MONTHYEARML23061A1642023-03-0101 March 2023 Email Transmitting a Copy of the Order of the Secretary Denying Petition for Declaratory Order to Representatives of the Applicant ML0727500532007-10-0101 October 2007 Letter from J. Samuel Walker to Scott H. Strauss and Rebecca J. Baldwin Re Local 369 Petition for Leave to Intervene ML0715002952007-05-22022 May 2007 Notice of Withdrawal of Van Buren County and Covert Township ML0714902032007-05-18018 May 2007 Petitioners of Township of Covert and County of Van Buren Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement ML0532103972005-11-0808 November 2005 Letter from Susan L. Uttal to Administrative Judges Regarding Contention 1 ML0526502222005-09-15015 September 2005 Letter from David Lewis to Administrative Judges Providing a Compact Disc of the Palisades License Renewal Application ML0525701142005-09-0606 September 2005 Letter from Susan L. Uttal to Administrative Judges Apologizing for Not Filing a Response to the Petitioners Motion to Reschedule ML18347B2811980-05-14014 May 1980 Motion to Compel ML18347A7771979-05-0707 May 1979 Prehearing Conference Statement of Intervenor Great Lakes Energy Alliance ML18347A8621979-05-0404 May 1979 Certificate of Service Regarding Response of Consumers Power Company to Great Lakes Energy Alliance Response ML18347A8591979-05-0404 May 1979 Response of Consumers Power Company to Great Lakes Energy Alliance Response ML18347A8661979-05-0101 May 1979 Palisade - Letter from Harley and Anna Wood Informing NRC That They Would Like to Testify at the Palisade Replacement Hearing on 5/9 in St. Joseph, Mi ML18347B2521979-04-20020 April 1979 Great Lakes Energy Alliance Response to Consumers Power Co., NRC Staff and NRC Licensing Board ML18344A2191979-01-0808 January 1979 Letter Request for Hearing on Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalties ML18347A8841978-08-30030 August 1978 Furnishing Distress from NRCs Shirk for Responsibility to Protect American People from Danger Created by Nuclear Fission, Specifically, Violation at Palisades ML18347B2771978-03-31031 March 1978 Advising NRCs Approval in Principle Depletion of Two Tests in Restarting Palisades Would Be Serious Mistake ML18347A8881977-02-0101 February 1977 Furnishing Information Concerning Limited Fuel Rod Storage Capacity, & Advising NRC Consider This Problem on a National Level & Prepare EIS ML18348A1931975-03-12012 March 1975 Advising, Not Received 3/4/1975 NRC Letter, & Requesting, NRC Should Correspondence with All Interested Persons ML18352A2901970-06-10010 June 1970 Consumers Power Co., Palisades - Hearing June 23, 1970 ML18352A3061970-05-22022 May 1970 Notice of Appearance for Thomas F. Engelhardt and Neil J. Newman 2023-03-01
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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY (Palisades Plant)
) Docket No.50-255SP
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "Response of Consumers Power Company to Great Lakes Energy Alliance Response" in the above-captioned proceeding have been served upon the following persons by deposit in the U.S.Mail, first class, postage prepaid, and upon those persons marked by an asterisk by air freight, this 4th day of May, 1979.
Those persons marked by a double asterisk will be served by hand on May 7, 1979:
Atomic Safety and Licensing Bd.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornn.
Washington, D.C.
- Dr. George C. Anderson Department of Oceanography University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195
- Dr. M. Stanley Livingston 1005 Calle Largo Sante Fe, New Mexico 87501
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornn.
Washington, D.C.
- Ms. Mary Sinclair 5711 Summerset Drive Midland, Michi~an 48640 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornn.
Washington, D.C.
2 -
Mr. C. R. Stephens Chief, Docketing & Service Section Off ice of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornn.
Washington, D.C.
20555 ISHAM, LINCOLN & BEALE One First National Plaza -
4200 Chicago, Illinois 60603 312/558-7500 May** 4, 1979
."I;". :::-~:*: :*: ** * **~. ' - * :.: *.
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornn.
Washington, D.C.
20555 Martha E. Gibbs One of the Attorneys for Consumers Power Company