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SNCV061-RPT-01, Ver 1.0, Vogtle Unit 1 Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic. Part 14 of 20
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2012
From: Volodarsky D
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-12-2270 SNCV061-RPT-01, Ver 1.0
Download: ML13003A257 (42)


ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1, of 2 Status:0 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. , Equip; Class"_7 Equipment Description Lo boo MS (y* .v Location:

Bldg. P% Floor El. .a0!2 Room, Area _._ _÷_ _Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but rccorinended)

&oCb-fd Instructions for Completing CheckliSt.

This-checklistmay be usedbtdocument

the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the S'VEL. The space below eacth of the following quesuions may be used to record the results of judgments:

and findings.

Additional space is provided at the.end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage-1.-Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one Y[] N'ofthe 50%/of SWEL items requiring such v erifiCtn)?

.......2. Is:the anchorage free of bent, broken,,missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than inild surface oxidation;?

4. Is the anchorage free of'visible cracks in the concrete near~the anchors?5. Is the'anchoiage donfiguration consistent.

With pianat documentation?(Note: This questibao0iily.pplies if the iten is one ofthe.50%

for which an anchorage .conftigrationvverification isyrequired.)

6A Based on the above ahchorage.evaliitions, is the anchorage ftee of ,potentially adverse seismic conditibbts?v n n .....v.(v. .YE]1 NE] UE] N/4 YEI NE] URE YE] NEI UE] NIAo(YE] NE] U[I 12Eraer~tbe equip~rr1ýt cla$ frcm.Appcndix B3: Cfa~ssrOfEqui~rnient.

>.C-)PAGE 503 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet.:2 of 2 Seismic ,Walkdown Checklist ( VC)Equipment 1D No, -V-QO~A Equip. Cla~ssan 2'7 Equipment Description urie4I4VSG-Intreaction Effects, 7.. Are soft targets: free. frnom impact by nearby' cquipment or stiuctures?

8. Are overhead equipme nt distributiiin systemps, ceiling tiles ýandlighting, and masonsi' block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipmen t?, 9. Do attached lines have a&d4uate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic~iteraction.

evaluations, is equipment fiee of. potentially adverse seiminal interaction effects?YW NO UEI N/AOl XNEJ UL] N/AC YP NF UC1 N/AC: YYNEI UO Otfher Adverse Conditions I l1. Haveyou lookedfor and found no:other seismic conditions thatcould YQýNE] U[-adversely affect ihe safety fiuinions of the equiphent?'

Conimenits Additional pages maybe added as necessary.)

-AI ___-__ __ __ __ __.. ..__ __Evaluated by: 07~1,%tl4

'fl~bk&6&e /24WPA Date:~ 02 t'-<, C-4 ).PAGE 504 of 668 3 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION*300644V PAGE 505 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 PAGE 506 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status: U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Eqijipment ID) :No. l 7603 C-. Equip. Class. Ae, A ,r.,5 /,i ,-- .7 Equipment Description i / O( WtQ V C0! t4-7t, ) AiW, 'Location:

Bldg: 4 &( X Floor El. i. R " Room, Area, /_ _ _ _ _Manufacturer, Mobdel, Etc. (optional1, but recoimmended)

'al.g 64(ea-Instructions,1 Cmpleting Checkist This: checklist iiay .be used to do'dment the results of the Seisini Walkdowi of an. item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be usedto record thexresults ofjudgmenis and.findings.

Ad.dIitional space is provided at the end of this checklist fotsdoidrmenting other cotriIne its Anchoragr 1. Isthie anchorag&

ýonfiguration verification required (i.e., is the item.ones of the:50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

ý2. Is the anchorage free of bent, brk1en, missing or 'loose hardware?3. Is the anchofage free of corrosion thatvis more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchdrag6 freelof visible cracks inuthe concrete near the anchors?5. 19 the ancirbeA' ci tigu aboi bonsistent with plJalt docU-in-entation?(Note:: This question only applies:if.theitem is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration retifiation is requifed.)
6. the above anchorag-evaluations, isihe, anchorage free of potentiially ad V&si seismic 65 4difidrs?YE Noz" YEI NE UEO N/A'.YE] NE. UE N/A, YEI NE UE N/Ar§YE NEI UE, N/Aif YiA NI- UE:/Y Enter the equipmenit class nqnie from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment., C PAGE 507 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2.of 2 Checklist (SWC)Equiphrenrti)D No. 1- HV-76iT3eC E~quii.p.

