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Clinch River: Draft ACRS Slide Presentations for 2.3, 2.4 and Chapter 11
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 11/08/2018
From: Richard Clement
To: Mallecia Sutton
Sutton M
Download: ML18312A088 (8)


Presentation to the ACRS Clinch River Nuclear (CRN) Site Early Site Permit (ESP) Application Chapter 11 Radioactive Waste Management Sections 11.2.3 & 11.3.3 Safety Evaluation Review Presented by Richard Clement November 14, 2018

Sections 11.2.3 & 11.3.3

  • Involves source term information and offsite doses that includes:

- Liquid effluent releases (Section 11.2.3)

- Liquid exposure pathways (Section

- Liquid effluent doses (Section

- Gaseous effluent releases (Section 11.3.3)

- Gaseous exposure pathways (Section

- Gaseous effluent doses (Section

- Review interface with hydrology (Section 2.4.13) and meteorology (Section 2.3.5) 2

Key Review Areas

  • Staff participated in the Pre-application Readiness Assessment and Acceptance Review.
  • Staff conducted an audit at Bechtel Power Corporation, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Knoxville Complex, Clinch River Nuclear (CRN) Site and surrounding areas (ML17341A276):

- Normal plant parameter envelope (PPE) liquid and gaseous effluent release source terms and offsite doses

- Accident PPE liquid effluent release source term and dose

- Walked CRN site and visited current receptor locations

  • Staff conducted an audit of TVAs voluntary submittal on vector- and scalar-averaged wind direction and scalar-averaged wind speed data (ML18248A113):

- Offsite gaseous effluent dose and receptor information 3

PPE Source Terms

  • TVA identified four small modular reactor (SMR) designs to develop the PPE source terms:

- BWXT mPower (Generation mPower)

- NuScale (NuScale Power)

- SMR-160 (Holtec SMR)

- Westinghouse SMR (Westinghouse Electric Co.)

  • TVA used Nuclear Energy Institute 10-01 to evaluate composite source terms in the surrogate plant and develop the normal PPE liquid and gaseous effluent release source terms.
  • Staff performed confirmatory calculations of these composite source terms in the surrogate plant used to develop the normal PPE liquid and gaseous effluent release source terms.
  • Staff found TVAs methodology to develop the normal PPE liquid and gaseous effluent release source terms for use in calculating offsite doses reasonable.


Dose Evaluation

  • Staff verified the input parameters and assumptions for exposure pathway dose analyses.
  • Staff performed confirmatory calculations for offsite doses using Regulatory Guide 1.109 and NRCDose 2.3.20 computer code.
  • Staff identified COL Action Item:

COL Action Item 11-1 An applicant for a combined license (COL) or a construction permit (CP) referencing this early site permit (ESP) should verify that the calculated doses to members of the public from normal gaseous and liquid effluent releases for a chosen reactor design at the CRN Site are bounded by the doses evaluated in this ESP application as reviewed by the NRC staff.

The applicant should evaluate discrepancies and justify any changes made to address differences in the source term for the reactor design used to calculate the doses for a COL or CP application.



  • Staff completed its safety evaluation with no Open Items.
  • Subject to the staffs proposed condition (COL Action Item 11-1), reactor designs falling within the normal PPE effluent release source terms and offsite doses for the CRN site are without undue risk to public health and safety.




Acronyms ADAMS - Agencywide Documents Access and Management System CFR - Code of Federal Regulations COL - Combined License CP - Construction Permit CRN - Clinch River Nuclear ESP - Early Site Permit NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCDose - Code system which contains three NRC endorsed computer codes used for exposure pathway dose analysis PPE - Plant Parameter Envelope SMR - Small Modular Reactor TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority 8