MONTHYEARML14121A5832013-09-10010 September 2013 Main Yankee, Enclosure 3 to OMY-14-039 - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual, Change No. 35 ML12088A0662012-03-0606 March 2012 Independent Spent Fuel Installation (ISFSI) Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual, Change No. 34 ML0612306522005-09-0101 September 2005 Independent Spent Fuel Installation (ISFSI) Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual, Change No. 31 ML0512304192004-07-21021 July 2004 Co., Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual ML0115603312001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 9: LTP Acronyms ML0115603222001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 8: LTP Supplement to the Environmental Report ML0115603162001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 7: LTP Update of Site-Specific Decommissioning Costs ML0115602902001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 6: LTP Compliance with Radiological Dose Criteria ML0115602752001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 5: LTP Final Status Survey Plan ML0115602732001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 4: LTP Site Remediation Plan ML0115602702001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 3: LTP Identification of Remaining Site Dismantlement Activities ML0115602672001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 2: Attachments 2E & 2F - Site and Survey Area Map & Analysis of Concrete Sample Variance, Respectively ML0115602652001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 2: Maine Yankee LTP Site Characterization with Attachment 2D Overhead View of Site ML0115602592001-06-0101 June 2001 Section 1: Maine Yankee LTP General Information ML0115602562001-06-0101 June 2001 Preface-Maine Yankee License Termination Plan Requirements-A Non-Technical Summary ML0115602492001-06-0101 June 2001 LTP Cover Submitted by Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co 2013-09-10
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