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30441R00017, Revision C, Ansys Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report.
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 01/27/2017
From: Chavez J
General Atomics
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Nordion (Canada), US Dept of Energy, National Nuclear Security Admin, Univ of Missouri - Columbia
DE-NA0002773 30441R00017, Rev C
Download: ML17089A237 (73)


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ATTACHMENT 8 30441R00017 Revision C REACTOR-BASED MOLYBDENUM-99 SUPPLY SYSTEM PROJECT ANSYS TARGET CARTRIDGE, HOUSING STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS DESIGN CALCULATION REPORT Prepared by General Atomics for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration and Nordion Canada Inc.

Cooperative Agreement DE-NA0002773 GA Project 30441 WBS 1100

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ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441R00017/C REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Description of Changes A 240CT16 Information Issued Initial Release B 27JAN17 Revised to update the change in cartridge design c Incorporated MURR Comments and Updated Table 17 POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARED BY:

Name Position Email Phone Juan Armando Chavez Engineer 858-455-2465 APPROVED BY:

Name Position Email Phone Oscar Gutierrez Task Lead 858-455-3655 Bob Schleicher Chief Engineer 858-455-4733 Kathy Murray Project Manager. 858-455-3272 Katherine Partain QA Manager 858-455-3225 DESIGN CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION R&D DISC QA LEVEL SYS D DV&S 181 DESIGN D T&E N II N/A D NA ii

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY .................................................*...........*..*..*.**.*..*................*.*....*.*.....*........ ii POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................ ii DESIGN CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ..*....*....*....*.**.*.*..**.....*...***.....*.*.*.*...*.......*..;........ ii ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................~ ....... ;................. vi 1 INTRODUCTION ...................*...................................*...............**...................................... 1 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ..*........................................................................................ 1 3 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS ...................................... 2 3.1 SGE Experimental Facility Description ...................................................................... 2 3.2 Target Assembly Description .................................................................................... 4-3.2.1 Mechanical Design ............................................................................................ 4 3.2.2 Target Housing .................................................................................................. 6 3.2.3 Target Cartridge Assembly .............................. :................................................. 7 3.2.4 Cooling Flow-Path ........................................................................................... 13 3.2.5 Materials of Construction ................................................................................. 16 4 CODES AND STANDARDS ..*.....**...**...*..****..*..*...*.*...................................................... 17 4.1 Design, Fabrication and Operation .......................................................................... 17 4.2 Software .................................................................................................................. 18 5 DESIGN INPUTS ............................................................................................................ 18 5.1 Mechanical Design .................................................................................................. 19 5.1.1 Target Housing ................................................................................................ 20 5.1.2 Cartridge Assembly ......................................................................................... 21 5.2 Thermo- Hydraulics Summary ................................................................................. 22 6 ASSUMPTIONS .....*...****.*...****..***.**..*...*.....*.....*............*.*......*....*...*.*...........*.*.....*........ 22 7 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF TARGET SYSTEM ....................................................... 23 7.1 Material Allowables ................................................................................................. 23 7.2 Results ....................................................................................................................26 7.2.1 Target Housing ................................................................................................ 26 7 .2.2 Cartridge Assembly ......................................................................................... 33 7.2.3 Handling Tools ................................................................................................. 52 8 RESULTS


  • ..**..*......*..................*...................*...*.*...........*..........*....*.*....*..... 53 9 REFERENCES ....................*............***.**. ~ .*....*.**.**.*..*.*.*.**...*.******....*....***.....*..*....*...**.... 55 APPENDIX A- ........ A-1 APPENDIX B - TARGET ROD BOWING DUE TO THERMAL AND IRRADIATION EFFECTS FOR SGE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY...*.**..****..*******.*.*.**.*.*...*..*.*..........*................... B-1 111


ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. SGE process scope, functional relationships and interfaces ........................................ 3 Figure 2. Layout of SGE experimental facility in the MURR reflector region and containment.. .. 4 Figure 3. MURR map for fuel elements and reflector regions ......... ~ ............................................ 5 Figure 4. Target assembly (front and back views) ....................................................................... 6 Figure 5. Illustration of target housing assembly elevation and plan views ................................. 7 Figure 6. Target cartridge assembly and target assembly section view ...................................... 8 Figure 7. Target assembly upper and lower sections .................................................................. 9 Figure 8. Target rod lower end cap pins position rods relative to lower housing water plenum.10 Figure 9. Neutron absorber section view***********:****************** .. ********************* .............................. 11 Figure 10. Target rod arrangement, ........................................................................................... 12 Figure 11. Inlet and outlet plenum extensions with method of attachment. Water flow is in blue13 Figure 12. Lower target head ..................................................................................................... 14 Figure 13. Upper target head arrangement. Water flow is in blue .............*................................ 15 Figure 14. Locking and unlocking mechanism ............................................................................ 16 Figure 15. Total pressure minus outlet static pressure cooling waterthro~assembly from point 1 to 6 a t - . - f l o w vs max design conditions. - -

...................................................................................................................20 Figure 16: Allowable strength temperature Al 6061T6 and SST316L from ASME B&PV.......... 24 Figure 17. - design conditions model for the housing assembly, stresses and deflections27 Figure 18. Linearized stress near comer for pressure design condition structural model for the housing assembly ...................................................................... 28 Figure 19. SST316L fatigue curve from ASME code (Reference 11) ........................................ 29 Figure 20. Aluminum 6061-T6 fatigue curve taken from "Fatigue Design Curves for 6061-T6 Aluminum" (Reference 12) .............................................................................................. 30 Figure 21. Geometry of the lower housing flange with a - configuration .......................... 31 Figure 22. Deflections of the c-seal flange and groove under pressure and moment loads ...... 32 Figure 23. Radially outward load. 88.181bs/40kg equivalent at top of pool.. ............................. 33 Figure 24. Cartridge at - design pressure condition. Stresses and deflections ........... 34 Figure 25. Cartridge at - design pressure condition. Linearized stress "through cartridge wall ..............................................................................................;................................... 35 Figure 26. Linearized stresses of cartridge through at weld location f o r - loading conditions ........................................................................................................................ 36 Figure 27. Cartridge at - design pressure condition. linearized stresses37 Figure 28. Cartridge at - design pressure condition (-max flow).

linearized stresses .......................................................................................................... 38 Figure 29. Pellet and cladding details ........................................................................................ 46 Figure 30. Allowable stress for Zircaloy-4 (irradiated) based on 213rd yield [ ASTM STP 1245 (Reference 15)] ...............................................................................................................47 Figure 31. Fatigue chart Zircaloy-4, -(un-irradiated and irradiated) (Reference 16 & 17) 48 Figure 32. Diffuser weight analysis, meshing ............................................................................ 51 Figure 33. Diffuser weight analysis, stress results for - ................................................. 51 IV

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 34. Diffuser weight analysis, stress results for - .............................................. 52 Figure 35. Cartridge assembly lifting and locking features ........................................................ 53 Figure 36. 3D geometry for target rod bowing analysis ........................................................... B-1 Figure 37. Ratio of power density between front and back of

  • pellets throughout GA RB-MSS .....................-.......................................................................................................... B-2 Figure 38. Radial temperature profile of target rod for worst ease power skew ....................... B-4 Figure 39. Thermal deformation in axial direction of RB-MSS target rod end cap ................... B-5 Figure 40. Deflection due to rod bowing for worst-case front-to-baek power skew....*.............. B-7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Target Rod Dimensions (Cold) ..................................................................................... 12 Table 2: Target Assembly Loading ............................................................................................. 20 Table 3: Materials of Construction ......................... .".................................................... ,............... 23 Table 4: Zircaloy - 4 Zirconium Alloy, UNS R60804 from Vs FRAPCON ............. 25 Table 5: Geometric Dimensions Used in FRAPCON Analysis ................................................... 40 Table 6: Power Histories Used in FRAPCON Analyses ... ;........................................:................ 41 Table 7: Axial Power Profile Used in FRAPCON ........................................................................ 42 Table 8: Cladding Outer Diameter Temperature for Target Rod 17 ........................................... 43 Table 9: Additional FRAPCON Input Parameters .......................................................................43 Table 10: FRAPCON Results a t - a t - ....................................................... 44 Table 11: FRAPCON Results a t - a t - ....................................................... 44 Table 12: FRAPCON Results a t - a t - ..................................................... 44 Table 13: FRAPCON Results a t - a t - ..................................................... 45 Table 14: FRAPCON Results Summary ..................................................................................... 47 Table 15: Flow Induced Vibration Results ..................................................................................49 Table 16: Weight of Cartridge Components ................................................................................ 50 Table 17: Cartridge and Housing Design Limits ......................................................................... 54 Table 18: Convection Conditions for External Tube ................................................................. B-3 Table 19: Power Density Variation in Pellet Stack for Average and Worst Case ..................... B-3 Table 20: Power Density Variation in Pellet Stack for Average and Worst Case ..................... B-6 v

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C ACRONYMS Acronym Description ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers FEA Finite Element Analysis FEM Finite Element Model GA General Atomics GPa Giga-Pascal kPa Kilo-Pascal LEU Low Enriched Uranium LWR Light Water Reactors MFC Mass Flow Controller Mo-99 Molybdenum-99 MPa Mega-Pascal MSS Molybdenum Suooly System MURR Universitv of Missouri Research Reactor PSI Pounds per square inch RTD Resistance Thermometer Detector SGE Selective Gas Extraction TA Target Assembly TS Target System VI

\ ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to present calculation results showing that the Target Assembly (TA) components for the Once-Through Approach as part of the Reactor-Based Molybdenum-99 Supply System (RB-MSS) meet the applicable design requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code,Section VIII, Division 1 and 2, 2015 (References 1 and 2) and Section 11-B and D, 2015 (Reference 3)

Top level design requirements for the TA are defined The Once-Through Approach design will be developed and demonstrated under the RB-MSS project, co-funded by the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE-NNSA) and Nordion (Canada), Inc. It is intended that the MSS will be installed and operated at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) to begin production of commercially-significant quantities of Mo-99 by the beginning of 2018.

