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Citizen Petition, Calling for a Complete Examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, Equal in Scope to the Independent Safety Assessment Conducted at Maine Yankee
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/2006
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of VT, State of VT, Dept of Public Service, State of VT, Public Service Board
%dam200606, 71FR1774 00022
Download: ML060470529 (560)


{{#Wiki_filter:j 0: -6 ., 4j , Cf; A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, GCrvemor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vemnont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EntergvNuclear (Limited Liability Cornoration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Retor at 120% of its desigced power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautifl state and reon; and the increagig legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's, children; these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yank Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. W

                   -.Matuu.           C~14v~       Print Na      me_     __       ___         __ ___ __

Address: (9..*R~%,s F>ST)-F Vi~o53f4 _

2. Signatre; £4 Prit Name C SCki0QA.

Addrm: 3 S- &Af t ic.or, A1 xSot- 4'n 3.sig = PinLts NnS -i CAtt Ad&.: /h l Marlboro r_o___- -

4. Si Nt^ame. 01..

Addess- 3 o h5 aAkoe rg 5PT 5.Signatuwe_ Prim Name ?_68) 2 i7

6. S*uMdWm ~PIUtName NYAE EEA~PF-Ag s Addrm:-35 kftL4bejA"4, v-i o53vi S. Sga xr:AwZfZ ~ n N mxe o1cc ~

R= t3Ws compleWdpeidton NewEnIn Coalitim, Box 545, ,mfle=, Vamont 05302 -ASAP! 2 CongsmnJohn Olver, No. 9 25 k1mzto MIsDia; NRCCham

r. .

A I Iaumen PotflIn! s- - I Governor of Vemont; Members of the Vermont TO: The Honorable James Dou as, lawa Ste Nuclear Advisory Pnel; and The Vermont Legioatrt Velont Public SOMice Board; D ofPutblic Sevice: vMEREAS: i Csspor)tiogg hopes very soon to evpiment with running LoWsism-based power level, testing the responUe of aged end the yr YanLke Nuler Ror a 120%h of c deaigncrd flow, threby pcreaing an unaoeptable lisk to the icD vbio and steam eMrd compont to lives of al who livt in ft vicicy of the an aocdent could forever chnge fife as we know it in our AND WHEREAS: The iread risk odkgacy of deadly radioactive wat sall be an enowrmous beau sat d regionaM te incVW . children; tese art NOT in koeping with Vermont's edre's flanci SWd enviomul burden our consCIvac and sef-reliant huitage; THEREFORE: o _ condlt zucinAtr A YemOft Van We ak you to joi us in caJing for e 1L4Il~~eftafey Asesm~itconducted at r equal in scope to tI 1.S6pmtu/4 _ aNsm:, Phiefa0 I,. - Nit C' I

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3. WIW S iPAn Nan! i1t r W[ §i ffi r ~~llrl som Add~m:
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VIA NOW &diI*d Coakmz, Box 545, ~s&bi&= Vam= 0530 -MAPI Re= V* cp"pefid 1 2CnannJoba Oka, Nov. 9 200 kW tro Miys Dial, NRC Ca~ftrmm

I\ - A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:_ Print Name God £'(2\C' '

Address: a CSQ)> uS - S I 72(( of 2 CD

2. Signature: -PrintName [, ,C~rT6,t Address: ess______
3. Signa x,!ht Name Ae__ gt 2 C o Address
4. Signature: L-1 g HeA Pit-ae 7zen fQ*.

Addressq.-I W g 1AUtJ em,) V L2S DIC G u -Vt o

5. Signature Address: 3 -
6. Signature Print Name E .7 gazers/

Address: IR51 ,at3o

8. Signature: f ~~ ~ Print Name
                                                                ~      .5f 7                   LFVV(

I Return this completed petition via New gland Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermonv 302 --ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

(kM A Citizen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. 1.Signature: ,L

           '(3 C~e LtA St d     anwoW (A-3 PrintName          fifle L             r     t+e Address:                                                                 (Yt       54kUoc 17/
2. Signature: H _22e Print Name (zk / (,? L4 Address: Cd V5T
3. Signaturel dulzQ i~ _ PrintNa ne (j( F1-/57 Address: 17L-7, , N J- Gil D $3 0 1
4. Signature: PrintName ('7eg/s i ktiF*

Address: Sressl & 4Afl b JL 2/V &,4 Ad DE3

5. Signature: I0A& j&.,-prrint Narne ea A D k? UR O S ALo' Address:
6. Signature:

Address: 7Pfe 4 6fez7 ' PnintName __0_lAft_______ 6 St54

                                                                               ,k1 1He 6

gIt( f I/a

7. Signature: PrintName  ? 3 e^)

Address: n Ao ( ge Vr/1/3e °

8. Signature: ( ()sI41; PrintName CC0 ( )4tk$ i Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Ebx 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citilzen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:-9 ftd., Print Name TA'EIt4 +4k & , >6HER Address: /7ThPICR Db, R4T-7LG60R0 kr- Q523C(
2. Signature: Hi Print Name )1 77 L.- * /

Address: '753 Y /4I 1i( I t PBy a F6 foA) V- 0,5301 P , f?

3. Signature:_ K&R::, PrintName +-tCetf'e Address: He rally (AA
                                                >   Ad    -         A
4. Signature: @ & (ZfiQ Print Namern -, U+ 6 \'& rI C t Address: f* S@t.P)X( Qi"I
5. Signature: 44 A6e l Print Name 7t*rm Fa Actkc r Address: l J (G 3 1J If RF (3/4k TGove s v ose6f 0
6. Signature: I6 PrintName A AJA G WDB EI Address: etŽo l S QY*CO t V F3>AtLLL Ag
7. Signature: PrintName_ c(-';"%

(:) S-\- - ( Address(Sc CA ,( VC(- WfgQo A YS0 (

8. Signatur. PrintName l.IxACz- W ACG e Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diez, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our chilLdren's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: e Print Name /Y'O Pi -ay Address: t Cv / _3
2. Signature~ A ' Print Name Qf -1 h$i,. 7l L 6 hAAS itt)

Address: (0 I t D}1 Dr, _ _ __f__ ____3_a_

3. SignaturintName t'c e 5 Address: tgt (-ILtg ,65At ~9D, S 3t
4. si sPrint Name j I Address:
5. Signature/ cP=(9^ P(3 Print blame U-6 O(Z4c/

O n K

5. Signature: PrintbName s C)

Address: A6)r

6. Signature: aI,_/ Printblame e.s-Address: X9 (6t V
7. Signature: ,. Print Name c t AO(ŽEN t- taV Address: e \k 0

8.Sgntr: Z-A2Z Print Name______________________ 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

ACitizen Petitioni-TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Miembers of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vemront Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnterMy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporations hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you tooin us In calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. I. Signature: lid Name ,

                     'h7/h0         t01A21 (I
                                                /lo      Print   C. f r-sfi'e 1(7)%      ava IvE Address: /ga            (Cr fln           (IdCQd                    SalasPIt ) M A
2. Signature:rke -- (UAJU _print sh$ hni.A- e-4 t t Name -

Address:iN C , bUal ( { a ) ~-Lee rn.~( )-- s,

3. Signature: yImn. 4>ir,lAjL4 Print LyncAh S&he-eker Name Address: 170- -Wa4,Ha. o Rd vti mJU
4. Signature r rintSO//y Z, nnerwn Name ' P Address:,/' Z 11 *J eI5/

1,,O4)A /e t/,ss. 0 go, 7

5. Signature: 42 ,Q Print Ad 0 \ Aq Gea G-mirl c 0 Name_

Address: 5(7 Q Wb hF. 9 f, JIdybOb ' °0 I 3

6. Signature: t'4S Print 1,AJa(AJi~ J Name_

Address SIg- o o1)

7. Signature Print Name Ph LA 1F X Address: 67 W4SW#IN "(-7c'J at 4OrsAd e B. -1C intes print 1/4/,f C AY Name Address 79 _ _ - So. De-wc', zq-cs
  • 9/J,- 7-7 I Return this completed petition via-NewEngtand Coatltion, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A Ct ~n-Poldition TO: The Honorable James Douglas. Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnterW Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporatibwj hopes very soon to expenment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and Ocreating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature 1X -/ () Print Name 3< ff,, r ,f7 Erc/

Address: -SL.2 (kfAernc 0.C\ g+ 4X r ne !339C

2. Sign re: Ablk l " Print Name a > AAcku Address: ;30 L dr.v-kAf*/ 1
3. Signature:. 2v6 - - Print Name Sc fe A/ zs Address: 76 age, S-lI/ 0
4. Signature: (ett nda Print Name TK C 6Y*CL~ i &Rfl-lEv Address:- /62 /rAavidr id. esoy, A1K, ci337
5. Signature: IQ A4 i / - Print Name 1. anev ^ SoAd klaw r Address:i k" (A Pt- (, 137
6. Signature: Z 6 LUT Print Name §oXrC e 4.oj LCt e M4 o i '7 ° Address:

s : Al Print /IAlD l2e-CAy Address Name-

                    -                                                     C  oy) 2j0
8. snk print Name____________________________

Address~ U I L ~ e ~ ~ ~ , P O 1yI7 ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalitionr, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

ecA Cfi in Pe tt TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation} hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonrs conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to oin us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

                      *-                n _44-              Print Name                      ,4LJ/

Address: /2Z Fd57T eri>,X ec C/P 633 7

2. Signature A. 51 zale, i Print Name 1ZIIev, M. - ,xnAeat' Address: IQ Lore ,e- Grep -re.A MA>A Ol2,6 I
3. Signature: Print Name  ; AOnif 7 z, ',. Ld A Address: ee ; M A 0 4 2-
4. Signature,_- go C Zr /C.' . s Print < v L Name _______________ s_______________

Address: L kuvayr v A1-. C/4oI

5. Signature: Print Name .  %% A.hR&Et Address 3  ?.roiy bR. OA$ tb A.+ d131k-1;-020d 6 Signatur Print Name z./,OIih ish561 SW Y& i916
                                                                  /&l                   /

IVHA !3c 1 Address: 7.Siriaure.[J; IfPrint Name Ad-I;;W/6~~/WOff-4Ufi Address: t/ L Aft@ /+i4l/f 48°n ant ac3 57

8. Signature:- ,4 i -Print Name 4 4L. W1 L Address._jjJjI y. LL41', fe- 6,41 I Return this completed petition via NewEngtand Coalition, Box 55, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

MDkc A Citizen Petition 1-TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Co poration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautifil state and region; and the, increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee uclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. 1.signature=Lgd Zjv _ 112\ Print Name LatL e K(,01 klh Address: Il C O.L- s-f> ~11/ / ,VJ, af[36

2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature:_ Print Narne Address:
6. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
7. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
8. Signature:_ Print Name Address:

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPI! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with rnning the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE- - -- We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Indeftendent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Print Name Address:
2. Signature: Print Name Address:
3. Signature: Print Name Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name____


6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman john Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition, TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based FntEorgy Nulpc1ar (T.imittdri T.iahility Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore : We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Vu,-M -Print Name i}er , 51m aoed I Address: 0e- S'A Ivefro16
                                                      .u  L          ,e-. o/379
2. Signa ure , P Print Name Ve+e 3Set, Address: lo FotX VIIJve jae.

U L~Adam pr I. i3 7f

3. Signature -Print NameF 6 Address:
4. Signatt//6: 1$-/ Print Name / -)

Address: ri) 4@ I I / ,7

5. -in tr S~^rn Name~i> (7/Pe/y __D____

Address: /3KF f~s kg) , jJtJJbE7(ct. a d/39/5~

6. Signature:gCow, r n Name -tyVf*/

Address: / ?1&IARLe9 By w-L 844 o/37,Z

     'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition, TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Fntprgy Nuinlpar (T.imit.-d T.ihility Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore : We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safetv Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature4ture AA.4. Print Name Ia r_ Sh Address:iPC:>.. S OL1  % ) INBa02
2. Signature: TRY~J Ad a Print Address: P. d1$. IZ 8 g I.M- °{\
3. Signature: Print Name Cec,-Le i LL.

T 6iT Address: o LU~eeT $f VWeztt LL - O15

4. Signature: B Name Cecfi'- +/-(,--

I. L ' iAJt--- Print

4. Signature:

Address: 5-0 AA-'"C 2)3LOe5J/IL,t APrint Studs 4 1.A 73 7 5

5. #

Name Amp J 0AA Address: Z 7 s Sed 4 / ,?_. -J1idkiL,4t4,4 d/3 7'

6. Signature: 6>,J1. Print Name ae/ell All Address: J .9 /Loz ot/. IIU/fTO7U /7 01/3/

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

N-5 A Citizen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Fntpwrgy Nurlnar (T.imitrl TLiahility Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore : W"le ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the-Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: I/Ž ZCl j P Print Name fiL e A1]>/

Address: 2-b (1kSI? 13

2. Signature: nw1iP/

Print 1X411A r22-/f1? Name_ Address:/5 577 1/1c4c( i /IZ- Zt/ /'710o/y 7:

3. Signature: Print Name A 64'c Address: l F1-wi i- V v -r D
4. Signature: H Print Name Cnreo([l W-Address: 5 /3Uf(erc N4,pbreU .
5. Signature: OGC Prin.t Name 20E C, lo u(S- 4U Address: 5-7 StrutP_ Rk 0 l V1Yet,
6. Signatur .Te( A Ste-o- vs print Name________________________

Address: 6I f,*r4dc, RD werdedl fla5 cl 13 77 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Fntprgy Nurlp1ar (I.imitd TLiahility Co~oration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embattled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore WAe ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the-Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: ,Print Name 1) li Ad dress:C1
2. Signature:Tur1aA Prirnt Name Allv J m/ e A' S Address: zA/ 7 9
3. Signature: J1_r. /¢ Print Name AI1 A Kusvw#~ I Address: 2 Ygvk O/\al;7- n
4. SignatureI Print Name Z. & 4- A-0 C- ,,

Address: ;JS L0ocis. U3Q LQ , 7-2tq

6. Signature. Print Addr es / es3i /o/ 0z/

9 Name ,t AS' Address: pat~yJ3 A'I l)iWc/Q l l 4/, ,v( a °1PO 1 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petitions TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Fntprgy Nultckar (T.imitr] TLiahility (nrhpnratinn) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore : We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the.. Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: rMe,.A, _ l Print Name snels'ss e..c Address: HaALct 'ov B, tieelejt 4:+


2. Signature: Print Name 3'g-]t A -

Address: / Ad) LEt)o . )e- 2 '4

02. :O3'7
3. Signaturnatures~ Print Name m A-u It) A1 S 7t Address: / 5 Z.& J 6A Il a/g4g / /& a.iJ 2 cv3?'
4. Sigpature: Print Name- I I Bockii fzL4)g Address:%2, tCu H3LJ /i
5. Signature: / p Print Name LI A t'.

Addres:, 3f(>( /

6. Signaturent Namep, A et {a Address: i? i!dt7 cid R i&( D,.1X Gus eL A- cv9 3 2 ;
     'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergvy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.,

1. Signatu IPrint Name (0. . )LAA Tv1¶7 I C aI Address: 2 I Coe'ke ff 4:- e ef I -W . -. , g V -I * ) a -W5
2. Signature: a Print Name te i4sc-/( S& cP Address: /5' O/ct < 2ad Y2,4 PI'.-,

1)1? 9

3. Signature: _ ie1-f / PrintName7 7 r/ t(dern Address: (za O-Atwe godl cc?'?-?J>i'
4. Signature:Cti y Print Name C/H R ',S 8X ,F,!

Address: e9, a 7 -7 V l / 4.D 7V

5. Signature:_ I d r Print Name- C&X /-stZ Address: Sy r SY e a?
6. Signature:_ i74s/ Print Name ZVOL /qf> /

Address: /f 6

                        &             t        ,a/,,          D)r,                fY            4
7. Signature: PrintName L-)v b, W iic-d-Address: *51- (1/2xafw C ad ,4 1a ( o/331

_ HI *

8. Signature: O" ,91nA- Print Name YO10At 4A-WAAf PD Address: A9 Wlemde /t fejof10,0 S .'Me4-k rdtt/, 1
                                                  /                 J1

Rky ' A Citizen Petition1

                                                                                                                               - - 4 Formatted TO:       The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AN4D WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: cG/,tt Print Name .. 66el R.

Address: Lg2 6 Y, 0 &4f/r2Cz IfW O1ffX

2. Signature: Name xC I4c&iPrint Address: 31 ()13Q) u)C1A olJ0 LOcIlSm MA ° 1 36G
3. Signature: t irinNameALm L C' M o Ž(* 6AM Address:5 JN EwX @~irg,. Zia37
4. Signat5 e6t-4i/kt Print Name-77 c A§e1 Address: 4>; q'~ ce)jA- 4flL ettdc @,s. S 7t 4
6. Signature: A C eaJ dktLeL Print Name D2~C.~I.a' ye (I fc asO Address:;{'\ A4cici 1 1'a )d rWz-c- N g6.
7. Signature: PrintName CC9 Cch Address: #3f? A% /Ad, rS4d ag AOAn0 327?
8. Signature: II PrintkNameCI4010 G( ODr :_-

Address: * ?t J#e,2o B Rd *~~A-.0 -- Ml~e An -013W~ IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

R4 t) A Citizen Petition'

                                                                            -                                           Formatted TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisor) Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signatur e r nt Name Pri/t HiMwuve ey8Rgv Address: dW 24j J-n./ 6' °3
2. Signature: , ' 4 A i Print Name uddleAICY Ho 14, Address: I s7 s+/- L*Zt2 ML0 e-skJ 4i 9 p 37
3. Signature: H~ 2 Prmnt Name Lost___

_ _O__ _ Address:l IA 4 V'tI

                          ;ed,                       °                                            ,s A)C!pi^-
5. Signature:,-gS{2tl Address: ;rn Prin kolC)z-C_1r= 6 Name___________________________________ oc ls
6. Signature: Print Name___________________________


7. Signature: Print Name_ _ __ _ _


7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:,

IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

f" " A Citizen Petition'

                                                                                                                                   -- IFormatted I TO:       The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: to p M4A MQot Print Name C,rijaj(Xe cW I-CI4 f Address: 4 la2i Ie 4d - * &Y'wiCk LIASS
2. Signature:CTg4tOI t Name 4SA A-I. (* 0P29' g S rC-7 Address: 04 0L. L) I A? 4I AA<
3. Signat6 Print Name JwyA7 Address: 175 6 hk B
4. Signnature: VtmSe-a PrintName- .. 4 2.-ot Address: __ _A _ _ _A

______d __L3_

5. Signature: mtName !_ _ _ _ _

Address: AD tat aU&- CL&- . (IA- Q 7 a

6. Signature: _----8aPrint NameS tsknt Address: JR Ad /cl/ I. >21W (97/3 -7E
7. Signature: Print Namee Address:
8. Signature: Print Name_

Address: IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, V rmont 05302 ASAP! 2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

vZpo A Citizen Petitionl TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to tlhe-ndeoendent Safetr Agessment conducted at Maine Yankee. I. Signature: Name C PrV)int Address: qI&yA --44 (p 3S glM Ib s,41 VII a !I, Address:

3. Signature:Q I'i  % \ 71ij1 a, 4It cbi .

Name Address. Lk Q A\ I/ U n I I___11

4. Signat e:,P i r i Prnt Name gory r R iC Address 5 /-krT 7 ,r\,--, "-\ rv" k (S I 1I
5. Signatui -g Print Name 6iyc C /rNte Address.Z6 C&L/40yC_ `A- , ICA
6. Signature Print __

Name 'te,4e,7c9 - WO_4-t Address: //O ,wq,,-7 , e /rZ I

7. Signature: Print Name
                                   ,_ AN          C.-C,\    1_

I Address: 'L>g q, C-an . e,,) A, _tep- ~. &\as _oCd

                                                                  -Print         yf~4AyA 4 NaSmertaure;                 4L                  1)i, AAA~

I S-IS4O. y7 5AAJi

                    -GC'   I        r-vs     ,_            I        _

S~~n, -- . goo361 I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A Citize~n Petitiont TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vemiont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnterMy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporati on hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beaut state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Inle endenSaft Assessent conducted at Maine Yankee. Name /61v6F(V11deI1 I s Address: ,+w. _w0, 19

2. Signature: rirint Name Per C Addre ess: {) .- 45+6r S2 i214 1 6 13o - La3 3
3. Siginaturei)'

Namee,__) He4


2Z1QArt 4 At (Jb~--g Va /

                                                                                    ,-P rlU%41 vz..
4. Signature: Print E5Vaz sc(sAOcl41 Name -

Address:. Ttf .N Wz . G e2.u,,6 t _P/t Q ( -7

  • Address-. LITM a., hzWo, An1, O lg 0 I

R Pinate In /E//{ A orint Ul 1am Ie . e( AS-- Z -d' ( I & * *jfl Plame O~L 0 Address: 7.Signature: Name Pint iee)6 MVc1ot' Address c 8.sighare > -. 4-~,41 ZLI,.gj< Name


Address w/9ev _ 5 7 - A§ae-Ac,


6- l )IifH 6)}3 / I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

2A- Citizen PetitionD TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of VermontIMembers of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporatign) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to Join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. 1.Signat"-_AAi Name kN4 A tFi \> Nj - yr nt A__. _ An. Adrfess-q _ (-? ffi _Aw \ \ k<& U_ of ~Alp A

2. Signature, a print Name - -  : ~9~~ 2 #LAl Address:


3. Signature. :

Naeme ( -_ Address:_

4. Signatur e. 99/Zlsva Print Name 1/ :ADA iAJ \^jILqS Al Address: Id 61 137 e
5. Signature:

Name '

                               /*aiZ                  4       Print air Lbas se:)

Address: /if iPt *itK A f1,-71 /K

6. Signature" f Print Name _
                                    -11 _                  f
                                                                     ,z^, A   ,0 -Z-svr w
7. Signnature ('( Print Name Address-.3 l 9QnUr G_saJqzrQn 11/2\J(\Jcv OY01o_
8. Signatyre: \ Print Name t Qg+

xte U 0 rAK _I L~ . I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A CitizinPet[ton TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor' 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask )ou to Jol us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope the In epende ty Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:_____ ____________

Name Address: 1I) P-A §6 tUI-le ta -LLCg vyvz,G<, a 177 C 2.Signature: t Name 1 i C Alfitnt Atmet 5Th 5C r4) (oA-,MA ,+-k-IVh^ Address:_ C9/ 5;

3. Signatureme =14 ,u Print #t4eAJ/

Name I Addrmss: 5 76 Y!P1Th 1kIcufi NOVK/4 .-1171 v 134

4. Signaturp: I ) iVZ Print Name a4v\ CA oA is-\ I /21 A L~t - 6-rv a-c kA k-%A- c:3Of Address:_
5. Signature l: J~ PrInt Ce5e6 eyf et4eb Name - we- -Al/e c 5- 1 Address:
6. Signature:

Name_ h'L - Print Yfe; C ast Address: /cX? IlT /d

7. Signature: Print Name__ __ __ __ _ _

Address. 8.Signature: Name L 0P -1

                          ' sIAA) 0 f       IS
                                                       -   Print Addressv       C1 I           <

3 U"U , tchateM 6et} 90~ I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A Cizen Petit[ons TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a in scope to the Independent Safety A Address: k3§ L z 1\!&K b, aec-re#1 o I &oT w 3.Signature. Name CL

                                      )1&           Print Address:             U  L        4 V/L         q        ilr- _oq              roc,~~rc s                   Al,;53
4. Signature: A, t, i/I -Print Name iaU4k2AI fttf'/.d
             -      7,?, . .d    A      ,1        em
                                                  "           J 15 Address:                                           AJlo5g           e
5. Signature. (tfi?7* Print Name Address: J 7 a
                                   ,,vn          4f        /ts7ijCtf           X4n
6. Signature: Print Name i' P"-4A2l 1

Address: a 7 /f SCJEC1f

7. Signature:

Name 1ee [.-Print } Address. S A

 .Signature: :4/,            ,      6                Print Name        I-v            C } ant Address:4 /

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

f~z, 5-A Citizen Petitiont TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermnont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Verrnont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation} hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactoru 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the IDen dent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. I. Signature._ J Print Name. Address: (n.r . M A1 3 (

2. Signatue Print Name Tke C Fot r t o Address: L O_ M__ ._RA

_ _ _ _ _ __S_ __ ___I_ _2

3. ~ f ll~i C) 10Print Address- C-4 fors4 J)qa fG/2l, otoo Q
4. Signature Print Name 4M r' T/7 5. if rl h.a AO Address d4
5. Signauntr Name 7 Address: 13 (

Name__________________________________ MA Qi2,Wo

6. Signature:

Address.!) Name K Lf Sf(L-T Y4 et,SFM v *){Bi(. Print o7.r'I1& Address: ddress:-

7. Sgnatre:Print Address:

Name_________________________ B.Signature: Print Name__________________________ Address. Return this completed petition via New Engtand Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt R

RAO A citizenfetitLon1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor' 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the IndepdentSafetyAssessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signat A:Print Name_ b__ _ __ _ _ r_ Lra __ _ _____ ___


. ,,-  -t5 A           t r-)AA         cz-4   itd      I      /;            ,Ag CC.     -1 At>-- ,/iI':qz   i
2. Signature:/ 6(4. Print Name Ad orl( Skis v Address:z P A / M
3. Signature: (1116 /XPrint Nam P-A;~r--~ , -;>G Ad, sas: -gS6(XA (-- .dLel gg 4(
4. Signat Print Name ttfio; I/abe Addres-t\b ,(
5. Signature: ' t Address:C 2M
6. Signature,_ Prnt Name _ __ _ ____ _ _ _

Address: t (C4n P T - 4 - (T {

7. Signature:r Print Name _- &dKn Address: I 56' 463rsf,z.6 1e 6# ait:(


8. Signature:;

Name 12LSan. (6K Addres. P 62:::~ P 41`7A~~ p ( (~ I1 7 L Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A citaizn Petitionl XA-2-1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enteray Nuclear (Limited I ability Corcorat ion) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents coul forever change life as we know it in our beautu state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. SWenatu/ Print Name tersly r ,\,'ra \


2. Signature :Z<&'e _P Print Name - L,, Af V)I , L+' M ,-2, VVl z-I

Address: Nam_.

               "OL/I   {/IJ      d      7 l

C-Iv1,,,rrAoMAd n4s-7l

3. Signature:L4/ /Print Name reX CalY5 ;gae, Address: l-0 ! ) C-L-c (&t7 ('L.

C 4'14-i J en P c<93Kd>

4. Signature: u Print Name 5Y4Cf ri4L-LJHmfi Address: I 5, 'SC-("

f GZ1. (idA w o . .

5. Signature: - 6, A 1(1 Print (97 - +

Name 7 e, .i c, f ,{ g Z: 77f-Address: ce, /°fL /,, I ,,

                                              -                   Co-d-       7
6. sisgnatu~tGQ& Print Name .4l . S H . ,IIWt, _I Address: Id fdC c/ 'CaJ @ L) 0F ,3el
7. Signa re: Ad-6w'tee Print Name Jf'I(()A4 V"th- C-AW Address, A1 Mcftu DgtE-W *tCrU Mad £(56.

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box -545, Bratteboro, Vermont 0530Z ASAPt

A Cit! n PeU~lfa

                          /kz-i TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermnont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Venmont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the len ent SafetyAssessment conducted at Maine Yankee. I.I;~L ~ Print Namesfse: -7>A 0o I Address:K7 5  %< ,1 jtcb /11) i 6b3t)



2. Signature: <a e Print Name - ,. s AMdrew: Co 6'v0 q A. D1,P, AN oxl v
3. Signature: 6bC 4d 'a ' Print Name _A-I4 i,, 4ll Address: '/ A4rkd St,, &d S40ofas La 1
4. Signature: Print Name C lift-. 'gr fL,,-(;

F pO6j7 p, icnul '1tLy!-Ji?( Address:

5. Signature: - Print Name AGO TviAi Address: 1yk 1a 0 fdi:i Ips .cA AneXrr(f-z_
6. Signaturez s dh Print Name _ SUN NY IOQA Kg Pe A 01 MA.a( FE2 Address:
7. Signature: Print NameCIULi lS MA (2Z/I UAv Address: p54 ,%'n/ SF< z/1eX A/ (V*/
8. Signaturd fprit Name _ ,&E, e- Y )A Address- 2 Aj /9& .+ 75 1af r Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt
                              'Qk Z                              A Citize n PANetio TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Verrmont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnterWy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to loin us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Dendent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

t. Signature:_ Print Name 4Y Address: tLwAvT\~Y\ A A4-e Gt 2Q*'ked z g M9i
2. Signatur Name
Oxai v4-li\ n ft}\U nr/lI.

Print Address: I'g1 Cik0i0>r 4 I, ufid1 j OL,) I

3. Signature: _ _ _ _ _ Print Name 5<->-~_ 4- h-nQ Address: /b IAA ;l G 6et ptrf1 I 4
4. Signatur Print Name o CX em 3~ SN -oA C4+, - IAA cs0o I i AddressC.
5. Signature: /4 Pr int Name AO 1zS Of <r. i *
                             -3 _

Address: I 61I 6,1a . _'e IIAA n i W-,-) 6 gnare, L- In rt ( print Name a flhy,7 , -:>Z Address: 2 I cAe e e J IA oL/46

7. Signatu/Q Print Name 9' Addre  : Ale oka;rD M-,

Name r w X t - Kn A_ S {. 7 Re Pr\ 9 c-lo orj3O1 rUU1  :>. I Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

tA'3 ( A Citz in Petitiont TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Iemrnbers of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. iSisXgnatur Print Name__________________________________ Address: LO(0 C1Ar1, S~ rgh<'49

2. Signature:joA Name E4y hi X) 7 Print Address: 2. q (

16 n/C,A s9+ arelv A ,AA

3. Signature: ~r,4. '#? Zgpia Print Name c k- X CFatt- Alz, ,#Si f7e

Address: // D // ,? ,

4. Signature: X 4 FPrint Name 6AAP4 'AFT Address.- nb 1rf'noe 6til , X-ISd;e
5. Signature Print Name mTA, T2,ej,,< +,

AdressP"_ reman _. <A" G . C-OO

6. Signatu 9 Print Name
8. s Name v _1 _
7. -, Ht MAI-O Address:,) ~_) q Q / /.A r' ) b 04,1 COGqk, R I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt
                                \ I/ k A Cit!    !n Petitions TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased rsk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beauiu state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

i. Signatureornt": S) {h h I AD/OW Name Address: ;3_; (3r->vtYWI I

MCIclA~t mflcL

2. Signatue ( ,

Name ,6 f o / Address: 1&DF1)AV~j O7 G AMe d f36(

3. Signature: s04'e' / alf - _ Pnint Name I)ve14l .' CbSTS Address, '932t >&4/AIL 7 l Np /--10g in-,@
4. SignatW-reA,&I/9-0.b --  ? Print Na me& /Y7 lA"Y'S/1 j 1-7 A&;7fi _> T I(


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                                                                                                                               . .I   - -) , a Xl        L7I 6.Signature:

Name Lb tIo( JAPn (S1

                                                        #w M p redf-KfI              Print Address:              ( "I/ ({t                       ,SVSW k4l            i          vL         Y             AA Q 135l
7. Si.nature:\

_ Print Name

.. _..._.             t:       et3

___ . - _RXl

                                                        =- ., _- -r--v a . -...

Address: I it1 P A izft m P' ,

8. Signatur L~L6 6 //

Name ~~ A6/F Addrs /2 15 P / C ' ,- aI Ar aLEC9 / I - i I Return this completed petition via New Engfand Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASApt

A Citiz!n Petitions pox2 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; IMembers of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enteray Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to loin us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Indepndent Safet ssessme conducted at Maine Yankee. t.S Fin. Pint .,,jr /43l te a0 Name o Address:. D(/e/1y/ ' 4 Lg 4A V1 ?A'( /t )4

2. Sign Print Pre)

Name A I ak,'.a-r Address: /6*5 /a&,ck A //i:;f jy ir (4 ' 6)/6 )

3. Signature Print Nae I-. - - of . ,t Address- -3 t M awlVIA_5+ ov1 Ck 0106 <
4. Signature: eA/ 6 Print Name -  ! l/ ate F^S 6?Y/(OIa go
6. Signature:

Nama kI C 1a2A V Cs60. CL

                                                     -          Print

--A_.. Address: go EV?)A 5A it 0MA-

7. SignaturegL Name f2

utA-~ e C'

                                               -  d

((lz1 7V& Print I--- Addrests / 1,-f/ . V- ,Ar,4 s#, P // l A'uA-7-Cri 3/ 8.Sig. o 1&2i -Prirrt Name_

              . ag! go                        g-¢ Address. 4                                              I e-t-Ia-eV\I ( C,5 4 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 0302 ASAPt

A Ctizen Petitiorli TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nudear (Limited Liability CorporationI hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Print Name 5ct QA\5 Address:- Zq "br-I.Ax _ A ok37 2.

Name /to nE144 AJW XPrint Address:- 79f flosse -Y -. @1t / a 3. Name Signature: dk-y--E h e°XSa-PPrint Address. 2. Al A.:- 0/301 4 Signa~e %J Yi/ 7O

  • rint Address: A p g ( .-  ;' -
5. Signatye Print Name P'o"J cf try Ce Address: 113 Avis SA 'V 0 C crvAz//,/'M 0)30)
6. Signature: Print Name_ , a__ _ _ _ _ _

Address 474; sLq.sp A'-g C(CC34>L O/aGJI

7. Signature: rint Name 21o ,,V Address: S-2 L- 06( 0701 A4von- G. jA-x6/;e&A, s Name C  %.'( L L Sh i Addressw 93 S - .54?-+ t, VK4 0;J o l 0(3 i Return this completed petitiorr via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

At 3 C A Citn PetitionM TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; IMembers of the Vernont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporati on hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents coutd forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to Join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Sinature Name a fAtk LAL*. Z...

Address._ /6' B4y /),A( C) Re

2. Signature: - Print Name Oaf Am c1~ , , ,

Address: Name (p A6L A,~ van~~ Ov I} 6G By- ~ n- 6>136/

3. Signature:.aOVY Address: I 7 '6L ~ '4iAI Print Name _Oh____________________

Address: l 1 ' Cu 5r T & e Ai'e Id A O1 O/ - 4.Signaturee&:) In;

                                                    - Print Name_,       AM       ryl 6 _L I H_Ygt Abbress: / Ct I Tr I L aAjArr          c              ,       Zj f A& IF ?-.     ^A , o 134
5. Sig n atu re s Print Name Mike, WAIZ.t4, Address: 1I5 rAVJ,i-5. Mf\:(L6 wF11- MAF 6.Signature; f g/I s t
  • Print Name ____________

Address: 7S K , It,as 5t. 64. tl cya 3C7 7.Signature: rw-O u Print Name ce71vn f4 Sf7n S Address: -2Lf3 A im," /U, 6A/ A O/ 35!f 8.ig ar. I Address. 70 A',j//4/Me 4opt to~e/,/. A16/ 6/87~ i Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattteboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A CMiz!n Pettition1 A 2,-)< TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermnont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermiont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enteroy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporatipns hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could ftoeer chue life as we know it in our beautifu state and region; and he increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vernont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent SafetWAssessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

t. Signatue:

Name 4V IX Prin

                                                                -nQ A-t -

I Address: It I 7-V tkX o S4- 6;vexeLN--0 "0 1AM 1 013 &1

2. Signature: t 0AA--fQ OA Print Name 0- f, AxA Ai,'

i Address: qI l&YYY i{reb r(~ A /1() I ( L-2,0 Al

3. Signature: Print Name Address: 2 I (a 4- t\ V' (V-)v Go
6. Signature: OX^_ G ilPrint Name \ G4c -c Aped--

fAVI V:>.-P

               '%S I
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I S s X~ _ I A, "--e- .0- _I""r, v L 11 I,

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7. S NamA Print /-~r(ed5 Add~0-d2 -

Address&cZ / / C,0/4// $7. 41/s 10L-T, aw) I lk 't' -, 0 Y/ 6 /

8. Signature: R--"-( e. "o Pit t .

e armn G--

                   -- cn              r-
                                      --      I-I.-f -A. -

Addew -- -,?,Ads Qu Oweka , fA o to 3 z t Retum this compreted petition via New EngtandcCoalition, Box 545, Brattteboro, Verrnont 053X ASAPt

A Citizan Petitiont TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vennont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnteWr Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautf state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Indepgnent Safet Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. 6

2. signaturSz ŽO/ij W kh.Fprint Name c'# i 7 M Address e4l,1 //icLv(o < /JJ.d1
2. Signature Print Name WI L4/eAi5hrl Address: 3 a
3. Signature: 4 Name EVIL A.., slot Address:g) Z-4< a> XW 9 4.Signature:1 AU rnh Name2,? - , .12 Z-f Umv, Address*izr34 /IA' 1n2alz c'0/3 74,a
5. Signature: vn na
                                 /19 9                   Print Name_ I~eura                                     t1 14 1 0zsfe     )E rn -    9-   Qrazn-fCecct /1AS 01-50 Address:
6. Signature: A 6 a, Print Name )Mk-(bAm lMU_ e Address: f lpmm&VIf
  • asAockt LQ (97
7. Signature: A177 FPIrint Name 'Uz 'IO v &

Address:.1 L4v (z17 kl17 k-1 /Low__ a6 M4121 8. Mam Siga I V -I IJ xPrn Address,5LRI <A i Ad 1 /9/3 Ati ?I $ Return this completed petitiorr via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A37 A CitizmPetitio TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety A ssment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. S_ ~ _ A f Print Name L--J tx-0-w , -i',q Address: 5 -A T UAr{I CQpv'y-\A fV1h ( I-- 1q 2 SinnaQONAAAK(YOlUA - - -. 1 . -


                                                      .          -Print         /-A       e-o          (

Name 1\A f^^vt Address: v p cf9


a,\ kl 4 ,,4 M A;tt ( (SO I

3. Signature: 6 1 Print Name / I L5Or A .5rF-l*. W Address: MIU7P Ad) T} K 1DICGICAiJO j evn 1jZ52c
4. Signature- A Print 5Cc4 /CrJ'e/.4- G4t Name_

Address:- 6 c& AS /£t 4s. /

5. Signa Print Address 5\ - A
                                           /8-dc               \          ,A          C*WI ign 6.Sint                                                                              Nj        AV Name____________________________

Address: Cn1P \(

7. Signature:___ _ Print (' (e 1/2ffde Name A /

Address. oQ _ al 4-O

8. Signature-. prIi in ghos- I ,Oru Name \

Addresr--- 3%t - - - .-

                                                 -,trv NinretO 4to I  Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

Ast,> A Cilz nP~etn TO: The Honorable James Douglas. Govemor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactors 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change fife as we know it in our beautifu state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to Loin us incallingf' completephysical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the. I ee nt Sav Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. Name _____________l Address: o*,5U 7 Address:

3. Signature: VA&a. a ~ 444- Print V Q-. X P(ou-a>P Name_

Address: -o It A-x ni'to &-yo_3 tZc. " p(L-1 Vtl v7t~O ernAO16hqcc

4. Signature: - Print Name A\4W 'i *T -rea i } V.

Address I. I RQ A )

5. Signature:..21 I r)LAA:0 Print 5 7Vc-Name o r 1 Address:_ 7_ 69r prz)" P
6. Signature<> t, ^ ,
                                     ,/J,(   ,
                                                     . z
                                                            )rint                           )t Name C_ (ntk
                                                                                   ,Vt        I 1)
7. Signature:t Name I / JZ/44 /a_ I M

Ii Address: - ' (6k ' S17,7 9,I I7V Ij 0/,-D

8. sgar i Pt Name ,ARl / c - ,

Address: 'L72 p7 ,4(pl 6/370/ i Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPt

A-zle A Citizean Petitiont TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vennont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. Na e1-°4'I Address: *C9

                                ~n(/tL             4*~
2. Signa p,/ZZ Print Name 14
  • cC ach fa 4 4
3. Signature: Asl -Pit I OAQAQ Address: 1
4. Signature: 4 X77 2 !S Print Name A; A-r 2 54 Print Address: ZIA qY <Ax -Q7, -

(VI A ~~ U-, c5:>I

5. Signature: ` 6 7 4
                                             -6r -S   _41rnt Name       4              . a v          S      -

V I Address: / D?)g 1vs-Z57. (7; e49a

7. Signature: 3'e l? " FPrint Ileum E7d~1 4e(.

Name Address:& Propee,[ 193Le Gnerf?,(p A1k- CCZc.f

8. Signature:- Print 9 C/nZ Name Adds. 0/ Z(6Y / P ,,

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattteboro, Vermont O5302 ASAPt

I A A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a comy lete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:- PrintName t\AC ro s Address: HUIAt3Ol A
2. Signature: 9 / d Print NameA"PaVI 9\s elt Address: VOVhAOX %% *ktew MlA 0351 3 NIam Saozh4k S e (-


                                                                                                    -ria     6 Address:       4 7 C4             f b4                  2     vi pS          At I/St IV f13                   3 S
4. Signature gL  : ~f i r Llki NrinName Address:f ,. 3 iI t2rrA-r*' oh -M q /37/-'
5. Signature 0 Print Name -OC-.0 Address: JA Zi t^1 L t-v C, &t CI] .,,A .


6. Signature:_ - . Pint Name ,6tt er C e-t Address: C TI CG e Lt ;ei Alll4 0I3ZA
7. Signature: Print Name e% c1 !a Address: 23 a-, oj3loi lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Varnont 05302 -ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

Aq' A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy Of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our. children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:

_- I Ha Print Name gA /1eA '\c ( S AAAend A;;.- JO. Amr Ber A r m--' <-. A A-i4- c/

                                                                                           ,  Ast{Jo{Jozg jo-
2. Signature: Oa_ )C&.° tX Print Name DRcV,- l /J Address: &-'T B)U1 Olif PC Lh~r, Mv-4 ?d
3. Sigate;. <PrirName c t rIt. gATES =L Address: 1t- 4jL, Si.. Lc LI Fi ttA 6 3I70
4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name_


6. Signature: Print Name_


7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:

IRetum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz., NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Indenendent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. A.dSdgaress *i ]5 PitNamrnl ,p"O-C C Gf~ Address: Z.79 9On .L- (_- t- 1A) 4~ LIL 14-A ,- at SA

2. Signature::L PrintNameM ic< R992L_ 4Tc. 9i Address: 9 Li <z.rX O I vow Wem i I I1
                                                                                                   )3     4  t
3. Print Namre I*?A6j 0 -Jej 4k Address:  ?. J&iC/ {( t7 §%1
4. Signature: la Print Names A7kI Mq k-re C Address:'O TEK O7-1 W. 6Q VT Q§>7
5. Signature A, PrintName Z71j5 4 i1 . J<etin;C-k Address: Aft Ji5 -1,KM MA mye!


6. Signature:_ ______ (t ,S" Print Namre tA Address: SA (/I4L. <g I )T &IbWA& A4 61i L
7. Signatur PrintName A1Yaie- D Address: PO) 0)qD J IoHa 8P Address: -z, e, ( KJ. Li9L (Z4 - W,- W(,A,Svy- (/T--

l Return this completed petiton via NewEngland Coalition, B3ox 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2 Congres~man John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

A-k"5 A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;"' 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee

1. Signatur 1_) ogc PrintName 5 OLUtile Address: Ion}
  • C1 5;)(

Addgnaares , 5Nam i4) g e Address: [f os

3. Signature: Nam e USk'u_0jOb I-Cie, Address: I () r "(g (-1 Iy(
4. Signature: IC-O yV Xle A Print Name - A - II I I Address: I? V Il,+ /Z L6 "jVdo L41 s/j LokaV:,


5. Signature: - Print Name "'A~ht Address: L-78 Go-V-

B__ my(-tW;#O", 7?, X4 6 3SDZ

6. Signature: _P-.eA I , U -Print Name rbeQ. \). \a 2A! V Address: 4k ? M vAn 'A RJ - ) (hi M i2 (0\ w -
7. Signature: (2&C& (L LprintName . " ',C .

Address: 8:_ 5 / vcW- A. c> A ( T I0nv Nm

                                                     ;,,        - - e. A1 h.A  s ,,fC            V1   I1A           _    7
8. Signature: CC Print Name c ,C.- -6a- G-Address:  ?° ( fZ 1,03 (>0cS'~F-ttt\(, vtk\A o I o I -c l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Venmont 05302 -ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

Aq4~L A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature.9 PrintName S !Z)Qk i40 -E UN\

Address: 0/ t JAJ m Lfew PU a 7 d I S-

2. Signature:_ g A t Print Name -"'4p /eS Address: St FlOf1en a c,-

57C A (OcZ

3. Signature: + > $PrintName: E mler-C-t- L5 Address:-'7 0 Cjtt b 2 , nl,3 ,
4. Signature: Print Name e r itzLL Address: By Z' 1Av\ VU 7 5.Signature: N=Nrnmc fsR. q dCg KYI Address: A 2
6. Signature:_ U" v7 6.Hl Address: lI) kd C- 'qaenB- -

I r

                                                                                      -i , m-
7. Signature: hr
                                                    -PrirLt Name:      (-V IQ I I            !!-l Address:         (I       b                                     St~FAR        M             k 3>(4LI
8. Signtri PrinitName Sd Zt4A-Address: P 6 6 r@ tzat &7-?U'"4, /1 (Is
    ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, lBrattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP 2

Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

A Lt (- A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for, a compolete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Indenendent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signatuei. - Print Name Tract Cryo s~

Address: 5at ________o_________________________

2. Signature: ,f Print:Name ciAe* e A:.( D JUCg<

Address: _ _ __(_ Akk_ _ 01o)2 _ _t_ _ _ _ _ Address: Signature: Pet(RC4 bA ju D>V/ts Print Name __ ot Has

4. Signature: -Print Name t#tcf; S f' Address: n TwL Gi
6. Signature: 0 -I%.-PrintName e 1 SCA(goyel Address: {O 6 X to Moy+o, ye tvA (35 2
7. Signature:- 7i 1 X Print Name e 0 8 Address: e czpm-
8. Signature: gypf Address:/22+-//il~ae rint Name tAoeC ~/ B
                                                                                           . Ye,-t, IReturn 2

this completed petition via New England Coalition, Bcx 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC ChairmanL

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a com 4ete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankep.

1. Signature: Azt>PrintName C m Address: /-lis 5(. ( ut &$7(
2. Signatre: Print Name g?{f Pace[
2. Signatbre:<

Address: PrintyNam ___ A laj,/f __ ___ _____ _ C) T 7>6^ru 3.Sg=~Print Name ..

4. Signi< Name Print<ame i. fa Address: OtIt c, A()


5. Signature- ^< 0vG
                                                  )     PrintName _        1                    a   oi;l Address:         q          B    r  y       ,         GS ,-,(

a IA. -,X

6. Signature: _ Print Name -Sol. Brc kC Address ,: \ Avc, 'Ski,r IPm
7. Signature  : d/f Rrin Nac Zt Adrtess: 6)2 9 C-)<28+2I(?) ,.ei ",B ~ 0 IS(
8. Signature: 't; U~

8 At ll /Name,

                                                  ~    PrntamEAg j6;-:.               dulA/        F 5,        C6a6 Address: -t /)             Ae4on              Rd            4M       t19 h JAM44    'e             0( 35 /

l Retnt this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2 Congessman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

Aq(.1 A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:_ ah$4 Print Name 61/ ,

26Z Stop 7 _ 5 hr = w{ A Address: *7Yt? - bi . /r 2W 5a 0 e 5t3Y5

2. Signature: 9)4AWQA..UY4 Print Naine 0W , A Address: -),rl> "6) II les
3. Signature: , PiName &k 5cJ41 cJL,-'.-

AA - Iaze ,. (Or Q S6CJZ

7. Signature: (& 0,q Q- PrintName C&CXQ 4,A -)l uarv'§'o'I1 Address: B)L9C °, he. 5:a e\C- (t J 16Ajjns4,/ \ 0V..?
8. Signature: tLL- PrintName Lk1 C Ii K Address: I AP °1A2J St 'iA tQj'X..3 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vennont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congresman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

AL2 A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. signmiture: Z!t )k Je--d Print Name. ;WCM~ t=.. I7 0o scb IVe- //

Address YZ-l

               ;~               a              t     A1/I        my                                     ,  Aa¢'L
2. Sigur ature: -/NS N//arneX$ M K Address: 2Z&iea Jt1t-
                       //       ,)1    iA;I      7 O6p   ..
                                                                                            &1+/-2a O        a    4
3. Signature: IA.&&Ik& Print Name <re-r (Ik& d Address: VA s S/fNS lr41 Al lk 0/3752
4. Signature: , t4Namnee AV, Address: 4 A*> PPy 52 A Ft-b m~--
5. Sigpu iture: Print Name bAC / t s Address ,: 2 rl4
                                                                         -4M+s>wt              J 1 6. Signmiture:                                         Print Nam          e_(_           _o__       ____        ____

Address ?O v 4

7. Signmiture: Print Name 3i6 69/

Address: :3___ /_ ByOr

8. Signaturat Print Name - zLs5T L/) (US
                    \J Address:  -
                     .;0Gt           C-,WL0IW)z            (a   -.-                         -

1 Retum this completed petion via New England Coalition, Box 545, Rattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Cbairm

tkl_ A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a comnlete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signaur:AM4urNv:d= PrintName e'rk t4arjeflI Address: r . g :1*AC-t 3
2. Signa ntName]c5,A M-v1 Address: 9r (,ri zL it X/1/e/5 F/Jj 44* r7l i
3. Signature: i J. .(( Print Name_ 4 a,It / 421 Address: PDAKIIF 11)192WaJ0X,_ IlTa& A-) t
4. Signature: "N , I, CAme_X 7 Iv' E T six f 11ZrLoli Address: ({ l LdC(6e- PaI(Ltf/. r cELCL31
5. Signature: rint Name_ fthnrM Address: Ra0 M\ 4 pI;
6. Signature:tu I PrintNameJ bfrai d44,
                                                                            - d           J Address: Tp          2%i        A      7      J         am W                i Oxeyes&
7. Signature:= Print Name A' Address: tZO9 444-
                       ^         /.       Al<144               H/-t-         07(   3
8. Signatue:  :( re:1a Print Name G!e t ke (LACs7 Address:4 G' B y m a yAl d/*/s 6/ 30 (5 dAp-1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE:, We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at_ Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: PrintName -e As itt Address: d2 A d A\
2. Signature: PrintName M-M lVlew7 I Address:.D, g - L ck IIhiilc Vmot IcI '\ OA13A
3. Signature: Print Namndjow Lke U. r\NTi.

17da AI Address: e__l VIt'i____f K_ __ _____Egg__(

4. Signatr rPdntName (91t)L6 Address: ______________________________
5. Signature: /9A IV PrintNane Aot14--Mo, Address: I lEv;.V 4t. ,
                                           .                                            0  1 a)o I
6. Siggataeu-> IPrint Nam.e kC"KC-~~

__ _ _- V Address:- 2iy( - - x - 0.rf -Is L'I

7. Signatur. , Print Name_ AAz iieZ A7 03 /

_ O ( Address: an 91)( ldO. 1esLra

8. Signature: . - Print Name S Address: - C-in?-- Af Q A d &AA 9137X
     ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

p5-9 A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation, hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a compilete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. A

1. Signature:_ Nam/ae fk/As A'l,'-$71th / 9 Address: -As TV){63Ix/'zzts°/dg
2. SigI Z PrintName Aivir-. CVO-.

Address: 17 A&c+t a tSL §k. mev fi 'D uss

3. Signature: 0
  • Print Name DC, k &Au Address:  : 4. Ati d/ 1331 3I ___________ _
4. Signature: _C L Print Name-VI C'7e v, 1 Address: <7' &V'
5. Signature: ure:, Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: 0/3 7

6. Signature: __Print_____ Nae oi r.. ( #'o(I Address:- p e s It0 Q0, . IA/t1p
                                                                          >, } MA 01-7C
7. Signature: nnit Name (GUStt a fi, Address: %Z C A-<eqtAfi t LoAP - t-4 A-.-
8. Signature: ++ Print Name ,Fes%KJV% Q Address: S LCk& 0 \\\ ;2. \J A &\ o
                                                                       \ C)           \

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAPI 2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Dia,, NRC Chairman.

As'---, A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. .X

1. Signature:, It4-z°.., Print Name kR AdLe L t & _p Address: Z 64I z ,fi Rd M, /?/P,5 i`- /- 4 7/?V--
2. Signature: PrintName_ _ __ _

Address: SLCc2 t Lo ,L4 o/3 6;,,

3. Signature:al 9 Print Name Address: L.I.
5. Signature: 6 PrintName 66 F 'h-e7 Address: JPE V Vd3o}
6. SignatrQ L. 1Print Name Nq IL~Etr-S. PAHEY S.

Address: LO 3ec_ DP.)I ' 6Gs I,FOM UV-1 t tL

7. Signa turs4 - fiint Name srofCD- Qmaft_

Address: 'n1( r,r /gr -g&4ta 146 ~I _ , ,

8. Signature: -e7) PrintName (I5 ' Zb LE eAG4 (. -if Address: L/ CeA b 1 fflfe10Yr7b Vr OZ 34/

I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 12 0 %/oof its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "'creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signatur: Print Name A4yle- : I qn Address: 05 3 0
2. Signature: J Print Name V1/Ce/iCe 6/

Address: /n f e B S 4,

3. Signature: -Pi Pri(nt Narne S /eml Idre-ss Address: /I 8 C\ o, ( /To* < L
4. Signature f -\11/2 C/ &A 4l Print Name 5(A-p C layrKe, Address; q-u\(3L A A fbC 4 A-4 . A o V T OS3'o1 Address: 41-
5. Signatare:Z Name T)D b U6\G736o 6 C.i sO
                                                                                                       ,*¢l Address:       4L/

1 C(*t) A -t E1 LZ5 I

6. Signature:_ rne Namein~a DU\ AV , fk-Address: t)D ~l,5 )rw9* r s53C I
7. Signature: (7,v I 2 Print Name & ' i Address: s: __ _ _ _ _ _ __
8. Signature: JTOue gi in nme Address: 1 t3' /Z i -4 Sa lReturnthiscompletedpetition viaNewEngland Coaliton, Box 545, Brateboro, Vemont 05302ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Mash NRC Chairman

N A Citizen Petition 1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor, 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life: as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: j z1e t Name 4 5i7 OctI Ji14 Address: 44-'L M,;; _ i-
2. Signature: i e. Print Name / L7 Address: /J) f pay )t AC epra-(
3. Sipture: Print Name t)I 5 E ( /

Address: CI Ad iErcy A 6/2

5. Si L P Name Address: S I1l /
5. Signature: Name LW Xv AddressNme~
7. Signature: Print Name3~i
7. ~Name'tlt NI rx~ C 3Na Address: A
8. Signatureg - Print Name (k?"&Irt {tf Address: CL)L S3;Lt W l Retn this completed pLtion via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vemont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

lks< A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. L4& I \kI 5

1. Signature: # ~ Print Name 5~W4 l 7 IO Address: Al aAAA95/h \fli OS3 ( X ,U
2. Signature 1+ (1 Print Name 5ifl t r Address: 0 i\ASxl'O (%)qdiik E bLXX I vOS/.2
3. Signature:_6i)% (i4 Print Name , } rfvd Address: PO NOaL AVTI7 (o Address:
5. Signatune. -~ #, n t-I'-- PAe9atI 34- VJ L
6. Signat=re: PriNa 01Ae FILA Address: t)> V( 053A-,
6. Signature: $ L(G u PrintNane < V e a-> 6 (5 Address: /w3 4 57
7. Signature: ,A Print Name L -, e r(-'e c r Address: lJ>%./\'A CA  %.j 8.Sigan &Prji4n t Na m ezIlq9~v\ t-~LAd4(?e q
      'Retun this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Bratleboro, Vamont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

11b A Citizein Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life: as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. </

1. Signature:

J6 Ala V"'X 4,)k PrintName W '&, He id Address:. I JI Riyer F-d. _GI; w 'T b 53o1

2. Signature:

Z _ PrintName }e sh/h/ 0,,  ;& HI/ Address: 3C Con %res St. o9reen,-4/ at, o l0a1

3. Signature:_ PrintName V\ VZ\()\ AyQ Address: \ -VX °O*} -f?3
4. Signature: Print Name L(lC5le-mr Address: -Q 6 ) e:)l IIi l 5 U / I 1, , J 4 n-' q (44:-
5. Signatulre:dz~ IPrint Name cm' J

f g c // Address: 8 9f P(, sJ ete l P W. f

6. Sat _ Print Name XZ) lIa Li r&3-Awice Address: ITh)x ?X igl . ( mi 4 d . M' J[ 0o az - l to l 7, Signature: Print Name S S/p1t Address: Ji i71l Oib 2 t
8. Signature by_ PrintName °Laf1) r4a7 Address: AJAR~ I A° J/

1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP I 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

(S(-) A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Coirporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Indevendent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: UAkQ) Pint Name Lc vgJ i7 L Address: tn. -11, (^ttV~pwt eijc MA C(\12SC)
2. Si Name 1 Address: MUG) l)e.1S C, -Pe t e [ A n11 a
3. Signature: Print Name_ _____t Address: AC dI 1 8(7IA
4. Signature:- Prnt Name >4/,*If c C 44'gs 74) 7 Address: Z& I L(. 1 isA '-4"' s
5. Signature Print Name Address: 90XiL f4
6. Signature: Print Name 67e', 4 ,x? /ow Address: A1 p/4`06? $'/ . A6'? /4v'/ By '&4
7. Signa4J;,; 8 . Pri-Name rIi). /A4AI-.')/

Address: /I P4 /t14, I

8. Signatg.o(Ir PrintName 6-Address: 0/' , I; / i4 At - 1(>) ,,1 rP7 6
      ' Retun this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

K<* A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal inpc o e Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:/L Pr6Name4 Address: 3e t /dX57 t A t
2. Signature. j{II 4~ PrintName C - A)

Address: I'k KAL-otM-?0

3. Signature: A. Ž r 4 Print Niae g1 ha C-c-Address: ___________a_____ _(_ __A_


4. Signature: Name B Address: )y vy /2-/.* (D/( Ga A7 0 3 X
5. Signature: \ Print Name Mt -C \ 7 Address: \t4 R;Y c 83A$ CYr C
6. Signature:J ad, e--
                                              .t,4-orA      PrintName      'jrry(e, Address: O               C     JhInvyo        Kt           greens                t'JH      An       a-
7. Signature: rot WUAOpr Name (O0CA M. Lr\cthA4sr\

Address: 0

8. Signature: Z 6- P/kg449 Print Name 1 famgiitc1r Address: d9 I'i )\f
      'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

(goA A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;' 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a com lete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Vanke.

