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Certificate of Compliance 6387,Revision 4,for Radioactive Matl Shipping Package Model 60
Person / Time
Site: 07106387
Issue date: 05/29/1979
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19269E224 List:
NUDOCS 7906270050
Download: ML19269E225 (5)




CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE For Radioactive Materials Packages 1.(a) Certificate Nurrt er 1.(b) Revision No.

1.(c) Package identification No.

1.ld) Pages No. 1.(e) T tal No. Pages 6387 4

USA /6387/B( )F 1



This certificate is issued to satisfy Sections 173.393a.173.394,173.395, and 173.396 of the Ceoartment of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 170-189 and 14 CFR 103) and Sections 146-19-10a and 146-19-100 of the Department of Transportation Cangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 CFR 146-149), as amended.


The packaging and contents described in l'em 5 below, meets the safety steadsrds set forth in Suboarr C of Title to. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71,"Packagis.g of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transportation of Raoicactive Material.Under Certain Conditions.**


This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any reouirement of the regulations of the U.s. Cecartment of Transportation or other applicaole regulatory agencies, including the government of any country through or into which th package will be transported.

3. This certificate is issued on the basis of a safety analysis report of the package aesign or applicatiort-3.(a)

Prepared by (Name and address):


Tide and identification of report or application:

Battelle Pacific Northwest Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories application

, Laboratories dated November 24, 1971, as supplemented.

Battelle Boulevard 3.

Richland, Washington 99352 71-6387 33,3 g,c,,, y,,

4. CONDITIONS This certificate is ceMitbael upea the 'u!f9fias of the requiremats of Subcert O of to CFR 71. as taglicabfe, aad the ceaditicas specified in item 5 below.
5. Cescription of Packaging and Authorized Contents. Model Number, Fissde Class, other Conditions, and


(a) Packaging

' (1) Model No.: Model 60 (2) Description A metal " birdcage" enclosing a steel containment vessel for non-irradiated fuel pins. The stainless steel containment vessel is a 6-inch diameter,101-1/4-inch long, Schedule 40 pipe. One end is closed with a 1-inch thick cover plate, b'lted with eight 3/4-inch o

diameter bolts to a welded,150-pound, neck type flange. The gasket is a Flexitallic type, 3piral wound, stainless steel, asbestos filter. Tne cover plate is fitted with a rupture disk assembly designed for up to 300 psi.

The containment vessel is centered inside a metal " birdcage" (18"x18"xil2.5", prismatic, cage frame made of 1-1/2"xl-1/2"xl/4" angle iron), supported by six 0.188-inch steel welded perpendicular to its longitudinal axis and equally spaced along its body and by

.four Schedule 80 SS pipe spokes at each end. The outer spacer cage is covered with expanded steel mesh. The loaded container weight is approximately 1,000 pounds.

2131 315 79062700 fC,


Page 2 - Certificate No. 6387 - Revision No. 4 - Docket N). 71-6387 5.(a)

Packaging (Continued) l (3) Drawings The packaging is constructed in accordance with Drawing No. H-3-32429 (7 sheets), shown in Figures 3 through 9 in Hanford Engineering Devebcoment Laboratory Report No. TC-138, Rev.1, January 1978, and Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory Drawings Nos. H-3-42514, Rev. 0; H-3-39691, Sheet 1, Rev. 1 and Sheet 2, Rev. 0; and H-3-44280, Rev. 0.

l (b) Contents (1) Type and form of material (i) Nonfissile radioactive material, in capsules which meet the requirements of special form material as defined in 10 CFR 571.4(o).

(ii) Unirradiated fuel pins containing mixed Pu02 in depleted or natural UOg or Th02 as pressed sintered pellets of the following specification:

Pellet diameter, inch 0.19 to 0.205 l

Pin diameter, inch 0.22 to 0.24 Maximum length, inches 37.0 l

Maximum Pu0, w/o 31 2

Maximum U-235 enrichment, w/o 0.72 Minimum Pu-240 enrichment, w/o 10 Cladding macerial SS


Minimum cladding thickness, inch 0.01 5 in 132 enriched to (iii) Unirradiated fuel pins containing mixed Pu02 any degree in the U-235 isotope; Th02 may be substituted for depleted or natural UO ; plutonium or uranium carbides and 2

I nitrides are allowed. All of the above as solid pellets of-the following specifications:

Maximum pin diameter, inch 0.600 Maximum length, inch 37 Minimum Pu-240 enrichment in Pu0, w/o 10 2

Maximum Pu-241 content

<l/2 content of Pu-240 Cladding material SS l

Minimum cladding thickness, inch 0.01 0 Fu <imum fissile density, Kg-fissile per length of containment vessel:

in U0, Kg/ft 2.0 for Pu0 2

2 for plutonium or uranium carbides and nitrides, Kg/ft 1.6 i

2131 316

Page 3 - Certificate No. 6387 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-6387 5(b)

Contents (ror tinued)

(iv) Pu02 and UO2 enriched in the U-235 isotope in fuel pins or capsules which meet the requirements of special form material as defined in 10 CFR 971.4(o).

