ML17293A233 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point |
Issue date: | 10/19/2017 |
From: | Stephanie Blaney Information Services Branch |
To: | Shetty D Columbia Univ |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2018-0023 | |
Download: ML17293A233 (6) | |
All correspondences and public comments made that relate to medical issues of individuals living near the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant since the year 2015 to present (details of the nature of compl aint, date, who it was made by and where the individuals who made the complaints live)
PART I. -- INFORMATION RELEASED You have the right to seek assistance from the NRC's FO IA Public Liaison . Contact information for the NRC 's FO IA Public Liaison is available at 0 Agency records subject to the request are already available on the Public NRC Website, in Pu blic ADAMS or on microfiche in the NRC Public Document Room .
0 Agency records subject to the request are enclosed .
Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been D referred to that agency (see comments section ) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you .
D We are continuing to process your request.
0 See Comments.
AMOUNT" You will be bi lled by NRC for the amount listed .
$0.00 0 Mini mum fee threshold not met.
II II D You will rece ive a refund for the amount listed.
D Due to our delayed response , you will not be charged fees .
- see Comments for details D Fees waived .
PART 1.8 -- INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE We did not locate any agency records responsive to your request. Note : Agencies may treat three discrete categories of law D enforcement and national security records as not subject to the FOIA ("exclusions"). 5 U.S.C. 552(c). This is a standard notification given to all requesters; it should not be taken to mean that any excluded records do, or do not, exist.
0 We have withheld certain information pursuant to the FOIA exemptions described , and for the reasons stated , in Part II.
Because this is an interim response to your request, you may not appeal at this time . We will notify you of your right to D appeal any of the responses we have issued in response to your request when we issue our final determination .
You may appeal this fi nal determ ination within 90 calendar days of the date of this response by sending a letter or e-mail to the FOIA Officer, at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Washington , D.C. 20555-0001 , or Please be sure to include on your letter or ema il that it is a "FOIA Appeal. " You have the right to seek dispute resolution services from the NRC's Public Liaison , or the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS ). Contact information for OG IS is available at PART l.C COMMENTS ( Use attached Comments continuation pag e if required)
Please see comments continued on next page:
- Freedom of Information A ct Officer or Des i!l nee Stephanie A. Blaney OigltllllytignedbySt.,,na-A Bl*ne'f ON c-US, o*US GoYe1nment. ou-US Nuc:learR~aioryComm*MOn, oll"NRC-PIV . cn*Si.plu11ieA Blaney, 09.23'12 lt200l00 100 I 1*200001997 0111. 2017101909.22.59-CM'OO' NRC Form 464 Part I (03-2017) I Add Continuation Page I -
Delete Continuation Page Page 2 of 3
joisha Shetty 11 10119120 11 PART l.C COMMENTS (Continued )
Please note:
The fo ll owing responsive records are already publicly avaialab le:
ML I 6202A375 135 pages MLl6 182A 177 21 pages ML I 5295A342 80 pages ML I 5243A4 I 5 127 pages ML I 7254A645 113 pages MLI 71 7 1Al98 4 pages Records with a ML Accession Number are publicly avai lable in the NRC's Public Electronic Reading Room at http .html. If you need assistance in obtaining these records, please contact the NRC's Public Documents Room (PDR) at 301-415-4737 or 1-800-397-4209, or by Email to PDR.Reso urce@
Additional responsive records are enclosed, withheld in part (exemption (b)(6)
NRC Form 464 Part I (03-2017) Page 3 of 3
20 18-0023
XROUP I Records subject to the request that are contained in the specified group are being withheld in their entirety or in part under the I
Exemption No.(s) of the PA and/or the FOIA as indicated below (5 U.S.C . 552a and/or 5 U.S.C. 552(b)) .
D Exemption 1: The withheld information is properly classified pursuant to Executive Order 12958.
D Exemption 2: The withheld information relates solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of NRC .
D D Exemption 3: The withheld information is specifically exempted from public disclosure by statute indicated .
Sections 141-145 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Restricted Data or Formerly Restricted Data (42 U.S.C.
D Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act, which prohibits the disclosure of Unclassified Safeguards Information (42 U.S.C. 2167) .
