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Commission Has Issued Amendment No. 5 to Facility Operating License Issued to Florida Power & Light Co
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/1976
From: Ziemann D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18144A306 (1)


y a 19786 NOTICES IIANDLINO PEOCEDUEES . All lnqulrlps In regard to the Public hfedln Rlvcr Junior College Library, 3209 In order to slmpllty handnng procedures Program snd application procedures for Pub- ginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida 3:

for restricted donations which are to be Ile hfedla granLS should be directed to: Pub- A copy of items (2) and (3) may b<

matched by the Trealury Fund. grant recipi- lic hfedls Prcgram hfall Stop 552, National tfllned upon request addressed to ents wnl receive payment directly from tho Endowment for the Arts, Ws.hlngton, D.C.

20506, 202/G34-6300. United States Nuclear Regulatory (

donor (In cash or negotiable securities) on a 'nlisslon, Washington, D.C. 20555, Al sll restricted Treasury Fund gifts to the En- (FR Doc.7G-13050 Flied 5-12-70:8:45 am i tlon: Dlrcctor, Dlylslon of Oper<

dowment, Under this method. the following procedures, apply: Reactors.

1. Gift transmittal letter ls received by the NUCLEAR REGULATORY Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this Endowment from donor with above spec)fed MMlSS!05 day of April, 1976.

nlformstlon.. [Docket <No. 50-335)

2. Upon receipt ot payment on the gifts, For,thc Nuclear Regulatory Com grantee provides the Environment with evi- FLORIDA POWER 6< LIGHT CO. sion.

dence of receipt of such payment >>s follows: DENNIS L. ZIEhIANN In the case of Individual gifts of less than ta dodec of l~iddmccttrryd'cracy 55,000, grantee wnl forward to the Endow Operating Llccn:o Chfef, Operating React<

ment. a I<st cf donors'ames, sddreszes snd Branch No. 2, Diflfsfon amounts received, eertnled by an cmetal of Notice fs hereby given that the U.S. Opcratfnf? Rbcacfors.

the organization snd notarized. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the IFfh Doe.7G-13570 FIIed 6-12-VG;8:45 r In the cate of Individual gifts ef 85.000 or Commlssfon) has issued Am ndm nt No.

moro, grantee will forward to th. Endow- 5 to Facility Operating License No. DPR ment. wllhln the grant period, a photostatic G7. issued to Florida Power 8: Light Com- f Docket No. 60-SIS-Al copy of the Instrument of payment, I.em the pany (the llcensco), which rovlsecl Ihc check or negotiable seeurltles, with a cover- OlbfAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRiCT Ing letter.

license and its appended Enclosure 1 for NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTR

3. In where benefit proeee<b are to be operation of the St. Lucio Plant Unit No.

utlllzed for purposes of the Treasury Fund, 1 (the facility) located in St. Lucio Notice.of Receipt of Attorney and Time for Filing of Pclitiot General'ice ovldence, such ss benefit announcement clrmd County, Florida. The amendment-ls ef-cuiars, Invitations, posters. etcet!rs (which fective as of its date of fssuance. Intenrene on Antitrust Matters Indicate donors had prior knowledge that This amendment: (1) adds a refer; ThcCommlsslon has received, pl their contrlbutlons would be uzed fcr tho ence to Revision 5 of the Security Plan, Treasury Fund) must be retained by grantee deletes a requirement from section 2.D alit to section 105c. of file Atomic El.

ss evidence of donors'ntent. Fn theze cszes, of the lfcense regarding approval and fln- Act of 1954. as amended, an nddit the grantee organization wIII forward to the letter of advice from thc Attorney Endowment, within the grant period, s no- plementation of a modlflecl security plan <

tarized letter requesting release of Ihe'Treas- prior to exceeding five percent of rated eral of the United States, dated M ury matching funds. signed by an appropri- power and adds a requirement to En- 197G, a copy of which fs 'atlache ate otflclal, certI(ylng that the benent was clflsure 1 to License No. DPR-G7 to im- Appendix A.

held on s speci<led date, yielded a.speelfled plement further security plan revisions Any person whose hltercst may b sum for Treasury Fund Rift purposes re- prior to June 30, 197G, (2) adds an in-lated to th. grant. hl question. and that evi- terim requirement to Enclosure 1 which fccted by this proceeding may, pur:

dence ot the bellefIC will be retained by grantee organization In Its flles. 1lmits power to G0%'f rated polver, and to section 2.714 of the Commlss

