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Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 62, Chapter 13 - Conduct of Operations
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/2013
Energy Northwest
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Download: ML14010A309 (53)




Section Page LDCN-12-004 13-i 13.1 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE

..................................................... 13.1-1 13.1.1 MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION ...... 13.1-1 Technical Suppor t for Operations ................................................. 13.1-1 Organizationa l Arrangement ....................................................... 13.1-2 Qualifications ......................................................................... 13.1-3 13.1.2 OPERATING ORGANIZATIO N.................................................... 13.1-3 Plant Or ganization

................................................................... 13.1-3 Plant Personnel Res ponsibilities and Authorities ............................... 13.1-3 Plant Management ................................................................. 13.1-3 Operations Supervision ........................................................... 13.1-4 Operating Shif t Crew Supervision .............................................. 13.1-5 Shift Technical Advisor

........................................................... 13.1-6 Licensed Operators ................................................................ 13.1-6 Nonlicen sed Operators ............................................................ 13.1-6 Engineeri ng Management ........................................................ 13.1-7 System E ngineering Manager ................................................. 13.1-7 De sign Engineering Manager ................................................. 13.1-8 Reactor/Fuels Engineering Manager ......................................... 13.1-8 Technical Services Manager .................................................. 13.1-9 Plant Support Engineering Manager ......................................... 13.1-9 Construction and Project Manageme nt Manager ......................... 13.1-9 Equipment Reliability and Planning Manager. ............................ 13.1-9 Nuclear Engin eering Supervision ............................................... 13.1-9 Radiological Services Supervision .............................................. 13.1-9 Chemistry Supervision

.......................................................... 13.1-10 Ma intenance Supervision ....................................................... 13.1-10 Pla nning, Scheduling a nd Outage Supervision .............................. 13.1-10 Quality Supervision

.............................................................. 13.1-10 Operating Shift Crews

............................................................... 13.1-11 Shift Crew Composition

.......................................................... 13.1-11 Shift Responsibility fo r Radiation Protection ................................. 13.1-11 Shift Main tenance Support ....................................................... 13.1-11 Shift Fi re Brigade

.................................................................. 13.1-12 Shift Chem istry Support .......................................................... 13.1-12 C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 Chapter 13 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

Section Page LDCN-12-004,13-040 13-ii 13.1.3 QUALIFICATIONS OF NUCLEAR PLANT PERSONNEL .................. 13.1-12 Plant Ma nagement ................................................................... 13.1-12 Operations Department

.............................................................. 13.1-13 Operati ons Manager

............................................................... 13.1-13 Shift Manager ...................................................................... 13.

1-13 Control Room Supervisor ........................................................ 13.1-13 Shift Technical Advisor

........................................................... 13.1-14 Shift Support Supervisor ......................................................... 13.1-14 Reactor Operator

................................................................... 13.1-14 Equipmen t Operator

............................................................... 13.1-14 Engineering

............................................................................ 13.1-14 Vice President Engi neering, Assistant Vice Pres ident Engineering, System Engineering Manager, Design Engineering Mana ger, Reactor/Fuels Engineering Manager, Technical Services Manager, Equipment Reliability and Planning Manager, Plant S upport Engineering Manager, and Construction and Project Management Manager

................................................... 13.1-14 Engineeri ng Supervisors .......................................................... 13.1-15 Fire Protec tion Engineer ......................................................... 13.1-15 Mainte nance ...........................................................................

13.1-15 Maintenanc e Managers

........................................................... 13.1-15 Maintenanc e Supervisors ......................................................... 13.1-15 Radiological Services

................................................................ 13.1-16 Radiological Se rvices Manager ................................................. 13.1-16 Radiation Pr otection Manager ................................................... 13.

1-16 Radiological Services Supervisors ..............................................

13.1-16 Chem istry ..............................................................................

13.1-16 Chemistr y Manager

............................................................... 13.1-16 Chemistry Supervisors

............................................................ 13.1-17 Quality ................................................................................. 13.1-17 13.2 TRAINING ................................................................................. 13.2-1 13.2.1 PLANT STAFF TR AINING PROGRAM ......................................... 13.2-1

13.2.2 INITIAL AND CONTI NUING TRAINING ...................................... 13.2-2 Licensed Operators

.................................................................. 13.2-2 Initial Training ..................................................................... 13.2-2 C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 Chapter 13 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS


Section Page 13-iii Conti nuing Training ............................................................... 13.2-3 Nonlicensed Op erator Trai ning ....................................................

13.2-3 Initial Training ..................................................................... 13.2-3 Continuing Training Program ................................................... 13.2-4 Shift Technical Advisor Training

.................................................. 13.2-4 Initial Training ..................................................................... 13.2-4 Conti nuing Training ............................................................... 13.2-4 Other Plant Personnel (Maintenance, Health Physics, Chemistry) .......... 13.2-5 Initial Training ..................................................................... 13.2-5 Conti nuing Training ............................................................... 13.2-5 Fire Brigade ........................................................................... 13.2-5 Initial and C ontinuing Training ................................................. 13.2-5 Offsite Fire Department .......................................................... 13.2-6 13.2.3 TRAINING PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS

...................................... 13.2-7 13.2.4 PLANT TRAINI NG RECORDS .................................................... 13.2-7 13.2.5 OTHER TRAINING DOCUMENTS ............................................... 13.2-7 13.3 EMERGENCY PLANNING ............................................................ 13.3-1


.................................................................. 13.4-1 13.4.1 ONSITE REVIEW ..................................................................... 13.4-1 13.4.2 INDEPENDENT REVIEW ........................................................... 13.4-1 13.4.3 AUDIT PROGRAM ................................................................... 13.4-2

13.5 PLANT PROCEDURES ................................................................. 13.5-1 13.5.1 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES .............................................. 13.5-1 Conformance With Regulat ory Guide 1.33, Revision 2 ....................... 13.5-1 Preparation of Procedures .......................................................... 13.5-1 Procedures ............................................................................. 13.5-1 13.5.2 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ........................ 13.5-2 Control Room Op erating Procedures ............................................. 13.5-2 Other Pr ocedures ..................................................................... 13.5-3

13.6 INDUSTRIAL SECURITY ............................................................. 13.6-1



Number Title Page LDCN-10-002 13-iv 13.1-1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition

............................................... 13.1-19



Number Title LDCN-12-004 13-v 13.1-1 Energy Northwest Organization

13.1-2 Nuclear Generation Organization

13.1-3 Plant General Manager Organization

13.1-4 Operational Support Organization

13.1-5 Training Organization

13.1-6 Vice President Engineering Organization

13.1-7 Quality Organization

13.1-8 (Deleted)

13.1-9 Operations Organization

13.1-10 Operations Crew

13.1-11 Radiological Services Organization

13.1-12 Chemistry Organization

13.1-13 Plant Mainte nance Organization

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 61 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2011 LDCN-10-002 13.1-1 Chapter 13



The organizational structure of Energy Northwest and the line of responsibility for the operation of Columbia Generating Station (CGS) is in accordance with established administrative and quality standard s that apply to this operation.

The applicable organization charts are shown in Figures 13.1-1 through 13.1-13.


Energy Northwest is a municipal corporation and a joint operating agency of the State of Washington. The management and control of Energy Northwes t is vested in the Executive Board.

The Executive Board consists of five members of the Energy Northwest Board of Directors and six outside directors. Three outside directors are selected by the Board of Directors, and three directors are appointed by the Governor of the State of Washington.

The full Board of Directors has members repr esenting each of Ener gy Northwest's member utilities, and has the authority to select the inside member s of the Executiv e Board and to terminate existing projects or authorize new projects.

Certain responsibilities for day-to-day management of Energy No rthwest have been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer (the chief administrative officer).

The staff of Energy Northwest includes senior management le vel positions (Vice Presidents), which are responsible to the Ch ief Executive Officer for perfor mance of specialized work by their respective groups. The Vice President Nuclear Generation holds the title of Chief Nuclear Officer. See Figure 13.1-1 for an organization chart. However, as specified in Technical Specifications, Section 5.2.1, the Chief Executive Officer retains corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety. Technical Supp ort for Operations Technical support for the nuclear organization is the responsibility of the Vice President, Nuclear Generation (VPNG), Plant General Manager, Vice President, Engineering, and Vice President, Operations.

