director of Emergency Management detractors of nuclear power, and that caused for Boothbay Harbor, Maine.

me to do my homework in order to under-stand both sides. The panel members and Dec 1999 - CAP on tour of Turbine Building the excellent panel leaders assured that both points of view and the views of the general public were heard. Media coverage from Lincoln County was ever-present, and that was good.

After visiting the Fort St. Vrain de-commissioned Nuclear Power Plant in Colo-rado, I realized the decommissioning of Maine Yankee was going to be different. Ft.

St. Vrain was converted to natural gas, some 23

Perspectives 6.5 Dr. Paul Crarys CAP such as equipment noise, and the perceived Experience misplacement of low-level radioactive waste on one occasion.

P rior to the shutdown and decommissioning There was so little public interest, con-trary to what had been anticipated, that I feared that the whole CAP process would of Maine Yankee, I become too trivial in effectiveness to merit had worked with and continued support by the Maine Yankee Co.

supported nuclear Another of the big surprises was that the electric generation in company DID continue its unstinting sup-the midwest as a port. Along that line, let me say that the public health and MYAPC personnel, top to bottom, were most safety planner for cordial and collegial at all times, and stand radiation issues involving transport of out in my mind as some of the best persons nuclear materials as well as nuclear -based with whom Ive associated professionally in disaster management. my lifetime.

As a keen observer of the imbroglio that Finally, I cant say enough of the quality arose from the Three Mile Island meltdown, I and tenacity of fellow CAP participants who felt that the matter had been reported too shared the long, tedious, sometimes conten-sensationally and irrationally. tious seminars, presentations, field-trips, et The actual emission of radiation in that al., that constituted the uncharted wilderness event turned out to be nominal, indicating we traversed together. I was honored and that the containment technology engineered very pleased to share their acquaintance on into the reactor vessel had indeed worked - that journey, and will never forget them.

this was overlooked in the reporting of the What we accomplished here was unique aftermath by the media. and groundbreaking. The fall-out, if youll The same sensational pattern and tenor permit the opportune alliteration, has a wide of reportage concerning Maine Yankee was in range and long half-life.

full array and outcry here, and it was discon- Im proud I could be there.

certing to experience anew the same frustrat- - Paul D. Crary, M.D.-

ing hyperbole and skewed presentation of Dr. Paul D. Crary grew up in the facts to an easily confused and potentially northern Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio.

frightened populace. Dr. Crary received his B.S. from Xavier So when I was invited to sit as a CAP University in 1959, his M.D. from St. Louis member by the Lincoln County commission- University in 1963. Dr. Crary joined the navy in ers as their representative, I jumped at the 1961, completing his internship and residency at opportunity. My background and training in the US Naval Hospitals in Great Lakes, IL. And matters of physical and medical radiation Philadelphia, PA, respectively.

applications were to be useful as the long During his tenure in the navy, Dr. Crary process of decommissioning unraveled itself. continued post graduate work in the field of There were some surprises along the nuclear medicine, radiologic pathology, and way. Chief among them was the relative lack radiation oncology.

He is a diplomate of the American Board of public participation and interplay on the of Radiology and American Board of Nuclear big issue items, but rather the smaller ones Medicine.


Perspectives Dr. Crary served as the staff radiologist and I hope that my students have enhanced at St. Elizabeth, St. Luke and Booth Memorial their understanding of the technical, physical hospitals in the northern Kentucky from 1971 - and ethical dimensions of nuclear power.

1989. In 1989, Dr. Crary accepted the position of The CAP has been effective in call-staff radiologist at Miles Hospital in ing attention to details of the decommission-Damariscotta and St. Andrews Hospital in ing project, and the local press has been Boothbay Harbor, Maine where he served until his retirement in 1996. faithful in publicizing the work milestones. I Dr. Crary served in the navy from 1961- know this because I hear my students report 1971, where he earned the rank of lieutenant on what they are seeing in the local papers.

commander. In 1984, Dr. Crary reentered Serving on the CAP gives me the great advan-military service with the US Army reserves, tage of being able to interpret the details for serving until 1991 and achieving the rank of my students, but all teachers who have an ear colonel. In addition to his distinguished military for what is going on in the community can service, Dr.Crary has served as president of the enrich their curricula by helping students to Greater Cincinnati Radiologic Society and the understand the decommissioning process.

N. Ky Medical Society and chairman of the N.

If we were to do this again, I would Ky. Board of Health.

encourage the company to keep a strong formal community education component Demolition of the Energy until the very end of decommissioning.

Information Center - 2002 Sadly, when the plant shut down, just when things started to get really interesting, the education center was shut down. In retro-spect, it would have been valuable to keep it going at some level so others could benefit from the abundant educational resources, as I have.

Ralph Keyes teaches Science to students at Wiscasset High School. He teaches primarily Biological and Earth/Environmen-6.6 CAP Perspective - Ralph Keyes tal Science, and always emphasizes the importance of A ny science teacher should find a decommissioning nuclear power plant to be a rich learning resource. To have understanding science issues at the local community one in your community, and to be invited to level.

sit on a panel that considers the intricate details of the project, is a rare career oppor-tunity. I know that I have benefited greatly, 25

Perspectives 6.7 Personal Perspective on the CAP Experience - Raymond Shadis B y permitting the makeup of the CAP to be heavily skewed by those sup-portive of the company and of nuclear power, Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company missed an opportunity to field an advisory panel that would have more truly reflected the sentiments of the public. In three succes-sive referenda, more than one-half the voters in the Emergency Planning Zone voted to Portland Press Herald reporter Bill Nemitz and Ray Shadis close the plant. In the Town of Wiscasset, operated, safely. For the record: In 1996 approximately one-third voted to close the and 1997, Maine Yankee was found to have plant. However, the 14 member CAP boasted more than 30 serious design basis, safety-only two members who would admit to related defects that owners could not afford voting to close Maine Yankee, and one of to remedy and so brought permanent shut-those, not publicly. An advisory panel loaded down. Therefore, industry and regulator with friends of Maine Yankee cannot wholly claims notwithstanding, Maine Yankees represent our more evenly divided commu- history was that of an unsafe reactor.

nity. Maine Yankees legacy is a remnant Panel members were more than aware of facility storing 700 tons of high-level nuclear the Friends of the Coast presence, in large waste and, despite the best efforts of Friends part, because, as FOTC representative, I of the Coast, a site shot through with aban-came to the CAP meetings, site tours, and doned radiological hotspots.

