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Attachment 48 to GNRO-2012/00039 - Er Reference-USDA 1976 (Franklin Line Permit)
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/2012
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12157A447 (15)


Attachment 48 to GNRO-2012/00039 Attachment 48 to GNRO-2012/00039 ER Reference-USDA 1976 (Franklin Line Permit)

  • .U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE a. Record No. (1-2) b. Region (3-4) c. Forest (5-6)

FOREST SERVICE 70 0 8 0 7 SPECIAL USE d. District (7-8) a. Us* Number (9.12) f. Kind of us* (13.15)

PERMIT_ _4 4 04 2 8 1 2

g. State (16.17) h. County (18-20) k. Card no. (21)


  • Act of February 13, 1901& Act of ne 4, 1897 2 8 0 8 5 This permit Is revocable end nontrnesferable 2 8 Mississippi Power & Light Company Jackson, MS 39205 of Box 1640, (Name)

(hereafter called the permittee) is hereby authorized to use National Forest lands, for the construction, operation and maintenance of a 500 KV transmission line within the Bude Ranger* District (Capacity) of Homochitto Notional Forest, subject to the general provisions and to the special provisions and requirements, items 23 to 45 on page(s) 3 to 6 attached hereto and made a part of this permit. The location of this use is shown on the map(s) which is (are) a part of this permit.

a i 0 I Location: Beginning: 2 7N 5E Washington 31 35 90 40 (Sec.) (Twp.) (Range) (PM) (Let.) (Long.)

Ending: 22 8N 5E Washington 31 0 38' 90 ( 42L (See.) (Twp.) (Range) (P1 ) (Let.) (Long.)

1.59 Length in (Mles)or x Width 200 38.6 0122492 Lengthi_8,409 x(Feet) ---


Construction or occupancy under this permit shall begin within 2 and construction shall be (Months) completed within 36 months.

  • Authorizes a right-of-way 50 feet of each side (Number) of the centerline. Additional authorized by Act of June 4, 1897.

For this use, the permittee shall pay to the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, the sum of One Hundred Forty-One and 53/100 Dollars ($ 141.53 from September 1 1976, to, December 31 19 76, and thereafter, annually on January 1

- Four Hundred Twenty-Four & 60/100 Dollars ($ 424.60 provided, however, charges for this use may be made or readjusted whenever necessary to place the charges on a basis commensurate with the value of the use authorized by this permit.

This permit accepted subject to all of its terms and conditions:


rTitnior Vice Presidenit ' , /


& 1 -Y',E APPROVED . . i/ 1 orest. Supervisor '/ / //,(

2700-11 (6/68)


1. Development plans; layout. plans; construction, recon- mnent of Agriculture and all Federal, State, county, and struction, or alteration of improvements; or revision of layout municipal laws, ordinances, or regulations which are applicable or construction plans for this area must be approved in advance to the area or operations covered by this permit.

and in writing by the Forest Supervisor. 12. The permittee shall do everything reasonably witihtin its

2. No timber shall be cut or destroyed during construction power and shall require its employees, contractors, and of the transmission line without first obtaining permission from employees of contractors to do everything reasonably within the Forest Service. The permittee shall clear only the minimum their power, both independently and upon request of the Forest area required for safe transmission line use. All timber cut, Service to prevent and suppress fires on or near the lands to be destroyed or injured shall be paid for at current stumpage rates occupied under this permit.

applicable to the sale by the Forest Service of similar timber in 13. Tha . . ,. p*w t".W*=a

. . , AAo the National Forest.

3. The pemaittee shall keep the area beneath the transinis- 14. The temporary use and occupancy of the premises and sion line cleared and shall trim all 'branches in contact or near improvements herein described may be sublet by the permittee contact with the Line. All trees, live or dead, deemed by the to third parties only with the prior' written approval of the permittee to be hazardous or which' might fall in contact with Forest Supervisor, but the perrnittee shall continue to be the line, whether on or adjacent to the right-of-way, shall be responsible for compliance with all conditions of this permit removed by the permittee: Provided, however, that permission by persons to whom such premises may be sublet.

to do so must first be obtained from the Forest Service. 15. This permit is subject to all valid claims.