1. Signatre: Ac:A/6! PrintName L4nAc>VZ)<

Address: H i 1 )dD0 II -\ 4 (( t Co 9

2. Signature: 2ai/ a m Print Name L/o It CctLr Address: /Yrh// , s7 C10 4, 1/1' o) ay
3. Signature- 44) H e Name eM Address: J4t\ 1.
4. Signature: ajtiv!. 4.4j Print Name _ ______d _______

Address: 9 fi___ef___ ___ __________t _ _7

5. Signature " 4 PrintName t A4Y7tAv C. U-t q\Ja Address:< (-8 2Z : f., ;z 03 o YSV
6. Signature: 6jh 4 2Pwd t .j8kIj Print Name AAMA~nv Q (IN 'A Address: IIV wgS G-Aegi-s4,2

( a& Gz 8 I

7. Signature:_//7c /-~~ Print Name-g =e Z/ /8s Address: $ ,2
8. Signature: d W ~ Print Name r Poses Address: 52 Qtb  ?-, L4Ql 0 R(J 0%
    'Return this completed petition via New England Coalitionm Box 545, Brattleboro, Vamont 05302 -ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Dike, NRC Chainnan.

1/k ( A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We askyou to join us in calling for a com lete examination ofteVermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, eq al in scope to the Independent Si t conducted at Maine Yan ee-

1. Signature: A_ Pn Address: r /0H 4 -,
2. Signature: PrinteNam:J1' Address: ¢) / -l
3. Signature: S&isao 1labsm Print Name iw1 Address: S, -ti) art! a ? J
4. Signature: %W -M, Print Name ' I4P Or Address: 2io \lKI1 lemf:t, E 1 l %P§A% !s
5. Signat re: 6tftq A de"e/j Prin0Name Lo 0q Address: tfi Cr f )w-OP/E.


6. Signature:_Ig  ; U > rn Name 12,; It ok- c 0, ri Ad Address: l *3 s /4vw iX *+,g pA 4>OJiD
7. Signature:,(A itName P4( 4 CA A ,
                                                                                                 %L    A Address:                 5,       7'tiTha                   A4gcW S7 eVk '& 3
8. Sign2are: Aal2'a Print Name A ktZ.6/4L4 Address : ?4 77 )D &4//14VX C)/ -4//g as IReturn 2

this comnpleted petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Bratileboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! Congessma John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Cotporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 12 0 %/oof its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: a !7
  • Print Name a C d4 b As Address: /, - X4Af ki v/el , em016 AA '-I.AtrI/Ol
2. Signature: (AJ(t 4/a I
                                           ?tW.               Print Name        IL) I i a2v, AB Address:             Vhy(k,1 KW              (Pod? )¢C      23VA1      h2I &I              MA)        Oi33,S
3. Signature : Print Name 4 /fec 4 'ee*

Address: /6t 11eA- _I1AA Ag 4 ?4 ad I 2.

                                                 ,        , **-*.                       vd
4. Signature: 4Z16A . C p Print Nme ,4kr I i, ..

c I OhpjL-) 5.- S fi4 intre:Obone N I4a i (A* foM f.- Address: /57V'1 4O4 V i 14 4- IT{T tx 37:)2 A

                                                                                               § .  .     .                                .           fl
6. Signature: & d:,< Print Mne. a ki-t--. ) 6 /C Address: q / Cd 1A4 J 414- DO6c"L
7. Signature: o k Print Name , iSPr 7%Ordeei Address: 3(E4 Ah, BEET IN, 14Ae-fT Hk¶ 00&4 8 51gnaturee Print Name \$ ) ( tA5eJ t5(

Address: I1P J AV'0A4K&4 har ,1 O9, x l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

PA6b2t A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 12 0% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equa iscopeo the Independent Safetv Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signatue:t D AI Print Name eczeo ( lecnCs Address: Z/ LL's , 4 .Sf ofcal) C.t
2. Signature: , -d/PrintName f, JI dc Address: ( OU 4htk.2c t 5dm-/axed oPra eI13?7S
3. Signature: t (f , Print Name o ae C >UL Address: T t Li~v&3/4Cm vT JlA ks I
4. Signature: " = - PrintName Heave kA (J4/

Address: 4 53 G u2 st p,Vo_ - IsOAXx 0I

5. Signaturean NNe \7)o.AbJBl 1-i Address: 6Al id / t3 Al4V\
6. Signature:s 5o Prin tName . 1 t Address: Q5 AZe AB+. GU re_%, tv\, . off t- 30)
8. Signature:

Address: /0) £765 k' Sf~6~(eiL A " Print6Name Jab Ciy e'(

                                                                                           /'-t                 f~o Address:                 (/te~l4 ;      skz                          7*/              NOv~ oeZ C.

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz;, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be art enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: ci Print Name 7 L ., t >

Address: Bac \ O C I r0 A v :A- 1-. 7. .. V , Ni

                                                                                                      %11-1F-4 LI
2. Signature r 5'hA/v--Print Name Address: AtC K2- 4Z- A or-Oui IcC 'UT 0o09
3. Signature: e g All Print Name __ Is, cheAW Address: G Do1'-4 (a n- N4q 0q La) 7
4. Signature: to J liAk PrintName £E.IK NJEOP; Address: 23 WrST S . REe Li A/ M/ 0o/103
5. Signature: C.*,. tit 9 PrimtName Care- tA/; 1 Address: I &f(Iftt -5*(&U ht01^v, M 10 I391 V.I A Qimai,,re-
                  -        -A  r7*             A          I      Print Name                iZ         i. C.Qk Address:       38t (1           A                R-C        \    '   -'JU l'4 4c)9Sq
                                                                                               '     R      7
7. Signature: __ _ __ _ _ ___II_ _ PrintName Al "' k Address: //lo 5k, . 2~ J<, 1 Ad~ 6n 5- /
8. Signature: 1R Jj ti...Ji Print Name 're,5 )' lb UJL-Address: k CS ULo-f ibe S) I iI/ V - ns3 0 )

I Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vaemont 05302 ASAP! 2 Con an John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

vAw A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life: as we know it in our beautifiM state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: W'e ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. - n N - _

1. Signature: ( ~Q Nam e \ 4k at\,/\ ( a Address: \;\ m _ C k - 6)ItS(4
2. Signature: 9 Print NameT6 P*A &t Sfvidsii-Address: /(L; 6 -ni y4<- 13C, C7 BootJ
3. Signature: J C PrintName
                                                              -L(             _     _      v__               __e_      _     _   _  _  _

Address: 4k if krV S' XLA =MA

4. Signature: Print Name G P 1
                              / AW 4

I _ A-. 4-

                                         -    .7 H- e i Y
      -.A AfAr - 0.              I-        II -  .          - -         UW  I I I   -              -  . .
                           -1          4           GX             Print Namie     _
                                /tf._           tz          Al/y                        dE,4        AS           4-! Az/

Address: 'o!

                    \3                                  t-), CknL1L               /A1*/O         0        6 >X
8. Siar I-)J Print Naine t"g Vdid J4 kc-aL r Address: . .

3y, )6 IS OV _ _ Hvt6 A wl

                                                                                    * - -- - -          - JI HOA/71f
                                                                                                              '      I -
      ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box :545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

(4~ A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Coiporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. _

1. Signature: IZ. :I Print Name (f *;c S 44 Is Address: S O&A o( T-Dt4+ T-'~hXCWAUJI(b. Jf 1)(Z )I
2. Signature: iPrintName L/we Address: /3 G ) o r ce AS / 064
3. Signatur:_ t; 7PrintName e y Address: 9iintI h cApi F
                                                             .  (1eeAfielI'14         ,            6iI3 O\
4. Signature: CoXt((iSqv-Wtt'PrintName let~CCA H41WKvWiK Address: I i CAA IVA- oi.51 5 Print Name P  !-W
6. Signature: Print Name MIarv C bras Address: j13 1 PIP e@ 21 W vt ttt
7. Signature: Print Name A 3 4/

Address: 34t S4 g4's, Fr O

8. Signature: 4L79 Print Name, 1<e.C Ld U es Address: :3 -


                                                                           . mA       Oio7z vi                                 s-_
      ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vemont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: PrintName )c6,eZJAJ Cti -

Address: IpZ A4A- 613 $

2. Signature Print Name C Y tQ 14 H'tA / (

Address: s// EJd+ ° cA 35/

3. Sig atueP4 4) j.

Ndaine-e4 PrintName Address: t Nt >, k . AA P, as~~ Io2,9

4. Signature:_ \ PrintName C L (f LAJ S Address: tty,- . F. . oI 5 1
5. Signature: Name 4.Ac'C AAC40 Address: (6,0 &C) A A CiikICa 4 AA>. 71fi
6. Signature: Print Nae La.t - 1ivtson Address 5;;O aKndl avg-, NOf 51
7. Signature: #; + / , rnNat Q e-Jr. 'A~!,!,

Address: ,eutte Ua it'lAx &101 GCE

8. Signature: (X ' - Print Name +ffiR C)

Address: 94 CS,4&AcU s A VujL7V5V1 Ai, Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Sii PrintName IW 'W,'0-,

Address: < a - <4°* KJ

2. Signature: Print Name (Ca S-c lidict Address: Il . l Kgv<
3. Signature: / Naam e /-

Address: 3 1AS

4. Signature: Print Name _A_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

Address: (o y rV? r l- AS6

5. Signature: A Print Name e.. CoL S CV\i CI +

Address: l(o V \g rC .. MAk olp 6o 6.Signature: I dPrint Name 3 v-%Vev gyl o# Address: 5(0 VWiSl sqUAb 4 - t

7. Signature: Print Name L Ar 2. Atu Address: 0L5 #2r p r+1ktf Ad o 3Vz)
8. Signature: Sh4(,(Print NameP 7i.4/7 o M A7 epr/g Address: t e) AN l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Peft 1n I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever h4ange Xi Ifs we k'npw it in opr beautiM state and region; and the increasing legacy of 4eadly rg4iocje waste shall bge T!ormouspla~i~ l a envtron¶stal burden for our children's children: These re NT iwkeepins with Yeflanqq4$ gnsetyliv A Fefiet imbue, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor., equ," scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signare:L ' PrintName 1&\rjri QA" r'VW\

Address: \(b, * > F .., JU 6/ 3 ;-j

2. Signaturee44A 4_J 6re - Print Name C____t___A J _6____ _

Address: /3 HPIAiJS5-r SD£A&wo/34-

3. SigruIture: W -Print Name yet I$w la-" g/

Address: 2Ct/ H4

                                              /A           fV7?*

6 ,14{ 0e2i

4. Signature: rName MAiLa /u a Address: g8 (eA-kr4 5<4d , \cQ 0,s( 0(!;(

P N 1U

5. Signature:t G Print Naie a4>- CEM yif 0 CL%

Address: c;5 Frt S- AH, te, ts eHA 6o5-1I

6. Signatur PrintN me s//ZJbeT Address: HU WA)PA-PLS.,4S POt IAAfThiM , Ah A P)/ Sol
7. Signature: &¶AA / 4 - PrintName O h I, hAsV
  • 1d r,'

Address: &/ th)Kq<k N1 PL 1{ 44 A4J AS

8. Signature: 64 PrintName '1(/cy a,T /t/ ->r7E;f Address: zUJ6 CK _ "'t e2,~; 7
      ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairrmn

A Citizen Petition 1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entera Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a com lete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. J Ia i c_

1. Signature: 1 Print Nae v,;

Address: ,JvhfJ'< o/s kc6X K

2. Signature::SAit MLJ4 PrintNarne 4S r a JIE!1 Address: X,, rtlCan0 fon2d he'ag, I\1H 083Y31
3. Signature: ggd1p Print Name Io0&9 I TREA Address: f NO. 3 P -rW'YY . i / r
4. Signature: \ PrintName /t4kAI O\ 9.

Address: It) \Xo tso -CA 9mkt j 691dom VnIt O13( t

5. Signature: ad. 6 M Print Name (hZcitzL Brawls Address: v A 1I
6. Signature:_ Print Name , F 4

Address: kAorAo I e/3-?

7. Signature n a re/fm6 611a aName Jel , ZK e-Address: / 1 -dt / *%jext-, (d
8. Si-iatare9 ~4 ~ r NameTA II A- if _

Address:_P 2~ h §f ~ , \f6(-fl4 a/ynP§I1 I,/V> 6/bta&)

    'Retumr  tis completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont, Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Y k

1. Signature: Print Name (&A Address: A s 7/3 -)33
2. Signature:_ oktl PrintName la Address: (k 2304,--tjrth l{e ncr' r , V F-Y/ P A)
3. Signature:_ c d r/ A Print Name_4nm-",- i4), 9; Address:,, h~k, k6 Olel
6. Signat_ ___ Print Name germs he_ Ad
  • Address: Hi-/ *' fy k~4 S 41* Q/F a, AA
7. Signature:_ Print Name - c- 1fi/$

Address: IZV4 00 01 pIO

8. Signature:j < k/c Print Name_ A7ct- 6t,( Vz ) Md/V\

Address: 74 Addes: G St k 4G i

                                        +v        /     46~     A tasl4,74V        6tt                     Se       a   l4
8. Signature: am N~q ~ 7 Ca<ct / v arX Address: 7 -e t /X . t JuIs 3A Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP!

2 Congressman Jobn Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemorof Vermont; Members ofthe Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation! hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our childrens children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete Physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature k'Q44 a IC*

et)Name Le (IJ6-Ug )' Address: Iat A) fl\a oO' 0o35

2. Signature: F, CuM AAM L.' Print Name Io'(Jy AY Address: e Mal oQ & &i3 J /Cr
3. Signature: Print Name W C.LL)

Address 7d C)

4. Signare He&

Address: re: 7°Xran WPrintName o£ft,1qTed>A Cr.

6. Simture-~ (V Print Name E 1 Ijcii, Addres: .PrnName -A_______ _ _ 0 _ -Pk___ _ _- + Z 44
7. Sipatuure: Namne do 5e}e S 4 Address: Z*/)kt/<A/
8. Signahlre 4+ I PrintName* h v a Address: INA MRturm this cowpleted petition via New England Coalition, Box! 45, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

0/ A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vennont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Co poration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life: as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vennont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a comnlete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature. ______)__ PrintNa__e___________

Address: ')i- 1 apbL El 1 Mttf A A0

2. Signature: Print Name En XL'y Mass6j
3. Signatue:

t4lRig&otlt~lvkA I Prit Nae T7 z ol~c, Z 67 5~ - XAV Address: ' . A -a PA, / A C /3 c / Address:

4. Signature: Ha ICL Print Name cCy IT -54
5. Signature: Print Nane - L'-

Address: B y A c( (3i<l okit9S pL3SL

6. Signature: Ir i- Print Name 't gal ict 0e" G. ,

Address: 7. 2 Signature:,. & < 1PrintNane d ., MtA54 3)3 9e-et' Da O< C Address:

8. Signur /.@ 7 1, -47, 1 17
                                                         ;(   Al,4 Name Print     O)35y(  /4:

a &VLC!ti rA S. PrintName Cc~~c'( L" Address: /) t (-t'j,pl P( (( t AlA)0 (I 57L

      'Return Ohis completed pctition via New England Coalitio, Box 545, Brattleloro, Vermnt 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergr Nuclear (Limited Liability Conporation! hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120%/o of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us inv ing for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, e ual s pe to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. I

1. Signature: Print i Narme l>/°Ao I7 VN*

Address: N/AJ IL-

2. Signature: ti&Al 9/-?, Print Name > l rit-, A-)
3. Signtue:0k ^ij Print Name_ if le it~s NJ 9 Address:_ I _P vuex pzPf 6-rgnz AeJ f)tB $
4. ______________Print Name__ ___

Address: 67 -4 4 9

5. Signature: , D Print Name I t, A Ifv-v Address: /r42_ G 9kA M
6. Signature.w hkA, L&U4i PrintName o6jaric &full0 Address: d US O/3
7. Signature: In A J Print Name Jeser t Address: /1?6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. t Nm Name;r n lacyr?. b -n Address: 5 'T/er T.1 a 1// MR o / 35/

Retn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Venmnt 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

mm-A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, T71IEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature:

Address. A<7

2. Signature:

H / God A- C 9 PrintNarne Print Name 8/$3 n,/J o

                                                                                                  -9     762' e     o)P Address:       392p4 ,1f5*                                      &/{       /L1    6  S Sa         3v
3. Signature: .4;4 4g2 lPrint Namke C/,i'?41 Address: /. / 4 Z4 3 5
4. Signature: P a &4y sz, Address ' .4-/ , at(-34 (J!

S. Signature Nk'l

                                                         \t                N; Name        'AW,                        .  %'

Address: ) v -- Qj rc> cTw C3 I

6. inaue w , re ) 2 t , k P nt Na mne Ah , A d l . o' Address: { Q C
                                                                                                         ,       I/as$-t
7. U;1naztre: At- . C
                                                                                                     ,3 -

zePrintNarne Address: AO,7/ \ (=kx5/ p 8PrSignare Prnt Name ,41 E l Address: C / ~ 2 0 Return this completd petition via New England Coalition, Box !45, Brattlebor, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board, Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermront's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete nhysical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature PrintName CeZ-4Tfna7 e ! J4 ///V// oodeT Address: 183 CV W S* CY/( Ad,/ O3- -r2s///,
2. Signature: .4LJA PrintName i/if' A. A1A'Az<<,eI Address: /1:??Ir* Az c #n, 6/5*7
3. Side~ A22'w PlintName aS 07C /4q pt.r E/

Address: l'b7? A4

4. Sign 0a Print Namne (11/4FŽlorST' /WK9RL -
5. Signature. carat hb X6 PrinttNaie AXlL4 l- 1e12 6.Sidltue: A d PrintNairte 1PUrCE-L af4 /D/

4. Address: ' TV e ,i as 0 / <

7. Signature: n tame N4< g , ec J
6. Signature: 6 PPrint Naire 4<6 & // 6X ,/ C Z' Address: , 4/p1&'c2,/
       ] Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brttlcebo, Vawnot 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman

Kvn A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corpration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. A 1.Signature: jo&. f 4 . Print Name_ (2D)3 , rf VAJ t-Address: 3 (IV Vt> G LL ,..QP 7) i

2. Signature: Be L4 '<A Q_) Print Name_ V/,'1>J< lr 7*4KQ RAA Address: )J'H ]A IC GJI
3. Signature: Lt .IgPrint Name__ _ _ __ _ _

Address: c9e Hl K i-

4. Signature: Print Name by'/,ta) Lv, LJt 1A-La Address: 7hi ve v G' 66 L *4yF
5. Signature: otD rint Narme iW7VJ15 ' (A A t4*, ~

Address: 6, M ( r2) g 0(3

6. Signature: 6-jMIu 9to ~ t rnt Name bev.56 -w~ (6VcX I4-1
7. Signature4 nntName ICES fLe-eA) OjtuaCl Addresss:fiLWteT6*.L ///,,74  : /S7
8. Signature: -PntName 3]%" e /Ilf I/er Address: 4toov IV Alg _ AI oard
       ' Rtum this coploed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboo, Varmont 05302 ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

I K-n A Citizen Petition'

                                                                                                                              .fFormatted )

TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemorof Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete Phvsical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. tName1t .;cX. B Address: CeL t6N CL)V &f,

2. Signature: 'tLPrint NameC eAil*ip I,  ! -te4s Address: P o C 0tSoyC 3 tE
3. Signature: PrintName Address:
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name____


7. Signature: Print Name Address:

Q C;^^]. I 0.: ignatuire. ?rint Name Address: iReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vemmont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov.w9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A,'-'A I'\ 1% A Citizen Petition' I { Formatted TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enterav Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signatur ZI/ff cl SR PrintName L/)AA~bIZA S Oss Address: . O(/ P lo S50 A) r7 07)/9Li
2. Signature:


3. Signature: Z 97 X
  • 6>g-iy~ PrintName_________________

Address: $ g Rt& <5i6Al 4, - e

4. Signature: ~ Priat Name RT36- ;O4 Signature:U-32 Ot Address:
4. <LAO 0-( 1 71fy2~

Print Name. . rp ,J-/- k-0Xt~,SM Address:

5. Signature. P ri nt Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name____


8. Signature: Print Name________________________

Address:: 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

I I4"Q A Citizen Petition'

                                                                                                                     - - { Formatted TO:     The Honorable James Douglas, Govemor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service:

WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous finmncial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: ¢ tam_ D ks-zi5> A t Address: Aa3/ 9-
2. Signature~ a~ flam b1e/et Ah n Address:. -, A r , A/Y a
3. Signature Print T)NameA'> D 1, 74i Address: 7 * + /> 6 >@ )
4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name__


7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name__

Address: IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Inden nt Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: XZ Print Name & L A //7c(4t-J'(1 Address: (efnc4" T t i4j/{j n/ C 'S3
2. Signature: /,m4- ,/~uQe-, ebintNarne aee tjt at Address: Ioivi , U\ 100-
3. Signature:rintNae Address: L- Gi0 0/

4.Signature: j:FrintName N Je ce Vi cAaA Address: V j Id.4 (0

5. Signature: )Print NameI Address: lr- I'. CX002
6. Signature: - PrintName 5 ( -. CoGge/

Address: 4 Ah-4 'AA{ S- AfA () 31

7. Signature: Print Name Lt/ kM 5'1-7J Address: i-4Ail .-- Wy
                                                  -         -          Ag Em L,fi    , -*

AA 0/'7

8. SignCV9tAff~ PrintName JGzwgL AikeWLt wa Address: X IA 5). MId cA /46 0/0 07 1Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizn Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image. THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a comelee physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature Print Name # 4 u &C- XC ot Address: (NDa (AC$Re ke P 0(i30
2. Signature: Print Name Se\ rse-.....

Address: _ C E V\\ eA . Sha ing- A OthrLo C) 3.Sigaue Print Name {17fiA M. AdU' Address: 2V4 kA NSOL4fEAA P A o 137r

4. Signature: H--Print Name _____ _ __-_ __f_

Address: 'it , Ql- CiLZ MAotG_Q\ I

5. Signature PrintName Ed /14, 5 Address: Van< /Vodi4k #410 V 5\a7 3 \C
6. Signature:A A Name Sarnah /UNS at Address: $f /(I AXAA0 SN j w4 all,,)JTS
7. Signature: "A e H Print Name &G.Ge fLtee Address: ss M, /VIA3 O
8. Signature: Print Name it0 CA)- CO o -r Address: *A\J GLQa t CO\ c 2-O lRetn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vesmont 05302 ASAPI 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. signatu4 G u s Name 1n -i/

Address: J20 , /7 e4dj c/o b,-"ee ' lx a, 'c-s/c,

2. Signature: Gme lwk l Paie ( c a Address: if (,)9IB6
3. Signature: G SPrint Name F -12ZA At S TUQzJ Address: zot- S2 E V% \ A\ \ oLCZi\


4. Signature1 ; Prsint Name Go -t Address. 5 G *s. G us tA9 A)s O t
5. Signature / ,2dL Print Name VlI,5C ft.

Address: t_ Pg _____Xat_ __t__

6. Signature:, B e j/<-PrintName ie-
                                                                        $-cCCz                  4As    hen d en Address:    I-f,7,t                             o            f l o                      Ad      0
7. Signature: Prit Nar \

Address: dI r 0

8. Signature:_ Print Name mie Address: ' l<t Ao bu-
     'Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP!

2 CongresSran John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chainr

ftC) A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautifiul state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scpe to the Indeendent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature mr >Pri Name NCC aELLL AUp Address: /06 406T7)'6MPO -AM rg r- ',/  : 4 W-we~~ao
2. Signaturwka/inNa4eef l`)AksLoorAlk Address: Ila 15c J Lear'et + 1iti L. olQs
3. Signature: /IA.A A 'k Print Name 2RA 42t wxv-Address:Jj 4 4K >>1Xx g** Worst b bOw
4. Signature: a-Ifl AJebos .5 PrintNamne o ,n ME!ASOAJ Address: i0Je tJbkeup oA o,)IL ,ng A 0 1 3
5. Signature e: by Print Name kAL_ JR Address. XA vOA .. IL1
6. Signature: Byk An ~~Print Naime e 94MV4iJ >t Address: ley 4 Hi 14 ze-
7. Signature: / ~~, - Print Narne Address:7 0 Ha eArc;A~%e~d fe&*e,1 S AMS C~

5% 0

8. Sig nature Print Narne Address: 2- X.^fcl) 4v-d.te N+h, a't+o pan, ep a iho l Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chainnan.

Au A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee / ,

1. Signature: iK d- Print Name bi H'-'Ct 7 JAlp/4 1A1 Address: A I> -10 14U6~L /&7t4c f?x675/

2 SignaturePrint Name . 9ZA-F5 S A2des /Dm- "64 4 0/55 / -~ 3. Signature: __ __ I PrintName 7Irrs~'- tg'fl, >7 Address: ) L /) VV /a 1a c l r l do

4. Signature:_ Print Name _ -e nrt Address: / 0 dew -( Go Ad Zig
5. Signature: Print Name ,tiL /c47),+J/

Address: A29 X~c P/# 8r/ ,M Q 4/ SE// XAd >2~

6. Signature: AzPrint Name_ Z-Y R<1 - L'-A Address: XC2 A\9 , /M +Cs(37 7
7. Signature:% Name F -D -

Address: by, - IJr °,, > _I.j

8. Signature: Print Name ASarr, Con Ici/n 7c'a/

Address: (D-4et4V{t V22 (7)- Db2*

                                                                           /#            -u         (*137
        'Return this completed petition via New England Colition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiflul state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yane. /

1. Signature: Print Name Joceu B hL 1-ej Address: 1LI BSde 1 5I~v-7 be a/(O
2. Signatu re<S4C Print Name (f 'ct A w-e D) C-Address: 2- L c-e-4-f/- Ail A- c
3. Signatul' w Qa Print Name U-lA S Address: Yt ou AAI> DOIi-Sai I O o off l
4. Signature: PrintName VdflC>s, 19Z)aLJ I Address: P h)peMl + C)I, ?0
5. Signature A P r i n PrintName_ -1 A cAa A Address: 6IVkE O1079-
6. Signature: 2-'1h aJ1 4 JAl 4,Print Name .t Me Am E. W11X 1 t.

Address: T S C OM L,&ww, '4 t(ŽOLX} / Cr3- e249f t

7. Signature: Print NameN (bin awirrivrv q Address: CZ aV_ Ah_ >

_il._ _ _ ___ _1_ ___

3. Signature: Nc Print Name U-Ae 0 4L Address: I )  % n Xndt)w IdID s
                                                                                        -I2MA 0 13t I

2 Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box $45, Brattleborn, Vaamont 05302 -ASAP! Congressran John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Cbairman

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enter Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation' hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, a=d "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy ofdeadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our childrenrs children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, ThEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete phVsical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Indeneindent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signatre: Print Name v7 k t TV4 R-
2. Signature: 6t Name \ - i).

Address: 2A A a.D A L J V4 ° 7O1

3. Signature: & 0- Print Name. 'c 2 A) C Address: 1 -7( tZc/

A~7ie $- plsj-oe

4. Signature: -PrintName Judi G7&p6eI/
5. Signature Pfi[LJ Ad Print Name ( o (5l;,

Address: kA30. f c 4&j4< iQu\e-\A t VCA Opt c\rYJ4

6. Signatu A 7 /gff /Print
                                                         ,           Name /o ki *6       /           7-Address:       e/ J         L,       40I2                   t       ,Yh                               /     a
7. Signature: Prnt Name 'X(j-,A 1 C Address:rI , 1 Ro 7 h e Yft o~y
8. Signature: Q C - PrintName C A2, Ct. rJ Co tiIJ Address: e4LA3_ Szr G OC2-D rA 0 I0N XRetun this compIetedpetition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vaemot 05302 ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition1 I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Print Name Hi(OKA C A-? 7 Address: ) 1 APr LAc N14
2. Signature:_ &t1h I } Print Nam 13,r-TI4 1!, U Us-pr Address:

A.Signature: 0. Name__P____ ___Ge Address: Name_______________________

4. Si PrintName  %#& Can )
7. Signature. PrintName gj(7J2\ eeM er Address: tkeY 6/AC
8. Signature: Print Name S AR1 3QQ2 iM Address:g4JN\OB y A Y ('Q,7'Qi,,- Be OV3qa l Retum this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP!

2 Congressmnan John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' I TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Govemor of Vermont Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnterMv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermonts conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: I £ Print Name 014f6oe94, Mv jpme Address: --9z D ST-. 4SLeywqg- s /W () o 37 0
2. Signature: Print Name C-/le(i hcwfAat/ in Address: 74 Ho7 a-s -iad k/ir /15, /wet 01370
3. Signature:Praint Name Mv IiZ-C- /C.h f Address: 21 V SM,4-4Xd /7 76
4. Signature: K' PrintNarmt 2/1czr4; Address: 'a (ego 'Ctz6->, 4;k ,-'e Zz/Z/
                                                                                          < 421         (2/,?'/

X C!:^. n_..wy

a. 0Ignature:- Pint reName I Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name a

Address: 1Reaturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 renrwm an Teahn (nluri.r Nnrv 0 A)MA; ttn Ni1 ora N, tRrrhairman

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: i -4 ' -Print Narne -Ievetd  ?-Li,(

Address:- PO TI(q v5- l 4k 0l33(

2. Signature: t-w.<JL .AAQ PrintNarne tj~evtn Address:7 Di-, ~ a1 A ME- eI 3 5-(
3. Signature: two rLn arintNatne C,,toz 6a-1i ?ac Address: /-7 k ASISJUi I J( bV at- L.LL,IAv I ,
4. Signature:_ Print Name ( L L A I/

Address: 17 , & -L-/f4g(,A11 I "0

5. Signature: 1. Print Name -4 4'0 MO~QA&

Address: L- 6roJ( c f iJt1GW4 -I--

6. Signature: zlk p Uo/a Print Name_ zAny64~e kA-,-,

Address: l j3 E 1ekkciAt.A4 J *I -- Cal ----- Ay+ 613 -o

7. Signature:. Print Name Address:
8. Signature: Print Name Address:

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box .545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

(a mo A Citizen Petitioni TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corioration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signaw taF1* J/i PrntNarne DJopLtl ak(&N4tl1jD19, Address: 27, (gC-rz" t AlASA 0
2. Signature: *s . PrintName frA&(L4A 1 . Cc7 L-C Address: 6LB4h At1-wl s- 41t rfJLa-t~jrGLs> MA c0,3;1
3. Signature: ;mPrintNae (9CM tEc e An Address: 15 P\tJ, St) F%@-9 Mr ,


4. Signature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Nanile Address:
8. Signature: Print Namne Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPI 2 rnnorQrma Tnhn Olvir Jnv 9 7A05nIgottor tn Nile nitq iRCr rhairm;n

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conduct at Maine Yankee.

1. Signat- ) < / a Print Name Address: 3/-ka be A)
2. Signature: Print Address: AZJbd A, 2/'V4n AJkmaR
3. Signature: h~y hAA A Print Name SI>_1M Addressr Wt \DAX
4. Signature, ' - , , Print Name i9 ,

Address: 6 (Jes I n Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermnont 05302 ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

5.Signtuat42ii Print Namne- a/ >< Addrqss z 04 g r/S - ) 7 tW isYQ o/zb Z

6. Signature: t<Ar L7,J6tI _Print Name '1 ~ JS=C Address: ,,O.O ,22 VC4 a7
7. Signature: l9 Ho_] Print4A 14atlee-W
.Name               1N1A1 f)a;~    (   r     c' Address:     ,-       19        (--   14a-gA,,I.

14-f LDyao,,- /qf~

8. Signature: /t/&e:jj4 __ Print Name / * --

Address: 176 g2 k(Q We2 ( A,.AA--o (a

11-C4-Ils A Citizen Petition 1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor," 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal i cope to the Independent Saifety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Sie Ide Print Namue - 5ax Qo Address:u C. V14 C> ra) C )
2. Signature: k ~ j32 w Print Name /{(eLA Zo( . Cl Address: t )amok Pt it, I1, b g (( U kI Ashtray I 'rint Name J.


4. Signature: Print Name_


5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name_


7. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Q O. ientt r Print NamuC Address:

      ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Dia, NRC Chairman.

Goo> A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yanee.

1. Signature n s.V-_ Print Namen AgCXtS~'

Address: <7 / fda'

2. Signatur, <A ggk I /te e Name c A ddress / S r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
3. Signature &f j-&Print Name Address: // C/M' q n i ArF (1I va
4. Signature: Print Name __ _ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _

Address: V 5.SignaD~fg C2Ut/a PrintName (Aet o SN<<IeS Address 7 t(OG, ecv e n A R 3

6. Signature:_Akid -A MUf PrintName A m^>z ,;2 W Address: /ll a s g;o
7. Signature: Print Name_


8. Signature: Print Name Address:

lReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

I A Citizen Petition ;X1e-CtYJ et 'A rl L_-VCJcC"11(CA1 cli-It,0-%

                                                                                                                       " 'f-b ovy TO:      The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee NucLear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactoriCs original 1973 l:Lcense, and a' .             this increase will place new stress on Vermont YankeeiCs aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, therefore;

_': a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an 1ndependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. L Signature: a Print Name ,-ti AddressJ  ;

              .49, Z"",-,e..                           -          k1           ,    AŽŽ         Email
     . Signature:                                              ezdt/jo4 K              ;A/

So//,rint Name /s e I

                                                                   />A Address:
         /i             Y4[(4 /r9/e                                 X /Email Signature:                        A(/ze         6*e4                 k.'       Print
                                                                                                --    4 1 AL_L 1j. Signature:          nat                  re:e     Cen     IL4y kni;                Print Name Address:


 .$. Signature:                                                                     Print Name         Jo-ktps                          0 d        -


                                                                                                           -Cr          4ALJ.C    a F51          Grb1,Ate,,          FS)IS         fk
                                                              ,        ,,                        Ema i wns 60 ,_,                 xf~
                           -   ,                   .. I                           -     Print i     Signature:                 *               ,!                                  Print Name                MA t PA                             r7.


                   /        C
                            &       C                      y                                     Email          -

ame gnature: . _ ______Print Address:e Emai 1_6a1--/Mt 1 C04C~- Ill lei ,,I' 22f,=5s?/3vi# g, Signature: 2 Print Name _y A Address: v l Email aecu 'ct M4. & 7 r S;,I-0,V Y'( -V

                                              ---"Ct                                 .
        ,,AU4xa4C                                                                                   1A    M  an i i
                                                                     . . -~l,

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vennont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an (t enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative arid self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: .' Print Name )fAjVVl o a c Address:
2. Signature Name

_ _ _ _ -__ Print )I.D 5O A,, Af5 7 Address: Address: Address: h 1f C1) Q . f uunQ@ a/Y .C/

5. SignaturesaU^ Print C(G>~i 0%^<5 Nam e _

Address: , (

6. Signajr -Print Namre got Fair w aj Ave,- Il7rrm t01(j
7. Snt Name_____________________

Address: ate( OvASf. C\*C

A Citizen Petition L b .t CJ-Ct' 0 it( E: y TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and A7 Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactoriCs original 1973 license, and

     -.      this increase will place new stress on Vermont YankeeiCs aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore, A1           The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, therefore; a':           a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
t. Signature:, < f g [ Print Name pro,AJ vA H e-Ss <-

Address: 7 5_ __ _ Email_ A. Signature: Print Name AesmAo /+. PqoLx Address: I(. CucL'*-f (Qv Y_ Email_ Gve tro'lied, lVA G~.-~L4-tA1d A otai 'm g

3. Signature: _ _Print Name Address*- i)

TVLAff. -0(f Email______

t. Signature;_CUNT _XAg Print Name C) F C1 ) Erzci r L ;> (. t-Address:

5 4-, u Email_ _ _ _ Signature: Kge,, ( ' 3 e44>-<Ov 1ZPrint Name_ Address: 170 Email ry e en~ ea/e/ A 00/3° - - tm Signature: = Print Name Address:

   . Signature:
         ,, . vL/                          &JSP-                   PrintEmail-Name_          _ ___________    A___                  _    __

Address: E Hg4, ,cy5t . Email-r Signature: Print Name-Adrel Email-A c i . ., d .

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massa.chusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactorics original 1973 license, and

  -, .            this increase will place new stress on Vermont YankeeiCs aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
  -I',            The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, therefore;
   -1'            a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

t.Signature: _ <>c e __Print Name k Address: 0 ,r/ 1ff An a T ., - 0 VOot Email

 '.        Signature: xi <                            Z                                 Print       G         W-t a- .

5 2e 1 Name -;A~Stla" I Address:

            -7     c1.                                  X.'-t                                     Email Mc        -a lobd 3.

Name 4 Signature: ttz'A a471,

                                                            / i'            a Printa4   1 J 4 a-   c-t C Address:

S 6ox. S5 Email f f (S4c9.1ru-- NX4 _ AA.

4. Signature:__________ Print Name &011 VIA t ft( 4 F -- v3Vc-Address:

G3-;3 J23 -, Z C Email s Signature: <! A- .f 1 Name V 4 Leg o Address: 3:7 - ~*_ Email-A----t f Signature

            .-             :                                _U                            Print fame_:7~Qr            v~              -4 9:) AgeC, Address:

cG Ak( e Ili - Email

                         .-                                       ._ .                P t     .Signature:              1a         _ <             ,t                           )   Print Ia-me        N n a           N7 . c              a ,   AG               l Address:

Email K. Name Signature: S__1i

                             'A af'  v   S M TV
                                                                   /LW Print Address:           IL20            /Z'VK 4,, 'II1%                                  355       Email     MrLK(S4Ue       ifs A
                                 ,-                                      I W(                        Cob. ho".     --t _( /f_1            lI
          .AA_                        /a3L,_Ad c, fje
                                     /"Cre                                        J7I-0 s (,PI &  e   , te I      I             I     !  E

A Citizen Petition - "k C-4X (WEe A itze Ptiin c ctt-jb or~ 5-Lf TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and By tl \JT Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactoriCs original 1973 license, and

-' .              this increase will place new stress on Vermont YankeeiCs aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,
-1                The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, therefore; a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: JLL 4 Fiv Print Name _ _ A_ _ _I _

Address: 33- ke%1 jIr P Email 64 ~A c /-Ca - . 0

a. Signature: _ ,

Print Name f R L1_r,'s1 PIAx Address: 3( NCh5,, R S-t Email 0AI*aL @ CzA-2i-lse- A-T 4e5 t s nea^d o6L c1o g '3. Signature: ge" Print Name C<R .cht Address: 3; _________Email tj. Signature: __ Print Name A)- Ve_/ s-7 Ac>cirP-5u 3 7 '?7 a-57 cv.I Email C.4-ad 714 m o3 , I 5 Signature: ______Print Name d-e,4> 1  :::7 Address: 3Q%  %§yg 4? ,.-..\ Cy fY1 If;re i Ie-t Email 9 i .*- - . . - -_ - - I I I .. . - 4; Signature: - - PrintiE l;7c W- kce'lAlt Ke Name 4 Address, A\ Al 0 rc 3/4A-O3-I mi 5 '7 sAJ\4g go- Ck/%Ai v 0~r~r fY c Email

   .      Signature: __                  ___                   _                                       Print     Vsc- K yq+J'i ame Address:g X-                  a(l                             M- tck<%           - .zv Puft WINt Email -

,. Signature: . Print J Q.Ace tA.)*Ik;tea Name * * * -

  • P * * -


                                                                   ,    b LAW!

Address:  % Email MDihel1 MA4 A1CcQ4 . ' L/6YV'J S#H 6l yv04,j J _ICf i\

TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" [2] <#_ftn2> in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our j beautiful state and region, and the increasing legacy-of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping wiith Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine

1. Signatur ahjrP rint Namq-.Ine`fJo Address: R-ODt Q76 525
2. Signature: 0 4 a .XAZ ce print Name _St az So.-.r C/ILE Address: 63J27 Lq- R-/ 15t Jerod1F1elD c>Sos O1
3. Signature: nKtX Name C o____ __ __ __ __

Address: sooJC i_3______________________

4. Signature o4int Name_ _ _ _JO _____________

Address: 21 6 S- JS

5. Sig _Print Name Address: J _
6. SignatLre: . -Print Name b Address:
7. Signa ure:j49lArcJ* _Print Name amees Kdmv Address: 1( &MO ebtA - 1 - V( O s'f73
8. Signatur : -Print Name (52hv,1 Y A Address:-4 l 7 ' (y2+
9. Signature:- Print Nameme3i J A A, Vr K

Address: 0D l4 I 1

10. Signature: k} FPrint Name l s P Address:- _252 A L-b Addres V44AQ y gz, DESK

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based EnterM Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation! hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: t~{The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautifiu state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature e;,4 , ^
  • Print N ame y

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ S Address: C/


Name__________ ___ Address: 7-v w Act c)(? 7-6

3. SigaturePrint Address:
4. Signature: ___ _____ Print I / g/

Name Address:

5. Signatu: Print(  ;)

Name Address:

7. Signature:__________________ Print Name__ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _


7. Signature: -Print Namne :7 Address:

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation! hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and em'brittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits,, 0) AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. I. Signature uz __tr Prit J. ty Address:

       -I4 l %        I.I< t-Tim/r^

sLe - ) - - t - -v&

  • K< - -
                                                                                    ,=-   leI
2. Signatiue:flA rL41 n U1Ai Print H Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

facth4 e 1. Ie n n Address: K Ac

3. Signatur~ - mPrint Namle D - -- Zg-x Address: ._-
             \9S b                     BarnLs            oAV                       ta&eE 5f>i
4. Siga.

Name 4 Address: Address: o57f 1 9s P r i n -Pin Nam e c '

  • p C Address: 7 l l 16 /


           ,  , . .  . 4   d ... I

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and enrbrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signae Namne- IC§I( I i9t5 Address
                         '     S    aPrint
                      '         /7 6    IA           j   rint Address.:
4. Signature, - O Print, Name Address: Z7 ,-i-,
3. Signature: Print Name____________________________________

Address: -

4. Signature:____________Print Address: 5. Sgnatre: 7~-~ s~~-,Print Name Sutur VD- 4, be f~93--a At11 y ~


7. Signature: LI 1')in 1Q a~~~~~~~kl nC a 1 t< llLlyA

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. Address:

2. Signature: PrintP Namne3Y Address: ( fA lqA /SVJN& 11 d 3yV
3. Signature: ,pI Al J- jf Print Name 5____________ _

1~ X ~~ Sc 7 7 -

5. Signature: /y f/ .Xj,, Print yid,72~

11/ 1 t7j11yf, Name J)°Crop' D

                      #t.^  >,    aL' Address:            Ah
6. Signature:~~6 i 'g2/Print Address: )

Name 1&e ne i> sr1{ ado

7. Signature:

Address: 4

                             /LjA     . Jr rPrint       e3

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a com lete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yanke.

1. Signature: Print Name Aq ,'EA-IA Address: L() 0 itch ob A d_ _
2. Signature: Print Name G il T A S Address: Y-l 4 ULL7 ° {j%)
3. Signature:_&ntA 4 AJ Print Name i 0 Address: /e~vmuleI54 l1M / AJA 6/
4. Signaturc,.i/ "/ Print Name /Q 4 y Address: pef 4 I*7Sdo-f At. W/ e* /7f/, A/ 1 7
5. Signature: Print Name Address:
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signature: Print Name_


8. Signature: Print Name Address:

Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! 2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

fx<V<' A Citizen Petition1 TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Print Name yre Address: 0 _________________________
2. Signature :6 Q Print Name- Z.,OL#,D) A'?/ 7-T&

Address: 3 7 /4/iWo-2A' < /)22 Gaab AD e'i 3 6 /

3. Signature: > Q Print Name /*ldk A 1 Address: 6 & . f?(s io InAlL4-O13( (
4. Signature: o Name__________________________

Address: _d rA . f a/ 1? f . t '

5. Signature:_____________int_____ Name ___ _ _ Co_.=_Gus__

______C Address: 2/ id Ik 4 r3 D - t

6. Signature: Print Name As i~C'-et)C Address: \ , P-V) X -55 Alpi maA 3
7. Signature: PrintName Address: l_i__________________
8. Signature: Print Name K Lec Address: I C 5t' 6<f
                                                      'r                   I/

(ci fL 0e a /3 4 2 IReturn this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 -ASAP! Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont: State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us ip calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: qt12"SQQQ MA PDrintNarne}A CV6\\& plO\ e Address: "i Akok Q  ?&ekcm KAA (A )\
2. Signa Print Name_ tI m R &-/ S .¶I2F; Address: Z rOUAA . A1V O/3 3 Signature: 169 4 lo- Print Name_ Spe-v' A. GAb Address: kns At\J&he- A I - fAv evs 1 QP V Cl37(9
4. Signature: > >( Print Name Vldh (13ADSf-Address: 4k IPA
5. Signature:_ -,44
                                          - f>>        Print Name      RL           Am_    ,  i Address:     '24t         C&"                                        G____    ______        MA--             _
6. Signature: Print Name_ IZJ L45 Address: /1 9 6-a[c G2:-Cl 1i
7. Si: -PfGNambe,\ ffe-o--% e n Addres S: ,]eqq \ tils.( 6 13)

S. Signature:_ §tPrintName fn cla Pobei+5 Address: 51S CidA TVY O4CC1 Cr5eA {e 'Y 414

     ' Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vemont 05302 -ASAP!

2Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chainnan-

1P Y)TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporaticn) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" 2 in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical ii mination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. Address: 6 An goc) G r 579

2. Signature: A -' r a; Print P

Name Cz/j 2-*9t Address-. i3 v_ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

3. Signature: Print Name_ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: a ;v#QOQ bQ ) 1 - 1

4. Signature: D 0 *thy We 8 I' xc. :S Print Name to a4c r .

Address: L4^ tOAFivk t IeLO "4 A o o 7o

5. Signature: aPrint Name -

Address: Y&M

                      <<tos Gl                                    ,i   _1Call  c  I
6. Signature Print Name Address: IwtS - r-NM--- e f3e:l
7. Signature: Print Name *e _ _ _

A A. A . - Address: \qv Sv fan a, f" d^ 0 kTo \

8. Signature: Q oV $e45 Print dagsI I Ik Name-Addrell - tX-4) AD-U-5 f zco;sA, e(6b Z.,

V/ 0 (361 I Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brateboro, Veraiont 05302 ASAPt

                                                                                         ;1                           i

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Pinel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enterg Nuclear (Limited ab rporation) hopes visy soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and stem flow, and "creating unaccepable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicnity of the reactors 2 in order to icrease its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautifuilstate and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's childrean These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Si gl e
  • PrintNanArIofYA4-ht i / k Address:_________
2. Signature: Print Name Add.____
3. Sie: PrintName
4. Sigrature: Print Name Address:
5. Signature: PrintName Address.
6. Signature: Print Name Address:
7. Signaturc: Print Name Address:

S. Signature: PrintName Addrem:

     ' Return this corpleted pelitul via New England Coaltion, Box 545. BrtIteboro. Vermont 05302 ASAPI 2

Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" [2] <#_ftn2> in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the Increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankees Af.

1. Signature: Print Name L=

1 r2 Address-: 6  ? t l.dta F d9c

2. Signature: &PA Print Name ;d, 'W t Address: 2 )I t( C JA ' C-'L
3. Signa Print Name NAt 0lbt Address: a1& ZIAT Its 9-r vSj
4. Signature: 1 & Deb Print Name Lb LL Address:- t/4,E I'-C>L r
5. Signaturen:( (1 Print NameI - I pa IO v Address: 2b51 ' 1h , A V
6. Signature: /2 _I$VL -Print Name Velte Lemp feotk2 Address:__ _(__________________________

7.Signatur Name ag

                     &Au(          I ~


                                                °Ql                   Print Address: ?-                414-?A7 Bs                   fe-\k              \!_ -I C)
8. Signature: -Print Name *w Jlogic Address: t ( &~ccA  % VF '9%7
9. Signature: A) 0IA teIVOML Print Address:- p,
10. Signature: '7VA -Print Name 1_A )*4t ,@jt I° Address: f/4/EZ g dC 6 X kl~r-ILceE hor7 o-; !_ . ... _ _ .~.. ., ._ , .__S -

Address: / I C: Vmcdj(- < 0,". .

11. Signa.

Name fWa

                                    )G- A'lMp--,

Print I, CA C)J c rf Ic~t OLe Address: A

12. Signature:_

Name_ _ Av\ V-l /'1~ (VI e g I Address: 6VK f - ( -3 Nr- ZD 1o0 c~

13. Sign etre,,( /PPrint Na me  ; l <et Address:?O - c 9Z r? o4L-
                                                         .- kr      n2
14. SAigntttp _ Print I - ~

Name 9 .r Address: <) C"I d'C;& , 15.Sigat ure; _ (l 5&39 4/ Name 4 . (4 Q 44£ ? Address: (s: "e OA, gj I_ Oa a, .

16. Signature:,1 -__I 5rlntS'.fImZ2k eLSo°° DO e Name Address: //7 &4t'idI ro'C oXI &'5V>.? 2
17. Signature:- -1 Print Name Address:
18. Signature:. Print Name Address:
19. Signature:. Print Name_ _
                                                                                                              ,~O' Uu.        -
20. Signature:. . _

Print Name Address: Add names to 100, then please return to the address below. (1] Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 ASAPI [2] Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman. 2/1/2006

A Citizen Petition' TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor;" 2 AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; Therefore: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. ,

1. Signature: Ha ,° Act PrintName /( 'kR4I L AS1 Address: Q\ ( M 4t52 ° (1? - JJlf1s0 M 3S-;l
2. Signature (ui PrintName te' I-S.Feci aiei J/

Address: 1S7 A/A/ 4 W1 tjl L, Jack J, c DJ3 VJ

3. Signature: I A _ -PrintN;:une FrS L8(&,_.

Address: < g9vj (<Q

4. Signature: PrintName 7-7 o. C)RSztp-Address: 1 Amp I t X cTt 3 ,o
5. Signature: (alrk PrintName L. &'o-W46.

k^ol Address: 6 t Hgd6owboc)n -d l 'rtt. U- Q5.530

6. Signature: a Print Name EIj a4 c;

qro o X Address: Alp J1e91 IJ I So. OcAfvne3 yr 0.5 35/

7. Signature: Jfl iJ Print1Name m C0 O} Coh CY'VTY Address: 3t cA6J B eav \1 cy-a c- a V
8. Signatur Print etu.* , B Return this completed petition via New England Coalition, Box 545, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302 --ASAP!

2 Congressman John Olver, Nov. 9 2005 letter to Nils Diaz, NRC Chairman.

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent SafetyAssessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Print Name y&t1 Address: es<g il 71 (2
              - -        --- --"r
3. Signature Print Name_ ________________

Address: I(6 1 %, IA A4feA v & S) -0

4. Signature4 mvl^ 2 Print Name - XS\kvC'ACLOa Address:

l 4@lq6z7<;i;A

5. Signature:


  • 7 (ZI _Print adO pr 6 U. 6376-
                    -LqI.4         Ir, > L- -SZ

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergv Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safetv Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee. 1.Signar Name __ S

                    \) ";

t y/ Print r Address:

2. Signature.:AJC, ha d Print Name 23 e&--h uLFS S eL v Address:

12 e r- M ~r, 4 c 4' - ------

                                                      ?c                        ,      F0929 3.Signatureui&c

-Namne Print 54LL.c A ds Address: q l9q U&1 c /2 b

4. 'Signa~rn Nam e _ _ _ _

40 - Address: C l (h

            ,3                4 LIL -         f)l1>
6. Signature: 7?3V Print Namer LC Tf t Address:
        -          f 0~     30          AA&              645-Tr,    \7    0o5A;L
7. Sigatu Name
                     &g                     1)L 0f_ ta)t Print Address:

fo xwr ema t 1 A E

8. Signature: r tat74 Print Name lILr Yj jrAtA a

Address: C&X A < c*c, s 4 I

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation! hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: Print A M J K Name Address: p1 /z o')-c-V
2. Signature: Print 5 If c Name p. O 1 ,41/ZLPsPr3 Address:
3. Signature: Il

{Q°7_Print -$ 2 teov- e< Address:

4. Signature: u xz&13 . WlOQkA Print e- Oak B. LC<ch Name Address: Q5Qs (am5E ~l S S
5. Siatigna4,)// 22 Name Le 51_. f 'Ik_


S,_, I,-4i-Address; 0 to A)_n r LYZl , T v

                                                         .I      r n
6. Sign-uAs(f h Print N IU Address: fo Ad uy 5 *i m < " 6it raLf (?* '(
7. Signature: I, t J rint~

Name {gw =2LLŽ _,.M "9').eZPFcwf Address: Namne_________________________________

8. Signature:

Address: ~ e (61J&G~t L print CH^ (24L w C JJ~LLi zy Namne Address Gg A 9

A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Entery Nuclear (LimitedI Liability Cornoration) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and emlbrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature , t. Gd -Print S vL4 WI LCoti Name Address: Fb 9" C? 1t D MA&,A Li - OS; -4 Address:
3. Signature: / vr^ Print Name J~o S v- B-'

Address: (T os34

4. Signature: 2 lPrint Name EMAd J A Ad~te~,5 i
5. Signature: 7Z6VIe vPrint ,j'S f

E i4 LW /4 y IC5 Name I


    /4,~   Ao%%  -7e.-).ti~c   J ,1 o t-)         7V os-146    /
6. Signature: 4 rint IA. q. ,/, /,q ,

Name 6 7/ 0-5S. o Address: Address- /S S

8. Signature Print Name__

Ade 13V- t WOG

fk'A A Citizen Petition TO: The Honorable James Douglas, Governor of Vermont; Members of the Vermont Legislature; Vermont Public Service Board; Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel; and The Vermont Department of 'Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana-based Enteray Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and erLbrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, and "creating unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor" in order to increase its profits, AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of accidents could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children's children: These are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant image, THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete physical examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactors equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature: t, _Print Name J Address:

Pad~JL&t ,r yr csv*4

2. Signature: -Print Name Address:
3. Signature: _ Print Name Address:
4. Signature:- Print Name Address:
5. Signature: Print Name


6. Signature:_ Print Name Address:
7. Signature:_ Print Name_


8. Signature:_ Print Name_


-A1' A CITIZEN PETITION TO: The Honorable James Douglas Governor of Vermont, Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public Service Board, Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel, and the Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with nmining the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor"; AND WHEREAS The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children and their children; these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature *or R.aCt PrintName 5Octn C. 5kcU Address Y aCft, ste Sk, o4k Center VF OAS2ry
2. Signature v Q f Print Name L7 5 Address 2-)9 9 1/2t f761  ! S o:; S7v )'7
3. Signature ( v Print Name__________________

Address \- o,

4. Signature ______

Print Namealp do A Addres6?) I) t 4e A) MSe AS

A Citizen Petition to the Honorable James Douglas et al. page 2

5. Signature gm________

Print Name 401 A 1/ Address 1rJ4 / V

6. Signature (4K Print Name S-2+ri c- c Cl (L Address IG hzse inC Vi CD c 'S1
7. Signature__

Print Name Ctk 'c 1 Address #3 O. + )MAM VU11)

8. Signature  %) Mhf4 i PrintName 5pranVQj\ f - v'< /

Address 3)'} 99r*1S (o;b3hn q -h*b5Gtc

9. Signature Print Nam Address /Jc) f 1 05e9(

VT-X1f J

10. Signature G Print Name k4 akd e; Sc i rn Address TD 3 VWo 1S-2-t

P(o A dTIZENS PETITION TO: TheHonorable James Douglas Governor of Vermont, Members of the Vermoftt Legistature, Vermont Public Service Board, Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel, and the Vermont Department of Publit Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very so~no experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear keactor at 120%/o of its designed power level, testing tke response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steamo flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor"; AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of anaccident coufd forever change life as *ifenow it in our beautiful state and region; and the inkaing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and enviirnmental burden for our children and their childryn; these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self:reliant heritage; THEROFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a cmPl examination of the Vermont yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in snoMe to the Independent Saqfty Assessmentconducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature__

Print Name A/y, 45A2X Address KO6f 4 j4e ( §l< (4/ 6((

2. Signdture__d J,q1W c T.
  • _ &,lsrp Print Name_

Address /§ Cf [LI

3. S g a s , ,,

Print Name e Address. 4' ( T6

4. Signature i6 12?*=.

Print Name ith'* , 2 1/ /f Address A&V, Egg/4 Ars4/- yr Vr02m

A Citizen Petition to the Honorable James Douglas et al. page 2

5. Signature jI Print Na6h 7/1 f_1t Address - P(9. 7d' V ,/1 G Sz> 6/; !24
6. Signature PrintName &N Al IA Address/?61. o,/3 ,4) P7a*.b 5
7. Signature kaT-Te .

Print Name kt- M4di/$v Address 4 1 (i4i / 4kJrJ( et. t

8. Signature Print Name________________________

Address /03 14 cCOICrek 4', cXSC&*& CV

9. Signaturet t v AZ,4<

Print Name ___ _________ Address / 0Z( iekr 'c2i2

10. Signature ¢ \?-

Print Name c. o Address Po 13 @1X (&I\H &WKi  %/ 1


A CITIZEN PETITION T0: The Honorable JamesDq~glasofoverjior of Vermont, Members of the Vrmont Legislatpte, Verdfiont PColic Service Board, Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel, and the Vermont Deitment of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation)4opes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee NuMkar Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the responseofaged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor"; AND W1lEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change lifq as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an ,enormous financial and environmental burden for our children and their children; these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Venront Yankee NWlear Reactor, equal in scope to the Independent Safkt Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature_ 4m Print Name Pg5b- NvS V.

Address /o< e A 4o )r A

2. Sign Print Name\<Z.X i ' 6Aw\2-fl V)

Address AC / 4 4 CL--

3. Signature Ca L b Prid1tName iJ^, ar)e G. OA 1t~u ,

Address O3a + /2I } . (2~S oA ~J

4. Signaturd% - in-Print Name -o Address an k W5f

A Citizen Petitfwto the Honorable Jam~s Douglas et 4. page 2

5. Signature nO'Lk*A N4tVn 24 Address 6at< 4 IA Re k A PrintName A ' 4 Address G
7. Signatref PrintName_______

Address 0pY.A@( ( &3~)HlLL' 1S1 .

8. Signature . (7Z-v PrintName \ \. ) e Address (L \>, ?4> Q(qGG2J t -sa(
9. Signature i-( 7c Print Name I 1 . r, e -a Address ( ( rti(GcA  % - W c F) i c52X
10. Signature f G.c Print NkfuneA CA\

G\JN Address 3' O'3  ; 'L x e

f A Citizen Petition to the Honorable James Douglas et al. page 2

5. Signature_

Print Name_ Address

6. Signature Print Name_


7. Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Print Name Address

8. Signature Print Name_


9. Signature_

Print Name Address

10. Signature Print Name Address

Abet A CITIZEN[ PETITION TO: The Honorable James Douglas Governor of Vermont, Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public Service Board, Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel, and the Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor"; AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children and their children; these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us in calling for a complete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor. equal in scope to the Independent Safety Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. Signature ___zS PrintNa E0.zc Address oV U40le HIf b,Sit, o 'IT Eszr
2. Signature_______ ___

Print Name C GC-eo CeA-rtr Address f t1 t.ui/,

                         ,     %i    &    Ci CNavy         f'O &&c     G       -                Ae
3. Signature___ ___ _

Print Name Address

4. Signature___ _ _ _ _ _ _

Print Name Address

A CITIZEN PETITION TO: The Honorable James Douglas Governor of Vermont, Members of the Vermont Legislature, Vermont Public Service Board, Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel, and the Vermont Department of Public Service: WHEREAS: Louisiana based Entergy Nuclear (Limited Liability Corporation) hopes very soon to experiment with running the VT Yankee Nuclear Reactor at 120% of its designed power level, testing the response of aged and embrittled components to increased vibration and steam flow, thereby "creating an unacceptable risk to the lives of all who live in the vicinity of the reactor"; AND WHEREAS: The increased risk of an accident could forever change life as we know it in our beautiful state and region; and the increasing legacy of deadly radioactive waste shall be an enormous financial and environmental burden for our children and their children; these are NOT in keeping with Vermont's conservative and self-reliant heritage; THEREFORE: We ask you to join us i calling for a co lete examination of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor e ual to the Inde ent Safetv Assessment conducted at Maine Yankee.

1. SinttNae ' 4 /

Print Name L i Address;r6 ,V/t a

2. Signature /z4Lc-i~ e-J2Cfjz Print Name AsLn f tAVC/) A 6t Address- A _ __ _ _V
3. Signature /

PrintName 3 L} E;ff LUC e1 5 Address ,P t6  ; t /4I 05aks

4. Signature A Print Name o Address $ 3~

A Citizen Petition to the Honorable James Douglas et al. page 2

5. Signatu /

Print Name A4 rffl 5/ Address c e327tt @ V

6. Signar A. A PrintName 14 e vO l c,*o Addresscl a+>g ' 03 \/tt afV
7. Signature h*[ti Print Name te N-tI 1* f-f- (

Address 17 lOnl rT

                                   -.                   CrV io,Ž,
8. Signature PrintName 2 2e*

Address I CaftSF rae ro

9. Signature g , , 4 Print Name t z! n4 0,er Address Z ~ oA ~~grZ ss
10. Signature_

Print Name Address

vt:- Ct^ Lo AJj A Citizen Petition 4-f1 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Cormaration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon tQf2Ol of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont ng components inr k of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, andr
  • The rAceILNRC Engineering Team Inspection identified kstgnificant problems in onl 45 systeimexamined, representing ontsy about 1% of the lant's critical sstems. These results indicate that tye otter 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a~Iop-to-bouom examinatioof Vermont Yankee is and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Inde endentKof Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aZing nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:. -6 QtPrint Name h oY CS I' ( t Address: R Vtl bOLL Verbs+ Email (I ovI e tAu 4,Pblt )
2. Signature. Name iiEc- & - e)f Jekf Address: 43 v-- tl-ea6 O" -- r- Email .
3. Signature:I.JZa3 -2 IIA is2Squint Name - i? rC cw4.-A-a 3iSLvI Address: ey I U_'+V ---- Email
4. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amie_ (i Emai 18 5 Address: _ _V _ _ _Gro Email-
5. Signature: 7C( jlil6(2&), 41, Rri //I(C-",, N, Address: GU V I' a I\

Em ail e c \ y

                                                                                                                      --       ei v \ ~ VNZ
6. Signature: Print Name A(\-\\t \- ' \

Address: G> y6 e Email

7. Signature: ' l'/ ) 9A- 0:7// 016e /aQILI (gill Cg1koaklhl tiJ Address: C / I' AC.. Email
8. Signature: .Print Name Address: Gvt,' 9FLc'A. 0 ,) V tf Email
9. Signature:. Print Name Address: V7-K t l v WV\ Vt- Email 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: lIndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and dr nap m Please return this form t New England Coalitlon
  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site www.necnp.org_ _ _

A Citizen Petition CHrARtt I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts A 2L FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 2 6/,u/of WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Verm6nt Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plants systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclea lants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:%9y A m p Print Name / L/,+ L2 LAI '

V Address: )) gJ-A i y / citv ti_ gtnd 7tt>in a gyp / Email if ff X / ? d 6 I-C , COE _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: / a. If -A. Print Namr A
                                                                              - I LsnK &,a             UtL6                      -

Address: 281 Couverse pawA CityIj fL(StateAAiip o x5 (6 3 Signature: =e :I f Print Name Ears ie S\ Address: I PQ gS City Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1: . In 4

4. Signa AM44 A' QL. Print Namne- Q,4 \A Address:. it ("Irn ,

I I _ _(trci t bimonthly StatendZip 03 et ) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signature: ,{ llzev IPrint Nare Na reerN PQCeC Address: of9 15&&qh/4/(a A, City 0 rbo r _Stataekzip 0:.3Y'fg Email_ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturet!S< LA,4- Print Nare Y I) e-,. &'; I Address: 2- (,kNCN ve ~Citye6 _< State-tlw llf 0

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComMany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. I I Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition A azaR ! 3S I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Z z WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ihat the other 99% of the plants systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calli r an Independent Safetv Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre dy cond cted at a g n clear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: W Nare ;1 44 Address: 9YIg JiU4 Ikf / WdI/1 city i

_ I C Stat/&ipHi Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature A PrintName ZSO.V-)( 'uy-O-K-Address: - o np IV.) /' City LLI IStateripki 0) 3YO~f 3 Signature: F/ io AAY Print Name ( 0Vft.' IS1g<)/-&

Address: 73 & Jt Cib ty ILI ;tate Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature tfr4f&AAF Print Name Address: 75 moEl' 6U kpl __ __City1 _StatkSip 3bi Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature.( 9 1PA(A9 D PrintName Tghn PAe-I F'S Address: - Qkl*

Bob 4> City SkoJIo aO State~Wip 0jR $ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Siga  : Print Namer ?a cA Ads t '\

Address(/ >I \I I2 I7 /- 11.(orCity bimontly Nwnand Coitio p e ins Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Indc pendent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizeni Petition cf 01 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I-tt-lawo: FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hfampshire, and Massachusetts 6/,P 7 WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergw CorporatiolL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Veroent Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the planes systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: L 4 Print Narae Ze,\ At 44'i P AQt 1 ae_

Address: it) I City *4 State 1" C~IS Email. h410i7/Hlole; 6P/a

                                                                   @        2__ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin).
2. Signature: Print Narne/4l 6 S V Address: Prn Name AYedX, Cit) Stat&I/ip Z 3 0/

3 Signature:,e / - 14 PrintName piUX, f1J4)/-blll / Email 4 Q @ t z? ;) _____m(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: d> Print Nane C la-i,,,, & 1/2 PRSMS Address: l ' 1- CityA JsI2t StateNiip $a Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 signature~c~l )l~ 9 M~isprint NamneS Hi1~ y \4t~ ill Jtl '

Address(',9g 2,/r5,>g, 94,C7i-,.c CiyfJn tt iD t EmailfY /?9- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: LgJ Print Name 5 ieeA Address: i4 6eŽVS Ad City ;a?, State Zip Q 5 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComManv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Co-mission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmrents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

ICio(mW ' A Citizeti Petition

                                                                                                                                                                  - F W

TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Llyol 0< FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New H~ampshire, and Massachusetts '-'I WhEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature:I aPtrint Name lA ( l - Con 6 J Address:L 3 Z2Q ( -4 City J AA _Stat/f13_! p 0<2_/

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: I/ ,4 ,C Print Name I'X C i tA~AW 1 29* 1. - I Address-6 i7 "M5 o W ;1&L f-t --------------------- -_

3 Signature: agib £4 A SCoa k Print Name_ hA I* J -,-~ A.A'as Ca Lo Address: S Ct Q~-Q~LAci.. .City ate CcStliizipoDn 3 Žlti Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature. I Z PrintName (^ ro i h -fZ Lk Address: {32 (C, / Statejoe_(OA Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

_ . I . . . 5 Signaturee6 iPrint

                                                           -/'"     NaMie Address:          {-ys -          4 a              A0H 0 (. 7tiC              _                     -City      Rr'n /X             e          _Stat-zp 0i3p /

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. SignatAeo 6. Print Narae Et c-14aA -' Atff L_ C) &&

a Address: -733 fRRe-, rcTA city 6 geexl; el.4 _Statw&ip C3 0'/ 7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1 According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompaM. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective,actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CQ0*Lo"5C A Id-ta7on Poftitnn TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts fZZ (/I9"/O I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agi ng components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99%/a of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW join us in calling foran Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to ose am eontat in, lants in Maine and Connecticut
 . Signature:                                                                      Name____

Address: {i) >v. icity4 t ateis & Email LA& C44j V t ktkL .'(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2 Signature. Print Name , A( Address: 1L "JdkrO __city / A Statezip C7 1y c C 3 Signature: (? 1 4- #* PrintName Address: o O. 6o*?<)C: q 2, Lrq 'Do qe City e CDO'5+ StatefZip Email- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4 Signa ue: t4*/ PrintName a-pie-s ia Address

~ ~ 50t4i<iy&mttgtttp9 80>A) If Z Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: V'dz&

414Ld By Pntrie_ Name v , -t>. * / - _ . Address13 A

                                            -r--            Pl                                                            ttI X _

o S l I _ S 0 r_-

  • _g s Ad t

I z v l O ^- l Cityat se Q e, StateffiZip D 30T¶ Email r (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature. Prin&tName Wfer t) P2 I,, e t-Address: F v 9 City 4 4')///47, Wip/3L7 Stat&

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin} ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report Jnukendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) iidependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate, (3} evaluate the effectiveness of icensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plarns, (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition


(A4rLOLI6e A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts ,% 1>[;c/O5 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterw CorvoratiorL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant s systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indepjendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those afcady conducte at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: >1 CX I PrintNarne 20 S&41 tI A Address: V c5Y, City GLO StateV*ip a 3o Email VN 8 ° S. Qs; i- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signatur(_,n Sto Qg Print Name e ~~Age <\tVQ0C q

Address: BoC city rcg. Stal d~ip 02 q7_ 3 Signature: PrintNarne IW/di4 ,( 'e t J by t t(- @ cha.oLe5 b iy 0 3ao tHe 0j-tU, Tti 3 , ydq /. Stlej! "-%rf

                 )ZO -17,to-n                            R~n yekH                 i3'/6 /

0 . J )t (S -(dd1le- A,) - I

                  -0,,,   aL   P:/)

J Y@8 5f* s Po "i ~>e O/ fY fat ` S u) O\c Cedare._ 3bAYFT4 e a Al 3p es~~ du#4,P1)aX,4aYS

C-ATftmf C. n A Citizen Petition Pa (0"'10 & - I'4 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to , of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Y ee aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection iden1 fied 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Inde iendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signa ture:tu: e Prnt Name AOLFI D C ek*6'1J Address: A2 4 JsNY 6) '931 Email
2. Signature:. -PrintName f'7A (; w-Sv-z Address: _____ Email C3e C
3. Signatu Print Name r .5 Address: God Rn- (maiPA 5*.
4. Signature: ('I PrintNxame Vt Address: ff , /k <:<", Email
5. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
6. Signature: Print Name Address: -__Email
7. Signature:_ Print Name

. Address : Email

8. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
9. Signature: Print Name Address: Email 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: hidependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site ]

rA ':- 1 A Citizen Petition d: b2liI b< TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and D this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to Iosalready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signal e Print Name e ) Y0 Address: n r-\ StatVZip Email hmk ki,1d ) 1 fA. rC oan (to recojve the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: 462k , 4I PrintName 6M/v lywA n(t Address: PO A)go kI -f City iAdlM11740,A _Statei{Zip Si5OiL v.

3 Signature:_ A £9.Q l Print Name 2-)A If) -a isa Address: City 0 ln -State L7fZip C) 5 i 63 - I Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:.- a41IZ Print NSame 4'aresc K ItaWmb l

Address: Z7 -.' ,L s, aqq °ltQct.1he 6 I /j6flJ City)aijn Statel/in 05355 Email 0QhamehS50 e IN cet _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Ai j*. Print Nami . _ 6o C.,,, 5 / Address: ';?C 4)f TV 7 ____City 0ZC&-'t l(e StateVZipLs H / Emailuk< C/iLPe6 !4 fL> (,,o.C, _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: _ QJL a L IPrint Name Iq . ,1-g Address: %o - - P _Citv kerksl,- _StateZip 0101y Email 1eared r

Wh60 ( I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-asscssments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

O*ALr, O cd5 ,fttlv( A Citizen Petition 92&7: 6/ z/oS-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ihat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted atging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name I6b-L 5 4 Address: R7 eAdc City Wis . Nev StateViZip 5-23 4'G Email r ecc hAS4Yt I C-OYV' __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Nanme (IIZ eek Address: 17 2 City Statek(if.Zi 3 Signature:_ -Print Namne St10 t A C C e-Address: f 42 0 A y1 -

Cit -4 , I)Li Statejr >ip_ & /-/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ jŽZa rinte Here (3 Address: O t o,5 F,,: e-i4-( t CityuLj _____ StateVT-zip 635t--

Email M A _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatur Print Name - Address: 4cktf - (kJ X. ' City_ 5tateZip-L(TV}~- Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: E§1L .L -, Print Name rREL R. AIIL-Address: PQ.O.BoXo / Cl-11 CityvitLM4Ai1rmALstate41Zip 053c; Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT:. 0 II A Citizen Petition ¢ec-, I 19q I Os", I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature::.~4~1 CA-t1 PrintName e9AJ /<K55 Ade- -- # -

Address:- -It I7 kW 60I, C (3OiAk(!J/Email_

2. Signatur - -

Print Namrne - ,, - k ,_ Hi _ _,,, _ ,, L2Z6+/-6?L7*41; - Address: 12.- iL4 r-.11q((T? Emailhr

3. Signature: Print Name GnrA C. , (

Address: 170 VkIT1 0 jtJ I) PritS.33 AEmail

4. Signature: eIZ:e (r \- Print Narne A t~e L*

Address: P0 P kEc 5.c [I 4 -R.P Na, tCSP fEail J y>-6t- x )VeW 1- . Sel

5. Signature:_ r/A:Z2- Print~ame (Crrsoft06A Address: /7) UI & Oa-oewe hreEmail Z 4enewlocL3~teq Afiar% Vb
6. Signature: , _ Print Name 23f) hyk 4 L'o(AI Address:,s}4$\j-,%, hJSfe3q&Email
                                                                           ¶tt-I                    h-O                                      4
7. Signature: _4 Print Name "Fra_ :l vJeVcr Address: I,\ oE-L4Z EŽL.St 0Ot-, Email C g LcLO- e-..
8. Signatu Print Narme M ICumoi, I
                                                                                                              , U       p-i 9'74 4)               j- 014          am        IAMIce                      1           LaJmt)ovdr c,12SQ Address:                                                                        V8
9. Signature: gft:)AO41 QCC- .cIl( O Print Narne L4Alp
                                                                                                       '        v1 Address:     6137 (cktd                 &eI      &Ag            t        QIY`j I Email J           )

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return thIs form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boa 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site l _

C '* PI2-A Citizen Petition Oa: i I .. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporatioll has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those a eady conducted t a!go nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signatu Print Name (J),112 ) L 5 Address: I Email tj-& i t F DL- C O9' 1 1`
2. Signatur. Print Name IC/ 141 Ot/)

k I "J - ~ .lI 7, 3 .iII Address: 16qg- Woyrttri CalV d( " Oj Email c-t vr'$44.,7&,6q 14A,1eV

3. Signature: PrintName (K tI1( k)~l AA Address: [0 1 (how tv KK d-4 ed Email tLJ l

lI l 3 P - -

                                                                                                                                        / -

Ie. AA-vJ+so 1- - . I

dAA. I 4,, Signature: B e PrintName 0,4 .A 1-1kf -eC,V-c r Address: - 4A O- Email l 4V ( ) AU AV 3 t I
5. Signature: Print Name ,, - I Address: r I -

7 7'; -A, 2 ArA ~<rJA*1j)email

                           .                                                          XI-
6. Signature: , ),a AAA _A, Me m L N Address-A La m,-tDf).

e aeogttoLAt M 4 _ Email iC h5s -- 2ra-) i

7. Signature:_ Print Name ___ __,,I __ __ _

Address: Pco) CW( Of 10 Ali Age V- Email C4 -Ž #i L*

8. Signature: By~ 16A n R Ace Address:A 9L l ALI4 6l Email Q ytLcr
9. Signature: A ,2eZ p rint Name // SV Address: s279I! 6 r144'JA f Email ___ __

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (l) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalitdon

  • PO [lox 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site _

A Citizen Petition C tl TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 0 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified S significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY., join us in calling for an Independent SafetY Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 4ni ric :lUc~o PrintName Arnq iL n-iernaz Address: PO) &Si 6 101 City 3&)&ws 8 l r StateA~ipz n2i4 Email Vt A , 6 wGhoo .con (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: ;4& Print Name at*18aA4 1 1I Address: C 1 Volt/ fe. City _, iK4s 14aeDi s Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature: a Print Name_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _

Address: 7h /. 4 9 A.fa Cityt S.AeP Emai _4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ___ Priname QmaQ l \ 0 " E Address: pc) - I'K i-* 6' _CitCStatelfjrp OaGl4 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Si Print N amef IaL~SCh @a Address: ox*D i/ga i AO FA / city~ 5 c restaty-lzi °5 L1 Email ...

__ , (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided inthe report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)kvaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performnance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition ( I an~: Cls~r TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components)increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepcendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:' Print Name r [oe E, Address: /A36 t /'VlAA L/ 8 , VA City ZA 0 Statewp -O,6 Email h&go a2 tade/ 1a. net (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Simynature:AOX4AiMA all Ace s

Print Nam anner('e M co0 - Address:'3 ?. 2 PQrl/i~akfirn 14,01 PiA. city08Qil6mllJ5 Y-oXl 1I State ipOf01 Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: Print Name / S& r IV>P l,lm,. ,wa- Prn N'arne_> Lt I' , a . I a,!

Address: I ue.L-OX 11,tJLft city .)aZ0C17rc iy State~yfipDK-ZLS~ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print Nam ej-A dt ldcI 5 U1141-vJ.

Address: R6, eok3?0 cityAAM, 606r`-Statel(I-Zii) 05-/ 5( Email 3AAL.-. I VWloAA[l-L (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: Print Name fr'tI/I .i I XV
                       .Io          ,^7              ,0-Address:             /C)          /3        L      I"/'1                                        City            3R       estated ylip--O,S-Z tLy Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Car;64t I 5 f~e-e. 6J 1Po&q I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aping components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnrdent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 6

1. Signat- _Print Name A*,//2e 41&4 C/9 -

Address:, As g/e-S FLUX Citi>7s 7cState/pC/ Email ("Z( / c/?cef=oa&<SA 4 Jf>/rc/ eito rceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatur e:j J Print Name /o/A5C6 SevrAlr Address: 7'6 - 2 X 'k 3 Cityec1X7tPin-o StateCip dv.255 Email I0; / . CZ _ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature ' Print Name/Ri/oA/ I- lX,1 je//b,, 7.

Address: Do i'1Q$454,tr S;-V Cit P t!of Statev TZip f525-4, Email CA , ecb,"u9*,ba CtO AX _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: , r -

I Ash Print Name- A/lA Pr*./ Ups (JR- AI Address: -2, - 12f ed *1f Cit y L,&"-VD l~ ez! Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature:t IPrint Name Jo,) /~ ctCAL ~

Address: / f44At 4AV(J lo City (y tV1-State lTzip artary Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition O- 61 71 1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy CorDoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 'Dsignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

l. Signature: - Print Name AJ 1L Address: 0 Lco V h Up City SO L)A P StatVjZipe °f /N Email et , 2Zt . C ____ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBuletin) 0 , v
                                                                                            . i
2. Signature:- IX, Print Name Kira. J1Nraon Address: t V0asawt S City(')Ad anrwrr Statd zi t515 LI Email &ij)ofl~\{ra1ft1on- Li 6deki'y. Ora _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature:0- '_ - Print Na-me -Nv I to Address: ?O  ; . N City. S-AV°",-S t State .Zip oflsq Email ¢ e \jI*IA -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:_ /W&

4ao!!I~ Print Name ,l1Ter 62?2, Address: ____ City 5 4 ee-e- StateW*Zip O-iLs/53' Email Ae",r@l44 t@d. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature:atue :__ Print Name -&640- &I Address: U4(c, -R b -/ City $S. . StatdLrZip C*57 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeMendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vennont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, Ness Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporat ion has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination ot ermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in qtllkgfor an Indeipendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thos al ead e clear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signat ure:, 2ttName i @$a\ \ V rv x
                                                                                                                                \&\e    v\

Address: F pZ) City~aAiet% te\Tp DSI S-q Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: A , Print Name AM4LcSllm Joe Address: Z) PIIIG WSC 5 City 5Q RV.1VQfStat9F Zip OSIS Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature: d t JwA Print Name kCck ll Address:TO e bN S()O s-60 S. Qu a City S ar& PstategZip Ct IAf Email m=_____ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signaturg _ __ _. Print Name -To L, Z5 Address: PC", SZ ' Cith bo Engtatendipoai A- f

_ 04-Email VZ'I ve the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature g£ int Name Address: .Of ifI/-r/A/17&M/
                                  >                                                           City                         Statepip                  3 Email                                                                             Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
                -    /

1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CIfw'A ae-: 1:4l16S-I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE' NOW SAYS join us in calling for an Ljderendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already conduct d ait ai nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature~ fg/ tPrintName Lorc\ X C I,<
                                                                                                                , IA City50A z           cz      StateA     ipij 0 Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: G o Print Name 'f+~ ha6- &hvekI I Address: ) c . Bz) x4 Cit)Sta~t t Vee [f ip -O' I 65Lf Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature at 3 5Il 1Print Name e'(k6atf-o Address: Gdd-o g dy/ .Cit. v- v5 1/66O StatFrZ (7 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: ,0t%<0 3 Print Name Address.PF a6 A6 -6 City*,'As, )?,YW StateVTZip) O 5- J s Y Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: H/,i z Lu. Print Name V`cE,k_ V-t{_S Address: 7,-1 CO l bI 5-i- CitY -State tJYip 0 3 'f3 /

I7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


OAT: 1ZO A Citizen Petition (2Gb Cla4/ s' I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

X The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: <..5Ad-1 Print Name 1 p&'Wrs Address: clV U-5Awt `6HI. City YAY, fgVee'stateV*Zip 0575 .

Email 6ie 3 Q ve 4 6-rr (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: A N, t Q) m Print Name_ Jtck Feu-)6 v Address: \ i ! 00(a-ovet VaAlv ,A City___ ~ StateV'lip 0 S-110 /

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signatur ZX- Print
                                                             ;       Name ____d6_____              F LowA Address:                                r3          vz>

Z//.L CityS X&4

  • State.*tip )O /f Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

AAe Ci& P P" StateV/Zip d/S7SLf Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: ( 4 %S Print Name CUi rv4 a
                                                                                                      ,-cL         Q'b e  _

I Address: \(e/z X w

                      ~'3  ,Jl304cI 4     w     @       w flcA, v

Cit^ 6K~) %A StateJJZip n)6 I 6 + Email ohki6 lewA veAmAtac(ldPALA .OXt_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) '-According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • www.necnp.orl!


x , i S- -. : - ; S z ' l L'zf 1<44e Edu~-,-- i-

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                                              ,    7 I!'.

C tr A Citizen Petition C TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre con ct at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name, Address: &?X !4 7 C Email ,Jf A (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: z- Print Name J~t Vu1as S. re--I Address: T3 Fv4 CELL4 V City hfŽ. -StatetZip t>6-3 'IL Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature:z

_ 4, _ _

                                        ;'.D 4AV-r,J v    _

Print Name 9 {;I b o v I .... Address: or A cdCi CtLI .City W ASI)1 R li S ~ i & Email All+ J Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: VJ Qa %M 0 A 'd J PrintNarme kTe-ZSaUA a rillst Address: X Qft(C(d X7 ilnt Al - City~iUh&Q O State*JZip 0615q)
                            . . kIN Email                       N------.In                                                     _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature:

_ . t ,. . _ . _ . . Gyp-.&w COOK,0VW. _ t F Print Name Ceced/,. C kc~e om-o Bon

                                                                      *1I Address:                 Po                                                                           CityY 475Pr State/ftip696V-Email                                                                                      (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2i independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizern Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts ( e a1 5" FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Vlk Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee",

similar to those alrea, conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature:t+ Print Name !rA CL/ /-/. A rz ,X Address: 12' jMICS g. City Lr' StateZip d 6?Y Email -Z' L2 3 <0,X6 o. Cae--t (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: , Print Name AL\Sa'o4 5 \, AIV. A~ \A Address: I S~e~ee Wt Ad City ,StateqjZip 05-3 3 Signature: _- ( 'I(, _g Print Name 116 1 7th (

Address: l C4tads L LLQ Q I ICity && Le, Statr'Zip Ii kAi P (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature/ . Print Name 0C&= Lo., 9.a , eA, A tA o Address: _P<, el" z &w A11// -State~kii oS 30J-?

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:/ ,( Print NameC5 t3 FewV ( H -L O Gc Address: lAi£ by/< Xgr city f eb _StatPIAip 6M VG 2-Email `U wImCr.( 4) 4 ALI/ (e _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturela" .A.u 0^ Print Name [IiOL/1rmrleki Address: IgCI v Gi _,k&4rI'6k " - city &rric~rahhl-- statakipO /33 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing I'ases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives

, there appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( 4A LT6& A Citizen Petition 4 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Kr0 h 6 Q FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1 % of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature tur A, . Print Narne -37 eLm r( Cv\ CL I C Address: (Mi)J-% SA , _ tyCity Statekp fvA ()A
                                                                                     ,receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) tName

_Cit, 6('J. - . State WZDI"O 3 Signature: 9 _ _ _ _ _ Print Name I_ 4-"O v4-V0 L e f 5icV Address: 6' v % c f e cYVA-L ,,-, -A0, _ City ffi ss K J State*KU&p OP-°iroj Email -ve' , r ,vI7 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: - 4 AJa.Of7 Print Name L.)U( 0 V Q 69=0V k 1 f Address: X-, a C.:::!I S 7H City J}/y StaitZip4gJ-Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature.(.1 ~C. IPrint Name lp _ CC A .

Address: k2AL(o AxA& \2 k F - City-qc&-

                                                                                                                         --Statel~iip 0111f, Email          Lc               6s2           r                                   -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:_ A& A 424 Print Name M4 AIt 1A4Ni Sd6lt/

Address: /*g 6' i///// A4~a /3J Cityt State p aS 30/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cA -r 46 o? 1f 5 A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in 1llaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: bcyE + , Print Name 2V etii 4Ai Bo)j 1e.

Address: 150 beec& 5+ City jBk eboo stateVTZipf 350 1 Email al I __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:t 1"All 7 <-,-

Print Name )aw &C ) 4a S Address: 06 LGdWI k -; IS-\ mn city (ADZ &Az5tateZip VT 3 Signature.: L {a Print Name 2 ezIA Address:  ;&O\ 5 - d Ct_ city Rtxe"-q-, Stat~il ) l CY02_ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature;ffe,, _ Prin t Name ry\-es Address: 5 I CA 9v Cit a StatFIipLI2O4 Email qlOh1 4 -enZ @ , -OM (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: C ,9< Print Name_ CcLrc) (?. /1/21 r-rcV7 Address: f<7 ec e1://c)

U City r or^A-5 State)!iZip V *S-3 Email :ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatureg/X/ 69 rnn.nt IIC Name a so Address: LtFP£ RV cityL d~oocsbg StateVZiD (9'3 9 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepnendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Reer.G(3(JGc C A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indep endent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at ag g nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ Print Name s, a Address: \ (L City_ J,/ State~tZip 5&3VTA Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature(7AMA64,L ) ,C Print Name A) \Lte1U 3l&41'~kI Aif o Address: ti i I S i kL At -City J9ytL .StateZip 3 Signature:__ Print Name H ee N v\ \Ka-~ sr(%.

Address: e .- )D V6 9 .CityXS di

                                                                                                         &VV            r Staty(EZip       (9{St Email 6W 4          i3: Ig                Ak.      cc,~    et                      (to nrceive the bimonthly New Enland Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:_YV/ 'i[11Yi 6' Print Namn9 . lA L A e4, Address 6 S PV P/6Cz. _Cityna liz,(l)StateO iZip 2° i f Email h
                               -/,CQ                        /JAo I               6L( eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                 IArint                           P7    Name            8:e        VAYTA Address:          f-                                                      _        (     -Cit ret         9^l           .        StateVr2ip        Dr3ib Email ,' {ad             t                                                           to     e     hbimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Si g n a t ure - 5 Address: ye  ?-VC('(C)! Citye-*/&6 Sw AZip a5L4U Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inierendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(KA- Fe A Citizen Petition { e- G((s3(;- I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioll has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 livense, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: .
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at gin nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature;: vrintNarne _ AI) - L+

Address: XC I. 4o y me Stateji Email VMV\ l A l (? ef _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Ia° Print NametffJ 6FAJE4 LAVJCV)FPO 1)

I a Address: N-C) w eLjiJJI£

                           >     X      n-     ro   9                                    CityfjJ~                              State\M/-p O&3$S 3 Signature:          Q- 17         Ib6'                      Print Name Address:                             4ifvl Own                                            City &7                e~j                 H.a C 3 dI Sta _Zip_____
                           -~ IC Email                                                                              (t receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: \ a &e Print Name C ( M- 7 Address: City_ _ __ __ d stated Zip O\ Y a I Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_____ _a____________ _ Print Name Ia \~d{-} he*2e Address: 9 7 tLiqttav Aoe- - City Navte;6e I -Statqfi~i egl3&O Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:__ __ ___ Print Name IA4 Fox rr Address. , S artoY qo4rc w I} City

_ -- v (fill Cn r -- StateLzip p S% 0 IEmail ' (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) (if safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boxi 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA T f 27 A Citizen Petition RQec. 4136(05 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. S ignat) Print NarnC t 51 .

Address: _ _ _ _ c______ity__ S__0 ____ r Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: t- Q uaAX Print Name Ai m)c . L 47f'c Address: t1 GvoodA1sAAhn IS _City 92gd State VrOi d63d
                                                                                  -§               I 3 Signature:_            MA-       -%rt0   Y          nJtV             Name           -~C-k^      e                  cr-,",3 DJ L.,-

Address:5$ ku g >9 - CitY (P _Statqp. ..-

                                                                                                 'U)                                            _-

Email (tojceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: A&

S JAD-EU 1 ari PrintName Ct614"_ Address: - 9 .L2 A . Al LL L- _---~Cit at tL &FMO State__ 6. / Email J Il-' Q4 _T -3A e&A nee f -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: AIt____Print Nam an2117, rll/.hl;X Address: %I6) 5 > 7/Ig _ _City-/ ,


_StatZipL&*OZ I - r Email 50 :k dl12n receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: 4 9 Name_ ,MeoC) SZO(k4cz Address: _

0 _JO O 0 0/on () City ~ L - ,tate\TZip (09 5a0 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) }According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AT "4-Q~ A Citizen Petition Pc(, ((0(J& TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatures-IYR!4A 01ac Print Name CHYlcuA (Z. CuvVt.t>o X 3 J Address: -~42 Wtj,.rH i. City-tdA09"v7'1 StateVrZi OS Email Si dz (to()p\receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Jgw /, Jh PrintName Jen/'i- t /

Address: 6d3p 1J. City <itc- Stat/Zip-2/?C Signature Pv~> PrintName I\ pcc< Ipji Address d d r e City(v)$42J Sta4tvIip 3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Hi)- P (AJ- Print Name Leste Sk/c Au /k-Address: 6 l UA (etS6ae-t City I1 orG StateVjZip 6 93O f Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: $;%4(,

Trd S s I Wt! Print NameIm a k Address: /6 - C A5'-A1 m. 7 St City -4&#1E/ &R0 State_/i S& Z Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: -; tt Namee e (5 IIge/k Address: (L{ (n.9.,ipŽ4k -CitylelLx){ F;-#1 _Statmr-p m LC) t Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo:c 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Wcv, . ( (\ I ro: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermonrt, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporationl has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indep 4 endent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alreay conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: . 4 ( PrintName leg-e '6fI -s Address: naEL 1 iar- ,rxo -City Ufgou& h State Zip s-3$t Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: 64%i L c i1 Al Print Name r 4 1pV1 II /

r-. Address: °. 5, Ago . f _Cityw wm4astateSzip 65 3r S 3 Signature tjiLk J W)PrPntntameJA 0, a,a: L. C,) 4 U, Lb Address: 0 . tA Citv

                                                                                         -. 1 C5--                     Stntef zj r-t3    -s (/

Email L A to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: A) O AX-+v' Print Name cl-"; - N L--:, I0TD PJ Address:  ?'0 P,-), V , _Cit . tMA1dLrfl1 State+Zip 6)625y(

Email Jc2#~ S io-46cv- nceC to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 1t1' -I Pnt Name Address: ) (

                                                          \ P) tir<a2me     o US      City           -I           &     6 Stat ee       Zip 0 Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: A L Print Name 4lf SR t r 0 Address: $I' a {a-Ao 62? CityS e& StatJ( Zip 65!'6 Email (to receive the bimonth y New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Cf4., G(361°S I ro: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioi! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW S&Y, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thos, Iady cdcted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatu. i/96 Print Name 1554 <5 Address:

ft L93 tX " K-64,~ City ,4Z 1g) Stat/tp S 631 / Email V -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: n H Print Name $\, il W ZZ r w~

Address: It um 60p N CityL4 X


k () StatkZip 3 Signature: I Print Name. AC( Address: `ST1_MtY-) 9 City _StateW Zip C 50 I Email on -_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaturo4 > _ Print Name +A.jcdOs vuvAyA -

I I Address: )72t (CCVIA Sj CityAj,& e State~tZiv D's@< Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatue Print Namaem_) '-L& 14s. Address/ t s 15rG79. v

                                 /<<r             T 2-                                       CitY 4W                              State    Zin   0e,`~ Y Email                             a
  • V14 7 _l __l J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signatur Print Name AtA- c ture2 / Ao, )I {eQ4 Address: !g 7 2 o pco a-0 Cityv 151 *StateL§Zip 0 f? C/

I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition g? e ( 36( 0y TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatiott has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thos e adX co td at nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: _~ tJ 4 Print Namne O E b J 4 E Wt I J Address: IOD 312.. I 'O G le 1 RCc4d City C ets't(" CA1 StatefZip 0o lt 1 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name /f ;r ,)

ra, t) CA Address: *d/) v Kil City 4-1 i)sA9 A KState ievp 3 Signature: > Print Name -[.ev (cx712 e Address: 06 LD(k(f R1ald CityS. 6)eA VIA PStateuZip0.P 3 Email Oe ' Ct C ( 'la oo co n (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ( Print Nma metE Address: ( a tk11 pi) City SLip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature;_97 4 Print Name C Address: f? t 'S City Voo - 5 fed State_ZZip_! CU Email _____(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: 'I Name I ) n QQ V \1 Address: 77 gi aw 1et dcty C SXtatA r4ip 5 J Email (to receive the bimon New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ]independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PCI Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


(A T, ,4 A Citizen Petition ge-t, Ql0(of TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging puclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature a Print Name Mva C&"t S Address: '+0 City .ip- UState% /

Email_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature M K0U i Print Name_ Lo tH (Vvl IA. 0? /

Address:_ gt'0'+ few- City

                                                                                         ..,- . (              -(-F-StateiJ\ Zin            6      -

I,$ t e 3 Signature: a &/-J'v-1Print Name

~L-'L e AddresiI) City H i State Zip Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signas: tC red 2-_ Print Name 1L yn-u3 Address: F>° 1c,o2oL 0 B _State qipj 0 3 at et Email _ _ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:  : rint Name Qi0-- Bur-&o fs F: 9I Wl Pc(fRI5 Address: i1 I ELLIO-t nT. I City ARATTLLDBState<Zip QSc30(

Email (toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatu AA PrInt Name 61 inC II t YYL Address: ', a S4. o rcity hei mo Ne Statnd Co5aio e u e -

Email (toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

CAT W 33 A Citizen Petition (kpiqv 03(3(OY TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

4 similar to those al ady con, ed at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signaatuur rPnt Name Jo/f&A/ j ) 5* i-/

Address: Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: i Qo_,;OK CA. v\ j Jj Print Name l at f v s a- t t-- - X La IC

[( Address:=LD \J/Z IS fi ( 'tr ncOA 5 N ,- City Br4dt &2r7" __StatekZ7iP-OS3.( - 3 Signature:a (A Prie~int Name £L&AeA-rf A tsz~o Address: T 7)B; L5 _City 7)0y4 ° statVTzip c5  ; Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name I2 Address: 'b t' 6( _ City 4 o 11UqLC StateXrZi ip SA 2 Email 0(4&$ 4,36 A __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: A&j 2 Print Name Address: 3~S M\le7c, C - City O State) Statea iZi Email 5[Qr)i% _!

__(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatu.-ntName e 1 I o Address: //2t 6/?/ '<7 _ City %2pc4v StateVDIn &A/z
                                                                                               --1 Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C Tu 6 Lf A Citizen Petition lec, n C1 (O5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatiorn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducte t aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name LI Address: 77 O wt \*> \t City W&Jd State-iFip (§*

Email \ nO . 9dp 1 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:°,@,\ Gle -: Print Name - -7) C X,--,`-)V ,1Is Address: AD A _City OCC '1S&A/\ State+AZip CQ5E4 3 Signature: /As-l I I Print Name Vl\IIIl l, ar it- G~D C ,-

I lctry-J1 Address: :2 2 - l

k,Ry-v ),Y,- -City /4 stateP 'zip 3 4 i )-

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: A, / Print Name RY I
                                                                                      , /


                                                                                                         &rt,/        ap-Address:        772         Pe5eVV0 i r                  -                                 _City   Ve             e C         State{jZip CY)           /

Email ' ICYl)\ Ot rd 5rI o7tg-2 0a A / (O toreceivethebimonthlyNewEnglandCoalitioneBulletin) 5Signature: i4~Q*~Print Name 7>1 cc V--c.-. . -+/-A. SRcasks k Address: Sijg* -City Cc Lt -,,a -StateY*Jip oS3c i Email M \keS L5s@ (f cat (3, Co h/\ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: /t ,3 Print Name T 2n, feej.

Address: 527 94c 9 M CityS4067r6 Stat< 059/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indej~endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Boi: 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition ( 31(&Y TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hempshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agin, components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature:K&,"1JL Print Name c . kkt Address: r P L",V" V'" ~Cit I uu Arl StateVTtip C7 .3Y-6 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: ,,e Print Name A o H Address: 1 1 Ad79) 2:\l/4- Rd - cityJLjLjU, A0 Statelepi QS3v"/

3 Sigt:o4L , Print Name 4y B .6 66I Address: P. Cgys _City 9 _StateipG 0£ 3c Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: _ __ ]

Print Name Address: tFW L I_ P/-J _City )'A -rtjr _StatZ7S -ip -f t AL _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Print Name k(J I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signats: / ]Print Name_

4DPJ n e Address: 2- Z, cBtI((a co- -- raA5-POV #> -City jLo:iey- _State1ZipO T 3 i t Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indexendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CA-. 1+3G ReC. 6( 3(° I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: kat 4dOS4 Print Name KoR tkarM (I so 0rA Address: (I.(Z Ilou L- La X f 4 Cit State/Zip 0,57 T 5 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: L 'JI l rint Nar Address: 34 V- - H City Nh2fAfie Statet*ip oIl o 3 Signature:I;L../ x > Print Namnc II fa1C1 S MawQ
                ./ I      At         _f    I        I   . .

Address: Lj5 (iAlttt __v _ _ 5fT vLI _Cit 9XCaAZC _Statew ip ,S 0 f/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature.( e QjuA Print Name Cik, ;J(2 4 Address: '4- 1 '2ity State Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signature:at r Print Name62 )v1A Address: R 0a BY zip0~ City Su-Adt V - -- P - - qtaqtp\/ U  %:-,o._- - - 0 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature A Ghw\_( 6 -PrintNarne"I<.& dA% (.A t~ t0. KX Address: 2.i = City I!AOQQ _Stata;iP()4 5]

Email _(to, receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companyp October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition i ec e(3 4'( 5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those al] 3 iiiucted at agap nuclear plants in Maine and nnecticut.

1. Signature:at e , & Print Name ( (ef-//& J' -s Address: e62/ -a,/ 5F- City _6 ,*I -State Zip 6573Z5) (

Email l _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: ?Jti ( Print Name e EVCq h SKI~l Address: 9V9 \ii h Roq (3 City cj ekf i- StatlAzip 03+70 lL 3 Signature: 4a, _-Print Name r4 A Address:_/3( (amc7?& +1/ _City __n ____State\VZip a530l Email A ,(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Name ARA . 4, -A Address: ( 1 City I,vt Mcm I _StatWifZip a f 3q4 Email - to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 7 Print Name AN JWcA &i, ~ *,r 14x e - r--
                                                                                                                                / le7 Address:             jL         L                   ,&tW-?Lt                            _city                                       T?     '   4 Email                           -2                                                -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signatur. Print Name Address: '?7 LC_ _i ( State rip OT-9 CD Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

V 1 According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT- 4 ~' A Citizen Petition S (I(OF TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

E The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ _ __] Print Namne 611 le, itt Address: 3 1 Se.-st-,, NA City &Cdl-- L StateK-ip OS3tZ Email q -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: g natuIe*,I Print Name -R Or 4
                                                                                                    -. Bu.4r n           m&

Address: ) e A" ~City~i~~~ StatenZip QZP9 in4I 3 Signature: _PO r-k rint Name GN'\ 6 a C(QA \\ X 6 ,I t Address:V\LI V XM 9 Email A -(to r ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 01 L Print Name CL C-a Cl t__ seen, Address: 165 -i/0 s4-, &A. ( City 9'a. R-LL- .StatZI/ i Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: ( , , Print Name r,-t- 4( w D -o Address: t? L) W'Y _City CWtXJlk S__teZip__

I Email *(toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: g u e Print
Name AI4i fI d Q 1 Address: lOS
  • v @ v w w City dTAUQ-4 -StatevZip Oag &

I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporati n has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducte4 at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ocwc Print Name t'vuel //,/ocAe Address: 39 a(-re -City /'7/apt /f StaterZp o;S-3C Z.

Email St(n0 1l ecR) Y"00.69Ads _ (to receive the bi onthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signaturt 7 Print Naric VI-Address:J/b6 / 5 City Ve YL Stat ipOzi ajY7 3 Signature: I Print Name l t IG
  • JT FF IRY Address: t . .... City
                                                                                         -- -. 1                         ----

State TZin reS 3 go I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatureue Print Name To Lo 4 P-j Address: i 4 -LEZR o- Y r City kra 4 .44Oy *StateVltip OS2 0 /

receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Name , Lnr .Ul o- .. AI 1, _statotip CS 4 S ( Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:s: - Print Name i O\ 2/AYE S Address:- )ZgJ , w A a,/ i~S,
                                        ,., f      ,   . .    .

_ Ci ,& I . ic Q 7L _stat/t Zip oEb3ol -79/1j Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indctondent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) inderendently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


x (At 40 A Citizen Petition Co( - G (90(0°5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: - Print Name m ?o IAc sZ Address: -7 1 113 f-( a t' P e City S_______V_ _StateVTZip Q 5I2 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: I \ Print Namec7sA-t\ CMo\

Address: 1- Sa U \A\ Do Ci _State\st ip t5 J3 3 Signature. _ - s\4C-M If, V _ a, X___ XA Print Name N1rV n - Vv" M ' An

                                                                                                      .N Address: !,Q(                    %. V1\;               a.                      -_City             Vqw \_ &,sX               StateVZip         a L   3 q5 Email                                                                        _     (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signatureat re 1_9 Print Name J 37L C16 t.--

Address: I ,"A / 0) cv-A cityt v. kn4Q Statt4Zi3 receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: C %7Q Print Name_ 4AVL~OJ&C-0 W s Address: 0-§ Aki-,', City State Zip (SK53 M Email- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde Pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comranv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(CA? . 4 4 A Citizen Petition leo(C 13 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOWSAY join us in calling for an Inde iendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those aircdi cond uclear plants in Maine and Conncticut.
1. Signature:. Print Name k w; eV\ D\bZvSt )

I . Address: L4vcY_ UtV)h City Rwt Stateiiiip 093-TW Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_1 (Jm'v Print Name 1 VW p i Address: /6tq aJ &6z4?li7 r2L H State3CZip C; 6 3 Signature.z ,, G  ::<<] Print Name CAns~zv HOLD Address: 2 EJ1,¢- 5I City 3rCc--ffr4e,l- .StateQ-ip E S. 3o I Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: a, Print Name -F I
                                                                                                                             'r Address: Ajkr   s At!  U            _   ,    . _  _    .       s

_CitBC9AQlApfO Si ffZip (: - Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 4 ( ( A Print Name _ Address: oaraj3 e _-City %V16k StateipR Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) I LelgcJ I

6. Signature: _ Print Name_

Address: 7-l'4 t 11ol o ° -4 . 44 g City V f. It

                                                                                                           /1',               StateV Zip OPN3-O Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeedent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(Al, Uq'~4 A Citizen Petition I?et, WOO I~ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems inonly 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a fiull top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee isprudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: PrintName Address: 25 Co LGotdI _ _ity t Lc> State ____

Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name A jC- ) $c r C (J

Addressq-9 I V~Lo nz 6'9 City

                                                                                         - - -J   **    MAri,*
                                                                                                                           .      VTZin CS into (
                                                                                                                           ,qt.qtt.      ____________________

3 Signature::- 44&aZ7 Print Name j f,2a4 & 4or; Z;1. - , Address: 84A M Jd/ Cta i Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Nam..' e k7A cf~,,

Address:'1- rr'.J M7 (I - City 2 -StateT*-Zip0 gq- (, J I-mail .eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - 01 viva 4u1~Jibe&A-k19intName-AdCiXStt /IeU-s3n Address:  ? v'& ax 3739 City &&)ASStatem- 4 tIp- 7~ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: \ Print Name -- _________j Add  : 1 City1D),41nm SktatefEZi Q~.QL/

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeoendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( A-I 4 f3 A Citizen Petition er.6 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature: . 4 7I-A Print Name .t.. Bo c Address: o ('tiS5 City 4 Sta rZip aS3- Q Email {)a4g &I4i<;- n r~ i} f 1 d q la>o, < 6 rf (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Naine Address: )_city_ Stat P-3 Signature: _ti k ' PrintName &afe,ID \V.4W1 Address:pO 6K5< MNZtf City 5( 01Le7 StatJ ipP3d2.

Email9yvNtAOA C- P - (to receive the bimonthly New England Co tion eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Namre Address: 19St? 6 Z) ___________

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signature: C\1 2 PrintName 3. c Address: -6 City 13rft IStatelZip a53d Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Je/ At PrintNarne 'i.-' if2 Address: ,°s3 6 . City A SStatp 4 3/° Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmients, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO BOx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


(Atik s A Citizen Petition at q TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature:I C&) .A- Print Name I9?aC k1A y n §7 L4 C r Address: ci/ , h R/ City 2II StatkZip 05x5t Email I& f- l t. g lollCx/ V A (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: &I, Print Name ELIC)If Kh t 5 CF Address: WIt= \4h ze-C le r RQ City NA \ R\ld h1 M Stateip C:) 5 j35 3 Signature t-ame6 Name ( EJO-Address: City- '11/2 4 StateVV ° Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Wt] PrintName APIQ Em; 1S&

Address: Rt cW PWC I7 CitykLX.LA lC _Statedzip~ Co g Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:f1 i axo 4q owl) Print Name 4111/<NI App1 1 IIhe Address: I1.I Ail ONA , City2M 9i446 1 Qtaeip O. S)C0 / Email_ El_ (treceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Sigs:tu vAzo/e Print Name h i /

Address: 65 A

                                                 /es                                     C/itv
                                                                                         -- A
                                                                                            -. 1 -

ff-.- C Statt*iip 6* c Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(A IF 4 A Citizen Petition Per. G3615f TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont. New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

X The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: PrintName f1O0;-1h plo-c-I-&J Address: k&me,5 -14/4 RII _City mle2~)b6ro -State-Zip Email _ _

_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatuure. Print Name b ( 'Srf -N , f . _

Address: At oA AS K31 & 5 City (__________Statel/ ip ) 5% a 3 Signature:rl ' -Print Name I o/ 0 IU Address: 3 1 LboK VA- , -Cit StateZip-D 3D (5 e/ Email eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:n atu e P Print Name A,' C-i I//s:5u' Cityfr Address: FACTS , X , frrou le Cd ciy1 o 4, -bi~ae ri0530 I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

S Signature: I n ) (2 r PrintName fllK /![<*9L>,J PUI, e Address: f+& 5sL-Pft 'Zi1 __city bd~fk ono StateVTp 65-p / Email 0bW "is 1qQ(-0 llaertZ5- eP I> (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: We vPZ& Print Narnc Q D%AI' W ZC;L C"\ 'LW Address: 3O. *C;=V R C, d z °0 0N) __City1AQ b AA4 "A State\JTZip OS3 1 Email (to receive the bimonly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition ie'f TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 s ignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in cal g for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre c ducted g clear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name Address: i State p ° Email vo (0 Z receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Address: ( LL 12, q __ __City __ ( i St< ateZip 65-'14-( 3Signatur Arico 1X/,&,intNameA aus Ho Address:_( 3_ A __(_ _ _ _ _ ___ __ City st_ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: IameL Pi Address: P0 a - i ___City-fQ24.9Sta 1ti i3y0 :p Email ( A- A)CX W\ -(to receive the bimont yE New ngland Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_ An Print Name- Ante Vsfoo l Address: - IOk -

Lg0 \ rw(-RSA I - - -. V -

                                                                                                      -Citl   hL~~         StaeJ-Z         6   ~I   q Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly Nv England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:_1W ,A Print Namee )P&q kmc Address: c Ba -
                            , )XP q, S      S I                              -Stat4tzi       a Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AeT, 41 ; A Citizen Petition IFPC. Ch161/f5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signatur PrPrint Name S Addre ss:__ ____ __ _Pti___ State Zi Email data 6 e the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: p rA4i n int Name S o A,4 Ld /J A-Q Address: Po I'X City_ 77- State i3n 3 SignatureZ&i.,.- .. , , 1/ Print Name - _
                                                                                   `t        Sot ,

Address: 7aa( fAw-) I / vTC) City 42K//?i***g/- +/- Stat1AZp Email -I f i x\ C) =(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) t+Q

4. Signature: Print Name O 4S aCtY\ \Qr Ad Address: -),I 4 4 .e P r;t",
                                                                                            -J   tI             P VI  I'
                                                                                                                         \,        QSnaterr-7.n tCty-  VI IC.RdI IV Email           °CeIID 0   ok (?                 U M,? _______ _(to receive the bimonthly                                New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_
                                                            -PrintName            £P, \ QVUs                         i/\tm Address:      1             rws4<           G&                                              City             $Kv taL                StatwziP     OSS'3
                   -C ~       ~

(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatur tr
  • Print Name a t( e Address: 2 l& 1 Ci StatejVIZip..) 53) J Email (to receive the bimont ly New England Coalition eBulletin)

] According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition g? (5/65-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre y conducted a)5hging nuclear plants in Mlaine and onnecticut(.

1. Signature: Print Name gm')/it Address: _____ ______________ Stat______

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_ Print Name I c.-.p Address: Po gax /ag City Id Stateiz-ip o7/S-Y Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 3.SignaNam Na( ( huAr~ CG Met~~

Address: dCity 7 State2jlp_023,n Email 2 -JgoL e -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4 Signature- t nn Narne e(ll4A\J4d l Address: Uzi City g/o - StateA* e3NI27-- Email C bid-d JL K ( [ / I* (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) b5. Signature:_- A PrintName I (Address: Ci (State Zi Email (jO iwtkaof iA "5 . kdlAt.(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


(AT- 4 41 A Citizen Petition re,( 7 15TO5S TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based EntergV Corporatim has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-lo-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted Hi ing nucl r plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signaturr rint Name __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _

__or Addresse ssei QX 3 Email

2. Signatu re A.I s, ar--rnt NaMarne Mc A ci- 1t 1o0,A Address: -?wa( nD 'cS UiKsvEmail A J /i SL' q*iql
3. Signature: _ _ _ _ __ _ Print Name 1C By_____-1 Address: B
                          ,AU tX                                   V1j1b  f         W>ef U'Email                       A- C4                                    c
4. Signature: Print Namee_ __-

Address: m 5Email. S. Sign Print Nar.e ha ir £ -__ Address:5exAn%-u, Chd-e-r O5.-omEmail __

6. Signature (2. Name e O--r B ,Na _

Address: -i , T



                                        \Q /

Stu &-VjEX Email

7. SignatureO Print Name mt 4 .&\

e-% Address: 6)0 t33 a\r K Email

8. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
9. Signature: -

Print Name Address: Email I According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indkepndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site ,
            -_X Ak 0-1'                                            A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts C >hat C    \,- /1 WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a     this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to thosf already conkted at aging nuclear plants in M ainend Connecticut.
1. Signature: intNamQ Address: (493i) -k tti a A QeMA ]Email f And
2. Signature: / Print le C-d TT L\J/

Address: eev /-c> Ernail___

3. Signature: 7k- AP 6 Print Name Address: 7/ &Y 4_ u___/ _Email
4. Signature: . PrintName  ? q LA/(.C l//c$

Address: ;w t-t {nail Wt5

5. Sigri Print Name Address: e____________ mail __________z
6. Signature:_ Print Name /4, Address: ?U J Email______________
7. Signature: / Print Namel k ll ,E7 Address: Z-,7 & 16vr4 ( £ Email_
8. Signature: _A1k-[Wi 464 rint Name 01ik /6 + I7 U Address: /
9. Signature: R C Print Name -. 1-v >/ k.

Address:ZT?3 JY( 9t 'Eail C t 5Ac

                                                                                                                           'ru           a    l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo:i 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site I

(Adz, - 5 71 A Citizeni Petition lp -eC, I 15-tor TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of ithe reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those Iredy cqnducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatue Print Name 3(- .4 H i)

Address: i . Da ritanJI Y/ IEmailA

2. Signature:. & 1 l Print Name .

Fa Z -'IAJl~i 41 4t~~' Address: )oM -eSs N CA19PPe V Email

3. Signatur) cQ Print Namrne' H JC&/v Address: if-i /-/I P VQAAW4C_)TF Email
4. Signature.&fIL. IP (,*7&g~. Print Name 0(r2/7t 5 16 Ij*ktcz Address: .6j-q5-'-Dz,11V / Q 2 C J rA4- - y L2Email
5. Signature:l rax%/ Print Name P Jk,4_kW ?A L-fOG Address:15q9 76tL x> P k A \ -Email
6. Signature: Print NanmLe /e zKpiC, _

6ev,zol Address: Email

7. Signature: '6oIeName Print
  • A 7/le
  • Address: (4I i s'sl Em ai
8. Signature:/ ntNamrea Addres/A /t/g2>¢ __// . U P S
9. Signature el Ntlame/$v fS(6t (l A ddress: _ _ _ E m a il _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

According to the definitions and parameters provided inthe report: LDnetndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) detennine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performancz. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site I

A Citizen Petition lCe ( IS7'l TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Cornporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in illing for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted a'ta'og nuclear plants in Maine anj Connecticut.

1. Signature: Ant 6P ( 'lrint Nane et - -7g4{ c Address: 7 1(lf City%\/4(/( s Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name_ 7c.C,l fad</C Address: 7 y P If t -' I -4it -City- , V StatL4ZipZ 5i5 3 Signature: C Ut>,h 1 45& Print Name Address: ) 0> t ,e1-7A --- y7LOIGe Citv J - *- -: State B2.ip COgl 5; Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) rint Name A fk c--L,"/ -9,X

_Cty 5 it Sae~pO Qf~ - Email a - Dto-eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signaturat- *l Print Name l Itnofi/ God 0 Address: 3 -1i4 ./ at-r- City g t. StateiZip 0-9CI Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: a Print Name Sd La f/'5K Address: I f, K - ?t@ City ytvk 1[h5k4 StatekL fipyit Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AT~ , ` Fre c. 7(5'-(15-A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at agng nuclear plants in Maine and C necticut.

1. Signature:

Address: W XOC ki tY /\

                                                    \t f~ Print Name 9\5)a                       PM,

S1 op\rW

                                                                                                                                \J (1Y
                                                                                                                                       -@           J 1-,W
2. Signature: A AVA ea tarmac Print Name _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: Ai 4 g z7 .//-EmailDo s +

3. Signature: , Print Name L 74l-<e Address: Email _ _
4. Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print Name -Po t 1Ohag 6who Address: _______Email_
5. Signature: Print Name ___ __ ___ __ Zs 5 111121"11-Z Address: , 6 ail
6. Signature: l__e _ ___ _L_ _ 16 611qN1QCLCI Address:7OC0 t)Af 9LE, A ]Q _


7. Signature: 2WO72t Print Nam Address: / Email
8. Signature: Print Name_
                                                                                        -Emai ail
                                                                                                           'Po i~~

(A s>JC&!8co*Jd s 1<L*'5 tf &94 j7 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2, independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site  ;

A Citizen Petition tic, io5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont,, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature/ Print Name ai k- l , f, e/,/ vll Address: Email_ ____
2. Signature: 6  % . Print Name Glenn; air (

Address: I. CS 1o2"w fns Ries Vlr Email IVaYioc co (PVeXsvorlt1t ect

3. Signature: Print Name 'ALAM tot 1-</12 Address: tIlRf/j/i Al hr. , _ e Email
4. SignatureLa4 - IaffzL4 Print Name Lsm C0 [tPod Address: U&s ftiY'a a i&\<Qa Email
5. Signature: g¢>, Ae.*Ž. Print Namellmeinom C.Ljrz r-77 r,t A Address: 1?q72 v ^ w he at 2J W _ _
                                                     -     / Rde   <    ,

a ,b,,, r f

                                                                                                 ,   s
6. Signature: Vgp hla, f FyfS, Print Name Address: .E'ail :3I . J 7.
7. Signature:

rer in Nam rn~m ,4 ;>Gd ql F, Ha n tv - Address: p.. o1 A .E22 T( a'igI

8. Signature: ear2-,Ls-- ŽL _Print Narne N C ho Address: l__________Em ail___ __
9. Signature: 19)l\O 2 i\ Print N ame \-A(

Address: i )O j J 9 45C 1 wSt - mail

    ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independenl Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

\\-1 Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • 1\ This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site j
                            -                                                                                                                e-A Citizen Petition Rc.7 1,5/1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the planes systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those a ficonducted ating clear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: okn 1/Y d(Jg int Name L &4 Cad t-e d/e^

Address: / - (1 I i ) )m

2. Signatu: ' PrintName I LY4VfL- t 7 Adres : __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __

Address: Email

3. Signat6 rwAe-- Prin t N(_ak INarle Address: to l ;ail md m
4. Signature: PrintNa: 0( (1 Address: a ma
5. Si gnature: Pript Nameg tan / an
                                                                                                               >      uflg Address:ft                                                                                       __               __M__ ___ _ __Email___, /
6. Signat urur4_B
7. Signature:,% f Print Name ACi I t( Legi~f Address: &4.Y 3 mail
8. Signature: Print Name ( t O Address: / LbQTo/l(F' _Xmail
9. Signature: Print Name 6ly4l(h'nl e Jn Address: Be h 1 VWj ma iI According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: DMjependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comranv October 1996, by the Nuclear Rcgulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessinents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 a (802) 257-0336

  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site www.necnp.orgI

(AT. 4- 4X A Citizen Petition res 7 K/c - TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermoni., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a ful top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: U Print Narme 7) i A-& S5 lkCI Address: Q96 J:R 6 Y 1SX Q City iSqK+5 State rZip (is- f Email edad-tg f*m&Ae WAKY IA4 _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: I 0 Print Name (by o _,k jCNXV >, .ES C Am>

Address:,- 1LA. Va N ° 'Q- Citv A

                                                                                                             -   --       'I StatesffiD co          (.d Email_                                                                         -(to         receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature:

v q_ \ _ _ Print Name § peyZA )ljb( 6J10 ) Address: JL<56 ?mIv LJQ g t _ City BLUE State-LZip C!2 5Z Email MII)A Lt 5e4- o -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: -Print Name POOlA \,fi 1SK Address: I l ' 1 2_ - City 1 ee\ em StateZip I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: Print Name \i VV\ \ uQ(vKN VI AAKP&~

Address:- City 25 State&izi L3M Q(>2 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AT. t1i-5 7 A Citizen Petition 19r-c . -7 '510 T TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and U this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Ct),. Print Name L. I Li4 4N RAn Address: ?s B c' .City!y* t zz Sta 0ip 04c51L Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: g Print Name Address: PO 8 1e)O K c95+ City pL-/7Wey Statevf 0 S 3f Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
   -l-    ........
                              '1-~                           -

Print Name loo I(a C / A V\ X1&L(, Address: Liy- Armhk\c L I'RI- -City BAA __r_ Statqffti 6tco92 Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_

ear, _ Print Name / I&4oV-t.. /A/ eC-Address: t/ City - 4 StateZip Email '/9 _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: - ame Waif go "s k_C Address: go 2ao2? 4/4i C d City ,4 Stat~qk&iD 0 3 6 C3-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336 - www.necnp.ore BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

CArT. -W A Citizen Petition ree. 7 it 5'1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre y co ted agng nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name &AW'tY (4d4 FUG(

Address: ns 2 its City do ___tateip t Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:

7-Print Name 1g1k 1 '4 -'r, Address: c (

                         .                        I S                                         c ity            blVm"S     state    Tz-ip 0oeIsL/

Email vocp mAX1 tt'I ' )t r eiveth bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signatue /rf t IPrint -Name M. 0- G-i('

I- -. ketCAd<r-i Address: I 1

               ))   -

G7 City . k2? - _State\TZip (GAA Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv
                                                                                              - - -.S-___                 State     Zin Email                                                                              _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: Print Name Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA-v. t-A Citizen Petition e . i It§ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: . / - Print Name I1 ( i& P /IV&

Address: I'l 13 &(tZ a&b09 (242 Citv City "zI ZkY qtaqte.() efi 39D/ A Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatur Print Name_ vwyv1/ 'g 3rgg Address: cEg 2 / < 1 YL42M9(_A-/d i4t City State rZip 65' 6 /-

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature:4 I t Prn  % a m-PrintName SCOT-r. - Ar'j -e_ Cr30 -

Address: _T; \ 4+K t\t CitY State Zin c Z3 / Email -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) C___I_ Statetgip d/ ____ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: Print bCame - -.

Ak I - IVO4 V20Z I 2 Address: L4 39 kA , - . .ye .. Citvv - StateAip r OSS; I Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT. 4 C A Citizen Petition s TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% or the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: S a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us In calling for an Indepiendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: g=§ %g Print Name fr 4 /4 l/- C@ ¢c i; Address: ;32Lgj C Ze fC, /1 FrelytIbm7
2. Signature: Y Print Name -A i XCU D i Address: oAC - a_-/II Emal_ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Email_

4. Signature: Print Name Address: Email_
5. Signature: Print Name Address: Email_
6. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Email

7. Signature: Print Name_

Address: Email R SQanAhirp-

t\]eC, coGi-ral data Jucv-t-I ), ?is A 4f6( A Citizen Petition ee ( 7 17( 5-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those aIr ar plants In Maine and Connecticut. JA R//IS7// f

1. Signature Address:

Email_ d* /30taYp rint Name City 8

                                                                                        -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: , Print NamehNAi O (4 Tic - - - -- -
                                    -S            - -        -    -

Address: gcj_ gv v t SA- __City&c4tf 4Sta/tiip-M-Z 3 Signature: Print Name_ Address: /C ( 9 e VI (ag t rCith bmt StateZion er3t7 Email ef C/4k


tS rr Z eC Ac -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: _pts Print Naue ?et e- w4CJf-, x Address: Zf.3( W . tV I S'A ds r - _City / t( &. StateVzipAS-1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: -Print Name Sow / .iCA Address: 2 Sl EmJai Citv 'i 9 L-l (foet111r - - .1 A - . - . -

_StateJTZip-d6:It Email I - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: 41 Print Name SXa /4' Address: -,7 'e City/ / StateY/Zip ae / Add Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report, Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan , October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (21 independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assess:nents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT 4 1? A Citizen Petition Qtc. 7(Q1(,f ro: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: / p ff - Print Name Kit /N S
3. HA( C Address: Po As( 86 City L;oos IState/^47in ci - -rs Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: : Dowc G C ' (C> Print Name Address: ~City State)jp, Hi egA 3 Signature: ___ __4_____ Print Name I,,

k Ab. wx Z ,-kv- dtt Address: - a I rex I4 City G o l i. I pState / [Zi ip Email __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ljmll.4 ,26Pimmm Print Name 1/4Z& ,4946 i'7M Address: -,y /- 64I 7%?k 6 City ,AY6 /?/54?&, Statekip c'/ it Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 1Print Name I7 t0A-1;Z,.5B Address: 8'1 H o6P'- 5' City 6e~"~'- State Zip c>',3'I Email pa &'; S -- LeOaic
                                    <             Vcw i                     -i lk t   (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 6- Signature                  A I                                Print Name         i/ Al )A          .. I aA. 2      -

Address: VI hvP5 YTr City AI>ir-i tLi> StateZip0i/ Email ~iA 0AI *S Cl S' -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(kl-T fS3 A Citizen Petition (Zit R Iled TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alread conducted ata ing nuclear plants in Mlaine and onnecticut.

1. Signature: / PrintName A?'ry /4 / y Address: 4e /2O . City_(9d 1f tW4t/Stao i 3,/3 L Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: He~ ,y~ &L PrintNamre I>C te . 13rC Address: >it St ii.t City _ C(ceA 4jA:j.. .Stat4l Zip C l3- I 3 Signature: S- Print Name L tAL !> dex &(

IQi-Address: w - s g t J no 4( of Y (1 City H i~ StatAA&i 0 1 qt) s_ I I4-; 0 Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: HAS (yjeJ -Print Name oS02 uLn'e O be 'r Address:1 I(IJ rt eivAe icd e1 citv,"jrouwA
                                                                                           - W---- A r    ----      0tw Stae>-_

3 ViPn A1 r . Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - h1 /C ,7/ Print Name CI

                                                                                        ) Ce 11              /\ C-               . A Address:            _';              L->10( a. we                                       City          4ALAEt2+/-t                 Statee             ip   C    ;12q  /

Email_ efl -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Pe.A it, AV Address: 1(C3 AB sA. ____ ___


                                                                                            --  S----r1 r ,%!      A j-IStatfeM7i.            61,14- ---

Email IUA. ic -

                                                .I3Cr0                            _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

]According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA1T WGt A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alr ady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: _ __ _ Print Name /V';4e 5 Address: e6 LVo4Sc qxPo roc00 _City bwYw _StatekZip 03SLq Email *5t 41 Delis - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: A4 ;< P Q Print Name Pe- (rv l Aerv XrA-Address: [79 Y a ___ _ _City W Fly Statel zip Cnrl 3 Signature: (A Print Name /<icjeI L 6 e(

Address: Citye2,LL +/-Stal{t 0314/(/ Email -mot Cj Cq I) \ If / CC0. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name 7oea c3 . - Lev trait Address: (1) /a G City D L (t 1StaiJZip. Kl Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:a Print Name 9 UeA' Strk-C+YA Address:- J22 &,s 4, do 3 _ Cityl aU11,_State _kITL2 S Email W)ICk)kls.AA
      -Aw     -'--         -
                               @-- wGeiivs-Mn.

e jit- - -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: L. /I Print Naint , _.,A,

_ .,4 , IKLe+/-Z Address: LP kA V (ol S _City2IpA6_~ _Statq*Zip 6 Email/6 ot, 1( 1SIt4 (z, if -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (21 independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • www.necnp.or?


A Citizen Petition Rec. I5(6(a TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioil has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 s'ignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in NMaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: A 4 Print Name Elf C rom3V Address: -13 L A *a _it ,
                                                                                                     ---. I    -
o. k _State__Zip 5 0 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:[pA1ALA l1 IPrint Name \-A -vix L\ Sc(

Address: 2 pA b kl ' U) , ____City s~, 6(lj State VTiip4%F})j;> 3 Signature A A-< I Print Name StateK1ripO (J5 Otx

                                                                                                  .Cit/wVe /@              At Address:            &         >
  • v s I S Gus lo
  • a

__ZQ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 6 )cts, Print Name ,De~ow,P/f 6t Address: /Z 3 AlThkve0,r 7 . ..

LKws City

                                                                                                                  ,-                               StatektZip 05%iY03 Email                                                                                       (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                        A( . t,               -Print Name                44 6,_C-0 t           tA - F , " c,-t                   --V--

Address: 2- 27 A- - _ st.)y4 .. .  : . Sy f<1\o StateZip 0 41 051 Email . (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print Name: 7L. f U., _ V Address: 4'f A. gfA-9ef 1net- 4- 2 1City gortt ax,> S State6rZi O. C, e6' Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(A-i.4 C6 A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those ady conducte aging nuclear plants in Alaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: (-g/\ ( Print Name ( kvC 4 f

_ V7 o SE(J Address: ISr? -+ L~~e. S-F- City R A..Q "-f .State Zip~~ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 1/to Print Name M61GIrt'-nra (Stdirk Address: a Xt- CityJ+/-St S3Y StateZip dvS3 0 f 3Signature: ( :j PrintName Al dt- A- r Address: /i/1 - °Ov hi4-o An Cityi- 6 Email a C rrouy- t £L-i1 (§tle (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

I 4e . 4. Signature:  !>W is ft0 L-c5; Print Name Do&f Pop a-S Address: FEZL M+k,(AfT: My AVIS City

                                                                                           -.. ,   WItPt5Sk:
                                                                                                       .          ._, I       _State   Zip o -r z      4 Email C-ons-- -

( uk-- (M- e Au -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:______ _________ - PrintName Lorree Outbst. Address: Ul JJoa Nn,1 SF City- tar A5 l StatfTFZip 0 5L 01 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature jA H L, Print NamePA^ I 1) a Di A l Address: 3L~q peLrI Sly Api -E City Go~rtt4O StULte~tZipQ05 0 Email J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) lAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: hendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic PowerCompany October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box :545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Ke .7 1D( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: - -
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indeinx dent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those alrey condu d aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: a7 7 J , Print Name . ;O Ci'LI,/

Address: (7ifV X-e4 iSr #" City SLV /QCJi4StatLip c5viol Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_ /6X c . 4d -Print Name )II-In 6 v X
                                                                                                              /4v//l Address~h-            A1.40P~eC6,%        9knJ4# {                                      _City,<            &l~Jkttate~tipQOgi3 3 Signature:                            2;Print Namev Address:      \VDi3     2      R    g:

dl.C Citya .e-C-e

                                                                                           . .iv3-A, A
                                                                                                                   .v Stt.-~-~-q Email             0 °                g    Z7           -                            J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Name__ 4b kA 4w0 rI.A-Address: Ah BeLL s- City6~ OllRlState Si pW 6S (o1 ffS Ato receive the bimonthi)New England Coalition eBulletin)

Print Name / r 5 -/ 6b/f _ _i Address: , 5Z 6iu& 4 9 f' _.City -f S , V Email Al - - __(to receive the bmnhyNew England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: tName Address: e 1/

X @ - . tp - Cit &/; <7tS Statej °/ Ea lAl tK)..- @IN1 4.(o receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessment;, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 5-15 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAoo W&a A Citizen Petition Ie . 1F7o110S1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: I' Print Name E (;4)eY #1 la Address: ?b X )51 City Bar(WJ lb Statdtiip PIS A .

Email )r4  ; £f kabya, C __ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signa. Print Name - r1s Y 6t1C.': as Address: .2 S ( Pier Vs" City, q4zj*-. 3tatetp)aSY0 {

P 3 Signature:4l d 4 a PrintNarme h7..0oknarocl Address: XI % City 2 Ak 3tateWtZip_ %3g I EmaillL _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. SignatureatfNUF I & int arinName hfj\ NJTZ*L Address: _ _ _

I)-1 jCity,

                                                                                               ?( j7wEI                    Itate\JTfZi            . %;

Email ito receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:A<* e-&.-,w"'rf- Print Name CG / . c. Ve1 7-I Address: '4%C17 taLl City < E, g0 072

                                                                                                                  --      State02rips        5 r Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: WA4L -AF Print Name hsArew VmSAA Address: Q 4,ew \ Id r e C(to ttateg d Z i t0 75 et Email 6.VtCe5, 1 Ad .o _(to receive the bimog New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ilinependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA-T S A Citizen Petition et . 7 (20 1oO TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergw Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

ffi e/Cl Jewn/a J similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. PrintName Address: 42/. l4 k /A L City intmtZ/ i Statqg4ip /6ly~ T Email Ir Jj I<} , I v_ ted)

WIUSC1 d -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 4Jo( ki Print Name__

Address: /I& to I r_* I-

                                                                                   -City           E     Lp                State!Z ZipLs      sIo 3 Signaturess                 I-                              Print Name Address:              <;    /        -s#    IC)     &                               I       City iv   C-at I q(I C          StateVELip      e6 k St>

E.mail_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Email -'I

4. Signature: ______ ________ PrintNarne WJeob 6O06d t Address: 31 2 ql (?1 St ___City M .604 , Stat-ip 05153 Email 2Z VA hi . UN V1- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Nlame A e &jJ
                                                                                                      ,)        "             X Address:             ? I LI cU<S                    ST                                      CityIJ4Ajbj                Y State_ Zip1S2 Email                                                                               -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: t Print Narne ElQ_ KA <t 0(

Address: AI 6 City )1fQI k4, _Stat;\AZi Qp CS7i7d Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Ie( 7(9o~o5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre d aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: < iI Print Name A mA 1-K<Imp t Address: C 92 City OaJ 8 I State~7 ip k(~J Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signatu u le ffvy- Print Name Kr l2 L r o mA Address: _1_Cit Statft ipCr _

3 Signature: Print Name Address: City State_ _Zip_ _ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Z __ _ _ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City State_ _Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZi__ Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indektendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


C(ATV pr ( A Citizen Petition le -IA; ( ef TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New FHampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate lhat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY., join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_tu 1e z?_A4 Print Nare g6J O, Address: .2/ /VGo/_ City 1Z)Ai )ate p 0 ;_CeI 3a Email eCiet n ot~hld6Drht. _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:_( b ,:G PrintNani Address: city k Stu t pia fL1?

3 Signature: Gil r PrintName r,,Ah,/A,,r

                                                                                  .. I ,,

Address: $9Learning2 Feifin fX . city P. AŽe _StateAip C>?_2z7 Email CA ,44 4

                                             ~           "-   reZC,    C@yte6i(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: f t d Print Nme ca 51 a Address: L C L i"rtr f 7- City IVLeltv i i ( StateAip c2 '3 Email p i 4l>r%. e, y h.J (,, (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signaturenat -Print Name Address: 33& tj-,jh . .

e-W I/114N . .. City Pe I hel M StatetI ipp c ja 1 c Email LC Bee be @IANC, - aI/ _ c cam i (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: I f Print Name <rI; moESt e Address: q ° BOLX4 -

City StatTZipO SbS 1-Email t 2Sk(t1 t oiz1 _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) aJ J1 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indopendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 e (802) 257-0336


ACitizen Petition at c. V CI'; TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alr d con cted at agin uclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ AI Print Name ll(l 4t6AAt ,

Address: 'tt Li eCI5 1 Lv 4 CitA" Stat~ip IOt Email_ _ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:> 1'e, PrintName jep"

Address: IUS ask.A ao " City 0-1 . - ILqtqtA/".in

                                                                                                                              ----    -Jr 61'rrl) 3 Signature:                   /42           T          z     -Print Name Cat - I               NGod. Ce       ISr Address: 7?1' I rP6-(e-                 +4g.                                               Ci ty ~Ž*i        z2 +rState              Zip O-S~'- 0 I Email                                                                         _     (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Namc Address: 64 2)j UV Qod - ____ City S tate Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:  %- \a \\ i\ Print Name V) f) n i-e ml k cC Address: P(6 1EuB' 35?3 Citv State Zin -i Email /1 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: (PrintName to- re t ol ew Address: SAT City 99&A~~ tteff 1?426 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. [ Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(km 471 A Citizen Petition I c( 1(aa65' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY., join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Q C Print Name HiLk h P C)

Address: %2J6 SCew0r 9J -City oftta. _StateVzip 0 s qi J Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 61- 6G- Print Name S "I\t l c I' Address: alps- 4 At,(-r-L Aw Citv1LIaA 4A StatV> Zin nEsqqS 3 Signature:_ PrintNamne V n4, /J)Tr-reC, Address: q to f 06/k-- ttq _ City t/rjv-- StateZip_ 3 YJ j2 Email 72t. 4$v nie (ic4- e /lwife.. c,Z , _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: T-1*6( Vl Print Nan ie 3Y7xra X/ 1O'05 Address: 41,9 g&6,1fQ WtX Hf. City S.3J2_ .

V/ State o'in 0,45f/ Email C/ (I n _,Ohem %o4tri / C ctl- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - Print Nam I, :rA-J sdi4pP#L Address: AXBEICC hrT/ A'/e- _City -&LLAI- /4 JiL State&,2ip Lt.. A Emailm _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Aq6 Print Namre 'arj-.

Address: /it Jr }//

                                                                                              - -J Cityv(
                                                                                                          -   -    V       _Stat&44Vip_02/to Email      K    i      Aev 612r

14d ts -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 7 I According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessm.ants, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition


CA¶N 4 7 Lq A Citizen Petition lee c, I lie (or. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY oin us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those haIt

1. Signatu
                              'c I_

iat aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connqiticut. Print Name WY DŽ t~vv~ziz Address: c2//11/4 614 &lZl / City & i C Stateb4zip O]Z--75 Email }?D/l/Ahe& lOl/a+/L. CC" -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_& - 44Ct Print Name M +A-7'CT&-.

Address: 73 Ja z City*-QC/le £ *StathfZip 61 t L 3 SignatureN , Print Name If. 4>ft ' Address: ji-s ( (n7 City__V StateVi!Zip C Email - _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature::J w.. liver,, Print Name X A1.

Address: Pn) /?1% 7(7 Cit k,~ C~itv

                                                                                        *-.1       -          -      -

qtntpH)tin 01to, Email H% (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signature: I - l Print Name God \ Cv 1 .A KA,.zi-ea, A _ ttejz- S Address: 2V 1s-A"-,er42. City?1-~

                                                                                        - --w ; - i-     -7               -              - - - -    - - -

EmailI At01 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: =nm- w Gem:Fal Address:

Byft fA LT L-t r C-- 1._ _ ta!_.t l l { Stated __1_ I t3 4 b1!!_/_1 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England toahition elulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, conrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boi 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition l-, A T TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermoni., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioi! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and is this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: is The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alryady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:
                                    /411v6                     Print Name            4          L An~

A Pe 2I - Address: 1) D ld cLI( s AUR CitY'v -State-Zip- C-) ( U -  ? Email (rI6 C L Ah ______(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: PrintQName S z< -6 Address: 3icL eme. P/:D,--City :S&4M(etaIStateip 0127 c) 3Signature:r(U cy intame ltkAL'x xVK ?I d(cisK Address: VXWO-4 S-e* City& 4 State iZip Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: _i1't 1 Name AM-14 A<z (

Address:  ; 70 6C; t{c-( S-t C~ity,

                                                                                         .--                                 -Stat4,Lnj( 63'G[c Email                                                                           -(to    receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:       i                  lrv1    -cJz P i-,A       PrintName            L      fI J        TVAO `,A. -            X     4 / 1 -i Address: / YV5              J A C/< ra -1               J7f                              City     /O/0tnl1P/i                  State'iJ/ip      d/c Emaail                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Sgnaure;-4-/1 44de
                                  .        7Flo               Print Name             LIadsr1.1 2 Do I
                                                                                                            ,-    &/-//T 1{L A cityi+/-~

Address: (A/ a? t f/ Stat q!4z A14-1i P .0 .2, / K Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


(AT, 4r1i A Citizen Petition Yam (I OT TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation,has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those ady conducted ataging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature Print Name S 6fo V Address: f Ata2'& GC- City 6 Ce 4tq< iek' Stateq Zip O/c° Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signaurr^~int Name e -n4\ t *A 5 3et Address: 6  % I'l7X) Ci eriP e530~

3 Signature: Print Name Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name_ Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indetendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition 1 (a i TO: The Governors and Elected Qfficials of Vernont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citize& of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatioi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

_ a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. oin us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur tu . Print Name AiW/AAJ6Y GU-M A_

Address: (9 2zw afiw~ I City G Statp O IZ Email -ceive the bimontldy New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature~~ttwd Ct 'E('&A-one PrintNameTAo-%-z-LA '5-e-f)MA63N--,

Address: 1 _____City c v(po0C q Stat h-Zip doS 3 Sig5 TPrint Na mn~ i L4 FN~fI I &1t Address: It L\ l c City Pla nStatJA\Zip L¢2 Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatu PrintName cC e-Sci La!xA-. 0 Address: 1 \ Cit s Statek Zip Email v .i L. <01C1Ge A C- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - PrintNamne -& V 'i co 65 Address: X 1f?,C t Ct4t, y 4C// City g((3 OK O StateAipv V),

Email l (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature Print Namel; Itats Address: tq 2- -

A/I,I - AL v  % n i S Stat ikp7 C%< \ FmAil -Jo I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderiendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Ck'r. *1-le A Citizen Petition Rr(- 1I40(o5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: & Print Name k. 6At~flPl Address: ?7 2 1 9 fel _Cit State8ziv O 547/,5 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Narme Address: Cite State Zip 3 Signature:_ IPrint NameI Address: CitY State
                                                                                                                           - -----r  Zin Email                                                                      _ __     (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Narne Address: Cityw State Zin Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City -1 State Zin Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv

_ . -. , _StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessrments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CL',-- L I a A Citizen Petition M .. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: Tie undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of The reactor's original 1973 license, and this inc-case will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect tLce entire-state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems inonly 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signatar.z: Print Name 3A f hM K Address:_ I / O h ŽIj , -City-4~ .StatevIz- i 6 9- q Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signat..r /g 7/ 1* Print Nami a 1M4. -;e S Ar-/ //

Address: / Ad onoi fis -City -E57. -4 .7 so .Statel/z-ip es-i/28 3 Signature Print Name____ wfet ckr5fp-p-(f Address: , ( 3+1 city Statev~ip Q&7/$ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: G od Print Name K ff//- SCa 4r-41 Address: p.A- City L'oat/'i 4or-l StateA-ip OJ'f b Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signaturte: ::z 4 PrintName 6C'f.e oku c Address:' 6f R e City T o9JL+AA P4 .__ - . __ __
                                                                                                                    .        State Il~thi /)

Ate Email _(to receivte the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signat X j J Print Name Addre: RosOx City-7id 0 J&StateipZi6o 1/2777 Email. o receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Accordinj ts, the definitions ahd parameters provided in the report: Independent Safe ssessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the :'nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess th conformance of Vermnont Yankee to its design and licensing bases incluuin'm appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess perational safety performance giving risk perspectives where approp,;ate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective action and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sign~ficant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 0530 (802) 257-0336


Cup " A Citizen Petition Rzc1 7( 45' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indene adent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name afht 4 (Ik1 i liAt Address: - ' h ude Cityit H) Kt te! L~p V. 0 S3( I
                                                                                                        -               I-)

Email DnAA&Ctxp hOA)s i aVclrt ic- Z..LAt i.>(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) IV-%

2. Signature: :A@~4S Print Name Address: AC &O / §. / City L-t-'a!5fLs--e4/Statele cs USi tt 3 Signature, L-mZ,,

srint Name LouLs Ve(yALCANLotle. Address: sp0 i CitheimothyNw Stategdit Email ItrAAey? e-L qQG 0 *eceivethe bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: PrintNaml T) . I I 5/, C/c Il//d Address: SO "4'/g t4 - -_WCitvQ~V4V

__ _.- - - - A Statdrin'4 Z3V-sa Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signanatu7P rint Name >G I-  ; .- -e-2r-- tI Address: . -_ an_,, _ CitY StateVfZin 6e5sJ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: B y /] Print Name BY-M js w P-A AI ddr/e Address: I o VWih City yl/,C('4.fAk, 4 State* ZirD')7b: 5 Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Idependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including Appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition r~e( ,I 05 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermnont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS. Louisiana-based Entergrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • f The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepe i~dent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: Print Name -\c Address: C,2> (1)a,&&A2 AC, _-cityj Ain t -State pIb7ipC3eoZ

_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature. Prnt Narn:

Address: ~ L t City W) 74J121 StateV1~in (23*3 C) 0 RVe ,flN--- 3 Signature- I S *AA& I Print Name Address: I -C liC 'p Cqity erA_. I- _Stat4Tj~ip 0Z7

                                                                                   -.(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4.:Sg:aure: /J,&J                A_            lkPrint Name-1X~                                            rity   Dei-ru L;.-            -Stat4zlzi                    -

Email__ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signat tueo~ jIkI 2~4A~rintName /4u4a le.L In a5A-Address: ne.Ll26C4 /11 / - ~City-Ziyanzf -StateWZi a57-01 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: dead_ Print Name (Cciv'i T-A ; (.

Address: *?-Lt1 U( 4 s4-i- City Rztikri State\)TZin Of) 7 C)t. Emnail c 14 a f~i#0J J..E4IC0t-' -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: LndeVendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnoanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriatereviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessrments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • P0 Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 (802) 257-0336

Ct. $4. A Citizen Petition ( Aer', qc TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NO MV SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to ihi'se already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatiure:;i2c6 4'ay2lCQ Print Nam J]e  ? 7 Address: 7 57; City btW. a~4~e~ State___p_2a_&3 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. SignatuagA/W.$.47 - 'rint Narne &A/1/ATT 3 SJA/

Address: /6 V s 7 k t VfC C ity k I - Jtteltzi 0147 3 Signature: dy WQ, _PrintName. -v-- e me 1: Address. lz'5 1U cityL= . v StateLip t:152 X( Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address:- \ 2 - 1C . Citv I A '.-
                                                                                                                       --   State9i- t3 t<L st Email
                                                                                 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatu                               C                     Print Name               45A )JT(                         5T7Azy Address:               i 2A                                                              City -      koe cbo         C,      Statd*in        6a On ?

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_ i .. 4 A ln t Name - Z Address: l 2!,) Al 4 (1 Cit~ 20State,\ip_ E i o,:.2Z_

Email ___ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According te the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Lndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the; Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives whereapproptiate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. lese return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • ww.necno.or!


CATr 83 A Citizen Petition eec. 112t[t4 1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS. Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name CPL1 C.A Ad r4T)V4 Address: S, -City mv44.3"4 _Stat4zip osV5 5; Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: AL OW T2: Print Name 4, rirkln On\d Address: aIi qt 1A+/-L -Cit 1(+)Corq+ Statei o5_53 3 Signatureiflj7 a eItPM Print Name Address:_Q 2,i ks2 City
                                                                                         - __W(-hck State IA-Zin n4711T           -

Email kl ($iAwrvima I. ki AC, -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 9, ef,x Print Name_ &167/,~ 4 Address: /4°7 d,2 9Z, CityI _ C4c7sle State ar 6 -nAg -~

Email A _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 4 6 Print Name Phke5 Com Address: 1h 0l e D5? 0~, 0City W~s~el J _StateN6Zip b)r)7 (ttl Emai V l50 amal ( * (cm _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: cub e Print Name - I Address: N e b)C s -- 911 *1?0 ritY_.F -- . . - I X, RWAteJ~ip caSI,

___1 . I - - - - - Email 4!T V a@ ° ,eAt + _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: jndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-signife:ant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO BOX 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


( AdT, I-f A Citizen Petition kec. 7(a2a 16-r TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indeperirdent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: PrintName e- 5 ery Address:_ S* Adfk c ity State-ip zi 66/ r Email IfQs<wter ( oprcnm Ote. Act -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature%>Q~ YiZ Print N aine stYAI CL ml, 1 iAg_-

Address: \J MX3 AT;J Citv

                                                                                           --- S y      -

alU -. 16 Vstat/eIAzi, OS J i& 3 Signature Print Nam 2 e ad//< --Cty. , ea Address:aV/ k 1vI W kv 4 lCity State ip 6e Q§ Y6



                                                                                   -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: 7 - Jvkr Print Nam I C 4~v -

Address: i ki fA.-i

                                                  %.       fflz                           City AAt&T.         -rrC          StatdV              A ip        s Email                 A    ; >a        ,eOS1% j          Tr . /&         <        -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:    Lyo          1 .*dI4fi                      Print Nara :     Ag'l                 L-.CtLs(c Address:

RQ 27A ) CoYw Qua; 4 I - AJLIMSr - - - . City -Statcft A2- ,,7q J Email &A¶htICLAIde.@ %atop J A (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: FiQ0t = s Print Namre A eLA e C cQ cd
                                                                                                                     ' QC Address:              35      _)                      Si                                  Citv
                                                                                            .1 W - t1ieZAmmEiZ c <'A,   .   - -

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

  'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ndoepndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives
  • where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4)determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT. E A Citizen Petition R c. q(o)6,JS TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hamrpshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about I% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an IndepenJent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 9 . 1 PrintName. _4____ ___ ___ ___

Address: IAsh

                          /YP9                     ,r/                                  CitY IAW2LU. _- -1 S          State(A Zin Fr, Osaka 7 Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signaturr. 4 Print Name 73rO J
  • Address: tqo 4AL)Oa ,.L _

City __1 - tA^

                                                                                                                           ,%AteZinr Ass "7 3 Signature-                                                  Print Name Address:            C6,Z          Cttyces              t                                 City         <                    .State1+/-lip        Ri77bo Email                                                                             _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signaure: Print Nam.e T yykY~xy; Address:/Oc3&

_~ - I___ l15 _City

                                                                                        ,   #     ,                       _Stato4ip .01      I° 0 I Ernai                ____d      b   Bl____ur_

____ _(_ A_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature Print Nare,'/e% Address: Ci State, Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatur¢: 4  :. S-Jd I L& PrintNamie _SW7&MrhJ &g\tAK Address: I#SjiI, 4. I4 - r city, 1f,1l/Dr X, F StatelLZipJ5T Email_ *(toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently as5_ss the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
                                                                                                                                                          -' I

CoA 44 A Citizen Petition Pe(. I(Co(4e I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterwv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: PrintName 7eN A
                                                                                                -tL /44>1             1    (

Address: C ity P,) 4 kiA. 14f State_ Zj Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: A fth ] Print Name Address: tU cbesec (Q a City Scr~inaqGe(A _State*ftZip 0-15615 3 Signature  : A,,-- &,4 Print Name Sb~cLkk A. Peec K
                                                                                                        - i- - -

Address: -7 LAJ (LAx' Lt"Ah a _City \4J FOSS 4t StateV-Zi 005 So I7 Email I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature.: J4k4 Cu Print Name R ) -L JA4 Cue 6 tv r Address: A2zIJKt A {aL CityCLA &AM1O I StatekaZip L': l-f3 Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name IY tC( C J t. I-f r,-f7l7 A-~ tyr2 Address: _Ci J_ e£g~nm 7-< StattttipODn SD~U-Email .Is. -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature I I

PrintName f QA rcat - e Address: tk 0(% ,y14i-te v. C ity ( SAJA& I)D C _ StatA&p OV7 2.

                                                                                                      -U Email     kelenC NhOt. Viet                                                         (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cAnr4 : A Citizen Petition rc . I l ar TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont. New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: I a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur PrintNanme A/9be3 */ t'- gem /

Address: 6ZZi . O Stat4 /A /1 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: P.

Al PrintName 1A ALCf7L,#^ PR EuL Address: /)-Y9 L ,A e -1 v.a Rd -City kh.w.. -State Vi/Zip O S,- , 3 Signature: L d L , Print Name  ? I't Address: jcft V\U. -.Ad 't. City Q)Cir;et StaA4fZitpO616!3 Email __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ANA - . I l .. . . (

4. Signature: Ho JPrint Name tJ QLA Ci A
  • L-Lt4 t\,.. v -

Address: 1!> Lf )4 Uk txV 7A CityM VA d*3 State-gip 0Sg LO .- Email it 4 mY\kfltUVS P 4 0L -U. V -V\.(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: fi KI k; Print Nanme /IA .M ?J3 ID f/ Address: 15 >m KtKAy PJjLL 7R. A a.jL _City PoTP<I'}e StatP 7Zip 0s6' ° X Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: u \ PrintNarne L a 2"5f 4A-4bLA Address: _ __ H___ i _iOity E. _StateVIzip O>{2,SS Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndepWendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

,0000000" A Citizen Petition Re-(,I o413 rO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of ithe reactor's original 1973 license, and Am this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: II The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1/. If the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: I a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

l. Signature: adoL. PrintName ., I 1sS Address: - CitvRp k" . . +- -StateJMZip o 3.2 2 o Emailj~ r-LpseoL4n oi- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: l/.t V;2 ]Print Name 'tutA Address:_ q 6urcx -

City (aAZ0= Stat x3\i-- ?7{  ! 3 Signaturr: Print Name Address:  ? 5.bentk <v - 4.ISmaigInature Pnt ri N (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ >i PrintNam e g Address: 14 9 i
                                  'SO(" Pk~                                          _City (ftm&(f&                            Statue ŽZip     IR6   94 Email        V\'           eI e 5 a              [@o(A e V,do         k    (       (to receive the bimo         ly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:RO'5e            -   2t PPrintNag4 e.                                                        X Address:*                '<      -- A      La,           Hept         d                  Ci             4   ' fI1,i 7.

Stat&kip .Z4*

                   ~II                                                                (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signatw.e; Print Name JasedO A /* , A&

I A_ -I Address _ _City -fI //FICLb State)&i a4b'? E-mailJ&4/,Jz4, -aRG _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

   'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives
  • where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CKD c1 A Citizen Petition Kut' I lad (6f( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and l this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 s ignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ChAk 0 PrintName Ctscoa~A W^A di %A \

Address: c, V City 3 AvKAi ta _StateV/Zip 05 3 ' a? Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print Name C /4A, 0(c e f So{e Address:  :,.0I & / 3I ____ City _.

47 4ZO A/9,C ?l( 4 State¶Zip 05(s 5S' 3 Signature.- V Print Name T /C;ef I) Go 9 J Address:_ _ _ 13 Cityh i l N Staten Zito eu Lk - Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 3sIrb-oe 1ae3 @6. e5 Print Nrnme Emobrm -13. R4eSY Address: I;i 1;3 1 imn sx3F11 F City_ .StateZip &S-3 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: _ Print Name X MI_).< . Ieh Address. _2, ? 0. (I Ot \cl\ Pla- City1(K~AjN~tam StateNZip - L35t Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signatu nr Print Narne J Ci  ; (a-KJ e- C.- 4C> P Address: /eO4 K AŽJI City A, qJ\

o, Statey Zip S .AT< Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

  ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComDanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives
  • where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition e TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergr Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems trat remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already con at gi ~l ants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Sign.ture: Print Name C'- 2t /t (;<7 r-T 1Tgr Address: I /a4te 'G City StateLip cu Vr 5 Emnail 'Co (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: PrintName e (,a e Address:_ ) °R A; Us > ( > ---W W(A C-itv . - an G-TLAIo StaqtA7in O°5° Y 3 Signatures 0 Q af- PrintNamre (U-3. 6' )3 L et r Address. P1A0  ? '?O I citvk).w%/A14AA _StateeZipL) 6 2 SK*

Email (to re eive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: _ ___

_Name __ - ;AO,/ Address: /0i l C(fl >< ' iK d kAO CitIt Ig/6g, State HFip 0_572; l Email Itko / @ $ Vf2 n V 5,1dSf /4 R(to're"c the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatururo* 4 6f- Print Name \ a t tA OW _ eS' RQ of\ Address: X2K/ Ck t PAA ^N _CtytENFlAStathin p0 Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: /t_/ -  %. Pr intName [, A<. 3, kact(,.

Address: 5 go to} C heis s, 51t 4 -City 62"Llr,"A4, State Ukp eCg~L E - G' - 0-a I 7-, Email &~rS(LES2k'-QA (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: "ndeiendentSafety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including approphiate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives
  • where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Pleise return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition W( .A1(TO TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: Tne undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WREREAS. Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-botto xamination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW Sh jon us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those. ad ducte a nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature Name At 2v /Žwts ezz/Dee //

Address: ci State(3 4 0 a Email+6/7 s, * (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2.Signature: Print Name ` .)Fe CO/c/at c f/ j I- 0t _cty /mr jtai

                                                                                                                                            ,p     -457 0  3 3 Signatur                                                        Print Name Address: .            3       /Cc ,3 39 ej                  W "                              _

City . A /1n'e _Statg/ ui -5a _7 Email e f sg4al-C_5' /qr., , _ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatures  : L ) L6 d: &I Print Name J&? LD then0/ t Address: Ll _/7 SucLA- a  ; -City Y4111SA4 q _State~ipL O 1{ 7

_ / .% _ .'r .yief .-be fO J Email

 - -- I*_**y-----wvi         - -
                                                                                        ..(to receive the bimonthly New.England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                                                    _Print Nam(eID                             'Z-ob&f UJ(Ls      (C-5 Address:             1&q PI,'((

Gl 2 ------ ;_ Citv GusVwta -I State Zin

                                                                                                                                               -r-Email                     UCCAI a( I!              S7BeW
  • 1 _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: , S&: It - ]_

Print Name iVA. 4 c 'ica t Address: / fr /2;/' 1 I ,  ; , Ae 4' Citvyk II,

                                                                                                             ---              S State A-7Zin      0S-9 Y Email              #'V a        so/      f r-                   -. C                  _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
  }According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeoendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives
  • where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfornante.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CaT' gc\z A Citizen Petition Re". 1 2o(4 I' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WVE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indene ndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. SignaturQd1 7~-. . PrintName tfrYD1 . -~6t - i Address:_ (' (I 7 'tei{% < [l rciv eb im Nw StatndpColoe 7 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: I
                      / /7 n-P,    K 4,/                      Print Namernt                IdA Qse           I 12 ,

Address:¢ E 12C2 _C ityA AL f 1~(E-rmo

                                                                                                               $1   ,

1 State&FZip 5 7 r 3 Signature: '4' - Print Name 1a*l B Vf ti4uN &

                 #                             .         A Address:      I8r    1q4                 Adsow Jd                                          City       R"o ueC/

I Statelf+Zin

                                                                                                                           - --- -1 C6;;    - -

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: i_-O a., Print Name K,,, 1le. .

Address: 1(I1 li g 4-c City Ryt1 4J, .StateVTZip 0r7o/ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signate/ e1 Z t -Print Name. rk7 t6C r Address: IqCFe h - I4 t ) City Q, W-kw. -State.LZip 6 ) i X ___ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) tName lpl0ALw P A4zr - /A, f (I' receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Conunission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

_l A Citizen Petition a Or . P tc, I Ioj TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of VermonLt, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizen's of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporatioll has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and U this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect tl'e entire'state, and: ute reent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only

   -about1%ofthe                      t's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain problems that remain unidentified, and:';'                                                                                                              hundreds of other a full ts.p-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepgndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. Signatu. A Print Name /.p tPe..  ; God Address: -; r } ;l/ City__(Xgc.SMX StateL~ip I5 1Email4' /Vrm-cIrCD @ Safer. neA -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Nam IA kt¶./%_/

AddressI CityA)Jcet _ 4O- / State -Ui'

                                                                                                                                                .            D__6 6- It /

3 Sgnatu. nt Na Stt ipffiO 61 £ /&r

 ,Address. l             9K                                                                             City               r             /ktatoip                     3L70 Email                                                                                        -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signatur e._' Print Nam, ehrt' k)Oxnm\

Address: 8 D-. fre r _City *, 4State.VTiZipi)L5 7C) Email --  :'^  : -- (toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature;, Print Name L "Addres 2 RO 7-~'7 __64skr/ .Stat/ 4Zip 6'S ?C 3 Email

 .i Sighature:                 i^'lt.,               hk l       &            :Print Name Adi~s i-Tut)  d~ ~ ~

1,r 'ii20t E Y('( i

                                        ^              la maiDS                              +                       D            _,t                      receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

,..,According i.) the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndependentSafety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv. October

 -996,"by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess-the conformance of Vermont bases includir, appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational                              Yankee to its design and licensing safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s)

.ofsafety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 *


  • www FROM OUR WEBSITE I,- . .;d , S ^ . 0 :., .i ^ .B. TE

A Citizeni Petition rlc. l o(&I5' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to tee al y conducted at g nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatu NamCttee2£ c LA-05ru T /

Address: C7t) S k Ci t StatVCZip G5od D Email WMILA 44o At - i _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: PrintNaame b 4Da4 KŽR 1 Z -/

Address: 1?1 r2X 3 A ciS a y State rZip_ 0 )(7 3 Signatur7  ; . Print Narme Address: M 2-W t lo r ___CityLJ z S t a~iip 6/g2-Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ __________P Print Name /t4t2re < - Atop Address: 75 6 , 75 I City ,So bacv .

( Stated'ip O/39 Il Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name .C6ur Fuz Address: <6 ~do lftztpI. M' Ci .Statip,d/53,6 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature -i ntNaim(

A ./IA IL)6Dt9CX 9 C- /L A)/J0\) Address: fc) (neU) ORip//(6 RD City A 7)QRr FOLD Stateftip p /3lc i->) Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance:. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1 % of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepe ident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:

i,)lIV Print Name I31 S 5A/,)i f4x ) AJ Address: i 4O11 f-~-o _City A- fiy S State Upc i /a -Z-Email / ) (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: V) Print Name C -(jes '7?/6l kTet Address: ml; - 6,457 s ~City,1qs7 Statd~fk BOCK 3 Signatur Print Name:

Address: 1qJ5 c( *4 City" -6  ;- - Stat~lzip e fQO Z Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ _ Print Name e/1/flk~ M (4CcafWL4 Address: -5 ()lof COUA-rq VtWl _City 'pok-lea JS~4i ,~3z J '-/.

Email (to rceceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name___ CitO Lc Mire Address: /7 P VP City 01910A4;< _State/4Zip. .213Z1 I Email (to reeceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) _1

6. Signature:___ ______________ Print Name -rur\O4 .m W Address: -1 t3 C2.ODA City State-OAAp
                                                                                                                          -ur-s                     2L-E.mail ffuctMt     IDL Q/ Mwr%%              W.>-\.: .            .               _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
                      - -- - :)-. -                      5.-i3-1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indcpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition C VI' e47 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 7 6 r FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alr conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur Print Name / 4 F __

Address. tyCi ty St~ip V4/V Email ~ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatu: Print Nani e aeAXLA l Address: 9 cr4+ v City - .Stat¢4Zip 61/& 6b 3 S ignatur Print Name e/Auq 7Lige/4 I

Address: ' CitNA -i~ State.47Fn i, )7 / Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature. Print Nam e 2 1Z Address: 2? y 'jz $ /- City lqzml? Statejip O6z27 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signstr::i: Add r r1 s _PrintName cell as c Address: 1E/2, $c-% ~- W II S A,- - ty AHA hi Statekip 61 00Q Email Co~k L e V7 I - -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: ' ,1 Print Namre Address: 94\ 1 SA ALk SCitya .Stated-ip 0\3 c Email ol Cow--- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Bo:x 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


CAl. 1 44 A Citizen Petition I'- TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergyv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about I% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. (gSignature. ___Print Name i

   .     .     . _        _      _       _     S Address:          :    ?_g                         ,-                                          r                   hg .!itth           it Email                                                                              -(to        receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signature: t Zj 2 Print Narne o-.. pCBe d Address: 1S Crime fee 2R t -i stat zipO / i Signature: // Print Name_ Address: I ,/ CA12 IAJ] ace LI - J-v - -vv StateZip or 3°/ Email rceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) QSignature: A r Print Name (le(& . ( Address:  ?- jC4 ( D City 3 Pxz 0 _State_ UipE! Ž54 3 >6' Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature ] / - PrintName V Address: G ()jXC t2 ~City`~Je*L-,1/i* State GZipDot 79b Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (6Signature 'I a Name Address Li 2LtiS14- i. City Pt M a StateltIZip o 3; M j Email /K g (IrJ _ (to receive the bimonthly ew England Coalition eBulletin) 1 According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Plower Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmirnts. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BoK 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(V1,4R'k KQCO 7 (&(6F A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already cqn cte t gi lear-plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signatre, Print Narne /Vf I g,'1?i l(, Address: City i5?1/t tatt7Zipi2&L§ / Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:A 107eW PrintName Matr Gr i m Address: Tb >X 2) l, CitY State Zin 57-714 3 Signature: J? d- HrV.*( A Print Name _2 y I' yyi Ck-e I -

Address: ) 7-1 & XA n Jow 1rlfLeO Citv yk I - 7/ni

                                                                                                        - A_ .- I

_StatefZipO 72J Email it~ 7 i v,--v--- ____ receive the bimontiftNew England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Nami.

Address: t Ier( U H 4, ((Vl) 9City Stati Zip £ v Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_.p(,<Lj2<. Print Name f1Ica C I Address: r .0 XAy' /17 ICity *, Wirte (& Zr 5'C Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: tS7.&tk Eta-k Print Name finor v0 le? . A ITh Address: /I- n h I" 7kA-A' '1- City A) 54IA -StatwlIZip LSLe)

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

a3 I (A'<& 14 (Do A Citizen Petition IZe(. 71Qo(05 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% ofthe reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk ofaccidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% or the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those r vn icted t aging nuclear plants in M~aine and Connecticut. Signature: A l' , Print(Name H Address:CtlfS City Statek Zip(bi( Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) I D)ignature- Print Narne( 141' Be Address: - 0 ( 0; ) Cit)e~0y_*Q. _StatAi,e Oa_ <c 0 Signature:- 4 Print Name < YC;QtLy% 1S 0W if 0

                                                                                                            ,     v 5so.1

{ Address: 4 i / Itan Cityfx jt.2kG1R_ -t1/7jT3, Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) OSignature: - .. (7L / vo Print Narne f5;Z - t " / Address: /Y Irv r LC State(_Zip e l I/ i Email (to receive the bimonthly New Eneland Coalition eBulletin) ~Signature. 6JZ>G r m PrintName Vi/C#v/)C k (gobeI Address: g3 C3)IA ° s Cit yjL_ J) f-A.'I I Stateti

                                                                                                                                 -r n   (6Xe    - 34 I     ____ -r                   -  '

Email t I (LP VI (/l 9S - f c,&Im 1 receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signature: (_Print Name ' A,4 Cj0Wtd Address: &l &t -tateZip Cit>//Ll44 nd I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) olfsafety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition


(ML I(oL0 A- Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 s ignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepc ndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted atging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. (; signature: c L Print Name JcqjI\ s Address: II A )LL-) t4 i K) RCA . Citv PLrAy Stat4 LTZip 0 53 $io Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (2)Signature: . Ao'3Base _, _ _ , _ , J IPrint Name rain I J / -. Address: T/ Ih/YI 6 '1/ City

                                                                                              - -- w  - :-.-
                                                                                                            /i     -- ~ 4 State -- &Xin6p7C'6 I

I)3Signature raID Print Name V aeSe Address: I- rt ~ Avi

                                                       '   7
Zulu w Ad sll ity \ t~ StateZip k.'5[

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

    )Signature:     l4,             0.6z                        Print Name        (2 " A,?R          a-4--kne          Hf Address: l 3 }eFU.                 35                                                        City A           0JS           -Statel*/Zip Z)S7{3' Email_                                                                         _(to        receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

AIGSignature: FoJA PrintNarne J 2 )OL5 Address: (JO 134 , 4 Email _ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 6ignature: / 4 Print Nami - Address: i1< /(, {A get - - city ) - e L-/ C- i t y / .- _Statel rsi 63 v' I?1-Franil (to receive the bimontdlNew England Coalition eBulletin)

 'According to the definitions and paramneters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

(M All-,#(6 ~ Re t. U020(05o A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: sact bess Print Name aQ de,v) Ae Ho Address: a q3 dI[ ivvbexale i C'itv VJfmI¶Al4kri-s tJ l s J Are, ,
                                                                                                                             -StatelY¶zi ID 5355 Email                                                   rlet                      _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Nari Address: I O g JT 4L ____City&1 lQ0 . FAl StateMip..05WG0/

3 Signature- __ Print Narye Addres ss. /tA V5 ______City u$ Vg~tateap9 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatuare> rint Name _ __ ____

Address: K\.ao fJ- City, 1eSStteAip 75 / / Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature Print Nare JI )n1 U S' S Stdrt Address: .3 S 0+ & S. --t C[ StatX ipO53 k Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signs:u Q<"2Ze4 - Print Name 'A q ,t Qz, lgrs--

fl's'- R , ee 'P. Address: 10 D) ,@l7 Sly~Ec cX;SS /sstat~tlip W! <D5/ 4°/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment Or Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate ofTices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate: (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

(VI, 4 (03 Pu - I IQb105' A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermorit, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thos l u cted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Coinecticut.

1. Signature Print Name \v ir lC tin Address:L4O City M A
  • Statel
                                                                      -       Ii z:

Email \j@A. 4 EPP i I- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 4rPrint Name _  : , I(f, CO -"-wVA&LV Address: '7 \ \ Pd ,C City Pew -StatLVIzip 3',56 3 Signature: _ Print Name A3is. Vj ly9%14 A t2a Address: City-tlth State4fZip 7 Email // _D(to rceceive the bimonth ew England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print NameŽJ*

Address: cityhe boh N n Cloe 0 ei Pi(to re=cive te bimonth Ie ngad Coalition eBulletin) SPrint Name 14l/^

                                        .-                                                  City.1  aIL 0"2k   - .     . .

n_4(tj4$., em(46

                                                                                                                  - V Fmail                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Q ) { ACA _ Print Name iv, A PC ika+

Address: M i e<, Lhi LV4V J RA. -Ci YRaE661CA-4a t I Ne n StatJZ i 11510( Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

  'According to the definitions and parameters provided in thc report: Indrecndent Safetv Assessment of Mainc Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) indeendently assess the conformance ol Vernont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perlbrmance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfonnance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 ((802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% oil the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% ofthe plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in callin for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to thos Ire dy cond Ct t aging uclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature: Print Name 0aio 5 AN M Address: r i Vj City jfi cte__ZiPJ(t Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:. £ 44X k Print Name A ~t-tiafln 5, Alaf-ks Address: la/ mer & __-__ City P6uL+Iaid( statel//Zip OS/o 3 Signature: X, t Print Name Oa' /V AC__ _

Address: l R a C/L. m City 5 Cpegstate piOsI-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature a urP r rn t r Address Ci l7 t .

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England loalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name 8)lk-ee )V £tt Address: City Stat9FZip S3tl Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:61" rin Name _ j 9) a%' \t Address:- U' &"- 1)2 City g tiff>< State Zip<)c2 2 Email L i Aj.&e . A Xto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDX 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
                                                                                                      .                                            =

A Citizen Petition ( Ade (. I (a oT TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteryv Corporationr has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those Irdy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut. ( Signature: Print Narne A A i-LA - o" -,6U_ Address: b13Oifd 'D~rni-rity ?()

                                                                                                           +YveA-    4---------

SRtite\VTzin C)S2y~- Email Deceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) A Signature:_ _ _ _ _ Print Name / -/ 5 97e I Address:? X "OAl I-Ll 3 City I I

                                                                                                                      !          IstatiZip                 C    (7 L e                    I A

() Signature: _ Print Name , _ ,, D . V2 < dJ c_ - Address: 0, _M **, Citv

                                                                                          ---  S If <ytR'                               State1)ip        )S       C Email                          \        i          °Ad                       _     (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signature: Print Name ( t\Ar t b N l Address:\ City%9 ~State zip.0 5\t Email Vi Ad r- (to receive the bmonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature: Print Name &cZF Address: F' 14 4y 1_ 5 A-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) P I) Signature: - UV t Name bavi'd elh6L VC, Bpx Pprpi 2 qq V %gy-Address: CK -1city- ey N1,41 -State-Zip-45rr7 'y Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

PT - 4( A Citizen Petition Iee1 I4(0(4O (AT. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those ,eay co] ging nuclear plants in A/Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: nt Name $c
  • A Do A Y4S1 V T

Address: //<, /City A17if ,( StateW Zip- 9 2,V Email h127-- ,4o, ad (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature Print Name,/ Ae/,hK<iap Ci4 Stt OL)

Address:. ____C~itypfzmi Statel~zt)i 053'9V4 3 Signature: Print NameLG Address:. o3 City

                                                                                                       .- -      I qtAtlrinp
                                                                                                                           --         t-ir d:~Y4
                                                                                                                                                  -         s' -

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: IWAQ4 Print NameL -(,Trk- C,!)ry-tXU-Address: 16i X\kC>\ 4+ P L City vVO#If -StatetLLZi C~SN 7 Email __ (to reeceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signaturer Hi Print Name Address:LC L." ri I 4V At I ~t( 4City State\ ip Q2-$.

JiIUall IkLU IV eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 6 Signature:2 i , 04 ._, . . PrintName P,/IV6 /*ly/hi q Address: //' o a -,47 - r 1Citl A44 Ad C' IStatejJ/-Zi n - /(-/'

                                                                                                 -                          ----   --    -- I-Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indexendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(M. A Citizen Petition leek. Alt~oojI (ao(O& TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and N this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut. L) Signature:igjud, l .7.i?, Print Name__________.___________ Address: 52 7 gadAk ma2 a CityC3  ;"/ StatetZip 05 301 Email_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 0 Signature print Name JhffIgK !1g'IauTt Address:_

                     ' 1-1, W
                                       ,% k" i           tIV I

P City-klL t State fiZip O g3 jL 1Signature: Print Name v~Ze-l- S7 Address: 4 b/Il( f(t/4( 1( __ City Fgl Ot 4 (statehip cziO-4 7 Email (to receive the bimonthly ew England Coalition eBulletin) 19 Signature:X) Prnt Nam~e I iljt9\ Address: 6 C> if Mt C2A ity State-Kip 6 X Email -(to receive the bimonth New England Coalition eBulletin) (Signature: UtL4l 3 _ LS Print Name-Address: I I (--a31 We al K City G n Stated 'Zip°5 3 y(L II Email CA CtL.-&,,& G AftCwx i.Hi " L (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) /\Signature: rint Name LUJ C(DU(,t ),/A)S. ,b L/C Address: OS ()> 6 l CityStatZip '0 S Email 4ves b (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AT, -f (ec A Citizen Petition letx 12°R8(C TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont -Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and N this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:- 6 Print Name g1/ L I I'I#rL-Address: )Ye2- / Is ck d; 0 -(1gk i 6-itv vs "I'/Zin 6 61-/Y-&
                                                                                                                          ,.Rt.qtt-.                      Z Email                                                                                    eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: -I-ttj 1,k4iR COx yXD
                                                £             Print Name Address:             Gc 1231              e                                              Cityc                           Statei         tp  6       75 3 Signature:


                         /rt A , /.

A) 2 PrintName jr O#1X

                                                                                       ,   Ad > or A_
                                                                                               /     r e

A _ _ I . / V- { Address: Ha 5k Ad 5 a aid cy 4 State ZiDp__5/__ Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: , PrintNameI Address: (it9 L 6'/U-Sta
                                           /C-7                                                                                t             cbte      Y' Email                                                                    -        (to receive the bimonthly New Enigland Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                                                   rint Name                     K3 Pv At            \C(t Address:      Il rz   \

e _ - n CC~ C ity Z V\ StateXTlip OS Se I ( Email \k) th LI8Z -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:: ,

(Al T. / - Print Name ke 9i B,'schI< Address: g6R0*/WC U. Citvy Ae^c State l0 Iip C£25 1 q3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boa 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • www.necnp.or!


                                                                                                                                         .. (A-Ty if-W'o Atv(, 7kdOCI      lR(

A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Illampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds ofother problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Alaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:n Print Name z kta_

Address: z g I li4, City 4 State__ Emai (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletiin) 2 Sfgnaturen4 mPrint e R ad AR Pt\4Aess: Ad ___ _City ______ StateqTZip QS (/ .S------ure.gnatur PrintName r-L!v__ I I Address: W) l jj( e7g ; _city At>C%, State-Q'ip S3 C I Email , s'C rc. s t~ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: v PrintName H. a ve- )

Address: C it e07TAiey _State-iZip c ' 3 j& Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature Print Nam/l I Gad 0Af f> L I

        ,Address:         //           ,pCMWf4 A/                    //z5l} _                     CityAlWfFItL4X' StateVrip Email                I              W               I                             _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Print NameA \k . ILAVIA4EVA II, Address:  ? " _City-y # e -StateU~Zip 2*) 3k, Email \i~i _ &. ' _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
         'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inden ndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompanM, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safely performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmer~ts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant Findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition -tO Box :545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 2574336


(A, t 10.( A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vennont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteruv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plants systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signat aPrint Na nie ;a Address: __ l\SY State Zip5
                                     -   --    -             J Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: bt  % 4mI _PrintName cue- A r\

Address: 3 P. ,ft LN r S&rees Cit Wa0 l{KState-AZip 1415tv, 03 6 0i I 3 Signature: wk rlz j. Print Name Address: A7 C- en ,'V-r O City P {P4/IL*e P Email (to receive th e bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4 Signature: -A _ Print Name kJe.dA Address: Z4g f , z f, AJ , L-v. ci V1w&k5i4,(Qe0State\AkZip) 3q k Email Cf) (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: AA -Print Name l J b t2fl/ Address: PC bV 01 City Altt4fto _Stattip 0 -l Email (to receive the bimonthly New En land Coalition eBulletin) I-

6. Si e: Print Name__

Addt s (/jjJ] City ' RpAl tAtA StatVCZip ( 'WtI 2 I EmailWk--7Q1. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ibis study shall: (I) indep-ndently assess the confornance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) i adependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments. corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition - PO BonC545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

  • www.necnp.or .


CVI(I lax(JIf A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New I-fimpshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reacto+'s original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
=     The recent NRC Engineering Tearn Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY., join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to thoR already conducted at aging nuclear plants in P4aine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:./ )8 Print Narne r47 /

Address: 4 §.yt.t t T City Statc-4Y Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: -11y fA U_ - - Print Name J

Address: jZ & City tetaSta Zi 3 Signature: Print Name ( Address: C uL et Ci_ A,66 @43 City Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatu 1 PrintNamet A '4f 6 Address:j 1Q City-iS .V. State Zip Email I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signat&_ _Print Name (A
  • S/ 6 rsf Address. VIJ we. Vf,}t1 c//ra CityR7n g rtf _Stat& Zip 053Z L Email L 65Xto I/? hi c -1 d .,e T I

(to receiv ther ?onthjy New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:4 l -- Print Name 7S 1 lI lr I t Address: A I i C i th b o l N S tatn Coalii e Email l H _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indetendent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Powcr Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the etiectiveness of licensee self-assessments&eorrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition - PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336 - www.veenp.orl BLANK COPIES OF TIIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

CA-T, j4 1( Re(. lROO(5 A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterey Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepiendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name LA -'iN &vcLI Address: MAI(o £4.t A*4.r,}V: OC3Xd Email
2. Signature: ,ka Ai I Name Print SrE V e \5 fPR FINGR Address: Q I fM A 1i m r Email
3. Signature: 44letd 4/i PrintName 1r/GlALL. /"A4LAM>

I, Address: A-Tltwfnh) 1411.tV AJW Email

4. Signature: A > Print Name jA tc(eV Address: P. S k &3 ly V/ovMe5 Au EmailJ2a 90, h ftl ( ao . r AA
5. Signature: /t. Print I Name I e0 N J C} MiŽ Address: top &-@ e ', q JWI I Ii v , ),SX, Phimai I
6. Signatre' PrintName KI a c4t _, VDta('is Address: CU CL f 4f( _ {(lEm 2t ail I
7. Signature:. $C 4 Print Narne Address: .

(Lt r!Ae w

  • r1 I)C

__ _ Email

8. Signature: Print Name
  • m&L- bK, o aJ Address:  ! 'X4tULAt ,, , t'7) iR. 0 A Email A ) en-Vr9-\ I 1. kqp Cap
                                                                                                        'k          -
9. Signature:_1ratut4 (+A <-eO Print Name C ff ).s t Address: *[y) v vv <T , ^ - P(-PD rhK5 vlN(*ve v S,011l7-Email c 97E, 2a; - <0va v)\}1 rQ K

1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Lnjjpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents nape of our weh site www npernnnro I

(ATr, tH 13 A Citizen Petition (?t(.1I bJ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: A- r Print Name t13R-,A 7 Wc>Melej5 Address: -L<1 4-k~A- ,4A ritv zgn" row Ho'" z, *Stat~ip 24Zo (

_..) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: (qbe ( Print lId Name $u r-r(a$ CR? I Address: ti-fwo ft n le oL-a( City keh riK -StateV7zip oad /

3 Signature: In it Print Name - ai'ro A0l Address: I4'1 &o Iw; I m__ _ City H te- _StateL/lZip-gCaqo 1-Email - :eive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: /~ (t 'k 1 *1H 7 Print Name_

Address: /1*5- htac/le f_ tityate rkerS{p d Email .__ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: SA4?. lL L rkYXe Print Name q61k X°a Address: _ $ _

                       ).,o OA2<

l WA .l I o t City11 a- poco StatellZip 1 a. 0 I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: J 6 A(ld I. ( e, Print Name TI~f W ~c4 w k~Ž Address: X 9Sb D k &blOIoyl 0 (1ti City 6 /It(4ttHe Ab6 State*IZip I5 Emnil hi ' 4 &WAA r7. I-q-A 1 LL 1 CeOy 6J6O (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

C-- - , 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2; independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( A-Ti 0 (l A Citizen Petition ftfc . I (a P( Ad I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYS join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

     )Signature.t_                                             Print Name_                                                  _     _     _      _     _

Address: /,/ez 2 A- _CitySC, a Stat Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 0 Signature: DoJ-.9>75

                                          .)Print                     Name_             EX                 jL). Ab          -A Address:       /43                  ~74     /E       f9                                                                    Statqzip O)Signattinskz,:/_                                                    Nare        /7,                    Add     b         1     7;-2 Address /5           33So-y/                                               AfI/QAity                                       State     Zip_ C)T3 Email       gt/'$C          3 C(           Se,                       Zt        (to      receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 0.Signatuee                                       Ot/           Print Name      4      6    t                  6LM Address.         ,      kl9               %                   )                           City                     ---     .Stattre__0_6 Email                          I i A                                              _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

OSignature: X Print Nani e 4A . Address: )1() n at-1 l Cityj / "I State Yin ,53, z2 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature (f 4g '/ G ie PrintName M~rtirvK t Ae rr v ' Z Address: V'- (CeVt Wr e City 1 A*^ StateLiszip w /-r Email g I L.ewk t /( ml, Co/-' -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Intiependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-9336

C A1r i4IU,(f A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and N this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. Signature Print Narne Af d¢r Je-C i la AI4/4A } Address: (4c~ (,V, HA/J I _City & M m d State% Zip oj _Jt Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 19Signature: /t AAVW PrintName BWi 8is Address: 9 eh & Hi a, cityc_, StateWZip o36 I Print Name Atv\ Vw \ CG Lk Address.Z f2 I ' 'CityefiAttatei'qi n _& Email , < J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) g_ _ _i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print N am e j Address-.8 'X

                      ).Ad Locu       .            VA An             9l    ~                     Citv      11.\'-olWga
                                                                                                 .J-. tve-                  -             StatmWip 0           3;o ?

Email  % cb r X. C.c Q t ,- \-_

                                                                             "C'     .   (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signature: rtNameJ ' 4 AH A S 6 ddes -'V'J -' . , - Address: 0 1k-, el City. Do/ le->41 4 st."ip_& g &t6 17-MIMIdl ,~L f#n t . SI ICV .. Ul hiT-thi


N WL .11.7ll lo V £11 VV F 11,1a11 4r 0-noiin A.alJILItI

                                                                                                                                                      .           ~ t R4-tLFUIItLlil)

SignPrin 3J Print Name (  ;, "d R Ps (VAI7 LX Address: -'t ( Hcl' C A, iaV , City /U)flFns/b 3tat/Zip C Q3 Li } Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeuendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA1. ( AT, 11 (4 Wl( A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermon-t, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vennont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

  ) Signature:             4*                                   PrintName           &>\3e-                      Q Address:                                                        Gs                      City L4dvA                       StateLiip os3 Email                                                                          -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

(~Signature: Au I Print Name &I /1;,1 &1580 f/ 5 Address: 2 C&L 'iA

                                          -OU/       A           2d                      -City-&-b-VI                      State*p             -'3 J

(.Signature: 'i d-0. PrintName Det(' 0. K y-e ovO Address: 2 VL iState!A f S+ M ip 02iL4 g Email ZawA Q / ecM46(41 -At- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature:I 72- Print Name AR City ef a t Address:/ 15&7 P/, vk-5 Ad. CityT~mig Statc E*7ip O,5_ Email~alAh L y . ti

5) _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

ASign Print /azc C rC.2./L19/ Address. £D' i20 7S (rCity bothl ation e Rmnil (LefrVC n 03) i~efo_,JlQt ( rm _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) t Signature: A4. taD UJ wj Print Narne E As by E \4J. ,L A e-Address: 3 YZ 615 CityP "4U- 1 t. Stat6&Zip OS3 Email _(to receive the bimon/y New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition WQC 1 126(6f TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Haampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee' similar to those aready conducted A aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. Po-trfli/ 4 i-rG*yp=

(Dsi ~/t 4 ~,Av .4& l Print Name { 4 g76 YA) Address: '51 /10 aa>L Citv

                                                                                             -t    Pi/{lfAJ(

_ x t * . - StatAI7in Di-55 - - .' Email 0 A( -__ (to receive the bimonthly New Er igland Coalition eBulletin) (;) Signature: \ Print Name g alm 1e SLa )AuiŽL11 Address: _10) BRM5 P) a(; City & AYf State-ip .G ?L)D l 0 Signature: - PrintNarne Address: oSt% Ce 0q n e a I&A City- PamlQ Statek~ip_ f _t36 V

                                     %JA Email                                                                          _    (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signature: WjA & Print Narni eJejemWkJ hy Address: ' A Cit )*lE7 y StateUZiPas&S I

'Email    0(real, cet                                                         __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

OSignature: Q l 9> Print Name _ _Ctjjt; B Address:I .)rD P CiyA4cc StattZip 03(e-I ~J~ Email ___ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 60 Signnuw, tu Print Narri iry4 b 4` i 1.,- Address: Ad)t, fi _Cityo < ll/ _StateLjip eIQJcZ I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

 ] According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition (AfTi 1-((S TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Pcc . 7'IotK FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. (1) Signature: 6 Print Name Class PIe( Address: H A ('\8 ~CityjdU _____StateVTzip!SWl 6 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2)Signature: of. 4 I C >_; Print Name &( A YeCf vtedI; vctr Address: WtA S4t -City Godtdikn2g StatA& 02--O 6 (9Signatre9, y-- ol ]Print Name NJ)&A Ht3&ŽAlj Address: L.3 (kth y lpL-L y _City-%Lh&:2C_ _Stat&-rZip 653VL2 Email _ _ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6) Signature U Print Name Ke-,qkAK i AA (.- R a vi C

Address: l/ I-hal 'h

                                          <-          -A                                _City 8Byr45dY-

_StatA~rzip 6 Ss 0 ) Email _ A _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4-(5)Signaturet (.t Print Name -Ml VVE~5 Mtv 4CL I ,E-Address: s7 / voL)e-r 5- Citv kwFwc Stnteki4in 3J3L-31 Email J PI AC o-i I CL/ tZM .,AT Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature: J-4flAt&PrntName:JCtY11 l 1 M1I


Address: 7 11( A e ip y CerNe, OI66State Q06 Email cT(CCJ k ncOiJ 7Q JOCK gi) lie r (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: ladependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( AIT I (~ A Citizen Petition Itc q0105 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 0 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudlent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

6) Signature: Q-2CL OL& t2-f 92 Print Name AVom-, S _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: -* City evC' Z S73i 4 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) O Signrature: Print Name V 0/ Address: 1 4 C ityA4 / 4e Q)signature: Print Name A tj LAti -t gk Address: 3 CSts t atJo Email ((to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ( Signature: Print Name )XL \ A - Address: § ____ _Cith Engan Ctoazipto eu Email 19. 1Y ) Q, A4 Ll (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

&SignatureA          A
  • AZe-Print Name_

Address: 91 7 Pk At 7 7 Citv [141 XI& -StatAZi 0 5- __?V 6 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) bSignature:or 2.A~I 5n-~~Print Name- 1'01~rL. Address:J/f A 0~/&62d - -Ci ty9. 0","&-Srov State Lfin 03q,* Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Qc. 1 No(Of TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepn dent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee",

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 0 Signature: ___ ___ PrintName- thcQ(?'- _Q Address: 4 4-X 37 /0a*S Cityl r _ Statfip 0J7Sy Email Ofi.! a fr eU/15-iie T.(* (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) C)Signature: ~ Print Name 4 I tJei St, \ Address: V 0) VA - City ItJ stateŽV{zip cls77Y Signature: ,; h PrintNames Ogt2,CS k.... A Address: LI s 4 i wj UCitya)2&ff State\Fp FEmnil - I ! (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

  )Signatures s:<                                                   PrintName       hqCNf                   3q Address: PI)      o k."                                                                  _City _4ULD(                      _State/7Zip Q-1 [I Email      CL&+ nag (                  h Ads            )                          (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Addrignature-1.1A_  ! S Do PrintName MA adk ut S. \ R Address:- \I 4o A; Cml ad City P ce. StatetrZip o S3 4 l Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ign atur ('DPr, intName(h riO E[lT S Address: 723 LI)aSAktm V.A, Ci _StateA&ip(053 I V EMmail 0Ofk (3(d)naI\1\PV, l/)P _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) c>::t - : b X " - - v -o - Ad-According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition ( kT i la TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterg Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducte ging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name
  • r7T 0j4 Address: 9<K Sr City _AbQ fStaFii5i47 Email_ __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:_ q 1A r/r- cHo~ Print Name JJ , f C6 4 C A, c -

Address: 6 1 Si-voK 1Xf -City Al,4v £ -State +/-Zip 6S X7 r 3 Signature: - Print Nam( Address: Pv- $'t7V -City4-r-TŽ4iy ;tate'*Ziip '1-3 [l Email (toDreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:

I Tg t2~rTr Avs Print Name Address: ' R (, (ZwN.n lmi I / ____City i.4l, of.F State.iZip2; i$U Email (to receive the bimon1hly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 0,-,2 V N-4-7 4wCtJ Print Narne - r\ - 0, Address: \2'-> 3 yS CitY City.1 S ' P. I-; 4 A-1 --- 1 A. i qtaqtO Zin Q s: -,',/ tr Email ,. ) (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatures( , Print Narme (fir-v -Af t(

Address: -(< L' (, C-1 AŽL _City i&)*(PX4 _StateO!Zip -05:ZItJo ( Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent'Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(NV WAlg A Citizen Petition ell. 1a 7 IOs. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermon:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE N S join us ling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those aSl y con d t aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur X Print Name L S c u I --

City _SWa7in Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5cAbL

2. Signature:

F-k-l, -/ TV1 V\ Print Namre baV1\ \ Address:_ City -State-Zip 3 Signature: -Atk on D1'. ZA . Print Name AuRMot-4y -D. (-eLtCk, , Address: 5L<t4CC.\Yri A,\ GXo City -T; _Statek~in 07.34is l4 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:I)A4 KX . Print Nam eI)CIkeŽAil-4 (, rdcI Address: '5 W-Q.5 i iA Ik 'f J 1 City TAC \)_ _State Azip 6 B 5 Email I - (to receive tdie bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatures ) -dffPrint Name-  :~M.O c/1A-%L FC-e1 Address: C, K< &, z./7 (/ City- I() e State8iZip 05 ) 3 $r Email receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Q Signature: m I fa O., ( Print Name V Address:~IH k W <R (A _City A .. f S State\ip1(D 6 ;V A> Email -(to receive the bimonthly NLw England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo:t 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition le(CA~i4(73 7(QO(Of TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in c ing for an ] nd endent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already con ced a nuclear plnts n Maine and Connecticut. Signature: ar fl'c Iam-k lot5 wo AA]__. 4)ago AxrsiX. OLAF/ qt Address: Y7 vv '7VI ufltv-VcE/~ .Statej L/-ip  %.- - '- Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (2 Signature:.t Print Name 7 (E4

                                                                                                                    -            9t Address:                 ?1/                   r                               __ity 4         State-E0i3ip(    iZ&

(3Signature:  %& X l (/Ox PrintName Address: Hi City e 1 AL StateQjip~CO>Q I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signaturr*'rnt Namz e M Address: lIKr) -An.- R A City dew sl _State_117_pja  ; Emai I __Ao receive the bimonthly Newjngland Coalition eBulletin) Aignaddress /(ntlamt k// taL Address-7,7t j

                                              &EI               ficitylk                                  s9>rplc             StatyrZip d35/               A9 Email                                                                        __         (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) iSignatu-e                                                      Print Name bd                 [Lk, (                  _

Address: 27(1 Qu1a ( City ?O4 City - -_GLA StadfZin

                                                                                                                             ---       5 Q-mp{,
                                                                                                                                                - -    I L

Email (to receive the bimJnthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition (A-T, R l *- Ku~ec Ilab(i(¶' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indpendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alread conducted at a ing nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 0 Signature: Print Name a$? l 4'7 Gilb~/ 5 Address: i A 1 nntooljt . l AS y City Ic/n 4 _StatyT-Z1 Li 5-3 V Z Email A 001 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

   )Signature:                 ?                                   _

Print Name XS/ th-11-K Address: /0 46 /?1, /_ I PIntt Nam le_?d iUV A State WZip) 05/,SY '(&ignature: I-Y LooPrlttName 111tit?0 &IMM Cit6- , oi 92 Address: Po ae State(/rzi OY75'r i _-- - -, iien

                &         I,-                 I----

Email t IO4 V (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (4)6ignature:('j4d A i,,& 'fJg(LJ -( Print Name jti\&V'_,1kŽ i A° S Address:?17 YAZt'f/eK t SO, Citv;X)(.4+n 0 Li .Stat&"Tzi Li 53V 0 I I EImail (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (Oignature: - -' PrintName __i AL taeL Address: C ICy t I II I Cit I) tAJs Stateip 05 c3Z4' Elmail A 9 _ ~/- Oreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

                                                    /               Prmint Name                         U-  e ( C                At z- Pv, Ho- k IJ7(                          .   ,. w 6kity             4-7ci             StatL            §)'4'g Email                                                                                   (toi receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( aw A-L(~4 S A Citizen Petition I6(oF TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepe ident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. O;Signature: e4 &OLZV*- z,- 7 Print Name ?eA~ (4. Address: 131 I',/ zet SI awe, -SL 9-J Cityj,  % AdI stateV zi 5 ( (f

    ^ Email             (     +                                  rN                          -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

(ignature.\<<-'<-Print Name Le Address: ____ CityRLAi Statev lZip a;3 r6 Ckignature: Pri Name The tkJ NS (4*1 _Address: 3X2 He LI-I 5 '^ t lV- Init Il f b s S re Citv c i e t Ihe- 910Tr1rlJ ___W . . State SD7i D5 Y(/, _ _ -_ - 4 - - ,__ - L _ _ e H_ -_ -_ -_ Email S 1 _(to _0_ receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 04)Signature: / Print Name 7ŽO L IE cRtc#0 Address: 71 Ca-n1 1 City p hi _StateC<<Zip 003 ' f I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (5)Signature -Print Name 4e6Ce4hA [-- QWa, Ki sFALZrn'34C/g Address: I Na _______City _ _ _ _ _ Email. ° L*L.'. _ t ve the bimarrT Nw England CoaNtkni eBufltaiii) - Signature: PrintName C pA, ( {27 I.# e ( He~~~-

                                                                                                                      . ,IA Address:                Yy I

t rv /I l J 7-p, //".-- YiJ I\= . City 4<-IJ 'A Stat LZip OIN tl/ Email (to receive the bimonthlryNew England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(A-r, H Q A Citizen Petition Ftc, 1 lad (of' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New HIampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in lMaine and Connecticut. 3 Signature at e./ r rint Name CC____ ____________ Address: /IZ)L / ?At-`8//s City 4 !f 1~- State1K k Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) A; Signature: rint Name 2<-- - -- P-q&(

                                       -     I Address:-J                 (1c     W       A D                                          City 4 mr .-- A. I - ,lt-    .-- -
                                                                                                                               'Statel/l~Zip 1- -

N4, 4 ~Signature: thV1J2A4. )° 5 CPrint Naeme Sa< ;6

                                                                                                       /I Address:          5T                     A/it       FP2PK                               Cityi1            If6-1              _StatL4ipC).3           4
                                                                                                                    `-7 Email                                                                          _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 0Signature: _e,         4*'.(         4 2-1-T- '               Print Narne               Ier&                  &    ci Address:         F             \JXes4       )"         PI                                City
                                                                                            -       T~ii-C/                  .State       l!Zip 03CS4 Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
                                                                                              #,) --

( & LI 7-itcA _State"Zip 03 41 6 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition a(*TZRIe. d7 1at TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

u The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

.      a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre aeducted at aging nuclear plants in M1aine and Connecticut. (9 Signature t Print Name m e S Address: P4A1ia-¶ R? fr an 4.- CitY PuL4-bh, State\)rZin 0 S'3 (f Email J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 02 Signature:1 T PrintName, ]YE- AlRRA S Address: f ic Hol) Cityic statedlzip 0S3 'A ~, QSignature: {t(2. Q PrintName MC.ZICI ŽP) Address: Lw'ciX l lXl, CityL U 3tat\PZip 0(%Z4t I r Email _ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBuiletin) ()Signatu uray"1400_ Print Namo Address: 16 151 P/Dff 1AZj8/3D- l City P,'7oVE

                                                                                           -ev- e-thIm Z/               Sqtatetlri       0-634i1 Email                                                          Cc")rchbgo,-n5.

co/n -(to r(-eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature: _V"Y , Print No Lme Jenn'ifer W'kovi Address: Po Rv -*a:3 City pLv StateVTzin °53Y'A, _--; - I-Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

  )Signature:        ,    \   I             5                  Print Name Address:         %?Q%             \e VAm          1      zxbck             Us        (o rCity       the   bm nt      Ne     Statend      aip t  C\      ei Email                                                                         -(to       receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1 According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BoK 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

CA'r. 4 A Citizen Petition IZec. III(of 1. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hempshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those al7r1dy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. (. Signature: God t j Print Name J <e v Address: 7 {Ct R.veK, St.f City Scat is ivek State i51, O ( Email DOv-t-tSeN Ao &_ Votmc(`w comt (to receive the Ibimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature Z, / 4lrin intNamre Slhin to L~e Address: el _ _,____City-&, L StateV[Zip O Signature: / ii- - PrintName 15 O S ,. raw Address: (t(L _S Lc-2 L CityJCcs _StateVT-ip 05ff 4 Email __ ___- -__(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) AddSignatures£ _ _ (C Ht- i - Print Name LL a4 -n ie eggi. s 4 l Address: 6 .4HaAx(a- kdf City P2 6; I a Statevlzip 05 Email (,J ) S dI.0 ___ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (5ignature: A rint Name Ael. 4 L4 A li L SvH 9cd:

                                                                                                                                    \/T                      -_

I-662 V .49 0 lQ --- Address: V / Wi. ( ( City - S t at 3Zi Email V . " C _n_(to receive the bimonth yNew England Coalition eBulletin) A) Signature  : . 0 , Print Name 5 S C j Address: IP Tb4; _ __Ft__Cityy City g Stat~hip 0:)136 Email \6 A4 (iS d . . C to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo: 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT, -i4(;o 9c. 1 (aA41 A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatiori has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate tfat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. SignatureO ^ -7 Address: F1.LAlSAL t .1 CityR
                                                                                                 - - - W)/5Y, fb7          -             Statlf7in C63' Email__                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) wi/1'11            i   d, Arp,4/    r
2. Signature:

Address: 3 Signature: Aq



a. Print Name 176A PA " Print Name ayn'ra 14, Onr)

S os/!? Address: Q ( City 1Dtffit at Zip i159 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4.Signature, AIQ .. IPrint Name I £H RiaNt 64nA kAD151i1 Address: go 60ASL ~City >lx rSd StateVlEZi] Email LiA (? SOV6(t-.t4 eT _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:

  • 2._f? .Print Name I&, II 'M-.SSE Rwe_

Address: Pc Bo HpS 7 Citv 3 PL-a "V, _StateLIZip 6 S'3'LI J r Email a _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signat Print 1f ._...

btx @> . S+6-eats- Rl Address:__c° 3cQ7 ntiv.: dhruv- I.-F s.tat;< rinl rW -3' (- Email__ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: hJntendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) isdependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


rec. 1W K6 A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS- Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a fdl top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indeve ident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nudear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature @ Print Name 4 I6A,-tkhfg ALEMM3Ri C3S VV-Address: 1?Qj? 1, l 5 ritv
                                                                                               --- J P.I TA)1N'            -


                                                                                                                                          ----r      7 ,i. r)Lr4-Email                                                                                  -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:_a644 .. 1 1Print Name  ;°4, 1/0 /1A"64fo v

Address: 30--2 A m//A~ tqeI Of- City 4A NU' Stated'1r-zin

                                                                                                                                                    --r e53   - - V 3 Signature:a!              T\                                Print Name        (4 f At -


                                                                                          , _- ,  He    .    -         ,      _ _ . _,   . _ ,

Address:7 10°55-X `)4v City3 -%th05146- state&ipfCLSL EmailA1T 1FV -, -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signa e: Print Name Address: {7&7 -City 7 StateZip afM/

Email A #(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: . , rZjtK Print Name. Gil-.LI EhNCc0PC-£_J )u'-N'V-_- Address: 7(q Fir tIC& cc ben = .- City God -.$tatcipi /6S' Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Nam, [,- So (V, V I X . - A. ^

Address: tl, a /ged t --- J - - - - - - - RtatL/in

                                                                                                                                            --          -r

{e 4 - - - I-X-Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1 According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: hLendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety perfonnance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmeats, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance4 Please returnthis form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition 1 (1&o(O TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New HEmpshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: .

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: I/k , Print Name d S eijC4" 6(

Address: 3pIC C Ir,- CityJ Row State Itip 1 Email rIu&CA_ <vafcJ(@{ QJ4OO UY) i _(to receive the bimonthly New Engla nd Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signaturetu re ( nthmrfttNeam:e f 1R $knaskzr&§t Address: I WA - A CitypA\&SA stat ,4_fp 0I 3 Signature: /L PrintName J He Js) cca dMA Address: 2-3(o B5.*rtAake, 72-e -CityJJ4 r *tik tate Zip 10 13 (a' 0 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: ,§ 4 < d < Print Name C42-4 9 -/j
                                                                                                             - - , V           .   -  -

Address: 1 03 _ Al 1!fD su AIW City ( ,1 I _State? tip - 1 3f'4 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_Ae 12*& -Print Name A 1lt X e/(etj : pAJ Address: J Y/ 6" City C1,- &6Stateip Go ( 3 3 7 Email -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_A e Print Nfame 4§2Z erm' 0 Address: /.? .r; e
  • 4( i City4d/ LL StatqtZip § 27 Email Xi-iPt'f/w -av . k,/,Ae i _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AT, # e q A Citizen Petition c 1a I(f5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at ig nclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ___ Print Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _

Address. 'PECB ( 3 4f City StatMZipO)3 l Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. SignaWewr* I PrintNarrc'% '1 oD Address: 5C Ci'v. City-bet StateAWip_01 b4 3 Signature: d J A nd PrintName r)eegpre Address: 91 ?.wynofds -W CityL51e1lre state&iI1rS7Qe Email 0nv/ 000 .C 1_____

_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: uLi rint Name_

Address: \eC X r ( Ad at City 4\t(l S0 Stat4lZipA2OL Email oto \ 5r t i e t C onthl New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: [a l hArrintNare V ( W L5 Address: (,,G I l ht lMticity onq A/ 7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturev Print Narne pyl.

C WV Address: 4 t i iy6e V I Sa^ t3 0gf/J Email d(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • www.necup.orl!


CA`v1 1 (gJ A Citizen Petition (2?c 1,2u(oU TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

0 The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. j n us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already onducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name Address: 7 S t&

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: (1 sZ .nNanm Address: /'j VCAN 4 4\ fZiu i/0 7 _Cityo
  • IgPA2 staie ipa 13 i 3 3 Signature: F'cLaJ LdtL.- Print Name P LhIIl A Address: l12( Mdl.!.'$ V21IS QA kjApia City 06s l4ei A Statneki.i dl u n -

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: tiPrint Name LbrdS: &IJSO Address: T.( q City g(ontk qg U-Ls a e 0 i f ~ 3 Z Email r o receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: &W8_I d. ? Print Name A/vj Ls-!.ce.

Address: 1H g E / CityA-'\_4 4k State4Zip M3 b i Email r/ A -(to receive the bii nonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: PrintName rAKt 5- . 7-~a ~A A fVV._

Address: cp vvldm, @, CitySglt yiUm _StatdAip _O D 7D Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boil 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Re(. Ia(do 1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: (*PL O. ait- Print Name 6A Lv Cor. u Address: 5 7 NeaSAA s
  • QAsk
                                                                                        -citv :5V\bq~t $(xkkt4tate~zip 66S70 Email 66-/ -0ttE    4Y'             \A-         -    W                            _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name _ OGrtk'\,W MA LAA A4 Address: Sty; U3CWAS W\X,'\@ City 0a QAM04 qtatMPin !11 3 Signature: k iAvv 5;u Print Name7L 1J.\.e S-\e4 CDf Address,lH NA"tV-t Si CitySK~Qt I \), rl stateUip 0 1S7?)

Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature .b Oh ( U(e(ur( Print Narnc Address: /93 te /1 Rd city 7 rete-e StaX4*ip 46H!'6 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: PitNm Address,;K Citvy %4/t.71A- State 7Zin Email - _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: 5 Print Name "')Nylb Bald Address: tPo t3 a lo9. Citv. UJed - W
                                                                                                           -             _StatebZip         d  1fL2 Email     -eon           - xtq70               Ye,"r         .cOL'-               -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(VI IFI30 A Citizen Petition em. l to TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name I i6 Address: I
                                             -F 9'                                       City                 1) J        _Statejip          °0 / 3)

Email v -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: _ V rint Name A9 ev¢ Is Address: g cX5 cityJIPtfktae__ip_____

3 Signature: ( VK J Print Pi ntlNameA/tij beA 6 v ivkvt ell Address: 13 Sat 5+ St City BA&C4VWCA Statd4AZipg (32 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: __ _____ Print Name . ^
                                                                                      '    f.-       I  t(c A Address:         T   (    Con-        rCe ,s                                        -City- r->            4 . JJ    StatefopA         )1t Email                                                                        -x to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                          *Yt4fPrint                     Name Address:239                  Oig ce        (-,)Y           [AelI) V                 _          I City K\  d%4C                 StatoveUi)
                                                                                                                            *7i                    50 EmaiI (b ) 11lA C              ;   2=  3 02 M a/              L        ,   [CPLto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Xprint ane XI a Address: I U L-bY Jity Ci4ty A 4LState-ZZip-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indypendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

ca-t Pf(3;, A Citizen Petition Pec, 1 12 ( ( 6,5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signature: (-(1 k Ak L/',/ Print Name C"wxK A&k-W \ Address: il GrC%jAresl IB _CityL 4 LLa 9 Stat ip-(2'\3 't Email -_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: , ' PrintNan e / s\O()

Address: 5  ; Ax- CityY.M Clc StatdlZp-,,g4. Signature: XC Print Name ail Address:m p k City ((T RQ.i,( r<,) [ Email - - ,_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaturqat j6T'-e A.J Print Name 4~4r "11f Hi) eAI Address: /51 5h r(& 4 --

Citv-1. (A-n1J&1A StatMAip I/ 3 q / 5 Signature:,0 t-,., /Q- c P-t7

                                                .4            Print Name       tilea     L9/ / CkL Address:3                      I i/%,),      Ef1J(                                                ci,6p/t,/Alne,                  Stateklip A)&S/)

the bimonthly New En and Coalition eBulletin) i A A , ~ /f -/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C(-1 g 13? A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alr~ady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:

Adres:,2 - Print Name i. f/ 7/ Ad'A Al 'i A/*$

                                                                                                                                         -*/2v Address: --Il                -21 41  t      .A}29I         -AI                             City         jkIS           tate State-i ip Email         9-                        '                        (j46      I       (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulleti
2. Signature: A vI A D PrintName JA - < . Jb Address: L 1 0 C J City 2tvV ,
                                                                                         --- J c            StateA6tini&t% L4%4   -.

3 Signature&/A "a e;I Print Name_ K",111 Vi-"'t Addressb hk l Add, ss Wy P-4 City &-c6 { (t (i4 tatkip 3L6 Email Km Wn V ls)%9 7 ) HJiDo. C(o7a -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ha r s L5/ 1/0 q/h">Print Name Address:q RJ' Iv evS; be 0Ir _City 6 R e! en-FtELftateZip L2A Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: -_ Print Name Address: /r C, dS/ City ye lo- /*zI t4 A _StatePt Zzip - e)S
                                                                                                                                                    -USe e-Email        a     4           -I'^-'-  e&< te            -   C                   -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: \ ) A Print Namne ,5#

Address: /7 JIC t City (ei,-God- --- -, StatetZip J mliet t~ V Ho , J --- w - -- Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) i According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2; independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Pe 7(. o(M5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alrea conducted t-aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. Adr SI( & 7SantSName te__hp -, Address J ,ty City 4  ; 9 State .J / /o Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. SignaturenuIet Pin Name Address: S fL. JOG I >-.D Ai CitygiCf-"(L StateM& 013+3 3 Signature: 1o/ Print Name 0 /

EndXAr- -Chqllz-Address: 7( /l/1 tA /i& f-e-7 City t _StateZi;p dlR/a -A Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature : htAe4GflA Print Nam= K40e - ,?AV~af14C(r2-7 Ix PA A.-

Address:  ! ,,111 . .- City Of CR AD StatA4Aip _(35 f Email Ast bora tk 94vI Ax (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: , - ( .c-Ut.7 Print Namcn ,1 YVIt C~z ma.j . Address: 2h Bc hci St" Citv (lifanL-lb CI( _state,ip4 Ci i i Email CdiaCfrGV/ 2 &e IlCfri. L. Cct "'-~ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: 4, 42 _ f int Narne -7 Z7X/

Address: V, I S/--. City q > A tatev"4ip C_. I v _ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) indepmndently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo: 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(/rl- i:s A Citizen Petition H-e t. I ltoof TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's ag:,ng components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us i g for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conduct at a ng nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatu Print Name j.e(o(C5 /N Address: A u ccr liveAt (A ~CtLa ~ U Sa~fi_5D Email gy < 03  ; . to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature6X Pint NamVe& (:I}n Address: L*L/q<; ,eS Ž City- ro StateJzip 3 Signature: /Print i Name E/lZkW IL t/0Q Address: l  ? I et-f n $U  ;- City SiyStatYzip 6-S301 Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. SignaturAn Name'k  ; Cn WAe 6IC Address:d) (o Be as Cityh %W t _Sta4/rZip 6!5_-(v I Email 'jaAWA wduyb eou _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:G %W&{ Print Namc Address: l;) IWa City Wi^5 S ftesacsn8 Email oeH l r _ (to receive the bimonthly New Engla Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:@ 0b _ Print Nam, Address:tC kgTl -_ _ City Stat Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind(!pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessirents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Bcx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition CA1r, + 1(O TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts' ret( -7 (2i ( IS FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. q

1. Signatur -. Priirnt Name L)7jArry 4JA

_i - Address: , QIiJ

                                 ,o                    AIIJ(                                                               -Stat~ip        J)/g)lg)

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: ae4 00 r~~ .

Print Name AA\ C,-t - Address: 3. (J (MQO-Cb\ 1 City L~ stat&2ip 13l 3) Email_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature- // / Print Name Address: I -- - -

City/ Stat&(Zip &'3J/ Email -(to receive thebimolthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: at Print Name I*$QJCL- F-T( LQ Address: tt2P g iLe4rtd City @'e aS iC) t3,1 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature .:_ - 14,--i Print Name_ YAWaIinA-I Arrci; Address:_ en(f I. 'I I UB(OwAtiftlI
                                   - .-                       O I/f AL_

I- - Cityj iLt StatdZi0(36Q Rmnil ((crov1? 6gxc .V, a ti06 (00g-wx _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

                                          - - -      i     --

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indelendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October I996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licerisee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition C .I J TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corworation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

 "      The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature Print Name T7,.-iv gZfa -

Address: 5&/ K C A. City 24* eW StatbZip voZ 1) Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:. ._ , Rat A, _ __ F Print Narne pV2v SC4 u
                                                                                                       "  a)

Address: Zt )w 1 LC- Q 4LJ City (-d _StatdZipO I13f Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: ( -, PrintName arvwv Address: I qo adASU HaAW 4 *-I City
                                                                                                ---w -            - .


                                                                                                                                            /'I no-2

. Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:Pri.mnt Nane r~ 1 \ -A\

Address: I6-7 \A)4oAA 'PA City C-LLA .State)Zip 6 `539 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: .... RIo2nb-V,) -

Print Name /412A CA#1LLoSA Address: 51 Ityz el City Ldl State~ip C)13 :Ss Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performaace.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts (AoT, f(2oof3 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 996/e of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:C0 Ss\b N\ Print Narne. C 9E ry\ I'714 Address: ietIt C 1 ti 1 -*\ a - City-cJ ~l~d t te1*ZipA,-.,

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 411A Print Name >>Z _,, _ A, Addressa7til 57- City6,e,!Z; Stateip
                                                                                                                                &Ai e           /Z /

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: &(tA\1]

IlJ J I Print Name -f -q~,ar- HA e Address:

  • i9lj-l 5I' City p IU g State__Zip_______

Email ' jIA cnf44 Vi6D C-. f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) N

4. Signature: Print Name A 4.oCo e Address: AI f R-t City &Lr 4"atkAzip Ot3Ga Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: i A tu 1LJ Print Name Pr4ionr s4arar-h-et Address:_3-1b C_r1tcx-\
                            -              1-                                                City   ( eeaPd            _Stat/&Wi           61,36 (

Email ) *(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perfornmance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


(A'h 41{3 A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vennoni., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New ]Hampshire, and Massachusetts 1t ItB WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agi ng components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

o a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: . vIJ.,I Print Name !S~a-,-A n be Address: /~J Co rc-a A rdJ *2 City (2 r/fJ StatkZkip6 i 50/

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: CLO V _ PrintName 9 i te #+

Address: (a LX+Qc-'g l City i5rv it .StateJZAZip o \3tfcl Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: . )  !

Print Name ~'LjkLS Address: ___ 0-4 ~-S-7 cite>)+{~ I _StateW.Zip o 1 3n3 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:- , / P-e-6k, _ Print Name 5- tA)

Address:_- 3 0tc-d S,_ Cit y A New M StateEnln It 01ee 30 Email l Go (nA)k C k-, C 07- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) U 2

5. Signatar6 a-tNt Name Address: A4 // 1 City_ st ip6W3d, Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComranM October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the confonnance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO l4x 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AT P I' A Citizen Petition peR. '7(4(K TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing onip about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of o her problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those ready td at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: drintLt RName le - C&

Address: / 1 M e St Cit State() Jrp( Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 4A% itfa-A Print Nami Address: t7 Lali. - ___City 4 If ° State~Zip UM54 3 I 3 Signature: . Y464R a Print Name U;L IU gK i+.

I Address: (.95 Do LLLj#VI City L if StateAlp Ce 3l/ Email 1 Ct aknl@ :c)1 IUI V(Ac* (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: I"- Print Name L-.- &,A, Address: VU A P f Cityv StatAkin c W?

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_-!4 .J? vs*b D Print Narae i4A L ?a S Lc tf S Address: /Q-I ladwrrv k( I- Cityhe bimonl Ne(wJ Sgan aitin 0e ull5et Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:

x, - Print Name Address: City State Zin Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2)1independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assess ments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

[Z ( -(' A Citizen Petition 7(21(

                                                                                                                                               't sil TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted a0 aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: /6 2 PrintName CTX t L, 3'}4t (q)

Address: 1 V tbee'7'/ 1 Xi/ P- city Aloff let rA StateY~p____ Email _ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: _____ Print NameeF °L nq47 Address: 19 bEALuCeK- 81e- )4LL- Citv7mesZJ
                                                                                         - - -1                            StatVf7Zin 1'i'DC)     I 3 Signature:t ue4                   :_                      _  Print Name        MEAM A/ S7Cd-7Z Address:       C                                                                          City IA/Z0A
                                                                                                 -  I  a-                  Stateg Zip n        S-L /

Email (7 I/i __ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signat:ure 4 IJ) Print Name r J ./Gj4 .g' Address: .a9< CitvBRA17LFnre -State&Zip al~cgL Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: .,t I/ ' Print Name a m e

Address:. )X Z-I/Z _City_2S)ge Statk'Zip o r3-A Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:ur:______ Print NameI (leP-00cCA a 2k /e-,

Address: /13 A) ke /0 CityL Z State in 6 90 /


Email- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent SafetV Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAPSf (9 A Citizen Petition H( 1 (Q7 (051 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agi: g components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an IndeRendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ Print Name___ __ __ ___ __ __

Address:  ? 0 tt) 5 2 City (tLYtN StateVfZip Q S360 Email e5;-qAtj>n j troK -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: J 0/Ard-1AC Print Name_

Address: 23 l rlS4 Asrk- City IAc(AfLtkdd State VIZin 063 °f 3 Signature:A ,, ( Print Name, Address: I A d1 J-? , e v /L

                                                             - O/e         4 t'         -City t2       _
                                                                                                             *e:*   f IState      _   °iZip ir    I Email      (Sk°?OJv/                   pA      vC,      r-         m        - _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: ()0P. Print Name_

Address: 5C I+ + - fl. ' f2 Arv% T ) f Citv Stateyiip Q5 3 Sf Email A-A, J 't- rceive o the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: PrintName Oa\I\4 ~i; a A Address: Em l . M ifr ls QQ City CAXStateM ip otI15 I Email- 1°5;\Cti-o VAD CZ WD M eceiv( ethe bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: (oif2&,C(7r-.)Print 4 Name Ci l 1e. J c{P VIro aeu Address: 7BQ? 13( City'. A1W. ),v-s(& (- StateVIZi O 5'9(c Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CMi.Rtt0at, L(7 47 ~ A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatiorn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 0 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: M The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indep endent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alreapy onducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name I9e~k'- vro Address: gc) 7City 4A II+/! K StatlLzi o j

Email Pi U 5CvC (t eive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: rin)5 PrintNamn Address: ( Cit yb . A1* S t at ip _&__/__

3 Signature: t Aa )t (241 h V n: Address:73*3 O(JJ D (l d Citv lhJY I9 +bi' _StateN lijp q3 g 4 I-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaturef 2£ (4 re kX tae,_Z~n~ Print Name /10 a 0gR GLg V !,IQ V air' Address: C00 "?()csv 1~w _Cij rv) ul I & Stat'ip___ _t____ 3 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:> ga, , )fLPrintNameabffia ker Address: 23q -- Maqp~e Si, t Cityiyf+/-k Q -I? -

State,* ii 6 S 0 I

                                                                                                                                          ,    -   - i Email                                                                            -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:_ Print Name YotIV / S+b- /gO Address: Icfj A/ __City /w/e /4Lw Staterip o0 63 Email Yov @/ ,W- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) i dependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts t?0c. -I J1(It0¶ . FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature: lL rnNae-iQJ7I Print Name Ro Heen* Address: LJ2 3 Rf-V< Roo.4 LAtk City P)+V -State!TZip 657 (6 J Email cfA 3 q  % r t I C La -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: d o Print Namei rOC IL t L poID10A Address:l oa City 5 L _StatelI+ip 03 (oO5 3Signature: %e Print NameI Address:_ CitvJ _StateZip E~mail (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:  : *A P int Name effects
                  ,  X -7       It_  ,,           -    /_

Address: ff / 1-,- Al r, _City1 75*Vi State Zip At i? ,L Email (7 A._ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name_ ~-t-1 5 C e5G- oar/


Address: /&A. i/ ~City St ate~V7p 6I5 3C)i Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: ", ,/1 /,(41 ]Print Name_ - I e '-

l 6 rfr Address: 4]0 (IAtl-f/ekJ 6- -City < <e. -State7?2*ip fWe(V6 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indelendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

CP-¶ h ( A Citizen Petition e7 ('2 ( h TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: /~4~ D 44eL Print Name kjpVe' (A wzI-e(r d s F-Address: P °
  • 60KC CT12- CityCIA0(rk 4l/\sf Statf/~zipo~<

Email Marvnet1le@(; rV\to x. covV\ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: i-k 0-1. -;1 -ir- nname (Z LA VSCei LAI A'(4'VLS Address: f 0 {0dQ C ,

City Wes5j- I? -c StateV/tip t5 (S7 3 Signature:_ &rL~

  • S2LA Print Narne_ k A1A A-I ler Address: $gz q rc,& i, ki q


                                                 ,   - v fk/?c'Rh a,        - .

City ~rfirS q/d State Zip55A Email eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature/-ZI C Print Name 1 -& e A clcp ~ wv-,

Address: (pJQ 51ksJr 1 $'K city tJ(td(6ThStateVZip- S(C a Email e -c c, ,ct o- t )(3649 " (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signature: ;e 'ROLc, iell (_ Address: 0Oj) IDS J{4f _ Cityt2"M'OCO StateTZip 053 1 Email _to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: 5 I. Print Name LEt cL e-Address: 23 5 £ ,

r rA J CityILI -

                                                                                                      , I T-rA-Stat 47Zi rDb hA
                                                                                                                          -                   .. 1 A I Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According  to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indtpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C', I q0 A Citizen Petition PQe(. 1/ o5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those Weady conducted akging nuclear plants in Elaine and Connecticut.

1. SignatureA:: 1 4 PrintName dYAJr V4 A i tI o Address: 4q 7 1l' b\ -1 City Stat IfZip 43(/3 Email (I Il W Jk/zJ PC (i)_ W-cmfvlniu coA -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: la 6 0

J 1 PrintName K"&N6 FIDlAN 1,

  • I- , * ,

Address: P-°* V - I City S ( S ia )5 / 3 Signature L1 2. A)/,2 s Print Name a(PlJ&RC fli M4. (4)U Pf CIt Address:a3d 7 amPLf 87 I City 0t? Rbif State VTZip 0530-receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Name 00 Li A1 Address  ? ° -City M-4 Statk/Lrzip <) 5-2-S Lf Email o)ir Lkd 4 folM (eWv@ C

                                                                   !(1S)    v (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                 r\I Q                            I 1PrintName Li5so god4 Address:JK               Ad&  an~        Si,-]                                               City        13       S          State Zipjq26)

Email A *(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: U , ___Print Name Sq. M7(.-9t A4j , , pi5t-_ ,

I Address:3Sc2A F, a (, 5 f Citv AuntiLe

                                                                                               .# t   . _
                                                                                                                            *Statfip d:       3 i2      (

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Rod It(zlgv TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conductr t aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: X me Na-i~ QS l 0 a t Address: itR(~klo  : } it 5 Wt tateW ip- C!) P;( i Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:thiA i-a ca(1 )p"tr PrintName M Latk Ca(Qtu k Address: 10O4 Jmagy A4 stated zip 06 3o I 3 Signature: &zk2 Print Name Pitt Labn<

Address: / O° 1A@,) a'(6 _City CJo n t& State*-(/ mJ:g Email _(to receive the bimonthly lj1w England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: v V ,

Print Name Her', ADIACS Address: ( LA 6 V&JA tA. e. City d(L t tIV-ip 6 I23GG Email Y-ts VEX F.W @- yad l/oo CcO' -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: &X I Print Nam( e2 n hzId/ Address: *5o h vuf1 R 4. City LWa/UJXCL _StateZip 0 13tn Email k (faj nivo 6 mj-t . cowV _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: t X  ?)Wv= Print Nam M/ r'e? L. Proce Address: a Wll( S fwy S-.- -City
                                                                                           ,       3 He 47/LStateelFp                   0a.?

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA-A Citizen Petition b 1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of V t Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW I in us in c ing or o n dependent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee' similar to thle a ea cnducted a naging ucle Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature:l7W Name r n P vA RY (0OE Address: 5 city Sta 4 ZipQ2I3 Email -_ _( (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature tu eAjiL Print Name C A-c-YAf CI A/G~

Address: _ City S Stati\llip 03 157J 3Signature: t\Print Name4 P A(V 1 ' Address: I Dj14 (LCA 2 VtVe- tf City C2 i State"<p aS3 Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 3 X ) Narie A lPrint Address: j)? Algal 41 City. A{ StateVTZip or24 I Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - PrintName 4 Pi (ZQ C)

Address: I 9 MOLckei ( City a 4*?teZipV Email e picj (i (toreceivethebimonthlyNewEnglandCoalitioneBulletin)

6. Signature: PrintName 4T)&)/ 7 k A f Y/4</

Address: City Std _ ip-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336 K www.necnp.oru BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

A Citizen Petition r Af I 7( J TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those ady cond edat aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.
1. Signatur d7 Print Na VIMGn y Address: 2__ XCity _T____ Stat"Zip i2i7S Email I 2 /I) (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. SignaturerA G7 J Print Name  :!64A Cdt /

Address: (___ _ ____ City__& 7_ S StaValpQ 3 Signature: K 22Q PrintName WfQ4{rivz . - SFenceS Address: N H C 4. -1I City . st+k StatevLzip 0 S301 Email= [Hi'-l- Cx* - i4- i xC0 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature '/te Pri( If)-7 y2 l t Address:

Adrs:U Jtl STo f Cit> (to reeve7 t 7 N Stat&Jip Engn C Q"sR Smnh ) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Print Nam(-Zd T 1R>oCkoCL1 5 Signatu Address: , I< 1 9 - Cityw stalrpCr01 to Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatur(n a >2 >Yo 2 Print Namc . Dw 5 Address:< & -6 -* &hd< 4z ,-r 4 )Q6 itve rc the bimonthN ew statnd rZi t e etin)

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, conrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boi 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Kec. 7 lW105 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already 7ondted at aging nuclear plants in laine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: <,X7 __M t Print Naime d I Address: <4 City RA /Ak1 State,//ipa S Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signa l An f Print Name 7, I aow Fcx-f - .- -I Address: IA___A_/__ _ __-_ Citv -

(.IA7Z - qtaq~tG~in of .(&/q

                                                                                                                              -  --      -r- -  -  -  -  .

3 Signature:c LCM

                                             'Print                 Name       w Address:        64             A 7-          4                                             Citv`y
                                                                                         ---w.          V     ,,,-            -  ----

k7 SgtabtN3 87 Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature. Lt A _ PrintName C' 8 WAf W '$4'
                               /     AI          1? A Address:           C)           LE`4Ax            vm                                     Cityipyz               Lr2            State Tiipn       S-30 I Email-                                                                            -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:       ,PrintName                                                        Ai         Lc
  • 4J W EI Address: 3a \3 9A4 - P3 L City Am DU.-O .-. State9ftZip D)I' aO Email J go t 5g o . ___(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:-, 4;0 A, Print Natre shl 3 (i Address: r I W City d States ZipC j& 5,o Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CPT fgi A Citizen Petition gt(, -c10 I--,'u TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New H[ampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ ___-_Print Name tC t {

Address6Ly Gd S ..I 1>-) 1 At //City. f . ReO StateVtZip

                                                                                                                                              *5Ž, 0' Email    ,ARq               J" I                )°y U a           ). Cov 1        (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signatur Print Nanm 6-p .-- re 0 0 Sf; k- tCte Address:ress:)C ; City &W V 4tate~ip o5134'#J 3 Signature: I Print Name
                                                                               -I>bl                                      -Utkl Address:                      92!)-) (i                  5                       --- City                61V%

C(s )Statbh4rZiptC) g3 ) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: reL Print Name Address: /)- St510 AVC& G - City _StateIZip OS 5D Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatar IPrint Name Ga so-w Ad ess: 4' .

