LIC-112, Power Uprate Process

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Change Notice

Office Instruction No.: LIC-112

Office Instruction Title: Power Uprate Process

Effective Date: February 17, 2009

Approved By: James T. Wiggins

Date Approved: February 12, 2009

Primary Contact: Thomas Alexion


Responsible Organization: NRR/DPR/PGCB

Summary of Changes: This is the initial issuance of Office Instruction (OI) LIC-112, “Power Uprate


Training: E-mail announcement with recommended self-study for staff involved with power uprates.

ADAMS Accession No.: ML082210335

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Change Notice

Office Instruction No.: LIC-112

Office Instruction Title: Power Uprate Process

Effective Date: February 17, 2009

Approved By: James T. Wiggins

Date Approved: February 12, 2009

Primary Contact: Thomas Alexion


Responsible Organization: NRR/DPR/PGCB

Summary of Changes: This is the initial issuance of Office Instruction (OI) LIC-112, “Power Uprate


Training: E-mail announcement with recommended self-study for staff involved with power uprates.

ADAMS Accession No.: ML082210335


NAME TAlexion CHawes MMurphy WRuland MEvans PHiland

DATE 08/07/08 08/08/08 12/09/08 10/16/08 10/14/08 10/21/08


NAME MCunningham BHolian (SSLee for) JGiitter FBrown (MCheok for) TMcGinty DRoth

DATE 10/31/08 09/22/08 10/14/08 10/23/08 01/08/09 10/10/08


NAME MGivvines BFicks/f/ JGrobe BBoger ELeeds JWiggins /f/

DATE 02/11/09 02/09/09 02/10/09 02/12/09




Power Uprate Process


The Commission determined that applications for power uprates should be assigned

high priority and should be conducted in the most effective and efficient manner (Staff

Requirements - COMNJD-01-0001 – Power Uprate Applications, dated May 24, 2001,



It is the objective of this office instruction to strengthen the coordination of all aspects of

power uprate activities and identify roles and responsibilities for headquarters and

regional points of contact for power uprates. This office instruction addresses several of

the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) recommendations in the OIG Audit Report,

“Audit of NRC’s Power Uprate Program” (OIG-08-A-09), dated March 28, 2008.


NRC regulates the maximum power level at which a commercial nuclear power plant

may operate. This power level is used, with other data, in many of the licensing

analyses that demonstrate the safety of the plant. This power level is included in the

license and technical specifications for the plant. NRC controls any change to a license

or technical specification, and the licensee may only change these documents after NRC

approves the licensee's application for change. The process of increasing the maximum

power level at which a commercial nuclear power plant may operate is called a power


Improvements in instrument accuracy, computational tools and engineering models, in

addition to plant hardware modifications, have allowed licensees to request power

uprates while maintaining safety margins. The three categories of power uprates are:

measurement uncertainty recapture (MUR) power uprates

stretch power uprates (SPU)

• extended power uprates (EPU)

MUR power uprates are less than 2 percent above the current licensed thermal power

(CLTP) limit and are achieved by implementing enhanced techniques for calculating

reactor power. This involves the use of state-of- the-art feedwater flow measurement

devices to more precisely measure feedwater flow, which is used to calculate reactor

power. More precise measurements reduce the degree of uncertainty in the power level

that licensees are required to assume when performing emergency core cooling system

analyses, which allows licensees to propose an increase in the CLTP limit.

SPUs are typically up to 7 percent above the original licensed thermal power (OLTP)

limit and are within the original design capacity of the plant. The actual value for

percentage increase in power a plant can achieve and stay within the SPU category is

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 2 of 10

plant-specific and depends on the operating margins included in the original design of a

particular plant. SPUs usually involve changes to instrumentation setpoints but do not

involve major plant modifications.

EPUs have been approved for power increases as high as 20 percent above the OLTP

limit. These uprates require significant modifications to major balance-of-plant

equipment such as the high pressure turbines, condensate pumps and motors, main

generators, and/or transformers.

The convention for specifying the percent uprate in an individual power uprate

application is that the application should be quantified in terms of the percent uprate

from the CLTP, with an additional statement designating the total increase from the

OLTP. For example, on Month dd, 2008, the licensee for Plant ABC requested a

6.4 percent EPU from the CLTP, which equates to about a 14 percent uprate from OLTP

due to NRC’s approval of a 7.4 percent EPU for Plant ABC in 1993.

MUR power uprates, SPUs, and EPUs may be approved in steps. However, there

typically are limits to the percent uprate for MUR power uprates and SPUs. There are

no limits for EPUs, provided the licensee’s technical analyses can support the EPU and

the NRC staff approves it.

The available technology for ultrasonic flow meters currently supports MUR power

uprates up to about 1.7 percent.

The staff interprets the phrase “the operating margins included in the original design of a

particular plant” in the SPU definition to mean the “operating margins included in the

design of a particular plant at the OLTP.” For example, a plant could receive a 3 percent

SPU and a 4 percent SPU at two different times, as long as the plant remained within

the operating margins included in the design capacity of the plant at the OLTP.

MUR power uprates can be approved before SPUs and/or EPUs, or after SPUs and/or

EPUs. This is facilitated by the fact that the emergency core cooling system (ECCS)

analyses supporting MUR power uprates are generally the same ECCS analyses that

were performed by licensees, and reviewed and approved by NRC, at the pre-MUR

power level (i.e., 102 percent of the CLTP value in effect just before the MUR power


The following table provides examples of plants with multiple NRC-approved power

uprates, with the uprate percentages given in terms of the CLTP limits:

Licensee MUR Power Uprate

Percent (and Yr)


Percent (and Yr)


Percent (and Yr)

Hatch 1 1.5 (2003) 5 (1995) 8 (1998)

Hatch 2 1.5 (2003) 5 (1995) 8 (1998)

Susquehanna 1 1.4 (2001) 4.5 (1995) 13 (2008)

Susquehanna 2 1.4 (2001) 4.5 (1994) 13 (2008)

Guidance for MUR power uprates is provided in Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS)

2002-03, “Guidance on the Content of Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Power

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 3 of 10

Uprate Applications,” dated January 31, 2002 (ML013530183) and in RIS 2007-24,

“NRC Staff Position on Use of the Westinghouse Crossflow Ultrasonic Flow Meter for

Power Uprate or Power Recovery,” dated September 27, 2007 (ML063450261).

Guidance for EPUs is provided in Review Standard (RS)-001, Revision 0, “Review

Standard for Extended Power Uprates,” dated December 2003 (ML033640024). There

is no specific guidance for SPUs. The staff should use previously approved SPUs, along

with RS-001, for guidance.


Power uprate requests are submitted to NRC as license amendment requests. This

regulatory process is governed by 10 CFR 50.90, 50.91 and 50.92, and provides for the

amending of commercial nuclear power plant licenses and technical specifications

related to power uprates. It is the same regulatory process used for other types of

amendments. NRR Office Instruction LIC-101, “License Amendment Review

Procedures,” provides guidance for processing license amendment applications.

Therefore, this office instruction focuses on detailed staff guidance that is unique to

processing power uprate applications.


Division of Policy and Rulemaking (DPR)

The Generic Communications and Power Uprate Branch (PGCB) is the coordinating

agent for power uprate activities. PGCB has a Lead Project Manager (Lead PM) for

power uprates. The Lead PM provides oversight, information and/or guidance to internal

and external stakeholders regarding approved, pending, and expected power uprate

applications. The Lead PM is responsible for providing an annual power uprate status

report to the Commissioners and providing high-level briefings or briefing materials on

power uprates to NRC senior management (e.g., background information regarding

power uprates previously approved, status of power uprates under review, and

challenges to the timely review of current and future power uprate applications). The

Lead PM is responsible for updating NRC's internal and external guidance on the power

uprate review process if needed (e.g., in a Generic Communication that references the

updated guidance document), briefing external stakeholders on power uprates, initiating

the semi-annual survey of licensees regarding their future plans for power uprate

applications, compiling the results of the survey in a document (e.g., table and/or chart)

that includes current power uprate applications under review along with future

applications expected, and maintaining NRC's public power uprate website.

