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Meprolight, Amended Exempt License 31-23902-01E, Docket No. 03036248, Mail Control 602494
Person / Time
Site: 03036248
Issue date: 07/26/2018
From: Struckmeyer R K
Struckmeyer R K
Shared Package
ML18059A095 List:
Download: ML18207A675 (5)


U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION MATERIALS LICENSE NRC FORM 374PAGE OF 1 5 Amendment No. 10PAGES Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 , as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10 , Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 70 and 71 , and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire , possess , and transfer byproduct, source , and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place(s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part (s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 , as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations

, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below. Licensee 521 Fifth Avenue , 24th Floor New York , NY 10175 2.1.Meprolight, Inc.

4.Expiration Date:

March 31, 2021 Docket No.:

5.Reference No.:

030-36248 3. License number: 31-23902-01E is amended in its entirety C/O Klein & Hill to read as follows:

In accordance with letter dated February 15, 2018.

6.7.8.Byproduct, source, and/or special nuclear material Chemical and/or physical form Maximum amount that licensee may possess at any one time under this license 9.Authorized use A.A.A.A.Hydrogen-3 Sealed Sources (mb-microtec, Model 400/1; 400/3; SRB Technologies , Model MH)

In accordance with 10 CFR 32.22, the licensee is authorized to distribute self-luminous light sources in gun sights, scopes, and archery pins manufactured in accordance with NRC registration certificate No.

NR-1119-D-101-E; containing sealed sources as specified in Condition 10 of this license to persons exempt from the requirements for a license under 10 CFR 30.19, or equivalent regulations of any Agreement State

.Not applicable (See Condition 12)

License Number Docket or Reference Number U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 374A MATERIALS LICENSE SUPPLEMENTARY SHEETPAGES OFPAGE 5 2 31-23902-01E 030-36248 Amendment No. 10 CONDITIONS 10.The licensee is authorized to distribute the following series of self-luminous devices containing hydrogen- 3, including the cross-reference models identified in the licensee's document titled " Summary Table".SeriesType Maximum Activity per Device ML-100 front or archery 20 mCi (740 MBq)

ML-115 O front 20 mCi (740 MBg) rear 24 mCi ( 888MBq) total 44 mCi (1.63 GBq)

ML-115 P front 20 mCi (740 MBq)

ML-200A front 6 mCi (222 MBq) rear 24 mCi (888 MBq) total 30 mCi (1.11 GBq)ML-260 front 12 mCi (444 MBq) rear 12 mCi (444 MBq) total 24 mCi (888 MBq)

ML-300A front 12 mCi (444 MBq) rear 16 mCi (592 MBq) total 28 mCi (1.04 GBq)

ML-300N front 12 mCi (444 MBq)

License Number Docket or Reference Number U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 374A MATERIALS LICENSE SUPPLEMENTARY SHEETPAGES OFPAGE 5 3 31-23902-01E 030-36248 Amendment No. 10 rear 16 mCi (592 MBq) total 28 mCi (1.04 GBq)

ML-400 front 18 mCi (666 MGq)

ML-750 front 230 mCi (8.51 GBq) rear or archery 230 mCi (8.51 GBq) total 460 mCi (8.51 GBq)11.The licensee may distribute additional cross-reference model sights without amending this license provided: (1) the models contained in each series meet the maximum and minimum design specifications and drawings as outlined in Registration Certificate No.

NR-1119-D-101-E, and referenced by information provided in Condition 16 of this license; and (2) the amount of hydrogen-3 contained in each device does not exceed the amount specified per series in the previously described table. The licensee should update the cross-reference model list when amending the license and at the time of license renewal.

12.This license does not authorize possession or use of licensed material.

13.The licensee may distribute material from licensee's facilities located at:

A. 107 Allen Boulevard, Farmingdale, New York , 11735 B. 1441 Stoneridge Drive, Middletown, Pennsylvania, 17057 14.The licensee shall file periodic reports as specified in Section 32.25(c), 10 CFR Part 32.

15.Each device distributed under this license shall be manufactured, tested, and labeled in accordance with 10 CFR 32.22, 32.23, 32.24, and 32.25.

License Number Docket or Reference Number U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 374A MATERIALS LICENSE SUPPLEMENTARY SHEETPAGES OFPAGE 5 4 31-23902-01E 030-36248 Amendment No. 10 16.Except as specifically provided otherwise by this license, the licensee shall conduct its program in accordance with the statements, representations, and procedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the statements, representations, and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence are more restrictive than the regulations.

A.Application dated June 28, 2000 (ML003730264);

B.Letter dated December 04, 2000 (ML003775357);

C.Facsimile dated December 5, 2000 (ML003775400);

D.Facsimile dated December 13, 2000 (ML032310385);

E.Facsimile dated December 27, 2000 (ML003780910);

F.Facsimile dated August 16, 2002 (ML030500525);

G.Letter dated November 13, 2006 (ML063320364);

H.Letter dated August 25, 2009 (ML092960059);

I.Letter dated October 6, 2009 (ML092960028);

J.Letter dated March 11 , 2010 (ML101060297);

K.Letter dated March 29, 2010 (ML101060400);

L.Letter dated January 25, 2011 (ML110540572);M.Email dated February 14, 2018 (ML18051A002);

N.Email dated February 15, 2018 (ML18046A421);

O.Letter dated February 15, 2018 (ML18059A100);

P.Letter dated February 15, 2018 (ML18059A104);

Q.Letter dated May 22, 2018 (ML18143B499).

R.Email dated July 03, 2018 (ML18197A277).

License Number Docket or Reference NumberU.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 374AMATERIALS LICENSESUPPLEMENTARY SHEETPAGES OFPAGE55 31-23902-01E 030-36248 Amendment No. 10FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION By: Date: Headquarters Richard Struckmeyer