ML060690180 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek, Callaway |
Issue date: | 08/31/1984 |
From: | Joseph Holonich, O'Connor P Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
FOIA/PA-2006-0095 NUDOCS 8409140046 | |
Download: ML060690180 (13) | |
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Docket Nfos.: STN 50-482 and 'TN 50-483 II FACILITIES: Wolf Creek Generating Station Callaway Plant Unit 1 i
APPLICANT: Kansas Gas and Electric Company
. i LICENSEE: Union Electric Company
?kINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1984 MEETING WITH KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC AND UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY On August 22, 1984 members of the NRC staff met with representatives of Union Electric Company, Kansas Gas Electric Company, SNUPPS, and Bechtel Corporation to discuss the applicant's proposed modification to their safe shutdown analysis related to a control room fire. Enclosure 1 is a list of attendees.
The modified response scenario for the control room fire is summarized in Enclosure 2. This response differs from previously proposed response scenarios by not relying on the removal of power to all AC buses and involves the installation of 7 additional isolation switches and the modification of 7 other existing isolation switches.
The detailed steps In the new SNUPPS scenario keyed to the action phases of Enclosurej2 are identified in Enclosure 3, To assist in discussing the submittal and to clarify the rationale used, SNUPPS submitted Enclosure 4 wh ch identifies SNUPPS understanding of the HRC staff requirements related to this safe shutdown review. Enclosure 4 was modified during the meeting by the applicants to reflect additional clarification provided by the staff.
At the conclusion.of the meeting the applicants agreed to docket a final proposal to the stiff by Aujust 24, 1984 to resolvo the problems identified with the safe shutdown analysis by the stff. The submittal will identify a schedule for Installation or modification of hardware changes and If possible an estimate of the length of time risquired for making the installation.
On August 23, 1984 Messrs. N. Fioravante, J.Wilson, and W. LWFave of the Auxiliary Systems Branch provided the applicants with the following additional clarification of the staff positions discussed during the August 22 ieeting. 0\
8409140046 64 1 CF ADOCK o0o5o081 CF s
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S Credit can be taken only for a anual scram before leaving the control room
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S The staff considers the following SNUPPS systems to be "direct"
- MSlVs
- MSIV bypass
- Primary PORVs
- Reactor vessel head vent
- Excess letdown
° Associated Circuit - Spurious signal failures must meet the following conditions:
- 1. No automatic function from the circuits in the fire area -- in conjunction with one worst case spurious signal;
- 2. Any one spurious signal and;
- 3. Spurious operation of all motor-operated valves in-series for high-low pressure interfaces.
Joseph J. Holonich, Project Manager Paul W. O'Connor, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 1 Licensing Branch No. 1 Division of Licensing Division of Licensing
As stated cc: See next page CONCURRENCES:
DL:LBI1 pC Do c PO'Connor:es JWr~nIch Iood 8/p/84 8 l/84
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- ? ° Credit can be taken only for 'manual scram before leaving the control room
- The staff considers the follosving SNUPPS systems to be "direct"
- MSIV bypass
- Primary PORVs
- Reactor vessel head vent
- Excess letdown Associated Circuit - Spurious signal failures must meet the following conditions:
- 1. No automatic function from tho circuits In the fire area -- in conjunction with one worst case spurious signal;
- 2. Any one spurious signal and;
- 3. Spurious operation of all motcr-operated valves In-series for high-low pressure interfaces.
Joseph J. Holonich, Project Manager, Paul W. O'Connor, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 1 Licensing Branch No. 1 Division of Licensing Division of Licensing
As stated cc: See next page
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- Mr. D. F. Schnell Mr. Glen L. Koiester Vice President - Nuclear Vice President - Nuclear Union Electric Company Kansas Gas and Electric Company P. 0. Box 149 201 North Markiet Street St. Louis, Missouri 63166 P. 0. Box 208 Wichita, Kansa! s 67201 cc: Gerald Charnoff, Esq. Mayor Howard Steffen Thomas A. Baxter, Esq. Chamois, Missouri 65024 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N. W. Jay Silberg, Esquire Washington, 0. C. 20036 Shaw, Pittman, Potts A Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N. W.
ransas City Power & Light Company Washington, D. C. 20036 ATTlI: Mr. D. T. McPhee Vice President - Production Mr. Donald W. Capone 1330 Baltimore Avenue Manager - Nuclear Engineering Kansas City, Missouri 64141 Union Electric Company P. 0. Box 149 Mr. Nicholas A. Petrick St. Louis, Missouri 63166 Executive Director, SNUPPS 5 Choke Cherry Road Ms. Mary Ellen Salava Rockville, Maryland 20850 Route 1, Box 56 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Mr. J. E. Birk Assistant to the General Counsel Eric A. Eisen, Esq.