The Lead PM maintains the generic review schedules for the three types of power

uprates. The generic review schedules include standard interim milestones [e.g.,

completion of acceptance reviews, preparation of requests for additional information

(RAIs), providing safety evaluation (SE) inputs] and they are shown in Appendix D. The

generic review schedules help the Plant Project Managers (Plant PMs) establish the

initial plant-specific review schedule for each power uprate application. The Lead PM

provides information and guidance to the Plant PMs on questions or significant problems

relating to power uprate reviews. The Lead PM is responsible for ensuring the

preparation of an Executive Director for Operations (EDO) Daily Note or an EDO Weekly

Highlight (1) when a power uprate application is received by NRC, (2) at the conclusion

of the acceptance review process, and (3) when the amendment review is completed

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 4 of 10

(either approved or denied) or withdrawn. The Lead PM is responsible for ensuring that

the Regional power uprate point-of-contact is informed when a power uprate application

has been accepted by NRC for detailed technical review, so that the Region can begin

considering any inspection activities that need to take place before the power uprate is

approved and implemented (as discussed later in this office instruction).

On an annual frequency, the PGCB Branch Chief will solicit inputs, via memorandum to

the applicable Branch Chiefs, from internal NRC stakeholders on significant new

information, trends, best practices, and lessons learned related to power uprate reviews.

Responses should be provided by memorandum from the responding Branch Chief to

the PGCB Branch Chief. In addition, the Lead PM will accept inputs from internal

stakeholders at any time if the stakeholder desires to provide the information promptly,

before it is forgotten or so that it can be shared quickly. An e-mail distribution group

called “Power_Uprate Distribution” is being created for the purpose of providing inputs at

any time. (Applicable NRR and Regional Branch Chiefs and their staffs are currently

being added to this distribution group. In the interim period, e-mails can be sent directly

to the Lead PM while the new distribution group is being made available to all applicable

staff.) All e-mail inputs should be approved by the appropriate Branch Chief before

being e-mailed and any information provided via e-mail should be resubmitted in writing

in response to the annual solicitation. On an annual frequency, this information will be

reviewed and combined by the Lead PM, and approved at the appropriate management

level for dissemination to the internal stakeholders to ensure knowledge transfer.

The Lead PM provides estimates of resource needs for current and future power uprate

reviews to support information needs for NRR’s budget. The Lead PM maintains the

table of resource assumptions used for modeling power uprate reviews as shown in

Appendix C. The Lead PM provides long-range forecasting (tentative schedules) to the

Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) staff for briefing future EPU reviews

to the ACRS subcommittee and full committee. The Lead PM ensures that the Division

of Inspection and Regional Support maintains power uprate point-of-contact(s) for each

of the Regions.

The PGCB Branch Chief and/or DPR management (or others as determined by DPR

management) will provide just-in-time SE refresher training as part of the kick-off

meeting for EPUs. The kick-off meeting is the initial meeting typically with the power

uprate lead project manager, the plant project manager, and the technical reviewers

assigned to the EPU review, once an EPU application has been accepted by NRC. At

the kick-off meeting, the staff will discuss the review schedule, any plant-specific issues,

recent experience with EPU reviews, and SE inputs. The SE training will address the

purpose and content of SE inputs.

The PGCB Branch Chief and DPR management provide oversight to ensure that the

Lead PM is performing the duties discussed above and that the power uprate

performance measures (i.e., review timeliness goals) discussed later in this office

instruction are being met or there is adequate justification for not meeting them. The

Director, DPR, is responsible for overall implementation of this office instruction and

power uprate activities.

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 5 of 10

Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL)

DORL conducts the semi-annual survey of licensees regarding their future plans for

submitting power uprate applications. Based on this survey, starting about one year

prior to the submittal of the application, the Plant PM should solicit pre-application

interactions (e.g., meetings, telephone calls, review of draft submittals) between the

licensee, the technical staff, and the Lead PM to discuss the scope of the power uprate

application and ensure that challenges and success paths related to previous reviews

are understood and addressed in the forthcoming application. (Previously approved

power uprates along with the NRC’s supporting SEs, can be found in the NRC’s public

power uprate website at The Plant PM should encourage the licensee to

focus the discussions on those items that are new, complex or different as compared to

previously approved power uprates. The Plant PM should invite the appropriate

technical staff and the Lead PM to the pre-application interactions. These interactions

are of great importance for EPUs.

The Plant PM is responsible for establishing the initial plant-specific power uprate review

schedule for a power uprate application, in consultation with the Lead PM. The Plant

PM should consult with the Lead PM for information and guidance on questions or

significant problems relating to power uprate reviews, and inform the Lead PM on delays

in the review schedule. The Plant PM is responsible for providing review schedule

updates to the Lead PM regarding their plant-specific power uprate applications under

review. Typical schedule information includes the projected completion dates of

obtaining all SE inputs from the technical staff and the projected amendment review

completion date. The Plant PM must coordinate/communicate with the Lead PM on all

schedule issues.

The Plant PM is responsible for conducting, coordinating and managing the NRC’s

review of a power uprate license amendment application just like any other license

amendment application, per LIC-101. The Plant PM is responsible for briefing NRC

senior management on the status of an individual power uprate application, if requested.

The Plant PM should coordinate the acceptance review in accordance with LIC-109,

“Acceptance Review Procedures.” Typical problem areas with accepting previous power

uprate applications include linked amendments and incomplete applications. LIC-109

explains these and other acceptance review criteria which should be thoroughly

considered when performing the acceptance reviews. Due to the high visibility of power

uprate reviews, the Plant PM should document the results of the staff’s acceptance

review in a letter(s) to the licensee.

The Plant PM should coordinate the power uprate review in accordance with NRR Office

Instruction COM-109, “NRR Interfaces With the Office of the General Counsel.” This

ensures that appropriate legal advice is received in order to assure that official actions

taken by NRR staff are in accordance with the laws of the United States. Coordination

with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) is especially important if a hearing is

requested regarding the power uprate application.

The Plant PM is responsible for ensuring that all needed SE inputs are being prepared

by the appropriate technical staff for inclusion in the final, combined SE that is issued

with the license amendment. For MUR power uprate applications, some of the technical

branches may decline providing SE input and indicate that they only need to concur on

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 6 of 10

the outgoing license amendment that approves the uprate. In these cases, the Plant PM

performs the technical review and provides the SE input. The Plant PM’s review should

consist of finding that the licensee’s application has addressed the appropriate technical

areas in RIS 2002-03, Attachment 1, and that for each area the licensee determined its

existing analysis of record is bounding for the MUR power uprate. If the licensee

provides something other than a bounding analysis to address a technical area (e.g., the

licensee revised their analysis with revised assumptions and/or methods), the technical

branch should perform the detailed review of the application and provide SE input.

The Plant PM is responsible for providing the draft combined SE to the ACRS staff for

proposed power uprates greater than 7 percent above the OLTP limit (excluding

proposed MUR power uprates),1

and for other power uprate reviews that involve

important changes to the plant or present novel issues, the review of which might benefit

from ACRS participation.2

Generally, the draft SE is transmitted by memorandum from

DORL to the ACRS at least one month prior to the ACRS subcommittee meeting. The

Plant PM should provide 15 electronic copies of the draft SE with the memorandum.

The Plant PM should also provide 15 electronic copies of the licensee’s supplemental

responses. The memorandum should include a table that provides cross-references

between the staff’s numbering of the specific technical review areas in the SE (e.g., the

EPU Review Standard RS-001 numbering scheme) and the applicable sections of the

licensee’s numbering scheme and the licensee’s supplemental responses. The Plant

PM is responsible for providing this table.

