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30441R00045, Rev. B, Reactor-Based Molybdenum-99 Supply System Project, Target Cooling System Flow Test Report. Redacted Version
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Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 10/12/2017
General Atomics
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML17292A049 List:
30441R00045, Rev B
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{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment 11 30441 R00045 RELEASED 2017/10/12 Revision B COM Apvd REACTOR-BASED MOLYBDENUM-99 SUPPLY SYSTEM PROJECT TARGET COOLING SYSTEM FLOW TEST REPORT Prepared by General Atomics for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration and Nordion Canada Inc. Cooperative Agreement DE-NA0002773 GA Project 30441 WBS 1252

            +    Clf!JNIBIAL A'l'OMlell Q nordion

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Description of Changes A 110CT17 Initial Release B 120CT17 Revised with updated figures and references POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARED BY: Name Position Email Phone Candace Gray Engineer Candace.Gray@ga .com 858-455-3394 J. Armando Chavez Engineer Juan.Chavez@ga .com 858-455-2465 APPROVED BY: Name Position Email Phone Oscar Gutierrez Task Lead Oscar.Gutierrez@ga .com 858-455-3655 Katherine Partain Quality Engineer 858-455-3225 Kathy Murray Project Manager Katherine. M 858-455-3272 DESIGN CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION D R&D DISC QA LEVEL SYS [8J DV&S D DESIGN D T&E N II N/A D NA ii

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY ........................................... ......................................................................... ii POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................ ii DESIGN CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................... ........................................ ii ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. v 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................. 1 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................... 1 3 FULL SCALE SYSTEM FLOW TESTING ........................................................................ 1 3.1 Description of Test Rig .. ..... .......... ... .. ... ..... ....... ..... .. .. .. .. ....... ..... ...... ........ ..... ..... ... .. .. . 1 3.2 Test Procedures .... ..... .. ..... .... ......... ....... .. ... ..... .. ....... ... ... ............ .... ....... ..... ....... .... .. .. 6 3.2.1 Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test ..... .......... ... ....... .... .. ..... .. ...... ... .... ... .. .... ... 6 3.2 .2 Pump Coast-down Test .... ... ...... .. ..... .... ....... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..... .... ..... ......... ... ..... ... .. . 8 3.2 .3 Labyrinth Seal Bypass Test. .. .... ......... ..... ..... ... .... ... ...... ..... ... ...... ..... ...... ..... .... ... 9 4 TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 11 4.1 Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test .. .. .... ..... ... ....... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ...... ... .. ..... ...... ... 11 4.2 Pump Coast-down Test Results ....... ..... ... ...... .... ... .... ... .. ... ... ... .... ....... ... .. .. .. .. .... ..... . 12 4.3 Labyrinth Seal Bypass Test Results ... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ........ ..... .. .. ..... ............ ...... .... .. .... 13 APPENDIX A - EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION USED IN TESTING ...................... A-1 APPENDIX B-GOULDS PUMP SPECIFICATION AND TEST DATA ................................... B-1 APPENDIX C- RAW PRESSURE DROP DATA


................................................. C-1 APPENDIX D - CALCULATION FOR EXTRAPOLATING GA llP TEST VALUES AT 20°C (CONSTANT) TO ANSYS-FLUENT PREDICTION VALUES AT 34°C (TARGET ASSEMBLY AVERAGE) .............................................................................................. D-1 APPENDIX E- TARGET ASSEMBLY PRESSURE DROP TEST DATA SHEETS ................ E-1 APPENDIX F - MEASURING & TEST EQUIPMENT (M&TE) LIST WITH CERTIFICATES OF CALIBRATION ..... ......................................................................................................... F-1 APPENDIX G - LABORATORY NOTEBOOK REFERENCE .......................... ........................ G-1 iii

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 -Target Cooling System Test Loop P&ID .. ... ... ...... .... .. ....... .......... .. ...... ........ .............. ... 4 Figure 2 - 3D Model of the Target Cooling System Test Loop Design ......................................... 5 Figure 3- GA Target Cooling System Test Loop Setup ...... ... .... ... .... ........ .... ... ...... ...... ....... ... ..... . 6 Figure 4 - Gasket Seal Location .......... .. ..... ........ .. ... ..... .. ..... ... .... .. ... .. ..... ... .... .. .. .. .. .... ..... .............. 7 Figure 5 - Bypass Flow Paths for Labyrinth Path and Cartridge Pins ..... .... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .............. 10 Figure 6 - Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test Results ............................................... .......... .. 12 Figure 7 - Pump Coast-down Results at Various Flows with 25% Margin on t.P ..... ....... ........... 13 Figure 8 - Bench Bypass Test Article Setup ..... .. ...... ........ ......... ...... .. ... .... .. ..... .. ......... ....... .. ...... 14 Figure 9 - Full Labyrinth Seal Bypass System Setup with Standpipe ..... ..... ...... ..... .. ... ..... ...... .. . 15 Figure 10 - Full System Bypass Test Results .. ...... ... .. .. .. .... ...... .. ... ..... ... ........ .... ..... .... ..... .. ... .. ... 17 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: GA Test Pool and MURR Pool Comparison ... ... ... ... .. ...... ... ............... ..... ..... .... ........... .... 2 Table 2 - Test Cases ... ... ...... ... .. .. ..... .... .... .... .... ........ .. .... ... .............. .. ... ... .... ......... .... .. ................... 9 Table 3 - Pressure Drop Data Summary ..... ... ..... .. ..... ......... .... ...... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ...... .. ... ....... .. . 11 Table 4 - Bypass Test Loading Conditions and Requirements .......... ......... ........ ......... ... .... ....... . 15 Table 5 - Bypass Test Results ...... ... ....... ..... .. ........ ..... ...................... .. .......................... .. ...... ...... 16 iv