4. In sn, donors are to make pay- (3) deletes section 13 of Enclosure 1 "Rules of Practice." 10 CFR, Part 2, ment on gifts at least Go days prior to ter- which fdentffles items'o be completed petition for leave to fntervcnc an<

mlnatlon of the grant period, and gran<co to the satisfaction of the Commission ques't a heal'lng 011 the anlltrus't;ls organlzatlons will provide the Endowment prior'o exceeding five percent of rated of the application. Petitions for les with evidence of receipt ot payment on glfls power (this item has been completed ancl st least 30 days prior to the termination of therefore is no longer relevant). lnlervcne and requests for hearing the grant period. be filed by June 14, 197G cfthcr (1 The application for amendment com-TNE PROCESS IN 'TE>>hts OF h<ONET piles with the standdards and require- delivery to the NRC Docl'etlng and I rt Donor's contrlbutlon(s) to Endow- ments of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951 ~ fce Section at 1'?1'? H Street, N.W., tdd or ment 525, 000 as amended (ulo Act), and tile CommL";, ington, D.C.. or (2) by mal: or tele:

Endowment match from the Treas- sion's, rules and regulations. The. COIII-ury fund. 25, 000 mission has made appropriate flilcffngs addressed to the Secretary, Nuclear d

ns required by the Act and the Commis- ulatory Commission, Washington.

60, 000 sion's rules and regulations ln 10 CFR 20555. ATTN:" Doclcetlng and Sc Total Endowment grant 60, 000 Chapter I, which are set forth in the li- Section.

atra t d addict t proto t coat..; cense amendment. Prior public nollce of this amendment was not recluired since For the Nuclear Regulatory Con sion.


mtotmom tot i b drat or 100,000 the amendment does not involve a signif-icant hazards consideration. JEROME SALTZEIAN Cf<fef, Antftr<lst and Indetnn

. hpplteatto>I fte>>te<<y The Commission has determined tlrat Group, NI<c?ear Reactor Ibi After an application with sll the neces- the issuance of this nmendment wfff not Nfatioll.

sary Information has been received, the fol- result ln any slgniflcant environmental ty lowing procedure occurs: impact and that pursuant to 10 CPS AIIENDIE mAm a

r The Endowment'S Public hfedls staff, the 5 51.5(d) (4) an environmental state- POET CALI<OUN STATION, UNIT ÃO. 2, O I, Public htedls Advisory Panel and Ihe National ment, negative declaration or environ- PUDLIC POWER DISTEICP, NESRASI<A F Council on the 'hrls successively review the mental impact appraisal need not be powzs DIsTRIcT, DocKET No. se see h nppllcstlon. prepared ln connection with issuance of a Iatar The sppfleant Is then notified concerning this amend'ment.

final action taken by the Chairman of the You have requested our further r Endowment. For further details with respect to this pursuant to the,provhlons of Section '.

Information regardlag action taken on action, see (1) thc. application for the'Atomic Energy Act, as amended, I Id I appllcatlons cannot be nlade available until amendment dated April 2V, 197G.and Sard to the above-cited application.

after the groups listed above have made their supplement dated April 30. 19VG, (2) fntrod<<et(ore d

Teeommendatlons and the Chairman of the Amendmcnt No. 5 to License No. DPR-Endowment has reached s final decision. hp- '67, and (3) the Cormnlsslon's concur- 'hts Is sn application to construct ali pllcants are requested not to seek Infornla- megawatt nuclear power plant to be lo tlon on Ihe status of their requests. rently issued'Safety, Evaluation. All of st a alto near Blair, Washington Co When s grant letter has been received the these items arc avauable for public In- Nebraska. Fort Calhoun, Unit No. 2, Is grantee applies for partial or full payment de- spection at the Commfssfon's Pubffo owned folntly by Omaha Public Power pending on the nature and schedule of the Document Room, 1717 11 Street, N.W.. trlet (OPPD) snd Nebraska Public I prefect.. 'Washington, D.C. an<1 at the India(I District (NPPD) ss tenants ln common.