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Letter to W. Cox North Carolina Impep Scheduling Letter and Questionnaire for March 2018
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/02/2018
From: Lance Rakovan
To: Cox W
State of NC, Dept of Health & Human Services
Rakovan L
Download: ML18002A498 (20)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 January 2, 2018 W. Lee Cox, Chief Radiation Protection Section Division of Health Service Regulation 5505 Creedmoor Road, 1st Floor Raleigh, NC 27612

Dear Mr. Cox:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) uses the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) for the evaluation of Agreement State programs. I will be the team leader for the IMPEP review of the North Carolina Agreement State Program scheduled for March 5 - 9, 2018. The review team will include Monica Ford, NRC Region I, Jackie Cook, NRC Region IV, Celimar Valentin Rodriguez, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, and Jack Tway, State of New Jersey.

Enclosed is the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Questionnaire. I ask that you send your responses via e-mail to by February 23, 2018. I encourage you to use electronic documents and provide them in advance of the review to the extent possible, to allow team members to better prepare for the onsite review.

Also included with the questionnaire is the document Materials Requested to Be Available for the On-Site Portion of an IMPEP Review. We encourage States to have the items listed prepared prior to the IMPEP teams arrival.

I request that you set up an appointment with the appropriate State Senior Managers to discuss the results of the IMPEP review of the North Carolina Agreement State Program on March 9, 2018.

If you have any questions, please call me at 301-415-2589.



Lance J. Rakovan, Senior Health Physicist Agreement States Programs Branch Division of Material, Safety, State, Tribal and Rulemaking Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


2018 IMPEP Questionnaire


North Carolina FY18 IMPEP Scheduling Letter and Questionnaire Distribution:

LRoldan-Oterro, MSTR/ASPB PMichalak, MSTR/ASPB MFord, RI/RSAO JCook, RIV CValentin Rodriguez, NMSS JTway, NJ ML18002A498 OFFICE NMSS/MSTR/ASPB NAME LRakovan DATE 01/02/18 OFFICIAL COPY

Approved by OMB1 Control No. 3150-0183 Expires 01/31/2020 INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Reporting Period: March 8, 2013 thru March 9, 2018 Note: If there has been no change in the response to a specific question since the last IMPEP questionnaire, the State or Region may copy the previous answer, if appropriate.




Please prepare a summary of the status of the State's or Region's actions taken in response to each of the open recommendations from previous IMPEP reviews.



Technical Staffing and Training


Please provide the following organization charts, including names and positions:


A chart showing positions from the Governor down to the Radiation Control Program Director; (b)

A chart showing positions of the radiation control program, including management; and (c)

Equivalent charts for sealed source and device evaluation, low-level radioactive waste and uranium recovery programs, if applicable.


Please provide a staffing plan, or complete a listing using the suggested format below, of the professional (technical) full-time equivalents (FTE) applied to the radioactive materials program by individual. Include the name, position, and, for Agreement States, the fraction of time spent in the following areas: administration, materials licensing &

compliance, emergency response, low-level radioactive waste, uranium recovery, other.

If these regulatory responsibilities are divided between offices, the table should be consolidated to include all personnel contributing to the radioactive materials program.

If consultants were used to carry out the program's radioactive materials responsibilities, include their efforts. The table heading should be:

Name Position Area of Effort FTE%

1Estimated burden per response to comply with this voluntary collection request: 53 hours6.134259e-4 days <br />0.0147 hours <br />8.763227e-5 weeks <br />2.01665e-5 months <br />. Forward comments regarding burden estimate to the Records Management Branch (T-5 F52), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, and to the Paperwork Reduction Project (3150-0183), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. If an information collection does not display a currently valid OMB control number, NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the information collection.


Please provide a listing of all new professional personnel hired into your radioactive materials program since the last review, indicate the date of hire; the degree(s) they received, if applicable; additional training; and years of experience in health physics or other disciplines, as appropriate.


Please list all professional staff who have not yet met the qualification requirements for a radioactive materials license reviewer or inspector. For each, list the courses or equivalent training/experience they need and a tentative schedule for completion of these requirements.