Union Electric Company Birch, Horton, BittnL & Moore St. Louis, Missouri 63166 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20036 Mr. Howard Bundy Resident Inspector/Wolf Cretek NPS Ms. Wanda Christy cio U. S. 11RC 515 N. 1st Street P. 0. Box 311 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Ms. Majorie Reilly Mr. Michael C. Keener Energy Chairman of the League of State Corporation Conmmiss1in Women Voters of University City, MO State of Kansas 7065 Pershing Avenue Fourth Floor, State Office Building University City, Missouri 63130 Topeka, Kansas 6612 Mr. Fred Lukey Mr. John tHeisler Presiding Judge, Montgomery County U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rural Route Resident Inspectors Office Rhineland, Missouri 65069 RR $1 Steedman, Missouri 65077 Professor William H. Miller Missouri Kansas Section, American Terri Sculley, Director Nuclear Society Special ProJects Division Departnent of Nuclear Engineering Kansas Corporation Comni sslon 1026 Engineering Building State Office Building, 4th Floor University of Missouri Topeka, Kansas 66612 Columbia, Missouri 65211
- 4.1 2
SNUPPS cc: Robert G. Wright Mr. Donald Bollinger, Member Associate Judge, Eastern i Missoruians for Safe Energy District County Court i 6267 Delmar Boulevard Callaway County, Missouri.- I University City, Missouri 63130 Route Vi Fulton, Missouri John H. Simpson, Esq.
Attorney for Intervenors Lewis C. Green, Esq. 4350 Johnson Drive, Suite 120 Green, Hennings & Henry. Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205 Attorney for Joint Intervenor.,
314 N. Broadway, Suite 1830 St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Mr. James G. Keppler U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Mr. Earl Brown Corm ission - Region III School District Superintendenti 799 Roosevelt Road P. 0. Box 9 Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Kingdom City, Missouri 65262 Mr. John T. Collins Mr. Samuel J. Birk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory R. R. #1, Box 243 Commission - Region IV Morrison, Missouri 65061 611 Ryan Plaza, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Mr. Harold Lottman Presiding Judge, Dasconade County Mr. Joe Mulholland Route 1 Manager of Power Supply & Engineering Owensville, Missouri 65066 Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
P. 0. Box 4877 A. Scott Cauger, Esq. Gage Center Station Assis:ant General Counsel for the Topeka, Kansas 66604 Missouri Public Service Cornmi.
P. 0. Box 360 1 C. Edward Peterson, Esq.
Jefferson City, Missouri 651(11 Legal Division Kansas Corporation Commission Mr. John G. Reed Fourth Floor Route $1 Stato Office Building Kingdom City, Missouri 65262 Topeka, Kansas 66612 Mr. Dan I. Bolef, President Brian P. Cassidy, Regional Counsel Kay Drey, Representative Federal Emergency Management Agency Board of Directors Coalition Region I for the Environment J. W. McCormack POCH St. Louis Region Boston, Massachusetts 02109 6267 Delmar Boulevard University City, Missouri 63130
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-ENCLOSURE I AUGUST 22, 1984 SNUPPS SAFE SHUTDOWN OUTSIDE CONTROL ROOM MEETING NRC P. W. O'Connor Jerry Wilson Bill LeFave B. J. Youngblood R. L. Ferguson R. Eberly SNUPPS Jim Cermak Frank Schwoere KG&E Gene Rathbun Bechtel John S. Prebula Patrick Ward Chan Patel Asif Hassan Andy Woolard Westinghouse Pat Docherty UE Al Passwater 1___
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Phase Time Period Major Acctions
-- :Postulati ed Fire Trip Reac:tor Evacuate Control Room A 0-5 min. ' Trip RCPs
' Close PORVs
' Trip Offsite Power to 41608 Bus and Start DG
' Establish ESW
- Trip-off Major Pumps
' Assume Control from ASP 8 0.10 min. ".Establish Safety - Related Room Cooling
' Isolate RWST C 0.20 min. ' Establish CCW D 0.30 min. ' Establish Charging
' Close MSIVs E 0-60 min. ' Long Torm Hot Standby F 0-7 Ihr5,
- Very Long Term
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,; be anywhere in control room; no size or mechanism postulated.
$ . put Fr canS I vaJW6 a" ed adverse failures:
I 1*0, - Must withstand any one spurious signal.
- Nieed not postulate two 'smart" hot shorts on one circuit. . -: . / n: .
- Adverse failure can occur at any time after reactor trip and evacuation of control room.
' Can take credit only for reactor trip before leaving control room.
- Manual repositioning of valves and other components is permitted, provided actions can be accomplished In time to prevent an unrecoverable plant condition.
' The following SHUPPS systems are considered "Indirect":
- MSIVs M Y.SIV bypass
. Primary PORVs
- Reactor vessel head vent
- Excess letdown
- SG blowdown
- DG fuel transfer pump
- Callaway ESW cooling tower
- .