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Official Exhibit - ENT000341-00-BD01 - USGS Open-File Report 2008-1123, Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at the Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2008
From: Williams J
US Dept of Interior, Geological Survey (USGS)
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 22128, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01 2008-1123
Download: ML12339A699 (38)


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

In the Matter of:

(Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3)

ASLBP #: 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #: 05000247 l 05000286 Exhibit #: ENT000341-00-BD01 Identified: 10/15/2012 Admitted: 10/15/2012 Withdrawn:

Rejected: Stricken:


ENT000341 Submitted: March 29, 2012 Prepared in cooperation with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at the Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York Open-File Report 2008-1123 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

Cover. Photograph by Thomas J. Nicholson (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) of bedrock quarry southwest of Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York.

Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at the Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York By John H. Williams Prepared in cooperation with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Open-File Report 2008-1123 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

ii U.S. Department of the Interior DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Mark D. Myers, Director U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2008 For more information on the USGS--the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment:

World Wide Web: Telephone: 1-888-ASK-USGS Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Although this report is in the public domain, permission must be secured from the individual copyright owners to reproduce any copyrighted materials contained within this report.

Suggested citation:

Williams, J.H., 2008, Flow-log analysis for hydraulic characterization of selected test wells at the Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1123, 30 p., online only.

iii Contents Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................................1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................1 Description of Study Area and Hydrogeologic Setting ..................................................................1 Description of Wells .............................................................................................................................1 Description of Logs .......................................................................................................................................2 Flow-Log Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................4 Selected Results of Aquifer and Tracer Tests ...........................................................................................6 Summary..........................................................................................................................................................9 References Cited..........................................................................................................................................10 Appendix 1. Composites of Geophysical Logs, Transmissivity and Hydraulic-Head Difference Estimates and Measurements, and Selected Aquifer- and Tracer-Test Results for the Test Wells, Indian Point Energy Center Site, Buchanan, New York .........................................................................................................11 Figures 1-2. Maps showing

1. Location of Indian Point Energy Center site, Buchanan, New York ............................2
2. Location of selected test wells at the Indian Point Energy Center site ......................3 3-5. Photographs showing
3. Aerial view looking north of the Indian Point Energy Center site and location of selected test wells ..........................................................................................................4
4. View looking northeast of quarry exposure of carbonate bedrock with bedding and orthogonal fractures, Indian Point Energy Center site...........................5
5. Optical-televiewer (OTV) and acoustic-televiewer (ATV) logs of test well MW-60 at the Indian Point Energy Center site: (A) interval from 52 to 57 feet below land surface, showing subhorizonal fractured zone, (B) interval from 70 to 75 feet below land surface (with core sample from same interval),

showing northwest-dipping orthogonal fractures, and (C) interval from 134 to 139 feet below land surface, showing southeast-dipping bedding fracture .............5 6-7. Diagrams showing

6. Relation between transmissivity of flow zones penetrated by selected test wells estimated from flow-log analysis and measured by hydraulic tests ................7
7. Relation between hydraulic-head difference of flow zones penetrated by selected test wells estimated from flow-log analysis and measured in monitoring-well intervals....................................................................................................9 Table
1. Construction and hydrologic information for selected test wells, Indian Point Energy Center site, Buchanan, New York.................................................................................8

iv Conversion Factors and Datum Inch/Pound to SI Multiply By To obtain Length inch (in.) 2.54 centimeter (cm) foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m) mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km)

Flow rate gallon per minute (gal/min) 0.06309 liter per second (L/s)

Specific capacity gallon per minute per foot 0.2070 liter per second per meter

[(gal/min)/ft)] [(L/s)/m]


foot squared per day (ft2/d) 0.09290 meter squared per day (m2/d)

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows:

°F=(1.8x°C)+32 Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929).

Altitude, as used in this report, refers to distance above the vertical datum.

  • Transmissivity: The standard unit for transmissivity is cubic foot per day per square foot times foot of aquifer thickness [(ft3/d)/ft2]ft. In this report, the mathematically reduced form, foot squared per day (ft2/d), is used for convenience.

Abbreviations ATV Acoustic televiewer GAI Geophysical Applications, Inc.

GZA GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OTV Optical televiewer USGS U.S. Geological Survey

Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at the Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York By John H. Williams Abstract Description of Study Area and Hydrogeologic Setting Flow logs from 24 test wells were analyzed as part of the hydraulic characterization of the metamorphosed and The Indian Point Energy Center is the site of a nuclear-fractured carbonate bedrock at the Indian Point Energy Center power plant in the Village of Buchanan in Westchester in Buchanan, New York. The flow logs were analyzed along County, New York (figs. 1, 2, and 3). The site is within the with caliper, optical- and acoustic-televiewer, and fluid- Hudson Highlands physiographic province and is bordered on resistivity and temperature logs to determine the character the west by the Hudson River. Land-surface altitude ranges and distribution of fracture-flow zones and estimate their from about 10 ft near the river to 140 ft above the National transmissivities and hydraulic heads. Many flow zones were Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD 1929) in the eastern associated with subhorizontal to shallow-dipping fractured part of the site.

zones, southeast-dipping bedding fractures, northwest- The site is underlain by the Inwood Marble; these dipping orthogonal fractures, or combinations of bedding and metamorphosed dolostones and limestones of Cambro-orthogonal fractures. Flow-log analysis generally provided Ordovician age were extensively blast-excavated during plant reasonable first-order estimates of flow-zone transmissivity construction. The Manhattan Schist unconformably overlies and head differences compared with the results of conventional the Inwood Marble near the northern and eastern borders of hydraulic-test analysis and measurements. Selected results the site. Bedding in the carbonate bedrock generally dips 30 of an aquifer test and a tracer test provided corroborating to 70 degrees to the southeast (figs. 4 and 5). Many fractures information in support of the flow-log analysis. are oriented along bedding and orthogonal to bedding.

Subhorizontal fractured zones commonly are present in the upper part of the bedrock. The shallow-dipping fractured zones, southeast-dipping bedding fractures, and northwest-Introduction dipping orthogonal fractures along with other fractures with a range of orientations form an interconnected permeable Radionuclides have been detected in ground water network for ground-water flow. Where present, faults, sampled from metamorphosed and fractured carbonate including a north-south trending high-angle feature identified bedrock at the Indian Point Energy Center in southeastern by Dames and Moore (1975), Ratcliffe and others (1983),

New York. In 2007, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Barvenik and others (2008), locally may enhance or conducted a flow-log analysis of selected test wells to help impede ground-water flow depending on the presence of characterize the hydraulics of fractured zones in the bedrock.

clay-rich gouge.

The work was completed in cooperation with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), which provided technical oversight of the investigation of ground-water contamination Description of Wells conducted by Entergy, Inc., the owner and operator of the site. This report describes and presents the flow-log method Twenty-four test wells installed under the direction and integrated analysis of the flow logs with other supporting of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA), consultant to geophysical log and aquifer- and tracer-test data. The Entergy, Inc., were selected by GZA for geophysical logging.

transmissivity and hydraulic head of flow zones estimated Information on these test wells, including construction by the flow-log method are compared with those determined and water level, pumped rate, and drawdown at the time of from hydraulic tests and measurements in corresponding logging, is presented in table 1. Well locations are shown test-well intervals isolated by inflatable straddle packers or as in figures 2 and 3. The test wells were constructed as open completed monitoring-well installations. holes below steel casing that was set into competent bedrock.

2 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York 74°57'30" 74°55' Site area shown in figure 2 NEW YORK Westchester Co.

View shown in figure 4 41°16' Site 41°15' Base from U. S. Geological Survey 0 1 MILE 1:24,000 Peekskill and Haverstraw, NY 1957, Photorevised 1981 0 1 KILOMETER Figure 1. Location of Indian Point Energy Center site, Buchanan, New York.

The test wells ranged from 30 to 340 ft deep, and had 4 to Caliper logs record the diameter of the borehole. Changes 40 ft of casing. The test wells were cored 3.8 to 4 inches in borehole diameter are related to drilling and construction in diameter, except RW-1, which was drilled 6 inches in procedures and competency of bedrock. The caliper logs were diameter. Hydrogeologic descriptions of the recovered core collected with a spring-loaded, three-arm averaging tool, and are presented in Barvenik and others (2008). After geophysical were used to confirm test-well casing depths and diameters logging was completed, each test well was converted to a and to delineate fractures.

single- or multiple-interval monitoring-well installation by Optical-televiewer (OTV) and acoustic-televiewer (ATV)

GZA. Hydraulic tests were completed by GZA either in the logs record 360-degree magnetically oriented images of test well or in the completed monitoring-well installation. the wellbore wall (Williams and Johnson, 2000). The OTV and ATV logs were used to characterize the distribution and orientation of planar fracture and bedding features intersected by the test wells. Planar fracture and bedding features were Description of Logs picked by GAI and their orientations were calculated and corrected for well deviation, which was determined from the The geophysical logs were collected from November three-axis fluxgate magnetometers and vertical inclinometers 2005 to July 2007 by Geophysical Applications, Inc. (GAI) incorporated in the OTV and ATV tools. Dip azimuth and under the direction of GZA and included caliper, optical- and angle of the fracture and bedding features corrected from acoustic-televiewer, fluid-resistivity, temperature, and flow magnetic to true north are shown in tadpole plots and lower-logs (app. 1). Information on geophysical logs and logging hemisphere stereonet diagrams (app. 1). It should be noted that for ground-water investigations is presented in Keys (1990). fracture delineation from OTV and ATV logs of near-vertical The geophysical logs collected and analyzed in the present wells oversample low-angle fractures and undersample high-investigation are described briefly below. angle fractures.