In addition to a summary-level description of the MSS conceptual design, this document describes the analysis performed to evaluate the performance of the Target Housing, Cartridge, Cladding and Diffuser components that make up the MSS Target Assembly.

2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A list of applicable documents is provided below.

30441 R00021 3 0441R00031 QAPD-30441-11 Quality Assurance Program Document- Phase II, Reactor-Based Molybdenum 99 Supply System (RB-MSS) 1

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C 3 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS 3.1 SGE Experimental Facility Description The SGE experimental facility employs a first-of-a-kind concept for radioisotope production. It is a reactor-driven, - based system that selectively removes specific isotopes of interest, viz.,

Mo-99, , that are produced from fission during irradiation of Zircaloy-4 clad target rods containing pellets that are nominally enriched to -


  • The target rods will be contained in Al6061 cartridges that ensure uniform cooling water flow around the target rods and will be located in the graphite reflector region of the 10 MW University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR). The SGE facility will be operated by MURR staff in concert with MURR's routine reactor operations.

During SGE system operation, one or two target cartridges holding up to

  • target rods each are placed in permanently installed support assemblies in the graphite reflector location.

Fission product isotopes including Mo-99 are generated during target irradiation. At the end of

, the target rods, following a short period of cooling

), are removed and transferred to a bank of hot cells using an intra-facility, shielded transfer cask, also designed for adequate heat dissipation during transfer. Here, the irradiated target rods are decladded to remove the irradiated* pellets, which are then subject to the selective gaseous extraction process (SGE) to separate the Mo-99 in gaseous form to a collection apparatus. The product is then further processed to separate molybdenum from the collection process by-products and impurities. The product is then packaged and shipped to a licensed radioisotope facility for final purification that meets the required U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) purity standards for fabrication of Tc-99 generators. The residual uranium-containing powder is reduced to U02, encapsulated and placed in sealed storage containers for eventual disposal.

The fully-loaded target cartridges themselves are each, and together, subcritical in water

- ) as detailed in 30441 R00031. Fission only occurs in the target when exposed to neutron irradiation from the reactor.

Figure 1 shows a functional block diagram of the SGE process including process streams, subsystem and interfaces with the reactor and containment facility.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 1. SGE process scope, functional relationships and interfaces The SGE facility is divided into separate subsystems. The Target System includes a Target Assembly and a Target Loading and Unloading station. The Target Housing is described in Section 3.2.2. The Cartridge Assembly is described in Section 3.2.3. Figure 2 shows a layout of the SGE systems within the MURR reactor pool and containment building. The cartridge loading station is where the target rods are removed from the cartridge and placed in a transfer cask. The cartridge is reloaded with fresh or dummy target rods in this location.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 2. Layout of SGE experimental facility in the MURR reflector region and containment 3.2 Target Assembly Description 3.2.1 Mechanical Design The target assembly (TA) is designed to be installed in each of the reactor graphite reflector positions - as shown in Figure 3. The housing is held laterally in place by an indicator hole in the reactor baseplate and vertically in place by the target cooling system inlet pipe which includes a compressible link. Each target assembly consists of a water inlet section, a target housing, a lower plenum, a cartridge assembly, an outlet diffuser, and a cartridge locking mechanism. Figure 4 shows the target assembly components. The modeling and mechanical design of the target assembly components in 30 was performed using the commercially available SolidWorks 2016 software package.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Galculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C 5

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 4. Target assembly (front and back views) 3.2.2 Target Housing The functions of the target housing are to direct the flow of cooling water, provide structural support, and position the cartridge within the reactor reflector. Figure 5 shows vertical and plan cutaway of the target housing. The target housing is fabricated from welded Al6061 plates while the lower housing plenum is fabricated from SS316L. Cooling water is fed to the target housing by the target cooling system through a line at the top of the assembly. The target housing then directs the water down through the lower plenum, up the inside of the cartridge and finally exiting out the diffuser into the MURR pool. The target housing and the lower housing plenum are bolted together and water leakage is prevented by a metal c-seal that keeps this interface water tight.


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 5. Illustration of target housing assembly elevation and plan views The bottom of the housing has a locator stub that fits in the reactor support structure, which bears the weight of the assembly and attached piping. The load from the piping is transferred to the lower housing plenum by the target and the housing sides. The lower housing water plenum is bolted to the target housing with a c-seal to prevent loss of cooling water before reaching the cartridge and the target rods.

3.2.3 Target Cartridge Assembly Cartridge The primary functions of the cartridge are to (a) position and support the target rods containing the - pellets, (b) provide a cooling passage for the target rods, (c)

(d) to mix and guide the water outlet flow. The cartridge assembly consists of an A16061 diffuser on the top, an Al6061 orientation and location ensures the SGE facility maximizes the Moly-99 production while remaining sub-critical.

The target rods are held in position by the top and bottom cartridge flanges The cartridge is secured in place by a locking 7

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C


mechanism located on top of the diffuser. The locking mechanism engages and disengages to

  • the top of the target housing.

Figure 6. Target cartridge assembly and target assembly section view Figure 7 shows the cartridge upper and lower sections highlighting key components and features of the design. The cartridge is a ~at will have

- l e n g t h of the cartridge. This simplifies the fabrication as well as allowing more control over the tolerances for the fit between and the target rods.

The cartridge is first located to the target housing by a pair of guide rails that lead to a pair of locating pins (Figure 5). These highly tolerance pin are part of the target housing lower plenum and receive and place the cartridge in its final position in _relation to the reactor core. The cartridge is then held in place by a locking and unlocking mechanism that releases the cartridge from the target housing, consisting of couple of levers actuated by two spring loaded bolts that hold the pressure and water flow loads of the target assembly and is explained in more detail in Section


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441R00017/C Figure 7. Target assembly upper and lower sections The target rods are fixed on the top (upper endcap) and laterally restrained at the bottom (lower endcap) allowing room for axial thermal expansion between the widest portion of the lower end cap and the cartridge lower flange. The target rods are expected to , leaving - for margin including mechanical tolerance stack-ups. The target rods are located and held concentric to the water channels that are fabricated into the lower cartridge flange and can be seen on Figure 8. Target rod lower end cap pins position rods relative to the lower housing water plenum. This ensures even flow velocities around the target rods through the cartridge.

The water cutouts are smaller than the pointed end cap of the target rod.

This eliminates the possibility of the target rod getting stuck on one of these

- when inserting them into the cartridge and ensures the worker can always find the center of the cartridge and guide the target rod into its final position.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C The are designed to create near-uniform coolant flow over the target rods as soon as the water enters the cartridge.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Target rods The function of the target rod is to contain the

  • target pellets and to prevent fission gas release. Figure 10 shows an individual target rod assembly. The target rod consists of an upper end cap, cladding, target pellets, and a lower end cap. Due to manufacturing tolerances on the height, the number of pellets

. The - pellets have a nominal active in the cold state. A nominal radial gap of - exists between the pellet OD and the cladding ID. This nominal gap offers the best dimensional balance between cladding strain and thermal conductivity to the cladding wall. The end caps are fabricated from Zircaloy-4 bar with integrated features designed to optimize installation and extraction from the cartridge. Both end caps are welded to the cladding autogenously (no filler rod) by a standard automated orbital weld head. The - captive by .

the upper end cap, to aid in easier recovery post-irradiation.

Table 1 lists the individual pellet/clad components and dimensions.

The Zircaloy-4 (UNS R60804) cladding will be fabricated and inspected in accordance with seamless alloy tubes for nuclear reactor fuel cladding applications per American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 8811. The Zircaloy-4 (UNS R60804) end caps and -

- will be fabricated from bar material in accordance to ASTM 8351.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 10. Target rod arrangement Table 1: Target Rod Dimensions (Cold) 12

ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis. Design Calculation Report 30441R00017/C Diffuser The functions for the diffuser are a) to capture the target rods (Figure 7), b) provide water mixing for an outlet water temperature measurement, c) divert the flow away from MURR equipment, and d) to guide

  • flow away from the pool surface. The water is mixed in the diffuser's water flow mixing region (Figure 11 ) to allow for a bulk water temperature measurement. The exit temperature measurement is used to determine the Target System power.

3.2.4 Cooling Flow Path Target Water Flow Path Figure 11 shows the path of cooling water flow in the target system. Cooling water enters the housing from the inlet pipe and flows into the open lower plenum turning into the lower cartridge flange. The lower cartridge flange has labyrinthine features to minimize water bypassing the target rods during normal operations. The flow then travels around the target rods, into th~

diffuser and is ultimately ejected to the reactor pool.

Figure 11. Inlet and outlet plenum extensions with method of attachment. Water flow is in blue Lower Target Housing and Cartridge Figure 12 shows a cross-section of the target housing lower water plenum. The bottom of the housing has a locator stub that fits in the reactor support floor, which bears the weight of the 13

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C assembly and attached piping. The load is transferred to the target bottom through the housing sides. The target rods are supported from upper cartridge flange and simply supported from the bottom endcaps by the lower cartridge flange, which also provide the target rods with concentricity to the cartridge water channel (with margin for thermal growth). The lower housing water plenum is bolted to the target housing. This interface is then sealed with a c-seal to prevent loss of cooling water before reaching the cartridge and the target rods. Upper Target Housing and Cartridge Figure 13 ,shows the upper target housing, cartridge, and lower section of the diffuser. The lower flange of the diffuser acts as the lid that holds down the target rods and keeps them from coming out of the cartridge by capturing the target rod's upper end cap. This, along with the lower cartridge flange supporting the target rods, properly constrains the target rods through the installation, irradiation, and transfer to the temporary holding area inside the pool. The lower diffuser flange is welded to the neck portion of the diffuser, which collects the water exiting the cartridge and mixes it together before guiding it to the resistance temperature detector (RTD) for measurement and ultimately to the pool. The mixing of the flow is very important to be able to take an accurate measurement of the power being generated by the target assembly,

. Mo-99 production The water flowing over the dummy rods will exit into the diffuser much cooler than the water from the actual target rods, thus mixing of the flow is critical for an accurate power 14

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation R~port 30441 R00017/C measurement. At each interface, cartridge flange to lower diffuser flange to diffuser ducting, the water cross-sectional area remains constant.