The Plant PM coordinates the briefings to the ACRS subcommittee and full committee.

The Plant PM provides comments on the draft ACRS subcommittee agenda provided by

the ACRS staff engineer. The Plant PM notifies the technical staff and the licensee once

the ACRS staff engineer provides the final ACRS subcommittee agenda. The Plant PM

contacts the ACRS staff member responsible for power uprates for any specific

guidance in preparing for the briefings. Electronic slides (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint

presentation) are usually presented by the Plant PM and selected technical staff

reviewers. The Plant PM provides the list of attendees with their company and country

of origin to the ACRS staff engineer for the ACRS subcommittee and ACRS full

committee meetings, so the ACRS staff engineer can enter the attendees into the visitor

access request system.

At the conclusion of the ACRS subcommittee meeting, the ACRS Subcommittee

Chairman will notify the Plant PM, the staff, and the licensee if the power uprate is

technically sufficient to be presented to the ACRS full committee. If the power uprate is

not technically sufficient to be presented to the ACRS full committee, the ACRS

Subcommittee Chairman will explain to the Plant PM, the staff, and the licensee which

topic areas need to be presented at another ACRS subcommittee meeting. If the power

uprate is technically sufficient to be presented to the ACRS full committee, the ACRS

Subcommittee Chairman will tell the Plant PM, the staff, and the licensee which topic


See memorandum from R. W. Borchardt, Executive Director for Operations, to Frank P. Gillsepie,

Executive Director, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subject: Advisory Committee on

Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Review of Power Uprates, dated June 23, 2008 (ML081410658).


See memorandum from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, Advisory Committee on Reactor

Safeguards, to James E. Dyer, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Subject: Kewaunee

Nuclear Power Plant – Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety Review of Stretch Power Uprate

Amendment (TAC No. MB9031), dated October 9, 2003 (ML040620143).

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 7 of 10

areas need to be presented at the ACRS full committee meeting. Following the ACRS

full committee meeting, the ACRS typically writes a letter (with conclusions and

recommendations) to the NRC Chairman regarding the power uprate application. The

Office of the Executive Director for Operations then tasks the NRR staff with responding

to the ACRS with a Green Ticket. The Plant PM prepares the response to the ACRS

and solicits input from the technical staff and/or the Lead PM to address any technical

and/or process issues.

If appropriate, the Plant PM should begin drafting a Communication Plan (typically only

needed for EPUs) about four to six weeks prior to the projected amendment review

completion date, with review completion meaning either NRC approval or denial. This

Communication Plan should be developed in accordance with COM-201, “Public

Outreach and Communication Plans.” The Plant PM should consider including OGC in

this plan if a hearing is requested on the power uprate. This plan should be issued

about one week prior to the review completion date. The Plant PM should provide input

to the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) for a press release about two weeks prior to the

projected amendment review completion date. OPA typically issues the press release

on the day the amendment review is completed (or shortly thereafter). The Plant PM is

responsible for preparing an EDO Daily Note or an EDO Weekly Highlight upon

completion of NRC’s review of a power uprate application or upon withdrawal of the

amendment application by the licensee.

The Plant PM will ensure (via e-mail) that the Regional power uprate point-of-contact, at

least one resident inspector at the plant with the power uprate, and the appropriate NRR

Branch Chiefs have received the staff’s SE supporting the power uprate and are aware

of any license conditions, regulatory commitments, and recommended areas for

inspection sections in the SE, upon approval of a power uprate application. The Plant

PM will inform the Lead PM when the SE has been communicated to the Regional and

NRR individuals discussed above, with focus on the SE sections discussed above.

DORL management provides oversight to ensure that the Plant PMs are performing the

duties discussed above and that the power uprate performance measures (i.e., review

timeliness goals) discussed later in this office instruction are being met or there is

adequate justification for not meeting them. DORL management ensures that DPR is

kept informed on progress and issues regarding plant-specific power uprate applications.

Technical Divisions/Branches

The technical staff is responsible for conducting acceptance reviews per LIC-109, and

for providing quality SE inputs and any recommended areas for inspection (typically for

EPUs), on the agreed-upon schedule that was established with the Plant PM. If the

technical staff identifies substantial technical issues beyond the scope of a typical power

uprate request in the application, it should raise the issue immediately to management

so that management can consider appropriate changes to the review schedule, including

deviations from the standard power uprate review schedules shown in Appendix D. The

technical staff will provide early notification to the Plant PM of any issue that may impact

the review schedule (i.e., the SE input due date).

LIC-101 and RS-001 provide guidance on the outline/format of SE inputs. Examples of

acceptable SE inputs are shown in Appendix B. These SE input examples were

selected because they clearly described the changes, the regulatory requirements

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 8 of 10

related to the changes, and explained why the staff’s disposition of the changes satisfy

regulatory requirements. In addition, these SE inputs were easy to read and certain

portions of them reflect independent engineering judgements or analyses performed by

the staff.

For complex technical issues, in order to obviate the need for multiple rounds of RAIs,

the technical staff should consider audits (or working-level meetings) where they will

enhance review efficiency. Previously, audits have been initially considered or actually

held in the areas of reactor systems and nuclear performance reviews, flow-induced

vibration reviews, chemical engineering reviews, and human performance reviews; but

any area can be considered for an audit. Any technical information identified during the

audit that is needed to support the staff’s safety finding for the power uprate, needs to be

formally submitted on the docket by the licensee.

The technical staff is responsible for providing briefings on power uprate technical issues

to NRC management. The technical staff is responsible for providing timely inputs to the

Plant PMs or the Lead PM to support their schedules for providing power uprate

briefings or write-ups requested by NRC senior management.

Resource assumptions used for modeling power uprate reviews are shown in

Appendix C. Individual applications may require more or less review time depending on

the nature of the technical issues. Significant deviations from these estimates when

performing power uprate reviews should be readily justified to NRC management upon

request. The technical staff management (Branch Chief or higher) should periodically

review the resource expenditures on power uprate reviews and propose any needed

changes to these resource assumptions to PGCB. The changes should be based on

historical resource expenditure data and future review expectations.

The technical branch and division management provide oversight to ensure that the

technical staff is performing the duties discussed above and that the power uprate

performance measures (i.e., review timeliness goals) discussed later in this office

instruction are being met or there is adequate justification for not meeting them.

Technical branch and division management ensure that quality SE inputs are provided to

the Plant PMs and that they have consistent scope and depth of review, unless there is

adequate justification to the contrary.

Technical branch or other division management determines whether all or a portion of

the technical work should receive a peer review, in accordance with NRR Office

Instruction ADM-405, “NRR Technical Work Product Quality and Consistency.”

ADM-405 provides criteria for technical work that should receive a peer review (e.g.,

issues that involve a new or first-of-kind review, are technically complex, or involve the

use of new methodologies that could set new precedents).

NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 9 of 10

Division of Inspection and Regional Support

The Reactor Inspection Branch is responsible for maintaining Inspection Procedure 71004,3

Power Uprate, in consultation with the Regions. The Reactor Inspection Branch

ensures that a power uprate point-of-contact(s) exists in each of the Regions.

NRR Management

NRR management shall resolve any disagreements between the Plant PMs, the Lead

PM, and the technical staff regarding the scope, resources, and deadlines for power

uprate safety reviews.


Inspection Procedure (IP) 71004 contains power uprate inspection requirements and

guidance for the NRC Regional Offices. IP 71004 indicates that the NRC Regional

Offices are responsible for developing an inspection plan and inspecting plants with

approved power uprates greater than 7.5 percent above the CLTP limit, and that partial

or complete implementation of IP 71004 should be considered for power uprates less

than 7.5 percent above the CLTP limit. IP 71004 indicates that some inspection will take

place before the power uprate is approved, while other inspection will take place


IP 71004 requires that all planned team inspections that are selected to support

completion of IP 71004 sample requirements, be annotated as such in the Reactor

Program System. This designation will make inspectors and management aware of the

link between the specific inspection and the associated power uprate.