field trips with an agenda and I pursued it: Maine Yankee boasts, and perhaps the protection of the environment and the rightly, that they included a vocal critic on interests of our (EPZ majority) constituency. the CAP. What they and my fellow CAP By default, the minutes are filled with ques- members will never fathom is the personal tions, cross-questions, issues, and challenges emotional cost of being an often solitary raised by Friends of the Coast. At the first voice to break the unanimity in a seven year CAP meeting, in the fall of 1997, I brought round of periodic go-along-get-along two and forward the question of radiological site three-hour meetings. It has been enervating release criteria and was met with a mix of and corrosive. Any advocacy group member, hostility and/or indifference. The Town of who contemplates accepting a proposition to Wiscasset fought against both a stringent serve as a token opposition member of a clean-up standard and against a prohibition similar company panel, should be prepared of onsite disposal of radiologically contami- to pay a heavy psychological and spiritual nated demolition debris proposed by Friends toll; to risk being ground down, and to decide of the Coast. And so on it went. if the personal price is worth it.

Most recently, our Maine State Nuclear Raymond Shadis, his wife, Patricia, and Safety Advisor and another CAP member three children moved to Wiscasset, Maine from signed a letter reiterating the myth that West Virginia in 1967. Shadis taught art in the Maine Yankee had, in its 24 year history, Wiscasset Elementary and high schools.


Perspectives Patricia founded the areas People-to-People low-income assistance program. In 1970, the Shadis family settled on an old homestead in Edgecomb where they practiced subsistence farming. Shadis continued his craft of liturgical art with church and privately commissioned sculpture placed across the eastern U.S. The Shadis family grew by three children. All six of the Shadis children attended local schools and went on to New England colleges. There are now ten grandchildren. Shadis is past parish council president of Our Lady-Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Boothbay Harbor. He also served a term as president of the Boothbay Region Art Foundation.

In 1979, having weighed the risks made obvious by the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, Raymond and Patricia Shadis, initiated the nations first referendum to close an operating atomic power station, Maine Yankee.

In 1980, 41.9% of the electorate voted to close the seven year-old plant. In 1982, Shadis CAP member Steve Jarrett hugs a cask of spent coordinated technical information in a legal nuclear fuel during a tour of the Palisades ISFSI in Michigan. The photo demonstrated for other intervention before NRC to prevent Maine panel members and the public the scale of the Yankee from reconstituting spent nuclear fuel casks .

assemblies for dense pack storage. From 1982 to 1998, Shadis served as a trustee of the New 6.8 CAP Member Perspective -

England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution. In Steve Jarrett 1995, he founded Friends of the Coast- Opposing Nuclear Pollution and is presently its executive director. From 1997 through 2003, Shadis was invited to address technical issues before the US M y appointment to the CAP was made by the Wiscasset Selectmen about half-way through the decommissioning Nuclear Regulatory Commissioners on five occasions, with an additional five invited process. The position was for a resident, with appearances at NRC Regulatory Information an interest or background in the nuclear Conferences. In 1998, Shadis was hired as Staff power area. I completed the U.S. Navys Technical advisor to the New England Coalition. Nuclear Power School and was assigned to In this position he is responsible for tracking the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise as a and addressing safety and environmental issues nuclear electrician for two years. When at New Englands five operating and four appointed to the CAP I was chair of the decommissioning nuclear power stations. In Wiscasset Planning Board and while a CAP 1999, Shadis was named to the Keystone member was elected to the Board of Select-National Dialogue on Decommissioning where he served with national nuclear, regulatory, men for two years and appointed chair for a and public advocacy leaders. In 2000-2001 year. I also was appointed to the Maine Shadis was named to serve on NRCs Initial Advisory Panel for Nuclear Waste and De-Implementation Evaluation Panel for the commissioning by the state senate president agencys new Reactor Oversight Process. and am serving my second term on this panel 27

Perspectives at present. Nuclear Electrician. Upon Retirement Steve The Maine Yankee team working from worked at Bath Iron Works and for the last 17 the president down were the most coopera- years has worked as Maintenance Coordinator tive business group Ive ever had the pleasure for Coastal Enterprises, Inc. in Wiscasset.

A resident of Wiscasset since 1979, Steve to work with. The CAP was never in the dark served on the Planning Board as Secretary and about any aspect of the decommissioning at Board Chair. He also served on the Board of any time and on most items of real concern Selectman as Vice Chair and Chairman. Steve we were the first to be notified which was of serves as Wiscasset representative to the great benefit in our every day affairs as MYCAP and also serves on the Maine Advisory rumors could be quickly dispelled. Most Committee on Nuclear Waste and public fears and questions were answered as Decommissioning.

they became known. The public relations from Maine Yankee was top notch - all 6.9 The CAP experience: Don presenters at the CAP meetings were depart- Schuman ment heads or leaders in their area of exper-tise which assured us we were getting the hen I first joined the CAP to re-most up to date information available at the time. As the CAP process moved along, less W place Sandy Labaree as a represen-tative of the Wiscasset Regional Business and less interest seems to be generated by the Association, I had no idea what a great expe-general public. I believe it was directly the rience serving on the CAP would turn out to result of the CAP team and Maine Yankee be. As a non-scientist who got only a C in a formulating a much respected understanding college physics course called Physics for the of each groups agenda and their openness Inquiring Mind (read, physics for math and willingness to keep everyone informed. dummies), I certainly knew very little about All in all, when done, it can be said the nuclear power and radionuclides. I had read challenge was in front of us - the first the news articles about the various ups and nuclear power plant to be demolished and downs Maine Yankee had experienced over returned to a usable place in the environ- the years and was aware of the premature ment. We met that challenge and succeeded shutdown of the plant, an event I had hailed in a most successful manner. The tasks as a positive one at the time. After all, as an which affect the town and other local nearby idealistic young high school teacher and communities are still on-going. Loss of jobs budding environmentalist, I had often spo-and loss of tax base would have a large effect ken out against the building of all of the on any community. I feel Maine Yankee has Yankees.

been more than generous to us all and I How my time on the panel has caused thank all concerned for a job well done. my views to shift! Starting with the CAP orientation conducted by various members of Steve was born at Rockland, Maine in the Maine Yankee staff and decommissioning 1941, and graduated from St.George High team, most notably the nuclear radiation School in 1959. Jarrett received an Associate Degree in Science from Mohegan Junior College primer delivered so expertly by Jamie in New York, joined the Navy in 1959 and Mallon, I began a slow but steady change in retired in 1982. While in the Navy, he attended point of view which culminated for me dur-the Navys Nuclear Propulsion School and ing the International Decommissioning served on the USS Enterprise CVN-65 as a Conference many of us CAP members at-28