Identify any changes to your qualification and training procedure that occurred during the review period.


Please identify the technical staff that left your radioactive materials program during the review period and indicate the date they left.


List any vacant positions in your radioactive materials program, the length of time each position has been vacant, and a brief summary of efforts to fill the vacancy.


For Agreement States, does your program have an oversight board or committee which provides direction to the program and is composed of licensees and/or members of the public? If so, please describe the procedures used to avoid any potential conflict of interest.


Status of Materials Inspection Program


Please identify individual licensees or categories of licensees the State is inspecting less frequently than called for in NRCs Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2800 and explain the reason for the difference. The list only needs to include the following information:

license category or licensee name and license number, your inspection interval, and rationale for the difference.


Please provide the number of routine inspections of Priority 1, 2, and 3 licensees, as defined in IMC 2800 and the number of initial inspections that were completed during each year of the review period.


Please submit a table, or a computer printout, that identifies inspections of Priority 1, 2, and 3 licensees and initial inspections that were conducted overdue.

At a minimum, the list should include the following information for each inspection that was conducted overdue during the review period:

(1) Licensee Name (2) License Number (3) Priority (IMC 2800)

(4) Last inspection date or license issuance date, if initial inspection (5) Date Due (6) Date Performed (7) Amount of Time Overdue (8) Date inspection findings issued


Please submit a table or computer printout that identifies any Priority 1, 2, and 3 licensees and initial inspections that are currently overdue, per IMC 2800. At a

minimum, the list should include the same information for each overdue inspection provided for Question 12 plus your action plan for completing the inspection. Also include your plan for completing the overdue inspections.


Please provide the number of reciprocity licensees that were candidates for inspection per year as described in IMC 1220 and indicate the number of reciprocity inspections of candidate licensees that were completed each year during the review period.


Technical Quality of Inspections


What, if any, changes were made to your written inspection procedures during the reporting period?


Prepare a table showing the number and types of supervisory accompaniments made during the review period. Include:

Inspector Supervisor License Category Date


Describe or provide an update on your instrumentation, methods of calibration, and laboratory capabilities. Are all instruments properly calibrated at the present time? Were there sufficient calibrated instruments available throughout the review period?


Technical Quality of Licensing Actions


How many specific radioactive material licenses does your program regulate at this time?


Please identify any major, unusual, or complex licenses which were issued, received a major amendment, were terminated, decommissioned, submitted a bankruptcy notification or renewed in this period.


Discuss any variances in licensing policies and procedures or exemptions from the regulations granted during the review period.


What, if any, changes were made in your written licensing procedures (new procedures, updates, policy memoranda, etc.) during the reporting period?


Identify by licensee name and license number any renewal applications that have been pending for one year or more. Please indicate why these reviews have been delayed and describe your action plan to reduce the backlog.


Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities


For Agreement States, please provide a list of any reportable incidents not previously submitted to NRC (See Procedure SA-300, Reporting Material Events, for additional guidance, OMB clearance number 3150-0178). The list should be in the following format:

Licensee Name License #

Date of Incident/Report Type of Incident


Identify any changes to your procedures for responding to incidents and allegations that occurred during the period of this review.



Compatibility Requirements


Please list all currently effective legislation that affects the radiation control program.

Denote any legislation that was enacted or amended during the review period.


Are your regulations subject to a "Sunset" or equivalent law? If so, explain and include the next expiration date for your regulations.


Please review and verify that the information in the enclosed State Regulation Status (SRS) sheet is correct. For those regulations that have not been adopted by the State, explain why they were not adopted, and discuss actions being taken to adopt them. If legally binding requirements were used in lieu of regulations and they have not been reviewed by NRC for compatibility, please describe their use.


If you have not adopted all amendments within three years from the date of NRC rule promulgation, briefly describe your State's procedures for amending regulations in order to maintain compatibility with the NRC, showing the normal length of time anticipated to complete each step.