D 41 U.S.C., Section 4702(b} , prohibits the disclosure of contractor proposals in the possession and control of an executive agency to any person under section 552 of Title 5, U.S.C. (the FOIA} , except when incorporated into the contract between the agency and the submitter of the proposal.
D Exemption 4: The withheld information is a trade secret or commercial or finan cia l information that is being withheld for the reason(s) indicated .
D The information is considered to be confidential business (proprietary) information .
D The information is considered to be proprietary because it concerns a licensee's or applicant's physical protection or material control and accounting program for special nuclear material pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390(d)(1 ).
D The information was submitted by a foreign source and received in confidence pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390(d)(2) .
D Disclosure will harm an identifiable private or governmental interest.
D Exemption 5: The withheld information consists of interagency or intraagency records that are not available through discovery during litigation.
Appl icable privileges:
Deliberative process: Disclosure of predecisional information would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the D deliberative process. Where reco rds are withheld in their entirety , the facts are inextrica bly intertwined with the predecisional information.
There also are no reasonably segregable factua l portions because the release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency.
D Attorney work-product privilege . (Documents prepared by an attorney in contemplation of litigation)
D Attorney-client privilege. (Confidential communications between an attorney and his/her client) 0 Exemption 6: The withheld information is exempted from public disclosure because its disclosure would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy .
D Exemption 7: The withheld information consists of records compiled for law enforcement purposes and is being withheld for the reason(s) indicated.
(A) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with an enforcement proceeding (e .g. , it would reveal the scope , direction, and D focus of enforcement efforts, and thus could possibly allow recipients to take action to shield potential wrong doing or a violation of NRC requirements from investigators).
D (C) Disclosure could constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy .
(D) The information consists of names of individuals and other information the disclosure of which could reasona bly be expected to reveal D identities of confidential sources.
D (E) Disclosure would reveal techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions , or guidelines that could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law.
- D (F) Disclosure could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of an individual.
D OTHER (S pecify)
I PART 11.B -- DENYING OFFICIALS Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.25(g) , 9.25(h) , and/or 9.65(b) of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations , it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its producti on or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The person responsible for the denial are those officials identified below as denying officia ls and the FOIA/PA Officer for any denials th at may be appealed to the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) .
APPELLATE OFFICIAL DENYING OFFICIAL TITLE/OFFICE RECORDS DENIED EDO SECY IG Stephanie Blaney FOIA/PA Officer x 000 DOD DOD Appeal must be made in writing within 30 days of receipt of this response. Appeals should be mailed to the FOIA/Privacy Act Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Washington , DC 20555-0001 , for action by the appropriate appellate official(s) . You should clearly state on the envelope and letter that it is a "FOIA/PA Appeal. "
NRG FORM 464 Part II (08-2013)
J:ro m:
To : .; .. tdpmc Cu1:r(h; Subj ect.:. F01.ti2.::1' 8-C*n :3 Di'ltt: Wt.J 1~)d,l)'. 'JCtobtf 1, ~ Ul .' 1;1 ;,1,: 1J .\t..I Gcc-d Mc*n ng G~. b )I .
Thank You.
Ve.I S hi.l"ll:Jll O' f cc of PLbhc Allai *s From : Ca scel vetr . David Sent: Tuesd ay, October JC. 2017 4'16 Pvl To : St*otrm on, V.1t>rif" <Valf" rif' .Sharu1c n@r*r:: ~p*..->
Subj ect : 1rdia1 Point Lea k & ~.1c ear _a<e TllH ti;,l:w; iH lhe on '/ A'T'?.ll 1hi;t I "HVH lo s:* '. s ' 1* rOIA rHq .J!!RI "" potw*11al "?.7'1'CS a: h l m 1 Point.
I)::**.* d .! . :*.*! *." ' *~* r :1 *
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..... '.-\-~." ....: .. :*.;
From : s~* r(' *1r;i , D \HI(.'