Perspectives tended on Captiva Island back in 2000. As I currents of the incredibly complex and listened to the presentations by experts from daunting decommissioning and clean-up across the globe and as I got to know several process. Ive been inspired by the openness, folks on the decommissioning team who had professionalism, and tireless efforts of all worked at the plant during its operating those involved.

years, I came to feel, and still believe, that it I only wish the CAP had been established is a shame Maine Yankee isnt still operating. back when the plant first opened. Rather Wouldnt it be far better to have an operating than worrying about the fate of our local plant on the Maine Yankee site generating nuclear waste dump, we might instead still huge amounts of power without contributing be witnessing the scientific miracle and to air pollution and global warming than engineering marvel of safely harnessed simply a high level nuclear waste storage nuclear energy being transformed into facility that is probably more vulnerable to a electric power over on Bailey Point. We possible terrorist attack than an operating might still have living in our community the plant would be? Hopefully, we will never get amazing team of scientists, engineers and an answer to that question. other staff members who once worked with What the conference on Captiva showed such dedication and pride at the Maine me was that the nuclear industry is far from Yankee Atomic Power Company.

dead. Countries like Sweden and Germany - Don Schuman -

are doing nuclear power better than we ever did in the USA, and they are experimenting with newer generation, smaller plants that use smarter, easier to manage types of fuel, Don Schuman etc. Given the sad state of energy policy and poses in development in the U.S., it seems to me that front of contain-it wont be long before this country realizes ment just the need to build new generation nuclear before its demolition -

power plants, especially since our govern- 2004 ment has certainly never picked up the ball on solar and other non-fossil-fuel alterna-tives. Of course, until the Federal DOE fulfills its part of the bargain with the nuclear Don Schuman joined the CAP in 2000 to industry by opening a federal repository for replace the then terminally ill Sandy Labaree the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel, and fill her slot as a representative of the how can there be any re-licensing of older Wiscasset Business Association. The holder of a nuclear plants or building of new generation BA in English from Princeton and a Master of plants? Arts in Teaching from Johns Hopkins, Don The other eye-opening aspect of my time taught English in the Westport, CT, public schools from 1966 to 1995. After retiring from on the CAP has been witnessing the panel, full-time teaching, he and his wife Charley the company, state officials, regulatory bod-moved to Cod Cove Farm in Edgecomb where ies and all of the other stakeholders, includ- they operate a Bed and Breakfast. From ing anti-nuclear groups such as Friends of September of 1997 to June of 1999, Don taught the Coast, skillfully, quite civilly and thought- English in the Chewonki Foundations Maine fully navigate the tricky waters and swirling Coast Semester program. He now serves as 29

Perspectives In 2000, CAP members attended a decommissioning conference in Nevada and toured Yucca Mountain, DOEs proposed long term storage facility for commer-cial spent nuclear fuel.

Here, CAP members look first hand at the tunnel boring machine, used to create the underground repository.

president of the board of directors of the a core group of committed community lead-Boothbay Region Food Pantry and is an active ers would regularly leave their warm homes member of the Oratorio Chorale and the Heartwood Regional Theater Company.

at night to brave the often harsh Maine winter to listen to lengthy technical reports 6.10 CAP Personal Perspective for many hours. They listened intently and Ted Feigenbaum ( MY President provided insight from their varied profes-CAP member 2003- present) sional and life experience. The CAP members did this without compensation or reward to T he Maine Yankee Community Advi-sory Panel is a model for how corpo-rate America should interact with its Stake-benefit the community at large. Their contri-bution to the successful outcome of the Maine Yankee Decommissioning should not holders when planning a high impact, contro- be underestimated. While not every member versial project. The level of candor, informa- of the community participated at a CAP tion exchange and learning that occurs at meeting, it is my firm belief that the commu-CAP meetings and on-site tours is the best nity was aware ( through media and word of way to combat misinformation and fear mouth) that their interests were being about issues involving nuclear and radiologi- served by the CAP and the open, candid and cal materials. Moreover, the opportunity to professional process that was advising and see, meet, speak with and question the overseeing the nuclear decommissioning project decision- makers on a regular basis that was taking place in their community.

establishes a face-to-face human relationship and an atmosphere of mutual commitment Ted Feigenbaum began as president and that fosters trust and good decision-making. chief executive officer at Maine Yankee in I am particularly struck by the dedica- December 2002. Ted has overall responsibility tion of the CAP membership. Year after year, for bringing the decommissioning project to a 30

Perspectives safe and the relations between the communities and successful citizenry of the surrounding areas and the conclusion. He State as a whole to a higher and inclusive has 30 years participation and success.

experience in the To see the diversity, the inclusiveness of nuclear industry.

parties of interest, no matter their concern or Ted worked at Seabrook intent, I believe, have led to a smoother, Station in New more productive decision making process Hampshire from and cooperation. In my very brief participa-1984 - 2002. In tion with the MYCAP, as the decommission-1990 he was ing rushed to its completion, I noted the named president commitment and involvement of all the and chief executive officer of Seabrook. Prior to members from across a broad prospective, coming to Maine Yankee, Ted served for seven bringing public contribution and harmony years on the companys board of directors. towards a common and agreeable goal.

Ted received a bachelor of engineering I hesitate to ponder the missed opportu-degree in mechanical engineering from The City nities, savings and efficiencies that an earlier College of New York and is a registered professional engineer. He also completed the establishment of a MYCAP could have pro-Advanced Management Program at Harvard vided. But, all things in their time. The Universitys Graduate School of Business MYCAP has excelled in its assigned task and Administration. He is a member of the has achieved a level of accomplishment that American Nuclear Society and is active in many may have required the earlier abrasions civic and cultural organizations in New which allowed the MYCAP to earns its de-England. served, special, and noted accolades of a job well done.

