ML18214A158 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 08/01/2018 |
From: | Joylynn Quinones-Navarro NRC/NRR/DIRS/IRIB |
To: | Gregory Bowman Division of Inspection and Regional Support |
Lewin A, NRR/DIRS, 415-2259 | |
References | |
Download: ML18214A158 (6) | |
August 1, 2018 MEMORANDUM TO:
Gregory T. Bowman, Chief Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Branch Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM:
Joylynn Quinones-Navarro, Reactor Operations Engineer /RA/
Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Branch Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
OF THE REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS WORKING GROUP PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON JULY 19, 2018 On July 19, 2018, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Working Group public meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institutes (NEIs) ROP Task Force and other industry representatives. A summary of the discussion topics is provided below.
- 1. Attendance List
- 3. ANO FAQs CONTACT: Joylynn Quinones-Navarro, NRR/DIRS (404) 997-446
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQ 18-02 requested to delay the effective date of the IE01 and IE03 performance indicators (PIs) for Watts Bar Unit 2 until the third quarter of CY 2018 to allow sufficient data for an accurate assessment value. A proposed NRC response to FAQ 18-02 was made publicly available on March 30, 2018 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML18088A821). Following discussion at the April 5, 2018, ROP public meeting, the licensee submitted Revisions 1 and 2 of the FAQ (ADAMS Accession Nos.
ML18136A858 and ML18136A865, respectively). An updated proposed NRC response was made publicly available on May 17, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18136A868). After some discussion at that meeting, the status of the updated FAQ response was changed to tentatively approved. During the July 19, 2018, ROP public meeting, the FAQ response status was changed to Final Approved NRC Response without making any changes to the previously-proposed answer on May 17, 2018.
Entergy submitted one new FAQ for NRC review. FAQ 18-04 requests a plant-specific exemption from the guidance related to the unplanned scram with complications PI for ANO-1 due to the unique circumstances which led to entry into the Overcooling EOP during a May 16, 2018, reactor scram. The NRC will review and comment on this FAQ during a separate public meeting phone call that will be scheduled for mid-August 2018.
NEI 99-02 White Papers During the April 5, 2018, ROP public meeting (ADAMS Accession No. ML18109A397), NEI introduced three white papers associated with emergency preparedness PIs to the NRC for review. Subsequent to this meeting, on July 24, 2018, NEI indicated through an email (ADAMS Accession No. ML18207A686) that they are withdrawing two of the three white papers. As such, these white papers are no longer under NRC review.
Enhancing the ROP The NRC staff summarized a number of ongoing initiatives to make the ROP more effective and efficient, such as improvements to the inspection report development process, improvements to the minor/more-than-minor component of the issue screening process, and work to enhance the NRCs engineering inspection program. The staff discussed additional ROP enhancement proposals that it received recently as part of the NRCs transformation initiative from both internal and external stakeholders, including NEIs March 2018 publication and the National Regional Utility Groups proposals, which were provided via letter dated May 2, 2018 (ADAMS Accession No. ML18127A080). During this public meeting, industry representatives indicated that they intend to submit another letter to provide specific problem statements and submit proposed enhancements to address those problems. The staff discussed that significant stakeholder engagement would likely be needed to fully evaluate any recommendations, and that it plans on establishing a recurring discussion topic on this subject at monthly ROP public meetings, with a separate focused public meetings on specific ROP enhancements. The staffs presentation can be found in ADAMS Accession at No. ML18207A517.
Cyber Security Inspection Staff from the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response provided a briefing on the NRCs Power Reactor Cyber Security Inspection Program. The staff explained the history of the inspection program, which is based on ensuring compliance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 73.54, and the status of the full implementation inspections, which started in 2017.
The staff discussed the make-up of the NRC teams for the 2 week inspections and the process used by the staff to internally review inspection findings through the Cyber Security Issues
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Forum. The staff discussed that although 10 inspections have been completed, not all of the inspection reports have been issued. The staff also discussed the process used by the staff and industry to identify areas where guidance may be need to ensure clarity on program implementation requirements. The staff noted that although strong progress has been made to date on guidance development, there are some areas where the staff and industry continue to work on guidance development.
IMC 0609 Revisions Staff provided an overview of ongoing Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0609 revisions. Staff relayed that IMC 0609, Significance Determination Process; IMC 0609, Attachment 1, Significance and Enforcement Review Panel Process; IMC 0609, Attachment 2, SDP Appeal Process; and IMC 0609, Attachment 5, Inspection Finding Review Board, are all being revised to incorporate the results of the Inspection Finding Resolution Management trial period and effectiveness review, and to make a few minor adjustments to existing guidance. Those revisions will be issued later this calendar year.
Separately, staff reminded external stakeholders about the ongoing focused self-assessment of the Emergency Preparedness Significance Determination Process (SDP), as outlined in a prior public meeting dedicated to that topic on June 25, 2018. Staff emphasized the aggressive schedule for that assessment, and the importance of receiving timely external stakeholder feedback.
The staff also provided a detailed presentation (ADAMS Accession No. ML18207A537) on proposed revisions to IMC 0609, Appendix D, Public Radiation Safety Significance Determination Process. During this presentation, staff notified stakeholders of an extension to the public comment period, which will now end on September 20, 2018. In addition, the staff acknowledged a mistake in slide 5 of its presentation, where the possibility of a White finding in the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) area was discussed. In fact, the current SDP does not provide for greater-than-Green findings in the REMP area. Instead, the staff referenced judgements that are made when determining whether failures involving the Radioactive Effluent Release Program should be considered substantial enough to increase the significance of a finding per the SDP.
Next, the staff highlighted ongoing revisions to IMC 0609, Appendix H, Containment Integrity Significance Determination Process (to update the document, address internal feedback, and incorporate information related to consequential steam generator tube rupture); IMC 0609, Appendix I, Operator Requalification Human Performance Significance Determination Process (to make adjustments based on user feedback); and IMC 0609, Appendix M, Significance Determination Process Using Qualitative Criteria (to implement the targeted update described in SECY-18-0045). Stakeholders were told that drafts of IMC 0609, Appendices I and M will be made publicly available in August 2018, and were asked to email if they specifically wanted to be notified at the time of document release. The IMC 0609, Appendix H revision will be discussed in more detail at the September ROP public meeting.
NRC Backfit Training The NRC provided an update on backfit training activities being provided to the staff. Backfit training for the staff is almost complete. In addition, regional points of contact have been established as an initial means to resolving potential backfit concerns that may be identified during the oversight process.
Fukushima Working Group Update
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The NRC provided an update on the ROP/Fukushima working groups efforts. Draft ROP program documents have been issued for internal NRC comment. Copies were provided as part of this meeting notice and can also be found in ADAMS at Accession Nos. ML18192A152 and ML18163A232. The NRC expects to finalize the ROP program documents by January 1, 2019.
A member of industry provided feedback that including FLEX equipment in the sample selection under Inspection Procedure 71111.22, Surveillance Testing, could dilute the procedures current focus on Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements. This feedback was also provided at the March 1, 2018, ROP public meeting (ADAMS Accession No. ML18072A045).
This feedback will be considered by the staff as it finalized these updates.
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RidsRgnIMailCenter RidsRgnIIMailCenter RidsRgnIIIMailCenter RidsRgnIVMailCenter RidsNrrOd RidsNrrDirs RidsNrrDirsIrab RidsNrrDirsIrib RidsNrrDirsIrgb RidsOPAMail RidsNrrDraAphb RidsAcrsmailcenter RidsOgcMailCenter GBowman THipschman JYerokun RLorson JMunday TGody PLouden KObrien AVegel MShaffer AStone MFerdas GGeorge SSandal ADAMS ACCESSION NO: ML18214A158
- concurred via email OFFICE NRR/DIRS/IRAB*
BC:NRR/DIRS/IRAB NAME JQuinones-Navarro GBowman DATE 8/ 1 /18 8/ 1 /18 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS PUBLIC MEETING ATTENDANCE LIST July 19, 2018 Ellen Anderson NEI Joylynn Quinones NRC David Gudger Exelon Don Helton NRC Marty Murphy Xcel Carl Weber NRC Kirsten Stokes PSEG Dan Merzke NRC Greg Halnon First Energy Aron Lewin NRC Ron Gaston Entergy Ravi Grover NRC James Slider NEI Eric Bowman NRC Michael Murray STPNOC C.J. Fong NRC James Pak Dominion Steve Campbell NRC Tony Zimmerman Duke Dave Garmon NRC Erin Anners SNC Stephen Beu NRC Bryan Ford Entergy Don Johnson NRC James Polickoski Tennessee Valley Authority Robert Krsek NRC Rob Burg EPM Robert Gladney NRC Steve Catron NextEra Energy Robert Schaaf NRC Robin Ritzman FENOC Ed Hackett NRC Ken Heffner Certrec John Boska NRC Carleen Parker NRC Mike King NRC Mark Miller NRC Greg Bowman NRC Tom Hipschman NRC Julio Lara NRC Josh Wilson NRC