~r?E;1is~r "Pt 97 T6.DO PM Subject : R:: lndi;;n Point L<'il< & t\u c lt*~ r l;;k<*
You "P<>i<H wi l " r*rn .j..(_b_ )(_6_)____________________,
T he \RC \\'a s rioti' e-:i on r eb 5. bv rn:e'qy o' a ne*:.; on*s te trit L. 1-"l leak at Indian =>oin t rnter:Jy oecaT e aware c f the leakage "'*ia sa-r:Jles dra*:.;n l1 :m1 Hxisli11u ~;rm. rnJ~*vater rmmi:c.;* nu *.~* e ll s . Gm~ o~ l '"B wBll se.tmp-e:.; la~e n around 1 **~1 L Ci'rB tJHIP.t:led lr iliuT levBls ol al;c.;.i l 1*1.8 mil i;m pi ::c~: uries per I tcr. :>rchmina'y rc*/1c*,*.*s by Entcrg~* 1ndic1tcd t*' c r1cst probaolc S1Jurcc or tile ground \*'**~rc-' con :a111inat1on was 1 sp II dJruig a -~*.. atcr punt ca: on operatron 11wol\:r"g the olant's re1uel ing wa:e ' storage tank . The work was terr1inated C" Jan. :;1. ;;c;.* 6. There rs "O on-going eak .
The \ RC l'rr1cd 1tcly began r e*~* cv. ng :*'c- evc-nt. *.v1th Res den: lnsJ...X:*clors :iss yncd to tt1c plant ocgi *' ning the ngcn:::y s us scssmcn:s ilrld a 1
Region 1-oasec radiation p'ote:::on spe::ialist tra*1e ing to the site on r et . 1 ~ lo ead : ... e insoect on effort. :ntergy also in t1a:ec its o;.v,..
llTd~ S '.iq?.. li C" . '*N .. i::h lhe \RC conl in .JHS :o l :1llo..i'.' . T"Fl ~WT'pli"q 0 1 Ti:llli'.or IHl WHllS *Nill HIHO con l IHIA lo Hl"ISl.l"Fl lhA c:mrl lion "?..S bHHll c:orrB::tAC: .
Tile \ RC's 'CviCi*v of the compnny"s invest !Jn:ion nnc 1ss0ss*rcn: *.r*i"il be cc.\(:umcntcd n pub lic~* a--..-uilaolc 'C*:>'Jrls. T*'1S nspcc ti c*' n~ po r:
- ' jiscusses the issue http *lfadamswebsearch ore goylwebSearch2l yiew " AccessionN1iinber - ML16133A448.
Tile le'll\agc die no1 .. rpact :iubl r: l10'llih and safely . Crou"dwatcr ill :110 Srle is "Ot used 'e'e r nking water pu*poscs. Furll1cr. wl11 c Ilic waler w 11 slo*¥*.~y migrate :c the t ludson Rive ' over :he COlJ'Se o' Tany Ton:hs. lhe concentra:ions of tritiJin *:.-ill be e;.; tre mely lcw a'ter enleri ,..g th e .¥.,,ate1v.ray bHC<H.sfi of lh A s1nn flc:a111 di tJlicm th;-1 : *1:i I occ ur . In addi l nn . 'l VHr *:.:a l Hr do..,*mstn~:-tm ol ll1P. plHn '. s b ' at:kisl1 :*mr: IR **01 us-r:td 'c ' er nkinq . I *HrH s H link 10 l'"C NRC wc:is1 tc wrll1 aedilronill nlorrna11on C'" ll1c Q'OL ndwillCr rssues a: Ind ia'" Po1n: http:Uwww.nrc.goviln fo* hndcri rcactors.'rn;1p*
groundwater-leakage html Rcgilrdi'"g. t11c Cull Nuclca' F .1cl s lc . b'lsce on :Ile rcr1cd ill acliC '"S taken by C'" c*; ron 'lnd "' *~National "ilrl\ Sc'vr:c . the \RC st'lll rcvrcw o' Ille term1,..atic,.. sL10..*e*t s. and :,..e resJ ts of NRG con fi rna:C 'V su'veys. the sta cone l.ded that dec::HTITissioni,..g activities '.'.'e'e complele ar.d the si:e
-..v;i .~ H.11l ab e l o t>P. rnlHast=id for 1. 11rAH1r<:tHc 1.sP. . As thP. NRC p r~s H r~IAa~H yc .J hnkAd '. o Bxp ~ in s . thP. ' P. \oW*IS 1w rac1m*H :l1v ly if! .1rid 1** ll1H l <1~H .
.\ccecing le- NRC rc-gulations. rclca si '"g the site tc- the p.i:llic for u** rcstrictcd use nicans a'"y residua radiation wou d be !>:-low NRC's I mi:s o' 2~
nillirern rrnn t1 al t=i>:pnsll'fi and '. h'P.'rB -..vrn.lcl be 110 f .irl hAr rHq.J ntory co n1'ols by th A NRC:: .
For co*r par1son. :'"*:' a-.;oragc /lnic**can s cx:l:iscd to G2*~ nii lirc*r cac** year fr*:w1 all sc.irccs. H::\I' cf this doso conics 'roni natu"a bac<grou **d r?..dia1bn . t*/os: o f this b 1.:11 ; ~nrou"d H>:p nsu 'P. crnr1 ~5 irorn racbn n 11'1P. ;1ir. *:¥*ith sm:.:il -er r;rnc .mtH hm1 c;os 1... 1i(: rn~*s ;.;nd lhA ~;.;rth ilsHlf. The c H w~r h;-ill
- c-rcs :,c-r rian -rndc sources o' rac 1Clt1on. includ ng rn c<.ticaL coinmc'ctaL and 1*' dustr nl sour :.:cs. A yearly dose of 520 *r ill rcr1 'rc*r ull radin : on sc ...*ccs ** ;:i.s not bee ** shcv:n to :ausc hu*rans 2;ny **~rm II yG'L have ilny lurlhC ' CLCSlons . olcase conlac1 me.
fJ1;:tnr Vrrnn Sr. Public Affairs Officer USNRC RI 6 10-337*5330 From: Susan Steinberg l( .._b_)_ (6_ ) ______
Se nt: F-i:l .*y. l.w* o:l, JC16 17 :4q PM To: o:>" ~eS OU"Ce <O::>.'d {e!iQ*.irt£@ nrr .ERV>
Subj ect: ((.ie*ial Sender! lndiar Pc11t _e*k & Ncdea* Lake
Dear ~HC ,
I am wrili8 about t *Ao'C i s .'. ue ~. the f rst he ng m*t prirr ary co ncern *
- 1. j hctan Prnnt N ff f' jH ' pwN Pl<lrt I r;i<
At the tir-1e the eak was f r~t pJbl1c zed, I spoke *.,.*1th sor-1eone f*or-1 one of t,e r,oVE rrment ar.en c es t-andlt 1r. the ss t.e I was ror::ened thot the lea <:
WliiS ti*~ n n~ nto th.* groLnt1 Wi.ltcr w1ich CO Jld flff*N kn c*N not wt- erl' . At th e.~ tin"t'. l Wt.IS inforrrr.c th t1t l'll~ Wtl ter woJld t\o\:c.~* 1tu ;1 ly ~;J;i I into the Hudson ~ 1 .... t=!r tt*l r: f"Cr"'l tl"t=!rt:: irto th.:: ocean . WAS co*lc.Prned dbout the lrrp i:::aclons for ', wir-'lrring Ir chP o:::f.ln COf"lt=! sum*Ylt::". -.,e reassJr.1n:::i:: I
- e:::e ved was ... not to wo rry... t1e*e 1s sooo '11L.::t- "',.ate* ir the o:::ear. ti"' ca it v11ll sJre y Jed luted ** ~cw that surrmer 1s here, this 1s 1ot very reassJn1r,.
A i-IP.r*:l :)r 1*1wP. who 1 ~. ot \i : *~n t i!'> I !:1:l mt> bit \ < fc:* lht> a::tu ;1 rat~ I *1at 1h~ w;1lt>r i!'> ~ ;1king *11 10 1h~ -i .JC: \ lll ' R11.:~1 *t>lat1ve-- t o h:w 11111c 1 \A: al~r fl: )W\
through the ' ve'.
- h1; would oe a i fit .<te o n enaol nG a calcula uon as to row dilLted t h; water ; P,Ol1G to be.
