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NUREG/IA-0514, Customization of Xtv Graphics Output in Trace v5.0 Patches 5, 4, & 3.
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/31/2019
From: Clifford I, Kirk Tien, Zerkak O
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Paul Scherrer Institute
Meyd, Donald
Download: ML19238A130 (220)


NUREG/IA-0514 Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3 Prepared by:

O. Zerkak and I. Clifford Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland K. Tien, Project Manager Division of System Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Manuscript Completed: February 2019 Date Published: August 2019 Prepared as part of The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange Under the Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP)

Published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS IN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material Non-NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access Documents available from public and special technical NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at libraries include all open literature items, such as books, NRCs Library at Publicly journal articles, transactions, Federal Register notices, released records include, to name a few, NUREG-series Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports.

publications; Federal Register notices; applicant, Such documents as theses, dissertations, foreign reports licensee, and vendor documents and correspondence; and translations, and non-NRC conference proceedings NRC correspondence and internal memoranda; bulletins may be purchased from their sponsoring organization.

and information notices; inspection and investigative reports; licensee event reports; and Commission papers Copies of industry codes and standards used in a and their attachments. substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at NRC publications in the NUREG series, NRC regulations, The NRC Technical Library and Title 10, Energy, in the Code of Federal Regulations Two White Flint North may also be purchased from one of these two sources. 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738

1. The Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Publishing Office These standards are available in the library for reference Mail Stop IDCC use by the public. Codes and standards are usually Washington, DC 20402-0001 copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating Internet: organization or, if they are American National Standards, Telephone: (202) 512-1800 from Fax: (202) 512-2104 American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street
2. The National Technical Information Service New York, NY 10036-8002 5301 Shawnee Road Alexandria, VA 22312-0002 (212) 642-4900 1-800-553-6847 or, locally, (703) 605-6000 Legally binding regulatory requirements are stated only in A single copy of each NRC draft report for comment is laws; NRC regulations; licenses, including technical available free, to the extent of supply, upon written specifications; or orders, not in NUREG-series publications.

request as follows: The views expressed in contractor prepared publications in this series are not necessarily those of the NRC.

Address: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission The NUREG series comprises (1) technical and adminis-Office of Administration trative reports and books prepared by the staff (NUREG-XXXX) or agency contractors (NUREG/CR-XXXX), (2)

Multimedia, Graphics, and Storage &

proceedings of conferences (NUREG/CP-XXXX), (3) reports Distribution Branch resulting from international agreements (NUREG/IA-XXXX),

Washington, DC 20555-0001 (4) brochures (NUREG/BR-XXXX), and (5) compilations of E-mail: legal decisions and orders of the Commission and Atomic Facsimile: (301) 415-2289 and Safety Licensing Boards and of Directors decisions under Section 2.206 of NRCs regulations (NUREG-0750).

Some publications in the NUREG series that are posted at NRCs Web site address DISCLAIMER: This report was prepared under an doc-collections/nuregs are updated periodically and may international cooperative agreement for the exchange of technical information. Neither the U.S. Government nor any differ from the last printed version. Although references to agency thereof, nor any employee, makes any warranty, material found on a Web site bear the date the material expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or was accessed, the material available on the date cited responsibility for any third partys use, or the results of such may subsequently be removed from the site. use, of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this publication, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

NUREG/IA- 0514 Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3 Prepared by:

O. Zerkak and I. Clifford Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland K. Tien, Project Manager Division of System Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Manuscript Completed: February 2019 Date Published: August 2019 Prepared as part of The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange Under the Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP)

Published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

ABSTRACT This report describes a developmental patch applicable to TRACE v5.0 that provides the user with additional flexibility in using the existing option graphlevel to specify the list of variables to be included in the graphics output file (XTV). This option is activated from the TRACE input model using newly added Namelist option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar.

This capability, referred to as the XTV-Customize option, is particularly indicated to optimize storage space and/or post-processing memory space for production studies that require large input models, and for research studies that include sensitivity analysis or uncertainty quantification involving very large number of TRACE simulations of a same input file.

The XTV-Customize option is provided in the form of three separate code installation patches applicable to versions v5.0p5, v5.0p4 and v5.0p3 of the TRACE code, respectively.

The developed patch has been verified on the LCLRS Linux 64-bit servers of PSI for a representative sample of test cases, and for the two different TRACE output graphics file formats, namely XTV and DMX. This patch should nevertheless be still considered as developmental. Some recommendations for improvement of the implementation are provided at the end of the report.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................vii LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................vii EXECUTIVE


...........................................................................................................ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................xi ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .....................................................................................xiii 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1 2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................3 3 IMPLEMENTATION ...............................................................................................................5 3.1 Modifications to the Source Code ..................................................................................5 3.2 Distribution ....................................................................................................................8 3.3 Installation .....................................................................................................................8 4 VERIFICATION ......................................................................................................................9 4.1 Procedure .....................................................................................................................9 4.2 Non-regression Tests Results .....................................................................................12 4.3 Functional Tests Results .............................................................................................13 4.3.1 Failed Tests for XTV File Size .........................................................................14 4.3.2 Failed Tests for XTV File Content ....................................................................15 4.3.3 Summary of the Tests Results .........................................................................15 5 APPLICATION TO AN UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION STUDY ................................... 17 6 POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................. 21 6.1 Merging of the Two Namelist Option Lists ...................................................................21 6.2 Improvement of Input Error Detection and Warning.....................................................21 6.3 Centralization of XTV Variables Declaration in Source Code ...................................... 21 6.4 Compatibility with Namelist Option XtvAppend ............................................................22 7 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................23 APPENDIX A ADDITIONAL MODULE XTVCUSTOM FOR V5.0P5.....A-1 APPENDIX B SOURCE CODE MODIFICATION FOR V5.0P5.B-1 APPENDIX C TEST CASES SELECTION FOR THE VERIFICATION OF V5.0P5...C-1 APPENDIX D ANALYSIS OF FAILED VERIFICATION TESTS OF V5.0P3.....D-1 APPENDIX E TRACE MODEL OF THE REFLOOD TEST FEBA-216....E-1 v

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Implementation of XTV-Customize Option in Program Flowchart v5.0p5 ............. 7 Figure 5-1 Simulation of Feba-216 - Effects of Uncertainty on Boundary Conditions .......... 19 Figure E-1 Test Section of the Feba Test Facility (from [9]) ............................................... E-2 Figure E-2 Parameters and Nodalization of the TRACE Model.......................................... E-4 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1 Non-regression Tests Variants .............................................................................9 Table 4-2 Functional Tests Variants...................................................................................10 Table 4-3 Non-regression Tests Results ............................................................................13 Table 4-4 Functional Tests Results ....................................................................................13 Table 5-1 Study Feba-216: Input Uncertainties ..................................................................17 Table 5-2 Study Feba-216:Comparison of XTV Files Size and Post-Processing Time ....... 18 vii



This report describes a developmental patch applicable to TRACE v5.0 that provides the user with additional flexibility in using the existing option graphlevel to specify the list of variables to be included in the graphics output file (XTV). This option is activated from the TRACE input model using newly added Namelist option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar.

This capability, referred to as the XTV-Customize option, is particularly indicated to optimize storage space and/or post-processing memory space for production studies that require large input models, and for research studies that include sensitivity analysis or uncertainty quantification involving very large number of TRACE simulations of a same input file.

The XTV-Customize option is provided in the form of three separate code installation patches applicable to versions v5.0p5, v5.0p4 and v5.0p3 of the TRACE code, respectively.

The developed patch has been verified on the LCLRS Linux 64-bit servers of PSI for a representative sample of test cases, and for the two different TRACE output graphics file formats, namely XTV and DMX. This patch should nevertheless be still considered as developmental. Some recommendations for improvement of the implementation are provided at the end of the report.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partly funded by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI (Eidgenssisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat) and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (Bundesamt für Energie).


NUREG/IA-0514 Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3 Prepared by:

O. Zerkak and I. Clifford Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland K. Tien, Project Manager Division of System Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Manuscript Completed: February 2019 Date Published: August 2019 Prepared as part of The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange Under the Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP)

Published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS IN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material Non-NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access Documents available from public and special technical NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at libraries include all open literature items, such as books, NRCs Library at Publicly journal articles, transactions, Federal Register notices, released records include, to name a few, NUREG-series Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports.

publications; Federal Register notices; applicant, Such documents as theses, dissertations, foreign reports licensee, and vendor documents and correspondence; and translations, and non-NRC conference proceedings NRC correspondence and internal memoranda; bulletins may be purchased from their sponsoring organization.

and information notices; inspection and investigative reports; licensee event reports; and Commission papers Copies of industry codes and standards used in a and their attachments. substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at NRC publications in the NUREG series, NRC regulations, The NRC Technical Library and Title 10, Energy, in the Code of Federal Regulations Two White Flint North may also be purchased from one of these two sources. 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738

1. The Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Publishing Office These standards are available in the library for reference Mail Stop IDCC use by the public. Codes and standards are usually Washington, DC 20402-0001 copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating Internet: organization or, if they are American National Standards, Telephone: (202) 512-1800 from Fax: (202) 512-2104 American National Standards Institute 11 West 42nd Street
2. The National Technical Information Service New York, NY 10036-8002 5301 Shawnee Road Alexandria, VA 22312-0002 (212) 642-4900 1-800-553-6847 or, locally, (703) 605-6000 Legally binding regulatory requirements are stated only in A single copy of each NRC draft report for comment is laws; NRC regulations; licenses, including technical available free, to the extent of supply, upon written specifications; or orders, not in NUREG-series publications.

request as follows: The views expressed in contractor prepared publications in this series are not necessarily those of the NRC.

Address: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission The NUREG series comprises (1) technical and adminis-Office of Administration trative reports and books prepared by the staff (NUREG-XXXX) or agency contractors (NUREG/CR-XXXX), (2)

Multimedia, Graphics, and Storage &

proceedings of conferences (NUREG/CP-XXXX), (3) reports Distribution Branch resulting from international agreements (NUREG/IA-XXXX),

Washington, DC 20555-0001 (4) brochures (NUREG/BR-XXXX), and (5) compilations of E-mail: legal decisions and orders of the Commission and Atomic Facsimile: (301) 415-2289 and Safety Licensing Boards and of Directors decisions under Section 2.206 of NRCs regulations (NUREG-0750).

Some publications in the NUREG series that are posted at NRCs Web site address DISCLAIMER: This report was prepared under an doc-collections/nuregs are updated periodically and may international cooperative agreement for the exchange of technical information. Neither the U.S. Government nor any differ from the last printed version. Although references to agency thereof, nor any employee, makes any warranty, material found on a Web site bear the date the material expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or was accessed, the material available on the date cited responsibility for any third partys use, or the results of such may subsequently be removed from the site. use, of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this publication, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

NUREG/IA- 0514 Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3 Prepared by:

O. Zerkak and I. Clifford Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland K. Tien, Project Manager Division of System Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Manuscript Completed: February 2019 Date Published: August 2019 Prepared as part of The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange Under the Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP)

Published by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

ABSTRACT This report describes a developmental patch applicable to TRACE v5.0 that provides the user with additional flexibility in using the existing option graphlevel to specify the list of variables to be included in the graphics output file (XTV). This option is activated from the TRACE input model using newly added Namelist option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar.

This capability, referred to as the XTV-Customize option, is particularly indicated to optimize storage space and/or post-processing memory space for production studies that require large input models, and for research studies that include sensitivity analysis or uncertainty quantification involving very large number of TRACE simulations of a same input file.

The XTV-Customize option is provided in the form of three separate code installation patches applicable to versions v5.0p5, v5.0p4 and v5.0p3 of the TRACE code, respectively.

The developed patch has been verified on the LCLRS Linux 64-bit servers of PSI for a representative sample of test cases, and for the two different TRACE output graphics file formats, namely XTV and DMX. This patch should nevertheless be still considered as developmental. Some recommendations for improvement of the implementation are provided at the end of the report.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................vii LIST OF TABLES .....................................................................................................................vii EXECUTIVE


...........................................................................................................ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................xi ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .....................................................................................xiii 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1 2 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................3 3 IMPLEMENTATION ...............................................................................................................5 3.1 Modifications to the Source Code ..................................................................................5 3.2 Distribution ....................................................................................................................8 3.3 Installation .....................................................................................................................8 4 VERIFICATION ......................................................................................................................9 4.1 Procedure .....................................................................................................................9 4.2 Non-regression Tests Results .....................................................................................12 4.3 Functional Tests Results .............................................................................................13 4.3.1 Failed Tests for XTV File Size .........................................................................14 4.3.2 Failed Tests for XTV File Content ....................................................................15 4.3.3 Summary of the Tests Results .........................................................................15 5 APPLICATION TO AN UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION STUDY ................................... 17 6 POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS ............................................................................................. 21 6.1 Merging of the Two Namelist Option Lists ...................................................................21 6.2 Improvement of Input Error Detection and Warning.....................................................21 6.3 Centralization of XTV Variables Declaration in Source Code ...................................... 21 6.4 Compatibility with Namelist Option XtvAppend ............................................................22 7 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................23 APPENDIX A ADDITIONAL MODULE XTVCUSTOM FOR V5.0P5.....A-1 APPENDIX B SOURCE CODE MODIFICATION FOR V5.0P5.B-1 APPENDIX C TEST CASES SELECTION FOR THE VERIFICATION OF V5.0P5...C-1 APPENDIX D ANALYSIS OF FAILED VERIFICATION TESTS OF V5.0P3.....D-1 APPENDIX E TRACE MODEL OF THE REFLOOD TEST FEBA-216....E-1 v

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Implementation of XTV-Customize Option in Program Flowchart v5.0p5 ............. 7 Figure 5-1 Simulation of Feba-216 - Effects of Uncertainty on Boundary Conditions .......... 19 Figure E-1 Test Section of the Feba Test Facility (from [9]) ............................................... E-2 Figure E-2 Parameters and Nodalization of the TRACE Model.......................................... E-4 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1 Non-regression Tests Variants .............................................................................9 Table 4-2 Functional Tests Variants...................................................................................10 Table 4-3 Non-regression Tests Results ............................................................................13 Table 4-4 Functional Tests Results ....................................................................................13 Table 5-1 Study Feba-216: Input Uncertainties ..................................................................17 Table 5-2 Study Feba-216:Comparison of XTV Files Size and Post-Processing Time ....... 18 vii



This report describes a developmental patch applicable to TRACE v5.0 that provides the user with additional flexibility in using the existing option graphlevel to specify the list of variables to be included in the graphics output file (XTV). This option is activated from the TRACE input model using newly added Namelist option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar.

This capability, referred to as the XTV-Customize option, is particularly indicated to optimize storage space and/or post-processing memory space for production studies that require large input models, and for research studies that include sensitivity analysis or uncertainty quantification involving very large number of TRACE simulations of a same input file.

The XTV-Customize option is provided in the form of three separate code installation patches applicable to versions v5.0p5, v5.0p4 and v5.0p3 of the TRACE code, respectively.

The developed patch has been verified on the LCLRS Linux 64-bit servers of PSI for a representative sample of test cases, and for the two different TRACE output graphics file formats, namely XTV and DMX. This patch should nevertheless be still considered as developmental. Some recommendations for improvement of the implementation are provided at the end of the report.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partly funded by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI (Eidgenssisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat) and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (Bundesamt für Energie).


ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ANS American National Standard DMX Demultiplexed Graphics Output File ENSI Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (Eidgenssisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat)

ID Identifier KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology LOCA Loss Of Coolant Accident PDF Probability Density Function PSI Paul Scherrer Institut TPR Standard Output Dump File USNRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission XTV Graphics Output File xiii

1 INTRODUCTION The current trend of using TRACE for detailed full-core transient analyses to determine accurate fuel rod failure statistics, such as for example the study of the loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), is posing increasingly challenging space and memory requirements. Thus, a better control of the content (and therefore size) of the output files produced by TRACE is desirable.

For large reactor models where each fuel assembly is modelled explicitly and can include several different types of fuel rods, the output produced with the Namelist options graphlevel="full" and graphlevel="limited" may be too large for effective post-processing since it can contain many variables that are not necessarily relevant to the study at hand.

The issue is further exacerbated when sensitivity analysis or uncertainty propagation is to be included in the study and would therefore require the production and storage of a large number of graphics output files (XTV).

This limitation in TRACE can be overcome by providing the user with additional flexibility in using the existing option graphlevel to specify the list of variables to be included in the XTV file.

This report describes a developmental patch that allows for this in TRACE v5.0 patches 5, 4 and 3 ([1], [2], [3]).


2 DESCRIPTION Two new Namelist option lists have been added:

  • The option graphCustVar receives a 1-d array of character strings, containing a list of variable names (a selection list) for inclusion in the XTV graphics output. Note that these names apply to dynamic variables only, which include the so-called general problem variables (e.g. delt, dprmax) and all the variables related to components, except for the static variables, namely vol which is not affected by the patch. All other variables, namely the control block, signal and trip variables (e.g. trip1000) are unaffected by the patch.
  • The option graphCustId receives a 1-d array of integers, containing a list of component identifiers to apply the XTV variable selection list to. No identifier (ID) is required for general problem variables.

Consider the sample Namelist below:

&INOPTS graphlevel = "minimal",

graphCustId = 10,20, graphCustVar = "dprmax","pn","alpn","tln","gamn"

&END The behaviour of the patched version of TRACE based on the input above is as follows

  • The graphics output option "minimal" is selected. This behaviour is unchanged from the standard TRACE version.
  • The XTV graphics file will contain the general problem variable "dprmax", which is usually possible in standard TRACE only by using graphlevel option "full".
  • For components 10 and 20 of the input file, all output variables that belong to graphlevel categories higher than "minimal" are matched against the content of the option list graphCustVar before being added to the XTV graphics file. The result is that the XTV graphics output file will contain variables pn, alpn, tln, and gamn for components 10 and 20, although the graphlevel option "minimal" should not allow for this in the standard version of TRACE.

Some additional comments

  • The resulting XTV graphics file can be post-processed using AptPlot as before, or can be converted to a DMX file using the demultiplexing tool (xtv2dmx) as before.
  • If graphlevel is set to "full", graphCustVar and graphCustId will have no effect since full graphics output is requested.
  • If graphCustVar is omitted or contains only empty strings, no filtering of the output is done and the content of the graphics output will be determined uniquely by graphlevel, as in standard TRACE.


  • If a variable listed in graphCustVar is not consistent with the set of model options of the input file, the variable will be simply ignored and no warning message will be prompted.
  • Any general problem variable specified in graphCustVar requires no specific ID in graphCustId to be written in the XTV graphics file.
  • If graphCustId is omitted or empty, the filtering of the output will be done only for the eventual general problem variable specified in graphCustVar, while the content of the graphics output for components will be determined uniquely by graphlevel, as in standard TRACE.
  • If graphCustId includes some IDs that do not match any component of the input file, filtering will be done only for matching IDs and no warning message will be prompted.
  • For components including several sub-components (e.g. heat structures in a CHAN component), the IDs of the sub-components of interest shall be provided individually in graphCustId. For instance, to include in the XTV file a variable related to heat structure 11002 that is spawned by CHAN component 11, the ID 11002 should be listed in graphCustId.
  • Variable names in the list graphCustVar are case-sensitive and wildcards cannot be used. If there is an error in a variable name, it will simply be ignored and not written.
  • In case of a restart model, if graphCustVar and graphCustId are not defined in the new input file, the previous contents for these two variables from the restart file are not considered, and the new run assumes default (i.e. empty) content for the two variables.


3 IMPLEMENTATION The XTV-Customize option described in section 2 is implemented as a new Fortran 90 module

<XtvCustom> in source file [src/XtvCustomM.f90] and required limited changes to 6 to 7 TRACE source code files, depending on the code version.

The TRACE versions v5.0p4 and v5.0p3 required modifications to the source files

[src/NamlistDatM.f90], [src/NamlistInputM.f90], [src/NamlistM.f90],

[src/XtvCompsM.f90], [src/XtvDumpM.f90] and [src/XtvSetupM.f90].

As for version v5.0p5, a minor modification to the file [src/InfoOutM.f90] was also necessary in addition to the aforementioned changes.

3.1 Modifications to the Source Code An illustration of the implementation of the XTV-Customize option in the program flowchart of TRACE v5.0p5 is shown in Figure 3-1. The structure of the implementation is very similar for the other code versions.

The followed approach is to assume a full graphics output in the relevant component-specific graphics file setup subroutines of module <XtvComps> in file [src/XtvCompsM.f90] but to filter out any unrequested dynamic variables of the XTV graphics output file.

First, the activation of the filtering mode is handled using a flag (graphFltFlag) that is set on or off, once and for all at the code execution through a call to subroutine

{InitCustomGraphLevel} (module <XtvCustom>) from subroutine {namlst} (module

<Namlist>). The flag is set to on if graphlevel option is different from full and both graphCustId and graphCustVar are non-empty.

The filtering is done by a call to subroutine {XtvVarFilterOut} of module <XtvCustomM> (in source file [src/XtvCustomM.f90]) from the subroutines {AddVectorR1Var},

{AddVectorI1Var}, {AddVectorR2Var}, {AddVectorR3Var}, {AddVectorI3Var} of module

<XtvSetup> (in file [src/XtvSetupM.f90]).

Note that the maximum number of component IDs and of variable names that can be supplied in Namelist option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar are specified in source file

[src/XtvCustomM.f90]. The limits are set to 1024 items per list but this can be changed easily in the source file.

The filtering control logic in subroutine {XtvVarFilterOut} requires the lists of XTV variables available for the 3 possible graphlevel options, namely minimal, limited, and full, in addition to the content of Namelist options graphCustId and graphCustVar. These 3 lists are prepared for each TRACE component of the input file by subroutine {XtvVarListsPrep} of module


In order to be consistent with the set of Namelist and component model options specified in the input file, the subroutine {XtvVarListsPrep} replicates the control logic used in the relevant component-specific graphics file setup subroutines of module <XtvComps>.


Moreover, as can be noted in legend items /J/ and /K/ of Figure 3-1, few minor modifications were made to subroutines {LoadTraceGName} and {LoadTraceLName} of module

<TraceSpeciesData> (source file [src/TraceSpeciesDataM.f90]), and to subroutine

{InitLabels} of module <EngUnits> (source file [src/EngUnitsM.f90]). This was necessary to avoid a few variable extraction errors when using the AptPlot tool to post-process the XTV graphics output file. The affected XTV variables were: a) the conditional variables with label prefixes "Gas " or "Liq " that are associated with Namelist option ITRACE (enables the model for gaseous and liquid trace species transport in TRACE), and b) the conditional variable "ecr50_46" associated with option NMWRX for the metal-water reaction model in TRACE components Chan and HtStr.

The variable extraction problem is independent of the XTV-Customize option, and was traced to an extraction error in AptPlot when utilized in batch mode. The presence of a blank " " or underscore symbol "_" in the variable name is apparently not compatible with the command interpreter language of AptPlot. The issue has been observed for several releases of TRACE, namely v5.0p5 [1], v5.0p4 [2] and v5.0p3 [3], and bug reports to the code developers have been prepared for the latest v5.0p5 [4].

In the context of this work, these issues have been simply eliminated by removing the outstanding characters in the XTV variable names (namely, variable "ecr50_46" changed to "ecr50u46" and blank character removed in variable prefixes "Gas" and "Liq ").

Furthermore, another modification proved necessary to avoid an XTV post-processing error with AptPlot when the XTV-Customize option is used concurrent with graphlevel option minimal.

For cases where a thermal-hydraulic component was defined in the XTV file although without any graphics output variable included, an AptPlot execution error was experienced when attempting to post-process the file. Note that the possibility of a corruption of the XTV file for such case could be ruled out by the successful extraction of variable using the in-house xtvReader tool [4]. No bug report has been submitted however, since AptPlot is not intended for such configuration of the XTV file.

In the context of this work, the aforementioned issue has been addressed by simply including at least one variable per component in the XTV file when graphlevel option minimal is selected, and this independently of the content of option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar. These variables were selected arbitrarily, namely, vol for any fluid component where applicable, and scalar variables eTransi, qrad, rpower and tramax for components HtStr, Radenc, HtStrC and Power, respectively. For Contan components, the added variable depends on the compartment type and associated model options. This fix is implemented in subroutine

{XtvVarFilterOut} of the additional source file [src/XtvCompsM.f90].

Finally, it should be mentioned that the XTV-Customize option has not been designed at this stage for consistency with non-default values of the Namelist option XtvAppend. This is an option that allows for appending graphics output to an old XTV file (see the users manual for more details, e.g. [1] for TRACE version v5.0p5). The XTV-Customize option has in fact been developed and tested only for the cases where the simulation creates a new XTV file, namely for the default value XtvAppend=0.


  1. t r ac e#

[ s r c / t r ac . f 90]

l 087/ - - - l ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

l l l l 122/ - - - l __________________________________ l l l l l ^ ^

l { i nput } { I ni t NameLi s t I nf o}

  • l <Naml i s t Dat >*

l [ s r c / Tr ac I nput M. f 90] / A/ [ s r c / Naml i s t Dat M. f 90]

  • l l l l 183/ - - - l _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ l l l l l l l ^ l l l { ReadMai nCnt r l Car ds } l l l <Count i ngCoup> l l 188/ - - - l _____________________________________________________________________________________ [ s r c / Count i ngCoupM. f 90] l l l l l l l l l l l l 593/ - - - ^ ^ 5879/ - - - ^ - - - / $k$ ^

l { RdTpr Res t } { ReadNamLs t } { ReadNamLs t } ( I ni t Nml s t Val )

l <Tpr > <Naml i s t I nput > <Naml i s t I nput > / A/ [ s r c / Naml i s t Dat M. f 90]

  • l <Tpr > / B/ [ s r c / Naml i s t I nput M. f 90] * <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - > [ s r c / Naml i s t I nput M. f 90]
  • l [ s r c / Tpr M. f 90] l l l 035/ 037 l _____________________________________________________________________________________

l l l l l xxx/ - - - ^ 049/ 051 ^ ^

l { ReTpr Namel i s t } { Label Naml i s t } { RdTr ac i nNaml i s t }

  • l <Naml i s t > <Naml i s t I nput > <Naml i s t I nput >

l / C/ [ s r c / Naml i s t M. f 90] * / B/ [ s r c / Naml i s t I nput M. f 90] * / B/ [ s r c / Naml i s t I nput M. f 90]

  • l l l l l l l l l 349/ 357 ^ 1577/ 1581^ ^

l { naml s t } * { naml s t }

  • 498/ 502 { Capt ur eNml s t I nput }

l <Naml i s t > <Naml i s t > <Naml i s t I nput >

l / C/ [ s r c / Naml i s t M. f 90] * / C/ [ s r c / Naml i s t M. f 90] * / B/ [ s r c / Naml i s t I nput M. f 90]

  • l l l l l l l l l - - - / 1578 ^ - - - / 1578 ^ ^

l { I ni t Cus t omGr aphLev el } * * { I ni t Cus t omGr aphLev el } *

  • 744/ 748 { Updat eNamel i s t St r i ngs }
  • l <Xt v Cus t om>* * <Xt v Cus t om>* * <Naml i s t Dat >

l / D/ s r c / Xt v Cus t omM. f 90] * * / D/ [ s r c / Xt v Cus t omM. f 90] * * / A/ [ s r c / Naml i s t Dat M. f 90]

  • l l l l l ^

l 1071/ 1080{ CASE ( ' gr aphCus t Var ' )

125/ - - - l _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ I F ( gr aphCus t Var ( 1) / = ' ' )

l l THEN nml s t I nf o( i dx ) %s 1dVal = gr aphCus t Var }

l ^ <Naml i s t Dat >*

l { i ni t } / A/ [ s r c / Naml i s t Dat M. f 90]

  • 131/ - - - l _____________________________________________________________________________________ [ s r c / i ni t . f 90]

l l l 147/ - - - ^ ^ ^

{ Xt v I ni t } { I ni t Tpr Dump} 110/ - - - { Set Sy s Mat }

<Xt v Comps > <Tpr > <Set Mat >

/ E/ [ s r c / Xt v Comps M. f 90] * [ s r c / Tpr M. f 90] [ s r c / Set Mat M. f 90]

l l l

- - - / $m$ l __________________________________________ l l l l l l xxx/ xxx ^ ^ 093/ - - - ^ 292/ - - - ^

{ $Xt v $COMP$} , See SYMBOLS { Xt v Var Li s t s Pr ep} * * { DTpr NameLi s t } * { Loc al Var I ndi c es }

<Xt v Comps > <Xt v Cus t om>* * <Naml i s t > <Set Mat >

7 / E/ [ s r c / Xt v Comps M. f 90] * / D/ [ s r c / Xt v Cus t omM. f 90] * * / C/ [ s r c / Naml i s t M. f 90] * [ s r c / Set Mat M. f 90]

l l l l l l xxx/ xxx ^ $p$/ $q$ ^ 2279/ - - - ^

{ Add$FTYP$Var } , See SYMBOLS { DEEPCOPY_$CTYP$ARR} , See SYMBOLS / L/ { I F ( I s ol ut > 0 . AND. f r ac B10 < 0. 0)

( AddXt v Var ) <Naml i s t > THEN s ol v eB10 = . TRUE.