C;J . , 9-v

                                                                  ,~oh QA    ,                ,# K   v . _.  .... ,
                                                                                                                              -StateVTlZi    QS3A     l Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Sig I Print Name Address: j4 ItSL'a L 5dt;d ( r Cito i -bion Ne w Statd C oaton 3 eI S-Email

_ ----- I) A-, v,4

                   *11  1x, k- - vA-e  , I

_-, s--in _ A-, ats Go - vo-7 I _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) ndependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CQr, I15 A Citizen Petition r e(. -7( QIV TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those r dy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature) at 5 Print Name c5 A4 kk) a Address: /1; c L- A-/ city aTm f ogi State 0g O

Email /2 (to rteceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: ( / Al .! TriItfNare
                                                            --        r                     (,)A              AdS F

Address: dr ss6 e P 046 City l kl(L4*k0 Sta>Zip 053:C) l 3 Signature Irn Name.(1 _gBEd AC Ad Address: 7/- L )e

                                 -                w                _
                                                                                   )4 _ =city C;<I                          Stat        ipC5 Email                                                                                (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature
                                / I f   AL4              &             Print Narne   I1/q        Y      -' S.0 AJ11Sr-Address:         /K.*        /ee(ll               /ed 1                                    City if deA-s                  Statet4~in       Or9cS      3 Email                                                                               -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
-5   Signaue___                                                      Print Name           JeA            c D7L Pi e) i 1

Address: zR R

                                         -0 t3 % AddV I I        r'Peter                     City _         ho4-            Stateftip          0,V) to-()

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) - 6. Signature: Kffmm AMAU~( PrintName kdA-S AA LLCP

                                                                                                           ----- -- F Address:           Alo                                          PA,
                                                             -eCww\.Cr5 Qd u                         City %otA t(ebro             _State V TZip            JA5_

Email (/6Aa1erSdlA UX03 N

                                            .-      I ak1dO.C-cw (tore v ._ ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde)endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo] 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition 7(d7(O* TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already con cted at aging nuclear plants in Maine a nnecticut.

1. Signatu re9e Print Name V tS a A-a t GS Add ress:ress: 3. i City StateI'ip C ) 9*

Email  % \Qi@2Lf.Rt\giL (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: USA Q5 < P Print Name e--, kVv\ P, ra Address: s s el 4 Ae 1*d City2bStateALp O53DJ/

3Signature: rj c Print Name 1 C(. 01r AQ Address: t [.,;j3 6^J>_Jz1 City 1IOZ StateZip C 'c> Email (to receive the bimonthly New, England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name 4r I:. A--

s/tx v 7!r7 Address: 5&- gLrA / City /5venC! StateA4*?LO&L? Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature Nameo L 6 1> A'rintk-- Address: Y 7 5Cv M i l( . Jk City e VItKipQ IS Email 4a4 CD AQc K I1 97 P m/4 9 CO k7 (eo-eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: / 7 /4*,$ PintName It I2/

Address: . City 4t StateeZip 0B5 Email /OoYn 5 5(2o4 / /(, e m 12L. C ar to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
                                                                                                                                         -       J A Citizen Petition                                                                Q c.

TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examin *on of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, joius n calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those ~ready c nd ted at aging nuclear plants in Maine aild Connectic

1. Signatu _____ Print Name I//Q5 le(

Address: 5Vty 0 ]43014(D CSty2O'O) Stat iip,0213l on .1iL-Email IACro ILJ)e rea) Cvc1 -ST, Ivei l (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_ Ji1ln & Print NamLe ?e MK-er ev Address: !yq2J Pint Na m City rT I' I 4rr _StateZi__ P°S O/

3 Signature: 4" ,JKay Print Name- vnA) W4/rhd1eS Address: 9 AWK,'a City /6); tl-) _StatMip t5 l D&[P Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: 5q Cl , City oIf _StatekppS30 /

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Ai-/ .,

6. Signature: 2/ Print Name Address: > 0 J /S City Jr76!

I _Statevp 0S2/a Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) ihdependently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition . I?( 0( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of'Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connec icut.

1 e_ /C Ai-1 a/

1. Signature:

Address:25 L ' Koa e iQ Print Name ____City .kehe State4_ip o() l Al Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZip 3 Signature: Print Name Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name_ Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: City State.Zi__

Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

C-?. {Go A Citizen Petition

                                                                                                                              &                l getW1(0 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name A V\

(h-vN dlN . Address: __ _ ______ _City rC,' I&C State/tZipao5630 Email I 1 9 ____ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: PrintNamre (V/co the (IO Address: GM sAeep Al Pi,. _State\JTZip s3 3 Signature: Print Name- --- Citf~Jh Address: tSGA Chk s 66-A .

_StatefjZip C2 %L Email 5z-.l: YX 4- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: G N Print lame Lks(txf L:S64D\

Address: ?P) H \ ( tCity heQboh Stat ion

                                                                                                                                          °       uen Email                                        -@I z\,                 I           -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

If . J I 2 5 Signature: Ltl /WJ 2L Sj Print Name EX1w( 1&OIt(IS Address: 210 SlYiw i\l 1VL Citvyge StateM 7iriC, 01+2 Email At to v;, t l cz\ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:
6. ) 3J a Print Name /A S+/-MdIX(

Address: P. e, (3~~1j City( QJLqf(Q Stateoiip _,73 Email E Ii3 1toP psoer.r no (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
                                                                                                                                   - 1 (I&(;(

(~- I a_ 1e, Ie I" A Citizen Petition ",J k leV , (141,tl') TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alraJy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: S> Print Name Q M6L( jJ Add~ress:

v- -I . - v GodA /7 Jih e,,c7, v- IKl ---J-Citv t5/."1 i qtqtPe/Tin 6re 13L Email 60f s (6) 5@ve*Sof _(to receive the bimonthly New and Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signiature:e a PrintName &AMh N 0 p.-Iu a nv jT_

Address: 61-f.-Ab1.36X- 1 319 City _ _ _Ct k, kI State~yi nC.sp . 3 Signature: _ _PrintName Tray Wki-S}A 1*Jr fit-. et Address: 4265/&o St CityFi &lbk rz Statee)ip 33C)l Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name /Mo1A 5 ee-Address:11t1 WokE Mala pi Cakd Bya, state(A Zip 9U--

I I/ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: Citvy -State-ZIP_. . Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Namie Address: City -StateZIP .

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmients, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vennoni;, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts .l I1b FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pruclent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY' join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at ing nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ e: * )jI r7t tName V ' . 1/2 Address: dsj O City PLC State &Zip 0 5C3 Y6 Email -1yintares4tSf ey A o n .0--ccoo receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: 1 7 N Ad e ..Cp-\ V..-
                                                                                                                  £VV-trntame Address:                       L+/-CityL                                                                  The-+VA4           StatX e       iPQos           i3 I

3 Signature: AD&J Print Name Rn W&AD-tI-, Address: 50 Akc!OAz \IJ'evJ _ City -C\k0,0i V.Al\ State fKZip OSW6i Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: AkhiQ _. Print Name A 6' xS- 5L fIJ t £1

-Address: )I (id Balis fsI _City MqD-CtIY- T Stat6TZip £eQ2, 5 Email -r= IA te $ a , C-1to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Signature: S& Ve^ g PrintName 51 -4 gar- < Address: ) 5 Paddy L l Email w -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatur PrintName go d U aOA/?°A -

Address: kt

             \?)                                         RD                                -city.                          Sta Email                                                                     _         (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessirents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


(AT. 163 A Citizen Petition , 7Z et, 1127GIU TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and n this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems.. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:. _ _v Print Name Address: 5l 9th A 5 Q2J- rg City Ykl t&4 f4d $State\A+/-Zip QDl3i Email H-V -C Hi 0-J LE -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: -I Print Name Address: City
                                                                                          -.                               State Zip        _

3 Signature: Print Name Address: City _StateZip Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City State Zin Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:_ Print Name Address: Cityw State Zin Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boi 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(A 1 , LA A Citizen Petition SI kz tIuiR71ot TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vernont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv CorPoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Tearn Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate lhat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name (2A& 41 &

Address: kikJ ?7~A __ __Ccity o Statea ~ iip Email CO ( C1 AM (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature-YTAAA Print Name L~vKo Address: Ci StatVAZip Di-3 Signature:ature:n PrintNanme S, 1W4 l s61 Address: Stan GO ____ City PlfXt>l _StateATip_06 ,L7 Email \ a OL\A%13A (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: A{tcez . 4 4g4 A1r. Print Names AAty '.

Address: Po, box Qa( _Cityb()YhQ StateWZip_ tLLM Z 5oPrint Em ail Nam (to receive the bironW y New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:/' Print Namely~ 4*-{ 41 11 Address: PC), E,ctK < City hA 54 _Statea ZippSk '3 Email k r 'V IWa" e+/-1.I ICa g- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: &4iV4 P4Y' y' PrintNani ece? Bans Address: ('D Ci>yL Avl\ OCdvt -City \'\ O state'JZip _ 5Lj {5 Email Ir !oph (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cMar (i6f C-QPec. 7271(o5 A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New FHampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: e:' Print Name MOCAgW, f3fltir Address: Iq1 0 A04 eX%, YrcA (torceivete bm ch StateCit e Email g Ie 2Z58i e, QLC.CO m _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name Address: City -State-Zip _ ..

3 Signature: -Print Name Address: City _StateZip Email _to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5- Signature:

O - Print Name Address: City StateZ___ Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Narne Address: City IState Zin Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

I A Citizen Petition IM" .- I _ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts '/111/0S FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: GOVE l *in>am e i 4L Address: /Vba t pt.A City Qr- V1ph te StateMAZip 01aco Email Lvli 2@ Al , VI Boo, _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: , Prinn Nai
                                                                                    'r. ,mhht5 2L?&6 +

j - -- Address: --IO' , q City 601%141(4/ qStatefJrC 3 Signatur Print Nar me CAVI

1) 4mclr--

Address: / ' AC H- i4 City P StatAfZip 61 f ,o Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:laaxwl!%) QCL 4A-L PrintName LAqew) SIt3Lt~j scx" u6-erz-Address: 44aQ CLte en) City

_ 2 W ok -Statjt0LZip 01VA Email I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatur.?41u4/ T~( -L Print Name Address:47i5 (3601c14C4qVVLA fS2I 0)< City t~!S UC stat.Wip C(ooe Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: i{/*4 Print Name e14 i I a R

{TV Z JA >(/ Address: 7 0 I e AZgot lit 1 -- JCity-&uJ kb, t8X1; Stateji, O TX~ Email__ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CV61Mc: 4j9k A Citizen Petition AeC: g 1( Ds' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that r am unidentified, and:
  • a full to -to bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NO NS Y join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thd se al ady con ed at aging nuclear plants in :>laine and Connecticut. 1Address: ~'~ L~Ac.& C(Xpe Nare Y CitPrint aipe( Address: 3!+A-l(Zga~ t) City ptL A~oJ Sae/ip Mn q;- Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name Address: CitY State Zin 3 Signature: a ,0,40. '2/ 1 Print Name AM)1KA, &74)I-Address: 2 -7 P69e, Citvy _Statehkip e) I A I EmailI I (to receive the bimonthl ew England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signatur UG L5\II Address: 57 & i; - 4+ i~~~it Cit t  ; ip}z Email C4tee1Ctnegk 6. r.

C By (to receive the bimonthlyoew England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:  :'9.I PrintName--/edQ / / ht Address: (/t;

                        -        k       _

41:J lru- . I

                                                                                       -City         4L         Lat          StatrZipti<6GkR Email           -- {                                                              _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. S Print Name I eJ 4 Address: i, ( ., a " City a , ( Statefi^Zip -uff Email U (8 Ax IL -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vennont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts OX: 91J1K l l I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio ! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: r .i > Print Name 11ydAi a tce /,0 Address: 1 / o City. W _Statetip 0 /60 Email than hi- M a" d -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: AWK Print Name Godfvl I 1$

Address: /I I" 'A 5\- ~City-:E,-, - Plan statetlkip o'-I Z-i5 3 Signature: Print Narne -SAYZ Li s 4 Address: < Rril Dd,,i _City Wt6 bFORXP Statet^Zip -2L I5 A Email A -'S ______(to reeive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ PrintName 4Ž I, Address: ¢ ',W cityj State-Zip-______

Email l A) r,(\UA' d5

                                                                         .C       (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
                                                                                                                       -,i  a 0I 5 Signature:     L/t                             LA           Print Name                 l}JA~   (-if~

_- SoA(,, I Ik- 1 Address: '95 ° 1-9 ff ¢§ _9. {t r, BC ity C fCA' State__ZiC 27 E.mail I}% Hi S p t~sC <2_ n- - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) vJ

6. SignaturenAu eI -

Print Name '7iwmaS 2,scjlC8 V l l Address: I'd ThLIA4t,II1 I.(- Citv A%41DA&O" - StatdZit 01060 _ _ ___ _ _ -I Email -&dv;C# CowA SM'Th. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CA-:AV xfiwd QC: Jlr o TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporati n has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those alr:Iy condudted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signature: I Print Name Ad cL Address: 4;Seir 4Q Citv

                                                                                          .v       5 a s v e.,  Wh151/1T I

_StatA6ip dQ l9 Email .... ,, ., _ - - , _ l Ma, (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: &! '4' !- e & -& Print Name COb~-~ cZeL Uk //J W Address: _____q City _ SatO ) StatAZip 4I' #

3 Signaw lr Nane-fJCfS C-CtO LC7 / Address: ______v____e _ _1 Cit____06_ 4 Email nco M A-a ln :A Pet (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) , .

4. Signature:777  ?-)Lo~Print Name _ / ^I VAh - CAP? / -

Address: AC)I F-/,mc EkoOy r<\ oND City DEam M* teWZip OgSO, Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signa e.Print Name Vased CI > ark Do (t Address: Ij LQ C (, C- 4i? l ttot - Stat* Z. Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: I 1
                                            .                    Pri intNameJ"           ,Ž;     _      .*L. npe r-o (-55 Address:       g    7 f) er                                Ltoc                            Citv       NmLzU-rA
                                                                                          - -J - x -----
                                                                                                                          -State~iip-,6a Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According    to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessraents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CNc: rlqo A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New I[ampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatiomi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate -hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conduct at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatuka 22 t 19 Print Name 76iiZ 6
                                                                                                               /  (9' Address:    p61SC             iv-G               )s            1kfA                      City- n          ¢t      a        StateMZip           /

Email 7 jnV Iii (Ž'/  ;/.r7. _< 9 Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Li PACIL

2. Signature: N4t 1bsA Print Name 01(6 #A Address: (6 3 O S X ASO>v t( City kjo-C. -StateflTZip 0!z6 3 Signature: &iV PAJ;I,4/ Print Name l I CA ThtDooms6 Address: *1 ) RM&IJA P1. -CitJ 5.47-,i akzqt 9-
                                                                                -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Z or-i - 77fih )-)tI&, Citv State Zin Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: AkiL Vj(,r11¶' Print Nam~e A. kn-I J)IJ(lrW Address: 31 Ij kw Citvy / s, State Zin 5selq, - Email ireceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: fx L- F'- Print Name r ac~
                                                                                               -vw            ('        it Address:          It ( (                 6       .        Do                             Citv -         _.                 _Stat@LJZip     tLOr

_-w, Email- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind-pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C K: 11 19 1 A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts (LU-0. 4%K' I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

X The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: Wa g Print Nane (G; 4a a g e Address: 2 (9('Y G)g"t X City Eylxrx State*Z p
                                                    -A~                                                      I Emsil                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:_J>7 _Print Narme _;L5 W )Lk U Address: Lt) ?o "A15 Cit t _Stae, 'BptS1lq
                                                                                       - -       I                            .

3 Signature: 4wM // 4/l Zfd Print NameN V-,J fl C, Address: {qlb, m to L Cty q- At4 g 2 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ________________ PrintName "'bo U C 'L Vf l t-?

Address:_4 (chc City 0s coo e- State ki o7Qc, > Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 7 /t Print Name %J-gs4/ N/q c Gla $F Address: )4,qkP~h4 Sk City Jess I D-tateZip °02/ 30 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: el}Y'AVVI Print Name Address: <S3 a- &1 W -City 1) -S4 StatetZkippAL1 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • www.necnp.or?


CK: th t A Citizen Petition e0r(C \ 1* TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

-     this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ihat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW j oin us in callirr an Independent Safety-Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to thosf a r d ucted Lear plants in Maine aid Connecticut.

1. Signature: 1 /  % Print Name \ne
  • 7Ž). Nhy) 2 Address.% SON (4 _ City c A Ce e/Dt-- 94-EmailJ (/AcJAoitrc4" OavC-( _ (tQ receive the bimonthly New Eng land Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name AdoskIM hvo at Address: l;_ ___ Cityhy St ,atkzip~l Di C(0
                   //        Afz              /7a          -                          n. .         *)            -.-, ufr) 3 Signature:      Kt!           !                             -f Print Name                           /I( VI/J//Z-t/

Address: 66q-M. A x City S Z 2 7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4PSign eNam r 4,Cam Address: /6 4-F MC( City S1 Statoip/ 2 7 Email kio S Z4-z 4 q b COc __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: f

           .1_   1  .C
                       )n 1   I 14AA r_ =,
                                                       -F Fs rIntNaff,LE   E1i> D&41                                  UI           5_

3S/L Address:-o a PI /' tq/ City r'bAJ& A>' _Stat 9#)LmlpA Emai I Ii -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Siaee A Au. Q) 4( v., SJC-(1 ,

Address: 3aq Cw n 4a ".., e ei v - " t r City - o nthl y 4New Eo tatN v- i tCc1e -

                                                                                                    -tAaeLs Email 3; i(. ;.n        k 1'h    e;        0QU    3,       i Q.                    -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parametersprovided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companpy October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CMI-Vt\3 A Citizen Petition (21% TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio ! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate :hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: I Print Name - - e4r--L.c; Address: Co 66 -c"r t,4- P City 1m;t -State cl-zip- awl Email U. i ,,  % I , C _ (to receive the bi monthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. SigAdtres: ____Name_______ ClZ t PH llt-IP Address: 6 %11Y5- L5E eeOth City Le~il I)-C- -StatA4-,p -&L75 7? 7 3 Signature:

_ -I xA -- kl , ,j _- , A-efZ-- Print Name Xf2t A./0SaSAAeVC

                                                                                            ,., _      _           i Address:        ,tn            ,A) gk        L      LMAur                                  City Ado   S            _

StateMAp 01 531 Email LAtfvl JIv -zt4 2. d ho0f e , I ^ Oe (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Ir4. Signaturen aPrt NaNme PIort ,icSed¢4 i/ Address: 2 (Ž,X4 lIe WJ City AIL L StaetA ipSL??[ Email 0 (to receive the bimonthly l w England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_ Print Name { / e) JAA Address: Lt L Wt& c&_ City stateLAzip_____ Sta7;Id Email Eda (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:! N ame Address: LctIck eIC c f Email  ; Eq ze y e Cat .

6 b Ceceivthe bimonthlyNewEnglandCoalitioneBulletin) Jo According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeoendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assess;ments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition gECv: 1~t1+5S TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: C A W F" k- PrintNarae C40ALt FBeSo~

Address: Y/>; /rt_ 1 A a City : y _StateVgip /3d( Email A (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: mN e Address: 7T If ai m City I State&*ip- O5Lf Hi 3 Signature:


J J- - -ii rint Narne I k4fiee -D dz flyeJ4 4l~

1e City / I))tA/-A- StateVfFZi,65 9 Address: Emailreceive o4

  • rv, i
                                        -     --              F a_.; ;_s, .S^-1 -,

the bimonthly New z ---- a

                                                                                                                                             ^r-England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: 5 U £ Print Name llnemrC k O f/

Address: l Z/State tAZe !a3 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name ,, . fr-f . Ad SHeP- <,.-

                                                                                                          , _  Z-

_ . ,Of Address: ( ,/I4, yV __ City c /it yI,4 _State1lZiP °S // j! or Email 4I a, v- -ele-4d4I r efg ' I. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Q riQ _PrintName - e KC4> l44 ve _Q Address: Sl9 1< r /vi)dc aVd ~ le d City C(ii Sta4LJfip JL5t Email da Ak ef 71 . it' (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: hifdeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAC: Wiqg A Citizen Petition ¢Ae Xtcob } TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enter2v CorDoratio l has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate nhat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already condu at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: /\1 Nw PrintName Al ,(n Address: ) U ,
                                              -&L(-6     7l                               City    (AL L-1    4 0l"       StateoZip 0          +/

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signa u Print Name - ' -

Address: * , am) SC City 9 State&Zip (7?) 3 Signature: Print Narme Address: e A'( City 4 Sta teLZip 1(73 Email a (ks Lbeo M4 A ) Ca "'- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name PCeb Cal L! .A L.

Address: (At N-*t qoJt 1 4( City Mew (Af State!yZip IL_6 I Email ( C, ;L-O t4u a C.- 0C* (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 7 Print Name L A Address: X CkAPO-SC City jt* stat@ "Zipt) 0 9S Email 'J>lL4A I ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2

6. Signatur c) CPrintName . Q)UJ 4iK.

Address: c?2) 3 (g- 3!3 City b rn State+/-Zip2v2 Email Qsh , ) , - A, 22 B S C O rvto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please returnthis form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and C this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join in calling for an IndeDendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already cond epatag~gnuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 4 /1
1. Signature: \ ZA2 Print Name km [C Li S~

Address: i i2 City 2 kip Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Narme Address: City StateZIP Z 3 Signature: Print Name Address: City State Z' Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Z'p Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Jndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

'r4?- C j &U_ I ?, (( 5- -d No -

                                                                                  +rvi            acdd (e s -

A Citizen Petition P~. I- v~t I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing nsk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99%/0 of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pradAnt, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 6 fi Print Name gam N a Q-44 Address: Vci C VG City S7,)L46yF i;A- _State'trZip !C16[i Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: LjL 2Xt- Print Address: a& 90V74 ]+/-L If _6 l, Email_ to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature_ <A_ C& Print Name Pf)- a-.--S -

Address:aq 7 (kb 6 . City R V hK - statbLzip 6S3 '4 Email £ A l , (to receive the bimonthly N w England C lition eBulletin) 5S rr Name~ Citramtas'*'/ (i 5na( Address: Citv Pa ny stat,-ir r V 0tS"eN, , Email .(to r *ve the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature/ga,,( _ Print Nartie Address: IB ,E C __ City lz State P 5 t4 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: J ependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performarnce.

Please returnthis form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen. Petition CKt: 9 1q9 9-ec: %0\. Iot!( I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to tho eady couctefat Aging fu e r plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name $Cv*A Address: Po Y a, City e' stateVrzip S49 ZiSIS(

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: , Print Name ICED o-t W L+IC I Fs Address: Ct 9 tG( cY0/ V V&. City BPJ-ags lState U§?1l 3 Signature: (I"' ]Print Name C6044Z-f-3 Cie£6 v Address: PGO C57A 6 5 City- 5rY-LA)

J- - - State


r 0 !S 5 Email re7( i Ž sf J4St (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: KQ 1Ka. Print Nam e WAJ4. l_. 0 Address: A gV] 919Cci{< J9 City @/ StateO[ip 62' /54 r ) eb h Email (Al 52 '0LLe 1& (9 Qkgzr P 04 *lt'ltoreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Rcjc1 at rno >.-as1 Print Name 1Q (llR-v, - (?O)

I - Address:  ? r-7QZZ 12 _Stateip 6)- 1g Email \ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signat it Print Name .

Address: 0 6Sc eCit/) CStatlZip 6SY/k? EmailA. c tI

                    .. _     . -l v. v ji  F fvIwA Ac
                                                     -   1 w-Kn                  (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition l PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition Cpfl' $ 7' I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont. New Hampshire, and Massea sit ' 1l FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thotalready cond jted ging nuclear plants in MaiNe and Connecticut.

1. Signature._____ PrintNaie Address: (d Y5/ Lp State -Zip_ _

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: %In Zrint Name : &r" IWN MKI114 ej U)! t
                                                                             -,    . -  -   ;    I      %  .   -,L-  -  41 - -        I-         -'G 3 Address:jt                 2             -i t f R          k                               city     c6r      ,             StateW ip        6 -I
                                                                                                .1 A -                              - - %,

3 Signature:oM l X Print Name L)eu~iri HU"Ckr-OC4 Address: l 1I2t- C (G. Ie -City P3AheL -StateVTZipf76 q -ff

                                                                                                                /                                      I Email       I ,1ug,       6kl,            .?hb     I',4h,;

ron (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: I vd Print Name Address: - d8 i ?l >b cVr CityA*~ State 0Q I/Czip];0 Email -/.70 m Al d 6 -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name n z,411I0 rC /7 L/

Aerrpqcv , .--. -.. I -1

                         /    not VNV
                                  -   I  -

_'4,.10 ICity -State)W~7OPQ25227~7 Email 01-,* s 7 d- 2-r - 3 G -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: eZ') G Print Name 74K td-/

Address" 7? Ca-44..01 s -Cit 6c,,0206I1 State07Zivp&<3/L Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indpenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition l I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 8 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature: _z8SlthI Print Name JiA Co-)K l C 7/ca >L:-v Address: 30 . City State 4ip a 36 -3 E]mail (to receive the bimonthl ew England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: dIWt/4'g14 4 f<H 7( Print Name H Address: /4,5 o-4 c$KT § ' (J/'(+/

I StateZip 6 3 Signature: A Print Name ,1Wv &Jll/ 7 I- I Address: 626/ e: stw 4,'gje( (t City -State V7Zip 053 Y Email f(to receive the bimonthly New Enigla dCnoalition eBulletin) 4.Signature: 9&2 6V/41Ir)' Prir itNamne /KeJIy VlIfO1' Address:.k6 1 _w 4t'(A.6t r wei City UJL bxl )nL&r State/7fZip OSJ46 Email _- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signatur j Print Namni vJA

                                                                                                  ,                S A&                                i Address                /v       ,YL:EX                                                   Cityg                              Statkip  Zi Email_                                                                             (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: J:tbtAI I1Zrin t Narne PVv V Q Vi& 4:ei U I l Address: _LALy ' I F . _StatejZip (S)Ac16 Email l So al " -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

J c Or According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performace. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336


Or-: It I S A Citizen Petition a(s 9)Z8)z1/os-I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteray Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

X The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. joi' sn calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to thor a yco4ducte' 1 at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature:
                        . A      I0 Adp        -A _\ll/._

Print Name RI1 (Jf% V/ Address: Vo IL/fIc+CA1(F U City

                                                                                              - --.   , If n **l*

Z - StatZelZin 65, -- - I III Email @$Q-- VAe -- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: &zi4 (IV)J( A-,-- Print Name v )Lr cl( AA cA rls Address:$ '7 q 2. qU/ -- City 90n(,K5 stateqip S3 5 3 3 Signature: \7a tr-id Vk(il -  ?' Print Name C
  • vLpRoei-) Van ve Wet-Address: (,o- QWSi . _

V2A\ City iVhv w _StateVfZip &.3(k 3 KhOf Email UY - V 0 M -lex -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: -

Print Name Address: City. -State-Zip . . . Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: Citv S~tate Zip Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Nare Address: City State__Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition (2zo .12f for TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts W_ FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those a ady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name y 4

Addres:- _v I 106 [{,F Am v, City khi nAV stateLt/7 OS (I& Email (to, receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatur) ) Nam If a.-, Lfnut J Address: I(. ( C(2 IK Q --- s 1*

CitYW.A tnatVTrj'D 0S(Id I

                                                                                                          -     ----     11'      -..-r            -         I 3 Signature:/                         CZffi4                      Print Narne   Sco-p0e                         S'a Al-       I cZ trnv/   4 Address:          LL4e7                                                                                                      StateŽ?Zip C' ;?sff Email                                                a9                       _    (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Si n Namre A/f~e#fjgG 3 k

Address: .97%5-, / A1144. 19% City tateJ~ip d:rg Email 5 Signature: Address: ciSU O It(to ffJ f.ILL lflu PrintName 10i4 ( I dL*, receive the bimontlNew England Coalition eBulletin) tci thebi t NNmim n Coaipt5ion 3 Email irlf @ Wu)ik2 - (DM -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturp j_ I

I . . - _ Print Name Address: lo 53 P,As* (Q4,J -w - .R-, State ip 6- -3t~ EmailEI j 0b!k~ f t6r-n r(Iat(e, i (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

  ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition (L(,Xz : - q 10 15-I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYS join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature Print Name
                                                                                      ,_s< a ".7, I .-
                                                                                                                                 -P"--/,--j I

Address: ( Z-1- <e-,-77'7 -(/ -t7 City : W /f ) StateVIEpD g/ Email je &,(? /,, I -0 Ad _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatur Print Name_

Address: &g 'r, City) c Stat ip 0 g r 3 Signature: Print Name Address: Citv State Zin iJO Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Na.e Address: Citv
                                                                                              ---. 1 State-Zip Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                                                 Print Name Address:                                                                                   Citv                            State Zin
                                                                                                                                          -r, Email                                                                              *(toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv
                                                                                               --.                           -State     Zip_         _

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

   ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Com2any, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition QRT: Il-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate 1:hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alrea#y conducteat-agtg nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. Name  ? ejZ-tf CI. 0OdLtu StatW¢Zip AsjJO Email r %fi rpe . t5 e (La. e -_(to receive the bimonthly New Eng land Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: &hAn, V417 Q Print Narmie-il/Z L-C A H Ad TiaZ-Address: Vy C,45ATL6 F -Awn#L)City-' StatV'iip ,;523 d 3 3 Signature: A ll Si Print Name , _EJ Y IA. '7 Address:%4o &cI X I (-L -city 0 z41 tnorIState\/izip 6f-:3,6 c>

kmUv' EmailI _-(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) tName /-;Q & / , 4 M ¶: Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4An "GT A. uALkI lC 2 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 6.Signature: -S.L' Print Nane -' Address: /127 CLAt Avt __City -6/StateI-Zip O&3 6 I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition ( c .* TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS. Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plants systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging clear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature:1Y)L gA PrintName sj1'4c , k  % Ies-/t Address: ,? "O/3 Email pe;111e4& kec . eJ6 -
2. Signature: PrintName__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Address: '7 Mee4¢ K JfaV4CJk 11Jf-f. (1(/ Email xn, e 6,e3q-31ta- i co

3. Signature: V o _/te5' Print Name l- aC. hV c 0 Address:Il 6go dS tmail C5a
4. Signature: 9 7rint Name O C - Ar Do v Q Address: '35 t {UTEmail a- V (
5. Signature:_ Print Name Address: Email
6. Signature:, Print Narie Address: Email
7. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
8. Signature: Print Narne Address:

_ Email

9. Signature: Print Name AdAAress Epmnil

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind(2pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-sigrificant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Q&2; TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ;hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mdaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: voAw l Print Name f~ae" AX'-,

Address: SL!S Glib City 3 State Z'ip Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 6GL k , pel4I A. Print Name Address: 6e- M ,_,

_City 05r4Yer State!Zip C)iŽ3 3 Signature: - / !011t -4 ririntNamneJi )? g X --/e1 Address: j//er [)DL44ermD,-1 City 9&of*/C;PtI StatewIZipds34L Email Vranlt14 e4qfm _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name 6 -e bury' <~ V~e- -P Address: GY, DoQr ez _CitY 2iA Stat\63 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Ma 44d (IV uL Print NarmeJft IeXr~L- V\L OLA-,

Address: e I WJI dedA. City {L/esrn StateLZip 0 5 15 SiL Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature, , d, 41' I _Print NameIiha <('irltskr Address: Vs?9 Jung f 7>' t_Cive t b/go StateVnZip S e) ule/

Rrnsil r. `~,2A ZA@: iA Ghan - .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

                                    "Ada'7;-,             -

l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessrments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C't-r( '7 A Citizen Petition OMX tuh/ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and D this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those Co d at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: Print Name ,-t C m a l-Address: ( c 0(t' Sity _tati Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: ea- Print Nam Address: V7X g 5 7tV S; b')J City FQ4I~oNState~ip A _S7]2 3 Signature: Ka L /44iX Print Name Address: 1)A3 .2 AA , . _ _ City . State:zipD-5 2.

Email l0 -iJ (L1G IAt .oM _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: -Print Namo C. g (AYNEVc ((4'Id Address: / & RI) City- etA(O VI X StateVYZip 3+' 2-Z I -) I Elnail -. r. = .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
          ,       _11.      ._ xX                    -nI             N 5 Signature:.14,-,,-                      )Yf&-00--pit w                         NameA          cA114CkeI           k/.R0X\AA)n0lY. , a. #vl Address:       i)       lambDv            b/      1J Ad                                  City    we,I Is                   StatevZip            s7:7 4S2I EmilF,i It(     J4 1/h~lJl~lq                                                rnin           -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Aiu e AWW" IPrint Name vplaeld L n la4 d VII- .(

Address:d-? GA3641 i ;7".,2 -city V6 nxti-y 6660 date\/Fziptj%&c Email to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safetv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C~AT7# 'p7 A Citizen Petition (FEZZ ch71/of TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterzy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:. Pi Nanael?6MU PV j_ a Address: 19 j City Btte - Stateid iZip 61 0(

Email vo La2 4 0 vk t)  % LLb& . c OAl (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: H ig- Print Name C1/4 )k#12rŽ* ku,-

Address: A0IZp 1 & City State-ZipP 0 53y 3 Signature: A v 4rintName 6 . IL X l t -,-- Address: .2C . A)a X M o o 0i 4 Cit Statel~ip LI 3 ( Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name ') a ,0 .e "

Address: 1/2 / g 3 irge t City > v t StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Sigl + + On d M 4 S, r a-~_ 2 JH Address: ,le =i_ Statei Email V/ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturei 1t
                                     £      i    A             Print Name a      k   V\     V9kri Address5@X(                        _R7                                                   Ci           t                     State\YfZip N59 Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CHar #/1g A Citizen Petition RZcZ: 0//o7 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee",

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Alaine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ aii_ &,, Print Name A I as .,/,4 / !

Address: 7 a 1Ax, L-,,,. City It , StateOip C CtY L Email- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Z e, . CA- Print Name ti:- A L" , -A CLJA- a- C.,f Address: C(o C CJIs' A, a-, CitY - _ -StatU-ipC) vO 3 Signature: t08 if I& ]Print Name K1 Ar-c\ EdyL4 Address:T6O2 NZt4J CityV C/41Q t ate Zip 034G Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature ,L A dz Print Name SA 0 ~-A-C-o6 +3 Address: ft2K I -Ci t Cl2 PA<Z i,-p r 41-4 t ,,.

Email .l - _ 1(to eceive the bimonfthlyNew England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: r PrintNamreI Address:T. s) ) Cf City 01i /I ( - 0tA/ f ?6,25 [ Emai tL *eceivethe bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: AWVL'L,I _, - i_

Print Narme Id;

                                                                                ,   =  _

Sd\ 2p j4e,-~%J Address: I q A-i , kLa,/.- city rIn4u .Stato 9ip4b.3A _4l Email ad totYt Co-w- Do r-d' -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition (2 (z: 9/1 I/O$ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.


l. Signature:_D Print Name 3L-L o b e-L. y 6,

Address: 53 fwt-eAt- WA City AX t b *StateIJVIZip o$(et 2; Email 6-x keM 4e @ CAed- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_ Print Namne -.


                           ~I                   (L),+A fX                          _City        II     a-cs4X,-            StatdZip 12$

3 Signature: I Print Narme VAAJ IEL CADD Address: Va)JK- IK(aZ  ! City eLL .StateZip °5cS(( I Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:s r - \*( ' P \-

rit Name M 7 J2f/- V/ Address:Ad 6M i%6 City M2AW17Y _Stat6PZip W7fo'/ Email Aky'4@ Lela Y)16?S eif _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: (A? 1, ,J Print Name ,6-4 1. VI/Ile LI Address:  %-.s W- est - Citylc5t hfA0 1 e- StatA\'fip Ev Mtx (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: PrintName Address: Stat\Zip ) .0 2 Email Q A )t AA.- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Injieendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performnEmce.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

d<-: tr/,I/ A Citizen Petition A-., 7/71/Sl TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those ah eady conducted at aging nuclear plants in VMaine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur. Print Name ,

Address: City State ZipQL Email - __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_j ( r Print Nam e ,4eI~tl G Address: IJ A A Citv Gea.'

SWateNIin (-3> q I e >, T- JeeI< A ZZ Print Narnt A'ddriess:. wJ /<- ~. Cityd~V/~6W~0 State~rZpin lZ5 Email A _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: MMA u IPrint Name TO £ BEEF-~ _t f ,

V14u'6C2T I Address: *3 1Pi{Avi Thf City ' I/J?9 StatSipQ3y Email (to receive the bimonthly Dew England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: iNme Address: C I I l s _____City LarbStateVIZipZ 0cG1 3 b Email /I -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: .jZ
                        <     -C     f
                                       //A1 .q Print Name             S'c'S         tJ      /-{c2,SA A-Address:            Il&          C     o     d      >_                                   -C it~                            _Statip ep         0      Hi/

J1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAr 0/?*/9-A Citizen Petition AZe: TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corvoratioin has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ( Ah4 J7'> PrintNamel KA Y CU RTI Address: 4
  • I6r{nt City r L 6o ro State.iZip o030 Email . (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: God- _ 6 Print Name ,(A-AJ kMEeA)

Address: / 9ft?' L We C40 rA/ 47- .'9 City -vs4A StatpbiD t0~g {Se4 3 Signature:_ X4 J ., Print Name -Lj7 [QuG'/fAke n r Address: 23 S.PAIMU 4P1.- P City 72A-7 t-FBf .State0UZip- 2JaQ0/ Email I- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name - 57xFfcWC-- ,/ 'OVY7 Address: Vc7 117' IC -3 City WO1 4:Y _StateVZip a Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:  :+j L d Print Name ~WO IAi4 L-,

I W .%

                                                                                                    -I    I I r 'I Address:                                                                                    citL'-A[LSPli~ statkLtip Q3(57 Email           1\r^          -                                                       (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signa  : U PrintName A[2 M V Address: ElC) 0-6'01 Cita 09 StateZip V5S3( I Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmerts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box :545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cee # A Citizen Petition Ro9e*. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

X a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: K Came A \A Print Name - -ore (Oraj Address: I Pti CiAc yiA, J -
                                                                                        ~City-     ,1'VAL)n--             $Statej:Zip S 3,b Email                                          5v                                 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:_ U 4 l rintNane ,A Address: c 3- cit And Statev4zip T i 3 Signature: Print Name Address: City -State-ZIP Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: -

Print Name_ Address: City State-Zip Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signature: Print Name Address: Citv -State-Zip_ Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address : City State Zin Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO, Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

d-o ' HY A Citizen Petition atz F/9 ,/3 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

X afull top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conduct d at aging nuc ar plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: t a rint Name 3arbbara.. a (1-r;-

Address: fA;- an/>> I( City 6alLtate State<<$26 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) A

2. Signature: . H Print Name Address: Z .&H A Cls l /~ T J t City\J S L StateIZip M a 1 3 Signature:_ -. Print Name Z ooWY I Address: 4ZI *AXPS',..YVR- o~ft City 1.1f&V $stat Zip 0c567q Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: i k _ X Print Name Ckevvi Address: 7 51wfrh\ ARCCv4 Y..I Citv PIA V. J Statet Qii h:S a '1 LO -

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signa He_ ~ j f -, Address: City State Z'ip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: ky L t5 Print Name Address: '+(, SnVqXC. <of City StateV7p'iZ/

Email tI Jnk s ea) receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition e PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336 - www.necnp.ore BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM C:AN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

A Citizen Petition QC z: -?/c4-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Si PrintName Dad (, 4 ai 2 4 Address:" KTt TA/k '- 5t"5 e Ife Cit kU./^ O StateffZip oIS 3 S2 Email ____(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. SP
  • rint Nam 5

______City A- Sta vi___ 3 Signature aturiLoe: Print Name . j Address: 4 ij iTQ II Sit City4 gln1A~ Statetiip 0 Y3 # l v Email

4. Signature:
~~ A~tW PrintName (to receive the bimo f [l t fe.1t i nly N w England Coalition eBulletin)

Address: _City \fi 4 4S.o @ StatdrZip 3Ii Email _ (to receive the bimonthly N~w E land Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: I . / Print Namne Addrres //7i I ____(rCit he by N Stat gl ion eu Email - -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: I Print Name Atop Car AL.

Address: 5s3 J4ft Ir. C~ Citv ItGod v,,; -StatAUip&C3(1 Email v-,J l k[ IIP- saveU Ok tX fto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Venmont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall perforniance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition zRre: /19//1 a TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

1. Si-aue t Print Name 6Mks rA I7 Address: /9'5 SawkJ X tfr a City V/4u)/ *ffi StateVkip 7 Email eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:A 2 )Print Name \vier'A Vti Ytcnaa( ' Cum Address 5o0 fr Fa' RdW Iy' CityDU t teStateVfZip03DI 3 Signature: -A" ' Print Namee .I1 7 Address: _V _

ba t __ Avc-a S City (rkIJ2 Statg{ZipII 0 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name 1 Ho . (>e. a-Address: *1 .

r, v -City 7AiAi*Q _State3LlZip _ SICo{ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signa\ -Print Name N0 (1 \ - Address: tV ( aCkeA VL ({it City StateA ipO7Q;'D Email hour d> Ano r)vP

                                            -J-l (L t1to                  I                                              -                         _
       .mi                                                     o                          receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletiri)
6. Signature: c' "- PrintNarme 41ro U )e Address: / a "Iy StattZip C)g &I Email A -- (tn rereive the himnnthh, N',ew Pincyinnl Rev- -~_v tss~- I,. 1t11>

rnalitirn eRn4leti

                                                                                                                                               -- UIQI ... .tVI l  According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

O4r's e /f7 A Citizen Petition a(z. ge Y/ TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatiort has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: V- h 6 6 3( Print Name S \ *c C-,, c DI A Address:

c)Ati-niw A-74 City 0col, .StatelrZip0fi3( I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Narme C7C MS c -C e-Address: iPGf t /25- 6(4T-TTL 6 a City V 7 State Zii c 5- ° /

lSvv,(-I, 3 Signature:03 Print Name GI el e-H A-Address:4{%

  • City J fLL* .IJl zS tate Aidp CD)S l Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: C a Q7 f - PrintName C0&

1~__ t i~ K Address: 1.O_ (Achy / 5: 7 -City loL h G State Zip 0c5/ Irr Email f 'I _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature4a LT V~c 6~~ Print Name 1*1, A> %"p1 Cc, ZePeo_?0 Address:C9 A/ AS Jet tt City 2ŽrY- 4 3ttatepi21f Email H i i )eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: N PrintName v5 TACl La Address: City 2rm;>o State*VrZip C '3D 1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

I According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ludependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

2re # /7 A Citizen Petition ,2e :///s I. l~e TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermnont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioii has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name Ii ^ ( rvt-A 7 C-"- L.-

Address: Ob (id ('4 City t4a sA -StateAAzip c0 \)'1 c Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signa PrintNami we ?8e I. - C°cC Address: ko A 6 City t ( S ASStafbZip C)S 0 \

3 Signature: Print Name Address: tJd A be -ta ____City rxl Q d 'OStatfZipSOo I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: l \ L-,/ Pri[ntNarne 1. -r A-Address: , . S 1 I 3-citvCiy--:&- JT 7i" n' -- C)(

I t etIq -I

                                                                                                                   -          -----       I-         - -

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: _ A-6 < - Print Nant -__ C1")A j + I Address: -z vs eS __City f a tAt Zitte p A O° Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv State Zin -Z,
                                                                                           - --w Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C,4A--' (,t / Hi - 6 /.9T A Citizen Petition R ez any 0/6i TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alread onducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature. _-,C_ Print NE :5kvel G I ?e i c-(

Address: I- l-T II A City Most _^ CW&4s&(./State 0

                                                                                                                    - Or---         MD
                                                                                                                                               - v    -

Email @ cta  ; Q al { I'11 e V '1tA4 (to r, ,ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: nNName.J 1 Print I I Address: ____ __ ___City, L xa StatdŽZi0y 3 Signature: / -_Print Name  ?

Address: V 0) ?Jcl 2J,( i u Cit,y stateL1ip-0309 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) K* I to

4. Signatur<S 9gg Print Name e p1 si0 .7 I I e Address:2V7 'k 21k.f ____Cit it77<£X)State)Ziipv Email /i0'1w- 7/71 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Sprint Name >Y<LscQ~ttek - v Address: `AA7Z, A&, tehN t~t \1 ttk; ;w Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)


6. Signature: 0(2Lt L 44.CV -Print Name Address: 6_Z'5 I\/Ar+ LO\k.(1c City -I 2) t( _Zip 0,H CO \

Email Jayyi)QDe\\Qa & 2vk¶~2ŽcLkto receive the bimonthly New\EnglanV Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAf Qao cQ A Citizen Petition RM, i[(Veos I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont;, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ihat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: / t Z int r Name ,"/ Iof 7by~/? ,,f2i'AY 6tAC Address: /3?/ - ' )y, CitV
                                                                                         -ityJ D

i --. --A O-0A

                                                                                                                    ~       --



a Zt- I-t-0I'Tr Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: P ('A Print Name Vame, Ga-ylry Address: )n 1 j-P1$ Cityv
                                                                                         ---w    .-

H olJJLL StatJtip 6554{3 / 3 Signatur&\- '-vr-eL" 10L. Print N TDvbc {af t V- \ 1,;;; Address: .- i1 l.7Le.\6+9 Citv .e 4 JLe StateI 4 in ) 3 q A2) I Email LAAOeu - -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: larne Janice 6c Print IN' rmio&A Address: -27 ri am Pk kr'l! RJ CitV/VPttL 4 4LP-

_State-Zip G3'52 EmailjCtcj m- ic (3 SV I/h . ne I- -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - -. :J' ,5 I' , Print Name-_r reap /I4 NTe-o Address: 1~~ 6~f /i-L- 441 City -MK//rA*/ StattfZ Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_ Print Name Address: City State-ZIP_. .

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 , (802) 257-0336

(fe ki 0 ZO A Citizen Petition ye t ' ll / TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: cs Print Name . 6 t1'EA r Address: 7g L PE City 6 /SmIA-0JZE/ State'hZip aN' 4C Email eL va?

LAD ' b (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) i

2. Signature: Al., ~i..~ r.Vr V s tS -JAr _ _ Print Name .

e ,Cr\ Q& = n

                                                                                                            -eri       .

Address: V+\ T%C( rat A City x9tg g S UtteMJWZip-D25Sfi; 3 Signature: - ~ Print Name.- / Address: , City S aCteo t Email -(to receive the bimonthly New Enhgland Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv -State-ZIP .

Email J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: _ Or Print Name Address: Citv State 7in

                                                                                                                                      -1 Email                                                                              -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv IState__ZIP Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind.pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT'Pk ql(5(4 A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee",

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ( ( a Print Name C,
  • Who Address: &Lt 1 e -City, 6 rill, & State~ip 0 3 4&

Email a CAct " r k Qr n C (t ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name _______ ______

VdJ-Address: 3 Signature: Address: /*3 iq2j 5 _City jLW2 _Stat 9 Z <d/

                                              /        0 Email_                   /                                                           (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:

Ads e Y,7I I If-Print Name C C > 1CZD Address: 7i (, _

  • Jfa7Aoigat2
                                 -       -
  • In ,

City~~ _StateALip O32!(I7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signa MZ 7 P nt Name haW ' re-. L_ tc -t4vc( Address: L i LL Cia # , -w-bCC- _ _ StatSZip 0(3 T q Email *(toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Print Name PXVOJ " NV&C CA Address: 7 0L(s4W t /+/-LA C ity 0 C Stateillp Email AMK Cf A(tlard . C O (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cprt 3 A Citizen Petition -1RetC. (q(of I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatior! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Ohm 'zz -. Print Name 4/aNAGR .,, ci ,

Address: Y4A 'S -C City L Z /LCs7 _StateAip a3t4 Email Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_,&, -:,. A L, A, , _ . A.

_.t, Print NameI Z.. ,/I W 1 A . n v. Address: , F r City h i ¶ Statej pip0 rigs 3 Signatur4: 4/R4&/,rint Name 1V1sz lf Al [eWm Address: oA,.- /fC 7 t:t e-t

                                                           *(J                              City.           LAt                   StatekAipo34S7 Email                                                                               f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:ure4W /, jI ¶L Print Name /z4 c 4 / Z4 lf;_W07t He Address: /1'9, .

firer$_ . Ad . City /Xv~ z state"'in0->UR/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Ll l -k-4w-lPrint Name Address: /74a f/ l St City ere -Statlip 0 3 (K? - Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:g n a, u r e l - PrintName a4pvi
                                                                                  /tv(-to"                         v- .

Address: *7 4 Scliny I e ~City l o,* _StateZip Al3I 1 I Email ,I 2 A) fnrv t Yit, Do (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition c? c, / I(0 l TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those4lready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. LJQiop4iof Pl Address: City WJ.n0 State/\Z'in0 I

Email x -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 1fr ns1& Print Name YWI /"ZP- AldIde Z -. ,

Address: /A 6l,Žr )9 ( Citv /,Ji &LtKAY iataZin D-&t 3 Signature: Print Name /1 'cjoel Xk r G-rCe Address: t09 ^r ea Citv

                                                                                         ---w   Caer
                                                                                                 - 4 4d(-= . .- ° 3Zo 3 Email / (to receive e bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: 1l - X Y, Print Namne Statc_ / i37 Eed Address: ( 6) 7 9 6 -- City C /dtt-State Zi "'3&,7-3Z Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signature4 U Ax - Print Name -) Ix>, dcs J5 pD Address: t4 x

( , C ? e A;. _ . _City Aij Q 2& .StatA%4a<153 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: -/I/MS4,tFry Print Name /P/elta l Pnk7 Address: 3&w t v /;t ti City, 6
                                                                                                  ,k, 1ILL, ._            StateŽzip        634381 Email                                                                             _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnianv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition te e ((e{(o 5. TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conductedataging n clear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature. 9fNM AVQl) PrintName (Y 4rf~J C a Lo /

Address.?. ., A I o5° C ) a / Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature . Print Name 'A rr/,,/ -ie-f ha r e Address: il ( -Jo I City 0/ --

A 11 /A State 1Vrn 1)*1 C) /-- 3 Signature: C) I

                                  ,<y                        Print Name            Qc:£, m-AJaitr               -Li   -;,       e .-

wn . A,-,--so A.. AL. Address: _ 11Y -it lIn i State-5Zi p Email .-l (to receive the bimonthly New Vngland Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: -Print Name atr(6 L4J 10i6STa Address: l/3 Lo ciC -i FSAG' LoCity i tatt 0 a qS!-

Email -ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signa LD tName_ BE/~rl  % Lvm (/ A, r-p AJ Address: f0 City 2 , Z

                                                                                                                        ,,stad~t^Jni         t3     VY5 Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: Print Name WVC1ckA d6 hr, Address: 5v (Ca4~ LI ? -- City (i d-nS State^Zip hti4AL&

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmeiits, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please returnthis form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts t?-4 ROG4o * , ., - FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in ailing for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those 1eady conducte a aing nuclear p1 s in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Narae Re& A)  ?  ; j Address: qt/ Ver f-ff a Citv (rib" ( State (/AZi. L (73 1 Email *(toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: 1X 4
  • A '- Print Name At, ' W, Address: °bdn i = City 17' a-l S state LJX, V3 3 Signature: (gv- \ Print Name.ii),- 2)c4-a-i'-

Address: Ct IAm Q.c-1 5kALa A- _City li,,Statet*-ip_0a L . Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: - -=4 Print Name Lcaytiessc N 's Address: (O ft>N Sa-L- IX LVWVLV% OalCitV X v , .
                                                                                                       ..    .   .....          Staite_       0N Wy Email            I   OaTe6,1Ct&A;0(* @                                     ,..C lc (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:         2)                                       PrintName                > \&M....        k_ v-   \ I Address:                >-       Q j'%    PP%         M\:     \ \.N                                                              Sta` Zip          ŽŽk Email'5cV                'terse         X ;v\               5                         \.x
                                                                                         ,receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: (IC4IgP X /A Print Name W aIm ALtqp C)

Address: 4/4 ;I ()w - e) J6.- _City UG Y Statozxp TV 3 C) ,era Email __<e-~' c 4 J. ai7 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


                                                                                                                                           ~         14   &u7a A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. PrintName (tti I At4(21 Ci/f l14, l

1. Signature: l -

Address: IAl iI e City i( StatedZip 03qqg Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 54L Pa;-1 Print Name *Z/'& I?,/aek
                                    /      I                                                    I   -

Address: V5§L ,Al t t ze __

                                                                             ---          City h~ees                         StateMitp. 03        52 3 Signaturee                                        ____       Print Name        Kzc
                                                                                 >           kg 1

Address: 5R C7'1 J) 4 <Irl(q- < -,--City S > f 4statef 341 (o-0Zip Email Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. SignaturedR . .0 Print Namre P)t -.3J Lb. iJ J Fs Address: 1 5 nT f~-<w- _CityTMf/ StatJJ}ZipD OZ 7L(

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: E m a _ < Print Name S!co-rr T S-rnwrx Address: q /\A/rL 5 City K-eNt6 _StatePO'Zip ° ? t ? Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_ O i, A.

L Pi. rint Name VIV^~ -A - >r-I+- Address: m ols rci-<1W II . City AA, IA State/AZip-0113J31 Email kX Do scAntc -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont;, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatiol! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Nam e C Address: ( cCity\4 Stat<gip %_A Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: & ,2 f PrintName A P 4iC9 ?7T6_,f5e,/

Address: F(4, 4 Cit ,7 StatWip 3 Signature: _>jf 4 Print Namre /?o ORE 4?7 o r_ 1 So Address: $ 7 gA4 & /- ~City 41"/41170-riq StatetuZip at 0--- Email 74 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: / 4/- Print Name p7l /a-C/ 2 C4 <

Address: /( C0$af9 aa/b t / ______City **_ lStatd ip 0 3 Email U 2- e?C 5sSlno Be Z (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:Y<o' c-4 )Z' Print Name ReU M/ 11 v -to i < ((cz Address: gg7 9 ,6ytAz/f'r' 9'd Ci CP ek,/e? Al,i ./~ Rb ai/IPO)fv-EmailI eive the bimonthl New E a d Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: -Print Namre Address: .2(c)--) WL - L ¶2CIk Ck
                                                                                          'ik                    S        State Zip D5 -          t4L-11 Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

4"-OW c e*1 - Q

                                                                                                                                                               &f A Citizen Petition                                                                Re(. Rh(f6i TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate -hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NO SAY oin calling for an Indevendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to t se alrea c at ags nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. SignaX A M I-Print Name TkAyAc (6 4Ls UAId Address: M°;bCiyStatA(,¢Zip ~9)

Email lirlvimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatu re e t lf t Address: t ' City stateikiP () 2(in 3 Signature_< Print Name 3 A. XIAfr D.z It 0eA Address9: / H4TetA V I /I \` t City Iv114or4 StatYi a 73 0 /

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: I } f JA (j O rintNa ne Address: Idc4L --- city 1tatj ip L Email -(to reeceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatur: Print Name A) C. i 1I, iAJ ze-L3 -1 t Address: I )6Q5 ? A d 4X1I A City ANM4\(f0A StatlZip C 354S Email X"OI -' f (to re!ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signalure: Atj A4i _int 11 Name 7 00" c~ahl Address:
.ea In Lare -

City statel/h.p oS7_7; Email - _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) etermine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boa 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336 / ww.necrip.ore BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

i (K7 V Q(6 A Citizen Petition Ret lt(of ( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New J-Iampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those al .ady onducted at a g nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: L a /#(ou ta a kprin rN a e (ucLrott4 Address: $( 14to -4> Sac>V t9- City, R

I. StatesfZip °3 --6 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signag n ar Print Narme J1-1eyV, i- .!

K"7z/ n

                                                                                                                         /0S A             °   r Address: V 7          r- /(#,/        ((~en                                  ____City_ B3Vf4-4.-e4                     "- Statk+/-Zip rf1.3ifr 3 Signature: Ct.                                             Print Narnr.

