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Official Exhibit - NYSR00140-00-BD01 - L. A. Dissado and J.C. Fothergill, Electrical Degradation and Breakdown in Polymers, Iee Materials and Devices Series 9 (1992) Excerpted: P. 18-19. (Dissado)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/2011
From: Dissado L, Fothergill J
- No Known Affiliation
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 21612, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML12335A449 (3)


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

In the Matter of:

(Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3)

ASLBP #: 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #: 05000247 l 05000286 NYSR00140 Exhibit #: NYSR00140-00-BD01 Identified: 10/15/2012 Revised: December 22, 2011 Admitted: 10/15/2012 Withdrawn:

Rejected: Stricken:



1.: .;3......~. *(". . rossduiKlug

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Cr()sslinki:n~* :0 a linear .  : . . :'p*rior to crvstaUiSiltion tUllY eause a nonnaU,,;

polvocuer  :.r .~ ...

seuli.. c:rvstal1ine p*Qiyulcr to lose iu crYS;UlUltlity, 'rll(~ Inost (ortullonmetbod

.... ..,. .w. ~ Hnking is to trigger a thernJ~lUy~:a(;tiv*a.ted catalyst by raisIng the temperatlH'f':, SinGe this telnperature lUU$t bewellalx)"ve tht.~ rn~~hin.g t(:ttll~ if cl'o$sHnking lSi to take phlce .in ar,(::~uoll~tbl'f short: thue, this f()rrn of c[os.$linkingahvilYs takes place \\~hen the polyrner is in its liquid state~ Le.

the ~lm.ort}h(}uJ rneh .. If the temperature isrnised very-quIckly then II ulay be pnssihh; for th~:; f.TossHnking to before the lanwllae stru:cture t *. '., ..*.... j. :*.t :.* 1' ., d '.'.. *.. ., *. J, "'~{}t t ..*. ' '1' .*. :..* 1:

~ta.s {'()fnJ.)t.>~.ft.,~} .l.spt.f!\(.>h Au.~.:~ ~.dl$(;.\-t.l 0 . $~nJt .u.n.: 1.n~l.Y .. t rt:J. .,une . t it leallil.

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hy the cro$slinkS::1 it seerns likely that the latnellae ,~:innot be able h) att~J;in a fuU spheruHtic :$t1\u:ture the $(:J1idstate.{}nder tht~s(~condition.s p{)ly:cthylene~ or~le~'ed lameUae Hlicro-dornains1 '\ preCUf$Or

.,ll".~.. ,.1.. '~' .. ,.;. ,l-h.,:1~* .' ur ..* tt ...,'t.** ,... 't*. ." rft .(. ,1., ' ... ' t " ~ H.**.*D 1;,..

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,....itt. 5.1 ut..lrrt:.s. *.,Sl(n, {OUJC:(~ . . ,.. p .. . T.,~),


rnavbi;~ . tht>: o=nh.., form of tn.:. . ~st.aUif:te arranrfernent

,~, e t)o;5<sible. HloVfever*


spherulites are sornetilues observ{~d.lrt compre5$ion~*lnoulded tilin.. Hlru sped,.

men:s}~,~,I?1 \il/hleh have heen C'tos:~dirlked this way. $u(~h $pt~dm(m$ the

~*"""'nl:t*" ..:.*.w**t* bIt.*

~...:.-... :~"""-'H~ .*..,,:, t**h*r.,,~:t~I'(nh~.*.

  • .('t*. :..**::*****h*~*"'" IL';U**}l,

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\. cry ..*... t _~,I>


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t:nt:a.U:ig pou:Uto i* ~

l!J~n t~(:qU~lt:(.Ot

'j*f' tdettnlhi:UO.J)O:f* (Jo.$.Sd:tl)):;lng*

1; .,. ." , rti.*'

Hlf1CrcHitruetunil rearran:o'crnentm:Zfii also be hindered l:w the thin ~:(' "j>"

sectlonof thefibn (typi~(aUy only ;;~ few' sphendite diarneters thkk) and by (ohe$iv~:~ fnrces bet\v(~{~n the p*oJvn:)t:;~T;nHI lht~ mouJd~urfaceQ