Class'2 l&p'fI1/4ýEquipmen tDescription, &Sf4 I Ao:VO0OVAIf$, 4T 2 Q, .oi Interaction Effects 7. Are softftargets free:,from:impact by nearby equipment or structures?, 4~ NýE]UE1N/A.1

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, Y9 NCi UE N/AE],nd masonry. block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?
9. Do afiached.lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage'?1.0. Based on the above seismicinteraction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YXNEI UEJ N/A[-]YX NMJ tJ Other Adverse Conditions I. l4aye you looked forand found no~othef seismin ctditigns Yf4 NEI Ui adversely affect the'sifety functions of the equipment?

Commeuits.(Additional pages may be added as~necessar)y)

-~(Z-LýEvailuatedl by'___~1 ~ ~ ~ -(' ~ 1~'Dae:-( C-4,>PAGE 508 of 668 t ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIOONO PAGE 509 of 668 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERS1000 PAGE 510 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERS1000 PAGE 511 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 ,bieet I ot 2 Status: N- U Seisnic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. f2d/' 876A Equi. Class 1 2 '- A1O7-P, O47Z-- ,4-,/Equ ipment Descriptioný 6C9. , /50 /1(01/Locaton::

  • Bldg. 4'VX Floor:El.

/1!3 co Room,.Area

/?C" *Manufacturer,,Mbdel,.Etc. (optionalbut recommended) kUl A77(47¢ ,,YO -.instructions for Completing Checklist:

This checklist.

may be used:to document theresults of theSeismic Walkdow of'an item of equipment on the SWEL The space bel6w each of te fol1lowing questions:

may be used to record the .results, of judgments and findings.:

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documentig other commdnts., Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% 0f SWEL. items, requiring such verification)?

YE]2, Is. the anchorage.

free.of b.eht;,broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more: thannmild surface oxidation?

4. Is the 4achotage .free of in the concrete hear the anchors?, 5. Is the anchorage.configuration..consistent with plant dotein~ertatioi?(Note: This question only applies if'the item is one of the.50% for which an anchorage configuration verificati6n is required.)
6. Based on the aboveanchorage evaluations, is the choragefr.e of potentially adverse seisImic 1onditious?

4i tVAJ Lv4 G YEYNE LIE NIA YE NE UE N/A YE NE UIE N/AY YE] NE. UE YOýNE IE" -Etier the equipment classname from Appendix B: Classes ofEqtupmeret.

< C3>PAGE 512 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipmeni,lD No. /<7t/-P4'8, Equip. Class'2-1" .? ,, 6t4'4-TE5

(,42, V "1-V6.r~rni-nmpmnt Description 2 P)(SCA'4Q ae 's0 /t- ro I teraction Effects 7. Aesodft.tar, ets ftree- frtonr impact by nearby eqsiiplent~oi

'Y NQ_' UEI FN/ArE 8. Are ovetheýd eLquimipmnt digtribitiin gystems. ceiling'tiles and lighting, Yf N[: UF N/A .,and masonry, block walls, not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines hav,6 MdOqUate, flexibility to. avoid damage?10. Based on'the ab'oVe interaction-evalUatifis, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic:interaction effects'?-

NEI UEN/ACJ YX NOUEJ o ther Adverse Conditions 1i. H4ave you looked for and found noother seismic conditions that coild -Y240N U advdrsely affect the safety ft inctionsi oftheqipment

... ..?-C~oi entneifs (Additional pages may be added as necessary);

(,-CLV 4& 7LI-1q.4ý -v ff 9i V oW Evalu ated by: 14_ý 1O1/2J Date. X13 ___PAGE 513 of 668 S ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONOO CVcs CHArG CCP A DISCHARGE PAGE 514 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 PAGE 515 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 S-,J-:t 1 of 2 status: (iN, U Seismic: Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipin~entiD I .o. 7 4V2 pf'/ Eq'uip. Classi 2 Pnnir,in~"t fle'wrintfion

~s':P 4 P~i~I.,WAkI

-/-11: dv Location:

Bldg. ;..E' Floor EL. Room, Arca.j ~ ~Manufacturer, Model, EtDc (optijo'a I butrecotanmcnded)

VELAA 1nstrutlcltions for CompleI tingl Cheklist Thiseheck ist'.may be used to document the of the.Seismic:

Walkdown-df an item. of equipment on the SWEL. The space below qeach ofJhe:following questions may be used to record there.sults ofjudgmetsf and findings.

Additional spaceis provided at the endfofthis checklistfor documenting other comments.Anchoragee

i. Is the anchorage configuration verification requi red (i.e., is the itemnone of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YO N19 2. Is the anchoragd.

free of benit, broken, nissing or loose hardware?3. Is thelanchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surfacde oxidation?Is the anchorage free of visible cracks intihe concrete near the anchors?5. Is uthe; a.iichorgp corLfiguration consistent withplant docunictitatioriO (Note:, This question only jpplics if thle iternits One ofth 50,% for whwcih an anlchdiageconfiguration veiification is required.)

6, Basecdf,6ntd above ,ftthorage evaiuations, is the anchorage free of potentially~adverse seismic conditions?

YIO NO! UJ N/AtýYO NQ UE N1Aa/'YEO ND' UMJ Y[J INEI U--12 Enter the equipment class napme:Fromt Appendix W3: CI~sscs'4f

{ C3 >" PAGE 516 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet '2 of2 Seismic Walkdown.

Checklist (SWC)Equipment ib: No. I 14V ?7P(P/#L Equip. Class!'tquipmept Description SIp /1 .;t4 Interaction Effects 7.: Are soft targets, fee from'impactby nearby equipmnent.or structures?'

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles aid. liihtingi and masonry hbock wails not likely to collapse 'onto the equiprmeit?
9. Do atftached lines-have:

adequate flexibility to avoiddamage?

10. Based on the, above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse-seisinic interaction effects?Y~~ JC1 N/A[3 Yi0d U110 N'/A(YNEI U0J N/AEJ Y-NOE 110 Other Adverse Conditions.
11. Have you iooked forand'found no other seismrii conditions that coild Y[BNK U--adversely affect the safety funfctions ofthe equipfment?

Comments (Additional pages naybe addedas necessary)

<.- fl it'W A7O 0 ~ R A C< .Evalatei b~ A~~'I'r~ S- Date: J,< C4 .>PAGE 517 of 668 A ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .00 PAGE 518 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Siatus:O N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. 1ý-HY-19/902 Equip. Class'2/8 bvsriear~'uwr 24~-&5)Equipment Description Y- M? FoR. //'V t2'90 O ___Location:

Bidg. ..rH EL. /93- e Room, Area RC /Z Manuifadturer~

Motdel. Etc. (ontinal but recorninended) 7-4e,'Fý-ROCIC Ce,.Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist maybe used to document the results of the Seismi& WalkdoiWn ofan item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the followingq questions may be used to record the resulfts:of3udgmedts and findings.

Additional space is provided at:the endof this documenting other comments.Ainchotiak

1. Isthe anchorage itcon.fig eurtion verification'requi)d (i. is the item one Y N of the, 5,0% of S WEL i temns requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage.

free of bent, broken, miissiig or loose hardware?31 Is the; anchorage free of corrosion that is more than miid.surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This'question only ipplies if the item is one: of the 50% for which an anchorage~configuration verificationis required.)

IXA40o6-O~97l v~ete ý5c 62 Based0n the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage frec of potentially adverse seismiIc conditi ons?YX NE UEr NIAE Y4 NEI UM N/AE-YXNE UE1 NIAE YVNE U0 NMAE YX N[IUE1".Enver the equipryent clý§s~iiaih$

tiomn AppecndixB:

Clapssj f I Equipment.

