RC-09-0081, Initial Operator License Examination Post Examination Submittal

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Initial Operator License Examination Post Examination Submittal
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/2009
From: Blue L
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co
To: Aiello R
50-395/09-301, IR-09-301, RC-09-0081
Download: ML092260752 (55)



~ Post Examination Comments and Supporting Documentation (if any)

Location of Electronic Files:

Attached Submitted By: _~~~~=::::::::==-_ VerifiedBY~~~~_ _ _ __

L A. Blue Manager, Nuclear Training 803.345.4028 July16,2009 A SCANA COMPANY RC-09-0081 Mr. Ronald F. Aiello U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, GA 30303-8931

Dear Mr. Aiello:




Mr. Malcolm T. Widmann, NRC, Letter to Mr. Jeffrey B. Archie, SCE&G, dated August 22, 2008, "Reactor and Senior Reactor Operator Initial Examinations 05000395/2009301" On July 10, 2009, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G) conducted the Initial License Written Examination for four individuals applying for Reactor Operator (RO) licenses, two individuals applying for Senior Reactor Operator License (SRO), and four individuals applying for an upgrade to SRO. This letter is providing the examination package in accordance with the guidance in NUREG-1021, Revision 9, "Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors", in particular ES-403, "Grading Initial Site-Specific Written Examinations" and ES-501, "Initial Post-Examination Activities."

SCE&G has attached the following information for your consideration:

  • Enclosure 1 Applicants Original Cover Sheets and Answer Sheets
  • Enclosure 2 Copies of Applicants Answer Sheets
  • Enclosure 3 Written Examination Seating Chart
  • Enclosure 4 Master Examinations and Answer Keys
  • Enclosure 5 Post-Examination Comments for Questions 16, 33, 35, 37, 80 and 96
  • Enclosure 6 Forms ES-201-3, Examination Security Agreement
  • Enclosure 7 Questions Asked During the Examination and Answers Given
  • Enclosure 8 Written Examination Performance Analysis
  • Enclosure 9 Form ES-403-1, Written Examination Grading Quality Checklist We are also sending an electronic copy of the enclosed materials.

SCE&G I Virgil ( Summer Nuclear Stolion

  • P. O. Box B8
  • Jenkins,ille, South Coroline 19065* T(803) 345.5109
  • www.(One.com

Mr. Ronald F. Aiello USNRC, Region II CR-08-03837 RC-09-0081 Page 2 of 2 Should there be any questions, please contact Mr. Quick at (803) 931-5091.

Very truly yours, dU8L-L. A. Blue DWRILAB/cm Enclosures c: (Without Enclosure unless noted)

L. A. Reyes M. T. Widmann W. R. Quick (w/Enclosures)

NRC Resident Inspector RTS (CR-08-03837)

File (814.04, 815.01)

PRS (RC-09-0081)




The question asks, based upon conditions stated in the stem, which ofthe choices describes the operability ofTrain 'A' RHR with respect to Technical Specification 3.5.3, ECes Subsystems- Tavg <


For Train 'A' RHR, with respect to Technical Specification 3.5.3, in the cooldown alignment it is neither Operable nor Inoperable. In accordance with Technical Specification 3.5.3, ECCS Subsystems - Tavg <

3S0°F, only one ECes subsystem is required to be operable. The stem of the question states Mode 4 was just entered and Train 'A' RHR was just started in the cool down mode. There is no information regarding re-alignment of Train 'B' RHR or abnormalities associated with Train 'B' RHR. For the conditions stated, Train 'B' RHR is in its normal ECCS alignment (and is the Train by which we take credit for Operability per T.S. 3.S.3). In accordance with GOP-6 Plant Shutdown From Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown (Mode 3 to Mode S) and SOP-l1S, Residual Heat Removal, with Res temperature greater than 2S0°F, only one train of RHR should be in service for heatup or cool down to ensure RHR injection capability.

Train 'B' RHR is still in its ECes alignment and only one ECCS subsystem is required to be Operable.

( When Train 'A' RHR is placed in the cooldown alignment in accordance with plant procedures, it is not declared Inoperable and no Removal and Restoration (R&R) is initiated due to entry into a Limiting Condition for Operation. Therefore, Train 'A' RHR is not applicable to the specification as asked by the question, and is neither Operable nor Inoperable.


Delete the question since there is no correct answer


  • GOP-6 Plant Shutdown From Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown (Mode 3 to Mode S)



1. 005 K5.02 001 - - - - - - - -

( Given the following plant conditions:

  • A cooldown is in progress.
  • Mode 4 was just entered.
  • RHR Train 'A' was just started in the cooldown mode.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operability of RHR Train 'A' with respect to Technical Specification 3.5.3, ECCS SUBSYSTEMS - TAVG <350°F?

A'! INOPERABLE until Thot is < 250°F because of RHR suction voiding concerns.

B. INOPERABLE because it is no longer in the injection alignment described in the surveillance.

C. OPERABLE because Train 'A' is capable of being manually realigned to RWST in the injection mode.

D. OPERABLE because Train 'A' is fulfilling the core cooling basis for the Limiting Condition for Operation.

A. CORRECT. lAW SOP-115, CAUTION 2.0. Realignment is NOT permitted by SOP-115 until Thot is <250°F due to the potential for voiding in the RHR Pump suction caused by

( the higher temperature.

B. Plausible because it would be correct for the Mode 1-3 LCO (TS 3.5.2) but Mode 4 is specified in the conditions. Since they must be opened for a cooldown alignment on Train A, the loop suction isolation valves will not be in their required alignment per survelliance 4.5.2.a. (LCO 3.5.2).

C. Plausible because it would be correct if Thot was <250°F. Realigning is prohibited by SOP-115 until Thot is <250°F.

D. Plausible because it is partially correct because RHR loop A is cooling the RCS, but not in the injection mode as prescribed by the LCO. It must also be capable of taking suction from the RWST and shifting to the containment sump. Realignment is NOT permitted by SOP-115 until Thot is <250°F due to the potential for voiding in the RHR pump suction caused by the higher temperature.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:42:26 AM 1



Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the (Residual Heat Removal): Need for adequate subcooling.

Tier: 2 Group: 1 Importance Rating: RO 3.4 Technical


SOP-115, Precaution 11.12 (Page 2 of 116)

  • SOP-115, CAUTION 2.0 (Page 15 of 116)
  • AS-7, Page 44 of 73 Proposed references to be provided to applicants during examination:

Learning Objective: AS-7-17 Question History:


( 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 41 (b)(5)

KIA Match:

Meets KIA because it considers the operational implication of placing RHR in service for cooldown at the high end of the temperature (lowest subcooling) range.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:42:26 AM 2


3/4.5.3 Eecs SUBSYSTEMS - Tava < 350"F LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.5.30 As a minimum, one Eees subsystem comprised of the following shall be OPERABLE~

a. O~e OPERABLE centrifugal charging PUIIp,'

- ........q-.~~ _..... ' ,

b. One OPERABLE residual heat removal tHtaf'exc~r,
c. One OPERABLE residual heat removal pump, and
a. An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from the refueling water storage tank upon being manually realigned ana capable of transferring suction to the RHR sump during the recirculation phase of operation.



a. With no ECeS subsystem OPERABLE because of the inoperabflity of either the centrifugal charging pump or the flow path from the refueling water storage tank, restore at least one EeCS subsystem to OPERABLE status within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or be in COLD SIIUTI)()WN within the next 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br />.
b. With no EeeS subsystem OPERABLE because of the inoperability of either the residual heat removal heat exchanger or residual heat removal PIIIIII, restore at least one ECCS subsystem to OPERABLE statui; or maintein the Reactor Coolant System Tavg less than 3S0 oF by use of alternate heat M!!IOval methods.
c. In the event the EeCS is actuated and injects water into the Reactor Coolant System, a Special Report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 90 days describ-ing the circUlllStances of the actuation and the total accumulated actuation cycles to date. The current value of the usage factor for each affected safety injection nozzle shall be provided in this Special Report whenever its value exceeds 0.70.

i*A maxImum Of one centrifugal charging pump shall be OPERABLE whenever the temperature of one or more of the ReS cold legs ;s less than or equal to 300°F .


  • SUMMER - UNIT 1 3/4 5-7 Amendment No. 51

3/4. 5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.5.1 ACCUMULATORS The*.OPERABILITY of each Reactor Coolant System (RCS) accumulator ensures that a sufficient volume of borated water will be immediately forced into the reactor core through each of the cold legs in the event the RCS pressure falls below the pressure of'the*.accwnl.!lators ... This .i.n1tia1 sur!!e of water into the core provides the initial cooling mechanism during large RCS p"ipe-*rLiptures. In addition, . r the borated water serves to limit the maximum power which may be reached during large secondary pipe ruptures.

The limits on accumulator volume, boron concentration and pressure ensure that the assumptions used for accumulator injection in the safety analysis are met.

The accumulator power operated isolation valves are considered to be "operating bypasses" in the context of IEEE Std. 279-1971. which requires that bypasses of a protective function be removed automatically whenever permissive conditions are not met. In additton, as these accumulator isolation valves fail to meet single failure criteria, removal of power to the valves is required.

The limits for operation with an accWllulator inoperable for any reason c,.,

except an isolation valve closed minimizes the time exposure of the plant to a LOCA event occurring concurrent with failure of an additional accumulator which may result in unacceptable peak cladding temperatures. If a closed isolation valve cannot be immediately opened, the full capability of one accumulator is not available and prompt action is required to place the reactor in a mode where this capability is not required.

3/4.5.2 and 3/4.5.3 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEM (EeCS) SUBSYSTEMS The OPERABILITY of two independent ECCS subsystems ensures that sufficient emergency core cooling capability will be available in the event of a LOCA assuming the loss of one subsystem through any single failure consideration.

Either subsystem operating in conjunction with the accumulators is capable of supplying sufficient core cooling to limit the peak cladding temperatures within acceptable limits for all postulated break sizes ranging from the double ended break of the largest RCS cold leg pipe downward. In addition, each ECCS subsystem provides long term core cooling capability in the recirculation mode during the accident recovery period.

With the RCS temperature below 350°F, one OPERABLE ECCS subsystem is acceptable without single failure consideration on the basis of the stable reactivity condition of the reactor and the limited core cooling requirements .


  • SUMMER - UNIT 1 B 3/4 5-1 Amendment No. 75


  • ECcs SUBSySTEMS (Continued)

The limitat10n for a IRXi_ of one centrifugal charging pump to be OPERABI,E and the Surve111ance Requirement to verify all charg1ng JIIIIIIIIS except the reqUired OPERABLE charging pump to be 1noperable below 3OI)"F provides assurance that *a:JlllS$__ ~d'tion pressure trans1ent can be relieved by the operation of a single RiIR suction relief*valve. ~ ---. -'- _ I The Surveillance Requi I eDehtS provided to ensure OPERABILm of each component ensures that at II. min1_, the as~ions used 1n the safety analyses are met and that subsystem OPERABILm 1s 1IIl1ntained. SUrve1l1ance requ1rements for throttle valve position stops and flow balance testing provide assurance that proper ECCS flows will be lIIlintained in the event of a LOCA. Maintenance of proper flow resistance and pressure drop in the piping system to each injection point is necessary to: (1) prevent total PIIIIiP flow fl'Oill exceeding runout conditions when the system is in 1ts 1111nilllUlll resistance configuration, (2) provide the proper flow sp11t between injection points in accordance with the assUDII)t 1 ons used in the ECCS-lOCA analyses, and (3) provide an acceptable level of total ECCS flow to all injection points equal to or above that asSUlled in the ECCS-lOCA analyses.

( 3(4.5.4 REFUELING WATER SlORA§E TANK The OPERABILITY of the Refueling llater Storage Tank (RlIST) as part of the ECCS ensures that a sufficient supply of borated water is available for injection by the ECCS in the event of e1ther a LOCA. a steuline break or inadvertent RCS depressurization. The lim1ts of RWST III1ni_ volUlie and boron concentration ensure 1) that suffic1ent water Is available with1n conta1ment to permit re-circula.tion cooling flow to the core. 2) that the reactor will reM1n subcrit1-cal in the cold condition (68 to 212 degrees-F) following a S1IIII.ll break LOCA assuming complete mixing of the RWST. RCS. Spre.y Addit1ve Tank (SAn. contain-ment spray syst811 piping and ECCS water volUllleS with all control rods 1nserted except the most react1ve control rod assl!llbly {ARI-l}, 3) that the reactor will remain subcritical in the cold condition following a large break LOCA (break flow area ~3.0 sq. ft.) assuming COIIIPlete mixing of the RWST, RCS. ECCS water and other sources of water that may eventually reside in the sump post-LOCA with all control rods assUlied to be out (ARO), 4) long term SUbcritlcal1ty fol-

. lowing a steamllne break asslllling ARI-l and preclude fuel fa11ure.

The maximum allowable value for the RlIST boron concentrat10n fonns the basis for determln1ng the time (Post-LOCA) at wh1ch operator act10n is requ1red to switch over the ECCS to hot leg recirculation in order to avoid precipitation of the soluble boron.

The contained water voll/lll8 limit includes an allowance for water not usable because of tank discharge line 10cat10n or other phys1cal characteristics

( S\lIfolER - UNIT 1 B 3/4 5-2 Pmendment No. !¥I, tIJ!,



c. Record the Charging Pump and Charging Pump breaker 0 final status following the completion of Attachment II.L, Category 'C1" Operational Mode Change, Plant Shutdown - Entering Mode 4 Or Mode 4, Prior To TAVG < 300°F, ofGTP-702:


1) In Mode 4, one train of ECCS must be capable of taking a

( suction from the RWST and being manually realigned.


INLET VALVE, on the protected train must remain closed.

d. Align RHR to the RCS loops as follows:
1) Ensure the RHR System supply valves to the Charging Pump suctions are closed with their o

breakers locked open.



PAGE 22 OF 53


( INITIALS/DATE (5) Place XPP-0031A, PUMP A, D in Normal-After-Stop.

b) If Train B RHR is to be used for cooldown, perform the following:

(1) Place XPP-0031 B, PUMP B, in D PULL-TO-LOCK.

(2) Close MVG-8809B, RWST TO D RHR PP B.

(3) Open MVG-8701 B, RCS LP C TO D PUMP B.

(4) Open MVG-8702B, RCS LP C TO D PUMP B.

(5) Place XPP-0031 B, PUMP B, in D Normal-After-Stop.

( CAUTION 3.5.d.4l When greater than or equal to 250°F, one RHR Pump must be maintained in PULL-TO-LOCK (on the same train as the operable Charging Pump) to ensure injection capability of one train of ECCS and provide COPS protection.

4) Establish one train of RHR as the protected train as follows:

a) If Train A RHR is to be established as the protected train, perform the following:

(1) Place XPP-0031A, PUMP A, in D PULL-TO-LOCK.

(2) Close MVG-8809A, RWST TO D RHR PP A.

(3) Open MVG-8701A, RCS LP A D TO PUMP A.

PAGE 24 OF 53


8. The following restrictions on RHR Pump current should be observed:
a. If RHR PUMP A(B) AMPS do not decrease to between 260 amps and 300 amps within one minute of starting, trip the pump.
b. RHR Pump normal running current should not exceed 331 amps.
9. When possible, boron should be equalized in both trains of RHR prior to placing either train in service for cooldown.
10. TRN A PWR LCKOUT and TRN B PWR LCKOUT must be in OFF at all times except when valve manipulations are required by the procedure.
11. When any RCS Cold Leg temperature is less than or equal to 300°F and the Reactor Vessel head is on, the following valves should be maintained open to provide cold overpressure protection:
b. MVG-8701 B, RCS LP C TO PUMP B.

( d. MVG-8702B, RCS LP C TO PUMP B.

12. To ensure RHR injection capability from the RWST, only one train of RHR should be in service for heatup or cooldown when RCS temperature is greater than 250°F.

C01-+-13. When the Reactor Vessel level is less than four inches above mid-plane of the loop nozzles, maintain the RHR System flow requirements of Enclosure B.

14. When relying on the Tygon tube for Reactor Vessel level indication, monitor RHR Pump amps frequently. If current is fluctuating, do not start a second RHR Pump until Reactor Vessel level is verified on the Tygon tube to be at least four inches above mid-loop.
15. Prior to starting an RHR Pump, the corresponding train of Component Cooling Water must be operating to supply cooling water to the seal coolers.
16. If water hammer is experienced on any RHR Pump start, contact the System Engineer for evaluation.


PAGE 2 OF 132



CAUTION 2.0 Initiating cooldown on RHR while RCS Hot Leg temperatures are greater than 250°F renders RHR Loop A incapable of being aligned to the RWST (reference Technical Specification 3.5.3.d) until the Hot Leg temperatures are reduced to less than 250°F.

2.0 INSTRUCTIONS 02.1 Ensure MVG-8706A, RHR LP A TO CHG PP, is closed with it's breaker locked open per OAP-106.3, LOCKED VALVE PROGRAM.

2.2 Ensure the following valves are energized and open per GOP-6, Plant Shutdown From Hot Standby To Cold Shutdown (Mode 3 To Mode 5):

0 a. MVG-8701A, RCS LP A TO PUMP A.

0 b. MVG-8702A, RCS LP A TO PUMP A.

02.3 Ensure Train A Component Cooling is aligned to supply RHR Heat Exchanger A per SOP-118.

(.'.. 02.4 Close HCV-603A, A OUTLET.

02.5 Place FCV-605A, A BYP, in MAN and adjust to 100%.

02.6 Readjust FCV-605A, A BYP, in MAN to 40%.

02.7 If it is desired to align letdown to RHR Train A, open XVT08720A-RH, LETDOWN HDR RH RETURN HDR A INLET VALVE (AB-412).

NOTE 2.8 through 2.11

a. RHR Pump run time on miniflow should not be permitted to exceed 30 minutes.
b. After each RHR Pump start, IF100602A (AB-374) indication should be evaluated to verify proper operation of IFV0602A.

o 2.8 Start XPP-0031A, PUMP A. (PEER,I")


PAGE 15 OF 132



CAUTION 2.0 Initiating cooldown on RHR while RCS Hot Leg temperatures are greater than 250°F renders RHR Loop B incapable of being aligned to the RWST (reference Technical Specification 3.5.3.d) until the Hot Leg temperatures are reduced to less than 250°F.

2.0 INSTRUCTIONS D 2.1 Ensure MVG-8706B, RHR LP B TO CHG PP, is closed with ifs breaker locked open per OAP-106.3, LOCKED VALVE PROGRAM.

2.2 Ensure the following valves are energized and open per GOP-6, Plant Shutdown From Hot Standby To Cold Shutdown (Mode 3 To Mode 5):

D a. MVG-8701 B, RCS LP C TO PUMP B.