The Plant General Manager is re sponsible for the safe, reliab le, and efficient operation and maintenance of CGS and for providing major services which support plant operation.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004,13-029 13.1-2 Reporting to the VPNG includes the Vice President, Operations, Vice President, Engineering, and the Quality Manager. The Plant General Manager reports to the Vice President, Operations.

Reporting to the Vice President, Nuclear Generation are departme nts that provide support to CGS in the areas of Opera tions, Engineering, Employee Concerns, and Quality (see Figure 13.1-2


The Training Manager reports to the Vice President, Operations. Th e responsibilities of the Training Organization are described in Section 13.2. An organization chart is shown in Figure 13.1-5.

Reporting to the Vice President, Engineering are departments which provide technical support in the areas of reactor fuels, construction and project management, and engineering.

Reporting to the Vice President, Operations, are the Plant General Manager, the Operations Support General Manager and the departments of traini ng, regulatory affair s and organizational effectiveness. Security and emergency preparedness report to the Operations Support General Manager. (see Figure 13.1-4


The Quality Manager's responsibilities are described in the Energy Northwest Operational Quality Assurance Program Description (OQAP D), EN-QA-004. An organization chart is provided in Figure 13.1-7.

The Vice President, Engineeri ng is responsible for design control of all authorized plant modifications, technical exper tise in the fundamental engine ering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, civil, ch emical, fuels, as well as specialty areas such as materials, welding, and inservice inspection engineering. In addition, the Vice President, Engineering is responsible for providing technica l support in the area of system engineering. An organization chart for Engineering is shown in Figure 13.1-6.

Support and refueling operations are provi ded by personnel from all of the support organizations and are directed by the plant staff. Organizatio nal Arrangement

Figures 13.1-1 through 13.1-7 provide the current corporate structure as applicable to CGS support organizations. The numbe r of personnel to be assigned to each of the working level organizations will be determined based on workload and need fo r pertinent expertise. If the need arises, qualified outside c ontractors will be used to support the Energy Northwest staff.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004 13.1-3 Qualifications Qualification requirements for key technical support personnel who fulfill the responsibilities identified in Section shall meet the criter ia of Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1, 1977 (see the OQAPD). The personnel qualificati on and training progra ms are under continuing review and modification to reflect the changes following the TMI accident. The Vice President Engineering meets the definition and qualif ications of "Engineer in Charge."

Any Vice President or Manager listed in Section may authorize deviations from the qualification requirements for subordinate positions when, in th eir judgment, the combined education, experience, and managerial competency of a partic ular individual are sufficient to ensure adequate performance of assigned responsibilities. Such exceptions will be documented in writing and will not be used as a means to degrade the overall qualifications of the support staff. Deviations are not authorized for those positions whose qualifications are described in the Technical Specificat ions and the OQAPD.

13.1.2 OPERATING ORGANIZATION Plant Organization This section describes the stru cture, functions, and responsibilities of the onsite organization established to operate and maintain CGS.

Figures 13.1-9 through 13.1-13 show the plant organizations that directly opera te and maintain CGS. The prin cipal departments that function directly under the supervision of the Plant General Manager are: Operations, Maintenance, Radiological Services, and Chemistry (see Figure 13.1-3

). The Security Force Lieutenant is responsible to the Plant General Manager for day-to-day operation of the Plant Security Program and receives functional supervis ion from Operations Support management.

Position titles, NRC licenses required, and lines of functional reporti ng, as well as direct lines of communications, are indicated on the organization charts. Plant Personnel Res ponsibilities and Authorities Plant Management The Plant General Manager has direct responsibility and authority for all plant activities. The Plant General Manage r reports directly to the Vice President, Operations.

The Plant General Manager has the responsibility for management of the following plant departments: Operations, Chem istry, Radiological Services, Pl anning, Scheduli ng and Outage, and Maintenance.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-13-040 13.1-4 A Security Force Lieutenant exercises supervision and auth ority over the onsite security personnel. The Security Force Lieutenant reports to the Plant General Manager or the designated representative on day shifts and to the Shift Ma nager during other than normal working hours (i.e., backshif ts, weekends, and holidays).

In the event of incapac itation of key plant personnel or unexpected contingencies of a temporary nature, the line of succession of authority and responsib ility for all plan t activities is as follows:

a. Plant General Manager,
b. Operations Manager, c. One of the Assistant Operations Managers (see below), d. Duty Shift Manager. Operations Supervision

Operations is under the direction of the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager is responsible for overall plant operation. The Operations Mana ger directs and manages the activities of operations to en sure safe plant operation and control of plant systems in compliance with licensing documents.

The Operations Manager is re sponsible for being cognizant of and complying with the OQAPD.

The Operations Manager is responsible for the day-to-day routin e as well as the abnormal or emergency operating situations that may arise. The Operations Manager is responsible to see that all operations are carried out in a safe, efficient manner and that the plant is operated in strict conformance to the Oper ating License, Technical Specifi cations, and in accordance with approved written procedures. Additionally, th e Operations Manager is responsible for operating personnel schedules , development, and periodic review of plant operating procedures and instructions, and the preparati on of operating records and reports.

The Operations Crew, Operations Support, Oper ations Work Control a nd Operations Training Managers (hereinafter referred to collectively as Assistant Operati ons Managers (AOMS))

support and assist the Oper ations Manager in the performance of these duties. The Operations Crew Manager is responsible to the Operations Manager for th e immediate supervision of the Operations staff that supports work team a nd outage activities, and as such, he receives direction from the Operations Manager for the day-to-day routine and supervises

implementation. The Operations Support Manager is responsible to the Operations Manager for the immediate supervision of the Operations staff that supplies miscellaneous support to the Operations Department.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-13-040 13.1-5 The AOMs may be required to ma intain a current Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) license. During periods of transition such as promotion, the individual with a current SRO, either the Operations Manager or one of the AOMS will have the responsibility for immediate supervision of the Operations st aff. In either case, the indi vidual with the SRO may only be relieved by another individual possessing a current SRO. The Operations Manager will designate one of the assistants to assume total responsibility for the Operations Manager's duties (as described in this sect ion) during periods when the Oper ations Manager is temporarily absent from the plant. See Figure 13.1-9 for an organization chart of the Operations Department.

The plant Fire Marshall assists the Operations Manager in the implem entation of the Fire Protection Program. Responsibilities include ensuring that the fire protection systems and components are maintained and that the Fire Brigade is adequately trained and staffed. More detailed information is contained in Section Operating Shift Crew Supervision

Within the Operations Department are a minimum of five shift crews during normal operations. In some situations, such as refueling outages, these may be reduced to four shift crews. Plant management and technical support will be presen t or on call at all times to provide advice to the shift personnel.

The Shift Manager holds an SRO li cense and is directly responsib le to the Operations Manager (see Figure 13.1-10 for typical Operations Cr ew organization chart). The Shift Manager is in charge of all plant operations on shift and is directly in charge of and responsible for the shift crew assigned to his specific shift. The Shift Manager has the authority to institute immediate action in any given situation to shut the plan t down, or eliminate di fficulties to preclude violation of the Operating License or Technical Specifications, or to avert possible injury or undue radiation exposure of personnel. Additionally, the Shift Manager may at times direct the activities of other personnel during tasks such as backshift ma intenance, radiation protection, chemistry control, and security implementation. The Shift Manager also keeps plant management appraised of situations that may affect plant safety and/or constitute a hazard to the general public. During other th an normal working hour s, the Shift Manager assumes responsibility for all pl ant operations in the absence of senior plan t management personnel.

The Control Room Supervisor holds an SRO lic ense and assists the Shift Manager in the performance of duties and assu mes those duties during periods when the Shift Manager is unavailable. The Control Room Supervisor is re sponsible for supervisi ng the activities of the Control Room Reactor Operators and other assi gned personnel (i.e., e quipment operators and maintenance support personnel) required to operate the plan t safely and efficiently. The Control Room Supervisor is directly responsible to th e Shift Manager.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 61 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2011 LDCN-10-002 13.1-6 If stationed, the Shift Support Supervisor assist s the Shift Manager in the performance of his duties. The Shift Support Supervisor is res ponsible for the supervis ion and direction of personnel assigned to perform bala nce-of-plant (BOP) operating func tions such as operations of makeup water treatment system, ra dwaste processing systems, and other plant support systems.

