ML19304A144 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/18/2019 |
From: | O'Driscoll J NRC/NMSS/DREFS/RRPB |
To: | |
O'Driscoll J | |
References | |
Download: ML19304A144 (24) | |
ADAMS Accession No. ML19304A144 Public Meeting:
Status of Rulemaking to Align Licensing Processes and Apply Lessons Learned from New Reactor Licensing November 21, 2019 1
Ground Rules
- One speaker at a time
- Please state your name before speaking -
this session is being transcribed.
- Please hold questions until after the NRC presentations
- Follow the agenda
- Stay on topic
- Mute or place on vibrate all electronic devices 2
Todays Meeting
- Provide an update on the effort since the last public meeting on this rulemaking (Meeting summary; ADAMS Accession No. ML19023A046)
- Provide an overview of the scope described in SECY-19-0084
- Conduct a Question and Answer Session on the scope of the rulemaking described in the SECY
- Provide an overview of the rulemaking schedule 3
OPENING REMARKS Anna Bradford - Director NRR Division of New and Renewed Licenses 4
NRC Staff Presenters Jim ODriscoll, NMSS Rulemaking Project Manager Carolyn Lauron, NRR Senior Project Manager 6
Purpose of the Rulemaking
- Implement Commission direction in SRM-SECY-15-0002, Proposed Updates of Licensing Policies, Rules and Guidance for Future New Reactor Applications to:
- Align the reactor licensing processes
- Improve clarity
- Reduce unnecessary burden on applicants and staff 7
Rulemaking Process Identify Regulatory Proposed Final Rule need for Basis Rule rulemaking Described in
- Analyze
- Proposed rule *Final rule text SECY-15-0002 alternatives for text resolution Commissions
- Public meeting direction in
- Public Meeting
- 75 day public SRM-SECY
- 75 day public comment period 0002 comment period (typically)
Opportunities for public participation 8
Regulatory Basis (RB)
- A regulatory basis provides a sound foundation for informed decision-making throughout the rulemaking process
- RB describes the technical, legal and policy issues and the staffs consideration of options to resolve the issues
- A cost/benefit analysis of options will be developed as part of the RB 9
Rulemaking Activities October 1, 2018 Started scoping and outreach January 15, 2019 Held public meeting July 11, 2019 Alignment on scope Issuance of Commission Information August 27, 2019 Paper SECY 19-0084 September 20, 2019 Held ACRS meeting 10
Next Steps June 2020 Complete the technical development of the regulatory basis November 2020 Complete concurrence on the regulatory basis package December 2020 Issue the regulatory basis for public comment Hold public meeting and commence March 2021 drafting the proposed rule 11
Screening Criteria (SECY-19-0084)
- Items were first considered if they met at least one of the following criteria:
- Addresses alignment of Parts 50 and 52
- Addresses lessons learned from licensing activities
- A change that could significantly improve the licensing process
- Reduces unnecessary burden and does not impact other requirements 12
Screening Criteria (contd)
- Items were screened out if they met at least one of the following criteria:
- The item would provide neither a significant safety benefit nor burden reduction to staff or industry while maintaining the agencys safety mission
- The item could be addressed by the administrative rulemaking for corrections
- The item could be addressed through the development of guidance outside of rulemaking 13
Scoping Results
- Four alignment items
- 52 lessons learned items
- 8 additional items are corrections, to be addressed in the semiannual administrative rulemaking for corrections to the CFR 14
Please come up to the microphone or press *1 on the phone Q&A Please state your name &
affiliation before your question.
Next Steps
- Finalize and issue the regulatory basis for public comment
- Hold public meeting during the comment period.
- Consider comments received on the regulatory basis during the proposed rule phase
- Plan for additional public meeting(s) during the proposed rule phase 16
Rulemaking Schedule Issue Issue regulatory proposed Issue basis for rule for final rule comment comment December October November 2020 2022 2024 17
Contact Information Jim ODriscoll, Project Manager Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, & Financial Support Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-1325 Allen Fetter, Senior Project Manager Division of New Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Email: Phone: 301-415-8556 18
How Did We Do?
