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Rev 0 to EA-SC-93-083-03, Dry Cask Storage - Vcc Tile Strength.
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/04/1994
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ML18059B137 List:
EA-SC-93-083-03, EA-SC-93-83-3, NUDOCS 9408150313
Download: ML18059B138 (9)




Total Nui*>er of Sheets 9 Title Dry Cask Storage - VCC Tile Strength INITIATION AND REVIEW Calculation Status Preliminary Pending ~al Superseded 0 0 0 Initiated I nit Review Method Technically Reviewed Revr Rev 1------.--- Appd

. Deta i 1 Qua 1 Appd CPCo iJ Description By By Appel Bv A Date Alt Cale Review Test Bv Date .fl 0 Original Issue J . - - - L . - - - - - - - - - - " " - - - - - ' - - - - - ' - . ; . ; . . ' .----Jl....---""------'----..1....;..__ _-'--_ _-L-.., *.r.=_"""'"*----11 1.0 OBJECTIVE This Engineering Analysis is to ensure that the VCC tiles are sufficient to support the lo~d of the MSB. Function of the VCC tiles is to provide a gap to mitigate trevice corrosion*at the base of the MSB. They are not structural supports for MSB nor VCC.

This analysis will consider; (I) the cond1tion that the VCC tiles may not b~ in full tontact with the MSB bottom plate, (2) and the shield ring assembly will be resting on top of the MSB.


a. Drawing: CVCC1~24-001, Sh.I, Rev. 0 & Sh.2, Rev. 0


b. SNC Letter: .. Compressive Strength of Ceramic Tile, dated March 23, 1994
  • (Attachment I)
c. Safety Analysis .Report for the VSC, PSN-91-001, Rev. 0 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS None.

LJL.- 9408150313 94oao 5 PDR ADOCK 05000255 l :

, \. )

p . PDR \I

- . - - - - ------ -*-----' L__,


'IUllMft '* *SllUI. ANALYSIS CONTINUATION SHEET Sheet _2_ Rev # O Reference/Carment


a. EA-FC-864-29, Rev;O, Inner Tile Ring Removal on the VSC
b. Fabrication sp~cification for the ventilated concrete cask, CVCCl-93-001, Rev. 0
c. FHS-M-32, Loading and Placing the VSC into Storage 5.0 ANALYSIS


~SB 1o~d~d. dry weight = 63, 780 1bs* (Re~: 2. c. - Table 3. 2-1)

VCC Shield Ring = 1190 lbs (Ref. 4.c - Attachment 2)

Total Weight = 64970 lbs Tile Information:

Number of tiles = 24 (Ref. 2.a)

  • Size= 1.7 in. x 1.7 in. *x 0.3 in. (Ref. 2.a)

Area = 2.89 sq. in.

Minimum compressive strength= 30,000 psi. (Ref~-2.b)

<Calculation l>

Calculate stress on the tiles ~t full surface contact.with the *MsB bottom:

Load on each tile = 64970/24 = 2707 lbs Stress = 2707/2.89 = 936.7 psi 936.7 psi <<<< 30,000 psi min. compressive strength

<Calculation 2>

The MSB bottom may not be in full surface contact with the 24 VCC tiles due to the unevenness of the MSB bottom plate or VCC cask liner bottom. The 24 VCC tiles are equally placed on the 2 in. thick VCC bottom steel plate at 30 in.

radius: To be conserv~tive, all 24 tiles are considered to be partial contact of 1/8 in. by 1.7 in. per tile.

Calculate stress on the tiles with 1/8 in. partial contact:

. PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EA- SC-93-083-03 ANALYSIS CONTINUATION SHEET Sheet 3 Rev # 0 Reference/Conment Contact area= 0.125 x 1.7 = 0.2125 sq. in.

Load on each tile = 64970/24 =2707 lbs Stress on each tile= 2707/0.2125 = 12,739 psi 12,739 psi << 30,000 psi min. tile compressive strength

<Calculation 3>

This calculation is to see* what is the minimum average contact area on the VCC tiles required* for ma i nta i ni ng the gap at the tile compressive strength* of 30,000 psi.

lri ad~ition, results are shown for the range of tile compressive strength given in tables of the Attachment 1.

