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NRC Presentations at Waste Management Symposia 2018
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/23/2018
From: Dapas M
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
MHeath NMSS/DUWP/LLWB 415.3137 T5A08
Download: ML18088B012 (40)


Marc Dapas, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 23, 2018 Phoenix, Arizona

Low-Level Waste Program Overview Stephen Dembek, Senior Project Manager Low-Level Waste Branch Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs (DUWP)

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 23, 2018 Phoenix, Arizona


  • Ongoing Part 61 Rulemaking
  • Alternative Disposal Request guidance revision
  • Covered Separately:
  • Very Low-Level Waste (VLLW) Scoping Study
  • Greater-Than Class C Regulatory Basis 2

Status of 10 CFR Part 61 Rulemaking Draft Final Commission Commission Proposed Rule to Issues Staff Approved Rule and Commission Requirements Proposed Associated Memorandum Rule Draft SECY-16-0106:

Guidance ML16188A290 SRM-SECY Issued 0106:

ML17251B147 2/12/14 3/26/15 9/15/16 9/8/17 3


Final Rule: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

  • The Commission directed the staff to make substantive revisions and republish as a supplemental proposed rule 4

SRM-SECY-16-0106 Allow case-by-case application of new requirements Be informed Reinstate by costs and 1,000 year benefits compliance Major period Changes Narrow Clarify safety defense-in-case depth definition considerations 5

10 CFR 20.2002 Alternative Disposal Request Guidance

  • Purpose of revising draft guidance

- Provides more clarity, consistency, and transparency

- Clarifies the NRCs position regarding disposal, including reuse and recycling

  • NRC issued for public comment a revision of its 20.2002 Alternative Disposal Request Guidance entitled, Guidance for the Reviews of Proposed Disposal Procedures and Transfers of Radioactive Material Under 10 CFR 20.2002 and 10 CFR 40.13(a)
  • Final guidance issuance expected 2018 6



Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) and Transuranic Waste Disposal Chris McKenney, Chief NMSS/DUWP/PAB Telephone No: 301-415-6663 Email: :

Purpose of Meeting

  • Stakeholder participation and involvement
  • Identification of various technical issues
  • Assist in the development of a regulatory basis for the disposal of GTCC and TRU wastes
  • Supports NRCs openness strategies and cumulative effects of regulation initiatives 9

Low-Level Waste (LLW) and Transuranic Waste LLW Trans-Class uranic Class B Waste A

Class GTCC C


Regulatory Basis for GTCC and Transuranic Wastes

  • SRM-SECY-15-0094 - prepare a regulatory basis for the disposal of GTCC waste through means other than deep geologic disposal
  • SRM-SECY-16-0106 - due 6 months after publication of Part 61 supplemental proposed rule 11

Next Steps Potential Part 61 Prepare Rule for Regulatory GTCC and Complete Basis with Part 61 Transuranic Public Waste Supplemental Workshops Proposed Disposal Rule 13

Draft Technical Analysis

  • Assist in the identification of potential hazards, for example o inventories o security
  • Assist public to respond to NRC staff questions 14

Three categories of GTCC waste:

activated metals, sealed sources, and other waste Reactor Sealed Glove Boxes Vessels Sources 15

Activated Metals

  • Metal components from nuclear reactors are most significant source
  • Surface contamination on metal surfaces
  • Activated radionuclides throughout metal
  • Short-lived radionuclides generate heat
  • Some transuranic radionuclides present in surface contamination 15

Sealed Sources

  • Irradiators typically used in medical applications (e.g., hospitals, universities, research) o short lived sources (Cs-137 - 30 year half-life) o transuranic radionuclides (e.g., Pu isotopes)
  • Fissile radionuclides present (Pu-239)
  • Short-lived radionuclides generate heat 16

Other Waste

  • Variety of potential sources, for example:

o potential exhumation of West Valley waste o production of radioisotopes for nuclear imaging procedures (e.g., Mo-99 production)

  • Fissile radionuclides present from Mo-99 production (e.g., Pu-239) 17

GTCC Technical Considerations

  • Thermal Output
  • Gas Generation
  • Fissile Material
  • Long-lived Daughter (Progeny) 18

Radionuclides of Potential Interest based on Draft Analysis (depends on analysis assumptions)

Hazard Activated Metals Sealed Sources Other Waste (Commercial Reactors) (Mo-99 Production) 500 yrs 5,000 yrs 500 yrs 5,000 yrs 500 yrs 5,000 yrs Off-site Dose Pu-239 Pu-239 Am-241, Pu-239, Pu-239 Pu-239 Pu-239 Am-241 Cs-137 Thermal Output Ni-63 None Am-241 None None None Fissile None None Pu-239 Pu-239 U-235 U-235 Material Gas Generation Ni-63 None Am-241 None None None Intruder Dose C-14, Ni-59, C-14, Ni-59, Am-241 Pu-239 Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-239, (shallow) Nb-94, Ni-63 Nb-94, Ni-63 Pu-240, Am-241 Pu-240 Intruder Dose None None Am-241 Pu-239 None None (deep) 19

Three Questions

1) What are the important radionuclides that need to be considered for the disposal of the GTCC and transuranic wastes?
2) How might GTCC and transuranic wastes affect the safety and security of a disposal facility during operations (i.e., pre-closure period)?
3) How might GTCC and transuranic wastes affect disposal facility design for post-closure safety including protection of an inadvertent intruder?


