LIC-18-0023, FCS Partial Site Release Survey Packages and Preparation Instructions (Reference 14)

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FCS Partial Site Release Survey Packages and Preparation Instructions (Reference 14)
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun  Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2018
From: Allan Barker
Omaha Public Power District
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML18215A228 (48)


FCS Partial Site Release Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down L4-001 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Area: FCS 18 Partial Release 1 Survey Unit No.: 1 (L4-001) ---'---~'---------

Survey Unit Type: Open Land Structural Interior D Structural Exterior 0 Survey Unit Area: 184,077.7 m2 Survey Unit


Primarily flat, cultivated farm land (last farmed in 2017) with minimal trees around perimeter.

Physical Configuration of Survey Unit: Triangular land area bounded on the South and West by the Fort Calhoun Station property line and to the Northeast by land survey unit 2. Walk-Down was: Performed Not Performed D Date: 4} \ '1 J I S By: R:'I (,U() tYV-U-Name) Reason Walk-Down was not Performed:

Observed or Potential Hazards: D -Heat stress or stroke D -Cold work environment -Stinging insects -Hazardous plants and/or animal 6a -Tripping hazards D -Standing water > 1 ft deep D -F all hazards D -Work@height

> 6ft D -Open excavations D -Confined Spaces D -Hazardous atmospheres D -Load bearing stresses D -Lack of structural integrity (structure, floor) D -Release of stored energy sources (hydraulic, steam, etc.) D -Buried utilities IXJ -Overhead power lines D -Kinetic energy sources (moving equipment) D -Vehicle traffic D -Overhead piping or components D -Exposed electrical circuitry D -Sharp objects or surfaces D -Falling objects D -Other _______ _ D -Other _______ _ (Each hazard identified must b e evaluated to d e t e nnin e ifthe hazard can be eliminated, avoided, o r minimized, as well as the need for additional supporVexpertise)

FC-SRRS -2b. 117 FCS Partial Site Release Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Wa l k-Down Survey Unit Preparation for Characterization:

D -Mark reference grid D -Clear vegetation -GPS D -Confined space permit L4-00I FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 D -Set-up Man Lift D -Extension poles D -Other -Mark survey unit boundaries D -Clear equipment and/or tools D -Set-up Temporary Ventilation D -Radiation Work Permit ---------D -Other ---------D -Clear loose material and/or debris Preparation Details: Survey Unit Classification

D -Erect Scaffolding Initial Classification:

Non-Impacted Clas s 3 D Class 2 D If the Survey Unit is a Class 2, Class 3 or Non-Impacted Survey Unit? a. Are there any posted Radiologically Controlled Areas in the survey unit? Investigation

Class 1 D b. Is there any posted Radioactive Material Areas or labeled, tagged or bagged radioactive material or potential radioactive material in the survey unit? Investigation:
c. Is the survey unit in the path of a known transport route for unpackaged radioactive materials?


d. I s there any observable evidence of any past remediation activities within this survey unit? lnvestigation:

Yes D No L)d"

  • Yes D No~ Yes D No~ Yes D No EJ The initial classification for this s urvey unit was Class f\l)'*'~sed upon the visual observations of the walk-down, the initial classification of this survey unit is: ~-* justified D is not justified.


JD~7= Reviewed:

/...,.....,.~ ____ ,_N_a_m ,_e_/D-at-e~~-_,_ __ 2 FC-SRRS -2b.117 GENERAL SECTION FCS Partial Site Release Sample Plan Cover Sheet Sample Plan #: L4-00 l L4-001 FC S PSR Unit 1 Re v ision 0 ~****************************************************

            • ***************
          • -**********

1:::: ;~:::::~~d8::i::' :el::e=J Survey U nit No.*_ l::::==:=:

=. : : :: : ::: ] : Survey Unit Type: Non-impacted farm land ' : *************************************************-****************************************
                                                              • -*************-----*--**-*-***-*-**--****************-*-----*--***-*************-********************
                                                                              • -**
                                                                • -**************************
      • -*****l 0 -Open Land D -Structural Interior D -Structural Exterior Initial Classification:

0 -Non-Impacted D -Class 3 D -Class 2 PREP ARA TION FOR CHARACTERIZA TION ACTIVITIES Reference Glid and/or Refer e nce Coordinates have been established (if appropriate). 0-System D -Class 1 0 Yes D No Explanation

----------------------A walk-down has been performed ofthe Survey Unit and a completed Su r v ey Unit Pr e-Characterization Walk-Down is included with this survey package. 0 Yes D No Explanation:


________ _ All survey prepar a tion a c tivitie s (clear vegetation, erect sc affolding , etc.) a s identified by the Survey Unit Pre-Chara c teri z ation Walk-Down have been completed.

0 Yes D N o Explanation


_ _ Area ha s been cleared of all non-es s ential materials and equipment.

0 Yes D No Explanation ABOVE MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO COMMENCING SURVEY SAMPLE PLAN APPROV AL Prepared: Andrea Barker (Na m e) Peer Review: Ryan Layman (Nam e) Approved: Daniel Whisler R a d iat ion Protec ti o n Manag e r (s igna tu r e) (s ignatur e) 3 FC-S RR S-2b.11 7 Date: Date: Date: 4/12/18 i 11/1~ i~,3 1(

FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-001 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No:_! ________ _ Sample Plan # L4-001 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1


Approximately 120 acres West of tree line Survey Unit No.: 1


Triangular land area West (plant North) of PA Survey Unit Type: 0 -Open Land D -Structural Interior D -Structural Exterior D -System Survey Unit Area: 184,091.5 square meters Survey Unit Classification:

CmTent Classification:

0 -Non-Impacted D -Class 3 D -Class 2 D -Class 1 Types of Surfaces:

D -Floor D-Wall D -Ceiling D-Roof D -Paved Road D -Concrete Pad 0 -Ground D -Surface Water D-System D -Other ______ _ 0-0ther -------Survey Unit Historical Information Composition of Surfaces:

D -Conc r ete D -Steel D -Cinder Block D -Brick D -Tile 0-Wood D -Asphalt 0-Tar 0 -Soil D -Other --------D -Other --------Types of Media: 0 -Surface Soil D -Subsurface Soil D -Sediment D -Water D -Liquids (not water) D-oi1 D -Volumetric Concrete D -Volumetric Asphalt D -Metal D -Paint 0 -Other ----='IS:....:: O c.....=C=S~----Previous operational functions:

Leased, row farmland.

No historical operational function. 4 F C-SRRS -2b.11 7 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-001 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: _ _,.:.,.1 ________ _ Sample Plan #--=L4-'----"'0""'"0.:_1

__ _ Basis for initial classification:

Review of operational history and interviews conducted during Initial Historical Site Assessment (HSA) showed no historical operational functions or historical storage functions.

Environmental samples from Initial HSA showed no environmental contaminants downstream of the land requiring remediation. Summary of processes and incidents from Historical Site Assessment:

No operational processes performed.

Leased farmland only. No incidents noted from Initial HSA. Summary of Current Radiological Condition:

No current Radioactive Material Areas, Radiologically Controlled Areas, or known radiological conditions and no historical evidence of such. Data Ouality Objectives:

1. State the Problern:

Perform characterization inspections and surveys of sufficient quality and quantity to determine the nature and extent of radioactive contamination in the survey unit in order to validate the classification of " non-impacted" as defined by NUREG-1575 (MARSSIM).

2. Identify the Decision:

Perform radiological survey s in the survey unit to identify the potential presence of plant-related radionuclides at concentrations greater than the minimum detectable concentration (MDC) of the instruments(s) used and greater than the expected naturally-occurring background activity concentrations. 3. Identify Inputs: a. Can the objectives of the characterization survey be achieved with reasonable confidence based on existing data? (If " Yes" , then document the basis for the acceptability of the data.) Basis: 5 FC-SRRS -2b.117 Yes D No rgj FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-001 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: ____________ _ Sample Plan #-=L....:...4-"""" 0--"-0..:.,.1 ___ _ b. Identify the Action Levels that will be used for the characterization of this survey unit. 0 lsotopic Volumetric O Gross Surface Activity Detectable Activity > MDCR c. Identify the types of measurements and/or sample to be taken for the characterization ofthe survey unit. Surface Soil Sample(s)

D Subsurface Soil Sample(s)

D Sediment Sample(s) 0 Concrete Core Sample(s) 0 Volumetric Concrete Sample(s) 0 Volumetric Asphalt Sample(s)

D Water Sample(s)

D Swipe Sample(s) 0 Direct beta-gamma measurement(s) 0 Direct alpha measurement(s) 0 Surface Seans (structures) Surface Seans (soils) ISOCS ________ _ Other 10% HTD d. Designate the radiological instrumentation that will be used to acquire field measurements and denote the anticipated static and scan MDC for each. NO TE: S tatic a nd Sca n MD C for sc anning s tructur es and s oil w ill b e d e t e m1ined i n a cc o r d a n ce with Rad i olo g i c al A n a l ysis. Instrument Type: 1 Nal Probe Detector Type: Scintillation Static MDC: ScanMDC: 4.5 pCi/g 2 ISOCS HPGe (semi-conductor) 0.19pCi/g N/A 3 4 ----------

Are the static and scan MDCs for the instruments and detectors listed above less than the Action Levels selected? (lf " No", then document the reason why the instrument will continue to be used for this survey and the impact on <lata quality.)

Y es Explanation:

No D e. Determine the type of analyses that will be performed on volumetric material sample(s). Gross Beta Gamma Liquid Scintillation Analyses Details: Ali surface Analyses Gross Alpha Alpha Spectroscopy soil samples collected will be Gamma Spectroscopy analyzed by on-site gamma spectroscopy equipment for plant-derived gamma emitting radionuclides.

Count times utili z ed achieve an isotopic MDC equal to or less than 0.4 pCi/g for Cs-137. Ten percent (10%) of samples will be sent to an off-site laboratory for HTD analysis with the full suite of nuclides defined in FC-18-002. 6 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-001 FCS PSR Un i t 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -"'-----------Sample Plan #--=L4....:....---"-0-"-0"-l

__ _ 4. Determine Number & Type of Judgmental Measurements and/or Samples: a. Specify the number of judgmental measurements and/or samples that will be taken in this survey unit to adequately address the objectives of the survey. * ------Surface Soil Sample(s)

Subsurface Soil Sample(s)

Sediment Sample(s)

Concrete Core Sample(s)

Volumetric Concrete Sample(s)

Volumetric Asphalt Sample(s)

Water Sample(s)

Swipe Sample(s)

Direct beta-gamma measurement(s)

Direct alpha measurement(s)

Other ------------0 t h e r ------------

b. Designate the locations of the judgmental sam ple s and the loca tion coordinates on "Samp le/Measurement Identification and Coordinates" and on the map. c. Explain the basis for the determination of the judgmental measurement and/or sample population size and the selection of the measurement and/or sample locations.

Basis: *Randomized points fell in areas where judgmental samples were identified to be taken. As the survey is executed , additional judgmental samples may be collected at any areas of elevated activity identified.

5. List Decision Rules: 6. 1 2 3 "Ir' Gamma scan reading exceeds MDCR plus Background Gamma spectroscopy analysis of surface soil indicates presence of plant-derived radionuclide concentrations greater than background and spatial extent is not bounded "Then" Bound area of elevated activity and obtain judgmental soil sample at highest r eading. Confirm and bound area(s) with additional sampling.

Consider analysis for HTD beta and alpha ROC. Gamma spectroscopy analysis of surface soil Reclassify the identified area(s) as "impacted" indicates presence of plant-derived radionuclide and assign an appropriate classification (Class 1 , concentrations greater than background and 2 or 3) based upon the classification definitions spatial extent is bounded. provided in NUREG-1575 (MARSSIM).

Determine Number & Type of Random-Based Measurements and/or Samples: NOTE: If the survey unit is an impacted or non-impacted open land survey unit or a structural survey unit that will be subjected to FSS , then a random-based direct measurement and/or sample population should be established.

a. Is the survey unit classified as Class 1? Yes D No~ (If " Yes", then random-based samples are not required unless specifically compelled by the survey objectives. If random-based samples are not required, then proceed to "Scan Coverage" section. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.) 7 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-001 FCS PSR U nit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: _________ _ Sample Plan #-=-L4~--=-0-=-01=----

--b. What is the current classification of the survey unit? Class: impacted c. What type of survey unit -Open Land D -Structural D-System (If the survey unit is classified as non-impacted or Class 3 open land area, then the minimum number of random-based direct measurements and/or samples (n) will be 14 based on MARSSIM guidance, Cs-137 DCGL , LGBR == 0.5 DCGL, cr == 30, 11/cr > 3.0, Sign p == 1 , a == 0.05 , == 0.05 , and using the Sign test) d. Specify the number of random-based measurements and/or samples that will be taken in this survey unit to adequately address the objectives of the survey. 14 ---------Surface Soil Sample(s)

Subsurface Soil Sample(s)

Sediment Sample(s)

Concrete Core Sample(s)

Yolumetric Concrete Sample(s)

Yolumetric Asphalt Sample(s)

Water Sample(s)

---Swipe Sample(s)

---Direct beta-gamma measurement(s)

Direct alpha measurement( s) 14 ISOCS Other: HTD Soil sample e. Designate the locations of the random-based measurement and/or samples and the location coordinates on , " Sample/Mea s urement Identificati on and Coordinates" and on the map. f. Designate at random , 10% of the random-based mea s urement and/or sample locations as QC split samples or replicate measurement locations and denote the selected QC samples on the survey map. 7. Survey Unit Scan Coverage:

a. Designate the scan coverage requirements for this survey unit.-----------------------------

1 % b. Is le ss than 100% scan coverage required?

Yes No D (If"Yes", then designate the areas to be scanned using the reference coordinate system that equates to the required total area that is to be scanned and document below the basis of why that area was selected.)

Basis: 1 % of the total land unit area will be divided among the unit sample locations and scanned in a rectangular manner around the center of each location. 8 FC-SRRS -2b.1 1 7 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-001 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -=--1 _________ _ Sample Plan # __ L=4_-~0~0I

___ _ c. Designate the locations of the scan areas and the location coordinates on the map. d. Establish apriori alarm set-points and/or action Ievels for scanning.

D Structures (beta-gamma) un ils Open Land (gamma) un i ts 8. Additional Comments:

Survey Design Review Prepared by: Andrea Barker -----------

--( P rin t Name) Peer Reviewed by: _D_a_v_id_B_re_hrn

________ _ (P r in t Name) 9 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page _I_ of _§_


FCS 2018 Partial Release 1 L4-00 1 Revision 0 Sample Plan No.: L4-001 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Survey Unit No.: 1


Triangu l ar land area West (plant North) of PA ------Survey Unit Type: -Open Land D -Structure Interior D -Structure Exterior D -System Survey Unit Classification:

Initial -Non-D -C l ass 3 D-Class 2 D -Class 1 Classification:

Impacted General Instructions:

1. Personnel will follow all relevant safety directives and procedures while performing this work. 2. Survey and sampling will be performed by Chemistry and RP technicians under the direction of Chemistry and RP Supervision. 3. lnstrumentation used in the field will be used in accordance with applicable procedures. 4. Detai l ed field notes and observations will be documented during survey and sampling.
5. Photographs should be taken as necessary to cla1ify survey and sampling activities or survey constraints. 6. Samples will be provided to the Environmentalist or other personnel designated by RP Supervision.
7. Documents generated during the performance of survey and sampling will be complete and legible. Corrections will be made using a single line-out followed by an initial and date. 8. Sample & measurement locations will be identified using coordinates consistent with the established reference coordinate system. Sample and measurement locations will be identified by marks or flags prior to and during survey implementation. 10 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page1:_ of 6 L4-001 Revision 0 Sample Plan No.: L4-00I Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Survey Unit No.: 1


Approximately 120 West of tree line DescripHon

Triangular land area West (plant North) of PA ------Specific Instructions:
1. Proeeed to the survey unit. 2. Initialize and utilize the <lata point log on the following page. Steps or samples do NOT need to be performed and eompleted in the order written. 3. The end eap on the ISOCS unit MUST be removed prior to shots being aequired.

The eap SHALL be replaeed prior to moving the next survey unit area. The basket on the ISOCS eart can be utilized to store the wingnuts for the end eap and the end eap itself, while removed. A bag may also be provided.

4. Nal seans MUST be eompleted prior colleetion of soil samples in a given sample point ar e a. 5. Plaee a flag in the soil at the loeation of observed, elevated dose rates, as applicable from the Nal scan. Note -if all areas have the same baekground reading, a flag MA Y be plaeed within approximately 1 meter ofthe center stake for that area or no flag may be used to indieate the eenter stake is the point of interest.
6. Soil sarnples should be taken at the area with ,~bserved elevated dose rates, as applieable , from the Nal seans. Nate -if all areas have the same baekground reading, eolleet the soil sample within approximately 1 rneter of the eenter stake for that area. 7. To minimize eross-eontamination, the shovel and tools should be rinsed in between sample point location digging. Comments:

11 FC-SRR S -2b.1 1 7 FCS Partial Site Release S1ft-vey Instructions Page _3_ of _2 Sample P l an No: L4-001 Survey Unit No: 001 Sample Point Coordinates:

Date (Lateral) (Long i tudina l) L4-001-001 D 41.52746389 96.09181872 L4-001-001 S L4-001-001 N L4-001-001 HS L4-00 l -002D 41.52487385 L4-001-002 S 11 /, D L 4-0ü 1-002 N L4-00 l-002HS L4-001-003 D 41.5247299 96.089104 L4-001-003 S L4-001-003N L4-001-003HS

-L 4-001-004 D 41.5 3 027878 96.09267161 L4-001-004S L4-001-004N L4-00I-004HS

-L4-001-005D 41.52902872 96.09,:02292 L4-001-005S L 4-00 l-005 N L4-001-005HS

.. L4-001-006D 41.5302518 96.09?86383 L4-001-006S L4-001-006 N L 4-001-006HS

-L4-001-007D 41.52781463 96.09 2?3917 D = Di r ect Scan; S = Soil; N = Nal Scan; HS = HTD So i: S ample 12 F C-SRRS -2b. 1 17 L4-001 Revision 0 Time Technician

,,,, ----,;;;>" FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page .J:L of _2_ Sample Plan No: -'L4=-'--=00"-"1

____ _ Survey Unit No: _...;:;.O=O 1"-------Sample Point Coordinates: (Lateral) (Longi tudiI 1al) L4-001-007 S L4-001-007N L4-001-007HS L4-001-008D 41.52781463 L4-001-008S QZ,~~3*f q~I L4-00 l -008N L4-00 l-008HS L4-00 l -009D 41.52383963 96.09211909 L4-00 l -009S lf L 3 q L4-001-009N L4-00 l-009HS L4-001-01 OD 41.52459503 L4-001-01 OS L4-001-01 ON L4-001-010HS L4-001-0l 1D L4-001-011 S L4-001-0l 1N L4-001-011HS L4-001-012D L4-001-012S


L4-001-012HS L4-001-013D 41.523 78561 96.08906802 D = Direct Scan; S = Soil; N = Nal Scan; HS = HTD Soil Sample 13 FC-SRRS -2b.117 Date Time L4-001 Revision 0 Technician Initials FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page _$__ 06_ Sample Plan No: ~L=4-'----=-0-=-0

=-l _____ _ Survey Unit No: ----"'0~0-=-1

_____ _ Sample Point Coordinates: (Lateral) (Longitudinal)

L4-001-013S f ]t9.~1~'-f5 q V 1 L4-001-013N L4-001-0l3HS

--L4-00I-Ol4D 41.52420833 96.09049745 U-001-014S

<f1 o-z...~ re, o~ °tb, D_ t1oSc zr1 L4-001-014N L4-001-014HS

  • .I L4-001-QC 1
  • L4-001-QC2*


  • Additional as needed D = Direc t Scan; S = Soli; N = Nal Scan; HS = HTD So,l Sample Judgemental Samples: Sample Point Coordinates: (Lateral) (Longitu dinal) L4-001-J -L4-001-J -L4-001-J -L4-001-J -L4-001-J -L4-001-J -D = Direct Scan; S = S01!; N = Nal Scan; HS = HTD Sod Sample 14 FC-SRRS -2b.117 Date t.f h Lf f tB ' . [3 14.>IC , t fj ,,/ I ~/~0tf i f5 l l Z-3 ,q,>(,:7 1 Date Time t't2>D (33S // !)S-1 4 ,'i.c; r]a.:;* Time L4-001 Revision 0 Technician Initials -9'< 7.:?t.....:iv

_s-V l i'I Technician Initials Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Description

. ------.------% of Scan Surface Total Area Area Survey Corner 1 No.: (m2) Unit Area Northing Easting L4001-1 32 0.072 41.52751556 96.09174971 001 L4001-132 0.072 41.52492551 96.09215818 002 L4001-132 0.072 41.52470517 96.08949329 003 L4001-132 0.072 41 .530330 44 96.0926026 004 L4001-132 0.072 41.52908038 96.0919539 l 005 L4001-132 0.072 41.53030346 96.09279482 006 L4001-132 0.072 41.52786629 96.09217016 007 L4001-132 0.072 41.5 23 89129 96.09205009 008 L4001-132 0.072 41.52389129 96.09159363 009 L4001-132 0.072 41.52464669 96.09008007 010 L4001-132 0.072 41.52622952 96.09098094 011 L4001-132 0.072 41.52445786 96.09166569 012 L4001-132 013 0.072 41.52383727 96.08899902 L4001-132 0.072 41.52425999 96.09042844 014 Totals: 1848 1.00% FCS Partial Site Release Scan Area ldentification

& Coordinates L4-001 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 FCS 2018 Partial Release 1 Sample Plan No.: L4-001 ------o----

_..,. __ .. ._.., .. \.l"' ... -..............................

/ ...............

a. Coordinates Corner 2 Center Point Northing 41.52741223 41.52482219 41.52 460185 41.53022711 41.52897705 41.53020013 41.52776297 41.52378797 41.523 78796 41.52454337 41.52612619 41.52435454 41.5237 3394 41.5241566 7 Easting Northing 96.09 174971 41.52746389 96.09215818 41.52487385 96.08949329 41.52465351 96.0926026 41.53027878 96.09195391 41.52902872 96.09279482 41.5302518 96.09217016 41.52781463 96.09205009 41.52781463 96.09159363 41.52383963 96.09008007 41.524595 03 96.09098094 41.52617785 96.09166569 41.5244062 96.08899902 41.52378561 96.09042844 41.52420833 15 FC-S RRS -2b.117 Easting 96.0918 1872 96.09222719 96.08956229 96.09267161 96.09202292 96.09286383 96.09223917 96.09223917 96.09211909 96.090 1490 8 96.091 04994 96.09173469 96.08906802 96.09049745 Corner 3 Corner 4 Northing Easting Northing Easting 41.52741223 96.09188773 41.52751556 96.09188773 41.52482219 96.09229619 41.52492551 96.09229619 41.52460185 96.0896313 41.524 70517 96.0896313 41.53022711 96.09274063 41.53033044 96.09274063 41.52897705 96.09209193 41 .52908038 96.09209193 41.53020013 96.09293284 41.53030346 96.09293284 41.52776297 96.09230817 41.52786629 96.09230817 41.523 78797 96.092188 1 41.52389129 96.0921881 41.523 78796 96.09173164 41.52389129 96.09173164 41.52454 337 96.09021808 41.52464669 96.09021808 41.5 2612619 96.09111895 41.52622952 96.09111895 41.52435454 96.0918037 41.52445786 96.0918037 41.523 73394 96.08913703 41.52383727 96.08913703 41.52415667 96.09056645 41.52425999 96.09056645 FCS Partial Site Release Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down L4-002 FCS PSR Un i t 1 Revision 0 Survey Area: FCS 18 Partial Relea se 1 Survey Unit No.: 2 (L4-002) ---'----"---------Survey U n it Type: Open Land [2J Structural Interior D Structural Exterior D Survey Unit Area: 149 , 383.9 m 2 Survey Unit


Primarily flat , cultivated farm l a nd (la s t farmed in 2017) with minimal trees around perimet e r. Physical Configuration of Survey Unit: Triangular land area bounded on the N orth by the Fo1t Calhoun Station property line and the Missouri River; the Ea s t by a treeline running North-South; and on the Southwest b y land survey unit 1. Walk-Down was: Performed By: R-'\lM k\.~ VY'\ltf\ w\ Dll.k?\ (N a m e) No t Performed D Reason Walk-Down wa s not Performed: ,.>\(:\V e,v..... Observed or Potential Hazards: D -H e at stres s qr stroke D -C o ld work en v ironment -Stin g ing i nsect s 181-Ha z ardou s plants and/or a nimal [81 -Tripping ha z ards D -S ta nding w ater > 1ft deep D -F all ha z ards D -Work @ height > 6ft D -Open excavation s D -Confined Spaces D -Ha z ardou s atmo s pheres D -Load bearing stres s e s D -Lack of structural integrity (structure , floor) D -Release of stored energy s ource s (hydraulic , steam , etc.) D -Buried utilities -O v erhead p o wer lines D -Kinetic ene rg y sources (moving equipment) D -Vehicle traffic D -O v erhe a d piping or components D -E xposed electrical circuitiy D -Sharp object s or surface s D -Falling objects D -Other --------D -Other _______ _ (E a ch hazard ide n ti fi e d must b e eva l uated to d e t e nnine i fth e h azard c an be e limin a t ed, av o i d e d , or mi nimized , as w e ll as the n ee d fo r ad d iti onal su p p o rt/e x pe rti se) Hazard(s)

Mitigation Measures:

B~ fw l'h-~S j \f\ll3~ ~,CV\:ts~

enY\K)Y\l' N Yt+z t.Q_ ~f Y'0.3CL.rcl.)

'on e-kel o-.tex--*

llneJ \,üV-*-(\o h---d; \o,,d-\/'4 , \\ ne+ h ,nlllr ~.µl1 s~~. 1 FCS Partial Site Release Land Area 1 Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down Survey Unit Preparation for Characterization:

D -Mark reference grid D -Clear vegetation -GPS D -Confined space permit L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 D -Set-up Man Lift D -Extension poles @-Mark survey unit boundaries D -Clear equipment and/or tools D -Set-up Temporary Ventilation D -Radiation Work Permit D -Other _______ _ D -Other _______ _ D -Clear loose material and/or debris Preparation Details: Survey Unit Classification: D -Erect Scaffolding Initial Classification:


[ZJ Class 3 D Class 2 D If the Survey Unit is a Class 2, Class 3 or Non-Impacted Survey Unit? a. Are there any posted Radiologically Controlled Areas in the survey unit? Investigation:

Class 1 D b. Is there any posted Radioactive Material Areas or labeled , tagged or bagged radioactive material or potential radioactive material in the survey unit? Investigation:

c. I s the survey unit in the path of a known transport route for unpackaged radioactive materials?


d. Is there any observable evidence of any past remediation activities within this survey unit? Investigation
Yes D No[]_ Yes D No ,m , Yes D Nofo Yes D The initial classification for this survey unit was Class N~f\** IM~°':t~d upon the visual observations of the walk-down, the initial classification of this survey unit is: D is justified D is not justified. y/{)fM 1--Reviewed D~4h'\/t'( ;..13*7Y j Name/Date Submitted:z_.

=: 't l}1/;f/ N~me/Date 2 GENERAL SECTION FCS Partial Site Release Sample Plan Cover Sheet Sample Plan #: L4-002 ...................







.......................... -L4-002 FCS PSR Unit I Revision 0 1 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 Partial Release 1 ! Survey Unit No.: 2 ~--*****-************

                      • ......................................................



1 ....................................






-4 l Survey Unit Name: Land Area 2 ~---*------*****-----*****************

            • -***********-****-***
                                    • -****-*-********--***-*********
                • -*****************************************
                          • --********* *****************************
                    • -----------*****
                • -****************
            • i 1 Survey Unit Type: Non-impacted farm land : -*********-****---***************************** .. ****************
            • .. ************-****************
    • -******-
    • -**-***************
                                                                • -*******-******* .................... *-**-*** -----**-**
    • -**********************************-~---*** ***********************-********************
    • *******-*-**
  • -***' -Open Land D -Stmctural Interior D -Structural Exterior Inüial Classification: -Non-Impacted D -Class 3 D -Class 2 PREPARATION FOR CHARACTERIZATION ACTIVITIES Reference Grid and/or Reference Coordinates have been established (if appropriate). D -System D -Class 1 Yes D No Explanation
_____________________ _ A walk-down has been performed ofthe Survey Unit and a completed Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down is included with this survey package. Yes D No Explanation:

_____________________ _ All survey preparation activities ( clear vegetation, erect scaffolding, etc.) as identified by the Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down have been completed. Yes D No Explanation:

Area has been cleared of all non-essential materials and equipment. Yes D No Explanation ABOVE MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO COMMENCING SURVEY SAMPLE PLAN APPROV AL Prepared:

Peer Review: Approved:

Andrea Barker (N ame) Ryan Layman (Name) Daniel Whisler Radiation Protection M anager 3 FC-SRRS -2b. l l 7 (s ignatur e) Date: Date: Date: 4h'1 J liS 4 (1 4/,//J FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: ---" 1'-----------Sample Plan # L4-002 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1


Approximately 120 acres West of tree line Survey Unit No.: 2


Triangular land area West (plant N orth) of PA Survey Unit Type: -Open Land D -Strnctural Interior D -Structural Exterior 0-System Survey Unit Area: _14_9...,_,3_8_3_. 9 __ square meters Survey Unit Classification:

Current Classification: -Non-lmpacted D -Class 3 D -Class 2 D -Class 1 Types of Surfaces:

D -Floor D-Wall D -Ceiling 0-Roof D -Paved Road D -Concrete Pad -Ground D -Surface W ater D -System D -Other -------D-Other -------Composition of Surfaces:

D -Concrete D -Steel D -Cinder Block D-Brick 0-Tile 0-Wood D -Asphalt 0-Tar -Soil D -Other ______ _ D -Other ______ _ Survey Unit Historical lnformation Types of Media: -Surface Soil D -Subsurface Soil D-Sediment D -Water D -Liquids (not water) 0-0il D -Volumetric Concrete D -Volumetric Asphalt D -Metal D -Paint -Other _, I=S=Oc.:=C=S~----Previous operational functions:

Leased , row farmland. No historical operational function.

4 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -----------2 Sample Plan #~L=4-'----"-0

""""'02""----Basis for initial classification:

Review of operational history and interviews conducted during Initial Historical Site Assessment (HSA) showed no historical operational functions or historical storage functions. Environmental samples from Initial HSA showed no environmental contaminants downstream of the land requiring remediation. Summary of processes and incidents from Historical Site Assessment:

No operational processes performed. Leased farmland only. No incidents noted from Initial HSA. Summary of Current Radiological Condition:

No current Radioactive Material Areas , Radiologically Controlled Areas, or known radiological conditions and no historical evidence of such. Data Ouality Objectives:

1. State the Problem: Perform characterization inspections and surveys of sufficient quality and quantity to determine the nature and extent of radioactive contamination in the survey unit in order to validate the classification of "non-impacted" as defined b y NUREG-1575 (MARSSIM). 2. Identify the Decision:

Perform radiological surveys in the survey unit to identify the potential presence of plant-related radionuclides at concentrations greater than the minimum detectable concentration (MDC) of the instruments(s) used and greater than the expected naturally-occurring background activity concentrations.

3. Identify lnputs: a. Can the objectives of the characteri z ation survey be achieved with reasonable confidence based on e x isting <lata? (If " Yes", then document the basis for the acceptability of the <lata.) Basis: 5 F C-SRRS -2b.1 17 Yes D No~

FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -~2~---------Sample Plan #_, U=--=---"-0=02=--

---b. Identify the Aetion Level s that will be used for the eharaeterization of this survey unit. D Isotopie Volumetrie D Gross Surfaee Aetivity Deteetable Aetivity > MDCR e. Identif y the type s of measurements and/or sample to be taken for the eharaeterization of the survey unit. Surfaee Soil Sample(s)

D Subsurfaee Soil Sample(s)

D Sediment Sample(s)

D Conerete Core Sample(s)

D Volumetrie Conerete Sample(s)

D Volumetrie Asphalt Sample(s)

D Water Sample(s)

D Swipe Sample(s)

D Direet beta-gamma measurement(s)

D Direet alpha measurement( s) D Surfaee Seans (struetures) Surfaee Seans (soils) ISOCS ________ _ Other 10% HTD d. Designate the radiologieal instrumentation that will be used to acquire field measurements and denote the antieipated s tatic and sean MDC for each. NOTE: S tati c a n d Sca n M DC' fo r scann in g stiuctures and soi l w ill be detenn i n e d in acc ord a n ce with Radiological Analy s i s. Instrument Type: 1 Nal Probe Deteetor Type: Scintillation Static MDC: SeanMDC: 4.5 pCi/g 2 ISOCS HPGe (semi-conductor) 0.19 pCi/g N/A 3 4 Are the statie and sean MDCs for the instruments and deteetors listed above less than the Aetion Levels seleeted? (If "No", then document the reason why the instrument will continue to be used for this survey and the impact on <lata quality.) Yes Explanation:

No D e. Determine the type of analyses that will be performed on volumetrie material sample(s ). Gross Beta Gamma Liquid Scintillation Analyses Details: Ali surface Analyses Gross Alpha Gamma Speetroscopy A l pha Speetroscopy soil samp le s colleeted will be anal yzed by on-site gamma spee tro seopy equipment for plant-derived gamma emitting radionuclides.

Count times utilized aehieve an isotopie MDC equal to or les s than 0.4 pCi/g for Cs-137. Ten percent (10%) of samples will be sent to an off-site laboratory for HTD analysis with the full suite of nuclides defined in FC-18-002. 6 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: 2 -----------Sample Plan #_,L=4-'---=-0=02=-

4. Determine Number & Type of Judgmental Measurements and/or Samp l es: a. Specify the number of judgmental measurements and/or samples that will be taken in this survey unit to adequately address the objectives of the survey.

  • Surface Soil Sample(s)

Water Sample(s)

Subsurface Soil Sample(s)

Swipe Sample(s)

---Sediment Sample(s)

Direct beta-ganuna measurement(s)

Concrete Core Sample(s)

Direct alpha measurement(s)

Volumetric Concrete Sample(s)

---Other ---------------Volumetric Asphalt Sample(s)

O t her ---------------b. Designate the locations of the judgmental samples and the location coordinate s on "Sample/Measurement Identification and Coordinates" and on th e map. c. Explain the basis for the dete1mination of the judgmental measurement and/or sample population size and the selection of the measurement and/or sample locations.

Basis: *Randomized points fell in areas where judgmental samples were identified to be taken. As the survey is executed, additional judgmental samples may be collected at any areas of elevated activity identified. 5. List Decision Rules: 6. 1 2 3 "lf' Gamma scan reading exceeds MDCR plus Background Gamma spectroscopy analysi s of surface soil indicates presence of plant-derived radionuclide concentrations greater than background and spatial extent is not bounded "Then" Bound area of elevated activity and obtain judgmental soil sample at highest reading. Confirm and bound area(s) with additional sampling.

Consider analysis for HTD beta and alpha ROC. Gamma spectroscopy analysis of surface soil Reclassify the identified area(s) as " impacted" indicates presence of plant-derived radionuclide and assign an appropriate classification (Class 1, concentrations greater than background and 2 or 3) based upon the classification definitions spatial extent is bounded. provided in NUREG-1575 (MARSSIM). Determine Number & Type of Random-Based Measurements and/or Samples: NOTE: If the survey unit is an impacted or non-impacted open land survey unit or a structural survey unit that will be subjected to FSS , then a random-based direct measurement and/or sample population should be established.

a. Is the survey unit classified as Class 1? Yes D No [8J (If " Yes", then random-based samples are not required unless s pecifically compelled by the survey objectives. If random-based samples are not required , then proceed to " Scan Coverage" section. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.) 7 F C-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revis i on 0 Survey Unit No: ~2 _________ _ Sample Plan # .=L-'-4--=0-=-0=2. __ _ b. What is the current classification of the survey unit? Class: impacted c. What type of survey unit -Open Land D -Structural 0-System (If the survey unit is classified as non-impacted or Class 3 open l and area , then the minimum number of random-based direct measurements and/or samples (n) will be 14 based on MARSSIM guidance , Cs-137 DCGL , LGBR = 0.5 DCGL , cr = 30 , t:,,./cr > 3.0 , Sign p = 1 , a = 0.05 , p = 0.05, and using the Sign test) d. Specify the number of random-based measurements and/or samples that will be taken in this survey unit to adequately address the objectives of the survey. 14 Surface Soil Sample(s)

Water Sample(s)

Subsurface Soil Sample(s)

Swipe Sample(s)

---Sediment Sample(s)

Direct beta-gamma measurement(s)

Concrete Core Sample(s)

Direct alpha measurement(s)

Volumetric Concrete Sample(s) 14 ISOCS ------Volurnetric Asphalt Sample(s) 1 Other: HTD Soil sample ------e. Designate the locations of the random-based measurement and/or samples and the location coordinates on, " Sample/Measureme!1t ldentification and Coordinates" and on the map. f. Designate at randam , 10% of the random-based measurement and/or sample locations as QC split samples or replicate measurement locations and denote the selected QC samples on the survey map. 7. Survey Unit Scan Coverage:

a. Designate the scan coverage requirements for this survey unit.-----------------------

1 % b. ls less than 100% scan coverage required?