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B ACRONYMS Acronym Description GA General Atomics GPM Gallons Per Minute HX Heat Exchanger LOPF Loss of Pump Flow Mo-99 Molybdenum 99 MURR Missouri University Research Reactor P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram PSI Pounds per Square Inch PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute PSID Pounds per Square Inch Differential PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge TA Target Assembly TCS Target Cooling System TCSTL Target Cooling System Test Loop v


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As with all nuclear fission assemblies, cooling must be provided to remove heat generated from fis sion reactions. Validating the analysis of the target system cooling water flow behavior is vital to ensuring proper function of the cooling system when it is installed in the MURR pool. The sp ecific purpose of these tests was to confirm the analysis of the flow and pressure drop through th e target assembly (TA) , to measure and validate the bypass flow through the cartridge , and to measure the pump coast-down time during a simulated loss of pump flow (LOPF) event. This re port describes these tests in detail and provides the results. 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS Al ist of applicable documents is provided below. DOCUMENT NUMBER DOCUMENT TITLE 30441 P00026 Target Cooling System Flow Test Procedure 30441 R00017 ANSYS Target Cartridge , Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00019 Target System Cooling Calculation Report 30441 R00032 RE LAP Accident Analysis and FRAPTRAN Target Rod Transient Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441R00038 Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Target Housing Design Calculation Report QAPD-30441-11 Quality Assurance Program Document QAPD-30441-11 Reactor-Based Molybdenum 99 Supply System (RB-MSS) 3 FULL SCALE SYSTEM FLOW TESTING Th e main objective of the target cooling system (TCS) flow testing was to validate the pressure drop through a target assembly, simulate a loss of pump flow (LOPF) event, and measure the by pass flow through the labyrinth seal.

3. 1 Description of Test Rig Th e TCS tests were conducted at the General Atomics (GA) Torrey Pines campus in Building G35. The target cooling system test loop (TCSTL) duplicates as best as possible the piping sy stem, location of target assembly at proper water depth, key flow instrumentation, and primary pa rameters to be implemented at MURR. Table 1 shows a parameter comparison between the T CSTL at GA and the reactor system at MURR.


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R000451B Table 1: GA Test Pool and MURR Pool Comparison Parameters GA Test Pool MURR Pool Diameter 6 feet 1O feet Depth 27.5 feet 30 feet Target Assembly Same as MURR 25.8 feet Water Depth Number of Target 1 TA and 1 bypass valve 2 Assemblies Pipe Size Same as MURR 3inches Pump Same as MURR Model : 3796 MTi Size: 3x3-13 Pressure drop simulated via Heat Exchanger HX is part of cooling skid valve (HV-305) 5.5 nominal pH Conductivity 5.5 nominal pH Water Chemistry

                                       - 2 µSiem                      Conductivity < 2 µSiem The target assembly water depth (25 .8 feet) was measured from the top of the operating water level at MURR to the bottom of the TA. An underwater pressure transducer (PT-335 with+/- 0.1%

accuracy), was attached to the target inlet which is approximately three feet above the bottom of the TA. The process flow is detailed in Figure 1 with the piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID). Figures 2 and 3 show the TCSTL setup. It is important to note that the suction line in the TCSTL has the same overall size and liquid volume as the layout at MURR required to ensure proper pump priming. The supply line from the pump to the TA is slightly shorter in length compared to the MURR design and does not contain the main heat exchanger (HX). As a result, a valve (HV-305) was added to simulate the highest system pressure drop. The water pH and conductivity were tested weekly to ensure the water chemistry standards were maintained. Appendix A specifies the equipment and instrumentation used for testing. The test equipment in the TCSTL consists of:

  • One fiberglass surrogate pool
  • One target assembly (consisting of a cartridge , diffuser, target housing , and 11 stainless steel surrogate target rods)
  • One surrogate bypass valve (HV-200 shown in Figure 1)
  • One self-priming pump (refer to Appendix B for pump specifications and performance test from pump manufacturer)
  • Target cooling system piping (PVC), support structures and valves designed to mimic the setup at MURR.


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B

  • Instrumentation (including flow meters, pressure gauges, and an underwater pressure transducer).
  • Transparent graduated standpipe.


                                                                                                                                       --l Q)

Large cc Cl) 0 0 Q_ Vent Valve ~- Vent

I cc (f) dear t ~Graduated
                                                           ,.      Tube (J)

Cl) 3 ce* t:

                                                                                                                                       "'Tl 0
   .....                                                      _J L CD                                      J"Plpe                                    4* Pipe                                           :E
   ........                                                  --,,                                                                      --l HV-305              Cl)

(J) N FT rut 110 Pl 335 0

                                                                                                                                  ~    ;o ca                                8
r: Cl)
                                                                                                                                      -0 CD                          Vent

0 0  ::I. )> 0 0 " . 0


Q) (")


2" Flanged Fill Port I i: Gauge  ::J ca SN:E4S2434 4" l'lpe 3 ~- Cl)

   <ii                                                                                            Water Cooling Pump
I 3 P*310
   ~                                                                      l it



r- Instrumentation Legend 0

  .g                                                                                       DPI - Differential Pressure Gauge lJ                                                                                               FT - Flow Meter Q<>

a Pl - Pressure Gauge PT - Pressure Transmitter TT-RTD

                                                       ~     l.             1 II                                                       VJ 2" Aonged                                                                                                                  0 Drain Port                                                                                                                 ~
                                                                                                                                       ;o 0

0 0


(]1 OJ

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Target Cooling Main Cooling Sydem -----r--:::l:.ilW Pump Pipin Bypass Valve ( V-200) GA lest Pool Die eter: 6 fee t Depth 27.5 feat Target Assembly Figure 2 - 30 Model of the Target Cooling System Test Loop Design 5