D 2.3 Ensure Train B Component Cooling is aligned to supply RHR Heat Exchanger B per SOP-118.

( D 2.4 Close HCV-603B, B OUTLET.

D 2.5 Place FCV-605B, B BYP, in MAN and adjust to 100%.

D 2.6 Readjust FCV-605B, B BYP, in MAN to 40%.

D 2.7 If it is desired to align letdown to RHR Train B, open XVT08720B-RH, LETDOWN HDR RH RETURN HDR B INLET VALVE (AB-412).

NOTE 2.8 through 2.11

a. RHR Pump run time on miniflow should not be permitted to exceed 30 minutes.
b. After each RHR Pump start, IFI00602B (AB-374) indication should be evaluated to verify proper operation of IFV0602B.

D 2.8 Start XPP-0031 B, PUMP B. (PEER V")

PAGE 19 OF 132



The question is asking what is the output on the Master Pressure Controller in relationship to the original value when the controller is placed in MANUAL by the operator.


The WOOTF statement nor the conditions stated in the stem clearly define as what is meant by the "ORIGINAL" value. The correct answer to this question is dependent on the operators reference as to what is the ORIGINAL value.

There are two possible interpretations of "original":

1) the output of the Master Pressure Controller when PT-444 begins to drift HIGH, or
2) the output of the Master Pressure Controller when the Master Pressure Controller is placed in MANUAL.

If the point of reference is from when PT-444 begins to drift HIGH, then Choice B will be correct. The output of the Master Pressure Controller will begin to increase in value above the output signal of the Master Pressure Controller prior to the point where PT-444 began to drift HIGH. Basically, this is testing "how will the Master Pressure controller respond to the PT-444 failure?"


If the point of reference is from when the Master Pressure Controller is placed in MANUAL, then Choice D will be correct. The manual control signal tracks the auto signal, such that when the Master Pressure Controller is placed in MANUAL, the output signal will be the same as the ORIGINAL - if one considers the ORIGINAL value to the controller output at the time the controller was taken to MANUAL. Basically, this is testing "the bumpless transfer function of going from AUTO to MANUAL on the Master Pressure Controller."

In sum, depending on how "original" is interpreted, an applicant could determine either Choice B or Choice D is correct.


Accept both choices B & D as correct answers.


IC-3, p12, 19-22, Rev 9

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given 33.027 AK2.03 001INEW/IHIGHERJIRO/SUMMER1212009INO

.-~~~--~--~------~- .------~.--~~-.-- ~------- .~--

Given the following plant conditions:

  • 100% power
  • PZR pressure control is in AUTO at 2235 psig.
  • Group 1 Backup Heaters are ON.
  • Group 2 Backup Heaters are OFF.
  • PT-444, PZR Pressure Transmitter, starts to slowly drift HIGH.
  • The operator places the Master Pressure Controller in MANUAL when PT-444 reads 2275 psig, but does NOT adjust the output of the controller.

Which ONE (1) of the choices below completes the following statement?

When placed in MANUAL, the output on the Master Pressure Controller is than its original output, AND the PZR Spray Valves will be approximately open.

A. HIGHER; 80%

B~ HIGHER; 30%

C. the SAME as; 80%

D. the SAME as; 30"1.:::..0_ _ _ _ . _.. ________ ._. __ ._~ _ _ _ _ . __ .. _

Thursday, July 02,200910:10:54 AM 104

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given Feedback A. Plausible because 1st part is correct. Incorrect because the 2nd part is wrong - This would be the position of the valve if the operator did not apply 25 psi bias, or it did not exist [100%/50 psi error x (40psi) = 80%].

B. CORRECT. According to IC-3 (p21, Rev 9), whether the Master Controller is in AUTO or MANUAL, both signals track each other, in order to ensure a bumpless transfer between controller operating modes. Because of this, when the operator places the Master Controller in MANUAL, the output will be retained from that point forward.

According to IC-3 (p20-21), the Master Pressure Controller receives an input from PT-444 and compares actual PZR pressure to an established reference pressure of 2235 psig. The Proportional wllntegral Controller develops an output signal that is used to control the variable output PZR Heaters, the two spray valves and one of three PZR PORVs. According to IC-3 (p22), the two spray valves are controlled with individual proportional controllers whose output increases as the output of the Master Pressure Controller increases. In other words, as pressure rises above its reference setpoint, the output of the Master Pressure Controller rises, causing the two Spray Valve Controller outputs to also rise. However, the Spray Valve Controllers are biased so they do NOT start to increase their output until a 25 psig error exists. Furthermore, the Spray Valves start to open as its controller rises above 0% output (+25 psi error) and are fully open when its controller rises to 100% output (+75 psi error). As PT-444 fails high with the Master Pressure Controller in AUTO, a positive error occurs causing the Master Pressure Controller Output to Increase. As this output increases, the variable input heaters go to minimum power, and when the error increases to 25 psi, the Spray Valve Controller outputs start to increase, opening the spray valves. When the operator takes the Master Pressure Controller to MANUAL, and 2275 psig, the Manual setpoint has tracked along with the Auto setpoint and generates a bumpless transfer. If no adjustments in the output are made (as stated in the conditions), the Master Pressure Controller Output will control PZR pressure as if the PZR pressure were 2275 psig.

With PZR pressure this high, the spray valves will open consistent with the existing error (40 psi). Since the PZR spray valves start to open at an error of 25 psi, and are fully open at a 75 psi error, and the Spray Valve Controller output varies proportionally, the spray valves should be open about 30% [100%/50 psi error x (40psi - 25 psi) = 30%].

C. Plausible because this would be true if the controller'S auto & manual signal did not track each other. Incorrect because the controller tracks the auto and manual Signals allows for a bumpless transfer. 2nd part is also wrong. Plausible because this has been one method in which PZR heaters have been operated in the past. The spray valves have been open a small amount because one group of BU heaters are energized.

D. Plausible because this would be true if the controller's auto & manual signal did not track each other. Incorrect because the controller tracks the auto and manual signals -

allows for a bumpless transfer. 2nd part is also wrong. Plausible because this would be true in the absence of the bumpless transfer - the Master Controller Setpoint goes back to original and the spray valves were originally closed.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 10: 10:54 AM 105



2009 ---_._------

V.C. Summer RO NRC

---_.-- --Exam - As Given KIA - 027 AK2.03:

(Pressurizer Pressure Control System Malfunction) Knowledge of the interrelationships between Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions and the following: Controllers and positioners.

Tier: 1 Group: 1 Importance Rating: R02.6 Technical


  • IC-3, p12, 19-22, Rev 9 Proposed references to be provided to applicants during examination:

None Learning Objective: AOP-401.6-7 Question History:

NEW 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 41 (b)(7)

KIA Match:

The KA is matched because the operator must demonstrate knowledge of interrelations between the failure of a controlling channel of Pressurizer Pressure and the output of the Master Pressure Controller, and Spray Valve positioners.

Thursday, July 02,200910:10:54 AM 106

.-_._- "-_.- .. _-- -_. - 2009 - - - - -V.C. --- Summer

---_.- ---- RO NRC Exam

-.~-,----- .----

- As Given

.--~- -._- - - ---- ---.- '.---------

Response form

-" =",-"::'-.--,- -=_-----.._---=--_-__ =----------o=~_~_o_== ~_"'-=-= ..._______o=~""-===_=_-,-_=__=_- 0".-;--::---="'-.0- ~ :=,_._",=~-,--_",," ~ -"-C ......,~._-=--= _~-=-=- -=-~___ ~

NRC Form ES-401-9 Comments (2009 NRC Exam):

027AK2.03 Distracter D is NP as written. "0% open" is unnatural. If this was the correct answer. it would read closed.

For A.B. and C add the word OPEN. For D make it read "CLOSED:

12131/08 Facility Response:

Revised as suggested.

Atlanta Review (RFA approved): 06103/09:

001 "ALL 4 choices; Move "approx" and "open" to WOOlF.

Make 2nd half of all choices: 80, 30, 80, 30. "

Thursday, July 02. 2009 10:10:54 AM 107

The error signal out of the master pressure controller varies the electrical power


delivered to the pressurizer variable heaters. When pressure is at its normal operating value of 2235 psig, the thermal output of the variable heater group is nominally 50 percent of maximum capacity. The capacity was designed to make up for most of the heat losses to ambient and for the cooling effect of a small, continuous bypass spray flow.

When pressure rises above reference pressure, the power delivered to the heaters is reduced in a linear fashion. When pressure falls below reference pressure, power delivered is increased in a linear fashion until maximum power is delivered. Since the electric power delivered to the variable heater group bears a linear (although inverse) relationship to actual pressure, the term "proportional" heaters is often used. The proportional heaters are designed to recover system pressure from small excursions by increasing or decreasing their thermal output in proportion to the pressure error over a range of +/-15 psi. Plant operating experience has shown that the actual heat loss exceeds the capacity of the variable heaters. To compensate for this, one of the two

( groups of back-up heaters is also continuously operated.

The back-up heaters are characterized by a simple on-off (bistable) control. There are no graduated variations in electrical power; either full power or none at all is delivered.

The back-up heaters are turned on and off by the output of the master pressure controller, which is a function of pressure error. The back-up heaters are provided to assist the proportional heaters if actual pressure drops significantly below reference (-25 psi error).

The pressurizer spray valves reduce system pressure from moderate upward excursions. They are normally closed and do not begin to throttle open until actual pressure rises significantly above reference (+25 psi error). If actual pressure continues to rise, the spray valves ramp open in a linear fashion until they are open fully (+75 psi error). Two spray valves, each with its own individual proportional controller, receive as their input the signal output from the master pressure controller.

