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E-mail from D. White to Yufna Concerns You Raised Regarding Wyomings Application for an Agreement
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/24/2017
From: Duane White
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
To: Wolf Y
Northern Arapaho Tribe
Poy S
Shared Package
ML18186A616 List:
Download: ML18186A643 (2)



White, Duncan To:



Concerns You Raised Regarding Wyomings Application for an Agreement Date:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017 10:15:38 AM Yufna:

Jeffery Lynch passed on your email to me. I work in the Agreement State Programs Branch and involved with the review of the Wyoming Agreement application. You raised some concerns regarding the States application for an Agreement. The State has provided the NRC with a significant amount of documentation to support their application for an Agreement. Although I planned to addressed some of the areas you raised in your email during the May 31st webinar, I can discuss with you the NRCs requirements for an Agreement and what the State has provided to us so far in further detail at your convenience.

Please let me know a convenient date and time for you to discuss this matter.

Regards, Duncan White, Senior Health Physicist Agreement State Program Branch

From: Yufna Soldier Wolf [1]

Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 9:10 PM To: Lynch, Jeffery <>


[External_Sender] Re: RESCHEDULED: Webinar on NRC's Agreement State Program, Wyomings Application and NRC's Tribal Policy Statement

Jeffery, Hello. Quick email. My program has been opposed to this project. I'll be composing a letter for record and I have not seen anything I'm writing as a scope of work,plan or budget as to how the state will continue this or support it in funding as ancestor remains and cultural resources are very important to the tribe and don't take lightly the fact there is no plan.

Thank you for your time.

On May 11, 2017 10:23 AM, "Lynch, Jeffery" <> wrote:

Please note that the below referenced May 16, 2017 Webinar on The NRCs Agreement State Program, Wyomings Application and The NRCs Tribal Policy Statement has now been rescheduled to May 31, 2017, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM (ET).

If you are interested in participating on May 31st, please use the following link to register:

If you have any difficulty with the registration process, please contact myself (Jeffery Lynch) at or (301) 415-5041.

Jeffery A. Lynch Project Manager United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Division of Material Safety, States, Tribes and Rulemaking Office: T-8B01 Mail Stop: T-8F42

Email: Phone: 301-415-5041 Good Afternoon, I am following up on our conversation yesterday on a webinar that the NRC is sponsoring on the agencys Agreement State Program and Wyomings application to join this program. On May 16, 2017 at 3:00 P.M. EDT, the NRC will sponsor a webinar on the NRCs Agreement State Program and the application by Wyoming to become an Agreement State. The Agreement State Program allows the NRC to discontinue and a state to assume regulatory authority for certain types of nuclear materials, if the state develops a program that is protective of public health and safety, has compatible regulations and is approved by the NRC. The State of Wyoming has submitted an application to the NRC to regulate uranium mill facilities within their borders. If the agency approves this application, the NRC would no longer consult with area Tribes on activities related to uranium and thorium milling in Wyoming. The webinar will include time for questions and answers and cover the following topics:

  • The process of becoming an Agreement State
  • The status of the Wyoming Application
  • The NRCs Tribal Policy Statement If there are other topics or specific issues that you would like to have addressed during the session, please contact Duncan White, Senior Technical Advisor in the Agreement State Program at or (301) 415-2598.

As background, a fact sheet on the Agreement State Program, including a set of frequently asked questions is attached. A summary of the steps in the process for becoming an Agreement State is here:

If you are interested in participating, please use the following link to register.

If you have any difficulty with the registration process, please contact Kathy Modes at or (215) 872-5804.

I hope that you can join us. Please share this information with others who may be interested.

My contact information is below, if you have questions or need more information.

Sandra T. Talley Senior Liaison Project Manager Office of Nuclear Material Safety And Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop T8D36 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 415-8059 (office)