Sealed Source and Device (SS&D) Evaluation Program


Prepare a table listing new and amended (including transfers to inactive status) SS&D registrations of sources and devices issued during the review period. The table heading should be:

SS&D Manufacturer, Registry Distributor or Product Type Date Type of Number Custom User or Use Issued Action


Please include information on the following questions in Section A, as they apply to the SS&D Program:

Technical Staffing and Training - Questions 2-9 Technical Quality of Licensing Actions - Questions 18-22 Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities - Questions 23-24 III.

Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Program


Please include information on the following questions in Section A, as they apply to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Program:

Technical Staffing and Training - Questions 2-9 Status of Materials Inspection Program - Questions 10-14 Technical Quality of Inspections - Questions 15-17 Technical Quality of Licensing Actions - Questions 18-22 Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities - Questions 23-24


Uranium Recovery Program


Please include information on the following questions in Section A, as they apply to the Uranium Recovery Program:

Technical Staffing and Training - Questions 2-9 Status of Materials Inspection Program - Questions 10-14 Technical Quality of Inspections - Questions 15-17 Technical Quality of Licensing Actions - Questions 18-22 Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities - Questions 23-24

MATERIALS REQUESTED TO BE AVAILABLE FOR THE ON-SITE PORTION OF AN IMPEP REVIEW Please have the following information available for use by the IMPEP review team when they arrive at your office:

List of open license cases, with date of original request, and dates of follow-up actions.

List of licenses terminated during review period.

Copy of current log or other document used to track licensing actions.

List of all licensing actions completed during the review period (sorted by license reviewer, if possible).

Copy of current log or other document used to track inspections.

List of all inspections completed during the review period (sorted by inspector, if possible).

List of inspection frequencies by license type.

List of all allegations occurring during the review period. Show whether the allegation is open or closed and whether it was referred by NRC.

List of all licenses that your agency has imposed additional security requirements upon.


All State regulations Statutes affecting the regulatory authority of the State program Standard license conditions Technical procedures for licensing, model licenses, review guides SS&D review procedures, guides, and standards Instrument calibration records Inspection procedures and guides Inspection report forms Documented training plan, if applicable Records of results of supervisory accompaniments of inspectors Emergency plan and communications list Procedures for investigating allegations Procedures for investigating incidents Enforcement procedures, including procedures for escalated enforcement, severity levels, civil penalties (as applicable)

Job descriptions

STATE REGULATION STATUS State: North Carolina Tracking Ticket Number:

Date: 01/02/2018

[ # amendment(s) reviewed identified by a

  • at the beginning of the equivalent NRC requirement.]

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 1991-1 Safety Requirements for Radiographic Equipment Part 34 55 FR 843 (Superceded by 1997-5) 01/10/1994 Final No Comments 8/18/00 North Carolina has adopted Final Regulations equivalent to RATS ID:


1991-2 ASNT Certification of Radiographers Part 34 56 FR 11504 (Superceded by 1997-5) none Not Required Not Required North Carolina has adopted Final Regulations equivalent to RATS ID:


1991-3 Standards for Protection Against Radiation Part 20 56 FR 23360; 56 FR 61352; 57 FR 38588; 57 FR 57877; 58 FR 67657; 59 FR 41641; 60 FR 20183 01/01/1994 Final No Comments 10/25/1995 1991-4 Notification of Incidents Parts 20, 30, 31, 34, 39, 40, 70 56 FR 64980 10/15/1994 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1992-1 Quality Management Program and Misadministrations Part 35 56 FR 34104 (Superceded by 2002-2) 01/27/1995 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 North Carolina has not yet adopted Final Regulations equivalent to RATS ID: 2002-2.

1992-2 Eliminating the Recordkeeping Requirements for Departures from Manufacturer's Instructions Parts 30, 35 57 FR 45566 none Not Required Not Required These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility.

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 1993-1 Decommissioning Recordkeeping and License Termination: Documentation Additions [Restricted areas and spill sites]

Parts 30, 40 58 FR 39628 10/25/1996 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1993-2 Licensing and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators Part 36 58 FR 7715 07/01/1996 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1993-3 Definition of Land Disposal and Waste Site QA Program Part 61 58 FR 33886 07/22/1996 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1994-1 Self-Guarantee as an Additional Financial Mechanism Parts 30, 40, 70 58 FR 68726; 59 FR 1618 none Final No Comments 08/18/2000 These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility.