Description of Logs 3 MW-65 N

MW-51 MW-39 MW-31 MW-32 MW-56 MW-30 RW-1 MW-53 MW-46 MW-34 MW-35 MW-40 MW-57 MW-55 MW-54 MW-52 MW-58 MW-64 MW-59 MW-67 MW-63 MW-60 MW-62 MW-66 Hudson River Base from Barvenik and others (2008) 0 100 200 FEET EXPLANATION 0 50 METERS MW-60 Test well and site well identification Figure 2. Location of selected test wells at the Indian Point Energy Center site.

Fluid-resistivity and temperature logs record the Flow at selected depths in the test wells was measured electrical resistivity and temperature of water in the test with a heat-pulse flowmeter (Hess, 1982), which determines wells. Fluid resistivity is inversely related to the concentration vertical flow based on the travel time of a thermal pulse of dissolved solids in the water. Slope changes in fluid- between a set of upper and lower thermistors. To channel flow resistivity and temperature logs, which were collected through the measurement throat, the flowmeter was used with under ambient conditions, helped delineate zones of inflow a flexible rubber diverter fitted to the nominal well diameter.

to or outflow from the test wells. Collection of fluid- The heat-pulse flowmeter configured with a fully fitted resistivity and temperature logs under pumped conditions diverter has a measurement range of 0.005 to 1.0 gal/min.

would have provided an additional level of enhancement in Flow logs were collected in the test wells under ambient and flow-zone delineation.

pumped conditions, and the quasi-steady-state drawdown Flow logs record the direction and rate of vertical flow under the short-term pumped conditions was measured, which in the well. Vertical flow occurs in wells that penetrate two or more flow zones under differing hydraulic head. Flow is allowed for quantitative analysis and estimation of flow-zone from zones of higher head to zones of lower head. The water transmissivity and head (Paillet, 1998 and 2000). In test wells levels measured in the open-hole test wells are composite MW-35 and MW-52, constant pumped rates and quasi-steady-head values that reflect the transmissivity-weighted average state drawdowns were not obtained as a result of rapidly of the hydraulic heads of the intersected flow zones (Bennett declining water levels. Although not attempted in the present and others, 1982). Heads in inflow zones are higher than the investigation, quantitative flow-log analysis could have been composite water level, and outflow zones are lower than the applied in these test wells by use of the recovery and flow composite water level. normalization method described by Paillet (2004).

4 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York N

RW-1 MW-52 MW-55 MW-30 MW-32 MW-60 MW-67 MW-31 MW-66 MW-53 MW-62 MW-34 MW-63 MW-35 MW-58 MW-56 MW-59 MW-65 MW-39 MW-54 MW-57 MW-46 MW-40 MW-51 EXPLANATION MW-60 Test well and site well identification Figure 3. Aerial view looking north of the Indian Point Energy Center site and location of selected test wells. (Photograph provided by Entergy, Inc.)

Flow-Log Analysis The transmissivity and hydraulic head of the flow zones were estimated by the flow-log analysis method described by Paillet (1998 and 2000). In this method, a best-fit match The distribution and character of fracture-flow zones is developed between measured and simulated ambient intersected by the test wells were determined by the integrated and pumped flows by iterative adjustment of flow-zone analysis of the caliper, optical- and acoustic-televiewer, fluid-transmissivity and head in a numerical model. A unique resistivity, temperature, and flow logs (app. 1). One or more inversion for zone transmissivity and hydraulic-head values fracture features within each zone were designated as the is determined given two sets of flow logs and associated hydraulically active fracture or fractures contributing to the water levels collected under ambient and quasi-steady-state measured ambient and pumped flows. Many flow zones were pumped conditions.

associated with subhorizontal to shallow-dipping fractured The transmissivity and hydraulic-head differences zones, southeast-dipping bedding fractures, northwest- determined by the flow-log analysis were compared with the dipping orthogonal fractures, or combinations of bedding and results of hydraulic testing and hydraulic-head measurements orthogonal fractures (fig. 5). reported by Barvenik and others (2008). The hydraulic tests

Flow-Log Analysis 5 ding ona l

Bed ture o g Orth ure frac frac t

Figure 4. View looking northeast of quarry exposure of carbonate bedrock with bedding and orthogonal fractures, Indian Point Energy Center site. (Photograph by Thomas J. Nicholson, NRC)

