ML18332A316 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 12/17/2018 |
From: | Bo Pham NRC/NRR/DIRS/IRGB |
To: | Michael Orenak Division of Operating Reactor Licensing |
Benney B | |
References | |
GL-16-001 | |
Download: ML18332A316 (5) | |
December 17, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO:
Michael Orenak, Technical Assistant Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:
Bo M. Pham, Chief /ra/
ROP Support and Generic Communications Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CLOSEOUT OF GENERIC LETTER 2016-01, MONITORING OF NEUTRON-ABSORBING MATERIALS IN SPENT FUEL POOLS The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Generic Letter (GL) 2016-01, Monitoring of Neutron-Absorbing Materials in Spent Fuel Pools (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML16097A169) dated April 7, 2016, requesting that licensees provide information to allow the NRC to verify continued compliance through effective monitoring to identify and mitigate any degradation or deformation of neutron-absorbing materials credited for criticality control in spent fuel pools.
The purpose of GL 2016-01 for power reactors was: (1) to request that addressees submit information or provide references to previously docketed information that demonstrate that credited neutron absorbing materials in the spent fuel pool are in compliance with the licensing and design basis, and with applicable regulatory requirements and that measures are in place to maintain this compliance, and (2) to collect the requested information and determine whether additional regulatory action is required. A summary of the staffs review and findings is documented in a memo dated November 27, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18317A374).
The project manager for the generic letter has confirmed that all cost accounting code numbers have been completed in order to close out the enterprise project identifier L-2016-LRC-0001.
There is no further action required on your part. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the project manager, Brian Benney, at (301) 415-2767.
Plant-Specific Closeout Information CONTACT: Brian J. Benney, NRR/DIRS (301) 415-2767
Enclosure Generic Letter 2016-01, Monitoring Of Neutron-Absorbing Materials In Spent Fuel Pools Plant-Specific Closeout Information Plant Name TAC Closeout Letter ADAMS Accession Number Closeout Letter Date Beaver Valley 1 MF9457 ML18249A180 09/26/2018 Arkansas Nuclear 1 MF8663 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Beaver Valley 2 MF9456 ML18249A180 09/26/2018 Arkansas Nuclear 2 MF8664 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Braidwood 1 MF8667 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Browns Ferry 2 MF9454 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Browns Ferry 1 MF9456 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Braidwood 2 MF8668 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Browns Ferry 3 MF9453 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Brunswick 1 MF9920 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Byron 2 MF8675 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Brunswick 2 MF9452 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Byron 1 MF8674 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Calvert Cliffs 2 MF9449 ML18249A049 09/26/2018 Callaway MF9451 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Calvert Cliffs 1 MF9450 ML18249A049 09/26/2018 Catawba 1 MF8679 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Columbia MF9447 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Comanche Peak 1 MF8683 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Comanche Peak 2 MF8684 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Catawba 2 MF8680 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 D.C. Cook 1 MF9445 ML18249A392 09/26/2018 Davis-Besse MF9443 ML18249A392 09/26/2018 Crystal River 3 MF8952 ML17052A331 02/24/2017 Diablo Canyon 1 MF8689 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Diablo Canyon 2 MF8690 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Grand Gulf 1 MF9438 ML18249A178 09/26/2018 Harris 1 MF9437 ML18249A365 09/26/2018 Farley 2 MF8658 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Ginna MF9439 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Clinton MF9448 ML18249A231 09/26/2018 Dresden 2 MF8662 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Dresden 3 MF8661 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Hatch 2 MF9435 ML18249A334 09/26/2018 FitzPatrick MF9440 ML18249A392 09/26/2018 D.C. Cook 2 MF9444 ML18249A392 09/26/2018 Cooper MF9446 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Hope Creek 1 MF8649 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Plant Name TAC Closeout Letter ADAMS Accession Number Closeout Letter Date Fort Calhoun MF8655 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Indian Point 3 MF9433 ML18249A386 09/26/2018 Farley 1 MF8659 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Kewaunee MF8953 ML17053A590 02/24/2017 Limerick 1 MF8644 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Duane Arnold MF9442 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 La Salle 1 MF8646 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Hatch 1 MF9436 ML18249A334 09/26/2018 Limerick 2 MF8643 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 La Salle 2 MF8645 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Fermi 2 MF9441 ML18030B178 08/27/2018 Indian Point 2 MF9434 ML18249A386 09/26/2018 McGuire 2 MF9432 ML18253A130 09/26/2018 Millstone 2 MF9431 ML18249A080 09/26/2018 North Anna 1 MF8635 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Nine Mile Point 1 MF9429 ML18249A061 09/26/2018 McGuire 1 MF9919 ML18253A130 09/26/2018 Monticello MF8638 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Millstone 3 MF9430 ML18249A080 09/26/2018 Nine Mile Point 2 MF9428 ML18249A061 09/26/2018 Oconee 1 MF8633 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Oconee 3 MF8631 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Oconee 2 MF8632 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Palisades MF9426 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 North Anna 2 MF8634 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Oyster Creek 1 MF9427 ML18030B361 08/30/2018 Palo Verde 1 MF8628 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Palo Verde 2 MF8627 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Peach Bottom 2 MF8625 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Palo Verde 3 MF8626 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Peach Bottom 3 MF8624 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Point Beach 1 MF8621 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Pilgrim 1 MF9424 ML18249A162 09/26/2018 Perry 1 MF9425 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Point Beach 2 MF8620 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Prairie Island 1 MF8619 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Prairie Island 2 MF8618 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Quad Cities 1 MF8617 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Quad Cities 2 MF8616 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 River Bend 1 MF9423 ML18031A995 08/27/2018 Robinson 2 MF8614 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Plant Name TAC Closeout Letter ADAMS Accession Number Closeout Letter Date Saint Lucie 1 MF9422 ML18249A091 09/26/2018 Salem 2 MF8610 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Salem 1 MF8611 ML17041A369 03/09/2017 Saint Lucie 2 MF9421 ML18249A091 09/26/2018 San Onofre 2 MF8955 ML17053A590 02/24/2017 Sequoyah 1 MF9419 ML18249A383 09/26/2018 Seabrook 1 MF9420 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 South Texas 1 MF8606 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 San Onofre 3 MF8956 ML17053A590 02/24/2017 Sequoyah 2 MF9418 ML18249A383 09/26/2018 South Texas 2 MF8605 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Surry 1 MF8603 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Summer 1 MF9417 ML18030B238 04/13/2018 Surry 2 MF8602 ML17039A893 03/02/2017 Susquehanna 1 MF9416 ML18249A242 09/26/2018 Susquehanna 2 MF9415 ML18249A242 09/26/2018 Three Mile Island 1 MF9414 ML18253A099 09/26/2018 Turkey Point 3 MF9413 ML18249A380 09/26/2018 Turkey Point 4 MF9412 ML18249A380 09/26/2018 Vogtle 1 MF9411 ML18249A075 09/26/2018 Vogtle 2 MF9410 ML18249A075 09/26/2018 Waterford 3 MF9409 ML18249A392 09/26/2018 Wolf Creek 1 MF9406 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Watts Bar 1 MF9408 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Watts Bar 2 MF9407 ML18249A407 09/26/2018 Millstone 1 MF9458 ML18269A351 09/26/2018 Vermont Yankee MF8957 ML17052A364 02/24/2017