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Minutes of August 14, 1984 Appeal Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek, Callaway  Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/1984
From: Joseph Holonich, O'Connor P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2006-0095 NUDOCS 8408280308
Download: ML060690173 (5)


-AUG". . 1,7 19°4 Docket Nos.: STN 50-8 4 -,2 ,

, ,; .;it  ;.; and STN 50-483 ' ': ;, .  :.'

FACILITY: Wolf Creek Generating Station Callaway Plant, Unit I

',+ ' ,-APPLICANT: Kansas Gas and Electric Company Union Electric Company



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'- i At the request of the SNUPPS utilities, Union Electric Company (UE) and tansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E), members of the staff on August 14, 1984, met with representatives from UE, KG&E, SNUPPS and Bechtel. The pur-pose of the meeting was to appeal the staff position on the SNUPPS safe shutdown analysis. Enclosed is a list of attendees.

The meeting began with the utilities presenting a review of the staff and SNUPPS effort toward the safe shutdown analysis, the circumstances leading to the appeal meeting, the SNUPPS isolation design used in the event of a control room fire, and the reason for the appeal meeting. In their opinion the SNUPPS utilities contended that their design meet the criteria for being able to achieve hot shutdown Independent of the control room if a fire occurred.

Next, the staff presented its position which was that the SNUPPS circuitry did not allow isolation-if fire damage In the control room resulted in a short prior to achieving isolation. :The staff did note that replacing a blown fuse, which was the postulated effect of a hot short in the control room, did permit isolation; however, replacement constituted a repair, which is not permitted to achieve hot shutdown. In addition, the utilities noted that for a second circuit design for such systems as the B charging pump or diesel output, a double hot short was required to prohibit operation. The staff noted that its requirement was protection against only one hot short at a time.

The meeting ended with a detennination that the issue could be resolved with the cognizant reviewers and that an appeal decision was not necessary. How-ever, the utilities stated that they would pursue the appeal if the need arose.

o ,

Joseph J. Holonich, Project Manager 15)

Paul W. O'Connor, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 1 Licensing Branch No. 1 Division of Licensing Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION:

See attached sheet detb6ch:kab LO~bn O8/ 1/84 08/11/84

' 4: .84002B°o


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Frr3/4:' '>- I',".'STATES UNI D -';

NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHI4NGTON, O. C.20555 AUG 17 1984 Docket Nos.: STrN 50-482 . :t. ,

and SI'N50-483- i-,.


FACILITY: Wolf Creek Generating Station Callaway Plant, Unit 1 APPLICANT: Kansas Gas and Electric Company UnionIElectric Company


MINUTES OF AUGUST 14, 1984 APPEAL MEETING At the requ(!st of the SNUPPS utilities, Union Electric Company (UE) and Kansas Gas iind Electric Company ([KG&E), members of the staff on August 14, 1984, met wl Ith representatives from UE, KG&E, SNUPPS and Bechtel. The I pur-Doe nf the

. meeting was to appeal the staff position on the SNUPPS safe rsud - -

shutdown anZalysis. Enclosed Is a list of attendees.

The meeting began with the utilities presenting a review of the staff and SrNUPPS effort toward the safe shutdown analysis, the circumstances leading to the appeal meeting, the SNUPPS isolation design used in the event of a control room fire, and the reason for the appeal meeting. In their opinion the SI1UPPS utilities contended that their design meet the criteria for being able to achieve hot shutdown independent of the control room if a fire occurred.

Next, the staff presented its position which was that the SNUPPS circuitry did not allow isolation If fire damage In the control room resulted in a short prior to achieving isolation. The staff did note that replacing a blown fuse, which was the postulated effect of a hot short in the control room, did permit isolation; however, replacement constituted a repair, which Is not permitted to achieve hot shutdown. In addition, the utilities noted that for a second circuit design for such systems nS the 8 charging pump or diesel output, a double hot short was required to prohibit operation. The staff noted that its requirement was protection against only one hot short at a time.

The meeting ended with a determination that the issue could be resolved with the cognizant reviewers and that an appeal decision was not necessary. How-ever, the utilities stated that they would pursue the appeal if the need arose.


_44Ž. hi Joseph J. Holonich, Project Manager Paul W.0'Connor, Pro ect Manager Licensing Branch No, 1 Licensing Branch No. 1 Division of Licensing Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page *%


  • -~ SNUPPS*.1 Mr. D. F. Schnell Mr'. Glen L. Koester Vice President - Nuclear Vice President - Nuclear

'Union Electric Company Kansas Gas and Electric Com:pany P. 0. Box 149 201 North Market Street St. Louis, Missouri 63166 P. 0. Box 208 Wichita, Kansas 67201 cc: Gerald Charnoff, Esq. Mayor Howard Steffen Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.' Chamois, Missouri 65024 Shaw, I't A^ U _is Pittman, Potts t - ' 1 t A. to

& Trowbridge 10UU M Street, m. w. Jay Silierg, Esquire Washington, D. C. 20036 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 1800 M Street, N. W.