<c-3 >PAGE 519 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment-D

'1O/ Equip. Claýs0 2/~? (rNsrA'uvri~vr R~4~:Y~'5)

Equipment Depcrppti6n

-&o rV, 7- e _ --o/o Interaction;Effects

'7. Are soft targets fr&e'from impactby nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are.mVerhead equipiipent,,distribufion systems, ceiling tiles and lighting;.and masonry block walls not likely to collapse

9". Do attachedliihes have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?'10. Based on the: abovc seilsmiic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?YNCI UE N,/AEV'YW~NC0 UCj Ni/AC Y,4NO UC3 N/AC: Yo NE NC UO Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you loed for and foundho bth& seismiconditions thatcould adversely affect the of the equipment?

YýNEIUE Comments (Additdnal pages may be added as necessa-y)

NoQ,'W.Evaluated by. t.Iit~on 8-/i- 2o/Z.< C04 PAGE 520 of 668 3 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1*0&l PAGE 521 of 668 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION*O PAGE 522 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of:2"S'ctwtus N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipcrfclt ID N.o. I Class 1 2 'Equipment Description C'C-/W U r < T4,(Location:

Bldg. _ X. FloorEL, 2.'15' Room, Area ........ c...3..Manufhcttrer,.

Modl, Ete. (optional butt recomended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This heckli st may be used to documentthe results of the Seismic Walkdownof an item of equipment on the SW..EL. The space below :each ofthe"following questions.may be used to rec.rd.the resuit's of judgments and findings. is. provided at the, efid of this checklistforr documenting other comments.AnehLpade, 1. Is the anchdrage configuration verification required (i.e., is~the item one:of the 50% of SWEL; items requiring sith! verification)?=

YO 21 Is the anchorage free. of bent; broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the:anPc&.rge free.of cbrosion that is more than mild:surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage freeo f visible~cracks in the concrete near :the anchors?.5_ Is th* e ichoragO ronfiguY.aion consistent With-plant documenetation?(Note: This question only applies if the, item is one of the 50% for, whic'h.:an anchorage Configurati6o Verifieati.6b is irquired.)

YEI NO UEr- NI.A YO NEi UE NiAg YEI NEj UE: N/Ag L.~ta~jt~.


-~6. Based on the above anehoragg eyaluatiotis, is the anchoruige free of potentially adveise seisiic, conditions?

V$ NE UD P Enier the equiijmnt class name from Appendiik 1k. Clqasses of Equipment.

< C-3 >PAGE 523 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet -2 of 2 SeismicaWalkdown Checklist (SWC)-Equipment;iDNo. -L$,LL '-T5Z Equip. Class." 2 , Equipment.Description " " 'C 2 Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment orstiuctUres?

8. .Are oyerhead equipment, distbution systems, ceiing tiles and lighting, rand masonry block walls n6t likely to collapse onto the:equipment?
9. Db attached lines have,.adeqdiat&flexibility:to avoid damage?10. Based on, the aboVd eiftiic i iteractionwevaluatibrns, is equipment free of potentiallyadverSe seismic. interaction effects?.Y\NFC UC' N/AC1-NEI U[C] N/AC YVNE UC N/AC NCEJE Other Adverse ConditionsHave you fooked for and found no0oher seismic conditions thatucould Yt;N Nn UC'adver.selyviaffeq.t he, safety fnctions of the equiptrment?,Comments'(Additional.pages maybe, added as necessary), Evaluated by;,~Date:.... L6< C-4 >PAGE 524 of 668 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION*PAGE 525 of 668 AACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONR PAGE 526 of 668 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIOVO A PAGE 527 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1,0 o2 Status:Q N U Seismic Wakckdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. o, .T 0 9.5 Equip.'ClassU

