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Neutron Products, Inc. - Revision 6 to Consolidated Application for Renewal of CoC - USA/9215/B(U), Section 8, Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program
Person / Time
Site: 07109215
Issue date: 05/07/2018
Neutron Products
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML18127B734 List:
Download: ML18127B745 (3)


8. ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Neutron Products, Inc. operates under Quality Assurance Program 0121, which is compliant with 10 CFR 71 Subpart H. The USA/9215/B{U) package is no longer being manufactured. As a result, our acceptance program is focused primarily on acceptance criteria for replacement items, instrumentation and the repair of packaging as described in our Purchasing, Vendor Qualification and Maintenance procedures. Procedures R-2014-G, Unloading and Loading Procedure for USA/9215/B(U)

Package and R-2019-G, Maintenance and Storage Procedure for USA/9215/B(U) Package have been attached in Appendix 8.3.

8.1 Acceptance Tests Packages under this certificate are no longer being manufactured. As such, acceptance tests for new packaging are no longer being performed.

Receiving inspections are performed on replacement items, such as gaskets, fasteners, etc. Those tests are performed in accordance with written procedures under our QAP, and are specific to the particular item being received.

To the extent existing packaging components get repaired, the receiving inspection is performed in accordance with written procedures, including R-2019-G, Maintenance and Storage Procedure for USA/9215/B(U} Package.

8.1.1 Visual Inspections and Measurements Visual inspections are performed at various intervals, and to various degrees. Visual inspections of the package are performed prior to each use. More detailed inspections are performed on a regular schedule, the frequency of which varies by component.

Criteria for equipment conditions acceptable for use have been established. Equipment which does not pass inspection is taken out of service in accordance with the QAP, and is repaired as appropriate before subsequent use.

Inspections are performed in accordance with written procedures.

USA/9215/B(U} Consolidate Application for Renewal April 2018 Revision 6 Page 8-1

8.1.2 Weld Examinations To the extent steel components of the packaging require repair, welding may be required. All repair welds are to be examined by a Certified Weld Inspector, in accordance with our written procedures. Part of the final acceptance of the repair involves inspection against the package drawings.

8.1.3 Structural and Pressure Tests Not applicable This package is not operated under pressure. 10 CFR 71.85(b) does not apply. Pressure tests are not conducted.

8.1.4 Leakage Tests The only authorized contents of the package are special form and the container does not require a seal to perform its containment function. No leakage tests are performed.

8.1.5 Component Tests Replacement parts, such as gaskets, fasteners, material for shield plugs, etc., undergo receiving inspections, some of which include testing, such as destructive testing for material composition, tensile strength, etc. Testing is performed in accordance with the QAP.

8.1.6 Shielding Tests As density is a critical property for shield plugs, material used for shield plugs undergoes a receiving inspection which includes a density test.

USA/9215/B(U) Consolidate Application for Renewal April 2018 Revision 6 Page 8-2

8.1.7 Thermal Acceptance Tests Not applicable 8.2 Maintenance Program The shipping package does not contain liquid shielding, coolant, valves, pressure gauges, rupture disks, etc., thereby simplifying regular maintenance. In addition to periodic routine visual inspections, the following routine maintenance is performed in accordance with NP! Procedure R 2019-G.

Components of the package are checked for contamination when it is being loaded or unloaded and decontamination is effected as required.

When the end covers are installed or removed, the condition of the silicone gasket is inspected, and the gasket is replaced when checking, hardening, deterioration, or any damage is observed. The gaskets are replaced no less frequently than every 18 months when periodic inspections are performed.

Prior to each use, the Wooden Protective Jacket is inspected for defects, or conditions potentially leading to defects, such as loss of plywood bonding, cracking, waterlogging, excessive drying, corrosion of the steel rods, or any body or cover warping that would result in an inadequate cover seal. Should any of these conditions be observed, the situation shall be evaluated and a repair made, or the Wooden Protective Jacket taken out of service.

Prior to each use, the Steel Shell is also inspected for tears, significant dents, appropriate fasteners, etc. During these inspections at the time of use, the body of WPJ remains in the Steel Shell. More detailed annual inspections during which the WPJ is removed from the Steel Shell are also conducted in accordance with R-2019-G.

8.3 Appendix Both R-2014-G and R-2019-G have been included in the Appendix for Section 7 of this application.

USA/9215/B(U) Consolidate Application for Renewal April 2018 Revision 6 Page 8-3