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Citizen Petition, Calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, Similar to Those Already Conducted at Aging Nuclear Plants in Maine and Connecticut
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/2006
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of VT, State of VT, Dept of Public Service, State of VT, Public Service Board
%dam200606, 71FR1774 00022
Download: ML060470535 (503)


{{#Wiki_filter:.4e' # A Citizen Petition' I rO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enter=ig Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in ihe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and W this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,
                                                    /   ilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: PrintName veA(

Go G( *XifF&L" Address:37f R4 f Cement4 Do 5X F

2. Signature:_ Prim CA /d& Q / &6L4YF 6Li 3 Address: RT Zey txc, lye" e O tD
3. Signature, Print Name Address:

A A., RivnsfhrP Y.4rint Name

5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name:


8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                     'i A Citizen Petition'                                              ep, TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:                                          Members of the Verrnmo0               ' m VtVc             )'%.'e "Ic Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriry Corporation has applied to super-load nucleiar oltne iL :i e XrZI(`f" Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, ald

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents atla Pwar biwzkou.' Ihat could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

imilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. signatu - Print Name A' STAYKRA Address: a AA5, 0w/r
2. Signature: ( 4e Print Name . ?_

Address: - A4/4,d'A Ko4C/ S9iX /t32' iW

3. Signature: I24 ( - 7 t4 . Print Name: JAne E, 0c-.k
5. Signature:

_ .t,. _.- lPrint Name

6. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
7. Signature:__ Print Name Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Nam I4,,.


9. Signature:_ Print Name II.


10. Signature:_ Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14. 2003. if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeNrendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: F*ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minmum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst; could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: L . ' Print Name: ,tJG) ELLto (-

      .Address:Ri.6             tloL City:        e)                             State                            Zip     (l     DtL Phone:                                               Email: 4ELl         oittlO   0 V2Y  Ai U

Registered to Vote? (QZ

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, arnd visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own-documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at: the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sihned: Signature: I )d 0 l i ae2 ()- Print Name: i) A cC (S c_ ( Address: (9 ((-CC C ( City: e J-;/4i , State_ 'QS R Zip g(320 Phone: 4z/3 G EZ  % 2s 4i? Email: Registered to Vote? Cd SO.,

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern.expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:


Print Name: JOGfSfQ /y( uOW Address: lr /. V'67QL City: A' )'APL By State P/ iS Zip aI075 Phone: 573gFG;7 3. Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition d TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Dossible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of ]aine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: @n4a £ 0 1 ,C Print Name: C(,tx&)rPQ Lea l:roE, Address: 3 6- ( t, City: O(,^, State tXk Zip 613( Phone: qnfl5- SY1-173 Email: cc-aogs( ke= . Cow Registered to Vote? eeb

A-Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM:People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: goxs ' ' Print Name: Spe 1T)7 CrS Address: 31 LcfA AFve Jo City: Orcae State P4 Zip Oi36I Phone: (i -7y,5(Y /-?3k - Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont. Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above reguire that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performancce. Signed: Signature: / i Print Name: S ,b ( R. tEt Address: i/ IJ. / I. RT. City: [ER&DARthirv5Ty State M Zip l033 7 /l, hi//le hn--- 4m Phone: 473-~ 'YXl -9f 6 w< Email:_ _______________ Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VerWo# Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thernal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will. reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon. as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sioned: Signature: Print Name: DvI D) W Sr - Address: . to/ r City: a StateK Zip °/ 7 Phone: V//-3i9- . Email: Registered to Vote? _

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veitfl4-Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: _ _ _ ____ Print Name: Address: a O ftA> City: frv(9&A fiUi AJA State- Zip __ __ __ _ Phone: Va) ')-# 7 - )-i

                                            ~ (   6         -Email:

Registered to Vote? e. (

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Venk Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: Print N4 1 (A-h CA e M4s,3 n e-C l Address: \ U W uiid KoI.

                                             %c City:    t6                                 _State_ }Aby p                   Zip                 )

Phone: (fly) '-qVp 43 f 3 Email: hvei(sn . Ualille-It COPkVL Registered to Vote? _ __ ___

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A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James DQuglas, Governor o VermOnt:'Memtbers of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State'Nuclear Advisory Panel: an'd The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those alreaidy conducted at aging nuclear plants inA- Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatur Print Name ! 0 e!v )I or Address: s @(HQ
2. Signature:-aWit 2( Print Name Di peal/

Address: 6n-e&, - °> at / 6253 C2,

3. Signature: L Print Name C (at tee, #VIAJt Address: Xz144i NAiS l+t h il jl4I r.3
4. Signature: ._ __ __ _ _ _ PrintName 91-G P &-K Address: 9 A~.-') Pt) - PbTt,, WY 05246 Name Pi'al,nw/7 )'V*

5 Signature: ,4/~ X 1fe /a/ b///-9AA " fig Address: H /ad ip ,1111weZ I7 Ler 5

6. Signature:Q MA< Print Name &tY 4 c r \

Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. Signature: Print Name___________________

Address: _ _ __ACT_ __m

8. Signature: \ Print Name TMf 15C-IrtN Tcu Address: p4I Ml el AA 4X. el-n Vir v- 5 (3 7
9. Signature: -Print Name [i44RU211 ki ,T +11,AAl M k V1g1 Address: ~1IhA' t03f
10. Signature: &;;4 W> \f4 Print Name oV4 O AMtO4.fV Address: 1 -
       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. 0 o>,e

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potenlially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to'equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 12k] Q Print Name: I o~r Address: 35S Aped A C City: W. State Vt Zip ( Phone: 1gO)1- 014 ^ 4V) I Email: Registered to Vote? VI tsZ

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Rector Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore., they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the Keport: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signature.41)(~CI~&Xt1V V Print Name:ZD CL _ ___6__ _ _ Address: )I tP(-O7E AAJ6S City: State \/14C7< ZipQ* 7 Phone.< 49Z Email: Registered to Vote? IIP+

Fir0 A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James  :;^: Douglas, Governor 1 of Vermont: <2 ;,of i.> Members Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public S FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterwy Cornoration has applied to super! the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 19 A u this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing ris. fi arc , ' lackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pnident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us-in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,
                                           -         similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. SignaturesAn c/G ]Print Name G rt t- C . I6 Address: AZP i- /&Ia ^ 1 £ t / z<' ,;

I F*

2. e
2. S igni 'V~Print Name 6g 1 7' v O Address: 7L2-'o 3-5Ue 71-fA Vn7 -5S 1'
3. Signature: A e.t.

acePrintName Epu6,4&m Address: 2- , - . ( r2YeW-1Ah/Ptv VT 0 *f Q7 ?

4. Signature: /7? . Print Name Addiress: Hi R4 S'- /\7-,, @ AIy( ( 6' ('-& 5-7,>`
5. Signature rint Name 1z447A-AJ 4 Address: M G4E-td2b (7 )
6. signati hi PrintName ?Ci / 7 't6 Addresq62 Si4h/U Kd(7/e-1G IJ WI (7S;
7. Signature: Print Name Address: -
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:_

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen PetitionI TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: MemLii; --.. ilature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont', 41A-i. & Se- lice: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to ,el in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the react I .- . nse, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing riskjl..<.. acr : .X-i 3p IAJ:a7;skouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yanke; .<. , w:. conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an IDependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signatuaturl crt Name______________

Address: AL LI ,- cs cemail

2. Signatur4L  : jL *z PrintiName JO4 V Address: .- IQ&--- Al Ace VLIor %4email cZ ,

I'  %

3. Signature: Print Name Address: email
4. Signature: Print Name Address: email_
5. Signature: Print Name Address: email
6. Signature: Print Name Address: _email_ ,-
7. Signature: Print Name Address: email
8. Signature: Print Name Address: email
9. Signature:_ Print Name Address: email
10. Signature: Print Name Address: -email I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5415, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September ...30?_,2003. .___.1. _.. ...

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ladependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power £Qmparny October 1996; by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall Performance.

Ii/  ! Up !,/ I . I A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: Te undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 liqense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofJaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WECHO W SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants InMaine and Connecticut
1. Si gnature -Pvern t?NaFeor '-

Address: Garreo Q18 d) V7 Ifl&vit, 2.Signature: fYi4p C1 L w PrintName 1%.i.)o 04e9' L Address: 3p0 PIo, NobeA Lvo%3 PIf T 5 e1 -

3. Signature: A.kQ PrntNarre taco/SeA~I k,7 Address: 4 t 2;eM . ,et OS3SL
4. SignatureCQOA I PrmntNarseC)lC"jat sszo eC Address: -7I' ,-\34rvJ it 1 I

(lJVT_ /1 I SBy

5. Signature JAA 1/. -' AO. . Print Name w pfAikAV.AS w v \ w- -

Address:_CA \(a H %W E\ ( - OA-"M. 6 a w' r Na e - - ZIt e

6. Signature:- - I32rMeARqU - Print Name Flkn :Z.1MreC0Q Adudressy-int Name I (W OLi A ll I
7. Signature: , g Pri Pnt Name QW40IOL7 A
                                                                                                                %4d/?          J>

Address: Zi/ -sl 4i PVIT.R(I MY c,339W

8. Signature:___________ Print Name U4p, /I 4 57S f Address: 1 X -i
9. Signature: o Print'Name IArot% 00 5 A I Address:  ; US 053 I@
10. Signature: f 0IkaXI Print2Name 50 ) t'{ LA1WN?1 Address: R I 'RIc&L ST- °
          'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compp October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfbrnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;,(3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifi cant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' - TOj: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board:.Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, aa fiiull top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 .

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signature: jY f LnA t Name Lcaura. 6arc . ;tc Address: iV4 tr'ee4 emtkbor I ketc-\ uT 1 3oI

2. Signature: a 4A int Name Wk U we-A 9 - A, Address: a 16 CI AK'-jj,) /iI a.J  !<41 vb7 b t*b6w UT-',
3. Signature: Print Name 73S42t Address: 0, a>eV L., 1I Slib
4. Signature: /AAm KJ1ItZ Print Name Robert t!Chrp.

Address:_ ) 71' z/ - V( t

6. Signature: XCJv Pint Name Address: L / r6cL  ?/ A 4
6. Signature: C1*/4Ho 1 i Print Name gr. dc;to lo S Address: - t
7. Signaur: PrintName ena LL Address: ot e),34 bMi
8. Sign Print Name 'Jee% (lWo I>e s Address: 3/r V TOY3Y
9. Signature: ,C4L~k Print Name qeCLn Gll Address: ttat3a W~est R<oo Gl 1_1?S r v 7- S 73 Y
10. Signature:CP\. - ,PrintName cherjI Axr cie -

Address: ?L(lJA&& k(CmxW, i5f Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comprm. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

  *a                                                                                                                                  ..          e' 1f A Citizen Petition' I

TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterm Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk oltaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signature H . ) Print Name L ( -- VX b ' Address: Or) IL v-  ; q U I

2. Signature: 29 r_ (7L Print N Name J 6h Address: -¶PI. tOC 9 iN)tAirt\u i)- ('S7~ I (.,
3. Signature e H PrintName _Dfi/Jt/VIS k )3X1/es Address: ?1 - L& i4 6,53'/4
4. Signature: - Print Name i &

far; Address: S t 7 f

5. Signta re ritName 6tC . jft Addres: Print)4J 9 e .
6. Signat Nama e xn t 1
       .Address:                                     $ h                     CMIf    s
7. Signature: i__ntName __H _ _ _ _ _________

Address:  ;.IFo>36 r

8. Signature: L 1 _ _ C)i Print Name IEte CroV%2 0.

Address: A %q btl o V11L4 JT

                                                                                                            .        oA2r4
9. Signature: PrintName -C At-7 7*

Address: 4{/ & AAy /' C)

10. Signature: (X Print Name ();W \\

Address: Vo5 31°

        'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Sex 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 awarding to the definitions and parameters provided in the report indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comrnny October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This sthdy shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate revicVs at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assoss operational safty perbormance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; coective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sinificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

t, 0 *40, 7., ACMtzen Petition' I'~ TO: The IHlonorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vennont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entemy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

   -      this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofhocidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,
                            -   .similar                       to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut I1.Signature:J*~A                   kVAlA.n~             Print Name     ,44dkfj AQr               I/ms}

Ad( lici: 1//O 1-hef - 6

2. Sign Print Name U -7r,iZ)

Address: a O.I t

3. Signature: Print Name AtCY46&L. (/AJI)

Address: Puur; l?/ I1

4. Signature: A- /a 5fa Print Name___


5. Signature: / PrintName sT( ,0C4 Address: /G L- I ___ C>s Lq
6. Sign Print NameJ_ 1+ a a 2- I 0 Address: pD 9 Uir\Ql 6S7Llb SWOW1191 11
7. Signature: tei 2M -Print Name~e~ tOiI6p &)ktfp
                                                                                           ! . l           . ,

(~AA11 6I Address.30e 4 ) oQ

                                                                      )        k                                    .
8. Sigaa ,Print NameDŽ*7"I ~

Address: I b I Awn StkU 6 `5?1

9. Signature: kx 4 Print Name VA 'Pe Go (e' 5 Address: --
      '.. Signature:Mtu         e                                    Name                    197    ('CD2&)A)PA _
                                         .                                                                                                   W.
       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rqxot Indencndent Safety Assessment of Mainc Yankee Atomic Power Can y.nv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) ipdntly assess the cformanoc of Vemont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;- (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Verit islature; Vermont Publlc Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Dep

  • FROM: The undersigned-citizens and fiiends of Vermo -

WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has ap - el in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor\ -5 -. ZSI-e and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging compone\ = ris of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, -

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prt!_4ent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aming nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Ha gg,t- ,_ -4c.3LE-r - -

Print Name <A re o-v eer . <- /1e-4 z {

           .Address:--Pc13A-3or 7ie                                                   U-,      o                        e -n -aL!                -


2. Signature:r em 2 Print Name T m d 1 e Address: I79-a b~ve, r 6J. k6
3. Signature: Print Name C Address:____________ Ut-. e- .e
4. Signattire: Io,_ -- -,-. L Print Name *
                                                                                            . £Cit 4C1LAV.._A4 5-up                                           -

. - d d. I-5ss

    .. A, Ad
5. Signz a Print Narrne o \ Z U WA _A__


6. Signature: gi g Print Name 46bek 6g) A. - F I,r,-,\ ,k Address: 7 yo X  ! Gc~t do 43eA P\,-. , -
7. Signature: -"--

I ______Print Name gltc-ti Riitce -cam Address: l7v' lTOlcf P-'AV *w(ItneY-,% l/T '36 e A'Jl S. Signature 2. Print Name - Address: c. e m {

9. Signatur rint Narne% f4c5 T Wolfs )

A ddress3W ) onXe3A

10. Signat . Print Name____ ________(

Address: 39Z rJd~t - -- Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Lndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study' shall: ( i independently assess the conformlance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the siue and corporate offices: (2) independerntfy assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-a5:szssments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A~CItizenPtf.AionLQ' IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont MMIEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective aid conservative, therefore, WIE NOW SAY, join us Incalling for a Independjent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee?,

A similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signau2g Print Name //j XeR/i YA /kL . . .

Addres Erwt A W Uany-EmaiI

2. Signature: / <-,-x I PrintName 9~i4 A fg
                         'L.         C'
3. Signature: , ,, _

Print Name

                                                                                  "    X-1,         ke"4-Address:          3            ;s,                                             Email
4. Signature: X ~ t /L -, ar ae K f Address: .-
5. Signature: Print~Nane Address: ____ ___.____

Email_l_Ad ____ _ __

6. Sipnature C: 4rŽ lmiTCLrVs TV \

Address d dA S s : Email__________H __ ____________ i 7.Signature: Print Name (ITIt Ey c(CW-z S Address: ( _____Email

8. Signature: PrintName J1ale bod le Address: fqlv L) \r Email
9. Signature: Print Name _X Address: 4`,A Email
10. Signature: Print Name S4 eY k k W Address: le 3' Amsy Email-2Return this completed petition via New England Coaition, B 54, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance,


A-Citkfen Petition' IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ]FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHIEREAS I Louisiana-based £noergyiC poration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120%/ of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective afd conservative, therefore,

.ME NOW SAL join us in calling for a Indepenident Safety Assessment of Vermont YankeeZ, similar to those already conducted st aging nuclear plantin Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: 4t/nt Name 'IiJ Cb 1 Address: 2 o i) Ki
2. Signature: t Print lame_

Address: j '__-__ __ Email

3. Signature)Laj,9. JQ2.1 Print NameId j-eYn J. _Th-I Address: N nM-ttke CLd Email 4, Signature Print Name_ __ _ _ _

Address: 1V UtdU . Email ( aturet.4tv P int Name -A444f ctPl .Wr7,Y~-, LI Address: f ' . -- Email_

6. Signre. Print Name ?o. UI/ I
                     -        f-^    M.G                    S        dPr                  .                     vl Address:                                      _                        a            Email C  ;)S    iga ur i     jib-P                                           arne inal~tw                        [1                 :-0 Address:                                                                   _  _Email
8. Signature: ame -l Iarta £bz th Rl(S Address: Vi 'f () fO (N .. -ErnEnyail___
                                -'                             _                                *1        -
9. Signature: PrintName E Mv11 M k-Lj A_

WJCh.< , Address: 24 \ aSt X,9(' I v L4 Emailyrn, (f _EW -!I (Be tSI .l4 v-A A1;

      . 10. Signature:                         W    -                   Print Namet/L            +/- YJ4A Address:      Z-7 0 *I4Jzfy                c    J              I                    Email                                         . _

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 4ccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepcndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ny October '1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commnission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                                  'p A Citizen Petition1

_Q: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ElRM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont MMIERE.AS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporati'n has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plapt blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WE NOW A join us in calling for a.Indelpndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee-,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName 51V ) j w .)

Address: I 'Email_ _ __ _

2. Signature: me 1_1 CT R M axrk Address: (<L YV%&VCVSbl)QjS}6Email
3. Signature: ( I N4L
                                                                  -PrintName                       46(

Address: ° Email (Signat PrintName .IC tcz_ A-0tt-& 0- . - - - -- J-= f, - f Address: 1 I (I I. tnC tojpQ b )L*\L -Email. QSignature: nt Narne l (Aij e Address. 44O zt( b;2A ALS ji. <

6. Signature: Print Name_________________________

Address: __7 _Email C$47qZ A*g,/7

7. Signature: Print Name io,  %, givc:3,15 Address: 5l Email__PVCe sove)4-r
8. Signature: 7"L/ ___ __Print Name kA-(7w 1lt[tft_S Address: N7 69 l)'a____E_____ 4
9. Signature: Jzln. 1 i Print Name ItoC F-UJIN~

Address:0 )

                          $-{x     at       wSw          tl an,             tLfi ..         Email
10. Signatu  : i& PrintName 7 RE1)R&P S.2) t rritU Address: !9\00 \4i r '-I 9 £i Qp _%AA nlWcl't1D 5),im t Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety'Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmcnts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • iEOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners ofENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility -to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the frinnges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a miniiimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon -as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sign ed:

      ,Signature:             SIS Print Name:           KAPPA             Cto.TE     (

Address: 6 a sD City: State VT Zip

   \Phone:                 -7                                Email:
     *egistered to Vote?
  • 1--


                            *                              ,-                                                        e
                                .               ..                                                                    I.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veo Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 1 0OMegawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Thertfore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety ssessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company; October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (l) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 4  ; 6<r . Print Name: WeA,e4' Address: ihndevdo4 4 81 City: Zew State Ca Zip 573Z Phone:_ Email: LitIxgVC-A (V I mekl l . Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor qf e ,i t -ofthe Public Service Board of Vei Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The r iof Public Service:

  • PROM: People (voters where noted) residing, win twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and otheii~djy radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have\4TI 1*ie _ aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 MegaIOstt-fe Mawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its s ti r ,eady subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetq Alsessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: ,442,( >5C% Address Z S > *q'- 72 City: 47t State_:g X Zip f Phone: lot - & V Email:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Registered to Vote? YCS

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Ve otPublic Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load I w Vrmont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lif an ;

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of ad Gpes t 4~ that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservati th :t::rt WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepenclent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yanikee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: _ -)PrintName RIcI a A R is W. ai ce3 D, Address: Ho t1;), to ko 2 0O o -Z
2. Signature: H'e,-4. 4A Ij Print Name AEsTH Ek r, G6 f4b Address: P.Ot"oe 'LO(/X5 (.t- 6r
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name :a Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature:_ IPrint Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of mTon0Zl Xtilt, Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public cW Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermon . - i FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Ve-if-. WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation hazyX nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the ree 1o. Ac ense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging cor; w inc+ c ccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, potcctvt aim r erefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepe__ StsVermont similar to those already con" .0at a q dit i; plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: /tIN riIqn aime Wa* e f, '-oL1DdHD -

Address: lqEq. etSr.Y) CU&(, ox#e3' fL/1 4A3

2. Signature: Print Name_


3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name_


7. Signature: Print NMme_


8. Signature: Print Name_


9. Signature: Print Name_


10. Signature: Print Name__

Address: IRetum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vcrmont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members offt toVermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public 1 t001:' FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrs Corporation has applied to supek;t16 ntvekAt xA the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of ithe reactor's original 9b .-:

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing rIsk -iiIackoutsthat could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, jeb - - -"ilfng for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:nA4 A I' Print Name 9°-Ri- V4ORa14A V Address: 22 l4.-LdL H o ' (Go c I41 (f &a-73
2. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Narne Address:
4. Signature: Print Narne Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Narrie Address:
9. Signature:_ IPrint Name Address:
10. Signature: -Print Name_

Address: IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeNendent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I. . A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable4James Douglas, Govemor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of'Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 liuense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW S cg for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,.

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclearants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signaturo: Print Naz I/ 7L-Address: e d9 603
2. Signature: P  %-L Print Name 4e; frrn FcxjuVrc.Vl Address: LtA ha______A__ T_-______ __) _
3. _.

Signature-It A__ .-

                         -_v_                           N     intNarne          A2<.UTtA                 -ZiZ Address:                  O)>( '4i                 C l                          \FC                                    .o<
4. Signature  : Print Narne .zt% Saelisk,  :

Address: he*r t a3

5. Signature Print Name Arcz rs Address: <-/ c 7 r>zfcn oa
6. Signature: tName (r1%& k y` C-ec.-C_7l Addes Mot (d/ItR f~ U; 0 lt
7. Signature: qztoPrint Name add;A LEP RbF in  :

Address: V7 ACM

8. Signatur: Print N an Address: 'Ia) /?be/j;.,> god EliA S65 c-. . _
9. Signature: \C)nI3CW9 .+I't& Print Name %5'.ciso AS \(oc<, tn Address: \t\t t a , Cb~r* { \3 3,
10. Signature: _ZA4 Print Nam (e Address: 0° [

Ax Atoms usr vr _'if_ Y 2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: lndenndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comvanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and 6orporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;I(3).evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor oi Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterey Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: tName ' Ilk>. V NtVF T NA Address: At
                         -        \s                                  '   r\                                      Nj8
2. Signature: ffA ~ BULLtk`- PrintName En tt 5A-t41cA CA-k Address:  ? 0 -am (2OIJ l Eo.Ua>tb D Vl 0
3. Signature: ' Print Name 5Geodp_ -T -e E-Address: t17 CXA(K Agnowe_ /-r ccszo
4. Signatu r ,5 Print Name l 'i- , -C .sJ Address: 3'?5 ,,' Z¢-1/. z 7
5. Signature: PrintName Lay'r't CA( S1,6 Address: 6 71. (, t4 L UA )
6. Signature: Print Name XX/I Z 1k Address: I____S ____
7. Signature: 2Print:Name  ? I ,Z +/-/iCtST Address: 820 By HEM VhA4Av a t) VT 3 2
8. Signature Print Name R2a vezf53-Address: {A) O)?' oi
9. Signature: Print Name_


10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Return this completed petition via New England Coalition,.Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vcrmont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public

ervice Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel
and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entermv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Vankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join 'usin calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Sig __ature____AZ PrintName Xja &R IV) L Address: , U H i J
2. Signature: 'g'A e Hi1\~~jt Print Name lE Rc.h CA 5ki9i' C
3. Signature:
  • eiintNatne Address: 2 Z' VF\t C:)S 'T
4. Signature:c jr intName k hef L rjnddi,
5. Signature: Print Name __

Address: 6 H i /ii cLf P d*(

6. Signature:'/' AAA 7-rint Name_ C (--- W Er Address: /62 Iey d /topaz=-) kl;( 2_
7. Signature: 2WiA7 is PrintName ELI7-A43IETt L/E 576 oddress: 12 wlUifLJ'dkPZVW d/ tj/7 p1 ?
8. Signature a rN.Name, 7a ej 1-"H Address: /oc Af, A f - by 022
  • 9. Signature: Print Name_


10. Signature: Print Name Address:
      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, 3rattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmeents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significanrt findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                .Moto,1WVW A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature;                                                 Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature. P r i n t Name A¢-> A4A5Z T(

T Address: Th04r*A 4(( darn 6 4Ci- e)Y-3 01

2. Signature: ,09 -, 3 Jnt tName sV (U(L
3. Signature:

Addrese _7 , U- 0vl- rint Name e * )/o

                                                                                                -0f1-)-     t Address:
4. /(C S i natufl 4Ietl
  • P NaCo-(()£t rint~m5W (9r$(
4. Signat Print Name Address: o I I /Ho-ohr &  :
5. Signature: £ 2° PrintName - alrb C, \ 1 h Address: o7/0 XS4Z c5?o/
6. Signature: H i PrintName qa.

Atue... Ct°\-f(' , A Address: I/ DLA, Vr I 0 j4 t Sd(

7. Signature: ritae -JOA/

j.t_,(,41k~ Addres:

                 'O                                             /U'     41           l~MW                          _-                r-
8. Signature:_ *:I Print Name AMn A M An +c )

Address: 0 aQ A r v J V O in5q9R^ , I

9. Signature: PrintNameh 4P EA~

K6'. 1J 3 Address: 10 Signature Address: X A 7Z /I L -/° 9 I72

                                                       ..l&SIh5 X

1, Print Name U)fl


I j c&CA, .4 /\1 D-)e \/ 6_Ar- O 40 2., _ IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

a' A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEIEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudet, protective and conservative, therefore, WE' NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: ,4/ < 4&,504<
                                                 ,              Print Namie                                A~.'O 41-Address:        .5^    -,--,           nf-          EV.-                        V[-         d-) <A4 /
2. Signature: A Print$Name Se r Address:
3. Signature: _ _ _ __Name _ _6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A / 4.dSignaturtiae:4GS dress: f ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address:

6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address.
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

t Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompaM. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance ofVermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifcant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VWEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, in ca for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,
                                   *;               similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature PrintName Pklp l- cjr e.S Address: Jt 3 IiDa 4 . ofoO/
2. Signature: Print Name $_-

D o e Address: . A do 4

3. Signatur PrintName / GS D Address: /I X Pi4 edee Ic #l sTc#
4. Signature PrintName it ,J C-A2-n' Address: __ __ __ ___// 4
5. Signa"6 L PrintName AddresssZ:3 ,^),<lc OS4i
6. Signature: Print Name k fpt 'VoT% .O > (tR-Address: I . Q By_ _ _ 5 I f _ _ _ __Lf_ _ _l
7. Signature: I Print Name fO WLi Ct..SS Address: \ 2 - 'dQ .~ A &zD
9. Signature: L) i Print Name UC_)C lot ,L CJ Address: . , DX 4CrI yCq rAe.
10. Signature: Print Name t Address: k 1i. no JAI3 if Ot9 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, ifpossible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind ndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site End corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WlIEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterer Corporation; has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in Iling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 .

ilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature s Print Name ___ __ __ __C tt_C F_

Address: ( L'6J LL-L5 Tvr J s

2. Signature: Print Name _ _ __R___ _ _ ___ __ __

Address: 7/ A I A3/4y/iAK Afoot  :: . I c/c Lf- G-Pv I -.

                                                                                                                                                            .1 "'
, v
3. Signature.:f -Zr Print Name Addriesq I-S I COSf-iF s I Ae A- Ec A, 1 ,1 -T
4. Signa t l Na~me /:C?~ A/ )/ ,


5. Signature:JAiAM~ Pt1i. PrintNameAc!8t A ae Address: 4' e9-ic _ <t4 I irtr U
6. Signature:re? & Print Name-4 ;LLo 9 II jf(CI-- VA I'- -- - - - I'---

Address: Ignti __ I i _) _ __._PrInt N sly , vfr 0X144@e 7 7 7.atigna I . ,~ Print: Name7> -A; Ir.z -AS Address:%0- 5, f oaks4%jX A 3fAZVti 1\)( (

8. Signature: A, Zf (/:; ri t / Print Name______________

Address: 6 J? $ i lc+ Sal

9. Signature:_ k I intr>P Name AlA . 2 Pr-6AV.& If Address: 3 TV 4it 4"t V-r Z.," VI I10. Signature: A PrintName I0 Is- *i-ru ,. .

Address: Iq hII Ijd0YYJQLA 4 ) A1/ l Ln2 T6 /

                                                                    * :zv__I I/

IRetum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                                                            .1* I , ' '

404- , A Citizen Petition' TO': The Honorable James Douglas, Governorof Vermont: Members ofthe Vd ,r . Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Servic4 FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont i (K-' I i, WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterm Corporation has applied to super-load Ai gN V nont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lic L .A't

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of ad .  : VI that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, tt .. ,

WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

                                   ,   ,       ,?/          similar to those already co lucted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: /G O Pri Name /17:4zi4i >

Address: / t1 A d Aft / e- 67' r

2. Signatwre: 4 J P printName PA9I\5 (. /C AAsu. 5 hn qt 71 I1&LUIa


                         -    _0L j

f? ou J -,I- 1?.

                                                                                       -  -4 I

O9r u

,1; lIIr-
                                                                                                                         /        --
3. Signm /t Print Name ItPk MPilCA Address ;2. i{CtFaR I- ,5o bwrl/; tj V'f ovjL O3
4. Signature: )2& M PA J , Print Name -Yi vow" He11 -c e<

Address: "_-JaA)IIt. -! V t

5. Signature: Print Name IiI?- 7
                                                                                                                               /-     "oo Address:          5>7 L                             gh                r                  43,                          %      V7             O'
6. Signature: Print Name, JeQ 33Fr k'-

Address.  ?-,Le (^ I Itr . S V.--.

7. Signature: Print Name cho -rhj-t v Address: 7 My kVy56I&# 5L Act v r c571.52 A/ J' / A
8. Signature V > 4 ' PrinName M/(f k KLQern ect-Address:
9. Sigauj)t Address:_,.
                  -7 6

I _.§-I'AA k \ 4ct 9ra itName-

                                                                                                  \J -          3- cTYS-
                                                                                                          %es~~SQh\K 6-u;z-Vc,M\"

I-c- y l,.

10. Signature: ,f Ftint Name J2...7~ GorAY Address: IqLl kIj-ia-vAlt:- b le., a IJ 1\?LI>~s X ,V WeA - 0- t)4n voeV
                                                        /                                                                           I IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site amd corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

iAI A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor ofVermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2.

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:_ Lo c, - -Tx ---U. Va-ho HoCMPrintName A '14P-e1, HI tA Irccr,<.

Address: 1-s -i( Z.. .- \

      -2. Signature-8                    leA-uiA9                    PrintName    Shtrit            L\\ ei         C){l)s Address:7Ao-                                                             )enrarw          m -'       tW dl:e      ctf 2
3. Signature.7 I PrintName MIkL Y,1t2s5 Address:

1?i v LfJeS Waar SOt)\IkPA) 9i 7


1 cA)Ib,5

4. Signalure: 30akXe (2+/-. %II~~A r~&- 1int9amel L~rO-k4 W~ ~ V V . ~ ~

Be .rL ttre 1I.Jt Address:

5. Signature: -

Print Name_ Address:

6. Signature:: .-

Print Name Address:

7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature_ Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print NameII Address:

l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545i, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, ifpossible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) ofsafety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont, Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: L t B an cl Print Name: LAMl LEoHk' l) Address: 7S V V1 a City: l a i den,f State- /I-f Zip C2 3 ago Phone: 60c)3 35 R 5 73 Email: Z Registered to Vote? __es

V1 ""IV k A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Meffbers of tn. ire; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioii has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pnident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:n
  • Itu, Print Name Address:

lEdward F. & Midith Hawtilton I-80 Lyme Rd.Apt 315  :;

2. Signatue ure-s A-L g , ,rint Hanover, NH 03755 ,  : I
                                        . , . ., = .


3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: IPrint Narne Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ! ndevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety' performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition'


TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatiol! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, e  ! milar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:6. t'_ Print Name "eo i . r Address:)1 SI (CQ1c 1'4 -k 4r3c'/(:l*'4k
2. Signatune: J Print Name --a 0q Aei e.,Li e C Address: At iAe4 Ilos r-. u friod l/8 e _ Eva
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name_


6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
   . 9. Signature:_                                            IPrint Name Address:
10. Signature:_ FPrint Narne Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possibic. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions. and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.


A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. SignatureL Print Name Cr777te 9- " A Address: P- 0 VAt 77 I t7$'A-, , V7 *3-
2. Signature: rint Name! LlzA kertCŽAns, Address: P 0-leek lb rep _ Vy- /
3. Signature:.V-HA dX-I -

Print Name '-W V' G 4/ Address: HO / 0 eoG<f-7

4. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name_


10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possiblc. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I 0-:1 A Citizeni Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont.Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: MROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of'Vermont SV EREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's oriial 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nudear pants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name t& W A 3 Address: 3 C K _Q N Q\ \rc\bO c,__ V 2 Signaturess


  • 4 I
  • F Print N C x I (A7- a ol -7 & -i (e(
3. Si id PrintName char4es / num-Addrcs.e Li' § e, # i 2s:/ 2 m1 77
4. Signature: 4k Print .. 34M t "

Address: y UC' Vt

5. S>-natu ~ PrintName 6 1, Addr6ss: \/31 t1rT 3
6. Sigatureop& <2 Print Name F g 0ti 8d7q;}

Address: 7 4 U7 qCA-7Jt - 4% 1

7. S PrintName U, Address: 3\1 \Xs g 4iYr - pdO\- 6O4;
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Namee A AAdre-
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Bratleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report hdpndent SafEt Assent of Maine Yanbee Atomic Power Commxin, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commnission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently a operational safety perbrinance giving rislk perspetves where appropriate; (3) evaluate tbe effectiveness of licensec self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvemnet plans; (4) determine dte root cause(s) of safeity-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                           -11 A Citizen Petition' ro:     The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont-Mernbers of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panrel and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriw CorDoraticin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's or al 1973 license, and this incrase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefbre, a afWlitop-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE, NOW SAY join us in c mng for a Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. SignhrkeT 1-R24- PrintNam- B fsv IALLE-N Address: P , L ,( ncldv Vt Q 41Z 0(,' N, M( S-)
2. Signature 4 e )&N eif Addes: ./5I)jkkgMr , ,'.% lJe~rrW~ I/ 6 ,y5
3. Signaturei , * , f1QX f-%,1 t PrintName -K/ I I
                                                                                         ,   .          t (A   Cke r Address-     1?5i                   +IF                            1M6v.At AQ.}P                            C )3
4. Sigiia(urefL 4 JILI Print Name 23X7'£ Ad
s. sairum AIrLL0/i A .-
                                         ,              It                 Print Name     ft 1MY A          .
                                                                                                                     ,    -s     I Iu ;-L t'IJ fo     El-   LI' "

IfA \- 1' 1'

                                                                                                                 \Jr-          J
6. Si: Print Name JOVP i 1 9\J Q Address. M< NQ Vi,, Vww,[ A)
7. S PrintName V (e*?vic1 Address: Print)Name I. ii'ei Wo -

8.Signtue:'>Ji 4 iAt? ~.-- Pit ae {<rwX, :k (A. As'5 Address: \-K- a4,,, / b -d 4i- n,(Ixt -CUfr Oj3Sl5-(

9. Signatyre:

xR.&. 91 < E'rint Name < MI T RE&.LL y J Address: Ss R Tg O ,0 , G 0o 71+9

10. Signature: - A ll Print Name Lf, a Address: - T) t ' RM-fzer/^ \T --" I -
                                         .                                                        9 Retu this completed petition va New England Coalition, Box 545, Brafleboro, Vernt 05302 by Septenber, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the port: ndent Safetv Assesment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv October 1996, by the Nuclea Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriatc reviews at the site and cc porate offices: (2) indndently asses operational saety performance giving risHperspectives where approeriate; (3) evaluate the ceffe veness of licensee self-assessmarts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) dcterminc the root causc(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' VL/ I ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermonit IC service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: . c FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont I WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpv Corporation has applied to super-load nucl It Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licenseji

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accident ii.;'m7 could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefq WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Ve' umee. Momit
  • similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:-&~. A 1 - Print Name CAL V V(J
Address: z S lb 05zg
2. Signature:4G 6Ž Print Name reC 4c 1 'a ts Address: PT F /-a at 7 6 *7
3. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ IPrint Name .K'C-4-ok M!bx it Address: 5H7 &Ct (AL' l(/I K4 &em5st In-0o05-3
4. Signature: F - Print Name
  • TAIrn
  • w Cleave Address: 6a
5. Signature: PrintName Ja 0 F Address: fma J, 6--; 3 -,5-
6. Signature:_ ( ,6 Print Name l 4 ZAl --.;p -e!::>

Address: l LQ( k /4 4 -, 1'1 /o' tOWtVilkaXi) a - X i 8 Signature: H 1 2 14 PrintName S ' S!f,4 Address: 21Za,~l 4ZA )Ura d 2Qgk A57 S. Signature: £gC snt4--(,4a,4rinte <)§09J ,, C ,-(Agv Address: cER G Ls~~KAMMOM \Ilf 06,35

   . 9. Signature:            1                  _L]                Print Nar me          ECU            A         nylon.

Address: , Ar SAorI ¶ŽA- > h2- §04 euA

10. Signature:  : 2 i Print Name E- /t0c.( czd 1b L Address: C79ox /33i/ Wx.-- _

af5 o 7 I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 2 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enter2v Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore. a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join u calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, ilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: ti Nie Z'V ' -5 6 i -'

Address: </ 9r 7ro o 9 g ' f o y ,B

2. Signature: 4 -- Print Name P6 P.e(a m7e r Address: &)e s-heen 41 e .. V7 o-rSjgv1
3. Signature: Print Name 2> Lo C-v ,d\ 0 Address: 3 75 D2rff i A AWe*- s)A1 ~,)
4. Signature: 5AS4 .LS . Print Name Se-tl P. "kte-
                                                                                                                        \P Address:              Go,        Lks.ek            MAwRi1e-                 NO\I P6                  A     \JT 4DSC..3
5. Signa ture: (/7a,' As/ PrintNarrie dIecin Address: P, 3e, 80)& B3a-6qeborD VT O*5OŽl
6. Signature: 1V Z Print Narne K c v) /e77rltfo l/

Address: ?f 3 gW KL kCA, -cl Ad6dw , A/IR

                                                                                                          /7                      el3/
7. Signature: C AkX.*-Ala & - g Print Namie Pr, cay &-e2 Address: 51- l--g:(ve t5 'ovv --K --. .
                                                                                            . I S. - rnat1  W)A.
                                                                                                          . -1 i k , . -,


                                                                                                                           - .,  ,      1V1T. c65`c I


8. Signatur: u 't-& r/ . Print Nani.e a--S S 1-Q- . L A4- -S Address:ji}f7i-1 .4 Ro lDQ 5Yt t r> Ut S3 Y(
    . 9. Signature:_                           _

Print Name Address:

10. Signature: Print Name A AA-rd -

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 5415. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14. 2003. if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate. (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assesstments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A'J. A Citizen Petition' 17: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vernont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterpv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Vankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, jo&us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintNamne A 6ac e Address: 9*? 7 ,^A)£Y h4 1/ ,e1> F>aAnx) 7/, S e/
2. Signature: Print Name lcr( n Cireer Address: 14 ive 4 1 &of V Id
3. Signature: Print Name 4h Ita C lowes Address: 7, I f IO~ V, T (

A 4v( (5 $<6

4. Signature: (2> a.-,.ci. e.J Address: s/een / Y{ 'i knes Io X
5. Signature: 7
2) L -5 ri-0n rnt Name /24/< (3 Address: aree 70 <C /3 Q7cce /I d s 3d
6. Signature: Print Namej Address: Ru7- d
7. Signature: PrintName Address:
8. Signature: PrintName Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name_________________________

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

2,, A !1  ! _ _ b _ I A itHZzel Petition' To: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members o /ermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont \ 1 - WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersiv Corporation has applied to supeC 'aX the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1 -

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasingl -3 iIe i ackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and cons& va',.e,-Ur: -

WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: 5 =. Print Name L'  ; i \6A1 Address: 4 aA)5 Z '0 D9A d X4 (ap
2. Signature: Print Name Yn t>)P 2E-Z TAAU LAt LA)( R./,

I Address: po-vaI 2?r~v ?od. CA eg7l4le& W/9-Z2. 6aM , 1W?

4. Signature: j)4. ( Print Name L -ProcfrA. C1RA-Address: 7 WIIZ As s1- a> - n- 6v' f)T 17
5. Signature__A1nvat, u PrintName .3A/eA4 4AG1 6Q'2 q Address: /O! TA!A5QWC17; C1/2e LX &M'4 1&i5 66(/7 a3°/


6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address-
8. Signature: Print Name Address:_
  • 9. Signature:  : I Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
        .a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pnrdent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYS join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signaturer Print Name IL(-LAA4M ". E~ Eiz Address: 140/ 5'wre r-, s G ee, /4A 19
2. Signature::a.2, re d,, ;Print:Name /1 xtio i e- A A4 1?

Address: (7( 5- 0 &IO4P 1 A 01JCSq- 5

3. Signature: Print Name_


4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name-Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Nam____


       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepcndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving iisk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall pe.,rformance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the VermontU i;' I -' 't ' service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nucles l -ie. t Vankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, arind

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents li -.

could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:6 p-:t44rint Name Fit 4IZA9 H. A4F/kLiES JK/E Address: _____ _______ __4____/_3


2. SignatureX 7Print Name (St04/ W Y11 i 1(116 Address: I S\ 087 0(034
3. Signature: PrintName SAPiAJ L.

dNeitrleA'A A Address: snJ'7 l 2/// 9Ag

4. Signature: -Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature:: .

Print Name Address:

10. Signature: Print Name Address:_

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmcnts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition', ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governorof Vermont: Members of the II-,w i. i: Kw l.; -'rant Public

ervice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzy CorporationL has applied to super-load rt'UJiatF !rmont i'ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license "r->.i
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accIdeut .-tr-A ,ackouts 6 that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature. 4 A uPr m t Name -S04uo 4J. 4 ui Address: /R/ (111/ 7 92 0, ( /, ,&7? p 11
2. S ignature_,; Print Nam A s qz U.JG.og.fi7
                                                                                                                &5 k Address:       //            72;/TA/ 29. W2Z0t//f;                                 OIr 7-a ;?c O§
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name_


7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name_


9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assessithe conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

1A A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vernont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends ofVermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: am Print Name 3 /h C hPs I + { C.

Address: [ t' A - X I W PWW a


r4 7- An " .. I ,M

2. Signature: Print Narmi Address: 4l// $skl A tSj Igo /" ov4-,b /f k'4~44M(, XA M/k/'4' M/f-d4f
3. Signature: tetNari We, &L4,._ /14 vA~~1j
                                                                                                                          -to 4l3"V044RW&"-

ia- ad VT Address:l 4 i.dL -k2AAi d/ 0 Lvcn

                                                 -   _7 -

I// I AAA Ifkj-IX*FvW 'XT Vt__

                                                                                            '     X 1X t pld
                                                                                                - En g                   go.o - A-_  -vi
4. Signature:_ Print Narie Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Maimen Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ Print NanimI Address:
10. Signature: . , .

Print Name Address: 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, ifpossible. dd4IIu 2 according to the definitions and parameers provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Comoaxif;+ October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and I improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A CItizen Petition1 I ID: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Bloard: Vetnont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: B yOA: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WM EAEAS j Loissitfi-based Entry Corpokation has applied to super-load niUclear fuel in the Vermont Tiukee Nucleat PoWer Pltant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and tihis increase will place new stress oil Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entite state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NtOW W SAY join tis incalling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont YankeeW, similar to those already condu5 ted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: ( rJK AA r t Print Name -

Address: Mm.2,,aL_ tLff M r/ )ie.62.

                                                                                .YiiJ1         Email
2. Signature: k* ( J./- Print Name )jk a [a a, /In, Address: A {d fEmail k2,t J"t r 2
3. Signature:,rek ,ft rint am PriNanie 1 ,rN #*$A-4.

I .< _ e - Address: AIW/,te4I#4r, 4 _iV/F/Email

4. Signature: ActA A
                                                               . JAAPrint Narme                 i(C.a            IA?    ~Uou1 Address:       8 I)f2r4ll                         iA[ A..k)gEmail                                                                      . _
5. Signature:Jj, t) 4/ Print Name Iagje , /jx rcaCIKi Address: C D F 1> , __Email
                                                                                                                ~,    Ae,iqyz
6. Signatilre -A,-- PrihtName.jAI" \A2j Address: *0 4t I Email
7. Signature: 4 _ PrintNarne ri6r' ACk ee Address:Jjj( AtomGd i - 1 Am* - Email b Ack@ ak
8. Signatj! tu=~2 C4Arint Namne rZ L 'CBer Address:siI 1 s 2¢'Al c_;[:, fiMf Email
9. Signaturej, PrintName . liJw014- . L e , /..e_

Address: 2/ Ca -a e1Is a 4 41 Email S W , 6 aQ& f0 I - to. Signature: S AC- Print Name I .Qa__ Y Address:$!51 S. 1X<< 5-46 > LA.ora Email 2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independeit Safety Assessment of MaIne Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sihe and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 11: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Setvlcc lBoard: Veftnont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: tB yM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont MS EREAS j Louislafia-based Entergy Corpooation has applied to super-load futiclear fuel in the Vermont 'Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the teactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress oat Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WENOW SAEY join Is Incalling for a IndependMnt Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeey, similat to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName _S~ e I /ever C Address AW 45Email4 t ' *ea/'i, @'// P/
2. Signatui?2 0 _Lvd Print Nade Address'? 7 eEmail _i_ _
3. Signature: rintNarnme C(QI ( G Address: Email_ ____W___ _ ______ ___ --
4. Signature42,d L Print Name aiti a )v rle -ler Address: C s th (td l( ,e p 1 2mail /
5. Signature: _ Print Name °3- c
                                                                                           ",O       5<K.C        Ad    1 Address:          A rt              Al     c A        e   /3 ,         f^Email              -Z       G-S.                     e-
6. Signature: XLA t C PrintName H I kC -( C( cV z Address: 1 < i g to -7)1
                                                                       \         ___AEmafl                          A7)ve h!    .
7. Signature: .Print Name5Co;¢ A i%_S 4V, '

Address: \CL '&)A1 , Shy " o Ss 'Email 2w.4(p U

8. Signature: A 0 Print Name A. g.

4 3nia Address: 0o (7' \1 O (0/4mail

9. Signature: 04JAT Print Name UtS4 ?LAQjf Address: P(fo D; st t, VT__ Email
10. Signature: Print Nam e__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: .V b(1cJ7iL /mnail I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5415, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndependetSafetyAssessMent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by dte Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Vetitionl I Xi: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vetinont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: W m: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont M IEREAS j Laulsiaila-based Entergy Corpoation. has applied to super-load niuclear fuel in the Vermont Yiaitkee Nucieat Poower Plant at.Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and A this increase will place new stress orl Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

   & a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, E' NOWA       SAL join tis in calling for aSIndipeoideint Safety Assessient of Verionit Yankeel, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: t1 /I SLY PrintName p t/d, VPr Address: A<2. 46 (3tza,(l /4X b yQ4
                                                                             .               Email    D&,P#6)SSptie4. )iT
2. Signature: __ Print Name L9&ii/

Address: SC/ /24' LIL -kR Urmail U K 2 MS rai? , *£

3. Sign antureg V wPrint Name / 4e16.

at2 UZ Address: vagI A

4. Signature: IPrik)Name Iafl YC Il Address:,1 AMill Ed ULfiail 0flirkh 5S. S _ Print Namf evel4\

Address: lT)s b Vc.. e6e

  • 7rt, VnDtU nail bat-CV
6. Signature./AOU12)L/6iis.J Print Name /ra0 we '31 Address: r A s.7 Email
7. Signature: PrintNa /me4/,

Address: C S7 oEmai__

9. Signature: Print Name c~t
                                                                                            >S           ((kI        v4 Address:                                                              r-!'/X/?etawaC5zim                                         il
9. Signature: rg - Print Name Wat/>ets6L,\

Address: 5 3rk (766l( (lahb Email

10. Signature: A i Name_.j4 int iA-fIA"t Address: 4- ie1td- ,a.R. o . Email Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ifdependerit Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site ad corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifihant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition / V/- TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: X Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Departmen Af 67 FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont ( WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterprv Corporation has appliec it Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemnon to 120% of the reactor's c

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety similar to those already conductedl
t. Signatur e LX Print Name 2) 14A/aK
  • r Addressa&,orA00 - SY A i L 1 V/ eS>
2. Signature: Print Name MVAPV A5 6A<

Address:777I ts{ Ai/Y I 3r. -JlhDakD oS3y

3. Signature: UA4 G o Print Name D F i) < *-JI VM MA14-(;

Address: 3265 PaY at_ ________________W___

4. Signature: C- 1J Address: 75 I 1j & 2Ao4
5. Signature: PrintName____ __

Address: 79 2- I

6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name_


8. Signature: Print Name Address:

19.Signature: Print Name Address:

      -10. Signature:                                             Print Name Address:-

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September. \4, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature;'Vegmont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisbry Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel ithe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant black-its that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Sionature: Id Print Name 1 / A) h
3. Signature: Print Name-Address:
4. Signature: -Print Name-Address: r`,


  • 11 . - Y-
5. Signature: Print Name -

4 r, Address: K u.

          ; Ri+11lrP-                                            Print Name Address:
7. Signature:. Print Name Addres!5: . .
8. Signature:. . .

Print Name Address:

9. Signature: .

Print Name Address:

10. Signature '- tint Namne Address:

Return this completed petition via New England coaitiorL, 5 45, Blrattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided ithg hdenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic PodWer Comianv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioli. qi 4eles assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at silndepen den tly assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evalucte ffieciveneflicensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significantfindings and draw conclusions on overall perforime.

A Citizen Petition-TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor o. Vernont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vnrmont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHE REAS, Louisiana-based Enterv' Corneration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee isa pnidnt, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Sigunature: U vG Print Name I %IY)  ;

Address: 1 / d Ir\ S

2. Signature: .PrintName Address: R0-ri"Y',;m 2$ t/0 3+
3. Signature:j Print Name___


4. Signature: Print Name ___

Address: C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. Signature: Print Name________________

Address: _ 1

         ,'6. Signature:       k              ?J2 j7                 PrintName                        2[/t"1 I )

Zlile, '1 _ Address:" \IL.'r;j CSki 19t i h / ti/*5f .'7. Signature: Print Name \ *Z Address: \_______Y_________

9. Signature_ PrintName_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: R >/V_7 cb>;I1X s;3:,V

9. Signat=6 e< L-- Psn~rnc r,-ci.

mie ;t Address: /lS b/ru j4 t2 1 ~ V 1 jt 53Yqig

10. Signature: WCci1 j' < 4ieritName t 'f Address: 15'5 S s Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattieboro, Vermor't 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the d~nitions and parameters provided in the repor: 'ndI endctrSafety A~j sment of Maine Yrikee Atomic Power ComPOnYL October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Tiis studyshall: tl) indcpcndentlyLs:CSS the conformar.ce of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate officcs: (2)independently rssess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where approprige; (3)cvaluate the effectiveness of iicense self-aswe;ments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safeay-sizni~cant findinzs aerd draw conclusions on overall perfobn.ancc.

A Citizen Petition. aiTO: The Honorable4James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Sei, ce Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entera' Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, u a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE N W SA oin us calling Mn for a Indepenlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

                                                                                        */similar those~already conducted at aging nuclear plants inMaine andtConnecticut
    *1.          Sigaffre:.J                                                                         tiint N~ame                   g                     _.'s ,'       -
          -3. Signature:~                                                                          Print Address:___       e: q f_______               $                      j/                 Print

_ . _ 4

          -5. Signature:OA/                                                                       'Print Name         .05evTjj       pt/4't 0                                    44, i?4(            4;.".

Address: ° ssf/ . WO, I- 1. i~s:.'Addreiss: . f -N'*//

6. SignatureaL..-. Print Ngme (i7, JOAM(T2 COZ/ A~f U

v,1 k- nS7-A

                                                          .I          -
     >:   Address.              L   1ku
  • IA ).1A) I
                                                  ._. F  .      .   . v    .
                                                                                                     -TL1ke                                          . .


7. Signature:_ _Print Nanme
                                                           - I
                                                        ,1',Q Z."Zht, Address:               O                   I
                                                      ----7    7T             I ,I ,

8 Signature: . . . 0 , Print Name Address:

  -     :-.9. Signathrec.                                                                          Print Name xAdd;            M.i
10. Signature: ,,*. Print NameII x
  • Wm
               '      C
                 ?un this completed peaitin via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.
                    'cing to the definitions and parameters provided in the report fidetnedent Safety Assessmcnt of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companvy 11996, by he NuclearRegulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) indepndently assess the conformance ofVcrmot Yankee to its
                       - dl icsg                including appriate riews at the site and                                  ate offics: (2) independentlyssess opational safety ince giving rsk   perspectives                   where      appropriate;   (3) cevakate   taffcctiveness  of licensee self-assessmepts, corrective actions, and Eent plds; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on over~l performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veiktr[ Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above reouire that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: Print Name: ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ Address: /DUS , A_ Cit & State Zip 3 "2Y Phone: Yll t$ 7/ 9 //'_ Email: Registered to Vote?V

A Citizen Petition' 9 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of shc He rtz Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public S.- :I-FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of'Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-I11n1_ .e H1I- Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 197 'litsse,-afld

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signatu ture Print Name M0OJeCL 1 o\ Godt- (

Address: . __ _ ___

2. Signatur PrintName A Address:
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Naeie _


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
     *9. Signature:                                            Print Name__________________________

Address:__________________________ ______________________________

10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions. and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signi Ficant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legig urt::  : Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersg Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear 4to'e F)I'm rI Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and.

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and ilpmt bhiaiX;:Wa could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fuill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, i 0 lsimilar to those alrca conducted at ing nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. signaturesk '9{ d)Oti Print Nanme4 l6~ir Q jt ok Address: /L CP 3 I5 6? 5In SignatPrint P. Nane Address: /+ QX 0y / t3 t
3. Signature: 6 Print Name .4 ,l Address: ( I PotS n 4rl) ,367
4. SignatureP X(! t PrintNatre vef;4C 6 ColA 4 -

Address: i2 ML/ Ik 6g(Loc7 )3C8r d(S3 Address:

5. Signature: 2 r intNanie Y-~~jg~Ap~/


                                                                                            .L    Ihee4               3{

eO6 Address: 7 sœf2 gtda eet tJy /&1

6. Signature: XQL 4u. zl < -Print Namre Hid _a C Qk r Ir-Address: 9' ) . Fcda"-,

Yq ) 'Y l 3 (74;

7. Signature: /A ." " 1 PrintNamie / I re7sta e /a \Iwc~

Address: 2i-{ Cad S9? aA) Ihi 3(6f2

8. Signature: .Ofi9 / <USAWI- Print Name 0l)6P a? f cC>

Address: 2') i/ C41 5it 4. 4JIGq/7 67

   . 9. Signature:                                             -Print Name         g            <

Address: f 6 s 4/d ,/ *Z

10. Signature: C-PrintName k4A A4e ;1 & Li-kA, Address: ?7 i (A p,3* i /// /36?6 (1 Ad At )

2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' To: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members ofth >ont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Sen FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterary Cornoration has applied to super-I 1 _,"Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 197

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk outs that could affect the entire state, therefore,  ;
  • a full top-o-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent protective and conse WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessme0 cee i 2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear phnts in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature i PPrint Name MA/IL tg(7 F\

Address: ?ao (A)

2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: PrintName Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: PrintName Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signatur PrintName Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:
      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: lndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petitionfi TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members oftthe Vermon ii.1: ic Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WVHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermv Corporation has applied to super-load nie:fet i } r¢aont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licefe.  :.n;

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accide . ple aphat could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bdttom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,
                        \ Si           D              imilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut 1.Signature:   ___          _____                       Print Name       L g /4(+CarnT1.

Address: d o/ )1-x 7

2. Signature: Print Narnn (I 6 £19 (k)7?

Address:)6 AtyCl> IAThIA7Ib>)

3. Signature: ,i PrintbName t Wahoo KI+ at, Address: S C14 [ L Alyr isc
4. Signatre:5 B s Print Na menR -/--f t9~

Address: ad,{ IQ Aim45 7,0, SA t IgF A Z2rZ9

5. Signature: Print Name_ _ _ _ __4

_ M_ _ _ __4 _ Address: -A V,~ 7,- i%> 9,7Cco ,L/vt /

6. Signature: NatL Printrame g4 JW( ~

Address: vig A1it: I9 i1t(2 Addres:-

7. Signature: - Print NamePr. i ~ -,I - -~ -


7. Signature: .Print Natne__________________________
8. Signature: Print Name_ _


9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:
       'Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2accordingto the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Veri Ye" Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accide 44siO could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefr; - WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safely Assessmente of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. -

1. Signatur Print Name t ) Iamp re A Address:P ____d__________ _ _ __ _ _ail
2. Signature: P NOPrinPame V F. v/. f Address: S C)td #JSOhA( V., iCsV i14 ji Email
3. Signature: o(

Address:-S JstiU h 161L_ Print Name -Email__________________

43. Signatue:

Address: Print Name_____________ Email __________

4. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
5. Signature: Print Name Address: EMail_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 . Signature:-                                       Print Name_        _    _      _
8. Signature:

Address:. Print Name__ _ __Email__________________ Address: Email

9. Signature: Print Name Address: Email_
9. Signature: Print Namne Address: Email-
10. Signature: -- Print Name Address: EMail XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VerAkd Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on.aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess -operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: £ Y/ Print Name: / Address: $1 __ City:. State 7? Zip Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vekon(t Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 3 1 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a miiimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: C - Print Name: A-A w4 A0-A Address: 311 COC>-jCC> An City:_ D Vf L 14 1LI State PA4 Zip /'7Z4 Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? - l aft-C 1L IkA 2

                                 , soIt                    +         T 0
                                                                                 ,     +.. .
                                                                                                                                                    . C Or                                              ..*. -gr- YA I        E 4                                                                                              A \                          M     7)9 A Citizen Petitkon' I

4: T'he Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service hoard: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: 0lQ: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont uT1i IAS + Lotisafta-bgsed Entergy Corporatii has applied to super-load duelear fuel in the Vermont Yginkee Niclesir Power Mlint at Vernon to 120% it the treittor's original 1971 license, and this increase will place ner stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WEINOW:SAY; 3join Us Ift calling for atIndependeint Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees, sihilar to those already conducted at siging unclear plahts in Maine and Connecticut Address: LA-' ._;

2. Signature riniName Lo o Addressm r -a' g, 14+/-tk h-4W,, a, . _v ..
                                                                                           .                    .4   H I          .-
3. Signature: Print Name Address: 9:3 &P ?xr As,9 'ANY /4Or O7cT-
      -4. Sigatur:                                                        e Address:             2.*3                              '                             L (              o o14
5. Signature: Print Name A\;¢k MOCUJCtS Address: / /6
                              /CIQ        IfiXb>

4o41e, j c I6k)1A II VIIq I r Printame- X p

6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature:. Print Matnlfe
                                                           -1         sasI- .                                                                      .    .


8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:_
9. Signature:_ Print Name 4


10. Signature: Print Narne Address:.

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independet Sfety Assessento Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and Improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members. of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vennont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a filll top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature (L4AW \I2 ZoetAIU 9 PrintName At6vU!>LL  ? (xi GLCL Address: (4 VW VT email__ _ _
2. Signature: 7AiAAA4 l a- Print Name A rf n ACAe~y Address: 251l Chp Gus A}. A' b4 WL-email
3. Signature Print Name tY2, /ej -

Address: X )fli 7 0 G email

4. Signature: 3 le14, Print Name Xsin '

Address: qL18Ittnl .1SFd\ l/+ - email .1_

5. Signature: Print Name -a:

Address: I*I:_ email__ 6, Signature:______-____ Print Name Address: email

7. Signature:_ IPrint Nam(Ie -

Address: email

8. Signature:_ Print Name Address: email Signature: 5 - IPrint Name Address: email
10. Signature: .-

Print Name Address email I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box. 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302- by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comanov, October 1996; by the Nuclear Regulatory Commis:sion. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall Derformance.

A Citizen Petition1' g TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Meij . ennont Public


Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory PaneL and The Vennont Department o ..^ FROM: TIe undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont e WIIEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpry Corporatioa has applied k, .e Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's oriL -i  ;

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prude~nt, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:.y;Iqw4 * &ItSIP-(.5 PrintName MeJaq'A I .
s. KocgVh t .

Address: So° JMecpi-OovI- o5-7O(

2. Signature: ffintName 1 /

Address: 0ra tl ror, \1 S3D3l

3. Signature: PrintName i tW 5 ckwTA fZ.

Address: $ 5f Q k2 Ltt 6536l1

4. Signature e.hmam NW- PrintName P4 Pcnn 11e/-

Address. M 1vz l.d &rS/ o ,VYI/ Y530/ S. Signature: 4n6ritNey/7mi'A/f Address: 121 //9 /e2 rk4K v// yv

6. Signature: i , Print Namrie j )'V-Address: /;66 O , A0 4g' /I_6KJ %g3Cl
7. Signatuire: X ' AL PntName\A\kre , cv\

Address. Sr' AiAS vt S-a B rx 31 e e

8. Signature: G\ 6 . A Print Narme 0 v^", L_'TT, Address:- S CAI Pe ;5X4 ,A h tL_'J c CRA q \41 [s'
9. Sinbt/ -Print Namne 621t~~ 2.7 L) ,-

Sitr:n-(, Address: I , 'p , / cAI(r,(

10. Signature: . . . . -_ PrintNLnme Mf 19AL/Ik,,7 Address: O.7, lo(.( W1/W SVw{

iAV V/Lay_ OS t Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, ifpossible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeenedent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermo= Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Paneh and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment2 of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 9 Print Name Forre A x Jam Address: ' . u' (cff' l'r vsgv Email e-cfes ) /h 4, .
2. Signature: )t_ ' - N.

PrintName S FC w Address: I 4ft y A, v yr VrqO Em-ail  ; r ek-

3. Signature: Li U 1% v Print Name A f 1tl 4P e, Address: afjh S e Arti kf & Emal ____ _ A_ _ _ _ b ____


4. Signature: PrintName A SL! eA Address: I 0(V) VT Email e t).4L)
5. Signature: / 1>Print Mane f Address ef 6 12 al7
6. Sio-nv au e w -! Print ae( a o J n Address: Mt/9' -Kli Email
7. Signature: Print N ne_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _- _ _ _ _

Address: Qua 1OR Email_ _ _ _ _ _

8. Signature: Print Nme Address: .Emnail
9. Signature: Print Numne Address: Email_
10. Signature: Print Name Address: EMail__

'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Veniont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agiing components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in ca ng for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mai e and Connecticut

1. Signature Print Name //K7 /4 7 rJ Address: /1 6(Ad A) A ? f 33
2. Signature:67w6g/44.e&y PrintName -O7I4-Address:.- EC~ AYR6d. P7 0 3
3. Signature:_ _PrintName.2)r-kS< ) \e'k° Address: E E -u%:j-r vff,3-?4
4. Signature II A A Print NameAh vtK C \xr5c>. _

Address: 114 ) S. Signatur n Print Name Go 4AI Go I )o 1a i Address: LSJIt ote e R e

6. Signature: . O/OACLz//6Z. Print Namr  ! Mactc&o A0A M Address: Go 3 CGs +- L -e(54 ee &' I/0tw...eLs vjt'.
7. Signature:A r Print Name< KR P40w1 5kee-te Address: 60 °_ it - L , 7
8. Signatur . Print Name 6l .--


9. Signat( PrintName_____________

Address: )as CD Eb v

10. Signature: Print Name Address:
      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 54:5. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ?ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont IVHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, ME NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
l. Signature: fu /g Print Name AVl X vvj fsSc~rA Addess 6/S1a/ 6;/*fi~' M/ as'
2. Signature:( } 5(Sv\ /l-. }a lPrint Name tl(SOd M\ li~e Address:_ 1?2'?4d Why C
3. Signature: 1-4.I ZG Print Name e V XrA. c-e ,-Ibi Address: £9uh (t-, /-'(ti u/ ( s /7 VT Y--
4. Signature: :z;.h Print Name t-id /i t,-

Address: 'P 3, 6 At 6 4 M L.'1L. kV

6. Signature- Print Name _ )AVfi.~ S-A Address: F _ _ _ 6 7 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Sign Print Name 1 a 5.

G 1AA o Z Address: 66X_&u -- Y4i I a 6ll

8. Signature: Print Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-________


9. Signature Print Name__________ I _ _ _ _ __ _ _


0. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Namie Address:

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54:5, Brattleboro, Vcrmont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee.2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut 1: Signature: H i Print Name AA? C) ( Z7 Address: VPo 0 12-'18 '.1 W"-kilI'Lo VV O53H

2. Signature: Print Name, h a Address: ________________________________
3. Signature: -egx (a PrintNarne EUI_;7_ t? + C(ay-K Address: a {0 LO<(~> tl~))g /D 3s~
4. Signature: Print Named -t7 e (/1 Address: 3 {j-\\ evt Am1 <) Q A 44It P8 c9I K11*

I 30

5. Signature: , 7 .2 n1l
 -    Address:        ?.O. Wde J/        /?7 1{

Print Name

                                                                ,F-     -- -o,-




6. Signature : /? / -Print Name 7A/.5 8/, Y Address: SD )pYM3Dz yr ______
7. Signatu aS'rint Name i2&4 CCk A Address: 2Q/q /AJ0i)J; -7 4!e $2 7 7 /6/ H l46j CS/E6
8. Signature: PrintName GIL M issy Address: 05olw
9. Signature: Print Name Address:- upw~ C'roc, roAJ Lbt)ovj 4 iA-I
10. Signature: SOA~ 2 M (Avv2 Print Name LnOYr f' OA'
                                                                                                            ~S, Address:         5Ng                                                                 NIf        3tA5.2 XReturn    this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions. and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont- Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ,ervice Board- Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Venmont Department of Public Service: _ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enteriw CorporationL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fIll top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NVE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 .

A .. similar to those alreasdy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:\ikU.JJ f-JA1UAAt AX PrintName I-AuYVQ ( eAW n!

AsI -- P -4 , _J Address t-kl all I) -Pbt" Of (5-.534C

2. Signature: IkoC.C (4 rtrName Address:

ec=; z { C.) L 5 Yl> 11

                                                              - rf. - t7
                                                                           -- I

t Na m-L-7 tMvtb0oro, \J T_ Ose~qq

3. signatureY?: O _Print Name! Tygi e_,

(_ Address: -7& on a& S;. 3 Is /y

4. Signature: f I Print Name L a AA>?

Address: 10 MA s. ) LAf&o . \J b5%

5. Sig Pnnt Name_ _ _ _ ___

Address: o -; 5/ * ,I<O s '*3'd/

6. Signature: C Print Name ' AC.X
                                                                                         ,)CaJf             VL.A Address: -iA    O\             o    b. .v5      6pcr1&-                       S     S 5       Y
7. Signature I PrintName Ar(4{/f Jt.4 + C C) VA Address= <_______________________
8. Signature:9 Print Name S0 GA t i tL Address A \CA- - 05 O5
9. S _gnattre: ______Print Name i$CAe.(ps, C,. f -

Address: SO g WIJ OI A /n ! S1w ,a r.- IT Le- 6," L/GrT 1o. signaturekYfn nQ. Print Nam I6n n1 II Address lXX v/2? (1b I Ii.tjI\/l1 2I -(6/.-= RetWun this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site aid corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significwnt findings and dmw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont public

evice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisoy Panel and The Vennont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv CorDoratio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont

 'ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactors original 1973 license, and
  • this ince will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entie state, therefore,
  • a full top-tboom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NE NOW SAY join us in calling for a Indevendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 simiar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. S t - Pn N C 0 \


6. Signature: PX tritNam__ __ ____ _ _________


5. Si~,ze: ea V I :t I e Namo_______________________________


3. Signature: PrintName_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Signatzzre-J Address: b i Print Name_______________________________ .

Signature: Address:

4. *XMe#L oPXel1r0<

Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.

1. Signaturc:

Signature: Print Name Address: Address:

    .A.digatres:                                               rsase Address:

I10. Sigaue: Print Name Address: Return is completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided Inthe report l t Safetv Maie of Y-ankee Atmic Power Comoa October 1996, by dte Nuclear Regulatowy Commission. This study shil: (1) 1nepdn1y assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licening bases Including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) indlependntly assess operational safety performance giving risk perspetives where appropriate (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corctive actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifiant findings and draw conclusions on overall performace.

A Citizen Pefition' ro': The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of'Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enfersg CorDoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Y'ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's orignal 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pnudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE: NOW SAY oin us in calling for a Independent SafetyAssessment of Vermont Yankee2 .
                           /J0              -          similr totoealreadyconductedstaging usdearplantsIn Maineand Connecticut
1. Sigature/ Print Name  ? .t......
                                                         .1 Address: 1 W6              O *GD       o_
                                                                                   -'WsFE)                    - OS;'k m'
2. Signaturew-A -a 1LA. - Print Name GTJa 6LA kuf Address: / S J46640 *Qt. ALLW1AA4IL441 0r I
3. S ig. I& P~nNat;n,-. 7 400ft ."a,(1is, .

Address: PZ fi I U.fsuG Naqe sXD . . U -U

                                                                                                                              -   ".W- -
4. Signature: r A_Ž,O ,) Z_~PrintName R0g4f:2Z, def  ?-- "4-P-V0 ~3/ - -- CcJ7 Address: e
5. Sr
  • PrintName7Li ,04
                                                                                                                     -,       6          __j 36     -

Address: / - _S _/ , (,_,

6. Si gA o Prnt Name (/?,7S Z7A -3Z AI 1 -
7. SNki"ame int359 K-Pr Address:

AdS_$ PrintNaam______________ Address.

9. S Dover ?uat PriName V O F  ;

LWI. Af Address:/5 8@;> l4;'4A 9;&4,6 Li Dsr )51i 10O. Sisgn a J7141"in N=1M60e p 6.SC, A Address: 10) n/^ ' ,S >

       'Retmn tis completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545., Brattleboro, Verm;nt 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2accxding to the definitions and panumeters provided in the report hidgiendent Safety Aesm t of Maine Yanlee Atonmic Power Comra' October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. this study shlu1: (1) Independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its desiga and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfomace giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate ihe effectiveness of licensee self-assessment corrective actions, and improvemet planr, (4) determine the mot cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall pformace.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governorof Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public

ervicc Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panck and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FRQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of'Vermont

~VHEREAS ,             Louisiana-based EnterM Coruoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont eankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's orignal 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pradent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indevendent Safety Asessment of Vermont Yankee2.

Imilar to those alrady conducted it Aging nulear plants In MAine and Connecticut

2. Signature: Name c6 /7r zA Icz'/x-Address:-9{? / J IV. 7 O G7If/k 5  ?
2. Sign e:r2 40 Name , A7Kd 14i & 7 Address: 9 f4/,h ci/ A7 J. Id 7 ' 1 5 7
3. Signature: PrintName_


4. Signature: PrintName_


5. Si ,ature Print Name_


6. S  : PrintName_


7. Signature: Print Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Si Prit Name_


10. Signature: Print Name .


       'Retun tis completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Bmttleborom Veronit 05302 by Septmber. 14,2003, if possible.

2acorDIg to the definitions and paraete pnovided in the report lgxnodent Sft A of Maine Yw Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulantoy CommissiorL This sawdy shall: (I) independently assess the confrmance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site an crporate offices: (2) indepaedently assess operational safety perforimce giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-asessments, corrective actions, and improvent plans; (4) determine the rmot cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. I

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vemiont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WIV[EREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioil has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

                                ,                       simiZ. to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
l. Signature: '. j K PrintName4-. z I

Address: Sky ledA.- i IfI' .. Ja ., . kI r

2. Signature:C I} >2£el Print Name CS4 23:u Of.? s Address: ff C eC,=7 /d A/,'/ - AM J - - v - J
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print NameI Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address;
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
  • 9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003. if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public

ervice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterm Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:n, AXZ W./.6- PrintName eAgoi- /g rTg A5fAge/

Address: O0 Gree IVtre ke 6R d V; tf s30

2. Signature: Print Name Address: H i/ ,a ,I\ 4.)e-( 47Vt 6 \/'r
3. Signature: Ature:/3 rintName Address:

s t oe

                      /W/U/J                      g            tv       m1.(                               c          rJ/a t\
4. Signature: Hi Print Name r e etre Address: e.r-e- asve ALviUIor v/-r oJ 3, 0
5. Signature: Print Name J LJ i Address: /0 6- b 'l rag 2 cfssol' HPrint t
6. Signatur ~4A Name 1e ( fA T Address: & t)/; @ + Vife 7;-yl/ e/ 8 g5
7. Signature: Print Name \t L 1 rl
d. -_c_ HJIS H i w r -
8. Signatur Print Name Kl( A/i 8- AJ Address: A 7idd Vk@5 3C5
9. Signature: e i Address:
10. Signatu GO MI ch Address: Greg l S LL3 EMLARE VO* I IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14. 2003, if possiblc.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate oflices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee scIf-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perlormance.

A Citizen. Petition' I ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vern ant Department of Public Service: ?ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VIIEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterirs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont T ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, YE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: U&4vPrint:Name A (/,1-/i., E Address: P s(74A t 31A A/e';*j
2. Print Name 03sC70 Address: 3 i.4G 6 2 >
3. Signat CkL)rN t Name 4j'nk7 . ) /sA Address: / R n (S-, !t/-tW -eAo.\rT- 0s3o,
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address: -
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
  . 9. Signature:_                                            Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comparny October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' P0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisorv Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VVHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporatio l has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of tie reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state- therefore.

a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in cMling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:8 Wi , Print Name l d I o Address: I _

(bro f -, - _fA >z X 4 t

2. Signature i: 1eta oe ,4 e Print Name Hy J(e- 4l rit Address:& DanL's \/T if7 (
3. Signature: zz,+, Print Name Address: /tL
4. Signature: Mt! IL Address:
5. Signatur -f Print Name c. If$CjIt <CS u ,laC4 Address: V_ _ __7_ I__l_._ __ _ _ _ _ _
6. Signature: Print Name IgJ )h7A /b/ ,,

Address: {7g&tW T9. AM/1s /fnrg i

7. Signature:tlhO44 Print Name 5('in 7/

Address: b.3 k&4iAr VFOd[ D

8. Signature:C )) o&t.: >4 /.7 Print Name A e5qe ft- 'Si l Address: 1/4 6Z(Athr' Or., !5 Pcvi T 7J O s5ro
9. Signature: Print Name 1;1" b V'D, Address: t s7W: LaC-lAC, V cxS'yo'
10. Signature: I- If Print Name JISIes o Address: q OD( alooK S , CA 2 "66 /71 t OW' s S4-
                                                                                                                            /hvI iReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September. 14.2003. issibl .

TTn os l

     -  according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Saletv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompanW.

October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confobrmanee orVermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate otlices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee seif-assessments. corrective actions. and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifiatnt findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' To: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporatiol! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 -

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature£u 47 Print Name t. C< I Address: WAI~6 Jo SCOW
2. Signature: - Print Name G Address: d Gil. k &
3. Signature . Go
                                        -i 1~~ -,-'L h        w.-            PrintName         Card     A_ W k               Ž 2

Address: .- -> '- y )y 4 11e-,-

4. Signatu _ Print Nam e.i4 "Bii o/v Address: V; t L
5. Signature: Print Name f.&rc' ?C. U Address: Z0 ?cospe4 Path 1A¢ 06>t01
6. Signature: Print Name I\ V>

Address: t(¢X t,(>>61 -(, VWbt g 6$j

7. Signature: Print Name 9 He t G--
  - Address:g8                             $2)K                                2J             Qsd-f-                                     --   -
8. Signature: tpPrint Name: r> }4d>

Address: 3i4 C2,.e ef & tre70zh-I f DC,

9. Signature. Print Name LokiNtLE 1 I>Avi .3 Address: 5/ a 8 v slr V Log79t9/
10. Signature PrintName 1 7/4 P;41VIf _ .

Address: '52.. s= 1&c', Go 4 CY;°5L t IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54:5. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September. 142003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: JIndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' rO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public

ervice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

?ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont W[IEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterw Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state. therefore.

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: , t Print Name A4,1 1AUyt Address: I V*nO 40
2. Signnature: A&re Print Name_ _____ _________


3. Signature: _ 1 2 pa hfi Sg 4 Print Name_ & q1w-L Address: (jtC6AVYTA-bk- in * &UPine t &54L.

ha L&Le_

4. Signature: (%  ? - Print Name __

Address: l t A^dA1IA. A  %* 0)1 -

5. Signature: A E n4/tW- Print Name l If Address: X G_ s\ vQ MO V
                                       .              .              \.                      _
6. Signature: Q Print Namn, Qkfsra\5PTN-oG Address: \Lq (I oa-f TPeW - (t&L0k\ u/r274 1Of
7. Signature: f J J L &A Print Name. /1A I, WAr-L, L -

Address: h6 *tALf l I/

8. Signature:uQ\A4 Print Name 36"L-fet 'JrW uo Address: V-01 St _i NT-

_ D5Y _1_ _ _ _ _

9. Signature: LIOtQ PrintYName 's>7I/

Address: l___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___

10. Signature,.  ; ie ZJJt Address: 00 Q#Ood S*j-p01 U3{}j(14q i/Fl) iZ4( f
      'Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 54;.Ilratticboro. Vermont 05302 by Scptcmbcr. 14; 2003. if possiblc.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conflormance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the efTectivencss of licensee self-asscssmcnts, corrective actions. and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant lindings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' '0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public -rvice Board- Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHERE AS , Louisiana-based Enteray Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, 2

VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature- CtIane G d Q> vk U- \Qi A Address: ° 5____L______1_ Iap
2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: PrintName Address:
4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name_


9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Infderndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate ihe effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) ofsafety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

X"Citizen Petitionly' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Govenior pfVermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public

ervice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public :Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends ot Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corpo;ratio i has Xapplied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, ' I a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pnjdq4rt, protective and con' vative, therefore, NE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independenftafety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,

                          . n                           simiar t those already coaducted at aging nuclear plants in Main                            cut
1. Signature: __ _ __ _ _ Print Name 1/ {ye add f ct Address: PO/ 1-C l -5it oo _ aN5/6
2. SignaturC34,i S v W Print Name Peiyt!2 f SIr -eP orJ C aIon-f-, t Address: 160 Gc slsn-, I, PueT1-t # d OS7
3. Signature: Iiin Nme 4 LI c u b Address:
4. Signature: rint Name S4*O& Lyv) WlAL:E,> L /st VI / -off Y
  • 9. Signature: 45 H Print Name L / C- 4k'.JoV Address: Pi/' 2k 65-j9 3 YR
10. Signature:__ -Print Name rPaOmeCtl C;b aO Address: 63 0 I Depol- Rd.

I PtThie V1a , 0531+6 ( Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vcrmont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site anid corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveneLs of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings add draw conclusions on overall performance. I

A Citizen Petition' II TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporatin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a a fall top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, 2

WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,

                                                   )       Ximilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature tu Print Name Qi?,55C^ V$

Address: I& MOCe St Ass 32L "a? k84 o5Q Z I

         . 2. Signature:             -              Uo                  Print Name.

for (A RN CGOR&IAJ l Address: 9 C-) FB t St J X

3. Signaturt/ --- Print Name flC fy 0J-&

Address: l \9

4. Signature: t Name Ioa- 9wS5 ev-Address: WC) qA
5. Signature: -Print Name S5LH . L.'-r _

LCAhess Address: Iat *. tf4 (oj) +-T2_

6. Signature: PrintName 3i-5i- ort7X5 0 ffI Address: Q 5Ad *PTT T 2
7. Signature:4 rintName I IWCARD /) 1/'


     -     Address:                A44IAJlJ                     T       3D fa Aa/r[L)T                                   P)o                    -
8. Signature:t.2b0re.'t.) t / Print Nar me SAIJtV\ 1+, YGCLtw
            . - ___A.I\

Adress: 1A ItXre:, PEtA,

                                     -I I     v AIC             ri   .,%I Prin t
                                                                               =1        4AU


t. \ Ii/- n-o_
                                                                                                          ^I-%I- _______U__                  _-I
9. Signalure:g ~ Print Name &/@S~,.t f Address: I1f 1 5 Ad 6.dze, foV40t k17 05R300
  ..       t10. Signature:        945                                     PrintName        Cle-Ai LSTh)6 rQ A, . .     ,   _      . _

Address: 6firqI 7 (Y iJ l ) % XL y XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Boax 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoam, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performanceg~ingsisk,,perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectivenessif4locensee-self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigaificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' lI TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The 'Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpv Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 -
                            -     A     C  MA           similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: (1 4 e:(CL Print Name Address: 1/

I 1,, lA

2. Signature: Print Name g>o&Fk.. VkA5 1ck Address: PO 3) 9 Zi- pthkl#%A \KY
                                                             , _  w        ,   M  .

be47q.(. _ _ _ \ .v, i

3. Signature: & 5 (ILA-. PrintName SPA4 Be-lSk Address: (B5 L Xi. A d o 53 s 7
4. Signature:- GntName A4-)cIin Address: T ..o ^ B < FEZ r 1X) '/


5. Signature:Lnat / .--

a Print Name r, C72C:! &-", - b FX Address: J stag $z . .(/71wfj Iea.0

6. Signature:d PrintName im,lJ*

v_ I Al F -

                                                                                                                                              ? U R f IC Address-:                                                          0l0fU      J-IA      P      ,2-1k                  ffit
7. Signature:n Print Name *1*

Address: //,6 ('vi r/-(Asr- Ppoi /dA -, O id 2-

8. Signature. V tA4 Print Nlame_

Address: r e s s  : c y,1 r sf 9_ C.,  %,

9. Signature: _____ Print Name OTI 4 r . _

oS- . . Address: 5~-I--- t r-&Vale, r ,: v-c--_

10. signature cl  :( L(i. G . Print Name.

Address: tkJ-2(;A -IL,- ma/ll l iw (I t05c5ani 2 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. awarding to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomnic Power Compary. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety

  • peinlvancegiving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effoctiveness ofdicensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition I 3EO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHERE AS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in fling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
         .-iatur                                                 to those already conducted at aging nuclear p n            in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:; Print Namne (t 15+-5e rr Clt Address: Up, Ai k X-) { r-1}m& A.
2. Signature:97 1 g _Print'H4Qj Gus T- or Address: XLi 3 0C>.-PeSA- c ad-c4 fea-r4- IT OS3YA4
3. Signature:_


                                /LYL-     $

IPrint Nane 7-4k 5t-4 f Address: I d n.L &d i7 / i ,t.7 t -

4. Signature. y . .
                                           /l f o(A-Mu>O-       A, Print Name ZC                                       ..

Address: -A 1`6 4 r<<l* Sy - Atk S. Signature: Ai c

      'Address:                                      +                       Z72                     Gs                 CN)  e-3         OA>
6. Signature: )Mne Print o \,xJ Address- :? .
7. Signature: />KA t&A Print Namve/ O 9, Address:_ r177 Du f 1/f'Af 11 0 +- U- <z :

8S. Signature: Print Name q(J v I 1-( I J Address: ess, L D Wkt Ads~- Ad 1c)

9. Signature:ZS e- Print Name N5 7 C<. F t4 A

Address. /I ': ¢ A I . gPK

10. Signature: / -'Print Name V

Address: i Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if poss' 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Pow October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance ofVermont Y design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance

A Citizen Petitionn I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: PROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont NNE9 REAS , Louisiana-based Enteres Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

imilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

2. Signature: PritName J BO1 ;2V\

Address: C, (} k

2. Signature: MiIme Qi Y °Vn Address: ____ I___________f_
3. Signature Print Name r) 1/\

Address: xX A bt>t

4. Signature: Print Namne IA Xi .


5. Signature. PrintNune

(* t a4t1f_ Address: ,O k, cia Ir 6 S% J -6,%Mture:A m1L 1 Print Name AMl I 5"A& ds 9 __7,

7. Signature.+J __ __ Print Name ede Address: PaL ise ZO k. iUJ1 - 4,CZ'A1. Ho G
8. Signature: Print Name__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___>_ _

9. Address:

9. Signature:

(4, 0/ 0 B 96PrnName e Prn N Cthek k1l 1 Address: X)( } /6 ttW q t /4- A

10. Signature: D tName *-F.Ie-z -Z IVr-I/ I A_: I
                                                                                                                                                'I Address:       (Po) PCA                                pAt       al          IfITd 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, x 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comvaiy October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the s ite and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WIHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont, Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore,
                                                 }s WVE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 9 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature. .- <- PrintName 5 i GX \Ak Address: Z.-' A 5o>, 1, ? 1 VT
2. Signature: _ Print Name */~1= 6 FI (x Address: H<-ilXvA 0 *S 4 1lUVk (Oi4II? . ,_, ,

v-r15E -ZJ

         . 3. Signature         _I                I                   Print Name/2VCJAO                                  C-e AAA-taauui%.
                       ;:a %c) I v-  -W-V_ ,_,L

( X

                                                                              ,-k I-    .


                                                                                         - I
                                                                                                -r,         -A         ,   1 C,
4. Signaiture: VI GAmed Print Name & (Gf U ey Address: ARA V\E$+6w VxO JX'tM<GUXNW
5. Signature&eJ - Print Name Address:Ad~/C>tRq>JA e
6. Signature: .. Print Name (0,1 i 'S i)OJI Address: /6 /I rffN bP lr M
7. Signature: B PrintName lK) ('-e ) vut-Address: \L< , t1 C- \Pf (


8. Signature Hi Print Name H14(' ai, s Am Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9. Signature: PrintName_______________

Address) l rk5e AlO _v_

10. Signature:Z5O2wia Al)Jt flw A-v PrintName fated -5/s Address: SPOD Wt \(65 74'l OcIA kA . ( 6_43 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bex 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 a~ring to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety x=E us-,merfornance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; biwlge-the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actionrdi rE - improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enteriw Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a a fuill top-to-bottorn examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature (h~f (/eA; Print Name L-Q " UcA s -

Address: 1 /ie- cn br t- }C U4l rgo T

2. Signature: Print Name ti /r)r h eV\Lh1 e Address: V 2/2 ( ac3Lt cd (\j \ VFT
3. Signature: 2 '&intwame EeviCil 1t 1 c0 I /I I ~-

Address: ame b [X< IWO Qrk t v

     - 4. Signa          g~~~~z~                    fl          '        PitaEr                                - 6 h                  i     -

Address: 1 4Gg~we b~bul ts30

5. Signature: A-A ,- Print Name ZZZ4A4 ~4*

Address: 3,2 _& I 4f / I - fat I _f of'sc

6. SignaturetfPW'2iPrint Name bCZ-! CAS-T-0 -:&41;1 3 a i I f ) -' I/

Address: 'A R/ J.a 1/$(/A 1f3:ga,

7. Signature: 0imtl arne C/it// ISS &1'O/o9 Address: l l s hS ( / 10lb 6l1 t .
8. Signaturedn & it Naname the2 / r IYfc lci Address: 55 Ay ls , n i-tn >o \IJT
9. Signature: -jtF ( 2L_- Print Name - I/IAJM - I: , vow Address: M osO
                                                        /Il                     t   IkU            JyArk              WtAttIb7-C~ (JW-h5J>                                .
10. Signature:44 Address:
                                    -        n           .

PrintName .. \J)C-IZ.. yr c22 I-7/ Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atonic Power Comrany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

i :t

                                                                                                                                                              . b-R
                    'T) Y0Ai      2 Address:                        ° l        IA;     1A,\% VA_Prin              T         '5> 5373( ,                                  -


7. Signature: X \ Print Name *
                                                                                         ,4nI1Ae_%,f /?. F
                                                                                                                       ,T r-IC/C Y

Address: A

                                        ? 4t2C 1 (21Xl               .,               .                        ,1a             WUGad
8. Signature:_ ..~jQ4(j AA. Print Name M 3eyky M4IGVr Address: PC)- A H I .
10. Signature: Print Name iA), 61Y04n Address: 7 * . 4 1 L r 4 /J/ 4 a /L?6S RetuOn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bcoc 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comianv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall:(1) independentlyassess the con ance of VermontYankee to its design and licensing bas including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety

      -performance givinriskperspecives where-apptopriatc (3)-evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corx:ctiveactions, and improvement plans; (4 determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

i} A Citizen Petition' TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterzm Corvoratiom has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk oaoccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, jo us in ji for a ndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, lar to those already con cted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatu , jrn Name AlSAW 7f22r Address: oV31
2. Signature: Mt (, PrintName lc k kCP4 Address:-7 t &4 N A - - i
3. Signature: 7 me /<

Address: m a VT OS

4. sig e:Print Name, Address.: 2 1&313 Mg-#rt V/T 0i3H
5. Signature rA 41h?_ PrintName Y) j-.

Address: 2.. 0Y' 61

6. Signature: tiame ,LA Address: - S S i 4VAI ;O 1m o,
7. Signature: tame - &{&

Address: 9 ) /d U - 8..S gature: One L$Ja0 C_;)JAJ; Address: 9C; Brea S 7l 6t t to t A I A i9

9. Signature: 2 . . Print Name g o d 5 0 d Address: 0 (H* Ic- OUM. ti Vl ( ?PC 4'
10. P Na Address: iOQ/i9A71k'dCr A<f k17Z V
          'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Lox 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2acording to the definitions and parameters provided in the repot Inderiendent Safety As=sment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfibrmance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;.(3).evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition T0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public i Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The 'Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enteryv Corroration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, (Iimilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature Print Name \VIr koX Address: a 7 9wt~ Afi IAX tQ 1 tK
     *2. Signature:         Cd       (aI       i         (        Print~r_

Address. Si ( 6CgA :> 5 . , Sc

3. Signature: )/ C Print Name (X)kA (p( e 6
  • Address: 4 ( (&i O Ac (f+t 12jr rN 3f0
4. Signature:'4&. /Z?. - - Print Name ,FniA P, -

e In-n. c\ C- o Address: dAO-e GŽ ,-, - -- >T- ^e_-a?"'D (

5. Signature: ,1h ut, IPrintName ttaLs Wu . S 16 ? S A1-7i 6AIY8L ~

D Address:

6. Signature: (Ua/7' Print Name & b, c A wa<

Address: q Oj (_UJ ~ ( RjAl I, ff\, 1s

7. Signature:-JJ47ZPrint Name 1i f1AhQ SC-/4 C,' f/C<D Address: ol1; 40' 04,/ /' pw)ei V73 0 ^4
                                                                 ,Print   IamefIDra                    h J1_2>Te)          t ci Address:    _33      )3       SaLIe-                 e *+      EdJ. .                ,U-,  c53t            (U          (5   S5 1

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comrany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This studyo shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety v pforrnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate,;(3) evalte.e4hffectibcness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and& - improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: F-ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WMEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatiin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that

- could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us. calling f Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
                                                        .m ilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name F ell l c /_ 'co Address: - kas&,

I . 1aib 4 A1 0/? 6

2. Signature: Print Name Hip Am 4 E Address: A& Ift C/v -t.- o¶ 361
3. Signature: int Name 13c. 4'rs A ds fi/ >s 5 4A;i2 re: > APrint Name KaFel, F 5 Address: 1iL New 54 \Jj 6£-
5. Signatur: Print Name t h Ad
                                                                                                          .1         ?-


6. Signature: b intName %-sU EIU/%C f *Ž PEP rI2 Address: 0°
7. Signature:,_6 ° - Print Name Ae Address: 1i? MA I~/ko K't /e+ /r4 -C30 1
8. Signature: Print Name J&r;k Lr I-Address: ' o et- -- /3/
9. Signatur n ar .- _ c Print Name A Z t, v Address: Z /°4./ /af of 3 I/
        *. Signature4W                     u 2l          i     Print Name       \*/XdI           Ju/

Address; lReturn this completed petition via New England toalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repot: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate{;.-vatiuate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigqjficant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislatuir.; Ve-Tnont Public Service Board: Vermont:St.te Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enter= Corioratio n has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of'Accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calg for a Indeendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee.,

imilar to those aIready conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut I Signatur 4 Name ULWa IYJ 2Address: 6;I)tY PrinN sCL l2tA..6jqk A

2. SigAS Print Name ht'
                                                                                                                              '. J \1 Address:       l H&W-                                                                          VT- . Oe5a0
3. Signature: , k L A Print Name (A rA Rrlf i .

i4- l - IVxA ( Address: )JK%' 4 Aot f0/A IQ ( 1 I Ap He 35 I

4. Signi atureZ;; 6- n Print Name L6 c v. / 4)


      *5. Signi   iture:                          .                        Print Name'         t        Al          (;       u Address                           ;17      mt~

0 c:r 4 I VT

6. Signature.A -;OK- -Print Name 3 _
                                                                                                            §'q L.;r-f-
                                                                                                                                                              - It Address-. 11             Ld                                         .1"    \.T          of co L
7. Signature: t IA Print Name UA VALL Address: (14 hIAs A'. Ia R o ur cr ads . .

I I. A IE AM- l , Print Name

                                                                               -0 hL/444            I              ;   f   _   _

C1Is -W ~ Address: A- (bk4a

9. Signature: (I s=5:2 PrintName D I LAJI roat o Address:
10. Signature Print Name by. 7 Address: ,
                         /i      q     ~ l I               l' 9&fi       &4J ( A A 0.

1Return thistocompleted 2 according petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, ifpossible. the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv.

    - October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatoay Commission. This studyr shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its
       *design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corprate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriatm.(1)evvaluate the effectiveness of licensee sclf-assessments; corrective actions .and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen PO TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vq, '4Xst~ rff Vermont Legislature. Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont l 1 ice FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of VeiT . WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriv Corporation hat "'a~i- ' 6+/-' ad nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reIctr'11f i *973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging cdal iC.n w;Ž >',si f accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent+ .ro ii a vf -ve, therefore, WIE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Sawet Assessmbit of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I qiaonahire: aeg(lAI O PrintWnmp _

                                                                                      -T-L'[4 4I4lw       g i-po.PtfA KIle.
  • v Print Name UHfi ul.I w_-,5r w_ Q( -,

Address: X2 L I TIJV 1&t f -On . 6'U

3. Signature: Print Name 5 5A 8
5. Signature:~*Pint=Ž/cz Address: 1q;4 GocNme (-At.,scdw-(io. L v2A' x~bt 6A
6. Signature: Hi Print Name &v9 Iv>LS Address: P -- ° .( ome Lr s
6. Signatures: _ 96 4 Print Name J 1SS /ar?

Addres 8s: Lam Hi~c~v, PLr a nA [ o at~

7. Sii nte/,F w g/t Cgt~f4.9S Address-: - t
  • 4- / 5/c ioa
8. SignatureQ I Print Name XI FA v W Address: Iqt9 R 29-2$ & ILd I)+ t a-3Lab
9. Signature: ( n-Jp rin-tPrintName Ak 6-v t( e -IC Address: _t 0A L14, & ht (/S)f kteuMm
                                                                                                                          .       .       A_
10. Signature HaPrint Name P Address: goI kt 5f WO? A, MA V24 c IReturn 2

this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, 3rattieboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate thc effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signil icant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

kf A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut 1..Signature: Print Name A v- le 'e X1' cC d ey Address: 1IVI C. St r4#W:)oy VT 6S33 1

2. Signature:L~aat., Print Name 1(TiVCA) 6U a7 3T3'pTI A ddress: 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Signature: 542 / Print Name_ ___ ____ CA_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: O P,)tVt?( /g @ 4177L-t fo a 0 0 X r- O s Wd

4. Signatureo B Print Name > t c UAAl Address: 1/A& OyoAL Ce- ffi ,X<A 1
     ,5. Signature:     4J          9                          Print Name                                 NA-i'dcefe;ee Address:     SoS& U. aZnt                       td       t       As C Xtzz-p 4S                              Ad t)            g7    S9
6. Signature:. Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address: -


8. Signature: Print Name Address:
  . 9. Signature:                                              Print Name Address:        .
10. Signature: _ Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box ;45, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. I according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signiFicant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I. TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermc ict' Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Pt FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont V i WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nucleer B o ar Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasib uts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudLent, protective and cod ,' WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment2 of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Si gnaauur: e:- M care S forbdz Address Email a .c or oS4310M
2. Signature: / 2 pC l t a PrintName N/,rcitcu Runwrn c_

Address:A Z 1el"/rA^P. dpJ- /5 Email j /2re

          .racif-CaiOro                    e'5.3('J
3. Signature: I L Print Name Jgit v(^Qk 4

Address: 4-34i Alirasc0 St. lJrptheJ ,. PV-Email

4. Signature.-'X I y 44Z 77 Q Print Name 5/ie"I /4- Ze !/e Address: e4't1?Ž L- mail a _I
5. Signature:,A f 4PrintNamre ,
  • AOAaktf Address:S3 I, __________EMail________________
6. Signature: Name _OBt)c,( A Address: 2 G NbA r1p4 5 lt Email /
7. Signature: Print Name t iNt,. _ ROUX l Address: CA cy Ema il_
8. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
9. Signature: Print Name Address: Email_
10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: EMail t Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October '1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

  .. I .. . . ..   . . ..          - - e. . 6@.e.. ee   .    .

ii Il / A Citizen Petition' TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vernont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vennont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join n calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signate Print Name_ __ __ _

Address: $7X77g If?/-'D&) go

                                 <           ;          I      I                                                Cof r I                      _     A  el
2. Signature: - Print Name C God _

4 a , Zooi Address:

3. Signature: lmame f(JL A .

Address: {P-r f 1 F. 65

4. Signature: Name .4 2rS O, Address: * %JkG 6I)bor}
5. Signstu: Print Nam-ef(_ A Address: Ad:
6. Signature: (EI (GAoo 'Print Name 0(&r1A047 pi 1.S0 JOV Address: -2z), 9 A0Vuul PA-L. 9)4 7y-%l--
7. Sign:iture. - Print Name If > 7 7~


8. Signi iture-. V rNtme X Q 2e(Cf Ce AN' Address: I g Ad;,yoaO It- + < I 1_
9. Signature: PrintNam( . .. ... .................................

7t/I- F/,, k4 .

                                                                                                                                                                  /Z q h X Address:             .a>&       2?J19'                                   R     *   . t        ,        -               "VU,7i;6r                                 aa%/
10. Signature: 4.t& ff RAAVPrintt Nat me elk Z;;VA Ro9&h ,

Address: -.- A La~te- fU 1 VT_ 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, EBox 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repomt Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safetrY performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;. (3)-e aluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assesmeints, corective actions- and improvement plans; (4) determine the root causc(s) of safety-s ignificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I. . A P I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor ofVermn t: M ' Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont DepVrturon Public ROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vennont \ 0 - WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpv Corporat:ion has applied l fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% ol the reactor's i #,. e and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging componentk oiaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those alresidy conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. SignatureuL t+4 \ Print Name ' / t 4 > 6 *>S'f I -_

Address: 2.. 2 OK- V f

2. Signature: , A / 6PPrint Name_

Address: L/M ___ P __C fhKeo5 1z 7

3. Signature Print'Name )ry Akx"15 Address: %i ld 6236 lb"1Thk w \)T 6 3d_2.
4. Signature: -u&A tre:A A4-.Jat'Name S1Cc3 Address: V (3 a I I B Av 4k
5. Signaue :

5. II - L E ~a o Print Name TosLI f CZS V_1 Add ressS 5>e&PLCif kA&4.

   . 6. Signaturetr           ,~q2L         S23             __Print Name                T A-     C-       eQ i 0           c   b r       -

Address: Q 2 5 6 .< 2:t #- Rd& /I, ItI P7.rl CP <; t a r r t*,

7. Signature: aG 4 6'tq _Print Namne A J, PA 1.)

f Address:

8. Signature: Vie:*

7iScO°1A.W CA, PrintName Ze" /iC h Cf " 4 r Address: \1 (5 i

10. Signature: /l. l _PrintName _/t* CA.-felf <d8; C eP-V
                          --v------V-- - - -- __ __-            -                                                                                I.

Address: I I/

       'Return this Completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atom!i'Power COITIY. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the cpnformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporatc offices: (2) inde assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; P().evaluate the effeciveness of licensee sIsSssmexts, corrective actions and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signilicant findings and draw conclfsions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120%/ of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmene of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur e Print Name Jj',<)A4 3 e.

Address: S Email l OAA (? 4 7I0 Anf(i)N(

2. S Print Name ba Jd o Address- Ott n0Wl(A+/-5, Email
3. Signature: 4 rd PrintaName_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: ' At- E cu Email

4. Signtm,@6 R Ž4 ame ( (i 57 A _IAS ls7/e X Address:pe 4d 3 0 '2di ' NMI S
5. Signa PrintName tA1/2" LIt 9t eeln }Et}

Address: 67 V *f/tr ,r4#j. e/d' o/L 0530D EMail

6. Signature: Print Name jk)°f J btck ,^

Address: oO'f L ee E- v l X ' Email

7. Signature. q dm Print-Name s 7 ','/aI AddressaT/ 0w i14/ VZ 534t Email
8. Signature:- C XPrint Name ?Oa 4&x, \b CA Address: ,rBKCG \9efa1il *E aiI
9. Signature.tName 1i0 m C Lo Address: j) -0 i ;Si 1;760OF X 1~ - Erail
10. Sign g.6 .liea, Print Name 'nz/8 2 Address: Z'e.ad3'0 EMail

'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petitionl i To: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Membets. c tt-gixthoure; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of PUlI  !' FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergsv CorDoration has applied to s,:!r-h Te

                                                                                                                         .i-gkr           l in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's origiwtt 19r73 Uc-s                                                   x
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increa$ lt ' at lant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fuig top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, Hnilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: - Print Name l A i) H , a n Address: /c I/g/frY A Vc l yr Tce
2. Sig nature; Print Name A- / t2: T7Ti A A 41 Address: /2 a eIrl I
3. Signature: !P __Print NamneJ7.. > Crew6e(

Address: I/9 A 9re 2C( JV1i{n7/A i ,*il/ IrI A J-6 6a.

4. Signature: &WjaZX4JJ A2od. PrintName 4 Gt E-mA I8Tf SI Address: 2 /- LcVF I IELD I s.)f MOTP MF Ii kle VT 0 5,4 DI,
5. Signature: LX Ž I Print Name- P/4v\t IS A EIAPPI I Address: 17 RRsACES ST MfrWTP\TPrL-(IPt VT- 0 D;.
6. Signature: Q \ Print Name tA , V\C0 vZ
                                                                                                                 %\aq.t      ,

Address:-.% + 'A("Nc

                                                   \     QA\    i           hX   cl tsA4c        I            os'6eI
7. Signature: 2-V-)0f U PrintName AJnot C( 6pkeLc Address: I R- C'8 L ° fieWkL , VT _ .
8. Signature: / -/ , - Print Name nJ t 1 %i/ )

Address: (J g? t 1'A A V&Ci.- M) C)Lr,2-J

   . 9. signature:                                                  Print Namee Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5,15, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003. if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluale the effectiveness of licensee sclf-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition'U TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemor of Vermont:Membersofthe Ve"'orn: c Airr.ft Plublic Service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WJEIEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load 4;>!efiour pi&di V&mont act: A> Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lickn t, d

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of ac i U-0 - that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2.

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature .4QeAg tk, PrintName UU4 g I* A J .CiK Address: L) I i C r. Xt 0t ;i34 2.
2. Signature: "
                                       -Jo W1j4                  cA-L\  tNaxne*LjiCIXM           eeI     (A)I)SO A Address.        p.      dA        o+9                      Mto;                  t-VTF             s -IS
3. Signature: iA{ar Adaz_ L &sf~u~ d PitName t aemeid-ee.S-Fr g*

I ar< Address: -l Shrwa ,a- Pt.,two.j, v-r,

4. Signature:-__ _ _ _ _ _ PrintName 1Gv4 vA AfJ-tk' Address. 3 b<qr tD9W& . vilms tlbgow tO
5. Signature-<iaJ o YOA A1EriItNamI,
                                                                                        /re Address:       L       7 l          vest/(e 14                                 i r V
6. Signature: ye~ CFC- PrintNaner - t Address: s:SILqk+/-nJ ,GUv Vt oge
7. Signature: Hi_:@) Sjj4 PrintName Hi ilen -12W' Address: - S Lk < d. rI t e. &.C. And, i- -'I T (o 4qC
8. Signature: SL - i. A d---f PrintName: >5 CName Address: t0o -L S-H P v4'
9. Signature: 'aj c1M1O Print Namne:'DAV4,1/

Address: Hao P) t4121 "- -iV&t VI &ab&7.d6

10. Signature: Print Name Address:

t Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 i, according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompaMn October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition'. TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety -Assessment of Vermont Yankee, I similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: (AW Print Name_ 3a" I E Address: l! B 4c IJAAcm ),Det~ VW 05`3LtS
2. Signature: ,JA45V6I @;pt1 t-? Print Name Ad L;

Address: t CDcQ  %/<77,4

3. Signature: X/?006nU /Al/d/i// PrintName Al c el Address: V/ ° 0 e / eA 15Y21
4. Signature: NameId, V r. 9' e Address: E - c2 Ao bP-Ha
5. Signature: Print Name______________

Address: /P tc ie4/es4q- lT

6. Signature: d tn<<-Chap Print Name i g ed&5 G1 0 .J/fj6 Address: CA rXS9V; If We 0:5732-
7. Signature: APrint Name Iii1A* PO -7 Address: L Or- 6Ad
8. Signature: Print Name OtLAA-De6 Address: /L4 z Ill 03 q-i
9. Signature:_ aMJ ).. Pr intNarne 1IMtAO iQL4V Address: e5 FWV-( 2
10. Signature: r" - P k - Print Name /lbid -14 g J 7 Address: L4S  ; L lA' 4 '

Jrf 7 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box i45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improveme~lans; (4ltermine eroot cause(s) ofsafety-',ignilicant findingss nd draw con lusions on overall erormao e. (D 1~)Po PI)

                                       ,&)t4 [.-to s3 8 o J4                  6A Wt AO'WE,-r Vo4,(S, I(fV{ [<eS e

le f

s q - 5  : A Citiei 1eion1 Mg , Vilk: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: me nPublic SerWrice Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of P-EAt0M: Tht undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHIMEAS Lulsilana-based Enter' Coiptratioli has applied to s 4 r m o nont Wtikee NMIIdesr Power Plant at Vernon to io0/%of the reactor's origi 6 this increase will place new stress ofilVermobt Yankee's'aging components increasih-risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottoni examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, Drotective and conservative therefore, Wi3 NOW SAt Joid arling toefgoaVa AT"

                                                                   .s those atready conducted            Aghsugdcf e ea ts        niMonnecticut MalnI gi            si          n                         Print Name_____________


           -Z.Signature:                                                                         inName4         Ie- e Address:             l X igNaeire: v                                           ntNamie:Xfgi Address:                                                              _ _ _      _ _       _ _ _     _ _   _ _     _ _ _        _ __-

PrintName rrf 3 fo f/ A ddress l _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ _ o _ _ S

  . .'                                                                Print NameC<T Address:           6Q;             q*;v        fiW'e             t~           C (v              '/1         eq s255
           /iSignature:             4# i       < (6-42                PrintNanie                                                                               I:

Address: IL>1 - lP( ie4-6530

                      ?.OnaueCt*t                                           AinNanl                      tG4                       w/g4,t4 Address          iZ 4 A-i                       / A-                             'U
           /     Signature 1l(ftA1 '           n9A         CSh        Print Natne Address:     21!                                       tzS                     4Jg6HHAr-leb
                   .ignature.                                         Print Namre -efg)

Address.:%) \ 5J4-. cJS5O) Signature: l Print Nm ne 0 1A . H 6d kCat x;:x Address:. i1cg 3c2 Je Lf53G' $fig( 01u Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study thall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases Including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluale the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and Improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. a

                                                                                                                                    ._1?111 y,0 rv yll."t L t_. C.- S q                                   r_(         A-s V,
                                                                                                                                               .1 V
                                                                   .s      . s-    .       1 I*

A Citizen Petition" I 170: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: E£BOM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont IHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatipn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
         ,a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee+,
1. SimSto those already conduct at aging nuclear pn nMaine and Connecticut 9>aurf/,<""6 rit2Lme J{r J'6,i a)r 7 l Siature:
3. ddress: Th 1{ h PrintzNameO FgtP 0 4 5zf rC5
4. Signature:Z Add~ress: 9la..j~Print 'FI7 . '

Name 6S Address: L3t r (/Ae *70 Ag ll

4. Signature: PrintName
5. Signature:"(I?2Lay &\ Print Name *AL1 £$)AJAIZ.CŽS Address: !5.- g, , A t o
6. Signature SA12 Print Nim l f h _

Address: CBAU-IAJ S4i- S7 S AffU3a V9 t-- F 6r2rN I

7. Signat §e) Print Name pa_ e .L
                                                                                                                 .t 49 Address:       i,           fi                                                       m
8. Signature: V/ilu/1 4A/ 5.. 4-uatALPrintName VI LI( Cof /-qa d (

Address: / ',l< t

                                         //low,            J       /(1{Z              4            Wa          Wt)
9. Signature: Jc l' C ot PrintName 3DcePk 4 Tt Address:9+/-7 i; rr by VTtj o 1o V5
10. Signature:14A IC id Print Name 14ea ri4 /JoyeS Address: ID3 q 04 A b6 ' ,, u5361 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndependZI Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co= October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the siue and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 G p TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of tie Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Veirmont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-l6ad nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and c this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmentiof Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. J<gnature. b) e Print Name LA (Addle -t~~a~ .I>9 a rA4§@S R.a

2. Print Name ('t .h el.c Address: " 0 wO4Otq0A((C CIa-qe-b% -Email- O8(he C( 6Yb e s+A Jignan:at u r e Print Name JlAO#~J /(OA'~oigo i(/
  /Address:                  ________________h~int Name          VJT5 ei'AA~/~Email__________________      sz 5 Signature:          aPrd                             hintName -4."         "      A       , Itle' 1ZJ-       '

Address: , *?51 G-AP //J ED b F a 1 Ermail

5. Signature: g &af- -Print Name i.b . A e Address: "I 1 S y Emaillr
6. Signa A Print Name U(>211)

Address: SAVL e- C R446C4-cEmail As (hCFig, 2O.

7. Signature:.&S ,S l PrintName AtC '^

Address: }~i 7 2- CW >AS,)

                      '$2'-EV                        e4 J'(-S      .               S VT        Jt          (2-   3      4AeY Address.'        17R                                  a                tdA ,      Einail d i'5s             9    )~
9. Signature: Print Name Address: Email_
10. Signature: Print Name Address: EMail_
  'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report:Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' / QAx TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Verm tublic Service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Departe FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super Wee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and ' this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging componen t blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,. a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prrudent, protective WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment 2 o similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants

1. Signature: fi - L Print Name e. (

Address: CGQ-; ct3? v gusa6 Email ___ SAC O.S,S4 er Po

2. Signatured snxj 9 _ Print Nune &R M "6 Address:- Ifrj ' f 1P 1i VTiAt W Email WN&5I4.ef i) A.k A6mi
3. Signature: kA4,1s t . Pri1it Name , ,V A'Lq*

J AAArer,- rL-->;> Oslo. Xk

                             -ifY act- Arv
                                         'dor1&ZC t

tl A--VI--

                                                                             -~~ -V-w  ase Ir V           nail Prn        -

a a ____________________PrintName VJeyroy e*C.- Re1d 1A,

 / Adrlb               N( Y, (4(                        *_ rate                   okl                 -Email-l5.                                          Nme Niune_4                            Z deress            Z/4/                                       .A1$                                      EMail
6. Signature: ().*%i
                    <S91cL                         A        ,      -Print Name                 JobhW lY4r ARAc             [1 Aor       _

Address: Email

7. Signature: o... (u Print Naime_4A_& .j jŽ*o Address:  ? X' 3. Kh-xS ZctZ$f dWc,, Email
8. Signature: J J AK?/ Print Name_ eM. UL~ua (hx(,os Address: 30cY fL(tq iSf / by vr Email
9. Signature: LI Print Name_ 11479kw _$14fD Address: 1 2' f4-EJ&i Si.a &- CdloorD) Email A4&o)(e4AJ1e//.,1eF
10. Signature: {A.js Print Name Bie ,AA C-c Address: I rkO 0 1x ---- __< -

EMail b VALov.e .t .) P,lip ^ 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalitior4 Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvemeni: plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermoqt: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load-nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmene of Vermont Yankee, similar to tho already coiiducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:. PrintName aged 21 Address 2 t1 I Ur9o /

Address.___________________________ _____________________i_ 2Signature (Addcress: t<. ur f l 4ac Q StC Print N aune ______ ______ ____ Address: 1 Email>$357;'

6. signature: Print Name 3TAjLo) AE Address: 22 ;g 1'{[LLEL\71Qfail
5. Signa P Name / 1 4 2 G .

Address: /St . r( EMail _--

6. Signature PrintName Vrne $TE6/

Address: 1P) k 24 6ACX° )WIf

7. Signature: Print Name t> 42 ,tX Address:. )>,t,F I I E Emg(wi ail
8. Signscmpltep et Print NameBoxT 5 B eont Address: a e Atomc ,r Coma , tobe EmNau l (t

Signature: Printceofer isd n i a

10. Signature: Print Natne 2er:

Address: 3>/ >? 8,,14 &a/< 0 fi 535 EMail , XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermnont 0530 by S~trie0, 2003. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Asessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licehsing bases.: including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The flonorable James Douglas, Governor of Verviont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, thereforef a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment 2 of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already co ted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. rentName ,90)7k 4A /31S Address: CLiIC..(? Islaoimil uel P eC-r- /  ;)Signature Print Name inVsca Address: WtASu e p ISE . Sig~nature:L., _ /> g Print Namen ZDhi\n) A LLLA) Address: SOS 1 OCU9 COW1 ROA9 OSebOI Email ) 2? A14- GOM

    *jl. Signature:, 41.k2Qeff                                 Print'Name Mcy4       (        e_ ar Address :                                                      7                     Email      46 2               .                     C:.
    .      Signature                                           Print Name     /6       ,//*A1             .v~6<

Address: 3' _____________EMail S~gntue:~ Name /A1f5) be-tLCsvZ Address: / -2 N-4UOat 01x2 l&J Email

7. Signature.- ;blt Print NameL Cf L,c L(,

'7 Address: 54 44 AJ Wv4 I t - Prn _am I

8. Si r cam gnaC, A- Print Name aS
             -                                                                 s Address:       /6,               o     i4                       _           _         Eirn oii

'7 9. Signature: ae*__am O , . Address: _____ Email 9 10. Signature: AA PrintNametA A ItJe4-s 4 Address: (%AaA,- MAWUnt') CaltA EMail

        'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                       - I CAWXmnt A'J H, 0% -<

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f{j#J4 7- S 0 +~f 44Y 00004&ksfq 7 /6il6f 7'¢ r- ' ebZ Cctn s v ~G - c ti eJ~ rr e Xl ,Oak


A Citizen Petition' 11.11 .."

                                                                                                                             . T" I

TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 .

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: (4g _ PrntName: 59-/4 6' 5 h1,Gco Address: /00 9If1/t AU Mk -,A- ( A7'(
2. Signature: "4de,_ -Print Name : /r<,i' 6- Fa.S5 Address: , (134 4v
3. Name M; e L&1& GA Address: A1-- T\-&rVeX- IGa(t t- A0.le1AQLiz M/
4. Signa tur Bot Print Name ___

Address: Emt44Aboe7b-p L k ) I51-

5. Signature;j\4u a, . Print Name Hi te Address: / 4 P( (kc4-o\ -/ 'Z. f",3
6. Signaturea Print Name ,- 0 / e Address 7! -L e`13 V Joe 6
7. Signatures PriName S o Address.: a 13i i-
8. Signature:,l-Y t A Print Name gf(i CHA<.?P 7, C a' r ,}'eA Address tL? t^ 1A) Sat- 8JA4~gGrg cl 62/5 o
9. Signature: PrintName _ _ _ __ __as_

Address: 1/ S AwlJ 4,Y/? 7 L14 /~sr 6Iio&o

10. Signature: iy V Address: / t4/

1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signficrnt findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

V- AA . V0-A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment 2 of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: StŽ n kl&- Print Name kvJ 7 V

Address: lm w 4 * ] Email eknd(& vt1o~lu-e

2. Signature: Print NameeJaiw -- I.

Address:  ! I" CA 14t4 i;LX UI Email aC Cl

3. Signaturei_ ame is A Address. - l VHeJcvv &-1 -EmailJ1k@h
4. Signature:c 5 ("2 intF Name S- ens W) f Ae.4 Address:L 35 Ce(te Go L.0 Email tt i+/-L L w i
5. SigPrint Name A4W r .)eq 4=eJL-)

Address: Hs, r\\ ca Aa L EMail C&cA\\c Add)-Wx't. e&) 6, Signature: Print Name/V ;S} ld Ltkl/'r>cr Addres?(/f l(v7lfq(4Q 6SIlt EmailAtI/tS%

7. Signature: Y PrintName ZLaokA lVo. 0 -s e-Address: &2%,c Il AAA"@ Cc% JA *_

TEnai1 w- N__

  • I
8. Signature: i/ Print Name t3,kY kzv1 d Email jSig4aatufr ladlem CA%
9. Signature: mail H a)
10. Signature: u26:iO PrinitName (

Address: I 2o A4IzC/b 64'to' r/ HI)(Jaail C-5 - barlbce Ho t/il 'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Pub FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasin that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnrdent, protective and cons WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment 2 of Vermonl so similar those already Conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine a nnetiut

1. Signature: PrintName / -E/r.'iIA Ayg Address: 2ftffcL- Ok V1t V44(Ar Email <'/aAsq (/A/JE~.47
2. Signature: V. "UZ _Print
                                                         ]a Name VJ         d e Abe     f-e L&

Address: /.?* S 'enb Email V o. D AI art A^,- -c9t

3. Signature: V m4 Print Name CdodincoNoI4iDD Address: 630 Mosf kI1(OP-J ". No ba ..,u r..ti Email 44
4. Signature: Ck (60AO, ir kAt, PrintName Gin l Cf S OY' I l Address: Af~t/t 6 D06Y) \V4 _Emai_6a? i j
5. Signature: Print Name Address:  % t-' 0 r-sak EMail
6. Signature: s Jv Print Name 2 e1Xw AlarchccQ Address: !g (l A4dV l \)7 \ ni

.7. Signature: ,6 } kPrintName Cayr- ( ;_ (As"lC( . _ _ Address: LAhOu Loa L \_ Email ____ _

8. Signature: Cmme 4A/ O Address: b1/6-c 4://e9.e, Mr/,rie Vr Email . .
9. Signature: I*vs Print Name *_e CL-Address:t'(<l boro t, / I/r Email Wo IIC Oichrtro,ejf
10. Signature: et ~ Print Name C t.c Address: R\,<Ao, f ,Wo, StJ~nnch EMail Lr.Pe-te@Q ned^4QL
                              --     "-o      I                                        __ 4 XReturn   this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NWE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indemendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature :eAf2,ge:
  • Print Nare 441,k:

Address: /1p(5 1 g at City a-I 00 ,X StateL0p 6W1 59 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: /



X drC-.Print Name_ )_;V7,ria 5 D I-AO/ Address: 39 15' k&60- 4v Tax CityiQ~ Stat&/ripC2y7.k-- Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature:

_ f . VA- Print Name . - p 4 J so ,- - Address: 3 7. (J r A V/ J City Aft L State tip U35 '16-Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature At
ftJ/g Namen ,6 SfWg 77,7c!q1, 1/

Address: 4o' 63 G/C Y53 3 Cityf S~Ffi/StateV7iip _J5J3 57 Email - ly wP rC _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: 1"Ik LBA - Print Name t # a J - G r' Address: Pn. q o civethe bion New England Caitin eBleti Z )

Email {La, rX 1 50 kr6 ,^9 bt -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) indeperndently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives vwhere appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performancs. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv CornorationL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature£ UAu WY A-, Print Name TJiCNŽ- \& LA/cA E6fZ Address:ois f6\,L \ 6 CityJf O VT-tZip °5035 3 Email L T SV DJL F .f o.-) -' (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Print Nam eG\ak '\ ZaUa4+elK ith Address: Cityjs0&\(tStategi.i°5 EAmail - \ L- ,m toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: &AM&<), A ]Print Name PA Adl A -5c3 G i6/?S AI -4 Address: 41P7 EAW~EP WILL- (?OA-b city S a J StateX~ii 65K Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signatureaue/.4Z Print Name Rust Wara' Address: /, ;b I/ ~ 'A,?414e'-x A City/zzz StateULp 0 379 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature:,/ ZU k.-.--A' Print Name/?ct4_e ik. RaL.*e Address: Pt C) iy T3 I CityT§122Ž~Ž'bStatet4&QS.3 ~p Email I LA L Q&JAdo .Cc' (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Yv-~ , 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeliendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confonmance of Vernont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 2574336


A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont;, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New ]Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioll has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and Am this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • ' The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1 % of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

It a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those Iready co cducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur~lVW' A Print Name JO PE N Address: - )[ at 00-d h T bL- City 6" 74t4 State!Ipp Xl)-L Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:
                -14I     '

(fq Print Name

                                                                                 &L face 5N~~7 I \/ O         461AP,_1;1 Address:             1ff         I-4'5               Q 1            (z}T,                      City lOL/J!X                StatAZIP4Y3;
  • Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature: ._
                       , wu l Ms{^SZQA,%                     Print Nnme               LE,             ,-

A Address: & i 7 u kG24 .ca6 CityeTF4,a4 Stateeip GS35 Email  ? 6051 %Zov AL30(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: *2- "I Print Name Address: ;6 All vc , 1 t City7&,J& - tat6f~pAM3 Email / A 7- '1d receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: C. p i int Name Address: L A ' . A _City36 @1t/, Statlzip Qsk Email - -- - -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, conrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy CorporationL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and g this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate fiat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conduct d aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 2 LL >s k G'S' 4 ]. Signature: , aŽ Print Name Address: )i k citr City Z ip ____te FEmail

 ...               .        ..      I                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2 Sigvnature:           L I      -

Print Name I Y \ -U/ ,= Address: I t C KCvwt J Cit /tat~zip-Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: ar. I Print Name Alp eIi ssa.
                                                           . I*)<                                       -T ha        s C3 f-Address:        P0  n       1   ' V      2n    S                                               Citym on +/-pel >State Vtip                            t_.S /

Email gI e J aS J, - Isone [ - /Ce len2 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Print Name S§ s 9 ) I 4Z Cityml,^p l Ir .State~z-ip as 6T Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: PrintName CiQx-t t gV)-.4 Address: C 7 r City, &% Nlku"stat4!fgp OSLQZ Email 11 l _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmetnts, corrective actions, and improvement plans, (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporatio'! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

*!    this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: a xd2A- Print Name y- IL t4;lj 234 l -6l)iZA-r Address:__ C _

______ ____ A_ __0 city________ Stat_____i) Email h iIYA-otO f _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name
                                                                       . A... ...... _

i$R \/ $i it Address: Id 51l'K^ S4. City ftlL StateQZip d 17OZ

                                          '4 receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

P,n l_ V/j0 t. _ - 1. 0 Address: 77 0) City. aII ta State_ ZipO)3 Email 5k.A Zt t I4 0"d_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: &hsi Print Narne P) G I'A. -*Allen Address: I. ) Iv 333 --


                                                                                                      -. 1 M
                                                                                                                   ~ ,q UI e
                                                                                                                        -   . -    State*fZip .13,5 0

J - _ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indmendent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to.its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336 * %ww.necnP.ore BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts

  ,FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an IndepDendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already cond te at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1- Signg 4 0 /-- PinntNarnea !/l\(Z I 1y5 1 Addres;s: 5 I CityWAL StatCiZip 6*14 Email :1,t (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin n)

2. Signlure: -- PrintNarie A°£2; /'1  ?.' ( J Addr6ss: .t/25 b6Y.pLJf 4 ' ,I - City rZZ)ate6e& C153S5'y F Gin~li1 ci:'1i 5) uiJ2- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin 1) 0~atre~j ~uA~ 4Jiht) Print Name 1\ o De ek A ress:.,4._:cM . G Aged City r StatelLZip 05(Q'7
                                                                             -_     (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletinA)
4. Sighature: Print Name t7 L L LL ,o -

tredi~ss: i 4I &2 Ad ~io Cityp/cL  ; , tJ StateVTlip.-.Pz - Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin 1)

5. Signa t u 7 Print Name_ O~~ 2 Z Address: t A) fAte4Zca, S< City "I L; Stat Zi,6SZ; O Email oh I Saf @7. G i(- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) lAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vernont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bon 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A- A Citizeni Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% ofthe plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepe ndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Sign -- attu ~ 6 Print Name 4M 4(t I tC) 1P Address:pD F v 1 City 1A-h HAS StateVlZip p 552 at Email nas7m.1hR)4X) b . La -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: / /_  :,- Print Name_ 1Qey I_odt, Address: -


                                      *4 I )2 (?uI                   P                        citygCSlRLs                 SStateY!Zip      as 6 SŽ Email       boe t.      Wo.ol O                            c      M         '1!oe(to   receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature:7.4it /4 ntName \0efKJ(/ ta. Errol Address: CN2 -edi Cityul bv-rre-- ;tateWl~ p)o& l E"mail Al [ f _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Namne O e)C t t t Ce Address: h \ L 5f0 Sp4CQ(&fStat1 i Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: AR _~ Print Name ACIt.

Address: _ \ 4' - t 1 ' ^ rq ' fS r City / D o!t4 StateV/Zip 0 A 65 Email L'l4YI h iwZ/1A_ @ 14 tIc. omTto receive the bimontkly New England Coalition eBulletin) jDP 0) l 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (l) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based EnterEv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and S this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prud ant, protective and conservative, therefore,

,WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an                          Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signature: ( _ c & Print Narne j RL R, ILk(R Address: R &. &x /?!ef City & Gus }^g$ebip van 1Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:- 43.
                                          ,Melvin              Print Namne                  A\ee,       (/t4      BIgu rVi.
                                                                                ,}     4 A- V 1L I Address: I                 L.- f           wh f L Ao11                                       City    R                    -State \Tp Cub3 et (

P Email LrAtw (;? okol . cIi _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l 11 C4- C ( P-A /VeA5 I'

3. Signature: C - ?Q- Print Name_

Address: P oeE) ci7 City14l&t 4 StatvjZip os 3 Y; Email -(to receive the bimonthly NewI England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: jCO. .SCUA6b Print Name t).A ,§ )

Address:- L c_ City &A *SM7 State'Zip DCl Email AVA I eI e-,M ( #(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Print Name- L.~4 . 4do. 00 City Sky;/J ektStateV'LZip.Ql9,j-i Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ADS1

11996, According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv October by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness oflicensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Bo:c 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and AI this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: II The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1°%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, I WE NOW SAY, jointslyn callj'ig for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to thos ready cos cted'ata~ i g nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur: IJI/ I PrintName Li9v)ZC6'4 C . rd Address: N'. 17) 0 V i 4 qJ I City4alm a StateV)Zip %QJ i2 Email iP+teaf ) s !b3-a W JD (-eechilveogf&onthly
                                                                                                                     New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: X t Print Name Ma-Address: W Email- -(to receive the bimonthly England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature:

w l _ 1 5 _ Q - S(Y Print Name U Address: qtJM -JA<- .1-Sn P- At.1 (lo, i - __. V - iQL, - Citylot, StatejpC) 5e$'S Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:: 2l l L a Go sPrint sA...,_
                                                                        . A.., Nai-er    Rrcka   b l                       pi Address:-        21   I iAl-City NM                 StateO       05 Email beckM@ La                                    .G' 'I                                  -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signa ture i- Print Namn Q.

C A Address: Z; aw tCe;C ayz a city (34 .lw--C State_ tZpA*(4 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComnanM October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition1 The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:-siture; Mem l Vermont Public Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Pi i OM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vernlont EREAS, Louisiana-based Enterm Corporation has applied to s1v el in the Vermont wee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactors origh . this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increa4 :k. *J  ;?hant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full topto-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and qh.-hpzr NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safe$y Ass0 $aw-a Yankiee, siylilar to those already conducted at agingnuclear t< i',+;Ae and Connecticut

1. Signature: ( ( PrintName (A 1'? b e  ;

Address: P' 3 V__T _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________3

2. Sigale daea m Nam Address: 6 (' 1  : 271~ 12 / / Z 0
3. Signature: 7 Ctt t 15 /6/p PrintName ,i S l Address: 0 4( ? S74 4)J/y Ar-

/drss UPRay, 11t5, t W

5. Signature: rf r Name _ r Address: S5 a7 2 LLLll V-
6. Signature ,PintName _cAf eS UAdKhlr-y Address: 23 1L7 Q)v @J ri16t-1i) V- S13 IL-
7. Signature: j4&AAItt c f Print Name t-rI EIL 1tteeA F7rvrs Add-ess: rntit Meddr, 6T t~ 4 Th 1 *3-44
8. Signature:4 *4 2
  • Print o....J Address: 2.
                                    ?I 2                                               f 32
9. Sigaue: SL-75; .?edl,2 S. (-:, ;7 cW ) e-A-D Address: ( 2 /C VC (.4 ( +Id)o e
10. Signature:  ?, /0-J t r Print Name (I hi I VI Mercer Address: Pt)O 'J 4 )63) )j, l 9tj;2S (
 'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box' 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulato* Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vernont: Members of thi Ve tei, V'rmont Public

ervice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Seri .

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterzv Corporation, has applied to super-Wiafloitidnuk. Verniont eankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 197J fievtv .<i,

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk Ald O6U: .4: outs k that could affect the entire state, therefore, .

a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservationx ithief!0 , . WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vernt Yankeet, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signiatur Print Name IM J a kR, CXen Address: cn{ + l f L oA( 1A 13
2. Signa I: Print Namee  ;, C'tI L. O O f7 Address: tdrt I' Ls /V IA,>o0)). -I77Z
3. Signature: f P-1CWrint Name amLe I 'P pEA tM A/

Address: Z L7 CM taco R) "A CsT7 273

4. Signatuuw/cf, Print Name____ qlT? l37A KfF95£ OI Address: 3 IAJ-v1L'T"j RI), Leilar w I{e 6 vv13
5. Signattur res~~ qG,,itName X ~ Z-
                                                                                                     ~~\        LV        ~                1x-Address:               \.%           c9\A       C2     ecu-   <s         q:L"% ."   ,-,LA                 a     \Z-\%      a    6:  )        -t
6. Signature: 1 IuLe J-Print Name La, C4 " e-- C-Address: Or g o I2. LIVIcII M &a-- <91PY3
7. Signature:  !--, PrintName S. e5 t14O. .

Address: e4 q,&

8. Signature_ , A _..Print Name Cto CCq Q C*r i 0 S Address: (( C) Ci -I, G A kH [A CDo
9. Signature: I1a.AaaA $S4-0-ThO PrintName KElPrRAET SPITAIoHO Address: (At eKi9d PHac 1And L,,g- C c 13 40t:
10. Signature $ 5 PrintName SEM LXL14 g Address: (O"' 1-fce C 6 T?oU P \ICL L-&Ce kV\ 1 0 v+),

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankce to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site arid corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions. and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public .ervice Boardb Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: i'RQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enter~ Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect tie entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: , 1L- 7 - PrintName S Hf10SfAtJA R1 4f l Address: I6 B yLw 3A c ve OS301 V

3- Signature: Print Name KJ U D I mN Address: - X .S 4( 1/s 66 /

4. Signature[ PrintName M. (Pai et Address: T5 ttZIJ AfArcL)A am-> 1 Jr OS3cl
5. Signmshure. At"i PrintName A L &t1 [~In Address  : Li9Z
                     ,.32             0),                                   -I- OWL               t/-             4/
6. Signature:+ < g Ct-zde PrintName 7() CI }9
                                                                                         /;       i2)(?            ezq U       L   <

Address: _ I#2-,S Asps a /

7. sig tue,2K na u ~i4PitName e 7<1 6f<'[Sf ALfLfL
8. SignatP Name 'e: V-4V\Ž> t *Crin Address. /s  ??f Er to. Ace 3 C ) 5Lera Address:
9. Signature:Lf ,~f.~ ~ Name Print i,~ 'g 12Z1 ~!1 clI-10.

Address: ____________ Print Name (W \TC C)(&O~

10. Signature: IoOtsPrintName SD)9 Address: t\5a\ X<

2 I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission. This study s;hall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public

ervice Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel
and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entermv Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont eankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:Am. 8i2.. ,. Print Name l. I Id ( cko -

Address: A4SQ 4o cW. CoIC34Po 2d (c C&i ILo'n V\T O's 3o0) A

2. Signature: . I lame Print 1N k?{c+

Fry Address: 2 'Ar?? 51

                                      . - -       --      - . ,              r'l.,/.zCz"            clV-     aS--Ya
3. Signattrei. Print Name ]R~iA~e Address: ,_ ___ ___ __5p ___ ___ ___ ___ __
4. Signature. Print Name A'"' TH7S. J'~ sJ Address: 2(1v, Hoi1x- pd §3 C)
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: -Print Name Address:
7. Signature._ Print Name:


8. Signature:_ Print Name' Address:
  • 9. Signature._ Print Name, Address:_
10. Signature: Print Narre Address:

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54:5, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Commany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: 'ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:" 4 M I/f 1 ,29 PrintName~eCh /s7$i'/2 Address: i6y z iP-If)e,<?V V
2. Signature: gai g;A,9 Print Name 6;c( I/34X'<Ci Address: >go ' *- Ptte 4/1 ,
3. Signature: I PrintName eDS P bbI Address: io3 2x f< f ha> < (Y I1g
4. Signature: Qez Print Name&T)ef k1 sSt5(1- (4/5I Address: Ad "-I', \ 2
5. Signature: Print Name g; 63.I-Address:
6. Signature:_Cmaa PrintName S&l5SoP,<-Ž I1a>V1PV 1-' -

Address: Va

                    'O           '   o% AQi     CkkV                         oSS \SID
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vernont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-fiye miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by dhe Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety

  • Assessmentof Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Signed: Signature: Print Name: A I,4 Address: City: _zip PDJ46 Registered to Vote? V

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-fiye miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as so on as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided inthe report: Independent Safet Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October .1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance. of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Si2ned: Signature: ( L/ 6 Print Name: 191t l/[f LA-Address: 00'3Z 14/ tLle lbe,24 City: gr//7rzn. State V)7 Zip asps, Phone: _W'-O2_-& 4/ - 3Z _ Email: M Agf4L t vrFcH ATI V9 Registered to Vote? YA/S

A Pletition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: , - 7) Signaiire I PrI /v S CL8CL Address: 222

                        \-        L City!+      pQ.A-W         _       _        State    VA-         _        Z\i__

Zip _ ___ __X Phone: ______________ Email: Registered to Vote? \--AV-3

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Thertefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Inde pendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: b v Print Name: ,!S A. XuLiV Address:  ;-EU TRAri. Pvt>. City: Tw1 t-Y. State _\7RA&Or4 zip o554O Phone: tOI 7Z2;- 14g 0 Li Email: Registered to Vote? -

  • VT_

A Peatition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Tierefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetv &sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study-shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: e 'i / Print Name: Z34vnL E. 13WK1 Kq han1 Address: /61 13dvoiott AvtL City: .Brotztle!ro State VT Zip !L530/ Phone: Ugly 2S-7 _Email: Registered to Vote? __ _

ition It fL: Thea rnont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public acrvice Board: in epartment of Public Service: FOQM: ThU -nt WHEREASRX _ plied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont ifankee Nuclear o reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase ankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect 8 a full top-to- ;ion of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective afid conservative, therefore, WE, NOW SAI us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 , A, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut 1, Signatre:U re:Oc IPrint Name Ail 'C e ' EV ' teff Address: /S7

2. Signature:

Address: 33 r (jestz 9T2/4 X PritName AZ el, i bi E. Email iLLi Email (J FW

3. Signaturea-ture- PrintName I3/g 6RA C . P__

Address: ) Do o'.OI CZ0 O" 9V46 L'/. of _Email

4. Signature: fi ' e m4 Print Name /Z 3-Address: ;e74t-13 4
  • 6-p- Email
5. Signature: Print Name Fee Address: ror// Pc X c1 B u t '4 4 Email ly - Fte h o
6. Signaturj Print Name CL S VeI e1 ( -

Address: Pt URI { J Wc r U 1- Email lOf7-",Ar'1. c2, WvY'0;1. CC'-

7. Signatur Print Name Ilanflet/ ( -(1f Address: ba i ^ Email
  • i0j <1aie /s * '7 t
8. Signatur\ PrintNam C Io Address: ix ECJqc_ (0(;K2L Email 0acth Cy co Duc 4ft/
9. Si atuAaPrimnt Name Add  : e VeJV/ess 9 Email !r, .g _1 9i~IV 4
                                                                                                                                       )  -   c
10. Signature: 7 Print Name Ji s De%-i+ ( 1' k Address: i;I A ;/- 5 T^ Ae12A f25 2ff

___1 - - l(i Email 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54 5, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' 7' TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WEREAS, Louisiana-based Entera Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, W-E NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similear to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signature: PrintName I7' e- S+e-( Address:ep: b PrnoNamekb V em ail go&Prn

2. Signature: as ENae l£~, It ,

Address: t I( S6r .2.1- b

3. Signature: ), I A I Print Name LBV 7 I' Address: (PXi Inn P, iv -A / L ema;l_____
4. SignatureaZ PrintName Aw I_lisz u r ss Address: 7aZ1i Y, $ o Yeswn \)JT o55301 _email
5. Signa tu rdi SjLL u . .

Print Name i ()I- 6 t,-5 Address_ __ email '& \7) GK 6 SignaNameure:, Addrss:.w A)iPt@ 'n ;Z22V e:il a W 7. Signature:. Xhii At)TTI'A' It' wab A Address: 1 0_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 -S. Signa            atureWli                        Ac            ear Address:        3L4'§                                              G)         t-        1                email
9. Signature .1Q I1 Print Name Address: s canr-(&r 5- N1^7" 1C\9 /74 email
10. Signature: Print Name c gsI _ a _

Address: KQ;6_ t41¶ 6 ec-olsetH~c D/a

                                                                                             ~Cr 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the defnitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comp=nn October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commnission. This study shall: (1) independentlyassess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall Performance.

A Citizen Petition' a/ IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom eoamination of Vermont Yankee iso prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name (*iAX Addressn : JAA i U)E2l1 @cs7)
2. Signature: PrintName 0)A iA{44o {4 Address: LD,)tQA email '(Lt ,sCd&
3. Signature: "l Print NaCe -

Addre&A e ( AMA I)1.A30 clast<

                                                                                                   °eril to  ai~l IF A__
5. Signature: Print Name 9/- S L--

Address:, *A/°, E94/z 1 a>/i f/ i

6. Signature Print Name Addrews t iY-i!ffww X_1_010 C - in l_

_-_I - VI _email A' ' 5-U Ago

7. Signature: _ __ _ PrintName f1 clreL WAMJMOaj l Address: l 7-A(,ot St./ s VTr 05Ot3 email vCecol
                                                                                                                      ,         o 7     8. Signature:

mnt Name 4k6as+ Mf4moav/ 4Addre~ss: pqel~d-6 F~t13tzbr Y, email $Zg-S IogaP.LAAA

9. Signature: PrintName f -pl/ ev/,nc Address: 50 LA ,,, VT 053O email______ le 1y________

i10. Signature: Print Name / >t / O4 p

   %Address:          c0         7f       7    AlZ      'w           p76'        >27*e0               emrail el/e'       <Meter 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall verformance.

A Citizen Petition' / I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Cororaxtion has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut Qgnature:( Print Name ___ __ __ ___ ___An Address: I' e-na.L_ '
 -    2. Signature:                                                  Print Name ( 2 al/f
                   .~   ~ ~      ~ a ~_}7r~ ~ ,              t            .

Address: /)t rTP -V . e-<ux\ - _1l,( Sk;'A-

3. Signature: L Bomb v_ Print Name Address: ST T
4. Signature. hu1re \J Printlslame Q soft 'I # _

Address:Sf I JAA Hi9:Z t&/

5. Signature: Lozbdb Ja trint Name -n i r 544 Address: -S/ t1 aRhd Ua Kr 1
6. Signature: PrintNa meri Address:

cu7t . . .. f,

                                                 ,-   f    -   V

(/,-A-Ib P-v14 A. L ' s7ignature: !S'D 71',t1 PrintName-Address: .t !E_ et __ _ e __ ,L.!

8. Signature: Print Name kv A 1X\(3 Address:> &VQe d OvŽ, &W-lU oe-vL onature7Pr Print Name S Address:-Po la-)7WQ T eo Alak e 1 t natuure r Ata N meint G- CM& /4' co4 l 6s: W I . -

ee S/f-r-I - -- A/e4r, - - VT- .--

                                                                                                                         -kvLThu      'd rKL.

0- __ ., IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.


A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, 2

WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. SignatureA. 4f Name J I' AA/.(1fPrint Address: a J/(&SaOle rYaL-
2. Signature: ' Print Name ;3°j 4? S J3/4 ,t Address: VT Ac V7(f(e, ( eyeall 1J
3. Signature: A_ Print Name  ? e.' E e-s AaClress:

I., I 7 .- k 4 I 8x-i v\Ao II -~ _ t;,

                                                                             ,# my
                                                                                             ,,1 I t A, ,E1 E4.      \tl r


4. Signature: li,\4 PrintName 6Y dJ/4 h5&5 /

Address: vrR&5¢ ro!S k r

5. Signature: Print Name Address: RoC r- -c
6. Signature: / 7ak Print Name f V\

aVU Address: v p _ I , \r( 03OS e BL wi

7. S Print Narne P/

Address: 2e H.ih5+2 A ntd* &k<e4A1 Vr 0:5594mL

8. Signature: A~4AD A/tA74-rint Name mn s StX tt Address: IO & la/t m A VrikmleiosW~~e-m&
9. Signature: Print Name H o iby.*

x y5C Address: V*JLG \3v v(sAA

10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box '45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report:: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site: and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 ( I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont -WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterg Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

      . this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: /gtA /Wl Print Name 5 t,° /i
                          -7 Address:   (OE7 tLiekg&&n3IG                    ?O          PNMAh tT                             C,34-(

e-d s

2. Signature: < A _ Print
                                                                ]      Neme       Hi                  vWqwtaA Address:                  (

A{'t Awlq~n;Coj e ^-e;,. .-

3. Signtre:an - P Print Namee At,? 5$ (A alaa Address: f(o5oI&A^ " 6 A>st rot, ,aoV25 e-Vla, - t.SAt- t< reiq Vppl~ta. J
4. Signature:_ -

Print Name Address: V -" -IP _-- 1

5. Signature: Print Name Address: t Imay
6. Signature: Print Name Address: Pe-. Maya 4 ,
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address: e ,__ , I
9. Signature:_ Print Narne Address: e-ri"AZ- ,
10. Signature:  :-I Print Namt eII_

Address: P-' a.,_ I IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5 45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report, Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

4 A Citizen Petition' I

 ]LLQ: -The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:                                                                     Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

EJIQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Loulsiauq-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

      *! 'a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective aMd conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees, 1simihose        4 heady c nducted at agi g auclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Sign natures e S s Address:_ _ ___ il ______ _______l__-_-_
2. Signature: i' Print Name_ b,/2race II 1,Ile-Agir q

a '- A / e "- 1-(. e A

                                                                             -    , c----

4 ,,-,LX/

                                                                                              ,    .   .L.-

Email / t Zec_ ' -- * - - 4Q2 074 -A-.b .. A.

3. Signftture: riptName_  ; 4----I
       /1, Address .3oh                                                   T6bI V~A1
     . A

Q; "I- VAnAVJsa. Ad - d7't% VN IF

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Address: (/Ai+/- K _ Afb _ _ _ _

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                                                                                                            ~~m mil                 /\I ail421
5. Signature: 'N Print Name Lio w ( V.

Address: Email __________uses__I_____

6. Signature: PrintName ,If ".. 6)J Cf Rj Address: Email- . .
7. Signature: / hi W W Print Name ) 7Y: ke 0f \ \ .

Em I I\

  • Address:A6 IA PPAI Al
                                                                                     =AA_]      __

Email . __Jk\IAy vi < & IU~lo I.

8. Signature:~ S Print Name S k i6S Go 2-Address: u 0A aimail .
9. Signat L g$CYA Address:
10. Signature: Print N me ( 4,u ,

Address: _________________A_ ________Email_/VOf/ _ 2 IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repoit: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen PetitionkL LOX I [D: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EBOQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnident, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WE&NOW SAY, Join us in calling for a Indepelndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 1 ,,

iar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature Print Name F&)1A &SW (

Address: IS lm S A4irjmpn 1lEmail g{YDI iW Af7dth

2. Signature:_ L LAj A .

Print Name /1fd bfrkf ' Address: tU dt 4 -- i(mp 6AD EjrnEmail JilaJwia A eme-d /1674(

3. Signature: fAJ u Print Name U

Address: ilr-10 3 'Y> 2A-T.\Xt Email 6&foerr@ fey G U

4. Signatu re:<fva,4A.M f&("10j,_Print Name J a onVI Co ( alf-q Address: I11 A4LP , (tale 4t XSZ>o06 1I.-Si,
5. Signatureat OA I,,~LM! Print Name ._
                                                                                       \ W -tj ~=~kka~,C Address-5 &     Y Afr (fV v        ,. -     5         .      t      _    \  dIa-Email
6. Signature: rint Name ROxA& h -e- t o rt :5 Se by Address: gft wo . -Email__-
7. Signature: Print Name K4G i Gil)

Address: 3/ %J 1&4. Email

8. Signature:, aPnt Name e i(

CG ce

                         /-  .         .         A          D            .

Address: Go rAests- >Al E. 2at Email -

9. Signaturedb/10in/f1i( ? _1/kU/t4it Name C/711)/,4 Ad ,.7 //C26 Address:d 'A Oag ahfRr # Emai -
10. Signatu I,} Asp1-o Print Name~~ Sea <

Address: ,- Cety w~-M Z &-frlo~, t/CJR Emai -

       " Return   this completed petition via New E and Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and paramete provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

V/ L ;: Th _ Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public I service Boar nont Department of Public Service: EROM: 'Vermont I _ has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nu at at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WL NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

r to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signanrr Print Name // e1 <c/a *t1 O Address: /I 2j EL -;mgf-&f

_/79;z8 my /

2. Signature: I t Print Name / fals -

Address: V*tl_4J A, -41 . Email

3. Signature: /A-a 1(11 Print Name ,k-t.'i St4cn Address: Adz 4 vefP,C. G1 I0 Emai __
4. Signature: _4I Print Name Jj1AtaB /

Address: ) 0 C- / if Email

5. Signature: L PrintNar Address: gp6 'Eo' 7' v9#'KL , Email 7.Signature:4// Print Name Co ci Address: __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___5_ __ _
7. Signatu re:.,*~~w ])GZint Name 2!i l )^tCK S Address, 4ha;Hf4 #VLttmaill
8. Signature Print Name 1Ak4Ar Lt-4/oA55 Address: S/3 IiJI P7MTLF$O §Q5Email
9. Signature:. (. -In rint Name lee Address:i 3 I ASti tdAys( re EnZi'JAVe4
10. Signatur 16f Print Name / 1 +/-AZ- 1. 6tA -

Address: /1 ";A4/Z/ 47 Email I Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54 5, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Senrice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cormoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lipense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a IndePendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2
                                                  ;  sinilar to those s.lready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signature.                                            PrintName       I7liJ<       ° Q               (

Address: 0< <J  ?)L 0 34

2. Signature: Ai .I L Print Name J Addres 8 C -QAIktr K *\jS\b$
3. Signature: PrintName I' >t Address. £l10*\t-- Y u }S CA
4. Signature: -PrintName /

Address:_4g,4A t6(0& 5gnatu~re: ;r Print Name /X ° 77 Y ' , Address :) . a -3

                                          .23              '  C& cAdOX/       s      L L   A                                  K-
6. Signature: I I/?A/-I) Print Name t Iblfa eCsS~

Address: X Aivrl Vi 6 ° l

7. Signaaxre: U WL AU\ Print Name Address: OJLVO /Z'i** _r , A h, \ L S.Signature:: ",C4A PrintNan) Go RDo p T(MoR PI-:

Address:. LIq4 O 9 1 LK Ql~r( St fi l&

9. Sig natur Print Name !Txho~lerl 62
     -Address: /3Y,¢4                                   /_/_9Z0A&          i( ly OL     .,     D        //t IRA41rntNreea>w-                        -rw/1k//

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repofl Indepnedent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (J) independently assess the confmoance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess opeational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfrmance.

A Petition [Q: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: -EiROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature: A _ g,,, A,, Print Name: E .e t 7,e '-- Address: / 7. me. ) I- 4-7 (PLI City:_ State Zip 3 Phone: 87/Z (-i- l ?77 Lf Email: /D &,Ci z14 t Registered to Vote?

                                     , If

A Citien Petitioni TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterga Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:.1 4 i4 PrintName Atis'a5;i P cJ Address: Mlo Z i 6'Z P3ektse cifOk,- Va g 9&zyXq&email_ ____ _____
2. Signature: -LPrint Nam a.5e l Address:-. 7 @f-zipp f y * - email I
4. Signature:

Addre.,ss:'. I 8/t email I l 5.Sgnatue

6. Signature. PrntNamR Address: R> email
1. Signatre Prin tNam3
8. si nalC PrintiNam 9.Signa~~~ffe:f a ti~

Ny / Kt Address:7: Address:7 Octbe r 199s bS the& Nucea

                                          *T   R      ato tt~it W               sion.

Nt ThIs o tu shag0 () epndail the conformance of email_______________________l Addres tb1 7 A 1 , 9email 2 Acodines Si to th deunton 9and pAraeespoide nth eotIdpnetSft sesetof Maine Yakeatms o 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 amorting to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeprdent SafEt Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power 5;ornpav October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall nerformance.

A Citizen Petitioni Tes Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Me4bib fi "y,+ eNullear Advi<,oiy Panel: and The VermoO 1 -C - friinds of Vermont oration has applied tl ti.a i .1he on to 120% of the read ri ke and ging components increasing tiwI'. icki L c Cthat exanination of Vermnont Ya Bi pnee A*Aervaitve; WE NOW SAY, joinndnd ent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:! reI y H4o Print Name 4 V2Xy, LA-,)

Address: I/ ma_______ ______ ___nail__ _

2. Signature: AA Print Namer Vet Al n ,)iYk yC- lot Address: I) L'1V (Y6255 email
3. Signature: Print Name Corevt OK L Address: 11)1 T6 . A-VVy 'A email__
4. Signature n aij cv v 6.( a . 1;6l X Address: a E ( ye e heJI2 email S. Signature: An*rn n ak DZ-.t AS Address:VJ XP
6. Signature:

Address: L Zf Po) i6k 4Z37 iJ e2 Ah

                                          )y4   P/

Print Name zVfQ530 5 - ( vA iAft email email

7. Signature: Print Name EV A FLAz7G CiaA-'L Address: TI-o CAl> AAA' .


8. Signature: Print Name UL-! ZJ*

k-J Address: pth! i %j -semail

9. Signature: Avxtl B at(LW d- Print Name Ei" ity Address: pK t( f{4 f d ;r,\J- V 05302- email
10. Signature: PrintNarae 4V Address: QS B y) AWfk\)TVt es5't5 email 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Corrnvip October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall Performance

A Citizen Petitio' IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: .EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy CorpQratiqa has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective afd conservative, therefore, WIE NOW SAYL join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. S Print Name /C4 t f/ -

Address: °e o A 7 , G4 Email /

2. Signature: krl 1 AL d '("'> PrintName (r,/bNL GP/CrA
3. Signatu J' Print Name MEN 1K AkcO iY5 Address: e i d E__ail __________AtAR
4. Signature: rintName l4 axw r40 xA3 9X Address: l'%7CQ V {Q244Email
5. Signature: ame4QC4I,¢0S _e S' Address: £_______Email_ __ __
6. Signature: PrinttName 1g4Jzfs 57J, Address: Al 1 7LS <7 Email
7. Signature: Print Name J 4// /E L/
     .Address:              I<g2   A      OL./Ty kP                   LA94/C t'    4
8. Signature: Printc LNiam Address: 1lq MIC-1,
  • VY\ Email OV
9. Signature: PriN Address: lDail aL Z16 4
10. Signa Print Nare EAO& (A Address: (4 0 e fD I-VL/rt Email_

Return this completed petition via New England Coalitioh, Box .545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformancp of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislaturt Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Servn, FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel itks ermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemnon to 1200/%of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increaso ace new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could afxl re state, therefore, a full top-examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW S join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmene of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. (jignature: \ OA c W Ptt Name C3

                                                                                         \ CXtej        \Au      C I-        -

Address.-=~~L E ER ... IX__.\U&A _K Email n

2. Signatrcure- - ___tName d1v-4 £ /7 I Address: Pv.nt-ame Email A D l ' 2 M//, o t, e .X C-7
   .3. Signature:                I          ?            :       Print Namae             -r         J      - -

Address: - )4 4cs\ Email

  ,4. Signature:          .      5 >LI'PrintName                                    0C3       A          l     4\v V Address:            3              \                                   N.                  Email    CO>3WA"\         @c                 -,A 5.";ignature:                         W AAkc      'S-            Prinnt*Pe
                                                                 ?U                 VI         weC           \Jct Address: Gil spa                                      c..4                                  EMai Address:                                                                                    Email
7. Signature: .. . .

Print Name ___s: Email

8. Signature:. Print Name Address: Email
 - 9. Signature:_                                                Print Name Address:                                                                                 Email
10. Signature:, _Print NamEI Address: EMail lReturn this completed petition viaNewEngland Coalition, Box 545, Bratteboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-qionifirAnt fitupine srndi drrnw cmnelhiginnc on nverall nerfhrmqnre

A CitizenL Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vertuont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermnont Department of Public Service: A x~: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont W1EMEAS Ltoulslatia-based Entergy Corpokatlon has applied to super-load auclear fuel in the Vermont Vittkee Nucleat Power Plant at-Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and A this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, HE 3NOW S&L join Us in calling for a Independetnt Safety Assessment of Verthout YankeeZ, similae to those already conducted at aging nuclear piants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name . H o Go US '& l t --

Address: PC F0 / 3O-V 0-*3(d Email b 5toV. A- t

2. Signature: Print ami Address: _ Email SOVC, Sbet
3. Signature: (iv_ _ __P__tNarr______OR Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Signa Print Name ' A ( //ua Address: _ail E
5. Signature: Prin .
                                                                             <a Address:          3W JIA2                                                lX,                  L
6. Signature: Name,____________

Address: _ _ _ _ _ __Email_-

7. Signature: Print Name ESTI+eR_ -t-------/ ---

Address: 2) - lrq1AL)j Email -N<

8. Signatu Print Name_ _ _ _ __ _

Address: 6mail X---_ ---- __ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. SignaPintName /o7/& -

Address d/?)vXA/1 , i0. Signature: L Print Name C) CN b kJ"E p< Address: ft Fo J50 3 god &G6&(-0 Email t Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site fnd corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO:. The Honorable James Douglas, Governo' of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: IPR6M: The undersigned citizens and friendsvof Vermont WHEREAS, Louisianak-based Enterer Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the~reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 .

r to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName Jannc on A AA..2 /AI "' 9- 411flr-l -1 , A- &6Ap~- vo~, Vt A dA
2. SignaL tQ PrintName Ay-t::

Address:_____ ___ tAa -T) 10 \YPT I - i "I

3. Sigature.4 +/-L L A, V}, Print Name (-AQ*N WI-A~A -PPu t

Address:- 2tW S.te 0 ( l kCYmI k r P, k if, e (i -^, I. NV

4. Signature: Print Nam( II I J Address:
5. Signature: _

Print Name A .... b Address:

6. Signature: 1 Print Name Address: I
7. Signature._ Print Name
8. Signature: - Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature:. Print Name Address:

1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repoit: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comranv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate*, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepenlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

Lo IN similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut L

1. Signature: Print Name r 6 I U -ve Address: r[ /&dx 3?s- Pt N-a e-m
2. Signature: Print Narne-Address: e-w, W ,


      ,.   -r'---uls Pr a

mint Name Address e-ravl-

4. Signature: Print Name Address: 6e-"-nad I', 1
5. Signature:_ Print Name Address: e_ re%a I  !
6. Signature: Print Name Address LO naL '.
7. Signature: Print Narme Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address: e-yy\ aLi
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address: e-flTh, L._

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report; Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan , October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                              -ACitizen PCeitionl

]LQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: DIOM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of ¢!he reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place Vew stress on Vermont Yankee's aging Qomponents increasing risk of accidents anid plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective afd conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us In calling for a-Jndependlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar t those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name -. (v Address:j j 1 O U O9 {2: mail
    -2. Signature;         >OIlK.GLL                              Print Name       S~~            tame-%

Address: Al FI It tbib V Vli U)t? i Emal_______________

23. Signature: PrintNtame P rintTNa Address: V kr IL I ____ _AEmail
4. Signature: Na4i

__cent_(aEmail t Address:

5. Signature:T Print Name Ayui¶ rm Address: C\ O\ 'i CVf°- Email___
6. Signature: PrintName A'\gy(..e4 (o{ f'k Y Address: Email (.&ty28C) A) Op/
7. Signature:%_n' A Print Nameg Address: l tf >0_ E(ma __ __il_ ____ ___
       - . Signature:
8. Sgaue.Y, .)

b\ZL.., ltI.Q Print Name Aft a -& HAG Addressd r es. Email

9. Si Print Name n §S1A 7 Address: V Email rd_______
10. Signature: PrintName iC le Address. SS eD/ qQ24C- Ast < {Email Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This stud y shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen PetitionS I SiQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ERIOM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging romponents increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective afd conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuc er plants in Maine and Conuecticut

1. Signature- Print Namne 1(

Address: , g eIAM "Emmail

2. Signature: /ik, Ow Ho Print Name YeJe/*lL L. JoAtiee.

Ides3 bS/d - Address: !12 go. shz'LLG VT, Of; Sg ;j - Email_ j n',ZxkAne(CR) 'iLL O . CY M

3. Si re: Print Name Z/ e' Address: hir At 2 Sp WL2Email A innip .

PrintNaine //IP 2R A/. - Address: /M a ni6 C47_ J i- on,<Email

5. Signatu a ( I PrintName £orda Ak.

Address I4nL/ /kc9R. PlJ v'T O56C) Email

6. Signature: & 7 6 4- Print Name C I erb4A al.k .

Address: SIM61t I X KI1F_a M Email

7. Signature: A A IA PrintName_ stisan, (1K) GK.fez Address: 16  ; 1 V
                                                                    '4C              -Email        _,:                                         I
      -8.dSignatures                                7         Print      Name_-    - I.J k., A Address: -                                I   IV,/ RO)/e
                                                      --   7
     .9. Signature:        A ofe           Q-W F                _Print' F1~in Address:          PA(?pie3v<           wdaft~         \ i*   V6d  ;t4             Email_
10. Si 0 AM( Print ex (Al Addresst St. ck k/ E al _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box !45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reporn Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluite the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.


A Citizen Petition-31Q: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Selvice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: UILQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WflFREAS, Loulslana-base4 EnttgY Corporation bas applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Yermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging Qomponents increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYL join us Incalling for a pemi lent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee-,

similar to those alrea~y.!ducted at aging nuclear plants In Malno and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName meYah

{>r ct e\ 4.n Address: . Ea i li

2. Signature: __Print Name e. ( e mp Address:.' 3 . Email W 0L4'el e A} SKI / Cow
3. Sign-ature:(3, /C1{1 774~,,
                                                        'I PrintNarme         Ayil ael I           .
                                                                                                              %-F l
w. .

vejfrP Address:

              ... 7,,$16i Il SF . .V~vW
                                                 .                       ........-           _Email ,

O .ani s eppony~t& - 04L_

4. Signa __ Print Name _________

Address: ____________,5___Email_0

5. Signature: Print Name J.

ta gAAgk Address: Email___

6. Signature: /A.-t _PrintName < fit&vC V/tcsss Address: 0 6 (O
                                               °                            CZTAT             Email        t/KCt3s.                         .
7. Signature: $6 Print Name APcne X .t<

Address: a-- Email

8. Signature: n eaar <g3UM Atll [AVd r___

Addres mail

9. Signature. rintNaimeC5ei 1 t Address:53 VOW oM2,5lV Email l0. Signature #>,

07k L11-J4h/rlt 11me MlAKlo; tJ . A~i:0Q°.SKtl Address:5516-OA1A D Pj1, 'f o5V b 0)- Email lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box .545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report:- Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition- I/ [Q: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont W IEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy CorporationL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging Components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WYI' NOW SAYL joi us in calling r a Independient Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signaint Name L_4I SJlS Address: 7 Gmail
2. Signature A Print Name__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: Email_ ____

3. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
4. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
6. Signature: Print Name_ _

Address: Email_ __

6. Signature: Print Name Address: Email_ __
7. Signature: - Print Name_

Address: Email

8. Signature: Print Name_ _

Address: Email

9. Signature: PrintName Address: Email
10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Email_ 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizn P fitionn lo IoQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WMYHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporati inhas applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ald conservative, therefore, fE NOW SAY join us in calling for a ndepen.ment Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name  % a H i Address: , Ema1 l\
2. Signature: Print Name 4? t aSe Address: Lto Uhe ok Si A I
3. Signature:ne q Address: _________ Email
4. Signature: ) rint Name Kk /eJI)qd Address:-A b 'tZ* 4h,(flOe4 Email
5. Signature:mJh L-KI PrintCName_____,_

Address Lo 5 (I __c__1_oll____) ___IE__ail Print Name C ( C0 ) 1) ___ ____Email_ _ __ _

7. Signaturc V 4 Print Name !1A-itti 3 C Ci (ya Address: l s-o G ilC on C 5t tl- Email _o_ l 1A-d C
8. Signature: 19 Gi4 f4,-P rint Name d4e M o Address: - g~ ~ ~ a
                                 &<ar  u~

EEmail____________________NATO grook


ePil~re<imp ~ ~ AL.I.54 ~ 9.S T ia _Adz^

9. SignatureXPrint Name ? r Ac.A C)

Address: 10. ignaureAL \9 Ap,~ ;e PrintKK

                                                                      , Namne -Ern'iTA        e
                                                                                                    /A.    &UmI-AA       f f -,U0, Address:        90 e)                  Lvt NkV~69-V.y                         _rni Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, l3ox :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sits and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

9I fl n A Citizen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of VermOnt: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHLEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactors.original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an hidependent Safet Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. we Name CAR6LAw. .bf2 Address: ;1 41 AT U J emat 5f)t5¢ (Frat w_ -f
2. Signa J PrintName' (4 Coc1BRAN Address: U, email
3. Signa Print Name Latreav a1ds Addres: ess3 4 ilLQt &&CSSL email
4. S *ntPnai Name e:4ar h /(e Address: b4Zf2-. U(( A QA 4ow? -9 email
5. Signature:_ Print Name Address: email
6. Signature: Print Name Address: email
7. Signature: Print Name

- AArv- email

8. Signature: Print Name Address: email
9. Signature: _

Print Name _ -* A .1 Address: email


In sv.

         . 5 la                                               IPrint Name Address:                                                                                      email Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power comp ny, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,
                              . SignaRture  /o     M         IUla      r n+h^eAeIIA^

o toAUoPau ,^:, ay vuuumavu U alagIng nucilalr p1lintIn,lAAf>;" 4AAAoAAe Af tilivaintuiv IIIU IWUII1rneIVUt -

1. Signature: ____ Print Name Taivec Ad '

Address: So &Lt rc5'flk I Q eaL'fi-fl i

2. Signature:atPri)rint Naime _ i cvLoM i. a Address: 1v- ferA IyV'F e-,-m t
3. Signature: - I CCNIG 0 le >c Address: l O a1E Li e b ro VFoe -. a.X
4. Signature: PrintNarne /l/WAdAe MAI <.'

Address: 3I iJ*,a '

5. Signature: Print Name X L (JS X Address: Ae_
6. Signature: Print Na4e & tigCo c Address: 1Vt k ¢-v44 e7t-BALL
7. Signature: A Print Name (,9g § 1i d Address: I ff/H (>5PA-,IIiL
8. Signature: A 6u4 Print Name &CAi 4 OU G3..

Address: C 7t, l$b4$4.4.i.s l -- Glao

  • t I r-Ijt
9. Signature: &Llace-Print Name M X S r wo-Address: f "4?I 2J*4 A -A & - ?L 4., t4It e-nh].L_ i
10. Signature: Ci, i T X I - l Address: ns C/Y- "'67 (o Gox -g J¢QJm \t O`S fa],

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. I according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: lndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

L1 A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,.-..

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut 1.S PrintName Carmle C Vxrm Addre s A OLMA 1Cl via %-3 St Vttit0, e-M!!days

2. Signature: go /i9A' $)VzL.4A A)PrintName Address: (  ?( 4 8 3d,5g;f2 2 tX-a
3. Signature: PrintName C -o '

Address: 9U 9£A rt lle a ;I < cna;

4. Signature: PrintrNa 4 uA d ee-p

Address: y .lttt. lb v J Ia'Gla-n 4)e

5. SignaturePrint Name (ULt/( C I ( 6 Address: TY1 p e IC c/ A&- A S \ e rn
                                                                                                                   .vp       I.
6. Signature:Print PrnIn e t Nar aaeJU J (P CG4 Address: (J 1 4gdA x A4J. w c 6"4 t -M Alt/
6. Signature: Print Name L.ej'ie r 4e-A4 -

Address: W t4w 6 ) e

8. Signature: Print Name tll LC Yct -

Address: t Quit ( ,S301 e -El

9. Signature: .j V Print Nane c/eh pj i-,
10. SignPrint Address: 6Q3 1 O Namne.a' 34I)uX'
10. Signature: )9,_ P riPrintearne '80144e-k Address: GA , e tm P-n, Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54 5, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.
      'according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.
                                             /              A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature;                                                                Vermont Public I

Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends ofVermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintNam e __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Address: 6JO L 6 V301 lI

2. Signature: PrintNameLI7 t4 by -2SA vy!T Address: - x f l - d:ss
3. Signature Print Name I
                                                                                                              \ e-m.-

Address: 7 I)t7t7Z)

4. Signature: Print NarneLZejf W. I6 do. ' s_ WO '

Address:T0SC 3 AlroLM i.05h It/4 - r , il

5. Signature: . )41kzZ.jKAZ5' Print Name -- -

Address: sE7A aq40 X o Vc r e-M3f

6. Signa X Print Nanie  ! ae I"..- m - p - I )

Address:?& aE )i c , J "ao / e--,kAs i,

7. Signature:. Print Name L v7z e*m,^fe, Address: 5 't Hi 'e 3 C>

( S 3'

8. Signatu'~.J Print Name i2 b D 'l'o iAIO Address: 98 rook Z~( 3e. jt o554e,
9. Signature: Print Name_________

Address: H i w///i/*

                                          -/                              LT k7                      (                    e   n a.e       '
10. Signature: 4gA Print Name Al  : -zPle I Address: 2-J tJE £ ffe A P-.r a i Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.


     ' according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and impeovement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' 10: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHXREAS, Louisiana-based Entrgy Crporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and hiWs increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing zisk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut 1_.Signature: _____ __ _ _PrintName A ddl Address: 104 Sc A en, Rt L u. V r£ email

2. Signature z. Name 7X Address: g5s /9A'/l' , f/ a / y 1 4 ,
                                                                                  ~        email_
3. Signatureo(jAXQ 7CU(1i Print Name (e (ait Ite 1fL Address: I I9:i?2 6k RPate+ObrLr&I) VIm Lj)Gr,6 t email_
4. Signature: PrintName 5 USA Address: 1 (?X QXS4 91 ap-AC,6 o email
5. Signa aturelq Print Name Ai-Ls /\t AA-e,4-AddressA32 if X 6CkB y .f email
6. Signature: Print Name Address: email_
7. Signature: Print Name Address: email_
8. Signature: PrintNiame Address: email
9. Signature: Print Name Address: email
10. Signature: Print Name Address: email_

1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and paraectcrs provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall nerformance.

A Citizet Petition! I IQ): The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vernont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont _WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio , has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pradent, protective afd conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 1 ,

similar to those alroady)7oduc e\1 at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Wt- Print Name *4c.IA A Address:> 1 t l'1 \U k Etmail (AW
2. Sig -Print Name
     - Address             5          /                                                   Email       __

I OA. .

3. Signature: Print Name Ai' /'-H Address: Ema Ernai-il
4. Signature: __________ In Print Name
                                                                         .rA St- AMsl Address:        I0       PhJvJ al(.I     ,  .

f 1., T 1li,. TI_. K mail

5. Signature: PrintIName Pri;t Nat i LofLf Address: --/A. v' A Email
6. Signature:\ '\,~dCA) Prnt eafN\y A -C.CA ) W1 Address: Email -. -,11 I
  • 7. Si, atm Prit Namei 5()/LC _.

Address: 3 J 9 b Email

                                                                                                                         ;, 9k
8. signaturet Print Name (r41 --Mlt M C[ L-11k Address: 1h5L / t a Q I
  • rV
9. Signature: .re~eL Print Name rat ei(1fdL R.4A.

Address: Th; Z4 !? 6o.5 30)-z Email

10. Signatunau Print Narpe )AD e.* AZMCO .

Address: `t tA 14ttA VtT A Email Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankep to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance..