4. All waste material from constructing or maintaining the 16. No Member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident line shall be burned or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this Forest Service. However, no material shall be disposed of by agreement or to any benefit that. may arise herefrom unless burning during any closed season established, by law, or regula- it is made with a corporation for its general benefit.

tion without a written permit from the Forest Service. 17. Upon abandonment, termination, revocation, or

5. The permittee shall protect the scenic and esthetic' cancellation of this permit, the permittee shall remove within values of the right-of-way and the adjacent land as far as a reasonable time all structures and improvements except those possible consistent with the authorized use, during the con- owned by the United States, and shall restore the site, unless struction, operation, and maintenance of the facility. otherwise agreed upon in writing or in this permit. If the
6. The permittee.shall be responsible for prevention and permittee fails to remove all such structures or improvements control of soil erosion and gullying on Government lands within a reasonable period, they shall become the property of covered by this permit and lands adjacent thereto resulting the United States, but that will not relieve the permittee of from construction or maintenance of the transmission line' and liability for the cost of their removal and restoration of the site.

shall vegetate with grass or herbaceous plants all ground where 18. This permit is not transferable. If the permittee through the soil has been exposed; and shall construct and maintain voluntary sale or transfer, or through enforcement of contract, such preventive works to accomplish this result as prescribed foreclosure, tax sale, or other valid legal proceeding shall in the erosion control plan attached, and made a part of this cease to be the owner of the physical improvements other permit. than those owned by the United States situated on the land 7, The permittee- shall place and maintain suitable structures described in this permit and is unable to furnish adequate and devices to reduce to a reasonable degree the possibility of proof of ability to redeem or otherwise re-establish title to contact between its powerline and telegraph, telephone, signal said improvements, this permit shall be subject to cancel-or other powerlines heretofore constructed and not owned by lation. But if the person to whom title to said improvements the permitteei and shall also place and maintain suitable shtall have been transferred in either manner above provided structures anid devices to reduce to a reasonable degree the is qualified as-a permittee and is willing that his future possibility of any structures or wires falling and obstructing occupancy of the premises shall be subject to such new traffic or endangering life onl highways or roads. The trans- conditions and stipulations as existing or prospective mission line shall be designed and constructed in accordance circumstances may warrant, his continued occupancy of the with accepted standards (National Electrical Safety Code) and premises may be authorized by permit. to him if, in the opinion specifications for transmission lines of similar voltage, capacity, of the issuing officer or his successor, issuance of a permit and purpose. is desirable and in the public interest.

8. The pernaittee shall make provision, or bear the reason- 19. This permit may be terminated upon breach of any of able cost of making provision for avoiding inductive or conducý the conditions herein by tile issuing officer on at the discretion live interference between any transmission facility or other of the Regional Forester or itle Chief. Forest Service; provided.

works constructed, operated, or maintained by it and the penmittee shall have had a reasonable time-not to exceed authorized under the permit arid any radio installation, ninety (90) days-,ithin which to show cause why such telephone line, or other cornnirini catior foacilities existin :ylhen termination should trot be mad,.

the permit is authorized or a:y such installation, line or 20. This pernit confers no tights upon the pernittee to facility thereafter constrirced or operated by the United States uLs this National F1orest land for purposes ot hr than con-or any agency thereof. ['his provision shall not relieve the structing. maintaining, and operating a transmission line perinittee from any responsibility or requirement which may thereon.

be imposed by other lawful :athority for avoiding or eliminating ^21. 'The permittee shallt :l.w officers arnd employees of inductive or conductive intejrference. the United States free anrd unrestricted access M, throlugh,

9. Jl,.b pernitute shall protQCt ill Government and ether arid act oss tile said proiject and project works in. t.he perfofril-telephonic. telegraph. and power-transmission lines at crossings ance .f their official duties and shall allow tile lFurest of and at all places in proximity to the permittee's power- Service, withrut charge, to coristntct or perrnit to he transmission line or lines, and shall maintain said power- constructed in, through, and across the said project, railroads.

transorisisiorn line or Iitres in such a riatirner as inot to incenace chutes, roads, trails, conduits, arid other means of transportatioM life or property. riot inconsistent with thie enjoyment of said project by tire I0. The permittc shall maintain the improvements and gantee for tire purporse herein set forth.

premises to statdards of rcpir, orderliness, neatncss. sanitation, Il the event of any c-otlic?. betweer afivy of thle and safety acceptable to the Forest Service. preceding printed clauses or any provision t hereot arid any of II . ilheperniittee, in exercising the privileges granted by the following clause.s or arty provisions thereof, the following this permit, shall comply with the regulations of the Depart- clauses will control.

