Updated/Supplemental Information Concerning the Notices of Appearance of TVA Counsel Martin J.Oneill, Kathryn M. Sutton, and Lawrence J. ChandlerML100210904 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Bellefonte  |
Issue date: |
01/21/2010 |
From: |
O'Neill M Morgan, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP, Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: |
Barrata A, Bollwerk G, William Sager Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel |
Shared Package |
ML100210903 |
List: |
References |
50-438-CP, 50-439-CP, ASLBP 10-896-01-CP-BD01, RAS 17010 |
Download: ML100210904 (2) |
MONTHYEARML20283A5792020-10-0909 October 2020 Notice of Withdrawal ML19351E3242019-12-16016 December 2019 Comment from Michael Pelizzari on the Direct Transfer of Construction Permits for the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (NRC-2019-0228) ML19351E3252019-12-14014 December 2019 Comment from Gary Morgan on the Direct Transfer of Construction Permits for the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (NRC-2019-0228) ML19345H4552019-12-11011 December 2019 Declaration of Garry Morgan ML19345H4582019-12-11011 December 2019 Declaration of Sandy Kurtz ML19345H4592019-12-11011 December 2019 Notice of Appearance Louis A. Zeller ML20008D2212019-12-0606 December 2019 Comment from Alexander Cannara on the Direct Transfer of Construction Permits for the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (NRC-2019-0228) ML1007103902010-03-0808 March 2010 3/08/2010 - Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League V. USNRC, No. 10-1058 - Petition for Review ML1006307842010-03-0404 March 2010 Notice of Withdrawal of Christine Jochim Boote ML1004704932010-02-16016 February 2010 Notice of Appearance for James B. Dougherty ML1003200872010-02-0101 February 2010 Notice of Withdrawal of Jeremy Suttenberg ML1002614322010-01-26026 January 2010 Joint Scheduling Report ML1002522252010-01-25025 January 2010 Joint Petitioners Answer to Tennessee Valley Authoritys Motion to Strike Supplemental Basis for Contention 6 ML1002109042010-01-21021 January 2010 Updated/Supplemental Information Concerning the Notices of Appearance of TVA Counsel Martin J.Oneill, Kathryn M. Sutton, and Lawrence J. Chandler ML1001918362010-01-19019 January 2010 NRC Staff Submittal of January 14, 2010 Letter from Eric Leeds to Ashok Bhafnager Transferring Bellefonte Units 1 and 2 from Terminated Plant Status to Deferred Plant Status ML1001312992010-01-13013 January 2010 Email from Emile L. Julian, Assistant for Rulemakings and Adjudications, Secy to E. Roy Hawkens, Chief Administrative Judge, ASLB, Referring the Petition to Intervene Submitted by Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Et Al ML0934504962009-12-11011 December 2009 Notice of Appearance of Scott A. Vance on Behalf of the Tennessee Valley Authority, in the Matter of Bellefonte Units 1 and 2 ML0922307312009-08-11011 August 2009 Letter to Gregory B. Jaczko Request from Tennessee Valley Authority to Authorize Transition of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Bln 1 & 2) to a Deferred Plant Status, from Their Current Terminated Status ML0922307302009-08-10010 August 2009 Tennessee Valley Authority, Bellefonte, Units 1 and 2 - Transition to Deferred Status ML0920806072009-07-27027 July 2009 Petitioners Opposition to Tennessee Valley Authoritys Motion to Strike Petitioners Supplemental Basis for Proposed Contention 5 ML0919606782009-07-15015 July 2009 Joint Intervenors Supplemental Basis for Previously Submitted Contention 5 - Lack of Good Cause ML0913308652009-05-13013 May 2009 Notice of Appearance of Kathryn M. Sutton on Behalf of Tennessee Valley Authority, Bellefonte, Units 1 and 2 ML0913203552009-05-12012 May 2009 Notice of Appearance of Edward J. Vigluicci ML0912600842009-03-13013 March 2009 Bredl V. USNRC No. 09-1112 - Federal Register Notice 10969, 10970, 10971 2020-10-09
[Table view] |
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1000 Louisiana Street Houston, TX 77002 Tel. 713.890.5710 Fax: 713.890.5001 www.morganlewis.com Martin J. ONeill Associate (713) 890-5710 martin.oneill@morganlewis.com VIA NRC ELECTRONIC INFORMATION EXCHANGE January 21, 2010 G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Chair Dr. Anthony J. Baratta Dr. William W. Sager Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Re:
In the Matter of Tennessee Valley Authority Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-438-CP and 50-439-CP Updated/Supplemental Information Concerning the Notices of Appearance of TVA Counsel Martin J. ONeill, Kathryn M. Sutton, and Lawrence J. Chandler
Dear Administrative Judges:
In accordance with 10 C.F.R. § 2.314(b) and the Boards Memorandum and Order (Initial Prehearing Order) dated January 15, 2010, please find enclosed the Updated Notice of Appearance of Martin J. ONeill. I first entered a notice of appearance on behalf of Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) on June 3, 2009, but have since relocated to Morgan Lewis Houston, Texas office. The updated notice reflects my current business address and contact information.
In further response to the Boards Initial Prehearing Order, I also am providing the fax number for my Washington, D.C. colleagues Kathryn M. Sutton and Lawrence J. Chandler, who
G. Paul Bollwerk, III, Chair Dr. Anthony J. Baratta Dr. William W. Sager January 21, 2010 Page 2 entered notices of appearance on behalf of TVA on May 13, 2009, and June 3, 2009, respectively. The fax number for both Ms. Sutton and Mr. Chandler is 202-739-3001.
Sincerely, Signed (electronically) by Martin J. ONeill Martin J. ONeill, Esq.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1000 Louisiana St., Suite 4000 Houston, TX 77002 Phone: 713-890-5710 Fax:
713-890-5001 E-mail: martin.oneill@morganlewis.com Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.
Lawrence J. Chandler, Esq.
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004 Phone: 202-739-5738 Fax: 202-739-3001 E-mail: ksutton@morganlewis.com E-mail: lchandler@morganlewis.com Edward J. Vigluicci, Esq.
Office of the General Counsel Tennessee Valley Authority 400 W. Summit Hill Drive, WT 6A-K Knoxville, TN 37902 Phone: 865-632-7317 Fax: 865-632-2422 E-mail: ejvigluicci@tva.gov COUNSEL FOR TVA Attachment cc:
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