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Presentation: NRC 10 CFR 61 Update on Low-Level Waste Management
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/05/2018
From: Chris Mckenney
Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Download: ML18029A821 (10)


NRC 10 CFR 61 Update on Low-Level Waste Management 2018 Health Physics Society Midyear Meeting

& Exhibition February 5, 2018 Denver, Colorado Christepher McKenney, Chief, Performance Assessment Branch Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs (DUWP)

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)

10 CFR Part 61 Rulemaking 2

Why Are We Revising 10 CFR Part 61?

To require low-level waste disposal licensees or license applicants to ensure that low-level waste streams that are significantly different from the low-level waste streams considered in the current Part 61 regulatory basis can be disposed of safely 3

Recent Commission Direction to Staff

  • The staff received direction from the Commission in Staff Requirements - SECY-16-0106 - Final Rule: Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (10 CFR PART 61).
  • The Commission directed the staff to make substantive revisions and republish it as a supplemental proposed rule.
  • Specifically, the Commission directed the staff to:

- 1) Reinstate the use of a case-by-case basis (i.e., "grandfather provision") for applying new requirements;

- 2) Reinstate the 1,000 year compliance period from the proposed rule and adopt a longer period of performance assessment;

- 3) Clarify that the safety case consists of the quantitative performance assessment, as supplemented by consideration of defense-in-depth measures; and 4

Recent Commission Direction to Staff (cont.)

  • Specifically, the Commission directed the staff to:

- 4) Modify the text addressing defense-in-depth to solely providing additional assurance in mitigating the effects of large uncertainties; and

- 5) Be informed by broader and more fully integrated, costs and benefits resulting from the proposed rule changes, including pass-through costs to waste generators and processors.

  • Issued Federal Register Notice (82 FR 48283) on October 17, 2017 requesting public input
  • Had public meeting on October 19, 2017
  • Staff is evaluating these comments 5

Planned Amendments to 10 CFR Part 61

  • Adds requirement for site-specific analyses
  • Introduces a compliance period of 1,000 years for traditional low-level waste
  • Adds an analysis for long-lived low-level waste for a post-1,000-year performance period
  • Allows flexibility for Agreement States to analyze longer timeframes
  • Stresses the use of defense-in-depth to mitigate uncertainties in technical analyses
  • Restores grandfathering provision 6

Next Steps

  • Staff is developing revised rule language
  • Staff will present supplemental proposed rule to Commission
  • Staff will issue supplemental proposed rule for 90-day comment period
  • Staff will consider comments and develop draft final rule for Commissions consideration 7