Yes No D (If" Yes" , then designate the areas to be scanned using the reference coordinate system that equates to the required total area that is to be scanned and document below the ba s is of why that area was selected.) Basis: 1 % of the total land unit area will be divided among the unit sample locations and scanned in a rectangular manner around the center of each location.

8 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: _2 _________ _ Sample Plan #~L=4..,_--"'-0=02::.__

__ c. Designate the locations of the scan areas and the location coordinates on the map. d. Establish apriori alarm set-points and/or action Ievels for scanning. D Structures (beta-gamma) Open Land (gamma) 8. Additional Comments:

Survey Design Review Prepared by: Peer Reviewed by: Andrea Barker (Pr int Name) David Brehrn (Prin t Name) 9 FC-SRRS -2b.117 units units (Date) '( ( Z3 /z_Jl c/ (Date)

FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page _l_ of .5_


FCS 20 1 8 Partial Rel e ase 1 L4-002 Revision 0 Sample Plan No.: L4-002 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Survey Unit No.: 2 ------Description:

Triangular land ar e a West (plant North) of PA Survey Unit Type: [2'.I -Open Land D -Structure Interior D -Structure Exterior D -System Survey Unit Classification

Initial [2'.1-Non-D -C lass 3 0-Class 2 D -Clas s 1 Classification
Impacted General lnstructions:
1. Personnel will follow all rele v ant safety directives and procedures while perform i ng this work. 2. Survey and s ampling will be performed by Chemistry and RP technician s under th e direction of Chemi s try and RP Supervision.
3. Instrumentation used in the field will be u s ed in accordance with appli c able proc e dure s. 4. Detailed field note s and ob s ervations will be docum e nted durin g su rv ey and s ampling. 5. Photographs s hould be taken as necessary to clarify survey and sampling activities or survey constraint
s. 6. Samples will be provided to the Environm e ntalist or other per s onnel designated by RP S upervi s ion. 7. Documents generat e d durin g the p e rformance of s urvey and s ampling will be c omplete and legible. C orrection s will be made u s ing a s ing l e line-out followed by an initial and date. 8. Sample & measurement locations will be identified using coordinate s consi s t e n t with the established reference coordinate system. Sample and mea s urement location s will be identified by mark s or flag s prior to and during survey implementation. 10 FC-S RR S -2b. l 17 Sample Plan No.: L4-002 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Su r vey Unit No.: _2 ____ _ Specific Instructions:
1. Proceed to the survey unit. FCS Partial Site Release Survey Page 2of_5 L4-002 Revision 0


Approximately 120 West of tree line


Triangular land area West (plant North) of PA 2. Initialize and utilize the data point log on the following page. Steps or samples do NOT need to be performed and completed in the order written. 3. The end cap on the ISOCS unit MUST be removed prior to shots being acquired. The cap SHALL be replaced prior to moving the next survey unit area. The basket on the ISOCS cart can be utilized to store the wingnuts for the end cap and the end cap itself, while removed. A bag may also be provided.

4. Nal seans MUST be completed prior collection of soil samples in a given sample point area. 5. Place a flag in the soil at the location of observed, elevated dose rates, as applicable, from the Nal scan. Note -if all areas have the same background reading, a flag MA Y be placed within approximately I meter of the center stake for that area or no flag may be used to indicate the center stake is the point of interest.
6. Soil samples should be taken at the area with observed elevated dose rates, as applicable , from the NaI seans. Note -if all areas have the same background reading, collect the soil sample within approximately 1 meter of the center stake for that area. 7. To minimize cross-contamination, the shovel and tools should be rinsed in between sample point location digging. Comments:

11 FCS Partial Site Release Survey lnstructions Page3_of _2 Sample Plan No: .=L4-'----=--00=2

_______ _ Survey Unit No: -~00=2 ____ _ Sample Point Coordinates:

Date (Lateral) (Longitudinal)

I / L4-002-001 D 41.52808439 96.08990866

'IIH/!t' L4-002-001 S '{li02<f22l\3 "lft. 0'6$ 7'!> 8-8 ' I t..l ~z -L8' L4-002-001N L( 'l<-\ 'l <ii' L4-002-00IHS

'-tl. 0 2.'ll l.'l '1L .~T!>~!;;;-

'1-1.Lt-tr, jt L4-002-002D 41.52673538 96.08898375 t//µ;/1r L4-002-002S LJ,[ -;) 2-'7:J7 4' [,, _ o 15'6 ,::f.16 + 1_~fr o L4-002-002N Lf ?.7i' l <t3 L4-002-002HS J 1 ~L4-002-003D 41.53085433 96.09171054 L4-002-003S

41. h?, CJb5n C\ L. ()(\ \ 0 ti }5 4 2lf \~ L4-002-003N 4 7<-t 'fJ L4-002-003HS 0 L4-002-004D 41.52541336 96.08858743 4-?.S'~S--\ L4-002-004S
  • L 02.54' 11 '5 '1 l,; o 00 sss l 4 -Z.3 }f; L4-002-004N l'-1 7?:J 1 t, -* L4-002-004HS 1 L4-002-005D 41.53044962 96.09054526 N j ,/Jr L4-002-005S 41' () ~Dfl1 14'S 00 y, 19, 1 -L4-002-005N 4 ?.'-/ Jt?J L4-002-005HS I L4-002-006D 41.52649215 96.08962123

'j /)tj ljf L4-002-006S

-.fl , ()7 i ... &;IY/1/ q0,i, (-fi::.Q&l-+I O 4-~/)._, re L4-002-006N

' . -*io, lih i.f-L4-002-006HS

  • C L4-002-007D 41.52550332 96.08923609 2.F-,<,J-. D = Direct Scan; S = So1l; N = Nal Scan; HS = HTD So1l ~ample 12 Time /j;Jc} L4-002 Revision 0 Technician Initials s ...-o&-1 c.,< O'ic.,6 ",1~*e, D.fd) q -. / U-t? > \Q ry\ Sf2-t DLfD J1t'1 *-N/A-oqoh (~ ~J.i J ,it'> b *1,eo.! J< lV\ 11'7 S DCf 4 D 'if ('A1{) i Y/v '\ \ ~, A-a,5 J 3l5 w

'-).\) /y\ /'/50 1h*;o 9f2 J i)7() 1Jtl;I, -122) 5/lfa(

FCS Partial Site Release Survey lnstructions Page~of_.5_

Sample Plan No: _, L=-4'--0~0=2

____ _ Survey Unit No: -~0=02=------

Sample Point L4-002-007S L4-002-007N L4-002-007HS L4-002-008D


L4-002-008N L4-002-008HS 4-002-009D L4-002-009S L4-002-009N

L4-002-009HS X L4-002-010D L4-002-01 OS L4-002-0l ON L4-002-01 OHS L4-002-011 D ':k_ L4-002-011 S L4-002-0l 1N L4-002-0l 1HS L4-002-012D L4-002-012S


L4-002-0 l 2HS L4-002-013D Coordinates: (Lateral) 41.52841709 41.52868695 41.52825524 41.5251 7971 41.52424433 41.52452161 (Longitudinal) 96.0885632 96.09050928 96.08891111 96.08862397 96.08850677 D = Direct Scan; S = Soil; N = N al Scan; HS = HTD Soil Sample 13 Date Time L4-002 Revision 0 Technician Initials 1 So*, \ 1 NP--.L 4\l?>\3:E FCS Partial Site Release 0 Survey lnstructions

/J t} P"l.. Page S of _5_ :,\' v' :y, ur-2--h j), f'e cf / y.u-1 Sample P l an No: _L=4..:...--=-00=2=-------Survey Unit No: --'"'0~0-=-1 _____ _ Sample Point Coordinates

Date (Lateral) (Longi tudinal) L4-00 2-013S 41 , 0 2lts-'~, f c ll . osg ~" s C ( *Z c{-i8 L4-002-013N c ,-v.{-\$ L4-002-013HS L4-002-0 1 4D 41.52917601 96.0892429 N JA-L4-002-014S

-rt ) c n n~)[Vi'J

  • 1/~vh ~1 L4-002-014N

, l/z.,t.jJ L4-002-0 l 4HS 11 ,, L4-002-QC l

  • L4-002-QC 2* L4-002-QC3
  • Additional as needed D = Di r e c t Sca n; S = Soil; N = Nal S c a n; HS = HTD Soil S a mple Judgemental Samples: Sample Point Coordinates:

Date ,_,. JI (Longitudinal)

L4-002-!!2/ 0 L-\\ 2,l\ \ l'~ L4-00 2-J -L4-002-J -L4-002-J -L4-002-J -L4-002-J -D = D ir ec t S c an; S = Soil; N = N al S c an; H S = HTD Soil Sample 14 L4-002 Revision 0 rP'f!t~ Time Technician lnitials q\<. 6S'20 r-J.' R , rc6 J85 o m. J8:;;~ jtVl Time Technician Initi a l s .-i... \ 2..5 ..,

Survey Area Surve_y Unit -Scan Surface Area Area No.: (m2) L4002-132 001 L4002-132 002 L4002-132 003 L4002-1 32 004 L4002-1 32 005 L4002-1 32 006 L4002-1 32 007 L4002-1 32 008 L4002-1 32 009 L4002-1 32 010 L4002-1 32 011 L4002-132 012 L4002-1 32 013 L4002-1 32 014 Totals: 1848 No.: FCS 18 PR 1 No.: 2 % of Total