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Tranaparent Graduated Standpipe Target Cooling System Piping Bypaaa Valve (HV-200) GA Ted Pool Target Aaaembly Location Figure 3 - GA Target Cooling System Test Loop Setup 3.2 Test Procedures 3.2.1 Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test The objective of this test was to verify the pressure drop from the target inlet through the diffuser outlet as a function of flow rate. Test flows values were set to 85% , 100% and 115% of the nominal target assembly flow rate ( 107 GPM at 100% ), which is the calculated nominal flow rate from analysis document 30441 R00021 . This flow rate was measured to within the +/-0.5% accuracy of the flowmeter used for the tests. A gasket seal was placed on the TA upper and bottom cartridge flanges to ensure that accurate flow and pressure drop measurements were made by eliminating these as potential bypass paths . Figure 4 shows the upper and lower gasket seal locations. The diffuser outlet pressure was calculated by taking the measured absolute pressure reading from PT-335 and subtracting 14.7 psi (to convert the pressure from absolute to 6

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B gauge) and 9.9 psi (to account for the 22.8 feet of static water head above the transducer) . The raw data from the pressure transducer were automatically recorded on a data logger and are summarized in Appendix C. Target Inlet Underwater Pressure Transducer Location (PT-335) Diffuse r Lower Fla nge C artrid g e Upper Flange Upper Gasket Seal Lower Gasket Seal C artridge Bottom Flange Plenum Plate Figure 4 - Gasket Seal Location Procedure:

1. Install the target assembly into the pool.
2. Check to see that the cartridge is secured in the housing and that the locking mechanism is engaged .
3. Check the fill level of the surrogate pool to the normal MURR operating pool level (water height = 25.8 feet) .


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B

4. Open system valves and control frequency of pump to 85% flow through the system.
5. Turn on pump .
6. Record start and stop times to calculate duration . Manually record system pressures, pressure drops, and temperature data from the instrumentation gauges every 5 mins. Pressure to the target assembly will be recorded electronically at 1 sec intervals. Run flow test for 15 min.
7. Turn off pump.
8. Control frequency of pump to increase the flow rate to 100% flow through the system.
9. Turn on pump.
10. Record start and stop times to calculate duration . Manually record system pressures, pressure drops, and temperature data from the instrumentation gauges every 5 mins. Pressure to the target assembly will be recorded electronically at 1 sec intervals. Run flow test for 15 min .

11 . Turn off pump.

12. Control frequency of pump to increase the flow rate to 115% flow through the system.
13. Turn on pump .
14. Record start and stop times to calculate duration. Manually record system pressures , pressure drops, and temperature data from the instrumentation gauges every 5 mins. Pressure to the target assembly will be recorded electronically at 1 sec intervals. Run flow test for 15 min.
15. Turn off pump.
16. Secure all equipment.

3.2.2 Pump Coast-down Test The objective of this test was to record the flow rate entering a target assembly as a function of time during a simulated loss of pump flow (LOPF) event at room temperature with the decay heat removal valves in the closed position . Valve HV-320 was adjusted in order to test for the worst case system pressure drop by analysis in document 30441 R00019. This system pressure drop analysis has 25% margin built into it for the 85% and 100% flow cases and 13% margin for the 115% flow case . The margin on the 115% case was limited by pump performance . Table 2 provides a summary of the flow and pressure drop parameters used for this test. The decay heat removal valve (FV-105), in the test rig remained closed during this test to ensure all the flow went through the target assembly. Procedure:

1. Install the target assembly into the pool.


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B

2. Check to see that the cartridge is secured in the housing and that the locking mechanism is engaged .
3. Check the fill level of the surrogate pool to the normal MURR operating pool level (water height 25.8 feet).
4. Open all system valves and control frequency of pump to 85% flow through the target assembly.
5. Turn on pump.
6. Open all bleed valves to release any trapped air. Once all the air is released , close the bleed valves.
7. Adjust valves HV-100 and HV-200 to have equal flow for each flow meter.
8. Adjust valve HV-305 and increase the frequency of the pump to obtain the expected L'.P (see Table 2) across Pl-335 and Pl-302.
9. Manually record system pressure data from the instrumentation gauges (Pl-335, Pl-302 , and DPl-310).
10. Ensure data loggers are connected to the flow meters.
11. Turn off power to the pump.
12. Record flow rate manually at 1 sec intervals until the flow reaches 0 GPM . Flow rate will also be recorded electronically at 1 sec intervals.
13. Turn on pump.
14. Repeat steps 7-12 for the 100% and 115% flow cases shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Test Cases Expected f1P Test Case Description Source (psid) 85% Flow with 25% Margin on tiP 100% Flow with 25% Margin on L'.P

                                                            **         30441R00019 30441R00019 3.2.3 115% Flow with 13% Margin on tiP Labyrinth Seal Bypass Test
  • Pump limit The objective of this test was to measure the bypass flow between the cartridge bottom flange and the target housing lower plenum . The full scale test was performed with the locking mechanism torqued to 30 in-lbs (each bolt). The lower gasket seal (Figure 4) was removed and the outlet of the diffuser was blocked such that the water volume lost was through the labyrinth seal and the pins in the cartridge. The expected bypass through the cartridge pins is small (much less than 1 GPM), as the internal pressure should help "self-seal" the leak path (Figure 5) . The leak through the pins and the leak through the labyrinth seal were measured as a single leak.


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Figure 5 - Bypass Flow Paths for Labyrinth Path and Cartridge Pins Procedure:

1. Remove the cartridge from the pool.
2. Block the diffuser outlets to prevent water flow.
3. Remove the lower gasket seal on the cartridge bottom flange .
4. Insert cartridge back into the housing inside of the pool.
5. Check to see that the cartridge is secured in the housing and that the locking mechanism is engaged . Torque down cartridge locking mechanism to 30 in-lbs.
6. Check the fill level of the surrogate pool to the normal MURR operating pool level (water height= 25.8 feet).
7. Torque down cartridge locking mechanism to 30 in-lbs.
8. Turn on pump.
9. Fill the pipe going to the target assembly with water. The transparent graduated standpipe should be filled to approximately 42 inches of water (Figure 9).
10. Turn off pump and close valves HV-200 and HV-302 .