./ .(iit;r.tV7

./,4c ) .Equipment Description WSLY$T 7' 6V .Locatioiln Bldg. iJ Floor EL. Z20 Roomr Area ÷Manufacturer, Model, Etc.

~~~~. ... .... .... ... ., ..*Itstructions for Cdmpietidg Checklist This checkliAs may be used t6 ddcument the results of the Seismic Walktdown of an item of equipment onAthle SWEL.. The space below eadh;f'the following qustionsimia be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings.

Additional space is provid~d atdthe end of this checklist for documenting other comments.An chorage 1,1 1s the anchorage configuration Verification required (i6e;;,,isjhe item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiiring such, verificatioi)?

YU NC 2., Is the anchorage free f befit, broken, missing or lobose hardwaie?:

3. Is the anchorage free of that is more than mild surface oxidatidn?
4. Is the anchorage fre of'visible cracks in 'the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage~configuratio consistent with plant dbcumentafion?(Noic:

oiIy~applies..ifllieitem is one ofihe 50% for an'cthge is.rcqir-d.)

M' IN, 54-1 5-0F '6. Based oil the aboveanchorage evaluations, is the anchoragefirceof potentially adverse.seismic conditions?, YX Nn LUE N/AU_YX NEI UE3 N/AEU YK. NE UE] N/AU: YE_ NE LU N/AX YX, NET LU.2 Ertur th~~op~d lnnw~ fonApni B: Chlasýeof Xipi*vt PAGE 528 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0*Sheet 2of2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)EquipmentIDl)

No. /~ ~3 Equip. Class'2/4 /"S 7* 9A-176$-/

R,44Ksc Equipment Description

,?wsr zL6Ev4:z-Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets'free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are, overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and~masonry block walls notlikely to collapse:onto the eqtument?9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?1.0. Based.oh the above-seismic interaction evaluations, iS equiPment free, of potentially adverse-seismic-interaction effects?.Yj NNO UJE ýN/A. M YC9;NO U17J h,/T-1 YjX NOJ UE IN/AEI Yf N ' UQ Other Adverse Conditions I1, 1ave you looked for and found no 6ther&seismic conditions, that could adversely affect the safety fUnctions of the equipment?

YA NEI : Commenti(Additional pages may be added as necessary)


  • ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONPO PAGE 532 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Statue N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. I LT -odI 1 Equip. Class"_I q (2TL u ka4 ck)Equipment Description 11 0 1 Co+.0m[ "1"c.. ...Location:

Bldg. A$X.. Floor El. I191-" Room, Area VAZdo -A-3 e Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

-Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchoraze 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one YO" NE r of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

YI NO U' N/AQ Yft NO U" N/AF 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Y0 NO UO N/Al 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

YO NO UO NI/5 YN NEI UO'2 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >PAGE 533 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of2 Seismic Walkdoawn Checklist (SWC)Equipment, ID No. 1, LT 0'A'.~ ip.c~~ct3 (j sPc~we~.A-L~.t~)Equipment De.scription UI-- Co-ý.ra --Interaction Effects 7 Are. soft.targets free from impact by nearby equipment or striictures?

8. Are overhead equipment., distribution' systems, ceiling tiles&andlig hting, and masonry block wallsnot likely'to collapse-onto the equipment?

9'. Do attached lines have adequate flexibiliy to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic irteraction-evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismib infteraictioneffects?

[ANEI U00 /A0 Yo NCI UCn N/ACE YoNI UC N/AC YANE UCt Other Adverse Conditions

11. looked for and found no other seisniic conditions that:could A 'NEI VEI.adversely affect ihe,'sa'tety functions of the equipment?

Comnmfgents (Additionaltpages fnay be add&d as nedesary)Evaluatedo by: r-;~ x-~t7~ *~~Y Date: 7< C'4.>PAGE 534 of 668 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION*PAGE 535 of 668 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061 -RPT-01, VERSION 004!LT-oI12 VCT LEva PAGE 536 of 668 3 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONOO PAGE 537 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 I'l at. _Sheet 1 of 2'Status: 0 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)EqipmetDN.h.OfZ Equip., ls~61 ~________F~uipi-uent.Deseriptioft 76r 1~s6,& l~p .i Location., Bldg. 4WX FloorEl. /qr1 0"ý Room,.Area