GPO 944ý2,1)2 7

I _2 3

2720 - SPECIAL USE PERMITS - Mississippi Power & Light Company

23. A service charge in addition to the regular fees shall be made for failure to meet the fee payment due date or any of the dates specified for submission of statements required for fee calculation. The service charge shall be one (1.0) percent per month of the fee from the date statement and fees were due or $15, whichever is greater. If a due date falls on a nonworkday, the service charge will not apply until the end of the next workday.
24. Upon termination or revocation of this permit prior to the end of the period for which a fee has been paid, the Forest Service will refund to the permittee that portion of said fee which is in excess of the minimum fee for said period established for this class of use by the Chief of the Forest Service in the proportion of the unused period to the total period.
25. During the performance of this permit, the permittee agrees:
a. In connection with the performance of work under this permit, including construction, maintenance, and operation of the facility, the permittee shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
b. The permittee and his employees shall not discriminate by segregation or otherwise against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin by curtailing or refusing to furnish accommodations, facili-ties, services, or use privileges offered to the public generally.
c. The permittee shall include and require compliance with the above nondiscrimination provisions in any subcontract made with respect to the operations under this permit.
26. The permittee shall indemnify the United States against any liability for damage to life or property arising from the occupancy or use of National Forest lands under this permit.
27. The permittee shall install and maintain in operable condition, an adequate telephone or radio-telephone system to provide communication between operators at each terminal or loading station and to and from the area.
28. Avalanches, rising waters, high winds, falling limbs or trees, and other hazards are natural phenomenons in the forest that present risks which the.

permittee assumes. The permittee has the responsibility of inspecting his site, lot, right-of-way, and immediate adjoining area for dangerous trees, hanging limbs, and other evidence of hazardous conditions and, after securing permission from the Forest Service, of removing such hazards.

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2720 - SPECIAL USE PERMITS - Mississippi Power & Light Company

29. The transmission line shall be designed and constructed in accordance with accepted standards and specifications for transmission lines of similar voltage, capacity, and purpose. The permittee shall place and maintain suitable structures and devices to reduce to a reasonable degree the liability of contact between its powerline and telegraph, telephone, signal, or other powerlines heretofore constructed and now owned by the permittee, and shall also place and maintain suitable structures and devices to reduce to a reasonable degree the liability of any structures or wires falling and obstructing traffic or endangering life on highways or roads, in a manner satisfactory to the Forest Service.
30. The permittee shall prepare site plans to show the location of all buildings, service areas, roads, and structures. Such plan shall be on a scale of 1" = 400' horizontal, I" = 20' vertical with foot contour intervals. The permittee is encouraged to consult with the Forest Service during the preparation of the site plan to ensure that it is adequate and to gain multiple use compliance. No construction shall be undertaken by the permittee prior to site plan approval.
31. The permittee shall take reasonable precautions to protect, in place, all public land survey monuments, private property corners, and Forest boundary markers. In the event that any such land markers or monuments are destroyed in the exercise of the privileges authorized by this permit, depending on the type of monument destroyed, the permittee shall see that they are reestablished or referenced in accordance with (1) the procedures outlined in the "Manual of Instructions for the Survey of the Public Land of the United States," (2) the specifications of the county surveyor, or (3) the specifications of the Forest Service.

Further, the permittee shall cause such official survey records as are affected to be amended as provided by law.

32. The permittee will ensure slope stabilization and prevent soil loss through-out the permitted area by carrying out the provisions of an erosion-control plan prepared jointly by the permittee and the Forest Service. The plan will be reviewed annually by December 31 and at any other time deemed necessary by either party. If revision is indicated, such revision will be prepared in writing as agreed to by the Forest Service and the permittee and incorporated into the plan by March 31.
33. The permittee shall join the Forest Service in preparing a resource management plan which will be attached hereto and made a part hereof. Permittee agrees to perform all of the acts and practices of land management specified therein. The aforesaid plan may be amended only by the mutual agreement of the Forest Service and the Permittee.