11 . Pressurize the pipe going to the target assembly with compressed air to the value obtained for the pressure drop through the target assembly for the 115% flow case, which is the highest pressure and flow conditions the cartridge will ever see .

12. Measure and record the water drop in the transparent standpipe as a function of time ensuring static pressure stays above the required value .


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B

13. Let system run for 30 sec.
14. Secure all equipment.

4 TEST RESULTS 4.1 Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test The design ana1ysis of the pressure drop from the target inlet through the diffuser outlet detailed in document 30441 R00038 has been validated by agreement to within 2% of the expected range of the extrapolated test data. The tests were run at slightly higher volumetric flow rates when compared to the values used in the analysis. The polynom ial equation shown in Figure 6 was obtained from the test data in Appendix C - Raw Pressure Drop Data Summary. The polynomial equation was used to determine the pressure drop at 20°C for each corresponding flow rate. The results are shown in Table 3. All tests at GA were run with an inlet temperature to the target of 20°C. During normal operation at MURR however, the target inlet temperature will be 29°C with a TA average temperature of 34°C , which was the temperature used in the ANSYS-FLUENT analysis. To account for the temperature difference between the operating conditions at MURR and the test conditions at GA, the calculation detailed in Appendix D was applied to extrapolate the test va lues to a system with an average temperature of 34°C. Table 3 lists the test values at 20°C, and both the extrapolated test values and the analysis prediction values at a TA average temperature of 34 °C. The test data extrapolation resulted in a less than 2% decrease in the pressure drop values when adjusting the temperature from 20°C to 34°C. The flow values used in the analysis did not include the bypass effect and assumed all the flow would go through the cartridge to cool the target rods. For 100% flow (107 GPM) at 34 °C average TA temperature, ANSYS-FLUENT predicted

  • psi and the extrapolated test value at 34°C average TA temperature yielded
  • psi. The difference between the two values is 1.5%. Figure 6 shows the pressure drop through the TA as a function of flow rate for both the analysis and test values. It also shows that the pressure drop values are within the design limit of
  • psi for the target housing, which has built in margin (refer to Table 2 in document 30441 R00017 for more details). For reference , the test data sheets have been provided in Appendix E- Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test Data Sheets.

Table 3 - Pressure Drop Data Summary t.P at t.P at t.P OP Source 91GPM 107 GPM 123 GPM (psi) (psi) (psi) Test Va lu es (20°C) Test Va lues (Extrapo lated t o 34°C) ANSYS-FLUENT Prediction (34°C) 11

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B

                                 ~P as a Function of Flow Rate y
  • 0.00109x' + 0.00976x
  • 0.00111 R' =0.99998
                                                                                                        .... -*:****:f .


  • T*st Values (20'C)
  • ANSYS-fLUENT Pr*diction (34'C)
  • Extrapolot*d T*st Values (34'C)
                                                                                           ----- Target Housmg D*sien Limit
           ..................................0  Flow Rat* {G PM)

Figure 6 - Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test Results 4.2 Pump Coast-down Test Results A loss of pump flow (LOPF) event can be caused by loss of electrical power, pump failure , or system blockage. This test only covered the loss of electrical power event. The LOPF impacts both target assemblies and includes pump coast-down and fluid momentum to ease the transition from forced flow to natural circulation flow . Although the decay heat removal valves in the MURR system can be opened to improve the natural circulation cooling during LOPF , the butterfly valve (FV-105) remained closed during this test. This test measured the amount of time it takes the pump to coast down to 15% flow when the pressure drop through the system is increased to the highest value by analysis which has 25% margin (see Table 2 for values) . The pump coast-down times for three different flow cases are shown in Figure 7. It took approximately 9 seconds for the flow rate to decrease significantly from 100% flow (-112 .8* GPM - see Table 4 for flow values with bypass flow included) to about 15% flow (16 .2 GPM). 12

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Pump Coast-Down at Varied Flow Cases with 25% Margin on 11P

               ********* ....                                                                                                           *.. ..
  • 85%Floww/Margjn
  • 100% Aow w/Mar'i)n
                                                                                                                                        *........ 115% Aow w/Margjn
                                                                                       **. ..         . **....                                                                        ~
                                                                                                  * . *: :::: . ;:.::::                                                               ~
                                                                                                                        . :: ::;,::;.::;o 2                       3                       4                    6             7                      8                   9 Time ( s ~)

Figure 7 - Pump Coast-down Results at Various Flows with 25% Margin on f'P 4.3 Labyrinth Seal Bypass Test Results A bench test was initially conducted to obtain the required torque value for the final system to produce an acceptable leak rate through the labyrinth seal. The results from the bench test demonstrated the labyrinth seal required a torque of 30 in-lbs to each bolt in the final system in order to operate below the maximum 5% total flow. An image of the bench test article can be seen in Figure 8. The torque value from the bench tests was then applied and used on the locking mechanism in the full scale test. 13

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Figure 8- Bench Bypass Test Article Setup Figure 9 shows the setup for the full scale test. Similar to the bench test, a transparent standpipe was installed in the location shown in the P&ID. The standpipe is made from clear PVC to be able to measure the water that is going through labyrinth seal and the cartridge pins . 14

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B P - 18.5 p si here Initial Water Level Ofl*~~G-.. n-,._~

                                                       " - ~tt n-*10 Standpip e Plugged Diffuser Figure 9 - Full Labyrinth Seal Bypass System Setup with Standpipe The maximum allowed bypass for the three different flow cases and the pressure requirements for the labyrinth seal are summarized in Table 4. The tests were run at the worst case pressure condition which was derived from the 115% case shown in Table 4. The tests ensure that the pressure was always greater than 17.4 psi, for instance Run 1 was executed at 18.6 psi (Table 5). The cartridge was unlocked , lifted out of its seating position , re-seated and locked back down again to thirty in-lbs for each test to simulate and measure the consistency of the seal through several runs . Eleven cartridge lifting and re-seating operations were performed and resu lts can be seen in Figure 10.