Contact area (A) = Load on a tile/Compressive strength Load per tile = 2707 lbs Tile size= 1.7" x 1.7" Tile Strength Calculated Contact Area Contact area on tile

( SQ. in.) (Width x Length) 30,000 psi A=2707/30000=0.0902 0.0902/1.7=0.0530" 0.0530"is about 1/16" Say, 1.7" x 1/16" 50,0QO psi A=2707/50000=0.0541 0.0541/L 7=.o. 0318" 0.0318" = 1/32" Say, }.7 11 x 1/32 11:

90,000 psi *A=2707/90000=0.0300 . 0.0300/1.7=0.0176" O.OJ76"is about 1/64" Say, L7" x 1/64" As shown above, partial contact of 1/16" on VCC tiles is sufficient to provide strength required to maintain the gap at the bottom of the MSB. If considered with Compressive strength values from the published reference books, even smaller contact area on the tiles is needed to perform the same function.

PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT EA- SC-93-083-03 ANALYSIS CONTINUATION SHEET Sheet _4_ Rev # O Reference/Conment 6.0 CQNCLUSIONS The VCC tiles are capable'of providing the required gap to mitigate crevice corrosion at the bottom of the MSB for the following reasons:

a. The tiles used for Palisades VSC system are of porcelain ceramic and hav~ compressive strength equal to or greater than 30,000 psi used in this calculation.
b. Analysis approach is conservative by utilizing the lower limit of the tile strength and small contact area on all of .the 24 VCC tiles. * *


  • c ~ *The* VCC tiles* ire not structura 1 support for the MSB or VCC.

Some spalling or cracking of the tiles initially contacted by the MSB may occur. However, the -MSB 1oad will readily be ,

equalized over the remaining tiles equally spaced in a 60 in.

diameter circle.

d. The 0.3 in. thick tiles ~re installed in approximately 1/4 in; thick.of adhesive re~ulting in an estimated final adhesiv~

thickness of 1/8 in. The final adhesive thickness will also provide enhan~ed distribution of load and increase contact

  • area on the VCC tiles. *
e. Installat"ion of the tiles is controlled by Note 5 of Dwg.

CVCCl-24-001, Sh. 1, Rev. 0, that states 11

      • and top of tiles to form level plane to with~n O.l. 11
  • , MAR-24-1994

. ... . e 10: 14 FROM. SIERRA t-lUCLEHR TO e CP<: - ::; McCLA I ~l P.02

  • 1. ***

-,.:;-.- , J l 23 March 1994 EA-SC-Cf3-o83 - o 3 Emil Zernick

  • Consumers Power Company . .Sheet _/_Rev. _D_

Palisades Nuclear Plant 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert. MI 49043


Compressive Strength of Ceramic T'ale

Dear Mr. Zernick,

R~prding the subject of the compressive strength of the ceramic tile wed for supporting the ,, .

Multi-Assembly Basket(MSB) in the Ventilated Concrete ~k(VCC), I have researched SNCs files and contacted representatives of the ceramic industry for the following data:

SNCs Design Basis The input for the 2,000 psi ciush strength used for the design basis was obtained from the Ceramic Tile Institute. Typical crush strength of 2,SOO psi or* greater is required to resist typical

\ISe.* loam. SNC conservatively* used 2,000 psi.

  • MSB loaded dry weight = < 62,000 lbs VCC number of tiles = 24 ., ,

Size of tiles a 1. 75in1 .'

62,000/(1. 75)1

  • 24 = 843.S lbsfur < < 2,000 psi The tile is not an item important to safe~. The application of the tile is to provide cathodic isolation from the VCC liner. The tiles are installed 'level' to assure maximum contact with the MSB..The MSB is lowered.with great care into the VCC.
  • Ceramic Industry Data.

SNC contacted Jean Zwicker-QA Test Engineer for American Olean Tile Company. Ms.

Zwicker is currently developing an ASTM compre~ion test procedure for ceramic tile. The current American National S~dard Specification. for Ceramic Tile, ANSI A137.1, does not specify compressive strength. During the development of a compressive strength test, Ms.

Zwicker typically observed compressive strelJlth,s of 30,000 to 45,000 psi. for ceramic tiles meeting ANSI A137.1.

1 Victor Square

  • Fax (408) 438-5206

M8R-24-1994 10: 15 FROM.SIERRR ~~UCLERR TO e CPC - S McCLAIN. P.03 8,n-ACriM6AJT 1 t:=A- sc-q-3-083- o~

Sheet 1-- {<pl)

  • 0
  • Attached published references &om engineering literature also indicate poroelan/ceramic compressive strength to S0,000 psi.