1994-2 Uranium Mill Tailings Regulations: Conforming NRC Requirements to EPA Standards Part 40 59 FR 28220 07/01/1997 Not Applicable Not Applicable North Carolina does not have authority to regulate this material under its Agreement.

1994-3 Timeliness in Decommissioning Material Facilities Parts 30, 40, 70 59 FR 36026 08/15/1997 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1995-1 Preparation, Transfer for Commercial Distribution, and Use of Byproduct Material for Medical Use Parts 30, 32, 35 59 FR 61767; 59 FR 65243; 60 FR 322 01/01/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 1995-2 Frequency of Medical Examinations for Use of Respiratory Protection Equipment Part 20 60 FR 7900 03/13/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1995-3 Low-Level Waste Shipment Manifest Information and Reporting Parts 20, 61 60 FR 15649; 60 FR 25983 03/01/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1995-4 Performance Requirements for Radiography Equipment Part 34 60 FR 28323 (Superceded by 1997-5) 06/30/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 North Carolina has adopted Final Regulations equivalent to RATS ID:


1995-5 Radiation Protection Requirements: Amended Definitions and Criteria Parts 19, 20 60 FR 36038 08/14/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1995-6 Clarification of Decommissioning Funding Requirements Parts 30, 40, 70 60 FR 38235 11/24/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1995-7 Medical Administration of Radiation and Radioactive Materials Parts 20, 35 60 FR 48623 (Superceded by 2002-2 and 2005-2) 10/20/1998 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 North Carolina has not yet adopted Final Regulations equivalent to RATS IDs: 2002-2 and 2005-2.

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 1996-1 Compatibility with the International Atomic Energy Agency Part 71 60 FR 50248; 61 FR 28724 (Superceded by 2004-1) 04/01/1999 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 North Carolina has not yet adopted Final Regulations equivalent to RATS ID: 2004-1.

1996-2 One Time Extension of Certain Byproduct, Source and Special Nuclear Materials Licenses Parts 30, 40, 70 61 FR 1109 02/15/1999 Not Required Not Required These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility.

1996-3 Termination or Transfer of Licensed Activities:

Record keeping Requirements Parts 20, 30, 40, 61, 70 61 FR 24669 06/17/1999 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1997-1 Resolution of Dual Regulation of Airborne Effluents of Radioactive Materials; Clean Air Act Part 20 61 FR 65120 01/9/2000 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1997-2 Recognition of Agreement State Licenses in Areas Under Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction Within an Agreement State Part 150 62 FR 1662 02/27/2000 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1997-3 Criteria for the Release of Individuals Administered Radioactive Material Parts 20, 35 62 FR 4120 05/29/2000 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1997-4 Fissile Material Shipments and Exemptions Part 71 62 FR 5907 (Superceded by 2004-1) 02/10/2000 Not Required Not Required These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility. (See STP-97-078)

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 1997-5 Licenses for Industrial Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiography Operations Parts 30, 34, 71, 150 62 FR 28947 06/27/2000 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1997-6 Radiological Criteria for License Termination Parts 20, 30, 40, 70 62 FR 39057 08/20/2000 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1997-7 Exempt Distribution of a Radioactive Drug Containing One Micro curie of Carbon-14 Urea Part 30 62 FR 63634 01/02/2001 Final No Comments 08/18/2000 1998-1 Deliberate Misconduct by Unlicensed Persons Parts 30, 40, 61, 70, 71, 150 63 FR 1890; 63 FR 13773 02/12/2001 Final ML061990608 No Comments 08/15/2006 ML062280005 1998-2 Self-Guarantee of Decommissioning Funding by Nonprofit and Non-Bond-Issuing Licensees Parts 30, 40, 70 63 FR 29535 07/01/2001 Not Required Not Required These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility.