Table 4 - Bypass Test Loading Conditions and Requirements 5%Max Flow Rate Cartridge Pressure Flow Case Allowed Bypass (GPM) Report 30441R00017 (GPM) 85% 95.9* 4.8 100% 112.8* 5.6 115% 129.7* 6.5

  • Flow values include the 5% maximum bypass flow through the cartridge pins and labyrinth seal.


Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Table 5 - Bypass Test Results 9/1 2/ 2017 9/14/2017 9/15/ 2017 9/17/17 Run 1@ Run 2@ Run3@ Run4@ Run 5@ Run 6@ Run 7@ Run8@ Run9@ Run 10 Run 11@ 18.6 psi 18.8 psi 19.2 psi 19.0 psi 18.8 psi 19.0 psi 18.6 psi 18.9 psi 18.8 psi @18.7 18.6 psi back back back back back back back back back psi back back pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM GPM 3.78 4.43 3.96 4.23 3.41 3.38 3.43 3.21 3.29 4.23 3.09 The tests confirm that the labyrinth path slows the amount of water bypassing the cartridge, satisfying the maximum design requirement of 5% . The allowed bypass at 115% flow case is 6.5 GPM and the highest bypass measured in the tests is less than 4.5 GPM, including the cartridge pins. The average of the eleven runs is 3.7 GPM providing margin to the design requirement. 16

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B Full System Bypass Test Results for 115% flow for a torque of 30in-lbs 7 6.5 Run 1 @ 18.6 psi back pressure 6 Run 2 @ 18.8 psi back pressure Run 3 @ 19.2 psi back pressure 5 Run 4 @ 19.0 psi back pressure


Cl. Run 5 @ 18.8 psi back pressure

"'C Ql
s Run 6 @ 19.0 psi back pressure


 ~ 3                                                          Run 7 @ 18.6 psi back pressure

CCI Run 8 @ 18.9 psi back pressure 2 Run 9 @ 18.8 psi back pressure Run 10@ 18.7 psi back pressure 1 Run 11 @ 18.6 psi back pressure

                                                          - .allowed bypass (5%) GPM 0

1 Runs Figure 10 - Full System Bypass Test Results 17

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B APPENDIX A - Equipment and Instrumentation Used in Testing Equipment/ Instrument Make I Model Measuring Range OMEGA Pressure Range : +/-15 psi Pressure Gauge (Pl-335) PN : DPG409-015CG Accuracy: +/- 0.08% OMEGA Pressure Range : 0 to 60 psi Pressure Gauge (Pl-302) PN : DPG 1001 B-60G Accuracy: +/- 0.10% OMEGA Pressure Range : 0 to 60 psi Pressure Gauge (Pl-308) PN: DPG1001 B-60G Accuracy: +/- 0.10% Analog Pressure Gauge Ashcroft Pressure Range : 0 to 30 psi (E452434) PN : 45 1082AS 02L XC4 30# Accuracy: +/- 0.25% Differential Pressure OMEGA Pressu re Range : 0 to 30 psi Gauge (DPl-302) PN: DPG409-030DWU Accuracy: +/- 0.08% Differential Pressure OMEGA Pressure Range : 0 to 30 psi Gauge (DPl-310) PN : DPG409-030DWU Accuracy: +/- 0.08% Differential Pressure OMEGA Pressure Range : 0 to 50 psi Gauge (DPl-320) PN : DPG409-050DWU Accuracy: +/- 0.08% Pressure Transmitter Keller Preciseline Pressure Range : 0 to 100 psi (PT-335), DL PN: 0308.00301 .051307.54 Accuracy: +/- 0.1 % Flow Range: Flow Meter McCrometer 100 GPM to 140 GPM (FT-100), DL PN : VW03AE14AA Accuracy: +/- 0.5% Flow Meter McCrometer Flow Range : 100 GPM to 140 (FT-110), DL PN : VW03AE14AA GPM , Accuracy: +/- 0.5% Speed: 1770 RPM Goulds Pumps Flow: 250 GPM Pump Model : 3796 MTi Head: 102 FT (P-310) Pump Size: 3x3-13 Efficiency: 48 .0% Self-Priming Pump Total Power: 13.5 HP NPSHr: 7.8 FT Allen Bradley 480 VAC , 3 Phase VFD PowerFlex 525 AC Drive 25 HP, 18.5 kW Normal Duty PN : 25B-D037N 114 20 HP, 15 kW Heavy Duty A-1

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B APPENDIX B - Goulds Pump Specification and Test Data Model: 3796 Size: 3x3-13 Group: MTi 60Hz RPM : 1770 Stages: 1 Jobllnq.No. : Opti-Temp- HEX Feed Pumps Purcnaser : OPTITEMP Eoouser : Optl-Temp Issued by : Brandon Bond Rev.: 0 ttemlEqu p.No. : ITEM 001 (Base Offer) OuotatJon No. : DF 16-10*25 01 Date : 0112512017 Service : Self Priming to HEX Skid OrderNo. : 60586f)g Certified By

  • Brandon Bond SN/SO : N736H003 Operating Conditi ons Pump Performance Liquid: Water PubllShecl Efficiency: 48.5 % Suction Speci11c Spee<!: 5,018 gprn(US) tt Temp.: 110.0 deg F Rated Pump Efficiency: 46.0 % M*n. HydrauUc FIOw: 56.9 gpm S.G.Nisc.: 1.000/1 .000 cp Rated Total Power: 13.5 hp Min. Thennal Flow: NIA Flow: 250.0 gprn Non-Overloading Power: 15.4 hp TOH: 102.on Imp. Dia. First 1 S1g(s): 11 .7500 in NPSHa: NPSHr: 7.Sn Shut on Hea<l: 121.1 n SOlta slZe: Max. Soll<ls Size: 0 .3750 1n  % SUsp. SOI ds