.* -0' N ot ~tll cn)$slinking M~chniqu(;s n>quire tht~ uSt~ of tttrnptraturc$ in t'xctS$

()J dwmdting point. For (~*x~unpli~* in th:(~ $ib~n(~~Cn)$5HnJdng l)l'()C~SS dl~velol>N:i for p()lyethyl(~n(+:p'()'wet Glble in$ul~ltion

  • thcpolyrller is.. cured at appr=oximatdy 1OlY'C. Thi~ is justbelo\v the rndtingpoint of the lnore
d. omlnant d.nd LJ(::.->(~r

< ...' h' k I.tunc.H .. a(~ (.".~ '1. . 0"  :.:0 0'(-'* ann~~.oy

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~. , speru 'h f' 1**'Iteorme d;s'

.. UUTmg'\~'ou.ld not b(~ destroyed at: this UHnl)(~ratot't\H:()\vt~'\ter $,ph(:rul.itt~$

are not nonnaH~' observed in this rnaterial aXld it see:ms Hkely that the silanet.

~ . . ~

\io:'hich is grafted ill temperatur(~$ ilbo'iie lh(~ m.elting point" inhibits the f.)[ooudion of long dOUlinant lattl(~Uae r(~quit(~d ror $pht~rulit.ic gr()wth, Radiation (uay al&o beuse.d inc:rotl<slinking d:~e s()]id state* below the !uclting f)t::~inL .A t klVtet (loses this fonH of cro£s~in.king does not des:tr(lY t.he o"ystal..

Hnity and any otiginai sphel'ulitic structurewiU be retain*cd in the~ematerials provided they are not heated ahove t.heir rndting poinL

1. 4B-ulk defects 1Mwffree volume

~rheusual crystal defectg.~ such as disl()cadons, may be pres,ent polYlner crystals hut are difficult to* observe since the r::ryslaUinity is onlypartiaiaUi.d OAGI0001268_00002

tb:¢:'y art not tl~en,d{)re likely to bedotnin~lnL !\:'Iany crystal defect:s. art~ uniqu(>

tO~JtAy.tneft.Fol" t':,XtHnp!e~ (:hain end~ nmy l}:e prescutwil:hin thecr)(~:tat, it is pn~$ible that there rnay 1)(; huried loops {i.e. folding v~,ithhl the tryM::aJ)"

CIT tht n~gul;)t thainitHiY be htterrupted\~'ith an iUf'orre'Ci rner {lof' exalnpir

a. polypn.))Jylcneunit ffMy ()((ur a pnly(~thy!.(!Jt:(~ ,ch~d.n giving rl$(~ tCt .a nH,~thyJ groupiu a pnly{:;l:hykn(~ (:ry'$l~dhtt", Su,(b th~fe(b atl to jn(Tt~fiM~ Utl.l:t


    • '1, (I; ¥:Ct(H'l:S';']"':':

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1:" *. +~:I...

'rhe .sp'ccihcvr)}ulne is aiMJ increas;ed try tlH~ appatently inevhabl(~ PH"(;&<,:-nct~

of rniCrOH)id$"nl('~,$(t ttl<lY b(' f()rnH~d during ln~lfiUf~'dufe~)y the (tv~tpOnu:ioll vohnjl¢~ deCOnlpOs,it:.~()n px{):dut:ts frorn various cherul:cais fc;.".aC;::llons snell as. lho:'!\,e used for eros-slinking ;tnd thOliit:~ a$:s(Kiau~d ~'!dth arlttJr;:;hlants., 'rhey lnay alscJ be forruf':d fr()Ul irullurh,ks Dl'MJ I~ddhi\'t:~'$ ~vhich Ina\" fiecornp!:)se,. rnigratt\ outgas; frlll11crossIinldng Inhornog,eneilies H\

net~"{ork I){)lynH;"rs';i.NI;~ 1~ atru{xs.F)hericgases \vhich f~,~~ve £lot diffu$(~d ou1..

