ML19270E639 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/25/2019 |
From: | Dylanne Duvigneaud NRC/NMSS/DFCSE/LOB |
To: | |
Duvigneaud D | |
Shared Package | |
ML19260G152 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML19270E639 (2) | |
List of Attendees for Fuel Cycle Cumulative Effects of Regulations and Related Meetings September 25, 2019 Name Office/Organization Katherine Brock Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)/
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Andrew Pretzello NRC/NMSS Andrea Kock NRC/NMSS Christopher Regan NRC/NMSS James Rubenstone NRC/NMSS Dylanne Duvigneaud NRC/NMSS Jake Zimmerman NRC/NMSS June Cai NRC/NMSS April Smith NRC/NMSS Margie Kotzalas NRC/NMSS Jonathan Marcano NRC/NMSS Donnie Harrison NRC/NMSS Matthew Bartlett NRC/NMSS Marilyn Diaz NRC/NMSS Alayna Pearson NRC/NMSS James Hammelman NRC/NMSS Patrick Koch NRC/NMSS Gary Comfort NRC/NMSS James Downs NRC/NMSS Edward Lohr NRC/NMSS Yawar Faraz NRC/NMSS Ty Naquin NRC/NMSS Kevin Ramsey NRC/NMSS Tilda Liu NRC/NMSS LaDonna Suggs NRC/Region II Eric Michel NRC/Region II Lindsey Cooke NRC/Region II Eric Stamm NRC/Region II Denise Edwards NRC/Region II Gregory Goff NRC/Region II Thomas Grice NRC/Region II Samantha Crane NRC/Office of Commissioner Wright Beth Reed NRC/Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Scott Murray Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas (GNF-A)
Tim Knowles Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc (NFS)
David Spangler BWXT Nuclear Operations Group, Inc. (BWXT)
Janet Schlueter Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
Hilary Lane NEI Nima Ashkeboussi NEI Robert Link NEI Consultant/Link Nuclear LLC Tim Tate Framatome List of Attendees for Fuel Cycle Cumulative Effects of Regulations and Related Meetings September 25, 2019 Name Office/Organization Calvin Manning Framatome Christopher Wiltz Framatome Bob Sanders Honeywell Metropolis Amanda Spalding Westinghouse Wyatt Padgett URENCO USA Paul Lorskulsint URENCO USA Jennifer Wheeler X-energy Lisa Matis Tetra Tech Chris Schneidmiller EXCHANGEMONITOR