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Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel (LSNARP) Meeting Slides for February 27-28, 2018 Public Meeting
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/27/2018
NRC/Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel (LSNARP)
Download: ML18053A055 (114)


Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel Meeting February 27 28, 2018 Page 1 of 114

Status of Yucca Mountain Adjudicatory Process Paul Bollwerk, Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Page 2 of 114

Timeline Jan. 2011 Dec. 2017 Page 3 of 114


Page 4 of 114

History of the LSN and the ADAMS LSN Library Margie Janney Acting LSN Administrator Page 5 of 114

Purpose of the LSN

  • NWPA requires NRC to evaluate DOEs application for a geologic repository
  • NRCs licensing process

- Technical review

- Licensing adjudication

  • LSN to make discovery material electronically available for initial construction authorization and receive and possess proceedings Page 6 of 114

LSN Development

  • LSN Rule issued (1998)
  • NRC submitted business case analysis (2000)
  • LSN operational (20012011)

Page 7 of 114

Functionality of Original LSN

  • Requirements documented in Licensing Support Network Functional Requirements (ML003722859)

Page 8 of 114

LSN Comprised

  • 19 servers
  • LAN environment
  • Offsite data center
  • Participantoperated web sites

- Headers and documents

  • LSN created index and pointed to the documents Page 9 of 114

Shutting Down the LSN

  • HLW proceeding suspended Sept 2011
  • CAB04 issued April 2011 order

- Participants to submit document collections to SECY

- SECY to make documents publicly available in ADAMS

  • NRC required to be compliant with NARA records requirements.

Page 10 of 114

History of Public ADAMS LSN Library

  • To help the NRC staff complete its HLW Safety Evaluation Report, the Commission directed entry of LSN documents into nonpublic ADAMS (11/2013, ML13322A744)
  • Commission directed LSN document collections be made publicly available in ADAMS (01/2014. ML14024A429)
  • Commission placed responsibility for LSN document activities with SECY and ASLBP (02/2015, ML15034A088)
  • The project to make LSN document collections publicly available in ADAMS began in December 2015 (ML15335A395)
  • In August 2016, the LSN Library became publicly available (ML16210A436)

Page 11 of 114

Anomalies with ADAMS LSN Library

  • LSN Library was verified using LSN Administrators final list of LSN Accession Numbers and corresponding Participant Accession Numbers as provided to SECY (ML11209C291).
  • Issues were found with 130 of the 3,692,306 LSN Library documents.
  • Resolution of anomalies documented in the LSN Library Anomaly Resolution document (ML17087A500).

Page 12 of 114

From LSN to LSN Library

  • Since 2011, the NRC has acted to:

- Preserve LSN documents from all parties.

- Resolve anomalies in documents and indexes submitted by the parties.

- Make LSN records available and searchable for the NRC staff and public in a new LSN Library database.

Page 13 of 114


Page 14 of 114

Introduction of LSN Reconstitution/Replacement Options Paper Margie Janney Acting LSN Administrator Page 15 of 114

Underlying Assumptions

  • Options will require modifications to or exemptions from parts of 10 C.F.R. Part 2, Subpart J
  • ASLBP LSNA appointed to oversee design, implementation, and operation
  • Hardware and software components that constituted the NRC portion of original LSN no longer available or supported
  • Original LSN Guidelines to be updated by the LSNA, with the LSNARP, to provide technical guidance on the operation
  • Reconstituted or replacement LSN needs to remain in operation through any judicial appellate proceedings following the receive and possess licensing proceeding
  • Participants 2011 bibliographic information still associated with each header and document
  • Original LSN accession number can be used to find headers and documents in the public ADAMS LSN Library Page 16 of 114

Document Sizing Responses

  • Inyo County = ~ 50 documents, no header only entries
  • NEI = 100 to 500 documents, no header only entries
  • State of Nevada = 1,000+ documents

- Additional license application work and new contentions will influence the amount of new material

  • NRC = 1,000 to 2,000 new documents, 1% header only

- Significant uncertainties as to resumption of adjudication may impact estimate

  • Nye County = 200 to 300 documents, 5% header only entries Page 17 of 114

General Objective of the Paper

  • Outlines possible IT system options for the replacement of the original LSN
  • Each option discussion includes