A Citizen Petition I ro: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

 '    a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those Aready co ducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signate Print Name ___e *L// , Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ S/teljip i o d Email /`41-SP t a IZ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 71k~\ _Q_ 5 r, '\- 1)

2. Signature:<) Print Nam. - -,

Address: 2'J ci S CjW1i State Zip sG ' Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signaure - _
                                                     /_       Print Name>   -

4ela;plc Address: ez g e//qeC Sr City. /X Zk & e2 StatVLZip e516C0 Email A1c/eview IC iG ESte/L4 f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 1 q a t Print Name 1is TSR U ZA-OL*


I. -C9

_ it S)_ 5C City Statelr4ip SORWO Email <Zr*wb- ,W>A _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature:

A% ^a Itnt I. w t Is W 5\K 5JAM Y Address:( (8 W\k \ \ City bimonth N tat ion 5ULt Email .,OH _to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnpany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition. II IQ.: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ERQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WIEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahid conservative, therefore, Ml' .NOW SAYL join us in calling for a Independint Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name ',7T /lZL-&

Address: 774 5ZSn j F;-L (7 Em}lEail 7anrl/el-Dcidf&"sg -z

2. Signature: Print Name A & 'i S / & / <7 Address:sJ-/^ IGS LAt L *t Email 14 / 1' S) 1 4 CfL
3. Signature: K. PrintName /t6elcJ; /. /i4 Address: / 3 r 6 knhfM e( k/l jVlEmail
4. Signature: Print Name.1L) 4 4 */A 1 Address: /__ Email___________________
  • 5. Signature: PrintNain.e WIlI,4ov T0dAC4 Address:37pg.v2npIAi 6co. 1 A\1i amJA/I + Email
6. Signature: r~l XIJ /1 CL I Tc, Print Narn e cA £L ah Address: 27 hTj Don? k1 i B!'JL Email /4
7. Signatu re:12::\2 = =A ke a A c a Address: ;L 2 _) mail 'I) e_ \_
  • 8. Signature: &<h -ri itName Address: aW Ct
9. Signature: 1 ° Print Namen, U (S? L Address: ti; 2 _ l _ _ej OEmi%/
10. Signature: Print Name I {l d Address: Email
        'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5 45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. I,

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont W IEREAS , Louisiana-baned EntervCorDoratioa has applied to super-oad nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this incrase will place new suress on Vermont Yankee's aging components incresig risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a fuU top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE: NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to those already conducted at aging onclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. satu- 4PrintName /t pe C f / __

Addres: 6 <°9 AI' / Z2 2 < PrintN'ame Addressp-P l-, V 4C ' 2)*3 N

3. Signature: Print Name_


4. Signature: -Print Names Address:
5. Siptatuw. Print Name_


6. Signature: Print Name Address:


7. Signpaure: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
   . 9. Signature:                                           fPrint Name Address:
10. Signature: .

Print Name Address: Return hiis comped petition via New England Coalition, Box 54S, Bnatleboro, Vermom 05302 by Septembe. 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to tie definitions and paramets provided in the report I nd Uft Aesm of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comparm, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatry Commission. This stdy shall: (1) bInde n mss th confomance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews atthe site and corporate offices: (2) indepdently aess operational safety perfomiance giving risk pespectives where apprpriate (3) evaluate deecffectiveness of licens sec f, coective actiorn and improvement plans (4) determine the root cause(s) of saft-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performiance.

A Citizen Petition' I rO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: MIs, 4 l c slature; Vermont Publii ervice Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel and The Vermont Department ofi: ?ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VIEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterey Cornoratio i has applied to Vermo 'ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's of i e

  • this icrease will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agimg components itt nt blackouS that could affect the entire state. therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent proective ad  :

VE NOW SAY oil us in lin for a Independent Safety e e tYankee f\ ~V \ imilar to these alreidy conducted at ging nuclear plants InMaine wnd Connecticut

1. Signature( C A PriAName: MM vi 0 V-1,
     'Addres:    Toi'e~L                                .,
                                                                        ' T -
                                                                        --                     \--

w -

2. Signaturej_ zI. -

__-__ Print Name - \ . , icA Address: - Rj (qq 'x\- @,~L<

3. S- Print Name kh Q- Atrt r

Address:iLT 32 , A"* I t kjI-r 01'1!: --_I4-D fJI PLI-AN1IItIAA

                                                                                           .TA~E                   GkMXJ                         "I
4. .signature:PYmiakQ cJV'e-v~? Pri.tNam=

Address:P Oc>o.g 0,4eAt tcOjq.T _______Print Name Address: 9C - I A.AV,4,, (.6- . \- .0 g Lf-?  ? A

6. Sigature: IPrint Name et1\ 1i Al. WI~

11CA, i,, e-)-VV ? 7.~Sie: ( -J&4 Print Narne- 7ZS-,,, k (I 4L&4~o 4-Ts Address: ' 0 S6 <>7 IJtW ^

4. Signature: ,?,x ad PrintNare L/*fJta 1/=7 Address: ._____________ __ _ _/_

___ _/ 7 e Signature:

5. I Print Name A l L l
      '.<000Addres                            /Jagttecf  >       2(         ,~          2            l
6. Signature: e , ;6k.Nar me, s Address: )C22qz e ~f
7. Signature Print Name 4&. Asl A1;Z Address: Pjh , ,45i p X-9. Signature -A .

A., Print Name DjJ I - CLOU s--

                                                                                                                     - s\~{

5T a 1 Address: 1? 17 doe 11JV L/

10. Signature: G Print Name Le f/,e" 74-J Address: 0,_4 614.e ;= X4_
  • SED 649:~"Zm6y ~Z4~ A;'C@

1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compfanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, bis study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) Independently assass operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) ofsafety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrv Cownoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk oJaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee isprudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for siindependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 simlla.r to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatu Print Name  ! gJ IL )
2. Signature: - Print Namemf i!£ 2 77 L 9 Address: 3 t1 IY4,?s@

WOW flZ y VT 63 i; {Cn

3. Signatue :


4. Signature:GF 31*

(I (AL-Print Name Print Name 4b 1\

                                                                                                    .J eVe 6S2§Tf/
                                                                                                                 )/ B
                                                                                                                                    \11 tT S6     j 4 e Address:         i
5. Signature: 5 PrintNare .A Address: /273
6. Signature: - Print'Name 5Y<. i k'42 £-n o Address: ) 7 X_ _

Adz_ _A___ __ _)_5__

7. Signature:_ Print Name C Wi'W -)

Address: Co _ \- ( ( r o53'4_

8. SignatuN ___PrintNamern_ _ _ _

Address: Ick my r&&j gt # ( rs C

9. Signature: GamPrint UtJ Address: g 1 @ lt ' v i ) y5
o. Signatur / < -PrintName Lfr As Address:  ?, 0. By 7 _6 lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 Iport:-1ndeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoeny. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the r October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) Independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its. design and licensing bases Including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (.)evaluatethe effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpmy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,
1. Signature: similar to those already conducted at aging nIzr plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Z Print Name l} L' . ,1/2
                        .-               o                  A 11 I           . , 11 i   471    --


2. Sign, iture: TA/X7 Print Name lAnk T1 /v
                                             -'          I          ,             - En Address
3. Signmtture:k c :b I Print Name LticiEe I!

Address: A d/7A , A& an.7 --

                                                         -a A

bX-. -sqM

4. Signature: / PrintName AK/a *117e-1 v I/

Address: 4 A3>

                                    &2                  MP) he r-0                       6-Od 39
5. Signature:_ Print Name £t4 hs TY 1 A Address: Lf It_ ___ __S__ _ __ _4_ _

___ _ _6__ _F

6. Signature: c PrintName JodkA fiefUAS(;

Address: M A \YW OVT (Ah I.5

7. Signature: (\L NLAIAI Print Name War\A .., AJnq1,16ari b .V I Address: lzniL W a (E
8. Signature: (0 _og I Print Name e. Et RjcoUb .

Address: /

9. Signatu r Print Name c A 4 ( £. /

Address: n A, a \Tdo{

10. Signature: in Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: - 12?. Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, emont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indegpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comppam October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate (3) evaluate theeffectivenesswof licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and a improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. A

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public I Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterary Corporatio k has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE: NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent SafetY Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, A:,nilar to those already crnducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: ( - Print Name XV al-T +Ia& I Co r &ao- o

() st<&s I7 A C , i ft 6 t3eD Address:

2. Signature:

Address: /2 WO{,

                                           />4             AJyirj-PrintName 1dJej fl AljDn Ad    I            OVS'<7
3. Signature: f> dd e ' C o Address: Z e if 49 5R r. Vk >
                                                                                        /c           Cq
                                                                                                              ,co CZGf/
4. Signature: PrintNarne Address:  : 3 . A V
5. Signature:_ ----- a9C- Print Naie R >O AC 11 Nelpee . /

Address: 1 - - 42AL ellhyc4 2 o/Oc6A/&y( , c6/,4rd (or-

6. Signature: H ~( J4 Print Namne e M (GtZ4 M4srO Address: ff; l - 5n..LI 4/

r- 6 Uc(4-. uZrtc~s

7. Signature: ,A cS , 3 Print Nawm Address: w £9d Sk a rvvku, 448~ in/I- o/7Zt 04
8. Signsiture:. -V n I 4 Print Name J WJI OIsac Address:

o Q 13 5

                                           %-p le, RA..

n Pint meI At (I Io6 26

       -7.  .31I~IILU1V,.            -                              11111             V -- - G I,

i1 a. >lnaxre.

                                                                          ~~NIWO                        TI I Mo
                                                                                              ,- d-         Avv-vai
                                                                                                         ' vm   lalnc Address:                                           Wtool,< 4.            A t k lI               I vLd
10. Signature:-Print Name __ _ _ _ _ M__ _ ______

Address: ) tk2 A \ (I 'f' Ji Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ndepedent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Corn October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its  :: design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the she and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and-' improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition-. TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and Th e Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WhEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Coworation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Y.VAnkee Nuclear Pow.erPlant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  ;. this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ol'accidents and plant blackouts that K -could affect the entire state, therefore,
          ' tufill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, W     NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similr to thcse already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signature:        4i7t            (     1   -            Pr,t Name 4LXf          ANP91R e-         F7C.

Address: LZ-7.q A01AI C.7-2.- Signature:. m t Na e e~ 7,rn~ 7

3. Signature:

Address: Signature. )wi-/ L4- PrintName 4.Sig A DtR4J

                              )                                                    \ kAN-eN 2M         4QA Address:

_7 7¶3 k

5. Signs iture: PrinitName Jl' [fhC Address ]3 z kLc`rSN S4 ,, r>,Jepkwo Q Dr j S (j .i
6. Signataure ture -Prini: Name 7e5S nce Address:I OS J 191
7. Signature: PrincName F ct (rfi(fj f Address: ( eox 1-#

0/T0 OQ/' l_

8. Signature: PrincName K a; $bR< dw Address: t9 2Y/ 6 P; J 9 - 7G
9. Signature: Prinl:Name Sandn' jleXn Address: Sq  ! Jql
10. Signature: tNam NPri Address: WN)5 3 2

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.  ! according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indendent Safety AssessMt of Maine e tomic Power October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confiomance dVermont Yankee to design and licensing bases Including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assiss p tna] safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments cntive

                                                                                                                            ,      actin, an improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall oe       .¢          -c.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee NuclearPower Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and W this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print lame 2ZAk (itaI 71r Address:' 9 tVt7a t i 'J4- '
2. Signature: _ Print Name Aiva G  :

Address: '

  • MWAkGV
3. Signatur. Print Name A1 L I Address: I P iIP V- ) 5 3 6
4. Signature: At intAAme (+ A Address: l I 4- (S301 v \PY
5. Signature: 6
  • Print Name Lr64e rr
  • Address: I' ,/,-3\ V1 1W Is 111 4;6]t @ -}t )  ;
6. Signature: / Print Name LS(L6 AeuAA'C,1 Address: 4z4 c >9cy \I o534'
                                                                                    ?             VT           L      3,
7. Signature: Print Name .' co(1 a Address: Fi 5$ste . uny,\ c53 0 46
8. Signature: PrintName ftiv AWIA Address: (a jgr g amp}
9. Sign trgWaPitame AI8VIA p6.'

Address: 1!1 Z60

10. Sign ePrint Name AeY i ,S God o I.

Address: gZt(>\JI 053W 2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Braltleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co Wnv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate oices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where sppropriatc (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions; and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterfy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signa PrintName I&Y kC Ik-tJ
      -A ddreis:                                                               _ _  _   _  _    _    _      _   _    _    _  __a_         _       _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _
2. Signatnr__ Nap Print Mai C ~R ~> ,,, 4~l4
                                                                                                                            . J
                                                                     - ta i                       .       .         -     -    f Address:     42,.G                              /.1 (
3. Signature:_ Print Name 6o r ./  ; f N e,,ft v 1T Address: #t)I A tet (I 4 Signature 7j$~ -LA -PrintNameN I ()rC( (hopizn- :

Address: C r0(Z 41u a L i --

5. Signature Print Name C(`'"<I Address: By °Zbw4 WMtt
6. signatf PrintName ('57adra 57'Larhi Address: Us. 8 )) qq/l A/eAI7 1uve VT 053qL <
7. Signature:___________ _lPrint Namne 3vJ ( I N ...[VPXALfOV_

Address: 2<) -_ r ,6 ST1*

  • V
                                                                                          ,_ _T- 'fT (o.S-cd
  • I w
  • ffi .,^
8. Signature: 5______ Print Name .4re (ie' - _

S>? (Xff3Aa NOF 3 Address: I C 1,S /iCI

9. Signature: 61> Print Name' I _br r Address: IWL-s- f(c/t " Y^)N&"

Rfi -i/ cT2711

10. Signature: A. IA \tPrin tNamekJCAJ) MV-X; 1-vz rcA o es Address:_,63 De> * '6 V Qfgo'3 (
       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comyanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluite the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signi scant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FRI OM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fall top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatur: PrintName (*siS(7 1 mc>

Addrs. 4352 Jd&L r/r At&-iasb t 1TV LK<

     -2. Signature":/~rl~m  --. ,:<,2w                                                                                 -l    A - ,eAP\k-Address:                    -)-°               ___                                  Po        0<'Z6
       'A Siagina
                                       -       1   NJ                           -.

Print Name Laxnt-c Y; Ike Address- /S l (WI 1Q

4. Signature: I t ) Print Name__ j , c94' 0 Colo SZe-wlp Address: i(3 1/ bi Si, i 44-*ta6. 5g VVT oA (
5. SignatureC~ SE Ig Print Name >gape /_/ -7/e-/

Address: 2-eS Irtw -,fit, el /0/- tr1-79/eAcy/2) 7- *Th/

6. Signature: At/' 0¶A o,11-4 ,4"6'7 , Print Name ,/,-e/ P6d /-4 , s ,

Address: - Z 6f /2 - A L6etrv St- Of731D/

7. Signature: rint Name Q - rl CX q 7 (gFo Ho t7 07<So<

Address: tl( . S t 4n d/o Isp tAIf r- i =7_ P_& i a Ar;d44P F F l

  • v l X w_

La t f r v I /_O/ --- w to

8. Signature:/j Z/111~ Print Name /°0)C AC7 VnIdon Address: /13ina,4 1 z  ? '3o& r L4iHFO9 pi 5qo/


9. Signaturre::EJy Print Name /AJ)WAA Address:  %( IIILL1 Lkv< t4I ULni-se}-, Lt I (4F "3
10. Signature:<e H irint Name /

Address: //. 6hJZA.) &* 4 ALJ . . .

                                                                                                                       &(O-            .,

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5i45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its

  - design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sit: and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety
performance giving risk perspectivesmvb appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments;corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

i/ .

                     -                                         A Citizen Petition' I

TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont

'iEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermy CorDoratioi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power PLhnt at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom eamation of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 '

A,I~f l spniar to those already condu ed at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut 1.Signature: // ^At#' ki4 /a Print Name NlorUiavi)\ I Y, Address:  :(1 PfiL4' Z2)  % 4i'jJ J < -

2. Signature tu Print Name LVI 1 x6 aA 2 .Sg _1 4KA II Prn ae G r~i Address: rx \o6
3. Signature: /Ž_ Print Name fOCW/,? IM Idf Address: . )C / p A e 'IJ7TL .c $3

4 Signature: 7M Ar Print Nam e AA ARY A AI A 66v

                                                                                      .w.,. . I W
5. SignatureLJJhQleA td1l4 -Print NELmI ,-I;r Address: / St 14 Afi-zk i / -2
6. Signature: ( f1/4i41A&

A PrmntName &C oui /1P Address. / -. - - - I- rT 7 Signature Print Name e Levesg, Z,e.., Ad tress: dP ii Nam A Ps i

8. Signature: A~g */ PrintName AAUD 1 / zRQ7'S/,

Address: 6S* WA 4// gŽ _n e1) _ 81 Qk

9. Signature: I-n.., PrintN Address: LdLh // kd
10. Signature:_ Print Name t(icO- OLT"')

Address: {,f);/S A /2i). DV7D~b

        'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Jnderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Corn/anv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate ofiSoes: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3).evalluate the effectiveness of licensec self-assessmcnts; corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of saftty-sigaificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The indersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based EnterU-Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vernont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 liqense, ana this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk otaccidents and plant blackouts tat. could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, jo us in calling for a IndePendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 .

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Conneiit

1. i Print Niune 7 b (  ?

Address: ARC 9 4Jt

2. Signature: A-19 Print Name (t\id-5 Kae Address: A P4 1
3. Signature: PrintName r *-& t Address: M
4. Signature: Print Name i )IA/1 CA4 -Lai Address: Print Namefzct 7 / 4Y3 Y6
5. Signature: Name
                                                                )W,,j.Print        ({  S'4~   5,    2. 1CA(        XT_


6. Signature: 4j/j &I N N/Pame e... ,q>4 y z2%ei/


7. Signature: l Name HE^int (Ck)j -L3i l-Address: PO ____________'Cl______
8. Signature:____. B A y_

_PitName JITo _ _______ Address: No 13 0o 1, bl*n \E

                                                                        \AS                                                          I
9. Signature:re:< -

Print Name ba- _. _ Address: _!jg .j t it it<L (C(' C - Y

                                                                                                         *lk     t ..
10. Signature:1h I ?rint Name "A (-I Address: -& - -q-&,Wr JLA 9 4
      'Return 2

this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bcx 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rqxet: Indendent WeW Assessment of Mainc Yankee Atomic Power Co nmyv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk pespectivs where appropriate; (,3)evluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sinioficant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterv Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 .
                                        /^),       similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature p Print Name l ) , e/ /A r Address: Espy/ Ot #3a
                                                              ;#5                 Sft/eb0o, 1F. 0530/
2. Signatue e,1U PrintName Pktr,. 1<49- P04--mp-,-\=0 )


3. Signature.A,) , )-(- Av & Print Name orA ) 4' Addressi Aj k , d (FJ
                                                             -4`int1"     m      &/",/- C, 4 -3,V, 1)4 4ASignature: Ll                 4<             k Vj lintNam                       Sh      ;4       4)I (U Address:       W5     iUd itU                               Ad.                Q lez/      <-
5. Signature: 1[ 9v( Print Name ,I /chdeITe /;/

Address: 1533 hKeedl( VSkei-

6. Signature: Print Name V e&a-gn C&...- &S' Address: 2-2-2 \¶{;4-vt t -- -

7 intr g PrintName &I-4 tbz 6-A V V Address: 2 ,i

8. Signature: name AZ e9atuecttz~rin e

Address: c 1(4 A9. Signature: ddress: L Name2 Print L r L j6V o ) c' 10.Signature../ 4A Print Name ~ (V.t bJtr Address: Z~ - lAA /Et ()c ,. Sd/1 t m Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repot: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companm October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the shie and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk peapmiamwhere appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of-Licensee selfmassessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those slready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintNme 4_ _ __________W_______

_' i/2 /7 _ .

     . Address:        Aa/           HAC             bad6
2. Signature: (Q J_ Print Name ___o6___ _______

Address: c) 9kohAo~iJ AbcH L/7 nassail6

3. Signature:jture24" Print Nane *ferdeaV &c- a e y,-

Address:  ?? ZM Ad1 rela Ave fcl01- #"S Q

                              . I
4. Signlature: S~ Print Name-k >l 4-4t<(r< es. 0c,CC-/0 its Addres. S:17 Wean
5. Signa  : Print Name Address'eK 'rt \ s ZM5)
6. Signature:_ Print Name '7 ra a. 1h1 Addres:/); ma) 4 6,ci)d t l!' btK44b ,
7. Signature: ______________________________________________
8. Signature: /Print N Address: /
9. Signature: ,- - PrintName )4N 9 / ELJ4P) .

Address: / VW'4e GcI

  • L--ro V-i G5i3o/
10. Signature: f17 i Print Name r 'airO-) C It Address: 7? RC Qc vPlt HEAr_,> C>/090
                                        ,                  v           . .  .
       ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vernont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Com Lanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This studv shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance givisigssptives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of^1iseaelfafssessments,-corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzy Cormoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new-stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2-
1. Signaureto those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
3. Signature:I AddrSs:gn C1Qi ( S-V Afi.Print Name rS &.'- d
                                                                                    )DV      i                                      Jo Address:        F5      Cz,              9&              4                         A~                  b1-              P
2. Signature: intName __________i _ ___

Address: Cea -I.

3. Signature:- W. Print Name &OW f' 6 (X&rk Address: -o (q t 1 a9 fi OlHi
4. Signature: , , Print Nune 5 AJc k ion &a -

Address: __.

5. Signature: - tL6) PrintN&{ne SncdtV L6 Address: A___ (__

__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____it __ _ __I _ _ _ _ _ _

6. Signature: em > - Print Name I( WA q Address: (i r C -T 1/2 I-
1. Signatur.e: Mime PrintName 5- Scok J Address: X 22 / 4 5t
   - 'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box; 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2acrigto the definitions and parameters provided in the reprt Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the om ce of Veront Yankee to its de sign and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety C it-performante:ing-isiperspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectieess.ficensac sef-assessments, corrective actions, and - improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifcant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advlsory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterp-v Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYjoin sin calling fora Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
                                                                                        , n      miliar to those already conductod at aging nuclear plas in : aine and Connecticut
1. Sign Print Name _ .3 Address: -I I -

A WS I1 v-1) _< - , I

2. Signaature: Print a i Name Address: -U 'I/AW
3. Signature: Print Name(X Address: 196 L( 0 (1l P-J ?k)A OA- oSHkc
4. Signature A A hI _ Print Niame S. \*CV, $4 Address: W 2ek 4 1VA
5. Signature;, ,: 6(L, Print N.Jame &-I
                                                                               .(IA.                                                                         C7               ,   _    _     J I

Address: h Yt)PGA7 WJA7a, I/ r.T 6 ' V(- - . - .

6. Signatt ire: - Xvt44' _Print Name RAJ '&\,


        -Address:          9                            A6,ri  Q                                                      &t       kJ.

n4k/ r

7. Vi g n a . PrintKName Chhb e 0o74 ck-Address c>, > )35 I
8. Sip aturv6Mi PrnName __&___ .y Ys(4C Address: ___x_ n__ M_gn 4 I/ I
9. Signature:_
                                                                                                                      -PrintName       .I:ka n-A                       -2r; Addrescv w     w. -    ^
                        / 9
                           ^ ^   '                        /  -     -i'    ,$-'         -' ^ .  'I J   .&-; .       _.   . _ v
                                                                                                                                                            ,- . J -.


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                                                                                             .         .        ..                           f'y       1 10.S                                                                                               `.           Prft Name           Y     I &Aah            P    .. f        T' a

t I  %- 7

        'Address:            ) n                            L4iAr                                                         roK             V2L - -t5S.3 ltl
                                                                                                                                . 7 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 acording to the definitions and parameters provided Inthe report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co=Moanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;.(3) e aluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and ., improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-ignificant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfornance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WIEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterev Cororation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
i. Signature: 1 4Cnt I44 H i Print Name _ _ _ _ _ __A_ _

Address: /'O YOA %16 )' - \

2. Sign. N Yne?cJia-e- K 'syrni, mb Address: tT So SC- 10s sP 6raleboro Ir
3. SignatureZ Print Nmne A/0Iegy E Address:
4. Signature: Print Nrient N Address: CA U\b-'b :T
5. Signature: (CL* IltAd PrintN;ane t4-,-, A c £9VV'Ck_

pd Address:

6. Signature:

71 W h

                                           $   o__

PrintName 4jLiAV JOt7W9Jv

7. Signature:4jaa $2 b t a t Name 4>;;szta 7(t ( iarcprrb-fn +Q Address: 7 r 4'horo V/ OS3o)
8. Signature:
8. Signature: ~ h - 'Print Name ReL~a (F-I' Address: ?1 X DD
10. Signature: 69 1' Print'Name OC)E Zt c<

Address: 9, PCX Y \'L4VA (- 346 lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rept: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComranR October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety sperfomance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluaeieffectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, andmv improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signifcant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermv Cornoratimb has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect-the entire state, therefore,
  • a fall top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in ca g for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signa Print Name Zi S9l Address:. iFA AkCS < lass 1) q1) .. .. .. .. . . . .
2. Signature:ViA:j t a. IPrint Name jROS I -

Address:A GO _ . _ - .

3. Signature: _AAt -Print Name 3 4nt . 'MAX, Address:, bio -

4- Sip-nature:\.. <* Ct<D- Print Narne Ha <-C, " CL;a nCo Address: >

                                          -e,%A.            r   cne         ;t4p        eknt
5. Signature PrintNamesCQ bans G Koo-eg.~ I at r O S5c L Sno
6. Signature PrintName Address: () -4
7. Sign & ci_) pint am oCrOle Address: vt-S. Signature: C l 4 Print Name -/---1 Ra Address: Vir
9. Signature: H Printm Name '

AddressA - /( ;0 12 V (71S?>0- IpTc) 10 Signature:: $:17J.s4S A/ PrintName c Lysdz- Am Address: /o v ( isA ZIa / 4 Jz, ',24J(/-/ IA J Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 acording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk peripectivesmbamopprooriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee-self-assessntsiictrecive actions,-and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Wr 1"nt Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Servic-- . ROM- The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-loaf r l fAermont;416-(ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 1Ii. -

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of Gus mkkdcsn -ju uts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, tfiereore, a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees 2 VE NOW SAY, joy ifpr ilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. S i_ PrnNameL& ,aaS Address: 70 u ig(t .,>j Qo}
2. SPrintName I A XLE DZA)e Address: ____________________________________________/


4. Si:pt ,.% U IPrint Name I^e)k 1O.A
                                                                                                              .W. wrn
                                                                                     -)-, IL:--   . .

Address: I-Y AAKL

                                                     --           1ALe4
                                                           'LJ                      Lz,?S I     .e7 (O <---   -------           -     .  -   -     -
5. Signature: IPrint NameI Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:

7I . Qionatl Print Name Address:

8. Signature: Print. NM.

II . Address:

   . 9. Signature:_                                              I Print Name Address:
10. Signature:__ Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significint findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fall top-to-bottom examination ofVermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NIE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

t (9) similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

2. Signature: Print Name t~q 1~u<

e0 42t~ QW U _Print Name MehlSt lC-ekm Address: 1 Irl, C,

3. Signaturer:, Fa) X Print Name 7IbFtI Address:
4. Signa 4(62c/ Print Name .i41 aGeqh Address: N Pi0w- t k;d 1 _~5yr K . ., . 4.- I -
5. Signature: (VZ F A X -kPrint Name ' t AOtYA Address: T- I 31~ -PL, \L ' ()\5kYy,
6. Signa  : n Print Namee LL 1 U1YIExtol Addre ss
7. Signature: I Print Name Address: Srf d4-( t a. r Ih C Itrr/ al /i
8. Signature: AtName r) neX # \&

Address:_ i ~H aC_?-I \(

        . Signah                                               Pri    Name               ?<cSCf                Y s Address:
10. Sip tIaeX1#t rnx2g --=//

Address: V UK§~ ( guy"l

      'Return this corn et petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the denitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comrani. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This studio shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases induding appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk persp eawh= t i appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee seifassneentr, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO2: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entery-v Corvoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature. 7 Print Name H i Mti3 a Address. ) 4J) (pkAi / R (S
2. Signaturess: /A&f,'? *21Iae/ 1c4>

Address: '4.Y/t<eG /&16 4/4/ 16pt . I { r i_

3. Sig PrintNameh1g'4$ l Address;_< 2fglJ A .U -' 615-4a
                                        ,                            Ole        L,             _\     t
4. Signatuftgej C s Print Name )fe P-v e6 d tl a ,

Address: et to irfi4' {i O 'P- LPrin NeS'eo t, A

5. Signature:  : IPrint Names`7Xuc 4;Csii Address- I],&. P RA r\
6. Signatur IPrintName C\__wnQ\JAVL &AFed Address: 17 , -?
                                     )4JA                      1(          P)QDA,'          ')DWZP Ak- ns-!S6
7. Signature: l Who -rodeo Print Name Jn Address: t o 0 a/J H '345'
8. Signature: -Print Name 1)c2 U) C" (66P r Address: 5S1( g yA Bz.?f( Ad 6CT36 44Su
9. Signature: Ax a(rintPrintName SUSCW C\CCO\A_

Address: J9j CcetcSkioK S+ CcGE Kt; v\A oA I/cJ

10. Signature: a g Print I NIame V I q1 Ag tJ F.

Address: 40 a A farEa - *s .g r . *6 PR & hI 3 .I t T&Sb Iaccording 2 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box .545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. to the definitions and parameters provided in the report bdep-endent Safet Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnam. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commnission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving dskVrspctids where appropriate; (3) evaluge the effectiveness of liei' n ivassessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signi Scant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont XiIic service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersv Corporation has applied to super-load nuc[f i- -, fen >>-£;Mnt ce Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature 62 A .Jt9. A# ad Print Name Rawl Hi A4g9S Address: d (f3Iio f7-gy Woo At (

ba P573Y, 5Am g4ROF I 5t7z s

2. Signature: ((T§LZ.A...L4eL . Print Name fhrr'cŽ'.. 4 ALAS Address]o dare? K re t* eD 'O -3 46 - (%&!'Vdzira J -

I J. 4ionbl

           -e,    ...
                        -0 us.....

I Print Name Address:

4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature:_ Print Name Address:_
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
  • 9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possibIc. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: !ndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' Tvi0:ce The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Veriwt Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:: Y.'t Public ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enter2v Corporation has applied to super-loadDO r  ! 1:Vermont Ux ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 li -s, -;- this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of goGts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees se already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
l. Signaddre: PitName ( /E.Gi
                                                                                                  -6c E)         0 d i Address.            D                      1             if-F ,\                      0   R(0            -7/
2. Signature: Print Name U&AtA A Address Address: qS0 A)%+eb PP..ost~i (/$-. /~8 3 r I a3 yr V oS73o {
3. Signature:
6. Signaur: eL, /Q-fA.)Cy>

4 AJ Pr-intftame Print Name +<)?J)< ( LSAC7g C1 4vEy_- Address: l°5 pV . Ha, > [fM2 .Vr Of I, D

7. Signatue:Print Name KA-A'f rOf1I;
7. Signature: t  ; PnntName A16,re7..) GOBSCA  :

Address: New3 CW LU to, (I {a3a >7; e~ 23TAs-~~ cao ~ 44 (f d3 E en~S

                         § 8.
8. Signature:-C_4S/

Signature: 41~ v. Go 4~ Print Name Name - l-d C 3(ag 13a0r+ 41 eyZA Address: l s:I(5 o iPd. AIf)\/ 0530)

9. Signature PrintName W LL/A2 AAAJClmT Address:- ISUOLOJan t'Z- ,Z.. gB TzZ 0l GW f
10. Signature:q Print Name IVatw uM C, Oxt{7&

Address: q So-l dic 9 V-1 o S36 _ Retun this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanm October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee slf-assessmentsf , corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Lq -*

ervice Board
Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterei Corporation has applied to super-load nuclea. a Vankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, a .

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and p*nk bzizL, L-could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:X¢ _ Print Name *14IIK{L-l(

Address: & if Hr e / f e963 4 G

2. Signature: AX PZC/ Print Name Qh4- AC. p, Address:7112- qf/iCAVZV eff6 07?,
3. Signa nt Name p&T2 T pqo 6<

Address: Q46 a -g L7>,h 0n-fit q-G

4. Signature: ,egsf 's>7Print Name dF r VS h AL; Address: BYq *-r P".cv k 2,t~d l 9-- / PT R:rkg ~ .
                                                                                                               , S/ BAB          !*~    y.SI
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: .

Print Name Address:

9. Signature: IPrint Name Address: _
10. Signature: -I Print Narne Address:

IRetum this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Jlndelendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ,ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont VHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont

 'ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, NE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, simlar t those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: I5A. IF, n ame B ar auroXC.r-oAvo Address: ll llo G-te aa ~ s MedAolQf 7v O>1*
2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Name__


4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name_


6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name_


9. Signature: Print Name_


10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: __

       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' P0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

   . a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear lants in Maine and Connecticut

        . SPrintName.                                                                                        ( f
-,-'ddress:                        IE.o-
2. Signature. Pint Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name_

Address: IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possiblc. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

asWp svr, r- .0v,3 A Citizen Petition' I rO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: MROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont jVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entersy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont rankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VEJ NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

      .1. Signature:                                                  PrintName
                                                                                                         /I Address:                 a ---        17          ZA- A4                      ZtfVM,           i//       e,      ' 92   -
2. Signature: 6 /4 _PrintNarne.4A44wc 4/kf Address: /g 4q 7 1-, L-o /eV, w 0 I C.f /qaw 0

Lrr-rFPIv 7 f f . . . . .

3. signatureA A 4 1Xt - Print Name I hi o 4.  ? 50FC/

Address: />zg 4 7rPwz/to Aolt 9#X471Pf Jk/Z VfOVr t05-a/-5

4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
  • 9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature:. Print Name Address:
       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: jndependent Safety Assessme nt of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. E indpndependently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews-atjhe site and corporate offices42independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriatdc_ valuate the effectiveness ofpicensec self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement pi t the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' rO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Vankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name v'/ S5cl .4 (c t1..

Address: 2 7??6 &1-,A ct. 62c ,/4j , C< oral /

2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: -Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Ad6Iress:

Signature: Print Name iress: ignature: Print Name completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

                      *the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany.

by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its ising bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety ng risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and

                           's; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significint findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition'

'O: The Honorbi J n                          I- -t'I   >'$.J    i.. Governor of Vermont:                      Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont                     S                          i:    and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

MROM: The underitiN 4 > ava4: friends of Vermont VHEREAS, LouiVki ration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont 'ankee Nuclear Powere, t- X 0 hn  % of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will plac4. t t 8 t Yi.:kee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire s *
  • a full top-to-bottom exaurvnwivuoinf 'aniont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us it. cilling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

l. Signature: .J PrintName M (.ni: 5 i( L Address: . 5 A sk ou v L t /'& Q /
2. S ignaturt4 - 1Print Name egg
                                                                                                -9f4tF                         Q5lY2I)

Address: -).*X W . t3EAa7tfiV Y9 PS5tD <

3. Signature:7 u1 Print Name all Address: 9 '5 i f), M () 3 Lj 4
4. Signature: _ Print Name KeJ ,LJ4XA*-f L 5 Address:Hitgg Ro rzt , °30
5. Signature: ,-I n t -l mr _ _ _ _ _ __L_ _ _ _

Address:/6a 9 s.S /t A/ 2>7ee, I"A

6. Signature: /kX-_ef- Print Name 1A) t4.,,) ' 942y-h d-t 1 - 4 Address: £i i-# 4fL i5 lE&LI, Act~2 I7i Ce2 Print Namee p(
7. Signatu -At AA-,
                                                                                          - So2Ya              Oh
                                                                                                                          - Iz-  .

Address: l;(

                       . -thIy         1                  UA            mf I        P-)          .- I                                              I
8. Signature: A,  %,,,, ,.L,~-'.. am . . b I Print Name - I;- C~~ 4 C<Yv Address: 3 7 :2- a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __s-3_ _
9. Signature: PrintNarne J tjo)eJ /Z Address: 6 . 4 A i 4 k c~S:)/
10. Signature: 0'4aQ e Print Name ar, Ce

Address: X 17 So4Ae 5l4 - /fir IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The H Wt odrtnorofVermont:MembeiX i 22 -; 4 W i fVernon: Vermont Sta id abd The Vermont Departmeni FROM: Peo --: *g, working, and visiting rgy Nuclear Vermont Yal - Ad, others potentially affected\. 'ency release at.ENVY thro -x vr -B-Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size Ihe aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currenlly operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: ( 1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sigmned: 2 Signature I - 0 Print Name: /I 1tA-11 5 14 X'- *, 17-1:1 / Address: city: 0Itf/rYO

                       <vek-v                         State           I/ f                _Zip U5a       /

Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? Rgtrt ?r /e ),k vo-

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments,-corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw concl ions on overall f)rmance. Sianed:

       .Sig Print Name:     y4vfZL-IS             OOc fmr              jivre 5 Address:         2rS,9    hk5                      (k    -

City Zct Lyq , State \T Zip ( J Phone:/3b- 7 Email:

                                                             -5'-I Registered to Vote?                                 ___

A Petition TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety &ssessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companyv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Signature: 5 & & Print Name: sa Uiwt cs Address: /1cc 4 4 Leart City: V3qI(A0Ut> State VZ lAAO~t Zip Phone:. i'cQ 2 5 g7 Email: *tit/s &ak4aheC Registered to Vote?

A Citizen Petitioni TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisoriy Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fizil top-to-bottom exiaination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: -Print Name Ela/ &t 4 @ CV3 Address: 24- t# C. &lcl email Vlken -t ,:V j *4, b-H(-4j
2. Signature: Print Name Za /be,#z17' ,46/IZI -

Addressg?/ , ail

3. Signature: A d 3s<- PrintName Lccow Ic&/jX en Address: C S VT cs3( email
4. Signature: PrintName h73651 d e,#W7 Address: )W/} A- 41XA -.5 Gil GoC-c @ tAll K°zs44,17-10XvAr
5. Signature Print Name 1/7! c f 'C 3 Address: /2D6d -&L7email terraduct
6. Signature: CQPt Print Name God A, Go Address: GCj I email
7. Signature: PrintName LOU AO Address:. O)1IIr I Z2PL ;06 email_
a. Signature: £2\r-- PrintNamre kxj) M Jy'/.A v Address: RAND OP 4 email
9. Sgaue w PriatNam.y%,f ~ R> w 4-vsv 7

Address:C 4 U;XIC~kk nBF D a§ t/ en

10. Signature k'n G', TPint Name t llst vta ( O L:'114e Address: GilgX tol Go "Il ,' AG o /s% / email I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comp=nv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall Performance

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; . Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHE~REAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom ex~unination of Vermont Yankee is prudent protective and conservative; therefore, EV NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name M L eC Address: vVI, PCZzC1.4j L7er {%aA5&'i, email
2. Signature: PtintName )Coa
                                                                                                )'CIJ-         o)'c Address:         '              Cc--                                      ____t______                   email
3. Signature: PrintName t' -fL' Address: @ 5 r°A'V/l' eA./ - 4. 'IT email Iln s w e
4. Signature: Print Nam,.eo WX + A WA\\


6. signature:

Address: l i79F Ise_

                                            ,l   V.. ex W---PrintName k

______ ~ jWeA m^-A mal___________ email I


_ _Imail S. Signatu r. Print Name A41V6o'4/ I-G7ZIS Address: ___________________________Xemail

8. Signature: tJA4_PriatName Address: C' M TA) F email
7. Signature: Print Name , /-

S. Signature:- Address: H)Pindt t15l U Name ~ iL N(AAemail Address:tP  : tC i> iemail te5S o

10. Si atur Print Name 4'A( CLa £°$

Ad dress Ah_ email 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rtport: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power 5omanvy October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall verformance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, . a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is i%prudent, protective and conservative, thereforet

                                                                                                                                  -               2 WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, sim ar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signature:                                               Print Name     Ic6o         j       L A/

Address:6'¢#2 ?P. . B '7U7RW I/

                                                    ;,(4,izL&                           1/I &T5O/             e-biaarn \ B              d
2. Signature: \ >

AK Print Name Address: t I Z RA e-s czk~oavo V; 1 e-rCALL -,

3. Signature: arin~rint }a me E26eVWIou? CrL-,ey LSceL.

Address: - )V-y-ek? M/VI 1 RKA.-AxrlZEVH e-'v L 4.. Signature: R te e . Print Name H i_ Address: (k.

5. Signature: (p I" ,nf 4g/O'ntName Gq 6 (A a poiCty C Address:
6. Signature: x)rCf H lrX tC if Print Name_


  • JA 3 lVbtI _Bar / e-qa L
7. Signature: < Print Name CtG lAA Address: _____________ ___4____________________!
8. Signatur: Print Name C.4-f--i s Address: Led C 7A ZZ-Fc aI- e-_\ awL '
9. Signature: Print Name 6S X ae 1%&z Address: s I1,?A /3Ze dr(

VT-L eb l

10. Signrint Nam e__________

Address: Aft 5 X ,4 /6'?, x e-m-oL'

      '-Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (l) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signi ficant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The V'ermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Corroratioi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactors original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fall top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepencent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

sig~lar to those already conducted at aging nuc rp Oan Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Ze_ Print Name
2. Signature: 4 ~ ~ PrintName QmACJ5 (K)£CbAQ '@

A ddress: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Signa Address: -l / t V ^.PrintNuane IL -6P 5 J -~ ca p))Ckc, Za(

QC(, a Address: -77.t7rlV&i/()5 ,riE-u :JF 6 <>ui(

4. Signature: Print Natme JW7tt
                                                                                                          -     5           o Address:        ZI        4   t                 v ,-r7                              r-A            --          1          r>       ;
5. Signature: L9& erstc, e.sA - ir lntName e -

Address: '7 V

6. Signatur' Q Print Name i TAc_:#4A Address: [ th41° \ I 14- Q jC§t f7)Tt
8. Signature:/ 'I Print Name l6 e
                                                                                                      'cA                  V- t(.         k Address:            V Adres 2            c                                   -   ,62lX<         7-                           s                 JT 7 Z ?4
9. Signature: A PrintName J /1L %J Address: ', ' (u Ai '[
               -0 t Re=tun this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CommanL. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This stubdy shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensuig bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assefs operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (e)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and A improvement plans; (4) determine the root aLuse(s) of safety-signi1ficent findings and draw conclusions on overall oerformance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vemont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisbry Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel Tithe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackgnts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yanke-b;,

ax if similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut Print Name 46?/A G. 4/Wt7?;k 4/A -t, C

                                                               -,             I-- ;- -- I. H             1I\
3. Signature: -

Print Name Address:

4. Signature: Print Name.

Address: - I . 4.

                                                                                                                              ,iV-i       , * ,  -T I . -
5. Signature: Print Name .I Address:
6. Signature: Print Name I . .

1' Address:

7. Signature: -

Print Name Address:

                                                                                                                      .. . . I
                                                                                                              .  . r'. .
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print NameI Address:
10. Signature: _frint Namiie Address:

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalitioni ,545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided id&te pendent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commissio 11Wd o.. d)j4en iassess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sindependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the ectivenesOithensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significantfindings and draw conclusions on overall per-formia-

A Citizen Petitiom ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont rmont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Departmc FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterry Corporation has appliji A `3 al in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of-the reactor's original 1973 license. ana this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore. a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

l. Signature: (2 h 2 6d ) Print Name & fi1' £i-e Address: /f9a 9e (ied i* A /r O*s
2. Signature: Arint Name C:51 >

Address: ?Je y

3. Signature: k I L&6 _ PrintName _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __A Address: t g \ E - n M4
4. Signature: C k L X Print Name G tiflS LAtc m Address: 00 ,Vy\ 5I- B(yE \Jf 02
5. Signature: 4i4°J/-/u, PrintName JAdX1/2y dJ 6 oh srS (f-eIz Address: 4$33 1r6 / o17Wv , 4 re-ula-e). 1 A I/VL
6. Signature: Print Nam i Address:
7. Signature: Print Name I Address:
8. Signature: Print Name___ __


9. Signature: Print Name_ _


10. Signature: Print Name__


       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September,. 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its

     -design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Boil-i//s/e'3 A Citizen Petition V T-TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: _ Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisorv Panel: and The Vermont Departmen Xt / FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont (94 WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergr Corporation has appliec 7 It Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's c

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective WE, NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent SafetY, similar to those already conductedl
l. S ignatur.& ;t,-A& Print Name t(4-,1,4 ,A4 s.,

AddressMP0. A. s- l CALL" I _ f___ __ _OS_ _

2. Signature: Print Name SAR I 6A f Address:T777 5 J PL.k-Hy Y-r. 653y
3. Signature:

_ . X MdleiLz LijJAL.i

  • W _ __
  • __

Print Name . DT) PVA , AJLF: _ Address: :32& Pawic- 6?dI 4*( lOri M nAAsI & \17 tsk I I U/ ,f

4. Signature: -. _ 6WC&?Q 1 --iiame 47xmes <L if ink f Address Z I...2 1--DlA1 I/ tA l/,.TI I L[bri  ; VJ 1--

{,W , . £. /&1 / . 41 L-

                                                                                                                          /7-aI D(


5. Signa Ltu - Print Name Lt-l6 Id-Address: R-W, *s// Porad t/Td 4'T I
6. Signature: Print Name Address:_ _
7. Signature:- Print Name AAA--
8. Signature:_ -

Print Name Address:

   . 9. Signature:_                                               Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Mune Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, \4. 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComDany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signilicant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve 4 nont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterp-v Cor7oration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticu
1. Signature: §P &4 _E'rintName I)A A1C L eP t-Address: AAtFii (aCF 110 'ft GSS
2. Signature:4 t Print Name WIa e Address: PCqe- (ei LQL2tSv 1F Cf3
3. Signature: Print Name j7h3 L9Jt/e; Address: l/?& Ma'Ace ran iu> U')LAg(
4. Signature: 1 C Print Name (D Men
                                                                                     --      "             i'<

Address: 2'8In

5. Signaturd _Uv3j_.-' Print Name .C)Ocuy vY- B<

Address: '4 tO. FD I 6SQ9o

6. Signatur4e re Nam4 Narne7))Print J 1 S Address: 5 C> c

{_Id '.- I If)7

7. Signature: IC 7/c fCt& cw Print Name_

Address: By ,qvj4 / 5(d bi/41/C411l? 5 ( K 0.Z16O

8. Signature: I PrintNamerTn t Address: I Ai
9. Signature: b 1\ l Print Name ll.l4 t a eir Address: i2i' 1nd" b JCsaS ur IIoii
10. Signe 6 I /fiS' Address: 64- &Y& 2I-
      'lReturn this completed petition a        4            "rlti Bsox545,
                                                           .i.i,                 .. t     ,    I        DA_                           if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comman October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. P/t<a AssuI E6crTv-., I,-W3 g~tZrTts gone V70 S-0

                                                                                                                      ' V11111ii A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:                                                    Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve5dnont Publi(

Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont 'WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entela Corproration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts. tha could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yan'kee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connectici
1. Signature:9tc, A4A.A4 Print Name lseU)A 5C AC-t Address: 40 &,!5; - S af A AhCL BrnC^rJS-I 8_ , AA. -: 1\3-' 9.
2. Signature: v- jouf4A Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: No_) A:;I0 N 9efLt c L si MI °8YV9

3. Signature: Print Name > ) Z Address: 'L,5tHI)__
4. Signature: g21 k_ Print Name 1J3 fWt6 Iac(L41Vck Address:
5. Signature: kl;4 L Print Name ( CA (< Gi; --

U. Address: - U(A l

a. - , , - V s .


                                                        ,   - V -

itti"I I 1 Gut

6. Signature:C Print Name_&JQ W sh 5k;.

Address: BP1iSRo 5 C3 6 'Cc nc'QA A P/i 071/ 4

7. Signature: zG/L5 2 f/V7(?.. Print Name AR rc 4x 1va/V9 Address: /.C- 7'X '3Th/(/'/6<t , AN ' 377 _-6ae3
8. Signature:4QhVY T& PrintName JAsr 1 fl oma5 I

Address: I (0 M Ail > dregX,C:.

9. Signature: ( ° / -_ PrintName 1  : 1 j Rev #Ze/

Address: t6-/9)1kaf,/ e(

10. Signature: &fi tLiz- i d Print Name I'r5K T Oct&r M1& .-..

Address: 120 f5PX

                                         /d             /-                      V-I       015-7
                                                      ,jugo                          -ros Nearoest rLvcnwAr-- j pWFrosteCr t

2 Return this completed petition I- lsv- -nglan Co iSaptzmbe:,A l, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided iin the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compar October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of :;afety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor Of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory PaneL and She Vermont Department of Public Service: FRIOM: The undersignedcitizens and friends of Velmont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermv Cornoratim has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Ysiakee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's origienal 1973 license, and

  **        this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that
  -         could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fiul topto-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a rudent, protective and conservative, therefore,;

WE. NOW SAY. jo in n calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee. similar to those already conducted at aging nudear plants In Maine and Connecticut e .~'4 A

      , Address:
2. Signa r:5
1. Signature: I3 r Iture:

Ie71' f O Qd 7. S A,- 61a< Print Name Print Narne

                                                                                        /a a RQ,k   2
                                                                                              /A    _

O . 3t J 0 c-. 0X AAA-,.i3 wj. 1/ f1JA C - U (-


A-+, 3 ', \ - V*

                                                                                                          ?, ,-          11If V I
                                                                                                                                    °, 53>/?-   -'?)Jr%

F i

3. Signatae Print Nae .  :


4. Signature:. -Print Narme Address:_
5. Signaire, Print Narie Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
        '7       i                                                  IPrint Narme Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
    . 9. Signature                                                  Print
                                                                      . Nnnie Address:
10. Signature: Print Nsnne Address:
         'Return this completd petition viaNew England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by Septe                11 2D, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Asssent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company


October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Cornniission. This study:shall: (1) independently the conformance of Vermot Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risl perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory PaneL: and Tho Vermont Department ofPublic Service: FROM: The undersigned-citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, .Louisiana-based Entergv Cornoratiqn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to: 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackduts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore,'

WE NOW SAY. join in calling f Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 . ilar to those air ucted at f, nudear plants in Maine and Connecticut L' Sin Print N'n~e

2. Signature: PrintName Po-ea 2 Address: / J 9L T
3. Signature: ( PrintName
                                                                   /(         .                              J          -

Address. 2452- l bC3>-/\l- B\)+'--I

4. Signature: j CXW-k.& Print Name, Address: /T3 ISvd & 0 h
5. Sig Pst-Narne Address: (7i( J . i
6. Signature: 'AA C PrintNarne____________

Address: 9 -a:22 S

                                                       -X             k-L2:~~    5L.LIC4 I~jj~  v-           65       -
7. Sigi Address.: .

7 z i q4D &

8. Signature: A- 4, .- '447 Print Narne y 4 vieq Awl Address:. wo AP/, "Aarr ZIL 45~

SI~ V7 OVZ3-

   . 9. Signature_                           /a c     folAnZ  Print Narne  -

ALeea E qeL Tog Address: LAon I W-- +/- is hJ srA

                                                                                   .      J   -  - 7     -     .
10. Signature: > PrintNam ( -.-

It *'1 Address: b a5w Nme4k t Retur this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box '45, Brtleboro, Vermont 05302 by Ser , I-- 3, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reporM Indepnedent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compamn.


October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance-of.Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sia: and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluite the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on ovetall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment2 of Vermont Yankee, similar to those Ir dy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 1 t(4mL?, Au.J. (e1 4 (

Address: 'JAL Ci N- ( i -_ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Signature: Print Name C 1+P- 4.

Address: ___ _ _ ___ _A_&A____A_

3. Signature:;_ Print Name _____5_r_ _

Address: I Kf 1 la t arN An-) E mail

4. Signature: L eft // AfzS7 PrintName A74es HtJ /(-6(/,

Address: S u 0=i&z- ,& 'I Email

5. Signature: avib.

Q >e Print Name as ~'l.6,Ag Address: 7 SC WIA U M O I 3S C EMail

6. Signature: kS X -( Print Name N4YE. fAf.AfAS Address: __ _ _F Email
7. Signature: IRA iPrintName kve{/1 (?

0 CLU&I ter-I Address: 0I A e -Email I,  ?;2Pl c V0 &. Signature: me C *Al Address: k4 n Email -Cc tini~hi* arm

9. Signature: ( eZ Print Name L(SI b (E )16 Address: CtCd&- St rma3Lml
10. Signature:_ Print Name Address: EMail_

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement: plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

lXenier' A Citizen Petition1 B r awera/~ 1 AL a +v TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermoni:: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Pu S i - Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based. Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire stat, therefore, Sgq ,Q ( could affect the entmirestatethereforfemYankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, C (7 WE NOW SA calling for a Inndepndent Saety Assess-ment' of Vermont Yardee, snil o those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Co oticut. Print Name ' AC) A 6a; - Email _J_____ ________

2. Signature: JA Print Name A 'fr-0n W(e Address: i9a
                      /40s                             nSA               V$T-Email_ _4______ ___                    n

_t _ e___

3. Signature: 2 Print Na arm nt60v Address: Ah lou en f . 9o -Email
4. Sintr~l PIntNae.fib's /PstJh~ T Address: 21 X~yz ,i.o~) Em ail va x~
5. Signature: J- Print Name 4rnt' (Glax Address: 2 vic Kv r'" t EMail
6. Signaturei Print Name Pqitt( cC Address: X 7 Vf oS7301 Email
7. Signature: 5a t C/ti Print Name &SAAlfC A/£/ I]

Address: 1) 5&.2to, f4it&B' ffZ 0 _LT Email L, /A eV aodal- Mve

8. Signature: .y</ & PrintName & A4l4C 1 R CK ctA Address: (CO AQ(Ao4O, \J 0 Email
9. Signature: Print Name M/)AVyf.s ic.

Address: 3 (t C3 ctc (rC bCsSld 4 053o( Email IZ62Jte7/1/4dtf-c**-)

10. Signature:P j7 VA , PrintName T4e44LA\ Whh0e0.

Address: 1io1'9 c( >11 rib b d EMail J V C ya6 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003_ 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance ofjVermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.


A Citizen PetitionI TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature I PrntName __ l hi t&tc K<0 Address: 35 r tS V- WUtS 0 0 Cail :,[,A oenS
2. Signature: -A *-1. - 4
                                               -r(            Print Namne    -4,.za'rej4J Address:_rc          i>
                         &a         I               E rt -i       4 Csro       VT       65 3 tremaii
3. Signature:)&tu 0 ioke PrintName t42 (q Ck of t4I<)O l Address: email
4. Signature: PrintName om i1-4' /fETeQF I/


5. Signature: _

I PrintNam e I k I "

                                                                                              .1 W

t ' Address: f613 /'Ie [) &', O's 0Eased-a tI nail S1k *\/' I,- 9L4x 31e<

6. Signature Print Narne Address: p) SCA RAI t !I V4. 6Cfco34ce email -i nkef6Ati @acoo

. . 7. Signature: Print Name Cty-l2, Address: email ___ _________3IC S. Sigiatr,in ~m <~A~tp0 Address: / / S ail, email _°__

9. Signatur Priat Namne tv4o - Wntv Address: / / . email
10. Sign34ue: >H rn~m ,zgA~ IJ Address: g ;4 RD 1 a sv z email I Return this completed petition via Newv England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rept Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atome Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall oerformance.

A Citizen PetitionL B I ILQ.: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EIQ1M: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont HIEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy CorporationL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents andplant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WE.. NOW SAY, join us In calling for a Independint Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Signatu at Print Name e L A-e - 5 Address: 1 (x-42,spib ,V S1vK IId VV ail

2. Signature:, . z _p rint Name Address: 3/* f) *>,. o-4t (- Email rn> 1-a. Ie1si & /It 4 a P__
4. Signature:_ - Print Namie e-Address: P37f2, "2 W Email_
5. Signature: Print Name d4,"9//2 ;7e Address: ,8 Z34 Ei_______,_Ernai1_
6. Signature: *l7 - Print Namie /A/e,41A 3 1 -A I

Address: /0vj 1f Email_ Dc#)A/

      ?. Signature:                                &<          PrintNamie       'So 5 i'&

Address: 1Ch1 .vtt Email S sk v,, IVA ell

8. Signature: ¢ Print Name AI)i At Addressl 7X XL @WS. zte
9. Signature 46@7tV X rintNam i v X, Address: 176 Sizer 6<e5 Email , God: to a* 47
10. Signature Print 1N _ame maI A le S &c'. a a Address: JA 5i o' Lt_ _Email TGC --L Z,1 C-2 U Remturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

kg,~,"~ A Citizen Petition I I IQ.: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FR(M: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WhEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, fl, NOW SAYL join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut I.. dress: h1A1 P _nhnrp A. . PrintName /\n ?il CPT)f Vr Address:

l~~__ Bhtn,4 POW B
1. C61-P
2. ) ' Print Name 1N t e /, I 6%_ Y 1 A Address: /0 C/ em'," Email 6 4 ignature: I4Q&P-4 tacW tPrint Name Address: sQ By5 k a . Email 'f- _o.zo (. St4.d
 !    Signature: =\-B                                                   Print Name                jL\+/-H Address:                          (            No-c
                                                        \IT        OS3,0o                       Email_

2( ignat rintName YA-rG:C ffi,ONCAV Address: lac-VooaVT 7o \ Email

6. Signature:, Pi 1254(P PrintNa eF, V'A mAJ kg 6 Address: C 2o( 573 0 I Email_
7. Signature: 1- . PrintNair
                                                                                   --. f Address::       Im                                                                     Email
     -8.         Signature:                                                i                              leA         IntNarne I4 L     Address:          qt                                                                 \ E1'
9. Signature: PrintNarre 0efD,)ICf '. ('QA Address: \ - kJa Hai
10. Signature: Print Name 53lltii Fog/

Address: S .. Email I2 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance,

A Citizen Petition'


I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterzv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepen dent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:a6 &X( 4Je(A Print Name (60AL IAFRL fl Address:__
2. Signature: \ /44tg Print Name o6ao1 AlA /

Address: / 4 i

3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: -Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
  • 9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I1 TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ROQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WYHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging Components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a flIl top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective afid conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepen lent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee ,

similar to those already conducted at aglag nuclear plants Maine sin and Connecticut

1. Signature: l Kw-- _- Print Naime Address: 6 \k W H\ N - ail-
2. Signature: Print Na me ,/-, T&AZ--

Address: _____ Email r

3. Signature: Print Naime O/
                                                                                                           /V         -         I f   -          _-

Address: Email

4. Signature: I Print Nalme A1 Z771 Address: Email It
5. Signature:n) Print Name A+/-ŽŽ I'A- -- k KJ' a Address: 3-) q4az i+ , a s Email_


6. Signature: KIpiA Go-r Print NamceI:

Address: a La 'I - Q; ,AlMI- Pry _Email . . ...