Address: ?5 OGl( Ct/C&fy I City ~ // State (Zip 0(53a Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: _/._-Print Name _3_rivety 1 Sa i t)4k5YV Address: 77 baza Z 2it ai State7 3 Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: r U nta m ame l*kieAA 7 -LrS Address: Mn A St City. W 1Apd' StateA JZiiprQ360 8 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: LO't,&-( Print Name r6 A) C afLLV Address: _Cityy;0S; QStatejZip 6 s 30 (

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition e TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAX, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thosakireidy, g c nts in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur Name MCI Ž1 44 KA A4d1l NJ I Address: ( m2 oa Vt4yR Adk City 4Se  ;(A C-' StateVtZip oS3q5 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name 5ctK, "I 0/,- ctif Address: ______City C¢_o Stat) 3 Signature: Print Name if mu Address: I ACity E7?  ; In Stat&Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: f Print Name Il ( & I(ft -V-Address: lt3O AuJo{44w1 4- 1X. City Q8kVltte StatdyZip Zg5s~

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: < vA H o Print Name JIAXA M eoAL4} Address: d6 4r i A -v- Cityzratwaklm Stat{J Zip ns*3z 1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Co b Print Name M A ri 4 rg -t k) A e#u-t Address: /d 7 h-'->7 Sh City ft StatJ1ZipL 3Z Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indcepndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(CA-7S WAVt A Citizen Petition lzp,( i(wqbf TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW S j in in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to t e I d at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1.Sign f PnntrName Narr\J7AS- / Address:t IAI C-MityL 4 AD OCi LEvy., StatW(Zip Email

  • _ ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: aljeGo yIrint Lanie b P yIll,, -50I-)

Address: IT;3tf- j,q,- 92P --- Cityf DUln_/el tate V%-p-ate 3 Signat#/ Nam_ &g ZS  ; Address: (>./r7 067 1v6 PI Cit4St Statee{Zip-2SO/

               - I                                               I -    .

Email to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signa re: Print Name Ja61 r 5,LC Address: 161S'c,& / (A- City
                                                                                                    &AjL-                 staeV1
                                                                                                                          -- r---   w 7in  ba s -

V l Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature -- ' ,:Z- r Print Name 41ft&r /-- Ae,2L* Address: 31) /;riJl bea, p ~Cit <X- D StateV7Zijp O°3 01 EmailI 111A/ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_<fl & &- Print Name wring~41
                                                                                      -- I'-

Address: ,)-3 q-ed U ktja'i( Pkwyq - City f -t{e; StateWZip O' 52 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition i?. c (V" TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New HIampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterl-v Corporationa has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at agink nuclear plants in Maine a d Connecticut.

1. Signature Print Name Address: (to recithbm thyN StateVzip Q i- t Y Email Sreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature Print Nair 0 I 3 X l Is Address: I Cx'l6(IrW ( 'lflo A& 60Q Stateo Zip C's1l 0

3 Signatur, Print Name, Address: dr s City a Stateqi. °S53 ) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Zip__ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City State_ _Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boi 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition e. , l( ( (I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate lhat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indemendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those aIr ady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: // S Print Name__ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _

Address~ kiY)SJc/de ICeyf5 city ! >/< State ipC 0 L/5 Email___ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: PrintNare / (ys a Address: eq A &ee Ccck- City C Statai 4 3 Signature: Print Name__

Address: City State Zip Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name__

Address: City State_ _Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City State Zip__ _ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Nam__

Address: City State _Z_ _ _ Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(4x. #art A Citizen Petition h e -qtot1 ( 6T I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those a conp aging

                                                 .cte nuclea plants in Maine               Connecticut a   nd
1. Signature:_

Address:l Email \ci A ffb*\ e 7 Ctrfl $5 em t n Pen-kfirint Narne City I S h qkh statF

                                                                                    -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 3l S
2. Signature: K/ 44jngxy ~ rtNae I Address:
2. Il '}

w 27*O-C2J&L-I A&f6 v1 LŽJ i i = . City Pwm ez -StateY E -3g4 6 3 Signature: 1 f. Li Print Name L1 2I Address: QA^:o ---1 City . . . ATe State Zin 0 - - 6/ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4nadre:S Address: ___==3_,

       -A-La-ww Exnai                                                                                 (to receive the bimonthly New                                 etin) 5 Signature:        /                                           Print Name     C4   d  ,     ;         Z            Is n   ,,

Address:(oU v ~ size 3o A _ _ _ _ _ _ City- UJ L Stat% 4ip(5, Email ifC IC txod r - dkat l Le tlvc o re=cive th:bimonthly N~ewyngland Coalition eBulletin)

6. Sig atr e: Pri Iam Address: I W ( (\ ( 2ity ¢ - State i I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessme:nts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A-T, 4(((6 A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporatio]i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate 1hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those d cted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: PrintName ):_ *- I ( - r Address: I3 c) \ , t4i" t - City Pi-kS,(k Statep 0 7 Email _ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: (-.,A- Print Name '7Zi ST1WL.

Address: c2& q C(H M4iA 0 i 1p City G#9 6L`-' StatM Zip c ?o I 3 Signature: 1) CW it tUQ i Print Namei Address: I2 cl-WmricL <rO City CJL0QWi Stat&AZi C11501 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4,:. Signature:4 I ) Print Name (i~r' (aoCC//2 Address:_ ____ _________ _ City (fleefi 4A/fd I StateAZip 0/9 Email U'0c (o <@ 0Ve'oe, cot,, -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 SignatureL. kh

                                  .-                       >      Print Narnme 1\I       &JbL                  h D Address:     ';--J         vv          AQ kZ        *gL                                      City If0          t               Statel     ip)      *21 Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:r PrintName 4s /'4 XI )lc/

Address: 4/ I. I,-/ ( 004 <&- " I -State&Zip-01SZ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

AT. 4 2 17 A Citizen Petition rz, q m of TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_9h Pa u~- Print Name Sgwvink x r ova e\ AOYrrtrS Address: ,' CM4; c k4k'- city
                                                                                         - ,-      q~(LhVce-i
                                                                                                         . _              .StatejrZip Sd           Ia Email ek\Je6AeS(esc            -          n7 E Y,                   or---         -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv State Zin 3 Signature:_ Print Name Address: Citv ,-
                                                                                                                          -State-Zip Email                                                                              f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Namre Address: - --. StateZip Email- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City .StateeZi Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

W., A QRcmnahirA- FPrint Name Address: Citv State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) i According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Tanya Me- ( A Citizen Petition Ran RUi(K TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature/e , Print Name r e5.e L. A-Address: I ZL-7 ie f+ ff QJ _City e State*Zip c93 dJ Email eA- 04 % be, V-4X f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) .
2. Signature: _;;(. M 4:J fi Print Name Ets-o- A. Go d Address: ,C)R Cl Or,irn
                                                  &S4-Cityvid r        $               Statlip o (L3 L 3Signature:                    /V IM,I   -4tI     IW,-        Print Name       L&", AV, &f~baP Address: 17d               4'au6 uloA9                                                     City Mild                        StateipQt30 J Email A.....            ,,
                    .01 1'k                                                        -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. SignatureQ =

Print Narne I (A l e Address: 1 G3<F VtAl -k Cirtv 4pw _Stat:e&ipO 10~ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: al v 'lYvAe ' Print Name VmoyAe Slt i k Address:--: AM A X -City A41i f 61 ta~Zip 016-7


W 'Y(l.{ Email V

                -- - A'\   Qh he  C Ii    -                                           to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature;L.:" peptz Print NameJ - DCty Pk 1f Rt St Address: 1l& ch Vm1 1ro 4+- _cityEi u Statettip ca)l\D I -

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition ktc, Rmolll TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enter2v Corporatior has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: f leas 401d, J Print Name IYAM 1&4 U4- 1 Address:
              /r. A-          2.8                                                         -City          G           o    ik4" StateneZip Al ;t?     L, Email                                                                               (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: A t Print Name St_ ( ( U L4fSl Address: Ax q
                                 °tI                  A d&          OX                    City 5 4l I                    1,    Stte 3 Signature: 1            10AlQxMAA 9                            a     ]Print Namcemit )a                  \ -0 A            tV\
                       --      A          \         Ar Address:       23c21 J    l

[i4n - Z=4x I - 1A Citvy lhn UtbU StateN\in 0 OV1 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatur - Print Name
                                                                                  .                 4(                  Ar Address:      It,
             /?                    ,

I , ,, r7 / _ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:_  ? 7{6(1/ Print Narme A/%- '

                                                                                                     $E R'

Address: IA 9 16Z I+ IlI01-1o,I City Arty (L Statedftip O i -W( Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: / L6 l P_ - Print Narae L .- k 6-yc C,1 1tm*

Address: III l~k. [Aal b Citv _.. a

                                                                                                         & )AA,
                                                                                                            .,,.5 AIv (     4ate-Zip 6    ) 31J Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( A-T. L4o A Citizen Petition r(((cwA INO(b TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Cg~dd &a cI e-ff Print Name l-sA J /%JT219-Address: 13 /i-cZL s 1( -e icLaCity
                                                               /a4                               W d ea                    Stateh!Aip O l 3 -

Email M US k WJ OCV <LA St I / @ ahoo) C-O (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: ri n t nName - /g4/<

Address: _______ City, Stat/ 3 Signature: / PrintName 3'W (P4 (0W1 dsW Address: C) ( CZ pJZ(//2-4 Citv

                                                                                                     `yL      _r          _StakAp 91 :3          3      t Email WqVL4              M4 ha                     c      rw    (W-                (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:_ PrintName Address:  ? e_ And --_City _ _____ __

Email / ? ( 0 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: C i Name / , Address: /// , f City Statp C23S

                                         '4                  '                          C                                  State5XZ Email                                             jQ 420        /     ,         -z      receive
                                                                                           .(to the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: )Print Name Pac (tB? e e Address: 13 or G I lue S-k t-et _City 6LLES~ L /:) Sa ip 36 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( A, k b.?0 A Citizen Petition R (,uL( jc(6 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 9_6t' G eL -Print Name -ltI sA Mi O/ 7 Address: 13 aqs(1 let44-L w-( Cit - Waited
                                                                                                     --    d Rtathti
                                                                                                                           ----       T    -

a / 3 74e1 Email 1 LLS k W OMtoA cL A 1 @ yl1Oc) *OM (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2.Signature: rint Name XL &q ai , Address: _/__7___City-bCitS/State 3 Signature: /c- l- Print Namie '5(((J (rQ 3LZP

                                                                                                                          \J Address:      c   9

( E' PaD '// /1 /£ rity, 4'-7bL_ .Stat~izi AlI 31/ Email ftiEL @^44 -Cd(IV- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: g. Print Najne7t// el Address: A7 P/, G City d f °

____SteZi t:__: 1 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:.t45 ee.4 S.. t Name / 1Ze leg9~ Address: / Z / A >t oCity& Sta~p Email 12 .. (to receive the bimo thly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: ePP~A R Print Name Pa R F( e' 1(eR Address: 13 C *levelW v S - ct ate LO)stat p C(3a 0 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: jndcepndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition # PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition cAYTRe t c(QI TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Print Name CA AEW *0M Address: __ UgUk p CityL CK4/iA,Sat StateJi pJ S Email eg,-

i(to Qa receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: i AX Tin, Print Name , \' ¶ 81 lA .

Address: 4 9-(-) M n I) _CIity <ax \>tr^State~i ti 5 3 Signature: L Pr int Name e cC4 eset5-a4i d Address: (,( C. Ui+t en or t v - Citv,0C19 r' ok- _Stat^Zip 0 %34(2. Email ' CgcccSaclf AxA -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatur Q Print INa (te re the bim l N Address: p (A&, . V -Ps City-1 ]lrI e StatLip 013 Email TrM @ , (c e , _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Signature:_tz/* s £_4i7A Print Nfame-~--o.c _ . _ _ Address: /' 7Q &s z z fCity 00gtt/ vL-PIfStatek/p(/tJ Email i(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name IA,J V4/1(c'A Address: ( 6 &\ { 5A City2Lk stat~zip /'/>

Email QCA d4( vD g/&7 o (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeIendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoanv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition R t (. 1 Hi (0 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: AA Ct-q4 Print Name TaI)ke- Cane-Address: 4 4 SIuc AAk City r-fImPht, & -state~4kip 0 130 1 Email 4IA -(to rceceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:. & 4 Print Name /'Af-
                                                                                             /4A         L v                      CWof C L\

Address: 9 4 9 5 //S City CR~ I -.State-Zip---0 -3 o ? I 3 Signature: Q lpIe g A Print Name LO '~~\ A I1, Address: (C)" FzOX - .p &-fee& -64 Stat&ki cGo Email eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: (3 b I MM Narne Address:

EmAil 1/ C t ( / Xa- Ci ecev t t N tna ip biotly New England Coalition eBulletin) eu3eOva/ V 44=7'

                     -J      I i         iii-f.

5 Signature: A// -,L4{e%, Print Name Address: l(0 1(,AiA h gAshI L)Y d - City4Aht CStat4Zip a/ SYS9 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: I; A- .


                                 ,,, 2 (2pQ            Print Name       W.-- Mr-LVtALLC
                                                                                  .fi     . .      ._ .
                                 -I-Address:          Fh -FJD5( G[I                                                            citv C-Okli 1,14Y City   C~I
                                                                                                 *-      G i-Y u 19tatANki,r n(-341
                                                                                                                             ----         A- - 1,-

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power CompanL October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo:x 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT, 4 Za3 A Citizen Petition R~X d(6

m. 5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: v a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature: ( 1!t Print Name Cl t, ferd Ah av Tr - If I hb Statet~ip Address: sli(/ WLtI/t ss Ad City UJI IX& S 7 dee . I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: A.Cstin XaY)- Print Name Alyn J rn usAre1 r S I Address: <Wk/i 0 .. oft Cityl 'im kn.bng _Stateozip as094 3 Signature: r1q AerAl,*A I cl Print N D i--.

Address: ? -GY-A Ally X II NA. Cityrime 0 StateLiWpnl\ n Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaturere - s H-iI Print Name /l E ,t. -A -(

Address: ,3 t; hD el S.- (eo 4~ t-9 l Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: '. P d t !' Print Name /fpJ =a 2 X. S Og1 4 LA( t

                                                                              ,           C           I ' 4  JStt    -y Address:      1:7c1                 Ikom,!$vr-A, 5;-                                      City- (if                      J Id
                                                                                                                           -tate 1-ilp- (D 3C1   3t Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. _Signature: AcZdaLk - Print Name 4. Z- vK K
                                                                                  .J - -

so .F _ _ . IS Address: )i20 4LL . City

                                                                                         -- _J  II rI D               .StateWip         0   Ij  b    t Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According  to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cA-. 1RRle A Citizen Petition Rec, q((1(4 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already coded at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. SigaPrinttNane LS A C StUL7IL t

Address:) 7A7 3/46 Ez CNC I2X staIA Zin 2Oe6 ( Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: g9aN~Q  %&% & Print Name RenteL
  • ckf 1,i Address: 32-z Aftr 6 Citv PItQ.A4(u Stateqin 0)0 7D 3 Signature: £ i l f"v A~ Print Nam-Address: 1F.4 KkarL? ( City P1 A1 ,. Fla edt: State!AZip CAlO7C Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:J)Q f t Print Nanie T 6Sf A e dpA)/

_ J Address: I 3- Q 4, v CitJ6PD1 > "J1° StateZip 0 t- a/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5SignatureSzc l/ Mi dL4L Print Name I am cih luor c4 1 Address: 3 l itr PA cr0 -ip ot(2 Email e 0 [l t8. 9 rI 5-

                                              ?a           t( VA      X                receive thebimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: U 1 Print Name RlI /4e l Address: P, b , d (S 6. City QHStatAKZipn l Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition e° TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, jon us in calli g for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those nd ucted at nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatu Print Name__A,__________

Address: ______>eCityL&? *Lt State*Zip eS8?/ Email t ( receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2- Signz Print Nan cl /c f dtCi ree c StateZip ° /,30 I 3 Signal Print Name SOtfe Lk- gi Address. ES City /s- StX p CzP3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4.Signaturent Print Name L en SC oft Address: 3 0 G S/ Cityv/t. e Yre r5 26 Statofip O /137 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatue Print Naine Al4,4J_? 3 CJ Address: ( X ,.Ci- StatqkCd/46.arj7o Email VA-rw. coC(to C.A'av receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: ( c LQ. nnt Name i At,; A. & 2 ro p l(c6§ Address:__ul i c on gS. City f ge-en At L statldzip s3ol Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1)independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

caib f HR A Citizen Petition ( c(4 ((Us&( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporatio ! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prucdent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: A" a _ e .M& IPrint Name owl63-10EAC62 _ *
  • I l.w Address: SV /AMP/ - 5r- Citvrskusn f _StateMZip r3L7D Email - ha * ) I Cow (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. SignauereiPrint Nan ne>Coor voo! /tr4_kosk-l
                                                                                                      *-W   -

_I - -z I ws Address: 7/' O/0 Abe d Cit ,F~f\I/ Stategui-p- Oin3 3Signature:LL44L n Name/} n e- //V I Address: :A- C cAy/w 51- City, r- I DI Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaturea A , PrintName b&ctcrA L9Jd:hTd n "h&n Address: / ( (vG ) kpacO I -

c City p& 4 _ . . I

                                                                                                                     ,4       StatteffZi   -0 5 If6 Email                                                                             _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: nt-ame                                             rint Name/4?qk            R /)

Address: d5 (ig0 ssAiZc1 iC4 Cit tygwo6* State/° o M C_, U Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatux\ g AX Print NamTV L4jce k Address: \ E I City I S Sat teVA. 0 t,3-X Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: lndependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vennont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergw Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alread conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine andfonnecticut.

1. Signature: A (v Print Name 4 a(

Address: 2I r l:a City EF StateAipA Q Email eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: -
J7- / 2 1 Print Name MAsaic PD s t Address: (2 N -e Ct City Cci(At(.( StatetZip 0O1 ° I 3 Signature: 4 Perint Name _ wove Cit RLew " et.

Address: Acds, r' Mo City-- [/tzs1-, StatA'in C1 77'? _____(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) PA t Name -*7 uePrint H E A- ( Address: a 2_ viei MAA-t Cityi Ad StatJ ZipD 0Q L) ERii i (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Li .


Q\AAA, Print Name 6j "A Ai 0(, 4 g h&1 A

                                                                                                            ,C Address:                   l)               i tAlaicu            *W                     --Ci                         VA7tj{Statei$Zip 0 1           i~

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: ' +A t,76+ntNamc Address: .\h "\ t~ ,, ___City e'1 Stat4 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition ivc( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatiorn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

E The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: X a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those ald laine and Connecticut.

1. Signaturena PmNaie fl.I A h AenI.ckes~t Add ress:

4- 7 */?.... e Print - - ani I Address: J3 glA41A e RI2- Cit 70 /6Ct Stat ip o0/ d Email ,0 . , (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Si atire: Print Name , C al StateO/W, Addre-ss:I - __City_ & mok -StatqCzip 4=/3 3 Signature: Print Name
                                                                                               /-T"k Address:                    -     \N          QQ            >                            ritv
                                                                                         -__W  111 A                      4 ;tA4\WkinCZA9    - __

Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: qg , d(j[na.nt Name IIe1 C-.A NbI-crs Address: 73? /A %PlyU City SL4lvr F4tJ Statet'AZip O 11Q Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 2 /! e 04 n Print Name Address: _ . A*

_ City ,4 ItI FP StateZip M3 Go' Email to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: :ZRfPrint Name

_Cit Sate~f Lim At ° A Address: q, V. kHAe Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CuA-T. i 14QR2 A Citizeii Petition RX e. 4 ( I (OF) TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatiol! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Al PrintNamel) M 0 7tv(LC o' Address: qi .

4&., Am&m, *gtA.

                               ..       g   F   .   ,


                                                            -                            Citv        At@,                  Statehin       aq36, Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: k Print NameJ t-f T. AUTU A) 6Ho-1 Address: IS W , quit S , A_ (4 ity & ~ i L .Stateeip al zoq 3 Signature: {hAe Print Name QId ef6
                                                                                           - rV      )4LA Address      7/W/ ;                   3                                                   Cityk               )             StateX)L(Zip       °36 4; Rmail                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. ig Print Name . 4 -4 -_

Address: 75* A), VAIX <,7 City :Ak,Ž) Su64 v State Zi. - 4/- - A S Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: , Whp)Cw /)Ap/JCl Print Name -'SU sacn 5pful16 Address: At6 S%(Pv &-' _City 4fQvilf~ iIA State hZip0136l Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: 13 e , t, Print Name- - I -

Address:fILS n Qf. CIL Cityr(^no43dd Statkip-Aa / Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) indeprndently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Citizen Petition e( 4 (( /(3 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to thos already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature <; D4 ks d PrintNatne 2e !c2,q 0C&-A z,*

Address: k04'- >k City 1 2v ' 1 StateZip O)3?0 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: _ P7 &_ IAGOL-f -

Print Nam

  • et,*)C _ "ex, oland Address: 1c)-V 1M, c A4 - ,I City A477 I _StatJ4Zip 33 l iL 3 Signature: &A4 C A
                                       ' Am-                 PrintName         fAtwp-    I. Cu                                k Address:        I   .? HeOP      f                                                      City &4l"F1tb,6                    StateZipd!               L7/

Email L 77 ) -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaate P rint Name exeE_&Le° zoJ X Address: ._( (3(0 4- (AELXSb lW C ty ir+C(eA"p Stat &i Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Sign Print Name p J _ I)A-f-Address: /1- IMtPA-P< 4 City ( -Stateiiplj3Q L Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: (iii4(Q. &J . K J Print Name 4L j Qe O a %A V_ f V',-

Address: A,>~ MrOIV ~City 's1AU4  ;/6 StateA~ip O2 6 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

I c ATQX( A Citizen Petition nle. 1(0'Ul I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Venront, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enteriw Cornoratio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate 1hat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee%,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: (( n Print Name (CV) S (C v Address: 3 t- 1)3AJeyv .5 City L Uf - Stat~ip (2131)/

Email r S2 $C!z &4 - C-2-o -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: (lAP A Print Name Al h/PiP. to le Address: 1S et i 5Cwj-_ 5-:a eeLS City State/fiZip--d3G 3 Signature: A <<- JUJ., PrintNamre R6RVFiW[ M RAiz Address: 3bo- rebQ
  • R By\ \8 EQ RX *
  • w
                                                               -                        City OF%PiC.IF                    .StateWip         0136 Email                      A     _         -                                      (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature PI , -Print NarneA//

5>tCi 4, Ž/6e/ y6qXew 97"/257Z O Stat942i"!&/w r/ Address: 71 -06D4 5

                                - t-   -

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature Print Name A 7Itq ,s/I (f) , A Address: 4f t y~rifm- SŽ-t City F5-r / StattAAZip C- 1At q Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:ss: 4 Print Name city"dgbfiff/

Address: c;643 ErrA, A20 City

                                                                                        --- w
                                                                                                   °V    f<                qtntfio'4 0 13 6 3 Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(AiPT. Ci " 3Ri A Citizen Petition Rt( .ilq(M a TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New 'Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. signature: fA I a a, eR Print Name PI' i4as U i /. k-lot" Address: 117 (&-Ie-'5 BA Ad _Cityeia4L /Stat-lip DL/331 Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name :tiV Address: sj~ baTH T 5r -L \ City4 3 Signatur e j e4 Print Nan a j( ahgietr6A statekzip 01 6C0 A)

Address: j D'-: %jsA X R A: ^ AC- .City-A Emai a3 -(to receive th rebimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: I DPrint Name JOS0b 3. cio NMA 9.f Address: 6 LIAI 6Be, Lox kc 7 City QR/eF/FW Stat ip 0Q3z7 Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:(Q

_ t V X - 2Lfe(t car w - - v Print Name 'X LQ 3k TAk Address: 6Lo I LC((k4ZC City on i on _Stateftbp_&:Ka ( Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: AbAMTI )bP Print Narme I

Address: 33- L oo -AL,?J 5 City 6 Aw Stateaip C Z3a Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind.-endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

tAlc, (z3[3 A Citizen Petition fXe( . 4t(j(O TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation, has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alread conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur Print Name ke- C4 ts5 Address: 4D V 1 JC, State Zip 0 (301 Email- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: (3_ Print Name( "'e' I A w&-

Address: (j&)f -Q Ad z _City i11Lfa _StateLZip A 1 37>I (0 3 Signature: S11av (M Print Name I'12mtv 1tJ Address: 1A (A ke&CV4-. I.- = City 5 Atev. vr\s StateM5ip oi o-4-2. Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature- A, ) 1 -Print Name ClqP 1:;2b GeWhfh eF, Address: 166 SwQ44J7 . A c Citylwp PiUf S State&Zip f 13 En Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatup(< c'ae f Print Name DA1 a-1 >-g 4
                                                                                                               &od     /

Address:3 A, 40>- / Citvy A5- _Statpip C')S -57 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: V.& PrintName JeA\ kk'--\j 3I Address: 4 1 Rop- -City CGeeyA~.fe) StateM~ip.pLpj~

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT. A ZV A Citizen Petition K~Qt.. 5 I I q lar" TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted aging nuclear pants in Maine and Connecticut

1. Signature: Print Name vitic LA.ff xAC Address: /*CV\eY51\Jt CityJ~f <; rStatt4p o113 5 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: t> AJLPfia4 Print Name nh iPIi; o tL ca,',-

Address:8 MV\ lT?::kc:- xAJK St CI -City 9 L L .Statcitp o la 3 Signature: QdUyla Print Name UP <5L'r Ik Q 14.AX'/ Addressf ASH- h p(4m\ leA City At <:! G fAr C1l StateM4ZiPn I*3 t) Email (to receive the bimonthly wEnglan Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: e& RJdName Address: /"2 SoilMA4 / , . I t Cl//Xo ___City 6rth tat4ip0)-?Z2/

Email /5 7rV (A9 77 ,b//, /c49 j to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: C ( Or  ; Print Name 6 -', L- iJ C A 1*J Address: t}3f OSLw frl City 6&JAt-o StateKip.Ldc t _ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:__ Print Name,,._

Addres cUi _ _city -AŽ t-tateMsip t *( 3i Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde 3endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition r t c TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:jVM, _ Print Name c~v$-L Address: 3L l . ADy 5ty 1 _City tIs State tp 0 lo A 1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: l 4 -

PrintName 3,'Avi Oxi , . . . Address: 4 LeaL, Ba s _City M phStateep °0L02--1 3 Signature:A/.L I Print Name W4 Address: s:V- City h, 5 %L. _StatemiŽp o%59C 2 Email_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ _*V Print Name *. W4i i Address: 15ft4' City PsAA2 ha - -- - - - - -

RtatN Zin65? I-Email f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: I -it '= 3 ) ]Print Name _I;,l b q- L"-- ot,<s Address: ,1-r I .,,DDJ HK\ -2) City L-Ao)to ft _StatHAZip C l 0 S-Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: P )x "._ ]Print Name Qy fer 0,\ -,< ) 1% . 'k- -- .

Address: L8 I m y V \ kk ot Cityt r^tts VA Statehkip o13 If L Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

((tT . r 243 G A Citizen Petition nt, RtM(9-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entersg Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 7 J Print Name '3 ck n 5On Address: Il
                , PIr    v 1. -         5-                                              _city k:J/1 K1) G                  Sta4&ip 6 1           3I Email             Z tf lI CIlo l           @    W    i k II . (t Ca            _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulleti in)
2. Signature e C P rin a rint Name <e a/ri e Jo 4 /-o Address: / / P'__ City Ž Statep2 AL4U :01 3 Signature: PrintNarne \l) I'q 3- 4 , -v-Address: P Cuts
                         ,  \   I .

V Ago -City .StatPAzip oI 0lfd v Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:At I g m Print Name IfK&12~jf rn 4naar Address: dress MpAia(A Citvy('b(r V

_Statetiip 20_3G I I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signatura t -, EPrintNamre F£nhIf Mh.ernoyid Address: f Citv .__ - - V4 AI At / qtn ttep O3q o 1 I I Email %eTIyhd'4 03 Ck e~t r e-l' CA Y1](to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Y Print Narre e3( C - 6-e tr Address: 91 A xq /y (. City A/aeT-i#'7bA/ State Aip 40 ('4 (o Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition tte. Al(1r8( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signature: O G Cd \ PrintNanie \btI l.xKker Address: 10 I t WI, _:C) C1 A27 city Stat/i / Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 6 -Print Name VOat. C'tRe pwa 1J Address: k D Q t \> - 4, _ _City G;\2l State Zip t) $I .)

Signature: (4 Bo& Print Name ZV/4cV L

                                                                                                           /.      G/

Address: 3 LewZotT 7 P o(-L _Cit Id07fxStt~pO39 7 Emai on Shoe lo Wx a, Cuf4 Ihpi (r-toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: PrintName / //

I A / I I Address: L s sZ s B., I* . _

                                                         -                                   Cite                g        State /1 Email                                                                                 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:               ,              -   AAl           22      Print b.                          Z -7_

04d Address: 7Ou ('fC-a City He - c/n° X _Stat-ip a~l 36 /


Email jL B fW.I ,e qciA A -(r Y _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print I e CZ x 4 s(

Address: '2!) J0 1tk M/t lw.. AQ City_- Pit, , .Statoltp -25C' Email Of k 6r A-f5c t or, At-r _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C-T. --Y A Citizen Petition R [{4 ( 06 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ifhat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur4 Print Narne k1 0 edie,-2 Address: 4 l Z3 e-~ CitvyA1&oAee IStatAiDO l3 Vq Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:_____ _ Print Name / es4Cdt 4S
  • Ad Address: l %b 1;$5 (t \ \ (?Z _City O 1y'it 5 rt. State Zip ° l 3) 3 Signature: PI eA,) PrintName, 62r v ,Jck ( I /4 \q",

U Address: 30 of y4 -- City - StatdlZin (co2f Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ) Print Name DIe -YA Al 5 Address:  ? 7 67wr7e 5r- SCity &State!ip15-r °o /

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: -= A A -1 IA-i Print Name _(eIF( llat4{ 7 Address: 7 , 'fk St Cil;/ukiy^ F-a- statY~il Q) 13 70 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: 78t~RAA/ntPntam,- s: 1 7Bg6l Address: __________it_ 6 st- StPAtZiP d O 1f
                 -E              gO
                                 -        5-                                    Iat   r
                                           ?s0 VVEX'20ii vZiebto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Email IIAIS According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( AT, 0 ? ' A Citizen Petition Rec. c (( (of TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indevendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ` 4N LIIr Print Name Q Address: 3 LJp f\ S t City ru Marsdift$ Statedaip+/- ISZ6 Email ID - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: r 4h J kY 4 Print Name 1i&)

4 4 - Address: X 54 t City5C I A Statelip £6 1) ( 3 Signature: Print Nae__ _ Address: City State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) i independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmints, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bol 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( 4-1 , q6 kt(l q(Nof A Citizen Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts

  • FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and
  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. SignaturttsJ zr rint Name f9S6 -,7 /

Address: Ago /97 7a12 4/,/ .<6(ail A 4 d/Q 7rnt-I

2. Signature: Print Name_ <&7/ Ra r f H k117 1 ]

Address: I 6 If -41,hg.e //4b c4 - 3 Signature: Print Name A- -ddre,,,.

                         ,- -      (    1 '*                           V-AddreYs          fVi         ",CS<,S14tlltrw hi9f\     tq              V 1/&              Email
5. Signature: _-,\/ l/$\

7 Print Name Address: iac&bv . O5t ) _ Ehmail_

6. Signature: %mm Th f'7>r ' 4 Print Name Address: L/>19 Cnv-'o{t Ck 'ITh P Email GCeQX  ?>wAa4A I-
7. Signature Print Name _a And /

Address:3S45iq 9rdlf L4 MA OiO3 SmEma

8. Signature: 4Pt/ _ Yrint Name 4 AvJ lv'vs Address: 41 S;W << P68Q?

g1 OVmail

9. Signa rint Name AAU-%AQ - w l tIh(pA Address: L-17)16AOKLQku;Q& s Email 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the repot Ijdevendent Sa.clv Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power ComoanY. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3)evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.t Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site I

l-~( . VA(O I A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alreadc cted at aging ear plants in Maine and Comecticut.

1. Signa tureur*' P rint Name Address: -lt 1f 5 4iti Email____
2. Signature:.(P ict(& Print Name li cLQ Aobayncoi i1 'ht~

Address: c;9 +kVPk-c St ,vs-}ioiL Email

3. Signature: ALw Print Name ___ Sdece (tk Jr Address: gq7 6tld7t~ yA-0B~ Email f1O 7r a) ser..


                                                                                       ,A                      -    1-
4. Signature: , In Print Name_ EmiI /fnlAer Address: £03.) At Or Vr 6, Email !rA41~ktr(0 yerncm.ef t-e
5. Signature:q~ L eAZI PrintName gV/A pPa Address: AN g AlD.:) 4q AJS tU Email
6. Signature:. By 0 PrintName Ja ( 1 e Mk ec L II-d~

Address: jlzq CTD5S+/- .atilpl Email EtI5hi 1 e1Vw

                                                                                                                 .5c               (   DAt?               4z   I
7. Signature: ( $ . Print Name Q tc
                                                                                                                                                           ~4 9k11 Address:          LW        L be-e- "        (lcf                e         17 053c,       Email Veo
8. Signature: - Print Name (J I1..1jIC frAY? £2 W.Ar Address: A MI L. Ad Lf- P Lr615vjLtw V acS&tL- Email Wr"7OVo) Ql5vclaj. n
9. Signature: /X/ Print Name AJAr-.A# eJ IftrX,/z o O) o7 -7 Address: /97 T Aele I ~,&r44f, -'NA Email ^46Y/264 60Ao0L .Col-I l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site I

CA-i TA A Citizen Petition R.5 ( TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate ichat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signature: (4Ct(/ jfn6 J Print Name (C74!i ' L/ ,r 7e Address: 66,<f. cIroLa / -- Sta&Zip e1159 Email Wf Q1 (04 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: e ( I nt Name Address: . 5q
                        ._          6@n.          Bd)                             _City L                      F/1       ZDtip O14         0/~a 3 Signature:_           e:J tA                                   Print Name               /T f2-r- V10e-W-Address:                             4em' e           - ,

City Stat411Zip0/yd36-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: A x-7rO. _PrintNanme S l M-f/ OSar Address: I Co zO EQ X We City -no 1teA Zip 1-37o V ---

Email YB6AVSVSo cSLO & 0 @ o-Io (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: bN /CiC- Ct Print Name Address: l( Q tC /o __ )ejy _City A1C 1kw, t taeAi

                                                                                                                             "              pai    7  C Email                   C            .222vC) @&tof KAhW,              ro t     :   (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)


6. Signature: Print Namie , 1 t/~ // I ' ,

Address: ew +2q

4&'- city J/Aft L"-/VState/Zi D/

L7pL Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) Independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition YZe (. o { q (ub TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatren Name 1^b 4-IQ A. onnt Address: ')D o H+, i4et-Am'., 'R, City
  • L t-AW- , state~tin
                                                                                                                           --    ..-. r 0 1 ,S LO Email                    4                                                    _(to       receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Narmc z4 an M C6 Address: qE t t S, j CityaU~r* kL Statefip C))Lb1 3 Signature:_ Print Narme *aVu d Address: ( :- 4,*d City tA\t2-1p'o StatoviptI2Al2
                                                                                          .- J--

Jr Email _(to/eceive the bimonthly Ne w England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:
  • AsksI PrintNara It i!=
                                                                                          -.-- PAs n- As Cistv
                            . J   t    fl Address://!    /.             4 cwmio ,q11                                                     ,  I   I  I 1 I I' WL I     _Statqoip-d/)o/~

Email , r < (to receive the bimonthly W England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Sirints g n Name 697 Addres{ £LA-/.C ( of Statkei V Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: C9 > Ow CT Irint Name -CetkC-0 r vM o-H Address: a;?3 setA S s- -Citx GSr-nAM At Stataip tOf 8 Email MO Ax.C-- @ QCLAtoasC{ S -F- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comanvm October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessrments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Xtz , 1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. jo' s in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to t "Iready ondoted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signale Print NameS)49 4X e: 'iX Address: /S Catewzip ttV St.AA/

Email _____ (to receive the bimonthl w land Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatue~g X/F rNamee )

Address: IS/ citittat ip 3Signature (l) Q47 Print Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Address: __ ___ ___ ______City _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ta__ _p_ 13_o Email Z0 Ilri (1 a c.,>e- c6 H o receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4._Signature: GPrintName %A' Address: cCity S tate SZ Mp 0) Oc72 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: -PrintName 5 oc3I% L C0 G ol Address: (C to Io (5 Y b\A - ity S A-5y7 tatg-r4P 0C Email 5' .S9. tA, .@ ' ^- Si _____(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatur Print Name sa- My';zkL vsk-Address: J2c& rr,#J° \tiee City h1-&) Stateip..A 6 1+/-A (

Email (to receive the bimothly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indep~endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan , October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Q(AT 0lt+Z A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.' Signature: 4t - IPrint Name i tb Address: ? 5 So e R4/. City 24VS-AaaM StateLip 0/0!.k / ? Email tad _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:
             /         t Zz-                       Print Name          II       K,I *m                           !

Stat4 ip (f/ (1iY7~ V Ad 0 dress:d , 47 /I -City 4 v Na 3 Sign atur nt Name - V c _ Address:, 61//f2,/? A> - -City(e -fi(SatZiZ r;50l Email d' roi-P- OeO i A h-z9 (Dito receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4.Signature: Saz mA _ Print Name C..k; tCpt\ Address: rc&,A -sv. -City i& r nef S-:gi\\3tateEakip CM37; Email -eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: /4&° ritName mt-Address.  :-3 f v o4

                                 -   fl
                                             - w                                        Cityl    %P,-&                U   Statqkip (9j[&Eu Email                                v                                             (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: a&44 b Print Name_ kf. 1 arkI Te.,ts Address: t Chess '- -city' AK b.-s D StateMZiD D-Vkof Email qJJLrN4oS - -r M-... _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BDx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A, e -q ll Y A Citizen Petition tzqC. Ub I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont:, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatios! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those a re dy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatu reL$It(I Print Narrie rrnL e1/t af g Address:AC A-hr A16?,eAle City wftec StattZip O/3y Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. SignaturAe: PrintName I 3LL PIVRLV1AW Address: if O, Y. 2-9 City
                                                                                         - - -4 4Asit5 c -4 StatAA Zin&C 1330 3 Signature:_,O1L)                                            PrintName_094'9-                 , = -C7(I r9-O Adcdress:                                                                                _City/                              StateM'Zip a        gI5 e Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: 1L2 Print Name Uk5 C ,( PO 1 Address: -i0 LI City 6gw*'*( -Statefip 0 ( 30 -L Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

S Signature: __ _ _ _ __ _ PrintName rae Aq"S , AAArpe.- TO gf, City ?\3/4owtA 5StateV1 Zip 6505b I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: & L , r print Name ZQQ 1 1i1 (ivw A. . _

Address: ii g d 3Xt Citvm,,I/lp.,%

                                                                                             ,I..x Fr.,It-,   UtteM0ip-WR(1f Email Q               oJiQaL~kA)t'J         eto't                                 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

K) -a l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition r? t (, q ( (i o5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoratior has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similarty eDa dy conducted at aging nuclear plants in Main anisConnecticut.
1. Si Print Name (

(i\L 1 Address: /o Cy\{yCc \< ; ~ City StatVN-Zip c)lt4 ) Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: :) _ Print Name >)&b\Q 4c)P 0 _-

Address: & 6o iox A City, JVe'(c _States~iip O t Cai 3) 3 Signatur\e CLue" Print:Name-` s -r (7 1A' i)v IA - I_ Address: \An=41 City ,I _StateMip 0s1 ae)ds Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatur. Print Name lzx.

Address: i V-1/2?Z; A/,r4L < Critv --I_ . fc /V receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Le Ag lX CD.- A^ Address:- _)2)g C'C J ' AxM k ' ' ' LO I so. ' - Q0sootA

  • Cam ' - b City('c, _Stateip o 3v5 I d

l Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(e.-r 2ti 8 A Citizen Petition RkC . I vmfif6 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: Print Name v 2 Jc -I, Address: 2 7 Citrcry S City £12#I 4 otateuip2317 Email Jo'e I 14 2536 i4VW1x.Vc4 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: / 26&Z4 b ~ h 8 Wi6am --- y Address: 35) rDhw- S t City D ub _Statyip OJ3S/

3 Signature: y,&/ L hL-- Print Name Jai)OAsL,..9 X - - b L :y , L _ Address: -I E V-: _ City t6vkh ,4 Stattip CR 1 Sf 1 Email ____(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition- eBulletin)

4. Signature: J r Print Name VA cev A k4a (

Address:- A) Jr19 k City

                                                                                          -7ft        ,&5a jlapg~t~e                           ip Email              A          A`-,                                                 (to re=ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:                -     -         -                 Print Namec Address: 2          (g           e7         H-e (; °           *t     -                  4Cit                   LI4 Ig/q   -Stat             aip t     efl u_:il hmall                    ZI                                                               ceiv the bimonthly ew England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature.e  ; r Print Name_/

Address:  ? g,& 9og Dity, ,'sM-l StateZip_ /__ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Compan, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA-'r. q(ao A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: _ *'.JZPrint Name_____ _4_D___s Address: I e-s,. City Gct1ekJA State~ZipLJ 0 Al
----------                     __- - -_0(

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature 6 c IJ1 1 Print Name Abe) 5 Go Address:7 ,

Wea, to ( _, Aft CityGllcr a4 1 0( _Stat4ŽZip_0 L,1Off 3 Signature: k ft& D C, £Print Narne (V Address: 3 P CAAJ- Citv1 7 (WP~

                                                                                                  \.                      Stateipct                   6   -

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ) i _ _ S Print Name_ \oku-. CbScaLt Address: Q a R - City _ _X Statdfz)ip Doqe Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: I'rint Name Address: 6A1; a ____City Stated&Zip OZ333 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signar tur ); " 4 4 Print Name Address: Let 5lyOAc, Citv,--.I A.) WS Stat4/tip a ( 3G c)

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

ckAT, A4a A Citizen Petition PC( q(W(& I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont. New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterir Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Qlda4. - 44 PrintNar.e'j4tffl35 L- feA4AVJ Address: C4 J JN0.4A-t/ Arlk6S' jcity. YZ'/sOf 1-f StatdVlip d4S Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)


2. Signatur -Yrint I r-,M-l C-1,2 Pla n,c Address: k53 Am Stat~qip 03 S-(

AL-.LAiA 10k12, 3 Signature:44 Print 1N z--- V D

                                                                                            .t-I         ..*- Ac Address:          eO      SWL     G          o.                                           City                      loetl   State,4Zip--e          Cg Email SOnnat                                                              ~L-?       (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Sigatre Name \ /

City I 2 j~ p

                                                                                                                                             ,01 Z
                                                                                                                                                     -Z C


                                                                                                                                                          /111, Email                                                                                     eve the bimthly New England Coalition ellulletin) 5 Signature:-_JL/                                     ;BqA       aarne                                   0 Address:                /              0                                                  CityL          WZ&Lrta4    E(jta(

iEmail (to receive thn bimonthly New England Coalition eliulletin)

6. Signature: ____Print-- Name~~Y ZVK, - nW Address: AQLSS Stateip DIA 1 U

Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C Al T J~ 5$( A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nucelar plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature I__A(
                  .                      .,                       PrintName(        4/2 1-6          D ef er)

Address: City a LPS Stat0& ip -'( 9 67 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: _i__ __ _ IPrint Name- ao ecr 9 e atv r14 Address: )J2 mOdA-vve City roofs Hf I - I -

State~Zip-o l ()1 G 3 Signature:f ) /,Si _ Print Name r IRAik a D rV Address: e6 i 17- 2 _____City 9 Mn Statei4Zip < n i2 Email .7 /

  • I to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: )6, m Narne_ 4'K -5c 4e Address: l1 ( Or. City 44tfWJ .StateV!ZZip 0C'70 Email koic&@ l6ci.Cc Al -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:  : / sAn, IPrint Narme A/V,-/.~ A Address: /z 2 I -i A- 7 c hr-- City r i,, -/ StateyZip a p Email Nv aNe e ICP{5OC JV L-(L - _(to reeceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: _ Print Narne Pbts-GoreJ Address: 6'2- 4 c ie t Co f 4 Ditv 6MS 4eldStatd 'in o30/

Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind pendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT, # Z A Citizen Petition Re'. t((1l(4 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporationi has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate Ihat the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature. D Print Name U3 M-a.

Address: Z, C-45 city.Gaw _Statep'~ Z I. Email _ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature`: /o 4A ' PrintName l7 7]7i &:Ik4 / IR Vad I

Address: 6 Y9vc _City ( kStateZipt) LY °1 3 Signature: UW Print Name Address: 2 Qfwvin U I YA ) Do' CityNkQ LQ, _StateJZip 0)13S I Email receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name Address: f C 1o A d7?1 City -?f42ta57) stateg lipa 3(7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 SignaturPr I Name AA F Address: W7M gk'r P:ur E Citv
                                                                                          -ih,  Spade 9 A[k Mfar.

5; ILLI}t 7in 4Zt.,&A JU AI/ 1J ai 1J f 7 Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) A rs:ignt u,\- Print

                                                              ]      Name alcYj                      \)     LAsCSCCckW b-YeiA.

Address:Bt \ CityJC) A&wsS StatevAip ° 2-41 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

t'8(. I 2S A Citizen Petition Rtt, q{((05(I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: AR 6L PrintNarme LM>[GOh soreAs eh-j1)4honACA Address: lq D.Pc M City SkeJburiCQ StatePAAiip DrawZC Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signaturelo Nt Print Name
                                                               ]0..O.0A                      w           ie H V    A ev Address:             3                                                                   City                               State      in   A1R          Ii 3 SignaturaMtq(4hXZ,                                          FPrint    Name    H[1            e A.SIm Address:       C??7           a&t                                                        City - 44

_--- I-_ - -

                                                                                                                          -StatH4ZipDAL7j2L3 Email_                                                                            -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

AA f- AA I

4. Signature:_, 0%m I_ *o vL\
                                      \            I,_        s  ..... -tName Address:                                                                                 Citv                               State 7in

_--- -r Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 SignatureA41 ,;,6?&. /Aad; Print Name_ Address: a*Q It\ A e ,

                                  °nm-         iI,..

City _State~iip 6L13 A Email A x . ,. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:s 9- r, Print Name Cf-dh -3 =' aeY ,

Address: //l 9 -> 4t d; A -City Sep 4 VW /e _Stat~ip OtY 3( Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indlependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comranv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA I a s-q A Citizen Petition ?a q'11(51o TO-. The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entertev Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre ucted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: " L6 Print Name vJ a.4U cAft. L E Address: I pCity PC+ Z h Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: print Name LIne Ct 3 I/6W2f'I/statip ) 137-Address: 4 an 1 --- City saf/> MU /Statftip dqo 37t 3 Signatur _ame Address A: CitY State Zin Email (Ito receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: i n44.r t Name Address: - + t2 7 A City 5 k e// u I A f -,re Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: - -Print Name /1*Af~Ro~c{

s~J Address: ?3 C 7-ttsq Citv

                                                                                           -  --. 1 A4irjf
                                                                                                      ,    -  - -             .StatMZip 0 /" 32 Email        fPl ej ast h                         /,        -                      (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

J c}

6. Signature: da Print Name - -


                                                                                                        ,i_      d4  - -

Address: 5 Citvy . X Statei p -_S/ Ca Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) i According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(-FI~ 5Tv c(r A Citizen Petition Rct. t((v{of I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Z20- v& $} > Print Name #41 7- 7$-i X Address:Ja ta .

_ City 3 & e0 i StatetZipA /- 7 -3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature( Print
                                                                 ]     Name     M coo V-,Y_' w Address:     3\ C              cr                    L                                    Ci         )Cfne(Ss 'PQtateMp_0                        3?(

Signature: ICY _ IPrint Name Np(tJW CA/ (6sAr1

                                                                                            ,I Address: 347            Ptl~lh                 ?42                                        _City   g)     Ago I             StatpehZin 0 1 0A Email           IaySn                       @                           --      j(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
     ~ignature:                     Z                I-          Print Namt       Rz 9~        0          L . 9,   1 came_                    4tJ Address:31            AL3YDev         ED            HRt RILG                                 _City       cth 9I E(Q)StatMZiip                    Q(3 Q0 Email                                                                             -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

(signature (:AnYJ1i 44pJ)Ak't Print Name4P _ /(2


Address: ^

                      /JsI'VŽZ, A~iF   ^.
                                 ,s,^   .       -

kIfL- A

  • v City NP&D .StatA~Zi C) A_

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) (signature: Name Al 60 be" Address: / C- ;41o A 7 _City Ascot State Zip OL?¶V; Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performanze. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C(T'I 01 qF A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio ! has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and X this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: u The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: N a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducteo*tging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Si
1) Print Name javtJC mer %t4 1-Address:

Email h#in -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) V. - (. Signature: KL,, E4 PAd..1-A AJl. PrintNaine AJ\) 09eeg S Mzo> DS ,'4< Address: 323 P e'A SA ' Ee City V\ Ct ttA StatehZip L 1j. _,( ignature: 5an Address: '2~ ~eD-3 7eal - _City/m t~ Statefzkipo2sl/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) _Q)Signature:A ,'Jn 4- Se Print Narae and rahr2 q aJ Address346 , la s)cnvU Pe, RcI Citv(Iolni4In State Zip i1 3 L 0 Email wjld0 m0)10. Con"\ __c(t =ceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ignatur A --Print Name_____ Address: 3) *k 4 a City 02/"1 State&6Lp 0a Email,He iW )U - - v 'Io

                                        -              csv(Ik
                                                  - , evO             Up         >         eceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

I ,- ()Signature: 140"OuV0, IPrint Name Address: . a LT __ ) , City) ,A rLA StaterZip OU27s Email A)U')4"& Pl V7rj0.c, 4 (` e (tore!ceivethe bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

 ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Incleoendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition tee , ql((l6< TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterrv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee%,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature  : Print Name Address: CitY Sta SC47 /

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: _ (5LA.. _ &PrintName W -la_,;VrnNn I

i \ Q Q k pN Address: t s (\jV Q2 ___City i jta ( dtatq0Ltip Q LS3: 3 3 Signature: 4 Oi ob W Print Name M a D/ \rAcNA Address)j _ tfcA7ArnbZ t W _ D (& Ad _ , _ City$L )StCa)Statqoipo i32 $S Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signtun1alQ -Print Name w4!4 L9 v./.".4. 19 g 7 I -


                                                'I-Address:             a         /Ze)mj"            9dAco1       c t f
                                                                                    %_r it                         nv    l}Statezp>   7Z Eratil                                                                       __       (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

Address: (/ q }7 a? k ___ Cit___ State-Zip_ EmailX (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Siga  : a PriPnt Namie kA QC J e Q.-9 a zv, A>

Addressd': !3 City 40AJt State,. . Email __(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition t , ° JA {o TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Signature: l DtiL # A9 PrintName I- ori h a Address: L-H ; (AixI0 r Ce)- City M&I5 _State Zip r { S5& . Email (to receive the bimonthly ew England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:  : (,K e-3,> L Print Name Address: 1/ce vf41/ E0 :f la)e City-L < a e StategzipjO173 3 Signature: Do_ -PrintName Hi,\ Ck>ŽMr'i Address: I 2 Is Be Q I ;I . City 4 1 State Zip t ?7 0 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: .1. - I /L/,-- Print Name 12 vr. I/o ; e eJ
                                                                                        -           ,7 Address:             17        cj:"&r           t,                                        Cityil1/2!iny.

I1 _StateZip r) 1 t 3 3 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: cL PrintNam Coa S&Ana-k IOtA) Address: 72 Hli"qh <i Citv _vt-Green,.-:i/J

                               *v Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature)Arint Narne /ItMvo ' a- tO\/oa fi Address: X IQ C & %p _____-City Eme1+/-2tl _StatAeip-+/-3+/-4 Email
---------                                                                         (to receive the bimontMiyNew England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition e Il< 0h TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: . PrintNamea&!D l)tJ#t Address:#Z °Z7T46 oe, city, GM 14.,- StatdcZiD O C~h 9~d; 04AO t Cot~

Emailt no receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Zip 3 Signature: Print Name Address: City State-Zip Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name__

Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Namie_ Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name__

Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Cti- -Z6I A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts QS&Z: e}hlc< I - FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterav Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature Name ke1rpC4t&"

Address: /4(t0 City nooda/ , StateV FZip p5& Email _ __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. S nt ,; ZoN- N ke hC A K C
*ddress:         jit- ( 3           T t+ S I1    r e E Vo               fu        L tto              a/                     sJtag     i 65 4° I 3 Signa                                                              Name               &;*     alZ5 Address:        A?'Oith          St                                                     City 1urd IOr    14  0 rJ          StateYIZip O          o54I r.all                      /X                                                   _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: vat, / Print Name q1H4/ E. bP&W45 Address: M977114%;-7 City )Y45kt't67W/ -Statey/SD'i' w/"

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Nair re Address: Citv,Is Stnte Zin y Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: City -StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inedendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAT, WZ A Citizen Petition 4 Al I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachus FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to already condcted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signa e: t, y/ -Print Name L i, e J . v. , d Address: / il
                                      /.5           e f+                                  City         ,A- )       7           State<Zip- 0      <h     /

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Atl IN/ cL Print Name_ rhralpAW Wdv(d Address: C7 I AhdmiX(n -City plz0/ stateZip °PV/0L 3 Signature: _ " M Priht Nam e " -4 a-elln ,;

Address: i-

                        /     A _   -

tdcrpizif r A;+ City e L Statd9Zip C)( I Email A, (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signaturc \ Print Name A A _ r Address: - 1 t, City k ' .StateV p_ ) 1 _

Email A (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signa Print Name /e '

                                                                                                        !D        S CO   .      (

Address - . . 5 C t City I 2 2 _StateqlfZip °54yq Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturn ,n. .\ Print Name -kJo\ a, - \ f Aiddress: \ . \_ - -)"'AV-
                                                   - P __ -                               City       M42~t                    State&ip      Q)S 7 6 Email                                                                              (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) i  According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: indeprendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boax 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CAI- AL1 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indeoendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', plants in Maine and Connecticut. rint Name /1 /c.f A" _City vjCetG.P State-Zip d:~S'f ID Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: (jA7, e4J TC ) Print Name I

{e.;),ol v . Address: S] Ga pfj 7' I City.2 2b g/LStatLFZLp~ I)I 3 Signature: (o1k, (Krk Print Name 1"VbA wa Al

                                 -(     ,~

Address: S/ A -r-A S C _City J. _StateV1fZizp of ifA6 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: I Print Name (r ,1ri n Th-ris5 jez j

Address: .3z/d Ak0w7h Ave-(J_ City &(tCrV7 AAis _Statk Zip__and t , E Email- A r. S CC II u& VI -L7W I . _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) S Signature: (~c pt9 C Print Name (2 of C (nC t C-1hCY . . Address: 2I ( ( C E -City, 2eL q StatAJ ELP ( 1 Ea, Prin Name (t:o receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: [ (A
                                    .          v V--

PrintNanleji _11AL/ Ik tf Address: S,(Q GQAA City Statwip a 1 Email V. ,JAX SI t p M A (D*L(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Boar 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

MMZ Was A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts eq I (q 0-' l I I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. SignatureT&-tuet, 4D .wc Print Name-i-Z-L~ 'I-i 4,~

Address: 9 If City StateVJipds Q Email A' /a // ectve the bimonthl New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatur ' Print Name g >,

Address: >a , 5s C , atf _ ,

                                                                               -            City-/- t ;4(                  Sae         ip- 0,r7//

3 Signature:...

  • A , l\ Print Name 9pf A t I (£ 1O ?e fe Address: :7 6&1A -\tN ,fl -

Cityjb IL-I _State-Zip 0 f Email I A1 1,/ / ap t d e It-n - /' (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name ft ( CN j( (V\

M 3 Address: q(4Q QQ$ __ _ City___A ___ StataZiP CXa Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: "EA\-- Print Name l~iok 7'OiI:tk3-1j l Address: Ih 3 )ilIfCe, if- City -r-t StateVWZin 0(' 5 lbI Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: XL J fL ii IPrint Name rfR I Ad:D Ad 4p 1 Address: t
            - -n    (9 (eV'S rOov .C - -                                                   City       Lr/'jnL*              tateZipjhit
                              - ,ji -             .1 Emai] I                                                                               _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indlependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comvanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CAr; -$ Z,6'1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 0 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnrdent, protective and conservative, therefore,
,VWE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Inde iendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature itu' `//re 4g7 W4 Print Name & C/ ' 12/ 1n,1r _/-7 Address: _7 O3b-xCurl -s j4g0fi
                                                      -  f 4*.     -

City ___1 _ R I . (r, 4riJn StntelVni QS (1(9O/ Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature Q > Print Namve 4I6c&etz7X Cae Address:l fil ______r Citj&QL1l&* Si tateiLI 3 Signature: 6A19& IO-) Print Name A Gt)\ A&A Address: 2.2.4 I mzm MU, &t City (; \%, -SitatedZip OS4 ° (

Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name- .VOL'. woo- ( QI 4 Address: (c# G-vv't St city 3 .StatW3ZipOS'id I Email I .. .-

1I -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: W IA//14A Print Name_ RA-) 6h) b. Addresst-& u+3 o-tsv '1*, _City i>9(l wA stateAi[zip c 6 I Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]_ Print Name P-60AAL kf Rll Kf PaEITf Address: Off' Ct fAIWrlTWe Sf City
                                                                                         -      x
                                                                                                  .At* -
  • StateLEZip 0945 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inclevendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Com2anvy October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition C:kT - 266 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

 *- this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessmcnt of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already con scard at aging n l ts in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ i t i p tName 3,01 ., G afx f Address: City 91) R .'4CA0{ StateV Zip 0 6 3 Email a Igo-'i t ;r _(to receive the bimonthly New Enjgland Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature. g an Print Name W
                                                                                                    ¶r--          1 .V\ r Address:_ ___ _               _      _(       2t__________                      _        City__                            S:tatA Zip      a sLo X 3 Signature:                                                    rnint Nam$e .e,-:4 n                          A&C"; \\

1t I S Address: '7 .. QtrrJcC Ably. n StateM(Zip65Y',& Email ~o~A,;o 6)- Loo. o _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Aajuiw C a ViP Print Name 1ahA S1 lI Address:- 58 rW f kof rity (n It 6e ., , - .,
                                                                                                                   -Asl -StateVtZip OMY'A6 Email         I56(iokbf.Er,                                                       -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5  Signature:                                                 PrintName (                74-Address:,2(  ,              "4--             5                                           City
                                                                                          - I Q. 6 o
                                                                                                                 --        Statc\7f7Z Oil06'4-   -

Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: City _State-Zip Email (to-receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indepcndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee scif-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336
                                                                                                                             *1      3 0 - 5 ?° C     t5 q        0 7-

A Citizen Petition 0 r =6 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 4/0 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, therefore,

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, therefore; a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. Signature: /*e-- Print IName Er\k_ _kJJ- I. Address: 3R? ct* 1. gird i I(/F Email eP l (r % k 1, e.(2f>

2. Signature: / Print i lane C lat 4l'-Iop /..2er s Address: & uan 6:S33L, W/ tfy/ VYD/Email h er C.,,C., a,//, /, / nereJ
                                                                                                        -  \          a7
3. Signatuna uLA)1 a 0LA~ Print Name I-L fr(e Ip GxAJ-Address:J$7(p PrA20 et Vc a, 5(dVC4( Email \ a(-ok6@ kcb+stln et
4. Signature: ,Print - Name lFIV Iq i0vqLk, t L1,dtdGh

-Address: /IJo

5. Signature: L J. 22A Print Narne SYVEmail 51*LA 2

HeW' YCzyJ I AAovX~~@ eR e Address: 6; C) Grus/-/I4 <O 'St1/V-brJ'&4-t Email

6. Signature: Print Narne Q( OLCYN pDZE Address: '7 0 &lr1- Ž5trYT Email
7. Signature: PrintName 3 ffCIQ74 Address: ((6 L- (~ L Im ail
8. Signature: A l p Print Name 9kAL UAri l IR1 Address: 3Si1 A . ( p5 (q I Email____ __ __ __ __ __ed_
9. Signature: \. 3 Print Name 4
                                                                                         -,1,oiA        k I,) 4tl Addresss:      \                        t I).

Gi, l L.

                                                              .FPJA/Emv"AJ       -

Email I'9

' According to tle definitions and parameters provided in thie report: IndcncNient Sarety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) indelpndently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessinents, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • I

coT: # -2 6.? A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts ' FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, .and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee",

similar to those already conduct aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatr - Print Name )'1 les 7 ;:

Address: i i ' City,4&n4 Stateiip _05*y / Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Afar Print Namie ,t es tt m\D 5 Address: m At 5t +/- CitY

___ Wu , 64_vw .

                                                                                                                 \        StatevtZip25PS            2LI 3 Signature                                                    Print Name        iiL E\\UMft Address:     sto3 Si A                      a                                      ___City                b                StateYTipM                A4 Email                                                                              f(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: ('ew PrintNarme CA6I & Ceer Address: 31 S s- Ab<. City 9LA JI State JZip )5lb t Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: L__ Print Name W 1f-cc1 Address: I G, G lg 1vc v bH City P ur ', tAm, StateQ~zin Gqc /

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: A PrintName JA is- PA ImEr Address:
  • a ruettr
              .   ^

f Ct1. t> RoCV

                                  \    .

C --CT- - -


_City f3vB L lrNh t'J State*EZip few g alJ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Irdenendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition O 1T7Z4K TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 5 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ PrntName ,eW1 L4/$'kf 1 . e.

Address: /° C4oQ/ 2'5 City +/-iQ"4 State*/Zip 5W(o / Email #1 0a e CL/bfe0.-t CO - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: "£9,t-e- J Print Name -vte ° </e/

Address: 1 C' Ctq-/e4f Beta^02q Cityv )Z

  • D o StatediVrip 74-y 1 3 Signature: Print Name Address: City State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Name__

Address: City State.Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name_ Address: City State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

O'tr;A4l 76' A Citizen Petition q1/q A)- I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts / V J FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankeel, similar to those already onductd at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature: !Ly-' Print Name ....A \k LS.e hVet~

Address: i \. GI - o L., k t_ City

                                                                                         -                                 5tateiZip        o0S 4\ \

Email -(to receive the bimoiinly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name Address:_ City StateZip 3 Signature:_ Print Name A Arl-c- City State Zin Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Name Address: City State Zin Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signaturee: _ .-

Print Name Address: City _- State Zinr Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address:: City State Zin Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independlently assess the conformanceofVernont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

04rtr $ 7,70 A Citizen Petition eqII/ 0 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts ' FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those Oready conduced at aging plants in Mlaine and Conne ticut.

1. Signature: ( ( UM nj Print Name5 A .

Address: I)  ; & H i Ci q .eag State ip O'c. I I

                                                                               -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. r
2. Signature/ // A Print Namete 'S Cc', /8 C }<
  • Address: 1YY W4eNc I/1 RJ _City 5hL417 Av sL,2 StateMZip 0/0 72 3 Signature: biA
                        ^ /           4 7]                   Print Name           al    HADc~ ,tn             I42Ltb tI>

Address:- I. eml kZ f° Az/ Qr(?M A )City 4A l)S StatIiAzipJ6 Email receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:ri t Name 4 jtJ4-
                                 /    1-            r Address:        2'20              t/,O117A2&                (A~.                        rcit      hebStatn                             iption ef        tn)

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: X Print NameJ-Aadd Address: eCC9 Cc LLJ By <IV CCity ccA e p C)A 37 C ) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: -7AA\00 & IPrint Name ),,n (dee Rewn Address: A,Jq }h be -City 67reeuld/c/# _StatAMZip 0GO91 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

Ck'r: 0 Z A Citizen Petition 6th '4/6*e I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Cornoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in ailing for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducte a aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ Print Name 11J, A Address: /g Po 'ey 5#-

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

                                                             - Prn   N
2. Signature _ Print Name Address: _ci 1S ALuhT-4 ip 4 3 Signature: I *-Alt' At 646.L -PrintNarne_ SVJ50w- 6 a Address: 6AtS E rSF Cjty &)4O- State iip °)3ev1 Email (to ceive the imonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signnate*c 046- _Pri n a' ,,

Address:  % 7/%7\ *'F --- Cit - )- #22 tatqip 2 Email - Al .ilQ7 Lrt (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 0 Pint Name i': (fn, o -L JJ Address: - A I CitY

                                                                                           -I SS                       StatehlM7in
                                                                                                                           - -- --      r-tAV)r-W. - --

n1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: I PrintName < C^/11C/ v1C Address: c _

1-4 1 S-l. O . ~City 6-4/ IKua) .StateS&zip G) I Email L. Cl41t . (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition j}.-I1IAj. - I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Al / l"t/ a S FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corvoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's ailing components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Inde endent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: %W44ohiiv) ggZ* Print Name AcI- vAfd AI 1I,1 Address: I S DWA-V rwVi#'iJd City (G
                                                                                         --      - - - -- - - - f;irh-7t:T
                                                                                                                - - -_-% -- StatedAZin
                                                                                                                              - ---- --- O-f---r     - -- - -  - -

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: >(V4iOA to, 4/J4&AL-Print Name&A&SS 1- S&Ut V Address: P7,s f? RA Oiy'\)V -Cit6(CJf-2'1:1-tD Statq&ip C) 13O 3 SignatureL re, A _d-iPrint Name , E Xt, -Z vA- ,J 4e ( '-

Address: /2 evri a uk - ~City OtdxfC C-c StateiD 5 Lm t~3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: / Print Name Jo4 )J.

w a "11 Address: PA Ad0, )a Y .5 City*FZA _State¢4Zip ftd) .9o )2 I Email *(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signature: / PrintName 1GIr C'cium,/M& Address: s 5i I Bout City, A L£ 4,, Stat.A&ip-el 3 79' Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signaturature Print Narnea C'9I d CKWaS Address:

I #C bw-1 LV-\ A1 V I--- - City den baL Stati\,4ip O1W63Z

-J Email

G State_ Zip AE,?V<RQ Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) / l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind ependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CeAT; gxv 1 _ I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts - ( )1/6 - FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 si;gnificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee%,

similar to thos lready conducted at aging nuclear plants in Ma e and Connecticut.

1. Signature: JALAI J H J Print Narme 6 oyme- t 5 Address:  ;(p Ce / lC)t S)e Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:.- & 7l Print Narne Ai, col. hipwomc Address: l ( at 34-. City rea n& 1i StatSWZip tA 3 Signature: Print Name Address: 4/j" I CityV W -A. / cad _StatkipQ 127p Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: gC> I'o 'X Print Name F", (sC- W 'ae Address: z'2, It', Lev"IfA ,-At City StatetfDin 0I at

- Ir - - Email  % 0 _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature r-i - Print N Address: ?I S AJ j{/ f7 n City _ e;_P~1 .StateZtZip 0 l D5c Emai.I A) to receive the bimonthl New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name b C State1ip /

Address:a5 WO,_g E( W _ff Email c. . to (1l receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition OAT .- 4W S2-? TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 6 / 14 / - FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudlent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conductedlt fling nuclear plants in Maineea:onnecticut.

1. Signatutllt 61 Print Narme I Lt Address:(fl Rse an\Jt ) V- I --

City, R7r- I _Statefiip 0ji;( I Email 1' I.,'  !.¶ rreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 11

// N a m ear e RW02?3ala Address: f9 ___ ____ _Ci-twildtJ-L _Stat4fipplQa3i 3 Signature: A Print Name 3 Address: / Pk S4 _CitYWf 4rS 0t1at7-Zip- 37b Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: i ant -a Name. Elan e Arge Pk a ik IA-Address: im 6SS- O* F WTK _City kd ICE Oea Sa a E Statd"Zip 0 13 Y-2 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: ' t c <i7 D Print Name / .0- .44AoA I. v I IS -

Address: 2 -- S. S4oon S.'jfzf-z /Z Citv _-.7w -y , ,& a .StateZip 01 3 "If1 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: br i n t Name -P AW1 r t Ij'f Af//i Address: I( ,9 . 1AA AkA ALi f4) Citv

. a, y -mF I I E ]rhv- - - _State-tip ) I31/ Email -(to receive the bimonthKy New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inde iendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition 4h.1.0 L - I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts l l/ -t 03 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% ofthe plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to M4 already cond uclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature P Narrie MA ~'i O c- (

Address: 3 T ud 6 StateMip __1_T 6 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: a Print Name Koae WAMWW'6 Address: 52) J)'evev c, a 5]- - _

City Grceie&d -Statnoizip O '3 El 3 Signature: LL9J -a Print Name- . Ia4e Address: ;2- A Ciw - StateMZip a / 33'2 Email _ A1IAI J(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name *!:~leah A4Ar Address: .4? m
  • ____City YStat4Žtip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signtue: mnt Name  %."e Po Address: 7 Id 5A City__

t___C StaterZipp I S1 / Email IA IA P (to receive the bimonthly New Eq&Jand Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_A a ,t i Print Namiej butAd. S Address: \'Y -) b 8\\4ity- S StateWip () 11)3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition 0I t TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermonit, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:jt Print Name ' 2 3 -

Address: (C Cit (;k QA State)ktiiC ) \ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: H i 94U ePrint Narme 0 \1Nn5 (*W C-b (

Address: if) ALSOy ClaCty ite(8Saet~e i Q I 3Signature: \5h"le PrintName &-)r-dy/ad // Address: '/49 9 l ,C -S+ City v e fein9 /dState~k, 0/°1 ;3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 4 Signature4 Print Name ,1 a) 4-e eo L Address: /_ _City c4iGe Statemip z d m Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatur: . Print Name Q( y- o QiC.o Address: C \6\r9 Cty Stat(Zip Oi{ 1 Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature tAiar (2 WCOAZ Print Name > OCLi o tX-A-/

Address: S3 WCf1VJ) flopio City (nVz 0-J _Statelp ) 1316 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives wvhere appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition H rsc I Z? TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts .. 1,d- 1, - ' L / L' I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont - Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already condt d at aging nuclear plants In Maine an Connecticut.

1. SignLa Print Namrc bm New E l CoaliZC Address: X tf gi Stat&

Cty ZipOX Email A t 7 /,za(to C6?164k receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ PrintName fC4K'/ ,4 ,/OL 1r b Address. lO) V T City

___W State Zin 3 Signature. Ir A40 Print Name xbk-o Adb l t)lt91C14 Address<_Ai 5+z2GRaf eve City SI ou rnto e5p 7iZ: Email -(tooreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name LJ)

Address - City &!Stat<Zip /Sa4 Emai< ,receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: _ 4 P rintName 0 L *Address: /?V -city. Stat&4i 6S130) Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition.eBulletin)

6. Signature:- Print Name4 vr)CTr_ '-

Addres. (51 64s/p S ~City. 6-w-nnt .State45Wp tUlf Emai M 2' /I (4 ,4dL. 6CL - _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indseendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this fonn to: New England Coalition *PO Borx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

  • owW.necnp.or?

BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE 4: A Citizen Petition caOn # zip TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts A?/ I4/oS-FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature 6'4i~& ,-,., Print Name Ta S0 kacpt10nskf Address: F -4 r+-/ City C,.r0, *Stat§,1ipA3t 3A Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signatus:e IPrintName.AC221,, wt,. A (Jcaignt Address: 1,6i9? IG1) -City , A 4*//,Stateip4 C)d3j (Z 3 Signature: /aJwJ4k,&, PrintName iceverly I 1 I A a kvLAk Address: /2o' F o--!

4, (> t'4 v ) Qf%01,A W wswr vs -- ' [

  • 1 QRtf~ll ota>sulu

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-i - <1-a/) .J 7in vs J Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: XMX Cvl, '\,IPrintNarne_ 6h~ 4A- gcnnJ I(

Address:: '. MA<<55q-(0t id(- _CityM +Xt5vt StateI-ZipIl L. Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: WI 61 Z )ip-wv. Prin l iI Address: '5 X1iV4P - rAcitv - - e'(?e14 StateZipO(30 1 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature. Om A ]Print Name l7op I Bwalls '

Address: I/r il <- City l-i 2 I StatAip 0_1U D Email jk Y-I bI4 c*rI1)dd vh . (0!!J (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CAr.; 3 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 4?1 FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterei Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatr rt Nae:me e tWgje4 MI 1k4 /

Address: , te( W?) Se Cityre Stata/&ip O(fo3( Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: /lth. /&? t- Print Namre )&'el7Fo Paul ton Address: S3 m14CHrle (ft, City tOVrt *'JaeI2Mi03 -5Idb 3 hasn't FHYoL) 3 Signature:JkQ4 Address: A AWt Ie Print Name Citv

--- .Dec4?v, Ic._- 'Statek11dnO - ---- #47 - -Jr 3 ta N. Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: mLJ1 Can iA2t Print Name Address: 2 q 4 4i F2s Ed D=G r-'cCity l rC-yStateFhr Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Ef74A 6  ; Print Name EMIL6 Gz4s/d-iz Address: (5 CAad4Aet Z'-t City reX4rt9gR3 StateVTZip OS30 1 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: i7Z-1~A2.. Print Name iT4ri*B F: k4/A Address: 4&6 1Ai a4l i- - ~City :66;r- AvL State- Z & 7 -2 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inrieendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Ilox 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Cot- CXI q /la /O s I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those aleady conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: e ) f) ( Q PrintName A m ie N-ysor\

Address:ds Aue, city Statwipa "V. Email Sp -v I eP ri O u r 7M I aL(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:_O*~ ( 9 V

Print Name. OhwJI C. gd Address: .-IA _ ___ __Il City Stat_______ 3 Signature: .4 f Print Nam. 4n /') 1f 9 Address: q]> iy ,1&khv/e Stj G 0 Ctsaeip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: PrintName )M UT&LL A lex U)

Address: Af) Vnt  !-. ICY e Ab bri -'.------------- Citv - - __________________________ _.. e__Zip CX 17 a C Statt Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: o&*J - a. Z, -Print Namel ,mill n XPWN7r--v - -_. v §. . ,ieI Address: irk- o~An V-- IrVl p6 _City f:Q4 StateA*ip~n (o3 ;6 / Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatures: = _Print Name AfixC 1IotOva ,

J-Z- - Address: ae5J-m CW~o City a r- - D Stateip2 Ca/+/-i CS# Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Qt7 K Zgo G/I I/ __ I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I /l ) FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Si f -

gnatureJ%,_ svvi- 0 - n S  ; 72 --a Print Name(' ).\3 i4 MVi,a A , o1 / Address:r e (eeyrI s s : S! Cit. I 7 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: P2i4 +/- Name- )Q0cAe C \A Address: & f)C c S4 ___CitytI QC -(~ Q stateVPhip0Zl4_ t3 3 Signatire: C . O Print Name r. %ie r Address: ') I/ tti JA1,AWo JRI Ai Cit' ty /Sll (g1 <State epCe>V37pr Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature :7 .-0int g Name Address: 4PIAl/e 5; id DP- City6r e ehfW k State_ _ip Zi Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

I I 5 Signature:(_t£omCA UntJnPrintNartic c C l C. A k40.. I' ff>< Address: ALd an \ 0 E1 City 14 l th bI ow StaI4 ZiPD.n/4{Z) Email Adc l ~ By in-C,eI-)- tom (_cir C' toreceive the bimonthly New England Coalition.eBulletin) 6.signature: Print Name- j sterf VSCr A cf Address:_ 8_ not_ (S.\____ f _ _City f~*CX\ idCLStatelMip t3O 1 a'7 an Is Email_ 6 -) - A __ _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanyv October 1996, by 'le Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (r1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessm nts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Cvtv: I$l& e' II,- 1,. ,K TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts v l 'o/ c) N FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHERfEAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Verniont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about I1%/ of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that: the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problel3s that remain uniclentified, and:
  • a fuil top-to-bottom examination o' \ermiont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY., join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatu rc:I __ Print Name tAec-a Gioke(k<

Address: " ;CA( IvW-tdk -City 6& tgAu& (; iState Zip C Llc] I Email fo\,ftqk& QMkiTO. (OVA (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. SignaPire: Print Narn L CeL &L^ " ,I, Address: ) _] Y-h - __~

- Cit - l l {n.A P_z . _. I _ . fl~te I i (o2 2-3 Signatu e:(rint Nam( e-Trent. LrSVz Address: 0 An u u -CityLQ@ le ,StateaZip C l O * (4 Email . - _ (to receive theiqonthly pew England Coalition eBulletin)

4. S igntue AvPrintNam( Jef I Q ' 1 e M e C Address: go_ - cityA -ed Statel.--

i ' -!I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: G -_Print o Name Gi) "et1 4&f v,6 Address- -j y f)C A & ci N;Ekl5 State Zip03 Email - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: :XVIA? ( A-Print Name taI-ri S AfLi

-/I ,, Addre;s:. L 3, e4Sc! cr- city &Cfftnheld .StateN Zip d 130 1 Rmail lM I\t-#8) CO k\ _- _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indmepndent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performan:!e. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box S45 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

lp A Citizen Petition 0 A-r-; 0 c/ I "I,-- 1. I - I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vernont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 1 / 161/ 0'S FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • Tbe recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about IG of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature
  • Print NFanme 5e_5e.... 5 a}

Address: ffEiLL%;Li7J - Cf LU¶ I City L I VX r\C4State. Zip Q53 Vick Email . _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signavure:66k2{Zcc. 4  ! ) Print Name 4)AT 1SLEDC4 RrAi Address, I1 2d1 Citv I)tftJ 2 4 qtat4rZin o 6S 5

3 Signature: 1 Print Name Cdd M)V rclaHO y AA-- . 1;0 (A /",'# c_?9 Ae Szz7D.+h (;+IW1*AA /9t5t^U/7rin VrS Email _-( Ato receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Sigrat re PrintName M L-)b M4m > ( 1-nbv Addrcss: R J A _Cit m W 1Tt' ael EmailA As DI_(tS
  • r r eceive tMe bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Sigaure Print Name i\

Address - ., bCity. l\i stateTjZip 5cr59 Email_ (to receive the bimonthly New Englar id Coalition.eBulletin)

6. Signature; ___Prit Nam e qer (ag'.Bcl ier,'

N.41-, ,m. y NJ f,4 , Address trrY, tf<S 65 Cityqk-Ata .t Statd/' Zip MESS cV Email___ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Unde~endent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October as19, by Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing Wa . bases iucluding appropriate reviews-at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives 'where appropriate; (3) valuate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT .05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • .

BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE .N A Citizen Petition -5 TO: the Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts '/Il'Io <S FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatimn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pnident, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indeupendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: )t~ro&z, AAUo?', -

Print Name -Pi o t Address: -Zc13Ce W J ^ %iU3 City vWtidc1. _StateV IZip 0S3 5 Fmail WfJe.J)A' A SoVV.vct -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Hea A(2A, IJ Print Name_ Moire-tyAcŽ Qelrv-D Address: as Q -z ~S Sae&i0 ~ -:-

3 Signature:  ; t W 0k1sI:"Print Namne HI2 M catlrlk Address: C) 1 ; City SEt Vr. XAjl0AStateYZiip Email I( (tc i receive the bimonthly New England Coa ~ijon eBulletin) . ^

4. Signature - Print Name Address: /S7/s /Z bo&t 5- ~-- City -g1 )I; 4 0,D S StateJW7in

---- I-- (? 5T ew ai - 9 Email W~Lbev 2 @ ,-s# t-ej to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: D -,I \Nj (L Print Nam. Address: lAI i ArV\DbzJA- Dm Citvti L AVAAI'\. _State*Zip_65S3"_ Email \N} i )27Co ' SCOW _____5 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Sign aZ, Name P f V /i iE- A., S, I Address: /0 A e6-*4/ k/ .

i ty /11 -, of ^ - :s F X o 0 _Statt'kip-K 31/S Email & h , - -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) i According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeIendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (l) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performanc^. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Cer A--:0 g-% l TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts i I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts f / WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: L *. e Print Name yoktttC K H 1?u /

Address: p /FKZ City - &y-P-*f2 Statetri[ip O (C 5- /4 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:2 Print Nam tw t CY"-X Address: 7 A4e- )Vt A emAJ Cit '-~~ f /~rJStateoziip 625/ <~

3 Signature: H ,<Z Print Nam( c-AM Address: Q2 2 lA24,kq C; j VJ. City StateI)p 0 '3Cz5 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: A <Print Na Li by .e (&AV-J Address: I 4'k( _, M _ .']- Cityr(C:J(e,&Rz _StateZip D3

&'3 Email U;XA _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signaue -44S~JV42 1-(kl1 PrintName- JPLINIFK5P i-&/z/"r Address: 16 J L4 kpl1aa A' , ,N City ( istat.#ip Cabs? EMaqii kl- _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) - /1

6. Signature: e -a Ntav-1 nlbc 'El"3knti-g

- -- J X, U Address: &Z, rfk? & -Cityos&A.12m t4 f StategMp <)A4:?0 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2 independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CA T : I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, N4ew Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 1l(f/fbS WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergs Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: X The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conductat aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur Print Name"/5 Coders Address: -C7?). ,S° / 4E Cit a- je _cf Statl/_ 4 in deS3'V Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 2z. Signature:(---- ( - Print Narrim Address: P_,) (Fx>6 a)>? City~ sY StatkIzp 03.3S Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature: 'fAHe X ] Print Name Alonmg -gAL66iH Address: #06v I6)(K 7q City N jW StateX7Zip73 S Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Aq t X/ 7 . Print Narne Address:?D a 2e - Ci} 4 fqilm/d Stat 0 d Email Mr1Qrqo \Ia =%.npm _ Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signatur6 ('?AA f Print Name HiMJ he(N(NHMf Address: d& KAi SYR X CityLN 400 Statev9 m Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336


A Citizen Petition 0 4T ,w-CqV TO: The GoverPors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engiineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pruclent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us -in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',.

similar to those alreay conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name &I"5 O IF 4OCr,%

Address: p2 cC City yJileip Q534 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:.t5 A_ J Print Name) AL LaA\ > \ ,Arl at) e Address:pLc 6x,- A Ci Lb rLuwn. Statew[Zi gS2s Email V cd t_$O. cL (C' (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature:. Kzl=, Print Name Aun hefet A1I Address: f 0, BowX -,) City of if _4tA _StateiZip a t03 Z

(to receivythe bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:

w ._ God I, I-!ACrI b AI, L-&PrintName eIt~gLBated, AAddress: Si$ )Aoowe&LL l AA- CityZo4szwf& State (fZi ° Atsl Email GAILSY 5Q% 1A 5J, _ A k _ (to recei' ve the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature:J 4/: Print Name_ on V_, 1A --, IAkJet XX -

Address: Pi.b ~c-jX i L City4AJ 5ij 1) State ot1ip G at/6 / Email _(to receive the bimonthly New Englaud Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition *PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT C530( (802)257-0336 BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PR IR R WEBSITE A Citizen Petition O  : X 77 -I i I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 'f/i ¢/5 - FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankees, similar to those a eady conduct d at aging nuclear plants in 'Maine and Connecticut.
1. Signature:__ Print Name RLA By hi 4',wsoW Address: 6c  !&;w/)J d City /bu*&Ap StateVIZip 05S30 I Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:s: /6 9 n t Namn 6-(3 Address: i&6 7 "g i City VA, tYtateL 1 p p Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. sig 8atatu Print Name f W &54 75 Address: iPW DOY d City 7>______he__ _tatejZip So Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature. ( I . / Print Name NoAV Kid" -5/& e to Addressq: C ° /3 ~City /5 4 QL_0Stat4~ip C 59 ,

Email lee#cI a s *-a C h - U- (1to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: ala 4 / Print Name AIeAU\ Ici+-er Address: G-(61Ql 3A CitVT/

V61A ) it, i-Ifta v StateWZip C6n3-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indlependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, Octot 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensi, bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition tZ1q I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts q /°I-FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts II WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 0 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: E The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conductedaagng nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:_ Print Narnel XI:aein4 Iz Address: City t I Il di-A-5v I4 a tp0 310 2-Email V (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature. tt fI OAitQa int Nam A E 60ics>G (g/

Address:6 nci (,63 Citykii bae 1 5 Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: (is J & tiAL 4 -Print Name Address: City -State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature.e°(O0 IPrint Name FPZ)19 P,.v Address: 5 G fitcltz  : _^ City xlatmf > fta41Z °,fJ4Z Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: 6 _Q4

+-1-4911 Print Narne A4L_1-vn0J /14(E6 i-- &V I) Address:q -- 71 I7__

0) f- PI citv JA A1eA A.. _, l, ,. - Of

_StateVJZip t05< I Email %F (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition


IA Citizen Petition Oqr Car I l~91S &ZoIOs I' TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts I I FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and: o a a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therelore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment 4f Vermont Yankee',

similar to thos aeady c nducted at aging nuclear f lants in Maine and Connecticut. -

1. Signatures,  % l)1 sPrint NameC1 4-jVr-4 C Address III pq Wvq D a<- Email E- -
2. Signatur Print Nainef &44 Y54 46e Address: 9 X ~ v 7 ______ Email_ _
3. Signature: Print Name r ok c't 1' C Address: 'n Email Signature 4.:rnt Name A/,4CI Address: pD @ df, A l Email
5. Signature: 6-& /'X Print Name ?ot,, iy Address: 1'0 QX /tz" vW V~fi~04'~o51eo tThEmail A
6. Signatur*o,`(t(rreA- 14WJiPrint Name /l(:Of MO -0(tH1 foxVJQ&-

.Address: . _ _ . I1 Email

7. Signature:gtg Name A q(c ( tAX 74(oS~k1 Address: Aa ,A IT v b4"i60 Email
8. Signature: Printfame 1' .j52PJidZi Address: Email
9. SignatrePrint Name______

Address*) - 4t CA J Em ail According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndIcendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site www.necnp.orgh

A Citizen Petition O6r-: Zq.Z I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts l / FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and a this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and: a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indept ndent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: -0 . ,--- i

- A Print Name AAC! ritVWI StatA-7fi, OS4C Address: I (lb , - ---J . . .0 . -1 Email m Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:,,; ,4e, Print Name C-Aku&x Address: J- O.v - 177 City -gXL87~ae

- at 5 Z-Email ^0eA,06446,ut AA X _receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

3. Signature: ( 1^1 Print Name `f1 A - Ax ttejip Address: P 0 City 1SHl;t# StateVEZip 0S.353 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: L y&AJ V' Print Name_ 4ey M Address: Fr (7x5x Aim City tJJ StateqfZin 0- ¶Q'1f Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signatur atur "Iri ~ Name/AF /)tA& Cte, Address: eAX) MAA t-72N City State~tZip%

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) } According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeMendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessnients, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition C7'3 2 3 I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAYS join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alrea conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature : Print Name _ _ _ _ M_ _ _ _ __ ____

Address:  ?)"*I Q(-?OG.$ (LO() CitgD >) ~Stat&Fl Zip C;4S)Y2. Email i,.X&A PA-Jri.J-*i. k (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signaturf)4( QA!i Print Name(7rh C S+ st* 4nc IO Icioh1 Address: 1 34L TL Q9)h . City-17;An  ? State*rZip I 3 53 Email A14rtAr/'S (OveWrL(I e.Kr _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 3- Signature i>*ZmQ 5dh Print Name ,A o4la e 6?nesote (

Address A) Z cityItIy ls Stato~ip O.5-3 -) V I-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. SignatureAPrint C: Name )i (&m I " C Addrelr o. G ' - ( Ci t y New Statnd C iaZtion e I Emailc J W o:V OG Q_Cs T cCALr6,6 N{:~to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
5. Signature: /111i0z ° AA Print Name_

I " .1e" ,n Je,,/ Address: r-1(46rIQ i , broc . 1 ma -

  • I I

Citv Rrvilr -- - (U-StateI4-Zin -- -i--- Pro .- Email A.. . . .... to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indtpenden Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independentl i assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) :Indepen lently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, co Tective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 1 rattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336 - www.necn.orc BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE

A Citizen Petition CACT. 0tZ5i TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont., New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and 5 this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur 4 O- Print Name SA t $ RL /

Address:- J~I RAJ)IAVlE City V StateZipDE3V.5 Email (to receive thee bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Sign Print Name ;a 4ra (-1,1V

~ ' Address: City. -Stateh*Np4 ig Email (to receive thee bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: / IAdqlrz. .

Print Namre H t rkl, I-P7,ra.<--tAfren Address: PJ , if l City JOrIP k CLState_\ Xi5-3p7 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

5. Signature: C S Print Name Address: 0\1v) 'PI LIy D gc0>M L ________ ~ ':z JState\IZip.jC5 0r Email VlI VI - i 11,0)-dI 0 e+/-t3IzfL(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition CMt: * -Z I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pruclent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. ignatre Print Name '3 &,as-AZ AU2 ~Jf> l t !1p-0K CitTA°l~: State(&& OQ42 Email _vW___(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature : Name Gle Address Ci 14(Ae State zipoiZ3 y Email 1 dbhxllb b y6 oo, v o4 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
3. Signature: dL./ e J4."? Print Name -PO014} Li2ALAeb Address: Af aft UCkJh 94i ALPZ City i~ Stateflp<i:3Zg Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: 9 do Print Name Sv h go a A,,

Address: 271,2. Fo City lwoLu A State 5I$5 3ip receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 'According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indeendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. I Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition OA-F: 21 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY' join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already n ted at agingcueear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Narne

'Print -pAEc U-Lo ATAC i Address: 19A e-L-11 A, City-tylwtL0 State VTZip 05301Q I Email_ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:

W111"If / _ Print Name lV\Aip,> hO-f Address: (1 V F'lI - ____City- ~?rrffelr*" State\tlZip 3n;PZ 3 Signature: rmt Name C1AAALC-5 f4AR-'J~j Address: SZO 9oL.731 Ab cityj W10,Cqt7SrVTj . -StatWdZ 03,q 70 (to receive the bimonthly ew England Coalition eBulletin) int Namne elm'aoih City 4Stat  % i Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: (,.a ,4  ?.,iQv. Print Name (Jj g CA, q L (i,'1 Address: /I /.1ky v Yqif 1( e-644 MOn 5 _City 6- +14> 600A State*Zip __a Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: .4 6, P N aim e Address: 4a g d -( Ci thbi thy Nw ZStaten l CZit C) eSuen Email _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition el~ulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment ofMaine Yankee Atomic Power Company October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( At r I r A Citizen Petition rcto ,I 160t-TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts ,; WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv CorDoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.  ;

1. Signature: -JAt t iA 1v~4iPrintName <So A-Address: PC, 37go cityMatclbor StrtelO 6 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature.,d ' 7 -

Print Name ,' rX f e (iAI) . ,- ic Address: ( B 399 Ci ar AA, 2 State Vp 53) I{j b( 3 Sip ,aae A Address: i City Sistall p-0_636 2 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:) Print Name Address: -(G~t id g _____City- 66U & 24 5 StatAfTZip a5p)O)

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: 6 )4 Print Name A'cl'/ l aLraJ Address: 0 9 it6 Y -1 57 City 5040-bor _StateoZip O-.r3o / Email 4 r- " tvt u-4?W h I 0 _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: / Print Nam( -- Z, e - g&

Address:ac,'/i ,-/- t&XF6c -of _City & _ Statc"Aip 6 &-3 $/$ Fmail -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Qe' ll13/i5 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont;, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entermv CorporatiolL has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

a The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prucdent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging uclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: J"f6krn g tharne /Krn -tel y HAt1 !Jfx Ao b- 0 jh Address: TS L C I ov' a City >StateVZip 0c5_3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name ce s /c/ba ,77 Address: 3U Om- I'7t- Cityi/Rr., r6 SWat 4 Zin efdO /

3 Signature: y i, 7 Print Name Address: I A 11 II1 Cityv A. -State-Zip . Email C, -)~ JNxN _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature eL*,U.L ___-Print Name Address: 8n/ a2 zLL 9 44 _ City s i r 4 State <<Zip 2'53t2I Email 74,A , ) j e&-d -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signatue P rintName A:2/Y~ Trx-Address: / -zŽ..-4 1447,/

c2- CitV6ytaSte Wip 5 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: e. is .Print Name -\Nt m0. -iCovs A~eKEAn\ 0 Address: C.4tc %V- -City-%1L4%1 _Stat-Zip 6A Q\

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CAl' ~4lk, A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vernnont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1%of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already cyfiucted at aging nucle ants in Maine and Conne ti t.

1. Signature: t I rAnnee AA rc Address: r 0 ,c)\'2 L(Y 3]City-K A 0L ; t r -, State_Zip Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: :iAA. pAw /', Print Name VT-Address: (A __City nt Ž VState tat Zip 0 I 3 Signature: AA_ . _

Address: Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatu Prnt N mmlcD r> . R-YANA Address: City 2J 9t, 5M)ktState4ZipV ( i5014 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: , -

Address: j2 , W / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sta te ip (5 S 3 *Ze Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1

6. Signature: S Print Narne *5 CCa Av\A. 9 Address: 'O % La i,ST-, _City J Of State<Zip (S->o %

4-0 Email , ~ PL~~ 4,1A-{4,1 t CUe A. . CNii~ -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(M Ii V 3I05 A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 s ignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in ca ing for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those alry condcted g n clear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signatur Print ritName i 4e ckV fV iC EffI Address: CityD&Q , 4 JI StatI ip 0 (ZW;'?

Email __ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: (I ? Name Lf banrdt/ A oq2i C  :

Address: C- C)&G 2 (Z( _Ci\ :c Y'ateX in 3 Signature: Print Name  ;\aCLA I ., .9_* SOPOR . Address:  : t(Ap{<x s. City ---wl<). 7VCiVI lAIfstat.AtFZin Ca 1V f Email I. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signatures 2 h 4I i Print Name 7 UA) 74JL Address: 2 LF:; PAz[1X- ______CityE hbotet/Tip _h o535 6 Email _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature('  :&- Ho X ( Print Name __ _ _ 0t ya A L L itt A; C / Co_

p J Address:P6. 9 a oe V 1 ___ (A/-O AmpStatCp d-,nt3 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signair .- 1, Z -Print Name-d c & &/-

Di I I 5 n Address: /q3 i By Citv -ro ~ o, _StaterZip0,5Jp ' Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) IAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vernont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition Ret 1i)IIQ31 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is pruc ent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: l Print Naue ( A6,4 -(dt tc Lb A1 Address: (a' s 4 4I GA- f" City 'HC kO )t State acZipQ-j35D Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature:  : aamne Mao I X F/,

J- - - Address: City . 4Vg4<igma Sta-Zip OSK . Ol . A 1 3 Signature:_ t-LT _ -_ Print Name- PCoton F. Beg 4<L> Address: / d -A City W, -TXow's latA StateV Zin O 3IS I I Email 5w1-q 1 .- . sve,,.nvte- -(to rectve the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: ISem111 (A) / Print Name Address: / ?7 '9J~

v _ , , v torC ity bC Email 4W 6C'-yV 6P\ Ia -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signature re\Ztk lz67 /C,Žt'qt Name ,_ .&M A V1, VAn . V I e- CZ /7By IJ Address: 4ic).i>( r0rP /4 A(- 4 ___ _City 1C ttJ StateVlip QSkPZ Email - _ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name e (t P c }khrS Address: / &/ h 5s- City 6'.FNt5 State'Ziip O 5 X/2/

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Bo. 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • www.necnp.or?

BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 s ignificant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 ,

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: 4U ( t, PrintNarne iv.0 C (O2

//A Address: _ . ,CIAx . _Cty Mu f l . -Stated LAB 3 Email .(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: PrintName 2,1W ( fr Address: / /__ 3A _IL Cityd&diC_ -State rZip 03 K-5 3 Signature: Print Name 5__

Address: qT t9,'N~( J -0n) City _(Ad j3 6 StatorZip ID5 ( __ Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: F@ ,,,, Print Name A pLla 1 )1 S }51A1NIi Address:( 9 lettn ;1 e Citv _ I, _State~L ZipC9'67!tl Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature:-fl*.L A x Print Narme CAAR\,S Address: l1S\ AL _City0 9 State ip 5 &

Email_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_, t- 1, i~. r Print Name 2 offs 0

M - Address: Pto %AV,_A wU ,A.. _City 'h _Stat jZip d f- 3° y Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

C - C4iX, 4~3u3 A Citizen Petition e TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont;, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio I has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original-1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

- a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee1 , similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature -QOAJ Print Naime t& cC a t ak cxn Address: q \ r~k&V cityv/~c StateB CAS Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signatur 4-J1U I rint Name Il zZeGe Zpo(ff e,.

Address: 70+" (Jt 3/44 Uj 1 6 CityT'L ) 7L _StateVTZip 05 ; to-3 Signature:I tM_1 )PrintNamC (IL/ ( A4IC 4) Address: S L$(5 0A tjltlo ( l 129 City_4Di(LL*g1 _State,4zip L-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signa6 . n Print Name Address: _i,- Do' ~ Rr City MIX _StatQTZip ° _ 4 Email I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: (I 4 I Print Name Address: Y5 h T4IAdo I City e J 6j1 _State\J ()SQ rwIf, (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBullet a" t Ie C (.

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmrn ts, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

kQ . to 101 0-A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plants systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

E a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to thonuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. 1.Si t :int Name 12Kc V r -Tiz Address: aZ 2 rL City (St2 ,t l State i Ap So aLd Email VTO D CC ( ___) (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature _) Print Narme_ PM'50on1-74 Address: 2-p /1 City M4a/-,c- -State~p03t 3 Signature: / Print Namej Address: !fi ,t /g/ 1 22 o _ Cityi */* Stateip _CacO L Email r(,4 / -ee 9tSV-4--. (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: -I/q PrintNamej*~ -c-aiter Address: C<1 KQ I IQd. CitV G&'tid State VtZip 0 30 1 Email kdeQihoovr /rSCAiF woI -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: iA5 q)t Name Saw mov -Sn; Cal Address: I-I1 4)jigar VIA. ICity -State Z p bC)`50 1 Email c" 0 . (o.. m _oe (torec:eive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:v - L47/1( Print Name_>y Address: 4-t Ad/ t CCity (e, -X State zipj,4 Email tV(6t ea
  • O A. A V t .. C u (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnanv. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

i I tpre Petition A Citizen Petition re , . Itl D3( 0 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio I has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW S join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those rea conducted at aminuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: i Name Atnt LAd Address: 3 <
  • City. StatYip 4 &uL Email Ct{o# c(eive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: Print Name Ye-riApi i/'e - RC) L Address: I L d I&S K Aie. City 6-Arr-e- KO State t ip2-i/

11 3 Signature:A Print Nam e)() A' 6 L) 2 Address: )W , . \ltl(c OAP w City( 42)f5TJ StatedFZip al K Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: (wk 6wh14/l PrintName 5TL( ,((l/

1 VI 4A Address: Z( W.(('Vl H City ULf St teV p 3( . r r Email ,' I II I I- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: I t Name_ _ l ?___I__ Address: l . ^ AkoaQ3( a, IA , ^ vv . CityL City God stat41qp ° l °168 Email CASTORS-t IV A-OL--* CU&I Jto receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. SignaturetrntPrint Name Address: 36 beCtve _City- r -' 147'ZC .41/2czStateL/ r&ip -3 Email /I ,07C15 4-7 <f 9! 'C7e -VCS,, -70 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndeRendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

cM-A3t.I jxl A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those alre conducted a"ging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: Print Name /o -Ith a L-S < C/yhe5 Address: -7q s L 0 City stateVl S.kl ii C)Q 3q*

Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 7z JPrint Name 72, ,./} A Address: I _,l /eCC City f StateVlrip QZ3e /

3 Signature: 4 f0 i Print Name LiifI 411 :x Address: v 1 An _ ,0 , f _ k57- Ci t tate//zip 1 6_0/ Email - (to receive the onthly New England ion eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PrintName /In U*-_ Mv%LA...

Address: ,o0. %ac 5 I (Vu q0 toCdv( __City

  • O J[!L. State/TZip 0',5,3 EmailI A1

- A / to re ive the bimonthly Ne oalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: . a& 4,A d _VPrint Name - _C_ EL- ILL Address: r L4 City State__Z pi2/) &3*' Email o receive the onthly New England oalit on eBulletin)

6. Sigsature: -Print Name It4 I Address: _A0 / 5it- AdC State>rZKpi SL3; 6 I

Email -_(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) lAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inderendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition . 0I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Enterg_ Corporatio_ has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: ,Afi PrintNamed &) I--

IL(/ Address: tO[-LLz' kt^Le, RfL City ( 41 State Zip0 q' i Emai - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City StateZip 3 Signature: Print Name_ Address: City State-Zip . Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name_

Address: City State Zi__ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City StateZip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: City State-Zip .

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indemendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(k1 Wgod Pev It Mkj16 A Citizen, Petition I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy CorDoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted t aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature gv A ? Z Print Name Dgd t ex, e Address:9 ,QA 1/71 iI)?/ </ City Stat&Jkip SLesze 3 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
2. Signature: 1(c (I \(YK'(C -AT Pnnt Name 5_OC\rC\C

-- 0 - , - - - , V, - - - £u U ox I Address: t\-N \V%, gY5vV1> (6 City- Y)e . f-r\L Statelt$p-(~t3I 3 Signature: ACA 9~ oPrint Name 6oVdCon C(QaV . . Address: /*57 (- t)ch St_- L I City k'.ee ri-e _State2p- °5 43J/ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Narn e Address: City State-Zip Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Name Address: City ,-

.State.Zip Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Print Name Address: Citv w .State Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Companv, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessnments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO BRx 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( Ai'M- A-3u S-A Citizen Petition Ke (. 11la~ll U I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont,, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: S-- F--- -,
  • Print Name ( f(Q) Ibtr-3 Address: 8 ( > - -a God-2-- ZI City A xb-3; _StatoJLZip 9 .(Gil .

Email I/ (to receive the bimonhly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: f / Print Name 14/' J<K Uc J Address: / . t& /1 2 City K 'aewile Stat ip 3jj1 3 Signature APrintName lBsAy J EV UyS Address: I c4 I / _City Pef boe°ti sStIV4zipe OA Email_ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature:_J -112-, Print Name - 4

-repA, 6 t,1 (<f1 Address: l A9 tJ ' 6 PPA (?itv ('w-tjJ 9 A IV~l , A I* , 1J}7in Z)"1-42 JLJatqLLlIJ ') 1 1 I I Email ) 'I Z k d rtm: S VA)D L . Cl. \ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Print Nam(, /E, d4- -/ /?(fj ES2, q/ Address:

  • Y City Aft ji;'p jr-1 /

-st~~ Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: .

Print Name Address: City. -State-Zip Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

( AS-1 X t( A Citizen Petition e TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatio i has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature:

A, _ atO, (A_ . -_ PrintNarne c A-t,C-ane a, J Address: A44 City_ State Zip AJR V>, Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 110/-t Print Name Z PK-R A Address: 7"- ) A *I City S=Ar qtaqtJ4p 03-4 (,?i 3 Signature: _L Print Nami e~ 4 ti I -

Address:236 1i . gc l .A h Citv, K~.AA Stat$Zip _3451 Email _ ) -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature. .. Xan -

Print Nan¶/%7Rv -IF.. _ _ , e /dac so35 Address: 6,0 "Aho/ 5-r City L66146 State/Zip_ Email A z /I __(to receive the biimonthly New Englnd Coalition eBulletin) ASignats: L] . Name CiryIVA4 Address: -@ J \@ ~Cityy!Ac 4 StatetMZip oseq5-Email 6-A A AI-r.`i_(__ _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: Pnnt Name ka #4e, )C- S Address: 0o ~ Y)2er ft4y P Citv IMA 4 qtateV I i, bCtS

-- a -- I - - - V7 Email I (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) XAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessmerits, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

00t~ A Citizen Petition ... I (()4' 431 k TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Mass. V Q1fi FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts 1- 31 WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corvoration has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

a a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those alreaoy cond tgjg nuclear plants In Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature PrintName Mr taJ 6 IIoF Address: eSkm Email
2. Signature: Pnt Namne L4, Sc r 3AL k%'C*I Address: + VC14 X h tA)Email
3. Signature: 1/i f 10.yd: o1 Print Nam( I NeJ1 664-o SR&vtCe-r Address: *YtI P

'W *'- . La jor/tL& NJ*\ -4 Email

4. Signature: /14&1 VU4'C(-f Pri Name .

/ Address: Po 6 as-3 A )M Email

5. Signature:ue:4 Print Naai7e-MW{ -ffsJAQ W Address: /1*i- e i5eie. &_ (31'31 Email
6. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
7. Signature: Print Name Address: E.mail
8. Signature: Print Name Address: Email
9. Signature: Print Name_

I1 Address: Email l According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: IndRendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company. October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives H-'e appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) 'ty-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalitlon

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336
  • This petition can be downloaded from the documents page of our web site -

(wi. t43V A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a fill top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indepe ident Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee",

similar to those already 7condutd aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut. I. Signature: Y2't )w ^.A PrintNamc i (-a~oA c{? CLOyLeo, Address: 1C 7 l a +I e Citv - --J W - -- AQ Stnt4V 7 i. A/ t4-r Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) ,,r~t 2,< ZU (

2. Signature: \t i H2 rint Namt

., xI u , Address: VA F CaL City - ILIe Li , Z 2 _Statc _zirO23 3 3 Signature: urc > 4 }., Print Name JR Address: 3 _City _Stat&6hi'p LY43 1 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: Print Name 9>lr r Wete -A A I tra d Address: R y Sa-Q4 R a -city RXu<.

,, 4-~ dILe Stateazi C)4t5° np Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signatura / )' (_- Print Name )O."" A y J. 3V Az SeJ Address: J,3 / 0/0d City _StateLp °g> / Email d j Ct C,/ yein XoPy (=1 At

11. n' to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature.Ti I L
  • S  ? f PrintNamez?<\C, Gi i f-\

)\ C v Address:3 iM, City-SSV. S Emaill5s FAXC ) ) Vt, \ . Kt ' (to (t receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans, (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Braftleboro, VT 05302 - (802) 257-0336 -

BLANK COPIES OF THIS PETITION FORM CAN BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED FROM OUR WEBSITE A Citizen Petition F1q'k . TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont. New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's agirng components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

K a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudmnt, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee', similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Mlaine and Connecticut.

1. Signa a'AL( Print Name ?XiAJi'i7 A &z/4-/

Address: /s-6 b - SL City t'AL ' Stateaki'p C3cq% Eai A ceive theimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: 4f Print Na' 11 A Address C 3 Signature:_ Print Name Brceod;v L 49 Address: q-7 Af4, vt'dh - City WIaots Fe-5s StateVrZip OVlof Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
4. Signature: Print Name gym AAc Address: SLY ( tiw l Q J City I~fi a StateIVliZip 0317s Email r,,,0" I s A &vi.- r (dir ain - (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: go Ama Print Name A. ,A, p> .t C Address: 1<1 Sais g City nC& Statp (-22 1I Email -7 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature:VL>@& Print NarieS As{ b c e iJzl-h Address: / ne e.,J, *S City, 4 .e S Statekjip O3t  ?/

Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) lAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessrments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(-AT? 331 A CitizenL Petition ke . [ t R 31 Hi TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporatiorn has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase Will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signa tiS Print Narae n ' n4& -

Address: City jU&e 1 la6(A State ZipjL4L , receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature:

Address: i v -CityA22di $ State-Zip (\/ & 3 SignLA r rint Name Address: [3 -7 /G4il6 a# - _CiW& t7 StateYtp aa0/ Email ,3 4i 4 -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature:_ Print Name Address: S', 4 i 'br City, rcLr _State~fip ° Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5Signature: SIteIt -.1 Print Name l7 L ai1 Address: 34 4

, , 2 - , __ C~ity civthebimth 1C(R4' Statetniptioa tIn Email I U eccive tebmnhyNew England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:_ L) I 1Print Name ACL i 4k Address: U(5 es!k J gm 1j. rc iv ty tatn CZip 0euetl Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 1According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Indtpendent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance.

Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA4r W3 ~ K¢(.tl lo A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatioll has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:

- The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:

  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indemendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging lear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature? PrintkNarenMore/ Atl a b /l'rn Address: CI c2 bi EVI#L4) C>L. City$te! z Stateip03_3J.

Email i7-t Of Sum 6n~.2 .0 2(§)ot Z1 (~(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: l ,. Print Name //14 Al. 6 ~t166'7_

Address: / a cit ity C Statexti ° 7/ 3 Signature: ) ° )f I Print Name 4 .t- V LO Vv Address: I (ik 4-4.. City Z StateN ip 3t 3( Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: i j Print Name A kr4Ar Av4v-Jiers Address: rj l LJ.jr 5 r r City2Ži- StateD ip O? t'Wi' Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: Ji u Print Name R [3B C(ks #

Address:11q Ad City Fdmuji/vca StateiUKZip f3*L7Z Email rebr&k actsl 1 cOe (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature:a r wee l Print Narne P ( ec- VC k IF, (O ( c_ (

Address: 79 -W tn d City Rf-, It a 4L StatelZipo3 +/-q7 Email 2 1 o c. @ -5 l t r*a ICe S CC i- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) iAccording to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) indeqendently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

A Citizen Petition it 1 TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporatio a has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Indenendent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. Signature: gI~v /- Print Name Elcr eh Po Address: ( ) H J Ln oi Cityt { aSate) ip_

Email /6h l (onQ )) / L tj Areceive ti the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: . i E I Print Name H es,1 Address: :67?4 A 1!,*A GCity LelmL StateA(P 6&6Q/

3 Signature: _ _ Pre_Name_______________ nt Address: 4 c co"'A City /e o StatSikp 01 3 C Email h (toeceivethebimonthlyNewEnglandCoalitioneBulletin)

4. Signature:attN Mint1e Al )NP £z-(S Address: 3 £t A . City
  • StatRIi lip 63 Z44-Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: cri Print Name C(

P T C C ' r ch Address:7 s 9 Ci 0 Stakfkip o 6 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signatunatur Print Nae 'SCdcV r Address:lŽ I) DX WV City StateVJJ )Q34&k9 SMjC Email C[~d-V eB@ ct0. ) Ah, o_ (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (I) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(ri, ( ,,,~ ~ 11 30 I I.I -v - A Citizen Petition IYU t TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergy Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY. join us in calling for an Independent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee',

similar to those already conducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.

1. SianaturelbL4 f'ob.4t* Print Name .Iiixce go4b

- -o Addess - -rc Address: 1Rorct ten e8 City grab4L- -State&-Jkip 0o"/5 Email / 'a L-1p  :- -4 S)"/ ep It, -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signature: - Print Narnie_

Address: ;2 Gy Ifff _CiI Ptateleffip 0344X 3 Signature: I ,V t pi,{j Print Namne fArnhei Stal-e\ Address: 2 -- &otA4> v%( City hstatfiip 0Q{45 Email (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

4. Signature: PM OQJNL1> PrintName i BntY A f-) 6 A)

Address: C L>k, 144 Cit_,~~~~~~, best;Xf 6,5i_ v r-~ UA Email A7 _(to receive the bimonthly w England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: rintName_ Suk VIA ove ,r Address: ) 5C CvGe -city. 5i $StateAAZip t

  • lfi-6 Email !s-.okALv 0,mte. rid uIN-N -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)
6. Signature: ( o LtZ- -PrintName 1,s t,. L\.- ELKS Address: P ie 499 Z3-8 IRE go Citx~l:)

v >6+[ N40 ] . s . Q Stated))in - x, O 2 A `) I.v Email \ , c. 9-V . &A, nQx.k\Art. {a A v\t e _(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) -J ' According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Ind ependent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independently assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessrments, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

CA1, 3-Id A Citizen Petition C Q(. l 1I 31 ' I TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other problems that remain unidentified, and:
  • a full top-to-bottom examination of Vermont Yankee is prudent, protective and conservative, therefore, WE NOW SAY, join us in calling for an Indepen dent Safety Assessment of Vermont Yankee, similar to those alre:dy co ducted at aging nuclear plants in Maine and Connecticut.
1. SignatureH;l Print Name -Tov SK 1 C Address: i) q .;i4 , k a V City MA1 [,~k StatZip D I DC)+

Email -- (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

2. Signatur&I k & Print Nam Address: y TUb J) /,/j3 City A)}(hAsftdU Statekfkip C /o09 3 Signature 7LC-I,&!)Ao.L) Print Namee_ S / /L4 k<

A, I Crs Address:  ;- *, 4 SQ S# City2ALrit stat/jkip 6/' 6 a Email i. I,' h.34 / 4/ZX" a; A e9 (to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) WW 0f k-- 7 ___ 7 __ I%-

4. Signature: I~ /A4 Print Name_ At 0 6 Lc/7AAJ Address: gJ, L ( t tf IAL I

City q7r.ePLJ / StateAZip_5 /03 O/ Email twacl_ air's @eL) Loa- (to receive the bimonthly NiFw England Coalition eBulletin) 5 Signature: P. Lck K L -Print Name i- 4 H vt I Address: I) Ad i IIr\ St City S eJ vt*'e_ f./Is Stat2Zip_° 13 70 Email -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin)

6. Signature: _ ig ' Print Name_ YUl >God Scam Address:  % 2f City Ao Ey State$& 4 ip 01 3 s5 U

Email O\LQI/; Ached ' -(to receive the bimonthly New England Coalition eBulletin) According to the definitions and parameters provided in the report: Inee jt Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comnany, October 1996, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This study shall: (1) independdn!ly assess the conformance of Vermont Yankee to its design and licensing bases including appropriate reviews at the site and corporate offices: (2) independently assess operational safety performance giving risk perspectives where appropriate; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of licensee self-assessments,, corrective actions, and improvement plans; (4) determine the root cause(s) of safety-significant findings and draw conclusions on overall performance. 'Please return this form to: New England Coalition

  • PO Box 545 Brattleboro, VT 05302 * (802) 257-0336

(M1- 4.3V'1 ~ t(.~Q3l - A Citizen Petition TO: The Governors and Elected Officials of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts FROM: The undersigned citizens of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts WHEREAS, Louisiana-based Entergv Corporation has applied to super-load nuclear fuel in the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at Vernon to 120% of the reactor's original 1973 license, and

  • this increase will place new stress on Vermont Yankee's aging components increasing risk of accidents and plant blackouts that could affect the entire state, and:
  • The recent NRC Engineering Team Inspection identified 8 significant problems in only 45 systems examined, representing only about 1% of the plant's critical systems. These results indicate that the other 99% of the plant's systems may contain hundreds of other p}}