The individual is responsible for perfor ming administrative du ties as assigned.

All core alterations are observed and directly supervised by either a licensed SRO, or licensed SRO limited to fuel handling, w ho has no concurrent responsibilities during the performance of the core alterations. Shift Technical Advisor

A Shift Technical Advisor (STA) qualified indi vidual provides engineer ing expertise on shift pursuant to safe and efficient operation of the plant. The ST A function may be staffed by a dedicated individual (licensed or non-licensed), or by an indivi dual filling a dual role as the Control Room Supervisor, Shift Manager or Shift Support Supervis or. The STA qualified individual monitors reactor core operations, and core management and reactivity controls. The STA normally reports to the Shift Manager. Licensed Operators

In addition to the licensed supervisors liste d above, there are a mi nimum of two reactor operators on each shift. The re actor operator (RO) holds a reac tor operator or senior reactor operator license and is responsible to the Control Room Supervisor for the sa fe and efficient operation of the plant from the main control r oom. The RO follows approved procedures in performing work and is responsible for taking th e immediate action requi red to maintain or bring the plant to a safe condition during abnorma l and/or emergency cond itions. However, if a particular situation is not c overed by a procedure, the indivi dual may seek advice from the Control Room Supervisor, or if the situation is critical, may use his or her own judgment to prevent damage to equipment, injury to personnel, or undue radiation exposure of plant personnel and the general public. The RO directs and supports the activitie s of other operators in the performance of their duties and works coopera tively with all plant service groups that interface with plant operation. Nonlicensed Operators The equipment operators (EO) ar e responsible to the Control Room Supervisor or Shift Support Supervisor for assisting in the plant operation and performing wo rk assignments from local control stations and all ot her defined areas outside of the central control room. The EO follows approved procedures in doing work and does not deviate from those procedures except as authorized. The EO performs assigned routine inspectio ns and manipulat es equipment without close supervision. The EO also performs special assi gnments as directed.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004 13.1-7 Engineer ing Management

Reporting to the Vice President, Engineering is the Assistant Vice President Engineering, the System Engineering Manager, the Technical Services Manager, th e Design Engineering Manager, the Plant Support Engineering Manager, the Construc tion and Projects Management Manager, and the Reactor Fuels Manager.

They are responsible for deve loping and implementing plant pr ograms and procedures which provide proper management cont rol in the above areas and thus ensure complia nce with the conditions of the operating license and proper plant safety. They interface with other support organizations to s upport plant operations.

The engineering organizations ar e responsible for being cognizan t of and complying with the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description. System Engineeri ng Manager. The System Engin eering Manager is responsible for long-term management of and the health and reliability of systems and components, overall direction of the system engineering program in support of plant opera tion, maintenance, and chemistry, and developing long range plans fo r system improvement and performance in the areas of NSSS systems, control/elect rical systems, and BOP systems.

The System Engineering Manage r is responsible for the deve lopment, implementation, and execution of programs to monitor system perfor mance, to conduct insp ections, and to perform specialized testing. The objec tive is to identify potential component degradation, minimize threats to success ful operation of systems and the plant, and to identify opportunities for improvement.

The System Engineering Manager is the primary interface with the Design Engineering Manager, Plant Support Engineer ing Manager, and Technical Se rvices Manager in support of maintaining plant compliance with design and licensi ng requirements.

The System Engineering Manage r is responsible for implemen ting performance monitoring of plant systems and critical plant programmatic processes.

This includes providing recommendations to plant management for im plementation of new pr ogram requirements, performing periodic assessments of existing programs, and recommending component or system improvements. The Sy stem Engineering Manager is responsible for daily plant support, responding to emergent issues, operability assessments , and providing troubleshooting expertise to operations and maintenance.

Reporting to the System Engi neering Manager are Equipm ent Reliability and Planning Manager, and the System Engineering Supervisors for nuclear steam supply systems (NSSS), BOP systems, and instrument and control and electrical systems. System Engineering Supervisors direct the activities of the System Engineering st aff in support of plant operation in C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004,13-028 13.1-8 the functional areas of mechanic al engineering, instrumentati on and control engineering, and electrical engineering. Activities include initiating engineering design changes, making recommendations for improved operation, and providing operating an d maintenance support for instrumentation and control systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems, plant water systems, and waste handling systems. The Syst em Engineering staff re presents the plant in assigned licensing areas with all state and fe deral licensing authoritie s (through responsible corporate organizations). They evaluate, interpret, or prepare lic ensing documents (e.g., FSAR). Design Engineeri ng Manager. The De sign Engineering Mana ger is responsible to assist System Engineering for daily plan t support, responding to emerging issues, and operability assessments. The De sign Engineering Manager is re sponsible for maintenance of the plant design basis, performa nce of plant design changes, a nd design and drafting. This includes non-modification de sign related activities.

Reporting to the Design Engin eering Manager are the Mechanical Design Supervisor, the Civil/Stress Design Supervisor, the Electrical Design Supervisor, and the Instrumentation & Control Design Supervisor. Reactor Fuels Manager. The Re actor Fuels Manager is responsible for fuel design, overall management of the reactor core, and monitoring of core parameters.

The Reactor Fuels Manager is responsible for providing technical support to Operations in management of refueli ng floor activities, support to Main tenance in resolving refueling equipment problems, providing technical resources for resolution of ve ssel hardware problems and concerns with interfacing systems which influence or monitor core reactivity, for maintaining involvement in app licable industry initiatives affec ting core reactivity issues and new developments in core operation, providing recommendations to plant management on operating strategies in support of normal and off-normal operating situations, and planned shutdown and startup activities.

The Reactor Fuels Manager ensu res sound fuel design philosophy is followed, fuel designs provide no unreasonable challenges to safe plant operation, a nd probabilistic safety assessments (PSA) are performed for CGS.

Reporting to the Reactor Fuels Manager are the Fuel Design/Reactor E ngineering Supervisor, and the Safety Analysis/PSA Supervisor.

The Fuel Design/Reactor Engineering Supervis or and staff are res ponsible for performing periodic core physics evaluations to monitor the operation, burnup, and thermal/hydraulic performance of the reactor core. They provide and maintain plant operating curves and reactivity data for use by shift operation pe rsonnel and are responsible for the onsite accountability of nuclear fuel and special nuc lear materials. Th e Fuel Design/Reactor C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004 13.1-9 Engineering Supervisor and staff are responsible for core design, fuel planning, licensing support (e.g., COLR, accident/transient analysis

), and analytical work necessary to support cycle operation (e.g., control rod pattern recommendations).

The Safety Analysis/PSA Supervisor and staff provide probab ilistic safety assessments for CGS. They provide analytical support for radiation dose an alysis, shielding, equipment qualification, ODCM, emergency procedures and primary and secondary containment analyses. Technical Se rvices Manager is res ponsible for plant, code , component programs.

Reporting to the Technical Services Manager are Plant Program s Supervisor, Code Programs Supervisor, and Plant Components Supervisor. The Plant Programs personnel are responsible for Equipment Qualification (EQ), Fire Protection (FP), In Service Test (IST), Maintenance Rule (MRULE) and Thermal Perf ormance (TP) programs. Code Programs personnel are responsible for ASME Section XI, ISI, BWRVIP, and welding programs. Components Programs personnel are responsible for Appendix J Local Leak Rate Testing (LLRT), pumps, valves (AOVs, MOVs, and relie fs), large motors, circuit break ers, relays, and Component Condition Monitoring programs which includes vibration analysis, oil analysis, and thermography. Plant Support Engineering Manager is responsib le for supporting the System Engineering Manager and the plan t in responding to emergent issues, operability assessments, providing troubleshooting expertise to operations and maintenance and performing engineering needed for special procurement. Reporting to the Plant Support Engineering Manager are the engineering fix-it-now (EFIN) Supervisor, the Minor Modifications Supervisor and the Procurement Engineering Supervisor. Construction and Project Management Mana ger is responsible for project management of significant station projects. Equipment Reliability and Planning Manager is responsible for interface with System and Design Engineeri ng managers and the Asset Ma nagement depa rtment for Equipment Reliability Initiatives and planning to support the long range plan. Nuclear Engineering Supervision See Section Radiological Services Supervision

See Section 12.5.1 for a description of duties, responsib ilities, and reporting relationships. See Figure 13.1-11 for an organization chart.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-13-040 13.1-10 Chemistry Supervision Chemistry is under the direction of the Chemistry Manager, who reports to the Plant General Manager. The group provides plan t oversight for system chemis try optimization and control, gaseous, and liquid effluent rele ases, radwaste processing and chemical control, the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP), and Radiological Effluent Report. See Figure 13.1-12 for an organization chart. Mainte nance Supervision Maintenance is under the direction of the Mainte nance Manager. The Ma intenance Manager is responsible for the Maintenance Program and for the development a nd implementation of maintenance processes and procedures which wi ll ensure the safe and reliable operation of

plant equipment. The Mainte nance Manager is re sponsible for primary component level troubleshooting. The Maintenanc e Manager reports to the Pl ant General Manager. The organization is shown in Figure 13.1-13. The Maintenance Manager manages the activiti es of the following: Reactor and Major Maintenance Manager, Maintenance Services Manager, Maintenance Production Manager, and other teams that are formed to address specific main tenance or business needs. Shops and/or teams may be combined as long as supervisory qualifications are mainta ined as described in Section

All plant modifications are accomp lished through this department e ither directly or through the actions of the Site Support Servi ces contractor. Engineering, Training, and Support Services, as discussed in Section, provide support for this de partment. Othe r support is provided when needed in the form of vendor representatives for technical guidance on maintenance of major components of the plant.

Maintenance Supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the Maintenance Program. They are responsible for maintaining plant electrical, instrumentation, and mechanical systems through prev entive and corrective maintenan ce and surveillance programs. Planning, Scheduling and Outage Supervision

This organization is responsible for managing the work process and ensuring work schedule consistency. It is al so responsible for the development a nd oversight of outag e preparation and implementation and coordi nation of outage work. Quality Supervision

A description of duties and responsibilities for th e Quality organization is contained in the OQAPD.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 61 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2011 LDCN-10-002 13.1-11 Operating Shift Crews Shift Crew Composition

Shift coverage is provided by using a rotating shift schedule depending on opera ting needs. The schedules are based on a nominal 40-hr work week and shifts are normally of 8 or 12 hr duration (excluding shift turnover time).

During normal operations, a mini mum of five crews provide 24 hr/day, 7 day/week coverage.

Table 13.1-1, as well as the Technical Specificati ons and the Emergency Plan, identify the minimum number and type of licensed and unlicensed personnel required to be onsite.

For those operations that involve core alterations, dir ect supervision of a ll fuel movements is provided by an individual hol ding an SRO license. This pe rson has no othe r concurrent responsibilities during this assignment.

It is CGS's policy to maintain an adequate number of personnel in the Shift Manager, Control Room Supervisor, Shift Support Supervisor, STA (if required), Control Room Reactor Operator, and Equipment Operator positions such that the use of overtime is not routinely required to compensate fo r inadequate staffing. Shift Responsibility for Radiation Protection

A minimum of one Health Physics Technician is assigned to each operating shift to provide radiological surve illance/control (see Table 13.1-1


All shift personnel are instructed in the fundame ntals of health physics such as implementing radiation protection procedures, ra diation and contamination survey s, use of protective barriers and signs, use of protective clothing and breat hing apparatus, radiation monitoring, and accumulated dose.

Shift personnel are responsible for immediately informing the on-duty Shift Manager if conditions develop that exceed or are likely to exceed preestablished radiation levels or exposure limits or if they believe that unsafe or hazardous conditions exist. The Shift Manager will evaluate the situation and if a radiological condition exists that warrants attention and investigation, the appropriate Health Physics personnel will be called for assistance. Shift Maintenance Support

Craftsmen and technicians, as required, are available to provide maintenance support and surveillance testing in the areas of instrumentation and controls and mechanical and electrical equipment.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-13-040 13.1-12 Shift Fire Brigade

A Shift Fire Brigade, consisting of a minimum of five members of the nominal shift complement, shall have advanced fire training and be equipped for fire fighting. This select group on each operating shift will have primary response capabilities and will respond to emergencies involving fire and/or emerge ncies where life threat ening danger exists.

The brigade shall not include th e minimum shift crew complement required to safely shut down the unit. At a minimum the brigade leader and two brigade me mbers shall have sufficient knowledge of plant fire safe s hutdown systems. The balance of the fire brigade shall be composed of Fire Brigade traine d support personnel. See Section for the qualification requirements for fire brigade members. Shift Chemistry Support

At least one qualified chemistry technician is assigned to each operating shift for the purpose of providing chemistry support in the area of chemical surveillances while the plant is in Modes 1, 2, or 3.


The minimum educational and experience qualifications for the ons ite plant personnel are based on Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revi sion 1-R, 1977. If an individual who does not meet the minimum qualification criteria is placed in a discipline, it will be specifically pointed out and justification or explanation provided. See Section Personnel qua lification and training programs are under contin ual review and modification to reflect the changes following TMI. The minimum qualification re quirements identified in Section will be revised accordingly. The licensed ROs and SROs meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of the supplemental requirements specif ied in Sections A and C of of the March 28, 1980, NRC letter to all li censees, as modified by NUREG-0737, November 1980, "Clarification of TMI Action Pl an Requirements," Enclosure 1, Section 1.A.2.1, "Immediate Upgrading of Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Training and Qualifications." Plant Management

The Plant General Manager shall have 10 years of responsible power plan t experience of which a minimum of 3 years shall be nuclear power plant experience. A maximum of 4 years of the remaining 7 years of experience may be fulfilled by academic training on a one-for-one time basis. This academic training shall be in an engineering or scientific field generally associated with power production. The Plant General Ma nager shall have acqui red the experience and training normally required for examination by the NRC for an SRO license, whether or not the C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-13-040 13.1-13 examination is taken. The Plant General Manager should have a recognized baccalaureate or higher degree in an engineering or scientific field generally associated with power production. Operations Department Operations Manager

The Operations Manager shall have a minimum of 8 years of responsible power plant experience of which a minimum of 3 years shall be nuclear power plant experience.

A maximum of 2 years of the remaining 5 years of power plant experience may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of academic or related technical training on a one-for-one time basis. The Operations Crew Manager sh all have qualifications similar to those of the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager or Operations Crew Manager shall hold an SRO license. Shift Manager

The Shift Manager shall have a minimum of a high school diploma or eq uivalent and 4 years of responsible power plant expe rience of which a minimum of 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. At least 6 months of nuclear plant experience will be at CGS. A maximum of 2 years of power plant experience may be fulfilled by academic or re lated technical training on a one-for-one time basis. The Shift Manager shall hold an SRO license. For NRC license

eligibility guidelines (experience, training, and education) for an SRO license, see NUREG-1021, section ES-202. Control Room Supervisor

The Control Room Supervisor shall have a mi nimum of a high school di ploma or equivalent and 4 years of responsible power plant experience, of which a minimum of 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. At least 6 months of nuclear plant experience will be at CGS.

A maximum of 2 years of power plant experience may be fulfilled by academic or related technical training on a one-for-one time basis. The Control Room Supervisor shall hold an SRO license. For NRC license eligibility guidelines (experience, training, and education) for an SRO license, see NUREG

-1021, section ES-202.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004 13.1-14 Shift Technical Advisor

The STA possesses a bachelor's degree in engineering or science with sufficient courses to provide a sound background fo r understanding the design a nd operation of a BWR power plant. The STA shall have a minimum of 2 years of power pl ant experience with at least 6 months of nuclear plant experience at CGS. Shift Support Supervisor The Shift Support Supervisor shall have a high school diploma or equiva lent. The individual shall have 4 years of power plant experience of which 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. This position does not require an RO license. Reactor Operator

The RO shall have a minimum of a high school di ploma or equivalent a nd two years of power plant experience of which a minimum of 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. At least 6 months of the nuclear experience shall be at CGS unless the incumbent has an equal amount of nuclear experience ac quired on a similar unit. The individual shall hold an RO license. For NRC license eligibility guidelines (e xperience, training, and education) for an RO license, see NUREG-10 21, section ES-202. Equipment Operator

Before assuming the full responsibilities of the position in the pl ant, the Equipment Operator shall have a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent and shall have completed the Energy Northwest training program for Equipment Operators. This position does not require an RO license. Engineering Vice President Engineering, Assistant Vice President E ngineering, System Engineering Manager, Desi gn Engineering Manager, Reactor Fuels Manager, Technical Services Manager, Plant Support Engin eering Manager, Construction and Project Management Manager, and Equipment Reliability and Planning Manager Vice President Engineering, Assistant Vice Pr esident Engineering, System Engineering Manager, Design Engineer ing Manager, Reactor Fuels Manager, Technical Serv ices Manager, Plant Support Engineering Manager, Construction and Project Management Manager, and Equipment Reliability and Pla nning Manager shall have a minimum of 8 years of related technical experience of which 1 year should be nuclear pow er plant experience. A maximum C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004,13-002 13.1-15 of 4 years of the remaining 7 years may be fu lfilled by satisfactory completion of academic training. A bachelor of science degree in engi neering or physical sciences suitable to the nuclear power field is required. The Reactor Fuels Manager shall have a minimum of 2 years of experience in areas such as reactor/core physics, measuremen ts, heat transf er, and physics testing. The "Engineer in Charge" described in Section shall have (in addition to any applicable requirements listed above) a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or the Physical Sciences and have a minimum of three years of professional level experience in nuclear services, nuclear plant operation, or nuclear engineering, and the necessary overall

nuclear background to determin e when to call consultants and contractors for dealing with complex problems beyond the scope of owner-organization expertise. Engineering Supervisors

The Engineering Supervisors in System Engi neering, Design Engineering, Plant Support Engineering, and Technical Services shall have a minimum of 5 years of related technical experience of which 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. A maximum of 4 years of the required 5 years may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of academic training. The Reactor Engineering/Fuel Design Supervisor(s) shall have a minimum of 2 years experience in areas such as reactor/core phys ics, measurements, he at transfer, and ph ysics testing. A Bachelor of Science degree in engineering or physical sciences or the equivalent is required. Fire Protection Engineer

The qualified Fire Protection Engineer meets the qualifications of member grade in the Society of Fire Protection Engineers or is a registered Fire Protection Engineer. Maintenance Mainte nance Managers

The Maintenance Manager shall have a minimum of 7 years of responsible power plant

experience or applicable industria l experience, a minimum of 1 y ear of which shall be nuclear power plant experience. A maximum of 2 years of the remaining 6 years of power plant or industrial experience may be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of academic or related technical training on a one-for-one time basis. He further s hould have nondest ructive testing familiarity, craft knowledge, and an understanding of electrical, pressure vessel, and piping codes. Maintenance Supervisors

Maintenance Supervisors shall ea ch have a high school diploma or equivalent a nd should have a minimum of 4 years experience in the craft or discipline that they supervise in accordance with ANSI 18.1, 1971. In cas es where a supervisor does not have a minimum of 4 years of C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 13.1-16 experience in the discipline of the craft being supervised, technical direction for the craft will be given by a qualified supervisor. Radiological Services Radiological Services Manager

The Radiological Services Manager shall meet the qualification requirements of ANSI N18.1-1971, sect ion 4.2.4. This includes a mini mum of 8 years of responsible positions, of which a minimum of 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. A maximum of 4 years of the remaining 7 years of experience should be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of academic training. Radiation Protection Manager

The Radiological Services Manage r functions as the Radiation Pr otection Manager and shall, at a minimum, meet the qualifications defined in Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 1-R, May 1977.

This individual shall have a bachelor's degree or the equivalent in a science or engineering subject including some formal training in radiation protection. Th e Radiation Protection Manager shall have at least 5 years of professional experience in applied radiation protection.

A master's degree may be considered equivalent to 1 year of professional experience and a doctor's degree may be consider ed equivalent to 2 years of professional experience where course work related to radiati on protection is involved. At le ast 3 years of this professional experience shall be in applied radiation protection work in a nuclear facility dealing with radiological problems similar to t hose encountered in nuclear power stations, preferably in an actual nuclear power station. The Radiation Pr otection Manager is an assigned duty and not a defined position in the or ganization (see Section 12.5.1). Radiological Services Supervisors

Radiological Services Supervis ors shall, in acco rdance with ANSI 18.1-1971, have a high school diploma or equivalent and a minimum of 4 year s of related experience. Chemistry Chemistry Manager

The Chemistry Manager shall, in accordance with ANSI N18.

1-1971, have a minimum of 8 years in responsible positions, of which 1 year shall be nuclear power plant experience. A maximum of 4 years of the remaining seve n years of experience should be fulfilled by satisfactory completion of academic training.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 61 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2011 13.1-17 Chemistry Supervisors

Chemistry Supervisors who are re sponsible for directing the acti ons of technicians shall, in accordance with ANSI N18.1-1971, have a minimum of 5 years experience in chemistry of which a minimum of 1 year shall be in radiochemistry. A minimum of 2 years of this five years experience should be related technical training. Related technical or academic training may fulfill a maximum of 4 year s of this five years experience. Quality

See the OQAPD for a description of qualification requirements.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 61 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2011 Table 13.1-1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition 13.1-19 Minimum Number of Personnel per Position per Shift Position Title b Type of License Modes 1, 2, and 3 c Modes 4 and 5 c SM SRO 1 1 CRS SRO 1 None RO RO 2 1 EO None 2 1 STA None 1 d,e Note f HP None 1 1 a This table represents the minimum number of personnel required to fill any particular position. It does not provide a to tal staffing level for an operati ng shift. Additional staff for safe shutdown and fire brigade must also be satisfied.

Technical Specifications paragraph 5.3.2 was added in LAR 182 to clarify compliance with 10 CFR 55.53 requirements. Energy Northwest may take credit for more than the minimum number of watchstande rs required by 10 CFR 50.54(m

). However, fulfillment of 10 CFR 55.53(e) and (f) requirements of active pe rformance of operator or senior operator functions requires that Energy Northwest implement administrative controls to assure functions and duties are divide d and rotated in a manner which provides each watchstander meaningful and significant opport unity to maintain proficienc y in the performance of the functions of an RO and/or SRO.

b Position title abbreviations are as follows:

SM Shift Manager with SRO on Columbia Generating Station CRS Control Room Supervisor with SRO on Columbia Generating Station RO Reactor Operator with RO or SRO on Columbia Generating Station EO Equipment Operator STA Shift Technical Advisor HP Health Physics Technician

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 61 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2011 Table 13.1-1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition (Continued) 13.1-20 c Modes 1. Power operation

2. Startup
3. Hot shutdown 4. Cold shutdown 5. Refueling

d An STA qualified individual shall be on-shift in Modes 1, 2 and 3. The STA qualified individual may be a dedicated individual (license d or non-licensed) or an individual filling a dual role position as the Control Room Supervisor, Shift Manager or Shift Support Supervisor.

e When the STA qualified individual is filling a dual role as the Control Room Supervisor or Shift Manager, another SRO is required to be on-shift to provide independent oversight and emergency response support to the Shift Manager.

f Refer to the Emergency Plan for emergency response staffing requirements in Modes 4, 5.

The shift crew composition may be one less than the minimum requirements for a period not to exceed 2 hr to accommodate unexpected absence of on-duty shift crew members provided immediate action is taken to restore the sh ift crew composition to within the minimum requirements. This provision does not permit any shift crew position to be unmanned on shift change due to an oncoming shift crewman being late or absent.

During any absence of the Shift Manager fr om the control room while the unit is in Operational Condition 1, 2, or 3, an Opera tions Department individual with a valid SRO license shall be designated to assume the control room comma nd function. Du ring any absence of the Shift Manager from the c ontrol room while the unit is in Operational Condition 4 or 5, an individual with a valid SRO license or RO license shall be designated to assume the control room command function.