Sh:):cc ,dHluSlort, is th('~ nH}'\'enlJ~nt of pani{Jes (luwn a C(HHx'ntrath~n grrac:Hent du{~ tfi the fanA'iom U10"'(~tl'lenl of ind,hd.du~d partjtlc$~ t'hert~\~tin al\!i,'ays l)e S£.Hlle (hldiv'idual)v()itis '\\"hich (i:tJ not leave the polytner during ulanufaeture,Forexarnple Stevens iitaL'J2 ha\.'e found~ tlsing light sHiuer-iug techniques., that an epoxy resin theymanufa.ctured (le~gasstH,lunder extrernely stdllgent. conditi{H1:S still (:()utain,ed 1()~*~~-",,-... 10('} v(~td:s. rn"'Jwith dh:tineU~'t$ of '2 to b~; l()" 7 Ul (Leo. ~:tbtit:H Hr'" nf tile lotal'dJluule), At tlu::

other extretne;'i;N)itb~ in the <h;:;llos;l of stemn..,(tH'ed (Tosslinked I)oiyethyieue cables Hlay 1:'tC as large as 4: pun tKCUpy a~ rnuch itS l~i of th.e total volume~:~"TYp'ic;tny microvoid:s are in the :mnge I O;?; ...-S, >< 1()" nl,'T'ht~y aH.~

Hktdy to grov~:' il) th(~ preM~rH:e *ofn:l{*~:lltutkal unrj: eleo.rindJYv.nulsed, (e;g:;hy

~:laxw'en loyces) I'necha:nka!un:~~,~e;:i.:t:t.\I:'~,The 'Oppel' $i:lt~ Ihnit oJ nTkn:~\'oid~

(1,e;. Vdl(~n rnkr'Ovoid$b(~c()m{~\'ni(b) i$ $imply a UIan(~r of ddinitiflu; fn prattk(~ the largt ,end of the lntctovoid distribtnion can bt:~ (lbstn'td US;illg opJ<!:ical mi<.::n).s,fflP.h::' H:;~.JlI,ojqUtc$. ancl the p.refixmil'n:!. sugg'¢'$tiSlh;lI tnt} bo*r.(h~r~

line tnjghlli(~!ll'(lialneteri of a microrneter, "flw l{nY~~r s.ize Ihnit is. dehn(~d in t{~rrn$ ofn:lJ.efo'VoidsVlhich are l)fnnanent, Uduw a fc\\! nm <<::.:, ">,.,:\ x 1o"~j m J th(~TC is Hkdy to be sJ);tttt \,: hith tontiuu(}uslyapPt}ars, dis(tppeaxs (iut:, to Juolt"cular Hlotion. resu.hing in: thermal d~msityfiut.tu,(1:1i{Yns\\'hii(I'l GUl 1w::, mt}asun:;d u$ing las{:;f hghJ,CHltering: i}p.d *ol)~t'~rved as 2l noi~(;t:~~ in dh:;i('ctlic nH~as:ur:t:+nwi'H$. if the Inn'i.t:~ful,~~~ :?tre::pnlarZtt ,z7, IJi.ICalculalingrt'ystaUinity fn:nll de usi.ty lllcasu n':\Ulents For a gefni~,f:ty5tanine pol)?H1cr it ispossihle to e5titn~ltt~ lh(~ hactionof th(.~

solid thttt is cry$talliIH:~ 1.t:, its (:r'YJUdlinity. by deterulining th.e Oilfvcofspecihc voh.un(~ \'!i~ithl(~m~:ratlJre if the dilneusions of tilt, unit (:t~n ,are kru::nv'n (t.his.

nUI)i bt~ d'll;~t¢~rnlined h'v XNra,~ diffra<tlon).For (~x.nrn:ple ~n2(r:3C: lli}~'V{*thykll(:'

bas,* an onhQthornbitt,iHit ceHwith diillc'nsioHs. 11Hi inn x 492 PU) x 254 ):>111 i;;;:

u'2(} x n),"'ZH rn,'lcontaining tW'(J tnonotnetsunits and tbercf<lr(' ha\'ing ~t relative u]olecularnlass ()f 56"J, This resultsht a spedlkvohunefot' the pure cry$t~dtin~~ part~ of dl(; pO:lytN::hyl(!:ue of 1/~ =!}987 .;:{ 1(r':~' m:; kg"'l ,'l'he OAGI0001268_00003