Conclusion Using the lowest observed *compressive strength value of 30,000 psi. one l.7Sin2 ceramic tile meetiIJ& ANSI A137.1, can support -90,000 lbs. During the installation of the MSB into the VCC, some spalling of the tiles initi~ contacted by the MSB may occur. Given the level imtallation of the tile, the MSB load will readily equalize over the remaining tiles .. The current VCC configuration utilizing twenty-four (24) tiles equally spaced in a level circle, shq.uld accommodate the MSB load with insigriificant tile degradation._ .

  • 1*hope *that tliiS documents the basis Qf _uti.~ the tiles for this application. Should you have any questions reprding SNCs conclusion please contact Kay Moeckel at 408/438-6444.

K:Z oeckel


pal Bnaincer

MAR-24-1994 .. 10:17

. FRO. SIERRA ~-llJCLEAR TO e CPC - S McCLAIN P.06 ATTACHMENT 1 EA- sc-j 3 -08 3- o3 Rev. o Table 13.1 Propertiea of Whiteware Products (Or 1 111 d. from Tl.hie Pubi.ilbed I.a. hlJetlA o1

  • AmerieM ~ eo..,, VoL Z1 (1M8), palfl9 2'19-t,)

VilriJlcd Ji;p.

Zleo. Poro.,

v._ cmd NW,.,NflWNlll l~ 1--Voliafsl~

c-....z ,,._



IVcart ci..,..

O&>>. 1lia t.

Feld.par s-t.i111 ziz-Oor&-

rit. Almmna *~

rtin*. Cordle-rito

. Fila..

Feldnlar Zil'COD 1'.W I' I "fthD o.o.oa M.08 ~ 0-0.7 0..1.0 a.o 0-0.7 0-0.06 ()..0.05 0-0.03 Bl&lk ll*llo 111'1"°"' <./flll llll) 11.4 .u u+ 1.1 8.7. ll.4 u u u 2.t Mobl 11.udD.- ~) . T.O s.o . 8.0 T.O QJ) '1,.0 7.0 8.0 $.() 7.0 Mo.llt_....f&lut) e.a 0.6 u e.o u Modlllut crl '11>>taft11111111M Qb/io, in.) 10.500 19,000 ~.000+ 9,000 30,000 7.000 11,000 25..000 ModWa Cit 11111'1n1 llallCl Clb/io. ID.) 18.000 *u,soo 31,000. 18.&00 80,000 6.000 Q

. TC!lile ~I ....... Qb/1111.a.J uoo 10,000 8,600 . I0,000 :J.000 . 11!,100


  • '~=alatt> :;1; lmllMt ltND&tlal ~-~> u+ - - . a.o 1 70,000 10 x _10*

80.000 20 x 10, 40,000 180,000

- -u >no* -- &&.QOO_ - 30,000 2.6 16 u

x 10*

- 11(),000

.H )( 10* g

- *~~I llAM (1'"'11) 1.0+


.~ u u e.t


Mu. .... opeioatlq . . . ("C) 8oftallll . , . r'O)


  • 1.300 8.0 uo 1.aoo aso 11.7

'*'1.7&0 1,.00 t.7 4.0 1.000 l.tOO

~ 1,400 1~ 1.250 Po- ,... ('5) (1 'll'llf airdt,). o.90 0.17 G.llT o..a O.otG o.,a Dteleolrio . - a t (1 ~ u u

.. :o.99 u u 9Jt G.1 i -

  • lwr (9') U r eo IS'da) ** 1.81 . J.11 1.1e O$T uo

~ . . . . ("'Oltl 1 lllil)' 240 118 178. J75 100 10 11 1011 Rllilc&'fi\r (Nmocim)

....... (9C)

'l'llltnw1 _......,

101' 2IO 940 1oU 1011 eoo 101' 880 780 ,

<~-*1.vrtto1-c o.ooa O.O!Je o.ooe OJR/11 0.0108 o.006a 0.001& 0.()06 0.000 t-4A> r e ' 4 '

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  • EA -sc-q 3-083- D.3 A-r -rACJ-tt0_E0 T *1 ~~L d .4 ~v. o 1-26 HANDBOOJ[ OP ELF.CIDONIC PACICACHCC IUCID ANO FL~l8LE PIUHTED WUUHG 1-27 3


. Caainie lasulatioa ...  ::0 TABLE I. Pn>pertfa of I l\J Diclecblc .-opmles at llktb.-eemp.