<Xt v Set up> / C/ [ s r c / Naml i s t M. f 90] * / L/ ELSE s ol v eB10 = . FALSE. }

/ F/ [ s r c / Xt v Set upM. f 90] * <Set Mat >

l [ s r c / Set Mat M. f 90]


- - - / $n$ ^

{ Xt v Var Fi l t er Out } * *

<Xt v Cus t om>* *

/ D/ [ s r c / Xt v Cus t omM. f 90] *


/ A/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Naml i s t Dat M. f 90

/ B/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Naml i s t I nput M. f 90

/ C/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Naml i s t M. f 90

/ D/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Xt v Cus t omM. f 90

/ E/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Xt v Comps M. f 90

/ F/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Xt v Set upM. f 90

/ G/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ I nf oOut M. f 90 ( mi nor modi f i c at i on of { Cal c Ful l Gr aph} f or c ons i s t ent c ont r ol l ogi c on Namel i s t v ar i abl e gr aphLev el )

/ H/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Xt v DumpM. f 90 ( mi nor modi f i c at i on of { AddXt v Dump} f or c ons i s t ent c ont r ol l ogi c on Namel i s t v ar i abl e gr aphLev el )

/ J/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ Tr ac eSpec i es Dat aM. f 90 ( mi nor modi f i c at i on of { LoadTr ac eGName} and { LoadTr ac eLName} t o av oi d XTV ex t r ac t i on er r or us i ng Apt Pl ot )

/ K/ v 5. 0p5/ Sour c e/ sr c/ EngUni t s M. f 90 ( mi nor modi f i c at i on of { I ni t Label s } t o av oi d XTV ex t r ac t i on er r or us i ng Apt Bat c h)

/ L/ ( unmodi f i ed, s hown her e onl y t o i ndi c at e t he c ont r ol l ogi c r epl i c at ed i n { Xt v Var Li s t s Pr ep} *

  • and { Xt v Var UpdMas s B} *
  • of <Xt v Cus t om>*
  • f or as s i gnment of v al ue of s ol v eB10)

SYMBOLS Figure 3-1 Implementation of XTV-Customize Option in Program Flowchart v5.0p5

    1. : Pr ogr am

{}  : Subr out i ne, f unc t i on, or l i nes

<>  : Modul e

()  : I nt er f ac e

[]  : Sour c e f i l e

  • : Modi f i ed
    • : New OOO/  : Li ne number OOO as i n or i gi nal s our c e f i l e

---/  : Not appl i c abl e ( new s our c e f i l e)

/ MMM  : Li ne number MMM as i n modi f i ed s our c e f i l e

/---  : Not appl i c abl e ( unmodi f i ed s our c e f i l e) xxx  : Many c al l s of t he s ubr out i ne

$k$  : Li nes 465 and 468

$m$  : Li nes 151, 200, 207, and 211

$COMP$  : GnPr , Cnt l , Pi pe, Chan, Tee, J et p, Tur b, Heat r , Sepd, Pump, Val v e, Pl en, Br eak , Fi l l , Pr z r , Vs s l , Ht St r , Power , Fl Power , RadEnc , and Cont an

$FTYP$  : Sc al ar R, Sc al ar I , Vec t or R1, Vec t or I 1, Vec t or R2, Vec t or R3, and Vec t or I 3

$n$  : Li nes 756, 848, 940, 1053, 1163, 1281, and 1412


$p$  : Li nes 145, 154, or 163

$q$  : Li nes of 148, 158, or 168

3.2 Distribution The code changes are applicable to the following versions of TRACE: v5.0p5 [1], v5.0p4 [2] and v5.0p3 [3].

3.3 Installation A source code patch is provided for each version. A patch may be applied using the Linux tar command before the installation command, for example tar -xzf A complete description of the installation procedure on a Linux system is provided in the PSI report [4] for each version of TRACE. The report also describes the patch that fixes the few XTV variable extraction issues previously described in subsection 3.1.

Text copies of the patches for the additional and modification source code are also provided in 7 APPENDIX A and 7 APPENDIX B, respectively.


4 VERIFICATION Series of verification tests were executed for all TRACE versions (v5.0p5, v5.0p4 and v5.0p3) using input models selected from the test cases distributed with each official TRACE release.

The verification of the XTV-Customize option included two components, namely a non-regression testing and a functional testing.

4.1 Procedure For each code version and each test case, the verification procedure consisted in comparing the XTV (and DMX) graphics output files obtained from the following code and model executions

  • Running with a standard TRACE executable the test case for the 3 possible options of Namelist option graphlevel, namely minimal, limited and full.
  • Running the aforementioned 3 models with the modified TRACE executable, thus providing the non-regression part of the testing.
  • For each of the 3 different options of graphlevel, running with the modified TRACE executable several variants of the test case input file including Namelist options graphCustId and graphCustVar, considering different contents for the component IDs and XTV variables.

The set of XTV graphics outputs file obtained in the first bullet point will be used as reference for both non-regression and functional testing and are hereinafter referred to as reference. The non-regression test is positive when the size and content of the two XTV files obtained with a same input file but with the two different executables (first and second bullet points) are identical. Since testing is done for all three possible options, this results in the three different test variants 00, 01 and 02 that are listed in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Non-regression Tests Variants Test case XTV file size Variable extraction from Graphlevel variant Test objective comparison XTV/DMX & comparison option

  1. l folder =/ l reference variable l reference non-regression with 00 l m_exe minimal = l minimal random pick l minimal modified executable non-regression with 01 l l_exe limited = l limited random pick l limited modified executable non-regression with 02 l f_exe full = l full random pick l full modified executable As can be seen in the table, a first verification of the variants is to compare the obtained and reference XTV files for size. The two sizes should be identical for all variants.


The second verification is made by extracting the same component variable from the two graphics files, i.e. variant and reference, and comparing the two ASCII time history files obtained. The variable name, component ID and node number (when non-scalar) are sampled randomly. Moreover, each variable extraction can be made either from the XTV file or from a DMX file, after random selection.

As for the functional tests (third bullet point), the different variants of model are defined in order to test the XTV-customized option for several aspects. Thus, for each test case model, twelve different variants are prepared and executed. The variants are listed in Table 4-2, which also details for each variant the test objective and the actual subfolder names where each simulation is executed.

Variants 10, 11 and 12 in Table 4-2 are designed to verify that the code adequately addresses an erroneous or irrelevant pair of entries for Namelist options graphCustVar and/or graphCustId, and does so for any graphlevel option. Erroneous entries can consist of omission of one of the two Namelist options, or empty list content, or non-existent variable or component ID, or even inconsistent pairing of valid variable and component ID. The type of error and associated pair variable/ID pair are randomly sampled using information in the reference XTV files. The sampling is implemented using the Python XTV File Reader tool developed and used at PSI [4], hereinafter referred to as xtvReader.

Variants 20, 21 and 22 shall result in the addition in the XTV file of one variable that has been specified using Namelist options graphCustVar and graphCustId. By design, the selected variable does not belong and is actually additional to the graphlevel option set in the model, namely minimal for variant 20 or 21, and limited for variant 22. Here again, the consistent pairing of component and additional variable that is specified in the input file is sampled randomly using information in the reference XTV files previously obtained.

Table 4-2 Functional Tests Variants Test case XTV file size Variable extraction from Graphlevel variant Test objective comparison XTV/DMX & comparison option

  1. l folder =/ l reference variable l reference handling of erroneous 10 l m_m2m graphCustVar and/or minimal = l minimal random pick l minimal graphCustId handling of erroneous 11 l l_l2l graphCustVar and/or limited = l limited random pick l limited graphCustId handling of erroneous 12 l f_f2f graphCustVar and/or full = l full random pick l full graphCustId correctness for one pair 20 l m_m2l minimal l minimal in Namelist l limited variable / component ID correctness for one pair 21 l m_m2f minimal l minimal in Namelist l full variable / component ID 10

Table 4-2 Functional Tests Variants (Continued)

Test case XTV file size Variable extraction from Graphlevel variant Test objective comparison XTV/DMX & comparison option

  1. l folder =/ l reference variable l reference correctness for one pair 22 l l_l2f limited l limited in Namelist l full variable / component ID exhaustiveness for all 30 l m_m2L model variables / IDs minimal = l limited random pick l limited from reference XTV file exhaustiveness for all 31 l m_m2F model variables / IDs minimal = l full random pick l full from reference XTV file exhaustiveness for all 32 l l_l2F model variables / IDs limited = l full random pick l full from reference XTV file consistency of XTV 40 l m_m2x variables lists in minimal = l limited random pick l limited


consistency of XTV 41 l m_m2X variables lists in minimal = l full random pick l full


consistency of XTV 42 l l_l2X variables lists in limited = l full random pick l full


Variants 30, 31 and 32 are designed to verify the exhaustiveness of the XTV-customize option for each test case model. For these variants, the input file is provided with a Namelist option list graphCustVar that includes all additional variables necessary to match a graphics output level immediately above or two-level beyond than that specified by Namelist option graphlevel in the input model. In addition, the option list graphCustID includes all existing component IDs of the model. The exhaustiveness of the Namelist options lists is ensured by proper inventory of the content of the reference XTV files previously obtained, here again using xtvReader resources.

Variants 40, 41 and 42 are designed to verify the consistency of the lists of variables as defined in the new Fortran 90 module <XtvCustom>. Unlike the previous variants 30 to 32, the source of information to set up the content of option list graphCustVar is not the reference XTV files but the content of the parameters lists in the Fortran 90 source [src/XtvCustomM.f90]. As a result, these variants not only check for the exhaustiveness of the source code variables lists, but also test the XTV-Customize option for some of the variables that are not activated by the test case models.

As for the size comparison, the XTV file size should be identical to the reference value for most variants, except for variants 20 to 22 that, by design, shall result in slightly larger XTV files, compared to their reference counterparts. This difference in success criteria of the functional test is indicated using self-explanatory symbols = and in Table 4-2 (and also in Table 4-1 for sake of consistency).


The functional testing is executed the same way as the non-regression tests, except for variants 20 to 22 where the XTV variable is not randomly sampled but is uniquely determined by the pair graphCustID/graphCustVar in the Namelist option list of the model variant, since this is the outstanding variable for these variants. This difference in the variable selection method is marked as in Namelist in the right-most column of the table.

One should finally mention that, for all variants of the non-regression and functional tests, each test case requiring a restart model employs a restart file from the same variant. Similarly, for the reference simulations using a restart file, the graphlevel option is kept unchanged across restarts.

More details on the scripts developed and employed for the verification procedure are provided in [4].

4.2 Non-regression Tests Results The results of the non-regression tests are summarized in Table 4-3. In line with the procedure described in previous subsection 4.1, each selected model involved 6 simulations, 3 using the reference executable and 3 using the executable modified for the XTV-Customize option. All of the test variant simulations were properly executed and no issue was observed with respect to the converted DMX files.

As can be seen in the table, not all of the test cases from the official TRACE releases were suitable for testing the XTV-Customize option. Indeed some test cases had to be excluded from the verification procedure for one of the following reasons:

  • Test cases with input file written in the legacy format of TRACE, so called fixed-format, instead of the more recent free format, and therefore not allowing the use of Namelist options.
  • Test cases originally designed to test input errors and resulting in no or faulty XTV file after execution using a standard TRACE executable (is considered faulty, an XTV file resulting in failure for extraction using AptPlot).
  • Test cases for which the restart model could not be identified or found.

The complete listing of the test cases selected for the testing, together with information on the unselected ones, is provided in 7 APPENDIX C for TRACE version v5.0p5. Similar lists have been established for previous official releases of TRACE, namely versions v5.0p4 and v5.0p3.

As shown in Table 4-3, the non-regression tests for XTV file size were always positive for all code versions, i.e. the number of positives is equal to the number of simulated variants (half of the total number of simulations, since each model required 3 reference simulations and 3 test simulations, namely variants 00, 01 and 02). As for the random variable extraction and comparison tests, the results were always positive, without any erroneous conversion to DMX format when requested.

In conclusion, the test variants 00, 01 and 02 showed that the executables implementing the XTV-Customize option worked properly for all code versions while all the generated XTV files were confirmed to be fully functional, even after conversion to DMX format.


Table 4-3 Non-regression Tests Results Number of Number of Failed cases for TRACE Positives for Ratio of test models simulations variable extraction version XTV file size positives total l selected (variants only) XTV l DMX v5.0p5 1249 l 1121 3363 3363 0000 l 00 100%

v5.0p4 1011 l 0916 2748 2748 0000 l 00 100%

V5.0p3 0925 l 0840 2520 2520 0000 l 00 100%

4.3 Functional Tests Results The results of the functional tests are summarized in Table 4-4. In line with the number of test variants previously listed in Table 4-2, each selected model involved 12 additional simulations for the functional verification step. To start, all the simulations were properly executed using the modified executables, including the cases requiring a restart and/or a coupling with a PARCS 3-D kinetics model. Also, the conversion to DMX files did not pose any problem (note that two variable extractions per case functional test were required, one for the variant and one for the reference case, reason why the numbers indicated in the 5th column of Table 4-4 add up to twice the actual number of failed variable extraction tests per version).

Table 4-4 Functional Tests Results Number of Number of Failed cases x2 for TRACE Positives for Ratio of test models simulations variable extraction version total l selected XTV file size positives (variants only) XTV l DMX 12368 (03 l 01 95.96%

v5.0p5 1249 l 1121 13452 (13452*) 0(0 l 00*) (100.00%*)

10363 (00 l 00 97.14%

v5.0p4 1011 l 0916 10992 (10992*) (100.00%*)

09527 (31 l 51 96.85%

V5.0p3 0925 l 0840 10080 (10078*) (99.58%*)

Also, for all the tested versions, most of the selected test cases have resulted in the expected outcome, namely correct addition of variables in the XTV file when expected, and no enlargement, shrinking or corruption of the XTV file for the variants designed for inconsistent or incomplete input to graphCustVar and graphCustId.

As a side note, one can mention that the size of the standard dump output file (TPR) obtained with the XTV-Customize option is not identical to that obtained with the reference case, which 13

was not the case in the non-regression test. This is normal since the TPR file includes the content of Namelist variables graphCustVar and graphCustId only when the XTV-Customize option is enabled.

More importantly, note in Table 4-4 the small proportion of apparently failed tests, which have been investigated in details and were most of the time found to relate to a few root causes that are understood and should not necessarily be considered as errors. When including these clarifications, the ratio of positives is actually larger than initially estimated. Better informed estimates of the positive tests and overall ratio are indicated in Table 4-4 with symbol

  • for each version of the code.

These detailed investigations that helped refining the estimates of positives are presented in the next two subsections, the first on the XTV file size test and the second on the XTV variable extraction and comparison test.

4.3.1 Failed Tests for XTV File Size

  • For code versions v5.0p5 and v5.0p4, some test cases of variants 30 and 40 resulted in an XTV file slightly larger than expected. This undesirable outcome is due to the synonymy of some (few) XTV variables for different TRACE model components and at distinct graphics output levels. This is the case for eight XTV variables (namely alven, alvn, chtan, chtin, cl, cv, visl and visv), which are graphics output at level "limited" of component type Contan but also at level "full" of any 1-D (e.g. Pipe, Tee) or 3-D (Vessel) component type. These failed tests are due to the use of two separated variables lists in the Namelist option lists, which can lead to equivocal declaration of XTV variables and hence larger than expected XTV files for models including components of type Contan.
  • The aforementioned equivocal variable declaration risk is augmented in version v5.0p5 because of its new variable peakClad, which is the output of both component types Htstr and Chan but at different levels "limited" and "full", respectively. Here again, this could make the XTV file larger than expected for models including both types of components.
  • Moreover, note that the vast majority of the failed tests for variant 10 are related to the arbitrary assignment of one variable per component in the XTV file, independent of the content of option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar. As explained at the end of subsection 3.1, this was necessary to circumvent an AptPlot post-processing issue that is unrelated to the XTV-Customize option. In these cases, which can affect any code version, the file size difference compared to the reference XTV file obtained with level "minimal" is simply due to the arbitrarily added XTV variables.
  • For code version v5.0p3, few cases of variant 10 failed the XTV file size test for a less obvious reason, since the number of XTV variables was identical to the reference file but the number of time records was slightly different (hence the file size difference). In version v5.0p3 for instance, this corresponded to two models, namely w4loopri.inp of suites ConSys' and SameRodsTR.inp of suites Power'. Note that both models were actually restarts from simulations with models w4loopi.inp and SameRodsSS.inp, respectively, which had in common the use of a steady-state initialization option (input stdyst > 0) and included a component Prizer. This hinted at the possible root cause of the discrepancy, as this will be further discussed in next subsection. Note finally that most recent versions v5.0p4 and v5.0p5 were not affected by this problem, as well as most of the restart cases from versions v5.0p3.


4.3.2 Failed Tests for XTV File Content

  • Code version v5.0p4 did not result in any failed test, while code version v5.0p5 resulted in only two failed tests in total. These two apparent failures were found to be in fact related to the aforementioned duplicity of variable peakClad. In the functional testing campaign for variant 30, that variable was randomly picked for a component Chan, although the variable is not an output for such component type in the reference XTV file (i.e. level "limited", as shown in Table 4-2). Here again, the two apparent failures were only artificial outliers resulting from loopholes in the verification procedure, and versions v5.0p4 and v5.0p5 did in fact result in no error for XTV file content.
  • As for code version v5.0p3, several cases of variant 10 failed the variable comparison test.

These cases were all associated with variables sampled from types Global, Signal-variable, Trip-variable, or Control-block, by definition of the variant 10, which should be consistent with a reference case using level "minimal" (designed to output only signal, trip and control system variables in the XTV file).

  • A visual inspection of the aforementioned discrepancies has been carried out for version v5.0p3 using the comparison plots shown in 7 APPENDIX D. As can be seen, the differences are very small. They essentially reflect the differences in time-stepping, indicated by the evolution of the time-step variable "delt", also shown in the appendix for each affected test. As explained in more details in the appendix, this difference stems from a minor numerical diffusion issue associated with the TRACE component Prizer when using the steady-state initialization option (stdyst > 0). Note that this issue has been verified to affect only version v5.0p3, whereas the most recent versions (v5.0p5 and v5.0p4) were verified to include a fix in the original source code that prevents such discrepancy in any case.

4.3.3 Summary of the Tests Results The non-regression and functional verifications of the XTV-Customize option have been conducted over the all set of test models provided by the code developer, thus covering a very wide range of possible combination of modelling options available in TRACE. The results showed a complete success for the non-regression test suite and a very high success ratio in the functional test suite, and this for all codes versions, precisely 0% error for v5.0p5 and v5.0p4, and less than 0.5% error for earlier version v5.0p3.

As for the two versions based on v5.0p3, a detailed investigation of the failed tests showed that the issue was minor and actually unrelated to the XTV-Customize option itself. Essentially, the user willing to use the XTV-Customize option should expect some round-off error to marginally affect scalar results (global, signal, trip and control block variables) if the model employed includes a component Prizer and uses a steady-state initialization option (stdyst > 0).

Nevertheless, as shown in 7 APPENDIX D, the difference will be very small, if noticeable at all, compared to a model executed with a reference TRACE executable.

As for newer versions v5.0p5 and v5.0p4, the user will see no difference in the extracted XTV variables whether obtained with the XTV-Customize option or not. In some cases where graphics output option "minimal" is selected, the XTV file may however contain more variables than expected (namely peakClad, alven, alvn, chtan, chtin, cl, cv, visl and visv). A fix to avoid this is proposed in the next section, together with other possible improvements.


5 APPLICATION TO AN UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION STUDY As mentioned in introduction, the XTV-Customize option can help optimizing the computation resources for analyses using large simulation models where an exhaustive description of the model output is not necessary. The option is also particularly indicated for analyses that include detailed sensitivity studies or large forward uncertainty propagation campaigns. This section illustrates the latter with a simplified uncertainty propagation study applied to a TRACE model of the Feba-216 reflood experiment test [5]. This model has been developed as part of PSI participation to the OECD PREMIUM project ([6], [7]) and has been intensively employed in [8]

for the development of a Bayesian data assimilation method to derive the uncertainty of physical models in TRACE. A brief description of the TRACE model is provided in 7 APPENDIX E.

The Feba-216 test data provided in PREMIUM essentially comprise time histories of heater rod outer wall temperatures at 8 different elevations, axial pressure differences across 4 segments of the test section, and several more measurements (liquid carry-over off the test section, quench front progression, housing wall temperature at one elevation). Thus, the model output needed for the validation of the model with associated uncertainties could be limited to the set of XTV variables necessary to reproduce the aforementioned measurements. Using the XTV-Customize option, this can be achieved with the following additional Namelist entries to the Feba-216 model:

&INOPTS graphlevel = "minimal",

graphCustId = 1,10,20,30,40,99 graphCustVar = "pn","tln","vln","bottomQF","rftn","trhmax","tpower"

&END The gains in terms of XTV file storage and variable extraction efforts are evaluated for a simplified variant of the uncertainty propagation study where only the uncertainties in the test boundary conditions are considered, namely heating power, system pressure and inlet coolant conditions (temperature and velocity). The probability density functions (PDF) of these boundary conditions, shown in Table 5, are consistent with the PREMIUM specifications.

Table 5-1 Study Feba-216: Input Uncertainties PDF PDF PDF PDF Input parameter Type Units Mean Range Uniform Outlet pressure [-] 1.00 [ 0.90 , 1.10 ]

Multiplicative Uniform Inlet coolant temperature [K] 0.00 [ -5.0 , +5.0 ]

Additive Uniform Inlet coolant velocity [-] 1.00 [ 0.90 , 1.10 ]

Multiplicative Uniform Heater rods power [-] 1.00 [ 0.95 , 1.05 ]

Multiplicative 17

For this comparison, the uncertainty propagation study is performed two times, one with XTV file customization and one without but using Namelist option graphlevel="full", since the variables rftn are required to reproduce the rod outer temperatures at the correct axial elevations where the thermocouples are located. The comparison is made for two versions of the TRACE executable implementing the XTV-Customize option, based on v5.0p5 and v5.0p3, respectively.

Figure 5-1 shows a comparison of some of the model predictions with test data.

All the variables extracted from the customized XTV file were first verified to be identical to that from the standard XTV file. Two figures of merit were then used to compare the studies, namely the cumulated size of all the XTV files generated by one uncertainty propagation set, and the wall-time required by the AptPlot tool to extract (in batch mode) all the model variables necessary to replicate the test data.

As can be seen in Table 6, the customization of the XTV file to the objectives of the study not only reduced the storage requirements by nearly a factor 3, but also helped reducing the post-processing time to a similar fraction since the AptPlot tool extracts variables more efficiently when the XTV file is smaller. One can also see in the table that the gains are slightly more substantial for v5.0p5 than for v5.0p3 both in terms of storage space and processing time, in particular because v5.0p5 includes more XTV variables than v5.0p3 for option graphlevel="full".

Table 6 Study Feba-216: Comparison of XTV Files Size and Post-Processing Time Runs TRACE XTV files total size Post-processing time Relative difference per version XTV-custom l level full XTV-custom l level full space l time study v5.0p5 50 4843 MB l 14027 MB 1107 sec l 2892 sec -65.5% l -61.7%

V5.0p3 50 4997 MB l 13018 MB 1090 sec l 2602 sec -61.1% l -58.1%

Note, finally, that the Feba-216 model is not a particularly large TRACE model (composed of 7 thermal-hydraulics components), and that the variability bands have been obtained using just 50 simulations per study (just for the sake of the demonstration, these bands should not be considered as statistically meaningful). Thus, with this simple example, one can consider the potential savings in hardware and computation requirements for more complex simulation models, in particular at the stage(s) of the analysis where an exhaustive knowledge of the model output is not (or is no longer) necessary.


study: runs-216-BCs study: runs-216-BCs code: V5.0P5 code: V5.0P3 Rod outer temperature [K] at z = -1135 mm Rod outer temperature [K] at z = -1135 mm study: runs-216-BCs study: runs-216-BCs code: V5.0P5 code: V5.0P3 Pressure difference [Pa] throughout test section Pressure difference [Pa] throughout test section study: runs-216-BCs study: runs-216-BCs code: V5.0P5 code: V5.0P3 Quench front progression [m] Quench front progression [m]

Figure 5-1 Simulation of Feba-216 - Effects of Uncertainty on Boundary Conditions 19

6 POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS In this section, some possible improvements to the current patch are discussed.

6.1 Merging of the Two Namelist Option Lists The two lists graphCustVar and graphCustId could be merged into one single list that would combine both types of information and so allow for unequivocal declaration of the additional variables requested for each component.

Here is an example of how a single declaration list (e.g. graphCustom) could be employed:

&INOPTS graphlevel = "minimal",

graphCustom = "dprmax",

10,20,"pn","alpn","tln","gamn" 30,"pn","alpn"

&END The behaviour of TRACE based on such input list would be as follows

  • The general problem variable dprmax, which normally pertains to graphics output level "full", will be added to the XTV file.
  • For components 10 and 20 of the input file, output variables pn, alpn, tln, and gamn will be added to the XTV file.
  • For component 30, only output variables pn and, alpn will be added to the XTV file.

As can be inferred from the example for components 10 and 20, the single list could also readily emulate the two lists approach currently adopted where one additional variable can be declared for several components at once.

Since the single list would combine integers and strings, such improvement may require a modification in module <NamlistDat> of interface (InitNmlstVal) and relevant associated subroutines.

6.2 Improvement of Input Error Detection and Warning In this developmental version, a rather permissive input processing approach has been adopted, where incorrect or improper variable declaration does not trigger any error or warning message and is simply overlooked.

However, in the context of the preparation of large simulation campaigns, a more rigorous input error processing would be desirable to assist the user.

6.3 Centralization of XTV Variables Declaration in Source Code Beyond the XTV-Customize option itself, this work provided the opportunity to group within the new module <XtvCustom> the declaration of all the XTV variables in a set of parameters lists.


This allowed for a compact segregation of all the XTV variables across component types, memory allocation (static vs dynamic), and variable category (default vs optional). The differentiation for variable dimension (scalar, 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D) was not necessary for the current version of the XTV-Customize option, but could also be implemented.