{bywt.g ): Vapor Press: Notes: 1. Elevated temperature effects on performance are not induded. C

  • TR lrnGAL PUMP CHAAAC TEAISTICS Based on COS 2311 -3

(@GOOLDS PUMPS Po- c o r u lliftl. HI U .S1 Bbulspower RPM 1770 m Model 3796 70 Size. 3X3-t3 ft '!:. 60 :200

                                                                                                                             .                 80
                                                                                                                             .              - 70 0 160-     ~                                                                                                                   - 60
                                 - i--.                                                                                      I 40 14 i 2c  - - ~ "N-1
                                                                     ~.._ Eff                                                I I
                                                                                                                                            - 50 40 30
                  ~102 60 1011    ~

I l.::::: I'- r----.. i"'--..' 11-75in 30 20 21}


60 h. t - ~

                                                                 "-       ~   I.
                                                                                                 -   ~**  -   -      --~          ----         10 ft m

6 vv ~- I


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                                            -  200 50 300 75 400
                                                                                 - -500 100          125

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ..,,.. DAU
                                                                                                                                                                                               ~ P O No 605lll69 49 . 50                                    , ,__ ,_25                                              [ 381 J                                     IOOM No JlEM001 El'ld i..-Op1H-11257 1                                              D2 l                                                                                      S-lot        s.ii ......_._;_ 1a HEX -    u
             '                                  52 . 00 N0 T£ S PUP OU TLIN[ DRAWING I I 32 I                                                                                                                                                                   MODEL 3796 fl ANG[ S CONI ORN ro *NSI Sl ANOlADS DOLi
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~ITT HOLE S S U.lOOll         1816. ~ H EEL OR 816.          IROMI ROTAll(),11 cc w vr cwco fROM COUPLING [ ND .                                                                GOUl.m . . . . .

Dlll(NSION.lL IOl[A.lN(( 0 P1PtD CONN [ CllOllS IS :!:0 )0 1 13) [ IC EPI fOR PUMP SUCllON A 0 0,,..1 IO ll

  • t .t ,,_,

01 ( l\IOIS II I DI SC H A~GE VJ 0 ROUllNG Of P!P[l l ES IS APnOJIWA T( ANO MAT  :::" ,,,,,,, I ~~(QI'" '"' I::..HIOl'l ~,,.11' I (Ol'"tGftl

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u 0

0 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           <J1 OJ

Q) Goulds Pumps INSPECTIOH AND TEST PLAH CUSTOMER PROFESSIONAL PUMP Ftt""I E~l '17C, ~. 1 1!-Mr.r~C co CD 0 0 P.0.1 1l1181119 £


v ITT l°Aff: 1117QQIZ GOUlDSSIN -~3

                     '""ll"'or.-ed ~ J1f4'!


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  • Vitna s .. S<Ntainc. A s Appro¥~

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Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B OpflT MP CERQFICATE OF CONFORMANCE D e; h bruary 28, 2017 Supplier: Opll T mp Inc 1500 tntemational Drive Travel$e Cil)'. Ml 49686 PH: 2"31.11 .293 G nera Atomics Puroh u Order. 4500066103 Put Numb*r: Below Main Pump 1 MODEL3796 TI SCZE'3lc3-13 Self Priming Pum pwJl-Alert 1 Drive (M otor) 480Vl'3ph/60Hz l 258-0037Nll4, Powe!Ffex 525 AC Drive, 480 VAC, 3 Phase, 25 HP, 18 SkW Noemal &Aay, 20HP , 15kW H avy Duty Fra~ E . IP20 NEMA I Open Type, Fi Crall'lg TeSlll'lg S al Nurnb r* Motor: 1033911920, Pump: N738H003, C04.lp er: No Serret Number Qua nt ity: E!i!CI\ llems AbOlle I he eby certify tti11t ell terns f mlsliG'd *9 Inst your eonlrlcllpurchas order 4500066t03 are In conlormanc:e the r quir m s. cificabons, and drawtngS; appl cable to lhal order. Vice P esiden 2 . 28.2017 Engineer ing Signa Ti le Date 1~00 !nta r n tlon~l nr1v , r~av*r3 City, HI 4969 P: 2 1. 9~f.29 l f: 231.9~6.0128

                                                          "'"'". c>p(:! teq>, c B-4

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B I /Gould$ Pumps

          .& ITT                iri rad Produtts DM!Ion 5417 NTJ6H003 0

1 ANSl-S1Mld2 Tell TS3 11'1 Info. 11'1 no rpm . 250 gpni R.ailrlg t02 I\ I fo


1350 Remar'ca. 18 p Suet Spee Power $Pff(f El'f

                    ~         G~

abs It  % 1 561 0.9990 DO 0.1 2 55-9 0,9990 0.0 20.S 3 55 5 09990 00 M .3

            *s      .SilO
                    $4  2 0 90 0 9990 0.0 0.0 119.
                                                          ,,, 5 428 478 e       53 2      09990       0.0             100.6      76,7   260                             <19 2 7      525       09990       0.0              925       76.7   298            14.              4110 8      51 5      0 9990      00               81 .3     76.8   336            14.9             <16 4 0 rpm                             Notes Ell * {c.?a:lt/ X Tota     ii X Spec G1'V)l{Pcm.. X 3960)

Pt. No Cllpacity II {gpm) (JIJ (bflp) l"Al 0.3 8.2 01 2 58..2 91 20.5 3 , 2.7 102 M.3

            *s            157.1
                          ~8 .9 1 1,1 12 ~

42.8 47,fj 6 zeo.s 13.6 49.2 7 2e1.o 14 3 49.0 8 3~7 .3 15 1 46.4 tO.te: ?JSJ 7 . TnfNmbe1. W~ B . - - -- - - -- - -- - - --

S.1111 "'° NT35HOOG
       ~P . 0 . NO
       -...No. llli!OOlitl          ~

i114 tr~Temp SarWlll $411 Fmi"l IP H9. $ll4 B-5

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B IPump $&rial No N736H003 Impeller l'lan>C!tier *,vi) 11 .~~J= (GPM) 250 Sao 3x3-13 Tempe re (oF) 7~.'I . d{ J 102 Type 3796 Accl!otance G d ID [,R.amd Speed 1170 No Cl( Stages Specd\C G.l'My ()() I.m.,-{\l~ ~~ *:J I ITT D ._.,. , 02lqk1

                      .a                                  I 1


                                                                                                                          '                 I 12:1 I


                                                         -                  r - r--

r-.._ b,,._ _ I I 1.§:)


eo I l --r- 1-t--. E

c eo I - I I I

I co I 20 I I I I) 0 ~ *O I l!O 80 1CO l :IQ 1*a teo J 180 200 220 I 14!1 ~ 210 lOO I *- 320 ,.0 31!0 i 1w II I l....,;;;;rtMPl I I I _t-- 90 I ** ao

                                                       ---rl ~
                                                                                   -<                                     I ll i!   611 50 4D
                               -        l I
                                          ---                     I I       -.--!

I l".tllcloncy 10 a


I 30 I I/ ..,.. < 20

  • v I 1D v I)


  • 2 0

0 20 *O so a& 100 120 140 &J IO 1~ m 200 2!!0 210 10C l20 3411 JSI OPM C-OPTI s.liol No tf738liOO) PO OO$lllBt r llEM 001 4

  • Ofl<<l EllCI U.- Oii *Temp S.r.tce* S.11 Pr !!' ng Ill HFX s B-6

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B APPENDIX C - Raw Pressure Drop Data Summary PT-335 Absolute to Static Absolute Flow Rate Gauge Water Head Time Pressure (GPM) Conversion Adjustment Reading (psig) (psig) (psia) 10:15:14 AM 0 10:15:16 AM 0 10:15:18 AM 0 10:15:20 AM 0 10:15:22 AM 0 10:15:24 AM 0 10:15:26 AM 0 10:28:06 AM 93 10:28:08 AM 93 10:28:10 AM 93 10:28:12 AM .93 10:28:14 AM 93 10:28:16AM 93 10:28:18 AM 93 10:55:56 AM 110 10:55:58 AM 110 10:56:00 AM 110 10:56:02 AM 110 10:56:04 AM 110 10:56:06 AM 110 10:56:08 AM 110 11:13:20 AM 126 11:13:22 AM 126 11:13:24 AM 126 11:13:26 AM 126 11:13:28 AM 126 11:13:30 AM 126 11:13:32 AM 126 C-1

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B APPENDIX D- Calculation for Extrapolating GA ~P Test Values at 20°C (Constant) to ANSYS-FLUENT Prediction Values at 34°C (Target Assembly Average) The pressure drop in a turbulent flowing fluid is governed by the equation: llP =(f Ud + K) (pV /2) 2 f is the friction factor and governs the frictional component of the flow, The friction pressure drop is linearly a function of the density, p and the friction factor, f. f , in turn , is approximately a function of the Reynolds number to the -0.25 power 1 , and Re is a function of p/µ. Thus, (flPtriction)test f (flPtriction)actual = (fp )test f (fp )actual = ftest f factual

  • Ptest f Pactual = (Ptestfµ test)-0*25 f (Pactua1fµactua1)-0 *25
  • Ptest f Pactual =

[ (Ptest f Pactual) f (µtestf µactua1)]*0 *25

  • Ptest f Pactual K governs the momentum and area change component of the pressure drop .

Thus, the momentum pressure drop is linearly a function of the density, p. So, (flPmomentum)test I (flPmomentum)actual = Ptest f Pactual Our test is basically carried out with water at 20°C , but the real flow through the target will be at an average temperature of 34 °C, with the inlet at 29°C and the outlet at 39°C. For the target flow at 2 atm : Test conditions Actual conditions Test/Actual p (kg/m3)avg 998.2536 994.4179 1.0039 p (kg/m3)inlet 998 .2536 995.9924 1.0023 p (kg/m3)outlet 998.2536 992 .6396 1.0057

µ (kg/m sec)avg              0.001002                                 0.000734                               1.3651 D-1

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B In addition, it is noted from GA report 30441 R00038 that of the total - psid target assembly pressure drop, - psid is the momentum pressure drop at the assembly inlet, - psid is frictional pressure drop along the target rods, and - psid is the momentum pressure drop at ~ the assembly outlet. Thus - frictional pressure drop and -% of the total pressure drop is inlet momentum drop, - is outlet momentum drop. Assuming the same pressure drop distribution through the test configuration would mean that is ~ (f1P) test / (f1Pactua1) = -

  • 1 .0023 +
                           -*(1.0039 I 1.3651 )-025
  • 1.0039) +
                        =                              1.0208 Thus the measured pressure drops for the target assembly will be about 2.1% higher for the test than the actual system.