Descri_etion: . Survey Corner 1 Unit Area Northing Easting 0.088 4 l.52813605 96.08983965 0.088 41.52678704 96.08891475 0.088 41.530906 96.09164153 0.088 41.52546502 96.08851842 0.088 41.53050128 96.09047624 0.088 41.52654381 96.08955223 0.088 41.52555498 96.08916709 0.088 4 l.52841709 96.0885632 0.088 41.52873861 96.09044027 0.088 41.5283069 96.08904679 0.088 4 l.52523137 96.08884211 0.088 41.524296 96.08855496 0.088 41.52457327 96.08843 777 0.088 41.52922767 96.08917389 1.2% FCS Partial Site Release Scan Area Identification

& Coordinates L4-002 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 FCS 2018 Parti ai Release 1 Sam pie Plan No.: L4-002 Triangular land area West (plant North) of PA Coordinates Corner 2 Center Point Corner 3 Corner 4 Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting 41.52803273 96.08983965 4 l.52808439 96.08990866 41.528 0 3273 96.08997767 41.52813605 96.08997767 41.52668372 96.0889 l 475 41.52673538 96.08898375 41.52668372 96.08905276 41.52678704 96.08905276 41.53080267 96.09164153 4 l .53085433 96.09171054 41.5308026 7 96.09177955 41.530906 96.09177955 41.5253617 96.08851842 41.52541336 96.08858743 41.525 3617 96.08865643 41.52546502 96.08865643 41.53 039796 96.09047624 41.53044962 96.09054526 41.53039796 96.09061427 41.53050128 96.09061427 4 l.52644048 96.08955223 41.52649215 96.08962123 41.52644048 96.08969024 41.5265438 l 96.08969024 41.52545165 96.08916709 41.52550332 96.08923609 41.52545165 96.0893051 41.52555498 96.0893051 41.52836543 96.08849419 41.52 841709 96.0885632 41.52836543 96.08863221 41.52846876 96.0886322 l 41.5286 3529 96.09044027 41.52868695 96.09050928 41.52863529 96.09057829 41.5287386 l 96.09057829 41.52820357 96.08904679 41.52825524 96.0891158 41.52820357 96.08918481 41.5283069 96.08918481 41.52512804 96.08884211 41.52517971 96.08891111 41.52512804 96.08898012 41.5252313 7 96.08898012 41.52419267 96.08855496 41.52424433 96.08862397 4 l.52419267 96.08869297 41.524296 96.08869297 41 .52446994 96.08843777 4 l.52452161 96.08850677 41.52446994 96.08857578 41.52457327 96.08857578 4 l.5 29 1 2435 96.08917389 41.52917601 96.0892429 4 l.52912435 96.08931191 41.52922767 96.08931 191 15 FCS Partial Site Release Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Area: FCS 18 Partial Release 1 Survey Unit No.: 3 (L4-003) -~--~------Survey Unit Type: Open Land C8J Structural Interior D Structural Exterior D Survey Unit Area: 153,460 m2 Survey Unit


Primarily flat, cultivated farm land (last farmed in 2017) with minimal trees around perimeter.

Physical Configuration of Survey Unit: Triangular land area bounded on the North by the Fort Calhoun Station property line and the Missouri River; the East by a treeline running North-South; and on the Southwest by land survey unit 1. Walk-Down was: Performed© Not Performed D By, U\\\IQ.11 e\filli (Name) Observed or Potential Hazards: 0 -Heat stress or stroke D -Cold work environment -Stinging insects D -Hazardous plants and/or animal 5a -Tripping hazards D -Standing water > 1 ft deep -F all hazards D -Work @ height > 6ft D -Open excavations Reason Walk-Down was not Performed:

D -Confined Spaces D -Hazardous atmospheres D -Load bearing stresses 0 -Lack of structural integrity (structure , floor) D -Release of stored energy sources (hydraulic, steam, etc.) D -Buried utilities -Overhead power Iines D -Kinetic energy sources (moving equipment) D -Vehicle traffic D -Overhead piping or components D -Exposed electrical circuitry

".@' -Sharp objects or surfaces D -Falling objects 0-Other ---------0 -Other ---------(Each hazard identified mu st b e evaluated to d e termine ifth e hazard can b e eliminated, avoided , or minimi z ed , a s well a s th e need for additional support/expertise) 1 FCS Partial Site Release Land Area 1 Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down Survey Unit Preparation for Characterization: 0 -Mark reference grid O -Clear vegetation

.~ -GPS O -Confined space permit L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 -Mark survey unit boundaries D -Set-up Temporary Ventilation D -Set-up Man Lift D -Extension poles 0-Other ---------D -Clear equipment and/or tools D -Radiation Work Permit 0-Other ---------D -Clear loose material and/or debris D -Erect Scaffolding Preparation Details: Survey Unit Classification:

Initial Classification:

Non-Impacted Class 3 D Class 2 D lf the Survey Unit is a Class 2, Class 3 or :Non-lmpacted Survey Unit? a. Are there any posted Radio l ogically Controlled Areas in the survey unit? Investigation:

Class 1 0 b. Is there any posted Radioactive Material Areas or labeled, tagged or bagged radioactive materia l or potential radioactive material in the survey unit? lnvestigation:

c. Is the survey unit in the path of a known transport route for unpackaged radioactive materials?


d. Is there any observable evidence of any past remediation activities within this survey unit? Yes D No 1)1_ Yes 0 No )xJ Yes 0 No Yes 0 No~ Investigation
, The initial classification for this survey unit was Class~-\~ Base<I upon the visual observations ofthe walk-down , the initia l classification ofthis survey unit is: 0 is justified O is notjustified.

2 GENERAL SECTION FCS Partial Site Release Sample Plan Cover Sheet Sample Plan #: L4-003 L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 Partial Release 1 (


....................... . ...........


................. . L. ........................









L .............................................



                        • / i Survey Unit Name: Land Area 3 r Survey Unit Type: Non-impacted farm land 1 . **--*************************
                    • -*-********
                                                    • -***********
        • -*************************
                                          • -*-
              • -******************
                                  • -*
      • -*****************


                    • "***********
    • ---*-***********

' lZJ -Open Land D -Structural Interior D -Structural Exterior Initial Classification:

lZJ -Non-Impacted D -Class 3 D -Class 2 PREPARATION FOR CHARACTERIZATION ACTIVITIES Reference Grid and/or Reference Coordinates have been established (if appropriate).

0-System D -Class 1 lZJ Yes D No Explanation:

A walk-down has been performed ofthe Survey Unit and a completed Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down is included with this survey package. lZJ Yes D No Explanation:

A 11 survey preparation activities (clear vegetation , erect scaffolding, etc.) as identified by the Survey Unit Pre-Characterization Walk-Down have been completed.

lZJ Yes D No Explanation:

Ar e a has been cleared of all non-essential materials and equipment.


Andrea Barker (Name) Peer Review: Ryan Layman ------(:-:-Na-m-e) _____ _ Approved:

Daniel Whisler Radiation Protection Manager 3 FC-SRRS -2b.1 l 7 (s 1gnature) f"'( D . \J.) n ... \Ju' p-tf Date: Date: Date: 4: \

l!/Z ~;f !--1 / 4-\ *z.ui \ l'6 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: 1 ----------Sample Plan # L4-003 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1


Approximately 120 acres West of tree line Survey Unit No.: 3 ------Description:

Rectangular land area West (plant North) of PA Survey Unit Type: IZJ -Open Land D -Structural Interior D -Structural Exterior D-System Survey Unit Area: 153,460 square meters Survey Unit Classification:

Cunent Clas s ification: IZJ -Non-Impacted D -Class 3 D -Cla s s 2 D -Class 1 Types of Surfaces:

D-F lo or D-Wall D -Ceiling 0-Roof D -Paved Road D -Concrete Pad IZJ -Ground D -Surface Water D-System D-Other -------D-Other -------Composition of Surfaces:

D -Concrete D -Steel D -Cinder Block D -Brick D -Tile 0-Wood D -A s phalt 0-Tar IZJ -Soil 0-0ther D -Other ----------------Survey Unit Historical Information Types of Media: -Surface Soil D -Subsurface Soil D -Sediment 0-Water D -Liquid s (not water) 0-0il D -Volumetric Con c rete D -Volumetric Asphalt D -Metal D-Paint -Other ISOCS ~~~------Previous operational functions:

Leased, row farmland.

No historical operational function. 4 F C-SRR S -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -~3 ________ _ Sample Plan #_,L=-4-'--

--=-00=3'-----Basis for initial classification:

Review of operational history and interviews conducted during Initial Historical Site Assessment (HSA) showed no historical operational functions or historical storage functions.

Environmental samples from Initial HSA showed no environmental contaminants downstream of the land requiring remediation.

Summary of processes and incidents from Historical Site Assessment:

No operational pro cesses performed.