A centralization of the XTV variable lists could allow for a more generic formulation in the original module <XtvComps> of the various component-specific subroutines (e.g. {Xtv1D},

{XtvHtStr}) where calls of the subroutine {AddXtvVar} have to be made individually with a specific Fortran line for each XTV variable.

Some advantages of such factorization of the XTV variables declaration could be:

  • Reduction of the size (and possibly number) of subroutines in component <XtvComps>.
  • Simplification of the process of addition or modification of XTV variables for future versions of TRACE.
  • Removing the necessity to replicate in subroutine {XtvVarListsPrep} the program flow logic for optional XTV variables that is written in all the different component specific subroutines {AddXtvVar}, and which is a drawback of the current implementation of the XTV-Customize option.

If such centralization is pursued, one could eventually move the XTV variables lists and associated resources of module <XtvCustom> into the original module <XtvVar> in source file

[src/XtvVarM.f90], or into the original module <XtvComps>.

6.4 Compatibility with Namelist Option XtvAppend The XTV-Customize option has been designed for a situation where the simulation creates a new XTV file, namely for the default value XtvAppend=0. Non-default values of option XtvAppend allow for appending graphics output to an old XTV file. The possibility to extend the XTV-Customize option to such cases has not been investigated and therefore has not been tested in this study, but such development could be considered in future versions.



1. USNRC. Transmittal of TRACE V5.0, Patch 05, with Source. August 24 2017
2. USNRC. Transmittal of TRACE V5.0, Patch04 with Source - Replacement DVD. June 12 2014
3. USNRC. TRACE V5.0 Users Manual. Transmittal of TRACE V5.0, Patch03 with Source Code. June 29 2012
4. O. Zerkak. Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0p5 - Applicable to Versions v5.0p5, v5.0p4, v5.0p3 and v5.0p3UQ. PSI Memorandum, October 2018 (SB-TRCE-ACT-001-09.002)
5. P. Ihle and K. Rust. FEBAFlooding Experiments with Blocked Arrays Evaluation Report.

Kernforschungzentrum-Karlsruhe, Report KfK 3657, March1984

6. Reventós, E. de Alfonso and R. Mendizábal Sanz. PREMIUM, a Benchmark on the Quantification of the Uncertainty of the Physical Models in the System Thermal-hydraulic Codes: Methodologies and Data Review. CSNI report NEA/CSNI/R(2016)9, April 2016
7. Mendizábal, E. de Alfonso, J. Freixa and F. Reventós, T. Skorek, J. Baccou, J. Zhang, E.

Nouy and P. Emonot. Post-BEMUSE Reflood Model Input Uncertainty Methods (PREMIUM) Benchmark - Final Report. CSNI report NEA/CSNI/R(2016)18, August 2017

8. D. Wicaksono. Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of Physical Models in Thermal-hydraulics System Codes. EPFL Thesis N° 8426 (2018)
9. D. Wicaksono, O. Zerkak and A. Pautz. Global Sensitivity Analysis of Transient Code Output Applied to a Reflood Experiment Model Using the TRACE Code. Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 184, 400-429, (2016)
10. USNRC. TRACE Pressurized Water Reactor Modeling Guidance. Preliminary Draft Report.

2012. Washington, DC 23

APPENDIX A ADDITIONAL MODULE XTVCUSTOM FOR V5.0P5 This appendix presents the content of the additional source file [src/XtvCustomM.f90] for the additional module <XtvCustom> that implements the XTV-Customize option. This is the source code applicable to TRACE v5.0p5 without implementation of the fixes for the few XTV variable extraction issues previously described in subsection 3.1. Note that the structure of the module is very similar for the other code versions v5.0p4 and v5.0p3.

MODULE XtvCustom

! (c) 2017 Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)

! This module is provided as in-kind contribution within

! the CAMP Implementing Agreement between NRC, PSI and

! the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate

! (SB-MNG-CCN-002-15, 2015-2019)

! This module contains the resources for custom XTV output capability


! Optional component ID numbers for graphics filter INTEGER(sik), DIMENSION(1024)  :: graphCustId = graphCustIdDef CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: graphCustVarDef =

! Variable names list for applying dynamic variable filter CHARACTER(LEN=13), DIMENSION(1024) :: graphCustVar = graphCustVarDef

! Xtv filtering option flag INTEGER(sik)  :: graphFltFlag = 0





!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! General problem variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables A-1



CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsGnPrFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrMin(26) = (/ &

'alp', 'cmass', 'cMNCG', 'cpuTime', 'delt', 'eMass', 'eMNCG', 'massB', &

'massE', 'massF', 'mNCGB', 'mNCGE', 'mNCGF', 'tnstep', &

'cSolidsM', 'cSolM', 'eSolM', 'mSolB', 'mSolE', 'mSolF', &

'cB10M', 'cB10Sold', 'eB10M', 'mB10B', 'mB10E', 'mB10F' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrMinDef(14) = (/ &

'alp', 'cmass', 'cMNCG', 'cpuTime', 'delt', 'eMass', 'eMNCG', 'massB', &

'massE', 'massF', 'mNCGB', 'mNCGE', 'mNCGF', 'tnstep' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrMinIsolut(6) = (/ &

'cSolidsM', 'cSolM', 'eSolM', 'mSolB', 'mSolE', 'mSolF' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 and fracB10 < 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrMinIsolutFracB(6) = (/ &

'cB10M', 'cB10Sold', 'eB10M', 'mB10B', 'mB10E', 'mB10F' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrLim(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrLimDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrFull(20) = (/ &

'deltTC', 'dprmax', 'dtlmax', 'dtrmax', 'dtvmax', 'eError', 'fracC', &

'fracMA', 'fracMD', 'fracMF', 'fracMP', 'fracMS', 'mError', 'nStepC', &

'rmaC', 'rmbC', 'rmdC', 'rmfC', 'rmlC', 'rmsC' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrFullDef(4) = (/ &

'dprmax', 'dtlmax', 'dtrmax', 'dtvmax' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option ncontant > 0_sik CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsGnPrFullCont(16) = (/ &

'deltTC', 'eError', 'fracC', 'fracMA', 'fracMD', 'fracMF', 'fracMP', &

'fracMS', 'mError', 'nStepC', 'rmaC', 'rmbC', 'rmdC', 'rmfC', 'rmlC', &

'rmsC' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fluid components mass balance variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsMassBMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsMassBLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsMassBFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBMin(0) =


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBLim(18) = (/ &

'cB10M', 'cB10Sold', 'cmass', 'cMNCG', 'cSolidsM', 'cSolM', 'eB10M', &

'eMass', 'eMNCG', 'eSolM', 'massC', 'massE', 'mB10C', 'mB10E', 'mNCGC', &

'mNCGE', 'mSolC', 'mSolE' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBLimDef(8) = (/ &

'cmass', 'cMNCG', 'eMass', 'eMNCG', 'massC', 'massE', 'mNCGC', 'mNCGE' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBLimIsolut(5) = (/ &

'cSolidsM', 'cSolM', 'eSolM', 'mSolC', 'mSolE' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 and fracB10 < 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBLimIsolutFracB(5) = (/&

'cB10M', 'cB10Sold', 'eB10M', 'mB10C', 'mB10E' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBFull(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsMassBFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tee component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsTeeMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsTeeLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsTeeFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTeeMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTeeMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTeeLim(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTeeLimDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTeeFull(2) = (/ &

'powr1', 'powr2' &



! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTeeFullDef(2) = (/ &

'powr1', 'powr2' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Generic 1D component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVars1DMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVars1DLim(1) = (/ &

'vol' &


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVars1DFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLim(71) = (/ &

'alpn', 'am', 'bubAi-', 'bubaitot', 'bubFrc-', 'bubVel-', 'choked', &

'concS', 'concW', 'dropAi-', 'dropFrc-', 'dropVel-', 'el', 'ev', 'fa', &

'mFrB10', 'pan', 'pn', 'regnm', 'rlmf', 'rmvm', 'roan', 'roln', 'rom', &

'rovn', 'rvmf', 'sn', 'solMaxS', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids', 'tln', 'tsat', &

'tssn', 'tvn', 'vln', 'vvn', 'x', &

'g1BE', 'g1RC', 'g1TI', 'g1WE', &

'g1WN111', 'g2BE1', 'g2BE2', 'g2BE121', 'g2BE122', 'g2RC111', &

'g2RC1121', 'g2RC1122', 'g2RC1221', 'g2RC1222', 'g2RC222', 'g2SI222', &

'g2SO211', 'g2SO212', 'g2TI111', 'g2TI211', 'g2TI222', 'g2WE111', &

'g2WE1121', 'g2WE1122', 'g2WE1221', 'g2WE1222', 'g2WE222', 'intEx122', &

'intRC112', 'intRC122', 'intSO211', 'intTI212', 'intWE112', 'intWE122' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimDef(22) = (/ &

'alpn', 'am', 'choked', 'el', 'ev', 'fa', 'pan', 'pn', 'regnm', 'rlmf', &

'rmvm', 'roan', 'roln', 'rom', 'rovn', 'rvmf', 'tln', 'tsat', 'tssn', &

'tvn', 'vln', 'vvn' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimIsolut(6) = (/ &

'concS', 'concW', 'sn', 'solMaxS', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 & solveB10 = .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimIsolutsolveB10(1) = (/&

'mFrB10' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist options nTraceG != 0 or nTraceL != 0

! xor Namelist option igas > 11 (therefore numberOfNCGases > 1)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimItrace(1) = (/ &

'x' &


! Conditional variables for bubbles when Namelist option disfields > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsB(3) = (/ &

'bubAi-', 'bubFrc-', 'bubVel-' &


! Conditional variables for droplets when Namelist option disfields > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsD(3) = (/ &


'dropAi-', 'dropFrc-', 'dropVel-' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option disfields > 0 and nBubbles = 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsnB1(4) = (/ &

'g1BE', 'g1RC', 'g1TI', 'g1WE' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option disfields > 0 and nBubbles = 2 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsnB2(30) = (/ &

'g1WN111', 'g2BE1', 'g2BE2', 'g2BE121', 'g2BE122', 'g2RC111', &

'g2RC1121', 'g2RC1122', 'g2RC1221', 'g2RC1222', 'g2RC222', 'g2SI222', &

'g2SO211', 'g2SO212', 'g2TI111', 'g2TI211', 'g2TI222', 'g2WE111', &

'g2WE1121', 'g2WE1122', 'g2WE1221', 'g2WE1222', 'g2WE222', 'intEx122', &

'intRC112', 'intRC122', 'intSO211', 'intTI212', 'intWE112', 'intWE122' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option bubDev = .TRUE.

! Note: bubDev is always .TRUE. in v5.0Patch5 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DLimBubdev(1) = (/ &

'bubaitot' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DFull(40) = (/ &

'alpE', 'alpmn', 'alpmx', 'alven', 'alvn', 'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', &

'chtan', 'chtin', 'cifn', 'cSppm', 'cWppm', 'cl', 'cv', 'elm', 'evm', &

'flowQual', 'flv', 'gamn', 'hgam', 'horLev', 'hOverD', 'phIL', 'pStag', &

'pStagE', 'rhofj', 'rhogj', 'slpratio', 'visl', 'visv', 'vlvol', &

'voidfj', 'voidgj', 'volM', 'volP', 'vvvol', 'wfhf', 'wfhfE', 'wfl', &

'wfv' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DFullDef(36) = (/ &

'alpE', 'alpmn', 'alpmx', 'alven', 'alvn', 'chtan', 'chtin', 'cifn', &

'cl', 'cv', 'elm', 'evm', 'flowQual', 'flv', 'gamn', 'hgam', 'horLev', &

'hOverD', 'phIL', 'pStag', 'pStagE', 'rhofj', 'rhogj', 'slpratio', &

'visl', 'visv', 'vlvol', 'voidfj', 'voidgj', 'volM', 'volP', 'vvvol', &

'wfhf', 'wfhfE', 'wfl', 'wfv' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVars1DFullIsolut(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Break component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsBreakMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsBreakLim(1) = (/ &

'vol' &


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsBreakFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakLim(19) = (/ &


'alpn', 'b10MFR', 'bsa', 'bsmass', 'bxa', 'bxmass', 'concS', 'concW', &

'mB10C', 'mFrB10', 'mSolC', 'enth', 'm', 'mfr', 'pan', 'pn', 'solutMFR',&

'tln', 'tvn' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakLimDef(10) = (/ &

'alpn', 'bsa', 'bsmass', 'bxa', 'bxmass', 'enth', 'pan', 'pn', 'tln', &

'tvn' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakLimIsolut(4) = (/ &

'concS', 'concW', 'mSolC', 'solutMFR' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 & solveB10 = .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakLimIsolutsolveB10(3) = (/&

'b10MFR', 'mB10C', 'mFrB10' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist options nTraceG != 0 or nTraceL != 0

! xor Namelist option igas > 11 (therefore numberOfNCGases > 1)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakLimItrace(2) = (/ &

'm', 'mfr' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakFull(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsBreakFullIsolut(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chan component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsChanMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsChanLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsChanFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsChanMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsChanMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsChanLim(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsChanLimDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsChanFull(4) = (/ &

'mcpr', 'peakClad', 'xcrit', 'xequil' &



! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsChanFullDef(4) = (/ &

'mcpr', 'peakClad', 'xcrit', 'xequil' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fill component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsFillMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsFillLim(1) = (/ &

'vol' &


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsFillFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillLim(21) = (/ &

'alpn', 'b10MFR', 'concS', 'concW', 'enth', 'famass', 'fxmass', 'm', &

'massC', 'mB10C', 'mfr', 'mFrB10', 'mNCGC', 'mSolC', 'pan', 'pn', &

'solutMFR', 'tln', 'tvn', 'vln', 'vvn' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillLimDef(12) = (/ &

'alpn', 'enth', 'famass', 'fxmass', 'massC', 'mNCGC', 'pan', 'pn', &

'tln', 'tvn', 'vln', 'vvn' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillLimIsolut(4) = (/ &

'concS', 'concW', 'mSolC', 'solutMFR' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 & solveB10 = .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillLimIsolutsolveB10(3) = (/ &

'b10MFR', 'mB10C', 'mFrB10' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist options nTraceG != 0 or nTraceL != 0

! xor Namelist option igas > 11 (therefore numberOfNCGases > 1)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillLimItrace(2) = (/ &

'm', 'mfr' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillFull(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFillFullIsolut(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Power component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPowerMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPowerLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPowerFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics lists for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerLim(38) = (/ &

'aldelk', 'alpCAvg', 'alreac', 'borAvgC', 'borAvgD', 'borMFS', 'borMFW',&

'dbdelk', 'dbreac', 'denCAvg', 'ecrpCore', 'ecrpMax', 'fuelAvgT', &

'mcprc', 'pctAvg', 'pctHot', 'pgdelk', 'pgreac', 'powDecay', 'powFiss', &

'powModerChan', 'powModerTot', 'powModerVess', 'powWaterRod', 'rmckn', &

'rpower', 'sqTFCAvg', 'tcdelk', 'tcreac', 'tCoolAvg', 'tfdelk', &

'tfreac', 'tFuelAvg', 'tLiqCAvg', 'tpower', 'tramax', 'trhmax', &

'totReact' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerLimDef(17) = (/ &

'ecrpCore', 'ecrpMax', 'fuelAvgT', 'mcprc', 'pctAvg', 'pctHot', &

'powDecay', 'powFiss', 'powModerChan', 'powModerTot', 'powModerVess', &

'powWaterRod', 'rmckn', 'rpower', 'tpower', 'tramax', 'trhmax' &


! Conditional variables for option irpwty > 10, ifbtyp(1,2,3)=0 & ibu(4)>=0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty(15) = (/ &

'aldelk', 'alpCAvg', 'alreac', 'borAvgD', 'dbdelk', 'dbreac', 'pgdelk', &

'pgreac', 'tcdelk', 'tcreac', 'tCoolAvg', 'tfdelk', 'tfreac', &

'tFuelAvg', 'totReact' &


! Alternative variables for option irpwty > 10, ifbtyp(1,2,3)=1 & ibu(4)<0

! (1)'sqTFCAvg' is alternative to 'tFuelAvg' (14 in XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty)

! (2)'tLiqCAvg' is alternative to 'tCoolAvg' (11 in XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty)

! (3)'denCAvg' is alternative to 'alpCAvg' (2 in XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty)

! (4)'borAvgC' is alternative to 'borAvgD' (4 in XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAlt(4) = (/ &

'sqTFCAvg', 'tLiqCAvg', 'denCAvg', 'borAvgC' &


! Alternative variables for option irpwty > 10, ibu(4)=2 & iSolut = 0,1,2

! (1)'borMFS' is alternative to 'borAvgC' (or 'borAvgD') when iSolut != 1

! (2)'borMFW' is alternative to 'borAvgC' (or 'borAvgD') when iSolut = 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAltIbu(2) = (/ &

'borMFS', 'borMFW' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerFull(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPowerFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Radiation enclosure component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsRadEncMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsRadEncLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsRadEncFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsRadEncMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsRadEncMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsRadEncLim(1) = (/ &

'qrad' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsRadEncLimDef(1) = (/ &

'qrad' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsRadEncFull(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsRadEncFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fluid power component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsFlPowerMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsFlPowerLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsFlPowerFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFlPowerMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFlPowerMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFlPowerLim(2) = (/ &

'powb', 'powd' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFlPowerLimDef(2) = (/ &

'powb', 'powd' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFlPowerFull(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsFlPowerFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heat structure component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HtStr

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHtStrMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHtStrLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHtStrFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics lists for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrLim(41) = (/ &

'amh2', 'avgFuelT', 'axialStress', 'bottomQF', 'cladThick', &

'dGapRelocate', 'ecrpLimit', 'ecrpMax', 'eFuelDens', 'eFuelSwell', &

'gapEffDim', 'gapWidth', 'hContact', 'heatingR', 'hGapGas', 'hGapRad', &

'hoopStress', 'kGasGap', 'peakClad', 'pInt', 'qppi', 'qppo', 'qwrx', &

'rdzNperm', 'tClad', 'tempJump', 'tFuelAvg', 'tGap', 'topQF', &

'tPlastic', 'tpowi', 'tpowo', 'tramax', 'trhmax', 'tRupture', 'tsurfi', &

'tsurfo', 'uCladElastic', 'uCladPlastic', 'uFuelThermal', 'uRClad' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrLimDef(14) = (/ &

'avgFuelT', 'bottomQF', 'peakClad', 'qppi', 'qppo', 'rdzNperm', &

'tFuelAvg', 'topQF', 'tpowi', 'tpowo', 'tramax', 'trhmax', 'tsurfi', &

'tsurfo' &


! Conditional variables for option nmwrx /= 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrLimNmwrx(5) = (/ &

'amh2', 'cladThick', 'ecrpLimit', 'ecrpMax', 'qwrx' &


! Conditional variables for option nfci /= 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrLimNfci(19) = (/ &

'axialStress', 'dGapRelocate', 'eFuelDens', 'eFuelSwell', 'gapEffDim', &

'gapWidth', 'hContact', 'heatingR', 'hGapGas', 'hGapRad', 'hoopStress', &

'kGasGap', 'pInt', 'tClad', 'tempJump', 'tGap', 'uCladElastic', &

'uFuelThermal', 'uRClad' &


! Conditional variables for option nfci > 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrLimNfci2(3) = (/ &

'uCladPlastic', 'tPlastic', 'tRupture' &


! Additional graphics lists for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrFull(11) = (/ &

'alpri', 'alpro', 'enhnfac', 'gridtemp', 'powli', 'powlo', 'powvi', &

'powvo', 'qradi', 'qrado', 'rdzN' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrFullDef(10) = (/ &

'alpri', 'alpro', 'enhnfac', 'powli', 'powlo', 'powvi', 'powvo', &

'qradi', 'qrado', 'rdzN' &


! Conditional variables for option ngrids > 0 A-10

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrFullNgrids(1) = (/ &

'gridtemp' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HtStrC

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHtStrCMin(0) =


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHtStrCFull(0) =

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics lists for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCLim(9) = (/ &

'depthZRI', 'depthZRO', 'ecr50_46', 'eTransi', 'eTranso', 'hgap', &

'pgapt', 'tempGas', 'volGas' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCLimDef(2) = (/ &

'eTransi', 'eTranso' &


! Conditional variables for option nmwrx /= 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCLimNmwrx(3) = (/ &

'depthZRI', 'depthZRO', 'ecr50_46' &


! Conditional variables for option lnfcil > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCLimNfci(2) = (/ &

'hgap', 'pgapt' &


! Conditional variables for option lnfcil > 0 and fRGasP is .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCLimNfcifRGasP(2) = (/&

'tempGas', 'volGas' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCFull(30) = (/ &

'eLossAi', 'eLossAo', 'eLossEi', 'eLossEo', 'hrfgi', 'hrfgo', 'hrfli', &

'hrflo', 'hrfvi', 'hrfvo', 'ihtfi', 'ihtfo', 'pLossi', 'pLosso', &

'qchfi', 'qchfo', 'rftn', 'tchfi', 'tchfo', 'tmini', 'tmino', 'vFCH', &

'vFCrack', 'vFDish', 'vFFRPLen', 'vFGap', 'vFInt', 'vFPore', 'vFRough', &

'zht' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCFullDef(22) = (/ &

'eLossAi', 'eLossAo', 'eLossEi', 'eLossEo', 'hrfgi', 'hrfgo', 'hrfli', &

'hrflo', 'hrfvi', 'hrfvo', 'ihtfi', 'ihtfo', 'pLossi', 'pLosso', &

'qchfi', 'qchfo', 'rftn', 'tchfi', 'tchfo', 'tmini', 'tmino', 'zht' &


! Conditional variables for option lnfcil > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCFullNfci(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for option lnfcil > 0 and fRGasP is .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHtStrCFullNfcifRGasP(8) = (/ &

'vFCH', 'vFCrack', 'vFDish', 'vFFRPLen', 'vFGap', 'vFInt', 'vFPore', &

'vFRough' &



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feedwater heater component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHeatrMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHeatrLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsHeatrFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHeatrMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHeatrMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHeatrLim(1) = (/ &

'liqlev' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHeatrLimDef(1) = (/ &

'liqlev' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHeatrFull(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsHeatrFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jet pump component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsJetpMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsJetpLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsJetpFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsJetpMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsJetpMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsJetpLim(2) = (/ &

'mr', 'nrapp' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsJetpLimDef(2) = (/ &

'mr', 'nrapp' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsJetpFull(3) = (/ &


'etapp', 'eteff', 'nreff' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsJetpFullDef(3) = (/ &

'etapp', 'eteff', 'nreff' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pipe component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPipeMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPipeLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPipeFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeLim(3) = (/ &

'cpow', 'qout', 'z' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeLimDef(1) = (/ &

'cpow' &


! Conditional variables for option pipetype = 1, 2, 3 or 9 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeLimPipetype(2) = (/ &

'qout', 'z' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeFull(1) = (/ &

'vflow' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for option pipetype = 1, 2, 3 or 9 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPipeFullPipetype(1) = (/ &

'vflow' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plenum component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPlenMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPlenLim(1) = (/ &

'vol' &


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPlenFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" A-13

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenLim(18) = (/ &

'alpn', 'am', 'concS', 'concW', 'mFrB10', 'pan', 'pn', 'roan', 'roln', &

'rom', 'rovn', 'sn', 'solMaxS', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids', 'tln', 'tsat', &

'tvn' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenLimDef(11) = (/ &

'alpn', 'am', 'pan', 'pn', 'roan', 'roln', 'rom', 'rovn', 'tln', 'tsat',&

'tvn' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenLimIsolut(6) = (/ &

'concS', 'concW', 'sn', 'solMaxS', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 & solveB10 = .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenLimIsolutsolveB10(1) = (/&

'mFrB10' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenFull(8) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm', 'gamn', 'pStag', 'vlvol', &

'vvvol' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenFullDef(4) = (/ &

'gamn', 'pStag', 'vlvol', 'vvvol' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPlenFullIsolut(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prizer component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPrzrMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPrzrLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPrzrFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPrzrMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPrzrMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPrzrLim(2) = (/ &

'qout', 'z' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPrzrLimDef(2) = (/ &


'qout', 'z' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPrzrFull(2) = (/ &

'qin', 'flow' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPrzrFullDef(2) = (/ &

'qin', 'flow' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pump component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPumpMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPumpLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsPumpFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPumpMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPumpMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPumpLim(3) = (/ &

'head', 'mflow', 'omegan' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPumpLimDef(3) = (/ &

'head', 'mflow', 'omegan' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPumpFull(9) = (/ &

'alpha', 'delp', 'flow', 'mtorque', 'pumpQFL', 'pumpQFV', 'rho', 'smom',&

'torque' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsPumpFullDef(9) = (/ &

'alpha', 'delp', 'flow', 'mtorque', 'pumpQFL', 'pumpQFV', 'rho', 'smom',&

'torque' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Separator component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsSepdMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsSepdLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsSepdFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsSepdMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsSepdMinDef(1) = (/ &


'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsSepdLim(3) = (/ &

'xci', 'xco', 'xcu' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsSepdLimDef(3) = (/ &

'xci', 'xco', 'xcu' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsSepdFull(9) = (/ &

'dAlp', 'deff', 'dpss', 'isSepSep', 'veldis', 'vlev', 'wlev', 'xdin', &

'xcrit' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsSepdFullDef(9) = (/ &

'dAlp', 'deff', 'dpss', 'isSepSep', 'veldis', 'vlev', 'wlev', 'xdin', &

'xcrit' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turbine component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsTurbMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsTurbLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsTurbFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTurbMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTurbMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTurbLim(2) = (/ &

'omegt', 'torqt' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTurbLimDef(2) = (/ &

'omegt', 'torqt' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTurbFull(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsTurbFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Valve component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsValveMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsValveLim(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsValveFull(0) =


! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveLim(10) = (/ &

'area', 'dOmegadt', 'dtRK', 'fTorq', 'hd', 'mTorq', 'omega', 'pTorq', &

'theta', 'thetarad' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveLimDef(2) = (/ &

'area', 'hd' &


! Conditional variables for option ivty = vSwing CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveLimIvty(8) = (/ &

'dOmegadt', 'dtRK', 'fTorq', 'mTorq', 'omega', 'pTorq', 'theta', &

'thetarad' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveFull(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsValveFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vessel component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsVsslMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsVsslLim(1) = (/ &

'vol' &


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsVsslFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLim(84) = (/ &

'alpn', 'am', 'bubAi-', 'bubVelXR-', 'bubVelYT-', 'bubVelZ-', &

'bubVolFrc-', 'cimfr', 'cimfrl', 'cimfrv', 'comfr', 'comfrl', 'comfrv', &

'concS', 'concW', 'corelq', 'dcflow', 'dclqvl', 'dropAi-', 'dropVelXR-',&

'dropVelYT-', 'dropVelZ-', 'dropVolFrc-', 'el', 'ev', 'mFrB10', &

'mmflxr', 'mmflyt', 'mmflz', 'pan', 'pcore', 'pdc', 'plp', 'pn', 'pup', &

'qhstot', 'roan', 'roln', 'rom', 'rovn', 'sn', 'solMaxS', 'solMaxW', &

'sSolids', 'tcilmf', 'tcivmf', 'tcolmf', 'tcore', 'tcovmf', 'tdc', &

'tln', 'tlp', 'tscore', 'tsdc', 'tslp', 'tsn', 'tsup', 'tup', 'tvn', &

'vcore', 'vdclq', 'vlnxr', 'vlnyt', 'vlnz', 'vlpliq', 'vlplm', 'vlplq', &

'vlqmss', 'vmfrl', 'vmfrlxr', 'vmfrlyt', 'vmfrlz', 'vmfrv', 'vmfrvxr', &


'vmfrvyt', 'vmfrvz', 'vsflow', 'vupliq', 'vuplm', 'vvnxr', 'vvnyt', &

'vvnz', 'xg', 'xl' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimDef(25) = (/ &

'alpn', 'am', 'el', 'ev', 'mmflxr', 'mmflyt', 'mmflz', 'pan', 'pn', &

'qhstot', 'roan', 'roln', 'rom', 'rovn', 'tln', 'tsn', 'tvn', 'vlnxr', &

'vlnyt', 'vlnz', 'vlqmss', 'vsflow', 'vvnxr', 'vvnyt', 'vvnz' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option imfr = 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimImfr1(2) = (/ &

'vmfrl', 'vmfrv' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option imfr = 3 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimImfr3(6) = (/ &

'vmfrlxr', 'vmfrlyt', 'vmfrlz', 'vmfrvxr', 'vmfrvyt', 'vmfrvz' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimIsolut(6) = (/ &

'concS', 'concW', 'sn', 'solMaxS', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut != 0 & solveB10 = .TRUE.

