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2010 DFS Report Analysis for Arnold (Duane) Energy Center
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2011
From: Szabo A
Division of Inspection and Regional Support
Szabo, A L, NRR/DPR, 415-1985
Download: ML112351089 (11)


Datasheet 1 Plant name: Arnold (Duane) Energy Center Docket Number: 50-331 1 The minimum financial assurance (MFA) estimate pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(b) & (c): $553,314,520 Did the licensee identify the amount of estimated radiological funds? (Y/N) Y 2 The total amount of dollars accumulated at the end of the appropriate year: (see below)

Licensee:  % Owned: Category: Amount in Trust Fund:

NextEra 70.00% 2 $213,176,089 CIPCO 20.00% 1 $39,485,852 Corn Belt 10.00% 1 $19,391,909 Total Trust Fund Balance $272,053,850 3 Schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected: (provided/none) provided 4 Assumptions used in determining rates of escalation in decommissioning costs, rates of earnings on decommissioning funds, and rates of other factors used in funding projections: (see below)

Post-RAI Rate of Rate(s) of PUC Allowed RAI PUC Allowed Rates Escalation Real Rate Return on Other Verified through Needed Verified through Determined Rate of Return Earnings Factors (Y/N) Decom (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Decom (Y/N) (Y/N) variable1 variable1 variable1 N N N N N Y 5 Any contracts upon which the licensee is relying? (Y/N) N 6 Any modifications to a licensee's method of providing decommissioning funding assurance? (Y/N) Y2 7 Any material changes to trust agreements? (Y/N) N If a change has occurred, the reviewer will document on this sheet that a change has occurred and identify the reviewer who will evaluate the change: (see below) 1 Rates provided are variable because the rates are not consistent throughout the licensee(s) and/or years of operation/decommission 2

On April 7, 2010, NextaEra notified the NRC of its intent to terminate the existing $93 million Parent Company Guarantee 120 days after the NRC's receipt of the notice. Subsequently, the Parent Company Guarantee was terminated in August 2010; the NRC sent NextEra acknowlegement of the termination indication no objection to the termination of the Parent Company Guarantee.

Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011 Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo, Shawn Harwell Formulas verified by: Clayton Pittiglio

Datasheet 2 Plant name: Arnold (Duane) Energy Center Docket Number: 50-331 Month: Day Year:

Date of Operation: 12 31 2010 Termination of Operations: 2 21 2034 Latest Latest BWR/PWR MWth 1986$ ECI Base Lx Lx Px Base Px Fx Base Fx Ex Bx Month Px Month Fx BWR 1912 $121,208,000 111.3 2.08 0.65 2.32 1.676 191.4 114.2 3.049 250.0 82.0 0.13 2.307 0.22 12.54 NRC Minimum: $553,138,619 Site Specific: $603,358,000 Amount of NRC Minimum/Site Licensee:  % Owned: Category Specific: Amount in Trust Fund:

NextEra 70.00% 2 $422,350,600 $213,176,089 CIPCO 20.00% 1 $120,671,600 $39,485,852 Corn Belt 10.00% 1 $60,335,800 $19,391,909 Total Fund Balance: $272,053,850 Step 1:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate of Return Years Left Trust Fund Balance: per year in License Total Earnings: Does Licensee Pass:

$272,053,850 2% 23.14 $430,186,292 NO Step 2:


Value of Annuity per year Real Rate of Return Number of Annual (amount/See Annuity Sheet) per year Payments: Total Annuity:

See Annuity Sheet See Annuity Sheet 5 See Total Step 2 Real Rate of Return Years remaining after Total Annuity per year annuity Total Step 2:

See Total Step 2 See Annuity Sheet N/A $10,785,660 Total Step 1 + Step 2 Does Licensee Pass:

$440,971,952 NO Step 3:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Return Decom Total Earnings for Total Earnings: per year Period: Decom:

$440,971,952 2% 7 $32,783,105 Total of Steps 1 thru 3: Does Licensee Pass: Shortfall:

$473,755,056 NO ($129,602,944)

Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo, Shawn Harwell Date: 6/23/2011 Formulas verified by: Clayton Pittiglio

Datasheet 2 Plant name: Arnold (Duane) Energy Center Docket Number: 50-331 Month: Day Year:

Date of Operation: 12 31 2010 Termination of Operations: 2 21 2034 If licensee is granted greater than 2% RRR Step 4:

Earnings Credit:

Real Rate Years Left Owner Trust Fund Balance: of Return in License Total Earnings: Does Licensee Pass:

NextEra $213,176,089 2.00% $337,085,586 NO CIPCO $39,485,852 4.00% 23.14 $97,854,441 Corn Belt $19,391,909 3.00% $38,429,485 TOTAL: $473,369,512 Step 5:


Real Rate of Return Number of Annual Value of Annuity per year per year Payments: Total Annuity:

See Annuity Sheet See Annuity Sheet 5 See Total Step 4 Real Rate of Return Years remaining after Total Annuity per year annuity Total Step 5 See Total Step 4 See Annuity Sheet N/A $14,429,662 Total Step 4 + Step 5 Does Licensee Pass:

$487,799,173 NO Step 6:

Decom Period:

Real Rate of Return Decom Total Earnings for Total Earnings: per year Period: Decom:

$487,799,173 2.00% 7 $36,264,373 Total of Steps 4 thru 6: Does Licensee Pass: Shortfall:

$524,063,546 NO ($79,294,454)

Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo, Shawn Harwell Date: 6/23/2011 Formulas verified by: Clayton Pittiglio

Datasheet 2 ANNUITY Termination of Operations: 2 21 2034 Combined Annuities for CIPCO and Corn Belt Total RRR Year Annuity: Accumulation 2011 $1,000,000 2% $1,581,304 2012 $1,550,000 2% $2,402,962 2013 $1,700,000 2% $2,583,830 2014 $1,850,000 2% $2,756,682 2015 $1,000,000 2% $1,460,881 Total: $10,785,660 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo, Shawn Harwell Date: 6/23/2011 Formulas verified by: Clayton Pittiglio

Datasheet 2 ANNUITY Termination of Operations: 2 21 2034 If licensee is granted greater than 2% RRR CIPCO (20% Ownership) Corn Belt (10% Ownership)

Total Total RRR RRR Year Annuity: Accumulation Year Annuity: Accumulation 2011 $1,000,000 4.00% $2,478,371 2012 $55,000 3.00% $105,825 2012 $1,000,000 4.00% $2,383,049 2013 $700,000 3.00% $1,307,640 2013 $1,000,000 4.00% $2,291,393 2014 $850,000 3.00% $1,541,600 2014 $1,000,000 4.00% $2,203,262 2015 $1,000,000 4.00% $2,118,522 Total: $11,474,596 Total: $2,955,065 Total: $14,429,662 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Spreadsheet created by: Aaron Szabo, Shawn Harwell Date: 6/23/2011 Formulas verified by: Clayton Pittiglio

SAFSTOR ANALYSIS Name of Unit: Duane Arnold Energy Center Name of Licensee: NextEra (70% Owner)

Date of Termination of Operations 2 21 2034 End of Operations Balance: $337,085,586 Operating Life Real Rate of Return: 2.00%

Expense Per Year Beginning Trust Real Rate End of Year Trust Year Contributions Fund Balance Spent Fuel of Return Fund Balance Plant 2033 $337,085,586 $5,774,300 N/A 2.00% $337,995,255 2034 $337,995,255 $32,356,100 N/A 2.00% $312,075,499 2035 $312,075,499 $1,306,200 N/A 2.00% $316,997,747 2036 $316,997,747 $1,306,200 N/A 2.00% $322,018,440 2037 $322,018,440 $1,306,200 N/A 2.00% $327,139,547 2038 $327,139,547 $1,306,200 N/A 2.00% $332,363,075 2039 $332,363,075 $14,968,800 N/A 2.00% $323,891,849 2040 $323,891,849 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $329,195,359 2041 $329,195,359 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $334,604,939 2042 $334,604,939 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $340,122,711 2043 $340,122,711 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $345,750,838 2044 $345,750,838 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $351,491,528 2045 $351,491,528 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $357,347,031 2046 $357,347,031 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $363,319,645 2047 $363,319,645 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $369,411,711 2048 $369,411,711 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $375,625,618 2049 $375,625,618 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $381,963,804 2050 $381,963,804 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $388,428,753 2051 $388,428,753 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $395,023,001 2052 $395,023,001 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $401,749,134 2053 $401,749,134 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $408,609,789 2054 $408,609,789 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $415,607,658 2055 $415,607,658 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $422,745,484 2056 $422,745,484 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $430,026,067 2057 $430,026,067 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $437,452,261 2058 $437,452,261 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $445,026,980 2059 $445,026,980 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $452,753,192 2060 $452,753,192 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $460,633,929 2061 $460,633,929 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $468,672,281 2062 $468,672,281 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $476,871,399 2063 $476,871,399 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $485,234,500 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011