V, ggý 01*11, N:.",

5 2720 - SPECIAL USE PERMITS - Mississippi Power & Light Company

34. Chemical materials may not be used to control undesirable woody and herbaceous vegetation, aquatic plants, insects, rodents, trash, fish, etc., without the prior written approval of the Forest Service. A report of planned use of pesticides will be submitted annually by the permittee on the due date established by the Forest Supervisor. The report will cover a 12 month period of planned use beginning 3 months after the reporting date. Information essential for review will be provided in the form specified. Exceptions to this schedule may be allowed only when unexpected outbreaks of pests require control measures which were not anticipated at the time the annual report was submitted.

Only those materials approved and registered by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for the specific purpose planned will be considered for use on these lands.

Label instructions will be strictly followed in the preparation and application of pesticides and disposal of excess materials and containers.

35. Unless sooner terminated or revoked by the Regional Forester, in accordance with the provisions of the permit, this permit shall expire and become void on December 31, 2025, but a new permit to occupy and use the same National Forest land may be granted provided the permittee will comply with the then-existing laws and regulations governing the occupancy and use of National Forest lands and shall have notified the Forest Supervisor not less than six (6) months prior to said date that such new permit is desired.
36. The permittee shall clear designated parts of the powerline right-of-way and keep them clear as required by the Forest Service; shall trim all branches of trees in contact with or near the line; shall remove all dead snags and all trees which are leaning toward the line on or adjacent to the right-of-way; and shall observe such other fire precautions as may be required by the Forest Service; but all waste material shall be burned or otherwise disposed of to the satisfaction of the Forest Service. The clearing width shall be restricted to that necessary for safe transmission, unless the specific permission of the Forest Service for a greater clearing width is obtained.
37. The permittee will pay the United States for all damage to Federal property or resources and for all Federal fire suppression costs resulting directly or indirectly from the permittee's use and occupancy of the area covered by the permit, regardless of whether the permittee is negligent or otherwise at fault.
38. This permit is granted with the express understanding that should future location of Government improvements or road rights-of-way require the relocation of the permittee's improvements, such relocation will be done by the permittee at his expense within sixty (60) days following request to relocate.

6 2720 - SPECIAL USE PERMITS - Mississippi Power & Light Company

39. The permittee shall make provision or bear the reasonable cost (as determined by the Forest Service) of making provision for avoiding inductive interference between any project transmission line or other project work constructed, operated, or maintained under this permit, and any radio installation, telephone line, or other communication facility installed or constructed before construction of such project transmission line or other project work, and owned, operated or used by the Forest Service in administering the National Forests and land under its jurisdiction. The foregoing provisions of this clause shall also relate to any radio installation, telephone line, or other communication facility installed or constructed by the United States after construction of such project transmission line or other project work. None of the provisions of this clause are intended to relieve the permittee from any responsibility or requirement which may be imposed by other lawful authority for avoiding or eliminating inductive interference.
40. The stipulations executed on Form 2700-12, Stipulations, and submitted with the application as required by 36 CFR 251 (28 F.R. 2904, March 23, 1963) are hereby made a part of this permit.
41. This use shall in no way affect the management of the National Forest lands adjoining this use area.
42. The permittee will arrange for or perform an archeological and historical survey and evaluation on permit lands by an archeologist acceptable to the U. S.

Forest Service prior to construction. Such sites deemed significant may require the permittee to relocate the proposed transmission line facilities in order to avoid destruction of archeological and historical values under criteria of E.O.

11593, 36 CFR 800.1-10 and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Those sites of lesser value will be salvage excavated if determined necessary to do so by the Archeologist and the Federal Agencies. The permittee will pay for all such actions. The permittee shall not remove, injure, deface or alter any object of historic or scientific interest, including Indian ruins, artifacts and other archeological remains. Where a question exists as to whether or not an object is of scientific or historic interest, the permittee shall immediately bring the matter to the attention of the Forest Officer for final determination.

43. In construction, operation and maintenance of electric transmission lines, permittee shall be guided by criteria set forth in U. S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior publication, "Environmental Criteria for Electric Transmission Systems."
44. This permit shall not be exclusive. The Forest Service reserves the right to use or permit others to use any part of the permitted area for any purpose, provided such use does not interfere with the rights and privileges hereby authorized.
45. The permittee shall take reasonable precautions to prevent pollution of or deterioration of lands or waters which may result from the exercise of the privileges extended by the use of this permit.

7 EROSION CONTROL MAINTEN ANCE PLAN MISSISSIPPI POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY 500 KV ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE Purpose The purpose'of this plan is to develop maintenance procedures which will protect forest resources.