Energy Northwest Organization 970187.02 2 13.1-1 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Chief Executive OfficerVice President Energy/Business ServicesVice President Employee Development/Corporate Services General CounselVice President Nuclear Generation CNO Quality Manager Administrative and Functional Reporting Communications Lines Legend: LDCN-12-019,13-006 Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Amendment 62 December 2013 Vice President Chief Financial Officer Chief Risk Officer Nuclear Generation Organization 970187.03 2 13.1-2 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Vice President, Nuclear Generation Recovery Manager Vice President Operations Manager Quality* Chief Nuclear Officer LDCN-13-029 Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Vice President Engineering

  • Amendment 62 December 2013 Manager Employee Concerns Program Amendment 62 December 2013Plant General Manager Organization 970187.41 1 13.1-3 FigureDraw. No.Rev.Plant General Manager Maintenance Manager Planning Scheduling, and Outage Manager Chemistry Manager Security Force Lieutenant
  • Also fulfills Radiation Protection Manager function Form No. 960690FH LDCN-13-040 Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Operations Manager Radiological Services Manager*

Amendment 62 December 2013 970187.05 2 13.1-4 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report LDCN-13-029Vice President Operations Operations Support General Manager Organizational Effectiveness Manager Training Manager Plant General Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Operational Support Organization Amendment 61 December 2011Training Organization 970187.06 1 13.1-5 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Training ManagerTechnical Training ManagerOperations Training ManagerTraining Support Supervisor Simulator Supervisor Columbia Generating Station Final Safety Analysis Report LDCN-Operations Training SupervisorsTechnical Training SupervisorMaintenance Training Supervisor 970187.07 13.1-6 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Design Engineering Manager Reactor Fuels Manager System Engineering ManagerVice President Engineering Construction and Project Management Manager LDCN-12-004 Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Amendment 62 December 2013Vice President Engineering Organization Assistant Vice President Engineering Technical Services Manager Plant Support Engineering Manager Amendment 61 December 2011 Quality Organization 970187.08 1 13.1-7 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Quality Manager Quality Services Supervisor Maintenance/Engineering/

Quality ontrol (Audits)

Supplier Quality Supervisor Quality Services Supervisor/Plant Support (Continuous Monitoring)

Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report LDCN-Amendment 62 December 2013 DELETED 970187.04 1 13.1-8 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report LDCN-12-004 Amendment 62 December 2013 Operations Organization 970187.09 2 13.1-9 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Operations Manager Operations Support Manager Operations Crew Manager Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Assistant Operations Manager - Training Assistant Operations Manager -

Work Control LDCN-13-040 Amendment 62 December 2013Operations Crew 970187.10 1 13.1-10 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Operations Manager An assigned duty, not an organizational title Functional StructureRather than Organizational StructureTo be provided from Maintenance Department as requiredTo be provided from H P/Chemistry Department as required (SRO)Shift Managers Operations Crew Manager******Legend: (SRO)Position NRC License Required (SRO)Control Room Supervisor (RO)(SRO)Control Room Reactor Operators Equipment Operators If Required Shift Support Supervisor Equipment Operators HP***/ChemistryTechnicians Maintenance Support***Shift Technical Advisor Incident Advisor Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report LDCN-12-020 Amendment 62 December 2013 Radiological Services Organization970187.11 213.1-11 Figure Form No. 960690FH LDCN-13-039Draw. No.Rev.Radiological Operations Supervisor Rad-Material Control / Rad-Waste SupervisorHP Craft Supervisors Radiological Services Manager Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report

  • Also fulfills Radiation Protection Manager function
  • Radiological Support Supervisor Amendment 60December 2009 Chemistry Organization 970187.12 13.1-12 Figure Form No. 960690FH LDCN-07-039Draw. No.Rev.Chemistry Manager ChemistryTechnical Supervisor Chemistry Operations Supervisors Environmental/

Analytical Support Supervisor*

  • Dashed line indicates a functional rather than an organizational structure.

Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Amendment 62 December 2013 Plant Maintenance Organization 970187.13 2 13.1-13 Figure Form No. 960690FHDraw. No.Rev.Maintenance Manager LDCN-13-040 Columbia Generating StationFinal Safety Analysis Report Reactor and Major Maintenance Manager Maintenance Services Manager Maintenance Production Manager C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 57 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2003 LDC N-0 2-0 6 9 13.2-1 13.2 TRAINING


In accordance with applicable federal guidelines, the Columbia Generating Station (CGS)

training program has been designed to provid e plant personnel with sufficient knowledge, training, and experience to enable them to safely and efficiently operate and maintain the plant and to protect the health and safety of the public.

The overall training program has been developed and coordinated by Energy Northwest, utilizing courses and programs produced by the nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) supplier, training consultant organizations , the training staff, and other employees of Energy Northwest possessing expertise in related disciplines.

The training program will provide sufficient qualified reactor operators, senior reactor

operators, equipment operators, shift technical advisors, ma intenance, health physics, chemistry, and engineering suppor t personnel to fully staff CGS.

Initial training programs provide qualified replacement pers onnel and continuing training programs provide ongoing training for all plant staff commensurate with their area of responsibility and knowledge level.

The Vice President, Nuclear Generation is responsible for overall conduct and administration of the CGS training program. The development and implementation of that program may be delegated to the Training Organization or other members of the plant staff.

a. General Employee Training - Program Description

All personnel granted unescorted access to the station will be trained in the following areas:

1. Appropriate plant security and emergency procedures,
2. General radiological protection,
3. Industrial safety,
4. Fire protection, and 5. Quality assurance program.

Written or oral exams will be required for selected classes to determine successful completion.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 58 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2005 LDCN-03-077 13.2-2 b. General Employee Training - Fire Protection Program

1. Plant employees

Employees receiving an unescorted security clearance will be provided training to include orientation to th e fire protection plans, evacuation signals and procedures, and the procedure for reporting a fire.

2. Contractor personnel

Training will be provided to contractor s as part of their access status--

escorted or unescorted.

c. Security Personnel Training - Fire Protection Program

Training will be provided to plant security personnel that addresses

1. Entry procedures for offsite fire department, 2. Personnel control during emergency evacuation, and 3. Basic fire hazard recognition.

13.2.2 INITIAL AND CONTINUING TRAINING Licensed Operators Initial Training

Under the normal progression of an indivi dual through the various levels of operator qualification, much of the mate rial and experience wi ll have been previo usly obtained, and hence, the licensed operator re placement training program will emphasize topics pertinent to the control room operator job function and requirements necessary for fulfilling the NRC operator licensing qualifications. Replacement for licensed operato rs normally come from the ranks of "qualified" nonlicense d operators; however, personnel from other departments or from outside the utility may be trained as control room operators if they meet all requirements for the position.

The CGS Operations Training Manager shall have the responsibility for establishing, supervising, and scheduling the initia l licensed operator training program.

In accordance with 10 CFR 55.31(a)(4) the CGS licensed operato r initial training program has been reviewed and approved by the Commission and was developed using a systems approach to training.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 58 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2005 LDCN-03-077 13.2-3 The licensed operator initial training program has been accredited by the National Academy for Nuclear Training. The accreditation is renewed every 4 years. Accreditation is maintained in accordance with Institute of Nuclear Power Operation (INPO) Guidelines02-001, "The Objectives and Criteria for Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry," and 02-002, "The Process for Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry." Continuing Training

A requalification training program implementing the requirements of 10 CFR 55.59, will be conducted to maintain the knowle dge level and operating proficie ncy of licensed personnel.

The retraining program will be based on a 2-year cycle.

The CGS Operations Training Manager shall have the responsibility for establishing, supervising, and scheduling the retraining program.

In accordance with 10 CFR 55.59(c) the CGS licensed operator requalification training program has been reviewed and approved by the NRC and wa s developed using a systems approach to training.

The requalification program has been accredited by the National Academy for Nuclear Training. The accreditation is maintained in accordance with INPO Guidelines02-001, "The Objectives and Criteria for Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry," and 02-002, "The Process for Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry."

The retraining and replacement program for the unit staff meets the requirements of Section 5.5 of ANSI/ANS N18.1-1971, Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 55, and the supplemental requirements specified in Secti ons A and C of Enclosure 1 of the March 28, 1980, NRC letter to all licensees, and includes fa miliarization with relevant i ndustry operational experience. Nonlicensed Operator Training Initial Training

Normally replacements will be required to complete the following tr aining prior to being placed into the equipment operator qualification sequence:

a. Basic fundamentals,
b. Basic boiling water reactor (BWR) systems,
c. Reactor plant equipment and component theory, and d. Administrative procedures.

The training will emphasize topics pertinent to the equipment opera tor job function and requirements necessary for qualification.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 58 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2005 LDCN-03-077 13.2-4 Continuing Training Program

Continuing training of nonli censed operators may be conduc ted in conjunction with the licensed operator requalification program. Nonlicensed opera tors shall be required to attend specific lecture topics that pertain to their j ob level requirements. At a minimum, nonlicensed operators shall participate in periodic reviews of systems and operating procedures for which continuous familiarization is important for sa fe and efficient opera tion of the plant. Specifically, the equipment operator retraining program consists of

a. Preplanned lecture series,
b. Update lecture series,
c. Normal/abnormal procedure review, and
d. Examinations/evaluations.

The CGS Operations Training Manager has the responsibility for establishing, supervising, and scheduling the equipment operator training program.

The equipment operator training program has been accredited by the National Academy for Nuclear Training. The accreditation is renewed every 4 years. Accreditation is maintained in accordance with INPO Guidelines02-001, "The Objectives and Criteria for Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry," and 02-002, "The Process of Accreditation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry." Shift Technical Advisor Training Initial Training

The initial shift technical a dvisor (STA) training program content will normally include training and qualification in the following subject areas:

a. Completion of the SRO replacement ope rator training program or equivalent b. Plant transient/accident analysis, and
c. STA job specific training. Continuing Training

Continuing training of the STAs is normally conducted in conjunction with the licensed operator requalification training program. The STAs shall be required to attend specific lecture topics that pertain to their job level requirements.

At a minimum, STAs shall participate in periodic reviews of systems and operating proce dures for which continuous

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 58 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2005 LDCN-03-059,03-077 13.2-5 familiarization is important for safe and efficient ope ration of the plant. Specifically, the STA retraining program consists of

a. Preplanned lecture series,
b. Update lecture series,
c. Normal/abnormal procedure review, and
d. Examinations/evaluations.

The CGS Operations Training Manager has the responsibility for establishing, supervising, and scheduling the STA training program.

The STA training program has been accredited by the National Academy for Nuclear Training. The accreditation is renewed every 4 years.

Accreditation is maintained in accordance with INPO Guidelines02-001, "The Ob jectives and Criteria for Accr editation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry," and 02-002, "The Process for Accred itation of Training in the Nuclear Power Industry." Other Plant Personnel (Mainten ance, Health Physics, Chemistry) Initial Training

Replacement personnel, when hired, will be given training commensurate with their job responsibilities as determined necessary by the respective Department Ma nager and the appropriate Training Supervis or after a review of past experience and training. Continuing Training

Continuing training is conducte d on a regular basis and cons ists of pertinent operating experience and designa ted requalification topics. Th e continuing training will be commensurate with their assigned job responsibilities as determined necessary by their respective Department Manager and Training Coordinator. Fire Brigade Initial and Continuing Training Each assigned member of the Fi re Brigade will complete initial and continuing Fire Brigade training courses to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish the expected fire fighting activities. The scope of this training will be desc ribed and implemented by plant procedures.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 57 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2003 LDC N-0 1-0 7 5 13.2-6 One assigned member will be designa ted as the Fire Brigade leader to direct the actual fire fighting forces. This individual will receive the training necessary to effectively carry out this function.

The Fire Brigade leader and two additional memb ers will be knowledgeable of plant fire safe shutdown equipment.

a. Planned meetings

Regular planned meetings for each Fire Brigade memb er will be held each quarter to review changes in the program and other subjects, as necessary.

During these planned meetings, the in itial training progra m content will be reviewed for all Fire Brigade members over a 2-year period.

b. Practice sessions

Practice sessions will be held for each Fire Brigade member annually on the proper methods of fighting the various types of fires that could occur in a

nuclear power plant.

c. Drills

Planned drills will be conducte d for practice in responding as a team to areas of the plant site where the Fi re Brigade may be required to respond. Each Fire Brigade member will be required to partic ipate in at least two drills per year. Each shift Fire Brigade will be required to participate in qua rterly fire drills.

One drill for each shift Fire Brigade per year will be unannounced and one drill for each shift Fire Brigade per year will be on a back shift. The back shift and unannounced drill requirements can be satisfied concurrently for each shift. Offsite Fire Department

The offsite fire department that supplements the Fire Brig ade will attend familiarization training associated with the CGS plant layout , operational precautions, radiation protection, and special hazards associated with fires at a nuclear power plant. This offsite fire department will participate in at least one fire drill each year.


The effectiveness of the Training Program will be eval uated by the following methods:

a. Satisfactory job performance as de termined by periodi c line management evaluations and observations,
b. Satisfactory performance of plant pe rsonnel on various oral and or written examinations administered by En ergy Northwest or NRC, and
c. Periodic reviews of instructors, programs, and training mate rial as conducted by the Training Department.


The Training Manager maintains complete qualification record s on each member of the plant staff.

All records necessary to support requests for NRC reactor operato r and senior reactor operator licenses are included in these files. Records to be maintained are as follows:

a. Lecture series attendance,
b. Lecture examinations and answers by the licensees,
c. Annual examinations a nd answers by the licensees, d. Simulator performance evaluation results, e. Control Manipulations Tracking System Form, and f. Additional training for deficiencies.


For compliance with other applicable documents see Sections 1.8 and

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 53 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT November 1998 13.3-1 13.3 EMERGENCY PLANNING The detailed emergency plan is included as a separate volume in the Columbia Generating Station Emergency Plan.


The following sections describe the conduct of reviews and audits of operating activities that are important to safety. The review and audit program is consistent w ith the requirements of ANSI N18.7-1976, "Administrativ e Controls and Quality Assura nce for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants."

Periodic reviews of plant operations are performed by the plant operating staff. In addition, Energy Northwest uses a formal onsite committee (see Section 13.4.1) and an independent group (see Section 13.4.2) for review.

The Quality staff has formulated and executed an audit program for the plant activities as defined in the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description (OQAPD).

The organization for review and audit and its relationship to other organizations is shown in Figures 13.1-1 , 13.1-2 , and 13.1-7.


Onsite reviews are consistent with Regulatory Guide 1.33 (see Section 1.8). The plant operating staff provides, as part of the normal duties of plan t supervisory personnel, timely and continuing monitoring of operating activities to assist the Plant General Manager in keeping abreast of general plant conditions and to verify that the day-to-day operating activities are conducted safely and in accordance with applicable administrative controls. These continuing monitoring activities are an integral part of the routine supervisory function and are important to the safety of plant operation.


In accordance with the OQAPD, the Plant Operations Committee (POC) serves as a review and advisory organization to th e Plant General Manager on all matters related to nuclear and radiological safety. A specific function of the POC is to impl ement an independent review program as it relates to all proposed Techni cal Specification change s, License Amendment Requests, and Emergency Plan changes.

A written administrative procedure describes the responsibility and authority of the POC. The POC activities and review are described in the OQAPD. The results of POC review activities are documented.

Additionally, in accordance with the OQAPD, the Corporate Nuclear Safety Review Board (CNSRB) is responsible for oversight of the POC, which entails evaluati ng the effectiveness of POC reviews with regard to nuclear and radi ological safety. The CNSRB reports to and C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 60 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2009 13.4-2 advises the Chief Executive Offi cer on the adequacy and implem entation of Energy Northwest nuclear and radiol ogical safety policies and programs.

Documentation defining CNSRB membership , responsibilities, aut hority, and method of operation is contained in a Site Wide Procedure. Significant orga nizational features and review responsibilities are also described in the OQAPD. Conclusions of the independent reviews are transmitted to the appropri ate members of management.