Figure 13. Upper target head arrangement. Water 'flow is in blue This allows the diffuser to have a minimal pressure drop from the cartridge exit to the reactor pool.

When it is time to remove the irradiated cartridge from its irradiation position in the reflector for transfer to the in-pool loading/unloading station, the* cartridge wjll be maneuvered and handled remotely in the reactor pool by the operator positioned on top of the pool. The cartridge is moved from the reflector wedge to the in-pool unloading station, where the diffuser is unlatched from the cartridge to access the target rods for loading into the transfer cask. The diffuser is attached to the cartridge by using two positive lock, spring loaded, quarter tum, cam lock bolts that engage to the cartridge upper flange. The two bolts are readily accessible and visible from the top by the operator and tools have been developed to perform such a function within the reactor pool.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOD 17/C Cartridge Locking Mechanism The locking and unlocking mechanism that releases the cartridge from the target housing consists of couple of levers actuated by two spring loaded bolts that hold the pressure and water flow loads of the target assembly. As seen in Figure 14, the holding levers are controlled by the two bolts that slide laterally when the bolts are rotated which in tum makes the lever pivot to clear the locking lug attached to the target housing. This releases the cartridge to be lifted to the unloading/loading zone higher up in the pool. are more than enough to restrain the cartridge from the anticipated vertical load from the flow of - and thus making this a secured experiment.

Figure 14. Locking and unlocking mechanism 3.2.5 Materials of Construction Design Basis for Target Assembly Materials The considerations upon which target assembly material selections are based are as follows:

(i) Prior operating experience for target cladding materials in a nuclear reactor irradiation environment is preferable.

(ii) The materials must have good mechanical strength at temperature up to - -


' ' ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C (iii) Materials in the neutron flux must have low neutron absorption cross-sections so as not to impede the rate of Mo-99 production.

(iv) Selected alloys must have the properties to support readily fabrication into required shapes and must be readily weldable.

(v) The material used for the inner clad of the target rod must not undergo undesirable chemical reactions with the target pellet material or fission products within the operating temperature range. NRC-Approved Fuel Cladding Alloys Alloys that have been approved by the Nuclear Regulato,ry Commission (NRC) for fuel cladding in power and research reactors in the United States include Zircaloy, SS304, SS3J6L, and Al6061. Zircaloy-4 is the preferred candidate due to its lower neutron absorption, which results in higher product yield, and is also used in LWRs. The Zircaloy-4 (UNS R60804) cladding will be fabricated and inspected in accordance to seamless alloy tubes for nuclear reactor fuel cladding applications per ASTM 8811.

4 CODES AND STANDARDS 4.1 Design, Fabrication and Operation General Atomics (GA) is the prime contractor for the design and supply of the SGE experimental facility structures, systems and components (SSC). The SGE experimental facility will be designed and fabricated in accordance with applicable codes and standards, specifically:

  • The SGE experimental facility structures, systems and components (SSC), and conduct of operations with the facility, shall comply with all applicable USNRC reactor license requirements, other federal regulatory requirements, as well as local and state design codes and standards requirements.
  • SGE experimental facility components shall be designed to meet th.e applicable requirements in Section VIII, Div. 1 & 2 of the ASME B&PV Code, 2015 (References 1 I

and 2).

  • Welding shall meet the applicable requirements1 in Section IX *of the ASME B&PV Code, 2015 (Reference 4).
  • Weld NOE shall meet the intent of the applicable requirements in Section V of the ASME B&PV Code, 2015 (Reference 5).
  • 1 The applicable SSCs of the SGE experimental facility will be designed to meet all the requirements of the ASME oode, but will not be code certified SSCs.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C

  • All materials used in SGE experimental facility components shall meet the intent of applicable requirements in Section II of the ASME B&PV Code, 2015 (Reference 3).
  • Regulatory Guide 2.2, Development of Technical Specifications for Experiments in Research Reactors, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, November 1973, (Reference 6).

4.2 Software The nuclear, thermal hydraulic and mechanical design of the SGE experimental facility utilized the following analytical and design software packages.

  • RELAP5 to confirm thermal hydraulic parameters of the target assembly, and for analysis of target transient conditions.
  • FRAPTRAN for source term calculation verification (transient analysis) o RELAP and FRAPTRAN Accident analysis is reported in GA Doc. No.

30441 R00032 "RELAP Accident Analysis and FRAPTRAN Target Rod Transient Analysis"

  • FRAPCON for source term calculation verification (steady state analysis)
  • ANSYS Workbench R16 was utilized for the structural performance analysis for the target assembly o ANSYS Workbench R16 software was tested and verified with GA Doc. No.

30441 R00020 documenting the results of the software with GA computers.

o For the fluid analysis portion of the analysis, ANSYS FLUENT was tested and verified with GA report 30441 R00028 documenting the results.

  • SolidWorks 2016 for the detailed mechanical design and 30 visualization.

The use of all software for the development of the SGE experimental facility has been subjected to the rigorous software quality assurance (QA) verification and validation procedures as required by the GA Quality Assurance Program and related documents (QAPD-30441-11),

including preparation of verification and validation reports as required by the applicable requirements in the applicable engineering procedures in Reference 1.

5 DESIGN INPUTS The Target Assembly (TA) geometry design and dimensions are based on and is described in Section 5.1. Design conditions for specific assembly components are summarized in Section 5.1. Mat~rials of Construction for the main assembly components are listed in Table 3 in Section 6. There was no corrosion allowance for the design (preliminary test samples placed 18

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C inside the MURR Pool only showed appropriate levels of oxidation). Images documented are on APPENDIX A.

5.1 Mechanical Design The target assembly (TA) is designed to be installed in one or more of the reactors -

A maximum of two * - - will be installed as part of the SGE facility. Each TA consists of a water inlet section, a target housing, a lower plenum, a cartridge assembly, an outlet diffuser, and a cartridge locking mechanism. Figure 4 shows the TA components. The modeling and mechanical design of the TA components in 30 was performed using the commercially available SolidWorks 2016 software package while the analysis of the components was performed with ANSYS Workbench R16 of which results are presented in Section 7. The Target Assembly design pressure inputs will vary across the sub-components due to the pressure drop that the cooling water will see as it moves through the system. To quantify the actual pressures each component will see during normal operating conditions, an ANSYS Fluent Analysis model was developed to calculate this pressure drop. All of these calculations and parameters are detailed in . Figure 15 was made by extracting the pressure drop parameters from flow cases. Section 7 has the detailed stress analysis for all components in the Target Assembly.

The water flow enters the target housing through a I pipe that is called position one in Figure 15 below (position 1). The flow makes its way through the

- and makes its way up, through the lower part of the flow then moves around water channels and reach the cartridge main target cooling zone (position 3). The flow makes its way around the targets, cooling them until it reaches (position 4) and makes its way through the cartridge top flange grid that holds the target rods in place . . .

(position 5), the diffuser assembly takes over and guides the water flow to the eventual exit location and into the pool (position 6). For this analysis, the pool pressure at the exit of the diffuser is . .

target assembly loading are summarized in Figure 15.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Pressure Drop for 100% & 115% Flow Conditions for Target Assembly Flow ...-oesign Limit Load

""*- Nomina l Figure 15. Total pressure minus outlet static pressure cooling water throu h ta,., et assembly from point 1 to 6 at - - flow vs max design conditions.

These numbers are the maximum loading design parameters for the housing and the cartridge.

for the Housing and for the cartridge are maximum loading conditions (at locations shown) that meet the ASME B&PV Code allowables as defined by Figure 16 in Section 7.1 as well as maintaining a minimum factor of safety of 2 per NUREG 2.2 (Reference 6). Although it is not expected to see values above the - flow case, these design values are - (for the Housing) and - (for the cartridge) higher than the -

flow case, more than satisfying the requirements. The detailed stress analysis results for all the TA components are presented in Section 7.

Table 2: Target Assembly Loading Loading (psi) Loading (kPa)

Max Design Pressures for Housing TA components Cartridge 5.1.1 Target Housing Figure 15 shows that the ANSYS FLUENT analysis yielded a pressure of for the highest flow case of - . The Target Housing however will be analyzed for the loading condition from Table 2 and a factor of safety will be obtained by 20

ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C comparing the Target Housing stresses to the ASME Ultimate Tensile Strength allowable at temperature to see that it satisfies NUREG 2.2 (Reference 6) as defined in Section 7, 1 below.

5.1.2 Cartridge Assembly Figure 15 shows that the ANSYS FLUENT analysis yielded static a pressure of for the highest flow case o f -

  • The actual pressure drop* though the target rods and the cartridge is (between positions 3 and 4 ), the rest of the pressure drop comes from the on the outlet of the cartridge and diffuser (positions 5 - 6). The Cartridge Assembly will be analyzed for the loading condition from Table 2 and a factor of safety will be obtained by comparing the Cartridge stresses to the ASME Ultimate Tensile Strength allowable at temperature to see that it satisfies NUREG 2.2 (Reference 6) as defined in Section 7.1 below. Target Rods Per design requirements , target rods can be irradiated over a - period before they are pulled for further processing, with - and - shutdowns over that period. The reactor nominal operating power is . Though unlikely, the reactor can conceivably drift up to reactor power before the control system will take action and lower the control blades.