- IT system implementation cost estimate

- IT system implementation time estimate

- IT system implementation risks and challenges

- IT system implementation pros/cons

  • Cost and time estimates were based on available information and intended to provide a comparison between options Page 18 of 114

High Level Overview

  • Option 1 - Traditional Discovery

- Existing public ADAMS LSN library used to access previously submitted documentary material

- New material exchanged amongst the parties

  • Option 2 - Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library

- Uses the already developed existing public ADAMS LSN library

- Intake/modification processes would be developed using the EIE or a semiautomated process for new material

  • Option 3 - Move to the Cloud

- Previously submitted material moved from the existing public ADAMS LSN library to a cloudbased system

- Intake/modification process moved to a cloudbased system for new material

  • Option 4 - Rebuild the Original LSN Page 19 of 114

High Level Overview, contd.

  • Appendix A provides a list of original LSN functional requirements that

- Couldnt be met by one or more of the options

- Would need to be modified

- Appendix A does not include original LSN functional requirements that

  • Are not IT system related
  • Are currently provided by other systems
  • Have been overtaken by events
  • Appendix B describes the risk factors that were considered for each option
  • Appendix C lists proposed new functional requirements
  • Appendix D is an options summary table Page 20 of 114


Page 21 of 114

E-Filing and the Electronic Hearing Docket Russell Chazell Assistant for Rulemakings and Adjudications FACA Committee Management Officer Office of the Secretary Page 22 of 114

Office of the Secretary (SECY)

  • To facilitate electronic filing of HLW documents, the Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) and Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD) systems were developed and implemented.
  • These systems are currently used for submission of adjudicatory documents.

Page 23 of 114

EFiling and the Electronic Hearing Docket

  • Documents are filed using the NRCs Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) at Page 25 of 114 Page 26 of 114

EFiling and the Electronic Hearing Docket

  • A digital certificate is needed to access the application.

Adjudicatory Submissions - Obtain a Digital Certificate Page 28 of 114

External Credential Service Page 29 of 114

Apply Now Page 30 of 114

Level 1 Credentialing Page 31 of 114

Digital Credential Request Page 32 of 114

Adjudicatory Submissions Page 33 of 114

Adjudicatory Submissions Page 34 of 114

Electronic Information Exchange Page 35 of 114

EIE Adjudicatory Main Page Page 36 of 114

Public Submission Page 37 of 114

Proceeding Selection Page 38 of 114

Proceeding Selection, contd.

Page 39 of 114

Adjudicatory Submission Form Page 40 of 114

Adjudicatory Submission Form Page 41 of 114

Adjudicatory Submission Form Page 42 of 114

Adjudicatory Submission Form Page 43 of 114

Adjudicatory Submission Form Page 44 of 114

Adjudicatory Submission Form Page 45 of 114

EFiling and the Electronic Hearing Docket

  • Adjudicatory documents are housed in the Electronic Hearing Docket (EHD)

- The EHD can be accessed at

- The EHD can also be accessed from the main webpage under NRC Library, then Electronic Hearing Docket, then about 2/3 of the way down the page, Access the Electronic Hearing Docket

  • Documentary materials are housed in the Licensing Support Network (LSN)

Page 46 of 114 Page 47 of 114

Access the Electronic Hearing Docket Page 48 of 114

Access the Electronic Hearing Docket Page 49 of 114

Access the Electronic Hearing Docket Page 50 of 114

Electronic Hearing Docket Page 51 of 114

EIE/EHD Usage Guidance

  • The Adjudicatory Submissions User's Guide
  • describes the process for obtaining a digital
  • The operating hours of the EFiling Help Desk are 9AM to 6PM (Eastern) Monday through Friday (except for Federal holidays). The Help Desk can be reached at 866 6727640.

Page 52 of 114


Russell Chazell Brian Newell 301-415-7469 301-415-4659 Page 53 of 114

Exhibit Submission Gap Andy Welkie IT Specialist Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Page 54 of 114

Exhibit Submission Background

  • Exhibits are documents or objects offered as evidence to support written or oral testimony
  • 10 C.F.R. § 2.1001 Definitions.