Plan Requirements

i. Construction Workmanship Constructionwill be done using methods which will result in the least disturbance possible..
2. Soil Stabilization Following construction, terraces or water bars will be installed along the construction road and disturbed portion of the right-of-way. These structures will be installed for each 3 feet of vertical drop and designed so they will drain into an undisturbed area. The terraces should be installed at angles and as flat as possible not to exceed a 3% slope.
3. Reveaetation of Disturbed Areas Following construction all disturbed areas shall be promptly revegetated. This revegetation will be accomplished by preparation of the seed bed, liming, fertilizing, seeding and mulching. The following rates of application will be required by periods of the year.

October I - February 28 - per acre rates of application -

I Ton lime 500 lbs 13-13-13 or equal 15 pounds annual rye grass or rye grass 15 pounds Pensacola Bahia 15 pounds Korean, Kobe or Common Lespedeza 2 tons 67-75 lb bales) grass hay Construction roads will be treated and revegetated as other disturbed areas.


March I - September 30 - per acre rate of application 1 ton lime 500 pounds 13-13-13 or equal 15 pounds Pensacola Bahia 15 pounds Korean Kobe or Comnon Laspedaza 2 tons (65-75 lb bales) grass hay Establishment of a permanent vegetative cover will be required and if initial seeding is unsuccessful, reseeding will be required.

A second application of 13-13-13 fertilizer in the amount of 300 pounds per acre will be made 9 to 12 months following initial seeding.

Aesthetic Considerations A low brush screen will be maintained the width of the right-of-way for a depth of 50 feet on either side of the crossing of Road 111. Clearing of this strip as necessary to provide construction access will be allowed and vegetation exceeding 10 feet in height may be removed.

Vegetation Control Woody vegetation growing in the undisturbed portion of the right-of-way will be removed at least every 10 years by bush hogging or using other approved methods.

Inspections This right-of-way will be inspected at least once annually in February. Any soil disturbances or erosion problems will be reported to the Company and prompt action to correct any deficiency will be expected.

Inspections in addition to the scheduled annual inspection will be made at more frequent intervals especially during the first few years after construction.

RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN MISSISSIPPI POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 500 KV ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE Purpose The purpose of this plan is to indicate resource management procedures that will protect the forest resources.

Plan Requirements

1. Construction Workmanship Construction will be done using methods which will result in the least disturbance possible.
2. Road Crossings The clearing for crossing of road number 111 and the parallel situation of road number 112 will receive special treatment as follows:

(a) A 50 foot buffer strip on each side of road number 111 shall be selectively cleared in the following manner:

1. Clear a width of 60 feet along the centerline of survey of all trees and undergrowth.
2. All willows shall be cut.
3. All trees and undergrowth above 15 feet in height that are in the remainder of the 200 foot right-of-way shall be cut.
4. The clearing operation in the buffer strip shall be done in a manner that will minimize damage to the remaining vegetation.

(b) All vegetation 10 feet in height or less is to remain in place along',the west edge of road number 112 between (Mississippi Power & Light Company Survey) Station 1880+00 and 1885+00.

The width of the uncleared vegetation is not to exceed 20 feet.

3. Access Needs Construction material will be transported by trucks. Access for con-struction will be along the 200 foot right-of-way and existing public roads and travel ways. In addition to access on public road number 1.1, 112 and 198, transport equipment may operate on National Forest land outside the proposed 200 foot right-of-way on travel ways number Ill-K, 1151, 1152, 1158, 1171 and 1172. The felling of danger trees will also


be outside the proposed 200 foot right-of-way. These trees will be picked in conjunction with the Forest Officer in charge.

The crossings at Lick Creek and two (2) other minor creeks at (Mississippi Power & Light Company Survey) Stations 1900+83, 1948+34 and 1948+78 will consist of wood mats anchored to prevent displacement.

The creek banks will be sloped to provide for the passage of equipment.

4. Clearing Width The 200 foot right-of-way may be cleared except where stated differently in this plan.

,'I Beginning at a point 48' E from N _%?

corner of SEM SW, SW-4 22 23 Sec 22 (point #1) running thence south-easterly 1099' to a point 254' south of NE corner of the NW0 NW!i Sec 27 (point #2)

Beginning again at N a point 701' E from N NW corner of SW!NW-i Sec 27 (point3)

Running thence south-easterly 4783' to a point 636' W from " "..

SE corner Sec 27 (point: 4)

Beginning agai n atC a point 250' S from NW corner of SE~r SWJk Sec 35. (point 5) running thence south" easterly 2527 feet to a point 70.2 feet from SW corner of SEi Sec 35 (point 6)343 All of the above in T8ZVR5E, Washington Meridian, Lincoln County, MS.

SCALE 2" = I Mile Surveyor - MP&L Plat 2720 Prepared by: p...

Special Use Permits Date: .3- g.

Hlomochitto N.F. Rude R.D.

Mississippi Power and Light Co.

1.6 Miles

22 f7IT I

0 ,eA164 L I-OC4 T/OAI/:

SECT/O1AIS 22, '27, 39, LINC04AI COUNTY"

-CO. 'o. //o 1/58-05

-LIN'COLN/ C6'/IA/r ____


PdsSIJC R9 041


,EX'A//51/T Aý

,9CLE:/_ /" ?z V/L~ASS 4947',E: /-8-775

" Page 12


(I) In the event the United States, pursuant to law, acquires the grantee's transmission or other facil-ities constructed on or across such easement, the price to be paid by the United States shall not include or be affected by any value of the easement granted to the grantee under authority of the regulations of this part.

(2) The Department of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the "Department") shall be allowed to utilize for the transmission of electric power and energy any surplus capacity of the transmission facility in excess of the capacity needed by the holder of the easement (subsequently referred to in this document as "holder") for the transmission of electric power and energy in connection with the holder's operations, or to increase the capacity of the transmission facility at the Department's expense and to utilize the in-creased capacity for the transmission of electric power and energy. Utilization by the Department of sur-plus or increased capacity shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

(1) When the Department desires to utilize surplus capacity thought to exist in the transmission fa-cilty, notification will be given to the holder and the holder shall furnish to the Department within 30 days a certificate stating whether the transmission facility has any surplus capacity not needed by the holder for the transmission of electric power and energy in connection with the holder's operations and, if so, the amount of such surplus capacity.

(it) Where the ce-rif!c=te L-.dicates that there is no rurplus capacity or that the surplua capacity is less than that required by the Department the authorized officer (as used in this paragraph "authorized of-ficer" means of the Department of the Interior) may call upon the holder to furnish additional information upon which its certification is based. Upon receipt of such additional information the authorized officer shall determine, as a matter of fact, if surplus capacity is available and, if so, the amount of such surplus ca-pacity.

(III) In order to utilize any surplus capacity determined to be available, or any increased capacity pro-vided by the Department at its own expense, the Department may interconnect its transmission facilities with the holder's transmission facility in a manner conforming to approved standards of practice for the interconnection of transmission circuits.

(iv) The expense of interconnection will be borne by the Department, and the Department will at all times provide and maintain adequate protective equipment to insure the normal and efficient operation of the holder's transmission facilities.

(v) After any interconnection is completed, the holder shall operate and maintain Its transmission facilities in good condition; and, except in emergencies, shall maintain In a closed position all connections under the holder's com-rol necessary to the transmission of the Department's power and energy over the holder's transmission faciliies. The parties may by mutual consent open any switch where necessary or desirable for maintenance, repair or construction.

(v0) The transmission of electric power and energy by the Departnent over the holder's transmission facilities wil be effected In such manner as will not interfere uureasonably with the holder's use of the transmission facilities in accordance with the holder's 'normal operating standards, except that the Depart-ment shall have the exclusive right to utilize any increased capacity of the transmisolon facility which -i.s been provided at the Department's expense.

(viq) The holder will not be obligated to allow the transmission of elcctr-4c power and eucrgy by the De-partment to any person receiving service from the holder on the date of the fIlhig of the appUcation for an easement, other than statutory preference camtomers Including agencles of the Federal Government.

it eIAyly11 Aý,

CERTIFICATE 1, F. S. York, Jr. , certify that this 8 day of September 19 76 , I am the Controller and Secretary (identity of officer) of Mississippi Power & Light Company  ; that (organization)

J. H. Box who signed this special use (name) permit on behalf of Mississippi Power & Light Company is (organization)

Senior Vice President  ; that said special use permit is (identity of officer) duly signed for and in behalf of Mississippi Power & Light Company (organization) by authority of the governing body.

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