To look at pellet-cladding interaction, hence pellet thermal and cladding structural performance, the target rods were analyzed using FRAPCON. The analysis was performed for three different

  • to Cladding gap sizes, - (Min.), - (Norn.) and - (Max.), for a -

operational period, with the reactor power being set a t -

  • except of the first and last day, where the reactor power is assumed to be at - for conservatism. This sequence provides the most conservative results for temperatures, fission gas release and relocation. For further details refer to Section.

To look at vibration of the target rods, and according to the report ANL-GenlV-070 - Generation IV Nuclear Energy System Initiative Pin Core Subassembly Design, p. 57 (Reference 7), there are two primary concerns from the viewpoint *of vibration analysis: i) the magnitude of

.turbulence-induced target rod displacements (Le., preclude rod-to-rod contacts which could result in damage accumulation over the course of plant operations); and ii) excitation mechanisms, wherein the frequency of flow field oscillations may match the natural vibration frequency of the target rods, resulting in energy extraction from the flow field that can lead to rod damage. These two points are addressed in Section 7 .

Bowing of the RB-MSS target rods due to thermal and irradiation effects was analyzed using ANSYS with a combined thermal-structural model. A thermal analysis of a single target rod was 21

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017 /C performed to generate a temperature distribution in the cladding. This temperature distribution was imported into a static structural model to observe the effects of thermal strain on the cladding. The structural model was then adjusted to incorporate the effects of irradiation induced swelling by modifying the coefficient of thermal expansion of Zircaloy-4. Results of this analysis can be found in APPENDIX B of this report. Diffuser The diffuser has been made a direct subcomponent of the cartridge assembly to facilitate the handling and exchanging of the target rods. As part of the design, the cartridge and diffuser are intimately attached while down in the reactor position. In order to remove the cartridge, a lifting eye is machined to the diffuser assembly, subjecting the diffuser structure to hold the full weight of the cartridge and target rods. The full weight of the cartridge with - rods is -

- which yields a minimum design weight load of that the Diffuser must be able to lift. A structural model was generated for the Diffuser weldment and the results are summarized in Section 7 . The flow characteristics that the diffuser imparts on the cartridge exit flow are also detailed in 5.2 Thermo- Hydraulics Summary A full thermo-hydraulic analysis was performed to evaluate the flow needs of the target assembly as well as the pressure loads the Target Assembly w!ll experience during normal operations and for accident scenarios such as loss of cooling. The full details on the thermo-hydraulics results can be found in 30441 R00021.

6 ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were used in the structural-mechanical analysis:

1. No strength reduction was assumed as a result of irradiation based on the effect of neutron irradiation analysis performed
2. There was no corrosion allowance for the design (preliminary test samples placed inside the MURR Pool only showed appropriate levels of oxidation). Images documented on email from Christopher Dohm titled "Corrosion Samples Monthly Update" sent on September 20, 2016, (Reference 8) of which a few sample images are appended to this document in APPENDIX A.
3. All TA components (except for the target rod components} a r e -
  • obtained from Doc. No. 30441R00021.
4. Materials of construction are as listed in Table 3.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Table 3: Materials of Construction Target Housing Weldment UNSA96061 Lower Housing Weldment UNS 831603 Cartridge Lower Flange UNSA96061 Cartridge UNSA96061 Lower Diffuser UNSA96061 Diffuser Outlet UNSA96061 Cladding UNS R60804 Upper Cladding Endcap UNSR60804 Lower Cladding Endcap UNSR60804 Cooling Line Flange UNSA96061 C-Seal lnconel 718 Pellets

5. The target assembly is expected to run and irradiate targets at most twice per week.
  • For the cladding, startups, shutdowns and changes in power are assumed to occur over a time period. Also, the extreme allowable conditions of the target rods are assumed for the analysis (i.e. , the first and last day of a - irradiation is at
7. The total Cartridge pressure cycles are *  ; based upon for a total of - lifetime. No thermal cycles are assumed for the Cartridge.
8. The total Target Housing pressure cycles are . .; based upon for a total of - . No thermal cycles are assumed for the Housing
9. Cladding cycles are based on - operation 7 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF TARGET SYSTEM 7.1 Material Allowables The allowable stress for AL6061-T6 and Stainless Steel 316L were obtained from Section II of the ASME B&PV Code (Reference 3), (Figure 16). These values will be used to evaluate safety and the limits of the Target Assembly components. Values for Zircalloy-4 were taken from Matweb (Reference 9) and in Table 4, a comparison is done to some of the material strength numbers as used by FRAPCON.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441ROOD17/C As a secondary check, Regulatory Guide 2.2, Reference 6, states :

a. Regulatory Guide 2.2, Development of TS for Experiments in Research Reactors (referenced in NUREG-1573)

Under Mechanical Stress Effects (C. 1.c(3)):

Materials of construction and fabrication and assembly techniques utilized in experiments should be so specified and used that assurance is provided that no stress failure can occur at stresses twice those anticipated in the manipulation and conduct of the experiment or twice those which would occur as a result of unintended but credible changes of, or within, the experiment.)

To satisfy this condition, a minimum factor of safety of 2 will be applied to ensure no stress failure occurs in the Target Assembly components.


  • .
  • 316l$
                    • ....
  • 6061 Al (T6}

-C'CI ll..

100 ...

80 ** *.'


(I) .......

Q) 60 2i

.2 40

<( '


  • 0 0 50 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Temperature (°C)

Figure 16: Allowable strength temperature Al 6061T6 and SST316L from ASME B&PV.


I ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Table 4: Zircaloy - 4 Zirconium Alloy, UNS R60804 from Vs FRAPCON Physical Properties Metric English Comments FRAPCON Density 6.56g/cc 0.237 lb/in 3 6.52g/cc Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments FRAPCON Tensile Strength, Ultimate >=413 MPa >= 59900 psi

>=241 MPa >= 35000 psi Tensile Strength, Yield

@Strain 0.200 % @Strain 0.200 %

Elongation at Break 20% 20% in 50 mm Modulus of Elasticity 99.3 GPa 14400 ksi 81.5 GPa Poissons Ratio 0.37 0.37 0.42 Shear Modulus 36.2 GPa 5250 ksi 30.2 GPa Electrical Properties Metric English Comments FRAPCON Electrical Resistivity 0.0000740 ohm-cm 0.0000740 ohm-cm Thermal Properties Metric English Comments FRAPCON 6.00 l!mlm-°C 3.33 f!inlin-°F CTE , linear @Temperature @Temperature 25.0 °C 77.0 °F Specific Heat Capacity 0.285 J/g- 0

( 0.0681 BTUl1b-°F 149 BTU-inlhr-ft2-Thermal Conductivity 21.5 Wlm-K OF Melting Point 1850°C 3360 °F Boiling Point 4375°C 7907°F 25

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441ROOO17/C Table 4: Zircaloy - 4 Zirconium Alloy, UNS R60804 from Vs FRAPCON Component Elements Metric English Comments FRAPCON Properties Chromium, Cr 0.10% 0.10%

Iron , Fe 0.20% 0.20%

Oxygen, O 0.12% 0.12%

Tin, Sn 1.40% 1.40%

Zirconium, Zr 98.50% 98.50%

7.2 Results 7.2.1 Target Housing Housing Structural A model was developed to evaluate the structural behavior of the housing assembly to ensure that the design can safely handle stresses when submitted to pressures that more than satisfy the nominal - and - flow conditions as outlined in Section 5. Taking the highest flow condition of - flow during the SCRAM of the reactor, the pressure the housing will see is calculated to be taken from Figure 15. Although it is not expected for the Housing to see pressures beyond the which occurs at - flow, the parameter is set as the design limit of the housing due to the stresses seen at the welds of - getting close to the stress allowables as defined in Figure 16 and with a knockdown factor applied due to the type of weld used.

At this pressure, the Target Housing performs very well as the maximum Von Mises stress generated is 8.75 ksi [60.317 MPa] localized at one of the comers of the Aluminum housing as seen in Figure 17a1 and 17c, and which is well within the allowable of 11.99 ksi [82.7 MPa] for AL6061 per Figure 16. The Von-Mises stresses for the SST316L housing components are below 5.80 ksi [40.00 MPa] as seen in Figure 17a2 for the most part on the main plenum body. There is a high point at a corner of the SST plate that reaches 8.39 ksi [57.815 MPa ] as seen on Figure 17a2 but it is highly localized and still under the allowable of 24.95 ksi [172 MPa].

The linearized stresses at the high stress point of the housing, through the back wall and the side-plate weld location of the housing are shown in Figure 18. These stresses show a membrane plus bending value of 3.93 ksi [27.07 MPa], which is well below the 11.99 ksi 26

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C (82.7 MPa] ASME code allowable from Figure 16 and providing a factor of safety of 8.90 for the Housing when compared to the 34.95 ksi [241 MPa] yield for AL6061 , more than satisfying NUREG 2.2 (Reference 6).

Per the guidelines from ASME Code Section Ill Div 1 Table UW-12 (Reference 10) type 3 weld, "single welded butt joint without the use of a backing strip" will be used on the welds for the housing. To satisfy the code, the weld joint cannot see stresses which are 60% of the allowables. Sixty percent of 82.7 MPa is 49.62 MPa or 7.20 ksi allowed at the weld location.

The membrane plus bending stress at the weld is 3.93 ksi (27.07 MPa] which more than satisfies the limit outlined by Table UW-12 with the knockdown factor for the welding of the housing. This design limit is still very conservative as evidenced by the safety factor of 8.9 when compared to the yield for AL6061 on top of the 25.80% conservatism taken by designing to a higher pressure load.