Regarding documentation, IP 71004 requires power uprate inspection activities to be

identified as such in inspection reports. Additionally, IP 71004 requires that a summary

of power uprate inspections will be provided in an integrated inspection report once all

required inspection samples are complete. The reason for these documentation

requirements is so that power uprate related inspection activities can be easily identified.


The established performance timeliness goals are: 6 months for reviewing MUR power

uprate applications, 9 months for reviewing SPU applications, and 12 months for

reviewing EPU applications. These goals do not include the duration of the staff's

acceptance review, which the staff conducts upon receipt of the initial application.

Individual applications may require more or less review time depending on the nature of

the technical issues. The staff will continue to ensure that the goal of protecting public

health and safety is not compromised to meet these timeliness goals or resource

assumptions in Appendix C.


NRC Inspection Manual, Inspection Procedure 71004, “Power Uprate,” dated July 1, 2008


NRR Office Instruction LIC- 112 Page 10 of 10


Thomas Alexion






February 17, 2009


RIS 2002-03, RIS 2007-24, RS-001, LIC-101, LIC-109, COM-109, COM-201, ADM-405


1. Appendix A - Change History

2. Appendix B – Examples of SE Inputs

3. Appendix C – Resource Needs Assumptions

4. Appendix D – Power Uprate Milestones


Office Instruction LIC-112

(Power Uprate Process)

LIC-112 Change History - Page 1 of 1

Date Description of Changes Method Used to

Announce &



02/12/09 This is the initial issuance of Office

Instruction (OI) LIC-112, “Power Uprate


E-mail to NRR staff Self-study

Enclosure 1


Office Instruction LIC-112 (Power Uprate


Examples of SE Inputs

Enclosure 2

- 2 -

SE Input Example #1: The following excerpt is from NRC’s SE on the Hope Creek EPU, dated

May 14, 2008 (ML081230640, pages 9-12 of the SE). The definitions of the acronyms in the SE

input below, if not set out below, are in the acronym section of the SE (i.e., see the acronym

section in the referenced ML number shown above).

2.1.2 Pressure-Temperature Limits and Upper-Shelf Energy

Regulatory Evaluation

Pressure-temperature (P-T) limits are established to ensure the structural integrity of the ferritic

components of the RCPB during any condition of normal operation, including anticipated

operational occurrences (AOOs) and hydrostatic tests. The NRC staff’s review of P-T limits

covered the P-T limits methodology and the calculations for the number of EFPY specified for

the proposed Hope Creek EPU, considering neutron embrittlement effects and using linear

elastic fracture mechanics. The NRC’s acceptance criteria for P-T limits are based on: (1)

GDC-14, insofar as it requires that the RCPB be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested so as

to have an extremely low probability of rapidly propagating fracture; (2) GDC-31, insofar as it

requires that the RCPB be designed with margin sufficient to assure that, under specified

conditions, it will behave in a non-brittle manner and the probability of a rapidly propagating

fracture is minimized; (3) 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G, which specifies fracture toughness

requirements for ferritic components of the RCPB; and (4) 10 CFR 50.60, which requires

compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G. Specific review criteria for

the Hope Creek EPU are contained in SRP Section 5.3.2 and other guidance provided in Matrix

1 of Power Uprate Review Standard RS-001.4

Technical Evaluation

The ¼ T fluence is the fluence value at ¼ T from the Inside Diameter (ID) of the vessel with T

being the vessel thickness. The ¼ T fluence is used for the evaluation of Pressure –

Temperature (P – T) curves and Upper Shelf Energy (USE). The ¼ T fluence includes EPU


Upper-Shelf Energy (USE) Value Calculations

Appendix G of 10 CFR Part 50 provides the NRC’s criteria for maintaining acceptable levels of

USE for the reactor vessel beltline materials of operating reactors throughout the licensed lives

of the facilities. The rule requires reactor vessel beltline materials to have a minimum USE

value of 75 foot-pound force (ft-lb) in the unirradiated condition, and to maintain a minimum USE

value above 50 ft-lb throughout the life of the facility, unless it can be demonstrated through

analyses that lower values of USE would provide acceptable margins of safety against fracture

equivalent to those required by Appendix G of Section XI to the ASME Code. The rule also

mandates that the methods used to calculate USE values must account for the effects of

neutron irradiation on the USE values for the materials and must incorporate any relevant

reactor vessel surveillance capsule data that are reported through implementation of a plant’s

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix H reactor vessel materials surveillance program.


ADAMS Accession No. ML033640024

- 3 -

The licensee for Hope Creek discussed the impact of the Hope Creek EPU on the Charpy USE

values for the reactor vessel beltline materials in Section 3.2.1 of the PUSAR.5

Table 3-2,

“Hope Creek Upper Shelf Energy - 40 Year Life (32 EFPY),” pp 3-35 of the Hope Creek

PUSAR, indicated that the projected Charpy USE for the limiting plate (intermediate shell plate,

heat 5K3025) is 60 ft-lbs, and the projected Charpy USE for the limiting weld (intermediatelower shell-to-intermediate shell circumferential submerged arc weld, heat D55733) is 60 ft-lbs.

However, the NRC staff noted that in Table 3-2, heat 10024/1 for the low-pressure coolant

injection (LPCI) nozzle forging specifies a copper content of 0.15 percent. In addition, the Hope

Creek UFSAR, Appendix 5A, Tables 5A-5 and 5A-19 specifies a copper content of 0.14, while

the NRC Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (RVID) specifies a copper content of 0.35 percent

for the LPCI forging. In response to an RAI, the licensee, in its letter dated March 13, 2007,6

confirmed that for heat 10024/1, the copper content is 0.14 percent. This is based on the

General Electric Report GE-NE-523-A164-1294R1, Tables 7-2 and 7-3. The NRC staff

confirmed that the copper content is 0.14 percent based on the report and will use the reported

value to update the RVID copper value for this heat of material.

RG 1.99, Revision 2, "Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials," has two methods

for determining the percent reduction in Charpy USE. In Position 1.2, the percent reduction in

Charpy USE is determined from Figure 2 in RG 1.99, Revision 2, which is based on the neutron

fluence and the amount of copper in the material. In the second method, identified as Position

2.2, the percent reduction in Charpy USE is determined from surveillance data. RG 1.99,

Revision 2 indicates surveillance data may be used for determining the Charpy USE when two

or more credible surveillance data sets become available from the reactor. Since only one data

set is presently available from the Hope Creek surveillance weld and surveillance plate,

RG 1.99, Revision 2 would recommend that the Charpy USE be determined using Position 1.2.

Using Figure 2 in RG 1.99, Revision 2, the staff determined that the percent reduction in Charpy

USE based on an EOL neutron fluence of 5.3 x 1017 n/cm2

(E > 1 MeV) was 11.1 percent for the

plate material and the submerged arc weld material. Using the unirradiated values for the

Charpy USE for the plate (75 ft-lbs) and the weld (68 ft-lbs) and the percent reduction

determined using Figure 2 in RG 1.99, Revision 2, the Charpy USE at a neutron fluence of

5.3 x 1017 n/cm2

(E > 1 MeV) is 66 ft-lb for the plate material and 60 ft-lb for the weld material.

Since both the weld metal and plate material are projected to have Charpy USE greater than

50 ft-lb at EOL under Hope Creek EPU operating conditions, the reactor vessel materials satisfy

the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G. As discussed in Section 2.1.1 of this SE, the

surveillance data from Hope Creek (under the BWRVIP ISP) will be used to monitor the impact

of neutron radiation on the Hope Creek beltline materials. In accordance with 10 CFR Part 50,

Appendix G, the licensee is required to re-evaluate the impact of neutron radiation on Charpy

USE when its surveillance data becomes available.