- LSN is ... the combined system that makes documentary material available electronically to parties...

- Electronic docket is ... the NRC information system that receives, distributes, stores, and retrieves the Commission's adjudicatory docket materials. (i.e. EIE and EHD)

  • 10 C.F.R. § 2.1013 Use of the electronic docket during the proceeding.

- (b) Absent good cause, all exhibits tendered during the hearing must have been made available to the parties in electronic form before the commencement of that portion of the hearing in which the exhibit will be offered.

  • 10 C.F.R. § 2.304 Prefiled written testimony and exhibits.

- (g)... the written testimony of each individual witness or witness panel and each individual exhibit shall be submitted as an individual electronic file.

Page 55 of 114

Exhibit Submission Gap

  • High percentage of evidentiary material likely exists in the LSN with no automated mechanism to submit a document as an exhibit directly from the LSN to the Electronic Hearing Docket
  • Reentry of existing bibliographic information would be required resulting in higher labor effort and potential data entry errors
  • Potentially significant participant labor effort to download documents from the LSN and submit through the Electronic Information Exchange Page 56 of 114

Process to File an LSN Document as an Exhibit (If the Proceeding had Continued in 2011)

1. Find the document(s) in the LSN
2. Download the document(s) and either

- Use the entire document

- Extract parts of the document

3. Place an exhibit number on each document
4. Log in to the Electronic Information Exchange
5. Fill out information regarding the exhibit
6. Submit each exhibit (100 MB aggregate file size limit per submission)
7. Receive a confirmation email that the submission was successful
8. Add the exhibit(s) to an exhibit list and submit the exhibits list per Board instructions Page 57 of 114

Potential Gap Closure Process to File an LSN Document as an Exhibit (If the Proceeding were to Resume)

1. Find the document(s) in the reconstituted/replacement LSN system
2. Add the document(s) to an exhibit cart by a tobedetermined selection method
3. For each document listed in the cart

- Specify full document or specific pages

- Provide an exhibit number

4. Submit the exhibit cart (Each exhibit would have a systemgenerated cover sheet added that included party exhibit number, LSN accession number, title (from LSN header), etc.)
5. Receive a confirmation email that the documents in the cart were submitted
6. Download an exhibit list based on documents submitted from the exhibit cart Page 58 of 114


  • Only for publically available documents contained in a reconstituted/replacement LSN system
  • Headeronly documents would be filed separately (likely as a nonpublic exhibit or physical exhibit)
  • NonLSN documents would be filed separately (e.g. prefiled testimony or other nondiscovery material)

Page 59 of 114

Options Applicability

  • A possible capability for

- Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library

  • Alternative One EIE System Modification
  • Alternative Two SemiManual Process

- Option 3 Move to the Cloud

  • Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System
  • Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System with NRC Maintained Search Index

- Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN

  • Unlikely for

- Option 1 Traditional Discovery (unless decision made to enhance the public ADAMS LSN Library)

- Option 3 Move to the Cloud

  • Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System with Participant Maintained Search Index Page 60 of 114


Page 61 of 114

Option 1 Traditional Discovery Paul Bollwerk, Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Page 62 of 114


  • For Restarted Adjudication, a Principal Concern Will Be Ensuring Suitable Participant Access to Both Existing and New Documentary Material
  • To Address This Concern

- Is an Entirely New LSNlike Electronic System Necessary for All Materials

- or

- Will Traditional Discovery Methods Be Sufficient for New Documentary Material?

Page 63 of 114

Traditional Discovery Process (Background)

  • 10 C.F.R. § 2.336 Details Document Discovery Procedures
  • Requires Initial and Subsequent Periodic Document Disclosures
  • Participants Must Provide a Copy or Description, by Category and Location, of Each Relevant Document
  • Generally Implemented by Electronic Hearing Docket Filing of Document Lists, with Document Distribution Governed by Participantestablished Protocols Page 64 of 114

Option Assumptions

  • Hearing Participants Will Have a Small Volume of New Discovery Material
  • NRC Will Continue to Maintain the Public LSN Library for Existing Documentary Material Page 65 of 114

General Description

  • Public LSN Library Remains Source for Documentary Material Identified Prior to Adjudications Suspension
  • New Documentary Material Would Be Exchanged/Made Available to Adjudication Participants Via Traditional Discovery Methods Page 66 of 114

Cost and Time Estimate

  • Option Does Not Involve Implementation of New Information Technology System, So No Significant Additional Implementation Time or Cost Is Required Page 67 of 114

Implementation Risk Factor Score Option Risk Score Range: (6 - 54)

Option 1 Traditional Discovery Not Applicable Risk Factors: Acquisition, Technical Complexity, Technical Obsolescence, IT Policy, Technical Expertise, Standardization Page 68 of 114

Pros/Cons Pros Cons Immediate implementation Members of the public may not have access to new documentary material No/low implementation costs HLW hearing participants would be required to distribute new documentary material to multiple other HLW hearing participants Any new documentary material would not be searchable electronically using a centralized search system New documentary material would lack a consistent/uniform numbering system No ability to modify or delete existing headers/documents currently available electronically in the Public LSN Library Page 69 of 114

Rank Summary Option Cost Time Risk Pros/Cons Total Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 1 1 7 10 Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library / Alternative One EIE System 4 4 2 1 11 Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN 3 3 2 2 10 Library / Alternative Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 5 5 4 6 20 Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (a)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 5 6 7 4 22 with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (b)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 2 2 5 4 13 with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 7 7 6 3 23 Page 70 of 114


Page 71 of 114

Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library KG Golshan, Branch Chief Office of the Chief Information Officer Business Application Delivery Branch Page 72 of 114

Option Assumptions

  • For Alternative One EIE System Modification

- The total number of header/document actions will average more than 1000 per month for the duration of the HLW proceeding

  • NRC will be the custodian of all discovery documents in the LSN for federal record keeping purposes Page 73 of 114

General Description

  • Two Alternatives

- Alternative One leverages the EIE System

- Alternative Two SemiManual Process

  • Both Alternatives

- Use the existing Public ADAMS LSN Library

- No substantive changes made to the Public ADAMS LSN Library

- Modifications and deletions are reflected in system generated list made available on the Public ADAMS LSN Library home page.

Page 74 of 114

Key Difference Between Alternatives

  • Alternative One EIE System Modification

- Additions, deletions and modifications are initiated by using the EIE system

  • Alternative Two SemiManual Process

- Additions, deletions and modifications are initiated by the submission of a CD/DVD Page 75 of 114

Cost and Time Estimate

  • Alternative One EIE System Modification

- Cost estimate Cost Rank : 4

  • Initial cost: $900K $1,525K Time Rank : 4
  • Annual Recurring cost: $800K $1,500K

- Time estimate: Between 8 and 15 months

  • Alternative Two SemiManual Process

- Cost estimate Cost Rank : 3

  • Initial cost: $600K $1,100K Time Rank : 3
  • Annual Recurring cost: $800K $1,500K

- Time estimate: Between 7 and 12 months Page 76 of 114

Implementation Risk Factor Score Option Risk Score Range: (6 - 54)

Alternative One EIE System Modification 15 Alternative Two SemiManual Process 15 Risk factors Acquisition, Technical Complexity, Technical Obsolescence, IT Policy, Technical Expertise, Standardization Page 77 of 114

Common Pros/Cons Pros Cons Relatively quick implementation Additional costs associated with federal records responsibility for new headers/documents Centralizes and a single repository NRC will maintain the collections, but additional steps required for participants to make additions, deletions and/or to their collections Leverages the current NRC investments Continues standardization of LSN accession numbering scheme Robust search engine built on IBM Watson Automated audit capabilities available for the entire collection Page 78 of 114

Unique Pros/Cons

  • Alternative One EIE System Modification Pros Cons Allows for quick processing of large Aggregate size of all headers/documents in a volumes of documents submission cannot exceed 100 megabytes
  • Alternative Two SemiManual Process Pros Cons No submission size restrictions Partial manual process with potential processing delays for large volumes of headers/documents Page 79 of 114