OTV ATV OTV ATV OTV ATV N E S W N N E S W N N E S W N N E S W N CORE N E S W N N E S W N 52 70 134 53 71 DEPTH BELOW LAND SURFACE, IN FEET 135 54 72 136 55 73 137 56 74 138 57 75 139 A B C Figure 5. Optical-televiewer (OTV) and acoustic-televiewer (ATV) logs of test well MW-60 at the Indian Point Energy Center site: (A) interval from 52 to 57 feet below land surface, showing subhorizonal fractured zone, (B) interval from 70 to 75 feet below land surface (with core sample from same interval), showing northwest-dipping orthogonal fractures, and (C) interval from 134 to 139 feet below land surface, showing southeast-dipping bedding fracture.

6 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York were conducted in test-well intervals isolated by inflatable and not included in the fitted relation. These and, most likely, straddle packers or as completed monitoring-well installations. an undetermined number of additional outliers are related More than 90 percent of the 76 hydraulic tests used in the to the limitations inherent in flow logging and in hydraulic comparison were slug tests analyzed by the Hvorslev (1951) testing using inflatable packers. The apparent overestimation method, and the rest were extraction tests analyzed by the of transmissivities by hydraulic testing in test well MW-54 Theis (1935) method. The hydraulic-test data and their is believed to be the result of an inability to obtain leak-analysis are presented in more detail by Barvenik and others tight seals between the packers and the wellbore wall, which (2008). The hydraulic heads used in the comparison were allowed leakage into adjacent, highly fractured intervals of the measured in the completed monitoring-well installations. wellbore. This conclusion is supported by analysis of the head Average hydraulic heads on February 12, 2007 (Barvenik response above and below the test interval. The reason for the and others, 2008) were used in the comparison for all order-of-magnitude discrepancy between the transmissivity monitoring-well installations except MW-63 and MW-67. estimates for the shallowest flow zone in test well MW-40 Average hydraulic heads on June 1, 2007, and August 28, is unclear. Because the shallowest flow zone is near the 2007 (Barvenik and others, 2008), respectively, were used water surface, which is not uncommon, it was not feasible to for wells MW-63 and MW-67 because complete sets of head make a measurement above the zone to confirm the pumped measurements were not available for February 12, 2007. rate. The uppermost measurement under pumped conditions When compared with the hydraulic-test results, the indicated downward flow, so the assumption was made that flow-log analysis detected 74 percent of flow zones where all the pumped flow was contributed by the shallowest zone, transmissivities were within two orders of magnitude of the which may not be valid. The transmissivity estimate from most transmissive zone penetrated by each given test well. the hydraulic test, however, is lower than would be expected This comparison of results from hydraulic-test and flow-log based on the relatively high specific capacity of the test well methods is consistent with that reported by Paillet (1998) for (table 1), indicating that the shallowest zone may have been crystalline bedrock at the USGS fractured-aquifer research site sealed during this test.

in Mirror Lake, New Hampshire. The logs of hydraulic-head differences estimated by Measurable ambient flow indicating differences in the flow-log method and those measured in the monitoring hydraulic heads in two or more penetrated flow zones was installations are significantly correlated (fig. 7). The fitted observed in 16 of the logged test wells. Flow was downward relation is in eight wells (MW-31, -32, -40, -51, -54, -55, -58, and -65),

upward in four wells (MW-59, -63, -66, and -67) and both log HDMM = 0.19 + 0.68 log HDFL , (2) upward and downward in four wells (RW-1 and MW-39, -56, and -57). Even though hydraulic head is transient in nature where and the flow logs and head measurements were not collected HDMM is hydraulic-head difference measured at the same time, observed flow directions in the test wells between monitoring-well intervals, in feet; generally were consistent with the subsequently measured and head differences; that is, flow was from zones of higher head HDFL is hydraulic-head difference between "ow to zones of lower head. zones estimated from "ow-log method, Flow-log analysis generally provided reasonable in feet.

first-order estimates of flow-zone transmissivity and head differences in comparison with the results of the hydraulic-test Discrepancies between the hydraulic-head differences analysis and measurements. The logs of transmissivity values are, in part, due to difficulties in matching very low flows estimated by the flow-log analysis and those measured by the associated with poorly transmissive zones as a result of the hydraulic tests are significantly correlated (fig. 6). The fitted relative insensitivity of the model head parameter under relation is these conditions.

log THT = 0.34 + 0.64 log TFL , (1) where Selected Results of Aquifer and THT is transmissivity of tested interval measured Tracer Tests by hydraulic-test methods, in feet squared per day; An aquifer test and, subsequently, a tracer test were and conducted by GZA as part of the hydrogeologic site TFL is transmissivity of "ow zone estimated by characterization. Barvenik and others (2008) present the "ow-log method, in feet squared per day. design and analysis of these tests along with the time-series data sets of hydraulic heads and tracer concentrations.

