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Responds to NRC 780308 Ltr Re NUREG-0313 Concerning Use of Austenitic Stainless Steel in BWR Facilities.Igscc Resistant Matl Will Be Provided for All Austenitic Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Matls at Util
Person / Time
Site: River Bend  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1979
From: Weigand J
To: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0313, RTR-NUREG-313 RBG-7084, NUDOCS 8001090214
Download: ML19257A843 (2)



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POST OFFICE 80x 2951 =BEAUVONT EXAS 77704 AREA CODE 713 839-6631 Decmber 31, 1979 RBG - 7084 File No. G9.5 5!r. Steven A. Varga, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of project 5!anagement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Omr11ssion Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear 5!r. Varga:

River Bend Station Units 1 & 2 Docket Nos. 50-458 & 50-459 Our letter of 5!ay 22, 1979 indicated that we expected to provide a response to your concerns about the use of austenitic stainless steel in boiling water reactor facilities by Dec eber 31, 1979. In re-sponse to your letter dated 5! arch 8, 1978, we are providing the follow-ing responses to NUREG-0313:

1) We will emply with Altemate 1 (Corrosion Resistant 5faterials) of Section II of NUREG-0313 by providing an IGSCC resistant material for all austenitic stain-less steel reactor coolant pressure boundary (i.e.,

pipe and fittings) materials. The NUREG is applicable to the following ccmponents:

a. Reactor recirculation piping
b. Reactor vessel recirculation systen nozzle safe-ends.
c. Feedwater spargers, core spray spargers, and core spray piping flun the nozzle to the sparger.
d. < 1 inch), safety 311scellaneous, Class 1 piping. Thissmall bore (des standby liquic.

inclu control (SIC) injection line and instrumenta-tion lines upstream of the restriction orifice or condensing pot.

There are no other austenitic stainleos steel ccmponents associated with the River Bend Station reactor coolant

$04 pressure boundary (RCpB). ,

50 The specific materials to be used for each of the compon- //O ents listed above is as follows:

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Mr. Steven A. Varga Decanber 31, 1979

a. D e recirculation pipe and fittings will be fabricated of a low-carbon type 316 stainless steel designated by General Electric as type 316K or 316 nuclear grade. He specification for this mterial contmls carbon content to a 0.02 percent mximum and nitmgen to .04-0.1 percent. Tests by GE have indicated that the mechanical properties of this nnterial are adequate for the application. We valves, pumps, and w ld filler materials are cast pro-ducts and therefore not considered susceptible to IGSOC.
b. The inlet nozzle safe-ends (10 inches) will be type 316L with a maximum carbon content of 0.035 percent welded to a carbon steel nozzle.

The outlet nozzle safe-ends (20 inches) will be type 301 with a maxinum carbon content of 0.035 percent,

c. W e feedwater spargers and core spray lines will be type 316L with a maximum carbon content of 0.035 percent. The core spray spargers will be type 301 stainless without any special IGSOC mitigation measures, because the spargers are not part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and nomal operation stress levels are low.
d. The SIC injection line and instrumentation lines will be type 301L or 316L with a specified carbon content of less than 0.035 percent.
2)Section III of NUREG-0313 (Augmented Inservice Inspection and leak Detection Requirenents) does not need to be im-planented for River Bend Station because all RCpB austeni-tic stainless steel will be confoming as defined by Section II, and as discussed above.

If you have any questions concerning this subject, do not hesitate to contact us.


.G. Weigand General Manager -

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