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimIsolutsolveB10(1) = (/&

'mFrB10' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist options nTraceG != 0

! xor Namelist option igas > 11 (therefore numberOfNCGases > 1)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimNtraceG(1) = (/ &

'xg' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist options nTraceL != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimNtraceL(1) = (/ &

'xl' &


! Conditional variables for bubbles when Namelist option disfields > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimDisfieldsB(5) = (/ &

'bubAi-', 'bubVelXR-', 'bubVelYT-', 'bubVelZ-', 'bubVolFrc-' &


! Conditional variables for droplets when Namelist option disfields > 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimDisfieldsD(5) = (/ &

'dropAi-', 'dropVelXR-', 'dropVelYT-', 'dropVelZ-', 'dropVolFrc-' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option disfields > 0 and nBubbles = 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimDisfieldsnB1(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option disfields > 0 and nBubbles = 2 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimDisfieldsnB2(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for option icrr != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimIcrr(1) = (/ &

'vcore' &


! Conditional variables for option idcr != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimIdcr(7) = (/ &

'dcflow', 'dclqvl', 'pdc', 'tdc', 'tsdc', 'vdclq', 'vlplq' &


! Conditional variables for option ilcsp != 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimIlcsp(5) = (/ &

'plp', 'vlpliq', 'vlplm', 'tlp', 'tslp' &


! Conditional variables for option iucsp != 0 A-18

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslLimIucsp(19) = (/ &

'cimfr', 'cimfrl', 'cimfrv', 'comfr', 'comfrl', 'comfrv', 'corelq', &

'pcore', 'pup', 'tcilmf', 'tcivmf', 'tcolmf', 'tcore', 'tcovmf', &

'tscore', 'tsup', 'tup', 'vupliq', 'vuplm' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslFull(38) = (/ &

'alpA', 'alpB', 'alpzE', 'alven', 'alvn', 'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'chtan',&

'chtin', 'cixr', 'ciyt', 'ciz', 'cl', 'cSppm', 'cv', 'cWppm', 'dpxri', &

'dpyti', 'dpzi', 'gamn', 'hgam', 'phIL', 'pStag', 'qsl', 'visl', 'visv',&

'vLev', 'vlvol', 'volM', 'volP', 'vvvol', 'wfhf', 'wflxr', 'wflyt', &

'wflz', 'wfvxr', 'wfvyt', 'wfvz' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslFullDef(24) = (/ &

'alven', 'alvn', 'chtan', 'chtin', 'cixr', 'ciyt', 'ciz', 'cl', 'cv', &

'gamn', 'hgam', 'pStag', 'qsl', 'visl', 'visv', 'vlvol', 'vvvol', &

'wfhf', 'wflxr', 'wflyt', 'wflz', 'wfvxr', 'wfvyt', 'wfvz' &


! Conditional variables for option nolt < 1 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslFullNolt0(10) = (/ &

'alpA', 'alpB', 'alpzE', 'dpxri', 'dpyti', 'dpzi', 'phIL', 'vLev', &

'volM', 'volP' &


! Conditional variables for Namelist option iSolut <> 0 CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsVsslFullIsolut(4) = (/ &

'b10Sppm', 'b10Wppm', 'cSppm', 'cWppm' &


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contan component variables  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! All graphics lists for static variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsContMin(0) =

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsContLim(1) = (/ &

'vol' &


CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvSVarsContFull(0) =

! Dynamic variables

! Graphics list for graphLevel = "minimal" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContMin(0) =

! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContMinDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Graphics list for graphLevel = "limited"

! REMARK: Twice 'rmd' as per original compartment variable description CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLim(101) = (/ &

'alpn', 'alven', 'alvn', 'apool', 'chtan', 'chtin', 'cl', 'concps', &

'concpw', 'cpl', 'cpv', 'cv', 'd', 'dpdt', 'droldt', 'drovdt', 'ea', &

'ed', 'efc', 'el', 'enflo', 'enss', 'ev', 'filmTh', 'hfgp', 'hli', &

'hlmfr', 'hlo', 'htc', 'htmfr', 'hvi', 'hvo', 'intQSurf', 'mfcnds', &

'nDrop', 'p', 'pa', 'qcl', 'qcld', 'qcnds', 'qerr', 'qgas', 'qLiqHT', &

'qSurf', 'qVapHT', 'radDrop', 'rma', 'rmain', 'rmb', 'rmb2', 'rmd', &

'rmd', 'rmdaf', 'rmdap', 'rmdas', 'rmdlf', 'rmdlp', 'rmdls', 'rmdsf', &

'rmdsin', 'rmdsp', 'rmdss', 'rmdot', 'rmdota', 'rmdotd', 'rmdotf', &

'rmdotl', 'rmdots', 'rmfc', 'rml', 'rmlin', 'rms', 'roa', 'rod', 'rol', &

'rov', 'sig', 'solMaxs', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids', 'td', 'tfc', 'tl', 'tli',&

'tlo', 'tsatp', 'tsats', 'tv', 'tvi', 'tvo', 'ud', 'udotd', 'udotf', &


'udotl', 'udotv', 'ufc', 'ul', 'uv', 'velDrop', 'visl', 'visv' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for compartment, i.e (contanTab%ncomt .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimCompart(54) = (/ &

'alpn', 'alven', 'alvn', 'apool', 'chtan', 'chtin', 'cl', 'concps', &

'concpw', 'cpl', 'cpv', 'cv', 'd', 'dpdt', 'droldt', 'drovdt', 'ea', &

'efc', 'el', 'ev', 'hfgp', 'hlmfr', 'htmfr', 'p', 'pa', 'rma', 'rmb', &

'rmdota', 'rmdotf', 'rmdotl', 'rmdots', 'rmfc', 'rml', 'rms', 'roa', &

'rol', 'rov', 'sig', 'solMaxs', 'solMaxW', 'sSolids', 'tfc', 'tl', &

'tsatp', 'tsats', 'tv', 'udotf', 'udotl', 'udotv', 'ufc', 'ul', 'uv', &

'visl', 'visv' &


! Conditional variables for 2d droplet field arrays

! i.e. (contanDropOn .AND. contanTab%nField > 0_sik)

! REMARK: Twice 'rmd' as per original compartment variable description CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimDropOn(12) = (/ &

'ed', 'nDrop', 'radDrop', 'rmb2', 'rmd', 'rmd', 'rmdotd', 'rod', 'td', &

'ud', 'udotd', 'velDrop' &


! Conditional variables for cooler, i.e. (contanTab%ncool .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimCooler(3) = (/ &

'htc', 'qcl', 'qcld' &


! Conditional variables for fan cooler, i.e. (contanTab%nfanc .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimFCool(4) = (/ &

'mfcnds', 'qcnds', 'qerr', 'qgas' &


! Conditional variables for passive junction, i.e. (contanTab%njct .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimJct(4) = (/ &

'rmdap', 'rmdlp', 'rmdot', 'rmdsp' &


! Conditional variables for forced junction, i.e. (contanTab%njctf .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimJctf(3) = (/ &

'rmdaf', 'rmdlf', 'rmdsf' &


! Conditional variables for source/sink, i.e. (contanTab%njcts .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimJcts(8) = (/ &

'enflo', 'enss', 'rmain', 'rmdas', 'rmdls', 'rmdsin', 'rmdss', 'rmlin' &


! Conditional variables for HS, i.e. (contanTab%nhs > 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimHS(10) = (/ &

'hli', 'hlo', 'hvi', 'hvo', 'intQSurf', 'qSurf', 'tli', 'tlo', 'tvi', &

'tvo' &


! Conditional variables for HS connected to CONTAN fluid compartments

! i.e. (contanTab%nhsp > 0_sik)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContLimTHS(3) = (/ &

'filmTh', 'qLiqHT', 'qVapHT' &


! Additional graphics list for graphLevel = "full" CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFull(19) = (/ &

'condFrac', 'filmDR', 'filmMT', 'fr', 'hLiq', 'hVap', 'mfloc', 'mflov', &

'nfin', 'pclin', 'rmf', 'tcl', 'tclin', 'tf', 'ti', 'tifc', 'tsurf', &

'twali', 'twalo' &


! Unconditional variables CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullDef(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &



! Conditional variables for compartment, i.e (contanTab%ncomt .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullCompart(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for 2d droplet field arrays

! i.e. (contanDropOn .AND. contanTab%nField > 0_sik)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullDropOn(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for cooler, i.e. (contanTab%ncool .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullCooler(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for fan cooler, i.e. (contanTab%nfanc .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullFCool(9) = (/ &

'mfloc', 'mflov', 'nfin', 'pclin', 'tcl', 'tclin', 'tifc', 'twali', &

'twalo' &


! Conditional variables for passive junction, i.e. (contanTab%njct .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullJct(1) = (/ &

'fr' &


! Conditional variables for forced junction, i.e. (contanTab%njctf .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullJctf(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for source/sink, i.e. (contanTab%njcts .NE. 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullJcts(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for HS, i.e. (contanTab%nhs > 0)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullHS(1) = (/ &

'dummy' &


! Conditional variables for HS connected to CONTAN fluid compartments

! i.e. (contanTab%nhsp > 0_sik)

CHARACTER(LEN=13), PARAMETER  :: XtvDVarsContFullTHS(9) = (/ &

'condFrac', 'filmDR', 'filmMT', 'hLiq', 'hVap', 'rmf', 'tf', 'ti', &

'tsurf' &


CONTAINS SUBROUTINE InitCustomGraphLevel(graphLevel)

! This subroutine sets the filtering option flag "graphFltFlag" ON or OFF

! depending on content of namelist variables "graphCustVar" and "graphCustId".


! Dummy Variable Declarations CHARACTER(len=8), INTENT(INOUT) :: graphLevel

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik) :: i graphFltFlag = 0

! Add a summary message in the output files A-21

IF (graphCustVar(1) /= ) THEN NAMELIST / graphOpts / graphLevel, graphCustVar, graphCustId DO i = 1, 3 WRITE (outUnt(i), *) "Summary of graphics file NAMELIST options:"

WRITE (outUnt(i), graphOpts)


! Set filtering flag ON only when relevant IF ( (graphCustId(1) /= ) .AND. (graphLevel /= 'full') ) THEN graphFltFlag = 1 DO i = 1, 3 WRITE (outUnt(i), *) "User-defined graphics file output selected."

WRITE (outUnt(i), *) "graphFltFlag is set ON"

!WRITE (outUnt(i), *) graphFltFlag END DO ELSE DO i = 1, 3 WRITE (outUnt(i), *) "graphFltFlag is set OFF"

!WRITE (outUnt(i), *) graphFltFlag END DO END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE InitCustomGraphLevel SUBROUTINE XtvVarFilterOut(compId, varName, graphLevel, FltOutFlag)

! This subroutine determines if the supplied graph variable varName

! is to be filtered out of the Xtv file.

! BEGIN MODULE USE USE GlobalDat, ONLY: sik USE XtvData, ONLY: curCmpIdx, xtvCompList IMPLICIT NONE

! Dummy Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik), INTENT(IN)  :: compId CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN)  :: varName CHARACTER(LEN=8), INTENT(IN)  :: graphLevel INTEGER(sik), INTENT(OUT) :: FltOutFlag

! Local Variable Declarations FltOutFlag = 0_sik IF ( ALL(compId /= graphCustId) ) THEN IF (graphLevel == 'minimal') THEN IF ( ALL(varName /= XtvDVarsMin) .AND. ANY(varName == XtvDVarsLim) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 1_sik END IF IF ( ALL(varName /= XtvDVarsMin) .AND. ANY(varName == XtvDVarsFull) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 1_sik END IF ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN IF ( ALL(varName /= XtvDVarsLim) .AND. ANY(varName == XtvDVarsFull) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 1_sik END IF A-22

ELSE ! graphLevel == 'full' IF ( ANY(varName == XtvDVarsFull) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 0_sik END IF END IF END IF IF ( ANY(compId == graphCustId) ) THEN IF (graphLevel == 'minimal') THEN IF ( ANY(varName == XtvDVarsLim) .AND. ALL(varName /= graphCustVar) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 1_sik END IF IF ( ANY(varName == XtvDVarsFull) .AND. ALL(varName /= graphCustVar) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 1_sik END IF ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN IF ( ANY(varName == XtvDVarsFull) .AND. ALL(varName /= graphCustVar) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 1_sik END IF ELSE ! graphLevel == 'full' IF ( ANY(varName == XtvDVarsFull) ) THEN FltOutFlag = 0_sik END IF END IF END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE XtvVarFilterOut SUBROUTINE XtvVarListMerge2A(xvlist,xvlistplus)

! This subroutine merges the two variables lists provided as argument

! (version with 2 arguments)


! Dummy Variable Declarations CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: xvlist CHARACTER(LEN=13), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)  :: xvlistplus

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik)  :: i, ierr, j, k, siz CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: XtvDVarsBuffer ierr = 0 k = 0 DO i = 1, SIZE(xvlist)

DO j = 1, SIZE(xvlistplus)

IF (xvlist(i) == xvlistplus(j)) THEN k = k + 1 END IF END DO END DO A-23

siz = SIZE(xvlist) + SIZE(xvlistplus) - k ALLOCATE(XtvDVarsBuffer(siz), STAT=ierr) j = 0 DO i = 1, SIZE(xvlist) j = j + 1 XtvDVarsBuffer(j) = xvlist(i)

END DO DO i = 1, SIZE(xvlistplus)

IF ( ALL(xvlistplus(i) /= xvlist) ) THEN j = j + 1 XtvDVarsBuffer(j) = xvlistplus(i)


ALLOCATE(xvlist(siz), STAT=ierr) xvlist = XtvDVarsBuffer DEALLOCATE(XtvDVarsBuffer, STAT=ierr)

END SUBROUTINE XtvVarListMerge2A SUBROUTINE XtvVarListMerge3A(xvlist,xvlistplus,ncgas)

! This subroutine merges the two variables lists provided as argument

! (version with 3 arguments, to accommodate for non-condensale gases variable names)


! Dummy Variable Declarations CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: xvlist CHARACTER(LEN=13), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)  :: xvlistplus CHARACTER(LEN=3), INTENT(IN)  :: ncgas

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik)  :: ierr, j CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: XtvDVarsBuffer CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: XtvDVarsOptions ierr = 0 ALLOCATE(XtvDVarsOptions(SIZE(xvlistplus)), STAT=ierr)

DO j = 1, SIZE(xvlistplus)

XtvDVarsOptions(j) = TRIM(xvlistplus(j)) // ncgas END DO CALL XtvVarListMerge2A(xvlist,XtvDVarsOptions)

DEALLOCATE(XtvDVarsOptions, STAT=ierr)

END SUBROUTINE XtvVarListMerge3A SUBROUTINE XtvVarListMerge4A(xvlist,xvlistplus,fluid,iarg)


! This subroutine merges the two variables lists provided as argument

! (version with 4 arguments, to accommodate for trace species variable names)


! Dummy Variable Declarations CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT)  :: xvlist CHARACTER(LEN=13), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)  :: xvlistplus CHARACTER(LEN=3), INTENT(IN)  :: fluid INTEGER(sik), INTENT(IN)  :: iarg

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik)  :: ierr, j CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: XtvDVarsBuffer CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: XtvDVarsOptions INTEGER(sik)  :: itens, iones CHARACTER(LEN=1), DIMENSION(0:9), PARAMETER  :: ndigs = (/ '0', '1', '2', '3',


& '5', '6', '7', '8',

'9' /)

CHARACTER(LEN=2)  :: num ierr = 0 ALLOCATE(XtvDVarsOptions(SIZE(xvlistplus)), STAT=ierr) itens = iarg / 10 iones = iarg - 10

  • itens num = ndigs(itens) // ndigs(iones)

DO j = 1, SIZE(xvlistplus)

XtvDVarsOptions(j) = TRIM(xvlistplus(j)) // fluid // num END DO CALL XtvVarListMerge2A(xvlist,XtvDVarsOptions)

DEALLOCATE(XtvDVarsOptions, STAT=ierr)

END SUBROUTINE XtvVarListMerge4A SUBROUTINE XtvVarUpdMassB(graphlist)

! Blabla

! BEGIN MODULE USE USE GlobalDat, ONLY: sik USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, fracB10 IMPLICIT NONE

! Dummy Variable Declarations CHARACTER(LEN=7), INTENT(IN) :: graphlist

! Local Variable Declarations

! Update for option 'minimal' IF (TRIM(graphlist) .EQ. 'minimal') THEN A-25

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsMassBMinDef)

! Update for option 'limited' ELSE IF (TRIM(graphlist) .EQ. 'limited') THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsMassBLimDef)

IF (iSolut > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsMassBLimIsolut)

IF (fracB10 < 1.0_sdk) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsMassBLimIsolutFracB)


! Update for option 'full' ELSE CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsMassBFullDef)

END IF END SUBROUTINE XtvVarUpdMassB SUBROUTINE XtvVarUpd1D(idx,graphlist)

! Creating dynamic variables lists for Generic 1D variables

! BEGIN MODULE USE USE EosNCGData, ONLY: ncGasSpecies USE GlobalDat, ONLY: sik, nTraceG, nTraceL, disFields, nBubbles, nDroplets, bubDev USE GlobalDat, ONLY: numberOfNCGases USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, fracB10, solveB10

!USE TraceSpeciesData, ONLY: traceGName, traceLName IMPLICIT NONE

! Dummy Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik), INTENT(IN) :: idx CHARACTER(LEN=7), INTENT(IN) :: graphlist

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik)  :: i CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: number

! Update for option 'minimal' IF (TRIM(graphlist) .EQ. 'minimal') THEN CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVars1DMinDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('minimal')

! Update for option 'limited' ELSE IF (TRIM(graphlist) .EQ. 'limited') THEN CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('limited')


IF (iSolut > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimIsolut)

IF (solveB10) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimIsolutsolveB10)

END IF END IF IF (numberOfNCGases > 1_sik) THEN DO i = 1, numberOfNCGases CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimItrace,ncGasSpecies(i))

END DO ELSE IF (nTraceG /= 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceG CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimItrace,'Gas',i)

END DO END IF IF (nTraceL /= 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceL CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimItrace,'Liq',i)


! Note: bubDev is always .TRUE. in v5.0Patch5 CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimBubdev)

END IF IF (disFields .GT. 0) THEN DO i = 1, disFields IF (i .LE. nDroplets) THEN WRITE(number,'(i4)') i CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsD,TRIM(ADJUSTL(number)))

ELSE WRITE(number,'(i4)') i-nDroplets CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsB,TRIM(ADJUSTL(number)))


IF (nBubbles .EQ. 1_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsnB1)

ELSE IF (nBubbles .EQ. 2_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVars1DLimDisfieldsnB2)


! Update for option 'full' ELSE CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVars1DFullDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('full ')

IF (iSolut > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVars1DFullIsolut)


! Creating dynamic variables lists for Vessel variables

! BEGIN MODULE USE USE EosNCGData, ONLY: ncGasSpecies USE GlobalDat, ONLY: sik, imfr, nTraceG, nTraceL, disFields, nDroplets USE GlobalDat, ONLY: numberOfNCGases USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, solveB10 USE VessVlt

!USE TraceSpeciesData, ONLY: traceGName, traceLName IMPLICIT NONE

! Dummy Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik), INTENT(IN) :: idx CHARACTER(LEN=7), INTENT(IN) :: graphlist

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik)  :: i CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: number

! Update for option 'minimal' IF (TRIM(graphlist) .EQ. 'minimal') THEN CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsVsslMinDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('minimal')

! Update for option 'limited' ELSE IF (TRIM(graphlist) .EQ. 'limited') THEN A-28

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('limited')

IF (imfr .EQ. 1) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimImfr1)

ELSE IF (imfr .EQ. 3) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimImfr3)

END IF IF (iSolut .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimIsolut)

IF (solveB10) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimIsolutsolveB10)

END IF END IF IF (numberOfNCGases > 1_sik) THEN DO i = 1, numberOfNCGases CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimNtraceG,ncGasSpecies(i))

END DO ELSE IF (nTraceG > 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceG CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimNtraceG,'Gas',i)

END DO END IF IF (nTraceL > 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceL CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimNtraceL,'Liq',i)

END DO END IF END IF IF (disFields .GT. 0) THEN DO i = 1, disFields IF (i .LE. nDroplets) THEN WRITE(number,'(i4)') i A-29

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimDisfieldsD,TRIM(ADJUSTL(number)))

ELSE WRITE(number,'(i4)') i-nDroplets CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimDisfieldsB,TRIM(ADJUSTL(number)))

END IF END DO END IF IF (vessTab(idx)%idcr .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimIdcr)

END IF IF (vessTab(idx)%ilcsp .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimIlcsp)

END IF IF (vessTab(idx)%icrr .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimIcrr)

END IF IF (vessTab(idx)%iucsp .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsVsslLimIucsp)


! Update for option 'full' ELSE CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsVsslFullDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('full ')

IF (vessTab(idx)%nolt < 1) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsVsslFullNolt0)

END IF IF (iSolut .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsVsslFullIsolut)


! Initiates update of list 'xvlist' using content of list 'xvlistDef' SUBROUTINE XtvVarListIni(xvlist,xvlistDef)

! BEGIN MODULE USE USE GlobalDat, ONLY: sik A-30


! Dummy Variable Declarations CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: xvlist CHARACTER(LEN=13), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)  :: xvlistDef

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik) :: ierr ALLOCATE(xvlist(SIZE(xvlistDef)), STAT=ierr) xvlist = xvlistDef RETURN END SUBROUTINE XtvVarListIni SUBROUTINE XtvVarListsPrep(idx,doit)

! Preparation or deallocation of all dynamic variables lists (minimal, limited and full)

! of one component where argument 'idx' is the component index,

! and argument 'doit' is a flag to select between preparing or deallocation

! BEGIN MODULE USE USE CompTyp, ONLY: chanh, teeh, jetph, turbh, heatrh, sepdh, pumph, valveh, plenh, prizrh, pipeh USE CompTyp, ONLY: breakh, fillh, vsslh, htstrh, powerh, flpowerh, radench, contanh, canchanh USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, contanDropOn USE EosNCGData, ONLY: ncGasSpecies USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE FuelRodModelData, ONLY: frGasP USE GlobalDat, ONLY: sik USE GlobalDat, ONLY: ncontant, nTraceG, nTraceL USE GlobalDat, ONLY: numberOfNCGases USE HSVlt, ONLY: hsTab USE PipeVlt, ONLY: pipeTab, prizerOpt, accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere USE PowVlt, ONLY: powTab USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, fracB10, solveB10 USE ValveVlt, ONLY: valveTab, vSwing

!USE TraceSpeciesData, ONLY: traceGName, traceLName IMPLICIT NONE

! Dummy Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik), INTENT(IN) :: idx, doit

! Local Variable Declarations INTEGER(sik)  :: compId, ierr, i CHARACTER(LEN=13), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: XtvDVarsOptions ierr = 0

! Deallocate all dynamic variables lists and exits IF (doit == 0) THEN DEALLOCATE(XtvDVarsMin, STAT=ierr)





! Prepare variables lists for general problem variables IF (idx .LT. 1) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for General problem variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsGnPrMinDef)

IF (iSolut > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsGnPrMinIsolut)

IF (fracB10 < 1.0_sdk) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsGnPrMinIsolutFracB)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for General problem variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsGnPrLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for General problem variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsGnPrFullDef)

IF (ncontant > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsGnPrFullCont)


! Prepare variables lists for components ELSE compId = genTab(idx)%num IF ( (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. pipeh) .OR. (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. canchanh) ) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component pipe  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Pipe variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsPipeMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Pipe variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPipeLimDef)

SELECT CASE (pipeTab(idx)%pipeType)

CASE (accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere, prizerOpt)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPipeLimPipetype)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Pipe variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPipeFullDef)

SELECT CASE (pipeTab(idx)%pipeType)

CASE (accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere, prizerOpt)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPipeFullPipetype)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component pipe  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. chanh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component chan  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Pipe variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsPipeMinDef)

! Begin list update for Chan variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsChanMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Pipe variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPipeLimDef)

SELECT CASE (pipeTab(idx)%pipeType)

CASE (accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere, prizerOpt)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPipeLimPipetype)


! Begin list update for Chan variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsChanLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Pipe variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPipeFullDef)

SELECT CASE (pipeTab(idx)%pipeType)

CASE (accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere, prizerOpt)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPipeFullPipetype)


! Begin list update for Chan variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsChanFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component chan  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. teeh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component tee  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsTeeMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsTeeLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsTeeFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component tee  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. jetph) THEN A-34

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component jet pump  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsTeeMinDef)

! Begin list update for Jet pump variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsJetpMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsTeeLimDef)

! Begin list update for Jet pump variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsJetpLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsTeeFullDef)

! Begin list update for Jet pump variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsJetpFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component jet pump  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. turbh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component turbine  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsTeeMinDef)

! Begin list update for Turbine variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsTurbMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Tee variables A-35

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsTeeLimDef)

! Begin list update for Turbine variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsTurbLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsTeeFullDef)

! Begin list update for Turbine variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsTurbFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component turbine  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. heatrh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component feedwater heater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsTeeMinDef)

! Begin list update for Feedwater heater variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsHeatrMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsTeeLimDef)

! Begin list update for Feedwater heater variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHeatrLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsTeeFullDef)

! Begin list update for Feedwater heater variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsHeatrFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component feedwater heater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. sepdh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component separator  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsTeeMinDef)

! Begin list update for Separator variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsSepdMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsTeeLimDef)

! Begin list update for Separator variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsSepdLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Tee variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsTeeFullDef)

! Begin list update for Separator variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsSepdFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component separator  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. pumph) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component pump  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Pump variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsPumpMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Pump variables A-37

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPumpLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Pump variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPumpFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component pump  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. valveh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component valve  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Valve variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsValveMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Valve variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsValveLimDef)

IF (valveTab(idx)%ivty == vSwing) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsValveLimIvty)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Valve variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsValveFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component valve  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. plenh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component plenum  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Plenum variables A-38

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsPlenMinDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('minimal')

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Plenum variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPlenLimDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('limited')

IF (isolut > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPlenLimIsolut)

IF (solveB10) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPlenLimIsolutsolveB10)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Plenum variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPlenFullDef)

CALL XtvVarUpdMassB('full ')

IF (isolut > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPlenFullIsolut)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component plenum  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. breakh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component break  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Break variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsBreakMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Break variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsBreakLimDef)

IF (iSolut .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsBreakLimIsolut)

IF (solveB10) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsBreakLimIsolutsolveB10)


IF (numberOfNCGases > 1_sik) THEN DO i = 1, numberOfNCGases CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsBreakLimItrace,ncGasSpecies(i))

END DO ELSE IF (nTraceG > 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceG CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsBreakLimItrace,'Gas',i)

END DO END IF IF (nTraceL > 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceL CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsBreakLimItrace,'Liq',i)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Break variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsBreakFullDef)

IF (iSolut .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsBreakFullIsolut)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component break  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. fillh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component fill  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Fill variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsFillMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Fill variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFillLimDef)


IF (iSolut .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFillLimIsolut)

IF (solveB10) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFillLimIsolutsolveB10)

END IF END IF IF (numberOfNCGases > 1_sik) THEN DO i = 1, numberOfNCGases CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFillLimItrace,ncGasSpecies(i))

END DO ELSE IF (nTraceG > 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceG CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFillLimItrace,'Gas',i)

END DO END IF IF (nTraceL > 0) THEN DO i = 1, nTraceL CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFillLimItrace,'Liq',i)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Fill variables CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsFillFullDef)

IF (iSolut .NE. 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsFillFullIsolut)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component fill  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. prizrh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component prizer  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'minimal')

! Begin list update for Prizer variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsPrzrMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'limited')

! Begin list update for Prizer variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPrzrLimDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Generic 1D variables CALL XtvVarUpd1D(idx,'full ')

! Begin list update for Prizer variables CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPrzrFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component prizer  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. vsslh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component vessel  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for all graphlevel options  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for Vessel variables CALL XtvVarUpd3D(idx,'minimal')

CALL XtvVarUpd3D(idx,'limited')

CALL XtvVarUpd3D(idx,'full ')

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component vessel  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. htstrh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component htstr  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'HtStr' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsHtStrMinDef)

! Begin list update for variables in 'HtStrC' CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsHtStrCMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


! Begin list update for variables in 'HtStr' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrLimDef)

IF (hsTab(idx)%nfci /= 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrLimNfci)

IF (hsTab(idx)%nfci > 1_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrLimNfci2)

END IF END IF IF (hsTab(idx)%nmwrx /= 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrLimNmwrx)


! Begin list update for variables in 'HtStrC' CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrCLimDef)

IF (ABS(hsTab(idx)%nfci) > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrCLimNfci)

IF (fRGasP) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrCLimNfcifRGasP)

END IF END IF IF (hsTab(idx)%nmwrx /= 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsHtStrCLimNmwrx)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'HtStr' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsHtStrFullDef)

IF (hsTab(idx)%nfci /= 0_sik) THEN

! Place-holder (no additional XTV variable in this version of TRACE) ierr = 0 END IF IF (hsTab(idx)%nmwrx /= 0) THEN

! Place-holder (no additional XTV variable in this version of TRACE) ierr = 0 END IF IF (hsTab(idx)%ngrids > 0) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsHtStrFullNgrids)


! Begin list update for variables in 'HtStrC' CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsHtStrCFullDef)

IF (ABS(hsTab(idx)%nfci) > 0_sik) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsHtStrCFullNfci)

IF (fRGasP) THEN CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsHtStrCFullNfcifRGasP)

END IF END IF IF (hsTab(idx)%nmwrx /= 0) THEN

! Place-holder (no additional XTV variable in this version of TRACE) ierr = 0 END IF

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component htstr  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. powerh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component power  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'minimal'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'Power' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsPowerMinDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'limited'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'Power' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsPowerLimDef)

IF (powTab(idx)%irpwty >= 11_sik) THEN ALLOCATE(XtvDVarsOptions(SIZE(XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty)), STAT=ierr)

XtvDVarsOptions = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwty

! Alternative variables for ifbtyp(1,2,3)=1 & ibu(4)<0 IF (powTab(idx)%ifbtyp(1) > 0_sik) THEN XtvDVarsOptions(14) = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAlt(1)

END IF IF (powTab(idx)%ifbtyp(2) > 0_sik) THEN XtvDVarsOptions(11) = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAlt(2)

END IF IF (powTab(idx)%ifbtyp(3) > 0_sik) THEN XtvDVarsOptions(2) = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAlt(3)

END IF IF (powTab(idx)%ibu(4) < 0) THEN XtvDVarsOptions(4) = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAlt(4)

ELSE IF (powTab(idx)%ibu(4) > 1) THEN A-44

IF (iSolut == 1_sik) THEN XtvDVarsOptions(4) = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAltIbu(2)

ELSE XtvDVarsOptions(4) = XtvDVarsPowerLimIrpwtyAltIbu(1)

END IF END IF END IF CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsOptions)

DEALLOCATE(XtvDVarsOptions, STAT=ierr)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for option 'full'  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'Power' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsPowerFullDef)

IF (powTab(idx)%irpwty >= 11_sik) THEN

! Place-holder (no additional XTV variable in this version of TRACE) ierr = 0 END IF

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component power  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. flpowerh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component flpowerh  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for all graphlevel options  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'Flpowerh' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsFlPowerMinDef)

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsFlPowerLimDef)

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsFlPowerFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component flpowerh  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. radench) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component radenc  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for all graphlevel options  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'Radenc' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsRadEncMinDef)

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsRadEncLimDef)

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsRadEncFullDef)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component radenc  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ELSE IF (genTab(idx)%type .EQ. contanh) THEN

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin update of component contan  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update for all graphlevel options  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! Begin list update for variables in 'Contan' CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinDef)

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimDef)

CALL XtvVarListIni(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullDef)

IF (contanTab%ncomt .NE. 0) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinCompart)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimCompart)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullCompart)

END IF IF (contanDropOn .AND. contanTab%nField > 0_sik) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinDropOn)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimDropOn)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullDropOn)

END IF IF (contanTab%ncool .NE. 0) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinCooler)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimCooler)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullCooler)

END IF IF (contanTab%nfanc .NE. 0) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinFCool)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimFCool)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullFCool)

END IF IF (contanTab%njct .NE. 0) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinJct)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimJct)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullJct)

END IF IF (contanTab%njctf .NE. 0) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinJctf)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimJctf)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullJctf)

END IF IF (contanTab%njcts .NE. 0) THEN A-46

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinJcts)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimJcts)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullJcts)

END IF IF (contanTab%nhs > 0) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinHS)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimHS)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullHS)

END IF IF (contanTab%nhsp > 0_sik) THEN

!CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsMin,XtvDVarsContMinTHS)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsLim,XtvDVarsContLimTHS)

CALL XtvVarListMerge(XtvDVarsFull,XtvDVarsContFullTHS)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! End update of component contan  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!! Begin genTab(idx)%type does not match any component type !!!!!!!!!!!

! Could be improved with a cleaner error message and run abort ierr = 0

!!!!!!!!!!! End genTab(idx)%type does not match any component type  !!!!!!!!!!!


APPENDIX B SOURCE CODE MODIFICATIONS FOR V5.0P5 This appendix presents in subsections B.1 to B.7 the necessary modifications to the original TRACE v5.0p5 sources files [src/InfoOutM.f90], [src/NamlistDatM.f90],

[src/NamlistInputM.f90], [src/NamlistM.f90], [src/XtvCompsM.f90], [src/XtvDumpM.f90]

and [src/XtvSetupM.f90] for the implementations of the XTV-Customize option.

For one pair $file.f90 and $file.f90.mod of the original and modified versions of the aforementioned source files, the patch file presented in each subsection has been obtained with the following Linux command:

diff -u $file.f90 $file.f90.mod > $file.patch To create the modified source $file.f90.mod from the original source file $file.f90, the patch file is to be applied using the following Linux command:

patch < $file.patch These patches do not include the fixes for the few XTV variable extraction issues mentioned in subsection 3.1 . Note also that the structure of these modifications is very similar to that of other code versions v5.0p4 and v5.0p3.

B.1 Patch file for src/InfoOutM.f90

--- InfoOutM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:48.000000002 +0200

+++ InfoOutM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:30:04.000000002 +0200

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@

! This Software was developed for Purdue Subcontract Agreement 640-01812-2

! under NRC Prime Contract no. NRC-04-97-046 (Task #2)

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.


USE IntrType USE GlobalDat, ONLY: one, zero

@@ -1165,6 +1167,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel USE MatrixDat, ONLY: blocks, iDmCL, iDMG USE SysConfig, ONLY: nVolTot, nEdges

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -1181,7 +1184,8 @@

REAL(sdk) :: dxP, dxM, pStagM, pStagP

! Check to see if these parameters are needed or not.

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN

! Loop over volumes DO iVol = 1, nVolTot B-1

B.2 Patch file for src/NamlistDatM.f90

--- NamlistDatM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:48.000000002 +0200

+++ NamlistDatM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:29:59.000000002 +0200

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

! This Software was developed for Purdue Subcontract Agreement 640-01812-2

! under NCR Prime Contract no. NRC-04-97-046 (Task #2)

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.

USE IntrType USE ErrorInterface, ONLY : error

@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@


- INTEGER(sik), PARAMETER :: lenNamelist = 149_sik

+ INTEGER(sik), PARAMETER :: lenNamelist = 151_sik INTEGER(sik) :: cNmIdx = 0

! Note that this namelist list does not include any namelist options

! that are input only. All options here are transferred to TPR

@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@

USE SoluteData, ONLY: soluCW, soluCWDef, soluB, soluBDef, soluV, soluVDef, fracB10, fracB10Def USE SpacerGridData, ONLY: gridTypes, gridTypesDef USE TimeStepDat, ONLY: dtstrt, dtStrtDef, dtstrtSet, icdelt, icDelTDef

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphCustId, graphCustIdDef, graphCustVar, graphCustVarDef IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -460,6 +462,12 @@

CALL InitNmlstVal('graphLevel ', graphLevelDef, graphLevel, .TRUE., &

& description='Flag for graphic level output')

+ CALL InitNmlstVal('graphCustId ', graphCustIdDef, graphCustId, .TRUE., &

+ & description='Component IDs for additional graphics output')


+ CALL InitNmlstVal('graphCustVar', graphCustVarDef, graphCustVar, .TRUE., &

+ & description='Additional variables for graphics output')


CALL InitNmlstVal('chfMult ', chfMultDef, chfMult, .TRUE., &

& description='Multiplier for critical heat flux')

@@ -1015,6 +1023,7 @@

USE EosNCGData, ONLY: ncGasSpecies USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel, repeatLoc, repeatLocSet USE Util, ONLY: SetBackupLoc

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphCustVar

! This routine loads up namelist strings and 1D string arrays in the nmlstInfo array.

@@ -1068,6 +1077,10 @@

IF (ncGasSpecies(1) /= ' ') THEN nmlstInfo(idx)%s1dVal = ncGasSpecies END IF

+ CASE ('graphCustVar')

+ IF (graphCustVar(1) /= ' ') THEN

+ nmlstInfo(idx)%s1dVal = graphCustVar


WRITE (message, '(2a)') ' *UpdateNamelistStrings* No coding currently for string = ', &

& nmlstInfo(idx)%name B.3 Patch file for src/NamlistInputM.f90

--- NamlistInputM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:48.000000002 +0200

+++ NamlistInputM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:29:54.000000002 +0200

@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@

! Module NamlistInput Contains the sections of subroutine Input

! Specifically associated with input

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.


USE IntrType USE ErrorInterface, ONLY : error

@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@

USE SpacerGridData, ONLY: gridTypes USE TDMRVarDecl, ONLY: tdmrRamp USE TimeStepDat, ONLY: dtstrt, icdelt

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphCustId, graphCustVar IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(sik) :: ifs0

@@ -123,6 +126,7 @@

& xtvRes, iamBWR, nofat, useSJC, nsolver, ncontant, useVessHS, naxn, tracbOut, xtvAppend, nPower, creepAxial, &

& trcdif, use_IAPWS_st, tdmrramp, nolt1d, nolt3d, iflcond, nflpower, fluids, iTrace, radBurn, crudIn, &

& numGenTbl, nEnclosure, R5dh, R5fdbk, PumpFricQ, ncGasSpecies, maxDxgn, graphLevel, nrot, chfMult, &

+ & graphCustId, graphCustVar, &

& disFields, lbdrag, viewFactReverse, iWriteMsgLim, fPowerIn, fPowerDe, fReactIn, fReactDe, fPMax, detailedFRM, &

& use_modNFI_k, matTypFuel, homMultAWD, blockageOn, multBFL, ecrpLimit, fOxLayer, dOxLayer, matTypCladOx, &

& iSolveDef, gridTypes, use_D2O_st, flowDepK, cSSMaxNumOpt, closest, nAdjLosses, use_ncg_stens, iateModel, &


B.4 Patch file for src/NamlistM.f90

--- NamlistM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:48.000000002 +0200

+++ NamlistM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:29:48.000000002 +0200

@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@

! defines the namelist list, and contains the routines that

! deal with the namelist.

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.



@@ -18,7 +20,8 @@

! namelist variables. This is targeted around the SNAP / TRAC

! interface so Defval for example is not supported.

- USE TprNamelist, ONLY: NameListT, WriteNamelistT, FreeNamelistT

+ USE TprNamelist

+ !USE TprNamelist, ONLY: NameListT, WriteNamelistT, FreeNamelistT USE NamlistDat, ONLY: nmlstInfo, lenNameList, nmInt, nmReal, nmLog, nmStr, nmInt1D, nmReal1D, nmLog1D, nmStr1D USE TprBase, ONLY: TprUnknownInt, TprUnknownReal, tprFileIndex

@@ -142,7 +145,8 @@

CASE (nmInt1D) nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%name = TRIM(nmlstInfo(i)%name)//CHAR(0) nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%vType = i1dType

- nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%i1dValue => nmlstInfo(i)%i1dVal

+ CALL DEEPCOPY_INTARR(nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%i1dValue,nmlstInfo(i)%i1dVal)

+! nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%i1dValue => nmlstInfo(i)%i1dVal NULLIFY(nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%d1dValue)



@@ -151,7 +155,8 @@

CASE (nmReal1D) nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%name = TRIM(nmlstInfo(i)%name)//CHAR(0) nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%vType = d1dType

- nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%d1dValue => nmlstInfo(i)%r1dVal

+ CALL DEEPCOPY_DOUBLEARR(nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%d1dValue,nmlstInfo(i)%r1dVal)

+! nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%d1dValue => nmlstInfo(i)%r1dVal NULLIFY(nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%i1dValue)



@@ -160,7 +165,8 @@

CASE (nmLog1D) nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%name = TRIM(nmlstInfo(i)%name)//CHAR(0) nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%vType = l1dType

- nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%l1dValue => nmlstInfo(i)%l1dVal

+ CALL DEEPCOPY_LOGICALARR(nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%l1dValue,nmlstInfo(i)%l1dVal)

+! nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%l1dValue => nmlstInfo(i)%l1dVal NULLIFY(nmLst%arTriplets(arCnt)%i1dValue)



@@ -291,6 +297,8 @@

DO i=1,nmLst%nArOptionsOutput arOption = nmLst%arTriplets(i)


+! Prevent reuse of namelist variables 'graphCustId' or 'graphCustVar' from the restart file

+ IF

((arOption%name(1:11)=='graphCustId').OR.(arOption%name(1:12)=='graphCustVar')) CYCLE

! Select by name then by value nmInfoIdx = GetNmlstInfoIdx(arOption%name)

IF ((nmlstInfo(nmInfoIdx)%setByUser .OR.

.NOT.nmlstInfo(nmInfoIdx)%changeOnRestart) .AND. &

@@ -684,6 +692,7 @@

USE SoluteData, ONLY: soluCW, soluB, soluV, iSolut, solveB10, fracB10, isolut, solveB10 USE SpacerGridData, ONLY: gridTypes USE TimeStepDat, ONLY: dtstrt, icdelt

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: InitCustomGraphLevel IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -1566,6 +1575,7 @@

! check the flag that determines the graphic output level

+ CALL InitCustomGraphLevel(graphLevel)

IF (graphLevel /= 'limited' .AND. graphLevel /= 'full' .AND. graphLevel /=

'minimal') THEN WRITE (detail(1), 554) graphLevel 554 FORMAT ('namelist variable graphLevel =', a, ' should be "full", &


B.5 Patch file for src/XtvCompsM.f90

--- XtvCompsM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:49.000000002 +0200

+++ XtvCompsM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:29:44.000000002 +0200

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@

! This Software was developed for Purdue Subcontract Agreement 640-01812-2

! under NRC Prime Contract no. NRC-04-97-046 (Task #2)

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.


USE IntrType USE ErrorInterface, ONLY : error

@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@

USE PrizeVlt, ONLY: prizerAdj, prizerHdAdj USE PowVlt, ONLY: powTab USE VessVlt, ONLY: nVessels

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarListsPrep USE XtvData, ONLY: nXTVdumps, uTypeTime, nPipePrizer, prizerIndices, currentPrizer, vessIndices USE XtvData, ONLY: xtvBufAr, lenXtvBufAr, AllocXtvCompList, AllocPlenAux USE XtvDump, ONLY: CreateXtvHeader, SetupXtvAppend

@@ -72,13 +75,15 @@

! 1 for each containment substructure type (compartment, cooler, passive junction, etc) (if Present)

- IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel /= 'minimal') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN locXtvCmps = ncompt-ncontant + 1 ELSE locXtvCmps = 1 END IF

- IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel /= 'minimal') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN DO cco = bIndHS, eIndPW IF (genTab(cco)%type == htstrh) THEN locXtvCmps = locXtvCmps + hsTab(cco)%nrods

@@ -90,7 +95,8 @@

IF (csGl%ntcb .GT. 0) locXtvCmps = locXtvCmps + 1 IF (csGl%ntrp .GT. 0) locXtvCmps = locXtvCmps + 1

- IF (ncontant .GT. 0 .AND. graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ !IF (ncontant .GT. 0 .AND. graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ IF ( ncontant .GT. 0 .AND. ( (graphLevel /= 'minimal') .OR. ( graphFltFlag

== 1 ) ) ) THEN IF (contanTab%ncomt .NE. 0) locXtvCmps = locXtvCmps + 1 IF (contanTab%ncool .NE. 0) locXtvCmps = locXtvCmps + 1 IF (contanTab%nfanc .NE. 0) locXtvCmps = locXtvCmps + 1

@@ -136,10 +142,14 @@



- IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel /= 'minimal') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN DO cco = 1, ncompt B-6

+! Prepare Xtv variables lists for one component

+ CALL XtvVarListsPrep(cco,1)


! branch on component type IF (genTab(cco)%type .EQ. pipeh) THEN

@@ -186,12 +196,19 @@

CALL XtvContan(cco)


+! Clean up Xtv variables lists

+ CALL XtvVarListsPrep(cco,0)



+! Prepare Xtv variables lists for general problem

+ CALL XtvVarListsPrep(0,1)


+! Clean up Xtv variables lists

+ CALL XtvVarListsPrep(0,0)

! Alloc Xtv Buffer CALL TracAllo(xtvBufAr, lenXtvBufAr, 'xtvBufAr', 0.d0)

@@ -229,6 +246,7 @@

USE MatrixDat, ONLY : iLiqVF USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, fracB10, solveB10 USE TraceSpeciesData, ONLY: traceGName, traceLName

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr, v1dFa, cylRZ, vStatic USE XtvSetup, ONLY: CreateSummedR1, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvJun, AddXtvLeg, AddXtvVar, AddXtvComp USE XtvSetup, ONLY: CreateSArFrVal

@@ -311,10 +329,12 @@


! calc actual Num variables to be output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = n1dSVarLim nDVar = n1dDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = n1dSVarFull nDVar = n1dDVarFull ELSE

@@ -335,7 +355,8 @@

nDVar = nDVar - nIsolutVar ELSE nDVar = nDVar + nIsoluteVarFull

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF IF (fracB10 < 1.0_sdk) THEN

@@ -467,7 +488,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%eln, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'el', 'liquid internal energy')


CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%evn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'ev', 'gas internal energy')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%choked, vDynamic, v1dFa, 1, vWtr, 'choked',

'choking flag')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%gamn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'gamn', 'mass phase change rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%hgam, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'hgam',

'subcooled boiling heat flux')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%alvn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'alvn',

'flashing interfacial HTC')

@@ -518,7 +540,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%concSn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'concS',

'solute mass fraction')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%sn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'sn', 'plateout density')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%sSolids, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'sSolids',

'plateout mass')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cSppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cSppm',

'solute ppm per unit solu.')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cWppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cWppm',

'solute ppm per unit water')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%b10Sppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr,

'b10Sppm', 'B10 ppm per unit solu.')

@@ -659,6 +682,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY: nTraceG, nTraceL, graphLevel, numberOfNCGases USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, solveB10 USE TraceSpeciesData, ONLY: traceGName, traceLName

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vStatic, v1dCc, vWtr, vDynamic, vScalar USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvJun, AddXtvVar, AddXtvComp

@@ -686,10 +710,12 @@

c8type = gettype(genTab(idx)%type)

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nBrSVarLim nDVar = nBrDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nBrSVarFull nDVar = nBrDVarFull ELSE

@@ -704,10 +730,12 @@

nDVar = nDVar - nIsolutVar ELSE IF (solveB10) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nMFrB10Var

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN B-8

nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF

@@ -745,7 +773,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%concSn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'concS',

'solute mass fraction')

CALL AddXtvVar(genTab(idx)%massSoluteChange, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr,

'mSolC', 'Time int. solute mfr')

CALL AddXtvVar(breakTab(idx)%massSoluteFlowRate, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'solutMFR', 'Solute mfr')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cSppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cSppm',

'solute ppm per unit solu.')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cWppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cWppm',

'solute ppm per unit water')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%b10Sppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr,

'b10Sppm', 'B10 ppm per unit solu.')

@@ -833,6 +862,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE Gen1DArray, ONLY: g1dAr USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, v1dCc, vHot, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar, AddXtvTemplate, CreateSummedR1

@@ -858,10 +888,12 @@

c8type = gettype(genTab(idx)%type)

! Calculate number variables for CHAN.

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nSVarLim nDVar = nDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nSVarFull nDVar = nDVarFull ELSE

@@ -884,7 +916,8 @@

CALL AddXtvTemplate(genTab(idx)%num, 0_sik, 1, chanTab(idx)%ncrz, iFaces, grav, faI)

! Output CHAN specific variables.

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(chanTab(idx)%MCPR, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'mcpr',

'minimum crit. power ratio')

CALL AddXtvVar(chanTab(idx)%peakCladTemp, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot,

'peakClad', 'peak cladding temp')

CALL AddXtvVar(chanAr(idx)%XEquil, vDynamic, v1dCc, nTempl, vWtr,

'xequil', 'Equilibrium flow quality')

@@ -940,6 +973,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, compart, contanDropOn

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr, cylRZ, v2dCc USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArFrVal, CreateSArFrVal, AddXtvVar, AddXtvTemplate B-9

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

@@ -959,10 +993,12 @@

c8type = "Compart "

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtCpSVarLim nDVar = nCtCpDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtCpSVarFull nDVar = nCtCpDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1085,6 +1121,7 @@

USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, cooler USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateSArFrVal, CreateArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar

@@ -1100,10 +1137,12 @@

c8type = "Cooler "

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtCoSVarLim nDVar = nCtCoDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtCoSVarFull nDVar = nCtCoDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1142,6 +1181,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, fancooler

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateSArFrVal, CreateArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

@@ -1158,10 +1198,12 @@

c8type = "FanCoolr"

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtFcSVarLim nDVar = nCtFcDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtFcSVarFull nDVar = nCtFcDVarFull ELSE B-10

@@ -1185,7 +1227,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(fancooler%mfCnds, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'mfcnds',

'Condensate mass transfer')

CALL AddXtvVar(fancooler%qerr, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'qerr', 'heat balance error fraction')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(fancooler%nfin, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'nfin', 'Fin efficiency')

CALL AddXtvVar(fancooler%tifc, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'tifc',

'Air/water interface Temp.')

CALL AddXtvVar(fancooler%twalo, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'twalo', 'temp.

outer tube wall')

@@ -1210,6 +1253,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, passJunc

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateSArFrVal, CreateArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

@@ -1228,10 +1272,12 @@

c8type = "PassJunc"

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtPJSVarLim nDVar = nCtPJDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtPJSVarFull nDVar = nCtPJDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1254,7 +1300,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(passJunc%rmdap, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'rmdap', 'Air Flow Rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(passJunc%rmdlp, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'rmdlp', 'Liquid Flow Rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(passJunc%rmdot, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'rmdot', 'Total Mass Flow Rate')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(passJunc%fr, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'fr', 'Friction Factor')


@@ -1269,6 +1316,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, forceJunc

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateSArFrVal, CreateArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

@@ -1287,10 +1335,12 @@

c8type = "ForsJunc" B-11

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtFJSVarLim nDVar = nCtFJDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtFJSVarFull nDVar = nCtFJDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1326,6 +1376,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, sourceSink

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateSArFrVal, CreateArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

@@ -1344,10 +1395,12 @@

c8type = "Source "

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtSJSVarLim nDVar = nCtSJDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtSJSVarFull nDVar = nCtSJDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1391,6 +1444,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY: nTraceG, nTraceL, graphLevel, numberOfNCGases USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, solveB10 USE TraceSpeciesData, ONLY: traceGName, traceLName

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr, vScalar, v1dFa, vStatic USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvJun, AddXtvVar

@@ -1416,10 +1470,12 @@

c8type = gettype(genTab(idx)%type)

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nFiSVarLim nDVar = nFiDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nFiSVarFull nDVar = nFiDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1434,10 +1490,12 @@

nDVar = nDVar - nIsolutVar ELSE IF (solveB10) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nMFrB10Var B-12

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF

@@ -1484,7 +1542,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%concSn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'concS',

'solute mass fraction')

CALL AddXtvVar(genTab(idx)%massSoluteChange, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr,

'mSolC', 'Time int. solute flow rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(fillTab(idx)%massSoluteFlowRate, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'solutMFR', 'Solute flow rate')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cSppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cSppm',

'solute ppm per unit solu.')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cWppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cWppm',

'solute ppm per unit water')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%b10Sppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr,

'b10Sppm', 'B10 ppm per unit solu.')

@@ -1559,6 +1618,7 @@

USE MassBalData, ONLY: integratedSoluteFill, finalB10Mass, adjustedB10Mass, massB10Error, integratedB10Break USE MassBalData, ONLY: integratedB10Fill, finalSoluteSolids, finalB10Solids USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, fracB10

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vWtr, xtvCpuTime, xtvCpuDummy, tnstep USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, AddXtvVar

@@ -1595,13 +1655,16 @@


! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nGPSVarLim nDVar = nGPDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'minimal') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'minimal') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'minimal') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nGPSVarMin nDVar = nGPDVarMin

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nGPSVarFull nDVar = nGPDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1614,7 +1677,8 @@

END IF END IF IF (ncontant > 0_sik) THEN

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + 16 B-13


@@ -1667,7 +1731,8 @@

& 'Estimated system initial B10 mass')


- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(dPrMx, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'dprmax', 'Max. Frac.

pressure change')

CALL AddXtvVar(dTlMx, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'dtlmax', 'Max. Frac.

liq temp change')

CALL AddXtvVar(dTvMx, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'dtvmax', 'Max. Frac.

gas temp change')

@@ -1718,6 +1783,7 @@

USE PowerArray, ONLY: powAr USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut USE VessArray, ONLY: vsAr

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vHot USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArZerFrAr, CreateArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar

@@ -1781,10 +1847,12 @@


! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPowSVarLim nDVar = nPowDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPowSVarFull nDVar = nPowDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1929,6 +1997,7 @@

USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE RadEncData, ONLY: radTab, radAr

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v2dCc, vHot, cylRZ USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArFrVal, CreateSArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar

@@ -1953,10 +2022,12 @@

idxP = 0

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nRadEncSVarLim nDVar = nRadEncDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nRadEncSVarFull nDVar = nRadEncDVarFull ELSE

@@ -1994,6 +2065,7 @@


USE FlPowVlt, ONLY: flpowTab USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vHot USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, AddXtvVar

@@ -2015,10 +2087,12 @@

numChildren = 0

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nFlPowSVarLim nDVar = nFlPowDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nFlPowSVarFull nDVar = nFlPowDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2046,6 +2120,7 @@

USE HSArray, ONLY: hsAr USE HSEnum, ONLY: geomSlab USE HSVlt, ONLY: hsTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vHot, vScalar, cylRZ, cart2D, v1dFa, v2dFaJ, dynNeg, dgnJ USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArFrVal, CreateArZerFrAr, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvDynAx

@@ -2064,6 +2139,7 @@

INTEGER(sik) :: nDVar, nSVar, cSys2D, idxP, ncrzp1, ncrz INTEGER(sik) :: compId, compSsId, numChildren, nTemplates

+ INTEGER(sik) :: FltFlag REAL(sdk), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: iFaces=>NULL(), grav=>NULL(), fa=>NULL()

REAL(sdk), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: iFaces2=>NULL(), grav2=>NULL(),


REAL(sdk), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: iFaces3=>NULL(), jFaces3=>NULL()

@@ -2078,11 +2154,13 @@

idxP = 0

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nGhSVarLim nDVar = nGhDVarLim nTemplates = 2

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nGhSVarFull nDVar = nGhDVarFull

@@ -2091,6 +2169,11 @@

nTemplates = 2 ELSE nTemplates = 3

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(compId, 'gridtemp', graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ nDvar = nDVar - 1 B-15

+ nTemplates = 2

+ END IF END IF ELSE CALL error(5, 'Attempting to process an unknown graphLevel string', idx, calledBy = 'XtvHtStr')

@@ -2186,7 +2269,8 @@

'cladding rupture temperature')


- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%rdzN, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vHot, 'rdzN', 'generic node row height')

CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%qWallLiq(:,1), vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vHot,

'powli', 'inner surf HT to liquid')

CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%qWallVap(:,1), vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vHot,

'powvi', 'inner surf HT to gas')

@@ -2201,12 +2285,15 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%enhnfac, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vHot, 'enhnfac',

'HT enhancement factor')

! Spacer grid surface temperatures IF (hsTab(idx)%ngrids > 0) THEN

- NULLIFY(iFaces4, grav4, fa4)

- CALL CreateArZerFrAr(iFaces4, hsAr(idx)%rdzNperm, hsTab(idx)%ngrids+1)

- CALL CreateArFrVal(grav4, 1.0d0, hsTab(idx)%ngrids+1)

- CALL CreateArFrVal(fa4, 1.0d0, hsTab(idx)%ngrids+1)

- CALL AddXtvTemplate(compId, compSsId, 1, hsTab(idx)%ngrids, iFaces4, grav4, fa4)

- CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%gridtemp(:), vDynamic, v1dCc,3, vHot,

'gridtemp', 'Spacer Grid Surf Temp')

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(compId, 'gridtemp', graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 0_sik) THEN

+ NULLIFY(iFaces4, grav4, fa4)

+ CALL CreateArZerFrAr(iFaces4, hsAr(idx)%rdzNperm, hsTab(idx)%ngrids+1)

+ CALL CreateArFrVal(grav4, 1.0d0, hsTab(idx)%ngrids+1)

+ CALL CreateArFrVal(fa4, 1.0d0, hsTab(idx)%ngrids+1)

+ CALL AddXtvTemplate(compId, compSsId, 1, hsTab(idx)%ngrids, iFaces4, grav4, fa4)

+ CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%gridtemp(:), vDynamic, v1dCc,3, vHot,

'gridtemp', 'Spacer Grid Surf Temp')


@@ -2222,10 +2309,12 @@


! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nHsSVarLim nDVar = nHsDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nHsSVarFull nDVar = nHsDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2236,7 +2325,8 @@


nDVar = nDVar + 2_sik IF (fRGasP) THEN nDVar = nDVar + 2_sik

- IF (graphLevel =='full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel =='full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + 8_sik END IF END IF

@@ -2274,7 +2364,8 @@

IF (fRGasP) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(hsTab(idx)%volGas, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot,

'volGas', 'fuel rod gas volume')

CALL AddXtvVar(hsTab(idx)%tempGas, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot,

'tempGas', 'fuel rod gas temperature')

- IF (graphLevel =='full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel =='full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(hsTab(idx)%vFGap , vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot,

'vFGap' , &

& 'Gap gas volume fraction')

CALL AddXtvVar(hsTab(idx)%vFFRPlen, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot,

'vFFRPLen', &

@@ -2301,7 +2392,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%depthZrRxIn(:), vDynamic, v1dFa, 1, vHot,

'depthZRI', &

& 'inner surf depth of Zr reacted')


- IF (graphLevel =='full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel =='full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%zht(1:hsTab(idx)%nzmax), vDynamic, v1dFa, 1, vHot, 'zht', 'node row elevation')

CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%hrfl(:, 1), vDynamic, v1dFa, 1, vHot, 'hrfli',

'inner surf liquid convective HTC')

CALL AddXtvVar(hsAr(idx)%hrfv(:, 1), vDynamic, v1dFa, 1, vHot, 'hrfvi',

'inner surf gas HTC')

@@ -2423,6 +2515,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE HeatrVlt,ONLY: heatrTab USE TeeVlt, ONLY: teeTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -2440,10 +2533,12 @@

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nHtSVarLim + nTeSVarLim nDVar = nHtDVarLim + nTeDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nHtSVarFull + nTeSVarFull nDVar = nHtDVarFull + nTeDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2470,6 +2565,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE JetpVlt, ONLY: jetpTab USE TeeVlt, ONLY: teeTab B-17

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -2487,10 +2583,12 @@

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nJpSVarLim + nTeSVarLim nDVar = nJpDVarLim + nTeDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nJpSVarFull + nTeSVarFull nDVar = nJpDVarFull + nTeDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2506,7 +2604,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(jetpTab(idx)%mr, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'mr', 'jet pump flow ratio')

CALL AddXtvVar(jetpTab(idx)%nrapp, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'nrapp', 'jet pump application head r&


- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(jetpTab(idx)%nreff, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'nreff',

'jet pump effective head rat&


CALL AddXtvVar(jetpTab(idx)%etapp, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'etapp',

'jet pump application effici&

@@ -2528,6 +2627,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel, stdyst USE PipeVlt, ONLY: pipeTab, prizerOpt, accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere USE PrizeVlt, ONLY: prizerAdj, prizerHdAdj

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: currentPrizer, prizerIndices, vDynamic, vScalar, vHot USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -2551,11 +2651,13 @@

REAL(sdk) :: rdummy = 0.0_sdk

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPiSVarLim nDVar = nPiDVarLim nAccVar = nAccVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPiSVarFull nDVar = nPiDVarFull nAccVar = nAccVarFull

@@ -2625,7 +2727,8 @@

CASE (accumSharp, accumNoGas, accumSphere, prizerOpt)

CALL AddXtvVar(pipeTab(idx)%z, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'z', 'water level')

CALL AddXtvVar(pipeTab(idx)%qout, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'qout',

'liquid volume discharged')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN B-18

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(pipeTab(idx)%vflow, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot,

'vflow', 'volumetric flow at exit &



@@ -2651,6 +2754,7 @@

USE PlenArray, ONLY: plenAr USE PlenVlt, ONLY: plenTab, currentPlenumInd USE SoluteData, ONLY: iSolut, fracB10, solveB10

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vStatic, v1dCc, vWtr, vDynamic, plenAux USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvJun, AddXtvVar

@@ -2682,10 +2786,12 @@

c8type = gettype(genTab(idx)%type)

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPlSVarLim nDVar = nPlDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPlSVarFull nDVar = nPlDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2696,7 +2802,8 @@

nDVar = nDVar - nIsolutVar ELSE nDVar = nDVar + nIsolutVarFull

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF IF (fracB10 < 1.0_sdk) THEN

@@ -2756,7 +2863,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%roan, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'roan',

'noncondensable gas density')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%rom, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'rom', 'mixture density')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%am, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'am',

'noncondensable gas mass')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%gamn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'gamn', 'mass phase change rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(plenAr(idx)%vvvul, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'vvvol', 'Gas vol avg vel')

CALL AddXtvVar(plenAr(idx)%vlvul, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'vlvol', 'Liq vol avg vel')

@@ -2772,7 +2880,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%concSn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'concS',

'solute mass fraction')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%sn, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'sn', 'plateout density')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%sSolids, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'sSolids',

'plateout mass')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN B-19

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cSppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cSppm',

'solute ppm per unit solu.')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%cWppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cWppm',

'solute ppm per unit water')

CALL AddXtvVar(g1dAr(idx)%b10Sppm, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr,

'b10Sppm', 'B10 ppm per unit solu.')

@@ -2794,6 +2903,7 @@

USE Gen1DArray, ONLY: g1dAr USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel, stdyst USE PrizeVlt, ONLY: prizeTab, prizerAdj, prizerHdAdj

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vHot, currentPrizer, prizerIndices, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -2808,10 +2918,12 @@


! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPrSVarLim nDVar = nPrDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPrSVarFull nDVar = nPrDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2841,7 +2953,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(prizeTab(idx)%z, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'z', 'water level')

CALL AddXtvVar(prizeTab(idx)%qout, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'qout',

'liquid volume discharged')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(prizeTab(idx)%qin, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'qin',

'heater sprayer power')

CALL AddXtvVar(prizeTab(idx)%flow, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'flow',

'volumetric flow at exit')


@@ -2861,6 +2974,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel USE PumpVlt, ONLY: pumpTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vWtr, vHot USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -2878,10 +2992,12 @@

REAL(sdk) :: th = 0.0_sdk

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPuSVarLim nDVar = nPuDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN B-20

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nPuSVarFull nDVar = nPuDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2897,7 +3013,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(pumpTab(idx)%omegan, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'omegan',

'impeller rotational speed&


CALL AddXtvVar(pumpTab(idx)%mflow, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'mflow',

'pump mass flow')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(pumpTab(idx)%rho, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'rho', 'pump mixture density')

CALL AddXtvVar(pumpTab(idx)%smom, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'smom',

'pump momentum source')

CALL AddXtvVar(pumpTab(idx)%alpha, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'alpha',

'pump volume fraction')

@@ -2920,6 +3037,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE SepdVlt, ONLY: sepdTab USE TeeVlt, ONLY: teeTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -2936,10 +3054,12 @@

REAL(sdk) :: th1 = 0.0_sdk

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nSpSVarLim + nTeSVarLim nDVar = nSpDVarLim + nTeDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nSpSVarFull + nTeSVarFull nDVar = nSpDVarFull + nTeDVarFull ELSE

@@ -2956,7 +3076,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(sepdTab(idx)%xci, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'xci',

'separator inlet quality')

CALL AddXtvVar(sepdTab(idx)%xcu, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'xcu', 'vapor carryunder quality')

CALL AddXtvVar(sepdTab(idx)%xco, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'xco', 'liquid carryover quality')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(sepdTab(idx)%veldis, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'veldis',

'discharge HEM velocity')

CALL AddXtvVar(sepdTab(idx)%vlev, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'vlev',

'sepd interface velocity')

CALL AddXtvVar(sepdTab(idx)%dpss, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vWtr, 'dpss',

'separator pressure drop')

@@ -2978,6 +3099,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE TeeVlt, ONLY: teeTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag B-21


@@ -2993,10 +3115,12 @@

INTEGER(sik) :: nSVar, nDVar

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nTeSVarLim nDVar = nTeDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nTeSVarFull nDVar = nTeDVarFull ELSE

@@ -3021,6 +3145,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE TeeVlt, ONLY: teeTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vHot USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -3031,7 +3156,8 @@

! Output Tee specific variables

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(teeTab(idx)%powr1, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'powr1',

'heater power to main tube')

CALL AddXtvVar(teeTab(idx)%powr2, vDynamic, vScalar, 0, vHot, 'powr2',

'heater power to side tube')


@@ -3048,6 +3174,7 @@

USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE TeeVlt, ONLY: teeTab USE TurbVlt, ONLY: turbTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vHot USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -3064,10 +3191,12 @@

REAL(sdk) :: th1 = 0.0_sdk

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nTbSVarLim + nTeSVarLim nDVar = nTbDVarLim + nTeDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nTbSVarFull + nTeSVarFull nDVar = nTbDVarFull + nTeDVarFull ELSE

@@ -3096,6 +3225,7 @@

USE Gen1DArray, ONLY: g1dAr USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel USE ValveVlt, ONLY: valveTab, vSwing B-22

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, vScalar, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvVar

@@ -3113,10 +3243,12 @@

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nVlSVarLim nDVar = nVlDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nVlSVarFull nDVar = nVlDVarFull ELSE

@@ -3169,6 +3301,7 @@

USE VessArray3, ONLY: vsAr3 USE VessArray4, ONLY: vsAr4 USE VessVlt, ONLY: vessTab

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: cyl3d, cart3d, vStatic, v3dCc, vWtr, vDynamic, v3dFaI, v3dFaJ, v3dFaK USE XtvData, ONLY: vScalar, vectI, vectK, vectJ USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArZerFrAr, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvJun, AddXtvVar

@@ -3239,10 +3372,12 @@

gravAr = vessTab(idx)%gravz

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nVsSVarLim nDVar = nVsDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nVsSVarFull nDVar = nVsDVarFull ELSE

@@ -3251,6 +3386,8 @@

IF (disFields .GT. 0) THEN nDVar = nDVar + 5*disFields

+ !ZO41 - These additions of 4 or 14 XTV variables conditioned by option nBubbles seem incorrect,

+  ! since there is no call of AddXtvVar() conditioned by option nBubbles in this subroutine IF (nBubbles .EQ. 1_sik) THEN nDVar = nDvar + 4_sik ELSE IF (nBubbles .EQ. 2_sik) THEN

@@ -3262,7 +3399,8 @@

nDVar = nDVar - nIsolutVar ELSE nDVar = nDVar + nIsoluteVarFull

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar + nSolutePPM END IF B-23

IF (fracB10 < 1.0_sdk) THEN

@@ -3300,7 +3438,8 @@

nDVar = nDVar + nTraceL END IF END IF

- IF (vessTab(idx)%nolt > 0 .AND. graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (vessTab(idx)%nolt > 0 .AND. graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( vessTab(idx)%nolt > 0 .AND. ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. (graphFltFlag

== 1) ) ) THEN nDVar = nDVar - nLev3DVar END IF nVect = 2

@@ -3432,7 +3571,8 @@

! Additional vars (graphLevel = full)

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(vsAr3(idx)%qsl(ic0:ix, jc0:jx, k0:kx), vDynamic, v3dCc, 1, vWtr, 'qsl', 'heat structu&

&re power')

@@ -3521,7 +3661,8 @@


CALL AddXtvVar(vsAr3(idx)%sSolids(ic0:ix, jc0:jx, k0:kx), vDynamic, v3dCc, 1, vWtr, 'sSolids', &

& 'plateout mass')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(vsAr3(idx)%cSppm(ic0:ix, jc0:jx, k0:kx), vDynamic, v3dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cSppm', &

& 'solute ppm per unit solu.')

CALL AddXtvVar(vsAr3(idx)%cWppm(ic0:ix, jc0:jx, k0:kx), vDynamic, v3dCc, 1, vWtr, 'cWppm', &

@@ -3693,6 +3834,7 @@

USE ContanData, ONLY: HtStruct USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr, vScalar USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArFrVal, CreateSArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar

@@ -3711,10 +3853,12 @@

c8type = "ContHS "

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtHSSVarLim nDVar = nCtHSDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtHSSVarFull nDVar = nCtHSDVarFull ELSE

@@ -3755,6 +3899,7 @@

USE ContanData, ONLY: contanTab, tHSCOntan USE Flt, ONLY: genTab USE GlobalDat, ONLY : graphLevel B-24

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData, ONLY: vDynamic, v1dCc, vWtr USE XtvSetup, ONLY: AddXtvComp, CreateArFrVal, CreateSArFrVal, AddXtvTemplate, AddXtvVar

@@ -3772,10 +3917,12 @@

c8type = "THSCont "

! calc number of variables actually output

- IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'limited') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'limited') .AND. ( graphFltFlag == 0 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtTHSSVarLim nDVar = nCtTHSDVarLim

- ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !ELSE IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ ELSE IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN nSVar = nCtTHSSVarFull nDVar = nCtTHSDVarFull ELSE

@@ -3798,7 +3945,8 @@

CALL AddXtvVar(tHSContan%qLiq, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'qLiqHT', 'Liquid Heat Transfer Rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(tHSContan%qVap, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'qVapHT', 'Vapor Heat Transfer Rate')

CALL AddXtvVar(tHSContan%filmTh, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'filmTh', 'Film Thickness')

- IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel == 'full') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel == 'full') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN CALL AddXtvVar(tHSContan%rmf, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'rmf', 'Film Mass')

CALL AddXtvVar(tHSContan%filmMT, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'filmMT',

'Film Mass Transfer')

CALL AddXtvVar(tHSContan%filmDR, vDynamic, v1dCc, 1, vWtr, 'filmDR',

'Film Drain Rate')


B.6 Patch file for src/XtvDumpM.f90

--- XtvDumpM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:49.000000002 +0200

+++ XtvDumpM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:29:30.000000002 +0200

@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@

! contained in or refernced by the data structures in XtvData.

! It has (almost) no understanding of TRAC or TRAC components.

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.



@@ -133,6 +135,7 @@

USE CXtvXFaces USE GlobalDat, ONLY: cput, eTime, istdy, nStep, nStepT, graphLevel, cpuTime, cpuflg USE SysTime

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag USE XtvData USE SnapIntf USE TDMRVarDecl

@@ -149,7 +152,8 @@

IF (nStep .NE. 0 .AND. eTime .EQ. 0.0d0) RETURN plted = .TRUE.

- IF (graphLevel .NE. 'minimal') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel .NE. 'minimal') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel .NE. 'minimal') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN ALLOCATE(prizerVars(nPrizers))

! Adjust Steady State Prizer data IF (istdy .NE. 0) THEN

@@ -210,7 +214,8 @@

CALL error(1, '*XtvDump* error writing xtv data block header.')


- IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ !IF (graphLevel /= 'minimal') THEN

+ IF ( (graphLevel /= 'minimal') .OR. ( graphFltFlag == 1 ) ) THEN IF (istdy .NE. 0) THEN CALL UnAdjPrizerDVars(prizerVars)


B.7 Patch file for src/XtvSetupM.f90

--- XtvSetupM.f90 2017-09-29 11:22:49.000000002 +0200

+++ XtvSetupM.f90.mod 2018-07-02 18:29:20.000000002 +0200

@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@

! the data structures in XtvData. It performs no output to

! the graphics file.

+! Modified by Paul Scherrer Institut (07/18) - to include custom XTV output capability.




@@ -721,6 +724,8 @@

! Generic interface for Scalar reals. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -734,6 +739,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -744,6 +751,14 @@

curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx) totalStaticChannels = totalStaticChannels + 1 ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1



+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddScalarRVar* more Dynamic'//' vars than allocated space, &

@@ -801,6 +816,8 @@

! Generic interface for Scalar Integers. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -814,6 +831,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar B-27

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -824,6 +843,14 @@

curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx) totalStaticChannels = totalStaticChannels + 1 ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1



+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddScalarIVar* more Dynamic'//' vars than allocated space, &

@@ -882,6 +909,8 @@

! Generic interface for 1D reals. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -895,6 +924,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -904,6 +935,14 @@

END IF curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx)

ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1



+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddVectorR1Var* more '//'dynamic vars than allocated space,&

@@ -983,6 +1022,8 @@

! Generic interface for 1D Integers. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData B-28


@@ -996,6 +1037,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -1005,6 +1048,14 @@

END IF curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx)

ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1



+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddVectorI1Var* more '//'dynamic vars than allocated space,&

@@ -1080,6 +1131,8 @@

! Generic interface for 2D reals. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -1094,6 +1147,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar TYPE(xtvTemplateT), POINTER :: curTempl

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -1103,6 +1158,14 @@

END IF curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx)

ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1



+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddVectorR2Var* more '//'dynamic vars than allocated space,&

@@ -1186,6 +1249,8 @@


! Generic interface for 3D reals. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -1200,6 +1265,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar TYPE(xtvTemplateT), POINTER :: curTempl

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -1209,6 +1276,14 @@

END IF curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx)

ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1



+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddVectorR3Var* more '//'dynamic vars than allocated space,&

@@ -1305,6 +1380,8 @@

! Generic interface for 3D Integers. This routine should not

! be accessed directly.

+ USE GlobalDat, ONLY: graphLevel

+ USE XtvCustom, ONLY: graphFltFlag, XtvVarFilterOut USE XtvData IMPLICIT NONE

@@ -1319,6 +1396,8 @@

TYPE(xtvVarT), POINTER :: curVar TYPE(xtvTemplateT), POINTER :: curTempl

+ INTEGER(sik) FltFlag


! set curVar Ptr IF (varList .EQ. vStatic) THEN curSVarIdx = curSVarIdx + 1

@@ -1328,6 +1407,14 @@

END IF curVar => xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%sVar(curSVarIdx)

ELSE IF (varList .EQ. vDynamic) THEN

+! Filter for custom XTV output

+ IF (graphFltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ CALL XtvVarFilterOut(xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%compId, name, graphLevel, FltFlag)

+ IF (FltFlag == 1_sik) THEN

+ xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar = xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar - 1


+ END IF B-30

+ END IF curDVarIdx = curDVarIdx + 1 IF (curDVarIdx .GT. xtvCompList(curCmpIdx)%nDVar) THEN CALL error(5, '*AddVectorI3Var* more dynamic vars than allocated space, &


APPENDIX C TEST CASES SELECTION FOR THE VERIFICATION OF V5.0P5 This appendix lists all the test cases included in the official release of TRACE v5.0p5 [1] that have been considered for the verification procedure.

Each subsection C.1 to C.24 corresponds to one of the verification suites defined by the code developers. Each of the suites focuses on the testing of a particular aspect of the code, such as the control system, the different thermal-hydraulic components, or other relevant modelling options. It is materialized by a subfolder with a self-explanatory name as provided by the code developers (e.g. subfolders ./Accum, ./ConSys, ./HtStr, ./Power, ./TraceSpecies, etc.).

The tables list all the original models, including the ones that have been rejected with a mention of the reason for non-selection. The most frequent reason for non-selection was the absence of an XTV file after execution of the reference model and reference code executable (a total of 105 models, marked as no XTV file in the tables). Also, in few instances, namely 4 models in suites

./ConSys, an XTV file was generated but could not be post-processed using AptPlot (marked as faulty XTV file). These two categories of models were designed to test input errors and therefore were not relevant to this verification study.

Moreover, models rejected because of the use of fixed-format input have been marked as fixed-format input in the tables (19 models in total). And, for test models that require a restart, necessary information to identify the upstream model is provided.

It should be noted that, contrary to previous code versions, all the test models of the official release v5.0p5 [1] have been provided as a single folder merging all the input files together.

Nevertheless, using information in the comment sections of each input file of release v5.0p5 it was possible to reconstruct the different suites listed in C.1 to C.24. The scripts used to reconstruct the suites are described appendix 2, subsection A.2.3 of [4].

Compared to previous versions, one can also note that release v5.0p5 involved a supplementary suites, labelled ./PARCS, that includes new test cases for the verification of the spatial kinetics option of TRACE (enabled by Namelist option itdmr=1). For these models, information on the additional PARCS input model is also provided, including restart information when applicable (see subsection C.13).


C.1 Suites ./Accum Number of selected input files: 009 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 001 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 001 Total number of input files: 010 Reason for Model in ./Accum Restart file Selected non-selection accum1.inp yes accum1LT.inp yes accum1LTa.inp yes accum2.inp yes accum2errors.inp no XTV file accum2LTa.inp yes accum2LT.inp yes accum2-2.inp yes AccumDischarge.inp yes pipeLT.inp yes C-2

C.2 Suites ./ATW Number of selected input files: 008 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 008 Reason for Model in ./ATW Restart file Selected non-selection drain_ATW.inp yes multiloop.inp yes O2Injection.inp yes PbBi_flcond.inp yes PbBi_pump01.inp yes PbBi_pump02.inp yes tarloop.inp yes two_fluid_HX.inp yes C-3

C.3 Suites ./Chan Number of selected input files: 060 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 002 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 002 Total number of input files: 062 Reason for Model in ./Chan Restart file Selected non-selection 3CHAN.inp yes 3CHANr.inp 3CHAN.tpr yes 3CHAN.NotRad.inp yes 3CHAN_FE_Rev1.inp yes 3CHAN_FE_Rev2.inp yes 3CHAN_FE_Rev3.inp yes 3ChanReflood_Eng.inp yes 3ChanReflood.inp yes 3ChanRefloodRst.inp 3ChanReflood.tpr yes 3ChanRefloodR1.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod3.tpr yes 3ChanRefloodR2.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod3.tpr yes 3ChanRefloodR3.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod3.tpr yes 3ChanReflood.Mod1.inp yes 3ChanReflood.Mod2.inp yes 3ChanReflood.Mod3.inp yes 3ChanRefloodRst.Mod1.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod1.tpr yes C-4

Reason for Model in ./Chan Restart file Selected non-selection 3ChanRefloodRst.Mod2.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod2.tpr yes 3ChanRefloodRst.Mod3.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod3.tpr yes 3ChanRefloodRst.Mod4.inp 3ChanReflood.Mod3.tpr yes BFerryChanSSM.inp yes BFerryChanTRM.inp BFerryChanSSM.tpr yes CHANFineMesh.inp yes CHANIAXCND0.inp yes CHANIAXCND10.inp yes CHANIAXCND1.inp yes CHANIAXCND9.inp yes chanoldmatch.inp yes chanoldmatchname.inp yes ChanReflood.Mod1.inp yes Chansuccessgadmax.inp yes Chansuccessgadmin.inp yes Chansuccess.inp yes delzLK.inp yes delzLKNoWaterRod.inp yes delzLKWRLast.inp yes GEFBPOP.inp no XTV file grid_chan.inp yes C-5

Reason for Model in ./Chan Restart file Selected non-selection grid_chan.Rev1.inp yes grid_chan.Rev1R.inp grid_chan.Rev1.tpr yes NoDelzLKNoWaterRod.inp yes OrnlChanM.inp yes Req1chan.inp yes Req1chan-rest.inp Req1chan.tpr yes Req1pipe.inp yes Req1pipe-rest.inp Req1pipe.tpr yes Req3-1Dchan.inp yes Req3-1Dslab.inp yes Req3-3Dchan.inp yes Req3-3Dslab.inp yes Req4-1rod.inp yes Req4-4rod.inp yes Req5-10chans.inp yes Req5-1chan.inp yes Req6-ichf1.inp yes Req6-ichf2.inp yes Req6-ichf3.inp yes Req7.1chan.inp yes Req7.6.inp yes C-6

Reason for Model in ./Chan Restart file Selected non-selection Req7.7.inp yes Req7-Simple.inp yes two_chan.inp no XTV file ZeroDelzLKNoWaterRod.inp yes C-7

C.4 Suites ./ConSys Number of selected input files: 098 Input files modified for selection: 010 (marked in table as yes*)

Number of non-selected input files: 029 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 029 (including 4 faulty XTV files)

Total number of input files: 127 Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection AxialPowerCheck3.inp yes CnImpLoopM.inp yes CnSys1M.inp yes CnSysDelt1.inp yes CnSysDelt2.inp yes CnSysM.inp yes conblock1.inp no XTV file conblock2.inp no XTV file conblock3.inp no XTV file conblock3_rst1.inp conblock3.tpr no XTV file conblock3_rst2.inp conblock3.tpr no XTV file conblock4.inp no XTV file conblock5.inp no XTV file conblock6.inp yes conblock7.inp yes ConDrpg.inp faulty XTV file C-8

Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection ConFlow.inp yes ConLevel.inp yes ConPress1.inp yes ConPress2.inp yes ConPress3.inp yes ConRodA.inp yes ConRodP.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod1.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod1R.inp CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod1.tpr yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod2.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3A.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3B.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3C.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3D.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3E.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3F.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3G.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3H.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3I.inp yes*

CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod3.inp yes C-9

Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod4.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod5.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod6.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod7.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod7R.inp CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod7.tpr yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod8.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod8R.inp CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod8.tpr yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod9.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod10.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod11.inp yes CoreAvBoronConcen.Mod12.inp yes DownComerLvl_err.inp no XTV file DownComerLvl.inp yes DrainValve.inp yes genSVTest1.inp yes genSVTest2.inp yes genSVTest3.inp yes genSVTest4.inp yes genSVTest5.inp yes genSVTest6.inp no XTV file genSVTest7.inp no XTV file C-10

Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection genSVTest8.inp no XTV file genSVTest9.inp no XTV file genSVTest10.inp yes genSVTest11.inp yes Icbn78.inp yes Icbn78re.inp Icbn78.tpr yes ImpLoopNew.inp yes ImpLoopNewR.inp ImpLoopNew.tpr yes lint.inp yes napcss.1.inp yes napcss.2.inp yes napcss.inp yes power_test1.inp faulty XTV file power_test2.inp faulty XTV file power_test3.inp faulty XTV file power_test4.inp yes power_test.inp yes PromHeat0.1.inp yes PromHeat0.1R.inp PromHeat0.1.tpr yes PumpTorq.inp yes PumpTorq2.inp yes C-11

Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection PumpTorq3.inp yes PumpTorq3R.inp PumpTorq3.tpr yes PumpTorq4.inp no XTV file PumpTorq5.inp no XTV file rst_tr175.inp ss_tr175.tpr yes ShellHTM.inp yes SigHmLvl.inp yes sigvar1.inp yes sigvar2.inp yes sigvar3.inp yes sigvar4.inp yes sigvar5.inp yes sigvar6.inp yes sigvar7.inp no XTV file sigvar8.inp no XTV file sigvar9.inp no XTV file sigvar10.inp no XTV file sigvar11.inp yes sigvar12.inp yes sigvar13.inp yes sigvar14.inp yes C-12

Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection sigvarErr1.inp yes ss_tr175.inp yes TestDupCB.inp no XTV file testltf1.inp yes*

testltf1n.inp yes testltf2.inp yes*

testltf2n.inp yes testltf3.inp yes*

testltf3n.inp yes trip1.inp no XTV file trip2.inp yes trip3.inp no XTV file trip4.inp no XTV file trip5.inp yes trip6.inp no XTV file trip7.inp no XTV file trip8.inp no XTV file trip9.inp yes trip_drain.inp yes trip_marvik.inp yes trip_zionpwr.inp yes C-13

Reason for Model in ./ConSys Restart file Selected non-selection TurbTorqueSpeed.inp yes VsslMixtNoLevM.inp VsslMixtNoLevSSM.tpr yes VsslMixtNoLevSSM.inp yes w4loopErr.inp yes w4loopi.inp yes w4loopri.inp w4loopi.tpr yes C-14

C.5 Suites ./DeadEnd Number of selected input files: 025 Input files modified for selection: 001 (marked in table as yes*)

Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 025 Reason for Model in ./DeadEnd Restart file Selected non-selection deadEndG.inp yes deadEndGr.inp deadEndG.tpr yes deadEndL.inp yes deadEndLr.inp deadEndL.tpr yes deadEndside.inp yes*

deadEndw4.inp yes deadEndw4r.inp deadEndw4.tpr yes fillEndG.inp yes fillEndGr.inp fillEndG.tpr yes fillEndL.inp yes fillEndLr.inp fillEndL.tpr yes ParallelSide1.inp yes ParallelSide2.inp yes Side1a.inp yes Side1b.inp yes Side2a.inp yes C-15

Reason for Model in ./DeadEnd Restart file Selected non-selection Side2b.inp yes Side3a.inp yes Side3b.inp yes sides.inp yes TenCellsTenAxial.inp yes TwoDead.inp yes TwoDead2.inp yes TwoFill.inp yes TwoFill2.inp yes C-16

C.6 Suites ./FluidPower Number of selected input files: 005 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 005 Reason for Model in ./FluidPower Restart file Selected non-selection msvl_flpower_1.inp yes msvl_flpower_2.inp yes PbBi_flpower.inp yes PbBi_pipe_flpower.inp yes PbBi_pipe_flpower_rst.inp PbBi_pipe_flpower.tpr yes C-17

C.7 Suites ./GapHT Number of selected input files: 085 Input files modified for selection: 001 (marked in table as yes*)

Number of non-selected input files: 013 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 013 Total number of input files: 098 Reason for Model in ./GapHT Restart file Selected non-selection 3chan_nfciTest.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev6.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev6R.inp chan_nfciTest-13.Rev6.tpr yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev8.FE.inp no XTV file chan_nfciTest-13.Rev9.FE.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev9R.FE.inp chan_nfciTest-13.Rev9.FE.tpr yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev9R0.FE.inp chan_nfciTest-13.Rev9.FE.tpr yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check.inp no XTV file chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check1.inp no XTV file chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check2.inp no XTV file chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check3.inp no XTV file chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check4.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check5.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.Check6.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10R.FE.inp chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.tpr yes C-18

Reason for Model in ./GapHT Restart file Selected non-selection chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10R0.FE.inp chan_nfciTest-13.Rev10.FE.tpr yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev11.FE.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13.Rev12.FE.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13_Rev13_FE.inp yes chan_nfciTest-13_Rev14_FE.inp yes chantest.inp yes HGAP.2.98-12.inp yes HGAP.2.98.-12.inp yes HGAP.2.98-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.2.98.1.inp yes HGAP.2.98.2.inp yes HGAP.2.98.82.inp yes HGAP.4.9-12.inp yes HGAP.4.9-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.4.9.1.inp yes HGAP.4.9.2.inp yes HGAP.4.9.82.inp yes HGAP.9.9-12.inp yes HGAP.9.9-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.9.9.1.inp yes HGAP.9.9.2.inp yes C-19

Reason for Model in ./GapHT Restart file Selected non-selection HGAP.9.9.82.inp yes HGAP.12.4-12.inp yes HGAP.12.4-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.12.4.1.inp yes HGAP.12.4.2.inp yes HGAP.12.4.82.inp yes HGAP.14.9-12.inp yes HGAP.14.9-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.14.9.1.inp yes HGAP.14.9.2.inp yes HGAP.14.9.82.inp yes HGAP.16-12.inp yes HGAP.16-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.16.1.inp yes HGAP.16.2.inp yes HGAP.16.82.inp yes HGAP.18-12.inp yes HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev2.inp yes HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev3.inp yes HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev4.inp yes C-20

Reason for Model in ./GapHT Restart file Selected non-selection HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev4R0.inp HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev4.tpr yes HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev4R10.inp HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev4.tpr yes HGAP.18-12.FER.Rev1.inp HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev1.tpr yes HGAP.18-12.FER.Rev2.inp HGAP.18-12.FE.Rev1.tpr yes HGAP.18.2.inp yes HGAP.18.82.inp yes HGAP.check.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev1.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev2.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev3.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev4.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev5.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev6.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev7.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev8.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev9.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev10.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev11.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev12.inp no XTV file HGAP.check.Rev13.inp yes HGAP.check.Rev14.inp yes C-21

Reason for Model in ./GapHT Restart file Selected non-selection hot_assembly_rev9_n13.inp yes hot_assembly_rev9_n13.OneHS.inp yes hot_assembly_rev10_n1.inp yes mwrxOn.inp yes nfci2.inp no XTV file nfci3.inp yes nfci73.inp yes nfci73_5ax.inp yes nfci73_5axRst.inp nfci73_5ax.tpr yes norupture.inp yes rupture.inp yes rupture2a.inp yes vsltest.inp yes vsltest2.inp yes vsltest3.inp yes vsltest3Rst.inp vsltest3.tpr yes vsltest4.inp yes vsltest4Rst.inp vsltest4.tpr yes*

w3loopLOCA.inp yes C-22

C.8 Suites ./GenTbl Number of selected input files: 014 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 001 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 001 Total number of input files: 015 Reason for Model in ./GenTbl Restart file Selected non-selection EngMatFunc.inp yes idbc3.inp yes idbc3r.inp idbc3.tpr yes idbc3r2.inp idbc3.tpr yes idbc3t3.inp yes idbc3t3r.inp idbc3t3.tpr yes idbc12.inp yes idbc12r.inp idbc12.tpr yes idbcBackup.inp yes idbcErr.inp yes idbcErr2.inp no XTV file idbcUnits.inp yes idbcUnits2.inp yes mat51.inp yes mat53.inp yes C-23

C.9 Suites ./HtStr Number of selected input files: 089 Input files modified for selection: 002 (marked in table as yes*)

Number of non-selected input files: 011 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 011 Total number of input files: 100 Reason for Model in ./HtStr Restart file Selected non-selection 2sHS1.inp yes 30burn5gad.inp yes BB_60_U2.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev1.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev2.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev3.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev4.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev5.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev6.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev7.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev8.inp yes BB_60_U2.Rev9.inp yes COTINCO_0deg.inp yes COTINCO_0deg_Rev1.inp yes COTINCO_0deg_Rev2.inp no XTV file COTINCO_0deg_Rev3.inp no XTV file C-24

Reason for Model in ./HtStr Restart file Selected non-selection COTINCO_0deg_Rev4.inp no XTV file COTINCO_0degR.inp COTINCO_0deg.tpr yes COTINCO_5deg.inp yes COTINCO_15deg.inp yes COTINCO_30deg.inp yes COTINCO_45deg.inp yes HSBCTest.inp yes HSgas1.inp yes HSiafb.inp yes HSliq1.inp yes HSnb.inp yes HSpCHF.inp yes HS_test_export2.inp yes HS_test_export2r.inp HS_test_export2.tpr yes htstrold.inp yes htstroldname.inp yes htstrsuccessgadmax.inp yes htstrsuccess.inp yes lumpedCyl.inp yes m1d.inp yes multiHydro.inp yes C-25

Reason for Model in ./HtStr Restart file Selected non-selection PipeType_Error_Check.inp no XTV file PoolBoiling.inp yes SlabHS1Pipe.inp yes TableBC.inp yes testin.1.inp yes testin.1n.inp yes testin.2.inp yes testin.2n.inp yes testin.5.inp yes testin.5n.inp yes testin.6.inp yes testin.6n.inp yes testin.7.inp yes testin.7n.inp yes testin.7r.inp testin.7.tpr yes*

testin.7rn.inp testin.7n.tpr yes*

THI_Looppt1.inp yes THI_Looprst.inp THI_Looppt1.tpr yes THI_Looptot.inp TwoSidedHS.inp yes vess_and_chan.inp no XTV file C-26

Reason for Model in ./HtStr Restart file Selected non-selection vess_and_chan_SS.inp yes vess_and_chan_TR.inp vess_and_chan_SS.tpr no XTV file vess_and_chan_TR_wk.inp vess_and_chan_SS.tpr yes vess_and_chan_wk.inp yes vess_and_rod_SS.inp yes vess_and_rod_TR.inp vess_and_rod_SS.tpr no XTV file W4loopHotRod.inp yes W4loopHotRodR.inp W4loopHotRod.tpr yes W4loopHotRodNoRep.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod1.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod2.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod3.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod4.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod5.inp yes W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod6.inp yes W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.tpr yes W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod1.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod1.tpr yes W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod2.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod2.tpr yes W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod3.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod3.tpr yes W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod4.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod4.tpr yes C-27

Reason for Model in ./HtStr Restart file Selected non-selection W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod5.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod5.tpr yes W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod6.inp W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod6.tpr yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn0.inp yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn1.inp yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn1.InpErr1.inp no XTV file W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn2.inp yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn2.InpErr2.inp no XTV file W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.inp yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.InpErr3.inp no XTV file W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.Rst0.inp W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.tpr yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.Rst1.inp W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.Rst0.tpr yes W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.Rst2.inp W4loopHotRod.RadialBurn3.Rst1.tpr yes W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.inp yes W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.Rst0.inp W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.tpr yes W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.Rst1.inp W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.Rst0.tpr yes W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.Rst2.inp W4loopHotRod.RadBurn4.Rst1.tpr yes W4loop.NoHotRod.inp yes W4loopNoHotRod.inp yes W4loopR.NoHotRod.inp W4loop.NoHotRod.tpr yes ZeroHSVol.inp no XTV file ZeroHSVol1.inp yes C-28

C.10 Suites ./Kinetics Number of selected input files: 011 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 011 Reason for Model in ./Kinetics Restart file Selected non-selection DecHeatMult10.inp yes DecHeatMult15.inp yes DHMultSS1.inp yes DHMultSS12.inp yes DHMultTR1.inp DHMultSS1.tpr yes DHMultTR12.inp DHMultSS12.tpr yes pk_ans94_dh.inp yes pk_base.inp yes pk_sep_fdbk.inp yes pk_tbl3_fdbk.inp yes pk_tbl3a_fdbk.inp yes C-29

C.11 Suites ./NCGases Number of selected input files: 047 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 008 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 008 Total number of input files: 055 Reason for Model in ./NCGases Restart file Selected non-selection in2phair.inp yes in2phmix.inp yes in2phncg1.inp yes in2phncg2.inp yes in2phncg3.inp yes in2phncg4.inp yes in2phsteam.inp yes inair.inp yes inerr1.inp no XTV file inerr2.inp no XTV file inerr3.inp no XTV file inerr4.inp yes inerr5.inp no XTV file inerr6.inp no XTV file inerr7.inp no XTV file inerr8.inp no XTV file C-30

Reason for Model in ./NCGases Restart file Selected non-selection inigas1allair.inp yes inigas1allsteam.inp yes inigas1.inp yes inigas2.inp yes inigas3.inp yes inigas4.inp yes inigas5.inp yes inigas6.inp yes inigas7.inp yes inigas8.inp no XTV file inloopair.inp yes inloopallair.inp yes inloopallncg.inp yes inloopallsteam.inp yes inloopar.inp yes inlooph2.inp yes inloophe.inp yes inloopioflow.inp yes inloopkr.inp yes inloopn2.inp yes inloopxe.inp yes C-31

Reason for Model in ./NCGases Restart file Selected non-selection inmix.inp yes inncg1.inp yes inncg2.inp yes inncg3.inp yes inncg4.inp yes inNCGTestA.inp yes inNCGTestB.inp yes inNCGTestC.inp yes inNCGTestD.inp yes inNCGTestE.inp yes inNCGTestF.inp yes inNCGTestG.inp yes inss7.inp yes insteam.inp yes intr1.inp inss7.tpr yes invssl16.inp yes NatCirc.inp yes NCGflow.inp yes C-32

C.12 Suites ./OffTake Number of selected input files: 035 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 002 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 002 Total number of input files: 037 Reason for Model in ./Offtake Restart file Selected non-selection ColdLegBreak.inp yes ColdLegBreakPIPE.inp yes ColdLegBreakPIPEDown.inp yes ColdLegBreakPIPEDown.0.999.inp yes ColdLegBreakPIPEDown.0.9999.inp yes ColdLegBreakPIPEUp.inp yes ColdLegBreakRst.inp ColdLegBreak.tpr yes ColdLegBreakSJC.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.Rev1.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.Rev2.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.Rev3.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.Rev4.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.0.01.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.0.1.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.0.9.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJC.0.99.inp yes C-33

Reason for Model in ./Offtake Restart file Selected non-selection ColdLegBreakSJC.0.999.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJCDown.inp yes ColdLegBreakSJCUp.inp yes ColdLegBreakTee.inp yes ColdLegBreakTeeDown.inp yes ColdLegBreakTeeUp.inp yes offset_up_rev03.inp yes offset_up_rev04.inp no XTV file offset_up_rev05.inp no XTV file offset_up_rev06.inp yes offset_up_rev06R.inp offset_up_rev06.tpr yes offtakeA.inp yes offtakeA10.inp yes offtakeB.inp yes offtakeB10.inp yes tindwn.inp yes tindwnSide.inp yes tindwnSideReversed.inp yes tinup.inp yes tinupSide.inp yes tinupSideReversed.inp yes C-34

C.13 Suites ./PARCS Number of selected input files: 013 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 013 Reason for Model in ./PARCS Restart file Selected non-selection CartVess.inp yes DirectCoolantHeating.inp yes mslb3_cartvess_ss.inp yes (TRACE) mslb3_cartvess_ss.tpr mslb3_cartvess_tr.inp yes (PARCS) mslb3_cartvess_ss.parcs_rst mslb_cart_suprod_ss.inp yes mslb_trace_htrd_ss.inp yes mslb_trace_ss.inp yes (TRACE) mslb_trace_ss.tpr mslb_trace_tr.inp yes (PARCS) mslb_trace_ss.parcs_rst pbtt_trace_sa.inp yes pbtt_trace_ss.inp yes (TRACE) pbtt_trace_ss.tpr pbtt_trace_tr.inp yes (PARCS) pbtt_trace_ss.parcs_rst (TRACE) pbtt_trace_ss.tpr pbtt_trace_ws.inp yes (PARCS) pbtt_trace_ss.parcs_rst VesselChan.inp yes C-35

C.14 Suites ./PlantsShort Number of selected input files: 004 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 001 Input files written in fixed-format: 001 (no Namelist option)

Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 005 Reason for Model in ./PlantsShort Restart file Selected non-selection mslb_mod8a.inp yes mslb_mod8ar.inp mslb_mod8a.tpr yes PeachBottom.inp fixed-format input w3loopss.inp yes w3looptr.inp w3loopss.tpr yes C-36

C.15 Suites ./Power Number of selected input files: 119 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 002 Input files written in fixed-format: 002 (no Namelist option)

Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 121 Reason for Model in ./Power Restart file Selected non-selection 1group-irpwty3-M.inp yes 1group-irpwty13-M.inp yes 3Chan.Mod2.inp yes 3Chan.Mod3.inp yes 3Chan.Mod4.inp yes 3Chan.Mod5.inp yes 3Chan.Mod6.inp yes 3Chans.FE-1.inp yes 3Chans.FE-2.inp yes 3Chans.FE-3.inp yes 3Chans.FE-4.inp yes 3Chans.FE-5.inp yes 3Chans.FE-6.inp yes 3Chans.FE-7.inp yes 3Chans.FE-8.inp yes 3Chans.FE-9.inp yes C-37

Reason for Model in ./Power Restart file Selected non-selection 3Chans.inp yes 3Chans.Rev1.inp yes 3Chans.Rev2.inp yes AxialPowerCheck1.inp yes AxialPowerCheck2.inp yes case1.inp yes case2.inp yes case3.inp yes case3-1.inp yes case3-2.inp yes case3-3.inp yes case3-4.inp yes case3-4R.inp case3-4.tpr yes case3-4R1.inp case3-4.tpr yes case3-5.inp yes case3-6.inp yes case3-6R.inp case3-6.tpr yes case3-7.inp yes case3-8.inp yes case3-9.inp yes case3-10.inp yes C-38

Reason for Model in ./Power Restart file Selected non-selection case3-10R_16.inp case3-10.tpr yes case3-10R_22.inp case3-10.tpr yes case3-10R_30.inp case3-10.tpr yes case4.inp yes case4R.inp case4.tpr yes case5.inp yes case5R.inp case5.tpr yes Chan-B-irpop7-irod.inp fixed-format input chan-pow11jn.inp yes chan-pow11jn.Rev1.inp yes chan-pow11jnr.inp chan-pow11jn.tpr yes Chan-Pow11XC.inp yes Chan-Pow11XCR.inp Chan-Pow11XC.tpr yes chanpow.inp yes chanpow_reordered.inp yes DiffRodsAxialSS.inp yes DiffRodsAxialTR.inp DiffRodsAxialSS.tpr yes DiffRodsMatSS.inp yes DiffRodsMatTR.inp DiffRodsMatSS.tpr yes DiffRodsRadialSS.inp yes DiffRodsRadialTR.inp DiffRodsRadialSS.tpr yes C-39

Reason for Model in ./Power Restart file Selected non-selection DiffRodsSS.inp yes ipowrTest1.inp yes ipowrTest2.inp yes ipowrTest3.inp yes ipowrTest4.inp yes ipowrTest5.inp yes ipowrTest6.inp yes ipowrTest7.inp yes ipowrTest8.inp yes ipowrTest9.inp yes ipowrTest10.inp yes ipowrTest11.inp yes ipowrTest12.inp yes ipowrTest13.inp yes ipowrTest13r_a.inp ipowrTest13.tpr yes ipowrTest13r_b.inp ipowrTest13.tpr yes ipowrTest14.inp yes ipowrTest15.inp yes ipowrTest15r_a.inp ipowrTest15.tpr yes ipowrTest15r_b.inp ipowrTest15.tpr yes ipowrTest16.inp yes C-40

Reason for Model in ./Power Restart file Selected non-selection ipowrTest17.inp yes ipowrTest17r_a.inp ipowrTest17.tpr yes ipowrTest17r_b.inp ipowrTest17.tpr yes ipowrTest18.inp yes ipowrTest19.inp yes ipowrTest19r_a.inp ipowrTest19.tpr yes ipowrTest20.inp yes ipowrTest21.inp yes ipowrTest22.inp yes ipowrTest23.inp yes ipowrTest24.inp yes Irpwty7-3ChanXC.inp yes multi_pow.inp yes multi_powr.inp multi_pow.tpr yes OnePower.inp yes pipe.PowTest.inp yes pipePowTest.inp yes PKPowSource1.inp yes PKPowSource2.inp yes powerss.inp yes powertr.inp powerss.tpr yes C-41

Reason for Model in ./Power Restart file Selected non-selection PrizerPower.inp yes PromHeat0.025.inp yes PromHeat0.05.inp yes PromHeat0.05R.inp PromHeat0.05.tpr yes reactivitytest_pk_ans94.inp yes rod2-M-irpwty13.inp yes RPOWRI-Zero.inp yes RSTtest1.inp SStest1.tpr yes SameRodsSS.inp yes SameRodsTR.inp SameRodsSS.tpr yes SCTF604.inp yes SCTF604R.inp SCTF604.tpr yes SpherePower.inp yes SpherePowerRst.inp SpherePower.tpr yes SStest1.inp yes test_spower.inp yes TwoPower.inp yes Vess-Chan-B-irpop7.inp fixed-format input Vess-Chan-M-irpwty3.inp yes Vess-Chan-M-irpwty13.inp yes Vess-Chan-M-irpwty14.inp yes C-42

C.16 Suites ./Radiation Number of selected input files: 026 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 002 Input files written in fixed-format: 002 (no Namelist option)

Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 028 Reason for Model in ./Radiation Restart file Selected non-selection 30910i-B-60rod1-ibeam.inp fixed-format input 30910i-B-60rod1-irod.inp fixed-format input 30910i-M-ibeam.inp yes 30910i-M-mrod.inp yes chan-pow11.inp yes chan-pow11-rst.inp chan-pow11.tpr yes GotaM.inp yes hcond1_ibeam.inp yes hcond1_ibeam-rst.inp hcond1_ibeam.tpr yes hcond1pow.inp yes hcond1pow-rst.inp hcond1pow.tpr yes irpwty1-1chan.inp yes irpwty11-1chan.inp yes irpwty11-1chan-rst.inp irpwty11-1chan.tpr yes irpwty7.inp yes irpwty7-direct.inp yes C-43

Reason for Model in ./Radiation Restart file Selected non-selection irpwty7-3chan.inp yes RadEncCylinder.inp yes RadEncSlab.inp yes RadEncSphere.inp yes radiationFn.inp yes radiationIn.inp yes tracinG.inp yes tracinH.inp yes W4loop.inp yes W4loop-rst.inp W4loop.tpr yes W4loop-pow.inp yes W4loop-pow-rst.inp W4loop-pow.tpr yes C-44

C.17 Suites ./Sepd Number of selected input files: 012 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 009 Input files written in fixed-format: 009 (no Namelist option)

Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 021 Reason for Model in ./Sepd Restart file Selected non-selection HFlow.inp fixed-format input MixSeparators.inp yes Sepd.inp fixed-format input SepdInputErrorCheck1.inp fixed-format input SepdInputErrorCheck2.inp fixed-format input Sepd_istage1.inp yes Sepd_istage-3.inp yes Sepd_istage-3.Rst.inp Sepd_istage-3.tpr yes SepdSemi.inp fixed-format input SepdSemiRst.inp SepdSemi.tpr fixed-format input SepdSETS.inp fixed-format input SepdSETSM.inp yes SepdSETSM.Rev1.inp yes SepdSETSM.Rev2.inp yes SepdSETSRst.inp SepdSETS.tpr fixed-format input SepdTee.inp fixed-format input C-45

Reason for Model in ./Sepd Restart file Selected non-selection Sepd_Test0.inp yes Sepd_Test1.inp yes Sepd_Test2.inp yes Sepd_Test3.inp yes SVolSepdSETSM.inp yes C-46

C.18 Suites ./Short Number of selected input files: 113 Input files modified for selection: 002 (marked in table as yes*)

Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 113 Reason for Model in ./Short Restart file Selected non-selection AdjP.inp yes bingham_pump.inp yes boron.inp yes boron1.inp yes boron2.inp yes boronOSPRE.inp yes boronOSPRE.isolut2.inp yes boronre.inp boron.tpr yes*

boronSemi.inp yes boronSemi.isolut2.inp yes boronSETS.inp yes boronSETS.isolut2.inp yes BreakEnthalpy.inp yes CCTF_ColdLeg.inp yes CulvertTest.inp yes Dalp.inp yes C-47

Reason for Model in ./Short Restart file Selected non-selection Dpg.inp yes drain.inp yes ElbowLong1.inp yes ElbowLong2.inp yes ElbowLong3.inp yes FillBCv.inp yes fxtsd.inp yes hcond1.inp yes hcond2.inp yes hcond3.inp yes hcond4.inp yes hcond5.inp yes HomMultAWDdefault.inp yes HomMultAWD.inp yes HomMultAWDre.inp HomMultAWD.tpr yes LargeNum.inp yes marvik.inp yes mscl.inp yes mscv.inp yes msc2.inp yes msp2.inp yes C-48

Reason for Model in ./Short Restart file Selected non-selection mspl.inp yes mspv.inp yes msrl.inp yes msrv.inp yes msr2.inp yes mss2.inp yes mssl.inp yes mssv.inp yes mssv_neg_timet.inp yes mstl.inp yes mstv.inp yes mst2.inp yes msv2.inp yes msvl.inp yes msvlr.inp msvl.tpr yes msvv.inp yes OneLevelFourCell.inp yes OneLevelTwoCell.inp yes pipeHF.inp yes PipeIelv0.inp yes PipeIelv1.inp yes C-49