Pressure-Temperature Limit Calculations

Section IV.A.2 of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G requires that the P-T limits for operating reactors

be at least as conservative as those that would be generated if the methods of calculation in the

ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix G were used to calculate the P-T limits. The regulation also

requires that the P-T limit calculations account for the effects of neutron irradiation on the P-T

limit values for the reactor vessel beltline materials and incorporate any relevant reactor vessel


Attachment 4, page 3-3 of PSEG Letter (LR-N06-0286) to NRC dated September 18, 2006, “Request for License Amendment

Extended Power Uprate, Hope Creek Generating Station Facility, Operating License NPF-57, Docket No. 50-354” ADAMS

Accession No. ML062680451


PSEG Letter (LR-N-07-0035) to NRC dated March 13, 2007, “Response to Request for Additional Information - Request for

License Amendment – Extended Power Uprate” ADAMS Accession No. ML070790508

- 4 -

surveillance capsule data that are required to be reported as part of the licensee’s

implementation of its 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix H reactor vessel materials surveillance


Section 3.2.1 of the PUSAR7

indicates that the P-T limit curves contained in the technical

specifications (TSs) remain bounding for Hope Creek EPU operating conditions and were

approved in Hope Creek Amendment No. 1578

dated November 1, 2004. Table 3-1 of the

PUSAR (page 3-34), indicated that the adjusted reference temperature (ART) for the limiting

material (intermediate shell plate, heat 5K3025) is 75 °F at a 1/4T fluence value of

3.7 x 1017 n/cm2

(E > 1 MeV). This is consistent with the value referenced in the staff’s

November 1, 2004, safety evaluation which approved the P-T limit curves for 32 EFPY under

Hope Creek EPU operating conditions. Therefore, the NRC staff agrees that the P-T limit

curves contained in the TSs remain bounding for Hope Creek EPU operating conditions.


The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee's evaluation of the effects of the proposed Hope Creek

EPU on the USE values for the reactor vessel beltline materials and P-T limits for the plant. The

staff concludes that the licensee has adequately addressed changes in neutron fluence and

their effects on the USE values for Hope Creek reactor vessel beltline materials and the P-T

limits for the plant. The staff concludes that the Hope Creek beltline materials will continue to

have acceptable USE values, as mandated by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G, through the

expiration of the current operation license for the facility. The NRC staff further concludes that

the licensee has demonstrated the validity of the current P-T limits for the proposed Hope Creek

EPU operating conditions. Based on this, the NRC staff concludes that the proposed P-T limits

will continue to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G, and 10 CFR 50.60 and

will enable the licensee to comply with GDC-14, and 31 following implementation of the

proposed Hope Creek EPU. Therefore, the NRC staff finds the proposed Hope Creek EPU

acceptable with respect to the TS P-T limits.


Attachment 4, page 3-3 of PSEG Letter (LR-N06-0286) to NRC dated September 18, 2006, “Request for License Amendment

Extended Power Uprate, Hope Creek Generating Station Facility, Operating License NPF-57, Docket No. 50-354” ADAMS

Accession No. ML062680451


ADAMS Accession No. ML042050079

- 5 -

SE Input Example #2: The following excerpt is from NRC’s SE on the Susquehanna 1&2 EPU,

dated January 30, 2008 (ML081000255, pages 100-107 of the SE). The definitions of the

acronyms in the SE input below, if not set out below, are in the acronym section of the SE (i.e.,

see the acronym section in the referenced ML number shown above).

2.6.1 Primary Containment Functional Design

Regulatory Evaluation

The containment encloses the reactor system and is the final barrier against the release of

significant amounts of radioactive fission products in the event of an accident. The NRC staff’s

review of the primary containment functional design covered (1) the temperature and pressure

conditions in the drywell and wetwell that would result from a spectrum of postulated LOCAs,

(2) the differential pressure across the operating deck for a spectrum of LOCAs (Mark II

containments only), (3) suppression pool dynamic effects during a LOCA or following the

actuation of one or more RCS SRVs, (4) the consequences of a LOCA occurring within the

containment (wetwell), (5) the capability of the containment to withstand the effects of steam

bypassing the suppression pool, (6) the suppression pool temperature limit during RCS SRV

operation, and (7) the analytical models used for containment analysis. The NRC’s acceptance

criteria for the primary containment functional design are based on (1) GDC 4, insofar as it

requires that SSCs important to safety be designed to accommodate the effects of and to be

compatible with the environmental conditions associated with normal operation, maintenance,

testing, and postulated accidents and that such SSCs be protected against dynamic effects,

(2) GDC 16, “Containment Design,” insofar as it requires that reactor containment be provided

to establish an essentially leak-tight barrier against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity to

the environment, (3) GDC 50, “Containment Design Basis,” insofar as it requires that the

containment and its associated heat removal systems be designed so that the containment

structure can accommodate, without exceeding the design leakage rate and with sufficient

margin, the calculated temperature and pressure conditions resulting from any LOCA, (4)

GDC 13, “Instrumentation and Control,” insofar as it requires that instrumentation be provided to

monitor variables and systems over their anticipated ranges for normal operation and for

accident conditions, as appropriate, to assure adequate safety, and (5) GDC 64, “Monitoring

Radioactivity Releases,” insofar as it requires that means be provided to monitor the reactor

containment atmosphere for radioactivity that may be released from normal operations and from

postulated accidents. SRP Section contains specific review criteria.

Technical Evaluation

The primary containments for both SSES Unit 1 and Unit 2, as described in Section 3.8 of the

SSES Unit 1 and 2 FSAR (Revision 58), form an enclosure for the RV, the reactor coolant

recirculation loops, and other branch connections of the RCS. The major elements of the

primary containment are the drywell, the pressure suppression chamber that stores a large

volume of water, the drywell floor that separates the drywell and the suppression chamber, the

connecting vent pipe system between the drywell and the suppression chamber, isolation

valves, the vacuum relief system, and the containment cooling systems and other service


The primary containment is in the form of a truncated cone over a cylinder section, with the

drywell in the upper conical section and the suppression chamber in the lower cylindrical

section. The primary containment is made of reinforced concrete lined with welded steel plate.

A steel domed head is provided for closure at the top of the drywell.

- 6 -

The proposal to operate at EPU conditions requires that safety analyses for those DBAs whose

results depend on power level be recalculated at the higher power level. The containment

design basis is primarily established based on the LOCA and the actuation of the RV SRVs and

their discharge into the suppression pool.

The SSES Unit 1 and 2 FSAR reports the results of short-term and long-term containment

analyses. The short-term analysis is directed primarily at determining the drywell pressure

response during the initial blowdown of the RV inventory to the containment following a large

break of a recirculation line inside the drywell. The long-term analysis is directed primarily at the

suppression pool temperature response, considering the decay heat addition to the suppression

pool. The effect of power on the events yielding the limiting containment pressure and

temperature responses is described below.

The reevaluation of the long-term containment LOCA response reflects two changes to the

SSES Unit 1 and 2 licensing basis. These changes are (1) crediting the presence of passive

heat sinks and (2) the use of the ANSI/ANS 5.1-1979 decay heat model, which has a 2-sigma

(σ) uncertainty instead of the ANS 5 model which has a 20-percent/10-percent uncertainty.

Both of these changes are consistent with GE containment analyses accepted by the NRC for

other BWR licensing actions. Both changes are acceptable for SSES Units 1 and 2 as

discussed below.

Short-Term LOCA Analysis

The short-term analysis covers the blowdown period during which the maximum drywell

pressure, maximum wetwell pressure, and maximum differential pressure between the drywell

and the wetwell occur. The short-term LOCA analysis is performed for the limiting DBA LOCA,

which assumes a double-ended guillotine break of a recirculation suction line, to show that the

peak drywell pressure and temperature remain below the drywell design pressure of 53 psig

and the drywell design temperature of 340 °F. The short-term analysis covers the blowdown

period during which the maximum drywell pressure and maximum differential pressure between

the drywell and suppression chamber occur. These analyses were performed at 2 percent

above the EPU-rated thermal power (RTP), using analytic methods approved for EPUs. The

RV steam dome pressure remains constant at its pre-EPU value. The EPU is therefore a

CPPU. The licensee used the LAMB computer code (Reference 46) for the short-term mass

and energy release and the M3CPT computer code (Reference 59) for the containment

response. The power uprate methods approved by the NRC permit the use of either the

M3CPT computer code or the LAMB computer code to calculate the mass and energy release

from the postulated pipe break into the drywell (Reference 10).

The short-term containment analyses make several conservative assumptions. The reactor is

assumed to be operating at 2 percent above the RTP to include instrument uncertainty effects,

consistent with RG 1.49, “Power Levels of Nuclear Power Plants.” The suppression pool level

and mass are at values corresponding to the maximum TS limit. The recirculation suction line is

assumed to instantaneously undergo a double-guillotine break. The vessel depressurization

flow rates are calculated using the Moody critical flow model (Reference 60) which maximizes

the mass flow into the drywell. The MSIV closure time is minimized so as to maintain RV

pressure which in turn maximizes the break flow into the drywell. The fluid flowing through the

drywell-to-wetwell vents is assumed to be a homogenous mixture of the fluid in the drywell.

Thus, the flow contains liquid droplets. The presence of these liquid droplets increases the

pressure drop of the flow through the vents and therefore increases the drywell pressure. The

- 7 -

FSAR analyses assume that there is no heat loss from the gases inside the primary

containment. In reality, condensation of steam on the drywell surfaces would be expected.

Neglecting this heat transfer is conservative for the short-term analyses.

The licensee has revised the assumed behavior of the FW flow into the vessel following the

recirculation line break. The current licensing basis assumes that FW flow into the vessel

continues at a flow rate which decreases with time (see FSAR Figure 6.2-9a). The CPPU

analysis assumes reactor FW flow into the vessel remains at full rated flow for 10 seconds. The

licensee has demonstrated that this assumption is more conservative than the current licensing

basis (Reference 61) and it is, therefore, acceptable.

The licensee also made changes that reduce conservatism. The method of inputting break flow

data into the M3CPT code has been revised. The licensee stated that the mass flow rate is still

conservative and that a certain amount of overconservatism has been removed. Since the

break flow rate remains conservative, the NRC staff finds this change acceptable.

Table 4-1 of the PUSAR (Reference 1) presents the results of these analyses at EPU and the

acceptance criteria. The short-term portion of this table is reproduced below.

SSES Unit 1 and 2 Short-Term LOCA

Containment Performance Results




Thermal Power

from FSAR

Using CPPU Analysis

Method with CLTP


CPPU Design


Peak Drywell

Pressure (psig)

44.6 47.9 48.6 53

Peak Drywell Air


Temperature (°F)





Peak Drywell-toWetwell (Down)


Pressure (psid)

27.0 25.9

25.6 28

  • These peak drywell temperatures are for a large, double-ended guillotine break of a main


The table allows separation of the effects on important containment parameters that result from

the power uprate and those that result from the change in analysis assumptions. The licensee’s

June 4, 2007, response to NRC RAI 3, describes the reasons for the differences between the

parameters listed in this table. The differences in the short-term analyses shown in this table

are primarily the result of different assumptions in the initial drywell and suppression chamber


- 8 -

The licensee stated that the decrease in peak differential pressure is primarily the result of a GE

proprietary change in the method for calculating the wetwell pressures associated with the pool

swell phenomenon. The NRC staff finds this change to be acceptable.

Pa is the pressure at which containment leakage rate testing is performed. It is defined in

Appendix J to 10 CFR Part 50, as the calculated peak containment internal pressure related to

the design-basis LOCA. The licensee proposed to revise Pa in SSES Unit 1 and 2 TS,

Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, to 48.6 psig. The NRC staff finds this

acceptable since Pa, the calculated peak containment internal pressure related to the designbasis LOCA for the EPU, is determined with acceptable methods and assumptions.

The licensee also proposed to change TS, which requires leakage rate testing of the

MSIVs, to revise the test pressure from 22.5 psig (which is half of the current value of Pa) to

24.6 psig (which is half of the proposed value of Pa). Since the value of Pa is acceptable, this

change is acceptable.

Based on the use of acceptable calculation methods and conservative assumptions and results

less than the design containment pressure and temperature, the NRC staff finds the

SSES Unit 1 and 2 short-term containment response at EPU to be acceptable.

Long-Term LOCA Analysis

The long-term LOCA analysis was performed for the DBA LOCA at 2 percent above the EPU

RTP. The SHEX computer code (Reference 62) is used for the analysis of the peak

suppression pool temperature, long-term peak wetwell pressure, and peak wetwell air

temperature. The NRC has accepted this computer code for previous power uprate


After 600 seconds into the accident, it is assumed that the operator actuates the RHR heat

exchangers using the RHRSWS as the heat sink. The initial suppression pool level is at its

minimum value. The calculation includes the effects of decay heat, stored energy, and energy

from the metal water reaction.

The licensee previously used the ANS 5-1971 decay heat model with a +20 percent/10 percent

margin for uncertainty (Reference 61). For the EPU, the licensee proposes to use the

ANSI/ANS 5.1-1979 decay heat model with a 2-sigma uncertainty added (Reference 62). The

licensee incorporated the guidance of GE Service Information Letter (SIL) 636, Revision 1

(Reference 63), which recommends accounting for additional actinides and activation products,

which further increases the predicted decay heat. Because the NRC staff has accepted the

ANSI/ANS 5.1-1979 decay heat model with a two-sigma uncertainty in previous EPU reviews,

as well as other safety analyses, it is acceptable for SSES Units 1 and 2.

The licensee currently credits the suppression pool as the only passive heat sink available in the

containment system. For the EPU, the licensee proposes to credit heat transfer from the

containment atmosphere to passive heat sinks in the drywell, suppression chamber air space,

and suppression pool. The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee’s approach and finds it

conservative and acceptable.

The RHR system heat exchanger removes heat from the suppression pool. When the energy

removal rate of the RHR system exceeds the energy addition rate from the decay heat and

- 9 -

pump heat, the containment pressure and temperature reach a second peak value and

decrease gradually.

An important parameter characterizing the performance of the suppression pool is the K value

of the RHR heat exchanger. For SSES Units 1 and 2, K equals 317.5 British thermal units per

second-degrees Fahrenheit (Btu/s-°F). This is the value assumed in the current licensing-basis

analysis for containment response. The RHR heat exchangers are periodically tested according

to the recommendations of NRC GL 89-13 (Reference 65). This testing ensures that the heat

exchangers meet or exceed this K value.

The long-term LOCA analysis demonstrates that the peak suppression pool temperature and

wetwell pressure remain below their respective design limits. Table 4 -1 of the PUSAR presents

the results of these analyses and the acceptance criteria. The relevant portions of this table are

reproduced below.

Susquehanna Long-Term Containment Performance Results

(At Extended Power Uprate)


CLTP from


Using CPPU

analysis method

with CLTP


CPPU Design Limit

Peak Bulk Pool

Temperature (°F)

203 192 211.2 220

Peak Wetwell Pressure


35.3 36.7 36.5 53

The wetwell pressure peaks early in the event and then peaks again around the time at which

the wetwell temperature peaks. This table presents the value of the second (lower) peak


The EPU peak suppression pool temperature of 211.2 °F is less than the suppression pool

design temperature of 220 °F. Since the licensee used acceptable calculation methods and

conservative assumptions and the calculated values are below the design limits, the long-term

containment calculations for extended power conditions are acceptable.