Selected results from test wells MW-40 and MW-54, Selected results of the aquifer and tracer tests are which are identified in figure 6, were deemed questionable presented in this report as corroborating information on

Selected Results of Aquifer and Tracer Tests 7 1,000 100 TRANSMISSIVITY, 10 IN FEET SQUARED PER DAY 1

0.1 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 FLOW-LOG TRANSMISSIVITY, IN FEET SQUARED PER DAY Figure 6. Relation between transmissivity of flow zones penetrated by selected test wells estimated from flow-log analysis and measured by hydraulic tests. Red and green diamonds indicate selected results for test wells MW-40 and MW-54, respectively.

flow-zone transmissivity and connectivity in support of the The tracer test involved the introduction of fluorescein flow-log analysis. dye on February 8, 2007, through gravity-fed injection of a The aquifer test was conducted from October 31 to dye and water mixture into the unsaturated zone at the top November 6, 2006, and involved constant-rate pumping of of bedrock near monitoring-well installation MW-30 (figs. 2 well RW-1 (figs. 2 and 3) at 4 gal/min for 3 days followed and 3). Tracer sampling from monitoring intervals at well installations commenced prior to and continued following by 3 days of recovery. Water levels were measured during injection for 7 months. Peak concentration of the tracer and pumping and recovery in monitoring intervals at surrounding travel velocities for first and peak arrivals, which are defined monitoring-well installations. Maximum observed drawdown in this report as the travel times divided by the horizontal in selected monitoring-well intervals divided by the log of distance between the injection point and the monitoring the horizontal distance between the pumped well and the well, are presented for selected monitoring-well intervals in monitoring well is presented in appendix 1. appendix 1.

8 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York Table 1. Construction and hydrologic information for selected test wells, Indian Point Energy Center site, Buchanan, New York.

[USGS well ID, test-well identification number assigned by U.S. Geological Survey (We indicates Westchester County); site well ID, test-well identification number assigned by site owner (RW, recovery well; MW, monitoring well); altitude, altitude of land surface, in feet above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929; well depth and casing depth in feet below land surface; water-level depth, depth to water level during ambient flow logging, in feet below land surface; pumped rate, discharge rate during pumped flow logging, in gallons per minute; drawdown, quasi-steady-state drawdown during pumped flow logging, in feet; specific capacity, in gallons per minute per foot of drawdown; --, no data]

USGS Site Well Casing Water-level Pumped Specific Altitude Drawdown well ID well ID depth depth depth rate capacity We-3472 RW-1 76 134 5 63 0.60 1.93 0.31 We-3473 MW-30 76 84 29 40.5 a -- --

We-3474 MW-31 77 87 5.5 32 .48 b --

We-3475 MW-32 79 196 8 37 .25 0.50 .50 We-3476 MW-34 19 30 5 8.3 .48 c --

We-3477 MW-35 19 30 7.5 8.7 .45 d --

We-3478 MW-39 82 199 23 54 .45 .49 .92 We-3479 MW-40 75 192 7 15 .5 .15 3.33 We-3480 MW-46 17 32 6 7 .42 2.10 .20 We-3481 MW-51 70 200 20.5 28 .75 4.58 .16 We-3482 MW-52 17 197 13 12 -- d --

We-3483 MW-53 70 124 30 58 .44 3.75 .12 We-3484 MW-54 15 205 20.5 7 .77 1.28 .60 We-3485 MW-55 18 77 12 10 .71 .97 .73 We-3486 MW-56 70 87 30.5 47.5 .43 .92 .47 We-3487 MW-57 15 31 6 5.3 .41 .34 1.21 We-3488 MW-58 15 71 14 6 .60 2.35 .26 We-3489 MW-59 15 77 18 13 .67 .40 1.68 We-3490 MW-60 14 202 8.5 10 .52 3.75 .14 We-3491 MW-62 15 200 40.5 11.5 .43 3.94 .11 We-3492 MW-63 14 193 36 12.5 .58 .05 11.6 We-3493 MW-65 70 82 34 35.5 .15 3.95 .04 We-3494 MW-66 14 200 37.5 13 .54 .55 .98 We-3495 MW-67 15 340 32.5 13.5 .54 .52 1.04 a

Not pumped because water was added previously for acoustic-televiewer logging.

b Zero drawdown reported; drawdown assumed to be 0.25 feet for flow-log analysis.

c Drawdown not measured.

d Water level dropped rapidly and pumped rate was not sustained.