Leased farmland only. No incidents noted from Initial HSA. Summary of Current Radiological Condition:

No current Radioactive Material Areas, Radiologically Controlled Areas , or known radiological conditions and no historical evidence of such. Data Ouality Obiectives:

1. State the Problem: Perform characteri za tion inspections and surveys of suffic ient quality and qu an tity to determine the nature and extent of radioactive contamination in th e survey unit in order to validate the classification of "non-impacted" as defined b y NUREG-1575 (MARSSIM).
2. ldentify the Decision: Perform radiological surveys in the survey unit to identify the potential presence of plant-re lated radionuclides at co ncentrations greater than the minimum detectable concentration (MDC) of the instruments(s) used and greater than the expected naturall y-occ urrin g background activity concentrations.
3. ldentify Inputs: a. Can the objectives of the c haracterization survey be achieved with reasonable confidence ba sed on existing data? (If "Yes", then d oc ument the basis for the acceptability of the <lata.) Basis: 5 FC-SRRS -2b.117 Yes D No [:gj FCS Partia l Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -~---------

3 Sample Plan # ____ L4_-~0~0.-3 ___ _ b. Identify the Aetion Levels that will be used for the eharaeterization of this survey unit. D Isotopie Volumetrie D Gross Surfaee Aetivity Deteetable Aetivity > MDCR e. Identify the types of measurements and/or sample to be taken for the eharaeterization of the survey unit. Surfaee Soil Sample(s)

D Subsurfaee Soil Sample(s)

D Sediment Sample(s)

D Conerete Core Sample(s)

D Volumetrie Conerete SampJe(s)

D Volumetrie Asphalt Sample(s)

D Water Sample(s)

D Swipe Sample(s)

D Direet beta-gamma measurement(s)

D Direet alpha measurement(s)

D Surfaee Seans (struetures) Surfaee Seans (soi l s) [gj ISOCS -------------Other 10% HTD d. Designate the radiologieal instrumentation that will be used to aequire field measurements and denote the antieipated statie and sean MDC for eaeh. NOTE: Static and S can MDC' for sca nnin g structures and soil will be detennined in ac c ordance with Radiological A naly s is. Instrument Type: 1 Nal Probe Detector Type: Seintillation Statie MDC: SeanMDC: 4.5 pCi/g 2 ISOCS HPGe (semi-conduetor) 0.19 pCi/g N/A 3 4 ----------

Are the statie and sean MDCs for the instruments and deteetors listed above les s than the Aetion Levels selected? (Jf "N o" , then doeument the reason why the instrument will eontinue to be used for this survey and the impaet on <lata quality.)

Yes Explanation:

No D e. Determine the type of analyses that will be performed on vo lumetrie material sample(s). Gross Beta Gamma Liquid Seintillation Analyses Details: All surfaee Analyses Gross Alpha Gamma Speetroseopy Alpha Speetroseopy soil samples eolleeted will be analyzed by on-site gamma speetroseopy equipment for plant-derived gamma emitting radionuclides.

Count times utili zed aehieve an isotopie MDC equal to or les s than 0.4 pCi/g for Cs-137. Ten pereent (10%) of samples will be sent to an off-site laboratory for HTD analysis with the full s uite of nuclides defined in FC-18-002. 6 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: ~3 _________ _ Sample Plan #_L4~--00~3'-------4. Determine Number & Type of Judgmental Measurements and/or Samples: a. Specify the number of judgmental measurements and/or samples that will be taken in this survey unit to adequately address the objectives of the survey. * ------Surface Soil Sample(s)

Sub s urface Soil Sample(s)

Sediment Sample(s)

Concrete Core Sample(s)

Volumetric Concrete Sample(s)

Volumetric Asphalt Sample(s)

Water Sample(s)

---Swipe Sample(s)

Direct beta-gamma measurement(s)

---Direct alpha measurement(s)

---Other ---------------Other ------------b. Designate the Jocations of the judgmental samples and the location coordinates on " Sample/Measurement Identification and Coordinates" and on the map. c. Explain the basis for the determination of the judgmental measurement and/or sample population size and the selection of the measurement and/or sample l ocations.

Basis: *Randomized points fell in areas where judgmental samples were identified to be taken. As the survey is executed, additional judgmental samples may be collected at any areas of elevated activity identified.

5. List Decision Rules: 6. 1 2 3 "Ir' Gamma scan reading exceeds MDCR plus Background Gamma spectroscopy analysis of surface soil indicates presence of plant-derived radionuclide concentrations greater than background and spatial extent is not bounded "Then" Bound area of elevated activity and obtain judgmental soil sample at highest reading. Confirm and bound area(s) with additional sampling.

Consider analysis for HTD beta and alpha ROC. Gamma s pectroscopy analysis of surface soil Reclassify the identified area(s) as " impacted" indicates presence of plant-derived radionuclide and assign an appropriate classification (Class 1 , concentrations greater than background and 2 or 3) based upon the classification definitions spatial extent is bounded. provided in NUREG-1575 (MARSSIM). Determine Number & Type of Random-Based Measurements and/or Samples: NOTE: If the survey unit is an impacted or non-impacted open land survey unit or a structural survey unit that will be subjected to FSS , then a random-based direct measurement and/or sample population should be established. a. Is the survey unit classified as Class 1? Yes D No [ZJ (If "Yes" , then random-based samples are not required unless specifically compelled by the survey objectives. If random-based samples are not required , then proceed to " Scan Coverage" s ection. Otherwise , proceed to the next step.) 7 FC-SRRS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 Survey Unit No: -""'3 _________ _ Sample Plan #_, L=4--'------"-0-"-03

__ __ _ b. What is the current classification of the survey unit? Class: impacted c. What type of survey unit -Open Land D -Structural 0-System '(If the survey unit is classified as non-impacted or Class 3 open land area, then the minimum number of random-based direct measurements and/or samples (n) will be 14 based on MARSSIM guidance, Cs-137 DCGL , LGBR = 0.5 DCGL , 0 = 30, !),./a > 3.0, Sign p = 1, a = 0.05, p = 0.05, and using the Sign test) d. Specify the number of random-based measurements and/or samples that will be taken in this survey unit to adequately address the objectives of the survey. 14 Surface Soil Sample(s)

---Subsurface Soi l Sample(s)

---Sediment Sample(s)

---Concrete Core Sample(s)

---Volumetric Concrete Sample(s)

Vo l umetric Asphalt Sample(s)

14 1 Water Sample(s)

Swipe Sample(s)

Direct beta-gamma measurement(s)

Direct alpha measurement( s) ISOCS Other: HTD Soil sample e. Designate the locations of the random-based measurement and/or samples and the location coordinates on, " Sample/Measurement ldentification and Coordinates" and on the map. f. Designate at random , 10% of the random-based measurement and/or sample locations as QC split samples or replicate measurement locations and denote the selected QC samples on the survey map. 7. Survey Unit Scan Coverage: a. Designate the scan coverage requirements for this survey unit.-----------------------------

1 % b. Is less than 100% scan coverage required?

Yes No D (If " Y es", then designate the areas to be scanned using the reference coordinate system that equates to the required total area that is to be scanned and document below the basi s of why that area was selected.)

Basis: 1 % of the total land unit area will be divided among the unit sample locations and scanned in a rectangular manner around the center of each location.

8 FC-SR RS -2b.117 FCS Partial Site Release Characterization Data Quality Objectives and Survey Design L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Re v ision 0 Survey Unit No: 3 __________ _ S a mple Pl a n #-=L4...:....---"-0=03:a. __ _ c. Designate the locations of the scan areas and the location coordinates on the map. d. E s tablish apr i o r i alarm set-po i nts and/or action Ievels for scanning. D Structures (beta-gamma) Open Land (gamma) 8. Additional Comments:

Survey Design Review Prepared b y: Peer Reviewed by: Andrea Barker (P rin t Na m e) David Brehm (Prin t Na me) 9 FC-S RR S -2b.117 un i ls units 4\*UD\ tlS ~{~et('ldf~ (D a t e)

FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page_of_


FCS 2018 Pa1tial Release 1 L4-003 Revision 0 Sample Plan No.: L4-003 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Survey Unit No.: 3


Rectangular land area West (plant North) of PA ------Survey Unit Type: -Open Land D -Structure Interior D -Structure Exterior D -System Survey Unit Classification:

Initial -Non-D -Class 3 D -Class 2 D -Class 1 Classification:

Impacted General lnstructions:

1. Personnel will follow all re l evant safety directives and procedure s while performing this work. 2. Survey and sampling will be performed by Chemistry and RP technicians under the direction of Chemistry and RP Supervision.
3. Instrumentation used in the field will be used in accordance with applicable procedures. 4. Detailed field notes and observations will be documented during survey and sampling.
5. Photographs should be taken as necessary to clarify survey and sampling activities or survey constraints.
6. Samples will be provided to the Environmentalist or other personnel designated by RP Supervision.
7. Document s generated during the performance of survey and sampling will be complete and legible. Corrections will be made using a single line-out followed by an initial and date. 8. Sample & measurement locations will be identified u s ing coordinates consistent with the established reference coordinate system. Sample and measurement locations will be identified by marks or flags prior to and during survey implementation. 10 FC-SRRS
  • 2b. l l 7 Sample Plan No.: L4-003 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Survey Unit No.: 3 ------Survey Unit Type: FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page_\_of~


FCS 2018 Partial Release 1 L4-003 Revision 0 Descript i on: Rectangular land area West (plant North) of PA [gl -Open Land D -Structure Interior D -Structure Exterior D -System Survey Unit Classification:

Initial Classification

[gJ -Impacted General Instructions: D -Class 3 D -Class 2 D -Class 1 1. Personnel will follow all relevant s~fety directi v es and procedures while performing this work. 2. Survey and sampling will be performed by Chemistry and RP technicians under the direction of Chemistry and RP Supervision. 3. Instrumentation used in the fie!d will be use d in accordance with applicable procedures.
4. Detailed field notes and observations will be d ocumented during survey and sampling.
5. Photographs should be taken as necessary to clarify survey and sampling activities or survey constraints.
6. Samples will be provided to the Environmentalist or other personnel designated by RP Supervision.
7. Documents generated during the performance of survey and sampling will be complete and legible. Corrections will be made using a single line-out followed by an initial and date. 8. Sample & measurement locations will be identified using coordinates consistent with the established reference coordinate system. Sar n ple and measurement locations will be identified by marks or flags prior to and during survey implementation.