I wc .Jld ;1pw~ ~i.11 .. any i*1im 1*1-alion yo u ::a r ~11pply c:*1 lhi ~ . Af lt>r tlit> ki r1ch o i j ,~.1.J P. ~ 1t *;1I :x:::l. rrP.c 1*1 ffn 1 !hi ~ ~ 1 . m 1 *w1 , ;m* h~~ it;m l j 1. ~. 1 lo l ak~ an as su ' a1c.e.
l . ) N1r!ea r L.1ke Pa w jcg NY I sw rn in a .i>k r: n P i.l'.\~ing N Y c:m c fl'C<: ntl y *cad t *iat i.I fll"c:1-:1y li>k<: i>t c:1 hi~'K'. elcvi.l t ion v1~ s the sut.c~'t of 1 2 'll ~* l l' ir u ~r; d c..' nt n l 'K' ei.lrly* 70:;. My Jnrterstanc1ng I~ th;it nudear r.1diati on t;i<es hLndrt:: ds of vf! ars ro cec.orrpo ~. so I a"n wo* l t~e rin g if t t'is is anythlrg you know '1:10 tJt f Below is,, link on tr e sLb ,ect. I ha ve cut and p* sted sorr e or the irformatJcr. 1ito the body of this e'Tia1I. It you then chd on tre In < within tie bocy o f wh*t I cut an d
- J a!'>l~:l , *11 akt-. yo u lu .i New York Times ;11t ic ~ wfill~r 1 w 1qR() that 1~ f" l :n~ foi:lu;1I. It dP. ~~ 1i:1~ ~ lhP. !';i luali on crnd l h tl lh""r~ ~,_*~r~ '\...*mr *~,.(J ll ' t':
doo.. ments" r,e1era ted after the n talc ear up \t1 e latter 5 en par,e 1 ard ~4 of th e New Yark Ti m es article). I've ati:act'-e c \1ihat also ap::i ea~s to Je a oress release r,1>*1nr; t~ e place a c ear bill c f realtr 1n 1994 It dee> say the rac iation IS at "acceptable le-,.els.' but w hat is "
- cceptab le" and wiat IS tie
.J ~i!'> : :ii: . i, J t P. f: I j ~;k ?
- h<.1nk you for )'OJr twp ir l'Vti luilt ng t'll' c:1 tovc 2 n Jc t' co n a* --1 :; rt' ;.1tc tl tc norther v.,*c.~s t chl' 'Ste r . N\'.
r~er.a*d s, Susa *l Stt::i *1bi:!r8 h 11 p : //w ~'; W .....:::Hf i 'l h'IP' r p 111.'11c w.*
- l 1 ;*vi-,j 1 -n~w-yor k ~. -'HJ : . l~c! *
- l.ik~ /
Al l was appa rently 'iss1oning along just fine until the early 1970s. whe n two serl<lus accidents occurred at the site. First. 1n 197 1, a rubbe r stopper
{; anm off of n plutoniurn powccr l."01llair1cr. 0011la1ninat1ng a I.ab ruo rn with radi oc.\c tivc . Then . in 1972. a c l lCm tGi~ cxplosio 11 occurrcc in lhc building acjaccnt to the lake (pjctucc<l below in th is NY Tjmcs arti cle) . caus ir'IQ an un"'nown amount o l plu ton i um p o ~-d cr to spew out into ltlC Jir anc presumably onto the surro unaing grounas . Nudear Lake had earned 1ls name.
The Tainted Wilderness at Pavvling's Nuclear Lake
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Little seems to be known ubuul lhc accident. though local legend has it thul at least one person diL'll . nn:j thut ther e Weis c.t c:ovcr up. In the cu111rncnls lefl to this Nuclear Lake post. 011e recalls his mot11er, a llltrf.e. saying 1h.1t 0116 ot the vict1111s came Into the hor.pital with his watch melted cown to his bone; another rumor has 11 that the ambulance he was tran sported in is buried on the site {you can re ad about a horrifying accide nt al a similar faci lity here:)
II clcari*up comrnc11ccd at a cost ot 53.000.000. ario \11c land was deemed sate for *unrcst1 icted use:* Til e company closed oo wri \li e plant sho1tly after. and the land ., sold to the National Par< Service for inclusion into the Appalachian Trail. Though documents were founc that suggeslec the com pany may have also been dumping radioactive waste water 1nlo the lake. a Nuclear Regulatory Commission stucy gave 11 a clean bill of health in 1.9lM