1998-3 License Term for Medical Use Licenses Part 35 63 FR 31604 (Superceded by 2002-2) 07/10/2001 Not Required Not Required These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility. (See STP-98-074) 1998-4 Licenses for Industrial Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations Part 34 63 FR 37059 07/09/2001 Final ML062840118 No Comments 10/23/2006 ML062970032

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 1998-5 Minor Corrections, Clarifying Changes, and a Minor Policy Change Parts 20, 32, 35, 36, 39 63 FR 39477; 63 FR 45393 10/26/2001 Final ML061990608 No Comments 08/15/2006 ML062280005 1998-6 Transfer for Disposal and Manifests: Minor Technical Conforming Amendment Part 20 63 FR 50127 11/20/2001 Final ML042320535 No Comments 09/02/2004 ML042460091 1999-1 Radiological Criteria for License Termination of Uranium Recovery Facilities Part 40 64 FR 17506 06/11/2002 Not Applicable Not Applicable North Carolina does not have authority to regulate this material under its Agreement.

1999-2 Requirements for Those Who Possess Certain Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material to Provide Requested Information Part 31 64 FR 42269 10/04/2002 Not Required Not Required These regulation changes are not required to be adopted for purposes of Compatibility.

1999-3 Respiratory Protection and Controls to Restrict Internal Exposure Part 20 64 FR 54543; 64 FR 55524 02/02/2003 Final ML061990608 No Comments 08/15/2006 ML062280005 2000-1 Energy Compensation Sources for Well Logging and Other Regulatory Clarifications Part 39 65 FR 20337 05/17/2003 Final ML061990608 No Comments 08/15/2006 ML062280005 2000-2 New Dosimetry Technology Parts 34, 36, 39 65 FR 63750 01/08/2004 Final ML061990608 No Comments 08/15/2006 ML062280005

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 2001-1 Requirements for Certain Generally Licensed Industrial Devices Containing Byproduct Material Parts 30, 31, 32 65 FR 79162 02/16/2004 Final ML14071A189 Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2002-1 Revision of the Skin Dose Limit Part 20 67 FR 16298 04/05/2005 Final ML061790305 No Comments 08/04/2006 ML062160419 2002-2 Medical Use of Byproduct Material Parts 20, 32, 35 67 FR 20249 10/24/2005 Final ML14071A189 Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2003-1 Financial Assurance for Materials Licensees Parts 30, 40, 70 68 FR 57327 12/03/2006 Final ML061790305 No Comments 08/04/2006 ML062160419 2004-1 Compatibility With IAEA Transportation Safety Standards and Other Transportation Safety Amendments Part 71 69 FR 3697 10/01/2007 Final ML14071A189 No Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2005-1 Security Requirements for Portable Gauges Containing Byproduct Material Part 30 70 FR 2001 07/11/2008 License Condition ML081680728 No Comments 06/30/2008 ML081820320 2005-2 Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Recognition of Specialty Boards Part 35 70 FR 16336; 71 FR 1926 04/29/2008 Final ML081680728 No Comments 06/30/2008 ML081820320 2005-3 Increased Controls for Risk-Significant Radioactive Sources (NRC Order EA-05-090) 70 FR 72128 12/01/2005 License Condition ML052720130 No Comments 10/04/2005 ML052780077

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 2006-1 Minor Amendments Parts 20, 30, 32, 35, 40 and 70 71 FR 15005 03/27/2009 Final ML14071A189 No Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2006-2 National Source Tracking System - Serialization Requirements Part 32 with reference to Part 20 Appendix E 71 FR 65685 02/06/2007 Not Applicable1 Not Applicable North Carolina responded on 02/16/2007 to FSME-06-110 stating that they currently had no licensees applicable to this rule.