Stakeholder Outreach and Involvement

  • Updated information on GTCC and transuranic wastes found on NRC Website:

  • Federal Register Notice to Conduct GTCC and Transuranic Waste Scoping Meeting and Request for Comment (83 FR 6475): Feb. 14, 2018 21

How to Provide Comments

  • Federal Register notice (83 FR 6475) provides various methods of submitting comments:

- Federal Rulemaking Website:

Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2017-0081

- Email comments:

- Fax comments: 301-415-1101

- Mail comments to: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, ATTN:

Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff

- Hand deliver comments: 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. (EST)

Federal workdays; telephone: 301-415-1677.

Comment period ends April 16, 2018 22

For Additional Information:

  • Federal Rulemaking Website:

Go to http://www.regulations and search for Docket ID NRC-2017-0081

  • NRCs Public Web Site for GTCC:

  • NRC


Cardelia Maupin - Sr. Project Manager 301-415-4127; 23



Very Low-Level Waste Scoping Study March 23, 2018 NRC Public Meeting Phoenix, AZ Kellee Jamerson, Project Manager NMSS/DUWP/LLWB Telephone No.: (301) 415-7408 Email:

Overview Uniform Part 61 Next Part 61 Waste Rulemaking Rulemaking? Manifest Programmatic International Assessment LLW Program CA BTP Very Low- Implementation Level Waste Waste Financial Incidental to Assurance for Reprocessing GTCC and Radioactive (WIR)

Transuranic Byproduct Waste Material 27

LLW Programmatic Assessment

- Coordinate with other agencies on consistency in regulating low activity waste disposal

- Develop guidance that summarizes disposition options for low-end materials and waste

- Promulgate rule for disposal of low-activity waste (now termed very low-level waste)

- Perform LAW Scoping Study (renamed VLLW Scoping Study)

- 20.2002 guidance document revision to improve alternate disposal request process 28

Why Perform a Very Low-Level Waste Scoping Study?

  • Increase in priority

- Changes in timing of decommissioning

  • Recognize the potential opportunity to improve regulatory efficiency and effectiveness
  • Consider alignment with international standards and practices 29

VLLW Scoping Study PURPOSE:

  • Identify possible options to improve and strengthen the NRCs regulatory framework for very low-level waste (VLLW) disposal 29

VLLW Scoping Study Considers Available Information

  • National Academy of Sciences
  • Electric Power Research Institute
  • Health Physics Society
  • International Atomic Energy Agency 30

VLLW Scoping Study is Not

  • Below Regulatory Concern
  • Controlling the Disposition of Solid Material

VLLW Scoping Study Possible Outcomes

  • Rulemaking
  • Guidance documents
  • Coordination with other agencies
  • Further analysis
  • No action 33 33

Notice of VLLW Scoping Study and Request for Comment

  • NRC published in the Federal Register, on February 14, 2018 (83 FR 6619), notice of the VLLW Scoping Study and request for comment
  • Respondents were asked to consider specific questions posed by the NRC staff 33

Federal Register Notice Questions

1. Regulatory definition of VLLW?
2. New waste category for VLLW?
3. Guidance document?
4. NRC Agreement State compatibility issues?
5. Regional compact authority?


Federal Register Notice Questions

6. Waste analysis requirements?
7. Unintended consequences?
8. Analytical methods to assess risk?
9. Economic factors?


Stakeholder Outreach and Involvement

  • Updated information on VLLW found on NRC Website:

  • Federal Register Notice to Conduct VLLW Scoping Study and Request for Comment (83 FR 6619): Feb. 14, 2018
  • VLLW Scoping Study Public Comment Period:

Feb. 14, 2018 - May 15, 2018

  • Public Meetings:

Feb. 22, 2018 (NRC) and March 23, 2018 (Phoenix, AZ) 37

How to Provide Comments

  • Federal Rulemaking Website:

Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0026

  • Email comments to (reference Docket ID NRC-2018-0026 in the subject line):

  • Mail comments to (reference Docket ID NRC-2018-0026 in subject line):

May Ma Office of Administration Mail Stop: OWFN-2-A13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Comment period ends May 15, 2018 37

For Additional Information:

  • Federal Rulemaking Website:

Go to https://www.regulations and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0026

  • NRCs Public Web Site for VLLW:

  • NRC Contacts:

Maurice Heath - LLW Project Manager 301-415-3137; Kellee Jamerson - LLW Project Manager 301-415-7408; 38