                                                ??.,2c               PrfPIN           e9      aint                      r           .
      .AddrP;                     TD7C Raj, IL&4p(Afar                                  7EErnai                                         .      .
8. Signature: -5AkL, U PrintName. Qku.Cc c wc Address: . @ -> Email . _
9. Signature: nII Print Name IA)AJP nA mlA*) I Address-T()V( YA I*r(bi V'7 01,: Email
10. Signature:  ;,Q,.. 1.-L Print Name kAe a (> 'f
                                                                                                               -.II 14           -'L.r)      I Address:        __. -_I        .      -          ': I q       j-      Aj_ jsErnail 1

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box .545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sit: and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition! I

Q: The Honorable James ]Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FIRQOM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont I1EREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatkin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, Z a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective ad conservative, therefore, MET NOW SAY, join us In calling for aIndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee-, similar to thoise already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: '#4.A.mj ?T,~q PrintName Address: i33 __rq Email __. ____ _
2. Signature: -nt N _3 A Address: <2*-1 \./f a E a
3. Signature: Ll7 Le-H (A-t_ Print Name I PVrIAL. La L=Q Address:IL <,V(, Email aGykf S .
4. Signature: v ,, , .

Print Name a4 eY t(: S Nt42 Address: 7M mail k 5.iPrint Name Vaee-(xercC\ z~ŽdkK Address: la

6. Signature: Ailtie c74wl 6 g5 Address: > / b 7 e Email
7. Signature - Al a3 - Print Name &V6:i4 II t (A V .

Address: 1 4 rta-) C t S z I tY Email

8. Signature: \ Nam f k 6 Address: et- \4 ail
9. Signature: PrintNa Address: i .§ P P3 _ _ _ __ _ _
10. Signature.l ?Li6t Nam eK M CI Address: d rte s s : &A wmaiil lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently.assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen PetitionW 19: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FQM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont YIEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Yernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

    "     this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agling components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective. Ad conservative, therefore, WE NOW                       joins in e ling for alnd                   nL ent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already 5onducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Cormecticut signatur    _          __           e!

__ _ _Print Name 5JQQo- ri Address: (m ,Vy'S4 A( Email rI 6A~ ' e 0

2. Signa re7 ,- 1( PrintNamea ~pA \QA 6X Address: 7D -Xa I7p rAt 6 %) Email__ -
3. Signature: 1'ko AriA ga Print Name qr y\O -n<CS Address:y#n So-k  ? W1 r AAdmaii Tji)
4. Signature: A 6frintNatne Ž(54rCT Address: / A mail
5. Signature: Print Name J6 CG Xl-e Address: (U byte Zoo l ailC )
6. Signature: \K r- \ Print Name
      - Address:       tq                   41V\ .KLki
7. Signature: PrntNam%2t '

Address: 1 Emai

8. Signature: t Name \

Address: __

9. Si Print Name /e F 16h IcA Addressig . Nmeil
10. SignatureeC-An Print Name 8 7 / 9 m Address: O ) I V), l _

Email I o,./ I , . R 7R1. .

                                                                                                                          -/ cA CZ1 L ,,~n t 0, t?

_nbWVL- V}b o, 2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signi icant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 LQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of VermOnt: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: F£ OM: The undersigned citizens and friends of'Vermont-WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear feel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pradent, protective ahd conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY" join us in calling for aIJndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont YankeeZ, Imilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: IN arnea ' A'i \tQy M(\ Que6 I, C Address: E mail 4 H4
2. Signature: PriIntNa e L/!.1 { 3. (86 ta Address:  ? __________________Emai______,___________
3. Signature: PrintNare 'Vo V Address: lI0 a__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Signature, Print Name Ae I Address: () V a CaZ./MA(Y.m
6. Signature: Print Name Kwm J G.5 Address: f -7 Col0A e L" Email
7. Signature: u-' 4MPrintNam*

Address:___________________________________ _

8. Signature: . Print Name I O5s k § ZA4&

Address: / dc7 S~62jmailos K fe1-g)o. vows

9. Signature: PrintName 6W VX1U v 4-Address: O'(;)C1 p 6Q56 __s r Amail
10. Sign aturea. PntrNamet I VIV t Address: Gl (Imav'e Ai iflwhv M v 'I/t A)'twIEmail cfoveirnec eU loV Al il Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, ifpossible.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repoit: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Pe.titionL' V/11' I TQ:. The Honorable James ]Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FEROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatipo has applied to super-load. nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective a4d conservative, therefore, WEV NOW SAY, join us in calling for alIndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1, similar to those ahread ductd at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatur Print 4 -

Address~d 45~mail E / xoGo 4 0a

      .2. Signature:  .                    Ml-A h~,                       Print arne 2P11_

4 Address: i AV L,

                                                      - ._ I                        Ie M-     Email.
3. Signatur e: 6 rint Nail? ' kc;MA-C -\_\ a,-c ~

t Adderpesa leads GZ,\A W~~....

                                                                     \v,           -,/        F.Mslil     V_ k k v\ re--j o-i rk c e--,,

6- -

4. Signature: t2i) S- 'IA.O& - PrntNaime .o&Z C4o K5 Address: ri,ore, f 0fcV.C 4v Ema -_
5. Signature: rint t Namef 1)e a Address. E3niad
6. Signature: _


7. Print rignature.

Nan AzI I 1ts Address: Em a ilS _.L01-

8. Signature PrntName SwVn A/x .tz Address:

Adres 2(, 2c L(-I "'t [ai_ AA % - am Email-

9. Signature: I / N a m e _

t4 k-e_ 4 Pe-If" Address 217 Ull .4>4 Email 10. 10. Sinatur:0\vm;tto°Fiamqe X4lJŽI L_ \-'- - t 7a . a CAI: Address:

      \Motew I AO 4_PfX IU vAvq S              r -r1rQ6'_

ooks 'fSo Email lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sign ificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I TO: The Honor Ont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermon rtent of Public Service: FROM: The unt WHEREAS , Lo lied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Po s original 1973 license, and

  • this increase wil paenwnts increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is p prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, Al* similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:e/ ~'A'5 *d(W*~f Print Name 'g/el.1 5 /'15W3p Address: /p, triWdzT* A Wue. £wf?,If PA
2. Signature:_ .A4-~iA J'/"'t-:" Print Name- 5eA'-l Ycz" Address: 1' PI,-

IIf y SJ )..t , ' *w VT O5-fbl I

3. Signature: - Mk0IA W~( Print Name IIA-*L404 'SY ,eO 7) 'A4-A:Z?:

I fOtA-1 AA--YM'X4 Address:

                            /I (Iox        I)11       A I                       .            I 4 v 7 'ps wap_ e-M -a#,L. 8.

I CM4-. --A

4. Signature: lle v- Print Name Ahi LA MkiVJ' (L./
                                                        ) vA -Lde                             &U01-Address:.Po Po'4 I?                                 FVLVJLfbC0I'              U7-
                                                                                                                                 'I         o"          TVX-f
5. Signature:. rftvw Print Name Address: (fl&r ' , ff (R I 9 41- q -p r4 hi , v T_ e_.'" 'AA L-t -bad 7T 0 Kok^ 64 6.Sintue A.Ii..-- PrnZNm CopI
7. Signature:- rn ae A, Address: s'
8. Signature: Print Name ~4h A\A{t Address: VII Ld~A IA6- !r~[4o VI e - w\ a IL- 1, ,
9. Signature - 4 qd, 0),k)"VO-tPrint Name SVA Otk) AWS Address: L/*&,e-MaiI -ho_
10. Signature: Print Name T u_(Co- k __ 1)

A AA---.I.,. f+ -IAV M It H' Q)(-~, 9 1 J2f4 r)C2, I I - . IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14; 2003, if possible~~~' 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (t) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 ,, TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public 'Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee isIl prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name Jd t/%

Address: 7' k `te-na. L v r?7 ICJL/eo

2. Signature: 7 G '4<v* Print Name MJ' c J eA . 3o S- -.

Address: Soc VtAV, G lak \tVf ,lt6z44 >\5v\[1 05.:> -SWI ,sc o

3. Signature:X PrinitName Aedr- sle,tan oefrz .

Arna t Address:% 0 Ar l I e-rIs

4. Signature: en,, , Print Name C/0 r Address: z5 O~j t;j7 , G44 e- rn-t,i /Ct-ri5 A@

_6 V04r . _

5. Sionatures Print N ame Je nelf W-) nIr r Address: , Al l d Dr t 6W i VFOs3o) e -a,L- tz rvefFtI/pe@e.01,t no-f
6. Signatures -- v_
                              ,--v Pq-u4-init Name        Mak Address:                   otpxt        &,rh                                        B                              e -eya IL                   CA sSr
7. Signature, Print Name O7LS-Address: c k N - e.Fv&-vw a[ms X X
8. Signature: rint Name M*3X- (

Address:3/ R64 aXe 0v0\ e -n a e(~tJ& I '+r ed

9. Signature: LX CrintName sueSK 56!b 'a W@>2i, Address: 4et \ IO,4() TAhRE60L o0 ll 0530/ e-reran L- # Ofm5C
10. Signature: L PrintName tAtA ' ?LILIC 1 Address: CtINi2AIc1 v2` C Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petitioni In: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Ven gislature; Vermont Public Service Boadd: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fidl top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Hi_ 4 A Print Name J4AHiA Address: 21 e (LWo. (2. (gw\\I VT S3\ kemail SAe- c.-. i(
2. Signature: (iow 1i8n Name t Za& i 16a id Address: I AxSe rat st.,

In / A pt .

                                                                                ,,      rm        kb              emailI          e-M{Iag I  .- I- -

0 A>qW

                                                                                                                                                    % I Print Name        I   tO  eof Avo,-    a i uF                K'OTMet I, ASignature
3. I lel/11

Address: f7.Q At-, P x _art email Le nr.1,yo i. e- XJ ft44 . 4

4. Signature: 4, tl Print Name -SPIZAJ1tJ.rG ttZ Address: 41V5 S~vi j>r~v !t O<V31o t email 5.ASignature: Ztg& / 2' PrintNainle /,4k1 IfJ'-

Address-. fle - - ill .-- --

                                     /4//-            A641,bA
                                                      - S- -       . -   - - -
                                                                                     , V X'3IdZ, I.


6. Signature: Ka4< A Print Name C((n r<4 l a,(C.. (f Address: )ACe % 1 S7 railc ,

g e e! - (5 n

7. Signature:


8. Signature: A r 2

L e sA

                                                         -               d3 Name Print e

Print Name________a fi 4 t _ _ _ _ CZ___ Address: L F -eemailma _____ ______

9. Signatu r \ ,Print Name \ m(

Address: x) -4 cc _AO (fCCA tL email rr )kC

10. Signature: PrintName V\f 4 (>O6JM, es Address: ( A9/ J(- e! 3\S -) emai lkiA 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, BoX 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reporit: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CMix20. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall verformance.

A Citizen Petitionl TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license., and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmene of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: PrintName J oeC Address:
  • ter VI . Email deanZ4,.gJ des-- cock
2. Signt) C' f, Print NameS A,~tLiA Bf Address SDr Ck Ut AL h, LoOV Email IN
3. Signaturek , 6;14L- Print Name- Ugh--i MeP-71J Address: )( C L/c(Emaii. I "v A-eCl
4. Signature: K / -Print Name -( *r4 Address: ____Email
5. Signature: PrintLNme L/LAmpK%K Address: F0 X f. #QO 2-Ce v T EMail
6. Signature:.2J&AAA Ila AAt* Print Name A 4a kI n11 An Address. 7 g I Email
7. Signature: J ~metLNamee JQ J Address: 3min hA V y2g 7cAA, 4~mail
8. S Name VT ilctV Cg-amin Address. Egg d<4/ Jg:A~AnI 4~A4L Email
9. Signature: NameAIAce
                                                                -    A-_Print                +

Ji (.(4&o

10. Signature: Print Name (!rne A d Address: 17-(j *)C 295 J4{L 5I X98Mail 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving, risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. 1',-

A Citizen Petition/ TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legis re; Ve t Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Serv/ FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the ennont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licensee, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect tile entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmene of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: At &PrintName tA llwt f t\4 Address: U Em i_____ _______)____

Email _

2. Signature: _ __Print Name________

Address: / & /t Email _ _

3. S n Pe Nam- . S~z Print fe. 7ne Address*O 'AY 3cti~

pi= ,\J{ o053co Email.

4. Signate re Aost Print NameT) b o zae-T- T su r Address:_ I IZ S r-5' Lx rz Xl 4Oc) O5 S0r 1O~ Email
5. Sigda Pu . QUAA4,
                                      §           on Print Nam,                 .          (3  as          '        V n_    N Address: iLStei l                            t3¶'a   T4)WE 1 VD 53,LEMail                          -
6. Signature: ti Ze< *LPrint Name V I 6rt A 7; Re)c id2 \]

Address: A smaiel_ _ __ _ _

7. Signature: Print Name JirzJV'
                                                                    ]                        Cr      (2C      C Address:         lo        1 K                     n,3'giaii (3Q           V
8. Signature ieg (*

KName Address: A 1IA / 4 Emi

9. Signature: Print Name_ ________________

Address: Email( tet L ffio - Cgzq

10. Signature: -;- Print Name /g( 9 a f Address:J l7 WtQ jie.. WZ EMail

'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory CDmnmission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve ont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in ermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original .1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components incre ing ris of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and c ative, therefore; WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessmene of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1*. ifln ire-4, _ _ _A -ro t .Printam

                                                                    - l--1v'            *'<    r         Be-t
  • ejte A_ A Address: iWp;ip LTW2 I C AOJeO o-o D C oS 30O I Email
2. Signature: 4g~ . a s1./xes.Print Name 4/lAle l A14/s Address: AI L Nm ad Email A&7=p fPrJTJ a(e~ (qt'p>,e-f
3. Signature: " 2 Print Nam,, zM Address: By) $ I(tA/ Email
4. Signature: OC0/OVTA APrintNa Address-g 5 1 l .,,,,A t Email eSo 9 at Si . SkinttNameV/tuVTO(GZ DO>r Address:A( ?6 J? iCe. Frtem RiD, )DIuOiizSr)M EMail V 7t D sciVA?\ V)dtt
6. Signature: D Print Name PIZ C I _

Address: "7t b- I4 &, tk1 - ,:o6Xv an

7. Signat tue j _- _Print Nam-e E(, je19 r iSS i Address: 1(Z) ft n RM ,,. t X csa _
8. Signature PrintName  : 4 At7- A4f,,-

Address. C, 0 JotL -A D , -/'4 gEmail ,Dae /A,/ di 4 n4 .e F

                                  ,      . _  . . . =   .           .      .
9. Signature: UA -PrintNamne M_ CM_ _ _V_

Address.7i 6_ __ _ _1,__1ai

10. Signature: tNause 4/'3 Address:


                                                        /                                      EMai(   ha           (

' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, 13ox 545, lirattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root Cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petitioni >_ v'k lQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The.Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemoon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 similar to th e alrea conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signaturr Print Name AAZC0@7J 61%4J I4 Address:  %;7,& emaif
2. Signature: PrintNanie,6 WIP\ FAO Address: 60 1I k: Sq B , GU \IT OS 3a 1 email _ _ _ _ _
3. Signature: ^ rina Name 6 -X1 i 6?

Address: (" 45',=L7 A a. email___ em4a

4. Signature: < 2/ 9 Print Name if s Address: ¶10o (3,c° PV5 a
                                                                    ')         aS          4       email
5. Signature: cNam6' (sg\ k(1/2t (ALA Address:  ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Signature: PrintName Wo\ Tc>

Address: 7 7T (cJuc k a0iT , pv a ,s,m/L\T V email

7. Signatutrei~~62" Printame L o roe //J Address: 71 ail____A___________

S. Signature: 464-( Print Name: e 4 r't SY( Address:/g 65 bIoY 60f

  • z'ris ,- email_
9. Signature: A s I Q Print Name VI)&I (l 1bfG 'f Address: Se<A/~w S0-t.2 57. 3°l Vof ,qw i, /e1060mm
10. Signature,&9,re Ne S VbVY?-

Address:./_ ___ ______mail A?_ _ I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2' according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reporL: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compafl. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-asssessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall =erformance.

A Citizen Petition' '0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public ervice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: 'ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Coruoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont 'ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stess on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudient, pr6tective and conservative, therefore,

                                                                                                                                              .2 VE NOW SAY, join uswin calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees A2         1 I       similar to those already con ncted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: 1A L L b - Print Name a h air Address. 73 eaoz2 4 V7 6 /
2. Signature:_,, PrintName GAt L 0_C6o/Lr /2-Address: 756 550nn vcue 12 3 f2frebovra, V7 OS73al
3. Sibntu l -

Print Name . H t5; . Address: I fLi1 {VCV

4. Signature: Print Name 4V\ tt VGI Address: 2- l46A mR eLel', \f ° ES7 /
5. Signature> , 4 , -JPrint Name jf pb lR)

Address: i thy ,AJc*r

                             'ta                           J)9s              /Z-JJ         n@A           1               Ah =
6. Signature: - PrintName ap9 (

Address:o  ; °2

7. Signature;-Aaw1 PriitNamle ao rt Address:z/X7 I 9 L:e44 Pjod<odIt- I ()W^O
8. Signature: t6 M. */*c PrintName 1TYSL-14#/( e. as Address: fRct ch e--( DR P -r ( T 0 `70
  . 9. Signature:           (I    i                             Print Name        tHi  N   t?40J6              f)

Address: 4 ?' SL{~i Silly Sir Ti 187q i 41 y 4o i

10. Signature:___________ _Print Name H2Vy74a ..

btrht Ar . x Address: Igb b S & Sfr mS4Oz (6yei ) Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan2. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-asssments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont I\ 5V m Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont . iJ WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterey Corporation has applied to super-load nucleair ft tr Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, ai-d

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plntaX,-e VI.;c :

could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermin U similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mart anrid WiWC4-'eL
1. Sintr7l-hu e Pitan Clevft 13. (&t1 /J2ejkic Address: a 03 SJ6 cty' 17- o*3'-.
2. Signature: J> _ Print Name ( vA e f Address: S, 2 J nT FLeA,. Ups
3. Signature: /?aMC/A3Pr'int/Namea te5 Dee i t ik' I Address: 7 7"4. wr 4~Signatur Print Name
5. Signature: Print Name (.1r L , A 6b/, IJ 5 4,e- '

Address: /0Ix¢, 1/% timorce$-tr vr- s( s- I

6. Signature:Pr64- Print Name l\ /S l n Address: *LoGus> 2 S -IL . r
7. Signature: PrintName- IT 5, Bone, Address: ZtQ4
8. Signatut.t4 / Ao- PrintNamie Z/,ac/

Address: bw)0/

                                                             +           a    L?*/2/c           g      7 v
   . 9. Signature:                                               Print Name-Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions. and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vlermont: Members of the Vermc y-i um, \Vomont Public .erisce Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of P'*'& e 4&OM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont .  : NHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporation has applied to sV r g kr vermont (ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's origin3 '0

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increaski. f' b asi~its that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a 64,top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and co\-  ;

WE NOW SAY. join us in fling for a Independent Safety Asseskt -f Vermont Yankee 2 , similar to those alretdy conducted at aging nudear plants in Maine and Connecticut

         . S                                                              Print Namje 1                    A                 ' A, Address:                      L    a r5                               6                   \              6    \             ,
2. 'Signature: L Print Name )QC K C 11) 1 - i¶fr Address rIV T
3. ae cik (Nae Address
4. Sinature:
                                   .. I PrintName             J                        L4 0_                              _
  • r Address: V 3--I,, N -so TA ((Ad-l U4(-/f I a \ I'--
5. Signature: Print Name 1 Address: 5' - O411- r -- Tt7 AA Vt 6AO34
6. Signature: Print Nam( e. . __ II drs:. 114,pCK
                            ,.1 0.(    Ca7:1Xn                   C             II                                                q         6                        A Oz 7
      .Ad  S    sgnature:                                                 P                                                                                        .... -;

_ 0

     -Address:       u_                                 _
8. Signature Prnt Name Cb_ IA. CG - -- I hi Address: Eh xVj - i - w x 11 - A xJ_ l e _ Wc, ,_,,
9. Signature- Name Ca OLA4- G- AA~~1 EIZ Address: 't40 I (JX C,,\ VT v .

h 4 P

      *10. Signature:t(72Z                                                  Print Name4                        rvc/         ccy- m; /c/6J Address:/yo/
                 .     . u  ..


                                               - x w        u 6;W   u          .        .

os oc L4 . .. . I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, ifposble. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: h0dspndent Safety Assesamgnt of Maine Yankec Atomic Power Compn October 1996, by the Nuclear Reglatory Commission. This stud shall: (1) depndetly assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporateoffices: (2) idependntly assess operational safty pperfmance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and imnrn vmnwlI nlnnQ (4 erm 'ine rnnle mmd qple 'enf iv.eionifltmid 1,ndfrtoq imi Ar-w mnd,,qinne nnvrII n rn ee

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:______)______

r Print Name Maex- J- S Address:  ? eoFj 5 . 'm=, 4rl I. . _

2. Signature: 5 t &L] Print iNae 3tw keo He"k(

Address: (2, P l-et

3. Signature: 1ltS A Print Name V a//ge&l e ) Sit epq} n Address: q rP7 11A Pr int rp&e va ~/-r pf
4. Signature: Print Name

f54l 1-,A/AtI Address: St ______________________ I a_____ _1_______

5. Signature: Print Name W~4; W Address: Gviv witiw \r I
6. Signature:_ X f L L Print - fk A aJ s,.

I Address:-/(- b- Im aA. Al_ \1\t-

7. Signature: (..A% CQm A Print Name_ rem LYvrKv' .

Address: W ' l2Go ( St- $f RIalfl vt.

8. Signature:- /W WIA 97, Print Name M) Vr t t Address: (A
9. Signature: Print Name C) 'i6 Address:_ . . .
10. Signature: rint Name4DX Address: _ F. Te rr.. 5,1TW(k C~n\IVr J--

1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Elox 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the riport: Independent Safety Assessinent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee. to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vennont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WrE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of VerWnOnt Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signatur Print Name %b Pea k I) S'0\

w Address: .0.  : late E \JD

2. Signature: Print Name He WirA t Pt l Address: 7C7 CI43 CFhj, Vff(4/S
3. SigiaL PrintName GtlAtes- t Address: C) e C ), 5.
4. Signature. Print Name 0 eA hJVole -A Address: Iass,_____________________
5. Signature: Print Name /7g /
  • eA Address:. 6$ f AIId,I.

Wlitojk;, vT o! Y

6. Signature: /I J Print Name 1,o C .

p- i7r \ . Address: ' \ VMJrvts v .e OV C\ C

7. Signature: $ . PrintName O W44 Address: Lbi th1 6V ACA
8. Signature: Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: A SK gl( Jai e 1

9. Signature: , 2 Print Name Cue1 ;em o. u g I Address: P (p  : .5? C.) , \l X. C
10. Signatur: PrintName e Address: \\r. )( V\ C \ A Li Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comranv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Comunission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans-, (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vennont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vennont Yankee's aging components incrasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vennont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indenendlent Safety Assessment of Vermont.Yankeec, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: I1hle.&1224Print Name e / T. Aki'c Address: P2* Rtn ,tr Rlb -AIA ai2 tK V 6 .

2 Signature: /aZ D .. PrintName U :& ta kd Address: I X-d V V 7. 3.:Signature: X PrintName . Ao& &4 ' Address: q\ evae as S,9: 05qiG43,

4. Signature: Print Name JU - @,0 Address: 9X. lt f A-
6. Signature I e lU Address: Q 1ittZs k Rc& tg5
                                                            \                                   WrD i         VI-- /         Z)SI  i 6.-glS       9            F         Airie                                              PCOQ\R -A4-HCK  /
7. Signature:

Address: , C V!OAcNzt i PntNm p'3 c 671 AOt Tlf lTiJ )'GA l Sc_/> l

7. Signature: Print Name iMth GCAt4 1
                                                                                                          -Ut4 Address:                 &    Ata-vt            A-5{     gQlVU-lW*_                VI                   __ _     _5_ _      _
8. Signatutre Print Na me
9. Signatu ree:_ Print Name ¢ t M S S Address: t e
10. Signature8- d ell PrintName_ __v_ __e_ ___L_

Address:-Az ,g5/'V/u 3? 1/ik' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Iiidenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Comnission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confonnance of Venmont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness oflicensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and 4raw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, 2

WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: 1. Print Name J*, 4'leea? 4Locd Address: /9 /4ab-l A- P/Lee, r/,n4 VTT OS3oZ
2. Signature: 2 {< 7 Name d71  ! &JA A >

Address: /g / it7AA & la ' 04jA P  :/. 3.Signature: , Print Name /'C. #l9 TI . f'E Address: ) E 'A IL) 6 3I1J w(7 i, R* v) G If ^

4. Signature: Print Name ;li 45 Pll 4

Address: l 1. 4A H

5. Signature: Print Name AXPey MtKA Address: i T>

m Inam -VIR //6tW 1 K i° I.

6. Signature: A PrintName C Address: 0 ITE IJ
7. Signature: . I ) C \. (i PrintNameSn o 00 Avs S f/

Address: I5ef6/ b

8. Signature: Maya& nP]5 rit en3SCONCE
                                                                               \1ttIA                    MM Address:                                     Cs };{t65                                             V-k
9. Signature: CLIAX j3 C,VZ (A) X Address: >810( Goc.9
                                                   &,3?                          $5                       ~      z     L        j
10. SignatPrint Narne,_: d )4tj S ou (H Address: -. 4 lRetum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Venmont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatian has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, !VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: g, V, 1f Print Name -S ,Cfpne SCicam Address: Print Name__T
2. ,Signature: h o<Print -/ Naune_ sj,(C, e C-Address: S W I' §4. sri %U I IT i C(
a. t In -,

1- J_4

3. Signature:tu $f"i;JL4 I3kt~, Print Name -1_

Address: S-"I WQ< ,V \ lC;_tG- 0 q I

4. Signature:_v AV Print Name m) S j Address: l) *E}

(( \

5. Signature: - L J Print Namne { y Le\4, 4I@ ;_ _

Address: 10 A 1 0 I Ie l ,

                                                                                                                                 \w (, a        tI X      I
6. Signature: . PrintName 3PA\ -SC1(

Address: s-,UhfM0 S.} hw s e7a

                                                                                 )                                 4t
                                                                                                                  \sI<(:,A4    o o
7. Signabm/ PrintName AwUsW 6OLWK Address: 4h- MpdiA qr
                                                                         ;c      m4d
8. Signature: - PrintN ame Li*, ,t k'/ Igcci Address: -r r -e o (3
9. Signature: Print Nane NriOflA\4ieiSd u-Address: (>

t{ A2-VVt OtA2

10. Signature: Print Name 85AJ1 F./. CALsitslI Address: 1?s Af4*EjA&K /a Apt. 6G ' &l _5 r 0- 0.5 y y Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont tDepartment of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatlion has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents aind plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join usin calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
                                             /             similar to those already poiducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: _____ ____Print Name - \ H o. V-Address: I8 i, [F-
2. Signature: (k lA-deA & Print Name J0azz ceil.e Address: .10 2
3. Signature: & .A. Print Name /MeW (J-Ca"q71-7 Address: E L /7 / R~/ -,1 o b coLe
4. Signature: C _=.- c > Print Name
                                              -1        IA i,4 6(lJ . P
                                                                                   <<K        St         V Address:    '       1/PA iIA                      L1Ace e V -


5. Signature: 1) -1L Print Nlame A/b1L M tkCc Address:. M d R A \LK hE V12Z1 65477
6. Signature: Print Name >lZ 4 M/ /Avt.

Address: I C7

7. Signature: q A PrintiName ' 4Vier-Address: 15 -M es-dQ 3$.
8. Signature: . &t _______Print Nlame M(ichL kvi -

Address: .. _.. t . Bl wn rIS/0t

9. Sig Pie PrintlaCm44 a/s Address: got41 1 s Id e
                                                              $117-c                                                      e-/-tW
10. Signature:,(AiQ &maa Print Name in-ke..i-I- a Srt'r . .

Address: 96o Ain-hv'i D c . I 16 1!J 01m-bni o54tOI J lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bcox 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vennont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based EntergI Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of ithe reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vennont Yankee is at prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: I I. Jyll6tAJJ -P in Narae HuM (-rw4j Address: P-Pro M.S CA. -RtlitN L-n ,- D5t} } I I/ . 1AilnhlrA
            -    b     '       /

X N I\iit I OIL 1' I

                                                  %               C--

PritNlavmn a4 V AJ ./

                                                                                                                          ,o   ^  r l,,

U I" I {A 0 A ,Ad Address: vWad ev b--,- tD IeS

3. Signature: /- 1 U(L Print Name-

I 14 I

  • a-f-- ma rl Address: {;2.1 7:Pv (+

Ir~t j 0 0A g 2

4. Signature: PntName . $I 9 I. 1m e _

Address: . d 7 A. Signature:_ A/I.. 1Print Name G 4 Address: 0  ; s4?-Atl iy 0fiT e3--t O/

6. Signature: Print Nune ( 0 IM P-C-o Address:< 9tIt rz L 1 I t { X A:- v ^
                                                                                                                   ,,7_                     f-4                     I
7. Signature: I t W/I4. t ¢ 4 Print Nam I b~,4 # rackele Address: ;7( Ppl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __r__ _ _
8. Signature: o eu ePrintl C*°JRIOJC; Address: P2rnt NuameA M rT,5`401 i
9. Signature /t-Print N.Iesta ua;lea Address: aiuLA7i4 12 . 1~
                                                                                        -VIIV-0\I,-1                              -n        L/546       I                 __     _
10. Signature:- ,WLL, SPrint Name 0  %&
  • _ l,,

Address: 29 /" P t 'XT, , [/-r 0!5 I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October l99l. by the Nuclear Regulatozy Corunission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonuance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WMEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear rower Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, TE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent SafetY Assessment of Vermont Yankee6, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:,A1P- L P,,m1Cuk PrintName 9: e~ - ILem o Address:. f@lfiq15 IWZJa
  • ZLLJ/7 --- --- -

2.Aidr S§ 1 _Print Ninee- (0toJbI/@4 f(t Address: (z: 7 S 4co os-nle I

3. Signature:
~ I -

Print Name . 1( 4 l g;- IS .  :: Is Address: lltt _ s \P,.- - - .ANAP v K --- I.. - _-/L - _ a V-L4 I

4. Signature: Yap a/A -Print Name V1/ r=aI ;7E'C /-& zz-(


                                                                                                         -1 Address:           B k-           ;                             (r^oA l ,               o        .Ajf         eL/    v'T.
5. Signs:tattt Name =-t::5k 4- =15 Address:. k>6 .5 - -.- !5 XI 5;>OF  % n~-.nt 5;N
6. Signature:_2)rd (gw Ad Print Name £EVEL VX: Al . t
  • Address: qgua4 GRI,..k UCsers.~fJ . aJlc Ct,4 wroSnge . . .

7.. Signature:_ 6 -- Print Name . C -kJ71 Address: /CIU t-)7 b/l < 4 . / / A ' a, By--

8. Signature: \ - - Print Name \ k iCoc LQOL(£S 1 V Address: . TOL fAt- jA = e- R. t
9. Signature: P,
                                                    -o        --   Print Na       me                                pas Address:                a.i          LA 144      )o:'i
10. Signature: (Print . A) Name 61 Od . -

Address: I o CX.8,Il FDA9+tS t. l

                                             .1                           Ij Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sit: and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-signilficant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vernont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WhEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergi Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signatu  : 1 Print Name sL,Žfz t , In A, e -

Rep >Zad .v-%e, vT <6 I~ Address:

       .. . . a -

1J e I -I* - rosz .- r-7 f 7; r .

2. Signature h f H Print Name Address: G I )( QX rint/

e %Z-1 IJ #t517

3. Signature:_ -/LPrint Name .&hIei, Duln /

1:7,f . il '1,



4. Signature:

Address: C7 IA as Ad Ir

                                    '...q     7{IcyIi f-({IsU


                                                           \...'   'V X
                                                            -1111,K1^                  X PrintNanme
                                                                          -90r If)v\
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God. IJ*

  • Moe rf b\JpCs-
                                                                                                                               %I    1    f   up-6-       7 L..f
5. Signature: Print Name______ _____

Address: Ft4 t A C)of L

6. Signature: G o Print Name2e r, Address: N'Q b_ At_ _ __u_

7.. SPrint NamNe7T"XIw t AAndra-c (7(,,J

                         .W        A 0~ifa             I' A,f/


                                                                           -11f I' I  II 0

I,_ .

8. SignatureZ jre e4 2 PrintName t/)%jC! C)eISELLOC.L, Address: 3co ,A1 Ad , 630 0 N )?J . 'IT -L/,\& oslo1
9. Signature:__ 06 4 v~ Print Naime . 3 odi vi br ew.

Address: X3k o hs/ { Kf

10. SignatureM- e,6wAs-JaW-- A Print Name Am /4 1 10 1 Address: 3:--

0o .6 -4 fd l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sit:-and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont: Members of the Vennont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WIE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature:- rrint Name 4Ae/X Z " (9iat Address: t/Yr 7ft gus5 7
2. Signature: - cJ-f. Print
                                                                  -J&    Name      T up     i'd     (           r-Address:                                                              ex          m'              05f52
3. Signature:( o g o Print Name '&ri We ll Address: t ai (&n
                                                      ,.                                                         VV1        bye/
4. Signature: PrintName C A, %c_. cAn Address: 17. ____

Vt____es__ ____ ______*_______e___

5. Signature: Print Name /1AAL Le PnA A Address: _____ _____C__ __ __
6. Signature: Print Name _ VhAkLt 5Y C<

Address: go {J j. r-ntarn k ItIigi- I Okst5 CQ

                                                                                                            \'-~- i&
7. Signature: Prit Name ( W\lm Address: 'k/t C7G77V)/
8. Signature: .n . Print Name - i Address: Th \0 Ech Si - 03 -SQ 7-Cp
9. Sigtothed Print lnde edn Safet A Address:
10. Signaue E . )l Prin fame go aa o

t y f I Address: >r v o_-p y "MGg 6o XRetumn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the defintitions and parameters provided in the report Indepgndenlt Safetv Assesstnent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compae October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vennont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatinm has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vennont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WAE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature f 2e/74 2 Print Name SOt CO. T-aOr \

Address: 0(p, 7--o5Qs t . UVtlhAK \ T

2. Signature: ,,,,. H o Print Name KcnseTh widno ie_

Address: I RAVigr- couv4 5 14 E v-f

                                                                              /zL/      A5ct-
3. Signature: Z9 H O A-  % 4 rintNamne fM% tISe tz Address: 2-s f v < r; I! . Iet i0v e i 17 ' 4 IOUayd
4. Signature: Q A , PrintName Sute C-1.(bt!:

G Address: I'X- e TA 1Cf7L 2

5. Signature S Print Name Re C Address:. \°T OG'I0I
6. Signature: GPrint MNae Address: SAr- 44 t A 7.: Si g n a PrintN;une Ae.s v t,'

Address: ,(. 0I O

8. Signature Print Nanie AI SJ V h Address:
9. Signatu.e:L/ - / N.lph PrintName 4-Address: ,3 rvi VT 0Sijb
10. Signature: .Print;Naine 1iS6Q J '( ¶ Address: 30 [, " (< - Vl 2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-siglificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of' Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterfv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase srill place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

1 ,7 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants irk Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: _ Print Name Jakwn 6hi70n7 Address: 7gs end 6 Sf
2. Signature: (l4o 4W A PrintName leNky (24;J/VV
                                                                                     'i(I ta Address:                          G2 k                                                                   V'
3. Signature: \ Print Name . "(IC
4. Signature: Print Name .Q LexJ  !

Address: .____________

5. Signature: V7/L Print Name . g f9A)T( SC---> J(' .
8. Signature( IPrint Name *i= a tIC Address: 4IE, - - ZLc y \ - () a0 I -
9. Signature: t& Un> Print Name Q.. p16\ V )

Address: t) a

10. Signature: 1IkAtr... a9 W2!KL_ Print Name tVi4!5S/sr--51X sca 0I Address: P09 f>r( 24o , WAD0)I47bLk, -VL-1Return this completed petition via NewEngland Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonuance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Venmont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of-accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those a ready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature ~: A4 1 j. tfgy2l, PrintName L.

Z fCGZI Address: & 211,ffR AW 1 4 /'CIA- 03_

2. Signature: rn \S we w+

Address: (At - X A -Aft, ADS 0t

3. Signature: __ _ _

__ _ _ Print Name lo L( S CD k Address. t /-o ?J0d / J VT le

4. Signature: Print Naine ' (Ie
5. Signature - eIh rnt mWNaine A h klfrl a  %, P,/b ,>4(.

Address: Z4 52 rb, M t7L&:J

6. Signature: Print Name 0t. 'n M <

Address:. C lI0 A{l X I 7- 6 o -

7. Signature:

Address:q 0 & GY-Ie,(D2ogDL 4n Print Name Ai. (9

8. Signature: Nwvne PrintName i cky O

Address: Chun

9. Signatwre: Print Name 1 14Jt> 90 C1 % ST Address: 24 /J'5/('of
10. Signature Print Naume angel ES I?,1'E Y- A nts o Address: 14q Arvyva1/ 60W/fATfg X-7'9P/

l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepegrdent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confonnance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnamace giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvernent plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont MW EREAS , Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WNE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

A l similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signaturee- = Print Namne A . A_

1a. .

                                                                                                  ,  tCe_   = _ _

2 Address: 1

2. Signature: Print Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: 9VT .V (Acf

3. Signature: fQ Print Nme CID&ri12)

Address: . _i v t, \31 VI fiaL T 961S

4. Signature: -. -<q Print Na me A L_ {n(

Address: mit 1,,AEnAIII

5. Signa Print Name Address: I/I a67t2J I/'. v '7J cfo } Yo,
6. Signature: Print Name j2} az,e ¢ Address: t/ V,
                                                                                                    ~~~C          *g ,,,
7. Signature: Print Name ' ea L.


8. Signature: 1.7 Prnt Name  ; f Address (fL P, i&

Print Namnve// '5e7 Address: /geS /wOAr

10. Signature:

10.i, Sgaue _____ Print Name L__/Sb-eIf e, Ad


Address: 3C7(&W, eAber-6 ~-/S9(V, XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confonnance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfornance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont: Members of the Vennont Legislature; VennontPublic Seivice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vennont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterer Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yanikee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: f " &, Print Name 5P1 nih A t 4).

Address:l SoT r M ; b!-J o i -

2. Signah d ",, Print Name zz.- /

Address: 4 ,,/ -

3. Signature: 0e4 Print Name C,4-t)L "KO Address:/&/ 4a4ds4 Žtk VT. a~D (7/
4. Signature: MU fnnudC Print Name (Irev-. VO.2y)h I '-

A.r 1

                  ~i"   UAefJ/,     ;W.IJ'.. j rm-IJ..l;.

iiU1LLV% ( I- W -

5. Signatuwre:( Go S44 A-, PrintNaXne/X t Ž^ 2 dred Address: .A,, . tV n-' P /
6. Signature: Print Namne C4 i -,r 1° of 5 L L61 Address: F (64 9 ,1 O. d ook4J< 1/T Op67(
7. Signature: Print Name te4 9 4Go Address- If/, Lv t-
8. Signature: .( L D Gus K Print Name r- /,,-4" A , v"I r A r)/+ ,

t~n I v-Address: Print 3 \

9. Signature: PrintName Lt&f.kW Address: U 47 -ib W~lo IvT o*'5oI
10. Signature. F-Wuat ne ,nI n/

Address: P0x g 12 1Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ndelendent Safety Assessinent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Coin aii, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Comunission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Veimont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterev Corporationl has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signa / Print Name ) fooL. V0.45 Address: 116 (AIa L)A" a l
2. Signature: a4 Print Name MJslog McGcc Address:
3. Signaturee - 1Print Name H e4N&- F8egtRA-Address:
4. Signature:. /I A- 9&- 4d-.0.1 PrintNaime Lowry. Mqv'%nCokA A%
                                                                                                 ,    ,_  _     wv        He Address:
5. Signattr4we - QO.- Nanmett\ %I% C A a Address: \ -. A eE% Si., E CVi, IA r
6. Signature: &AIf- PrintName e___ ______________

Address P oa RV

     .7. Sis        L) Lr;Name                                                  K          ;             CH                eAs Adres:            L L}    YAST sl   7 -.o
8. Signaltur4,rint NarnepO ) ~


9. Signa store:

Hi _ PrintName 9 ~ Address: o0. Signature: ocdci4 6* / PrintNameI Pcrtk7 1?.

  • 6t/-f-k-Address: &-66 tt c ',( , A t-t I dS-gW f d '

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. tm according to te definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepdepnt Safet Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Comny, October l996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vennont WrHEREAS, Louisiana-bised EnterEv Corporati n has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents ind plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indenendlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. SignatureZ L 12 ,,S Print Name e I/ k/e/,ti4 .5
                                                                                   .eI             I( I                  v Address;         t
                      %A4i       ;'t
2. Sigiiatxe'~,- __Print Name [ IW_~ ~

AddressPe.>6  %?i- g 3 , _ 0 S-y-6 2

3. Sigature _ PrintName P tA.)th ()j,* 'o Address: Nid av 67 I ')  ; :-j, at I
4. Signature; PrintNantue 5t,,

Address: qets

5. Sig Print Naie Address: I(Kte %VwAbi 34T \ o-gg-6\


6. Signature: adz Print Name_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: \.Tb- i2 I &S A Vf e

7. Signature:


8. Signature:

5 XGAP ¶. *7 riName l// rnlt S"z,'V Print Name

                                                                               /yA7Ri(r Cage w

C~I/,na 3AILE/ Address: 32 Ia <A 46- 'j-

9. Signature:AJ I Print Naie L Address: '7 4 ff4 r ; apj
10. Signature: ./ 1 rW)eA(4/&rOJIL'K e aKYA.

Address: vo. d; at s 0 Q lvfet rW

      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan , October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confonnance of Vennont Yankee to its If design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor cf Vermont: Members of the Vennont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioj has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • thlin increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:
\ jA ,-A PrintNaime S-t'1k s reAf Address: I al,;i,9 1 IN - A _I
  • v
2. Signature: / n..

1W Vr- 7 C.. Print Name-Lr-, V-o-cs Address: (M 1 A 7 .- (7 n1 4-(f J' o aB

3. Signature: Xi4 PrintNa1ue .Jo Inni Address: 16 9 i&X eq-A
4. Sigllature:: Print Naimll ELZhA~77 StW1;9150kADftt Address. 5br / ( et *
5. Signature. k PrintName L ri / (*-) i<k Address: , A 47 O-slo,
6. Signature: MI; AW&Tc Print Name
7. Signature:_ k1 Qm tC Print NwneI J cv, Address:  ! l (AvWo, iA1
8. Signature:_ . , L/Z Print Name &A/SIR CORM>'

Address: k4~rAJ /('4el a -, -j 8.. , -f- ez ar ' 4 34r1c ( (10aa

9. Signaue a4 t urPrint Name fa 'jXbA Lp(-G4M e A-Address:,35 WR FUN- k SiloLLL, Vi
10. Signature:",- t. a, c,!,+rint Name Address:
      } Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indepeqndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vennont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WVHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy CorporatiDn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatur 4 °" Print Name OtC..

V em- QAvvS Address: 3 t5 godnA3_h\A . Q I, A v/N e

2. Signiature:,; re~ PrintName ,- a c-7 l Address: /7 L-'/ B K
3. Signature ePrint Nme M
                                                                                                                                                   /e Address:
4. Signature. Alt /1) (a
  • rvek l.?rint Name Ant-d (',vY A Address:- ?7. b v7 4*

( ¶' AStil

5. Signa Print Na me HWv" Address: i1 v I6
6. Signature:_ H4 PrintNamne 1A ir - FM irrra (

Address: lt tA)a~d5 SIy kr&E tM-VT O5M41

7. Signature:. Print Nane 3a.r\ ,t x' \

Address: 112 s-)s ) __ T _r_5__4_

8. Signature: Print Name Mlfl 9ej, lRA4V%

Address: lt ( 5A RGo aAev-\ (_A1 VT OC S O i

9. SignatureritNa:iteMF e Address: J;7.-
10. SigYature: PrintNai -T S Address: 4yV1  ! 5-lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Conunissioni. This study shall: (I) independently assess the cotifonnance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of 'Vennont WHEREAS 4 Louisiana-based EnterEy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents ind plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those al ready conducted at agig nuclear plants in Maine and Connectic ut

1. Signature PrintName Jos6h ,,J2A Address: b A i/f 2
2. Signature: Print Name $ 1 47t AlfTŽA Address:
3. Signature: [C* 24>t Print Nalne 'f2-_ 6.>;)

Signature: 9.~5 Address:,O>

4. Print Name f, No' LX S(6)4 If -,
5. Signature: g Print Name (44. LA Address: tI) /A V(


6. Signature: 9 1;L2 J k-
                                                           --   Print Name  't &4i2JttWCLA          &V      t9\- W      l Address:                                  lr(/k
7. Signature: APitNle .eAA-, A4 I/-

Address: ZsA j3o hkt l5sLH ( Iv .f VI er4 ,

8. Signature a ure Print Naine-IR W2 At\ s Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 accordinig to the definitionss and parameters provided in the report: Independenlt Safety Assessinent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnvanve October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commnission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently ass~ess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate~ the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, amnd improvent planst, (4) detennime the root causeas) of safety-signiticant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vernont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those alIready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: i Print Name *7/A/

Address: 6'4?3 ee:2 4 / t-4/Y48 6

2. Signature: Print Name (fDA Li7/I n i iff 1J Address: I 4" I &
3. SignatureI - -1 -Print Name to /4 / AW RZA6 oo h -)A I____UI_______



n olt1 _y___I A of - W N ame l@/. v_______ T-,

4. Sigimiture: 2 _) a&j Print Naine $w Fo1ae I of ( A .ag2Wr. )

AI Address: A., K M; *4(,_s ,,wew, a)nd

5. Signature.-: Adwn SVtane&,q9r- Print Name 1?-OW /7SIR Address:. k/ e -S 0Joh,~ ol.iwSr V O
6. Signature: Print Name 7IA/t)6g7 4 )(LO 2 J Address: t(5 A / scat 6'*vS1/2
7. Signature: Primt Name '*5 I' 77 eC- F Address: - 1X
8. Signature: 62 PrintName Address:
9. Signatu PrintNaine tz iCc F Address: 9I( A-a* - \- M~
                                                                                                             %              kq O~?2
10. Signature: tvf° p iJ1-f Print Name >b fia >waltz Address: 117 m oro.5 eA. } g rlci-A*'T dos4 I
     'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeqemmdent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compay, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Veimont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entereg Corporatio s has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • thiis increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us calling for a Independent Safety Assessment ofVermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already con)ucted at aging nulear plants in Maine and Coniecticut

1. Print Name / d' eVAL., A e Z-Address: /.y 5 { J~ At ___________________


2. SignaturentName j tyd5 Address:  ? i esy77
3. Signatur PrintName e 5 1 Address: 3 LAodc VE 6 &SI9o Z.
4. Signaturere.4 Print Namne At)I4 e e Wc64J'acw Address: 2 ft k4,t AH { Printa- 103I
5. S intr A~e _Print Na me God " ,At165 A 1.

Address: P/) Ax g;2ih g)U.\1^ ) 17 C -Sye - 2,

6. Signature: IPrintName CS RA1, t ¶. W$ \

Address: ' W 1/ orfi4t>

7. Signature: H o I ^

tV0 Print Name iavi c IN

                                                                                      ,I           _

Address / 6tr 4mnvt trarA5u4+!! ,~j~ VT Q fl ..US

8. Signature: _4_(AAA PrintName suerV swv%

Addres *Xqd Coleuci4 r- kp. she- essay- T - 4 za i

9. Signature. 1% Print Name CI fttt Address: ) U\JM \. ace IS
10. SignaturA&A, K 4> ]j Print Name lrl (Hi, Lift, Address: E MEYER I rII
                                                                          \It t)S(jr)%

IL I jm* t Retum this completed petition viaNew England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine YankMe Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety

     *performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of'safety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition-TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Mel r Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department o. FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont W EIEREAS , Louisiana-based EnteriPv Corporation has applied to i irc Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's orig: 19T icen se, and_

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aing components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fudl top-to4-ottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:A t_ Print Name &Jw.4. /CQ Address: U I??A n.f:C4.0.. ej - root. v.r v (2. Signature:>4. 74 h a`he_ etj (ŽLlOi k .,i TrIrT I Address: 2.4U LI' lS 45 6 ir . _ . - .

Iolw , _ OCWq6I

3. Signature: ~PrintNamne r(At4. 1 ,cta "V rw.,lI Address: QC tLis VLI# --a-et-Cr lu I.;aL I
                                                                                   . JlI -

Jh-7--bt fd0 I

4. Signature: - - ('.rint Name E Ii2oA.0C fWS f % 4 Address- _A- r-L Pt ft ASlrC,*. adT 0C66tM\
5. Signature: g%5 Print Name -

V.a^'eI JteM Address: I 2L I3-c.,'r (,ctvw 154D1c .A' 4 gLV0 tj"m h3-I t f , .

6. Signature: 414 . a()
  • 4 Print Name ITAM ES W1A1A7EI`

It. W ,, z AMdrss: RoBD 963, M it.. 1 yr os'*6g

7. Signature: mI tA.A) oiS @/. Print NameATi4C4i p V ATO cri Addressrss:4q .A At
                                                                                                  *Y-      6AA1I
8. signatureAName (.&&0Mq Lcr-TI Address: - . . ]. J . Cs J V&.rtMvV
9. Signature: v.- .

Print Name _ 5eow _ * = t , * . . M6 r&l t

       . ---     '  -- 01 U     *6             W
10. Signature - --A-- -
                                                                   -rk2^lPriE~ae~tA;9r Al Address:       6033           'rA&                     (I                                                     J
                     *I_  _ -       --    _   _-     - I     Iw%     -. -     w -k  -        --      -  Pr
        ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yarkee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the-effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigiificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Yermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisorv Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermnont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entersy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of -the reactor's original 1973 license. and A' this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2,
1. Signature:

Address: /7 (3J Print Namne F51Ce similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut f/iwe 0 s 7-r 0

2. Signature: t 4kV`AL Amrint Name I A s g Address: 9 Ar  ?;e
3. Signature: Print Name C _ O9S1CK -jftil Address: \ Ae'\ Mt- VC
4. Signature: Czf'%N 4 a / Print Name 3 ns LA c'v i\rc-g Address: 0<4U) \/n A'CLTe \ YrX) JG O° O
5. Signature: 1,-4?5e LA4 L41 we PrintName Jz&t-w H. JdA.-ir4elrt~9 Address: ///
6. Signature: Print Name_'___-


7. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:

19.Signature: Print Name_ Address:

10. Signature: Print Name__________________________


       ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September.         N. 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnan'. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its

      -design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A CITIZEN PETITION TO: The Honorable James Douglas: Senators Jeffords and Leahy; Representative Sanders FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, The recent disclosure that highly lethal fuel rods are missing from Vermont Yankee, as well as the discovery of cracks in the steam, dryer, both demonstrate that the usual oversight process of both Vermont Yankee and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is insufficient to guarantee the health and safety of the public WE NOW URGE THE ABOVE, PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICIALS to demand an Independent SAFETY Assessment that will have the criteria listed in the Vermont Senate Resolution adopted on 4/16/04 as well as the requirement of a civilian peer review process. The limited T engineering assessment" required by the Public Service Board on 3/15/04, will not be enough to reassure Vermonters that this plant is being run safely, given these recent disclosures of outrageously incompetent oversight. How can we expect Vermont Yankee to run a plant safely at 120% of capacity if VY can't keep track of fuel rods? How can we trust the Nuclear Regulatory Commission if they don't have a process which would have required frequent checks that the fuel rods were actually inside the box, particulars after spent fuel was missing at the Millstone plant? Signatur7_

1. Print Name 0YYc4°6 R Qg LJ Address A tF E-mail grvlSo. e4c
2. signature s i S2 Print Name et A A-U ta t Address \Cj aOsc CC $ e Os3O1E mail vve'fvS 0\ -f FJt la
%. Addral aCfinoti Irn      /I
              ;//V&ess II A

rl X. 0Y2L ,/ - t Print Knrm I LII =_ J0 n M-v, _ N

                                                                                                               , I tI., 1J-Address-                           gwrrt                         yc                ttaii
4. . Signature- YJ (A..-'-(-- I 'I -Print Name 45,nZ /6 AC/( Jo Address__ AA _ E-mail_
5. Signaturej!s ~ Print Name Li-sa-,n va\ \,t Address LkO( CeAa,k S\. *2- A~ krevxf,'I 6S E-mail Li fsaot M..b ((,w-\0I A c
6. Signature (4ylAac" __Print Name j~-r_! Ld 4 en6Ckq Address )4j-+S. kp 4
                                                             -     Joi                  E-mail.
7. Signature4 tzit2 __Print Name, i/zseI -AS 1-a, Address I)I,;'A'4-I 5- . I97 s kuv'[ T E-mail.
                               )                                         6o5361

I A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: 'PROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont-Yankee 2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I Signature./ Print Name A461, -X J-1 Address:

2. Signature:_

A2 Adrs: )( E,1N-f-3/ ---&/ v7 / o PrintName or, uIda 6g,3q e-rn a TVAWI i-1 II.

3. Signature: Printnrfame,( G;-2 it 6ehrv tlc Address: ,POJ5 2/v 12oSr7<J -0.2 t
4. Signature: Print Name 1t 4 L ,G -

Address:- BUYSlog V1 oe-o -

        .5.Signature:         g         _X                         Print Name        /G6               zo eh Address-                    }-                                                                                     Al
6. Signature: 0, Print 6 GlLk,_4 e

Address: 9 , X P. e t /n w r O57-ma

7. Signature: Print Name K en 4: 4 Address:

7S. Signatu jG e I rint Name {'jr AIekx1~  ?.tY t..Q e-a, L Address. A-C 6 e -kv~, L4-

9. Signature:  ? Cl Print Name C Address:-S - gra e-rq-,lL '
10. Signature: PrintName 1 N Ici?

Address: (Ž0, g L t'g o ( r 0 53 aY

       ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citien Petition' IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the-Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examnination of Vermont Yankee is prudent7 protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indpendent Safety Assesinent of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:. 4 v\0 Print Name 1K k 44'-tl Addres: o (%1,AMbWO - `'SZ' email
2. Signature: -PrintName.

Address: i(Z01 $1 3t4-D d/4 email _

3. Signature: Pi f Print Name R t I t4 TXI Address: 11- C><& b-ZJ email
4. Signature: PrintName T eseG '-

Address: 3 (4JC>( -m a LJeCSQ L* em% eail R * -S. S aOk PrintName qC, Co . j-() Address. ,njCU(e~T t ~ Ki ' 6email

6. Signature 'kA PdntNampe aut 4-l l'l%

Address: ql _5t2& A,4 Af emailf_

7. Signature: Aun A-A " PrintName . *Mt 4+NY K/)Ne-jp Addss5V8M K T aas rT as
.8.Signature:/ij(1177~                                  PrintName _LffHi tX                      7      Lc    e' Address:                                                              -          JT    O 6 email Address:

S. Signature:t~l '- idge lL Nameqt 2 M O ( H CeL. 6 fitemaii

10. Signature PrintName Sk I& L6 .. 5, Address: /j2O ( e 3 \t 5 )Imail I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Tdependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CHan.g October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall lerformance.

