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FOIA/PA-2017-0031, Request for All Records, Including Communications, Related to the Specified Contention in the Environmental Protection Agencys Draft Permit for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/06/2016
From: Morrison E
Goodwin Procter, LLP
Download: ML17034A218 (2)






Eileen Morrison FOIA Resource WWW Form Submission Thursday, October 06, 2016 1:55:36 PM Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Eileen Morrison ( on Thursday, October 06, 2016 at 13:58:03 through the IP using the form at http-//www nrc goy/reading-rm/foja/foia-submittal-form html and resulted in this email to Company/Affliation: Goodwin Procter LLP Address!: 100 Northern Avenue Address2:

City: Boston State: MA Zip: 02210 Country: United_ States Country-Other:

Phone:6175708281 Desc:

Dear Sir or Madame:

I write to request records from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. §552.

The FOIA statute and regulations indicate that records being sought should be "reasonably described." The following reasonably describes the records I seek: All records, including communications, related to the following contention in the Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") draft permit for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station:

"Entergy states that because closed-cycle cooling would significantly reduce generating capacity, require substantial periods of active power loss, and would, at times, require the plant to down power, closed-cycle cooling is not available at PNPS. EPA agrees that the PEPSE simulation indicates that maintaining the current administrative limits (the hotwell temperature and turbine backpressure) would likely reduce power output and could lead to plant shutdown during some periods the year. EPA is currently consulting with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to confirm PNPS's statements regarding the potential conflicts with nuclear safety requirements. Any required changes to the plant that could affect operation and safety, including cooling towers, would likely be subject to the NRC's process for changes to an existing operating license at 10 C.F.R. § 50.59."

Environmental Protection Agency, NPDES Permit No. MA0003557, Draft Authorization to Discharge Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Attachment D at 44 of95 (May 18, 2016).

For purposes of this request, and as provided in 5 U.S.C. § 552(t)(2), the term "records" includes "any information that would be an agency record subject to the requirements of this section when maintained by an agency in any format, including an electronic format." To the extent that NRC excludes records from its response, please identify each record (title, date, author, recipient) and the legal ground(s) for exclusion.

I have made a reasonable search ofpublically available materials on ADAMS for the documents requested.

I hereby authorize NRC to spend $500.00 in responding to this request in compliance with 5 U.S.C. §552. IfNRC cannot fully respond to this request within that budget, please contact me at 617-570-8281 to discuss whether I will authorize additional expenditures.

I look forward to your response to this request within twenty (20) workdays ofreceipt in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6).

Sincerely, Eileen L. Morrison FeeCategory: Private_ Corporation Media Type:

Media Type_ Other_


Expedite_ ImminentThreatT ext:

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Waiver_ ExtentT oExtractAnal yze:

Waiver_ SpecificActivityQuals:

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Waiver FreeToPublicOrFee:

Waiver PrivateCommericallnterest:
