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DP04, Selected Housing Characteristics, 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau 2010
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2010
US Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Census
Office of New Reactors
Fringer J
+reviewed AXM8
Download: ML12198A197 (11)


DP04 SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Supporting documentation on code lists, subject definitions, data accuracy, and statistical testing can be found on the American Community Survey website in the Data and Documentation section.

Sample size and data quality measures (including coverage rates, allocation rates, and response rates) can be found on the American Community Survey website in the Methodology section.

Although the American Community Survey (ACS) produces population, demographic and housing unit estimates, for 2010, the 2010 Census provides the official counts of the population and housing units for the nation, states, counties, cities and towns. For 2006 to 2009, the Population Estimates Program provides intercensal estimates of the population for the nation, states, and counties.

Subject Monroe County, Michigan Wayne County, Michigan Estimate Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate of Error Error HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units 62,930 +/-339 62,930 (X) 826,328 Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 92.6% +/-0.8 690,943 Vacant housing units 4,632 +/-519 7.4% +/-0.8 135,385 Homeowner vacancy rate 2.4 +/-0.6 (X) (X) 4.4 Rental vacancy rate 9.1 +/-2.4 (X) (X) 11.3 UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total housing units 62,930 +/-339 62,930 (X) 826,328 1-unit, detached 47,129 +/-546 74.9% +/-0.7 568,993 1-unit, attached 1,417 +/-193 2.3% +/-0.3 50,746 2 units 1,952 +/-350 3.1% +/-0.6 44,299 3 or 4 units 797 +/-180 1.3% +/-0.3 23,088 5 to 9 units 2,426 +/-334 3.9% +/-0.5 34,298 10 to 19 units 1,085 +/-257 1.7% +/-0.4 27,764 20 or more units 2,253 +/-236 3.6% +/-0.4 62,816 Mobile home 5,864 +/-355 9.3% +/-0.6 14,207 Boat, RV, van, etc. 7 +/-11 0.0% +/-0.1 117 YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT Total housing units 62,930 +/-339 62,930 (X) 826,328 Built 2005 or later 2,157 +/-275 3.4% +/-0.4 11,397 Built 2000 to 2004 6,039 +/-440 9.6% +/-0.7 29,965 Built 1990 to 1999 10,734 +/-540 17.1% +/-0.9 45,108 Built 1980 to 1989 5,036 +/-432 8.0% +/-0.7 40,059 Built 1970 to 1979 9,250 +/-515 14.7% +/-0.8 79,166 Built 1960 to 1969 6,430 +/-497 10.2% +/-0.8 87,874 Built 1950 to 1959 8,795 +/-450 14.0% +/-0.7 201,452 Built 1940 to 1949 4,468 +/-398 7.1% +/-0.6 151,789 Built 1939 or earlier 10,021 +/-492 15.9% +/-0.8 179,518 ROOMS Total housing units 62,930 +/-339 62,930 (X) 826,328 1 room 335 +/-151 0.5% +/-0.2 12,119 2 rooms 517 +/-151 0.8% +/-0.2 11,674 3 rooms 2,565 +/-301 4.1% +/-0.5 55,122 4 rooms 7,783 +/-602 12.4% +/-1.0 100,514 1 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Monroe County, Michigan Wayne County, Michigan Estimate Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate of Error Error 5 rooms 13,456 +/-762 21.4% +/-1.2 205,895 6 rooms 14,074 +/-679 22.4% +/-1.1 200,014 7 rooms 10,239 +/-473 16.3% +/-0.8 109,954 8 rooms 7,330 +/-492 11.6% +/-0.8 65,586 9 rooms or more 6,631 +/-378 10.5% +/-0.6 65,450 Median rooms 6.0 +/-0.1 (X) (X) 5.6 BEDROOMS Total housing units 62,930 +/-339 62,930 (X) 826,328 No bedroom 342 +/-152 0.5% +/-0.2 14,123 1 bedroom 3,882 +/-346 6.2% +/-0.5 81,478 2 bedrooms 13,285 +/-654 21.1% +/-1.0 212,722 3 bedrooms 32,646 +/-722 51.9% +/-1.1 380,601 4 bedrooms 10,651 +/-496 16.9% +/-0.8 113,962 5 or more bedrooms 2,124 +/-260 3.4% +/-0.4 23,442 HOUSING TENURE Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 58,298 (X) 690,943 Owner-occupied 47,048 +/-644 80.7% +/-0.9 464,603 Renter-occupied 11,250 +/-559 19.3% +/-0.9 226,340 Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.68 +/-0.03 (X) (X) 2.74 Average household size of renter-occupied unit 2.26 +/-0.07 (X) (X) 2.55 YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 58,298 (X) 690,943 Moved in 2005 or later 15,094 +/-706 25.9% +/-1.2 205,976 Moved in 2000 to 2004 13,285 +/-606 22.8% +/-1.0 141,444 Moved in 1990 to 1999 14,185 +/-570 24.3% +/-1.0 144,085 Moved in 1980 to 1989 6,310 +/-403 10.8% +/-0.7 73,601 Moved in 1970 to 1979 4,957 +/-303 8.5% +/-0.5 63,169 Moved in 1969 or earlier 4,467 +/-349 7.7% +/-0.6 62,668 VEHICLES AVAILABLE Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 58,298 (X) 690,943 No vehicles available 2,889 +/-308 5.0% +/-0.5 87,727 1 vehicle available 16,452 +/-674 28.2% +/-1.1 277,928 2 vehicles available 24,675 +/-666 42.3% +/-1.1 228,468 3 or more vehicles available 14,282 +/-551 24.5% +/-0.9 96,820 HOUSE HEATING FUEL Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 58,298 (X) 690,943 Utility gas 46,715 +/-640 80.1% +/-0.8 633,007 Bottled, tank, or LP gas 5,929 +/-395 10.2% +/-0.7 5,784 Electricity 3,491 +/-302 6.0% +/-0.5 43,498 Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 807 +/-181 1.4% +/-0.3 1,828 Coal or coke 7 +/-11 0.0% +/-0.1 65 Wood 861 +/-159 1.5% +/-0.3 1,692 Solar energy 10 +/-16 0.0% +/-0.1 113 Other fuel 386 +/-113 0.7% +/-0.2 2,515 No fuel used 92 +/-43 0.2% +/-0.1 2,441 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 58,298 (X) 690,943 Lacking complete plumbing facilities 209 +/-100 0.4% +/-0.2 4,909 Lacking complete kitchen facilities 220 +/-121 0.4% +/-0.2 6,617 No telephone service available 3,060 +/-408 5.2% +/-0.7 36,793 OCCUPANTS PER ROOM Occupied housing units 58,298 +/-555 58,298 (X) 690,943 1.00 or less 57,753 +/-559 99.1% +/-0.2 675,808 1.01 to 1.50 491 +/-107 0.8% +/-0.2 11,579 1.51 or more 54 +/-44 0.1% +/-0.1 3,556 VALUE Owner-occupied units 47,048 +/-644 47,048 (X) 464,603 Less than $50,000 4,954 +/-378 10.5% +/-0.8 57,459 2 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Monroe County, Michigan Wayne County, Michigan Estimate Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate of Error Error

$50,000 to $99,999 5,219 +/-408 11.1% +/-0.8 122,330

$100,000 to $149,999 9,930 +/-545 21.1% +/-1.1 113,942

$150,000 to $199,999 11,618 +/-560 24.7% +/-1.2 76,793

$200,000 to $299,999 9,937 +/-470 21.1% +/-0.9 56,092

$300,000 to $499,999 4,678 +/-391 9.9% +/-0.8 28,283

$500,000 to $999,999 506 +/-109 1.1% +/-0.2 7,789

$1,000,000 or more 206 +/-69 0.4% +/-0.1 1,915 Median (dollars) 161,800 +/-1,828 (X) (X) 121,100 MORTGAGE STATUS Owner-occupied units 47,048 +/-644 47,048 (X) 464,603 Housing units with a mortgage 32,843 +/-585 69.8% +/-1.0 310,398 Housing units without a mortgage 14,205 +/-525 30.2% +/-1.0 154,205 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC)

Housing units with a mortgage 32,843 +/-585 32,843 (X) 310,398 Less than $300 60 +/-44 0.2% +/-0.1 660

$300 to $499 589 +/-157 1.8% +/-0.5 4,679

$500 to $699 1,298 +/-215 4.0% +/-0.6 13,516

$700 to $999 4,892 +/-412 14.9% +/-1.2 47,213

$1,000 to $1,499 10,658 +/-507 32.5% +/-1.5 111,564

$1,500 to $1,999 9,096 +/-490 27.7% +/-1.4 72,853

$2,000 or more 6,250 +/-415 19.0% +/-1.2 59,913 Median (dollars) 1,451 +/-21 (X) (X) 1,397 Housing units without a mortgage 14,205 +/-525 14,205 (X) 154,205 Less than $100 42 +/-38 0.3% +/-0.3 1,041

$100 to $199 484 +/-146 3.4% +/-1.0 5,223

$200 to $299 1,796 +/-232 12.6% +/-1.6 13,905

$300 to $399 3,200 +/-321 22.5% +/-2.1 29,421

$400 or more 8,683 +/-469 61.1% +/-2.3 104,615 Median (dollars) 451 +/-10 (X) (X) 486 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (SMOCAPI)

Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where 32,810 +/-591 32,810 (X) 308,332 SMOCAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 20.0 percent 11,028 +/-428 33.6% +/-1.3 94,439 20.0 to 24.9 percent 6,101 +/-439 18.6% +/-1.3 47,220 25.0 to 29.9 percent 4,251 +/-367 13.0% +/-1.1 38,810 30.0 to 34.9 percent 3,113 +/-347 9.5% +/-1.0 28,252 35.0 percent or more 8,317 +/-557 25.3% +/-1.6 99,611 Not computed 33 +/-29 (X) (X) 2,066 Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units 14,070 +/-554 14,070 (X) 151,443 where SMOCAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 10.0 percent 5,063 +/-407 36.0% +/-2.5 41,881 10.0 to 14.9 percent 2,907 +/-254 20.7% +/-1.7 31,323 15.0 to 19.9 percent 1,780 +/-237 12.7% +/-1.7 21,081 20.0 to 24.9 percent 1,288 +/-202 9.2% +/-1.3 14,083 25.0 to 29.9 percent 764 +/-139 5.4% +/-0.9 8,945 30.0 to 34.9 percent 542 +/-128 3.9% +/-0.9 6,898 35.0 percent or more 1,726 +/-226 12.3% +/-1.6 27,232 Not computed 135 +/-99 (X) (X) 2,762 GROSS RENT Occupied units paying rent 10,643 +/-564 10,643 (X) 214,043 Less than $200 299 +/-103 2.8% +/-1.0 6,993

$200 to $299 504 +/-146 4.7% +/-1.3 8,355

$300 to $499 1,116 +/-195 10.5% +/-1.9 22,265

$500 to $749 3,672 +/-358 34.5% +/-3.0 66,765

$750 to $999 3,031 +/-401 28.5% +/-3.2 57,689

$1,000 to $1,499 1,818 +/-276 17.1% +/-2.4 44,520

$1,500 or more 203 +/-104 1.9% +/-1.0 7,456 Median (dollars) 733 +/-23 (X) (X) 759 No rent paid 607 +/-144 (X) (X) 12,297 3 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Monroe County, Michigan Wayne County, Michigan Estimate Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate of Error Error GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (GRAPI)

Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where 10,515 +/-569 10,515 (X) 207,040 GRAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 15.0 percent 1,337 +/-265 12.7% +/-2.3 21,309 15.0 to 19.9 percent 1,286 +/-241 12.2% +/-2.2 20,545 20.0 to 24.9 percent 1,316 +/-228 12.5% +/-2.1 21,713 25.0 to 29.9 percent 1,357 +/-191 12.9% +/-1.7 21,971 30.0 to 34.9 percent 953 +/-206 9.1% +/-1.9 17,107 35.0 percent or more 4,266 +/-370 40.6% +/-2.7 104,395 Not computed 735 +/-156 (X) (X) 19,300 4 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Wayne County, Michigan Lucas County, Ohio Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate Estimate Margin of Error Error of Error HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units +/-893 826,328 (X) 202,659 +/-400 Occupied housing units +/-3,136 83.6% +/-0.3 179,000 +/-1,244 Vacant housing units +/-2,779 16.4% +/-0.3 23,659 +/-1,125 Homeowner vacancy rate +/-0.2 (X) (X) 3.8 +/-0.4 Rental vacancy rate +/-0.5 (X) (X) 10.6 +/-1.0 UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total housing units +/-893 826,328 (X) 202,659 +/-400 1-unit, detached +/-2,561 68.9% +/-0.3 136,726 +/-1,085 1-unit, attached +/-1,298 6.1% +/-0.2 7,294 +/-481 2 units +/-1,325 5.4% +/-0.2 10,892 +/-755 3 or 4 units +/-999 2.8% +/-0.1 7,463 +/-592 5 to 9 units +/-1,263 4.2% +/-0.2 10,443 +/-713 10 to 19 units +/-1,071 3.4% +/-0.1 11,898 +/-783 20 or more units +/-1,285 7.6% +/-0.2 12,519 +/-719 Mobile home +/-623 1.7% +/-0.1 5,401 +/-382 Boat, RV, van, etc. +/-68 0.0% +/-0.1 23 +/-27 YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT Total housing units +/-893 826,328 (X) 202,659 +/-400 Built 2005 or later +/-670 1.4% +/-0.1 3,308 +/-332 Built 2000 to 2004 +/-1,074 3.6% +/-0.1 9,365 +/-636 Built 1990 to 1999 +/-1,253 5.5% +/-0.2 12,799 +/-672 Built 1980 to 1989 +/-1,281 4.8% +/-0.2 16,786 +/-790 Built 1970 to 1979 +/-1,556 9.6% +/-0.2 27,665 +/-945 Built 1960 to 1969 +/-1,639 10.6% +/-0.2 25,000 +/-827 Built 1950 to 1959 +/-2,581 24.4% +/-0.3 33,555 +/-1,010 Built 1940 to 1949 +/-2,322 18.4% +/-0.3 16,338 +/-850 Built 1939 or earlier +/-2,128 21.7% +/-0.3 57,843 +/-1,067 ROOMS Total housing units +/-893 826,328 (X) 202,659 +/-400 1 room +/-779 1.5% +/-0.1 1,566 +/-320 2 rooms +/-733 1.4% +/-0.1 3,245 +/-379 3 rooms +/-1,466 6.7% +/-0.2 15,795 +/-834 4 rooms +/-2,016 12.2% +/-0.2 27,521 +/-1,166 5 rooms +/-2,378 24.9% +/-0.3 40,832 +/-1,268 6 rooms +/-2,604 24.2% +/-0.3 44,654 +/-1,360 7 rooms +/-1,698 13.3% +/-0.2 30,886 +/-1,166 8 rooms +/-1,436 7.9% +/-0.2 19,569 +/-1,110 9 rooms or more +/-1,362 7.9% +/-0.2 18,591 +/-811 Median rooms +/-0.1 (X) (X) 5.8 +/-0.1 BEDROOMS Total housing units +/-893 826,328 (X) 202,659 +/-400 No bedroom +/-834 1.7% +/-0.1 2,042 +/-350 1 bedroom +/-1,579 9.9% +/-0.2 22,497 +/-881 2 bedrooms +/-2,441 25.7% +/-0.3 57,176 +/-1,334 3 bedrooms +/-2,651 46.1% +/-0.3 84,572 +/-1,500 4 bedrooms +/-1,781 13.8% +/-0.2 31,342 +/-1,043 5 or more bedrooms +/-857 2.8% +/-0.1 5,030 +/-484 HOUSING TENURE Occupied housing units +/-3,136 690,943 (X) 179,000 +/-1,244 Owner-occupied +/-3,822 67.2% +/-0.4 116,420 +/-1,341 Renter-occupied +/-2,531 32.8% +/-0.4 62,580 +/-1,372 Average household size of owner-occupied unit +/-0.01 (X) (X) 2.54 +/-0.02 Average household size of renter-occupied unit +/-0.03 (X) (X) 2.23 +/-0.03 YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Occupied housing units +/-3,136 690,943 (X) 179,000 +/-1,244 Moved in 2005 or later +/-2,608 29.8% +/-0.4 60,125 +/-1,332 Moved in 2000 to 2004 +/-2,582 20.5% +/-0.4 40,357 +/-1,215 5 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Wayne County, Michigan Lucas County, Ohio Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate Estimate Margin of Error Error of Error Moved in 1990 to 1999 +/-2,202 20.9% +/-0.3 35,969 +/-960 Moved in 1980 to 1989 +/-1,439 10.7% +/-0.2 18,064 +/-852 Moved in 1970 to 1979 +/-1,363 9.1% +/-0.2 11,442 +/-563 Moved in 1969 or earlier +/-1,219 9.1% +/-0.2 13,043 +/-565 VEHICLES AVAILABLE Occupied housing units +/-3,136 690,943 (X) 179,000 +/-1,244 No vehicles available +/-1,844 12.7% +/-0.3 18,813 +/-913 1 vehicle available +/-3,104 40.2% +/-0.4 66,420 +/-1,622 2 vehicles available +/-2,727 33.1% +/-0.4 65,575 +/-1,305 3 or more vehicles available +/-2,004 14.0% +/-0.3 28,192 +/-869 HOUSE HEATING FUEL Occupied housing units +/-3,136 690,943 (X) 179,000 +/-1,244 Utility gas +/-2,741 91.6% +/-0.2 145,664 +/-1,345 Bottled, tank, or LP gas +/-455 0.8% +/-0.1 4,631 +/-346 Electricity +/-1,236 6.3% +/-0.2 26,099 +/-866 Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. +/-290 0.3% +/-0.1 1,081 +/-207 Coal or coke +/-36 0.0% +/-0.1 34 +/-33 Wood +/-241 0.2% +/-0.1 749 +/-153 Solar energy +/-63 0.0% +/-0.1 0 +/-119 Other fuel +/-402 0.4% +/-0.1 347 +/-101 No fuel used +/-323 0.4% +/-0.1 395 +/-126 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Occupied housing units +/-3,136 690,943 (X) 179,000 +/-1,244 Lacking complete plumbing facilities +/-560 0.7% +/-0.1 327 +/-143 Lacking complete kitchen facilities +/-587 1.0% +/-0.1 1,204 +/-233 No telephone service available +/-1,230 5.3% +/-0.2 6,213 +/-526 OCCUPANTS PER ROOM Occupied housing units +/-3,136 690,943 (X) 179,000 +/-1,244 1.00 or less +/-3,183 97.8% +/-0.1 177,600 +/-1,200 1.01 to 1.50 +/-688 1.7% +/-0.1 1,157 +/-229 1.51 or more +/-448 0.5% +/-0.1 243 +/-89 VALUE Owner-occupied units +/-3,822 464,603 (X) 116,420 +/-1,341 Less than $50,000 +/-1,180 12.4% +/-0.2 12,916 +/-603

$50,000 to $99,999 +/-2,358 26.3% +/-0.4 30,388 +/-961

$100,000 to $149,999 +/-2,142 24.5% +/-0.4 30,881 +/-923

$150,000 to $199,999 +/-1,354 16.5% +/-0.3 20,040 +/-901

$200,000 to $299,999 +/-1,364 12.1% +/-0.3 15,080 +/-554

$300,000 to $499,999 +/-681 6.1% +/-0.2 5,422 +/-468

$500,000 to $999,999 +/-443 1.7% +/-0.1 1,413 +/-229

$1,000,000 or more +/-238 0.4% +/-0.1 280 +/-112 Median (dollars) +/-618 (X) (X) 122,400 +/-1,306 MORTGAGE STATUS Owner-occupied units +/-3,822 464,603 (X) 116,420 +/-1,341 Housing units with a mortgage +/-3,162 66.8% +/-0.4 80,541 +/-1,221 Housing units without a mortgage +/-2,277 33.2% +/-0.4 35,879 +/-910 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC)

Housing units with a mortgage +/-3,162 310,398 (X) 80,541 +/-1,221 Less than $300 +/-142 0.2% +/-0.1 268 +/-92

$300 to $499 +/-455 1.5% +/-0.1 2,071 +/-268

$500 to $699 +/-866 4.4% +/-0.3 5,600 +/-465

$700 to $999 +/-1,294 15.2% +/-0.4 16,393 +/-841

$1,000 to $1,499 +/-1,741 35.9% +/-0.5 29,599 +/-946

$1,500 to $1,999 +/-1,564 23.5% +/-0.4 15,448 +/-625

$2,000 or more +/-1,325 19.3% +/-0.4 11,162 +/-599 Median (dollars) +/-6 (X) (X) 1,243 +/-11 Housing units without a mortgage +/-2,277 154,205 (X) 35,879 +/-910 Less than $100 +/-180 0.7% +/-0.1 135 +/-76

$100 to $199 +/-448 3.4% +/-0.3 1,295 +/-229 6 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Wayne County, Michigan Lucas County, Ohio Estimate Margin Percent Percent Margin of Estimate Estimate Margin of Error Error of Error

$200 to $299 +/-778 9.0% +/-0.5 4,573 +/-400

$300 to $399 +/-1,184 19.1% +/-0.7 7,390 +/-536

$400 or more +/-1,817 67.8% +/-0.6 22,486 +/-824 Median (dollars) +/-4 (X) (X) 463 +/-7 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (SMOCAPI)

Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where +/-3,143 308,332 (X) 80,129 +/-1,203 SMOCAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 20.0 percent +/-1,644 30.6% +/-0.5 29,706 +/-991 20.0 to 24.9 percent +/-1,263 15.3% +/-0.4 14,001 +/-701 25.0 to 29.9 percent +/-1,213 12.6% +/-0.4 10,161 +/-596 30.0 to 34.9 percent +/-1,120 9.2% +/-0.3 6,911 +/-467 35.0 percent or more +/-1,976 32.3% +/-0.5 19,350 +/-821 Not computed +/-314 (X) (X) 412 +/-140 Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units +/-2,350 151,443 (X) 35,386 +/-903 where SMOCAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 10.0 percent +/-1,316 27.7% +/-0.7 11,265 +/-683 10.0 to 14.9 percent +/-850 20.7% +/-0.5 7,509 +/-474 15.0 to 19.9 percent +/-805 13.9% +/-0.5 4,929 +/-475 20.0 to 24.9 percent +/-638 9.3% +/-0.4 3,140 +/-342 25.0 to 29.9 percent +/-598 5.9% +/-0.4 2,129 +/-290 30.0 to 34.9 percent +/-504 4.6% +/-0.3 1,526 +/-250 35.0 percent or more +/-1,037 18.0% +/-0.6 4,888 +/-433 Not computed +/-369 (X) (X) 493 +/-129 GROSS RENT Occupied units paying rent +/-2,578 214,043 (X) 59,813 +/-1,323 Less than $200 +/-592 3.3% +/-0.3 3,894 +/-363

$200 to $299 +/-498 3.9% +/-0.2 2,329 +/-324

$300 to $499 +/-1,165 10.4% +/-0.5 10,287 +/-594

$500 to $749 +/-1,672 31.2% +/-0.8 23,431 +/-921

$750 to $999 +/-1,637 27.0% +/-0.7 13,492 +/-855

$1,000 to $1,499 +/-1,320 20.8% +/-0.5 5,180 +/-547

$1,500 or more +/-604 3.5% +/-0.3 1,200 +/-205 Median (dollars) +/-6 (X) (X) 631 +/-8 No rent paid +/-704 (X) (X) 2,767 +/-363 GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (GRAPI)

Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where +/-2,520 207,040 (X) 57,987 +/-1,298 GRAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 15.0 percent +/-934 10.3% +/-0.4 7,480 +/-626 15.0 to 19.9 percent +/-1,054 9.9% +/-0.5 7,425 +/-656 20.0 to 24.9 percent +/-1,113 10.5% +/-0.5 5,885 +/-600 25.0 to 29.9 percent +/-941 10.6% +/-0.4 6,696 +/-555 30.0 to 34.9 percent +/-936 8.3% +/-0.4 4,436 +/-520 35.0 percent or more +/-1,779 50.4% +/-0.7 26,065 +/-1,036 Not computed +/-864 (X) (X) 4,593 +/-457 7 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Lucas County, Ohio Percent Percent Margin of Error HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units 202,659 (X)

Occupied housing units 88.3% +/-0.6 Vacant housing units 11.7% +/-0.6 Homeowner vacancy rate (X) (X)

Rental vacancy rate (X) (X)

UNITS IN STRUCTURE Total housing units 202,659 (X) 1-unit, detached 67.5% +/-0.5 1-unit, attached 3.6% +/-0.2 2 units 5.4% +/-0.4 3 or 4 units 3.7% +/-0.3 5 to 9 units 5.2% +/-0.4 10 to 19 units 5.9% +/-0.4 20 or more units 6.2% +/-0.4 Mobile home 2.7% +/-0.2 Boat, RV, van, etc. 0.0% +/-0.1 YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT Total housing units 202,659 (X)

Built 2005 or later 1.6% +/-0.2 Built 2000 to 2004 4.6% +/-0.3 Built 1990 to 1999 6.3% +/-0.3 Built 1980 to 1989 8.3% +/-0.4 Built 1970 to 1979 13.7% +/-0.5 Built 1960 to 1969 12.3% +/-0.4 Built 1950 to 1959 16.6% +/-0.5 Built 1940 to 1949 8.1% +/-0.4 Built 1939 or earlier 28.5% +/-0.5 ROOMS Total housing units 202,659 (X) 1 room 0.8% +/-0.2 2 rooms 1.6% +/-0.2 3 rooms 7.8% +/-0.4 4 rooms 13.6% +/-0.6 5 rooms 20.1% +/-0.6 6 rooms 22.0% +/-0.7 7 rooms 15.2% +/-0.6 8 rooms 9.7% +/-0.5 9 rooms or more 9.2% +/-0.4 Median rooms (X) (X)

BEDROOMS Total housing units 202,659 (X)

No bedroom 1.0% +/-0.2 1 bedroom 11.1% +/-0.4 2 bedrooms 28.2% +/-0.7 3 bedrooms 41.7% +/-0.7 4 bedrooms 15.5% +/-0.5 5 or more bedrooms 2.5% +/-0.2 HOUSING TENURE Occupied housing units 179,000 (X)

Owner-occupied 65.0% +/-0.7 Renter-occupied 35.0% +/-0.7 Average household size of owner-occupied unit (X) (X)

Average household size of renter-occupied unit (X) (X)

YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT Occupied housing units 179,000 (X)

Moved in 2005 or later 33.6% +/-0.7 Moved in 2000 to 2004 22.5% +/-0.6 8 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Lucas County, Ohio Percent Percent Margin of Error Moved in 1990 to 1999 20.1% +/-0.5 Moved in 1980 to 1989 10.1% +/-0.5 Moved in 1970 to 1979 6.4% +/-0.3 Moved in 1969 or earlier 7.3% +/-0.3 VEHICLES AVAILABLE Occupied housing units 179,000 (X)

No vehicles available 10.5% +/-0.5 1 vehicle available 37.1% +/-0.8 2 vehicles available 36.6% +/-0.7 3 or more vehicles available 15.7% +/-0.5 HOUSE HEATING FUEL Occupied housing units 179,000 (X)

Utility gas 81.4% +/-0.5 Bottled, tank, or LP gas 2.6% +/-0.2 Electricity 14.6% +/-0.5 Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 0.6% +/-0.1 Coal or coke 0.0% +/-0.1 Wood 0.4% +/-0.1 Solar energy 0.0% +/-0.1 Other fuel 0.2% +/-0.1 No fuel used 0.2% +/-0.1 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Occupied housing units 179,000 (X)

Lacking complete plumbing facilities 0.2% +/-0.1 Lacking complete kitchen facilities 0.7% +/-0.1 No telephone service available 3.5% +/-0.3 OCCUPANTS PER ROOM Occupied housing units 179,000 (X) 1.00 or less 99.2% +/-0.1 1.01 to 1.50 0.6% +/-0.1 1.51 or more 0.1% +/-0.1 VALUE Owner-occupied units 116,420 (X)

Less than $50,000 11.1% +/-0.5

$50,000 to $99,999 26.1% +/-0.7

$100,000 to $149,999 26.5% +/-0.7

$150,000 to $199,999 17.2% +/-0.7

$200,000 to $299,999 13.0% +/-0.5

$300,000 to $499,999 4.7% +/-0.4

$500,000 to $999,999 1.2% +/-0.2

$1,000,000 or more 0.2% +/-0.1 Median (dollars) (X) (X)

MORTGAGE STATUS Owner-occupied units 116,420 (X)

Housing units with a mortgage 69.2% +/-0.7 Housing units without a mortgage 30.8% +/-0.7 SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC)

Housing units with a mortgage 80,541 (X)

Less than $300 0.3% +/-0.1

$300 to $499 2.6% +/-0.3

$500 to $699 7.0% +/-0.6

$700 to $999 20.4% +/-0.9

$1,000 to $1,499 36.8% +/-1.2

$1,500 to $1,999 19.2% +/-0.8

$2,000 or more 13.9% +/-0.7 Median (dollars) (X) (X)

Housing units without a mortgage 35,879 (X)

Less than $100 0.4% +/-0.2

$100 to $199 3.6% +/-0.6 9 of 11 05/03/2012

Subject Lucas County, Ohio Percent Percent Margin of Error

$200 to $299 12.7% +/-1.1

$300 to $399 20.6% +/-1.4

$400 or more 62.7% +/-1.7 Median (dollars) (X) (X)


Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where 80,129 (X)

SMOCAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 20.0 percent 37.1% +/-1.1 20.0 to 24.9 percent 17.5% +/-0.8 25.0 to 29.9 percent 12.7% +/-0.7 30.0 to 34.9 percent 8.6% +/-0.6 35.0 percent or more 24.1% +/-1.0 Not computed (X) (X)

Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units 35,386 (X) where SMOCAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 10.0 percent 31.8% +/-1.7 10.0 to 14.9 percent 21.2% +/-1.3 15.0 to 19.9 percent 13.9% +/-1.2 20.0 to 24.9 percent 8.9% +/-1.0 25.0 to 29.9 percent 6.0% +/-0.8 30.0 to 34.9 percent 4.3% +/-0.7 35.0 percent or more 13.8% +/-1.2 Not computed (X) (X)

GROSS RENT Occupied units paying rent 59,813 (X)

Less than $200 6.5% +/-0.6

$200 to $299 3.9% +/-0.5

$300 to $499 17.2% +/-1.0

$500 to $749 39.2% +/-1.4

$750 to $999 22.6% +/-1.2

$1,000 to $1,499 8.7% +/-0.9

$1,500 or more 2.0% +/-0.3 Median (dollars) (X) (X)

No rent paid (X) (X)


Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where 57,987 (X)

GRAPI cannot be computed)

Less than 15.0 percent 12.9% +/-1.1 15.0 to 19.9 percent 12.8% +/-1.1 20.0 to 24.9 percent 10.1% +/-1.0 25.0 to 29.9 percent 11.5% +/-0.9 30.0 to 34.9 percent 7.6% +/-0.9 35.0 percent or more 44.9% +/-1.5 Not computed (X) (X)

Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. The degree of uncertainty for an estimate arising from sampling variability is represented through the use of a margin of error. The value shown here is the 90 percent margin of error. The margin of error can be interpreted roughly as providing a 90 percent probability that the interval defined by the estimate minus the margin of error and the estimate plus the margin of error (the lower and upper confidence bounds) contains the true value. In addition to sampling variability, the ACS estimates are subject to nonsampling error (for a discussion of nonsampling variability, see Accuracy of the Data). The effect of nonsampling error is not represented in these tables.

The median gross rent excludes no cash renters.

In prior years, the universe included all owner-occupied units with a mortgage. It is now restricted to include only those units where SMOCAPI is computed, that is, SMOC and household income are valid values.

In prior years, the universe included all owner-occupied units without a mortgage. It is now restricted to include only those units where SMOCAPI is computed, that is, SMOC and household income are valid values.

10 of 11 05/03/2012

In prior years, the universe included all renter-occupied units. It is now restricted to include only those units where GRAPI is computed, that is, gross rent and household Income are valid values.

The 2009 and 2010 plumbing data for Puerto Rico will not be shown. Research indicates that the questions on plumbing facilities that were introduced in 2008 in the stateside American Community Survey and the 2008 Puerto Rico Community Survey may not have been appropriate for Puerto Rico.

While the 2006-2010 American Community Survey (ACS) data generally reflect the December 2009 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions of metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas; in certain instances the names, codes, and boundaries of the principal cities shown in ACS tables may differ from the OMB definitions due to differences in the effective dates of the geographic entities.

Estimates of urban and rural population, housing units, and characteristics reflect boundaries of urban areas defined based on Census 2000 data.

Boundaries for urban areas have not been updated since Census 2000. As a result, data for urban and rural areas from the ACS do not necessarily reflect the results of ongoing urbanization.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006-2010 American Community Survey Explanation of Symbols:

1. An '**' entry in the margin of error column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute a standard error and thus the margin of error. A statistical test is not appropriate.
2. An '-' entry in the estimate column indicates that either no sample observations or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians cannot be calculated because one or both of the median estimates falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution.
3. An '-' following a median estimate means the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution.
4. An '+' following a median estimate means the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution.
5. An '***' entry in the margin of error column indicates that the median falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A statistical test is not appropriate.
6. An '*****' entry in the margin of error column indicates that the estimate is controlled. A statistical test for sampling variability is not appropriate.
7. An 'N' entry in the estimate and margin of error columns indicates that data for this geographic area cannot be displayed because the number of sample cases is too small.
8. An '(X)' means that the estimate is not applicable or not available.