                                                                      . I.. <I      -
            .              I I:             ~~~~~............... ,       44     I...                                                                                               II::           -1 ..1254 01
             .   ..  .. .                                                                                                              .. . .        ,                                 . .1 1,J                                                                                                     a            ,

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermy Cormoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactorss original 1973 liHense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components:increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a.fil top-io-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepe ident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 -

simil to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. S Print Name ixA _ t e LI . I Address: W; £ .~e<P- . a& ' WkAi~4kA&r WW-i~a. \F1 05M-I

(-Wt~k) V J- /.- 2.- Signature: __ Print Name J AM-I&JUF-Address.75t7A0S0AA, Co)73SL

3. Signature.A 1iY 0 i, Print Name L7 iO I _ A 0 ,nC Address:

4 _V rvs"

                                                       *\,    ""

K trb. I _ fl D-J i<'- , P.1-- u 9 ---w4

                                                                                                                                                \,n 1

OntJ v-I _. i

4. Signature: 1f ,XAtL- (,n ~ t, ,jr mtNm I- t- - &-~mn 6ty, "I~-s 7 Address: IIVI I V t m -'$:
5. Signature: # -Print Name_- -

ii7F L CacL-f Address: c L(4 ?ASAV Vic3T C4 Pri nt N 1C, . .

6. Signature: -

IAHA Pri~nt Name R-ARF Com'e

                                            -        W        --(Z ) 11 - - ,                           .-

i 7 ,L Address: \

7. Signature t Name \k ( - > 37_

A d d r es s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8. Signature: Print Name & 'nex P' c 4 Address: VO6 bc t . \()T Or 3,L I
9. Signature: _ .e Prin Name c:Jc..s - SI .

Address: h..:: .'57 V

10. Signature: \ J Prbit Name P fl~ K'toexf 4..

Address: 0'>;?-.r(

                                                )                         ,               I II-T- n t L4 1, -
                                                                                         /i                        '4     q                                                Vwcz Return this completed petition viaNew England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont O5302 by September, 14, 2003, i pc~sible.

2acoording to the definitions and parameters provided Inthe teporL Idenendent Safety Assessment of lMine Yankee Atomic Power Compan. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases incuding appropriate reviews at tbe site and corporate offices: (2)Independently assess operational safety performance giving risk papicves where appropriate; t() cvaluate the effectivenss of licensee self-assessm :ts, conective actiors, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-lignificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

ii A Citizen Petitioni C(,--o);0


( a IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department ofPublic Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHER~EAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; thereaor:, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an I ,2ipendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those alreadorconducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:_/ K id IPrint Name ICC1 Wveq A s:Ii_.&1f\0AI. I.-JW,
               . - - _... .__           I --      - -.

I email

2. Signature: 63 I Ad IPrint Name_ &J;! --; skc Is o-Address: ,s6j i email - - -
3. Signature.ue  % . IZ_ Print Name 3 i' 1-Address: /I 7 n k?'1 /#t At 0! email /
4. Signature: / - Print Namel4/g
                                                                       -//             4
                                                                                       /      1 Addrss:<a         6          e'                        AG2
                                                       /An~               iaŽi2zemail                        /,ft' 1.3 ~2     c?1o L/07-Address:         >               /                           All-                                    email_____________
6. Signature: Print Name Iif Address: 17, F t4 PWeI rAI";. sX Lh vf email
7. Signature:a up:. 14 cr itzft PrintName L4,lJAd r A Address: EI&SkL 3 &Y=Sq1. ,
8. Signature: L L C Print Name Lin fk I & 15C Address: email
9. Signature: N AArntame kfcs(& P ia Address: /?7t 4'i~A7 i/ fl - liT email
10. Signature: ..

V (4 t 7

                                               .e             Print Name        Tcc-,-           N       19 ba Address: PZ                                                                                           email I Return iis completed petition via New England Coalition, Box S45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the defnitions and parameters provided in the MpCrt Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comp=nv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall verformance.

A Citizen Petition' I0Q: The Honorable Jambn Douglas, Governorof Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: DROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent; protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an ndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, to those alre d ted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut a4?me1 n.t'ame AaJNY + Address: cy-.ail VI,/Nm, 055aA.->

2. Signat retZnra e_ K e Address: i + 'LI 0-5f A~ emal iaM o tYG5ev l' "I
3. Signature: Q1 vow PrintName tltt (/DID Address: Pan A< / 6)7p1 email _
4. Signature: PrintName k 2 &Afft Address:- airnail emEd LsgfP)l, at
5. Signature: ..-Print Name //7n' 41/
 -    Address:-.

2S7Z (ok'r (7 l~ef KQ~ ,4pAfZ email /aTfi 9y a' -6. 5rgnature*. * *.PrultName .JLE raggenz:' le_ Address: -/4 / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AddrePrint ______________________________________

8. Signature: . PrintName J S (Ar.L Address: 14'- email
9. Signature: ( PriatName latief-Address: $

I12 ,4-II 1 ea_ ____________emai___

10. Signature: ( PrintName ani (tOL.'

Address: af) k[ 6 t'1 'YM('k~1 14 emam

  • Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the eport: Bdependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompWn October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall aerformance.

A Citien Petitiont 144w I.Q: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislatue; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont M EREAS , Louisiana-based Enterg= Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to thse already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: O's 4 1 L ( V tb nt Name 'K ( /& C S v/

Address: Lb_ _________:__.email_

2. Signature. Print ' -tow
                                                                                 ) 3        *L,{

Address: cASINAJ P4) 1' riu email _ _ _ _ _

3. Signature: PrintName ZT-e-5 STcc,. a/ )G r Address:- M t1 P7:)e. f email J-5 le IfSC
4. Signature: Name em
                                                                                   '      > f-kr btePrint - +/-

Address: 12I 17 ELlI I 1 A D tA wpi-e r-s",t . 6-6~Lemail -

5. Signature: 9 l+ PrintName GIFn A-mv 14Ad 4 Address: in kt.M4 t4-l~ tz o 'c L- EZ. email S ly P
6. Signature: &a~xi' PrintName grAddelI F  ? r5 Address: &o k1fIr7W/ bei da s. )eoW ni.jabf-s lA t VTe)mail
7. Signature: j wf Print Nam, _ _ _ g _ _ _ _

Address: 2 A °5-af tr& o V iz;46, email

8. Signa Prit Name A4em- gd) -

Address: email_______________

9. Signature: /Print Name 2. )ha a,-

Address: c/ g(, 6 &f 7-p

                                                                                          ¢       /e9'5au
10. Signature: 0-4.44z Print Name )

Address: ' Et email____ 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, tiex 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repCrt: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompMn. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall oerformance.

A Citizen Petition' - TO: The Honorable Jameg Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Membero oikf Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public iv g FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vernt:-- WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzv Corporation has applied to surer-tA 4a1d in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's originaJi 197t.34ii f,

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk o0f itr-l~ plnt blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WED NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: - > Print Name 5 5 ArFJ Pu Ni1mc Address: Pt O. 'B 6 Ld Lov l-,
2. Signatu PrintName $vt- , L 1eis Address: 21p.
3. Signature: Print Name / I(A I\ 4 9 A Address:. A d oil xV 7
4. Signature: i A Print Name IA A AP0AL Address: . . O an CM\L5C- l 'r
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature Print Narne Address:
8. Signature: Print Name__________________


   . 9. Signature:                                            Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 byoi ossibe. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO': The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vet Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont - T WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load `Wr _rmont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of tie reactor's original 1973 1ic:i:-. .

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of ac that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, tor.

WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment ofd

                                                       'imarto those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name IB'e T S)

Address:, t k{ Q VF o\O75

2. Signature -PrintName A I 4 i -


4. Signature: Print-Name_


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Nam_ _ _


8. Signature: Print Narme Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:
      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545. Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Commany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions. and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                               <gv7q-7) 9}

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermontl* tYic Service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHFEREAS ,Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioira has applied to super-load nuc~w fte tv W t Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of tOle reactor's original 1973 license7- ;

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accide. Ad H b could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefowi--

WTE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of V r wa similar to those already conducted at aging nujfear plants in Maine and Connecffcut

1. Si ___ __ __ PrintName (4) 4J Address:A 1 2 of 324
2. Signature.:A. rn Prine K'VONA- itZ' Address: Ifb 9lita ftlzz;z
3. Signar: Pdmis Prn N eWt -

Address: Go g 6 e1or ~r~u'/

4. S Naie Address: Go Lg >Sec( Adz> '4 S. Signature: Print Narrie Address:
6. Signature: Print Narne i.A Address: A,
7. SIgnature. Print Name i .1. . '.


8. Signature: Print Name Address: .
9. Signature:. Print Nanme Address:
   .      10. Signature:                                             PrintName
       *1 Address:

ItRetrn this completed petition viaNew England Coalition, Box 4S, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Amsessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the situ and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

 *FROM:People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mitnimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Tlertfore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety.Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, 'by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: AdPrint N 5 Address: 5 ,5 7//g / City: h State Z.ip42o7 Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Verrmont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • PROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design; by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concernexpressed by nuclear industry workers and by The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate ofices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 12)) (IN . Cit_: " . XC" State VI *zip-- O 1

        ---W 9,           v . .,-

Registered to Vote?

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor o f Vermont: Members of the V Public Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Servicv FROM- The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioli has applied to superloax 9i i l rmont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 l ex

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of 4ts hat could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prident, protective and conservative, therefo  :-,

WE, NOW SAY, jo0 ys c r a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 , i lar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

l. S PrintName ' (P_


2. Signature: PrintName -_ _ __ _ _ ;___/_ _ _ _ __ ___


6. Si _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

l nature: Print Nam__ Address: -

                                                                -4 A1i&,          W:fi
                                                                                                                                      &t a     T
7. Signature: PrintName Address:
6. Signature: Print Name___


7. Signature: - PrintName Address:
1. Signature: Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ __
9. -- - - - P n nau .. _.. _ _a_ _


10. Signature: Print Namne_ -__ __

Address: IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54.5, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComR=nv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safely performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluatc the effectiveness of ticensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvemnent plans; (4) detcrmine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • QROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility .to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vennont Yankee be completed as soorI as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siined: Signature: ( 3 C7LC-G Print Name: z(/o( /q,$JVE4ZI. Address: oZ45v) 71'!, 4Ap?6 2> City: PvA1gX£rrr-4S State W ho/ Zip Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? \4St

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon:

 'Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermornt Department of Public Service:
  • FIIOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory iCommission, liettfore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety

&sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-     C significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Signed: Signature7turHo Print Name: c X SIl 0Ds? Address: laI , gSA--

  • s s) tkUncu H.dl-6 Ii( tSo-)

city kttLo&- , State V-k-. Zip (Wo5 3 Phone: 3O7-ZS7-L 1 Email: ds I h d-ohO eVe kJ} Registered to Vote? 41L S

A Petition T: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermonat: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermoni: Department of Public Service: -BOOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others.potendially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and B9ecause this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Thertfores they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment -ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: .(2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:

       .Signaturb            flft Print Name:        T)wOvwaHau, q3T                   A
  • Address: D0 iocifpRs CJL
       .city:\ ItA          -s         .            State_ (J                         Zip    O§ O0 Phone:__                                             Email:____

Registered to Vote? AQ

                                                                                                                           %.             i A Citizen Petition'                                            (110 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:                                         Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, MWE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Sigu PrintName L-Y AAM S6ib t4f,

_. 6 l Address: X 2Ziptt Hi d

2. Signature: .i/ jAQ Print Name A/1 L 4J lead,,,[.

T--F-- Address: i f t v -21

3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: .

Print Name Address:

5. Signature: Print Nam,e Address:
6. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:_
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ Print NameII Address:
10. Signature:. Print Name Address:

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September. 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety - performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluaie the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 z4

                                                                                                                <                                               I I

ID: The H-onorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Sehvice Board: Vermont State RdUcledt Advisoty Panel: and The Vermont Department of Pubtic Service: E OM: The undersigned citzetis and friends of Vermont ttL 11 LouA,hisiaha-based bnterd! orpdtdii has applied to super-losd fticleat fuel in the Vermont lififket Nudlear Power Mlalt at Vernont to 120% of the reactot's original 19731iense, and i' tbis increase will place new stress on Vertmont Yankee's agirLg components increasing risk of tccidents and plant blackouts that coUtd affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom exatninatiot of Vermont Yinkee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, M1 lOW SAL Join t1§ I_ _ __ _ similar to those alreS dy CotdUcted at aging duclear plInts hi Maine and Connecticut A. eSignatuteAl-K >Z~,YPrint Name LUC y Address:. j4 . . JDe Q 2.PI _ Sia :E vt L

2. Signature: __ ___._PrintName R/cAH4eo P/AXeE Address: 4/2- 6ac-4I84 -/D __ V7.__

__RA_ Signature: . g Print Name : 7ti2 Q t LJ? Cq

\*t~fliA~ddr       ess:    ltr U         dri                                                 ___       ___         ___      __      ___         ___     _'
4. Signature. ePrint Name it~V\ A~Ayw)v Ad
5. Signature: Hint Name_ '

Address- l M4k2 A- LrA;aWL # 4 Xh t

                                                                                                                                    . =--

I A Z . P-

6. Signature PrintNam .CO (U Address: - fC-G b -- ŽC. t 3vg /% / - Fe (&
7. Signature:!424-Vture. (X L 3 PrintName e;ar 4r x :. -

AAddress: C/1PA / I- # j. Xty

                                                       ;2,      1-,-7 1l-(-

I I _tC l.X

                                                                                          - 1L, If'kLiVQV?)                V.-

20 --,coti (-'2)--) rY

8. Signature: .PrntName (Bui

Address: 5q -

  • Vt
9. Signature: 4Ar2 C PrintName: ,nvc /

Address; j9 W(A C, k

             -io.S                                 f                             . Narne Print            I<1              <

ECA Address VI  : Return this completed petitilonvia New England Coalition, Box 54:5, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, i4, 2003, if possible.. 2 s Ma Atomic Power Company, a ccording to the definitions ind parafieters provided in the report: ]Independent Safty October i996, by the'Nueleatlegulatory ColnmTission. This study shtll: (I) independently assess the conformance of VermontYankee to its design and licensing bases ithcuding appropriate review6 it the ite and corporate offices: (2) Independently assess operational safety perfotmance giving risk persiectlves where appropriate; (3) evaluate the eftectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrctive actions, and improvement plans; (4) detehnlne the root cause(s) Otsafety-significant findings and draw conclusIons on overall perfotmance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown-by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Agsessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October .1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the. conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performanc e. Sipned: Signature: Print Name: ef f31C/&'c_ D Address: .,2y ,(3< /7([ City: . ~ k/1 A4 State t Zip 6 C3

  • Phone: . If / Email:__ __ _ __ _ __

Registered to Vote? Ye

A Citizen Petition/ A: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public kemrice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont bepartment of Public Service: Ad: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WlOMAS

  • Lotbiislafid-baged Etitergy Corptbatln has applied ta suiper-load ntuclear fuel in the Vermont riu ttkee Nucekar Powte Pltfft at Vermoh to 120%6 or the teacto's original 1973 license, and
  • this incrtease wilt place hew stress on Vennont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, PLEXUS SAtj join tis iti sitting for Blip simli to those ilrendy t oiducted it aging nudleO plUnts In Ine an t
1. Signat a
2. Signature: rls

( Print Name - -i IJ / x, Address: G l)J Osy S . . I. Address: &, tICQ, 1 CD - A,4otst

                                                                                                                 *        (b       ot         OS S4 {y
4. Signature: Print Name Address:

S. Signature:. _ Print Name-Address: h. v. h . Print Name Address: . -  : i7. Signature: Print Name Address: N*_

8. Signature:j _ .

Print NameI Address:

9. Sigiature:_ Print Name 3r Address:'
10. Signature: Print Name.


          *eturii this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05102 by September. 14,2003, if possible.

i according to the definitions and pat-ameters the report: In ieendentSafetv AssessnentMaine f YankeeAoicPower October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety Werfonnarice giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and Improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significart findings and draw conclusions on.overall perfoiniance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermcint: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State-Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermort Department of Public Service:

  • FROM:People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear. and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mirimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as Ihe increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2lierefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety &ssessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soonl as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: - IC7,4,2E - &sTEA -& /S

     *Address:       flo          IEMQFAAN            H1I. 1-City:   AfEfl-' AI/E                          State_  VT7                     Zip 0        5     yIS Phone: E                 -v5,1             3          Email:                                                  et Registered to Vote?            YE:

A Petition IQO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • _IQM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because:- the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be, currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concen nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ]Ietefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety siessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic.Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews ant the-site and corporate offices: '(2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:

       .Signatur:        $          r   J      P       ,                                    O
  • Print Name: fite (

Address: 41) City: (b)0Y' State Zip__ _ __ _ Phone: O _Email: Registered to Vote? _ _ _ __ _ _

                                                -As ARI.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 21aerefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety ssessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Tis study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sig~ned: 1 Signature: Print Name: 7 SI Address: ' 0Q City: Kj~b4 t State, Zip oSJ a Phone: 3 6fs Email: Registered to Vote? e _ __ __ _ _ _ _ iI

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: _idjOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design; by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by EN¶f's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Tberdore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices-. (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signature: f(ztq 6 2 AC Print Name: A) &I-rna 4> nA)} Address: - At'5

                       .y      ):I1A            -

City:k State Zip i Zip Phone: _fi o*-g3 . Email: &rn1 mVe;) Registered to Vote? YQ ,

A Petition 1'0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility .to 120% of the original design, by increasing- output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its agings components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Wherefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possiblelaccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signatur. PrintName: It-'d I. NyL+rDnl

  • Address: rl 0 D ra sy roo e CityrODc J evnC State V1 Zip O5345 Phone: ' to3I 5 - L4 .2_ Email:

Registered to Vote? A owns

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 10 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee. be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sizned: 2 Signature: Print Name: ( 1/hkr)n 12 ct-4 Address: X__t___ __l___TA __ City: g A C State Zip __ __ __ Phone: TV> ____ __Email: Registered to Vote? . _X

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core .- will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, therefon they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as sooan as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design a~nd licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signatur' ChII_ -J Print Ne Itt 1 WCGJ'

  • Address: Line: _ _ _ _

City: LJC State V8 Zip o5-3 C4( Phone: 3' 7 ?' 76 Email: l_ Registered to Vote? \f -S

A Petition 1T0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core: will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 3'herefore, they demand that the Officials named amid denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible'according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan: October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signaturt /2 Print Name: *)1____ _ Address: totb Ci U Y State Ur Zip c53 R Phone: <36 . - 0_ Email: / Registered to Vote? 1g - C

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided inthe report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate review.; at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: &t /llOees anJ Address: ;2 ( G 4se fLOO : FPI City: fei9OO Z/JE State VT Zip 053 S Phone: 6vZ_- s Email: Reaistered to Vote? C40 1

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal,. and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging pats will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, -a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as yossible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company; October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature Print Name: ML_UK 4f Address: L0e Ofic-s 1 I d gA) City: ) \Cvl State Vf Zip p5Pg Phone:_ Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition / TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermontt: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • UQM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and B3ecause this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will. reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Tlerefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Indenendent Safet-Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: Address: . City: State i -Zipp_@)5___ Phone: TGR A3 -Z Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas,. Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FRtOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, amd visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because:. the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be.currenily operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 3I!Lerefore they demand that the Officials. named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Mjsessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: kNC &4 LA Print Name: }-per c;a4he r Address: VQ'( tAJW.rncA g-t. City: S ot:'z <e- State V7 Zip os -SL Phone: (o)3Lr- CC 3 1 Email:__r ____ _____r___ _ _ _ Registered to Vote?

A Petition '7 TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

.iM:      People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity. from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 10 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear andli tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuiclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters Provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory.Commission. This study shall.: (l) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:

       .Signature:     va -      r/A Print Name:                            f       f/zA&

Address: 47 1 7ars4 i r_ City: gr eC State t Zip_ __ __ Phone: - Je3- Y/15 Emal: Registered to Vote? __

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 10 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst; could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core - will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall.: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews, at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perlbrmance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: aJ0A4AJAJ, /W A/L5

     *Address: ,/C;            \
                               %   4      357Ey     14rZ -           &

City: DAM O1//4u . State l zip OD54* Phone: fiC702 6(3 S 7*1WR4 Email: Registered to Vote? 1 - -,

A Petition / TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% -ofthe original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and -tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond, to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Asessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety. Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company; October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened:


Print Name: C tS

      *Address:. 13                A ce (4:/(                 (

City: _ kl,(Y State zJip Zipy' Phone __ Email: Registered to Vote? ___

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress. on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jherefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the'site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: , Print Name: ia  % i)-I Address: it (hi 45,I 234mk go. J. City: &@y 1iinkIn & State liT Zip O*;4 Phone:. T' 736 Email: Registered to Vote? y X

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FiROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release a-t ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years ofwear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst,, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. vill reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by dhe Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermhont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and'draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:


Print Name: NOW F 3LcUO( Address: A ( %3RW(' U City: tve State; e Zip 05YV5 Phone: da 3 7 3W Email: c1705J tov-N FT Registered to Vote?

A Peltition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont, Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FRQM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENY, and at worst; could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety.Assessment of Mlaine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of -licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Signature: Ae44 J Print Name: nr /_ ii CLe X

      *Address:        .        LO P        it?

City: . State Zip 6Sr oZ. Phone: X, D IY Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermonit Department of Public Service: ELROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (l) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and d ornlpions on ooall performance.

A Petition I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: BOOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimu-m, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclearindustry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Uherefor they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sig:ned: Print Name: Address: D (6 A City: /5i )I LC tG ) State_< . II ip Phone: -V l B E cI 1 2E:mai .- Registered to Vote? 9 Y_..5z,--)

Gvo A Petition 1/ TO: The Honorable James Douglas, of Vermont, Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FRiOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core-will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on'Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety AIsessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soonas'possible According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent'Safety Assessment'of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformaance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate. offices: (2) independently assess operational safety. performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. p Signed: Signature: 7a ip Y) Print Name: I\)d\ {J.kI A XAt1aid 4.A i&W(aOC Address: . t; LLCF- OJMAA~ Eg iCY4 City: 91tbl Ws State_ krc N ) n Zip _D /ef 3 Phone:_ Email: Registered to Vote?

              -                        GoeA            Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon:

Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service-

  • ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress. on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and, denoted above require that an Indenendent Safety Asessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: .(2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s). of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Cl 6 k L Coq fc 1 of Print Name: Address: D- f 2 City:. 37 W State \7. Zip 6 3 ( Phone: 2__1_ C_ _ _ __5 Email: Registered to Vote?


A Petition I' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

*RQ4OM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Tberefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety ,&sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as Soori is possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature:_ Print Name: i/sr/E J 4o^) A/>AI Address: q a? U) Th66L

                                       ,                                              up City:     Ra00         F                    State    Vr                       zip Ose Phone:   89W 36§--q3                                 Email:

Registered to Vote? __

I A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service


Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment 2 of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: w_ Print Name 0  ? k
  • cC Address: a a0P C ta!g ( 4-T 4 OST0O / Email
2. Signature: ,Print Name -I\V11 (YIMOLCC Address:. ( xve( Pic. iAua , I fEcc earLh~lkwk-cI A- A4O.?LLn.

A 0g3 ;Signature: <ik ( _PrintName w- Il_ ' 1'I 1 'at 0 Address: WSS' stAe L)UaXW;(1k Email - k\ X .. . . A 4t. bgltr f iX If/ I/v -Print Name Tie 51 & 7-Address: 1I rVt KWj4V~ & r Email -!iEvl,+/-/-sqt -- S,6,a_ Y"4t

   *C-.              -

J. 0 01rLUI V. I APrint Name Address: EMail

6. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
7. Signature: print Name Address: Email
8. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
9. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
10. Signature: Print Name Address: _EMail XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

/ C it I A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cormoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: /414/k tm/ Print Name &1Oh&1 66 bK Address: val kyx-PA641: ns2 1 )E 9
2. Signature (Lkz _-


3. Signatureig PrintName &4 ,(

Address: 4h.1 (i

4. Signature: Print-N uiJe T R- A AV L Address: I(AOD I OIS A flq.4hs __ - P e e__

_ _ _ _ _. _ _S3 _ _ _

5. Signature: S,:, ( ...- Print Namre 5:

A AlAr~,oc I~us,


ca -

                                      )  -1        ._1      I   -e     ._I-
                                                                         -     .v Q it A   -    I k- j   T7 ID

() ~~ (I L

6. Signatur l ) J y- P Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name S. Signature: oh 1<i, hrint Name Address:. 15 LL(Ll Vr 0 7S
9. Signature: .  ! Print Name Address: Ir g 14-" mve.RDB
10. Signature: Print Nan ae / 9. 5 9 s-Address: 10 ,5::4~

5 ,4 Jdr- b, R,' oI %7 6

       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vernont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessmcnt of Maine Yankec Atomic Power Comnanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety peformance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.


                                                        - A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:                                       Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licqense, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk otfaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut tI. Signature intName S fi d Address: ad Fos A/O' 241% GI'9li

2. Signature:___ ____ __ PrintNa__e M_

Address: 6 A Pn Msr Al Cur  :

3. -Signature:nt Ne Address:6 m .41A jj4
4. Signature: $iIU L3t) Print Name %kIte . k-:

Address: IL __ ,_ _ __ _ _ _ _

                 * .5.iature:gr                                     intName         C,/A      Wed l</4-Address, _AP.Co                                                     .
     .6.Sign                                                     Print Nanre        X a t                (C/'6L//


79. Signature Print Name J73) C? 1 9 Addrres: A4IM I/AAfi
8. Sigature A PrintName Ha + 5 . tXe e Address: . z4g test AX 9. Signature ewp478Aa PrintNarrie DamI ;R1s4 Address: p/ Go 1d j8
l0. Signature: //A 'SkA Name-Pri~nt - '51%4'< Lie Lt Address': 0 01i-_5 l7 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeaedent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cognanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study -ihall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee selfassessmcnts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I / 60*1__' A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermorit Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licecnse, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a pnudent, protective and conservative, therefore,
                                                                                                                                                   .2 WE: NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature 4M 1 Print Name JBG > JG"7 i Address: - A Jc/ /pVo +
2. Signature: PrintName tL-lrf fi /fle c Address:


                                                           /i      -n4kh/4             /     ,-

i/ Q  !/ Z

3. Signature: ) f (P6. Us- PrintName -VCbYe- H ,,U Address 'A _'_

I. -


('AI %V-\+ J

1 DIjAA WA %AJ -- IM-M \11
                                                                                                \ A-,,, --~ I/ I 1               I is I
4. Sign ature: Print Name Z,*2/

Address i:Ae /*I O /9> 67

5. Signatur: z (t>QA Print Narne AU(L (1 '?f+(d1 Address: \T 0,R5 -2
6. Signature- i tNare ,A -

y. Address: 7 p- W*

7. Signature: Print Narne (ii27i> .  :-- )


8. SiM-gtv-7)K~AeA1_ PrintNarne@

Address: Lol:4C111 VI) JL6CC(IA ~ /

9. Signature: 0el Gwfrdiv [IQ/.

[Irintname Address: /7 I /

10. Signature Nae M:VUL Address: t)k 8Z('hlIe* 1 1

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repoit Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComManv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and cnrporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safely permance giving risk perspectives where appropriat=Q) evalusae the effectiveness of licesee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safey-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

U A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersw Corvoratio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and.

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of-accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mained Constecticu t
1. Signature: Print Name 4nwir,,e...i ..
      *Addfess:             .i4.                 s
2. Signate: A, PrintN2me m AC,-6b4,LlJL VOLAr1 c Address: ______________________
3. Signature: Print Name i MI E-Address- HIn 0^M g d% Vr 0lo
4. Signature: _ BAP4intNA nee Namie /rint . ..

Address: 179 P fAla Vi c'f - I,- I

5. Signature: Nsme JEA11VPrint
                                                                                             /NF6R                 /R/o/\
 *Address:/         7 Ki  i 'A                                                                     6755
6. Signature: Alp I PrintName 3
                                                                                        /-t~L)               o1c--

Address: 6eM/) 6

7. Signature: L9 i Print Name 12icl 5 i e-Address . / f kf ~"tAAA 6
8. Signature: > I 2 ) Print Name 4tL Ai4 / 6 6R Address: 6/6 3S - l j / 5/7q3 V/o
9. Signature: Printtl4ame r it \
-Address.           4 eWbr q\]X
10. Signature: 41 Print Name l44 t Address: 0 i
       - Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and pararneters provided in the report: lndeiendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;(3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safet-si0nificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

/ 4 lX v tvof:\

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends ofVermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
       . a flill top-tobottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: lame i U '

Address: , pz-ln

2. Signature:_ Print Name  : t, , NV) V- V-S Address: ZIA \\- - V, L
3. Signature: kA.A MIJ Print Name 1JtiS 1L \[l )VALL Address: 7, i'e b W -- cX53_6 I
4. Signature: lame v . .

Address: 117q / 716,301

5. Signature: Print Name U 7, U,,./4

_I/ Add ress: (6_________ ___oLn /I7 6s 76 /

         .6. Signature:*                                             Print Name             l~_I/
         . Address.          l5                   -ir     P-(          GIIJI    J,    ve      - V T OS 3Io I
7. Signature: Print Ntame- 9aga vb 7A Ai Address: 71 77 . cs;wD
8. Signature: I . Print Name t_ 3.fM^ ok 2
  • Address: l -o t ' ( GL A \fh oc-y )
 -:        9. Signature:_l-O'LQ.                  i. 4 ^              Print Nam(            (be uce ( 1).                     e             Y-Address:                                 A1 11/                                                                                           I
10. Signature Print Nameeo ° 2 vl td4 it(7/
    \s     Address:                K&                         I
         - \Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, ifpossible.
              -'ccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the raport: Indrcendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompaM.

tober 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its jgn and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently asscss operational safety

                   =rnance givingrisk perspetives where appropriate;.(3) eveduatetheeffectiveness of licensoc sclf-assessments;-corrective stions, and
             \provcmcnt plans; (4) dctermine the root cause(s) of safety-si paificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

reC~id/r\ J./. - U A CitizenFPetition' TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Venrmont WhEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterprs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 liqense, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofJaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYi join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 .

milar to Iconducted at aging nuclear plants i Maine and Connecticut Address£6P;

2. Signature: ..:- -i p  ! m 45A R
2. Sin trs / Print Name-H G & gilnj ~ -1t Address: X< ~t t D3.,-;Signatue:. Pri We t 1.-0HoWa Address:
4. Signature.

X Print:Name JM; 1.;8i ( Address: 7______________A___re _____ v_ _._v

5. Signature:A 7~ Print Name #

Address: 2 &/4ht & -, E , 0-/

                                                                                                                                                            . . : r
6. Signature:. Print Name JZICa-q-12J 4410 02!?.=

Address :k& . , __ P-1-VA-191:::17-on

7. Signature 1c~MaA.¶.etA4 I?Yit Name t\ &-ex IAiit I I~ A-
                                                                                         % I  .

Address: vt54Ph ess 3 \ *i%& s Sy Li CO

8. Signature: CIMA14f rnane Address: PC1 &A
9. Signature: e (ajm g 1 -L l -IF .:

I l l

  • Lr tws7?

Address: \ '

10. Signature: (ib,,,


                                      ;W e
                       \tC,SX O ei t Crb 9           V Jrw>5 PrintNulme VW K$^zl         5 nf V%

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cornnanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety ormance giving rsk perspectives where appropriate;.(3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self~assessments, corrective actions, and provernent plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of saffety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Pr:

i. t, 04101-A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends o-fVennont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergri Coriporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAX join us calling for a Indepenident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to those already onducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: +)S $'4SLU4 N (QAl{ Vf 3

2. Signature: -If LPrint Name N A-v Hii0 L ,

Address: 2?;1 n " . Ar^.V_-, I R-,(:1-;7QI

3. Signature.AZ /int Name *(0
                                                                                        ,1     - --

T(C&X I .a 60t V H r

                                                                   '7-          i Aaar ess:-      rr us>                              . 1 ;>2                .- V~w v L: 'lsac I
4. Si gnature: 4 Print Name (l,4 f /

Addr ess: vT- V4

5. Signature: O F Print Namq-s-f .

Address: /OrSA n C i

6. Signature: nPrint Naae Addresst __rC__ _
7. Signature: rint Name V-.lI&tt Z7A { waX; Address:.)I V ^ \ bag.


8. Signature P:ntiame .\k\

Address: MMI 34

9. Signaturee./ Print Name A*) avorov Address: l ! a JLOc) hale a ASwrAJXI/ <M-J7_ V1 . .
10. Signature: -A
                                    ,       >t             -            Print Name         (1 4rAS      2) c~rDW Address:-          \kQCI          flAL         )c4             P             g-HIUAiV,                  I/        02S0) tn his completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

rding to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indetendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnpany 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its d licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety

                 *ce giving risk perspectives where appropriate           evaluate the effectiveness of license selfeassessments, corrective actions, and (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigtlficant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Th .# ./ . . I A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterry Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, jo in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees2 similarto those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: i PrintrName ed%*

Address: '3 2k ( 5Ta. l- V 4-

2. SignaL n Print Name </C (3C2_18n 3/:),f Address: /X2 OA26 V7 ..
3. Si Print Name A 6/W Mn)E0 Address: ( ) WA4 (I°hr9 t
4. Signae: PrintName 'r 1 fSba I Ji Addrress: 1)FA;a13 lb UK Wi*L6"Y t }
5. Signature: hn~me 2biI Ar//sDPD Address: 3& RRuy 72fZbo]z-7 112
6. Signature: PrintName LnV\ Am -Det ey Address: eLA Lm9 laloc, f3 Qbm a
       *:-7. Signature              i            J R/LAAA Print Name      GZ        ,v                  e*\

Address: / I ' C ,c 7

8. Signature: Name 6 It, /(4 .
                           -.                                            ~-                                          .    -S
           ,Addressq And _.        5  1                         -btG-,    (-I wo "Aw 'A "-                -
9. Signauer-:Ct_ Ho PrintName Tk4f- Cftprs.4 Address: gokt S(3-2AC. I, + / SSIc)-
10. Signature: A 3 it Name FA) t///4#fvx A///e K5J r Address.: f)(1 C1 t f Ifrc9 // opM'x
            'Return   this completed petition via New England, Caition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible, 2 acordng to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indemcndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Com~wnvL October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformanceof Vemo Yankee toit design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess opera lst ety performance giving risk per~spectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corircte actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-s ignificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

a 1 A Citizen Petition' TO:: The Honorable,.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Scervi eBoard: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vennont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Coworation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, joous in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,
                                                        \\ sImil those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut I. Signature:      j\W                                     Print Name         kAwiwrvQ                          clad 4/         Address:               -l        fP9A     IVX        Y                      >V)
2. Signature: Cob .ilr PYrint Name C \r.
                                                                                                            - tAV\ 0k
  • w

_jL c:s-I C-Q. - Address: a W.Ih- A

3. Signature: P lr brintName Irint Name F,~b-K IN 'AiF(,r 'Aov(>ILt IV- I 114 X-1 FT-Q)(-) L-V I Al IL/ V II/ 7 k__ %_

Address: li U kJ

4. Signature: F'rirLtName r> D i_' A T- I Address:
5. Signatuee4&

Address: GIe i (-1b kAS 14( (A

                                                                 .      LAo), F PrintName W-C A      &rA, wNC7,OV\,

(iAf-L v.

                                                                                                          -Ae fV\

eq FI t-J tW-,-Z"/( ,

6. Signatrel 4Li irrt Name o6 J cxck Address:L& (A5S t) R- P-Z, 4U >;ow (s 2QiA
7. Sig it AlmeAcbyt Addres:t gt 1 V S6
8. Signature: , PrintName r X XG Address: ¢:( A  ; A4 /iI9?4 /> X6 6v/,17
9. Signature PrintName TYle1-7at Address:flCV^K~4C Ar %t 3 hi+ ./F o
10. Signature: / ( 6 j Print Name 64/Z 7 4 J e-f 2

Address: t g J By ) ?)L5 i-A) ) C-v1-7, tf70/ / ' ( ° / Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. Xaccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CoQnMPO October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3).ievaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safeby-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Publi Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermy Corrioration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vernon Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and H this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts th: could affect the entire state, therefore, i a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

- 1.      Sign Address:

a uaturv~g 191" fmil to those already conducted t agi

                                                                   -PrintN       eUea &a         J/

e1. nuclear plants In Maine and Connectic

2. Signature',", Print Name 6e 7 i_

Address: 42&7 i,///I1,zC/e 14X Ai.K 4 4-t*7

3. Signnature: nt NaL-e(/

Name /kQ Address: c l/7;. c Y.3

4. Signature: m Print Name 'c J 72&A t Address: 1A/ t't} f AcVe ft 1$,1-
                                                                       /oa                          to;o        JT
5. Signatur/ 7  :: ( .( P Print Name A-AI CJ #. 6>'*J Address: 4 /A7 ,
6. Signature: Print Name l C( r r Address: 6 M )zTe 7.Signature: I 44 1C Print Name ( C @aCS¶l E - W A4 Address:L2- ic (CV( 2L 4 W
8. Signature: 9- I t* Print Name PC P4 4 AT S Address: 03LZU gA1wC.d1w Q U
9. Signature.SM 'PrintName KAF AAAN4l\vl<

Address: 40 . d9 nt~, Ag 53d 4 /.pL

10. Signature: 6 Print Name  ;'k Address: _1 E W< X.- + 73 18
      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indvecndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cornm a October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of salety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance-

A Citizen Petition: TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Publi Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Veriono Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vemon to 120%° of the reactor's original 1973 licHqnse, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts th; could affect the entire state, therefore, a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in caUing for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 sImIlar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In MaIne and Connectic

1. Signature.__

v l~ . D__ r9 tiNameae L / _ _ _rn Address: L- 2,

2. SignaturX Print Nam e Ar wtA_Xge/

Address: - O c+79t.*eKArv-G 1 V7 O-3 '6 0

3. Signature: - G- Print Name F ll I <

E Address:

4. Signature: Print Name -1?v i ';.

Address: Be PVT 05 V\01 -

5. Signature: Print Name ;lL a LJTC)

Address: pgb A0, y CC/b/ 42Ap t/ D- C c

6. Signature: A W PrintName (h 1 \C Address: wp~~r 4bVIc LW / Z -1 O's
7. Signature: 'O",A /)Ri.Prnt Name el I Z C b ht {'t.

Address: Bet r:a n A:D f &RCl-e t3 CA VI~ eq fAm,r\J f>

8. Signaturc PrintName tt& >xW x X Address: '1Q Z 'Gt -crcV 4'A,-s kx1Tla Yw \1T 9.t- I ,a 0
9. Signature: -PrintName- la Address10:t r9 g+; ( t -ri(
10. Signature: nA6int~aMeASew ?Iu Address: < tC l I r\  ?'LthA' NtA&57 Return this completed petition via New England Coaliti Dn, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indcpenderit Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComPan October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TiWs study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-asscssments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safLty-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

t t,#u 11, A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable..James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends, of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, 41 and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, W1 V NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee; similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: ( Kl42 , Ij/ Print Name 1:I - 6 2 - '

Address. D7/ q 0

2. Signature: intName tJle_ ce 76 Address: 5 /76 0 0514
3. Signature: it Name K1vPQ&A\eC[CUWI% l Kji @

Address: 52' d L- B \LTI 530 t 3

4. Signature: int N Address: (' tCL i5 0
5. Signature: LC,?'e.- aAs . d 4 _A Print Name j CC 0. BUC Address: -9, VA GOŽ .4 .
6. Signature 27 @ T / 00 Print Name ECL 3-y\ - ---f%( 6-f-/ t Address: L 7
7. Signature: ( rint Namet I Address: tA hUi C3b \h cCsA?\

S q/

8. SigxtureY , _ Print Name 4 4;2c -* 4 e -

Address: 7 y.'gelfiaJ

9. Signature :X&#Prnntame C/46?r
10. Siature: Print Name l/W4 4/ Z\ I 14 Address: .

XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Tnderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CoMPan-October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety / performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;.(3) ivaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and / I improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance . /

                                                                                                                                         /i I  I

[a A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and TI'Le Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based EnterMy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to- 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk olaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, s )sealready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: ____ __O_________ '_______Name Address: -NDf CkOI7 J PI, ,- \tv7
                                                                                                                     '19                (0
2. Signature: 4 -v- ) J ..
                                                                      .tame                '-y12 %                                                    1, Address:10   go6t233                                                                  63q&7
3. Signature: 2 Z< A Print Namee wen*y 5-'- ,r/-l Address: M 4, A Ma .1
4. Signatur Print Name LIP Address: 2 4 abg AV_  ;
5. Signature: PrintName l Hdv/r Address: qsG( 'ail CUL
6. Signature: G Print Name Ce Address: VY I _ ra - 3 -
7. Signature: I'G t Print Name ICJ-C/

c-A 1LeX f'e  :/.

                                                                                                                                                  ~c Address:;m7    X SL$X                        $A22C5A                5 2j                                       Ga/t17-05         Ad
8. Signature:411 /A_ <PrintName Av1§ x-ERGL,
9. Si I P- Name it Aildress: \ M6 IrAgHa :1&& , aT nt!, 0 '-I int Name ti\)IO(J. SCJb ILU aXt-L
-     Address:      ll~\5                                 MA we9Q"        Sk @eAOD \                                                               .

i t Return this completed petition viaNew England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, ifpossible. i 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cr II October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee Y II design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety / performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actionw' improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety.-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. t q .

i I r 2

. 1// . (4 /

A Citizen Petition, TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterg-v Corroration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

           ,   this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk otaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut 1_(4 IA I. Signature: LA CAJY4 A' 4, LV -.

A,'.AiPrinl Nami eI i4OpS Address: . tk ~h_I ,. :I3

2. Signature:. Z-L ij (I &?-/&PrinI: Name_ I K ze &1AAWj6QLeS I

Address: MA5)Av7 f - A ,- I --. b I62;$4*4 i

3. SignatNree -h 0)

F' - ,/ Mtl 9r LW.4,(,I - . Address: lf t'f- 1 tb?:/, T. I - t,

                                                                                                                                -, ) A t
4. Signature  :: I.,',A PrinilNam6 ~- k elhM -, w4*-~


r I-
                                                                                                                                                                                    ,, .44 Address:
5. Signature :n( Name SXtt~ C aA t UL'r Address: p, (2 aO ,
6. S Address:tL Prini: Name*ŽL Address: &W s 44N~Print cR67y i IJ-l tiL-Name K2 , : 6 3i i--'Iymj 5 -fi
8. SignaturO> ).r PrinName l z:6a3 J )I I e, l Address: r77-) if0(s A A J , i i. /
9. Signature: ( ' /[4P A Name Address:
      .'                  '         '      /I in 1       ;0. fPlatIlrfe      0               ,--I A1j              ,                 Nam Pfint                  A14          ;LY/               /f<       D_, /

vv Ui , ,,Lfb~ . -JvA L  :~i, -J -/ 1- p v / (7(.. Address: (-t) / D_ p 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 1 2acording to the dcfinitions and parameters provided in the report: Id odent Saecr Assessment of Maine Yankee Atoric Power

October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. lthis study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee .

design and licensing bases including appropriate raviews at the site and e offices: (2) independently assess operaional safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate (3) evaluate t he iveness of licns self-assessments; corrective acti improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfornance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Veanont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and 'he Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiencls of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriw Coro ration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120%/o of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts. that could affect the entire state, therefore, a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2-similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticu
1. Signature: 7  % PrintName CE--Y VocrfL Address: POpH 3(K 7 UTF NEY t"T 05344
2. Signature: 1k 4. Print Name 0 OPl aM-450 w(--

Address: PC UNIX 15Y xtoAi, SaXA1S we UT ISL5I

3. Signature: (n"4 jLY Print Name B n 1-f air Address: 0_________________S3____
4. Signature:/ Print Name At6,Af&-) &O P-6,/

Address: /164 o0(doAfmfr Ri- pF VI: s2344

5. Signature:_, 9 k IAhA Trint Name tIN t\rAA - L.-;r"Z 1a rc Address:a O t P Ad) _____
6. Signatures G o Print Name lIAeP C L( .l do( )

Address: PIo 6-y ic, Wc eA

*7.             Sig                                                  Wint Name         Merorflec 4Or-lo                        4)

Address: R  ! Khj7,/ lftp

8. Signature: N aQ1 /IV

-Address: ga t'1)j~jl fuly a57m

9. Signature: )

At a hint Name Kl >. vm qft

          -Address:                 r.Xil>      l     k       Jf-a.
10. Signature:______ _____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: teatss f \/TTl

            -Return this completed petition via New England Coalitiom, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the'report Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of saferty-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

i IIaz` A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Venmont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterry Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120%/) of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 0 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts tha could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in p g for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connectic,

1. S ignatur Print NaW-Z < g-o .

Address: ,/93 G7,Ea 2  ;% s/ 6 o

            *2. Signature:                                            Print Name                        /^

l)j* ck9 Address:>OJ *lAJpl1vbd QJT k < 6mY

3. Signature: Print Name _-Tib h pi, UOA, V Address:
4. Signature: Print Name -TeffUe,,

Address: 11* lklt La /k".. 1f-f 7'4s-j. -1HS/1 /I

5. Signature: Print Name 1W 2A1 -.- -- - w - i 7 Address: 4 \9 OLA & Pti+-
6. Signaature: n-i\

hint Name

                                 'P.-  1 Address:         I                                     l                             i    1trF     O& X4t
7. Signature:g R int Name I2] C e -;

Address: K7g) ;_J__ _

           ,8. Sitna                                                  nntName                                   vlM'2ke/A Vdr e Address:                                      ;                                           ThA        o;-f
9. Signature: ,Print Name IAO.L( CuQ1l )

1.Sgaturess:'A Ow~2gP itamce, I



                                                                                -              A        -0
10. Signature:

Address: U..V Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indooendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yank-e Atomic Power CornEan October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Verront Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspedives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments3 corrective actions, a&nd improvenhent plans; (4) dctermine the root cause(s) ofsarcty-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and d this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk o4accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

   -    a fIlil top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut D                /2
1. Signature: qNIA\( I \ Print Name -1 noc uM ry V .S!.L; Address: V.. C)
2. Signature: I Address:__________________________
3. Signature: jI _ PrintName C6--A,l Address: SCCcCc RX  ?
                                                      ?Ii,        sT   --    L:>s
4. Signature: f L,/ 0 s CPA-fc__

Address: f3 E/CLA /2 V osC-l 3

5. Signature\CD \AO Q PrintName etJ CAkI CV:-\( -

Address: 6I 19'-GfON --!:i,4,f -cIIC '

6. Signature: PrintName 2o l ---Alle n,I/V C0 Wwex'ee1a__,

Address: 2- 5VW (,1 ,

7. Signature: t) H I Name 1 #,, tp r-/, U/

Address: t 7 6hc 4,

8. sintul-]za0IJlrt Name a /

I _/Z_ 1.I - _m, t.!, kov-av J - I. rP vr ( 5 LW Address: A

10. Signature: Print Name hlt. *tL I _ _ .

vC Address: S \fA Q0 "4 flvll n :; -S11 & . lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parsaneters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CoPnWvPY. October 1996, by the Nuclear kegulatoy Commission.LThis study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vcrmont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmcnts; corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriyv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and d this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepe ndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 .

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: 6 / 4 i/ I Print Name I1J -Y K0oU -P~g Addres:' ZI'q AlIw - t AAPumarac It OC- t - -. i .
2. Sign iture: Mmhetiame Go i/tap j7_

Address to AM _ _. "D 4.

3. Sign, iture:. 2 Tha Print Name ti F)7 Fe I' A Address: 3b " Ple nieth c,:D 6- Lcrn-,; AJ& D Ad 6
4. Signature: 2 PrintName 1A/uwJNJ IM+J JJ Address: 1i M( n L S9 - . h-r A-. MXA-17 2-
5. Signature PrintName .\ z Address: _ _ _ _ __
6. Signature:- t6< Print Name - ) g/ -49Y /


7. Signatur PName0 -=

Address: Gil d 4a41VL'\ t- )rb q L-r7'{ve, t

8. Signature: lrA . A PintName -W I 1\ %ev'Al Address: VACA E- (E.. Bts.A- yXP S AtA
9. Signature: Print Name <'JQuti i gp Address: i 3I
10. Signature:01A A PrintName Address: . ,

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report 1ndeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComPneW. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate of ices: (2) independently assess operational safety - performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;:.(3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee setf-assessments. corrective yctos, end

     -Improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overal performance

c-A: i i A 1-, A Citizen Petition' !l TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Goven-ior of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont YankeeNuclear-Power Plant at Vemon to 120%/6 of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts tha a

could affect the entire state, therefore, i a fulIl top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, A .WE NOW.SAY, join us in calling for a Inde pendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connectict I I. Signature: X cj i e7 PrintIame l w AdYr c (,w.I ro Address:


                             ~~~~~A __.P A:

R ^

2. Signature: .r P2 r Print N .*

AFWcjiA R S _

  • gels fu
  • Address:
        !: -a           3.SignatururirrtN                                                            fame b!Igjd          HAJseAJ Address:                            I~t:              A_
4. Signature ;4 Print N Iame Brooke Nekfe-Address: ) C(05 d
5. Signature: t Print NQame LOdise. (ojef Address: 0 ¶Iqca qP osVe V-r
6. Signature: _),4 i'UtJ9 LU\/ a . PlintName Address: NII (AtItZb ( I io, .-
7. Signaturesl IPrint Name Address:
8. Signature: 2 61//

( 1P lint Name- Li/ II Address: n ( I &S4f nl-K

9. Signature 9) PIrint Name aale I~0 Address: 2q IEA A 46 PnN---
10. Signature:. // H' i _ _Prinlt Name --- I" -

Address: - Th La - _

                         'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Ver-mont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possiblc, 2according     to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cr October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yanke' design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently asses operational safet performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the cffectivcness of licensee self-assessments, corrective acti' improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

.1/ A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable..James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public 'Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY in us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name t CAL(' >

Address: (a V A-

2. Signature: Print Name -a Pf LI >)l Address: )05 ILE I
3. Signaturel Name /3/S I477
                                                                                                                              / g Address:          S2                      A94A                                 V                    K      /3)/
4. Signature: It PrintName Go c5 fN k-Address: _____________________________________0
5. Signature: PriitName /(1(()0J6/JAe)
       '~Addres 0~~~~~~                                     ov~rsli                           -;;
6. S- nature: e/


7. Signature: (. yA d Print Name 4 r\ W-tr s Aress :1 -X CT Ci~s1YC S SignatureA d.\ Print Name Lcy e_ A- )A I Address: e m Mw x(67 EP S qT C)5' V?)
9. Signa: Print Nm) As) L-Ha I))

Address:1(( YW O(AgVQM v fD<7 3E

10. Signature: PmintName___

Address: Return this completed petition via New England Coalition., Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comf~alW. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its'. design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk per*sectives where appropriate; (3).evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, and ( improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) ofsafet-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfor ance.


.I . A Citizen Petition' TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermorit State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

    . this increase will place newstress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that
         -:could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut I. Signaturei;k_1f                       j$(       12       Print Name             eL?reiler          -     (&

Address _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 §iiU> , Print Name Lt) OEZe Address: - 4.. Signature: A tA 1A Print Name ___________________ Address: "1 0

5. Signature: Print Name_ _


      -7Signatuire:                 ,       o        I.CA P~rfrt Name               lotrtCQ()              zoCP        avK L

- 6 Adres f* a~hs/SiSa~o t ~t rQ ~ Address: ( Wigit 0 YJ , __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _  : Address LPrPrmNtame jSoke A. Pa e

9. Signatu, e Ci, /z Ale//ktfam --

Address: lio\i? r 0 /

10. Signature: k 4 IV,,(14 P Address: i. +
       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box            Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if i45possible.

2 according to the definitions and pnameters provided in the report: Ldependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comtany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and Y improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of ety sinificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 - ' A TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermv Corooration, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont.. Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in caJlli for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2
                                          -f(J,9 jmilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatur -,Print Nae r Lo 3# . LLA4 VAl Address: I45-i7g* ]),z&); Ve,4D
2. Signature: Print Name L4 r5I1C s(t Address: Kof Do)7 G{A fio/viL L uTr C 3
3. Signature: Print Name Address
4. Sigm Iture: ja l i PrintName I Address  ;. -Zy / III A a
5. Signature: Print Name JLMAolJ Address:
6. Signature:. - We Pe  ; 14; ( o cl o _,Ue Ue Address: 1Cfec'i" ,orv e S U)_wc +
7. signatur. PrintName 0d? At Address: ZfL7 {D uI Vs4Zf Y6
8. Signature: Prin tNameUGb/iiY (k t Address( 7)
9. Signature: ture Print Name ) is~ev5 Address: ____
 \    10. Signatre:      cLrune                                                    u           ;rAA, kNzram
  ;.<Address:    6;arpr                                                                                                                        -

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeDendent SafetY Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv, ober 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the cmformance of Vermont Yankee to its ign and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess opcrational safety ance giving risk pectives where appropriate; (3) .evaluate the cffecdvencss of licensee selfassments; crive ais, and

       . provement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perf       n .:-


el~I i4 A Citizen Petition1 I O'0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterey Corporatian has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lic~ense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fMll top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indepen dent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2
                                         . Snsimilar                 to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut 1 Sigate           -PrintName                                                    /lb-'Ar(/              t(Irs-            -s    ,

Address: .7 /(94 -f, _ id v P61/ F<7 5 3

2. Signature: - tN areL rlyv Addres:

3.Print ;9yi Name

4. Signature Print Name -)fI-IL d7Pee Address: 3 fO ,-l p/ t49
                                                             *-    f_
5. Signature: L 4&'-! . Y'ttuth-printnt Nameri 1 I, a- t-N6 I 7rkzj-k
                        -I -                      -117           I   .    .. I       .,

Addres s:63 OLVX 4L b l , I ' /

       .6. Silpature:g5~?                                          Print Name                     e _         rf Address:                                         V_7drV O~h,@f                                 , 4r kM       T a               1/.
7. Signature: /

Address: 97 ( q4~4i v 1411 -(jF V 1A- ri(y 3LfG( VCZ 01, Is /A

8. Signaturr &t Print Name . 56vI -

Address: uXua l /1(A vV V( .Ss3 Y6 s:

9. Signatures t ame 4<,e4q ol-44", W,---

Address.:.3L7 7> g e 44e. Ff

         \10. Signature:                                                -

Print Name , vhz'L £d _ ^ uL,h _ _ .

         \    .
                             ; be~ tfh--4/1.*- rAZ                      -L-
                ^turn his completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 7
                -ording to the definitions and parameters provided in the relit Indoodent &Lety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cn-h, 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee t9, and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices (2) independently assess operational safety ance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-ssewssments- corrective sctiOtrl gG      vement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.            /
                                                                                                   . ..       .. ..          11 114-0
                                                                                                                    -                                   - . Ij A CitiZen Petition1 I

TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Govkrnor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: anre yei nont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entermy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, N a full top-to-bottom examination ofVermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join is in calling for a Indepe ident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 A ,imilar to thos. alreadyeaducte at aging nuclearplants 1iMaine and Connecticut

1. Siginalur e2//tt in Name ALP t> VJ @v Address: 2ei3- o 3 C ' W )I O
2. Signature: 1,._ri Printa__ame I_

A____ _____ l_ __ Address: . / - { bO(4 (O c 9 C; (1( 1 ¶ VIAj, 3., Signature: W#Lct..-& 3 Print Name Raean tf PtAlxn Address 3a Ml,. h (4. 5Wd-tic ffic r V 07/W

4. Signaatre Ii &9ZA Print Namne Mih-lkl W[l 1 k58it Address:  %<<. M5 iS6 .. ,I IN - ' '-
5. Signal t urek ._A* (X Print Name CL:3io Y 0?IZk Address: W A.o.\ ;A ,r*_- \T Os 3c1
6. Signature: fyf,a,02 ,~f& Prn Vl_+IjmA 'rI.%^ - oh- / -j'1.0 I -
    -.p Address:        5l6        6fee             4t .        T5h t

a-.U 6 1 W 1: t_ I W^Vt7 L-a7

                                                                                                                                 =krtftX e vc65          ,l    VA P-       0--          34t 7 Signaturet:                      ,                          Print Name       :~ i Address:    16             iS-           A                    MW1 \ I1 1 Ir           V)T           Oi      -41*
8. Signature:i ./ Print Name e ,nfchce( e tC,hS, 4 /9 I Address: Zp A wou k j ?rcLL / le ba ro - VI,/
9. Signi Print Name e oSo S&EQI Al,-

Address: \\( w~\QtCL j , .~

10. Signature: l Vrha Name ZtJ teen QQ n t I Address- \\ b35 COM) V 0\h 40 XYyV \&b T 3 I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CMPnanY October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Ysnkee to its design and licersing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk persec*=dves where appropriate; (3)aevluate the effectiveness of liccsre self-assessments, corrective actions, and I . improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sionificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                                             , 0x A Citizen Petition' I

TO: The HonorableaJrames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee ,

(-N Isimilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants InMaine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur PrintTarne &OCC Address: j r i. V VO d3&3
2. Sign ___ PrintName _-eewt eErv. __L Address: IJ+
3. Signa J i/9 . PrintName #W4t Address:
4. Signature: la 5 I Printllare \-

Address !e . 3 O Ltz

5. Signature: \.P- Print Name II __Le L be-- n e X Address: 9\\

I L(0, 4hk' tJ4 \

,,I'an VSignature: - <Z-- /aM l,ame (4-4 C laser- 8 /°cJ _
       .   \.