The displacement generated by 21 .5 psi [148 .24 kPa] load is also small at 0.021 in (0.526mm]

located at the center of the Housing and seen in Figure 17b. This slight expansion of the Housing does not cause it to interfere with the outer walls of the reactor nor touches the neighboring wedge, which retain a nominal spacing of 0.062 in [1 .57mm] and thus poses no issue.

Figure 17. - design conditions model for the housing assembly, stresses and deflections 27

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441ROOO 17/C

o. 2.5 5. 7.5 10 . 13.2 Imm)

Figure 18. Linearized stress near comer for pressure design condition structural model for the housing assembly Housing Fatigue The Housing is designed to last a period of ten years. The highest number of expected cycles the housing will experience during that timeframe is s: - based on current experiment plans that allow up to . At the design pressure of for the housing, the primary stresses are well within yield strength of the SST316L (24.95 ksi

[172 MPa] at 40°C) and for Al6061T6 (34.95 ksi [241 MPa] at 40°C). Also, due to the low amount of cycles and low primary stresses, pressure fatigue is not an issue as seen in Figure 19 and Figure 20 for both materials. Fatigue for steel does not start to become an issue until the cycles reach 100,000 as seen in Figure 19, and for Al6061T6, the stress levels of concern at 1000 cycles is at 27 .56 ksi [190 MPa]. The highest stress point for the housing Aluminum components under loading is localized at the comer of the housing with a Von Mises stress of 8.75 ksi [60.317 MPa] (

Figure 17a1) yielding a safety factor of 3.15. With the low number of cycles not being a concern, the yield value for SST316L is 24.95 ksi [172 MPa] and comparing this to the high point of stress for the SST316L components being 8.39 ksi [57.815 MPa] from Figure 17a2, a safety factor of 2.975 is achieved. Thermal fatigue is also not an issue for the housing as the 28

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C expected thermal difference experienced by the housing will be only . . as compared to the pool temperature.

ftntk ~., Matitrllil OthH lW WntJ *lid MtM All'tQH Zonn 1'1

  • P** ~ r. . . > l W' *ardS, c~llrdfOl'~ll!l'n11ns J, ,___ i I I



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  • 1'1 ll lO' fllP*

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ld~~ .. ~~1'11Mnlliillld rldW ..dub~ntl..,.h'flrt0.

lf) 0..WA ... UlcwMH* IAt&ldlc-..~.i S,* ~tr(wtwir11A4'1 1it. h .... tfl<<1lw~'trl r. . .


Figure 19. SST316L fatigue curve from ASME code (Reference 11) 29

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C 100 600


200 "ii



i 10~

- 0 ID 50 JJth

-§ 0

i al 20 milxfmum mean skess I iii
  • E . s Number of cycles, N Nota.
  • 10*0 x 10 ps1 Figure 20. Aluminum 6061-T6 fatigue curve taken from "Fatigue Design Curves for 6061-T6 Aluminum" (Reference 12) C-seal Analysis In order to make the housing body meet the - lifetime requirement, the cartridge to housing interface was identified as key due to the small guiding features that mount and install the cartridge into its final position as well as the size of the bypass prevention features. With this in mind, the decision to use SST 316L on the male features and Aluminum 6061 on the female features was made. However, due to the half-life of SST316L once activated and its associated cost for disposal, the use of SST316L is minimized to create an interface back to Aluminum 6061 for the main housing body. This interface between the aluminum body of the housing and the steel lower portion is sealed with a c-seal. The c-seal prevents water leakage and allows the use of the two materials. Manufacturer Jetseal Inc. was contacted to design a c-seal for the geometry provided and that would seal the surfaces up to A model was generated to measure the deflections the flange will have under the load from the bolts compression of the c-seal and from the scenario were someone leans into the pipes at the top of the pool. Due to the long lever (- 6.Sm), small forces could potentially cause enough deflections in the housing to cause lift from the c-seal in the flange. The manufacturer has a recommendation of - of linear force around the seal to be used and that is what was loaded into the model.

To make sure this flange is stiff enough and the interface has no leakage due to deflections from the flange, an FEM was generated with the following loads: a) internal pressure with a b) a - linear force 30

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation R~port 30441R00017/C on the c-seal groove (resistance from the c-seal), and c) a moment to simulate an average size man leaning on the water inlet pipe at the top of the pool (78.7lbs/35.7kg lateral load). Figure 21 shows the geometry of the lower housing flange with a Figure 21. Geometry of the lower housing flange with a- configuration Figure 22 shows the deflections of the flange and the groove under the pressure and the moment loads. Deflections are minimal as expected due to the flange thickness of 0.75 inches in addition to the flange ribs providing a great amount of stiffness perpendicular to the mating flanges. The maximum deflection is 0.0065 inches [0.165mm] from point to point '?n the sealing surface of the groove under the load. The c-seal is designed with at least

- elastic springback in order to prevent lift and avoid water bypass under these loading conditions and maintain a factor of safety of 2.

Although the - pipe will be at ground level at top of the pool to avoid someone leaning ~n it, this extra level of robustness serves as margin for the expected loading of the design.



ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 22. Deflections of the c-sea/ flange and groove under pressure and moment loads As far as the stresses on the housing are concerned, Figure 23 shows the load of -

applied to the top of the housing. This is the equivalent of a 40kg/88.181bs load being applied to the top of the line above the housing, mimicking the weight of a person leaning on the pipe at the top of a pool and to show that the housing is more robust than the lift moment applied when analyzing the c-seal. Figure 23 shows the maximum Von Mises stress calculated from this load is 11.60 ksi [79.97 MPa] for one of the ribs on the lower flange and around 9.14 ksi [63 MPa] at the - inlet and top plate of the housing. Under these 32

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C conditions, having half the weight of an average person leaning on the pipe, the TA meets the allowable from the ASME code for AL6061 at 11.99 ksi [82. 7 MPa]. It is the intention to institute procedures and administrative controls to not have a person lean on the pipes such as anchoring the pipe to a support structure at the top of the pool for support so that the support takes the load from someone accidentally leaning on the pipe but this analysis shows that the design can take a significant lateral load without damaging the housing.

Figure 23. Radially outward load. 88. 18/bs/40kg equivalent at top of pool 7.2.2 Cartridge Assembly Cartridge Cartridge Structural A model was developed to evaluate the structural behavior of the cartridge assembly to ensure that the design can safely handle stresses when submitted to pressures corresponding to the nominal- and-flow conditions. Taking the highest flow condition of-flow during the SCRAM of the reactor, the pressure the cartridge will see is calculated to be -

- taken from Figure 15. Although it is not expected for the cartridge to see pressures 33

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C beyond the which occurs at - flow, the load parameter is chosen as the design limit of the cartridge due to the stresses seen by the

  • under the load and to maintain a minimum safety factor of 2 on those stresses to the yield of SST316L per the code.

The aluminum cartridge at the pressure fairs very well overall with the pins taking most of the load. Figure 24 shows most of the cartridge experiences very low Von Mises stress levels hoovering at 10.45-1 .74 ksi [10-12 MPa]. The inside wall and small localized areas around - are the zones that see higher stresses. The cartridge sees total stresses up to 18.40 ksi [126.83 MPa] in highly localized areas around - but only 8.99 ksi

[62.03 MPa] 1 mm deep into the cartridge main body as evidenced in Figure 25 when linearizing the stresses through the cartridge wall . At these locations around - . the membrane plus bending stresses through the cartridge wall of 8.45 ksi [58.25 MPa] as seen in Figure 25, show the design satisfies the ASME Code allowable of 11 .99 ksi [82.7 MPa].

Figure 24. Cartridge at - design pressure condition. Stresses and deflections 34

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 25. Cartridge a t - design pressure condition. Unearized stress through cartridge wall Figure 24 also shows the deflections under the load. The maximum calculated displacement of 73. 7 microns occurs at top of the cartridge. The displacement generated by this pressure is small by design due to the placement of

, ensuring that the velocity from the cooling water around the target rods remains constant.

At the side walls, the cartridge see lower stresses than around - but just like in the Housing, and because the cartridge is fabricated , the strength at the weld seam must have a knockdown factor of 0.6. This brings down the allowable for AL6061 from 82.7 to 49.62 MPa or 7.20 ksi. As seen in Figure 26, the stresses at the inner surface have a high point of 6.36 ksi [43.88 MPa] but when linearized through the Wall at this location, the membrane plus bending totals 2.98 ksi [20.55 MPa]. This satisfies the design welding limit due to the knockdown factor for the welding of the cartridge sides. In order to meet the ASME Code, the pressure is set as the limit for the design, due to the SST316L pins stresses and keeping a minimum factor of safety of 2 as shown in Figure 27.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 26. Linearized stresses of cartridge through at weld location f o r - loading conditions As mentioned earlier, of the pressure load.

Figure 27 shows that Von Mises stress of 24.76 ksi

[170.71 MPa] at the local point of contact and node shared with the cartridge's high point. As evidenced by the stresses on the rest of - and the linearization plot through the center of

- it is clear that this high stress number is from the geometric discontinuity in the model of the cartridge coming to a point and meeting -

  • This is a self-limiting stress that does not affect the . When linearizing the stresses through the center of -
  • stresses of 13.89 ksi [95.83 MPa] are seen, but when broken down to the primary stresses 36

ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C through the middle o f -

  • the shaft only sees 8.66 ksi [59.71 MPa] when adding the membrane and bending stresses which are still below the 16.68 ksi [115 MPa] allowed.

Figure 27. Cartridge a t - design pressure condition. linearized stresses The cartridge aluminum components maximum primary stress value is 8.45 ksi [58.25 MPa ] as mentioned above in Figure 25. At this stress value, the cartridge aluminum parts have a 4.14 factor of safety when compared to the 34.95 ksi [241 MPa] yield for AL6061, more than satisfying NUREG 2.2. The see higher stresses as designed, with the highest

- 8.66 ksi [59.71 MPa] primary stresses. The yield for SST316L is 24.95 ksi [172 MPa]

per the already conservative ASME code which provides a 2.88 factor of safety to yield.

However the load is already than the highest expected value at 12.16 psi [83.84 kPa]. In order to maintain a minimum safety factor of 2 to yield and keep good margin in satisfying NUREG 2.2 (Reference 6), the loading of is set as the limit for the housing components .. Although the NUREG 2.2 regulation states that the design must maintain a factor of safety minimum of 2 to failure, all of the design parameters for the target assembly are meeting this requirement to the yields of their materials for the extra margin.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Since the design pressure of for the cartridge shows the factor of safety to be over 2.88 to yield f o r -

  • and in order to have added margin, the - loading parameter was conservatively chosen as the maximum. This same model was calculated for the actual design pressure expected at the - SCRAM condition of Figure 28 below shows the results for a loading of on the cartridge. *
  • see a maximum localized stress 20.35 ksi [140.29 MPa] in the same - high point location as mentioned for the - loading case. When the stresses are linearized through the center of -
  • the maximum bending plus membrane stresses are 7.12 ksi

[49.07 MPa]. This yields a factor of safety of 3.51 to the yield of the SST316L allowable from the already conservative ASME code.

Figure 28. Cartridge a t - design pressure condition ~max flow).

linearized stresses Cartridge Fatigue The cartridge is designed to last a period of - - The highest number of expected cycles the housing will experience during that timeframe is < - based on current experiment plans. At the design maximum design pressure of for the cartridge, the primary stresses are still within the code allowables and the yield strength for the SST316L (24.95 ksi [172MPa] at 40°C) and for Al6061 T6 (34.95 ksi [241 MPa] at 40°C) components. This gives the cartridge plenty of margin over the maximum expected stresses seen at the - flow 38

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C condition. Also due to the low amount of cycles, and low primary stresses, fatigue from the pressure load is not an issue as seen in Figure 19 for the stainless steel as it takes one million cycles before the onset of material fatigue and Figure 20 which sees the aluminum barely begin to see material fatigue at the expected -

  • With the maximum aluminum stresses at 8.66 ksi [59.71 MPa ] for the pressure case (from Figure 25), as seen in the curve from Figure 20 for this number of cycles, stress in not an issue. Thermal fatigue is also not an issue for the cartridge as the expected thermal difference experienced by the housing will be only . . . Cooling Flow Target water flow velocities The coolant velocity distribution is important to ensure that all rods receive adequate convective heat removal. An ANSYS FLUENT model was developed for the -

- design to evaluate the e f f e c t - would have in the water channel. The full details of the analysis are shown in , where the document shows that the flow has reached full development about a third of the way up the cartridge, and it is within 88% of the

. . target velocity a sixth of the way up the cartridge. From the contour plots, it is clear that

- slow the flow down in the channels they reside in. However, in most cases the flow still remains above the - in all channels, and never drops below - (6% below the target velocity). Given the margins calculated for the heat transfer and the localized nature of these velocity reductions, the simulation indicates that the flow distribution in over the target rods is sufficient to provide the necessary cooling. Target water exit temperature and mixing .

Another function of the diffuser is to mix the coolant flow exiting the - and provide a good thermal measurement of the water exiting into the pool. The design calls for an RTD to be inserted to the top of the diffuser to take this measurement. To evaluate that the shape of the diffuser does indeed provide adequate mixing, shows the temperature contour plot that was created at the same elevation as the tip of the RTD sensor. Results show the coolant temperature around the RTD varies by less than 0.3°C, exhibiting sufficient mixing to accurately detect mixed mean coolant outlet temperature. Target Rods FRAPCON Analysis Pellet-clad interaction and the resulting stresses and strains on the cladding were analyzed*

using the computer code FRAPCON (Referenc~s 13 and 14). FRAPCON-4.0 is the late~t version of FRAPCON released September 2015. Patch 01 of FRAPCON-4.0 was released June 2016 and was used in all of the following calculations.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C FRAPCON was developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to calculate steady-state, thermal-mechanical behavior of light water reactor (LWR) oxide fuel rods. Phenomena modeled by the code include heat transfer through fuel and cladding to coolant, cladding elastic/plastic deformation, fuel-cladding mechanical interaction, fission gas release and rod internal pressure, and cladding oxidation.

FRAPCON is used by the NRC as an independent audit tool in their review of LWR industry fuel performance codes. FRAPCON has been assessed against experimental data from 137 test cases (Reference 13).

Three analysis cases were examined with FRAPCON based on the gap size between the *

. . and the Zircaloy cladding: minimum gap o f - nominal gap o f -

  • and maximum gap of - - The three FRAPCON cases have the following file names with either *.inp for input, *.plot for plot file, or *.out for output.

These gap sizes are a result of allowable tolerances on the pellet outer diameter and cladding inner diameter. The geometric dimensions that define the FRAPCON analysis cases are presented below in Table 5.

Table 5: Geometric Dimensions Used in FRAPCON Analysis The specific target rod analyzed in FRAPCON is target rod * (from wedge *

  • See 30441 R00031 }, which has the maximum power density and, therefore, the maximum local heat flux. FRAPCON uses an axial power distribution and a rod linear power to model the behavior of target rod
  • over a - irradiation period with shutdowns. In order to examine the target rod behavior at extreme allowable conditions, the first and last day of the - irradiation is at - power. At all other times the target is - except for the shutdown periods when the target is generating decay heat from the buildup of fission products. The power history used in the FRAPCON analyses is shown in Table 6.


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441ROOD17/C Table 6: Power Histories Used in FRAPCON Analyses Startups, shutdowns, and changes in power are assumed to occur over a time period. - shutdowns begin with a ) power decrease to *

  • a shutdown period of ), and end with a The - shutdowns have the shutdown period extended The linear rod power histories presented in Table 6 are based on a detailed MCNP6 analysis 41

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOD 17/C The axial power profiles used in the FRAPCON analyses are presented in Table 7. They are based on a detailed MCNP6 analysis which is then piecewise averaged to the -

- used in the FRAPCON model. MCNP6 performance and validation for use in this calculation is detailed in Table 7: Axial Power Profile Used in FRAPCON RELAPS Mod 3.3 Patch 03 was used to determine the steady state cladding temperatures at

- and - power for all three FRAPCON cases (30441 R00032). The six RELAPS cases have the following file names with either *.inp for input or *.out for output.

The cladding outer diameter temperatures are presented below in Table 8.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441ROOO17/C Table 8: Cladding Outer Diameter Temperature for Target Rod 17 Additional input parameters for FRAPCON are listed below in Table 9.

Table 9: Additional FRAPCON Input Parameters Parameter FRAPCON results are presented below in four tables, Tables 10 through 13, for the time points in the power history of greatest interest:


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C

, and . The results are either for the entire target rod or for axial node - which has the peak power density and heat flux.

Table 10: FRAPCON Results a t - at Table 11: FRAPCON Results a t - at Table 12: FRAPCON Results a t - at 44

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Table 13: FRAPCON Results a t - at Pellet Clad Interaction Structural Evaluation Summary As discussed in Section 7 ., "FRAPCON Analysis", the pellet - clad interaction for the target rods has been analyzed using FRAPCON 4.0 to ensure that the target performance does not exceed design limiting factors of fuel melting temperatures and cladding strain cycles. Each target rod, shown in detail in Section consists of pellets that are encapsulated by the Zircaloy-4 cladding. Additionally, the Zircaloy-4 cladding was analyzed with after final annealing during manufacturing.

The pellets (see Figure 29) have been designed for optimum performance with manufacturability in mind. was added to minimize ratcheting effects in the cladding, while for ease of insertion and elimination of stress concentrations on the cladding from 11111 rotation. The pellet to clad gap was optimized at

- nominal to minimize stress/strain in cladding on one hand and peak centerline temperatures on the other. When adding manufacturing tolerances, the gap varies between 36 and 64 microns. Additionally, the target rod void space is filled , at-.

that aids the welding process and provides good heat transfer properties to minimize pellet centerline temperatures.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 29. Pellet and cladding details A nominal operational scenario suggests that depending on demand, the target cartridge could be pulled from the target housing any time between . For analysis purposes therefore, it has been assumed that during the - period the reactor could see a maximum o f - and shutdown cycles, -

  • though - is more likely to be the nominal case if operated to the . For analysis purposes it is assumed that at the beginning and end of the , the reactor would run at power for a period o f - . A t -
  • control rod run-in initiates and reactor SCRAM occurs at ). The result, an upsurge in fission gas release, internal pressure rise, and additional thermal growth and pellet relocation are experienced, though the duration and frequency is not enough to cause any design limit to be exceeded.

The results of the FRAPCON analyses are shown in Table 14; extracted from Tables 10 thru 13 for cases of interest. Stresses and strains as a result of pellet-clad interaction are highest for the minimal cold gap - ) . The results show that for the above operating/design conditions the primary pressure induced stress is < -

  • and well within the primary stress limit of Zircaloy-4 of 430 MPa (6237 psi), at temperature (Figure 30). With a factor of safety of

- on primary stresses, the design meets ASME B&PV Code as well as Regulatory Guide 2.2 (C.1.c(3)) of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, (Reference 6), which requires factor of safety against failure of 2. Primary stresses are therefore not the driver for cladding failure.

Secondary stresses as a result of thermal differential expansion and re-location of the cracked pellet on the other hand are the main drivers for longevity of the cladding. A yield strain for Zircaloy-4 at temperature of about . . is well within the strain range of twice of yield, . . .

This therefore meets the secondary stress intensity limit. With respect to cyclic fatigue for 46

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Zircaloy-4, Figure 31 [ASTM STP 1245 (Reference 15)], which includes irradiated specimens, shows that the maximum quantity of cycles that the cladding can sustain is -

  • With only

, the cladding has ample design margin.

Table 14: FRAPCON Results Summary Temperature (°C)

Pellet centerline Pellet surface Cladding ID Cladding OD Cladding Average Strain(%)

Radial Axial Hoop Gas Pressure (MPa)

Cladding Internal 600


  • z ..c*4 (irradiated)
  • * * * * * * *~...............*

500 ii' B.

.. 400 t

"'~ 300


~ 200 100 0

0 100 200 300 400 500 Temper.iture ("C)

Figure 30. Allowable stress for Zircaloy-4 (iffadiated) based on 213"1 yield [ ASTM STP 1245 (Reference 15)]


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 31. Fatigue chart Zirca/oy-4, - (un-irradiated and irradiated) (Reference 16 & 17)2 In case of the maximum gap of -

  • the upper limit of manufacturing tolerances, the concern is the centerline temperature of the target pellet. The maximum target pellet centerline temperature is - (Table 14), which will occur at startup when no relocation has occurred. This value is well within the fuel melting temperature of - .

The analyses show that the target rod meets the design requirements set forth in and can be safely operated under nominal reactor conditions of -

  • including the two (2) - excursions at the beginning and end of the . The design incorporates a safety factor of 3333 for cladding cycles and > 25000 for pressure-induced primary stress cycles. As previously mentioned, the design meets ASME B&PV Code, as well as Regulatory Guide 2.2 (Reference 6). (C.1.c(3)) of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission with ample design margin. Additionally, the cladding exhibits a thermal margin of safety of - . while the target pellet exhibits a thermal margin of safety of _ _ Flow Induced Vibrations According to the report ANL-GenlV-070 - Generation IV Nuclear Energy System Initiative Pin Core Subassembly Design, p. 57 (Reference 7): There are two primary concerns from the viewpoint of vibration analysis: i) the magnitude of turbulence-induced target rod displacements; 2 The reported values for cycles in Figure 31 were adjusted in accordance to ASME B&PV Code to provide a factor of 2 on stress/strain and - (whichever is more conservative). Per previous statement, with a factor of 2 on stress/strain, ASME B&PV covers th~ents of Regulatory Guide 2.2.This means that in case of , applying a factor of 2, ~. the quantity cycles are estimated at or in case of using a reduction factor of 20, the expected cycles are -

). Note that these are adjustment factors to the experimental data set to obtain estimates of lives of components; per [NUREG/CR-6815 (Reference 16)].


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C (i.e., preclude rod-to-rod contacts which could result in damage accumulation over the course of plant operations), and ii) excitation mechanisms, wherein the frequency of flow field oscillations may match the natural vibration frequency of the rods, resulting in energy extraction from the flow field that can lead to target rod damage.

To address these two points, two different cases were calculated. In the two cases, the ends are tightly fixed so that they can support a moment in addition to being fixed in xyz directions. The variation for these two cases comes from having the rods be empty or tightly filled, where the rods are full (intimate contact with the cladding) and act to damp the vibrations.

For a - mis axial flow speed in the cartridge channels, the flow induced vibrations are given in Table 15.

Table 16: Flow Induced Vibration Results Tightly Fixed Rods Natural Frequency Displacement Displacement (Hertz) (Paidoussis) µm (Blevins) µm Through machining tolerance, the minimum gap between the cladding and the pellets will be


  • With such a close gap it is difficult to gauge how much the pellets do indeed act as a dampener so the empty case was evaluated first. Although the displacement will be smaller due to the mass of the pellets acting as a dampener, looking at the empty case the displacements through both, the Paidoussis and Blevins approach, the relative displacements are very small. -
  • this magnitude of turbulence induced displacement does not pose a threat to the target rods and satisfying the first point from the ANL report (Reference 7) above.

As for the second point, the report above also mentions "these types of instabilities are principally observed in situations involving cross-flow across tube banks". The cartridge single row design makes cross flow velocity components very small in the cartridge region as seen in

. In this figure, the lateral velocities are formed more as a result of the target rod being in the path of the flow more so than as a reflection of the cartridge design.

At such small velocities and the natural frequencies calculated in Table 15, resonance effects from cross flow components are not an issue.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Diffuser Weight Analysis The cartridge assembly design details that the diffuser is an intimate component of the cartridge, so much so that the extraction procedure for the cartridge calls for the use of a feature on the diffuser to lift the cartridge assembly. This means the diffuser structure must be able to hold the weight of the cartridge assembly and the target rods within it, and not just be a ducting flow path for the water. An FEA model was created of the diffuser of which the models mesh is shown in Figure 32.

Each target rod has a mass of 0.366 lbs (0.166 kg) when filled with the pellets and there is a total of 11 target rods for a total mass of 4.02 lbs (1.83 kg). The target rod and the cartridge machined components masses are given in Table 16. Adding these together yields a total mass of 17 .94 lbs (8.157 kg) so that the total load for the diffuser is 80 Newtons.

Table 16: Weight of Cartridge Components Weight of Components Figure 33 shows the stress plot experienced by the diffuser taking the full weight load of


  • The maximum Von Mises stress seen is 2.98 ksi [20.535 MPa] which is still well below (4.03 times) the allowable of 11.99 ksi [82.7 MPa].


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 32. Diffuser weight analysis, meshing Figure 33. Diffuser weight analysis, stress results f o r -

The pullout force limit for the diffuser is set by the max load the design can take before it begins to yield. Using the same model above, the stresses begin to reach the yield point of aluminum per the ASME code of 34.95 ksi [241MPa] (Figure 34) when the load reaches just over

. As a result, is chosen as the maximum pull out force the diffuser assembly can take.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Galculation Report 30441 R00017/C Figure 34. Diffuser weight analysis, stress results f o r -

7.2.3 Handling Tools Handling of the target rods will be done at the cartridge loading station as seen in Figure 2. To get the cartridge assembly to this location, a simple reach tool is threaded into the female cartridge lifting feature seen in Figure 35. Once the locking clamps are disengaged, the reach tool is threaded to the cartridge -lifting feature which is at the center of mass of the cartridge assembly. As mentioned in Section the total mass of a fully loaded cartridge assembly is so that the 3/8-16 thread from the lifting feature attached to a similarly 3/8 diameter reach tool is more than enough to lift the total combined anticipated weight of for the tool and cartridge. The anticipated stresses and deflections are minimal, in the order of 0.29-0.73 ksi [2-5 MPa] for this size reach tool and the weight of the cartridge assembly.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441R00017/C Figure 35. Cartridge assembly lifting and locking features 8 RESULTS


The structural analysis for the target assembly was performed in ANSYS Workbench R16. The calculations confirmed that the target housing and cartridge components are properly sized according to the ASME B&PV Section VIII, Division 1 and Section 11-D, for normal and off-normal conditions. Based on this analysis, the structural design life of the target housing is conservatively estimated at - while the design life of the cartridge is conservatively estimated f o r - . The target housing and the cartridge, made from Al6061-T6 and Stainless Steel 316L, were analyzed for a maximum allowable design pressure of and differential respectively which gives an extra - margin on the design. The normal operating expected pressure for housing and cartridge-) will be and differential respectively. The flow conditions for which a SCRAM is initiated however - ) . increases the pressures the housing and cartridge will see to for the Housing and to the cartridge respectively.

Even with an extra - margin on the loading, the design still meets the ASME Code allowables in terms of stresses as both, the AL6061 (82.7 MPa allowed) and SST316L

- allowed) housing and cartridge components primary stresses fall below the allowables. The design also meets the welc;ling requirements for treatment of the stresses set by Table UW-12 from the ASME code, even with the knockdown factor applied at the welds.

Furthermore, as the design has a factor of safety> 2 to yield, US NRC Regulation Guide 2.2 (Reference 6) which states "Materials of construction and fabrication and assembly techniques utilized in experiments should be so specified and used that assurance is provided that no 53

ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C stress failure can occur at stresses twice those anticipated iri the manipulation and conduct of the experiment or twice those which would occur as a result of unintended but credible changes of, or within, the experiment" is more than satisfied as the design is not close to yield much less failure. These results are summarized in Table 17.

Table 17: Cartridge and Housing Design Limits Design Limits Pressure Factor of Max Pool (differential, Lifetime Safety (US Temperature see Figure 15) NRCReg2.2) psi kPa Cycles (Max) Years (Max) Centigrade FOS Target Assembly Housing plus cartridge * .. * * *

  • Housing cartridge The stresses for the cladding and pellet interaction similarly are found to be low when compared to the allowed. Stresses and strains as a result of pellet-clad interaction are highest for the minimal cold gap - ) . The results show that for the above operating/design conditions the primary pressure induced stress is -
  • and well within the primary stress limit of Zircaloy-4 .of 6237 psi (430 MPa); at temperature (Figure 30). Secondary stresses as a result of thermal differential expansion and re-lo.cation of the cracked pellet where identified as the main drivers for longevity of the cladding. A yield strain for Zircaloy-4 at temperature of about . . is well within the strain range of twice of yield, - This therefore meets the secondary stress intensity limit. With respect to cyclic fatigue for Zircaloy-4, Figure 31 [ASTM STP 1245 (Reference 15)), which includes irradiated specimens, shows that the maximum quantity of cycles that the cladding can sustain is -
  • With oniy , the cladding has ample design margin. With a factor of safety of
  • on primary stresses, and an expected lifetime o f - out of limit on the secondary stresses, the design meets ASME B&PV Code as well as Regulatory Guide 2.2.

The performance of the diffuser as a means to extract the cartridge was. also analyzed and found to be more than capable of lifting the weight load of a fully loaded cartridge - ) .

The maximum pull out force of was also conservatively calculated based on the maximum Von Mises stresses under this load.

  • 54

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441R00017/C Based on the results of the analysis presented in this report, the maximum differential pressure for the Target Assembly shall not exceed at the inlet of the Target Assembly under any operating conditions, so as not to exceed the cartridge pressure of


  • which is the limiting component pressure.


1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1, 2015.
2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 2, 2015.
3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section II, Parts A Thru D, Material Specifications, 2015.
4. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX, 2015.


5. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V, 2015.
6. Regulatory Guide 2.2, Development of Technical Specifications .for Experiments in Research Reactors, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, November 1973, under mechanical stress effects (C.1.c(3)).
7. Farmer M. T., Hoffman E. A., Pfeiffer P. F., Therios I. U., Wei T. Y. C. "ANL-GerilV-070 -

Generation IV Nuclear Energy System Initiative Pin Core Subassembly Design", 2006.

9. Zircalloy-4 material properties retrieved from MATWEB from http://W' 35097b7faa&ckck=1
10. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section Ill, Division 1.
11. ASME. VIII, Division 2 Alternative Rules, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels.

New York: ASME, 2004

12. Fatigue Design Curves for 6061-T6 Aluminum", G.T. Yahr, Engineering Technology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1993.
13. Geelhood, K. J., et al., "FRAPCON-4-0: A Computer Code for the Calculation of Steady-State, Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oxide Fuel Rods for High Burnup, PNNL-19418, Vol. 1, Rev. 2, September 2015.
14. Geelhood, K. J., et al., "FRAPCON-4-0: Integral Assessment," PNNL-19418, Vol. 2, Rev. 2, September 2015.
15. Garde A.M., Bradley E.R., ASTM STP 1245 "Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Tenth International Symposium: 1994.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C

16. NUREG/CR-6815, Review of the Margins for ASME Code Fatigue Design Curve -

Effects of surface Roughness and Material Variability, Argonne National Laboratory, September 2003.

17. Roark, Raymond J., Formulas For Stress and Strain, fourth edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1965.ASME. II, Part A Ferrous Material Specifications (aeginning to SA-450), Materials. New York: ASME, 2011a Addenda.


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C APPENDIXA -


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C A-2

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C APPENDIX B - TARGET ROD BOWING DUE TO THERMAL AND IRRADIATION EFFECTS FOR SGE EXPERIMENTAL FACILITY Material Properties and Zircaloy-4 (cladding and end caps) were taken Aluminum 6061-T6 properties (bottom support grid) were taken from the AMSE pressure vessel code [2].

Thermal Model The thermal model of the single target model rod included the cladding tube with both end caps, a holder at the bottom end cap to approximate the , and a solid internal cylinder representing the . To incorporate the non-uniformity of the heat generation, this pellet stack cylinder was split into equal front and back portions. The model also utilized a symmetry plane through the axis of the target rod and perpendicular to the target stack split to reduce computation time. The model is illustrated in Figure 36.

Figure 36. 3D geometry for target rod bowing analysis.

Data for the front-to-back power skew was taken from GA's MCNP model of the RB-MSS in the MURR pool [30441R00031]. The ratio of the power density between the front and back of the displayed as a scatter plot in Figure 37. come from the two separate RB-MSS assemblies. The plot shows that there is considerable variation in the power B-1

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C skew, both from rod to rod and within each rod itself. -

  • which had the highest average skew of all rods, was highlight to show this variation.

Figure 37. Ratio of power density between front and back of

  • pellets throughout GA RB-MSS In addition to the power density in the pellet stack, three boundary further boundary conditions were required: the gap conductance between the pellet stack and the cladding tube, the external convection to the coolant, and the power densities of each section of the pellet stack.

The pellet-cladding gap conductance was set to based on previous analysis showing a hot gap width o f - and an operating pressure o f - [30441 R00021 ].

The external convection conditions are described in Table 18: Convection Conditions for External Tube. The heat transfer coefficient was calculated using the single-phase Gnielinski correlation [3] for conservatism (boiling would enhance the heat transfer coefficient and reduce the wall temperature). The coolant bulk temperature was assumed to vary linearly from . . at the bottom of the cladding to . . at the top. Coolant properties were taken at the mean temperature of . . .


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Table 18: Convection Conditions for External Tube W/m*K Prandtl nummber Friction factor Nusselt number Heat transfer coefficient WI m *°C The power density distribution was analyzed for two cases. In the average case, the power density of the front half of the pellet stack is assumed to be - than the rear half. In the worst case, the power density of the front half is assumed to be - than the rear half.

This worst case assumption is extremely conservative, as only a few points throughout both targets come close to this power skew, and the average skew for rods containing those points is much lower. For additional conservatism, for both cases the entire stack was assumed to have the maximum power density o f - . . The front-rear breakdown for both cases is given in Table 19: Power Density Variation in Pellet Stack for Average and Worst Case.

Table 19: Power Density Variation in Pellet Stack for Average and Worst Case I

  • I
  • Results - Thermal Figure 38 shows the radial temperature profile of the target rod across the axial midpoint for the rod with the worst case power skew. The

- - As the graph shows, this does move the peak temperature slightly away from pellet centerline, but only by about -

  • The tilt in the temperature profile causes a temperature difference in the cladding from front to back. Based on radial averages of the cladding temperature at the front and the back, the temperature difference betWeen these two locations is about-. The average temperature change from the cold condition i s -
  • B-3

ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 38. Radial temperature profile of target rod for worst case power skew Structural Model The structural model uses the same 3D geometry as the thermal model, except that the pellet stack has been removed. As the pellets were only necessary to generate the correct cladding temperature distribution, and do not provide any structural support to the cladding rod, this has no effect on the structural simulation.

The structural model requires three boundary conditions: a fixed support on the top end cap, the imported temperature profile from the thermal simulation, and a contact condition for the bottom end cap and the bottom support grid holder. The outer surface of the extended diameter portion of the top end cap can be treated as fixed because it is effectively constrained by the upper support grid. The imported temperature profile generates the precise thermal strain field that causes the bowing due to the front-to-back power skew.

The final condition, the contact setting between the bottom end cap and the bottom support grid holder, is required because there is a small radial gap of between the two components. The contact condition allows the end cap to deflect until it hits the inner surface of the support grid holder, at which point it becomes constrained. This contact was considered frictionless, as most contact force should be in the normal direction.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Adjustment for Irradiation An initial analysis was performed of the thermal effects on cladding growth, using the worst case front-to-back power density skew. The resulting deformation showed an axial growth of the cladding rod of approximately -

  • This result is shown in Figure 39, where the black outline shows the undeformed position of the bottom end cap of the target rod. Output from FRAPCON analysis [30441 R00032] showed that the irradiation growth of the cladding rod was


  • Therefore, it was deemed that the effects of the irradiation induced growth could be captured conservatively by in the model by using doubling the Zircaloy-4 coefficient of thermal expansion in the structural model. This is a reasonable assumption because the irradiation strains are induced by fast neutrons, which come primarily from the - contained in the target rods

~- Therefore, the front-to-back asymmetry of neutron flux in the cladding rod should follow the asymmetry in the temperature distribution.

Figure 39. Thermal deformation in axial direction of RB-MSS target rod end cap B-5

ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C Results - Structural The structural simulations were run for both average and worst-case power skews. The results show that the temperature differential between the front and back of the cladding causes the bottom of the cladding rod to deflect away from the MURR core until the bottom end cap hits the back face of the inside of the bottom support grid. This deflection can be seen above in Figure

39. The contact between the end cap and the bottom support grid causes the middle of the target rod to . It is the forward deflection near the axial center of the rod where displacement is highest. The results for the deflection are given in Table 20.

Table 20: Power Density Variation in Pellet Stack for Average and Worst Case aximum H

  • mm Figure 40 provides a visual depiction of deflection of the target rod for the very conservative worst-case power skew. The figure shows the black wireframe of the un-deformed geometry, with the deformed body colored aceording to the deflection. The left portion of the figure shows a 1:1 scale of the deflection at its worst point, which shows the maximum deflection o f _

as slightly greater than the thickness of the cladding -

  • The right portion of the figure shows the overall deflection of the target rod by magnifying the displacement by a - -

This greatly exaggerated bowing makes it easier to visualize how the power skew causes the target rod to deform.


ATTACHMENTS ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 ROOO 17/C Figure 40. Deflection due to rod bowing for worst-case front-to-back power skew Conclusion The results of the combined thermal-structural analysis show that bowing of the rod due to directional skew of the power distribution within the

  • pellets is not a concern. Analysis predicts that in a worst-case scenario, the maximum horizontal deflection would be about

- - Given the distance between the rod and the cartridge wall when centered is about


  • no contact would be expected. Additionally, flow through the cartridge is highly turbulent and boundary layers are very thin, so this level of deflection would not affect the heat transfer . It must also be stated that the worst-case scenario is extremely conservative. The more realistic average power skew scenario predicts a deflection of only -
  • which would be virtually undetectable. Given these results, it can be concluded that rod bowing due to both thermal and irradiation effects will not affect the performance of the RB-MSS target rods or the system as a whole.


ATTACHMENT 8 ANSYS Target Cartridge, Housing Structural Analysis Design Calculation Report 30441 R00017/C References

1. IAEA-TECDOC-1496, Thermophysical properties database of materials for light water reactors and heavy water reactors, International Atomic Energy Agency, June 2006.
2. ASME pressure vessel code- update reference.
3. Rohsenow, W.M., Hartnett, J.P., Cho, Y.I., Handbook of Heat Transfer, 3rd Edition.




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