Summary 9 100 HEAD DIFFERENCE, IN FEET 10 1

0.1 0.1 1 10 100 FLOW-LOG HEAD DIFFERENCE, IN FEET Figure 7. Relation between hydraulic-head difference of flow zones penetrated by selected test wells estimated from flow-log analysis and measured in monitoring-well intervals.

Summary dipping fractured zones, southeast-dipping bedding fractures, northwest-dipping orthogonal fractures, or combinations of Flow logs from selected test wells at the Indian Point bedding and orthogonal fractures. The transmissivity and Energy Center in Buchanan, New York, were analyzed as part hydraulic head of the flow zones were estimated by matching of the hydraulic characterization of the metamorphosed and measured and modeled ambient and pumped flows. Flow-log fractured carbonate bedrock underlying the site. The flow analysis generally provided reasonable first-order estimates logs collected under ambient and quasi-steady-state pumped of flow-zone transmissivity and head differences compared conditions were analyzed along with caliper, optical- and with the results of conventional hydraulic-test analysis and acoustic-televiewer, fluid-resistivity, and temperature logs to measurements. Selected results of an aquifer test and a tracer determine the character and distribution of flow zones. Many test provided corroborating information in support of the flow-flow zones were associated with subhorizontal to shallow- log analysis.

10 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York References Cited Paillet, F.L., 1998, Flow modeling and permeability estimation using borehole flow logs in heterogeneous fractured formations: Water Resources Research, v. 34, no. 5, Barvenik, M.J., Winslow, D.M., Powers, M., and Gozdor, M., p. 997-1010.

2008, Hydrogeologic site investigation report, Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York: Report prepared by Paillet, F.L., 2000, A field technique for estimating aquifer GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., Norword, Massachusetts, for parameters using flow log data: Ground Water, v. 38, no. 4, Enercon Services, Buchanan, New York, 150 p., 18 app. p. 510-521.

Bennett, G.D., Kontis, A.L., and Larson, S.P., 1982, Paillet, F.L., 2004, Borehole flowmeter applications in Representation of multiaquifer-well effects in three- irregular and large diameter boreholes: Journal of Applied dimensional ground-water flow simulation: Ground Water, Geophysics, v. 55, no. 1-2, p. 39-59.

v. 20, no. 3, p. 334-341. Ratcliffe, N.M., Bender, J.F., and Tracy, R.J., 1983, Dames and Moore, 1975, Supplemental geological Tectonic setting, chemical petrology and petrogenesis investigation of the Indian Point Generation Station: Report of the Cortlandt Complex and related igneous rocks of prepared by Dames & Moore, Cranford, New Jersey, for southeastern New York: Field Guide for Northeastern Consolidated Edison of New York, Inc., 2 app. Section Geological Society Meeting, Kiamesha Lake, New York, March 23-26, 1983.

Hess, A.E., 1982, A heat-pulse flowmeter for measuring low velocities in boreholes: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Theis, C.V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of Report 82-699, 44 p. the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage: American Hvorslev, M.J., 1951, Time lag and soil permeability in Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 16, p. 519-524.

ground-water observations: Bulletin No. 36, Waterways Experimental Station Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Williams, J.H., and Johnson, C.D., 2000, Borehole-wall Vicksburg, Mississippi, p. 1-50. imaging with acoustic and optical televiewers for fractured-bedrock aquifer investigations, in Proceedings of the 7th Keys, W.S., 1990, Borehole geophysics applied to ground- Minerals and Geotechnical Logging Symposium, October water investigations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of 24-26, 2000, Golden, Colorado: Minerals and Geotechnical Water-Resources Investigations, book 2, chap. E2, p. 150. Logging Society, p. 43-53.

Appendix 1 11 Appendix 1. Composites of Geophysical Logs, Transmissivity and Hydraulic-Head Difference Estimates and Measurements, and Selected Aquifer- and Tracer-Test Results for the Test Wells, Indian Point Energy Center Site, Buchanan, New York.