Rank Summary Option Cost Time Risk Pros/Cons Total Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 1 1 7 10 Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library / Alternative One EIE System 4 4 2 1 11 Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN 3 3 2 2 10 Library / Alternative Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 5 5 4 6 20 Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (a)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 5 6 7 4 22 with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (b)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 2 2 5 4 13 with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 7 7 6 3 23 Page 80 of 114


Page 81 of 114

Option 3 Move to the Cloud KG Golshan, Branch Chief Office of the Chief Information Officer Business Application Delivery Branch Page 82 of 114

Option Assumptions

  • NRC will decommission Public ADAMS LSN Library

- Current copies of public LSN records will remain in possession of NRC for Federal records keeping purposes

  • Any cloudbased solution provider must follow the guidelines set by Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program and shall be (FEDRamp) certified.

Page 83 of 114

General Description

  • Two Alternatives

- Alternative One NRCMaintained CloudBased System

- Alternative Two HLW ParticipantMaintained Cloud Based System a) NRCProvided Search Portal b) NRCMaintained Web Page of Participant Links

  • Both Alternatives

- Move the headers/documents from the Public ADAMS LSN Library to cloudbased storage

- Indexing, searching, and retrieval systems are cloud based Page 84 of 114

Key Differences Between Alternatives

  • Alternative One - NRCMaintained CloudBased System

- NRC manages cloudbased repository

- The processes for additions, modifications, and deletions described in Option 2 (Use of the Existing LSN Library)

- Alternative Two HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased Storage or System a) NRCProvided Search Portal

  • Participants manage their own cloudbased repository/collection
  • NRC manages a centralized search engine (similar to original LSN)
  • Participants manage process for additions, modifications, and deletions b) NRCMaintained Web Page of Participant Links
  • Participants manage their own cloudbased repository
  • No centralized search engine
  • Participants manage process for additions, modifications, and deletions Page 85 of 114

Cost and Time Estimate

  • Alternative One - NRCMaintained CloudBased System Cost Rank : 5

- Cost estimate (System Development) Time Rank : 5

  • Initial cost: $1,200K $1,950K
  • Annual Recurring cost: $1,100K $1,750K

- Time estimate: Between 22 and 38 months Page 86 of 114

Cost and Time Estimate, contd

  • Alternative Two HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System a) NRCProvided Search Portal System Development (NRC Search Portal)

Cost Rank : 5 Initial cost: $1,200K $2,000K Time Rank : 6 Annual Recurring cost: $600K $1,100K Time estimate: Between 24 an 42 months NRC Staff Collection (as a Participant)

Initial cost: $350K $600K Annual Recurring cost: $525K $900K Time estimate: Between 16 and 28 months NonNRC Staff HLW Participant Collections Time estimates are undetermined Initial cost: Undetermined as each participant may have Annual Recurring cost: Undetermined different IT policies in place for the Time estimate: Undetermined procurement and implementation of an IT solution Page 87 of 114

Cost and Time Estimate, contd

  • Alternative Two HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System b) NRCMaintained Web Page of Participant Links System Development (NRC Link Page)

Cost Rank : 2 Initial cost: $400K $675K Time Rank : 2 Annual Recurring cost: $250K $425K Time estimate: Between 4 and 7 months NRC Staff Collection (as a Participant)

Initial cost: $350K $600K Annual Recurring cost: $525K $900K Time estimate: Between 16 and 28 months NonNRC Staff HLW Participant Collections Time estimates are undetermined Initial cost: Undetermined as each participant may have Annual Recurring cost: Undetermined different IT policies in place for the Time estimate: Undetermined procurement and implementation of an IT solution Page 88 of 114

Implementation Risk Factor Score Option Risk Score (Range: 6 - 54)

Alternative One NRCMaintained CloudBased System 23 Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained Cloud Based System with NRCProvided Search Portal 29 Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained Cloud Based System with NRCMaintained Web Page of 29 Participant Links Risk factors Acquisition, Technical Complexity, Technical Obsolescence, IT Policy, Technical Expertise, Standardization Page 89 of 114

Common Pros/Cons Pros Cons Leverages current efficiency scalability cloud Close coordination with all parties may be time Takes advantage of existing Internet search and consuming.