6.11 Hon. Charles P. Pray State Nuclear Safety Advisor Charles P. Pray served as a Maine State of Maine State Senator from H

1975 through 1992 aving been involved with govern-where he was highly mental, private, and industrial involved in energy sector relations for over four decades I have related issues. Pray found the Maine Yankee Community Advi- served eight years at sory Panel a highly recommended organiza- the U.S. Department of tional endeavor for openness and cooperation Energy in a Senior between parties of what sometimes need not Executive Service be alienated interests. The open and public position as a senior sharing of information and discussions have advisor and special assistant in the Clinton lifted a veil of mistrust and misinformation Administration. As a State Senator, Pray had that is too often disruptive in the flow of been involved in legislation relating to Maine Yankee from the late 70s through the early 90s.

operations of a business interest, the govern-In 2003 Governor John E. Baldacci named Pray ing oversight bodies of local, regional and as the State Nuclear Safety Advisor.

State entities. MYCAP creation and under-taking has served the industrys interests and 31

Perspectives SECTION VII - Perspectives of simpler and more Others enjoyable.

7.1 Greg Foster, Lincoln County 7.2 Bob Kalish, News reporter/photographer Times Record S lightly more than four years ago I attended my first Community Advi-sory Panel, which I will never forget. The W hat I liked and appreci-ated about covering the terminology and use of acronyms was like CAP meetings was the stepping into a foreign country with its own unique ambience. Its language. one of the few times as Bob Kalish Since then I have learned so much and a reporter when you have everyone under one benefited immeasurably from exposure to roof - you have management, workers, p.r.

the nuclear power industry as it relates people, anti-nuke activists. When Ray Shadis specifically to the decommissioning process and Mike Meisner exchanged words, there of Maine Yankee. A high level of company was something of the theatre in it, especially professionalism and expertise has been the way they both stayed in their places and evident throughout the more than four years managed to retain civility.

I have been covering the meetings, tours, and If you had a question about the meaning events. of some of the reports, there was always Eric Through the CAP discussions, many Howes and Catherine Ferdinand to help you unanswered questions that I and the general out. I was there when the two sides fought public have had were answered encouraging over rubblization, I was there during the 10/

me to think about some tough issues and 4 debate and yes, there was some anger and enabling me to keep our readership better ruffled feathers, but over and over again the informed about the decommissioning work. process worked. It seems quaint now, given I am proud to be a part of this history- how politics has demeaned itself, but I cer-making project that will undoubtedly influ- tainly appreciated it as a resident of the area ence decommissioning in other places and as a reporter.

throughout the country and elsewhere for years to come. Certainly the significance of 7.3 Wiscasset Newspaper the publics having a handle on what is hap- Reporter Charlotte Boynton pening there is incalculable.

CAP members have served their con-stituency well, in my estimation, and I be-lieve Maine Yankee has gained much from A fter retiring from Bath Iron Works, I became a part-time reporter for the Wiscasset Newspaper. The first assignment I their input, whether negative or positive. was given by my editor Paula Gibbs was to I cannot thank people like Eric Howes cover the Community Advisory Panel (CAP) and Catherine Ferdinand enough for their meeting at Maine Yankee. Needless to say, it timely and helpful responses to all my ques- didnt take long for me to know I was in over tions and probing. We, after all, are the my head. However, with the patience and bearers of the public record, and they and the help of Eric Howes, and Catherine Ferdinand CAP have made our difficult task much the Wiscasset Newspaper was able to report 32

Epilogue accurately on the decommissioning activities.

As the years went by, and I became familiar with some of the terminology and acronyms, my editor would question me as to their value to the story. There were times when my explanation was not clear enough, and I would have to call Eric or Catherine for help. It became a bit of humor in the office, because the staff would know Paula would want my story clear enough for people to read and understand what I was trying to tell them. The office manager would say, Oh no, not another Maine Yankee Story. SECTION VIII - EPILOGUE The CAP meetings not only provided an opportunity for Maine Yankee, the state, and federal agencies to report the activities of the decommissioning, it also was a place for A s one CAP member put it, this marks the end of a process, but not the end of the story. When the Maine Yan-the public to come and ask questions, and kee site restoration is completed in 2005, express their concerns. The CAP meetings there will remain at the site 1434 spent fuel became Maine Yankees report card, and it assemblies passively stored in 60 airtight was the medias responsibility to inform the concrete canisters. Another 4 of these canis-public of that report card, the concern of the ters holds Greater Than Class C (GTCC) public and the CAP members. waste - irradiated stainless steel that was The CAP members come from all removed from the reactor vessel. When and walks of life, each having their own opinion if the national spent fuel repository at Yucca and concerns. They identified many commu- Mountain becomes available to receive Maine nity issues, and their efforts many times Yankees fuel are unknowns at this time.

influenced decisions by the company. As the CAP prepares for its sunset, plans The Wiscasset Newspaper staff has are moving forward to implement post-reported on Maine Yankee activities from the decommissioning, what one member jokingly beginning in 1972, and will continue until the refers to as Son of CAP (Attachment 5).

spent fuel has been removed from Wiscasset. Early on, the group contemplated some The medias account of Maine Yankee forum for community involvement relative to will be read for many years by future genera- the spent fuel and other post-decommission-tions. I am proud to have contributed a small ing issues. There are concerns that as long as part in writing that history. spent fuel remains on site, the community should have some continued dialogue with Reporters federal regulatory and company personnel.

Charlotte One of the greatest unforeseen benefits of the Boynton Maine Yankee CAPs work may be this - the (front left) and Greg development of a citizenry, broad-based, Foster (front informed, and non-complacent about the right) presence indefinitely of spent nuclear fuel in their community.


Demolition of the Maine Yankee control room Removal of Spent Fuel Storage Racks from Spent Fuel Pool upon completion of fuel transfer to ISFSI

-2004 CAP suited up for tour of containment in 1997 34

Attachment 1 Maine Yankee COMMUNITY ADVISORY PANEL CHARTER I. PURPOSE A. The Community Advisory Panel (CAP) is established to enhance open communication, public involvement and education on Maine Yankee decommissioning issues. The CAP will serve as a formal channel of community involvement with Maine Yankee.

B. The CAP will evaluate and comment upon data and other information provided by Maine Yankee and other reliable sources.

C. The CAP will function as an advisory panel. Maine Yankee is not obligated to accept or conform to the advice or recommendations made by the CAP, although will, in cases of disagreement, provide the CAP with an appropriate rationale for the disagreement.


1. The CAP will reflect the diverse viewpoints of residents within the primary Maine Yankee Emergency Planning Zone. The majority of the CAP members will reside in the 16 community area comprising the primary EPZ.
2. The CAP will consist of (14) members as follows:
  • The State Senator from Lincoln County;


  • The Wiscasset Town Planner;
  • A Maine Yankee representative; Appointed members:
  • A Wiscasset resident selected by the Wiscasset Selectmen;
  • A resident of the EPZ outside Wiscasset, selected by Maine Yankee;
  • A representative from Friends of the Coast;
  • Liaison to the Governor;
  • A radiological professional with either an academic or medical background from the EPZ. Inaugural member suggested by the Governor;
  • A professional from the marine resources community who lives in the EPZ. Inaugural member suggested by the Governor;
  • A resident of Lincoln County selected by Lincoln County Commissioners;
  • A science teacher from the EPZ. Inaugural member suggested by the Governor; 35
  • An environmentalist who lives in the EPZ. Inaugural member suggested by the Governor;
  • An EPZ business owner chosen by the executive directors of WRBA, Bath/Brunswick Chamber, Damariscotta Region Chamber, and Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber.
3. Each appointed member of the CAP shall serve for a two (2) year term (following the initial staggering of terms), unless such term is otherwise extended in accordance with this Charter. Expiration dates of the terms of inaugural members will be staggered. The first six appointed members (as listed in the charter) will have their initial terms expire September 31,1998. The remaining five appointed members will have their initial terms expire September 31, 1999. The Governors liaison will serve at the discretion of the Governor.
4. Termination of membership will automatically occur in the event that three (3) consecutive CAP meetings have been missed without prior notification to and approval by the Chairperson.
5. Membership may be resigned by writing to the Chairperson of the CAP.

The Chairperson shall immediately forward a copy of such resignation letter to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department and the selecting body.

6. When a member of the CAP who was appointed by the Governor resigns, that vacancy will be nominated and filled by majority vote of the CAP after it has reviewed and approved applications for that position. All other member vacancies will be filled by the original appointing authority.

All vacancies must be filled consistent with the criteria for membership stated in 2, above. The term of a member filling a vacancy will end at the same time as it would have for the member being replaced. Vacancies created by the expiration of a members term will be filled as stated in this section; however, the new member will have a full term of two (2) years, subject to the term of the CAP as set forth in Article IV, TERM.

7. A members term may be renewed for an additional two (2) years. Such renewal is subject to the term of the CAP as set forth in Article IV, TERM.


1. The CAP shall have a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. The inaugural Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be appointed by Maine Yankee. Subsequent Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons will be elected by a majority vote of the CAP. The Secretary of the CAP will be appointed by the Chairperson.
2. The term for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be two (2) years.

The Secretary will serve at the discretion of the Chairperson.

C. COMMITTEES - Committees, sub-committees or similar working groups will be designated by the Chairperson as needed to carry out the work of the CAP. Such committees, sub-committees or working groups will serve at the discretion of the Chairperson.


Attachment 1 D. DUTIES

1. Chairperson shall perform the following duties:
a. Call meetings of the CAP.
b. Prepare and/or approve agenda for meetings.
c. Preside at CAP meetings.
d. Appoint Secretary of CAP and provide for the keeping of meeting minutes in the Secretarys absence.
e. Certify the accuracy of meeting minutes after approval by CAP membership.
f. Submit to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department all recommendations adopted by the CAP.
g. Forward member resignation letters to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department and the selecting body.
h. Work with Maine Yankee administrative support to ensure the smooth flow of information to the CAP and public.
2. Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson in his/

her absence.

3. Secretary shall perform the following duties:
a. Keep minutes of all CAP meetings including a record of members present and a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and conclusions reached.
b. Provide the originals of all CAP records to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department for retention and public inspection as described in Section III.G.
c. Work with Maine Yankee administrative support to ensure the smooth flow of information to the CAP and public.
4. Maine Yankee Administrative Support
a. Maine Yankee will provide administrative support to the CAP and will work with the Chairperson and Secretary to ensure the smooth flow of CAP information to Panel members and the public.
b. Administrative support will include but not be limited to typing, copying, compiling, and mailing CAP documents, assisting with meeting arrangements, maintaining CAP records, and ensuring their availability to the public in the Public Document Room of the Wiscasset Public Library, and the Maine State Library. As appropriate, documents will also be available on the Maine Yankee web site.


III. MEETINGS A. Frequency - The CAP will meet on an as-needed basis, but no fewer than two (2) times a year. The need for such meetings will be determined by the CAP.

Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson.

B. Open Meetings - All CAP meetings will be open to the public.

1. All meetings will have a public comment period.
2. Issues brought before the CAP that are not on the meeting agenda will only be added to that meetings agenda following an 37

Attachment 1 affirmative vote of two-thirds of the CAP members present. If the vote falls short of the two-thirds majority, the issue will be placed on the agenda of the next CAP meeting.

3. Meetings will be announced a minimum of one week in advance.

Meeting agendas and other materials sent to CAP members prior to meetings will be available one week in advance at the Public Document Room of the Wiscasset Public Library and the Maine State Library.

C. Reimbursement - Members of the CAP will not be reimbursed for travel or other expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members.

However, Maine Yankee will provide a meal for CAP members at every meeting.

D. Quorum - Seven (7) members will constitute a quorum for a meeting of the CAP at which a vote or other official action is to be taken. In the absence of a quorum, the CAP may convene the meeting and adjourn until such time as a quorum is present. No official action may be undertaken by the CAP at a meeting which lacks a quorum.

E. Majority Vote - Wherever this Charter refers to a majority vote, it means a simple majority of those members present and voting; provided a quorum is present at the meeting. If no quorum is present, the CAP cannot vote on any matter, except adjournment, or take any official action of any kind. Minority reports will be part of the CAP record.

F. Rules - Roberts Rules of Order will govern all CAP meetings.

G. Minutes - Minutes shall be kept of all CAP meetings and will include a record of members present, a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued or approved by the CAP.

H. Records - The records of the CAP consist of this Charter, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, reports submitted to or drafted by the CAP, studies made available to or prepared by the CAP, correspondence to or from the CAP. All such records shall be made available to the public at the Public Document Room of the Wiscasset Library and the Maine State Library. As appropriate, records will also be available on the Maine Yankee web site.

I. Membership Renewal - The CAP shall vote to renew the terms of its existing members at the last regularly scheduled meeting of its term, unless a concurring vote of at least seven (7) members selects an earlier meeting for such renewal. Any member not receiving a concurring vote of at least seven (7) members of the CAP for renewal will cease being a member at the expiration of his/her term. Any vacancies created by the expiration of a members term will be filled in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section II.A.6.