ML070460135 2006-3 National Source Tracking System Part 20 71 FR 65685, 72 FR 59162 01/31/2009 License Condition ML081680728 No Comments 06/30/2008 ML081820320 2007-1 Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Minor Corrections and Clarifications Parts 32 and 35 72 FR 45147, 54207 10/29/2010 Final ML14071A189 Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2007-2 Exemptions From Licensing, General Licenses, and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing and Reporting Requirements Parts 30, 31, 32, 150 72 FR 58473 12/17/2010 Final ML14071A189 Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2007-3 Requirements for Expanded Definition of Byproduct Material Parts 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 61, 150 72 FR 55864 11/30/2010 Final ML14071A189 Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2007-4 Order Imposing Fingerprinting Requirements and Criminal History Records Check Requirements for Unescorted Access to Certain Radioactive Material NRC Order EA-07-305 72 FR 70901 06/05/2008 License Condition ML080660061 No Comments 03/20/2008 ML080800385

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 2008-1 Occupational Dose Records, Labeling Containers, and Total Effective Dose Equivalent Parts 19, 20 72 FR 68043 02/15/2011 Final ML14071A189 Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2009-1 Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Authorized User Clarification Part 35 74 FR 33901 09/28/2012 Final ML14071A189 No Comments 05/13/2014 ML14071A146 2011-1 Decommissioning Planning Parts 20, 30, 40, 70 76 FR 35512 12/17/2015 Proposed ML14164A277 Final ML17187A158 Comments 08/19/2014 ML14162A412 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2011-2 Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Materials Licensees Parts 30, 36, 39, 40, 70, and 150 76 FR 56951 11/14/2014 Proposed ML14164A277 Final ML17187A158 Comments 08/19/2014 ML14162A412 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2012-1 Change of Compatibility of 10 CFR 31.5 and 31.6 (See RATS ID: 2001-1 for Rule text) 77 FR 3640 01/25/2015 Final ML14071A189 Revised Final ML15335A403 Revised Final ML17187A158 Comments 08/19/2014 ML14162A412 No Comments 01/13/2016 ML15335A397 No Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 2012-2 Advance Notification to Native American Tribes of Transportation of Certain Types of Nuclear Waste Part 71 77 FR 34194 08/10/2015 Proposed ML14164A277 Final ML17187A158 No Comments 08/19/2014 ML14162A412 No Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2012-3 Technical Corrections Parts 30, 34, 40 and 71 77 FR 39899 08/06/2015 Proposed ML14164A277 Final ML17187A158 Comments 08/19/2014 ML14162A412 No Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2012-4 Requirements for Distribution of Byproduct Material Parts 30, 31, 32, 40 and 70 77 FR 43666 10/23/2015 Proposed ML14164A277 Final ML17187A158 Comments 08/19/2014 ML14162A412 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2013-1 Physical Protection of Byproduct Material Parts 20, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, and 71 78 FR 16922 03/19/2016 Proposed ML15202A281 Final ML17187A158 Comment 09/08/2015 ML15202A215 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 License Condition addresses Part 37 requirements only

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 2013-2 Distribution of Source Material to Exempt Persons and to General Licensees and Revision of General License and Exemptions Parts 30, 40, and 70 78 FR 32310 08/27/2016 Proposed ML15335A403 Final ML17187A158 Comments 01/13/2016 ML15335A397 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2015-1 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material -

Written Reports and Clarifying Amendments Part 70 79 FR 57721, 80 FR 143 01/26/2018 Proposed ML15335A403 Final ML17187A158 Comments 01/13/2016 ML15335A397 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2015-2 Safeguards Information - Modified Handling Categorization, Change for Materials Facilities Parts 30, 37, 73, and 150 79 FR 58664, 80 FR 3865 01/28/2018 Proposed ML15335A403 Final ML17187A158 Comments 01/13/2016 ML15335A397 Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2015-3 Revisions to Transportation Safety Requirements and Harmonization with International Atomic Energy Agency Transportation Requirements Part 71 80 FR 33987 07/13/2018

RATS ID NRC Chronology Identification Date Due for State Adoption Incoming Letter Outgoing Package Notes 2015-4 Miscellaneous Corrections Parts 37 and 40 80 FR 45841 09/02/2018 Proposed ML15335A403 Final ML17187A158 Comments 01/13/2016 ML15335A397 No Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 2015-5 Miscellaneous Corrections, 10 CFR Parts 19, 20, 30, 32, 37, 40, 61, 70, 71, and 150 80 FR 74974 12/31/2018 Final ML17187A158 No Comments 09/06/2017 ML17187A129 1 IMPEP Team: verify that North Carolina does not have any licensees subject to these regulations during each review.