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Post Fukushima Flooding and Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Status - 8July2019
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/08/2019
From: Robert Bernardo
Beyond-Design-Basis Management Branch
Bernardo R, NRR/DLP, 415-2621
Download: ML19192A197 (4)


July 8, 2019 Post Fukushima Flooding and Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Status Flooding Hazard Reevaluation

- The licensees for all operating power reactor sites have completed their hazard reevaluation and have submitted their Flood Hazard Reevaluation Reports (FHRR).

- The NRC used a graded approach to address flood hazard results that exceed the current design basis.

- The NRC expects that the licensees for 46* operating reactor sites will submit a focused evaluation (FE) to address local intense precipitation and to leverage available physical margin. The licensees for 41 operating reactor sites have provided their focused evaluations. The NRC expects the remaining FEs to be submitted in mid-2019.

- The NRC expects that the licensees for five operating power reactor sites will submit integrated assessments (IA) to address the reevaluated flooding hazard impact on their sites. The licensees for four operating power reactor sites have submitted an integrated assessment. The fifth IA (which involves a probabilistic storm surge analysis) is expected in 2019.

Seismic Hazard Reevaluation

- The licensees for all operating power reactor sites have completed their hazard reevaluation and have submitted their Seismic Hazard and Screening Reports (SHSR).

- The NRC used a graded approach to address seismic hazard results that exceed the current design basis.

- The licensees for 34 operating power reactor sites completed the expedited seismic evaluation process (ESEP) screening and evaluation.

All of the expected ESEP reports have been submitted.

- The NRC expects that the licensees for 17 operating power reactor sites will complete a seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA). The licensees for 8 sites have submitted their SPRA. The NRC expects the remaining SPRAs to be completed by the end of 2019.

- The NRC requested that the licensees for 49 operating power reactor sites submit one or more limited scope evaluations (i.e., high frequency evaluations and spent fuel pool evaluations). All of the limited scope evaluations have been submitted.

Mitigation Strategies Assessments

- The licensees for 58 out of 58 operating power reactor sites have submitted their Flood Hazard mitigation strategies assessment (MSA).

- The licensees for 50 out of 58 operating power reactor sites have submitted their Seismic Hazard MSA.

July 8, 2019

- The staff has suspended its review of the remaining MSAs based on the final approved MBDBE rule. For the reviews not yet completed, or not yet submitted, the staff will evaluate the mitigation strategies, as appropriate, as part of its review of FE, IA, or SPRA reports.

- Licensees are no longer expected to submit MSAs associated with their reevaluated hazards.

  • The NRC granted Entergy's and FENOCs requests to defer the submittal date for remaining seismic and flooding reevaluation activities for Indian Point and Perry to a date beyond the planned permanent shutdown in 2019 and 2021.

A table with the status of the hazard reevaluations is provided on the following pages. Site names that are highlighted in dark green have completed all post-Fukushima activities and the NRC has issued a completion letter.

July 8, 2019 Flooding and Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Status for Operating Reactors - Regions I and II

July 8, 2019 Flooding and Seismic Hazard Reevaluation Status for Operating Reactors - Regions III and IV