Address: a I h;° - FS ,lE , V--

7. Signature- _ .
                                                                                     -_PrintName      1tIiwe                -(ew(cz, Address:
8. Signa Iture: g>(2( ~~~Print Name ^ S (a~!Ctvs Address: .t6e Print\.'

Nrweme jX . .9.Signalture: Print Name J Address:

                                           .<wReF,                                    ~~/(                          -{-OA
10. Siginature: - A " Prim Name S>Ie+PVk htu 'Ull/

OnA , PN h A Address: UN\ H c14i&tf 1AHo i2~.o. Iv AcX fl'tEv (c'315 I

   *I iReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetY Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CcnrManV October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases Including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, and 7 improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. 9 i

ILeel A Citizen Petition 1 TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterry CorDoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and d this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, .

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee its a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2-similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name )e/ gaf7 d
  • Address: . ('r~1Jjt l
2. Signature: - PrintName !(Jpr \kh tLC6 Address: PkEf-Z. 7 F5V1Z V T_ t O &'
3. Signatur n u e PrintName 74/ E. COmcS^'u/,

He 1A.-_ - o-e~ A _ Address: XL/ IVIEN N5TE Z~11 LMLtd k1 0

4. Signature: 44An. - PrintName Aado 44 Address: / , g4t AAtliA r/M42Co'AF
5. Signature: -PrintNamv Address: i7 71 5 )S3 99
  ... 7. Signature:                                              PrintName       C"Sib1ef'IOtt0-                  '

Address: (91 04(- *& i~S(0%0k(Ve_ :Fx((C e 6I )r

8. Signature: I Print Name ; 4;& C Address: if LA S `o I- -I
9. Signature:I 9 / < T'rint Name /Z LtA~,BJ 1. K&'L'rr.

Address: III lZ gjJ E Ri -F J iv o;a -,s

10. Signature: >A;I& ;774J

bw. o A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The 'Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont

  'HIEREAS,               Louisiana-based Entermy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a    this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's; aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fulal top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE      NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: intV'-/U liame_ _ _r____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: r> . AA

2. Signatu_ Name G- 1 )v/\ \-V Address: )g
                                  \     ____ __  ___



Print G, I tcJ- -DE~C

3. Signature: . 1 Print Name ,9+zZ A D. 15^t-P-Address: Z' H~/44' 5. 3D eC 8R e~eA5,L/1 o5301o
4. Signature: g PrintName 12>A\J £) t>&oG -

Address: 4k3C(4

                                                                <                                            i-      5&OI
5. Signature: Print Name Address: ,& 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __cJ
6. Signature: Print Name intY h696 Address: . Or 00531(
7. Signature: \p
                                                                         >Eint Name           ,1in . IA-e(
                                                                                          .----       w6. lW, - Qk,olq  l
                                                                                                                         , 0-"_

Address: II-T J - U4


L a l itzr ,*fcy 7

8. Signature. V y -

Address: /)5- MFP4U~2~C Zb 3M.

9. Signature: 1iAI C,:1E Print Name FA-Te ckL IA&A+W Address: , f 3 C-- L4 - S*- :,f "I d- / -
10. Signature _Print Name 4 fIQ//

Address /4 A i gj yl zj A x#zS*)J.

  • Return this coipleted petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rport: Inde!Wndent Safety Assessment of Maine YankeerAtomic Power Co=RMn .1 October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate ofces: (2) Independently assess operational safety

perfor-ance giving risk perspectives where appropriatc;.(3),evaliue the effectiveness of licensee selfzassesments. corrective actiOns, and improemecnt plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on ov performance.
                                     ..   .   ,,. ..       ...       I ..                           .                           ' e:.
/   /
i?; /. -

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: MOM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont

  'WVIEREASrLouisiana-based Enterrv Coroo ition has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk oaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 .

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut nA ..

1. Signature:_ __ _ Print Name At-c d 'ri{Ach - __ _

Address: I\ £ ,1- $1. Ye*Ilows Ld.t, - -i VLr 0 /

2. Signature: 'q(AAA' I PrintName Kiata scan M tb Address:77 91- X1 ' 2 Ai y r- b
3. Signature \iPrirnt Name El ice be+/-ts u3&

Address: fit)*A~U/ t~^)i Cg (} I aVT4

4. Signature: f PritName ICy-Address: 21 Bled 2 i eutfJej8 \ tb 0
5. Signature: Ature: Print Name c j1i hp ),rLa k(s4s terv-a{
  • _

Address. i(k3 v- - , iArt4-,4 I- . ,


i, .

                                                                                                                              . 1w L'         ,

d1 3YL

6. Signature: ce~ 2 I L4(! Print Name Dot, A 1JQc Address: 86 As-A ff ut h^ d >T 05st
7. Signature:,- Print Name G~l4;(? g Address: AfC 1D1 AKF 11a- a
                                          ~                        I          }        ,
8. Signature:_Q=1 . 2- J1 W-Q PritName _ L- Aim . A.

Address: 8C fdo St. L.e eoL AAA' .

9. Signature:X . ,
                                                            *-                               :        Print Name         ,

KiX45 NELTSOA. _ _ _ _, _ Address: 30 4 -/0o92_ 4 4A -

10. Signature: s LI7 4( PrintName COHN__ rip. (4,10 .. .. _ . . _ . . _ .

Address: I] j Lwid mLhatr eC t( -J l XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indemondent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComrlV' October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. His study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yanketo its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)sevaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, a.d-/ improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

  • _-.

to,.I.4,0 A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WH[EREAS, Louisiana-based Enteru Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 slmllar to thcse already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Y1/4 Li Print Name k\a-6c k Address: t(2,b _ r(4A\Ae_- A PoL-,(h A 5I Ii  :
2. Signatture: -4 PrintName CWi& U_4'-

Address: 117 t\-i-(,tT L . PIJIEt-.;j iA crT3iL,

                           /:                 lt     tN~s
                                                        ,1       1Iti                                                                                    .,
3. Sign ature- mea62/n~ SAWcal
~~~ .<{i CiA>e C% )s Address:

1 J . lI

4. Signature. ¶G)- Print Nam e *1wA I _'\  !' Cb \t 5 Address: a2 T CC ___ _ _ _ C__ _ _ LI r _
5. Signatur e OK__ PrintName______ _ __ __ _


6. Signature: Print Name L 4i4 (M-A r);-

Address: _ __J_ __I_ _ __

7. Sign Print Name c cQ oJ Address: G__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __S_ _ _ _ _

8. Signature: 16 Pr intName VA 4 Address: W >)c,- V
9. Signature: PrintnName Address: 39 7
10. Signature: F _____rint Name__

Address: omlt pN g o I% . Retum this coompleted petldon.A'4,New linglmnd Soalition, Box 545 Brattleboro, Vermon't 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible,-. , a g to the fiitions and et provided In the report: Indiendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power October 1996, by thei~xclear Regi Cimission. This stu s1ail:h (1) indfpendcntly assess the conformnance of Vermont Yankeecc

ti C'14' iF A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: {t - FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont S W: E AS, Louisiana-based Enteryv Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Y an k1ee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: AodtL4/ -PrintName 2>0re , 6kfe4 h Address: / (r~S57 kcA ie-Ste F
2. Signature-: . id 6)C-A-41 4 IE'rint Name ,/vI 14W I4- r ,f 5 g7S C6q Address: 4 W c-5k  ; (D P -Ur Al (0 7IF 6
3. signQatur Q Print Name ci~rNk)\ Ccc\c c@ ((

Address: Li 4q &Lro - ' Q A ka':M 4 1)T- -

4. Signature: P ErintName CAhAht '. C ke Address: 6 Q 4 - I Vt.

l '6 L/r

5. Signature: PrintName \A( f Address: -
        -;    6. Signlature.       /           7O                                  ritae                     LlQ4       .V Address:             (-;, ( dAi"                     VPi           -            -ck(tC9-'                            OAA          od13o
7. Signature: * ... Print Name I - r' i-(2,lIIA( -V-
  • A rlAra C )T i.)A ) . 'P' . ,--D. I26n j )r
               -    -             A      M;v3 1W           L., t     L,   U     i     -    -        lI    rA    I . L  I            I        t
8. Signatur/ - 24,zI Print Name Address: / f1O7 a2  ; 0/

4 , ,,

9. Signature: fi-> Print Name ,M tUw 6x&

Address: dU'14oressfA-. -2 ve hCwr OA

10. Signature: IkVL-tQMzaatName C(O%+Th c f-C. J (K)
       -Address:          p 5>tO i)^\~      ) S MuRetu tis h completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 acording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indevendent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atornic power CompanY. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporatc offis: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriatc; (3)- valuate the effectiveness of licens= self-assessments, corTectivc actions, and improvement plans;:(4) determine the;root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on ovcrall performance.


I/ A Citizen Petition'

                                                                                                                                                             .I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:                                                    Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The: Vermont Department ofPublic Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont IWHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Cor-ora tion has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Venw - i-Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
     '    a ifll top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee                    i; a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, W              SAY, join us in            calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2-.

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut I. Sighatur>P PrintName A rA Address: ( B90c4 S:2 QJa 06 . T C *f

2. Signaturei 2ii;k T. - A Print Name- -F , `L-r-FIJI - - . / Ir I I Address L3Z ~ / - -O IV T- (J
3. Signi ature: thi PrintName AAhh 144l)r"
 ' . Address                                                     S                                         Ihy.
4. Signgi ti '_ PrintName AZ, -1/C  :::j(


5. Signature:. -~ _. -Print Name - Wi& .

Address:-s-,- L ck

6. Signature: L v/ ]PrintName ___0____t_

Address: &L( l[-/t/ 'M Ilh, 44 / VJ- f.V4

7. Signature:
              -             A
                             !/I-0 I ti    S_        I 12( i                Piit Name                     _
                                                                                                           . . 111r-g 14 11, l   ,   * -

rr,01 I I IPA . -- V

                                             <    (          AD)o i                if          1.   ( ),

Address: wU r 2 o Wt,- A] V I U))J c>) Ii.

8. Signature: --Print Name Y\ b _ NX(' \-

Address: ) o ACo)DCH

                                                         \\9             )\       ;)JQ                             At                           * ?t
9. Signature2 Namear *-

Addresis: ,- tKRS A 7!9 (1 (1 X7 10.S g a ae// R . Address: t

        . Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, EDox 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rmport Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co-manY. October 1996, by te Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) indepndentlyass thc conformance of Vermout Yankee to its. design and licensing bascs including appropriate reviews at thc site and corpoiate offce: (2) independently asscss oprtional safety performance giving risk perspctives where appropriate; (3)--valuate the effectiveness of licensee self-assssmeaxts; corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) demine the root cause(s) of sae-s ificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I IAlp"

                                                                                                                                                                                   ,I Lr*,F, -.
    • .< 'd/1 A Citiz;en Petition'
                                            .~              ou                                                                                                    .
  • ITO>HnTh The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licsense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ohacoidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2-similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name 1'Yi /\-I '"'f -

Address: I v bYPHb.,.

                                                    / J v

(-' 1a IA Pi At7. VU 'J1/Ji IVPtYW V l - V-I I) 3

2. Signature:.4i4pld I a% 2 A Print Name e' X~eJ/ei_-

Address: ( 7 ;i(Y 5 & r a& c_45X(____

3. Signature: k\ Print Name e-- -

P Address: AII V+ _ _

4. Signature: \, I- Print Name 6frsc t4tr-i Address: gd 1 dcL Cfoeo(,4AQ ka( (tvpxfif@R 7 J Os 3q,6
5. .
5. Signature: _4719 Y.' EP Print Name - l A4g-( L. a- 1AAl Ja-/

Address: -9 Sg. 0-v-L '  % , G- 0 5-.3

6. Signature: Z tf alte U . M-P PrintName CIZiAgET1WJ 54ALLCIJ Address: -. B 0XY a8 L P unE-&, ./'r. 'S39 G
7. Signature: $ Print Name CVJZ+/-K)..


8. Signa ture:4 T-1 37'
                             ....- I 4

P 1r vev-wx*_- tf--r Print Name (6W V J< La 9+ -. alj C. v a, Tv .


Address: (+&+............ f-:@r a~ 1\t zo

9. Signa tue 2ame r ~CUW NJWLI Address: O'P -7
10. Signaturer
  • _- I PrintName
                                                                                                             . 7
                                                                                                                    -. .       i b P-tM ee-Address:        (0(        6       <                                                               V/
Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeoendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comrnpan,

           .October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently asss operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;.(3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

copies' A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve-&ont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterpv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee 's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts tha t
  • could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 -

fld similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print: Name (PA4 i SHfif)I° /.4/ -
2. Signature: Print Name.SZ-I-1 (JILej- 7 Address: l/ t9 . I
3. Signature: Print Name L_ ' } i-gAI Address:,tg 6i \ s~ ) 1 /1
4. Signature:_ flit Name ( I AcidC PaX Address:
5. Signature- int Address:. _ _ _ __W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __/_:
6. Signature PrintName!9Z fZYTi)5 \L. X( 0 Address: C'v
7. Signature: .: E7 Z...Z ox Print Namt7 r' -e i-Address: - 2 oxAe St bevb-o If 0 7p/
8. Signature: m en Name C r C e 6y5 uEao-rOAVT 05330/

t Address:

9. Signature: Print Name K&V ~ A&C 0


10. Signature:

Address: 1? ca Rutv HIQ/ S'it 1

                                                     ,     4 60 nt     Name AO2SOK'O

vT V ICH'eWl £, 64 1 V

        'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2October according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comanv, 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety

      *performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition - TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve~hont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service-, FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiiends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterm Coriporaition has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire s we, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bott exa ation of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, *n calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 milar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature2 WPrint Name _a___ Le Address: /IfIs 5t A:& -fr4 Ww" LI ec31
2. Signature: , , ,, An,- _

C .L _rint Name Kc&AJ V C)9 -4 Address:

3. Signature: PrintName }NiWA i ,j,,d(d U

Address: P,U)fkiix( jNY3 bSc4,bon le V-F' Ai/) Z_

4. Signature: JJAd I.-' -


                                                                           .   -1    I I        ame      )f e Address.    &kA                                                                     :.             7                              -,                 a 138/
5. Signature: - / Print Name 0eol. , 7 I':Sr6 H > Use v Vk - %r o 7 -

Address: q ,6

6. Sign / , Print Name s JARL`S Pe, Ils5 Addr By1 'P> 4V74 II/T
                                                                                                             /     f#T--
7. Signature:. I . Print Name GA av / Ii oh A.e-n I<


                       -   _<rou;          s    a qxs.__

i _

                                                                     £N           - -( ,                         At, I-         REVW        .>'W
-:I Address: RuI r, B ya God O n</y z~
8. Signatures, Al
2. 3 Print Name I-> Il Address: _ .. A
9. Signatu re A A 'I LT rName lW aAX 1V Address: 2(01 9\0O L fx\?a 41e 1CWWAd \V1I oES53
10. Signature: A N I'd VV -

AA I (':IJ t

  • l I - S -)

Print Name eJ qLP ILv 6( e'-1 S. i , s - . . . _ Address: Il4o

                                  ,L*8                                          tL-a 1 e. Titsud [-T OS 7 VS                 .

I I l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) esaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

iI ago (el 00*4 A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve-Anont Public .Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entemy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

    -      this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2
                                     --                            similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name lt) 40AtR- I w?5 -- -

Address: L,>txAA~ J %vvc Adr c 1.6 WwyAIlI I i

2. Signature: - Print Name Address: iM)) 6; wimtA4 . .- & A. ...
3. Signature: Print Name Address - 0:4:-" >s 1 , ' '  :
        .. Signature:                             (Name                   n Address:             l/                 *T              R           iml           I   LI
5. Signature: -Q Print Name , CC8q I AO. Thcv0,c 11 Address:l
6. Signature:
      . Address: V1ti9, Etch         op ip ,

Jv Go - S-T


24-a3EZA TLE goy-o Print Nam( 5ons\ eAr Ia .,

                                                                                                         \)c 0-W:;bJ Ci 0 S3o0 I
                                                                                                                           -,~       _6 1
7. Signature: _-3;:;, Pri ntName 7JLo \31 ;q A2Lt tAuUress: ,.

AIA I vI ;F -.I ovxvsc, I LIII rag ItI 0f) IxM 9.,4flJ, YV -- Iv ltlg .. ' vV

                                                                                                                   -t-')        A c,    X, cs i.
8. Signature: Print Name pry q Address: 56 P
9. Signature: 47ezp Print Name 5 f(Se_ I yAr-Address: sn rL Af k<nql
10. Signature: Print Name / beiC- o/4;/Q Address: lIl w din IS1AIIeP &I; PLi (u/i f30\

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compamn. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;- (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions,; and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

4.-' A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve-tnont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of PublictServuie: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterey Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's origihal 1973 license, and

   *  . this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant.blackouts. that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY,                  join us in calling for a     Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
                                                         ;~ilartohose already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signa tu re: it Name Jots Fed lk l1.

Address: 6' 4 M*,'e  :? P

2. Signature:.~ Iw A A r
                                        ,           E4y       rint Name            E9I ?r2!6              f         26       SS 1c Addres                                                                                        \fT                   o 3.Signature:                      h                      I(

rin~m~fi7 la g Address-: > l i Xr4 HuPiq,1 h >i4/y6

4. Signature: HiM'fl4 c7y$ Print Name ¶DE&RAI4 Address: 6 NWEAS t W14ITE LA415 ,- R- _ tr c 4_
5. Signature: (9 _Print Name J)(C f (55 Address: 'I V >A  %'cn.
6. Signatur Print Name /1 ,l/ Odk Address: /A t1iX' V1 5>Y6
7. Signature: Print Name S jir /ca Address: t'T 65e ,A
8. Signature.TA t~~L 'A)

A1PitNm I cUk 3 Address: ( KbP> Ad~cA6e~6tc-1 IJ+ Db*T4ft

9. Signature: _PrintNam Address: c k!A-A "3
10. Signature:. Print N t( .[L ;an Address: nab eA c+ 6Y
      ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                     , . . ...............     .....  ...   .... , _-    I I>,X i

i/:S-e >

                                                    '       A Citizen Petition,

.TO: The HonorableJaames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee'NuclearPower Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and-this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, ar to those already con"c d at aging nuqear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: /( i 4/da Print Name ,9A /7 I t Addr 4Ay hkB e'l 2.dress: /7 4
2. Signature: n 4- Print Name ;.lt¢qs Address: V0O 2oi 5 s - ___ Ie i1%J
3. Signature: a ° Print Name VD Shaftt}

Address: D'o gone -Wyr :Pq1Crf

4. Signature: 'A ) V int~aPrint Name *U \Je ;nher'. . . . . -1) . Ti Address:iP §1'1 V)\Jeuf b'534C
5. Signature:. Name iE)nCt L~.{/E 9,Lau" I-.

Addressit: C jil tJ lt'Q Print Na m 1 cl M

6. Signature: PrintName [<Asv A 061ui-c Address: Bidi Lynch
7. Signature: Print Name T41 (eSA (:>c Address: -VI UA. l%t/t- Ai}H )((3
8. Signature:2;i PrintNamek s;L-§DU;!s Address: &)eCs4ry,' we +,e r l t
9. Signature.tA1s Print Name IAeFfSftc)l Address: 2d- dJSH ~i-U /f0SG
10. Signature: Print Address :Th  ? S7 3 I). a C)S (Ž Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atonic Power Comcew. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assss the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety pe*rmance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions,- and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safiety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. A

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Ve&Anont Pu Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120%,'o of the reactor's original 1973 license, and u this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents arid blackouts tha could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connectict

1. Signature: .Uj ';W. PrintName _166l, A4PoRrckg Address: i) etz~~i i' tvr7,Sy VTrSly/, t
2. Signature: AZ l . Print NFame Dw h26 Address: GiO PgAr as-2 POT)7S7e
3. igature: 4 .%.'6. CAJve,AL~,- Print N iame 1k10-LAL/tW Address:
                  '-TL-N              i              4H                 PJV21J"__6              V VT- 0'6?e54_.,                                .
4. Signature: Print Name atL4 L>oFi j- +-+/-

Address: F' I I 1.r I) 1,

                                      -ll ._.

I I v

                                                                                       /               vd
5. Signature: Print Name 15M.4A1 .,

I ,


x , , __

                                                                                                                                 -I-- . -

Address:- . qjr_010 r.., LJr oa 3YS6

                                                                                     *I        X
6. Signature: (3AO,&A. 0- . 1Print Name "T k"3Y-e.' U I-fin d  : - , .,

Address: USA--l 7J 9h& f16ho--- 1#,It s-

                                                                                     . I--CT&    -(       r          &
                                                 ,,    a,,_,                               N
7. Signature:-hJ j.} t Print Name  ? VJ& I ( ~ i Q_

V Address: ) -7 Ai Ž--k

8. Signature: Jv'CcA V-weel. d I Print NfL: A V4.. . I .... t.

6 0 In"-6 0 Address: iEg4twl CI & b )r ktT,

9. Signature6 1 4-,w Print Name J u r>IA) .L Address: ~;'7L~e J ___ - 1. -
10. Sinature:

Addrsk XrLA H


o-, (\ B(1( _ _ c ___ d f w

                                                                             -,.         RI-.

Name IL o Name! 1 4 lo

                                                                                                    &Ar-o -~ Ls m fi
                                                                                                                    )            KIn)V            .CZVA               .

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalitioan, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: inde~endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comran' October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Tis study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safzty-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislatiurei VeAnont Public Service Board: Vermont;Spte Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WhEREAS , Louisiana-based Enteryv Corroration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of' ccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signa PrintName SA @

Address: l( 6/11 pIVakV

2. Signature a PrintName 52'CaL -i  ;

Address:. IS,4 i iA - q+at w3 3-[t

3. Signature: I , Print Name At" \I u) J Address: I Wm OA k \f-
4. Signature: ____ PrintName C,) dtpvAA Address: 9c, 0 IO q iA. C.W225Z,
5. Signature: _________Name. lip_____
6. Signature: Print Name _ tt/I& WAlf Address: T t g aw &r;; /
7. Signature: 7 int Name fi° ,.
  • X v * ,,

Address: 9 (t4'g Y% K A&

                                                              >:          l"_5 Ad                              6O/      if -
8. Signature: re.'- t NtName Ad ~f e/l-Address: 24 .0H \)t2AV
9. Signature: ___ Na e ) n{ki Address: 6
10. Signatur Print Name I f ;5 Address: 2M1 23 U lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repot: Indemndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sile and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appriatc; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, and-improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

I 1./i A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable*James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The.Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WT EREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Y-ankee NuclearPower Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licpnse, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk otaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeei, X ,,, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatur_ _ _ Print Name 64A a? TAt L .>A>.
                                                                                                                             ,r Address- 9 2= G             Off-"     SIiT             .     \sJ-f    0S   o07
2. Signature ture. WPrint Name U Z) 1 Address: 5 2 ) 4Ae_,_AI1 P UCt (u ,( h Y~_It) -~ b Print Name X(1f4g-k1 // 7
3. Si gnatur2wc~W~Y~
   -;-- Address:        / Gtt        5              4?                                            0/
4. Signa hture 4 . ;7.Print Name s n.,- C/a-Address: :A Hi RcngZ IK4L =J1~

56 A

      . Ad5 SignatuiereCOI                                           PrintName       D2ul'         / 5 f//PyJeA/       J-J Address:      ,                )( g            l () 1\°,

Address; > a.~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ - , FMb

7. Print Name e 8t(>

Address t (D S-;7 31B

8. Signature: PrintName -A Addrs s4 WA I V
9. Signature: PrintNxne A\

Address: 5 5Vi i  ! A I

10. Signature: GaA~ d-&-s- IPrint Name AOA A Address: Z G A-) 6t <c.X wey \/JNT XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, ifpossible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reprtt Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This *tudy shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the siite and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfmance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3):evaluafe the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of I  ;,t Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont; Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Signature:(X a- 9,7 Print Name: l id? Je eJ7 Address: f, .'

                                            ,       f City:  a,-"                   r-v0          State       C/r                  Zip     CUD/

Phone: A'dV/ A t 2_9 Email: 3i( Q !/ffi7A w(41 Registered to Vote? <> r

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Arnod: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimium, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of 'Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:. Signature: -1/ Print Name: JU// Address: City: &C /I 0 , F// Z State- Zip a6 Phone: 002- c(67! 6/( Email: JT [t &A &Ac- A C5C' Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James . in t: Members of the Public Service Board of Verndog-- Vermont State Nuclear Ad \JV\Y q Department of Public Service: FROM : People (voters wh ri.b $ , Nl ,:idvisiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power P1 f 'f VY) a 71i&~ t5di ly affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air o A. i i. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: Print Name: J 5 htk, 42 Address: Se C r C-City: J I l 71 G iJ State( Zip Phone: .___ Email:

     . Registered to Vote?

A Citizen Petition' \ \ TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governorof Vermont: Members oft 'ermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public SO FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation! has applied to super-kd a Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1971; Li. this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk oii . - .ackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

2. Signature: . Print Name o 4- M . 1 JJi Address:
3. Signature: Print Name____


4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name_


6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name_


8. Signature: Print Name_


9. Signature: Print Name:


10. Signature: Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: 1nderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vermonp Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • PROM:People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:

      .Signature:                                          ___

Print Name: T i

     *Address   44-'-qf' A         &         Rrd             e     .A e City: 4az/ld4h)                             State      f                     Zip     O)Cd7 Phone:     _______________                           Email:

Registered to Vote? ((5

  • I

A Pertition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon ,' Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FiROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as nossible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: 5/ Y5-

                         £I/*4                      5I    4 Address:     /$ L          kkIE        /L4F~C City:            TTLA             4'         State    VT                     Zip     6S      9  /

Phone: 1 )-? 'V-O3 Gil 3' Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernonr. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: F*ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of'Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name-II) La 4 e- C; Address: 10' ' 4/ t at" X City: State 7 Zip C fo Phone: Z 3Email2I tLd f Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernonr; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (0) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: _7 Sz ) Print Name: A.N h-z< C Address: 'cy< AQUA Q CityX.>\>N A-\\NV State Zip________ Phone: <3toa 3 Email: Registered to Vote?

  • A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Veribriff Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts'electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes'of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance. Signed: Signature: ()*1 1%Z-Print Name: Cd Address: Il L)f a , n-0 City: State Fr Zip C) S 7) \ Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? 24v

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VerAor Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont; Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potenlially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release ,at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fiinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: /4a1 6- 64 , -- Print Name: 2A/AZ *P7 Address: /1 Abu4 b City: l o State Zip __ ___ _ _ Phone:_ Email: Registered to Vote? Y,


A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board W E: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 124  ; Print Name rtT/IIA)6 /OOtP Address: 5- WK/i VI L 4 k)/ P L City: State Zip d3a/ Phone: 5O2-2f{-  ? / Email: Registered to Vote? YES

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernonr,' Vermont State Nuclear Advisory PaneL and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimnum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: Ai'0v C/iL Address: l? t74 lot t City: R4[ IeLc State O53 3Zip Phone: (iS 2) 37 -/ Email: S >71-Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver~oit Vernont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minmLum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and bythe Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetv Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission- This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments,. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Ace d Print Name: S C lt Ntoil/d y Address: City: _ ___ __ __ _ _State_ :_ Zip OS p Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

                                                                                                      -fp A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vei*Jox Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimnum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetq Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission- This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: ___ Print Name: M.K LA. Address' a City: IfATL9 W State _. Zip 616/ Phone: ,1l lSY St6 / Email- Y.Ai"reJ54 62t' ,, Registered to Vote? /k 44

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve4rof Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature: be___,__cat_ ___ Print Name: \A . Address: (t -- . 4 City: Ampk i State \j~Zip a 5-36o Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? --L _

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veoi&g Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FIOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: y Signature: Print Name: jn /. j lJae; Address: to>) '1/2'&'>4 <iCiif 4

                                                                 §1 City:                                       State    V7l                     Zip      AYg2 Phone          2                 9                   Email:P-      it          9f       .

Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Public Service Board of Verptkj Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as t]3e increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: i 1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: 4J I /&.f al Address: 8 .I,1/4oo S Ae -i City: Ad State_ 7r Zip 3 6 Phone: Sa'z- 3&7 Z3 1/ Email: 'vwqA0 bevy Ad Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verto4< Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department.of Public Service: F*ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by l lOMegawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 3 1 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: Coe

  • Address: 3 PY'c SCm J City: C/ It VT State
  • Zip i152)(

Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veix Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, aid visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the- - Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvernent plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: La/6J A I Address: 2$-C l1 t City: / 4 0J ?a? State Zip GYio l Phone: 0? 5f Email: /\I,6A&1p 5g l1a7 L C7 Reaistered to Vote? r

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermontt: Members of the Public Service Board of Veibonf Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, arid visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original. design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews alt the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 'ZC- 4l Print Name: Loon I e- Fe- l e_ Address: 3 _ %yt+ c City:_ State V/f Zzip 5 -3S13 Phone: 3(e5*q-Tf Email: i\IWu0QJ\(tCS eQ Registered to Vote? i-,

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veivt Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signatur Print Name: Address: City: State Zip __ _ _ Phone: -Email: Registered to Vote? /

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Ve*4 Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont. Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of'Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: at - Je) - Address: >L0 Cc*' s City:. (5,A49 U-- State V I -Zip cr20! Phone: Di) Y 3-6 Email: li1Ie2 a Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verqtwfft Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Signature: Print Name: A914v,) *f Address: Al 179 4-rs Js-r (acs,- City: o 4J State__/r zip /)63() I Phone: Email: £ddjas (, saGv/. A117 Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verbtt Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FRZOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (11) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature:: Print Name: 4 ( CAoc 7 c<er Address: t A-IULV y6 . City: State IJ0 Zip 1io I Phone: O n9L] - Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition / TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernorn Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermornt Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as sooII as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: MAi Address: 5Ui City: State_ i r Zip Phone: rQ 4)g. ( 06i Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve*~o1( Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont. Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potenl:ially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: rf7 (I~eL

                                               ,f7 Signature:..

Print Name: 5W 106-y C 1ysfft Y Address: .2 3 e %s/ A Lco

                                                                 /4, City:    (    . tt   EvA o                  State_    (l C                   Zip    °  f 2CZ 2 Phone:                                                E    m      i:_            _       ___Email:

Registered to Vote? )4s

A Petition v TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver/ont Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the flinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature:_________ Print Name: Cx tjLl ~ CP53 *A 1('I. t Address: \ a 0t 'v 5 ' 1e ( L zvV Qa city:.~c0 Cb 0 State V Zip o 3 e-Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? l/

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve~ e-Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont: Department of Public Service: FRtOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potenLially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core-will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetO Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Dae= Q Ai' J> Print Name: f T G-1rr 1(1Ycrang/ Address: ID 9 kS h "!j4 St City: - State Zip 6'36 / Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? I §

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veoort Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fiinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: / VMtM cO(Q, Address: City: A -S o State Zip C <3 a 1 Phone: -A 4(C) Email: (K\o7 57 Le;)a c Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verdod. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, amd visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mirimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent SafetV Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: Address: IAM& PAZ City: , State Zip ___ __ __ Phone: 2 f3 - za Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve#Wtp Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FiROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subj cted to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 1, At A Print Name: . ,zV [I M l Address: I -3e ~ ~ MP D (A City: trctAe1 kzr 0 State _ _ _Zip P6 l Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? t fS _

A Petition V TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veylanf Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core-will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature I.4 P Print Name: Hbse 2oOCS eaA Address: n-J (217 City: M(d Io State Zip_ ________ Phone: - * -tEmail: cas () @velr, -S ' Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VeIort Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts elLectrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core-will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: p L e Print Name : K ) J 2 IT? Address: 194V 9Li 9 City: ;r-a 14 E State O4 Zip )' Phone: 57-< 4-6 Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition t TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve4+iiL Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: -FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release. at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: l}C1 G idA( Print Name: g/v em CrOaven Address: HmzeSt City: Stated Zip °3 Phone: 4Z5I 11 3 -Email: Registered to Vote? U et

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VeroV Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Signature: l"J(2P(Lp Print Name: (lo a'w bj rr. Address: ___________________3__Go_.... City: 5, State ipF Zip 0szof Phone: -56 7- - t / -Email: y1\y, Q/rX A)' 0 d Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO': The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Ve&&oU Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the flinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimrnum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (lyiftdependently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature: ceJ o f Print Name: Oo 9 v Cr Address: _ C\53 S(' City:. 9 -d ) State_ Zip 01 Phone: Email: Registered t6 Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veil Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature: . Print Name: aw'h 3vi. _ Address: fJ*sgm *+/-S at City:_ State 7Zip 6Y 3D I Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermonit: Members of the Public Service Board of Verft-nk Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore thev demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: iv 7 W/ Print Name: kA6l AK 1kL Address: 2)R 3 ci ty YY l it State I Zip Phone: S ->2 X Z1 22 Email: Registered to Vote? IA

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vetol< Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall:. (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments,. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature:. Print Name: e ThV (e Address: bon 7 $ City:_ State. vP Zip 6 3 (4() Phone:(tp 2) Zt¶'-2(p'YZ Email:__ Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verfkri Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, ard visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mini.mum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews alt the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: /X_ __ _ __ _ __ _ Print Name: 16 C4/ 6& V JC/\- Address: Alt ___ City: . WAN; State Zip oSCo/ Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? !A'

A. Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vei Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FiOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: ______ Print Name: 1R r\ 1 eA Address: i c city: -State- Zip Phone: 2 3_ Email: ____ _Or________ Registered to Vote? ( f -

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veanoik Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetv Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the-site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: S

                       \A Print Name:        vz, kV\   I\^,     co.w4h          S Address:     '    ;      R te         R     -

City: . ,~ ,. State Zip Phone: -Emi:_____________Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verbdt Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont: Department of Public Service: FRZOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: j29- / Print Name: ZeLLwcra S'Col( /I Address: 96 cI QJ City: P.An State _< Zip a523 !4 Phone: "RW-7 P -L171-. 4 Email: Registered to Vote? e CS -

A Peatition -Aer TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Veronl Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as sooni as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Signature: Print Name: (/4/ I1'1 Address: 6; 5 City:. S (a /l7p fo State Zip_______- Phone: <;%', Email: Registered to Vote? 1e2 V -

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company? October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: A Ct d d Address: tZ F (Cp S City: i;)W / State Zip 5 Phone: 7*Z2t T Email: Registered to Vote? fak f

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VeJ1Aip - Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetv Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan,. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Print Name: C myde V Address: fkT a r e C 1 V1\ Arc tJY & City: State Zip o*3(. Phone: :____________ Email l :____________ Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Ve~otf& Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts elLectrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature:r: Print Name:

  • Address:

City: Ia ;k46 State_ lV/ Zip a 5Sc / Phone: ,2s6-i- ( US Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver4f& Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company; October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Print Name: Address: t ew r 9 a4A City: ? rai ls Vd State Zip ~ (g2_ Phone: a° tA Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veoortf Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sigrned: Signature: ___ Print 'Namne: i Address: ,2 c( XL rae4 City: State___ V47 Zip (5sC' Phone: 2 -e) Email: Registered UP to Vote? / Jt, N


                                                                                                              ~4; A Petition                 .4 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Vergi Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currency operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 4__ if__ _ _ _ Print Name: v 63 ) /P 0 X Address: 3 4r A  % 2X'v City: /130 A State zip J Phone: 2s / / Email: 1/2 @e Ampe Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VerWBot Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the origlinal design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: Print Name: ___ N? Address: V VI{) %A City: State Zip _______ ____ Phone:__ email: Registered to Vote? A

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont- Members of the Public Service Board of Vet~xo Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: +)j6W1 \ (9 < Print Name: JUJ do . VC {l lC Address ?O o S y X2 City: etX-tM(Y1f Y>tbv)< State VT Zip 0 T 3&7 Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Verd6ne Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: F*ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concernexpressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 7 Print Name:rri i?/ Oe /74) 4 _ I 7 Address: iI

  • ax c S + 6, X City: \ P c L braro State \ J +/- Zip (I D i Phone: L< K' A O6,7 Email:

Registered to Vote?

A Partition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve*ibnrh Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Department of Public Service:

  • FiOM:People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), 'and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners bf ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concernexpressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Nam 75C O (Nc i Address: City: arS 0 OCO State Zip c Phone:_ Email: Registered to Vote? ____ _

A Peatition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VeAtVR Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing-output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature:_______ Print Name: .ey-ru. L. Address: 3( g 0 I~\IYs City:. ROA- bOrZ State \1r Zip O535Z Phone: $6lb- 3 g'cifl (/_Email: 'IJSo SoVe rie Registered to Vote?

A Petitiona TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected, to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: O k Print Name: LiscL VCarC a Address: City: tfaAeA\Of ri State Zip oSSO l Phone: So, a 5 q - Email: Registered to Vote? A CV s \GiC i\ 0Y

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vent Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minrimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the. effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: Luyo QC1f (t et Address: jOg'i I'Quw vZ ev k4 City: &A kvtb State \ Zip-Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? i --

A Petitionf TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verjbia Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at: ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned:

      ..Signature:                                      -

Print Name: k <4 4,6n C; / Address: / i 2 _ City: /7 State Zip C)& 3 07 Phone: __________ _ Email: _i__ __ Registered to Vote? __

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verf1r4-Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as Ihe increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 'i ii Print Name: ) IAC Address: 40Q Favort46 XAZ)FAWCT 1/ VTC5-City: F F State C/l Zip O$S5T Phone: OZv 3 9S2/ Email: Registered to Vote? K] 6X I

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver*ip Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: :X~ Print Name: .6/J ,/'k/OJ Address: 35523 iA7CS + # _6tZ City: _ State / f Zip Phone: )vZ 615&7' Email: ca/l Registered to Vote? l/ 7

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veloi& Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FIROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core-will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concernexpressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfbrmance. Signed: Signature: A\ e 4 '5k Print Name: re C (a.<, 4-Address: 5is - X' 3' City: t.f-0 AX, State Zip A5g a) Phone: &9Z.  ? Email: Vcs5; V 5 avec-A Su r Registered to Vote? (e, __

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Public Service Board of Vertot Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (i) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: (-f zfftl A/(9J(A Print Name: CA-r 121 p//- Ua) A4.r Address: , L 9T 9 L/ Rt-> City: 62 Q I State Vi Zip - 6). Phone: 7ZA i 5H Z Email: U;LKŽN () <tJhd,>gT Registered to Vote? \1A9.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Verfrnt Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will. reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: A t A Print Name: Ae E r W 4EP.. Address: 1 biegsT/ r-City: OUM t EP-1Sr b State_ VT Zip OS3 0 Phone: &7S3 7S C Email: 6trr,& beacther1 6dtat /-co Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veront Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the flinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mirimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission- This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature:+7~o 2a Print Name: 4c .t, +trs \ (A Address: I- Z a, City: Ai(-l; cState_ V Zip 6 7%6dI Phone: 2- 3 a Z 2Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at: the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: _ _ ___ __\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address: 2-c 3__ __ _ _ _ City: V It ;J State Zip 0 S3O / Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FiOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the-site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sig~ned: Signature: Print NneJo e . e Address: Ci7+b4<9r State lcZip 5 35 Phone: g 5 9 -Em E mail: Registered to Vote?

A Petition / TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by- 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mniimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessmentof Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: __ Print Name: Cft4g L lou Address: 0)00 Poo0 Y City: XhI/by State Zip ______5 _ Phone: (-- )51- X 3 Email: Registered to Vote? t

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vergrnf( Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts elLectrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sizned: 7 Signature: / . /I __ _ Print Name: (12 A (4*-MR4L Address: [U(! Ccl~ 1 jYL City: I C/y State- Zip 6CSo1 Phone: Stiol

                             ~                      .      -5f Email:   c                               hp l Registered to Vote?                                ______

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver*i4n Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon. as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: *e-l feA s Address: /j' . SO K City:. State Zip O Phone: 0Z 7-2 -6 f . Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: Address: s ° *> City: State zip_ ______ Phone: 'O t 7 Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Pt :fiA. - Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Publid SAA..; FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twIentT>. mIs.Ws oI' ' yr Nuclear Vennont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioact; Bro an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, thev demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomnic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature = v__ = Print Name: 4J U 7ktitctd Address: 7 0. 1(9n City: c At2I~c) State u L E-fipoYV Zip Phone.Q0O; ) 274 - L(O 0 Email: Reoistered to Vote? ( (6)

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, thev demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 0XL DR104 Print Name: Address: 10 - ( tw City: 6Y(00 sI State Vf Zip OS3qs Phone: '2)- -9 3 (a Email: Registered to Vote? i

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetyAssessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance. Signed: Signature: > g4 0 AJ4 1 Print Nam e: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address: Yi97 /A/1Xy A/ City: L t State- - i7 o0/ Zip Phone: !G)xo-zS7- /M37 Email: Registered to Vote? /_C

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM- People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and -Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: 1,hYWP - Address: 10 ) 5A?1v ITiV-- City: . lif4? State_ \ f Zip o53' V Phone: 1(z-3 q SEmail: Registered to Vote?

                                                 ,'\                               of hePulicSevie Bar o TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govern                .. ....                   s of the Public Service Boardof Veonf Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and Ta              ire:*:        :it        of Public Service:

FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, "-A rkE.£. >;.f)-,is t tin..<)g hin twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear b-.;.-.;- Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and othei p m-f tO'y + Ly radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 11O Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at. and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: ( ) 5/\,_ Print Name: Jo ad6c2 o/4n Address: . / 7# A City: Ul State IbfI Zip "3?6 7 Phone: & 3 -37q S-Y Email: Registered to Vote? (.1

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VeAtdi Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews al: the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 4 *,bLcs Print Name: i<'- Ot SYA1 S Address: f' 1 U(JCA City: ctl~* State AJ Zip ( 6 Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? '7 i.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ve4tor Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at. the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Jt) Print Name: 6 Z V) \ Q Address: I)S'/V#\+i ()O IXd City: \ 5 4- State Zip 03Y5/ Phone: ---Email: Registered to Vote? _ ____-

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver&dot Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Si ned: Signature: Print Name: Address: Zf L fO 0 City: State Zip _________ Phone:_ Email: Registered to Vote? t

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Ver~pdi Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: ( I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siened: Signature: Print Name: v tfla C rAO e&_ e t(oCd41 Address: i 3 C-test t ad 3)1 City: State Zi__ Phone: &(~'. ?7 ?? Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veiao4f Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews al: the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: , i Print Name: / Address: CG escry &# City: < ev State Au-F Zip Q£Lsj Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? L/eS

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VerkxIF Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: F*ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will. reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (i1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: 4jf > l

       ,Signature:\vo Print Name:          TAY              F      Vo Address:         RWo          -Co A City:                                        State        M                    Zip          le Phone:           2 66-        23 ?
                              .23?                           Email:                  anC i o0 V.

Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vendotr Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: A¢2 >) 1 &@ Print Name : ehi  % it Address: City:_ State A)AZip Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veipoirt Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the flinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore., they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company,. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its. design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: C Address: City:- At,e State__ , Zip Phone: Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition IP TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of VeiAont Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont: Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall:-(I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signature: Print Name: 7f7, IA P7 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Address: /f/4j ad City: State /Jit Zip d 3( / Phone: 603- *35 - y Email: eA 4J C6 / .67 Registered to Vote?

                                                                                                                                 -11011, A Citizen           Petition1                                  -00 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont                                           Members ofthe Vermont i                       AS.. a<

Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergr Corporatioxi has applied to super-load nuclearfuietri, N50zrn.'et" Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, ai:.:r4:

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents aJid t IzekW dX could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in caning for udndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. SignaNuram PrintN 5 ET. 8 -rat( &L,13
                                                 .                                          IL3;4/                     At               fC)T7Jg Add
2. Signature Address:

ress:/- e .t 4Ji;4 t e, Namar >r VA4# Cob 6 3j/' 41A W1-Ac my& - 3F-If

                           - .- -~-       -E
3. Signature.


4. Signature: I Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name:


7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name_


   . 9. Signature:                                             Print Name A AA.-
10. Signature: Print Naue Address:

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members i '9mont Legislature; Vermont Public

ervice Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel
and The Vermont Department of P :

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont - fuel in the Vro WHIEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applii,74. fuel in the Vermont ifankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactorvs -6

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging componen s' itc fe~, .$ $ >-Q itblackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective _ Uc~Cm ' '

NE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safets Yankee similar to those already conducted at aging r t aine and Connecticut

1. Signature: ALt0t .Name
                                                                    *t1           1     2Irl                                          I Address:                    I&Y 7I                        0t°          v                                     H     OSFt2
2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: .= ' _____

Address:J2 --7-7(a  : A . SH

5. Signature:_j. _ ' - _ _ __--


6. Signatuv.I-Address. _______________________;__
7. Sign.iature: C-.

Address:_______ 9 ___________'-__

8. Signature:_ -

Address: '_-_-_ _

9. Signature: ein _ _Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

XReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: idependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comarnv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                                           .,WI, A Citizen Petition1 -

TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor o;FVermont: Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vernont Public Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Setvicej FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS ,Louisiana-based Entergy Cor oail asapidt sprla '"k A-- ermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 li

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of a - its that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, I  : -

WE NOW SAY, join us in callingfor a Independent Safety Assessment ;,f similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear 1tit $ t:- } ecticut

1. Signature PrintNan on Address: { - :8$ 170 Kensing~tlon Rd0
2. Sig naturi$t Nae_ f Sara Parker Address: _ I 170 Kensington Rd. -

Hampton Falls, NH 03844

3. Signature, Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:-
8. Signature:_ Print Name q07.

I nllE 1ZILCH. PArit MOme

                                                                  = sub        11 Address:

in IV. n l Print Narn e Address: I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompanM. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significnt findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

/t A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon:

Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design,' by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (11) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: /VIV i, o- .j& L r

     -Address:!/             Ch9 S 4 ie?         Do City:    149-vID zgo,                       State /A4S-                      Zip Oo/t3S Phone:    %3          */9-    Aim            -       Email:          £/]fo   (°   Am/    resays Registered to Vote?                                 _____

1 >A' A ,,: A Petition I1 St~,* TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Publiceq ,'x'5 s 1` of Vediln# Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department-tlhl, FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting K;iP-'; .i' ITRergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected iv- n oan e..:egency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-siz8 fbvxJ 17nucleab f far tO 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 33(1 , 'ktz& tnermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: ('1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:

     - Address: ILIq0     1W NOPfiei-ec4 £41 City:                                       State Al A                       _ZiP~i DI-                      C)

Phone:  ! 13Aj- ylLry)1 , Email: MPQc# M D , A'If . . wt. CD . I Registered to Vote? ACTS

                                         .f A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Veok Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission- This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at. the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature - Print Name: Address: _10) 4J1/bat/ A t City: State Zip o4ZY3/ D Phone: Email: Registered to Vote? 714A V

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermort: Members of the Public Service Board of Verge Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: C) Address: "-,DvPX VI city:SU4 bJ(5 F: State- 1kA zip o1 3 71 Phone: (le E- mail: Registered to Vote? ____

Lii , A Citizen Petition1 I

TO: The Honorable.James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont

VWHEREAS, E Louisiana-based Enterevm Corroration-has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of 1:he reactor's original 1973 lic,,use, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-tobottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a.prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, MTE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
                                              >*       ysimilar           to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: < Print Name Z t s' -L Address: n-- O 6 'g0,L 4/xcr-Ae r r r t ,,

M ( \, I5'1C,,,- C ()/) I tc-

                                                                                                                            -- v. 0 -9' -
2. Signature.:n ntSa m e _

Address: -I - e4 , C (,)vrs f (

                                                                                         ? C r //  nN 7/,I
3. Signature: //<- -ns Print Name I 5La Obc Address: Si 57 F-iZW A4
4. Signature: ( ' i4&'./
                                         .(7v         1      t              Print Name rjtI.t                 Cair ,j Address: Ciu                        i          i4 ;     v'-v i4 d i -l4(4
5. Signaature: PrintName if>YMOctL P6 L~(

Address: :SI 'eWcor+ eal lef(net\ Vi r 5-3

6. Sign Print Name wJ (I.
                                                                                              /4-,I                A fv           i      t   dJ Address:1         22. 9ŽR      4     P                           ,<tj                             -7.5-os(

t 7. Signature: 06 42AU lk& PrintNarne Lty /qLrMonCa Address.: Hrov gill %J (1 XIrOl&r;I CT (yo7'

8. Signature:e*g,\ Print Name IU'l-A ke -e Address: >& , , , , . _
                                                                                           &-Jf 2 T:               e- 1Y--6* !: Z             *-
                                                                                                                                             &--            7 S~,
9. Signature: A ,t Name-/bU/,d l*YK706f46o Address: g?7'b*(r - V (i9 , o,7 9 fq
10. Signature: a44eLj- &urr 7Z, 4/d ZAT  !

Address: 7/c o T / J/Gr 1Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, B=o 545, Bratlebor, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 accrding to the definiticos and parameters provided Inthe qxorLafev Ass m aine Yankee Atomic October 1996, by theNu learjRtulaZ& umlia bis studyiall: (1) independently assess the ffermopt Yankee toits design and licensing bases including approriate reviews at the site and corporate ofioe: (2) iassess operational safety pexroance giving risk peripectives where appropriate; (3) evduate the effectiveness of licensee ulf-.asessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of sa~fty-sl1ni~cant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                                                         /:l A iizen Petition1                                     7                                  I

-to: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Memb ontPublic Se~rice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of P " 1tJM:lThe undersigned citizens and friends of Vertmont totl1:AS Lotaisiana-based Elitergy Coporatlion has applied to s u rmont Yatikee Nuelesir Power Plant at Verfnon to 120%/oof the reactor's origina , a ths increase will place new stress ozi Vermont Yankee's aging components increas g nsk of accidents and plant blackouts that cotild sffect the entire state, therefore, , A a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative therefore, Ail NOW SAY; join aling fofdt Aiitint n:

                       .                         3l                  &tose-           di conducted at siglhig fliticliei       In Maine  and Connecticut
i. signature Print Name a Address:\\ 1 'S7
2. SignaPtre: rintNatne TEI
                                                                                                  -- -eJ1 Address:

4.Signature, atcalLaf 'e*t ,il5oftjP-rint Nalne 1 kz (-er v

3. Signa Print meNat~ (JU~~~f t Address. FO6t9 UN 4i11 cW o 2-S S. Signat7/ C Prn Name 1 2\Ct Tfi3 Address: i-?$ tt <J C & /7 @;27
6. Signature:
                                  'I -   .     ^^--> Ct c,

_sct, -; Print Name .Th P rlbI Address: ts1 , ( UT 6S3Yt0 \

   ,:7. -Signature:                    <CCxS                          PrntName            ,         40                        '1 Address:                 / ?e) t4"iX                  /:         /
       .8.                                 -        AS/4$A            Print Name                                                                I.

A. Addres:es, -beI , Tre. . )O1 V.. M,/ S

     '9. Signature.4              r a/4                    CL         PrintName        flk<Y                fi2i3u Address:     ) \g/                          nwo                             )JA                   )

I I 0 1O. Signature: /4 s , IFPrint Name . l- H H cC6 . Address: Z i1x 3 4 ;7 ,13MM,7TL:'4a ci.Z Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Boxi545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October t996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

/! t A Citizen Petition1 TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont

.WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enternw Corioration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lipense, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk otaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those slready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName AI'e mcrerIs-Address:
2. Signature:f 12417 *.  % Print Name ! 6t- tf :

Address: ;NAJQ vr OSo I

3. Signature: JZ.. Y- ts-f PrintName +RA EA-R_

Address: 7.1r

                                                                                             -t-        Vr        OS7os I
4. Signature: "4Xf Print Name Wt;; SO QA 1t f ,

Address: 14ftL Cegia1,J 5 . Ur e l)S5 o I

5. SignaturKf, - PrintName DT) . r.4<.2 Address: . A W; R( e dIfit q 3 cj7
6. SignatureaYrkQD 4ALZJ PrintName M(cr\eAC. QWY\O Address: S a, Os'CFd O 3 O()

ot cC

7. Signature:a(2 ad42Mt' NN(me eg214.CP((2 _ o 8 Address: 7in C/Ae IZ A )

i441A- NHa1 O/()70-I/vo

8. Signature: N~me 44,l, FS-1A A

S9A rK Address ,

9. Signature: Print Name iMAV0 oo.I Address: H7 (.I;rV w( A C 'LA... ., I ..I
10. Signature: 92 g~/ Gi Print Nam Ce -T ,: ti L rA i-*\

U_ Address: r 60S ,cw6q d(J n.,4-1 Retr this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repct Indenendent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Compax" October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independeltly assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety p anc giving risk perspectives where appropriate (3) evaliaste the effectiveness of licensce self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) ofsafety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

77l WM 40 S~Ma

                                                           ~f, A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorablejaxnes Douglas, Governor cof Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WEEREAS, Louisiana-based Entem Coriporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WNE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

si lar to those already conducted at aging nucl ar pla on Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: A. / Z7f/ ra&( Print NiFe " (

Address: t3 1 A4 4>-: eC t

2. Signature -PrintName itACdK5 dc~r~C1 lC Addres s X Vl(,<llp Jt YD
3. Sig e PrintName p)dc1 tzCA(cc Address: 7 R M S p'E1 6 JtaF 3ti(
4. Signature: / Print Name t-WL 5; dLO S 5
      -Address:                   II              >      ^                                                                 p       ?zlctct/-

S. Signature: z,.JfL 4fte)-tjoILPrintName I ~tttt 2t? ,efi _ Address: V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,_ _ _ _ _ _ Address-.

6. Signature &

1A M;)4>i);4ril k-j{lo Print NameiA e+/- I vX cit 0t!:3+

          .SiPrintName                                                                    6NITFtlA F/AE Address:
8. Signahr: > flA4 \>0 9PrintNamne *V%1A 4 p5-1rg 1 elle :vr--C
     *Address:        {tZWl                                    /t            l                                        tt
9. Signature: Pr intName / ( L)7f) /g L,1iC c ri.

Address: Y ) /'6/, 7 ,.-

10. Signature. g PrnName z  % {

Address. 0 gksJ 2LAA- pe 8} s + tkc3 (V. 1Return this completed petition viaNew England Coalition, Bof 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, ifpossible. 2according to the definitons and paramcters provided in the report Indeendent Safety Assement of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commissionr This study shall: (1) indepcndentdy assess the conomance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfinnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evalute the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall nerforinance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WVHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Coriporation- has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 liceuse, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a Mll top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: a Printllame~r~A zi'^acL^

7 I Address: / f-?e:*C 2I,6,,l. T Y47--- W . . . ..

2. Signature: Name_ m C\s-SIS Cl_& ,1X/ r , -)

Address: . 4I C T ,t f P Nm' t CDin

3. Signature: /- -) -Print Name- \, 5 oy Address: PA 57 f 4g ¶k
4. Signature:_( 4 ei-, - k Print Name rlw $4tvga. CaLsr 4 Address: i _ 4&IZ r4-c r 4 a 1i-
5. Signature:

If L -

                                                             . Print bNFame              VA10fal               PC _e Address:                   Ccc      tea, e(7r                                 C*3 5'/
6. Signg PrintName W 1 (/&C 4 -jiLJ Address: 1l4 iJU 5 p4 J -J>_t_ (
7. Signature PrintName Zl4Jy mopryr4%r Address: RQ,14rP e Cl (lr7o?

_7A _

8. Signature:I_  %- -

Print Name .

                                                                               -- 7Y r-e Address:     3                  Al t/ tdt?-e-4           /--IV1              ThWs -/-i;f-!         ATE iC-Ie /          r-'r         coca 7J
9. Signature: .Z amt; Name.

Address: jsogy/77°  ;/v < #6/c'r Ges*7Gtf

10. Signature PrintNam9 '

Address: 116 ('%jsct \ S r; /Ly 1'- /?'

     'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 acording to the definitions and parameters provided In the rq ortb dent Salety Am ent of Mdne Yale Atonic Power Coma

  • October 1996, by theNulearRe Itoy i jtL is stuiyhall: (1) indepndentlyass the f Y ee tot design and licensing bases induding appropriate reviews at the site and corporate oflices: (2) i tly assess operaonal safety formanc giving risk perpectives where appropriate; (3).cvalude the effeutiveness of license selfa ents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall peoance.
  • A' A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable,James Douglas, Governor cf Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, 3Louisiana-based Entermy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of t]h reactor's original 1973 liUense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WNE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independlent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2, simlar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: PrintNmes(ut( 1eneir &


2. Signature:( z- 4Cr 2L , PrintName w t- 4-f3/44e.C Address: I-, ( )Q, vr- os-6r I
3. Signature: ) JCg- Print Name I &A\ -- r_7~

Address: I2 q. a vr osz I

4. Signature: 4 Eh? Print Naune - A seA " Ycewv.- SC, w w Address: 1LF&_ Ca,( M I-
5. Sigraatu PrintName n;)f?} 2 R4c Address: Sy Ri#utA 1;4 8?A C7Iq(-q
                                                                                                               . P~s<>cI
6. Signature rJ Print Name i tYe_ A IC.-

Address: 5 Cr e< vid 0 v

  • l 2 ot
7. Signature: a6'dltpa' a WICg1frint Name P7nc.ACPQ
                                                                                  ,,     ,     . _     _  L   x             v._Xb   x Address:    .                  nSI-A i                                  CA LP                 t7-) A A--v                      Ma  0c41 O/-
8. Signature: Ii/O"Nkune Address:
                                                                                                                . 1- I -
9. Signature: qvLRA2 Print Name mA~k Se ;1/
             .        . 7      (4.       ;7 v. :.
                                      \ ..         . (L/   A \v (          A                74 5P ;,n {ield/k0 ad. Signature:a,                LI..                      -PrintTlame- 1      X 7           -R I:?)=   hft-I Mr-\

I OJ If a

                                                                                                 -I -

Address.. V_ ri-belLne" CeJ 5s,OCLoa 4-ZjdgI4/ fv _ -

       'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bo: 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rqxxt Indeadent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComMnv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commissilon This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfbrmance giving risk perapectives where appropriate; (3) eval ate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments; corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorablejames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS g-Louisiana-based Entergr Corporatiion has applied to super-load-nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 liqense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee isa prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants InMaine and Connecticut
1. Signature: Print Name Aft(i t)i( C a Address: 1
2. Signature: 2S1t Print Name-AsWek4 10rpuf J aI Address: 4I.I1Q~A l 14 a.
3. Signature e.-A- l h t( g Print Name 7

Address: A 2 -k X _727

4. Signature: Print Name k1 .6 -

Address: r) ss 1 4 + -V.G24 bwfy Het- 2f32

5. Signature:. 4e,>)LJ Print Name tTlwkdf D),e&(e1r Address: ?0 i) f04 -L .~/ tA f:es 2 A cq MAX 02oZ_
6. Signature: Ho(_--- E* A-'!1 He Can A
                                                           '^-' Print blame i'

Address: _ __ Q - ~ I- JUKYI _ P K S tdA-I

7. Signature: l Pirmt. Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature. Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

JRatum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bcx 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reoret: Iodepden &fet An = f Maine Yankee Atomic October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatcdy Clnhei iThKtu~y shall: (1} idpedently assess the conformance of VaUWont-YAkee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)Independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perypectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigpificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislat ire;"Ve-nont Public Service Board: VennontSytte Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: IROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and,

   * - this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk oftccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WAE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut

1. Signatur: Print Ni  ;\ rI e Addres.s<O() 'O
2. Signature n PrintName (Et(Sf kC Address: 71 Sm 4lA I.ŽA.JL l 1 <V,-


                                            -    ,             O_. I
3. Signature: /i/T.n (2?in t Name /) C^ C) gA 1Pt)

Address: 3 ') '

4. Signature: > PrintName g Rg( V jiot) lb-Address: c) 4 Jz) 9\_?kDJ wM /

Signrint P. Name i9/46CYoXto oDJ x ) Address6. 5A .4 Pi Ne o S i@10,-,

6. Signaue /1 Pint Mane V/ -k f Address , -653 U4
7. Signature +Y -rdtg PrintName c r7Ct Address: 195* *e\ O (h4 2& +/- c\-j-- o2*tt4 S. Signature: f/C L<-1VV Prin ItName V v
                                                                                          -1 IhIn I (1;i^I O\ I -m
                                                                                                             . _  ^  ....................

q . Address: W#Ak>tAX LI U S UA' 7T

9. Signa Lte (Print NameO%.C0'_J ( (WE,tk M+J Address: ; 37e -U Cx, Nam
10. Sigautur Print Nanne.. eGi. A-4Aezs r Address: 0) /5,Ž::-cjze4- ,C .r -Co Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 acloding to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Corann. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfbrmance giving risk perspectives where appropriate;.(3) evaluate the efctivencss of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment2 of Vermont Yankee, siilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: _rintName_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _

Address: 0A Ou I fgf ra, e__ 243 Email __

2. Signature: Lame eA-Fgl(A- A. CA-AJA -( 4 Address: PoSOX tDS i .- BOX n i\( 7 gnature: (&,I9S Print Name t\Uk.) e .b x v
4. Signature: it ,ArrintName N 6 i e

()';s1ers: Address: 1 P) >3(3 L 4-rboy-b Ur T 05-3 Y/ Email

5. Signature: C .Ti P Print Name Sw .oon C IcI 4, Address: ebt) B0o)' A35 AKO- 2 ooro. 0.S3S/L EMail '5 Un lBL
6. Signature: Print Name TC I )Ž (.rk Address: LPC) x 1q &AlJ'To6Yq Email
7. Signature: Print Name J ftt;f T 4 -

Address: J0 o1I

                             ,L                        a n     -    o S3qy          Email
8. Signatures Print Nam v a A Address5totLJe J(LY l1a, t hw Emil h&wi.

4ignieg/ Print Name $ A /-/i7 Address: C H(tLEmail nAw6b . ,V Edo'(

10. Signature: Print Name 5vj\,

Address:W Qluqk EMail C'ac\ X l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' 0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature: Vermont Public rvice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont IHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a Mull top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore,

{E NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut L. Signa 7 CQ Print Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _

6. Signature: Print Name Address:

7 A. SZ.,.......... K.Print Name Address:

8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature:_ IPrint Name Address:
10. Signature:. Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September. 14. 2003, if possible.

    - according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company.

October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independcntly assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the etfectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of sarcty-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Go (by ? '-.7 rs of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisorv Panel: 2 olic Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and f WHIREAb , Louisiana-based Entergy ( ' uper-load nuclear fuel in the Verm'ont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 12Utro _al 1973 license. and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging component .... asing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is# prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY., join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging iuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: k*/A $df (/ Xp Print Name Terr ;n-cr L. CkAXV c,

Address: (tg1 IR4 Mc ee .\ ( A ftt-\ tr tc\A.% "'a - 03.-,5

2. Signature: L.'e>W R&MM Print Name r k~tm Address: 6 O7s & fflain 0'O0(OiA h , rN -031SS
3. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ Print Name Pi4'/'z 1 Ae.-6 Address: God Iltk J/v ff('/// c) Hoyt
4. Signature: , 47gYi PrintName_______________

Address: P6 1dc ,7- Y/ Vr/(/4) 4/I 65

5. Signature: 7LVjJA O/ rlll Print Name 74'-1 A e e Address: J OK M4 2 3 1 63
6. Signature: s Prirint Name AV' e sb >1 Q1) Ip- \, A e-5_

Address:A6 Pi n xckt 4-I L .A & £ sqXe

   . 9. Signature:                                                Print Name Address:

I 0. Signature: Print Name Address: Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September. 14,2003. if possiblc. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: ,(I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significait findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' 00000- '0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature: Vermont Public !rvice Board: Vermnont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vemiont Department of Public Service: ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont VREREAS, Louisiana-based Enterv Corporatio ! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont ankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,
                                              /    similir to those aIready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature.: A1ak lnhPrintZNael a doI Address: ko C)/P MW-
2. Signature: Print Name S1 ' o C~CW~

Address: __________________)

3. Signature:i4 emam Nvt ntane Lauzrzt s AddressJ4<4i r A/ 6P00
4. Signature: (+tt Print Name f-\Pl-Address: W e_ ___

S. Signature: Print Name H a EiOf~d Address: _____EY\&_________________________

6. Signature: PrintNa ne {IltP 9rant k Address: t GeerL9U. ____________S_ __31
7. Signature: _- Print Namre 53.86h Address: CO8 GI Q, ArVe - l0ant ) C31A-
1. Signature rk j Print Name J-JI if, PA.(

Address: &3&AL24L At ay~L R2 38/

9. Signature:: .Nar P- in -S e3 Address: NI.. Ae_
10. Signatu Print Nameti Address: 5 4 r;eo8a
     ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 345. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September. 14,2003. if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indeoendent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to is design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the etTectivenes-i of licensee self-assessmnents. corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) or safety-signiflicant findings and draw conclusions on overall performancc.

A Citizen Petition' '0: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature: Vermont Public Irvice Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vennont VHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enterm Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel inthe Vermont

  • ankeeNuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore.
  • a fuill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee ise prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, VE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut L. Signature 4a1nlij-th ?egh- Print Name HaXron4W E"6)kS Address: 1 K"C C-IMfO aRfrm- 1 T 3L

2. Signature: F \e . PrintName CArg Rowte-Address: 173 _ Vck Weer-ee An\ cast I
3. Signature: £,ggm~&ie -

Print hame Ri-c~A ELn Address: c3 Athuo SA-. y-e-ft mys c.4t\ _ _ _ _

4. Signature: F-,4/(ia2 'Ayt(2, Print Name tl 1107I .

Address: qy- lljJl Pd \ i-,7,qA, i/4 Oq6*L

5. Signature: _1/Wv f Print Name V
                                                                                       \/     Are            Face Address:        '4o Pdc .                                    ,&^ -,

_1,ZtenC_ Al

                                                                                                             &   i       oc.;-0q -I1
6. Signature: \Ak 1)r1 n a) fr Print Name Ktk c Do H e-r Address: 33 Z .s .Jrb n 1 8MA
7. Signat=re:_., boa0 I _A& _Print Narne __ ikap L.PktY Address: 1BJ CANICLJ) A(t.L IW tOA -E
                                                                        -        byU4 f, .,         -D a t      I
8. Signature:mm A&W Print Name. . £01tZ fiAt.

Address: / 7rp icc gAv tj ib/1' Gy4h - Ad9. Sidresntu Print Name f A=4AI Address:lkq e) 6 . I~ no0 M ig

10. Signature: by- Ii;ck Print Name *frlCkL E CCson _ . . . . _

Address: I(GI GPPRii 1Ie+ KftggeMI! a3 l-

     }Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 541. Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September. 14. 2003. if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indernndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comrpanv. October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confornance of Vermont Yankee to is design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site aid corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the etffiectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significint findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; 4. I' Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends ofVermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corvorafti n has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-Wto-bottom e in~on of V ankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYS gfor a indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature. PrintName__________________

Address: I8 &

                                   ;bE.                           Prit Ne          i-SLrAfp
2. Signature: i, 2Wr- a 1Print Name 51'u Ad II- As. I HAM Address: , t --Fso Go, 18 All 6 - A rY2A1 I
3. Signature: Print Name Address: i
4. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:_
6. Signature:_ Print Namne Address:
7. Signature. Print Narne Address:_
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: PrintNarre Address:
10. Signature:_ Print Name Address:

I Retun this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box i45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessnent of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assesq operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A fiftie 1 etition1 K~" "' J2: The Honorable James Douglas,Governor of Vermont: Members of tte; Vermont Public Service h3oard: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: fltO :: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WIER~AS , Louisiatia-bAsed Efntergy CorporatioL has applied to super-load nutielear fuel in the Vermont tYgakte Nuclear Power Ptlitt at Vernon to 120% bt the teft-tor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW -SAY Join us lit calling for a Indrpendljnt Safety Assessment of Vermont YankeeZ,

                                                   \ inlAr to those already condilcted at aging nucleAr plants lit Maine and Connecticut
1. Signa Pit Nan Address: J _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Signature Print Name s/JrR Address: ah 1 -r Mfl'c 7Jy (ooOn
3. Signature: PrintName (,,AA-f A te WHJH/7t.

Address: . q t Y r 7cY

4. Signature: le Address: 7o C)
      -5.Signature:t                                             Print Namee'Ai                       VACLt         S I~uuZ._.>

Addre-ss: Z/2<, fI/In a-.If,;*lk

                             /10              *d lver_7(t3eK            'a' e, z1ThkkI      6P-d) {411 ,i\         ty      i1I' ll8
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Naeie _ _


8. Signature: Print Name_ _ _ _


     *9. Signature:                                              Print Name Address:

to. Signature: Print Namne Address:. Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 5 45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent laety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and Improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:


2. Signature:


3. Signature: 1 I Y Print Name in ane Print Name 6//f/4 J

(>4PLz. IaIA )Cg

                                                                                                          ?L,42A'9 9,

CWiaf) v Address: (c lPt)VY / t cQiOaT 6bt/16

4. Signature: e A L Print Name oo.

Address: . s

5. Signature: U PrintName ) AIV(V I1 s  ; , /y Address: C < De Aj
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Addressr
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: Print Namne Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:_

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study :shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans. (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisoiy Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 lionse, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY: join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment 2 of Vermont Yankee, similarUs already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: U, PrintName Ce n rFaUtp Address: '4 i P2Zw$40 p&(4 1J-I L A Email A Z
                                                                                            ; q floVPdk                  co
2. Signature:. Print Name Address: Email
3. Signature:_ Print Name Address:_ Email
4. Signature:. -

Print Name Address: - ... .. . ..

                                                                     ,. . . 1.

Email  : : .  : . . - U . . . .. ... S&Signature: I  ::  : rint Name;  : ,i.R Address: EMail

6. Signature:_ Print Namne Address: Email
7. Signature:_ Print Name Address: Email
8. Signature:_ . . .]

Print Nam( II. Address: Emai lI

9. Signature:_
  • PrintName Address: Email
10. Signature:. Print Name Address _ EMail . .

2Return this completed petition via New England Coalition Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30,2003. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory 'Cfmission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Gove 6ot-'4v /w 1!-,*t!rs ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory H i partment of Public Service: 1i.;A FROM: The undersigned citizens andfriends M XXi;-) WHE REAS, Louisiana-based Entery Cow s g h U n load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to  ; o . original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging compdets -IP k d' "ntdents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, pros-,Fe s.isl f iV. , orefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Indt ,C M oVmo YAankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signatue. Print Namene A94-t,*' g nT+


2. Sigauea e, INa MeX, PrnUlreS i

aA te~ Om3O

3. Signature: Print Name 4, 2T) f9 3/o Address: A9 (hen sol A \fr o&3'
4. Signature'OI, vQ4 dy6 _e PrintNanie A.ta r-W udd Address: 17 C) een So rze/A I r 2p.->6fkJ -0 k65 S.Signature r - V c PrintName L rbc f. A dV do Address: ?70 b -c1. 'RAC, (*LC1f?)CJ 1
6. Signature: PrntName Lawfa F Who W Address: 405q f-{lws~ln R-. _Q1&GaJ, V- O301 05
7. Signature: L, JA L h cfi PrintName \A t Len i (-htt Address: C19 RA > V)-tOA -~v lt 65343 8.Signature: Co elt vA C o w- Prn s!tnae) *'t0I Address: lt T A-A V 12-4.A - o\ t_-t
9. Signatu e PrintName Ret cc 2.. PCel oso Address: t(O Sf-Ok- fost- 1in~htfd rd vW oS353 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reqort: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power C&mpana October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen tioxii:- LQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor Tfri' X f W ) of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory PIl ii-. : -.-;- partment of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friend' q  ;  : WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporaej er-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to i'i'

                                                                                 ,i        lS             original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging conl-;.           Al-en,                   accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom exarninantin ui            . A+: prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Ildependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2,         similar to those alre       conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Cormecticut
1. Signature: PrintName_ 004t.. g.kAeS IDA Address: GiU9Tf- U , email_
2. Signature: Print Name rel 4 4x t iA c S Address: 0. a k .2c +t &

9 t do G email p

3. Signature: Print Name-Address: _ email
4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: email S. Signature: Print Name Ad d-re'ss:- . email__

6. Signature: Print Name__________________________

Address: email___

7. Signature: Print Name__ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ __

Address:_ email_ _ _ _ _ _ _ S. Signature: Print Name Address: email_

9. Signature: Print Name_

Address: email_

10. Signature: Print Name Address: email Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bo; 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CQmpany, October 1996; by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) Determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall oerformance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Verimont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Veinont Publi Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enternt Cormoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermoni Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts th-could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-toxbottomn examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 -

siuilar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants InMaine and Connectici

1. Signatur:J- 1 Q-Al - Print Name 4c'SL C^? I Address: /k ,1 ) /A 1 '
2. Sign aturf1 ~) IPrint Name IAAM4SZ . /Ler) 11 1)

Address: 6-U. rAIste6 r1 C ,,x 2z)I ak XUL-

3. Signature- \ Q Print Name P0 Omci QRe Address. t 1.. 'C.\ 4- Nr-i- SAno AY)0 a O04--
4. Signature:. (IX\11' PrintName VcCAAI- vk r ioV A Address: C(6 '\xt 's U&

1/ VT O I

5. Signat Q A PrintName A Xwr I \ ' T. N r E iS Address: LI C^) C-I .lT C&CQNOJD C
6. Signa lrint Name AS~JkAs09 Address: \ \AO 0 6 _ ___
7. Signature. _}int Name Address:
8. Signature. Phint Name Address:
9. Signature: IPrint Naroe II --


10. Signature_ :IIrint Name Address:

Return this comnpleted petition 1 ie _ i , 2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in ihe repoit ant of Main ankee Atoic Power Cornp= October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Ths study shall ( andy sss the conformace of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and offices: (2) in dently asses opertional safet performance giUg risk paspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate Ihce eness of licensee self-ssessments, orrective action, and improvement plans; (4) detetmine the root cause(s) ofascty-signiflaant findings and dnaw conclusions on overall perforomac.

                  ?E~q/,.                                   l$     r           HEA-r#6R'         F)o.b               A                            '.

pl@St rnICoC 1o/n t4C

  • 4,40S < ga31 CIBOPgrs L

A Citizen Petition' TO: The HonorableJames Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enter' Corporatilon has applied to super-load-nuclear fuel in the Vermont  : Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that' could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 h A similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut
1. signature: JfLqPrint Name t1Ih&4 L4L ~d)T Q".'Ckl Address: JkA1 I ,

AP65~ 3RTa C7,_ i 4 Print Name

2. Signature: ja'i J - ')1 Address: 011NOCA,. %4.
3. Signaturek .& 62L 4 Print Name . , 4 o 4- C)J ),01-0 o Address: W . & t $
4. Signature: Print Name gCd)6ocK. bit~r-i C_

Address: 2) (J -2 &jL- WJ.rtv bUVN tW

5. Signature: -
                                                                     -Print Name      -:~id7DeBoa-Address:.'Dpi&+                        t-        3e sit  )    2
                                                                          &,kcq       AIR 02.13 Z
6. Signature: _I
                                                -rE.+t                 in-       q_   fut TA4~rc5/

Address: l IF'& 1L QAYL i Print Name , P&'x_~~~ )V" 14 0 a1 3lz

7. Signature: .

Print_ Name Address: . 8. Signalture: Print _ Name Address:

9. Signalt3re: _

Print Name l Address:

10. Sigi iature: _

Print Name Address: i 1 ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 acording to the definitions and parameters provided in the rmport: Inde dent Safew Assmment of Maine Yanee Atomic Power Cotn V..., October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulaty CommisWion Msstudy shall: (1) independently assess the confrmacof VermontYanee to its design and licensing bases Including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) Independently assess operational safety perfirmance giving risk pepectives where appropriate; (3).emaluste the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) deternine the root catse(s) of safety-siljpificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

"3 I z.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public SeMce Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont -'WH7EREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corroration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear-Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's onginal 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, W.P I9;W S oin us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar t hose already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and (onuecticut

1. Sign e:int Nare XG 210}

resAddress: -f / 1K (/ /n(" a (t A

      . 3. Signiatur.$                                         /g-Pit                       ae        t x   S        <


3. Szntuentc--
  • Address ZZA Xi sJ , / rn Name L & O

_______-__________________-/______________ e PT to/9OL/

  • j? -, -,:, /
  ,      -¢:0;Addressm-
4. Signture: N 8 +<f Print Name 5 C 3.Z1 A J4
5. Signature:14 Print Name t5C'7-i M"4'( -Z-
        `Address:            4%              o   i.                                 TA4-                                  i,                  'W Address:
6. 91 0 Cn I iAJU Print L4kJNameei- C '

A x I I "I )

                                                                                                                                                                    . . 4

[S SSE; SUCll^ii; l2 .. .. ...

   ~~; Address:,
8. Signature: ,.I Print Name
                                                                                                                                                                   ,N Address:
                                                  -    4
9. Signature,_ _Print NarniI ..1 ' L' ! . ,N;-11

\ j Addre-

10. Signature: Print Name

urn this completed petition iaNew England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

                   ' ing to the definitions and parameters providcd in the repcrt: Independent Safety Assessment of Maun Yankee Atomic Power Companv, 1196, byt the Nuclear Rcgulatozy Commission. This stu4r shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankce to its
                     -Wd licensin~g ba including appropriate reviews at the site and cmtorte offices: (2) independently assess opqsronal safety ce givingrisk perv es                   sppropiate; (3) evaluate thffectiveness of licensee self-assessmepts, corrective aetions, and awhere
                      ; zent pldisj (4) detcrmine thc root cause(s) of safety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on ovcl performance.
r A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Ver-rPt ~ l ¶ Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterey Corporation has applied to super-load dr nta ont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licen Axwci-

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of ace 4ednt% aad pi b at could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, thIretore WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2,
                                            /.        similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
l. Signature: a Print Name gite I i4bLAcS o

Address:QCi) 1&!7 i 4ffiC(C > ( SJTXL,,('t )AJ Itf

2. Signrature' Print Nameqa[& KAtMJ'\( 1) tHVi04 F Address: -____ NOS_________ _+6
3. Signatur, Ye 2 Address-! I4 k ° eq 3 V,!F- A/6 V d-03
4. Signature:7A4.. W4e p Print Name A I tL- S K 67 Address:3 ___ty ______- __34_3_
5. Signaature Print Name Kaiy!4ltq S4 f/^ /4 Address: /a3 /94y341z~i c Be 4Ke41&/J/A;) 5+3/
6. Signature:LKXAJ4 P4e-ig\( I Print Name Cek r ipdt 4.-MI50--

Address: 131 PAY Oie , b e,#4 734-IS

7. Signature: 4 d1 /f3 Print Name Gerhaurl CSeaC {,II, Address: so AG 3
8. Signature: X I\/A-A4 -PrintName 6 1 Address: by% Ae NO__5 03431 _ __iIS
9. Signature: a4 Print Name ^ 4 L o.i i'E Address: /0 df '24-- J I3?J. o c l
10. Signature X-Print Name Address: -,&A (ZZF nYq5 //ttO I);C Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 54I5, Brattleboro. Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' ro: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public service Board. Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of 'Vermont WHEI REAS , Louisiana-based EnterMv CorDoratior! ha pped to -superload .nzclear fuel n the Vermont Yn utclr Powl r Plan t tX eoto :20%-f the reactors original 1973 license, and

   "     this ircrease will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a     a fuill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee,2 similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut
1. Signature: PrintName k°.3 '

Address: o0°\2 s-V 3 , 4 a'owa t _

2. SigPatrre: UxrintNamel P,> IJ( M f\'(

Address: I ( CO Qtsi >c4Ct:, k(o(k3 6l1

3. Signature: tPrintName , s Address: B MfA433 ) t
4. Signature: AI I Print Name A .m .9la, Address: LA. h J) MAI! O 3 YJD
6. Signature:aJ L2 PrintiName Ctflqh 2)le wsP Address: /Svgd Dr4 ( av/er/ I 03Fr,
6. Signaure Prnt Name T- cI.f a Address-: V3 9C L& 12Ad Ct- tdlIX 4/OL
7. Signature: --Print Name__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: le,:-3

8. Signature: Print Name Address:
      .9. Signature:                                            PrintName Address:
10. Signature.- Print N~ame Address:

Retur this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box '45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Tis study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the sitb and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evalaite the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Sernice Board- Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Enteriw Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear. Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fil top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, ME NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:(g 5.

PU K id PrintName 13 YW1 S. k sio sq-Address:J-( Cob A. Ads I I* k) I O33c:otf

2. Signature:

I Print Namen Address:

3. Signature. Print Name Address:

A  :;t,....r.tfl'. 3 Pnt,, A NW.n-A. 6 Address: C - Pr4,nt Nnl J. ape--. A Gal

                                                                     -   .I.IC                                                                   -


6. Signature: IPrint Name Address:
7. Signatur_ Print Name Address:
8. Signature:  :

Print Narne 7 -- Address:

   . 9. SignatUr_                                               Print NarritII Address:
10. Signature: Print NameII Address:

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Peition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governorof Vermont Members ofthe Vennont Legislature; VermonttPublic Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WEEEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation G lied to suprc r feer t Y eN earPowerPlanatl o Vro: toris a

  • this iincrease will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a p-udent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee.

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Sig ,g.., a P rint Name A\. v f)'J C ua-- --..---

Address 4 Go M Ue P i I

2. Signature:: CCLJ. -

Print Name IS If.L 3S k Address: L., C=, vz,,- , Cs a ,+1-1111

3. Signature: Print Narne Address:
4. Signature:_ .-

Print Narne Address. S. Signature, Print Namne Address:

6. Signature:- __Print Nane__


7. Signature: Print Name _II Address:
8. Signature, Print Name II Address:
9. Signature: Print Name Address:
    . 10. Signature:      -

Print Name Address: 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14,2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Saety Assessment of lWaine Yankee Atomic Power Comranv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This stucly shall: (I) independently assess the conforrmance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safity-sigaificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizeni Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vemiont Deparitnent ofPublic Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREASI, Louisiana-based Enterrv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of tie reactor's original 1973 license, and a this iiicrease will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • a full topobottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2 -

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:. Print Name A1n Main /rt Address: //0 aw&E Itt,,, _

Al?' OT32(GI 7 > __ $(;t Vae O>^ 01j0u OL) 0 Address: -l - 4. Ce,80 ( ,4 _Print Namle Ue

3. Signature: H \e,.tRe Address: (270 I £a o z- &4 4 JLt4N/jL 3qf9
4. Signature:

Print Name. .. Address:

5. Signature: -

Print Name Address:

6. Signature: Print Name_


7. Signature: PrintNaure Address :_
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
   . 9. Signature:          -

Print Name Address:

10. Signature: Print Name---

Address: t his c pletpetit via New woalit england Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible 2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safet Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:- Members of the Public Service Board of Veqion: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: POMQ~: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at E7NVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because:. the non-resident owners of-ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility -to 120% of the originaldesign, by increasing output by 110Megawatts electrical or 330Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, -and at worst, could result in a major accident as tue increased decay heat from the more radioactive core.- will reduce the time, available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, lleiefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above re-quire that an Independent Safety &sessment of Vermiont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atmic Power Compan October 1996,. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This -study shall: (1) independently -assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offlices: (2). independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where 'appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Print Name:AI 4 \A A A Z

       .Addrsr         A)\AA_                                                                     _

city: 6r-bo Ao State uT i O;2145: Mrh:ok& 3 7 )Email:_ ________ Registered to Vote? \C JC5

A Petiition 10: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release it ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and

ear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimun, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst; could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core .

will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a moncern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 17herefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters 3rovided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of M aine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commnission This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its resign and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of icensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-ignificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:


Print Name: \4 vOQ L  ? b\2i

     - Addres;      7   &c       0>

City? stateAf Zip S3 ts( Phone: WAILS 1o*, Email: k\1C4 iv)euev, vIe Registered to Vote? I

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The'Vermont Department of Public Service:

*FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging pats will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996,

  • by he Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives Where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Signed: Signature: Print Name: PAOf.%AS Z b ks Address: Pa 63 Ab6 City: Ile r- State l Zip (Id £/- Phone: S 9Y15 Emal:__ Registered to Vote? LeIrA

A Petition [Q: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: OaQM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the orignal design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst; could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 33ereforeq they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as nossible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfornance. Signed: Signature: AZZZ .- y,/ Print Name: &~1rr C A VI anxX. Address 7 So ( City: &A -State ki 7 zip 06%'s Phone: *b 2- 3( 5- L )0 Email: Registered to Vote? \ Ip

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: ROQLM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at E.NVY through the air or Connecticut River. Beczuse: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility .to 120% of the iginal design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and ecause this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern-expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Wherefore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety hAssxsent of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Siawned: Signature: ' . k Af Print Name: \. 4A s V 9 A26

      *Address:                Ae\
                               ' e       t\oCcL<             u\° W City:        .S-     ffie/                   State      V4-                   Zip   O 3 b3 Phone:    ')O       537         9)AZ),                Email     ?tu& -y         rTc co-n Registered to Vote?          'Yei

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, amd visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to supersize the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures ancd operating emergencies, a nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety &sessment of 'Vermont as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: .

      .Signature:           4      Q4 Print Name:          (CRQLt&6         (       gT (RkI,@        Lk Address:         .3    9(     arks           Ba              0 City:                                       State                            Zi_

Phone: 3?S Email: Registered to Vote? i - -

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown-by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mininum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1herefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety &sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company< October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews alt the:site and corporate ofces: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sianed: Print Name: R /YJA )u' iA Address: L4Ad City: State V t _Zip _7JS3957 Phone: Email: Jlef ;aa .(2 Registered to Vote? __

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FlOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at E7NVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 10 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Uerefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety A&sessment of Vermiont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed:

      .Signature:    urn                S Print Name: ?         o\9        StVe(2_1 CX Address:    3( TI GaA t5L!         IAid        9CY City:      ov kL;-t                         State_V                          Zip OS;qSg Phone: 3Wo-         '--('.                            Email:

Registered to Vote? \/i

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont, Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • OOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Bicause:.. the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Becuse this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fiinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at

*ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
  • Iierefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety
&sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Sig~ned: Signature: Print Name: 7 4 tdi, t e Address: ervOA /2it5N City: LeriC //A State V* Zip a 37 Yf Phone: 3 7 30 . Email:_ Registered to Vote? Y1 S

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: SRDM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because:. the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Thertefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont.Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: I1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sig~ned.

       .Signatr eC                                   )
  • Print Name: ,Rr 0ZC A

Address: J: 5 C it y  : X t ~~~State_) Zi 5 f Phone: 0 65 -763 Email: Registered to Vote? Kim

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: E*JOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release

.at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because:. the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mminium, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therfore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety sessment of Verinont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters pravided. in the report: hdependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its

  • designand licensing bases including appropriate reviews al. the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of, licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Signed: Signature: Print Name: gRl a - Pf Address: 33l fAcssy B3roo* iRd. City: Iroo*lie State Ve-rnton# Zip or3Ms Phone: (ra') 365--7530 Email: Registered to Vote? na

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 6y  ::i-Print Name: /4 1Zig. 1i tJ Address: LII 64sW g41OL (D City: / K IJf State V17 Zip a*3*5 Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ Email:__ __ Registered to Vote? £

A Petition I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FR71OM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown .by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minirauum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jhetefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermiont Yankee be completed as soon aIs possible according to the definitions -and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature: NkttC4 k B en Print Name: NAiky BLO tALer Address: 7 k U sO /8S City: &a e (DZD State- zip a C</ Phone: UZ Z5_ (LI (C Z5 . Email: ____ Registered to Vote?

A Petition / TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • BFOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at .ENVYthrough the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mirnimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, fTlerefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safet, Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings. and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: YIN Print Name: My

                           )9    0-
                                  ~V (S I,1p      .



City: L.. State uV Zip Žs Phone:_ Email: Registered to Vote?

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Departmnent of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends cf Vermont MW EREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corvoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original -1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aiging components increasing risk of accidents, and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WIE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee.,

similar to thos Ifieady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: (H-' Print Name AtfW Address: 6-7 iiti / c d, yr ono' 0e
2. Signa e: t Name /-V~A-)XL:,e J Address: 4 6' /
3. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
4. Signature:  : IPrint Name Address:_
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
7. Signature:_ Print Name Address:_
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
  • 9. Signature: . .. .. .

Print Name Address:

10. Signature: Print Name Address:

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possibic. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall:.(l) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the'site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition-i o las, Governor of Vermont: Members o e Vermo gislature; Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Dep ent of ublic Service: friends of Vermont _Cororation has applied to super- ad nuclear fuel in the Veron to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and ee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that ottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, sitilar to thoready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintNarne .A- IA t j Address: Oe d$
                                              )      .                                    email-                  ,LC(j           ,(v 5Wj I
2. Signature: COMA. e -Print Name ' //r 2d r ddress:

A ddress_ t email _ _ 3, Signature: PrintNamne A4 L' ite~- Address: l 41 Ah , email

4. Signature:, Print Name ,' urA)

Address: / t7Zi V)- (123Gemail S. Signature Print Name 7 . \K t Address:. 72 A & gLgemail -2

6. Signature: PrintName U42rYI-J /, L U(/7L-L Address: 1 9t By  ?&tue c A5 l34temail
7. si %Is-.< Xl Print Name )-4A UJffii Address: (h<C kAA%A f4i T Vr 02' email k 0< HiO
1. Signature: -e X4-. Print Name____ ___________

Address: P 9 l17 ' A email

9. Signature:\l~ g -Print Name NAINJ~L iJ-l<

Address:.I~ f ap f 1S PUI~ny Jr- -0g4 milko ka*co

10. Signature:_U S A Print Name Dba a,\/f-i 5 Address: 1° 8 9- 4 Pouty v xtq email t- 1()5:&d I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compn. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commi ision. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall Performance.

7 / A Citizen Petitioni. IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Mem VermontLegislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont arhuent of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a full top-to-bottom eximination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature.4k ilk (,h int n NameekAA1\f,D IlSyyAS Address: .XA.1. 0 1p A ylA dn 1;lAAl;f
2. Signaure-, A1 Print N e pAtt fr boh Address: !plitQoaQ l rdtbo(9 emailiawmlaP/f- fl i C047
3. Signature: (i C I PrintName Af4 (Jaib ('(acrE' Address: (v___ _ __ _ __ _) email
4. S eC~nntrantarnPa~fnt Address,3 Ic t 2 t SI email
5. Signature: - PrintNamre A\A(-i Address: l ejta la ';)i i - e mail
6. Si a2 1 i A. 9 g PrintNameA A.t\ ~AC y-T -

Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _email

7. Signature: PrintName A(Loa :14na Address: emai_

emAl__ _ ___L_ _ _ aL5 N-of

9. Signature: _ Print Name i Ca. L , lm_. r Address: 43e 6' . ( i2 Szorail m &

J?;l( A J

9. S gatre: >{lPrint Name AifC Address: A g st/i emb-Sail e t4 t@ Go
10. Signature: -FAn tName t ' ACx k i4 e C5 Address: (P(O(Ct Itf 6 6 A.Wa o I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, BOX 545, Bratfleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the repor Indepenen t Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petitioni If!: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: em ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and fiends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  *thisincrease will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vernont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for a                                  tlene ent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, si                o those eady Co uc                  atu      clear plants in M     and Connec      ut
2. Signature: le Address: _t* h 5f t1$aA5- s(L Yr
3. Signature:, arnJ PrintNanie ))
4. Sigaue Address: 5 i K. t T X Print Name <§6w 4XOs a lsf' r-t/ fem Q[
4. Signature: Nam Address: 6o Pi _ _________email ctf rv'- 0 3 6 email_

5l ______ Address: u9sfk~ e PL2t~WeK)_6t 6.. Signature: G ta ~ a f (¢ C ) -Address:

7. Sign By)CA'?t72 '/4 atr(eLA - ŽC~~~/eraii Print Name TWO+> Lo Address - e53Ycmailq
9. Signature: Print Nam.._a _ _ __- _ _________>

S. Sig Address G / Prn-m Ity email

10. Signature: . PrintName 1L46 YZA-2f r t 'c4 L Address A nu . (t1LD6cVC email 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bcox 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

in 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nucear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independenly assess the conformance of Veront Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where flppropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee rself-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root causers) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall oerformance.

4NX A Citizen Petition' I TO- The Honorable James Douglas, GovernorofVermont:MeinbersofthevermontLegislature;vermontPublic Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vamont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersignedcitizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based Entersiv Cor-oratiin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of tie reactors original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new siress on Vermont Yankee's ajing components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore,'

WE NOW SAY join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: _ ___IC______ Print Namie PhvA O)bc h'5 Address:jŽ__A1 IYD J w 1IT I{( 6S 3--
2. Signature: Na S1P9 rne 1 ti C A 1 C Address: Ilo- i(m At t . ( - n , V,'t c
3. Si - A
                                      -Z,4r AA,  ,

S A F-I PrintNarme Aniw M w cAo(Vtf i I Address: i1 Be/4 3An &c+{ bov yvr &OS3?O

4. Signature: - Print Name Ai ltq &jrdte9 Lt Address: 41c1lAull k t6( MP2 -Y&
5. Signature-. t)%rNarse;764 <l>S Address: 5to uti> ),v 4
6. Signature: ffods.nU Print NarnejOkck onb? -e- ,

7 Address: is 2L)o--rsctIU40 ?J!Iefl T p v({

7. Signature: r 3 PrintNarne Brett WAM?2i AwlA-.

AMut i VIVI>

4) 1 f. 12,-ow,-.tL4P
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gUtA '~~ V

                                                                                                 /-Fr CJL\\
8. Signatu re: PrintName Vkrn . (SS4-Address. ______.______________f
     .9. Signiature:t                                                  PrintNamne      4,r)4      8 Address.:           ~40 zo=, 2,07
10. Signature PrintNate r- it - -a-i Address: /7 Z% // ~2S3-4 a+acj //

1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 0Spimbr, 14- , if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the rcport: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vennont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfornance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

i4.CjtizenA Peiin . TO: The Honomble James Douglas, Governorof Veninont: mgerms o ro Leislature; VeAnont Public c>viee Scard: VermOnt State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Departnenuf Pub FROM: The umdersigned citizens and fends of Vermont WHEREAS , Louisiana-based EnterXC-ourrWoq has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankec Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 4 thsis l'rSe will ,Iace new stres on Vermont Yankee's aging cmponents increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts.that eu',d aff=et thecntire=, thereibre, a fail topto-bottom examination ofVermont Yanke, is a prudwnt, protective and conservative, therefore, WWE NOW SE2A JO us in cauling for a,IdeLendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeea to those aiready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine andConnectct S.gntttr Print Name 7?'.011,fl, -7 Address: _________________________________

2. Sia-,4 Amt=a44 Address~i%,m Ifalc 14 S k VT___
3. Signature C14A&A/P .- _ PrintName - o Address  : 5 63Y. '. P7 ?S"/
4. S;gnatreu { Print tMAun e UC$&i t Address_ C $
5. S rprirt Naxme Address  : 2 A-If~/ f-
6. Signature Name _Tte L -int h

Addres:s /C SZ JF t7 (

      . Signature:_                                      PrintName__________________________

Address: " 1 , k$7(1 oC-oI 1-1Nnt 1 4 vr >of 9.8)0 >koEb>;> 9, Signature_ . Print Haxm, teA '- Y1- - , , Ad~~ S! I)>t2 (0 ~ (a~ k eV A -4 to. Sig KPL -.

                                                         ;_PrintName            ._Jt4                                P1r                       k
&Ci Address: _% .Z ECgJLe Lw'&.. b 2 6 gr? WS MPletcdW petiton - OwtJee _ 2003, if possble.

2cording to bthe dfition ad pSametel prviided la rcpan 0 ic Odo0er 1996, by the Niudar natmY OWmmissio. hiNs Sty Shall: (1) Ind ye asss *e coagmiaae of Vrnwo Yarkee to its deshgn and licensing bases includig app opriate xviewi at the site aMd optc *Oics (2) indecdently asscss operationl sfetY pcrfna 1 1 giving fbk Pespa t appiroat; hem p (3)evate tk CffCWVW= of lIcn sCtssWnts,c Vc

    ,moreiam pt3aS (4)dammie tbc mot causew() of'fe-signfflcam E                 Win and draw cnlusions on <veU poorMi=.
 .?654s 'MAXC O#J                        WeS. Oh/l T*'              1CATrL                    wFR$- OM 014
                                                                     /a     PS F          P45Cr 9r.               ,IF

A Citizen Petitioni IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: EROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHERAS , Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agirg components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire stake, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature<k," ( ) PrintName k<c 'VIAr0 )o k s; Qbr Address: ) OYAZON) & VTO 30 ) email
2. Signature: - AA=4:7,=Lprint Name -\ II e, Address: ______________ _ _1__a 3.-Signature: ~Print Name  ? V6 .

Address: m ;4-IP7 6:2,! email

4. Signaatu Prin Name H i_ g TIci Address: I d l tS f ml 5'. Signature. PrintName 997( &e Address: s~ ti (Ky '(('?7D email__
6. Signature: uA Print Name____I_ _____

Address: 16c> I i VWA email Vokd A4 -Qn;J&~ 3. dot

7. Signatt/,G PrintName A Je tCLr_

A. Signature: Print Name ;93 ea vAil2AS( Address: O&O," 7t fA\ Mi Ve r--c.J emailCT3 3 cer Address: (b t OS33- email

10. Signature: !Zn nt Name 'l Ax 4 Address: 1OP& > 4X 4 'r2 (As'lo- VT email 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Cmanvy October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall verformance.

                                                       .A Citzen Petition' TQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entera Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative; therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee2, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName SvrayKs£S N. C'oQA'wt Address: 1U ILLS 04k4L
                              *-        l          Q           A)                            email      _________________
2. Signature- Prnn Name a Address:_.. WKARk nnarr~ 8 WtJE Off3 %'I .$-49.


3. S___________________


                           -k             /\/9rint                                           e Name ________Q________________________At_____

J-l 04 n~o Address: lC Ofroa .ctj 7 v/T IT email

4. Signature: PrintName 'c* o Ad sce, AG Address: _ 9 -O \ \ ev 5 .
5. Signature: Print Name 0AtA-,- f Address: h pT i5 em eail_*>
6. Signature:.I_ Print Name Address: /C2 1 2 Aq eye U r email
7. Signature: Print Name G O7 J( v! fr Address: a4 m12-th ft 5 L ) , emal _
8. Signature: 6 yi PrintNamee 4 tbA S kAjA.

Address: V-r fo 1-22 email_ -9. Signature: Go PrintName 44 Addres:21ILz:4'1 >eh n) /~fUU/email &' 1* /1WdzgC At,

10. Signatur eiA -r lgi ntName6 j.4I6t4X ,, R V C cl f1 Address: 2VCt 9 I t 1  % L g77 email I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September 30, 2003.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the reprt: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power

- Comp=nv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall cerformance.
                                  -A CMZEN PETITION TO: The Honorable James Douglas: Senators Jeffords and Leahy; Representative Sanders FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, The recent disclosure that highly lethal fuel rods are missing from Vermont Yankee, as well as the discovery of cracks in the steam dryer, both demonstrate that the usual oversight process of both Vermont Yankee and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is insufficient to guarantee the health and safety of the public WE NOW URGE THE ABOVE, PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICIALS to demand an Independent SAFETY Assessment that will have the criteria listed in the Vermont Senate Resolution adopted on 4/16/04 as well as the requirement of a civilian peer review process. The limited "engineering assessment" required by the Public Service Board on 3/15/04, will not be enough to reassure Vermonters that this plant is being run safely, given these recent disclosures of outrageously incompetent oversight. How can we expect Vermont Yankee to run a plant safely at 120% of capacity if VY can't keep track of fuel rods? How can we trust the Nuclear Regulatory Commission if they don't have a process which would have required frequent checks that the fuel rods were actually inside the box, particularly after spent fuel was missing at the Millstone plant?
1. Signature COG kU _ Print Name 1Ar,6- CLAPKE Address 1W (fShUr6 RV 0ots E-maill4eSCh<ecAt;IiA&
2. Signature Il Print Name -ckv_~ A Address 4[ Mle' VPC A-Cnoc W a rq+/-L-E-mail
3. Signature k Print Name 1t WL $

Address \5Z &jj WaMail Ema FAkw

4. Signaturepzz1 p- *1 A PrintName. ith c9V 2
                                                  "   W-K AM Address;5_2        5M, At          Ad, (FV i. I Ge  6690/ E-mail 1201V'L4          p u IO e7&
5. Signature 2 ( P Print Name_

31/( C0 " t S a/( 1 -- l .\sf1Iae {cr_ -Ztf- y aA v, c gcA4f0--bag < q, V-r 065/01 E-mail Signature~sama t , _PrintName SARO P-t AIcre& Address __f __,1 E-mail

7. Signature M _Print Name d de e(th/ ... ...
                                             -- 9    j                                        T-9        0    SO     lA         =

Address _/2'f /CamFA E-mail /k, 7 '/ C7 ; i(/E7 k d&93/ -

A CITIZEN PEi1TITION TO: The Honorable James Douglas: Senators Jeffords and Leahy; Representative Sanders FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, The recent disclosure that highly lethal fuel rods are missing from Vermont Yankee, as well as the discovery of cracks in the steam dryer, both demonstrate that the usual oversight process of both Vermont Yankee and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is insufficient to guarantee the health and safety of the public WE NOW URGE THE ABOVE, PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICIALS to demand an Independent SAFETY Assessment that will have the criteria listed in the Vermont Senate Resolution adopted on 4/16/04 as well as the requirement of a civilian peer review process. The limited "engineering assessment" required by the Public Service Board on 3/15/04, will not be enough to reassure Vermonters that this plant is being run safely, given these recent disclosures of outrageously incompetent oversight. How can we expect Vermont Yankee to run a plant safely at 120% of capacity if VY can't keep track of fuel rods? How can we trust the Nuclear Regulatory Commission if they don't have a process which would have required frequent checks that the fuel rods were actually inside the box, particularly after spent fuel was missing at the Millstone plant?

1. Signature "d/ 4 'Lei-- Print Name _Jtn-e Afcaton Address A;. (tri tur ,,i i 1', 04/ -- -E-mall - e nf-J 5 ei- eI-
2. Signature e dql/&- -Print Name. 'Sa// /euK)

I-Address jrl XacyL 34 W .Ad _PiRta E-mail -

3. Signature*Z<L .C. I vJi-:Ii _Print5- 'lame Age A-I,.k I (

At so Ox Address1isk Annea p t3 EdMi

4. Signature Ofet __nd__ Prin a Address (/4i//1C pi reCLIŽ10*
                                              )t/  t l/             E-matl      /            to                         ; lieI
5. Signature &K Tt, ,, Z iQ ro4oe $ _ Print Nlame &.kcrvL -b- l Address tcha IE-mail - 6Iya . (OT
6. Signature a ____ Print NEime Y&/ A- /C Address fol6q $3 &ZS # E-mail 1Ai X /,td 2
7. Signature N0.Qc -I Print Name (-lkLkS C\ , _ s v _

Address I a '. .,I ' At I WE-mail -

A Citizen Petition' Governor Of Vermont: G- /(6. lel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: d friends of Vermont Members of the Vermont IJ iX flic r Corporation has applied to super-load nucletq fte:! if:'0, -V*tKtIt o 120% of the reactor's original 1973 licenselJnd.  : ont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidentland tale relt-nt Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore,

          -                 -      i                a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

liar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signaturege n Namle rint a 6 AJZC.rLiz(

ARL-U 87 tU4 l1 Address: g fe & -tj- -

2. Sigaue)re. Print Name lhBeot Lo s-vrn-Ahi Address: -

Ln-aNlal Print z.vm .

                                                                        ..  ,  . . V

_ _

  • VT 05773
3. Signature:- / //~ Print Nanic we .A6l4ai , S£ kniock Address: t13 Ai. I'akcrn $t1- Z) z0A 4s-4q W46lt4lt'ric,i 05-77-?
                                                                                                                                                         --j --
4. Signature:_IAn . Print Name M -of C- 1 4 Ptto,0oV Address: ePDA.~ -I
                            *I            -.

d td LLijxF,&I L KiT o*7+2..

5. Signature: _ Print Name ec e AI. &Ueo ,:r-Address: V$ e44 Cc aSL- /r 0)25? vZ
6. Signature: Print Name C'i DelnAK Address: ;3.747( Sov </ d.i
7. Signature: UW QA h4C, Print Name Lda /wi
                                                                                                                                                  .- f II Address:           -' lI/ef4{ M- At                   ).


8. Signature: A t 6CAgL Print Name J~oj!F.pry L. -6AV(Ek~

Address: S71 3 W)EST K) IL RVLD _ P.O .Vbdo02. LAWIU6-ffO/I L/r OS77 -

9. Signature: R60A Print Name &On{/S/I r Address: Ii jZI laS , YT i773
10. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition. Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: lndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Citizen Petition'. TO': The Honorable James Douglas, GovernoroEVermont MembersottheVermontLegislanoni; V i, .: Service Board Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panek and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont s WHEREAS, Loutisiana-based Enteriw Corporatio,! has applied to super-load nuclear fuWA i: Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and - this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and ti* could affect the entire state, therefore, . - a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yanke similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: PrintName 4 °e I

Address: 1 ft I - P'7Jd,.

2. Signature: UsIriAA) VF6{ Print Name 's&
                                                                                            ; -rv        hiI'             I:- IFP-W1V                 4<

Address: 14,* I2AA4 f-w', U1 e44a-0D1- -

                                                                                -       f A17 9IA)

F - VT n'0:55 - -v

3. Signature: O za IPrintNamen MW4V P I K6ft)AI. Wi!,3GC1 V7T Address:r
4. Signature:0..2342e y=W Print Name k2VZ I-;xy G'C47 Address: ILIY AV I (

V (LS& -Ž eJC<-1( 7 /V7 o) S -

5. Si i g n PrintName s>O°,4) ¶Ogm tt Address: 1'42s V't ov V'tLL4A(r. 1.DO P js tA-J OJI
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
9. Signature: PrintName Address:
10. Signature: Print NamceI Address:
      ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible.

2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate-, (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) ofsafety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: . IOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release

 .atENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at

  • ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core.

will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Terefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety

.Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996,
-by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and -orporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the.root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overal ormance.

Sigmed: Signature: Print Name: SCOT T } +(ieS

  • Address: . 63:S By t Vod
       .City:            &V) t d                     State
  • Zip 0'3?O(

Phone: LF5 7L2 C Email: Registered to Vote? )/ I

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

- 1OWM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its agirn, components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core - will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of .Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety.Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996,

  • by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Signed: Signature: ( ls/ - Print Name: OAlr!I 4 k>,A Address: [(p ((ILK L City: LState t -rzip 6S3 / Phone: _ __ _e -1 _ _______ Email:__ Registered to Vote? ____ _

                                                - Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon:

Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • MOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility .to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermaont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate ofmices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfbormance. Sinned: Signature: ( i A9~i( Print Name: ( ,, A Y Sw thP ZYd , Address: RO. 13Ox /Y (&97 6Sty Recok Adf Stres , VT) City: 4f/ foww/C State Vr zip 05311 - OD~tl Phone: 9C02- 3Ur- %26so Email: Registered to Vote? ?____

A Petition 7 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FOM:People (voters where noted) residing, working,. and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a miinimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. swill reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Sinned: Signature: Print Name. uso;n Socrlicrs Address: 13q W d-1fnejcs A1 City: &oArC State V Zip 4553LIS Phone: (&2 31a5-130)9 -Email: s. pzl: - eoWrlAl Q D .nv-new Registered to Vote? I/ 4.

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • IFROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant M Y), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed~by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and[ denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October. 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: a Paw d Print Name: MA4I6crd fL- --

      *Address:                 31      qAS1S
                                          $         61tJ0     EJD City:    .              104/J#                State                            zip_         __      ___

Phone: 902<~ 3sS- 131/ . Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition T.0: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont:; Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: E1gOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release .at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst,- 441d result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Ikerefore. they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetq Assessment of Vermiont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safet. Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shalL (1:)independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate. the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine -the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusio on overall performance. Signed: Signature: Print Name: tog+- - Address: X G-1LA SY B y A, iŽb City: Z A k> t State O5 U 0-Zip Phone: 5 4-713 5 Email: Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: .FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safetv Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompanyM October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the :site and corporate offices: (2) independently. assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: 77 ". Print Name: I1cN id . r Address: (,75' tAKr Wity1f City: frc.kftc State < -Zip 65a.V Phone: 3 tS F3 . Email: Registered to Vote? y

A Petition 2Y: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FlRkOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others poterntially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release

.at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and

*tearand shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the finges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a miniimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at EN4VY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core.

will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern-expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety As'sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess

  • operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.


       .Signature:    Ha        o06 cJR /l
        *PrintName:      at>     KIW1PJ-Address: 1[7         Vt4                 --

tUeYI-I city: lD.oOkWAJ State_ Zip 19X ~i Phone: 9t62- ?ajt-IL2. Email: Registered to Vote? 1i .

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • ROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the oniginal design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Fhetgfore they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety. Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company; October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: - A, __ Print Name: B h y 0-Address: St Ccf hik Rc. City: roak-l State if Zip O5-3 S Phone: £V2.%- t65- 4L5W7 Email: ___ Registered to Vote?

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release
.atENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core.

  • 'will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond. to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October .1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shal[l: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives.where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall peiformance.

Si Print Name: __7IiAp' .S- &. Address: p, (, 12)o ) 2-. City:

  • I N'r 5JAI.i- 2 State V t Zip -sp Phone:4Z 2S 3 4g 9 2 _ Email: \ USpD~A 4 t {I Registered to Vote? \ ts

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FiLOM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vrermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a mninimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, TheftforeM they demand that the Officials named. and denoted above require that an Independent Safety

&sessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and.parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Sianed: Print Name: { iLc\li V? Address: 62 KwdrL a S (XX City: State (/ Zip Os3 qb Phone: ;i S1 t Email: &L(AQ-~ Registered to Vote? ___ _

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • 31M0: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear erimont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fiinges of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core. will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern expressed. by nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety

&isessmentof Vermont Yankee be comppleted as soon as Possible according to the definitions and parameters provided inthe report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the:site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Signed: Print Name: D lonCA \cAM)e U

      .Address:     V-IC.

City: &4 Ic bad o State UTI Zip O&SO0 Phone: AOma - IAC)Og Email: Registered to Vote? _.A

A Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont. Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

  • FIROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River.

Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years of wear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating. at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core . will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Therefore, they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) inAependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: . 2AI4 a2 L i Print Name: IaliiI. MP m Address: A - Minx ((LQ City: . VI Pe,, State_ NF Zip p  ? ,L Phone: c)4 Email:_____ ___ __ ____ Registered to Vote? ____ __J__________

A Petition IQ: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Public Service Board of Vernon: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vermont Department of Public Service: FROM: People (voters where noted) residing, working, and visiting within twenty-five miles of Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Power Plant (ENVY), and others potentially affected by radioactivity from an emergency release at ENVY through the air or Connecticut River. Because: the non-resident owners of ENVY have applied to super-size the aging nuclear facility to 120% of the original design, by increasing output by 110 Megawatts electrical or 330 Megawatts thermal, and Because this increase will cause more stress on its aging components, already subjected to 31 years ofwear and tear and shown by ENVY's own documents to be currently operating at the fringes of failure, and Because this increased stress on aging parts will, at a minimum, result in more breakdowns and less reliability at ENVY, and at worst, could result in a major accident as the increased decay heat from the more radioactive core will reduce the time available for reactor operators to respond to equipment failures and operating emergencies, a concern nuclear industry workers and by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Ilerefor they demand that the Officials named and denoted above require that an Independent Safety Asessment of Verfiont Yankee be completed as soon as possible according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of ENVY to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-siguificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Signed: Signature: . Print Name: _2) i4. f/Ati c'-' Address: 7  ; L3 cejC f'O City: State t Z Zip *3 Phone: at

                    &O )             (1ZM                   Email:       ,      &Se.,

Registered to Vote?

                                                                                                                                                'AP'd J,

VIR, Z , A y I A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont: Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Vennont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriv Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vemon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similnj 3 o those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: - Pin Name J ISV/5*; se?

Address: 2/ H sSZ a or cf. /r9p9 a 6&x

2. Signaturee A . .Print Name zqodo A21 Ske /k '

Address: /-oV,-t6;; Z Z /o j

3. Signature: PrintName /1X $zv 6 -r 'I5 Address: / C-4/V1V7< S)T /YA- c~if7Y ;
4. Signature: Print Name Address: -
5. Signature: _

Print Name Address:

6. Signature: Print Namne Address:
7. Signature: Print Natne Address:
8. Signature: Print Narne Address:
   . 9. Signature:_                                                 Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possible. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

                                                                                                                              '9       .

A Citizen Petition'  : X94/ TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemoro f Vermont Members of the Vemiont Legislature; Vernont Public Service Board: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: and The Verrnont Department of Public Service: FROM: The undersigned citizens and friends of Vermont WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to6 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is a prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for a Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee 2 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature`k t ~&9 Print Name -t /

Address: 15 L-e-eqe fij 'L. Cu MA Cast

2. Signature: S"'4 4(OJA ein3 Name M L At S Address: f L e4det/ -Do- h, aJ rMI C)
3. Signature: C <? g Print Name CA -4 Address: 6bi r1(AcxVsctt SW - :
4. Signature:3Pava Vkfawt5 PrintName_ ) JIm  : I 1 4f 5 Address: 9TI H ekCs H1II H W} And - VU1 q4AE.
5. Signature:n ,, Z, . ,a._ itName 'Ltnd VWeaIl'A; Address: s 920hnp: mf . 3A[ Ha. ~v,,0%~ 110^ Tr ,5745
6. Signature: Ltc231d4 !i6A Print Na lame T. N w
                                                                                                         'RtMPA I      e Address:         L:                                                                         'at ,- q h-x-?n
                                                                                                                ,,        _ MA, D Q-0 6-4
7. Signature: Hi 1I Print Name S0S S C/ PIGee AN Address: /915 16 cJ
                                              -1 aBoirn        AAs4                                 Ee              .1 +         kV 9:7-7
8. Signature: Print Name Address:
  • 9. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
10. Signature: Print Name Address:

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 by September, 14, 2003, if possiblc. 2 according to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluaic the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans: (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.}}