Kansas City Power & Light Company Washington, D. C. 20036 ATTN: Mr. D. T. McPhee Vice President - Production Mr. Donold W. Capone 1330 Baltimore Avenue Manager - Nuclear Engineering Kansas City, Missouri 64141 Union Electric Company P. 0. Box 149 Mr. Nicholas A. Petrick St. Louis, Missouri 63166 Executive Director, SNUPPS 5 Choke Cherry Road Ms. Mary Ellen Salava Rockville, Maryland 20850 Rodte 1, Box 56 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Mr. J. E. Birk Assistant to the General Counsel Eric A. Elsen, Esq.

Union Electric Company Birch, Horton, Bittner & Moore St. Louis, Missouri 63166 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N. W.

Washington, D. C. 20036 Mr. Howard Bundy Resident Inspector/Wolf Creek NPS Ms. Wanda Christy c/o U. S. "RC 515 N. Ist Street P. 0. Box 311 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Ms. Majorie Reilly Mr. Michael C. Keener ' Energy Chairman of the League of State Corporation Commission Women Voters of University City, FO State of Kansas 7065 Pershing Avenue Fourth Floor, State Office Building University City, Missouri 63130 Topeka, Kansas 6612 Mr. Fred Lukey.

Mr. John Heisler Presiding Judge, Montgomery County U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Coanimssion Rural Route Resident Inspectors Office Rhineland, Missouri 650(9 RR #1 Steedman, Missouri 65077 Professor William H. Miller Missouri Kansas Section, American Terri Sculley, Director Nuclear Society Special Projects Division Department of Nuclear Engineering Kansas Corporation Commission 1026 Engineering Building State Office But ding, 4th Floor University of Missouri Topeka, Kansas B6612 Columbia, Missouri 65211 0, .


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SNUPPS m - ;

cc: Robert G. Wright Mr. Donald Bollinger, Mel mber Associate Judge, Eastern Missoruians for Safe Ene rgy District County Court 6267 Delmar Boulevard Callaway County, Missouri University City, Missour 1 6: 3130 Route #1

Attorney for Intervenors Lewis C. Green, Esq. 4350 Johnson Drive, Suit e 120 Green, Hennings & Henry Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205 Attorn:y for Joint Intervenors 51A U A _ . Im

". -. J..


Jig N. vroauway, SuIT- iJQU St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Mr. James G. Keppler U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Mr. Earl Brown Commission - Region III i School District Superintendent 799 Roosevelt Road P. 0. Box 9 Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Kingdom City, Missouri 65262 Mr. John T. Collins Mr. Samuel J. Birk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory R. R. #1,Box 243 Commission - Region IV Morrison, Missouri 65061 611 Ryan Plaza, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Mr. Harold Lottman Presiding Judge, Dasconade County Mr. Joe Mulholland Route 1 Manager of Power Supply & Engineering Owensville, Missouri 65066 Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, In(

P. 0. Box 4877 A. Scott Cauger, Esq. Gage Center Station Assistant General Counsel for the Topeka, Kansas 66604 Missouri Public Service Cowm.

P. 0. Box 360 C. Edward Peterson, Esq.

Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Legal Division Kansas Corporation Commission Mr. John G. Reed Fourth Floor Route #1 State Office Building

.Kingdom City, Missouri 65262 Topeka, Kansas 66612 Mr. Dan 1. Bolef, President Brian P. Cassidy, Regional Co-r.Sc!

I Kay Drey, Representative Federal tmergency Management Agency Board of Directors Coalition Region I for the Environment J. W. McCormack POCH J.I St. Louis Region Boston, Massachusetts 02109 6267 Delmar Boulevard

.i University City, Missouri 63130 I


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- '"' fi .' ENCLOSURE

' MEETING ATTENDEES AUGUST 14, 1984 Name Organization Joe Holonich NRR/DL/LB I B. J. Youngblood NRR/DL/LBI1 W. V. Johnston NRR/DE R. W. Houston NRR/DSI T. Novak NRR/DL Victor Benaroya NRR/DE/CMEB Bill LeFave NRR/DSI/ASB Jerry Wilson NRR/ASB John Stang NRR/DE/CMEB R. Eberly NRR/DE/CMEB Tom Wambach NRR/DL/ORB#5 G. E. Edison NRR/TSOB Myron Karman NRC/OELD M, Murphy NRC/Re ion IV A. C. Passwater Union Electrtic Don Capone Union Electric Otto Maynard Kansas Gas & Electric Gene Rathbun Kansas Gas &Electric Frank Schwoerer SNUPPS Jim Cermak SNUPPS Gerald Charnoff Shaw Pittman Asif Hassan Bechtel Patrick Ward Bechtel John S. Prebula Bechtel