Letter Sequence Other |
MONTHYEARML0306301082003-02-24024 February 2003 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment Nos. 236 & 178, Respectively, Revising the Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement SR Project stage: Other ML0306201682003-02-28028 February 2003 Issuance of Amendment Nos. 236 & 178, Respectively, Revising the Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement SR Project stage: Approval 2003-02-24
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Farley Nuclear Plant, and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Application for Technical Specification Amendment to Eliminate Requirements for Hydrogen Recombiners and Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitors NL-04-0563, Technical Specification Revision Request Integrated Leakage Rate Testing Interval Extension2004-04-26026 April 2004 Technical Specification Revision Request Integrated Leakage Rate Testing Interval Extension ML0406905022004-03-0808 March 2004 Technical Specification for Amendment 182, 3/8/04 2024-09-11
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NL-21-0160, License Amendment Request to Remove Table of Contents from Technical Specifications2021-06-22022 June 2021 License Amendment Request to Remove Table of Contents from Technical Specifications NL-21-0423, Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.5.1 Re One-Time Extension of Completion Time for 2D RHR Pump - PRA RAI Response2021-04-22022 April 2021 Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.5.1 Re One-Time Extension of Completion Time for 2D RHR Pump - PRA RAI Response NL-21-0411, Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.5.1 Regarding One-Time Extension of Completion Time for 2D RHR Pump2021-04-19019 April 2021 Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.5.1 Regarding One-Time Extension of Completion Time for 2D RHR Pump NL-19-1455, Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.7.1 Regarding One-Time Extension of Completion Time for RHRSW Pump Inoperable2019-11-29029 November 2019 Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.7.1 Regarding One-Time Extension of Completion Time for RHRSW Pump Inoperable NL-19-1266, Supplement to License Amendment Request for Technical Specifications and 3.8.1 Regarding Degraded Voltage Protection2019-10-17017 October 2019 Supplement to License Amendment Request for Technical Specifications and 3.8.1 Regarding Degraded Voltage Protection NL-19-0250, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR2019-04-23023 April 2019 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR NL-19-0173, Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.8.1 Regarding Voltage Limit Increase for Emergency Diesel Generator Load Rejection Surveillance Test2019-02-19019 February 2019 Emergency License Amendment Request for Technical Specification 3.8.1 Regarding Voltage Limit Increase for Emergency Diesel Generator Load Rejection Surveillance Test ML18226A0942018-08-0909 August 2018 Edwin I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2; and Vogtle, Units 1 and 2 - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 5.2.2.g and Update Emergency Plan Minimum On-shift Staff Tables NL-17-0328, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control.2017-04-20020 April 2017 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-542, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control. NL-16-0827, E. I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2 - Withdrawal of TSTF-500 Request to Increase the Completion Time for the Station Service Batteries from 2 to 12 Hours2016-06-17017 June 2016 E. I. Hatch, Units 1 and 2 - Withdrawal of TSTF-500 Request to Increase the Completion Time for the Station Service Batteries from 2 to 12 Hours NL-13-1528, Response to Request for Information on the Plant Hatch License Amendment Request to Revise the Minimum Water Level in the Plant Service Water Pump Well2013-07-22022 July 2013 Response to Request for Information on the Plant Hatch License Amendment Request to Revise the Minimum Water Level in the Plant Service Water Pump Well ML0733203732007-11-26026 November 2007 Technical Specifications for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Issuance of Amendments Regarding Control Rod Scram Time Testing Frequency (TAC MD5722 and MD5723) NL-04-1001, Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and 2 - Technical Specifications Amendment Request Appendix J Leakage Rate Test for Containment Purge Valves2004-08-23023 August 2004 Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and 2 - Technical Specifications Amendment Request Appendix J Leakage Rate Test for Containment Purge Valves NL-04-0563, Technical Specification Revision Request Integrated Leakage Rate Testing Interval Extension2004-04-26026 April 2004 Technical Specification Revision Request Integrated Leakage Rate Testing Interval Extension ML0406905022004-03-0808 March 2004 Technical Specification for Amendment 182, 3/8/04 ML0406905122004-03-0808 March 2004 Technical Specification for Amendment 239, 3/8/04 NL-03-2517, Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Revise TS 3.1.8, Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) Vent and Drain Valves, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process2004-02-0202 February 2004 Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Revise TS 3.1.8, Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) Vent and Drain Valves, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process ML0306301082003-02-24024 February 2003 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment Nos. 236 & 178, Respectively, Revising the Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement SR ML0234502762002-12-0202 December 2002 Technical Specifications Revision to Secondary Containment Access Door Surveillance ML0229802952002-10-23023 October 2002 Request to Revise Technical Specifications: Correction to Quarterly Surveillance Extension Technical Specifications Page ML0219601412002-07-0303 July 2002 Revision to Request to Revise Technical Specifications: Quarterly Surveillance Extension, Enclosure 7, Technical Specifications Page Change Instructions, Unit 2 ML0210603492002-04-11011 April 2002 TS Pages to Amendment 230 ML0210603572002-04-11011 April 2002 TS Pages to Amendment 171 ML0207204142002-03-0808 March 2002 Technical Specification Pages for Amendments 228 & 170 for Edwin I. Hatch, Units 1 & 2 ML0205700232002-02-20020 February 2002 Technical Specification Pages Amendment 226 Revising to Allow a one-timer Defferal of the Type a Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test 2024-05-03
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AND C.3 Initiate action to Immediately suspend OPDRVs.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify all secondary containment equipment 31 days hatches are closed and sealed.
SR Verify one secondary containment access door in each access opening is closed.
31 days .I SR -- ---------------- NOTE -------------
The number of standby gas treatment (SGT) subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration.
Verify required SGT subsystem(s) will draw 24 months on a down the secondary containment to ;- 0.20 inch STAGGERED of vacuum water gauge in < 120 seconds. TEST BASIS (continued)
HATCH UNIT 1 3.6-33 Amendment No. 236
Secondary Containment B BASES ACTIONS C.1, C.2, and C.3 (continued) case, inability to suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies would not be a sufficient reason to require a reactor shutdown.
SURVEILLANCE SR and SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying that secondary containment equipment hatches and one access door in each access opening are closed ensures that the infiltration of outside air of such a magnitude as to prevent maintaining the desired negative pressure does not occur. Verifying that all such openings are closed provides adequate assurance that exfiltration from the secondary containment will not occur. SR also requires equipment hatches to be sealed. In this application, the term "sealed" has no connotation of leak tightness. Maintaining secondary containment OPERABILITY requires verifying one door in the access opening is closed. An access opening contains one inner and one outer door. The intent is not to breach the secondary containment at any time when secondary containment is required. This is achieved by maintaining the inner or outer portion of the barrier closed at all times. However, all secondary containment access doors are normally kept closed, except when the access opening is being used for entry and exit or when maintenance is being performed on an access opening. When the secondary containment configuration excludes Zone I and/or Zone II,these SRs also include verifying the hatches and doors separating the common refueling floor zone from the reactor building(s). The 31 day Frequency for these SRs has been shown to be adequate, based on operating experience, and is considered adequate in view of the other indications of door and hatch status that are available to the operator.
SR and SR The Unit 1 and Unit 2 SGT Systems exhaust the secondary containment atmosphere to the environment through appropriate treatment equipment. To ensure that all fission products are treated, SR verifies that the appropriate SGT System(s) will rapidly establish and maintain a negative pressure in the secondary containment. This is confirmed by demonstrating that the required SGT subsystem(s) will draw down the secondary containment to
? 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge in < 120 seconds. This cannot be accomplished if the secondary containment boundary is not intact.
SR demonstrates that the required SGT subsystem(s) can (continued)
HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.6-75 Revision 34
Secondary Containment B BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and SR (continued)
REQUIREMENTS maintain > 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at a flow rate
-<4000 cfm for each SGT subsystem. The 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> test period allows secondary containment to be in thermal equilibrium at steady state conditions. Therefore, these two tests are used to ensure secondary containment boundary integrity. Since these SRs are secondary containment tests, they need not be performed with each SGT subsystem. The SGT subsystems are tested on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS, however, to ensure that in addition to the requirements of LCO, each SGT subsystem or combination of subsystems will perform this test. The number of SGT subsystems and the required combinations are dependent on the configuration of the secondary containment and are detailed in the Technical Requirements Manual (Ref. 3). The Note to SR and SR specifies that the number of required SGT subsystems be one less than the number required to meet LCO, 'Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. The 24 month Frequency, on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS, of SRs and is also based on a review of the surveillance test history and Reference 5.
REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 14.4.3.
- 2. FSAR, Section 14.4.4.
- 3. Technical Requirements Manual.
- 4. NRC No.93-102, "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvements," July 23, 1993.
- 5. NRC Safety Evaluation Report for Amendment 232.
HATCH UNIT 1 B 3.6-76 Revision 34
AND C.3 Initiate action to Immediately suspend OPDRVs.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify all secondary containment equipment 31 days hatches are closed and sealed.
SR Verify one secondary containment access door in 31 days each access opening is closed.
SR ------------ ---- NOTE--------------
The number of standby gas treatment (SGT) subsystem(s) required for this Surveillance is dependent on the secondary containment configuration, and shall be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration.
Verify required SGT subsystem(s) will draw 24 months on a down the secondary containment to > 0.20 inch STAGGERED of vacuum water gauge in -<120 seconds. TEST BASIS (continued)
HATCH UNIT 2 3.6-34 Amendment No. 178
Secondary Containment B BASES ACTIONS C.1, C.2, and C.3 (continued) inability to suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies would not be a sufficient reason to require a reactor shutdown.
SURVEILLANCE SR and SR REQUIREMENTS Verifying that secondary containment equipment hatches and one access door in each access opening are closed ensures that the infiltration of outside air of such a magnitude as to prevent maintaining the desired negative pressure does not occur. Verifying that all such openings are closed provides adequate assurance that exfiltration from the secondary containment will not occur. SR also requires equipment hatches to be sealed. In this application, the term "sealed" has no connotation of leak tightness. Maintaining secondary containment OPERABILITY requires verifying one door in the access opening is closed. An access opening contains one inner and one outer door. The intent is not to breach the secondary containment at any time when secondary containment is required. This is achieved by maintaining the inner or outer portion of the barrier closed at all times. However, all secondary containment access doors are normally kept closed, except when the access opening is being used for entry and exit or when maintenance is being performed on an access opening. When the secondary containment configuration excludes Zone I and/or Zone II,these SRs also include verifying the hatches and doors separating the common refueling floor zone from the reactor building(s). The 31 day Frequency for these SRs has been shown to be adequate, based on operating experience, and is considered adequate in view of the other indications of door and hatch status that are available to the operator.
SR and SR The Unit 1 and Unit 2 SGT Systems exhausts the secondary containment atmosphere to the environment through appropriate treatment equipment. To ensure that all fission products are treated, SR verifies that the appropriate SGT System(s) will rapidly establish and maintain a negative pressure in the secondary containment. This is confirmed by demonstrating that the required SGT subsystem(s) will draw down the secondary containment to Z-0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge in - 120 seconds. This cannot be accomplished if the secondary containment boundary is not intact.
SR demonstrates that the required SGT subsystem(s) can (continued)
B 3.6-81 Revision 40 HATCH UNIT 2
Secondary Containment B BASES SURVEILLANCE SR and SR (continued)
REQUIREMENTS maintain ý: 0.20 inch of vacuum water gauge for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at a flow rate
< 4000 cfm for each SGT subsystem. The 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> test period allows secondary containment to be in thermal equilibrium at steady state conditions. Therefore, these two tests are used to ensure secondary containment boundary integrity. Since these SRs are secondary containment tests, they need not be performed with each SGT subsystem. The SGT subsystems are tested on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS, however, to ensure that in addition to the requirements of LCO, each SGT subsystem or combination of subsystems will perform this test. The number of SGT subsystems and the required combinations are dependent on the configuration of the secondary containment and are detailed in the Technical Requirements Manual (Ref. 3). The Note to SR and SR specifies that the number of required SGT subsystems be one less than the number required to meet LCO, "Standby Gas Treatment (SGT) System," for the given configuration. The 24 month Frequency, on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS, of SRs and is also based on a review of the surveillance test history and Reference 5.
REFERENCES 1. FSAR, Section 15.1.39.
- 2. FSAR, Section 15.1.41.
- 3. Technical Requirements Manual.
- 4. NRC No.93-102, "Final Policy Statement on Technical Specification Improvements," July 23, 1993.
- 5. NRC Safety Evaluation Report for Amendment 174.
HATCH UNIT 2 B 3.6-82 Revision 40 1