Hydrodynamic Loads

Part of the containment design basis is the acceptable response of the containment to

hydrodynamic loads associated with the discharge of reactor steam and drywell nitrogen into

the suppression pool following a LOCA or the discharge of reactor steam following actuation of

the SRVs. The licensee used analytical and empirical methods developed by the ad hoc Mark II

Owners’ Group and approved by the NRC staff in NUREG-0808 (Reference 66) to address

these issues for SSES Units 1 and 2.

The licensee must ensure, as part of the power uprate evaluation, that these analyses remain

bounding for operation at CPPU conditions. This is done for the LOCA by means of short-term

calculations of the pressure and temperature response to a double-ended break of an RCS

- 10 -

recirculation line. The key parameters are the drywell and wetwell pressure, vent flow rates,

and the suppression pool temperature.

The licensee considered LOCA-induced loads such as the submerged boundary loads during

vent clearing, pool swell loads, and LOCA steam condensation pool boundary loads (CO and

chugging). Vent clearing refers to the ejection of water in the downcomers caused by drywell

pressurization as a result of the LOCA. Vent clearing produces pressure loads on the

containment basemat and the submerged suppression chamber walls. The NRC acceptance

criteria stipulate an overpressure criterion on the basemat and walls below the vent exit of

24 psi. The licensee stated that an evaluation of the specified load concludes that the 24 psi

overpressure is not exceeded.

The pool swell loads are a function of the initial drywell pressurization rate during a LOCA. The

licensee stated that the results of the CPPU pool swell analysis are bounded by the current

analysis. The licensee discussed the reasons for this in response to an NRC RAI (Reference

61). The NRC staff finds the licensee’s explanation acceptable, since it is based on the use of

the NRC-approved computer code (currently designated as PICSM) and the assumptions are

consistent with the NRC recommendations of NUREG-0808 and NUREG-0487 (Reference 67).

These reports reviewed the Mark II containment hydrodynamic loads testing and analyses and

provided acceptance criteria acceptable to the NRC staff for plant-specific analyses.

Condensation loads increase with higher suppression pool temperature and/or a higher vent

mass flow rate. The licensee compared the break flow rate (and hence the vent flow) for CPPU

conditions with the vent flow calculated for the GKM-II-M test. (GKM II was a full-scale, singlevent test facility used by the licensee to obtain CO and chugging data.) The CO loads remain

bounding. Therefore, the CO loads for the CPPU are acceptable.

The licensee’s evaluation of containment hydrodynamic loads as a result of a LOCA is in

accordance with the EPU topical report (Reference 10) and shows acceptable results. These

results are therefore conservative and acceptable for the EPU.

Safety/Relief Valve Loads

The dynamic loads on the suppression pool due to the discharge of steam from SRVs are part

of the containment design basis. The SRV loads evaluated for the CPPU are loads on the

quenchers, quencher supports, and SRV discharge lines; loads on the submerged boundary of

the suppression pool; and loads on submerged structures in the suppression pool.

The parameters that affect the SRV loads, the RV pressure, the SRV opening and closing

setpoints, the submergence of the quenchers, the line air volume, and the automatic

depressurization system (ADS) setpoints do not change for the CPPU. Therefore, the CPPU

does not affect the SRV loads.

Local Pool Temperature with MSRV Discharge

NUREG-0783 (Reference 68) specifies a local pool temperature limit for SRV discharge

because of concerns resulting from unstable condensation observed at high pool temperatures

in BWRs without quenchers. The licensee indicated that an evaluation of the SSES Unit 1 and

2 peak local suppression pool temperature for EPU shows that the temperature meets the

NUREG-0783 criteria. The SRV flow capacities and the configuration of the SSES Unit 1 and 2

T-quenchers remain unchanged for EPU, and the predicted local pool temperatures remain

- 11 -

below the NUREG-0783 limit. Therefore, the SSES Unit 1 and 2 peak local suppression pool

temperature is acceptable for the EPU conditions.

The licensee has not proposed any changes to instrumentation and controls provided to monitor

and maintain variables within prescribed operating ranges. The licensee also has not proposed

any changes to instrumentation used to monitor the reactor containment atmosphere for

radioactivity that may be released from normal operations and from postulated accidents.


The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee’s assessment of the containment temperature and

pressure transient and concludes that the licensee has adequately accounted for the increase of

mass and energy resulting from the proposed EPU. The NRC staff further concludes that

containment systems will continue to provide sufficient pressure and temperature mitigation

capability to ensure that containment integrity is maintained. The NRC staff also concludes that

containment systems and instrumentation will continue to be adequate for monitoring

containment parameters and release of radioactivity during normal and accident conditions and

the containment and associated systems will continue to meet the requirements of GDC 4, 13,

16, 50, and 64 following implementation of the proposed EPU. Therefore, the NRC staff finds

the proposed EPU acceptable with respect to primary containment functional design.

- 12 -

SE Input Example #3: The following excerpt is from NRC’s SE on the Beaver Valley 1&2 EPU,

dated July 19, 2006 (ML061720376, pages 96-99 of the SE). The definitions of the acronyms in

the SE input below, if not set out below, are in the acronym section of the SE (i.e., see the

acronym section in the referenced ML number shown above).

2.8.1 Fuel System Design (EPULR Sections 4.3, and 6.0)

Regulatory Evaluation

The fuel system consists of arrays of fuel rods, burnable poison rods, spacer grids and springs,

top and bottom nozzles, and reactivity control rods. The NRC staff reviewed the fuel system to

ensure that (1) the fuel system is not damaged as a result of normal operation and anticipated

operational occurrences (AOOs), (2) fuel system damage is never so severe as to prevent

control rod insertion when it is required, (3) the number of fuel rod failures is not underestimated

for postulated accidents, and (4) coolability is always maintained. The staff's review covered

fuel system damage mechanisms, limiting values for important parameters, and performance of

the fuel system during normal operation, AOOs, and postulated accidents. The NRC’s

acceptance criteria are based on (1) 10 CFR 50.46, insofar as it establishes standards for the

calculation of ECCS performance and acceptance criteria for that calculated performance; (2)

GDC 10, insofar as it requires that the reactor core be designed with appropriate margins to

assure that specified acceptable fuel design limits (SAFDLs) are not exceeded during any

condition of normal operation, including the effects of AOOs; (3) GDC 27, insofar as it requires

that the reactivity control systems be designed to have a combined capability, in conjunction

with poison addition by the ECCS, of reliably controlling reactivity changes under postulated

accident conditions, with appropriate margins for stuck rods, to assure the capability to cool the

core is maintained; and (4) GDC 35, insofar as it requires that a system to provide abundant

emergency core cooling be provided to transfer heat from the reactor core following any LOCA.

Specific review criteria are contained in SRP Section 4.2 and other guidance provided in

Matrix 8 of RS-001.

Technical Evaluation

To support the EPU, the fuel assembly design was changed from the Vantage 5H (V5H) design

to the Robust Fuel Assembly (RFA) design. The RFA fuel geometry/characteristics remain the

same as the V5H fuel assemblies. The major change to the fuel assembly from V5H to RFA is

the redesigned mid-grids, the addition of intermediate flow mixing grids, and thicker instrument

and guide tubes. The BVPS cores have been completely transitioned from V5H to RFA fuel

assemblies. The licensee states that previously burned V5H fuel assemblies may be reinserted

as part of a cycle-specific reload pattern. The V5H fuel design is mechanically and hydraulically

compatible with the RFA fuel design.

Structurally, the V5H fuel assembly design is very similar to the VANTAGE+ fuel assembly

design [28]. The most significant difference is the implementation of a new cladding material,

ZIRLO™. BVPS-1 and 2 received license amendments permitting the use of VANTAGE+ fuel

on May 23, 1997 [29] and September 13, 1996 [30], respectively.

