Florida Power & Light Company Biological Plan of Study Implementation for St. Lucie Plant EPU Baseline Event 1 Data Report Report to Florida Power & Light Company October 2011 Submitted by Ecological Associates, Inc.
Post Office Box 405 Jensen Beach, Florida
ECOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES, INC., JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA INTRODUCTION During August 2011, Ecological Associates, Inc. (EAI) conducted the first baseline field sampling event in accordance with the St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Plan of Study. During this first event, sampling was conducted on seven days between August 16 and August 30. Data collected included general environmental data; water quality data; numbers and sizes of fish and shellfish collected by gill net, trawl, and beach seine; numbers of fish eggs and larvae and commercially or recreationally important decapod crustacean larvae collected by plankton net; and, numbers and sizes of sea turtles observed. Results of the first sampling event are provided in this report. All data should be considered preliminary until quality assurance checks have been completed.
SAMPLING LOCATIONS Sampling was conducted within three separate sampling sites: SL1 located midway between the St. Lucie Plant and the Ft. Pierce Inlet, SL2 located in the vicinity of the St. Lucie Plant cooling water discharge, and SL3 located midway between the St. Lucie Plant and the St. Lucie Inlet.
For the purposes of gill netting and trawling, three transects were established within each of the three sampling sites: Transect A was located approximately 600 ft from shore on the beach terrace in water depths of 9-25 ft, Transect B was located approximately 4,000 ft. from shore in water depths of 36-42 ft, and Transect C was located approximately 8,000 ft. from shore in water depths of 29-43 ft. Plankton samples were collected concurrently with trawl samples at all three sites but only on Transects A and C.
Three stations were also established within each of the three sampling sites for the purpose of beach seining: Station A was located 0.5 mi. north of the center of the site, Station B was located at the center of the site, and Station C was located 0.5 mi. south of the center of the site.
At all stations, seines were pulled to the beach from a water depth of approximately 4 ft.
For the purpose of boat-based sea turtle surveys, one transect was established in each of the three sampling sites. The transects were located along nearshore hardbottom habitat in each site.
RESULTS Environmental data were recorded at each station during each day of sampling. Data recorded included current speed and direction, sea conditions, air temperature, wind speed and direction, and sky conditions. Environmental data are summarized by day in Table 1. Values reflect the range of values recorded throughout each day of sampling.
Water quality data were recorded at three locations and three depths along each of the nine transects established for trawl and gill net sampling. Data recorded included conductivity, water temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO). Water quality data are provided in Table
- 2.
Trawls were towed for 15 minutes along each of the nine transects. The numbers of fish and commercially or recreationally important shellfish collected in each 15-minute tow are presented in Table 3. Because of variations in tow speed, the distances the trawl traveled during a 15-minute tow varied from 0.45 to 0.68 km (based on GPS readings). In order to compare abundances among stations in terms of catch per unit effort, the numbers collected per kilometer of bottom sampled were calculated and are presented in Table 4.
The numbers of fish and commercially or recreationally important shellfish collected by gill net on each of the nine transects is given in Table 5. At each transect the gill net began to be retrieved 30 minutes after it was set. However, the total soak time (time from when the net first entered the water until the time it was completely removed from the water) varied among transects because of differences in retrieval times associated with variations in the number of fish present in the net. In order to compare abundances among stations in terms of catch per unit effort, the numbers collected per hour of total soak time were calculated and are given in Table
- 6.
Beach seines were deployed at each of the nine stations previously described. The numbers of fish and commercially or recreationally important shellfish collected at each station are presented in Table 7.
A maximum of 25 representative specimens of each Representative Important Species (RIS) of fish collected at each transect/station by trawl, gill net, and beach seine were measured (total length) and a batch weight for those specimens was obtained. Average lengths and average weights of each RIS at each station/transect for each gear type are presented in Table 8.
Bongo nets were used to collect fish eggs and larvae as well as commercially or recreationally important decapod crustacean larvae at each of the six transects previously described. Nets were pulled for 15 minutes and the volume of water filtered determined by means of flow meters.
Numbers of individuals per cubic meter of water filtered are given in Table 9.
To quantify the number of sea turtles present in each of the three sampling sites, one one-kilometer-long transect in each sampling site was traversed by boat twice. The numbers of sea turtles sighted during each pass along each transect are presented in Table 10.
Table 1. Environmental Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. Values reflect the range of values recorded throughout each day of sampling.
Sampling Date Current Speed/Direction Sea Conditions Air Temp Wind Speed/Direction Sky Conditions Trawls/
Ichthyoplankton 8/22/2011 0-1 knot/N 1-2 ft swell 28.7-30.7°C 0-5 mph/SE Clear to Partly Cloudy Trawls/
Ichthyoplankton 8/23/2011 0-1 knot/N 1-2 ft swell 28.1-29.1°C 3-7 mph/E to SE Partly to Mostly Cloudy Gill Nets 8/18/2011 0-1 knot/N 2-4 ft swell, light chop 28.3-30.4°C 5-7 mph/SE Partly to Mostly Cloudy Gill Nets 8/19/2011 0-1 knot/N 1-3 ft swell 29.3-31.7°C 3-7 mph/S to SE Clear to Partly Cloudy Beach Seines 8/16/2011 0-1 knot/N Calm to 1 ft shore break, light chop 29.9-31.2°C 3-7 mph/SE Clear to Mostly Cloudy Beach Seines 8/17/2011 0-1 knot/N Calm to 1-2 ft shore break 27.5-29.3°C 3-7 mph/S Partly to Mostly Cloudy Sea Turtle Transects 8/30/2011 0-1 knot/N 2-3 ft swell 26.3-27.8°C 2-5 mph/SW Mostly Cloudy
Table 2. Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Trawl SL1 A North Surface 55.7 26.9 37.1 7.80 6.90 Mid-Depth 55.6 26.7 37.1 7.80 6.63 Bottom 55.7 26.3 37.0 7.82 6.97 Middle Surface 55.6 26.6 37.0 7.80 7.08 Mid-Depth 55.6 26.6 37.0 7.80 6.63 Bottom 55.6 26.4 37.0 7.80 6.80 South Surface 55.6 26.4 37.0 7.79 6.55 Mid-Depth 55.6 26.4 37.0 7.80 6.68 Bottom 55.6 26.3 37.0 7.80 6.73 Trawl SL1 B North Surface 55.3 25.3 36.6 7.86 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.21 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.87 6.15 Middle Surface 55.2 25.3 36.6 7.87 6.20 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.20 Bottom 55.3 25.2 36.6 7.87 6.03 South Surface 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.21 Bottom 55.3 25.2 36.6 7.87 6.00 Trawl SL1 C North Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.88 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.21 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.19 Middle Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.88 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.20 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.23 South Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.88 6.31 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.5 7.89 6.25 Bottom 55.1 25.2 36.5 7.89 6.19 Trawl SL2 A North Surface 55.5 25.6 36.8 7.82 6.57 Mid-Depth 55.5 25.6 36.8 7.82 6.51 Bottom 55.4 25.6 36.8 7.82 6.45 Middle Surface 55.4 25.8 36.8 7.82 6.64 Mid-Depth 55.4 25.8 36.8 7.82 6.53 Bottom 55.5 25.8 36.8 7.82 6.50 South Surface 55.5 26.1 36.9 7.81 6.62 Mid-Depth 55.5 26.1 36.9 7.81 6.35 Bottom 55.6 26.0 36.9 7.81 6.26
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Trawl SL2 B North Surface 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.83 6.60 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.6 36.7 7.82 6.49 Bottom 55.3 25.6 36.7 7.83 6.41 Middle Surface 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.83 6.54 Mid-Depth 55.4 25.5 36.7 7.82 6.41 Bottom 55.4 25.4 36.8 7.80 6.29 South Surface 55.4 25.7 36.7 7.82 6.51 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.6 36.7 7.82 6.36 Bottom 55.4 25.5 36.7 7.80 6.20 Trawl SL2 C North Surface 55.3 25.8 36.7 7.84 6.65 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.84 6.56 Bottom 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.84 6.54 Middle Surface 55.2 25.8 36.6 7.84 6.74 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.8 36.6 7.84 6.61 Bottom 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.84 6.57 South Surface 55.0 25.9 36.5 7.85 6.75 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.8 36.6 7.85 6.63 Bottom 55.2 25.8 36.5 7.85 6.57 Trawl SL3 A North Surface 55.0 25.4 36.5 7.90 6.33 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.4 36.4 7.90 6.26 Bottom 54.9 25.4 36.5 7.90 6.28 Middle Surface 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.29 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.24 Bottom 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.18 South Surface 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.19 Mid-Depth 54.9 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.17 Bottom 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.14 Trawl SL3 B North Surface 54.9 25.7 36.3 7.95 6.74 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.3 7.95 6.45 Bottom 54.9 25.5 36.4 7.94 6.45 Middle Surface 54.8 25.7 36.3 7.94 6.47 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.4 7.94 6.39 Bottom 55.1 24.9 36.4 7.94 6.30 South Surface 54.8 25.7 36.4 7.95 6.38 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.5 36.4 7.94 6.38 Bottom 55.0 25.2 36.5 7.94 6.25
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Trawl SL3 C North Surface 54.7 25.9 36.3 7.97 6.50 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.4 7.96 6.49 Bottom 55.0 25.1 36.4 7.96 6.50 Middle Surface 54.7 25.9 36.3 7.96 6.61 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.4 7.96 6.50 Bottom 55.0 25.0 36.4 7.96 6.52 South Surface 54.7 26.0 36.2 7.96 6.59 Mid-Depth 54.7 25.8 36.3 7.96 6.53 Bottom 54.9 25.5 36.4 7.96 6.50 Gill Net SL1 A West Surface 54.8 25.9 36.3 7.71 6.40 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.8 36.3 7.71 6.41 Bottom 55.1 25.5 36.5 7.70 6.30 Middle Surface 54.7 25.8 36.3 7.70 6.51 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.8 36.3 7.71 6.35 Bottom 54.9 25.7 36.5 7.70 6.36 East Surface 54.7 26.0 36.3 7.70 6.47 Mid-Depth 54.7 25.8 36.3 7.70 6.40 Bottom 54.8 25.7 36.4 7.71 6.39 Gill Net SL1 B West Surface 55.1 25.3 36.6 7.67 6.32 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.3 36.5 7.68 6.35 Bottom 55.4 24.7 36.7 7.64 5.60 Middle Surface 55.1 25.3 36.5 7.67 6.18 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.2 36.5 7.67 6.36 Bottom 55.4 24.1 36.7 7.64 5.67 East Surface 55.1 25.3 36.5 7.66 6.41 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.2 36.4 7.67 6.42 Bottom 55.4 24.7 36.7 7.64 5.66 Gill Net SL1 C West Surface 54.5 26.3 36.1 7.72 6.22 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.5 7.75 6.40 Bottom 55.3 24.6 36.7 7.72 6.02 Middle Surface 54.6 26.3 36.1 7.73 6.33 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.1 36.5 7.75 6.49 Bottom 55.4 24.6 36.7 7.73 6.27 East Surface 54.5 26.3 36.1 7.73 6.56 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.5 7.76 6.56 Bottom 55.4 24.7 36.7 7.75 6.18
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Gill Net SL2 A West Surface 55.2 25.8 36.6 7.61 6.77 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.6 7.62 6.38 Bottom 55.2 25.1 36.6 7.61 6.22 Middle Surface 55.3 25.7 36.6 7.59 6.32 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.7 7.60 6.23 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.7 7.60 6.16 East Surface 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.58 6.42 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.6 7.60 6.28 Bottom 55.2 25.3 36.6 7.59 5.94 Gill Net SL2 B West Surface 55.2 26.0 36.6 7.63 6.26 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.6 36.6 7.63 6.37 Bottom 55.3 25.0 36.7 7.61 6.03 Middle Surface 55.1 26.1 36.6 7.62 6.32 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.5 7.63 6.34 Bottom 55.4 24.9 36.7 7.61 6.10 East Surface 55.1 26.2 36.6 7.63 6.47 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.8 36.5 7.63 6.45 Bottom 55.3 24.9 36.7 7.61 6.21 Gill Net SL2 C West Surface 55.2 25.7 36.6 7.66 6.31 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.3 36.6 7.67 6.33 Bottom 55.4 24.3 36.7 7.65 6.03 Middle Surface 55.1 25.7 36.6 7.66 6.19 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.4 36.5 7.67 6.23 Bottom 55.4 24.8 36.6 7.65 5.97 East Surface 55.2 25.7 36.6 7.66 6.56 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.6 7.67 6.38 Bottom 55.4 24.8 36.7 7.65 6.18 Gill Net SL3 A West Surface 55.3 25.5 36.7 7.78 6.43 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.35 Bottom 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.77 6.34 Middle Surface 55.3 25.9 36.7 7.78 6.46 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.43 Bottom 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.37 East Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.78 6.45 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.46 Bottom 55.3 25.5 36.6 7.78 6.46
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Gill Net SL3 B West Surface 55.0 25.4 36.7 7.84 6.50 Mid-Depth 55.3 24.9 36.6 7.83 6.45 Bottom 55.2 24.9 36.6 7.81 6.38 Middle Surface 55.2 25.1 36.6 7.84 6.48 Mid-Depth 55.2 24.9 36.6 7.84 6.46 Bottom 55.2 24.8 36.6 7.83 6.33 East Surface 55.2 25.0 36.6 7.84 6.57 Mid-Depth 55.2 24.9 36.6 7.85 6.53 Bottom 55.2 24.8 36.6 7.83 6.35 Gill Net SL3 C West Surface 55.2 24.7 36.6 7.90 6.40 Mid-Depth 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.89 6.24 Bottom 55.3 24.8 36.6 7.90 6.47 Middle Surface 55.3 24.8 36.6 7.90 6.38 Mid-Depth 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.91 6.42 Bottom 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.90 6.35 East Surface 55.2 24.8 36.6 7.89 6.52 Mid-Depth 55.2 24.7 36.6 7.91 6.50 Bottom 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.89 6.14
Table 3. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Trawl during One 15-minute Tow at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Caribbean reef squid) 1 1
Farfantepenaeus duorarum (pink shrimp) 1 1
2 Farfantepenaeus spp.
11 6
1 18 Sicyonia brevirostris (brown rock shrimp) 2 4
2 8
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 1 1
Apogon binotatus (barred cardinalfish) 1 1
Bothus robinsi (twospot flounder) 2 2
Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1 1
2 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 1 1
1 2
5 Haemulon aurolineatum (tomtate) 1 9
10 Haemulon spp.
1 1
Ophidion grayi (blotched cusk-eel) 3 3
Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 2 2
Prionotus scitulus (leopard searobin) 1 3
1 1
1 7
Scorpaena brasiliensis (barbfish) 1 1
Selene setapinnis (Atlantic moonfish) 1 1
Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 1 1
0 1
15 6
14 11 8
11 66
Table 4. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured per Kilometer by Trawl at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. (Note: Totals in the right column represent the number of individuals captured per kilometer for all nine transects.)
Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Caribbean reef squid) 1.8 0.2 Farfantepenaeus duorarum (pink shrimp) 1.8 2.2 0.4 Farfantepenaeus spp.
21.0 9.8 2.0 3.5 Sicyonia brevirostris (brown rock shrimp) 3.2 6.5 4.4 1.6 Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 2.0 0.2 Apogon binotatus (barred cardinalfish) 1.8 0.2 Bothus robinsi (twospot flounder) 3.6 0.4 Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1.6 1.6 0.4 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 1.9 1.6 1.8 4.4 1.0 Haemulon aurolineatum (tomtate) 1.9 17.7 2.0 Haemulon spp.
2.0 0.2 Ophidion grayi (blotched cusk-eel) 6.7 0.6 Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 4.4 0.4 Prionotus scitulus (leopard searobin) 1.9 4.7 1.6 1.8 2.2 1.4 Scorpaena brasiliensis (barbfish) 1.6 0.2 Selene setapinnis (Atlantic moonfish) 1.8 0.2 Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 1.9 0.2 TOTAL 0.0 0.0 2.0 28.6 9.5 22.9 21.7 14.6 24.4 12.9
Table 5. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Gill Net at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 2 2
Acanthostracion quadricornis (scrawled cowfish) 1 1
Anisotremus virginicus (porkfish) 2 2
Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1 3
1 1
6 Caranx latus (horse-eye jack) 2 2
Carcharhinus brevipinna (spinner shark) 14 14 Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic bumper) 1 1
14 16 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 1 1
Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker) 1 1
Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 1 1
2 Micropogonias undulates (Atlantic croaker) 5 5
Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 3 3
Trichiurus lepturus (Atlantic cutlassfish) 3 1
6 23 1
0 0
4 1
19 59
Table 6. Catch Per Unit Effort (Number of Individuals Per Hour of Soak Time) for Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Gill Net at Each Station, Baseline Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St.
Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. (Note: Totals in the right column represent the number of individuals captured per hour for all nine transects.)
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.29 Acanthostracion quadricornis (scrawled cowfish) 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 Anisotremus virginicus (porkfish) 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1.33 3.60 0.00 1.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.86 Caranx latus (horse-eye jack) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.29 Carcharhinus brevipinna (spinner shark) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.54 2.00 Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic bumper) 1.33 1.20 16.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker) 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.29 Micropogonias undulates (Atlantic croaker) 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.69 0.43 Trichiurus lepturus (Atlantic cutlassfish) 0.00 0.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.57 TOTAL 6.66 7.20 27.60 1.71 0.00 0.00 5.34 1.20 17.03 8.43
Table 7. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Beach Seine at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 10 10 Archosargus probatocephalus (sheepshead) 4 4
Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1 198 1
53 3
12 268 Caranx hippos (crevalle jack) 1 1
Centropomus undecimalis (common snook) 1 1
Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic bumper) 9 951 5
11 2
6 32 79 1095 Engraulis eurystole (silver anchovy) 498 498 Eucinostomus gula (silver jenny) 1 4
15 7
4 40 71 Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Atlantic silverstripe halfbeak) 1 1
Menticirrhus littoralis (Gulf kingfish) 1 24 6
20 8
22 82 9
172 Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 5 5
Sardinella aurita (Spanish sardine) 155 185 36 68 593 1037 Selar crumenophthalmus (bigeye scad) 74 1
75 Selene setapinnis (Atlantic moonfish) 1 1
Trachinotus carolinus (Florida pompano) 1 6
2 9
4 17 4
12 55 Trachinotus falcatus (permit) 1 3
4 Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 8 51 26 54 42 216 64 461 TOTAL 20 1
1480 14 88 253 684 409 810 3759
Table 8. Average total length (TL) and average weight (W) of each Representative Important Species Captured by Gill Net, Trawl, and Beach Seine, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. For each species the number weighed/measured (n) and the total number collected (N) are given.
TAXON Gill Net Trawl Beach Seine TL (mm)
W (g) n N
TL (mm)
W (g) n N
TL (mm)
W (g) n N
Micropogonias undulates (Atlantic croaker) 234.8 188.0 5
5 Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 64.0 8.0 1
1 92.9 10.6 159 461 Menticirrhus littoralis (Gulf kingfish) 141.2 67.8 115 172 Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 348.5 420.0 2
2 45.8 2.4 5
5 Trachinotus carolinus (Florida pompano) 85.8 18.0 55 55 Engraulis eurystole (silver anchovy) 73.8 3.2 25 498 Sardinella aurita (Spanish sardine) 82.8 6.2 100 1037 Prionotus scitulus (leopard searobin) 132.0 25.6 7
Table 9. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish Eggs and Larvae and Commercially or Recreationally Important Decapod Crustacean Larvae Captured Per Cubic Meter of Water Filtered During One 15-minute Bongo-Net Tow at Each Transect, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. (Note: Samples could not be collected at SL2-A because the net filled with jellyfish. Totals in the right column represent numbers captured per cubic meter of water filtered at all five transects.)
C Blenniidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.024 0.004 Chasmodes saburrae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.015 0.004 Chloroscombrus chrysurus, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.268 0.045 Clupeidae, post yolk-sac larvae 0.581 NA 0.015 0.049 0.159 Ctenogobius boleosoma, post yolk-sac larvae 0.016 NA 0.004 Engraulidae, post yolk-sac larvae 0.081 NA 0.024 0.019 0.029 Gobiosoma spp., post yolk-sac larvae 0.087 NA 0.008 Gobiidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.019 0.004 Labrisomidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.024 0.004 Micropogonias undulatus, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.015 0.004 Microgobius thalassinus, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.015 0.004 Sciaenops ocellatus, post yolk-sac larvae 0.043 NA 0.004 Sciaenidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.019 0.004 Achiridae, egg 0.016 NA 0.004 Carangidae/ Labridae/ Sciaenidae egg complex 7.087 NA 0.665 Synodontidae, egg NA 2.000 0.341 1.346 0.890 Sciaenidae, egg 0.032 NA 0.090 0.481 0.135 Unidentified fish eggs 1.130 NA 3.776 0.098 3.769 1.955 Callinectes spp., zoea 0.130 NA 0.433 0.146 0.019 0.159 Callinectes spp., megalops 0.129 0.565 NA 0.098 0.019 0.106 Emerita talpoida, zoea 0.161 0.174 NA 0.134 0.634 0.200 Emerita talpoida, juvenile 0.087 NA 0.015 0.012 Farfantepenaeus duorarum, post larvae 0.097 0.043 NA 0.029 Menippe mercenaria, zoea NA 2.224 0.341 0.058 0.678 Menippe mercenaria, megalops NA 0.058 0.012 Penaeidae, protozoea NA 0.045 0.012 Penaeidae, other 0.304 NA 0.060 0.049 0.596 0.180
Table 10. Number of Individuals of Each Species of Sea Turtle Sighted During Each of Two Passes Along Three One-Kilometer-Long Transects, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
SPECIES SL 1 SL 2 SL 3 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Chelonia mydas (green turtle) 1 0
0 2
0 0
Florida Power & Light Company Biological Plan of Study Implementation for St. Lucie Plant EPU Baseline Event 1 Data Report Report to Florida Power & Light Company October 2011 Submitted by Ecological Associates, Inc.
Post Office Box 405 Jensen Beach, Florida
ECOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES, INC., JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA INTRODUCTION During August 2011, Ecological Associates, Inc. (EAI) conducted the first baseline field sampling event in accordance with the St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Plan of Study. During this first event, sampling was conducted on seven days between August 16 and August 30. Data collected included general environmental data; water quality data; numbers and sizes of fish and shellfish collected by gill net, trawl, and beach seine; numbers of fish eggs and larvae and commercially or recreationally important decapod crustacean larvae collected by plankton net; and, numbers and sizes of sea turtles observed. Results of the first sampling event are provided in this report. All data should be considered preliminary until quality assurance checks have been completed.
SAMPLING LOCATIONS Sampling was conducted within three separate sampling sites: SL1 located midway between the St. Lucie Plant and the Ft. Pierce Inlet, SL2 located in the vicinity of the St. Lucie Plant cooling water discharge, and SL3 located midway between the St. Lucie Plant and the St. Lucie Inlet.
For the purposes of gill netting and trawling, three transects were established within each of the three sampling sites: Transect A was located approximately 600 ft from shore on the beach terrace in water depths of 9-25 ft, Transect B was located approximately 4,000 ft. from shore in water depths of 36-42 ft, and Transect C was located approximately 8,000 ft. from shore in water depths of 29-43 ft. Plankton samples were collected concurrently with trawl samples at all three sites but only on Transects A and C.
Three stations were also established within each of the three sampling sites for the purpose of beach seining: Station A was located 0.5 mi. north of the center of the site, Station B was located at the center of the site, and Station C was located 0.5 mi. south of the center of the site.
At all stations, seines were pulled to the beach from a water depth of approximately 4 ft.
For the purpose of boat-based sea turtle surveys, one transect was established in each of the three sampling sites. The transects were located along nearshore hardbottom habitat in each site.
RESULTS Environmental data were recorded at each station during each day of sampling. Data recorded included current speed and direction, sea conditions, air temperature, wind speed and direction, and sky conditions. Environmental data are summarized by day in Table 1. Values reflect the range of values recorded throughout each day of sampling.
Water quality data were recorded at three locations and three depths along each of the nine transects established for trawl and gill net sampling. Data recorded included conductivity, water temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO). Water quality data are provided in Table
- 2.
Trawls were towed for 15 minutes along each of the nine transects. The numbers of fish and commercially or recreationally important shellfish collected in each 15-minute tow are presented in Table 3. Because of variations in tow speed, the distances the trawl traveled during a 15-minute tow varied from 0.45 to 0.68 km (based on GPS readings). In order to compare abundances among stations in terms of catch per unit effort, the numbers collected per kilometer of bottom sampled were calculated and are presented in Table 4.
The numbers of fish and commercially or recreationally important shellfish collected by gill net on each of the nine transects is given in Table 5. At each transect the gill net began to be retrieved 30 minutes after it was set. However, the total soak time (time from when the net first entered the water until the time it was completely removed from the water) varied among transects because of differences in retrieval times associated with variations in the number of fish present in the net. In order to compare abundances among stations in terms of catch per unit effort, the numbers collected per hour of total soak time were calculated and are given in Table
- 6.
Beach seines were deployed at each of the nine stations previously described. The numbers of fish and commercially or recreationally important shellfish collected at each station are presented in Table 7.
A maximum of 25 representative specimens of each Representative Important Species (RIS) of fish collected at each transect/station by trawl, gill net, and beach seine were measured (total length) and a batch weight for those specimens was obtained. Average lengths and average weights of each RIS at each station/transect for each gear type are presented in Table 8.
Bongo nets were used to collect fish eggs and larvae as well as commercially or recreationally important decapod crustacean larvae at each of the six transects previously described. Nets were pulled for 15 minutes and the volume of water filtered determined by means of flow meters.
Numbers of individuals per cubic meter of water filtered are given in Table 9.
To quantify the number of sea turtles present in each of the three sampling sites, one one-kilometer-long transect in each sampling site was traversed by boat twice. The numbers of sea turtles sighted during each pass along each transect are presented in Table 10.
Table 1. Environmental Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. Values reflect the range of values recorded throughout each day of sampling.
Sampling Date Current Speed/Direction Sea Conditions Air Temp Wind Speed/Direction Sky Conditions Trawls/
Ichthyoplankton 8/22/2011 0-1 knot/N 1-2 ft swell 28.7-30.7°C 0-5 mph/SE Clear to Partly Cloudy Trawls/
Ichthyoplankton 8/23/2011 0-1 knot/N 1-2 ft swell 28.1-29.1°C 3-7 mph/E to SE Partly to Mostly Cloudy Gill Nets 8/18/2011 0-1 knot/N 2-4 ft swell, light chop 28.3-30.4°C 5-7 mph/SE Partly to Mostly Cloudy Gill Nets 8/19/2011 0-1 knot/N 1-3 ft swell 29.3-31.7°C 3-7 mph/S to SE Clear to Partly Cloudy Beach Seines 8/16/2011 0-1 knot/N Calm to 1 ft shore break, light chop 29.9-31.2°C 3-7 mph/SE Clear to Mostly Cloudy Beach Seines 8/17/2011 0-1 knot/N Calm to 1-2 ft shore break 27.5-29.3°C 3-7 mph/S Partly to Mostly Cloudy Sea Turtle Transects 8/30/2011 0-1 knot/N 2-3 ft swell 26.3-27.8°C 2-5 mph/SW Mostly Cloudy
Table 2. Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Trawl SL1 A North Surface 55.7 26.9 37.1 7.80 6.90 Mid-Depth 55.6 26.7 37.1 7.80 6.63 Bottom 55.7 26.3 37.0 7.82 6.97 Middle Surface 55.6 26.6 37.0 7.80 7.08 Mid-Depth 55.6 26.6 37.0 7.80 6.63 Bottom 55.6 26.4 37.0 7.80 6.80 South Surface 55.6 26.4 37.0 7.79 6.55 Mid-Depth 55.6 26.4 37.0 7.80 6.68 Bottom 55.6 26.3 37.0 7.80 6.73 Trawl SL1 B North Surface 55.3 25.3 36.6 7.86 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.21 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.87 6.15 Middle Surface 55.2 25.3 36.6 7.87 6.20 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.20 Bottom 55.3 25.2 36.6 7.87 6.03 South Surface 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.87 6.21 Bottom 55.3 25.2 36.6 7.87 6.00 Trawl SL1 C North Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.88 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.21 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.19 Middle Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.88 6.21 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.20 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.89 6.23 South Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.88 6.31 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.5 7.89 6.25 Bottom 55.1 25.2 36.5 7.89 6.19 Trawl SL2 A North Surface 55.5 25.6 36.8 7.82 6.57 Mid-Depth 55.5 25.6 36.8 7.82 6.51 Bottom 55.4 25.6 36.8 7.82 6.45 Middle Surface 55.4 25.8 36.8 7.82 6.64 Mid-Depth 55.4 25.8 36.8 7.82 6.53 Bottom 55.5 25.8 36.8 7.82 6.50 South Surface 55.5 26.1 36.9 7.81 6.62 Mid-Depth 55.5 26.1 36.9 7.81 6.35 Bottom 55.6 26.0 36.9 7.81 6.26
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Trawl SL2 B North Surface 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.83 6.60 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.6 36.7 7.82 6.49 Bottom 55.3 25.6 36.7 7.83 6.41 Middle Surface 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.83 6.54 Mid-Depth 55.4 25.5 36.7 7.82 6.41 Bottom 55.4 25.4 36.8 7.80 6.29 South Surface 55.4 25.7 36.7 7.82 6.51 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.6 36.7 7.82 6.36 Bottom 55.4 25.5 36.7 7.80 6.20 Trawl SL2 C North Surface 55.3 25.8 36.7 7.84 6.65 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.84 6.56 Bottom 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.84 6.54 Middle Surface 55.2 25.8 36.6 7.84 6.74 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.8 36.6 7.84 6.61 Bottom 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.84 6.57 South Surface 55.0 25.9 36.5 7.85 6.75 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.8 36.6 7.85 6.63 Bottom 55.2 25.8 36.5 7.85 6.57 Trawl SL3 A North Surface 55.0 25.4 36.5 7.90 6.33 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.4 36.4 7.90 6.26 Bottom 54.9 25.4 36.5 7.90 6.28 Middle Surface 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.29 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.24 Bottom 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.18 South Surface 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.19 Mid-Depth 54.9 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.17 Bottom 55.0 25.3 36.4 7.90 6.14 Trawl SL3 B North Surface 54.9 25.7 36.3 7.95 6.74 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.3 7.95 6.45 Bottom 54.9 25.5 36.4 7.94 6.45 Middle Surface 54.8 25.7 36.3 7.94 6.47 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.4 7.94 6.39 Bottom 55.1 24.9 36.4 7.94 6.30 South Surface 54.8 25.7 36.4 7.95 6.38 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.5 36.4 7.94 6.38 Bottom 55.0 25.2 36.5 7.94 6.25
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Trawl SL3 C North Surface 54.7 25.9 36.3 7.97 6.50 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.4 7.96 6.49 Bottom 55.0 25.1 36.4 7.96 6.50 Middle Surface 54.7 25.9 36.3 7.96 6.61 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.6 36.4 7.96 6.50 Bottom 55.0 25.0 36.4 7.96 6.52 South Surface 54.7 26.0 36.2 7.96 6.59 Mid-Depth 54.7 25.8 36.3 7.96 6.53 Bottom 54.9 25.5 36.4 7.96 6.50 Gill Net SL1 A West Surface 54.8 25.9 36.3 7.71 6.40 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.8 36.3 7.71 6.41 Bottom 55.1 25.5 36.5 7.70 6.30 Middle Surface 54.7 25.8 36.3 7.70 6.51 Mid-Depth 54.8 25.8 36.3 7.71 6.35 Bottom 54.9 25.7 36.5 7.70 6.36 East Surface 54.7 26.0 36.3 7.70 6.47 Mid-Depth 54.7 25.8 36.3 7.70 6.40 Bottom 54.8 25.7 36.4 7.71 6.39 Gill Net SL1 B West Surface 55.1 25.3 36.6 7.67 6.32 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.3 36.5 7.68 6.35 Bottom 55.4 24.7 36.7 7.64 5.60 Middle Surface 55.1 25.3 36.5 7.67 6.18 Mid-Depth 55.0 25.2 36.5 7.67 6.36 Bottom 55.4 24.1 36.7 7.64 5.67 East Surface 55.1 25.3 36.5 7.66 6.41 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.2 36.4 7.67 6.42 Bottom 55.4 24.7 36.7 7.64 5.66 Gill Net SL1 C West Surface 54.5 26.3 36.1 7.72 6.22 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.5 7.75 6.40 Bottom 55.3 24.6 36.7 7.72 6.02 Middle Surface 54.6 26.3 36.1 7.73 6.33 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.1 36.5 7.75 6.49 Bottom 55.4 24.6 36.7 7.73 6.27 East Surface 54.5 26.3 36.1 7.73 6.56 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.2 36.5 7.76 6.56 Bottom 55.4 24.7 36.7 7.75 6.18
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Gill Net SL2 A West Surface 55.2 25.8 36.6 7.61 6.77 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.6 7.62 6.38 Bottom 55.2 25.1 36.6 7.61 6.22 Middle Surface 55.3 25.7 36.6 7.59 6.32 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.7 7.60 6.23 Bottom 55.2 25.2 36.7 7.60 6.16 East Surface 55.3 25.7 36.7 7.58 6.42 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.6 7.60 6.28 Bottom 55.2 25.3 36.6 7.59 5.94 Gill Net SL2 B West Surface 55.2 26.0 36.6 7.63 6.26 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.6 36.6 7.63 6.37 Bottom 55.3 25.0 36.7 7.61 6.03 Middle Surface 55.1 26.1 36.6 7.62 6.32 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.5 7.63 6.34 Bottom 55.4 24.9 36.7 7.61 6.10 East Surface 55.1 26.2 36.6 7.63 6.47 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.8 36.5 7.63 6.45 Bottom 55.3 24.9 36.7 7.61 6.21 Gill Net SL2 C West Surface 55.2 25.7 36.6 7.66 6.31 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.3 36.6 7.67 6.33 Bottom 55.4 24.3 36.7 7.65 6.03 Middle Surface 55.1 25.7 36.6 7.66 6.19 Mid-Depth 55.1 25.4 36.5 7.67 6.23 Bottom 55.4 24.8 36.6 7.65 5.97 East Surface 55.2 25.7 36.6 7.66 6.56 Mid-Depth 55.2 25.5 36.6 7.67 6.38 Bottom 55.4 24.8 36.7 7.65 6.18 Gill Net SL3 A West Surface 55.3 25.5 36.7 7.78 6.43 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.35 Bottom 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.77 6.34 Middle Surface 55.3 25.9 36.7 7.78 6.46 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.43 Bottom 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.37 East Surface 55.2 25.2 36.6 7.78 6.45 Mid-Depth 55.3 25.3 36.7 7.78 6.46 Bottom 55.3 25.5 36.6 7.78 6.46
Table 2 (Continued). Water Quality Data, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Transect Station Depth Conductivity (mS/cm)
Water Temp (°C)
Salinity (PSU) pH DO (mg/l)
Gill Net SL3 B West Surface 55.0 25.4 36.7 7.84 6.50 Mid-Depth 55.3 24.9 36.6 7.83 6.45 Bottom 55.2 24.9 36.6 7.81 6.38 Middle Surface 55.2 25.1 36.6 7.84 6.48 Mid-Depth 55.2 24.9 36.6 7.84 6.46 Bottom 55.2 24.8 36.6 7.83 6.33 East Surface 55.2 25.0 36.6 7.84 6.57 Mid-Depth 55.2 24.9 36.6 7.85 6.53 Bottom 55.2 24.8 36.6 7.83 6.35 Gill Net SL3 C West Surface 55.2 24.7 36.6 7.90 6.40 Mid-Depth 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.89 6.24 Bottom 55.3 24.8 36.6 7.90 6.47 Middle Surface 55.3 24.8 36.6 7.90 6.38 Mid-Depth 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.91 6.42 Bottom 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.90 6.35 East Surface 55.2 24.8 36.6 7.89 6.52 Mid-Depth 55.2 24.7 36.6 7.91 6.50 Bottom 55.3 24.7 36.6 7.89 6.14
Table 3. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Trawl during One 15-minute Tow at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Caribbean reef squid) 1 1
Farfantepenaeus duorarum (pink shrimp) 1 1
2 Farfantepenaeus spp.
11 6
1 18 Sicyonia brevirostris (brown rock shrimp) 2 4
2 8
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 1 1
Apogon binotatus (barred cardinalfish) 1 1
Bothus robinsi (twospot flounder) 2 2
Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1 1
2 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 1 1
1 2
5 Haemulon aurolineatum (tomtate) 1 9
10 Haemulon spp.
1 1
Ophidion grayi (blotched cusk-eel) 3 3
Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 2 2
Prionotus scitulus (leopard searobin) 1 3
1 1
1 7
Scorpaena brasiliensis (barbfish) 1 1
Selene setapinnis (Atlantic moonfish) 1 1
Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 1 1
0 1
15 6
14 11 8
11 66
Table 4. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured per Kilometer by Trawl at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. (Note: Totals in the right column represent the number of individuals captured per kilometer for all nine transects.)
Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Caribbean reef squid) 1.8 0.2 Farfantepenaeus duorarum (pink shrimp) 1.8 2.2 0.4 Farfantepenaeus spp.
21.0 9.8 2.0 3.5 Sicyonia brevirostris (brown rock shrimp) 3.2 6.5 4.4 1.6 Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 2.0 0.2 Apogon binotatus (barred cardinalfish) 1.8 0.2 Bothus robinsi (twospot flounder) 3.6 0.4 Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1.6 1.6 0.4 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 1.9 1.6 1.8 4.4 1.0 Haemulon aurolineatum (tomtate) 1.9 17.7 2.0 Haemulon spp.
2.0 0.2 Ophidion grayi (blotched cusk-eel) 6.7 0.6 Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 4.4 0.4 Prionotus scitulus (leopard searobin) 1.9 4.7 1.6 1.8 2.2 1.4 Scorpaena brasiliensis (barbfish) 1.6 0.2 Selene setapinnis (Atlantic moonfish) 1.8 0.2 Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 1.9 0.2 TOTAL 0.0 0.0 2.0 28.6 9.5 22.9 21.7 14.6 24.4 12.9
Table 5. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Gill Net at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 2 2
Acanthostracion quadricornis (scrawled cowfish) 1 1
Anisotremus virginicus (porkfish) 2 2
Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1 3
1 1
6 Caranx latus (horse-eye jack) 2 2
Carcharhinus brevipinna (spinner shark) 14 14 Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic bumper) 1 1
14 16 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 1 1
Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker) 1 1
Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 1 1
2 Micropogonias undulates (Atlantic croaker) 5 5
Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 3 3
Trichiurus lepturus (Atlantic cutlassfish) 3 1
6 23 1
0 0
4 1
19 59
Table 6. Catch Per Unit Effort (Number of Individuals Per Hour of Soak Time) for Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Gill Net at Each Station, Baseline Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St.
Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. (Note: Totals in the right column represent the number of individuals captured per hour for all nine transects.)
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.29 Acanthostracion quadricornis (scrawled cowfish) 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 Anisotremus virginicus (porkfish) 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1.33 3.60 0.00 1.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.86 Caranx latus (horse-eye jack) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.29 Carcharhinus brevipinna (spinner shark) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.54 2.00 Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic bumper) 1.33 1.20 16.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 Citharichthys macrops (spotted whiff) 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker) 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.29 Micropogonias undulates (Atlantic croaker) 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 Prionotus rubio (blackwing searobin) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.69 0.43 Trichiurus lepturus (Atlantic cutlassfish) 0.00 0.00 3.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.57 TOTAL 6.66 7.20 27.60 1.71 0.00 0.00 5.34 1.20 17.03 8.43
Table 7. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish and Commercially or Recreationally Important Shellfish Captured by Beach Seine at Each Station, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
Arenaeus cribrarius (speckled swimming crab) 10 10 Archosargus probatocephalus (sheepshead) 4 4
Caranx crysos (blue runner) 1 198 1
53 3
12 268 Caranx hippos (crevalle jack) 1 1
Centropomus undecimalis (common snook) 1 1
Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic bumper) 9 951 5
11 2
6 32 79 1095 Engraulis eurystole (silver anchovy) 498 498 Eucinostomus gula (silver jenny) 1 4
15 7
4 40 71 Hyporhamphus unifasciatus (Atlantic silverstripe halfbeak) 1 1
Menticirrhus littoralis (Gulf kingfish) 1 24 6
20 8
22 82 9
172 Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 5 5
Sardinella aurita (Spanish sardine) 155 185 36 68 593 1037 Selar crumenophthalmus (bigeye scad) 74 1
75 Selene setapinnis (Atlantic moonfish) 1 1
Trachinotus carolinus (Florida pompano) 1 6
2 9
4 17 4
12 55 Trachinotus falcatus (permit) 1 3
4 Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 8 51 26 54 42 216 64 461 TOTAL 20 1
1480 14 88 253 684 409 810 3759
Table 8. Average total length (TL) and average weight (W) of each Representative Important Species Captured by Gill Net, Trawl, and Beach Seine, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. For each species the number weighed/measured (n) and the total number collected (N) are given.
TAXON Gill Net Trawl Beach Seine TL (mm)
W (g) n N
TL (mm)
W (g) n N
TL (mm)
W (g) n N
Micropogonias undulates (Atlantic croaker) 234.8 188.0 5
5 Umbrina coroides (sand drum) 64.0 8.0 1
1 92.9 10.6 159 461 Menticirrhus littoralis (Gulf kingfish) 141.2 67.8 115 172 Menticirrhus saxatilis (northern kingfish) 348.5 420.0 2
2 45.8 2.4 5
5 Trachinotus carolinus (Florida pompano) 85.8 18.0 55 55 Engraulis eurystole (silver anchovy) 73.8 3.2 25 498 Sardinella aurita (Spanish sardine) 82.8 6.2 100 1037 Prionotus scitulus (leopard searobin) 132.0 25.6 7
Table 9. Number of Individuals of Each Taxon of Fish Eggs and Larvae and Commercially or Recreationally Important Decapod Crustacean Larvae Captured Per Cubic Meter of Water Filtered During One 15-minute Bongo-Net Tow at Each Transect, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study. (Note: Samples could not be collected at SL2-A because the net filled with jellyfish. Totals in the right column represent numbers captured per cubic meter of water filtered at all five transects.)
C Blenniidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.024 0.004 Chasmodes saburrae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.015 0.004 Chloroscombrus chrysurus, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.268 0.045 Clupeidae, post yolk-sac larvae 0.581 NA 0.015 0.049 0.159 Ctenogobius boleosoma, post yolk-sac larvae 0.016 NA 0.004 Engraulidae, post yolk-sac larvae 0.081 NA 0.024 0.019 0.029 Gobiosoma spp., post yolk-sac larvae 0.087 NA 0.008 Gobiidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.019 0.004 Labrisomidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.024 0.004 Micropogonias undulatus, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.015 0.004 Microgobius thalassinus, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.015 0.004 Sciaenops ocellatus, post yolk-sac larvae 0.043 NA 0.004 Sciaenidae, post yolk-sac larvae NA 0.019 0.004 Achiridae, egg 0.016 NA 0.004 Carangidae/ Labridae/ Sciaenidae egg complex 7.087 NA 0.665 Synodontidae, egg NA 2.000 0.341 1.346 0.890 Sciaenidae, egg 0.032 NA 0.090 0.481 0.135 Unidentified fish eggs 1.130 NA 3.776 0.098 3.769 1.955 Callinectes spp., zoea 0.130 NA 0.433 0.146 0.019 0.159 Callinectes spp., megalops 0.129 0.565 NA 0.098 0.019 0.106 Emerita talpoida, zoea 0.161 0.174 NA 0.134 0.634 0.200 Emerita talpoida, juvenile 0.087 NA 0.015 0.012 Farfantepenaeus duorarum, post larvae 0.097 0.043 NA 0.029 Menippe mercenaria, zoea NA 2.224 0.341 0.058 0.678 Menippe mercenaria, megalops NA 0.058 0.012 Penaeidae, protozoea NA 0.045 0.012 Penaeidae, other 0.304 NA 0.060 0.049 0.596 0.180
Table 10. Number of Individuals of Each Species of Sea Turtle Sighted During Each of Two Passes Along Three One-Kilometer-Long Transects, Baseline Sampling Event 1 (August 2011), St. Lucie Plant EPU Biological Study.
SPECIES SL 1 SL 2 SL 3 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Chelonia mydas (green turtle) 1 0
0 2
0 0