Independent technical review s are performed by Quality in accordance with the OQAPD.

The objectivity of Quality is maintained ba sed on a charter and reporting relationship independent of plant line mana gement, without precluding participation in plant activities and tasks.


A comprehensive program of audits is carried out to verify compliance to the OQAPD. These audits are performed by or unde r the direct cognizance of the Qua lity staff. Written reports of such audits are reviewed by the CNSRB, Plant General Manage r, and other management as appropriate. Timely resolution of any deficiencies noted duri ng audits is required by those organizations having res ponsibility for the area audited. Deta ils of those areas to be audited are described in the OQAPD.


The administrative controls and quality assurance program for plant operation are carried out in accordance with approved written procedures. All activities affecting nuclear safety are conducted by written and approved procedures of a type appropri ate to the circumstances, and these activities are accomplished in accordance with these procedures.

13.5.1 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Conformance With Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2 ANSI N18.7-1976 and Regulatory Guide 1.33 including Appendix A are followed in accordance with the Energy Northwest position discussed in the Operational Quality Assurance Program Description (OQAPD). Preparation of Procedures

The Procedure Program provides the administrative controls necessary to prepare, review, and approve the procedures require d for plant operating activities.

The Chief Nuclear Officer has the overall responsibility for the Procedure Program and its implementing procedures.

The Plant General Mana ger is responsible for the procedures that are required by ANSI N18.7-1976 and Regulatory Guide 1.33 and Appendix A. The preparation and review of the procedures are the responsibility of various plant staff personnel.

All procedures are approved according to the Procedure Program and the OQAPD. Procedures

The Procedure Program for Administrative Procedures defines the responsibility, methods used, and procedural action required to help ensure that the plant will be managed in a safe and dependable manner.

Administrative Procedures esta blish rules and instructions pertaining to activities such as procedure preparation, records management, plant reporting requireme nts, plant personnel responsibilities and authorities, plant modification, corrective and preventive maintenance, clearance orders, temporary changes to approved procedures, reviews of plant documents, surveillance testing and inservice inspection, equipment control, and material control.

Administrative Procedures govern ing standing orders to shift operations include the reactor operator's authority and responsibilities; the senior reactor operator's authority and responsibilities; the logbook use a nd control; issuance and updating of special orders; and the plans for meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(i), (j), (k), (1), and (m). This includes a diagram of the control room that illustrates the area designated as "at the controls."


Detailed procedures used by the control room op erators ensure plant safety and reliability.

These procedures are categori zed and described as follows:

System Operating Procedures

The System Operating Procedures provide instructions pertinent to the various normal operating modes of startup, opera tion, and shutdown of each system or subsystem. Checkoff lists are included, where appropriate, with each procedure to delineate the proper equipment lineup that is required.

General Operating Procedures

General Operating Procedures provide the instructions for the integrated operation of plant systems during startup, shutdo wn, power operations, and power changes.

Checkoff lists, as appropriate, are included to ensure that necessary prerequisites to integrated operation have been completed. Checklists may also be used to confirm completion of major steps in the proper sequence.

Abnormal Condition Procedures

Abnormal Condition Procedures sp ecify operator actions for rest oring selected equipment or systems to their normal controlled status on a failure or to restore normal operating conditions following a perturbation. These procedures are not emergency procedures but are written to aid the operator in determining if a true emergency exists.

Abnormal Condition Procedures also contain response instructi ons for annunciator alarms and for abnormal conditions within the major system s covered in System Operating Procedures. Each safety-related annunciator is addressed in a written procedure which contains (1) meaning of annunciator, (2) the source of the signal, (3) the immediate acti on that is to occur automatically, (4) immediate operator actions, and (5) subsequent operator actions. Those procedures that require the Immediate Operat or Action steps to be memorized are given adequate identification.

Emergency Operating Procedures/Severe Accident Guidelines

Emergency Operating Procedures/Severe Accident Guidelines are provided to guide operations during potential emergencies. These procedures specify actio ns, including manipulation of

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 62 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT December 2013 LDCN-12-004 13.5-3 controls, to avoid further degrad ation of abnormal conditions or to reduce the consequences of an accident or hazar dous condition that has already occurred. Other Procedures

Other safety-related activities conducted in accordance with approved procedures are categorized and described as follows (radioactive waste system ope rating procedures are covered by System Operating Procedures and the other as pects of radioactive waste management are covered by Health Physics and Ch emistry Procedures).

Fuel Handling and Refueli ng Activities Procedures

Fuel Handling and Refueling Activ ities Procedures provide inst ructions for fuel and core component accountability, new fuel handling, refueling operations, defective fuel handling, reactor core component handling, and irradiated fuel shipment.

Surveillance Procedures (bot h Operational Surveillance a nd Instrument and Electrical Surveillance)

Surveillance Procedures provide instructions for performing periodic tests to verify and document that safety-related structures, systems, and components continue to function properly to remain in a state of read iness to perform their intended safety functions. Surveillance Procedures cover systems operability tests, logic system functiona l tests, and instrument and/or electrical functional tests and calibrations for the various surveillance requirements listed in the Technical Specifications.

Operating and Test Procedures

Operating and Test Procedures provide instruct ions for performing speci al tests on both safety and non-safety-related systems a nd components. These procedures contain tests such as power ascension, turbine efficiency, system hydrostatic tests, and reactor steam quality.

Nuclear Performance Evaluation Procedures

The Nuclear Performance Evaluation Procedures provide instructions for Engineering and Operations in the performance of the following types of eval uations: core thermal power evaluations, core thermal-hydraulic evaluations, in termediate range monitor, local power range monitor, and average power range monito r calibration and criticality predictions.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 55 F INAL S AF E T Y A NALYSIS R EPORT May 2001 13.5-4 Maintenance Programs and Procedures Maintenance Procedures provide instructions for performance of maintenance on safety-related equipment or systems and selected non-safety-related equipmen t and systems. Maintenance procedures cover mechanical, electrical, instru ment and control, co atings, and refueling activities.

Health Physics Procedures

Health Physics Procedures establ ish the administrative and techni cal controls for the Radiation Protection Program and the implementing procedures for accomplishing the program. Descriptions of the activities covered by these procedures are included in Chapter 12.

Chemistry Procedures

Chemistry Procedures establish the administra tive and technical cont rols for water quality analysis. Chemical and radiochemical determination procedures and associated instrument operation and calibration procedures are provided.

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures

Detailed procedures prescribe the appropriate course of action necessary to limit or mitigate

the consequences for each clas sification of incidents describe d in the Emergency Plan. An index of the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures is included in Appendix II to the Emergency Plan.

Security Programs Implementing Procedures

Detailed security procedures prescribe the course of action necessary for compliance with the policies of the Security Plan. The Security Plan and associated implementing procedures that contain safeguards information are withhe ld from public disclosure (see Section 13.6).

Fire Protection Procedures

Fire Protection Procedures pr ovide instructions for performing tests, inspections, and scheduled maintenance on fire protection equipment and syst ems and actions required for degraded systems.

ODCM Implementing Procedures

The ODCM Implementing Procedures prescribe the action necessary to implement the requirements of the Offsite Do se Calculation Manual (ODCM), including effluent monitoring, instrument calibration, a nd reporting requirements.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 55 F INAL S AF E T Y A NALYSIS R EPORT May 2001 13.5-5 Environmental Compliance Procedures

Environmental Compliance Procedures establish the administrative and technical controls for environmental compliance. These procedures provide instruc tions for the management of solid wastes, pollution prevention and waste minimization, chemical storage and use, and hazardous substance spills and cleanup.

C OLUMBIA G ENERATING S TATION Amendment 53 F INAL S AFETY A NALYSIS R EPORT November 1998 13.6-1 13.6 INDUSTRIAL SECURITY The Columbia Generating Station P hysical Security Plan contains a description of the physical protection program for the facility as required by 10 CFR 50.54(p) and 10 CFR 73.55. The contents of this plan are sa feguards information and are wit hheld from public disclosure pursuant to Section 2.790(a

)(3) of 10 CFR Part 2.