The RFA/RFA-2 fuel designs are modifications of the physical structure of the 17x17

VANTAGE+ fuel assembly design. The RFA/RFA-2 modifications were licensed under the

Westinghouse fuel criteria evaluation process (FCEP) [31]. The FCEP is an NRC-approved

process whereby Westinghouse may make minor changes to its fuel designs without prior NRC

approval. Westinghouse is required to notify the NRC when such changes are made. FCEP

- 13 -

notifications for the RFA and RFA-2 fuel designs were made to the NRC on September 30,

1998 [32] and August 31, 2001 [33], respectively. As with any other change, the licensee must

then evaluate the change and implement it either by using the 10 CFR 50.59 change process or

by requesting a license amendment.

Since the RFA and RFA-2 fuel systems at BVPS-1 and 2 have already been evaluated for use

at the currently licensed RTP, this review will focus on the effects of the EPU.

The EPU will cause the fuel operating temperatures and the fuel assembly average burnup to

increase. In addition, the best-estimate flow will increase due to (1) the RSGs for BVPS-1, and

(2) the change in SG tube plugging limits for BVPS-1 and 2. Therefore, the fuel system design

criteria that must be evaluated are: stress and strain, fatigue, grid-to-rod fretting, corrosion,

dimensional changes, rod internal pressure, fuel assembly lift forces, and vibration.

Fuel System Damage

The licensee evaluated the EPU for its affect on fuel system damage due to clad stress and

strain, corrosion, assembly grid-to-rod fretting, internal rod pressure, and hydraulic loads. The

licensee used an NRC-approved fuel performance model [34]; [35]; [36] to evaluate the impact

of the EPU on these criteria. The licensee’s analysis shows that the EPU core will not impact

the fuel’s capability to meet clad stress and strain limits, and fatigue limits for the EPU

conditions. The licensee’s analysis also shows that the EPU’s increased operating

temperatures for the clad, due to the increased rod average power rating, will not impact the

fuel’s capability to meet corrosion limits for both the ZIRLO™ and Zircaloy-4 clad fuel. The

licensee determined that the propensity for crud deposition and chemical plate-out on the

cladding, with proper chemistry control, will not significantly increase under EPU conditions, and

that the internal rod pressure acceptance criterion (no increase in the diametrical gap due to

clad creep during steady-state operation or for DNB propagation to occur) is satisfied. Finally,

the licensee determined that fuel assembly hold down spring capacity is still acceptable, given

the increased up-lift force associated with the best-estimate RCS flow and the increased fuel

assembly growth due to the higher assembly average burnup. Based on the results of the

licensee’s analysis using the NRC-approved fuel performance model which demonstrates that

the EPU core will not result in fuel damage, the NRC staff finds the licensee’s fuel damage

assessment acceptable with respect to EPU.

Fuel Rod Failure

Internal hydriding and cladding collapse are primarily a result of deficiencies in the

manufacturing process, which is not an EPU-related factor, and therefore, not considered

further in this review.

Test results from the vibration investigation and pressure drop experimental research (VIPER)

loop for the RFA/RFA-2 fuel designs continue to bound the BVPS-1 and 2 assemblies operating

under EPU conditions. The transient analyses submitted in the EPULR demonstrate that the

SAFDLs are not exceeded for normal operation and AOOs, and that the number of predicted

fuel rod failures is not underestimated for postulated accidents.

Fuel Coolability

The licensee evaluated the EPU for its affect on fuel system embrittlement and fuel rod

ballooning. The licensee used an NRC-approved fuel performance model [34]; [35]; [36] to

- 14 -

evaluate the impact of the EPU on these criteria. The licensee’s analysis shows that the

hydrogen pickup level in the cladding will be less than the acceptance limit. The licensee

determined the internal rod pressure acceptance criterion to prevent DNB propagation is met,

thereby preventing fuel rod ballooning. The transient analyses submitted in the EPULR

demonstrate that the fuel system damage is never so severe as to prevent control rod insertion

when it is required, that the number of predicted fuel rod failures is not underestimated for

postulated accidents, and that coolability is always maintained. Based on the licensee’s

analysis using an NRC-approved fuel performance model which demonstrates that fuel rod

ballooning is not expected to occur and control rod insertion will not be affected, the NRC staff

finds the licensee’s assessment of fuel coolability to be acceptable.


The NRC staff has reviewed the licensee’s analyses related to the effects of the proposed EPU

on the fuel system design of the fuel assemblies, control systems, and reactor core. The staff

concludes that the licensee has adequately accounted for the effects of the proposed EPU on

the fuel system and demonstrated that (1) the fuel system will not be damaged as a result of

normal operation and AOOs, (2) the fuel system damage will never be so severe as to prevent

control rod insertion when it is required, (3) the number of fuel rod failures will not be

underestimated for postulated accidents, and (4) coolability will always be maintained. Based

on this, the staff concludes that the fuel system and associated analyses will continue to meet

the requirements of 10 CFR 50.46, GDCs 10, 27, and 35 following implementation of the

proposed EPU. Therefore, the staff finds the proposed EPU acceptable with respect to the fuel

system design.


(in hours)






DORL 260 330 580

EICB - Instrumentation & Controls 200 80 160

EEEB - Electrical Engineering 40 80 260

CVIB - Vessel & Internals Integrity 40 100 170

CPNB - Piping & NDE 40 40 100

CSGB - SG Tube Integrity & Chemical Engineering 40 100 170

EMCB & CPTB - Mech. & Civil Eng., Component Perf. & Test 80 160 360

SBPB - Balance of Plant 5 120 390

AFPB - Fire Protection 5 80 160

APLA - PRA Licensing (Risk Evaluation) 0 0 400

SCVB & AADB - Containment & Ventilation, & Accident Dose 45 280 600

SNPB & SRXB - Nuclear Perf. & Code, & Reactor Systems 200 400 1000

EQVB - Quality & Vendor 0 0 240

IRIB - Health Physics 0 0 80

IOLB - Operator Licensing & Human Performance 5 10 190

RERB - Environmental 0 20 140

ITSB - Technical Specifications 40 40 40

TOTAL 1000 1840 5040

Note 1: This table is for reference only. Official values are found in the Operating Level Report. Change to this table does not constitute change to this office


Enclosure 3


Notes: 1. This table is for reference only. Change to this table does not constitute change to this office instruction.

2. Receipt of application is defined as when it is available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System.

Enclosure 4


approximate - from

application date

(except for last 2 lines)

approximate - from

application date

(except for last 2 lines)

approximate – from

application date

(except for last 2 lines)



Acceptance Review to PM 3 weeks from receipt2 3 weeks from receipt2 3 weeks from receipt2

RAI/draft SE to PM 2 months 3.5 months 4.5 months

SE Input to PM 4 months 7 months 8 months

Prepare for ACRS Sub-Com. N/A 7.5 months (if needed) 10 months

Prepare for ACRS Full Com. N/A 7.5 months (if needed) 10 months


Acceptance Review to

Licensee 4 weeks from receipt2 4 weeks from receipt2 4 weeks from receipt2

Initial Notice to Fed Register 2 months 2 months 2 months

RAI Issued to Licensee 2.5 months 4 months 5 months

RAI Response from Licensee 3.5 months 5.5 months 6.5 months

Issue Draft EA 4 months, if needed 7 months, if needed 10 months

Issue Final EA 5.5 months if needed 8.5 months if needed 11.5 months

Prepare Draft SE/Send to


N/A 7.5 months (1 month before

ACRS subcommittee)

9.5 months (1 month before

ACRS subcommittee)

Issue Proprietary

Determination Letter 2 months from incoming,

rolling as needed

2 months from incoming,

rolling as needed

2 months from incoming,

rolling as needed

Issue License Amendment 6 months* 9 months* 12 months*

Issue Press Release 6 months* 9 months* 12 months*

  • from NRC acceptance