IV. TERM A. The CAP shall exist and operate for an initial term of two (2) years, ending September 31, 1999. The continuation of the CAP beyond its initial term shall be determined by Maine Yankee.

rev 1 - 7/16/98 38

Attachment 2 Maine Yankee COMMUNITY ADVISORY PANEL CHARTER -Revised 11/02 INTRODUCTION With decommissioning then nearly 70 percent complete, the CAP at its September 12, 2002 meeting agreed to amend the CAP Charter to enable current members to continue serving until the CAP completes its work and dissolves at the end of decommis-sioning in 2005. The Charter was revised to reflect that sentiment and became effective at the January 16, 2003 meeting of the CAP.

I. PURPOSE A.The Community Advisory Panel (CAP) is established to enhance open communica-tion, public involvement and education on Maine Yankee decommissioning issues. The CAP will serve as a formal channel of community involvement with Maine Yankee.

B.The CAP will evaluate and comment upon data and other information provided by Maine Yankee and other reliable sources.

C.The CAP will function as an advisory panel. Maine Yankee is not obligated to accept or conform to the advice or recommendations made by the CAP, although will, in cases of disagreement, provide the CAP with an appropriate rationale for the disagree-ment.

II. ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP A.Membership 1.The CAP will reflect the diverse viewpoints of residents within the former primary Maine Yankee Emergency Planning Zone.

2.The CAP will have sufficient members to fulfill its purpose including the following:

  • Chair Marge Kilkelly;
  • Vice Chair Don Hudson;
  • The State Senator from Lincoln County;
  • A State Representative from Lincoln County appointed by the Lincoln County Legislative Delegation;
  • A Maine Yankee representative appointed by the company;
  • Steve Jarrett; 39

Attachment 2

  • Dan Thompson;
  • Lewis Curtis;
  • Raymond Shadis;
  • Liaison to the Governor appointed by the Governor;
  • Paul Crary;
  • Ralph Keyes;
  • Don Schuman.

3.With the exception of the Governors liaison, the Maine Yankee representative, the State Senator, and the State Representative who may change from time to time, CAP members shall serve until the end of decommissioning in 2005.

4.Membership may be resigned by writing to the Chairperson of the CAP. The Chair-person shall immediately forward a copy of such resignation letter to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department and the selecting body.

5.With the exception of the Governors liaison, the Maine Yankee representative, the State Senator, and the State Representative, replacement of members who resign shall be decided by a majority of the CAP. In the event a member is replaced, the CAP will seek a replacement who best matches the viewpoint of the departing member.

B.OFFICERS 1.The CAP shall have a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The inaugural Chairper-son and Vice-Chairperson will be appointed by Maine Yankee. Subsequent Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons will be elected by a majority vote of the CAP.

2.The term for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be until the end of decom-missioning in 2005.

C.COMMITTEES - Committees, sub-committees or similar working groups will be designated by the Chairperson as needed to carry out the work of the CAP. Such com-mittees, sub-committees or working groups will serve at the discretion of the Chairper-son.

D. DUTIES 1.Chairperson shall perform the following duties:


Attachment 2

a. Call meetings of the CAP.
b. Prepare and/or approve agenda for meetings.
c. Preside at CAP meetings.
d. Submit to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department all recom-mendations adopted by the CAP.
e. Forward member resignation letters to the Maine Yankee Law and Government Affairs Department and the selecting body.
f. Work with Maine Yankee administrative support to ensure the smooth flow of information to the CAP and public.

2.Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson in his/her ab-sence.

3.Maine Yankee Support

a. Maine Yankee will provide administrative support to the CAP and will work with the Chairperson to ensure the smooth flow of CAP information to Panel members and the public.
b. Administrative support will include but not be limited to taking minutes, typing, copying, compiling, and mailing CAP documents, assisting with meeting arrangements, maintaining CAP records, and ensuring their availability to the public at the Maine State Library.

III. MEETINGS A.Frequency - The CAP will meet on an as-needed basis, but no less than two (2) times a year. The need for such meetings will be determined by the CAP. Additional meetings can be called by the Chairperson.

B.One month prior to the annual CAP meeting, Maine Yankee will issue a report to the CAP of key activities associated with the operation of the ISFSI from the preceding year and activities the company has been engaged relative to removing high-level nuclear waste from the site.

C.Open Meetings - All CAP meetings will be open to the public.

1.All meetings will have a public comment period.

2.Issues brought before the CAP that are not on the meeting agenda will only be added to that meetings agenda following an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the CAP members present. If the vote falls short of the two-thirds majority, the issue will be placed on the agenda of the next CAP meeting.

3.Meetings will be announced a minimum of one week in advance.

C. Reimbursement - Members of the CAP will not be reimbursed for travel or other expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members. How-41

Attachment 2 ever, Maine Yankee will provide a meal for CAP members at every meeting.

D. Quorum - A majority of members will constitute a quorum for a meeting of the CAP at which a vote or other official action is to be taken. In the absence of a quo-rum, the CAP may convene the meeting and adjourn until such time as a quorum is present. No official action may be undertaken by the CAP at a meeting which lacks a quorum.

E. Majority Vote - Wherever this Charter refers to a majority vote, it means a simple majority of those members present and voting; provided a quorum is present at the meeting. If no quorum is present, the CAP cannot vote on any matter, except ad-journment, or take any official action of any kind. Minority reports will be part of the CAP record.

F. Rules - Roberts Rules of Order will govern all CAP meetings.

G. Minutes - Minutes shall be kept of all CAP meetings and will include a record of members present, a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued or approved by the CAP.

H. Records - The records of the CAP consist of this Charter, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, reports submitted to or drafted by the CAP, studies made available to or prepared by the CAP, correspondence to or from the CAP. All such records shall be made available to the public at the Maine State Library.

IV. TERM A.The CAP shall exist and operate until the end of decommissioning in 2005.


Attachment 3 Sample of meeting notice published in local newspapers The Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel (CAP) will meet on Thursday, July 17, 2003 at 6:00 p.m The meeting will take place at the Chewonki Center for Environmental Education in Wiscasset. The agenda includes the following: an update from the U. S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, a routine update on decommissioning activities and presentations on the physical end state of the site and status of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act closure process.


The public is invited to attend and offer comment.

The CAP was established by Maine Yankee to enhance open communication about the decommissioning process.


Attachment 4 Decommissioning Milestones CAP Accomplishments CAP provided forum for public dialogue 5/97 - Decommissioning Planning about how decommissioning would be Begins approached - how the site would be 1997 characterized, how material would be 8/97 - Permanent Plant Shutdown released from the site (including batch

- discharges to bay from RCS Loop decon/

8/97 - Post Shutdown disposition of hazardous and radwaste Decommissioning Report filed w/NRC 1998 materials), what risks would remain with the plant in a defueled condition and how 10/97 - 4/98 Initial Site those risks would be addressed, and what Characterization the estimated decommissioning costs would be 1/98 -12/98 Pre-decommissioning Prep Work Amid community concerns about removal A. Asbestos Removal of on-site NRC inspectors, CAP brought B. RCS Loop Decon to Reduce NRC presence and state regulatory pres-Worker Exposure ence to the community on a regular basis C. Cold and Dark D. Conversion to Spent Fuel Pool CAP provided forum for residents to voice Island concerns directly to company and regula-tors about noise of spent fuel pool island cooling fans and alleged free release of radioactive materials to Wiscasset landfill CAP included in decision about spent fuel storage; CAP members given access to tours of other facilities, construction of multi-purpose storage canisters; CAP concerns about perceived security of dry fuel storage facility directly responsible for installation of ISFSI berm 1/99 - Commodity Removal Begins CAP forum required company and 1999 regulators to explain to lay public methodologies and science behind 8/99 - Site Work Begins for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) approaches to meeting release criteria for the site (LTP, pathways analysis, dose assessment methods, rubblization, 25 mrem plus ALARA vs. 10/4). CAP summoned NRC and EPA to local community to provide insight as to how public might gain confidence about ultimate safety of site given differing site release criteria at the federal regulatory level Provided forum for local residents to express concerns/opinions on donation of Eaton Farm to non-profit 44

Attachment 4 Decommissioning Milestones CAP Accomplishments 1/00 License Termination Plan (LTP), Rev. Provided public long lead time to 0, filed with NRC 2000 understand mechanics of large radioactive component removal (SGs, 4/00 Remove Steam Generators and Pressurizer from containment

- pressurizer, RPV ) and transportation.

CAP process made major activities public 2001 and sensitized company to local issues; 6/00 Transport of Steam Generators and such as impact on clammers of Marine Pressurizer to Barges; Ship Barges to GTS Safety Zones and potential impact to Duratek reprocessing facility in Memphis, TN lobstering gear from barge transport 8/00 Mobilize RPV internals Discussions on large component removal segmentation contractor and equipment also prepared public for understanding of reactor vessel shipment.

7/00 - 7/01 ISFSI Pad, Facility and Berm Construction CAP process provided explanations for 10/00 - 5/01 Segmentation of Reactor visible site changes - construction of Vessel Internals ISFSI, VCC construction, building demolition 10/00 Commence construction of Vertical Concrete Casks (VCC) for ISFSI Lesson learned through CAP process with spent fuel pool island cooling fans 10/00 NRC Issue Certificate of Compliance applied when turbine building for Standard Fuel Cask Storage System demolished using explosives - company notified all neighbors and invited them to 10/00 Begin Final Status Surveys for ISFSI attend CAP meeting to hear details of grounds and other areas as appropriate building demolition in advance of actual demolition 12/00 Deliver First Fuel Storage CaskTSC 4/01 - 8/02 Turbine/Service Building Sept 11- while security issues have always Demolition - Phase I been safeguarded information, the CAP was an established forum where 6/01 License Termination Plan, Rev. 1, concerns about site security could be and filed with the NRC were registered with company, state and federal regulators 7/01 Complete ISFSI Construction 8/01 LTP, Rev. 2, filed with the NRC 10/01 Demolition of Turbine Pedestal using Controlled Explosives 9/01 - 12/01 Circulating Water Pump House Demolition 10/01 Natural Resources Protection Act Permit filed with MDEP 11/01 Begin Cask Loading (GTCC);

Explosive Demolition of Turbine Building ;

complete VCC construction 45

Attachment 4 Decommissioning Milestones CAP Accomplishments 4/02 Complete Cask Loading (GTCC) CAP provided public opportunity to 6/02 Information Center Demolition understand plans to clean up forebay, 7/02 Release of Backlands from NRC 2002 disposition of diffuser piping, and meet license RCRA standards 8/02 Begin Cask Loading (Fuel) 9/02 Remove Reactor Vessel from CAP meetings provided a forum for Containment, shipping by barge to Barnwell, updates on progress with transfer of spent S.C. tbd fuel to the ISFSI 10/02 - 10/04 Containment Building Demolition CAP provided forum for state to report 12/02 Submit Forebay Remediation Plan to and explain its findings on confirmatory MDEP study of the backlands release from NRC license 2/03 NRC Approval of LTP CAP provided public forum for 4/03 - 12/03 Forebay Remediation &

2003 information to abutters on containment demolition activities and expected noise, backfill etc.

10/03 Bailey Farmhouse Demolition CAP provided forum for the public to understand process of discharging the 10/03 - 12/03Turbine Building spent fuel pool water to the Back River Demolition - Phase II The Friends of the Coast/Maine Yankee 2/04 Completion of Cask marine sediment study was the subject of Loading a CAP presentation, updates were provided, and the results of the study 3/04 - 6/04 Spent Fuel Pool drain down 2004 will be made public 4//04 - 5/04 Primary Auxiliary The CAP provided a number of Building Demolition opportunities for the explosive demolition of containment to be 7/04-8/04 Fuel Building Demo thoroughly aired publicly The CAP forum has been the publics 9/04 Explosive Demolition of window to the companys transition to Containment stand alone ISFSI and the resulting changes to management structure, 10/04 -12/04 Staff Building/Warehouse security, and emergency planning Demolition 3/05 Submit Final Status Survey While it has not been within the mission Report to NRC of the CAP to resolve larger issues such as the lack of federal repository for spent other fuel or potential reuse of the site, the Spring 2005 Decommissioning Complete CAP forum has provided the community an opportunity to express concerns about these to the media and to state and federal officials. In June 2004, DOE presented at the CAP meeting regarding the agencys plans for spent fuel removal.


Attachment 5 DRAFT - December 1, 2004 Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage & Removal Charter Introduction The Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Removal was established in March 2005 to enhance open communication, public involvement and education on the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel at Maine Yankee and to advocate for its prompt removal from Maine Yankee to a safe location outside New England.

The panel is an outgrowth of its predecessor, the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning which was integral to the success of plant decommissioning from the beginning of the project in August 1997 until its conclusion in March 2005.