Dieffftdo ~~rda at lMHs.-'-P-Dkleeble 111%~ at l t M H t , - ...... "lhe1naial ...._ ..... .........




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.5 8.ll o.ooa- o.oo:s 0.010 0.000

.&-e-8 0.025-o.ocu 1O..ooir-5.8 O.OlS H0-130




780 2.0-2.9 1300 f.u-3.3 2..8 2..5 10*


>JOU l.8 1.5 t3.0 2.3 o.e

  • .3--5.0 11.8 S,000 12..000

.*:ooo u.eoo l&,000 18,080 19.800 M.900 Eu:ellcllt 2.47,000 l'iak se.oeo Fair 150,000 Fair.

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  • o.001s I. . . I 4Al4 u

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a.o . . . . . . . . . . 0.808' I*-***** I*'*--* .. I f.5 O.OOt o.000381 0.001 8..e a.a 10.002010.0013 O.oo& 0..IJOOIS J 8.a 4.S

  • 10.eoa CLClft * *~

..... u t..8-UI *;;io-- 30.0-t.5 T.O 8.A 7.000 H,000 18.000 35.000 80.000

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      • ip; .. 'i.'I) .. HJ.oc-+o 2.0 >.! *4;000 8,000 *& E11eelltsot ao- O-OOI l .... 0.10 *****

llltdllo .. I 0..801 l 4.S 0..001 O.oot 80&-l.olOO **-* I.I 10'" lOA *.3 3,:JOO 7,,500 f0,000 Good -t