1 Blasius, P. R. H. 1913. Das Aehnlichkeitsgesetz bei Reibungsvorgangen in Flussigkeiten. Forschungsheft 131, 1-41 . D-2

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441R00045/B APPENDIX E - Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test Data Sheets OAfA SHEET Target Cooling Sys1em flow Test (30441PID026_A) Section 3.3.2

  • Tarcet Assembly Pressure Crop Test
     ~%Flow case                                        6'tli                               D*lo:~                                                                              011.:..1.l.!JJ. 7

_ v_r_o_r.., __ que _ncy _ _...__ __,lope~10<:

    ..          IH*)             'fO       .                         QAR.viow: ~

a..*.. a.w ,w MtMaster t\c.,tt-:-.M. Time Ga1.11e Elaspod Pt-335 Pl-302 DPl-310 Pi-308 FT-110 FT-100 OPl-3 20 SJN: l*s;ic)A OPl -30 2 PT-HS

                                                                                                                                                                    't~~<. ... ,le..
         'Tlm*        (min)      (psigJ       IPsil!I     (pslg)         (psi*)      (GPM I       (GPM)        (ps!IJ           (psij)     (psi*)      (DSIO) 10 ~ 1.'          0      -'1.')       14.1.       t -1           ... 0         'I~        q'?>         \,')          10. ~          .1 10: :?."<          5    - '1 . ~       1"<.'l.. t.\             I \.I>      'I>         ...~          ** .s        10°!1         .1 2.1                         'I'!.        'I'!>                                   .1                          , ... t 10 '. l'I 10'   '1'1 JO 15
                               - '1, lo 1'1.\

1'1.1 -i.1

11. 0 11.0 'I) '\'>


                                                                                                                             *O . 5 10.5
                                                                                                                                         ,,                         1'\'f' DATA5HE£T Torge l COollng Symm Flow lost (3040P00016_A)

Sec:tk>n 3.3 .2 - Tareet Assembly Pressure Drop Test

      ~%Flow case                                       ~
                                                           , / ()..-/                                 ~1.1.-.                            ~/
     , - - - - - - - - , - - -..,Oper11or:

VFO lffquency

     ~--'-IH_z.;.)_ __.__'1_1_            _,

I <l'Roview: ~ D*to:....l!.u..!:!_ Opero lor: Date::1/ltf!.I-

                                                                                                               - --McMaster                        ~ t-*M.1 Time                                                                                                     Gau1e flo"'.....,1 ei..sped    Pl-335      Pl-302     OPl-310         Pl-308       FT-110       FT-100     DPl-320       S/N uno*      DPl-302      PT-335           .,.._..,. ..... t:4"'f le..
     ,_    Time        (min)       (psig)                  (psi&)                      (GPM)                                                (psigl       (psittJ 10 : '11           0    -~-"'

(ps*) io.c;  ;,I,, (psig) It.-<- lbl IGPM)

                                                                                                    \10 (Psis I 2..2.


                                                                                                                              .~.s          .Y                          T'\ *i:
                                 -s.i                    .... ,                                                              ,... s
     ._ t6'.S?..           5                   l.O. ~
                                                                         *~* t.

10\. 110 '2.t..

                                                                                                                              ... .s        *"                         .,~

10 " ~l 10 -s.'a


i.o.s 'i.b \L,'\ 101. 110 1*\..

                                                                                                                                            *"'                        1"\
     -" :6t.              15                  Z.0.'-1    ~.1             l~*t.         10\,         II<>       1.'>          '" .s.         .9                         1"1
     -                                                                                      -   ~

fl * ')O.. ~ ""' ~*""'"~ 6~~tk o...*- l.oJ~.r £.Mt. - lo&

c. ..,.\-'h'.a"' ,..,._,It.* I 'fi E-1

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B DATA SHEET Torg* t Coo lfng System Flow Test (304 41P00026_A) Section 3.3.2

  • Tal'lel Asse.mbty Pressure Drop Test

_1_1s__%FlowCase ./ 0 /_ I ~dtp / Oate:~7

    ~-----~--~Operator: ~\JJJ_

VF-D Frequency __:(_111_,_1_ _ I _..__s_z*---' QA Rtv~w; /l.1b. A= o pe ..tor: Date:~

                                                                                                                                        ~&. ..uJ t C McMHtU               £*-..**...z-u1 Time Elosped      Pl-335     Pl-302  DPl-310      Pl-308      FT*llO     FT*l OO   DPl-320 Gauce SIN C* Sl04  DP l*l02    PT-335      , ..,..,

llme (min) (p>ic) (psig) (psig) (P>i*l (GPM) (GPM) (p>ld (p>ig) (Psi* l (psig)

       ,, \ 6\f              0       - l.* 'I    21 .0   .....       i.1.1         \It.      t'l.1.    '},0         ,,,o       1.1                      1~ . 'L II:'~                         - \..Ii     1.1.0   .. .:i      21.~         111.       12\,       2.'1        ,q 0       1.0                     1'1 t 5

11'.l'i 1.i..'\ 21.1 llt IU,, t .'I 1q . o 1. 0 ..,,, i. 10

  • l.*1 II'. 1 \ 15 - i..t
                                                         ..   ~     'l.**1        \It.       Ill,       z,'\       1'1 .0      1.0                     1'1. 1.

i~*o~ a .1 ~ ... E-2

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B APPENDIX F - Measuring & Test Equipment (M& TE) List with Certificates of Calibration M&TE Name M&TE Asset No. Calibration Due Date Pressure Gauge QC-15-240 9/29/2018 (PI-335) Pressure Gauge QC-15-238 12/22/2018 (PI-302) Pressure Gauge QC-15-239 12/22/2018 (PI-308) Differential Pressure Gauge QC-15-242 12/20/2018 (DPI-302) Differential Pressure Gauge QC-15-243 12/ 12/2018 (DPI-310) Differential Pressure Gauge QC-15-246 2/20/2019 (DPI-320) Pressure Transmitter QC-15-259 5/30/2019 (PT-335) Torque Wrench QC-05-147 12/6/2017 F-1

Attachment 11 Target Cooling System Flow Test Report 30441 R00045/B APPENDIX G - Laboratory Notebook Reference All test data were recorded in Lab Notebook No. 13569. Test Lab Notebook Page No. Target Assembly Pressure Drop Test Page 8 Pump Coast-down Test Page 11 Labyrinth Seal Bypass Test Page 14 G-1}}