Page 12 of 53

accumulators are available, in conjunction with a safety injection to cover and cool the


reactor core.

A high pressure reactor trip occurs with coincidence of 2 of 3 and setpoint of 2380 psig.

The same signal logic also actuates the "PZR PRESS HI" first-out annunciator.

Individual protection channel status lights are provided. The pressure bistables associated with this protective function are PB-455A, -456A, and -457A.

Each pressure protection channel provides an input to OT L1T. The OTL1T trip setpoint is made more restrictive as pressure decreases.

In addition to providing those protective signals described above, the pressurizer pressure protection circuits provide pressure indication (PI-455, -456, -457) on the MCB.

Pressurizer Pressure Control Circuits (Figure IC3.8)


There are two pressure transmitters associated with the pressurizer pressure control circuits (PT-444, -445). Pressure transmitter PT-445 provides control signals for the following:

  • Pressurizer pressure indication (PI-445)
  • Pressurizer pressure recorder (PR-444)
  • "PZR PRESS HI" annunciator. Bistable setpoint is 2310 psig.
  • "PZR PRESS HIILO" annunciator. Bistable setpoints are 2310/2185 psig.
  • PORV logic for valves PCV-445A(B). Bistable setpoint is 2335 psig.

( Page 19 of 53

( The second pressure transmitter (PT-444) provides the control signal for the remaining control circuits:

  • Pressurizer pressure indication (PI-444).
  • Pressurizer pressure recorder (PR-444).
  • Proportional heater controller.
  • Both spray valve controllers.
  • PORV logic for valve PCV-444B. Bistable setpoint is nominally 2335 psig.

Channel 444 (Figure IC3.8)

To provide the control signal to the various pressure control components, actual system pressure if first compared with the desired, or setpoint, pressure, which is set into the system at AUTO, MANUAL station PK-444A on the MCB. This comparison is performed in a PI controller (proportional + integral) where an error signal is multiplied

( by some amplification factor (gain). The error signal input to the PI controller is determined in a signal summer which produces an output signal equivalent to the algebraic sum of its inputs (Pactual - Preference). Added to this error is the integral component which accounts for the length of time a difference between actual and reference pressure has existed. Accordingly, the longer a deviation is present, the larger is the output from the integral portion of the control. This integral action corrects system pressure until no error exists; that is, until Pactual = Preference. The integral component allows pressurizer pressure to be controlled at a selected setpoint with no steady-state error.

  • Master Pressure Controller (PC-444A) - The PI controller that develops the conditioned control signal is called the pressurizer pressure master controller (PC-444A) and is located in the process control racks. With the master controller in automatic, as selected by PK-444A on the MCB, the reference pressure signal is varied by adjusting a potentiometer dial. The potentiometer


Page 20 of 53

( is normally set so that in automatic, the pressurizer heaters, spray valves, and PCV-444B control plant pressure at 2235 psig. Variation of the reference setpoint results in automatic control of plant pressure at some value other than 2235 psig. The master pressure controller is mounted in the process control racks; the AUTO, MANUAL (AIM) station (PK-444A) is located on the MCB. Indication of the signal magnitude is available from 0 percent output (4 mAl to 100 percent output (20 mAl.

Master pressure controller signals go through control switches for the sprays, heaters and PORV 444B. As long as individual controller switches are in auto (or after trip for heaters), the master controller signal operates these components as an integrated group. On the other hand, manually operating heaters - or directly opening or closing PORV-444B cuts off the output of the master controller.

With the master control selected to manual and the individual components controls in AUTO, the components respond to the demand, or error signal set by the operator. The

( RAISE pushbutton causes an increased error signal out of the controller. This indicates to the individual component controls that pressure is too high and causes heaters to de-energize and spray valves to open. The LOWER pushbutton causes a decreased error signal, which indicates pressure is too low. This will cause sprays to close and heaters to energize.

Whether the master controller itself is in AUTO or MANUAL, both the manual and automatic parts of its circuitry track each other. This is designed to make shiftovers easier and smoother, but it does not relieve the operator of the responsibility to stabilize conditions for such shifts.

Page 21 of 53

( The different pressure control components fed by the master pressure controller, whether in AUTO or MANUAL, are illustrated in Figure IC3.8, and listed below for convenience.

  • Both spray valve controllers (for PCV-444C, 0)
  • Proportional heater controller
  • PORV logic for PCV-444B
  • Pressure control signal low alann and a bistable to energize the back-up heaters Refer to Figure IC3.9 throughout the remainder of the discussion on the pressure control channels.
  • Spray Valve Controllers - Each spray valve is controlled by its own proportional-only controller mounted in the process control racks: PC-444C for spray valve PCV-444C and PC-4440 for spray valve PCV-4440. In

( AUTO, these controllers operate on the output signal from the master controller: as the master controller's output signal rises, so do the spray valve controller outputs. The spray valves open on rising Reactor Coolant System pressure. However, the two spray controllers are biased so that they do not start to increase their output until a +25 psi pressure error exists; they produce their maximum output at a pressure error of +75 psi. The spray valves failed closed on loss of control air or power.

AUTO, MANUAL stations (PK-444C(O) on the MCB allow the operator to manually open and close the spray valves. The setpoint potentiometers on the spray controllers are not wired into the control circuits since they are routinely kept in AUTO and thereby slaved to the master pressure controller.

Page 22 of 53


The question is asking what is the LOWEST Intermediate Range SUR that would generate an Orange path to EOP-13.0.


Neither of the four choices defines the LOWEST IR SUR that would generate the Orange Path. Anyone of the following would be the correct answer:

  • just above zero
  • >0.0
  • not zero or negative While +0.2 would generate an Orange Path, it is not the lowest IR SUR that would do so.

In order for +0.2 to be correct, the stem would have to be worded similar to:

"Of the following choices, which ONE (I) is the LOWEST ... "

( Since the stem was worded "Which ONE (I) of the following is the LOWEST... " none of the choices is correct (actually the lowest SUR).


Delete the question since there is no correct answer.


EOP-12.0, Attachment 1


2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given 35.029 EKI.02 003INEWINEWILOWERlIRO/SUMMERI2I2009INO

. Vlihich-ONE*(11 -of the following is the LOWEST "'nteITi-lediate Range StartUp-Rate thaT:

will generate an ORANGE Path transition TO EOP-13.0, Response to Abnonnal Nuclear Power Generation.

No CSF Red Path conditions exist.

A'!" +0.2 DPM B. O.ODPM

c. - 0.2 DPM D. - 0.33DPM Feedback A CORRECT. According to EOP-12.0, Attachment I, an Orange Path to EOP-13.0 exists when PR is <5.0% and IR SUR is not ZERO or NEGATIVE B. Plausible because EOP-12.0, Rev 12, Attachment 1 uses not ZERO or NEGATIVE.

SUR to determine that the Subcriticality Critical Safety Function is a Orange Path and a Yellow Path.

Incorrect since the Orange Path is based on IR SUR not ZERO or NEGATIVE.

C. Plausible because EOP-12.0, Rev 12, Attachment 1 uses not. -0.2 DPM SUR to detrmine if the CSF is Satisfied or a Yellow Path.

Incorrect since the Orange Path is based on IR SUR not ZERO or NEGATIVE.

D. Plausible because, on a Reactor Trip, this is the normal SUR observed.

Incorrect since the Orange Path is based on IR SUR not ZERO or NEGATIVE.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 10:10:54 AM 112

Notes KIA - 029 EK1.02:

Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between A TWS and the following: Definition of reactivity.

Tier: 1 Group: 1 Importance Rating: R02.6 Technical


  • WOG FR-S.1 Background Document (HFRS1 BG.doc, HP-Rev 2, 4/30/05, pB6 and 103)
  • IC-B, p57, Rev 9 Proposed references to be provided to applicants during examination:

None Learning Objective: EOP-13-2042

( Question History:

NEW 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 41 (b)(10)


The KA is matched because the operator must demonstrate knowledge of the operational implications (I.e. SUR will be negative and that any negative magnitude is sufficient) of the reactor following an A TWS in which sufficient negative reactivity has been added to bring the reactor safely to subcriticality.

Thursday, July 02, 200910:10:54AM 113

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given Response form NRC Fonn ES-401-9 Comments (2009 NRC Exam):

029EK1.02 A slight contradiction: The EOP subcriticality flow chart states that the SUR has to be zero or negative. Zero would make choice C a correct answer too.

CAF there are potentially two correct answers. Please re-evaluate this potential contradiction.

This Question is E* until this Issue is resolved.

12131/08 Facility Response:

Feedback from validation has indicated that we are testing SRO knowledge. ROs should not be required to know transition criteria out of EOP-13.D. Revised question to test Entry Conditions vs transition criteria.

Duplicate Question. We propose using vetSlon 003.

Atlanta Review (RFA approved): 06/03/09:

002 - WOOTF: Change to "LOWEST" Make choices +0.2, 0.0, -0.2, -0.33.

WOOTF: Change "(assume other parameters *.. exlet) to "NO CSF Red paths conditions exist.'

Thursday, July 02, 2009 10:10:54 AM 114



GOTO EOP-13.0 GOTO r--------



I GOTO I r"'l:;.J.J~

EOP-13"1 I ~



THAN -0:2 OPhl -


YES GOTO goeDv:'"

EOP-13"1 o


.-.o o





The question is asking what is the required action and maximum allowed power level, per T.S. 3.3.1, for an Intermediate Range (IR) channel failure.


An IR channel failure is covered byT.S. Table 3.3-1, Functional Unit 5, Action 3. Action 3 consists of two parts, neither of which require placing the Level Trip Bypass Switch in BYPASS. This action is dictated by AOP-401.8, Step 2; not T.S. 3.3.1 (as stipulated in the stem). This means that choices A & B are not correct, since T.S. does not require placing the Level Trip Bypass Switch in BYPASS Additionally, the stem does not stipulate that AOP-401.8 has actually been entered. Since examinees are not supposed to assume operator actions have occurred unless otherwise told, they should not assume that AOP actions have been taken place. Understanding this rule of exam taking (from NUREG-1021, Appendix E, part B, Item #7) could cause an examinee to eliminate Choices A & B.

Bistables are not tripped because this would result in a Reactor Trip; therefore, Choices C & D are not correct.


Delete this question because there is no correct answer.


  • T.S. Table 3.3-1

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given I 37.03302.4.11001IMODIFlEDIIHIOHERlIRO/SUMMERJ712009INO Given the following plant conditions:


  • 7% power I
  • Power is being raised slowly in preparation for rolling the Main Turbine.
  • Intermediate Range Detector N-35 has failed LOW.

Which ONE (1) of the following is the required action and the MAXIMUM allowed power level increase in accordance with Technical Specification 3.3.1 Reactor Trip Instrumentation?

A':" Place the N-35 LEVEL TRIP Switch in BYPASS.

Maintain power less than 10% until the channel is retumed to service.

B. Place the N-35 LEVEL TRIP Switch in BYPASS.

Maintain power less than 15% while the channel is repaired.

C. Direct I&C to trip the N-35 associated bistables.

Maintain power less than 10% until the channel is returned to service.

D. Direct I&C to trip the N-35 associated bistables.


Maintain power less than 15% while the channel is repaired.



Thursday, July 02,2009 10:10:54 AM 119

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given Feedback A. CORRECT. The IR is bypassed (AOP-401.8, Step 2), rather than tripped, because protection logic is 1 of 2. Power is held less than 10% (below the IR trip block) in accordance with T.S. Table 3.3-1, Functional Unit 5 (Action 3). and per AOP-401.8, Step 3, Altemative Action.

B. Plausible because the 1st part is correct. Also plausible because power may be raised to the POAH if the failure occured between P-6 and 5%. Also plausible because power could be raised to just short of 10%. 12-15% is plausible because this is the next incremental power ascension in GOP-4A and would be the correct action if the failure had occured just above 10%.

Incorrect because both AOP-401.8 and T.S. Table 3.3-1 prohibit power ascension abover 10% with a failed IR channel.

C. Plausible because the 2nd part is correct. Also plausible because bistables are tripped for Power Range channels and other failed protection instruments.

Incorrect because the IR is bypassed (AOP-401.8, Step 2), rather than tripped, because protection logic is 1 of 2.

D. Plausible because bistables are tripped for Power Range channels and other failed protection instruments. Also plausible because power may be raised to the POAH if the failure occured between P-6 and 5%. Also plausible because power could be raised to just short of 10%. 12-15% is plausible because this is the next incremental power ascension in GOP-4A and would be the correct action if the failure had occured just

( above 10%.

Incorrect because the IR is bypassed (AOP-401.8, Step 2), rather than tripped, because protection logiC is 1 of 2. Also incorrect because both AOP-401.8 and T.S. Table 3.3-1 prohibit power ascension abover 10% with a failed IR channel.

Thursday, July 02.2009 10:10:54 AM 120

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given


Notes KIA - 033 G2.4.11:


(Loss of Intermediate Range NI) Knowledge of abnormal condition procedures.

Tier: 1 Group: 2 Importance Rating: R04.0 Technical


  • IC-8, Figure IC8.5, Rev 9
  • IC-9, p73, Table IC9.2, Rev 13
  • Technical Specification LCO 3.3.1, Table 3.3-1, Functional Unit 5
  • AOP-401.8, Step 5, Rev 3 Proposed references to be provided to applicants during examination:

Learning Objective: IC-8-44 Question History:

MODIFIED (Although written "from scratch", this question is similar enough to Closed Reference questions NUC INST SYSTEM 6, 21, & 50 and TECH SPECS 52 to be classified as MODIFIED. Also similar to 2007 NRC exam - question RO-36 [015 A2.02])


10 CFR Part 55 Content: 41(b)(7), (10)

KIA Match:

The KA is matched because the operator must demonstrate knowledge of AOP-401.8 as it relates to a failed Intermediate Range NI Channel.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 10: 10:54 AM 121

2009 V.C. Summer RO NRC Exam - As Given


Response form NRC Form ES-401-9 Comments (2009 NRC Exam):

033G2.4.11 The distracter analysis states that 12-15% is plausible because this is the next Incremental power ascension and would be the conrect action if the fllure had occurred just above 10%. The reference material provided did not support this statement CAF: Provide reference to support distracters Band D.


Facility Response:

See GOP-4A, Page 13 of 36. Reference will be provIded in At/anm.

Atlanta Review (RFA approved): 06/03/09:

001 - WOOTF: Add "maximum allowable power level as limited by T.S. 3.3.1 n Delete 3rd bullet - annunciator SR DET - not needed.

Change 2nd half of B & 0 to "maintain <15% & splH up for readability.

Choices A & C: split up for readability.



Thursday, July 02, 2009 10:10:54 AM 122

.-. ~. -


! MINlMUM .,.,.'




J. Manual Reactor Trip 2 1 2 1,2 ;'. 1 2 1 2 3',4'"li' 9

2. Power Range, Neuuon Flux 3 1,2 ' 2' "4"

A. High Setpoint 2 B. LoW Setpoint 2 3 111"',2 2'

3. Power Ra~, Neutron Flux 2 3 1,2 2' High Poai ve Rate

.....w 4. Deleted If 6, Intermediate Range, Neutron Flux 2 1 2 1'",2 3

6. Source Rauge, Neutron Flux A. Startup Z 1 2 2" 4 B. Shutdown 2 0 1 348Jld& 6 C. Shutdown 2 1 2 3~, 4~, II' 9 I
7. Overtemperature AT

~ Three Loo~Operation 3 2 2 12. 1 t 6"

t ft" Two Loop peration .l** ****

ID z


8. Overpower lJ.'r Three Loop Operation Two*Loop Operation

,3 , ....

2 2

h!. 6'

. .III *

9. Pressurizer PreB8ure-Low 8 2 2 1 6'
10. Pressurizer Pressure-High 3 2 2 1,2 6'

TABLE 3.3-1 (Continued)



ACTION 3 - With the number of channels OPERABLE one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement and with the THERMAL POWER level:

a. Below the P-6 (intermediate Range Neutron Flux Interlock) setpoint, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status prior to increasing THERMAL POWER above the P-6 Setpoint.
b. Above the P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Interlock) setpoint but below 10 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status prior to increasing THERMAL POWER above 10 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER.

ACTION 4 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement suspend all operations involving positive reactivity changes.

ACTION 5 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, verify compliance with the SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirements of Specification or, as applicable, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter.

ACTION 6 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of

( Channels, STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may proceed provided the following conditions are satisfied:

a. The inoperable channel is placed in the tripped condition within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />; and
b. The Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement is met; however, the inoperable channel may be bypassed for up to 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for surveillance testing of other channels per Specification

ACTION 7 - With less than the Minimum Number of Channels OPERABLE, within one hour determine by observation of the associated permissive annunciator window(s) that the interlock is in its required state for the existing plant condition, or apply Specification 3.0.3.


SUMMER - UNIT 1 3/43-7 Amendment No. w.t, 177




2 Bypass the failed Intermediate Range channel:

a. Place LEVEL TRIP Switch for the 0 AFFECTED channel in BYPASS.
b. Verify IR&sR TRIP BYP 0 (XCP-620 4-5). annunciator
s lit.

3 Check if Rea~or power is LESS 0 3 Within one hour. verify P6. 0 THAN 7. 5xlO' . NIS IR. permissive is bright.

IF Reactor power is LESS THAN 0 P*10. THEN maintain Reactor power LESS THAN 10%.

c IE Reactor power is LESS THAN 5%.

lHtN maintain Reactor power LESS THAN 5%.

0 GO TO Step 6. 0 4 Maintain Reactor power LESS THAN 0 P*6 (7.5xlO* 6t).

5 Within Qng hour. verify P6. 0 NIS IR. permissive is dim.

6 Monitor the operable Intermediate 0 Range channel.

7 Ensure NR*45 is selected to the 0 appropriate operable channels.

8 Determine and correct the cause of 0

  • the Intermediate Range channel failure.




The question asks how a QPTR is confirmed with a failed Power Range NI.


Choice D was originally considered correct because of the provisions ofTS.

Since the stem of the question specifically asks "in accordance with T.S. 3.2.4," there is no correct answer.

Actions under T.S. leo 3.2.4 assume the QPTR will be calculated by the normal method per STP-l0S.00l.

However, if a PR channel is OOS, the normal method is precluded and its affect on QPTR is addressed in T.S. Table 3.3-1. Table 3.3-1, Functional Unit 3, Action 2# (not T.S. 3.4.2) requires the QPTR verification every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, using the PDMS or in-core detectors.


Delete the question because there are NO correct answers.



  • T.S.3.2.4
  • T.5. Table 3.3-1, Functional Unit 2, Action 2#



2009 V.C. Summer SRO NRC Exam - As Given 5.- 003 AA2.03 002INEW//LOWERlISRO/SUMMERl212009INO

. ------- .. ------~-------.---. -------~---- ---- ------.- --.~ --- ---------.-_ .. _-- - -

Given the following plant conditions:

  • 85% power.
  • Power Range channel N-41 is failed and has been removed from service.
  • One Control Bank 'C' rod bottom light energized and Control Bank '0' moved out 10 steps.
  • A Quadrant Power TIlt Ratio (QPTR) indicates a QPTR of 1.06.

Which ONE(1) of the following completes the statement below?

Reactor Engineering must confirm the QPTR using _ _ _ _ _ within hours in accordance with Technical Specification 3.2.4.



C. BEACON or In-Core moveable detectors; TWO (2)

Dl" BEACON or In-Core moveable detectors; TWELVE (12)

A. 1st part plausible because BEACON is a software system which obtains IPCS data and uses it to update a real time analytical core model. This core model may be used for Tech Spec surveillances, and is also referred to as the Power Distribution Monitoring System (PDMS). (Ref. STP 212.001 Core Power Distribution Measurement rev. 12). Also plausible because TWO (2) hours is the amount of time that T.S. 3.2.4, Action a. allows to reduce QPTR within limits.

Incorrect because BEACON is not the only method used per T.S. 3/4.2.4. Also incorrect because Surveillance Requirement requires that the QPTR be determined within the limit when above 75 percent rate thermal power with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the PDMS (aka BEACON) Q! Movable Incore Detectors to confirm that the normalized symmetric power distribution is consistent with the indicated QPTR.

B. Plausible because the 2nd part is correct. Surveillance Requirement stipulates that the QPTR be determined within the limit when above 75 percent rate thermal power with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:53:42 AM 16

2009 V.C. Summer SRO NRC Exam- As Given 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the PDMS Q! Movable Incore Detectors to confirm that the normalized symmetric power distribution is consistent with the indicated QPTR.

1st part is plausible because BEACON is a software system which obtains IPCS data and uses it to update a real time analytical core model. This core model may be used for Tech Spec surveillances, and is also referred to as the Power Distribution Monitoring System (PDMS). (Ref. STP 212.001 Core Power Distribution Measurement rev. 12) 1st part incorrect because BEACON is not the only method used per T.S. 3/4.2.4 Surveillance Requirement Surveillance Requirement stipulates that the QPTR be determined within the limit when above 75 percent rate thermal power with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the PDMS or Movable Incore Detectors to confirm that the normalized symmetric power distribution is consistent with the indicated QPTR.

C. Plausible because the 1st part is correct. T.S. 3/4.2.4 surveillance requirement requires that the QPTR shall be determined within the limit when above 75 percent rate thermal power with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the PDMS Q! Movable Incore Detectors to confirm that the normalized symmetric power distribution is consistent with the indicated QPTR. Also plausible because TWO (2) hours is the amount of time that T.S. 3.2.4, Action a. allows to reduce QPTR within limits.

Surveillance Requirement stipulates that the QPTR be determined within the limit when above 75 percent rate thermal power with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, not 2.

D. CORRECT. T.S. 3/4.2.4 Surveillance Requirement requires that the QPTR shall be determined within the limit when above 75 percent rate thermal power with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the PDMS Q! Movable Incore Detectors to confirm that the normalized symmetric power distribution is consistent with the indicated QPTR.

Thursday, July 02. 2009 9:53:42 AM 17

_.-----------. 2009- V.C.

-- -- Summer SRO.. NRC

- -- Exam

- As Given..

"-. __ . ~,.-- --_.

Notes KIA - OOl AA2.0l:

Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Dropped Control Rod:

Dropped rod, using in-core/ex-core instrumentation in-core or loop temperature measurements.

Tier: 1 Group: 2 Importance Rating: SRO 3.8 Technical


  • T.S. 3/4.2.4
  • T.S. pp 6-16, 16a
  • STP-212.001, p30f17 Proposed references to be provided to applicants during examination: None Learning Objective: S8-4-18 Question History: NEW 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 43(b)(2)

KIA Match:

Matches the KIA in that the question tests the methodology for conducting a T.S. surveillance after a dropped rod.

SRO Only Justification:

SRO Only in that it tests T.S. Actions that are greater than ONE (1) hour.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:53:42 AM 18



V.C. Summer



._-------._---_._----_._- - As Given Response form

--- - -.- '."--- ~,-:---="'~.~ ,~.~_- -~ _____

_.~.~ -_-==~.- -=----=_~-=~,;_=__~_=_~_~-_'"_";-....c~-~""""'""_=_- ~-=-_ -=--=- __

~  ::------",,_~

NRC Form ES-401-9 Comments (2009 NRC Exam):

003AA2.03 Confirm lAW "whar procedure?

12129/08 Facility Response:

Not sure what we need to do here. Will discuss in Atlanta.

Note: Actual KIA statement Is as follows:

"Ability to determine and Interpret the following as they apply to the Dropped Control Rod: Dropped rod, using In~core/ex-core Instrumentation in-core or loop temperature measurements. t1 This question was written to this KIA. The desCription of the KIA In the Notes section of this question was copied from the original outline that you gave to us. The original outline contained errors in that the stem statements for all APEs and EPEs KlAs were from the system, not the APE or EPE.

Corrected the KIA wording In the Notes section.

Feedback from val/dation has indicated that we are overemphasizing T.S. bases statements, in the 2nd half of questions, on the SRO exam. If we were to emphasize anything, we should emphasize operator actions.

Additionally, many of the validators felt this knowledge was trivial, having no relevance to day-to-<1ay operations. With this in mind, we changed the second half of each choice in this question to actions In T.S., versus bases. It Is stI/I SRO Only since the action tested are greater than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> (2 and 12).

Duplicate Question. We propose using version 002.

Atlanta Review (RFA approved): 06/02109:

WOOlF: underline "must" and add "lAW 1.S. 3.2.4" Thursday. July 02. 2009 9:53:42 AM 19






a. Wi til the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO detel'll1l1ed to exceed 1. 02 but. (

, elS than or .quill to 1.09:*

1. Calculate the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO at lHst once pel' hour gntfl efther:

a) The QUADRANT POW£R TILT RATIO is reduced to within its lillft.

or b) = , L POWER 15 reduced. to 'ess than ~ of RATED THERMAL *

2. Wi tIIf n 2 houY'S ei ther:

I a) Reduce the QUADRANT POWEIt TILT RATIO to wfthfn its lillft. or .

b) R,duce THEML POWER at leut 31 fr-oa RATED THERMAL POWER far Hcb 11 af indfcated QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO in excess of 1. 0 ilnd sillilarly redgce the PowT Range Neutron Flux-Hi gil Trip Setpof nts wi thi n the next 4 1\o1ll'1.

3. Verify 'that the QUADRANT POwER TILT RATIO 1s within its li.it within 24 haUl'S .fter exceeding the li.it ar reduce THERMAL POWER to 'UI than _ of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and reduce the Power Range Neutron Flux-High Trip setpaints to lus than or equal to 5. ot RATED THEML POWER withfn the next 4 hoUl'S.

( I

4. Identify and correct tile cause of 'the out. of limit eondftf4n pri 01' to f nc:reasi na THERMl. POWER; subsequent POWER OPERATION Don 5111 of RATED THERMAl. power lIiIy PTOCMd provided thattht QUADRANT POWEll TILT RATIO is nrified within itl lillit at least once peT' hoUT' tor 12 IioUY'S or until verified aceepUllle at 951 or gr.ater RATED THERlML POWER. (

'See Special fest Exception 3.10.2.

( *

b. WI th the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO determf ned to exceed 1. 09 due to

~ misalignment of either a shutdown or control rod~

"-1. Calculate the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO at least once per hour until either:

""-~)-'-"-T~ QUADRANt POWER TILT RATIO lii-'re-dueed to within its Hmit, or b) THERMAL POWER is reduced to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER.

2. Reduce THERMAL POWER at least 31 froia RATED THERMAL POWER for each 1% of indicated QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO in excess of 1.0, within 30 minutes.
3. Verify that the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is within its limit within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after exceeding the limit or reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER within tile next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and reduce the PoWer Range Neutron F1~High trip Setpoints to 1.ess than or equal to 55% of RATED THERMAL POWER within .the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.
4. Identify and correct the cause of the out of limit condition prior to increasing THERMAl. POWER; subsequent POWER OPERATION above 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER IIIIIY proceed provided that the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is verified within its limit at least once per hour for 12 hoUl's or until verified acceptable at 95%


c. Wi th the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO determi ned to exceed 1. 09 due to causes other than the misalignment of either a shutdown or control rod:
1. Calculate the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO at least once per hour until either:

a) The QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is reduced to within its limit, or b) THERMAl. POWER is reduced to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER *

  • SUK'lER - UN IT 1 3/4 2-13

POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION ACTION: (Continued) 2_ Reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and reduce the Power Range Neutron Flux-High Trfp Setpolnts to less than or equal to 55% of RATED THERMAL POWER w~hin the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

3. Identify and correct the cause of the out of limit condition prior to increasing THERMAL POWER; subsequent POWER OPERATION above 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER may proceed provided that the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is verified within its limit at least once per hour for 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> or until verified at 95% or greater RATED THERMAL POWER.
d. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 42.4.1 The QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO shall be determined to be within the limit above 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER by:

a. Calculating the ratiO at least once per 7 days when the alarm is OPERABLE.
b. Calculating the ratiO at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> during steady state operation when the alarm is Inoperable. The QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO shall be determined to be within the limit when above 75 percent RATED THERMAL POWER with one Power Range Channel inoperable at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by using the POMS or movable incore detectors to confirm that the normalized symmetrfc power distribution is consistent with the indicaJed QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO. The incore detector monitoring shall be done with 2 sets of 4 symmetric thimbles or a fullincora flux map.


SUMMER - UNIT 1 3/42-14 Amendment No. .:f.42; 168

  • 314.3 314.3.1 INSTRUMENTAllON REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION UMITING CONOmON FOR OPERATION 3.3.1 As a minimum. the reactor trip system insbumentation channels and interlocks at Table 3.3-1 shall be OPERABLE with RESPONSE TIMES as shgwn in Table 3.3-2.

.. '0" "_'0 APPUCABIUTY: As shown in Table 3.3-1.


As shown in Table 3.3-1.

SURVEILLANCE 'REQUIREMENTS 4.3. 1. 1 Each reactor trip system Instrumentation channel and interlock and the automatic tnp bgic shall be demorlS1Jated OPERABLE by performance of the reactor trip system Instrumentation surveillance requirements specified in Table 4.3-1 *

>e verified to be within lis limit at least once per 18 mOnths. Each verification shall include at .

'Cast ooe train such that both trains are verified at least once per 36 months and one channel

ler lunction such that all channels are verified at least once every N times 18 months where' N IS the total number at redundant channels in a specific reactor trip function as shown in'the

'T olal No. of Channels' column of Table 3.3-1 .


  • SUMMER - UNIT 1 3143-1 Amendment No. 13. 1Q1, 146

. TABLE 3.3-1 II>




-I I. Manual Reactor Trip 2 1 2 1,2 ;'. 1 2 1 2 3"', ','li 9

2. Power Range, NeutrOll Flux A. High Setpoint 2 3 1,2 ' 2' B. Low Setpoint 2 3 I 1 H,2 2' Power R~e, Neutron Flux 3 1,2 2' 3.

High Poai ~e Rate " 2 w

't' Deleted Intermediate RaDge, Neutron Flux 2 1 2 1'",:2 3 N 5,

6. Source Range, Neutron Flux A. 2....



Start!IP Shutdown Shutdown 2

II 2

1 0

1 2

1 2

8 4apdll 8", 4~,II*

"59 I

f t"

7. Overtemperature AT Three Loo~ratlon Two Loop atlon ....

3 2 2 12,1 I

6' "r+

0 U)

8. Overpower IlT Three Loog Operation Two,Loop peration ....

8 2 2



9. Pressurizer Pressure-Low 3 2 2 1 6'
10. Pressurizer Pressure-High 3 2 2 l,Z 6'

TABLE 3.3-1 (Continued)


  • With the reactor trip system breakers in the closed position and the control rod drive system capable of rod withdrawal.
  1. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.
    1. Below the P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Interlock) setpoint.
      1. Below the P-10 (Low Setpoint Power Range Neutron Flux Interlock) Setpoint.
        • Values left blank pending NRC approval of 2 loop operation.

ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 1 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

ACTION 2 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels, STARTUP and/or POWER OPERATION may proceed provided the following conditions are satisfied:

a. The inoperable channel is placed in the tripped condition within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.
b. The Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement is met; however, the inoperable channel may be bypassed for up to 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for surveillance testing of other channels per Specification
c. Either, THERMAL POWER is restricted to less than or equal to 75% of RATED THERMAL POWER and the Power Range Neutron Flux trip setpoint is reduced to less than or equal to 85% of RATED THERMAL POWER within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />; or, the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is monitored at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> per Specification

SUMMER - UNIT 1 3/43-6 Amendment No. W:I, 177

POST-EXAM COMMENT ON SRO QUESTION #21 (G2.4.41J The question asks which set of conditions that would require declaration of a Site Area Emergency (SAE).

Choice D clearly meets the conditions stated in 551.1 (Via Table 5-3 and Note 3).

Additionally, Choice A, part 2), contains conditions <<108 VDC on both Train A and Train B vital 125 VDC systems) which, by themselves, would require declaration of an SAE.


Accept both choices A & D as correct answers.

2009 V.C. Summer SRO NRC Exam - As Given

--- - -~.---- .. - --. . ----. ---------------_._-_._-------. __._-_.----


Which ONE (1) of the following would REQUIRE a declaration of a Site Area Emergency per EPP-001, Activation and Implementation of the Emergency Plan?

The event has been in progress for TWENTY (20) minutes.

A. loss of ONLY the following:

1) AC power capability to 7.2 KV ESF buses 1DA and 1DB reduced to a single power source
2) < 108 VDC on both Train A and Train B vital 125VDC systems B. loss of ONLY the following:
1) 115 KV power to XTF-4 and XTF-5
2) 230 KV power to XTF-31
3) Parr Hydro Plant 13.8 KV power to ESF Bus 1DA or 1DB C. ALL of the following:
1) AC power capability to 7.2 KV ESF buses 1DA and 1DB reduced to a single power source
2) Any additional single power source failure will result in loss of all AC power to both 7.2 KV ESF buses.

D~ loss of ALL of the following:

1) 115 KV power to XTF-4 and XTF-5
2) 230 KV power to XTF-31
3) Parr Hydro Plant 13.8 KV power to ESF Bus 1DA or 1DB
4) Diesel Generator A

______51iJi.E!sel Genef~tQ~B_ _ __________________________________________ ,

Thursday. July 02, 2009 9:53:43 AM 78

- 2009



___ .. __ - Summer SRO. NRC

~_ _0- Exam - As

_______ "_ Given Feedback A. Plausible because the given 10 minutes exceeds the threshold for an ALERT.

Also plausible because 2nd part contains the DC Detection Methods for a SAE and part of the AC Detection methods(see EPP-001, Att. II, Page 12 of 25).

Incorrect because 10 minutes does not exceed the SAE threshold of 15 minutes.

Also incorrect because all of the Detection Methods are NOT met.

B. Plausible because the 1st part is correct - the given 20 minutes exceeds the threshold for a SAE.

Incorrect because 2nd part contains only 3 of 5 Detection Methods for a SAE.

C. Plausible because the given 10 minutes exceeds the threshold for an ALERT.

Also plausible because 2nd part contains Detection Methods for an ALERT and would be correct if the given time was >15 minutes.

Incorrect because 10 minutes does not exceed the SAE threshold of 15 minutes.

D. CORRECT. Per EPP-001, Att. II, Page 11 of 25, an SAE is required when ALL of the Detection Methods are met for more than 15 minutes.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:53:43 AM 79

Notes KIA* G2.4.41:

(Emergency ProcedureslPlans) Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications.

Tier: 3 Group: 4 Importance Rating: SR04.6 Technical


  • EPP-001, Attachment II, Page 1 (Pages 11 & 12 of 25)

Proposed references to be provided to applicants during examination:

None Learning Objective: EPp*001-4095 Question History: NEW 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 43(b)(5)

KIA Match:

Meets KJA by requiring knowledge of Detection Methods for declaration of a SAE and an Alert.

SRO Only Justification:

SRO Only because knowledge of the EAL Tables is required.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:53:43 AM 80

2009 V.C.

- - Summer SRO -- - - - NRC Exam - As Given Response form NRC Form ES-401-9 Comments /2009 NRC Exam):

G2.4.41 Psychometrics: If distracter A was correct, C would be correct also because A is a subset of C.

If B was correct, D would be also.


Add the word only on A and B.

NP distracters in A and C due to the times: It's common knowledge that an SAE requires 15 min to notify. Therefore change 10 to 15 minutes in A and C. A will still be wrong because only 2 of the 3 required detection methods.

Change the "AND" before the 3 In distracter C to an "OR" and that will make the second part of distracter 3 wrong.

The Q is E* because of NP distracters in A and B and because of multiple correct answers due to psychometrics.

12130/08 Facility Response:

This quest/on required complete revision based on new EALs.

Original version was 002. We propose using version 003.

Allanta Review (RFA approved): 06/02109:

Place TWENTY minutes In stem.

Delete limes from all choices. Make choices A-B "only" Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:53:43 AM 81

N; ,...r~."~ b au ~"'UIHII.E" b.~

I.CUfa 'tIr. 15l1'1/n.si,.l;;h ...... , "'arwI_~'

I'UIA I h , .. lIEn .. .IIIo:IUIW 5G1.1 r:r:=1 2 I 3 I 4 551.1 eel 2 I 3 I 2 I 11 I 4 I 1 Loss 0101/1 effie <lnd 0lI1i onsite AC po** rto 72 KVESF buses lllA.iiIInd lDB (TOible 5-3)

Loss ohll ofti;ite .mel 01111 onsfte ESfhuses lDAiItd lOB'Dr;e

":.;~~~~~c:~:~~.?7~2;KV~E;;SFforO'!: 15 nino (!'<<I n

busu 1DA,orn loss d AND EITHER; S-3) !l!m p.,..", R.!stor;rlion 01411: leOist O~ ESF bus within 4holn Any ildditi:lnOlI singl. po. er source f.lJl.ue .m tflS~

isnct likely !0S$' ofil!! AC po.ertD both 7 .2 KV SF buses OR SS12 r:r=:r:z=-! 3 4 I (fOIble S-3) es FST Cere Cooling- or pillh

< 108 \lDC on beth Tr.in A~d TlOIin B WI 125 \I1JC

~i:Jr0!:15 F~ttfh b-=:lI::Ir"'D1t ::t'sjr,. bCGalllItIt.,-.abftaIk; *Is b~--. hi ftac:b ... ht ___ Aubn.Ic:1t. *11 klItulll--. ht ftac:b ...... I

_ .... __ tI, _ n.t311~srtJl~ Iwft II: irIlt:alan -=:11_ IIiIln'hlll'l ht Ie.::" cr.'IIId ~~.e lid .:1bv IIiIH'I't. . ht lica arJlJ'QI alrw.6io * * .lU 01., II te I'U dlIIIn-.. b ... "I~ b CDCJI h' Q::It, ~ntl/lrul-ullro 11_1"1 ht ,e.:br .......... c.'I .... ft.::"

2 502.1 CCl 2 Putom.mc .md <III manualtlfps were rot successful SS2.1 AltDmallotip t 1


I 2 rot SUlX:esrt.d 0lI1'tN 3tly RTS se:lpoird: is t 1 I 2 JIutomorliotip .OIS mt sUlX:ess!u1 OI'ftt,r OlIfly RTS QitiCiilrrty

!l!m e:a:eeded. setpoint is excei!i:led

& ~rpo.l!;ris~5~


""0 ""0

.A.t.lOBTHER: MmuOl/ OIdionstmn iltthe reOldorcmtrol console do net Milnlfilll OIdionsUken athe ~OlIdorcartrol console Foj're CSfST Ccn Cooing- shutdo.nthe l"eOlctorOls Indlcorted by~OIdorpo.er ~51.. successfUty shuttlo.n the rNCtDr OIS ndlcorted by OR rudorpo.er <51..

loll: For m..u.i .::krs, ht ~-=br'" s.t::tvs cnxcr-1i11ot1011

  • e ht crQ lIIehollJ: ~,ua.~ Ie e.\LSS2..1 Ito .. : For III ........ .::Iens, .... ~.::br 10110151U.1 hi en, t" $ * *:h.. OI'lxcr*

. t t....b .,1c:U~ b EhL8A2.1 3 Tilblill 5-3 A C POYt'er SLWhs Rl!aoh or Otrsite:

(HOI(.~ D 115 KVpowerm XTF-4 <lnd XTF-5 Malrtaln 2~ KVpoWl!I"to XTF-31 POIT Hydro Ploint 13.8 KVpo.erto ESF Bus 1D.A. or 108 s Onsite:

[lese] Oerwr.d:or A

[lese! Oell!r.ll:or B lh1Ia.r.HIlou rn.l_1IJ J¥f. n ...-.u'daIcn or h6 Contd 1._ wth clhtr(1).Srlri"b"lol t~l"Irh orCO'~~IrdQb, ~~

SS4j I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 SA 4.1 I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I loss ofOlpprollimmly 75" ofMC BOInnundill:o/'S UnplOllnned loss ofOlppro:a.im;;tely 751. ofMCB OIssociorted rih SOlIf!'tys)$18msfor ~ 15 min. (Note 3) OInnunciOlltors orrnicOlltors ~lmd.iIh SOlIfrlysy 4 Bectricalloiilcl ~on >25" illl ell!!arioalloOHt R.!OiIctDr Trip

""0 AnysignifCOllnttnnsiert is In p~ss, Table S-1 lItW for!:.. 15 min. (Note 3)


Anysignl1lCOllnttr.rnsfentis in propss, T.. ~e S-hst.1 Conpel"lSOlltDryindic~ons iIr& UI'1Olll\QGble OR Convn. 1bili000ck > 25 'i therT11illl power CompenSOlltoryincfic;dlOl15 Me UI\OI\abble ECCS injection Thermal power osciD;;rtions) to"/.

TOIbie S-2 CommJric;rtfcns Systems System

(""",.1) .,,'""'>

Cnsite otfsite OOli-Trtlnicss~ X ROIcfo system X 5 Intemilltele~ne systtm Tehphone lond lines X

X X Fiblroptic lirks X S;rtmltite phone s~m X F.delOll Telephon~ SysbHn X 6 lole: ~.1>>1e F-1, 'h::dcnl'roftld "nlelll.tlil,Upl u .....on.ox. ht tln..lIIIII 811tnl ....., b ,,-cs U

Table F*1 Fission Product Barrier Matrix "c:-:

Fuel Clad Barrier Reactor Coolant System Barrier loss Potential loss loss Potential loss loss CSFSTRCS ~grity-r<'ED Citical Siii!ty FlI'lction StirtuS CSFST Corl! CoolWlll-t~f:D I' CSFST Ca-e CooJ1ng-QR "-

I' csffi Heilt SlrK-~;::[I ,-

CSFST Heat Sink-PEa

~hl!;rtSnkIl!~ I .mel heill: sink reqund Gift EdTCs . Cor. em TCs > 1,200-r Core exit TCs > 700-r 12 I I -. I

~~ ,-

C" _r.tIon RM-G7 or Rvf.G18 , RMG7 or Rwi-G18

) 4x 10~ Rnr

> 2x 103 RIhr


D. lnwr*lry 3. Rit<lldor\kssel.'" 2. Res 1e4lk rm > ..~Ie U,isobble ReS leak I@\/I!I ( T~le F-2 rnaceup c .. p;tcity ilS exceedng 'the capouity010ne

.... snolds indlc:at:ed by illoss afR CS ch;ugfng pump in the rtoI'TmI sub::ool1ng chMQing mode

3. Rtpturtd SO ruults In ~

EGCS (SI).lIfu7don Ott,., _.

j F. Jt.dgml!nt Anycondition in the 4. Anyc:ondition inthe 4. Ar¥condilion in be Anyocndiion in the opilion ofthe &nergl!floy~ctDr

~~~~ctorthot ~';~~r~.n opinion ottt. Emergency

,3 Dirbc1Dr1tm lndiGill:esloss '!hod: fnc:icotes pttenblloss

~ indit3es loss offle Fuel indiCilb!s potent:ioliloss ott.e ReS barrier offle Res b~r

.~,='L"';-~'-'O;~!:";r"':."-!~' ~,.""""'",,,d.",,b;mj~"O'"~,,,.~,",**,"~c'~'!'C"~"o.<f1h~..*,vF..*uoI"wC.,IaI.,,,"b",;mj'"''''''''''~,v=$~=vo",u.""""&~r,."",=.,-,~"",",,,,,,.,,,.,"".,dn~'"W~'"'2'"Co/'""".n,,,!


"*"""'c""""~,,* .. ,r""' *.,"""'1','"_"''

Tabl. f.2 RNctorVesseJ 'MIter l.vtl11Tesh:i~

"'"'"'.' ' ' <].

,=nX'*',''C -", "'-:;'C'".r.>';?J,---""~;:-:-_-'~" ,.--,/,.~,,,-,'_-:-"-}

Nc:t.1: The emergenoy a~ctorshouJd not ... it unti' the ilppfrcOible timehOllS eI;apsed. but shDUkl Nunill!(of Fuel aild and Contanment .), decJ;n t:t. eWJrt as: mon OII$iI: is detl!lTlWled'l:l-&ltt:iM cordition. ill liblyexc:e-edthe Reps RwvIiru Potff'ltbl Loss ~nootbl.1ime. Ifdose oassessn.rt mults Mb ilvailable. dec~ should be bOlSl!d on dose ilSseSSn.nt /nsteotd oflOldloiton monitor Villues. Do not debydec~n ..wiliing 40".4 R'vUS NiUroW Range dose ;;assessment ...sults 3 54~ RIiUS Wdo R>n", Nae 2: The &neJgl!llOy~ctorshCtlk:l nat * ..tunlil 'fIl!ilppfic;;Dle time ~ ~2d. but 5hDUH:I dl!clareili! e\A!l'1t as soon asitls dl!tennmedtf1ill:the rele~ dtr.Itionhu exceeded.or 2a RIiUS Wdo R>n",

will Dkelyexoeed. the appliOOlbltltirrv. h 1M ~senot ofditatothe CCltIIb';uy, assutnl!ttm 2

(. I\..(::D HI ".4 R\tUS Wde RanlJl! t £,f..> r the reltl.. se dlNionhas exoeededthe ilppliCOIbletitn! if 01'1 onvoIDg ,../ease is detected t \lo ~~-:__~.~n=d~~~,~nj~'='S='~~~:Om~"~.:;~s~un~m~o.;:n.~::~~~~~:-~~~~~~~~"

Ie 6nervency Ort!d:or should not wd unil1he ~plic~ ime hu ,,1apR<!, but should declill~ til! ewnl: as soon as it is dl!tenninMi tlliItthe con:iition willibly exceed the

.. pp~"irne.

Ncte4: /fthe e-qupment in1fle ~ OIru "'5 ilIlrudyinope~le. or out otsel1Aa!. bdn fle ewot OCClJo'nd, then tis EAlshould not be dec:W-.d OIlS I . rn hOlve no OIdvs'u imp;;u;t on the OIbiityotthe pWttto gf!ly operate orsill~lysftutdown beyond thod: illrndy * *ed by TedlniO-ilI Speci1icnons ~the frne o'f!le ,,\eft.

,"lOT "~'" r~\ ,J j 1

~.J j

""J" ~rJ

'1 1 C ,\.J l"d 1 1

- - _"',' -r , - '

-;;~:;:- ,',,',

r;;l*J $$

t ,*;r