/426 Manufacturer, Model, Etc; (optional but recommende Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to do#ument th&eresults,6f the Seismic Walkdown of an item. of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the.results ofjudgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end'of thiis checklist for documenting, other comhets.Anchorage 1.. Is the, figuration yeiificationrequired(I is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

YE] NV 2. Is, the anchorage free of bent. broken, missing or loose hardware?*3.. Is the anchoragefiee of corros ion that is'miore than mild :surface oxidation?

4. is" the flee of visible c-a~ks in thle. 4nerete near the anchors'?5; Is the anchorageconfigurotion;o0sistent ith plant doedmentation?(Note: This qiuesfion on ly applitislif the item is one :of theS0% for which an anchorage configuration' verification


6. Based on-the above anchorage evaluations; is the anhorage Free of YE] NEI UE] N YE] NE] UE] N/A2_ý/YE] NE] lE]Yei'NE] liE]'Enter the equipnient clas namne ftqifr.App~e di B Classes of , .ipment.<C-3 >PAGE 538 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2'Seismipc Walkdown:

C.hecklislt (SWC)Equipment ID No. 4. 10/-07Z- Equip. Class" 2 ez4:5 Equipment Description, -(/, r .-0C5,,-#41'.6-S,944ArZCW! Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from i.hact by or stiuctures?

8. Arfe o ' lrhead'equipment,.distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls nt~otlikely to collapse:onto the equipment?

,9, DQ0attached lines :haveadeqiiate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based onthe seismic'ihter.action, evav.iatioiis, is equipment, free of potentiaLly adverse seismiciinteraction effects?Y3N[ NU0 N/AE1 YO. JUECN/AFJ YZNF2 Uti N/A[f YO NEI UO Oth r Adverse Conditions fl. Have you looked for and foun~d:no Qthevseismic, copnditions6tact.d..

Y UN C adver.sely affect thb Afety functiOns of the equiper ent?Comments (Additional pages maY be added as necessary).Evaluated Date: r 7~j/N\\~J~$44~J


Equipm~ent ID No. FPý~ Equip., Class".Equipment Description SAF-,)Y A 41AJ1EF Location: AW4{.-9wASk FloorElI.

V.'O Room, Area fý/ 2, 3 MafWlfacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recohlmended) e~a5-4 4 Instructions for Completing Checklist Thischecklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment 6n the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgmentsand findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist'for documenting othertcomufents.

Anchorage I...Is the anchorage configuration verification requiied'(ike., :is the item one Of the 50% of-SWELitems requiring such verification)?.

2. Is the ianchorage free of bent,,brokeih, missing or loose hdrdvare?3. Is:the that.iS more than.jiild. *oxidation?
4. is the anchorage free ofvisible in jhe concrete hear tlahidichors?
5. Is the anchorage configuration consisiecnf with.plant documentaion?: (Noteý This question only applies ifthditemtis bre ofthe 50%for which an anchorage configuration yer fication is requiired.).
6. Based on the above Anchordige evaluatibns, is the anchorage ftee:,of potentially adverseseismic conditions-?(s,ty Nji6 V4 t V t.YE YE3 NE VEt'Yo- NFi UE] N/A;ýYE NEI QE N/A~YE[ NE] Ul'E N/A[YE3 NE- U[-I N/A.Y NO UEu S'Enter theequipmenrclass name from,.Appendix

,: Classes rs

  • <, C.3 >-PAGE 542 of 668 ATTACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Shl&t 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. .- PSVý101 Equip. Class'2 ..-6 5:5s5 Equipment.Description

/-,4/WALTEAA4 ACf ! P.c -,t.;i..Interaction Effects 7. Are'soft targets;free from iinpact by'nearby equipment or structures?

VY NCE UC] N/AC]8.i Are overhead equipment,,distribution systems, ceiling.tiles and lighting, Y -NF U0I] N/AC kand masonry block wall.-not like[y to collapseonio-heequipinent?

9. Do attached lines hiave adequate flexibility toavoid dainage?110. Based on the a.bove seismic interactionevaluatidiisis 6quiptnent flee of potentially adverse seismic interaction.

effects?YVNC] UC] N/AC]UfC]Other Advers'e Conditions I1i. Have you looked for and found no other.,seismicconditions that*coud NC] U]idversey-affect the safety functions 6f the eqpi rient?Comments (Additional pages may be added as'necessary)

EvalUatcd by: ___. ._ Date: :^2oc '..... .......... .. .f .. ...<.4>~a), PAGE 543 of 668 9 ACHMENT 3: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 i PAGE 544 of 668