(v) U-233 in any solid physical or chemical form with any moderation in capsules which meet the requirements of special form material as defined in 10 CFR S71.4(o).

(vi) Np-237 and Am-241 in any solid physical or chemical form with any moderation in capsules which meet the requirements of special form material as defined in 10 CFR S71.4(o).

(vii) Pu-241 (in isolated form), Am-242, Cm-243, Cm-244, Cm-245, Cf-249 and Cf-251 in any solid physical or chemical form with any moderation in capsules which meet the requirements of special m,.

form material as defined in 10 CFR 971.4(o).

(viii) Pu-241 (non-isolated form), Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240 and U-235 in any solid physical or chemical form; provided the Pu-241 content of the plutonium does not exceed 50% of the Pu-240 content in capsules which meet the requirements of special for material as defined in 10 CFR 671.4(o).

j (2) Maximum quantity of material per package The maximum package heat load shall not exceed 12.3 watts /ft of fuel length with the maximum package heat load not to exceed 37.0 watts, and plutonium in excess of twenty (20) curies per package must be in the form of metal, metal alloy or reactor fuel elements; and:

(i) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii) abd 5(b)(1)(iii):

120 fuel pins, constrained in appropriate pin holders as shown in drawings specified in 5(a)(3).

(ii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(iv):

Great-than Type A quantity of radioactive material and fissile material contents not to exceed the generally licensed mass limits as specified in S71.11(a) of 10 CFR Part 71.

(iii) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(v):

280 grams.

(iv) For the conter,ts described in 5(b)(1)(vi):

15 kgs total.

(v) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(vii):

3 grams total.

(vi) For the contents described in 5(b)(1)(viii):

900 grams fissile.

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Page 4 - Certificate No. 6387 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-6387 5.


(c) Fissile Class II and III (1) Minimum transport index to be shown on label for Class II.

(i) For contents described in 5(b)(1)(ii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(i):

0.4 (ii) For contents described in 5(b)(1)(iii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(1):

7.0 (iii) For contents described in 5(b)(1)(v) and limited in 5(b)(2)(iii):


(iv) For contents described in 5(b)(1)(vi) and limited in 5(b)(2)(iv):

0.2 (v) For contents described in 5(b)(1)(vii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(v):

0.6 (vi) For contents described in 5(b)(1)(viii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(vi):

Maximum grams fissile Transport per container Index 150 0.1 500 1.3 900 7.0 (2) Maximum number of packages per shipment for Class III Conterts described in 5(b)(1)(iv) and limited in 5(b)(7.)(ii):

One (1) 6.

For mixtures of isotopes specified in 5(b)(1)(viii) and 5(b)(1)(v) and limited in 5(b)(2)(vi), 5(c)(1)(vi), 5(b)(2)(iii) and 5(c)(1)(iii) the m,

sum of the ratios of the content masses to their respective approved mass limits shall not exceed unity.


For the contents specified in 5(b)(1)(iii) and 5(b)(1)(ii) and limited in 5(b)(2)(i) and 5(c)(1)(ii) nitrides and carbides may be shipped under the same limits as oxides. The pins shall be confined to a stainless steel cylinder, close packed within a 5.7-inch diameter, and:

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Page 5 - Certificate No. 6387 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-6387 (a) For cylinders containing between 58 and 120 pins the minimum cylinder wall thickness shall be 0.036 inch; (b) For cylinders containing between 35 and 57 pins the minimum cylinder wall thickness shall be 0.050 inch, or the linear density of fissile material shall not exced 1.5 kg per foot of containment vessel.

8 The packaging shall be equipped with a FIKE Assembly Number 1/2 SP 10A rupture unit having a muffled outlet, 304 SS body, and nickel rupture disc to burst at less than 300 psi.


The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use unde,r the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12(b).

10. Expiration date: June 30, 1980.

REFERENCES Hanford Engineeriny Development Laboratory letter dated March 19, 1979.

FOR THE CONTENTS DESCRIBED IN 5(b)(1)(ii) and 5(b)(1)(iv):

Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories' application dated November 24, 1971.

Supplement dated: July 18,1972.

Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory letter dated June 13, 1975.

FOR THE CONTENTS DESCRIBED IN 5(b)(1)(i), 5(b)(1)(iii), 5(b)(1)(v), 5(b;(1)(vi),

5 b) 1 vii), AND 5 b

1 (viii Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory Report No. TC-138, Rev.., January 1978.

FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety MAY 2 91979 Date:


