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Hanford Waste Management Area C NRC 10-16-18 Presentation
Person / Time
Site: PROJ0736
Issue date: 10/24/2018
From: Mckinney C
Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Desotell L
Download: ML18297A115 (15)


NRCs Review of the Hanford WMA-C Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) Evaluation October 16, 2018 Chris McKenney Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


  • NRCs role at Hanford
  • Criteria
  • Products
  • Schedule 2

What is WIR? (theory)

WIR is waste that would be high-level waste (HLW) based on its reprocessing origin, but can be managed as low-level waste because of the lower level of risk it poses. Lower risk can result from:

  • Separation and, in some cases, further decontamination of low-level fraction of waste
  • Residuals of a higher-activity fraction, left in place and further stabilized 3

NRCs Role at Hanford

  • Review of Waste Management Area C (WMA-C) draft WIR Evaluation
  • Interagency agreement at Hanford (consultation)
  • NRC will not have a monitoring role at Hanford 4

NRCs Role at Hanford

  • DOE submits its draft WIR Evaluation to NRC for review.

Consultation typically includes:

  • Scoping meetings or technical exchanges
  • Requests for Additional Information
  • NRC Technical Evaluation Report (TER)

Consultation 5

NRCs Role at Hanford - Contacts

  • Technical Review - David Esh x6705
  • Low-Level Waste and Projects Branch Chief - Stephen Koenick x6631
  • Performance Assessment Branch Chief - Chris McKenney x6663 Phone numbers take the form (301) 415 - XXXX 6

Criteria for Determining Reprocessing Waste is WIR (i.e., not HLW)

  • Three sets of similar criteria:

- Hanford - DOE Manual 435.1-1

- West Valley - NRC West Valley Policy Statement

- SRS and INL - National Defense Authorization Act for 2005 (NDAA),

Section 3116

  • The criteria are generally consistent:

- All require removing key radionuclides to the maximum extent practical (or technically and economically practical)

- All require disposal to meet the performance objectives of (or comparable to) 10 CFR Part 61 (DOE Manual 435.1-1 also has alternative requirements for waste identified as TRU) 7

Performance Objectives of 10 CFR Part 61, Subpart C

- §61.41 Protection of the general population from releases of radioactivity (dose limit & ALARA)

- § 61.42 Protection of individuals from inadvertent intrusion

- § 61.43 Protection of individuals during operations

- § 61.44 Stability of the disposal site after closure 8


What is Reviewed

  • Staff conducts completeness review of documents submitted
  • Staff review the draft WIR evaluation document.
  • Staff review the supporting documents (first level).
  • Staff review secondary and lower level documents as needed.
  • Staff review the performance assessment model, incorporated assumptions, supporting calculations, and model support.
  • Staff may develop an independent model to develop risk insights.


What is Reviewed 10

How is it Reviewed

  • NUREG-1854 provides areas of review and review procedures.

How is it Reviewed

  • NRCs review is open and transparent.
  • Documents are publically available.
  • Basis for requests for additional information is provided.
  • A report (technical evaluation report) is developed to document the results of the review.
  • Documents can be accessed through ADAMS, enter docket number PROJ0736 in the search box.


Other Considerations for the Review

  • DOE indicated although the entire draft WIR evaluation is subject to consultation, DOE requested emphasis on criteria 2 (performance objectives) over criteria 1 (removal of key radionuclides).
  • DOE requested that NRC determine if DOE demonstrated a reasonable expectation of compliance with the performance objectives for 1,000 years.
  • Model results to 10,000 years provided to support risk-informed decision-making.



  • Receive draft WIR evaluation - June 4, 2018
  • NRC transmits completeness review letter - July 19, 2018
  • NRC issues RAIs to DOE - December, 2018

- Public meeting on RAIs

  • NRC - DOE public meeting on DOEs RAI responses - March 2019

- Note: If DOE requires additional time to address RAI responses, the schedule will need to be adjusted

  • NRC transmits TER to DOE - June 2019 14

Concluding Remarks

  • NRC is an independent federal agency whose decision is based solely on the merits of the materials provided.
  • NRC strives to provide a clear and technically-sound basis for findings.

Thank you for your time and attention 15