10 Sample Plan No.: L4-003 Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Survey Unit No.: _3 ____ _ Specific Instructions

1. Proceed to the survey unit. FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page 2. of 5__ L4-003 Revision 0


Approximately 120 West oftree line


Rectangular land area West (plant North) of PA 2. Initialize and utilize the <lata point log on the following page. Steps or samples do NOT need to be performed and completed in the order written. 3. The end cap on the ISOCS unit MUST be removed prior to shots being acquired.

The cap SHALL be replaced prior to moving the next s urvey unit area. The basket on the ISOCS cart can be utilized to store the wingnuts for the end cap and the end cap itself, while removed. A bag may also be provided.

4. Nal seans MUST be completed prior collection of soil samp le s in a given sample point area. 5. Place a flag in the soil at the location of observed, elevated dose rates, as applicable, from the Nal scan. Note -if all areas have the same background reading , a flag MA Y be placed within approximately 1 meter of the center stake for that a rea or no flag may be used to indicate the center sta k e is the point of inte res t. 6. Soil samples should be taken at the area with observed elevated dose rates, as applicable, from the Nal seans. Note -if all areas have the same background reading, collect the soil sample within approximately 1 meter of the center stake for that area. 7. To minimize cross-contamination, the shovel and tools should be rinsed in between sample point location digging. Comments:

11 FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page~of 5._ Sample Plan No: -'L=-4_-0_0~3~----Survey Unit No: _.,,::,.00=3'------

Sample Point L4-003-001D L4-003-001 S L4-003-001N L4-003-001HS L4-003-002D L4-003-002S L4-003-002N

L4-003-002HS L4-003-003D L4-003-003S L4-003-003 N L4-003-003HS


L4-003-004S L4-003-004N L4-003-004HS L4-003-005D L4-003-005S L4-003-005N L4-003-005HS L4-003-006D L4-003-006S L4-003-006N L4-003-006HS L4-003-007D Coordinates: (Longitudinal) l A-<-fl 61~1\ D == Dire c t Scan; S == Soil; N == NaI Scan; HS = HTD Soil Sample 12 Date Time L4-003 Revision 0 Technician Initials

~* FCS Partial Site Release Survey I~ructions Page ~f _s_ -t1l 11 Sample Plan No: _,: L=-4-'---0"""'0=3~----

Survey Unit No: -~0=03"'------

Sample Point L4-003-007S L4-003-007N L4-003-007HS L4-003-008D L4-003-008S L4-003-008N


L4-003-009D L4-003-009S L4-003-009N

L4-003-009HS L4-00 3-010D L4-003-01 OS L4-003-010N L4-003-01 OHS L4-003-0l 1D L4-003-011 S L4-003-011 N L4-003-011HS L4-003-012D L4-003-012S L4-003-012N L4-003-012HS L4-003-013D Coordinates: (Lateral)

~' (Longitudinal)

D = Dir ect S c an; S = S o il; N = NaI Scan; HS = HTD Soil Sample 13 Date Time L4-003 Revision 0 Technician Initials FCS Partial Site Release Survey Instructions Page .!i__ of Sample Plan No: -=L....:...4---"0-"'-0::c..3

_____ _ Survey Unit N o: _..-:=O=O.:e..3 _____ _ Sample Point Coordinate s: Date (Lateral) (Longit u::i nal) L4-003-013S 4 i , c.; '2. \?:1 c:;i;

<-i" 7"! / /PJ L4-003-0l 3 N *~ 2.. 11; PJ "" L4-003-013HS , L4-003-014D 11 , -7' l?J L 4-003-014S 1 4l.5)1ci1~

()&; 1 ut,qfl./;7

_ l -*(8 L4-003-014N it-2(, -1 K L4-003-014HS L4-003-QCI

  • L4-003-Q C 2* L4-003-QC3
  • Additional as needed D = D i re ct S c an; S = So il; N = Nal S c an; HS = HTD S o i l Sa mple Judgemental Samples: Sample Point Coordinates
Date (Lateral) (Longitudinal)

L4-003-] -L4-003-J -L4-00 3-J -L 4-003-J -L4-003-J -L4-003-J -D = Direc t S c an; S = S o il; N = N aI S c an; H S = HTD S o i l Sampl e 14 Time l,2,2C) oq15 ~JJ '1354-1348 Time L 4-003 Re v i s i on 0 Technician Initials .J'tvtj 1 1M -w ,.._\ .R. *-... Technician Initial s Survey Area No.: FCS 18 PR 1 Description

Survey Unit No.: 3 Descrip_tion: . . % of Scan Surface Total Area Survey Corner 1 Area No.:* (m2) Unit Area Northing Easting L4003-11 6 4 l.52278181 96.08845085 001 L4003-116 002 41.52010186 96.08918374 L4003-11 6 41.5194274 96.09049301 003 L4003-116 0.075 41.51938237 96.08841506 004 L4003-116 41.5176377 5 96.09025286 005 L4003-116 0.075 41.52196349 96.0903 7279 006 L4003-116 0.075 41.52294372 96.08936375 007 L4003-116 0.075 41.52246705 96.08858301 008 L4003-116 41 .5 1722406 96.090385 009 L4003-116 41.5169093 96.09040903 010 L 400 3-116 41.51856257 96.08831767 011 L4003-116 0.075 41.52110014 96.09033679 012 L4003-116 0.07 5 41.52131436 96.08833684 013 L4003-116 014 41.51690287 96.08896442 Totals: 16 24 1.05% FCS Partial Site Release Scan Area Identification

& Coordinates L4-003 FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 FCS 2018 Partial Release 1 Sample Plan No.: L4-003 Rectangular land area West (plant North) of PA Coordinates Corner 2 Center Point Northing 41.52268495 41.520005 41.51933054 41.51928551

41.51754089 41.52 18666 3 41 .52284686 41.52237019 41.5171272 41.51681244 41.51846571

41.52100328 41.5212175 41.51680601 Easting Northing 96.08845085 4 l.52273338 96.08918374 41.52005343 96.09049301 41.5193 7897 96.0884 1506 41 .51933394 96.09025286 41.51758932 96.09037279 41.52191506 96.089363 75 41.52289529 96.08858301 41.52241862 96.090385 41.51717563 96.0904090 3 41.51686087 96.08831767 41.51851414 96.09033679 41.52105171 96.088 3368 4 41.52126593 96.08896442 41.51685444 15 F C-SR R S -2b. 1 17 Easting 96.08851554 96.08924842 96.09055769 96.08847974 96.09031754 96.09043748 96.08942844 96.08864769 96.09044968 96.09047371

96.08838236 96.09040148 96.08840152 96.0890291 Corner 3 Corner 4 Northing Easting Northing Easting 41.52268495 96.08858023 41.52278181 96.08858023 41.520005 96.08931311 41.52010186 96.08931311 41.51933054 96.09062237 41.5194274 96.09062237 41.51928551 96.08854443 41.51938237 96.08854443 41.51754089 96.09038222 41.51763775 96.09038222 41.52 186663 96.09050216 41.52196 3 49 96.09050216 41.52284686 96.08949312 41.52294 372 96.08949 312 41.52237019 96.08871238 41.52246705 96.08871238 41.5171272 96.09051436 41.51722406 96.09051436 41.51681244 96.09053839 41.5 169093 96.09053839 41.51846571 96.08844704 41.51856257 96.08844704 41.52100328 96.09046616 41.52110014 96.09046616 41.5212175 96.08846621 41.521314 3 6 96.08846621 41.51680601 96.08909378 41.51690287 96.08909378 . -

FCS Partial Site Release Sample Preparation Guidelines FCS PSR Unit 1 Revision 0 These guidelines are to ensure that sarnples for Partial Site Release are prepared uniformly for onsite gamma spectroscopy analysis.

All preparation methods for off-site sarnples will be determined and validated by the vendor laboratory.

These guidelines were developed with MARLAP considerations, Fort Calhoun Radiological Engineer and other subject matter expert guidance, and general laboratory practices.

For each sample, the following items should be completed prior to gamma spectroscopy counting:

1. Remove soil sarnple from sarnple container.
2. Remove rocks, gravel , and organic material from the soil sample, as best as is possible. NOTE: Sample may be placed in a clean bucket at this time to aid in removal of excess moisture prior to oven drying methods. 3. Transfer sample to drying pan(s). 4. Place drying pan(s) in the drying oven, preheated to approximately 100° C. PRECAUTION:

Sample and drying pan will be hot while oven drying is occurring.

Use care when testing the dryness of the sample. 5. Dry sample until the sample is dry to the touch. Drying times will vary depending on existing moisture content and thickness of sample within drying pan. 6. Remove the sample from the drying oven using appropriate PPE to avoid heat injury and place the sample on heat appropriate surface to cool. 7. Once cooled, retum the sample to an appropriate container for further analysis (i.e. -mass determination, gamma spectroscopy, etc.).