At its September 2002 planning session, the original CAP recognized the need for a community advisory panel to continue beyond plant decommissioning to monitor interim storage at the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) and to advocate for the removal of spent nuclear fuel as required by federal statute and contract with the U.S. Department of Energy.

Charter I. Purpose A. The Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Removal (CAP) is established to enhance open communication, public involvement and education on spent nuclear fuel storage at Maine Yankee and to advocate for the prompt removal of that waste from Maine Yankee to a safe location outside New England.

B. The CAP will evaluate and comment upon data and other information provided by Maine Yankee and other reliable sources.

C. The CAP will function as an advisory panel. Maine Yankee will consider the advice or recommendations made by the CAP. Although not obligated to follow such advice or recommendations, Maine Yankee will, in cases of disagreement, provide the CAP with an appropriate rationale for the Companys approach to the issue.


Attachment 5 II. Organization and Membership A. Membership

1. The CAP will consist of seven core members defined below, as well as members of the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning who choose to serve.
2. The CAP will include at least three members knowledgeable about spent nuclear fuel storage and transport.
3. Defined CAP membership categories are: The Chair and Vice-Chair of the decommissioning CAP; the State Senator from Lincoln County; the Governors representative; the Town of Wiscassets representative; a representative from a business located on former Maine Yankee property known as north Ferry Road, and Maine Yankees representative.
4. CAP members shall serve an initial two year term.
5. Membership may be resigned by writing to the Chairperson of the CAP. The Chairperson shall forward a copy of such resignation to the President of Maine Yankee and, if applicable, to the selecting body.
6. Replacement of the Governors representative, the Wiscasset representative, and the Maine Yankee representative, shall be by the selecting body. In the event the Senator from Lincoln County resigns, the CAP will request that the Lincoln County Legislative Delegation select a replacement from among its members. In the event the business representative from north Ferry Road resigns, the CAP will request that the businesses in residence there select a new representative from their group. In the event the Chair and/or Vice-Chair of the decommissioning CAP resigns, their replacement shall be chosen by a majority of the CAP. In the event a member of the Maine Yankee Community Advisory Panel on Decommissioning resigns who is not serving in one of the seven defined membership categories, that person will not be replaced.

B. Officers

1. The CAP shall have a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson elected by a majority vote of the CAP.
2. The term for the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be two years.


Attachment 5 C. Committees - Committees, sub-committees or similar working groups will be designated by the Chairperson as needed to carry out the work of the CAP. Such committees, sub-committees or working groups will serve at the discretion of the Chair-person.

D. Duties

1. Chairperson shall perform the following duties:
a. Call meetings of the CAP.
b. Prepare and/or approve agendas for meetings.
c. Preside at CAP meetings.
d. Submit to the Maine Yankee President all recommendations adopted by the CAP.
e. Forward member resignation letters to the Maine Yankee President and the selecting body where applicable.
f. Work with Maine Yankee administrative support to ensure the smooth flow of information to the CAP and public.
2. Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson in her/his absence.
3. Maine Yankee Support
a. Maine Yankee will provide administrative support to the CAP and will work with the Chairperson to ensure the smooth flow of CAP information to Panel members and the public.

Whenever feasible electronic mail will be the preferred method of communicating with and among CAP members.

b. Administrative support will include but not be limited to taking minutes, typing, copying, compiling, and mailing CAP documents, assisting with meeting arrangements, maintaining CAP records, and ensuring their availability to the public at the Maine State Library.

III. MEETINGS A. Frequency - The CAP will meet a minimum of once a year during the month of March, though additional meetings can be called at the Chairs discretion.

B. One month prior to the annual CAP meeting, Maine Yankee will issue a report to the CAP of key activities associated with the operation of the ISFSI for the preceding year and activities the company has been engaged in relative to removing spent nuclear fuel from the site.


Attachment 5 C. During the year between CAP meetings Maine Yankee will also periodically update the CAP on any noteworthy developments related either to spent nuclear fuel storage or its removal.

D. Open Meetings - All CAP meetings will be open to the public.

1. All meetings will have a public comment period.
2. Issues brought before the CAP that are not on the meeting agenda will only be added to that meetings agenda following an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the CAP members present.
3. Meetings will be announced a minimum of two weeks in advance.

C. Reimbursement - Members of the CAP will not be reimbursed for travel or other expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members. However, Maine Yankee will provide a meal for CAP members at every meeting.

D. Quorum - A majority of members will constitute a quorum for a meeting of the CAP at which a vote or other official action is to be taken. In the absence of a quorum, the CAP may convene the meeting and adjourn until such time as a quorum is present. No official action may be undertaken by the CAP at a meeting which lacks a quorum.

E. Majority Vote - Wherever this Charter refers to a majority vote, it means a simple majority of those members present and voting; provided a quorum is present at the meeting. If no quorum is present, the CAP cannot vote on any matter, except adjournment, or take any official action of any kind. Minority reports will be part of the CAP record.

F. Rules - Roberts Rules of Order will govern all CAP meetings.

G. Minutes - Minutes shall be kept of all CAP meetings and will include a record of members present, a complete and accurate description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued or approved by the CAP.

H. Records - The records of the CAP consist of this Charter, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, reports submitted to or drafted by the CAP, studies made available to or prepared by the CAP, correspondence to or from the CAP. All such records shall be made available to the public at the Maine State Library.

IV. TERM A. The CAP shall exist and operate through the March 2007 meeting at which time the CAP will review its continuation.


Attachment 6 CAP Members - Past & Present Senator Marge Kilkelly 8/97- present W. Donald Hudson 8/97- present Tom Cashman 8/97- 99 Daniel Thompson 8/97- present John Chester 8/97- 99 Raymond Shadis 8/97- present Margot Murphy 8/97- 11/98 Sandy Labaree 8/97- 10/99 Uldis Vanags 8/97- 3/00 Alan Houston 8/97- 1/00 Ron Ouellette 8/97 - 9/98 Michael Sellman (MY) 8/97- 3/98 Dr. Paul Crary 1/98 - present Lewis Curtis 2/98 - present Mary Ann Lynch (MY) 3/98 - 4/00 Steve Jarrett 3/99 - present Ralph Keyes 3/99 - present Don Schuman 1/00 - present Paula Craighead 3/00 - 9/03 Eric Howes (MY) 5/00 - 2/01 Wayne Norton (MY) 2/01- 1/03 Charles Pray 11/03 - present Ted Fiegenbaum (MY) 1/03 - present Senator Chris Hall 1/03 - present Representative Ken Honey 1/03 - present 51