other cloud resources Allows for prompt processing of large volumes of documents Page 90 of 114

Unique Pros/Cons

  • Alternative One NRCMaintained CloudBased System Pros Cons Continues standardization of LSN accession Complexity of implementation numbering scheme Locates documentary material in a single Cost of developing centralized cloudbased repository search portal Automated audit capabilities available for the Additional costs associated with federal records entire collection responsibility for new headers/documents Rudimentary search capability, depending on the cloud offering Document header information may not be viewable Parties are required to keep their collections up todate in the cloud Page 91 of 114

Unique Pros/Cons, contd

  • Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System with NRCProvided Search Portal Pros Cons Mimics original LSN concept and intent as Complexity and uncertainty of implementation decentralized, including cost shared by parties Continues standardization of LSN accession Rudimentary search capability numbering scheme No NRC records responsibility for new Document header information may not be headers/documents viewable Possibly a simpler process for a participant to No automated audit capabilities for the entire make additions, modifications, or deletions to its collection collection Page 92 of 114

Unique Pros/Cons, contd

  • Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System with NRCMaintained Web Page of Participant Links Pros Cons Simplified approach to maintenance of No consolidated search capability header/document collections No NRC records responsibility for new Document header information may not be headers/documents viewable Simpler process for a participant to make No standardization of LSN accession numbering additions, modifications, or deletions to its scheme collection No automated audit capabilities for the entire collection Page 93 of 114

Rank Summary Option Cost Time Risk Pros/Cons Total Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 1 1 7 10 Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library / Alternative One EIE System 4 4 2 1 11 Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN 3 3 2 2 10 Library / Alternative Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 5 5 4 6 20 Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (a)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 5 6 7 4 22 with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (b)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 2 2 5 4 13 with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 7 7 6 3 23 Page 94 of 114


Page 95 of 114

Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN Margie Janney Acting LSN Administrator Page 96 of 114


  • Basis for development is Project Definition and Analysis Document for the LSN
  • Participant web sites will be crawled by the LSN

- Copies of those records will remain in possession of NRC for Federal records management purposes Page 97 of 114

General Description

  • Distributed system like Google
  • 3 major functions:

- Auditing

- Indexing

- Searching & retrieving

  • 5 major subsystems

- Fetch participant documents and headers

- Audit participant sites

- Search LSN content

- Administer LSN

- Access LSN web site Page 98 of 114

General Depiction Page 99 of 114

Search and Retrieval

  • NRC provides search interface
  • Searches NRCmaintained index of participants headers documents
  • Search interface redirects user to the participants collection to present the document for viewing.

Page 100 of 114

Cost and Time Estimates

  • Rebuild the Original LSN

- System Development

  • Initial cost: Between $2,600K $4,400K
  • Recurring cost: Between $850K $1,500K
  • Time estimate: Between 30 and 42 months

- Each HLW Participant Collection (Including the NRC Staff)

  • Initial cost: Undetermined
  • Recurring cost: Undetermined
  • Time estimate: Undetermined Page 101 of 114

Implementation Risk Factor Score Option Risk Score Range: (6 - 54)

Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 31 Risk Factors: Acquisition, Technical Complexity, Technical Obsolescence, IT Policy, Technical Expertise, Standardization Page 102 of 114

Implementation Risk Factor Score Impact on Likelihood of Risk Scores Risk Factor Option Occurrence (Impact x Likelihood)

Acquisition High (3) High (3) 9 Technical Complexity Moderate (2) Moderate (2) 4 Technical Obsolescence Moderate (2) Moderate (2) 4 IT Policy High (3) High (3) 9 Technical Expertise Moderate (2) Moderate (2) 4 Standardization Low (1) Low (1) 1 Total Score 31 Page 103 of 114

g Pros/Cons Pros Cons Simpler process for a participant to Extended implementation make additions, modifications, or deletions to its collection Continues standardization of LSN High cost accession numbering scheme Robust search engine Conflicts with Federal IT policy Allows for prompt processing of large volumes of documents Page 104 of 114

Rank Summary Option Cost Time Risk Pros/Cons Total Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 1 1 7 10 Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library / Alternative One EIE System 4 4 2 1 11 Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN 3 3 2 2 10 Library / Alternative Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 5 5 4 6 20 Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (a)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 5 6 7 4 22 with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (b)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 2 2 5 4 13 with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 7 7 6 3 23 Page 105 of 114


Page 106 of 114

Replacement/Reconstituted LSN Options Summary Margie Janney Acting LSN Administrator Page 107 of 114

Recap High Level Overview

  • Option 1 - Traditional Discovery

- Existing public ADAMS LSN library used to access previously submitted documentary material

- New material exchanged among the parties using traditional discovery methods

  • Option 2 - Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library

- Uses the already developed existing public ADAMS LSN library

- Intake/modification processes would be developed using the EIE or a semi manual process

  • Option 3 - Move to the Cloud

- Previously submitted material moved from the existing public ADAMS LSN library to a cloudbased system

- Intake/modification process moved to a cloudbased system for new material

  • Option 4 - Rebuild the Original LSN Page 108 of 114

Cost Estimate Comparison System NRC Staff NonNRC Staff Option Rank Development (as a participant) Participant Annual Annual Annual Initial Initial Initial Recurring Recurring Recurring Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 N/A* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library $900K $800K 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A Alternative One EIE System Modification $1,525K $1,500K Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library $600K $800K 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Alternative Two SemiManual Process $1,100K $1,500K Option 3 Move to the Cloud

$1,200K $1,100K Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A

$1,950K $1,750K System Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained $1,200K $600K $350K $525K 5 Unknown Unknown CloudBased System with NRC Maintained Search $2,000K $1,100K $600K $900K Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained $400K $250K $350K $525K 2 Unknown Unknown CloudBased System with Participant Maintained $675K $425K $600K $900K Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN $2,600K $850K 7 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

$4,400K $1,500K

  • N/A indicates there are no applicable IT System development, implementation, or maintenance costs.

Page 109 of 114

Time Estimate Comparison System NRC Staff NonNRC Staff Option Rank Development (as a participant) Participant Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 N/A N/A N/A Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library 8 Months to 4 N/A N/A Alternative One EIE System Modification 15 Months Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library 7 Months to 3 N/A N/A Alternative Two SemiManual Process 12 Months Option 3 Move to the Cloud 22 Months to Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 5 N/A N/A 38 Months Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained 24 Months to 16 Months to 6 Undetermined CloudBased System with NRC Maintained Search Index 42 Months 28 Months Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained 4 Months to 16 Months to 2 Undetermined CloudBased System with Participant Maintained 7 Months 28 Months Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 30 Months to 7 Undetermined Undetermined 52 Months

  • N/A indicates there is time required for IT System development, implementation, or maintenance.

Page 110 of 114

Risk Score Comparison Risk Score Option Rank (Impact x Likelihood)

Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 Not Applicable Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library Alternative 2 15 One EIE System Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library Alternative 2 15 Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 4 23 Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased 7 37 System with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased 5 29 System with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 6 31 Page 111 of 114

Pros/Cons Comparison Option Rank Pros/Cons*

Option 1 Traditional Discovery 7 3 Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library 1 4 Alternative One EIE System Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library 2 3 Alternative Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 6 0 Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (a) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased 4 2 System with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud Alternative Two (b) HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased 4 2 System with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 3 1

  • Numeric score for system benefit determined by subtracting the number of Cons from the number of Pros.

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Rank Summary Option Cost Time Risk Pros/Cons Total Option 1 Traditional Discovery 1 1 1 7 10 Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN Library / Alternative One EIE System 4 4 2 1 11 Modification Option 2 Use of Existing Public ADAMS LSN 3 3 2 2 10 Library / Alternative Two SemiManual Process Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative One NRC Maintained CloudBased System 5 5 4 6 20 Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (a)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 5 6 7 4 22 with NRC Maintained Search Index Option 3 Move to the Cloud / Alternative Two (b)

HLW ParticipantMaintained CloudBased System 2 2 5 4 13 with Participant Maintained Search Index Option 4 Rebuild the Original LSN 7 7 6 3 23 Page 113 of 114


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