Explanation MW-30 Site well identifier Depth Depth, in feet below land surface Caliper Caliper collected by Geophysical Applications, Inc. (GAI); borehole diameter in inches OTV Optical televiewer collected by GAI; 360-degree optical image of borehole wall oriented to True Geographic North ATV Acoustic televiewer collected by GAI; 360-degree acoustic image of borehole wall oriented to True Geographic North Stereo Lower-hemisphere, Schmidt stereo plot of planar fracture and bedding features oriented to True Geographic North; gray disk indicates features picked by GAI; blue box indicates hydraulically active fracture based on USGS flow-log analysis Tadpole Tadpole plot of planar fracture and bedding features oriented to True Geographic North; body of tadpole indicates dip angle and tail indicates dip direction; gray disk indicates features picked by GAI; blue box indicates hydraulically active fracture based on USGS flow-log analysis Amb Flow Ambient flow, in gallons per minute; blue disk indicates flow measurement collected by GAI with heat-pulse flowmeter at specified depth; blue line indicates modeled flow based on USGS analysis Pmp Flow Pumped flow, in gallons per minute; red circle indicates flow measurement collected by GAI with heat-pulse flowmeter at specified depth; red line indicates modeled flow based on USGS flow-log analysis Fl Res Fluid resistivity collected by GAI, in ohms per meter Fl Temp Temperature collected by GAI, in degrees Celsius Trans Transmissivity of straddle-packed or monitored-well interval as reported by Barvenik and others (2008), in feet squared per day FL Trans Transmissivity of flow zone based on USGS flow-log analysis, in feet squared per day Head Diff Hydraulic-head difference between monitored-well intervals as reported by Winslow and others (2008), in FL Head Diff Hydraulic-head difference between flow zones based on USGS flow-log analysis, in feet Drawdown Maximum observed drawdown divided by log distance between the monitoring well and the pumped well (RW-1), in feet divided by log feet; ND indicates no observed drawdown Open Zone Open zone of monitoring-well installation First TT Travel velocity of first arrival of tracer, in feet per day Peak TT Travel velocity of peak arrival of tracer, in feet per day Peak Conc Peak concentration of tracer, in micrograms per liter; ND indicates non-detect

12 Depth MW-30 1ft:75ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.75 In 3.85 0 90 -0.4 Gal/Min 0.4 0 Ohm-m 60 0.002 Ft^2/D 20 0 Ft/Log Ft 15 0 Ft/D 10 Fl Temp Peak TT 20 Deg C 23 0 Ft/D 10 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 30 35 0° 40 45 180° 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-31 1ft:120ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.6 In 4.1 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 2.5 Ohm-m 4.5 0.5 Ft^2/D 500 0 Ft 3 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 100 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 19 Deg C 21 0.5 Ft^2/D 500 0 Ft 3 0 Ft/D 100 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 10 20 30 0° 40 50 180° 60 70 80 Appendix 1 13

14 Depth MW-32 1ft:260ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 10 Ohm-m 20 0.4 Ft^2/D 400 0 Ft 35 0 Ft/D 100 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 16 Deg C 23 0.4 Ft^2/D 400 0 Ft 35 0 Ft/D 100 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 20 40 60 80 0° 100 180° 120 140 160 180 200 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-34 1ft:40ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Drawdown Open Zone Peak TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.1 Gal/Min 0.1 18 Ohm-m 22 0.1 Ft^2/D 100 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp Peak Conc

-0.1 Gal/Min 0.1 8 Deg C 18 0.05 ug/L 50000 5

10 0° 15 180° 20 25 Appendix 1 15

16 Depth MW-35 1ft:40ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Drawdown Open Zone Peak TT 3.5 In 4 0 90 -0.2 Gal/Min 0.2 15 Ohm-m 18 0.1 Ft^2/D 100 0 Ft/ Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp Peak Conc

-0.2 Gal/Min 0.2 8 Deg C 19 0.05 ug/L 50000 5

10 0° 15 180° 20 25 30 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-39 1ft:230ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone Peak Conc 3.7 In 4.1 0 90 -0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 0.5 Ohm-m 4.5 0.02 Ft^2/D 200 -2 Ft 2 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0.05 ug/L 50000 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff

-0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 15.2 Deg C 16.2 0.02 Ft^2/D 200 -2 Ft 2 20 40 60 ND 80 ND 0° 100 ND ND 180° 120 ND 140 160 180 ND ND 200 Appendix 1 17

18 Depth MW-40 1ft:250ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Open Zone 3.5 In 5 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 -5 Ohm-m -3 0. 1 Ft^2/D 1000 -8 Ft 8 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 12 Deg C 16.5 0.1 Ft^2/D 1000 -8 Ft 8 0

20 40 60 80 0° 100 120 180° 140 160 180 200 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-46 1ft:40ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res FL Trans FL Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone Peak Conc 3.5 In 5 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 -25 Ohm-m 5 0.5 Ft^2/D 50 0 Ft 1 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0.05 ug/L 50000 Pmp Flow Fl Temp

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 10 Deg C 23 5

10 15 0° ND ND 20 180° 25 30 Appendix 1 19

20 Depth MW-51 1ft:230ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Pmp Flow Fl Res Trans Head Drawdown Open Zone Peak Conc 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.8 Gal/Min 0.8 -3.5 Ohm-m 1 0.2 Ft^2/D 20 0 Ft 25 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0.05 ug/L 50000 Amb Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff

-0.8 Gal/Min 0.8 12 Deg C 14.5 0.2 Ft^2/D 20 0 Ft 25 20 40 60 80 0° 100 ND ND 180° 120 140 160 180 200 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-52 1ft:235ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Drawdown Open Zone Peak TT 3 In 5 0 90 -0.2 Gal/Min 0.2 Ohm-m 0.007 Ft^2/D 7 0 Ft 8 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp Peak Conc

-0.2 Gal/Min 0.2 12 Deg C 19 0.05 ug/L 50000 20 ND ND 40 60 ND 80 0° 100 180° 120 ND 140 160 ND 180 ND ND Appendix 1 21

22 Depth MW-53 1ft:125ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 -22 Ohm-m -12 2 Ft^2/D 200 0 Ft 2 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 100 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 17.5 Deg C 20 2 Ft^2/D 200 0 Ft 2 0 Ft/D 100 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 30 40 50 0° 60 70 180° 80 90 100 110 ND 120 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-54 1ft:250ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans FL Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3 In 5 0 90 -0.7 Gal/Min 0.7 6.7 Ohm-m 8.3 0.4 Ft^2/D 40 0 Ft 4 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 100 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans Head Diff Peak TT

-0.7 Gal/Min 0.7 14.6 Deg C 24.2 0.4 Ft^2/D 40 0 Ft 4 0 Ft/D 100 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 20 40 60 80 0° 100 ND 120 180° 140 160 180 200 Appendix 1 23

24 Depth MW-55 1ft:90ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpoles Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.8 Gal/Min 0.8 6 Ohm-m 11 0.3 Ft^2/D 300 -1 Ft 1 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FLTrans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.8 Gal/Min 0.8 17.6 Deg C 22.6 0.3 Ft^2/D 300 -1 Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 15 20 25 30 0° 35 40 45 180° 50 55 60 65 70 75 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-56 1ft:75ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 6 Ohm-m 8 0.2 Ft^2/D 200 0 Ft 2 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff

-0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 15 Deg C 20 0.2 Ft^2/D 200 0 Ft 2 30 35 40 0° 45 50 180° 55 ND 60 65 70 75 80 85 Appendix 1 25

26 Depth MW-57 1ft:55ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 6.5 Ohm-m 7.5 0.3 Ft^2/D 300 0 Ft 1.5 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 100 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.5 Gal/Min 0.5 19 Deg C 24 0.3 Ft^2/D 300 0 Ft 1.5 0 Ft/D 100 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 ND 10 15 ND ND 0° 20 25 180° 30 35 ND ND 40 45 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-58 1ft:75ft Caliper ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone Peak TT 3.6 In 4 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 6 Ohm-m 14 1 Ft^2/D 100 0 Ft 1 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 100 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak Conc

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 16.75 Deg C 18.75 1 Ft^2/D 100 0 Ft 1 0.05 ug/L 50000 15 20 ND 25 30 0° 35 40 180° 45 50 55 ND 60 65 70 Appendix 1 27

28 Depth MW-59 1ft:90ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -1 Gal/Min 1 2 Ohm-m 13 0.3 Ft^2/D 300 0 Ft 2 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-1 Gal/Min 1 18 Deg C 25.5 0.3 Ft^2/D 300 0 Ft 2 0 Ft/D 10 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 15 20 25 ND 30 0° 35 ND ND 40 45 180° 50 55 60 ND ND 65 70 75 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

Depth MW-60 1ft:275ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 4.5 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 4 Ohm-m 15 0.02 Ft^2/D 20 0 Ft 3 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 12.6 Deg C 20.4 0.02 Ft^2/D 20 0 Ft 3 0 Ft/D 10 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 0

20 40 ND 60 ND 80 0° 100 ND 120 180° ND 140 ND 160 180 ND 200 Appendix 1 29

30 Depth MW-62 1ft:210ft Caliper OTV ATV Stereo Tadpole Amb Flow Fl Res Trans Head Diff Drawdown Open Zone First TT 3.5 In 7 0 90 -0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 10 Ohm-m 25 0.03 Ft^2/D 30 0 Ft 1 0 Ft/Log Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Pmp Flow Fl Temp FL Trans FL Head Diff Peak TT

-0.6 Gal/Min 0.6 13.8 Deg C 16.1 0.03 Ft^2/D 30 0 Ft 1 0 Ft/D 10 Peak Conc 0.05 ug/L 50000 40 60 80 0° ND 100 180° 120 ND 140 160 180 ND ND 200 Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New York

For additional information write to:

New York Water Science Center U.S. Geological Survey 425 Jordan Road Troy, NY 12180 Information requests:

(518) 285-5602 or visit our Web site at:

Williams, J.H.Flow-Log Analysis for Hydraulic Characterization of Selected Test Wells at the Indian Point Energy Center, Buchanan, New YorkOpen-File Report 2008-1123