- Link to NRC Public Meeting Feedback form: 19
How to Stay Informed and Involved
- The meeting materials and meeting summary will be posted soon
- Search on the docket ID NRC-2009-0196 20
References Document Title ADAMS Accession Number/ FR Citation Transcript of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Regulatory Policies & Practices-Part 50 52 Meeting - ML19294A009 September 20, 2019.
SECY-19-0084, Status of Rulemaking to Align Licensing Processes and Lessons Learned from New Reactor ML19161A169 Licensing (RIN 3150-AI66)
SECY-19-0034, Improving Design Certification Content ML19080A034 Summary of January 15, 2019 Public Meeting to Discuss the Proposed Rulemaking to Align the Regulations in ML19023A046 Parts 50 and 52 to Address Updates to the Licensing Processes and Lessons Learned for Future New Reactor Applications, SECY-15-0002, Proposed Updates of Licensing Policies, Rules and Guidance for Future New Reactor Applications ML13277A420 SRM-SECY-15-002, Staff Requirements-SECY-15-002-Proposed Updates of Licensing Policies, Rules and ML15266A023 Guidance for Future New Reactor Applications Policy Statement on Severe Reactor Accidents Regarding Future Designs and Existing Plants 50 FR 32138 SECY-89-013, Design Requirements Related to the Evolutionary Advanced Light Water Reactors, dated January ML003707947 19, 1989 SECY-90-016, Evolutionary Light Water Reactor (LWR) Certification Issues and Their Relationship to Current ML003707849 Regulatory Requirements, dated January 12, 1990 SECY-93-087, Policy, Technical, and Licensing ML003708021 Issues Pertaining to Evolutionary and Advanced Light-Water Reactor (ALWR) Designs, dated April 2, 1993 Bipartisan Policy Center Report Recommendations on the New Reactor Licensing Process ML13059A240 22
Administrative Corrections 10 CFR Description
§ 2.627 The references to § 2.617 in § 2.629(b) and § 52.83(b) should be to § 2.627.
Part 52 Appendices Both the ABWR and System 80+ design certification final rules (Part 52, Appendices A and B, respectively) initially correctly referred to ANSI/AISC N-690. Both the AP600 and AP1000 design cert final rules (Appendices C and D, respectively) incorrectly stated ANSI/AISC-690 (omitting the N). 64 Fed. Reg. 72,002, 72,018; 71 Fed. Reg. 4,464, 4,481.
Unfortunately, the NRC changed the ABWR and System 80+ references to match the AP600 and AP1000 references in the 2007 Part 52 rulemaking. Correct the reference in Appendices A-D by adding the "N" back into ANSI/AISC N-690 Part 52 Appendix D Part 52, Appendix D,Section VI.B.6 reads except as provided in paragraph VIII.B.5.f . . . but the reference is incorrect. It Section VI.B.6 should be except as provided in paragraph VIII.B.5.g . . . (rather than VIII.B.5.f).
Part 52 Appendix E Part 52, Appendix E,Section VI.B.6 reads except as provided in paragraph VIII.B.5.f . . . but the reference is incorrect. It Section VI.B.6 should be except as provided in paragraph VIII.B.5.g . . . (rather than VIII.B.5.f).
Part 50 Appendix J Under Option B, Subsection IV. Recordkeeping, refers to §§ 50.72 (b)(1)(ii) and § 50.72 (b)(2)(i). There is no § 50.72 (b)(1)(ii), only § 50.72 (b)(1). 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J references 10 CFR Part 52 and 10 CFR 50.54(o) imposes Appendix J as a requirement.
§ 21.3, "Basic Revise definition by deleting text in brackets as follows:
component" "(2) When applied to standard design certifications [under subpart C of part 52 of this chapter] and standard design approvals under part 52 of this chapter,"
§ 52.43(b) Correct the following text in 10 CFR 52.43(b) which was not updated when SDAs were renamed to state: Subpart E of this part governs the NRC staff review and approval of a final standard design.
§ 52.79(c)(2) Correct as follows: all terms and conditions that have been included in the final standard design approval will be satisfied.
Acronyms ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactor ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System CFR Code of Federal Regulations COL Combined License CP Construction Permit DC Design Certification DCD Design Certification Document NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OL Operating License PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment RB Regulatory Basis SOC Statement of Considerations SRP Standard Review Plan SRM Staff Requirements Memorandum TMI Three Mile Island 24