.,_: 0

  • - e Z&eaa!a ......* , .....*. 0.01 19.0 0.11 ..... 8-6 10- . 14.3 :1.0-8.3 18.000  !.6,000 300.000

~~~ ........ . 0.0000 I 13.5 IO.IMM

                • .... 9.7 8 s~.o 18.000 18JIOO 920.GOO Prrooeam .... *** .... 0.0017-0.013

~..5-0..3 0.01-O..oT

~. **-* t ... 4..6 ........ l.l-2.t 0.2*4 ...... 35.000 ******* Coed Cfass..llGaded 0.0015- 6.4-9.2 0.023- 1l70-&00 . ... 2.8-3.8 10 11 ...... 10.S 7,000 16.00* tS.000 Faiz mica . 0 0 Mica ..*....... . :~. 3.4-U ~~~ ~.

CW. (&-1) ... 0.0005- 3.S-15.0 0.001&-

O.H 1,000-t,OOO . ... t.**3.8 o-a.o .. fo*** ().:1,-0.4 0.4-0..8 18-i7 0.8-1.3 <4.000 ...... 100.000 Fair

  • .)



I 0.0I Glas(~ .. ..*.... 0.0003 b.~.o o.001s 400-*UO . ... 1.2 IO'L.10,. 0.8 0.3 7,000 ****** >1110,000 Ezr<"ll.CRI p - c - 8 1...... . l..S O.OOJIJ- ......... ..... 1.9 .O..OS-0..5 6.3 0.10 *****-** U)

Ab*-** 1.0 3


~ ........ . .......... . ... 8.9 ........ *198-tie 17.0 35.000 (')

........ . ... 7.8 ******** U-38 13.0

~~ r D

S-Ut **-**--* .......... . ... 8.1 ****-*** ,7.8-U).3 5.1 80,000 z

llafnla ... - ....

Celie 0.01 lt 10.12 ......... . ... 9.0 10- 1.0 8 ..S ...... 15.800 BiJe.000 Pow (99+* C.0.) 0..0007 1S 0.011 ......... ..... 7.0 I~ 'f.0 10.0 ***** 15,008 too.OOCI Poot

  • To nlM '8 ..mpftehlnl llt did> l <:Id bl
  • rN&c- of I -plim..

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/l~_p-8ocu11:=*, OF' Ei.1n:::"Tf/ZOJ>.J l'C:::.. ~c~,J, 4~

10: 15



  • Rev _Q_ i°heet 5 CPC - S Mcr;L~IN NON-MlrAWC MATlllAU P.04 23-15. T~ Awrep ""'*""of <hphlte ..i Carbon*-ce~>

(Mtlllll'ld IWith &ad at Room Teiapenm*)



,_ StrenatJI, lb./sq. lo. t Elastic tlYlty.


lty, Compre. modulus x 10' (tq. ft.)

P1ell&l'll (*t./ft.)

  • atllllltlt * * * ., ~- lmptrvious cllboa brick ' 1. ' 2 llve 10.000 4.400 lbbq. In.

2.8 leo 3

~ {"°:: .. . .futl&te llllP*""ioW ~pi~ L'7'7 10.000 4.400 2.8 190 3 20 J'OIOllS c:ubon. ~ 80 1-05 1.000 eoo 0.S '.'00 I 16

=*=:=::=.:. .',*: . *

-*-.latzit.dl . f1i1VU1 earbon, grade CS 1.04 47 900 500 O*.f 700 18

so'f...~ ..., " . fDIOfllf earbon. lftcle 25 1.03 47 800 300 0.3 '700 HI

._. " --. - . **. Catbon &nd ~hi mechanical matortab:

.~ a-nl*pul'POSe . J.$3 f 33,000 8.800 4.0 12 13 CMM. oil. jet tu.I ~ 1.81 ~ 40.800 8.800 U 1 18

. . - - .,...... ... : : . Ottn!eel siervlce 1.75 ~ 1$.000 4.800 1J) 18 20

._._  : JllP*Ml;en.ture tosrYtc:e (1200 + F) LT1 ' 38..:JOO 8.800 3.4 8 15

~ 11 ~ .'..'. ***.1**~*=-.'Ttae"""'.:'"-pb-:.-)'lical"'."""':~~---.--.-11-*~-l-n-:thii-.~-tabl"':"':"'o-a:c-a"".,....,.,_--:1or~tlle~inoct-..."-"'-m-N>t-ily~liled'----stoe-lc-11A-.~-_-ty_pe;..._-o...,f.-prodllet..._

__ -~......i...-~---=-ies M,,....erl-all"-.-ha-Ying.-.

~~-~:.. ,ti .,, .. ~~~~~.for Qlllrbon up-to 1700-C. alld row llRJiblet ~ c0 zsoO'*c. . -***.

, ._. . _ . * ..:. ~ fib calwlate Uneal ~11 to any ~inperuve. fOCI \ci-. .

tPoroslty Is COl'lt\'Ollcd 10 It *~iAc appllcatiena. RaQP o to 8 per t-ent.
,* . (a+ K)(I - 70)
~qicr'*°" IOdlllf~lure:n...IJllftl expalldon lllTMrQSfllf011 terriperature l'iSe Ercnn 7Q*F.10" 6oal ~mpcrature 1(°F.) a ;...._=="'~-

,, . . 100.000

  • -* 1.8 Ca + ~)(t - 21)

'* .<.rTiit lineal up&Dllon 111,... _,for

  • lftllpv&Nre* rise mm 21 *c. to. tempersturt t c*cJ .

a 100.000

~Ill arlttw.uc dtttnnlnatloa oE lin~I e~on in per vent. do lllOt UR lO-' u

  • 17'WtJpUer for a "1d IC.
    • ~ of d for dl!*Nlll .... aDC! pWtJ oS cubon uid papb£te IN iD the al~.

itllll* of the oomtaDt K ..e st~n ill the table below alld ans depeedent on tht Snal ttllll*'&tllre*



'!\mp.. *p.

212 0 If. Temp.; *P'.



.6.1 Ttaip.. *y, 3000 JC 10.1


400 600 ...

L1 UIOO 1800

<<.7 T.2 3400 3800 lU JU 88 8 8

..:: ') ~;. 800 s.e llOOO

. T.7 dOO 13.i 85 ,t:; 1000 4.8 t.tOC> 8.2 4600 Id

&'I 10 .

... 19.M JU u 78  :"\ b 7$ 8 ...

Tl 11 llMt U..16; of Ston_,. *1111 P.....41ift 91 a as 11 *.(

85 83 11 15 83 15

~ 13 100 11.. :

$8 lS S3 11 l<M. 3 88 10 88 10 se !4

!4 88 50 l1 45 u 40 11 9 ~

9 lS 9 13 7 13 9 13 18 18 13 13

~,Ale:~ /IA~ ai:>o ltC' 1


  1. ?.II, PlfeeV 11

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