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E-mail: Fwd: AMR Questions for the Oc (PD)
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/31/2005
From: Ashley D
To: Hufnagel J
Exelon Corp
Download: ML060740441 (4)


I D.Ashley - Fwd: AMR Questions for OC Page 1 l From: D. Ashley To: John Hufnagel Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2005 2:09 PM


Fwd: AMR Questions for OC More questions....

[D.Ashley- AMR Questions for OC Page 1 l From: Gregory Cranston To: Ashley, D.

Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2005 2:09 PM


AMR Questions for OC Please forward the attached questions to the applicant.

CC: Tran, Linh; Zimmerman, Jacob

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Fwd: AMR Questions for OC Creation Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2005 2:09 PM From: D. Ashley Created By: DJA1 Recipients Action Date & Time Transferred 10/31 2:10PM john.hufnagel (John Hufnagel)

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I D.Ashley - Oyster Creek Electrical Question.wpdP Page 1]l OCGS AMP B.1.34 Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements (GALL AMP XL.E1)

1. For Program Element 10, the applicant states that "several instances of degradation of cables in adverse localized environments have been identified during the conduct of routine maintenance activities and dispositioned using the corrective action process. In each case, engineering evaluations determined the cause of the apparent degradation, the effect on operability and appropriate corrective action." Provide a summary of the causes and the evaluation of the corrective actions regarding these instances.

OCGS AMP B.1.35 Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements Used in Instrumentation Circuits (GALL AMP XL.E2)

1. Provide clarification whether cables used in high voltage, low level signal application that are sensitive to reduction in insulation resistance are in scope of this program.
2. Provide clarification whether the cables and connections within the scope of this program that are used in sensitive instrumentation circuits are high voltage.
3. Provide a summary of review/evaluation regarding operating experience for this program.
4. In the Program Description for this program, the applicant states that, "Containment high range radiation is not included because it is governed by the EQ program." Please provide clarification whether the entire containment high range radiation monitoring subsystem is covered by the EQ program.
5. GALL AMP XL.E2 specifically recommends that an engineering evaluation is performed when test acceptance criteria are not met. Provide clarification whether an engineering evaluation is performed under the Corrective Action Program as stated in the Oyster Creek Basis for Program Element 7.
6. Oyster Creek LRA Page B-94 identified two enhancements for this aging management program. However, there is no mention of these enhancements in the basis document. The applicant is requested to provide the bases and the program elements to which these enhancements are associated with for this aging management program.
7. Provide clarification whether OCGS AMP B.1.35 is a new or an existing program?

OCGS AMP B.3.2 Environmental Qualification (EQ) Program (GALL AMP X.E1)

1. Provide clarification whether the Oyster Creek EQ Program includes all electrical components that are important to safety and could be exposed to harsh environment accident conditions.
2. GALL AMP X.E1 recommends that monitoring or inspection of certain environmental, condition, or component parameters may be used to ensure that a component is within the bounds of its qualification basis, or as a means to modify the qualification, for Program Elements 3, 4, and 5. The applicant is requested to address how this is accomplished for its OCGS AMP B.3.2.