Reason for Model in ./Short Restart file Selected non-selection PipeIelv2.inp yes pressurizer_pdrop1.inp yes pressurizer_pdrop2.inp yes pressurizer_pinc1.inp yes pressurizer_pinc2.inp yes pressurizer_pinc3.inp yes pressurizer_pinc4.inp yes PumpBCmf.inp yes PumpBCp.inp yes PumpBCpR.inp PumpBCp.tpr yes PumpBCv.inp yes PumpLim.inp yes PumpTyp8.inp yes PumpTyp8.Rev1.inp yes PumpTyp8.Rev1R.inp PumpTyp8.Rev1.tpr yes*

PumpTyp9.inp yes PumpTyp9.Rev1.inp yes PumpTyp9.Rev1R.inp PumpTyp9.Rev1.tpr yes PumpTyp10.inp yes PumpTyp10.Rev1.inp yes PumpTyp10.Rev1R.inp PumpTyp10.Rev1.tpr yes C-50

Reason for Model in ./Short Restart file Selected non-selection PumpTyp11.inp yes PumpTyp11.Rev1.inp yes PumpTyp11.Rev1R.inp PumpTyp11.Rev1.tpr yes radial_vessel_3rings1.inp yes rod2.inp yes semimatrix.inp yes SimpleVentTest2.inp yes SingleCellPump.inp yes SingleCellPump1.inp yes SingleCellPump2.inp yes Styrikovich1.inp yes Styrikovich2.inp yes Styrikovich3.inp yes Styrikovich4.inp yes tfpipe2.inp yes ThreeLevelFourCell.inp yes ThreeLevelOneCell.inp yes TwoLevelFourCell.inp yes TwoPhase_Down.inp yes TwoPhaseHeat.inp yes TwoPhaseNoHeat.inp yes C-51

Reason for Model in ./Short Restart file Selected non-selection TwoPhase_Up.inp yes utube.inp yes Vess3Dtester.inp yes w4loopn.inp yes w4looprn.300.inp w4loopn.tpr yes w4looprn.inp w4loopn.tpr yes w4loop.PIPE.inp yes w4loop.PIPE1.inp yes w4lpr1.PIPE.inp w4loop.PIPE.tpr yes w4lpr1.PIPE1.inp w4loop.PIPE1.tpr yes w4VesselFI.inp yes w4Vessel.inp yes westinghouse_pump.inp yes C-52

C.19 Suites ./Short2 Number of selected input files: 113 Input files modified for selection: 001 (marked in table as yes*)

Number of non-selected input files: 009 Input files written in fixed-format: 002 (no Namelist option)

Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 007 Total number of input files: 122 Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection 2hscase.1.old.inp yes accumTest.inp yes*

brksat.inp yes brksatn.inp yes dtdiag.1.inp yes dtdiag.2.inp no XTV file edwards.inp yes fill1.inp yes fill2.inp yes Fill2Steam.inp yes fill3.inp yes fill4.inp yes fill5.inp yes fill6.inp yes fill7.inp yes fill8.inp yes C-53

Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection fill9.inp yes fill9_r.inp fill9.tpr yes FILLP.inp yes FILLPSideJ.inp yes genbrk.inp yes genbrkn.inp yes LargeInput.inp yes loft_ie.inp yes loftk.inp yes loftkr.inp loftk.tpr yes marv4.inp yes marv13.inp yes marv20.inp yes marv22.inp yes marv24.inp yes MIT-ST4-40Nodes.inp yes MIT-ST4-40Nodes.Ves.inp yes MIT-ST4-Part4.inp yes MIT-ST4-Part4.Ves.inp yes ois1a.inp yes ois1an.inp yes C-54

Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection oish1-new.inp yes oish1-newn.inp yes ois-hs-v_2t.inp yes ois-hs-v_2tn.inp yes ois-hs-v.inp yes ois-hs-vn.inp yes pipeRupture1.inp yes pipeRupture2.inp yes pipeRupture3.inp yes pipeRupture4.inp yes pipeRupture5.inp yes pipeRupture6.inp yes pipeRupture7.inp yes pipeRupture8.inp yes pipeRupture9.inp yes pipeRupture10.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod1.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod2.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod3.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod4.inp yes C-55

Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection PumpFlowLoss.Mod5.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod6.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod7.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod8.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod9.inp yes PumpFlowLoss.Mod10.inp yes PumpFlowLossR.Mod4.inp PumpFlowLoss.Mod4.tpr yes rvssl.inp yes rvssl.2.inp yes rvssl.3.inp yes slabHtStr.inp yes slabHtStrn.inp yes TransiStdystTest1.inp yes TransiStdystTest2.inp no XTV file TransiStdystTest3.inp fixed-format input TransiStdystTest4.inp fixed-format input updmfc1.inp yes updmfc1n.inp yes updmfc2.inp yes updmfc2n.inp yes updmfc4.inp yes C-56

Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection updmfc4n.inp yes updmfc5.inp yes updmfc5n.inp yes updmfc6.inp yes updmfc6n.inp yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLoss.inp yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLoss.Mod1.inp yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLoss.Mod2.inp yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR.inp Vess-Chan-AdjAddLoss.tpr yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR2err.inp Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR.tpr yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR2.inp Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR.tpr yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR3.inp Vess-Chan-AdjAddLoss.tpr yes Vess-Chan-AdjAddLossR4.inp Vess-Chan-AdjAddLoss.tpr yes vessel.1.inp no XTV file vessel.2.inp no XTV file vessel.3.inp no XTV file vessel.4.inp no XTV file vessel.5.inp no XTV file W4loop.inp yes w4loopi.Mod0.inp yes w4loopi.Mod1.inp yes C-57

Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection w4loopi.Mod2.inp yes w4loopi.Mod3.inp yes w4loopi.Mod4.inp yes w4loopi.Mod5.inp yes w4loopi.Mod6.inp yes w4loopi.Mod7.inp yes w4looprCSS.Mod6.inp w4loopi.Mod6.tpr yes w4looprCSS.Mod7.inp w4loopi.Mod6.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod0.inp w4loopi.Mod0.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod1.inp w4loopi.Mod1.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod2.inp w4loopi.Mod2.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod3.inp w4loopi.Mod3.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod4.inp w4loopi.Mod4.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod5.inp w4loopi.Mod5.tpr yes w4loopri.Mod6.inp w4loopi.Mod6.tpr yes w4lpr1.inp W4loop.tpr yes w4lpr2.inp W4loop.tpr yes w4lpr3.inp W4loop.tpr yes w4lpr4.inp W4loop.tpr yes w4lpr5.inp W4loop.tpr yes w4lpr6.inp W4loop.tpr yes C-58

Selected Reason for Model in ./Short2 Restart file non-selection w4lpr7.inp W4loop.tpr yes C-59

C.20 Suites ./SideJun Number of selected input files: 049 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 049 Reason for Model in ./SideJun Restart file Selected non-selection 2pipes.inp yes boron-FILL.inp yes boron-FILL.isolut2.inp yes ex0grav.inp yes ex2Agrav.inp yes ex2Bgrav.inp yes ex2Cgrav.inp yes ex2Dgrav.inp yes ex2Egrav.inp yes ex2Fgrav.inp yes ex2Ggrav.inp yes ex2Hgrav.inp yes ex2Igrav.inp yes ex2Jgrav.inp yes ex2Kgrav.inp yes ex2Lgrav.inp yes C-60

Reason for Model in ./SideJun Restart file Selected non-selection ex2Mgrav.inp yes ex2Ngrav.inp yes ex2Ograv.inp yes ex2Pgrav.inp yes ex2Qgrav.inp yes l-2pip-a.inp yes l-2pip-a1r.inp yes l-2pip-a2r.inp yes l-tee-a.inp yes PP-0.inp yes PP-45.inp yes PP-90-Eng.inp yes PP-90.inp yes PP-135.inp yes PP-180.inp yes T-0.inp yes T-45.inp yes T-90.inp yes T-135.inp yes T-180.inp yes t-pLiq00a.inp yes C-61

Reason for Model in ./SideJun Restart file Selected non-selection t-pLiq00b.inp yes t-pLiq00c.inp yes t-pLiq90a.inp yes t-pLiq90b.inp yes t-pLiq90c.inp yes t-pLiq180a.inp yes t-pLiq180b.inp yes t-pLiq180c.inp yes v-2pip-a.inp yes v-2pip-a1r.inp yes v-2pip-a2r.inp yes v-tee-a.inp yes C-62

C.21 Suites ./SJC Number of selected input files: 062 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 001 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 001 Total number of input files: 063 Reason for Model in ./SJC Restart file Selected non-selection 1LegPT.inp yes 1LegTee.inp yes 2LegTee.inp yes ACRSingleCanChanNoPwrRupt.inp yes BentPipe1.inp yes p2pSide.inp yes p2pSideR.inp yes p2vSide.inp yes PbBi_H2O_withSJC.inp yes sideBrkg.inp yes sideBrkl.inp yes SingleValveConst.inp yes SJCconst.inp yes t2pSide.inp yes t2pSideR.inp yes t2vSide.inp yes C-63

Reason for Model in ./SJC Restart file Selected non-selection teeBrkg.inp yes teeBrkl.inp yes Test-SJC-Elev.inp no XTV file Test-SJC-Elev.Rev1.inp yes Test-SJC-GRAV.inp yes Test-SJC-GRAV.Rev1.inp yes tinm1p1-b.inp yes tinm1p1-s.inp yes tinm1p2-b.inp yes tinm1p2-s.inp yes tinm1p3-b.inp yes tinm1p3-s.inp yes tinm2p1-b.inp yes tinm2p1-b.Mod1.inp yes tinm2p1-s.inp yes tinm2p2-b.inp yes tinm2p2-s.inp yes tinm2p3-b.inp yes tinm2p3-s.inp yes tinm2p4-b.inp yes tinm2p4-s.inp yes C-64

Reason for Model in ./SJC Restart file Selected non-selection tinm2p5-b.inp yes tinm2p5-s.inp yes tinm2p6-b.inp tinm2p1-b.tpr yes tinm2p6-s.inp tinm2p1-s.tpr yes tinm2p7-b.inp yes tinm2p7-s.inp yes tinm3p1-b.inp yes tinm3p1-s.inp yes tinm4p1-b.inp yes tinm4p1-s.inp yes tinm4p2-b.inp yes tinm4p2-s.inp yes tinm5p1-b.inp yes tinm5p1-s.inp yes tinm6p1-b.inp yes tinm6p1-s.inp yes tinm6p2-b.inp yes tinm6p2-s.inp yes tinm7p1-b.inp yes tinm7p1-s.inp yes tinm7p2-b.inp yes C-65

Reason for Model in ./SJC Restart file Selected non-selection tinm7p2-s.inp yes tinm8p1-b.inp yes tinm8p1-s.inp yes valveTest1.inp yes valveTest2.inp yes C-66

C.22 Suites ./TraceSpecies Number of selected input files: 013 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 000 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 000 Total number of input files: 013 Reason for Model in ./TraceSpecies Restart file Selected non-selection mscl_itrace1.inp yes mscv_itrace1.inp yes mspl_itrace1.inp yes mspv_itrace1.inp yes mssl_itrace1.inp yes mssv_itrace1.inp yes mstl_itrace1.inp yes mstv_itrace1.inp yes msvl_itrace1.inp yes msvlr_itrace1.inp msvl_itrace1.tpr yes msvv_itrace1.inp yes msvl-trace.inp yes msvv-trace.inp yes C-67

C.23 Suites ./Valve Number of selected input files: 088 Input files modified for selection: 001 (marked in table as *)

Number of non-selected input files: 035 Input files written in fixed-format: 003 (no Namelist option)

Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 032 Total number of input files: 123 Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection 1valv-SD-BC-Pcte.inp yes CBValve.inp yes CBValveCv.inp yes no XTV file (even CBValveCv_Err1.inp

  • after modification)

CBValveCv_Err2.inp no XTV file CBValveCv_Err3.inp no XTV file CBValveCv_Err4.inp yes CBValveCv_rst.inp CBValveCv.tpr yes CBValveCv_rst0.inp CBValveCv.tpr yes CBValveCvSJC.inp yes CBValveSJC.inp yes CBValveStemCv.inp yes CBValveStemCv_rst.inp CBValveStemCv.tpr yes CBValveStemCv_rst0.inp CBValveStemCv.tpr yes CBValveStemCvSJC.inp yes CBValveStem.inp yes C-68

Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection MotorValve.inp yes MotorValve1.inp yes MotorValve2.inp yes MotorValve3.inp yes MotorValve4.inp no XTV file MotorValve5.inp no XTV file MotorValve6.inp no XTV file MotorValve7.inp no XTV file MotorValveCv.inp yes MotorValveCv.Mod1.inp yes MotorValveCv_Err1.inp no XTV file MotorValveCv_Err2.inp no XTV file MotorValveCv_Err3.inp no XTV file MotorValveCv_Err4.inp yes MotorValveCvFor.inp yes MotorValveCv_rst.inp MotorValveCv.tpr yes MotorValveCv_rst0.inp MotorValveCv.tpr yes MotorValveStem.inp yes MotorValveStemCv.inp yes MotorValveStemCvFor.inp yes MotorValveStemCv_rst.inp MotorValveStemCv.tpr yes C-69

Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection MotorValveStemCv_rst0.inp MotorValveStemCv.tpr yes TestFILLVALVE.inp yes Type0Valve.inp yes Type0Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type0Valve.Mod2.inp no XTV file Type1Valve.inp yes Type1Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type1Valve.Mod2.inp yes Type1Valve.Mod3.inp yes Type1Valve.Mod3R.inp Type1Valve.Mod3.tpr yes Type2Valve.inp yes Type2Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type2Valve.Mod2.inp no XTV file Type3Valve.inp yes Type3Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type3Valve.Mod2.inp no XTV file Type3ValveR1.inp Type3Valve.tpr yes Type3ValveR2.inp Type3Valve.tpr yes Type3ValveR3.inp Type3Valve.tpr yes Type3ValveR4.inp Type3Valve.tpr yes Type4Valve.inp yes C-70

Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection Type4Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type4Valve.Mod2.inp no XTV file Type5Valve.inp yes Type5Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type5Valve.SJC.inp yes Type6Valve.inp no XTV file Type6Valve.Mod1.inp no XTV file Type7Valve.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod2.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod3.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod4.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod5.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod6.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod7.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod8.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod9.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod10.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod11.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod12.inp yes Type7Valve.Mod13.inp yes C-71

Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection Type8Valve.inp yes Type8Valve.Err1.inp no XTV file Type8Valve.Err2.inp no XTV file Type8Valve.Err3.inp no XTV file Type8Valve.Err4.inp no XTV file Type8Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type8Valve.Mod1R.inp Type8Valve.Mod1.tpr yes Type8Valve.Mod2.inp no XTV file Type8Valve.Mod3.inp yes Type8Valve.Mod3R.inp Type8Valve.Mod3.tpr yes Type8Valve.SJC.inp no XTV file Type8Valve.Warn1.inp yes Type8Valve.Warn2.inp yes Type9Ck.inp yes Type9Ck-Mod2.inp yes Type9Ck-Mod3.inp yes Type9Valve.inp yes Type9Valve.Mod1.inp no XTV file Type9Valve.Mod2.inp no XTV file Type9Valve.Mod3.inp no XTV file Type10Valve.inp yes C-72

Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection Type10Valve.Mod1.inp no XTV file Type10Valve_Mod2.inp yes Type10Valve_Mod2R.inp Type10Valve_Mod2.tpr yes Type10Valve_Mod3.inp yes Type10Valve_Mod4.inp yes Type10Valve_Mod5.inp yes Type10Valve_Mod6.inp yes Type11Valve.inp yes Type11Valve.Mod1.inp no XTV file Type-1ValveCv.inp yes Type-1Valve.inp yes Type-1Valve.Mod1.inp yes Type-1Valve.Mod2.inp yes Type-1Valve.Mod3.inp no XTV file Type-1Valve.Mod4.inp no XTV file Type-1Valve.Mod5.inp yes Type-1Valve.Mod6.inp no XTV file Type-1Valve.Mod7.inp no XTV file Type-1Valve.Mod8.inp no XTV file ValveFxModel.inp yes ValveTyp6.inp fixed-format input C-73

Reason for Model in ./Valve Restart file Selected non-selection ValveTyp7.inp fixed-format input ValveTyp7b.inp fixed-format input C-74

C.24 Suites ./Vess2Vess Number of selected input files: 023 Input files modified for selection: 000 Number of non-selected input files: 002 Input files written in fixed-format: 000 Input files yielding no or faulty XTV: 002 Total number of input files: 025 Reason for Model in ./Vess2Vess Restart file Selected non-selection Bankoff2HD.inp yes Bankoffsatstm.inp yes BankoffSJC.inp yes BankoffSJC2.inp yes BankoffVess.inp yes l-2pip-SJC.inp yes mid3Dch.inp yes midPipe1Ch.inp yes midPipe3Ch.inp yes One3d.inp yes One3dl.inp yes One3dSJCbugs.inp no XTV file One3dSJC.inp yes One3DSJCl.inp yes pipe1SJC.inp yes pipe2SJC.inp yes C-75

Reason for Model in ./Vess2Vess Restart file Selected non-selection pipeOnly.inp yes Three3D.inp yes Two3D.inp yes Two3D2.inp yes v2vBase.inp yes v2vInBugs.inp no XTV file v2vPipes.inp yes v2vSJC.inp yes W412SSOldVessel.inp yes C-76

APPENDIX D ANALYSIS OF FAILED VERIFICATION TESTS OF V5.0P3 This appendix lists and discusses comparison plots of the evolutions of time-step and sampled XTV variables for each verification case of TRACE version v5.0p3 that resulted in failed functional tests for XTV file content. We recall that failure means the XTV variable evolution obtained from one of the test model variants was not identical to the same evolution obtained with the reference executable.

In the verification of version v5.0p3, 41 cases failed the functional test, specifically 6 models from suites ConSys (see plots in subsection D.1 ), 12 from HtStr (D.2 ), 11 from Power (D.3) and 12 from Short2 (D.4 ). All these tests belong to variant 10, which compares to a reference case that uses graphics output level "minimal".

For each of the failed test cases, the corresponding pair of figures in the following subsections also indicates whether the model was executed standalone or using a restart file (.tpr). In fact, 25 of the affected models were standalone and the other 16 were using a restart file. Note that most of the restart files were obtained from one or the other of the standalone models that failed the comparison test. Therefore, one can safely assume that the root cause of the discrepancy between reference and modified results resides in the standalone simulations.

A closer look at the figures shows that for all of the (standalone) cases, differences between the extracted variables are minimal (if not inexistent) until the instant when the time-steps start to differ. This, together with the fact that the difference between the variables remain small even after onset of time-step dissimilarities, hints at some round-off errors or numerical diffusion resulting from the implementation of the XTV-Customize option.

It was noted that all the affected standalone models include a TRACE component Prizer and make use of the steady-state initialization option (TRACE input variable istdyst > 0). Further analysis of the source code of TRACE v5.0p3 confirmed that this combination of input could trigger an incomplete treatment in subroutine {AddXtvDump} (source file [src/XtvDumpM.f90]) of some of the Prizer variables that are iteratively adjusted to achieve a converged steady-state.

This incomplete treatment is actually more revealed than caused by the XTV-Customize option.

Note also that the aforementioned steady-state treatment of the Prizer variables has been made insensitive to changes of option graphlevel in the latest versions of TRACE (v5.0p4 and v5.0p5), which indeed did not exhibit such undesirable test results after implementation of the XTV-Customize option (see subsection 4.3.2).

Given the small amplitude of the discrepancy, as confirmed by visual inspection of the figures presented thereafter, and since the affected code version(s) is superseded by versions that correct for the issue, it was not deemed necessary to retro-actively modify the subroutine

{AddXtvDump} in the XTV-Customize option patch for v5.0p3. Note also that this modification would not be judicious because it would detrimentally affect the outcome of the non-regression test for some of the test cases of this code version (see Table 4-3).


D.1 Comparison Figures for Suites ./ConSys input: napcss.2.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: napcss.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: PromHeat0.1.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-2

input: w4loopErr.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: w4loopi.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: w4loopri.inp restart: w4loopi.tpr time-step sampled variable D-3

D.2 Comparison Figures for Suites ./HtStr input: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod1.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod3.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod4.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-4

input: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod5.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod6.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRodNoRep.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-5

input: W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod1.inp restart: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod1.tpr time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod3.inp restart: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod3.tpr time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod4.inp restart: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod4.tpr time-step sampled variable D-6

input: W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod5.inp restart: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod5.tpr time-step sampled variable input: W4loopHotRodR.NoRep.Mod6.inp restart: W4loopHotRod.NoRep.Mod6.tpr time-step sampled variable input: W4loopNoHotRod.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-7

D.3 Comparison Figures for Suites ./Power input: DiffRodsAxialSS.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: DiffRodsAxialTR.inp restart: DiffRodsAxialSS.tpr time-step sampled variable input: DiffRodsRadialSS.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-8

input: DiffRodsRadialTR.inp restart: DiffRodsRadialSS.tpr time-step sampled variable input: DiffRodsSS.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: multi_powr.inp restart: multi_pow.tpr time-step sampled variable D-9

input: multi_pow.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: PrizerPower.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: PromHeat0.025.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-10

input: SameRodsSS.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: SameRodsTR.inp restart: SameRodsSS.tpr time-step sampled variable D-11

D.4 Comparison Figures for Suites ./Short2 input: dtdiag.1.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: loftkr.inp restart: loftk.tpr time-step sampled variable input: rvssl.3.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-12

input: w4loopi.Mod0.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: w4loopi.Mod1.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: w4loopi.Mod2.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable D-13

input: w4loopi.Mod3.inp restart: none time-step sampled variable input: w4loopri.Mod0.inp restart: w4loopi.Mod0.tpr time-step sampled variable input: w4loopri.Mod1.inp restart: w4loopi.Mod1.tpr time-step sampled variable D-14

input: w4loopri.Mod2.inp restart: w4loopi.Mod2.tpr time-step sampled variable input: w4loopri.Mod3.inp restart: w4loopi.Mod3.tpr time-step sampled variable input: w4loopri.Mod5.inp restart: w4loopi.Mod5.tpr time-step sampled variable D-15

APPENDIX E TRACE MODEL OF THE REFLOOD TEST FEBA-216 This appendix describes the Feba test facility and the corresponding TRACE model to simulate the reflood test 216. This appendix is based on information of sections 2.3 and 2.4 of [8]. More detailed information on the Feba facility can be found in [5].

E.1 FEBA Reflood Facility A series of Feba experiments was conducted in the 1980s at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to improve the knowledge on heat transfer mechanism during the reflood phase of a LB-LOCA transient, with a special focus on the effects of spacer grids and flow blockage due to fuel rod ballooning. The data from the facility was also intended to provide data for code and models validation.

The facility consisted of a test section with a full height 5x5 bundle of PWR fuel rod simulator (Figure E-1a) enclosed in a rectangular stainless steel housing (Figure E-1b). An approximate cosine power profile was mapped over the height of the fuel rod simulators (Figure E-1c). Seven spacer grids were used to provide mechanical support of the fuel rod simulators (Figure E-1d).


Figure E-1 Test Section of the Feba Test Facility (from [9])

During the initialization phase of the experiment, the test section was heated up at low nominal power (200 [kW]) to achieve a specified initial heater rod temperature, with essentially no liquid present in the test section. The transient phase of the experiment was initiated by ramping up the power according to 120% (ANS) decay heat power curve while simultaneously injecting subcooled liquid at the bottom inlet of the test section.

Eight different test series were performed in the Feba facility. The first two test series (I and II) used two different numbers of spacer grids, seven and six, respectively. The middle spacer grid was removed in test series II to investigate the effect of spacer grids in a reflood transient. The other test series used different flow area blockage sizes at mid-height of the test section in order to investigate the effect of rod ballooning.

In each test series, combinations of two different inlet liquid velocities and three different system backpressure were imposed. The Feba test 216 belongs to test series I. This particular test was conducted at a system pressure of 4.2 [Bar] and a liquid inlet velocity of 3.81 [cm*s-1], with all seven spacer grids mounted and no flow area blockage.

Three types of time histories were measured and recorded in the test. These included thermocouples to measure the outer rod clad temperature at eight different axial locations, E-2

pressure probes to measure the pressure difference over four different axial segments of the test assembly, and a collecting tank measuring the mass of water carried over at the outlet of the test section. Note that the collecting tank for measuring the liquid carryover was saturated at 10 [kg] and thus no measurement above that value is available.

E.2 TRACE Model The model was developed based on specifications provided within the context of the PREMIUM benchmark [7], following whenever possible the modeling best-practices guidelines for TRACE in order to minimize user effect [10].

The model includes the following TRACE components:

  • A 1-dimensional Vessel component to model the bundle test section,
  • A Pipe component to model the upper plenum of the test section,
  • A Fill component to set the inlet flow and inlet temperature boundary conditions,
  • A Break component to model the outlet pressure boundary condition,
  • Two HtStr components to model the heater rods simulator and the test section housing,
  • A Power component to impose the electrical power boundary condition.

The Vessel component was divided into 28 hydraulic control volumes of sizes ranging from 60 to 315 [mm].

The two HtStr components were axially divided into the same number of coarse axial conduction nodes. However, since a large axial temperature gradient is expected in a reflood transient, the fine-mesh reflood flag in TRACE was enabled. As a result, each of the coarse conduction nodes was divided uniformly in five, yielding a total of 142 axial conduction nodes.

The geometry and experiment specifications of the model are provided in Figure E-2.


Nodalization Parameter Units Value schematic (from [9])

Test section total

[m] 4.114 length Total heated length [m] 3.9 Backpressure Flow area [ m2 ] 3.901*10-3 <<BREAK>>

[ mm Upper Plenum Hydraulic diameter 13.45 <<PIPE>>


Rectangular housing [ mm 28 78.55 width ] 27 Rectangular housing [ mm 6.5 26 thickness ]

Number of rods [-] 25 23

[ mm Rod outer diameter 10.75

] Powered 20 Pitch-to-Diameter ratio [-] 1.33 Heater Rods Number of spacer <<HTSTR>>

[-] 7 15 grids Spacer grid flow Housing

[%] 20 obstruction <<HTSTR>> 11 0.454, 0.999, Spacer grid axial 1.544, 2.089, Spacer Grid

[m] 8 locations 2.634, 3.179, 3.724 Number of hydraulic 28 5


nodes (varying length) 28 (coarse) 1 Number of axial nodes [-]

142 (fine)

Inlet liquid temperature [K] 312 Inlet Flow

[cm s-


Inlet flow velocity 1] 3.81 System backpressure [ Bar ] 4.2 Figure E-2 Parameters and Nodalization of the TRACE Model E-4

NUREG/IA-0514 Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3 August 2019 O. Zerkak, I. Clifford Technical Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland Division of System Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 K. Tien, Project Manager This report describes a developmental patch applicable to TRACE v5.0 that provides the user with additional flexibility in using the existing option graphlevel to specify the list of variables to be included in the graphics output file (XTV). This option is activated from the TRACE input model using newly added Namelist option lists graphCustId and graphCustVar.

This capability, referred to as the XTV-Customize option, is particularly indicated to optimize storage space and/or post-processing memory space for production studies that require large input models, and for research studies that include sensitivity analysis or uncertainty quantification involving very large number of TRACE simulations of a same input file.

The XTV-Customize option is provided in the form of three separate code installation patches applicable to versions v5.0p5, v5.0p4 and v5.0p3 of the TRACE code, respectively.

The developed patch has been verified on the LCLRS Linux 64-bit servers of PSI for a representative sample of test cases, and for the two different TRACE output graphics file formats, namely XTV and DMX. This patch should nevertheless be still considered as developmental. Some recommendations for improvement of the implementation are provided at the end of the report.

TRACE, XTV graphics output file, Namelist, Graphlevel, Customization

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Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3 August 2019 NUREG/IA-0514