2064 $485,234,500 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $493,764,863 2065 $493,764,863 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $502,465,833 2066 $502,465,833 $1,162,700 N/A 2.00% $511,340,823 2067 $511,340,823 $1,260,700 N/A 2.00% $520,294,333 2068 $520,294,333 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $529,011,903 2069 $529,011,903 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $537,903,825 2070 $537,903,825 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $546,973,586 2071 $546,973,586 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $556,224,742 2072 $556,224,742 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $565,660,920 2073 $565,660,920 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $575,285,823 2074 $575,285,823 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $585,103,223 2075 $585,103,223 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $595,116,972 2076 $595,116,972 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $605,330,995 2077 $605,330,995 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $615,749,299 2078 $615,749,299 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $626,375,969 2079 $626,375,969 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $637,215,172 2080 $637,215,172 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $648,271,160 2081 $648,271,160 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $659,548,267 2082 $659,548,267 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $671,050,916 2083 $671,050,916 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $682,783,619 2084 $682,783,619 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $694,750,975 2085 $694,750,975 $1,671,600 N/A 2.00% $706,957,679 2086 $706,957,679 $6,902,000 N/A 2.00% $714,125,812 2087 $714,125,812 $10,611,300 N/A 2.00% $717,690,915 2088 $717,690,915 $48,784,400 N/A 2.00% $682,772,490 2089 $682,772,490 $61,925,500 N/A 2.00% $633,883,184 2090 $633,883,184 $70,055,300 N/A 2.00% $575,804,995 2091 $575,804,995 $53,553,500 N/A 2.00% $533,232,060 2092 $533,232,060 $34,519,800 N/A 2.00% $509,031,703 2093 $509,031,703 $8,298,500 N/A 2.00% $510,830,852 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011

SAFSTOR ANALYSIS Name of Unit: Duane Arnold Energy Center Name of Licensee: CIPCO (20% Owner)

Date of Termination of Operations 2 21 2034 End of Operations Balance: $97,854,441 Operating Life Real Rate of Return: 4.00%

Expense Per Year Beginning Trust Real Rate End of Year Trust Year Contributions Fund Balance Spent Fuel of Return Fund Balance Plant 2033 $97,854,441 $1,649,800 N/A 4.00% $100,085,823 2034 $100,085,823 $9,244,600 N/A 2.27% $93,006,806 2035 $93,006,806 $373,200 N/A 2.00% $94,490,010 2036 $94,490,010 $373,200 N/A 2.00% $96,002,878 2037 $96,002,878 $373,200 N/A 2.00% $97,546,004 2038 $97,546,004 $373,200 N/A 2.00% $99,119,992 2039 $99,119,992 $4,276,800 N/A 2.00% $96,782,824 2040 $96,782,824 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $98,382,958 2041 $98,382,958 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $100,015,096 2042 $100,015,096 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $101,679,875 2043 $101,679,875 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $103,377,951 2044 $103,377,951 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $105,109,988 2045 $105,109,988 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $106,876,666 2046 $106,876,666 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $108,678,677 2047 $108,678,677 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $110,516,729 2048 $110,516,729 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $112,391,541 2049 $112,391,541 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $114,303,850 2050 $114,303,850 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $116,254,405 2051 $116,254,405 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $118,243,971 2052 $118,243,971 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $120,273,329 2053 $120,273,329 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $122,343,273 2054 $122,343,273 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $124,454,617 2055 $124,454,617 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $126,608,187 2056 $126,608,187 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $128,804,829 2057 $128,804,829 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $131,045,403 2058 $131,045,403 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $133,330,789 2059 $133,330,789 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $135,661,883 2060 $135,661,883 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $138,039,599 2061 $138,039,599 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $140,464,869 2062 $140,464,869 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $142,938,644 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011

2063 $142,938,644 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $145,461,895 2064 $145,461,895 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $148,035,611 2065 $148,035,611 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $150,660,801 2066 $150,660,801 $332,200 N/A 2.00% $153,338,495 2067 $153,338,495 $360,200 N/A 2.00% $156,041,463 2068 $156,041,463 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $158,679,916 2069 $158,679,916 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $161,371,139 2070 $161,371,139 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $164,116,185 2071 $164,116,185 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $166,916,133 2072 $166,916,133 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $169,772,080 2073 $169,772,080 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $172,685,145 2074 $172,685,145 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $175,656,472 2075 $175,656,472 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $178,687,226 2076 $178,687,226 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $181,778,594 2077 $181,778,594 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $184,931,790 2078 $184,931,790 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $188,148,050 2079 $188,148,050 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $191,428,635 2080 $191,428,635 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $194,774,832 2081 $194,774,832 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $198,187,952 2082 $198,187,952 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $201,669,335 2083 $201,669,335 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $205,220,346 2084 $205,220,346 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $208,842,377 2085 $208,842,377 $477,600 N/A 2.00% $212,536,848 2086 $212,536,848 $1,972,000 N/A 2.00% $214,795,865 2087 $214,795,865 $3,031,800 N/A 2.00% $216,029,665 2088 $216,029,665 $13,938,400 N/A 2.00% $206,272,474 2089 $206,272,474 $17,693,000 N/A 2.00% $192,527,993 2090 $192,527,993 $20,015,800 N/A 2.00% $176,162,595 2091 $176,162,595 $15,301,000 N/A 2.00% $164,231,837 2092 $164,231,837 $9,862,800 N/A 2.00% $157,555,046 2093 $157,555,046 $2,371,000 N/A 2.00% $158,311,437 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/16/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011

SAFSTOR ANALYSIS Name of Unit: Duane Arnold Energy Center Name of Licensee: Corn Belt (10% Owner)

Date of Termination of Operations 2 21 2034 End of Operations Balance: $38,429,485 Operating Life Real Rate of Return: 3.00%

Expense Per Year Beginning Trust Real Rate of End of Year Trust Year Contributions Fund Balance Spent Fuel Return Fund Balance Plant 2033 $38,429,485 $824,900 N/A 3.00% $38,745,096 2034 $38,745,096 $4,622,300 N/A 2.13% $34,897,974 2035 $34,897,974 $186,600 N/A 2.00% $35,407,467 2036 $35,407,467 $186,600 N/A 2.00% $35,927,151 2037 $35,927,151 $186,600 N/A 2.00% $36,457,228 2038 $36,457,228 $186,600 N/A 2.00% $36,997,906 2039 $36,997,906 $2,138,400 N/A 2.00% $35,578,081 2040 $35,578,081 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $36,121,881 2041 $36,121,881 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $36,676,558 2042 $36,676,558 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $37,242,328 2043 $37,242,328 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $37,819,413 2044 $37,819,413 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $38,408,041 2045 $38,408,041 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $39,008,441 2046 $39,008,441 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $39,620,848 2047 $39,620,848 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $40,245,504 2048 $40,245,504 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $40,882,653 2049 $40,882,653 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $41,532,546 2050 $41,532,546 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $42,195,435 2051 $42,195,435 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $42,871,583 2052 $42,871,583 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $43,561,254 2053 $43,561,254 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $44,264,718 2054 $44,264,718 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $44,982,251 2055 $44,982,251 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $45,714,135 2056 $45,714,135 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $46,460,657 2057 $46,460,657 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $47,222,109 2058 $47,222,109 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $47,998,790 2059 $47,998,790 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $48,791,005 2060 $48,791,005 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $49,599,064 2061 $49,599,064 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $50,423,284 2062 $50,423,284 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $51,263,989 2063 $51,263,989 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $52,121,508 2064 $52,121,508 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $52,996,177 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/12/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011

2065 $52,996,177 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $53,888,340 2066 $53,888,340 $166,100 N/A 2.00% $54,798,345 2067 $54,798,345 $180,100 N/A 2.00% $55,712,411 2068 $55,712,411 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $56,585,472 2069 $56,585,472 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $57,475,993 2070 $57,475,993 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $58,384,325 2071 $58,384,325 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $59,310,823 2072 $59,310,823 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $60,255,852 2073 $60,255,852 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $61,219,781 2074 $61,219,781 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $62,202,988 2075 $62,202,988 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $63,205,860 2076 $63,205,860 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $64,228,789 2077 $64,228,789 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $65,272,177 2078 $65,272,177 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $66,336,433 2079 $66,336,433 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $67,421,973 2080 $67,421,973 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $68,529,225 2081 $68,529,225 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $69,658,621 2082 $69,658,621 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $70,810,606 2083 $70,810,606 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $71,985,630 2084 $71,985,630 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $73,184,155 2085 $73,184,155 $238,800 N/A 2.00% $74,406,650 2086 $74,406,650 $986,000 N/A 2.00% $74,898,923 2087 $74,898,923 $1,515,900 N/A 2.00% $74,865,842 2088 $74,865,842 $6,969,200 N/A 2.00% $69,324,267 2089 $69,324,267 $8,846,500 N/A 2.00% $61,775,787 2090 $61,775,787 $10,007,900 N/A 2.00% $52,903,324 2091 $52,903,324 $7,650,500 N/A 2.00% $46,234,385 2092 $46,234,385 $4,931,400 N/A 2.00% $42,178,359 2093 $42,178,359 $1,185,500 N/A 2.00% $41,824,571 Signature: Jo Ann Simpson Date: 06/12/2011 Signature: Kosmas Lois Date: 6/23/2011