LG-14-051, Request for Registration to Take Generic Fundamental Examinations

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Request for Registration to Take Generic Fundamental Examinations
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/2014
From: Molteni D
Exelon Generation Co
To: Bill Dean
NRC Region 1
LG-14-051, NUREG 1021 ES-205
Download: ML14125A158 (2)


A Exelon Generation tNUJ!EG 1021 E.S-20&

Apr 18, 2014 Wr WUlly U. wa:, Iegoni+

Abmkmlor U.S. NuclW RsaElAOy Commision Rso~n 2100 Renasance Blvd suf to0 King o Prumuks PA 19406-2713 t0,O. a, sIWAleel6 n (WUlbt ant4,


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  • ~k*F..*-P,48 Subd: RsPm for P40b86on to take OWNr Fundmwsms E bm&i LINcs Il O mMWOom6 U.& Nuabr PWuiM Commliss1ion NR) bhw Is-isum v 1t hd~l bkhb hf

@"I, ol e Ow mR gwemc eimu-W i wuIWOO i4S,9OS) Uin0 SWW*ln ops rr kowsn xrvmlfn to be mukiilem-on Jura 4.2014 ASc~s lie p--e..emtmeli S Suwuei we sioed in w Umera Genedi famiNml o

og wmkm n dft.e Prsorael Idewwe WrOrM"o kW VOeW kdMduui Is provld in Vw Mlsciomas.

This i~mch w~utoriens orlidels dkionudion. Sw*dosrci ei*S~wnomidoonsSan uuwaimm kweien of Ow "Ne"Wonsi piec toi, indodi *Akv wrtor, toe Odo mm In SwdlmclmersI fbekbsft bmbfd to 6 Coumiwlon wl a erpiet taM I be uli-ldkhm p~fdbcmi c

dstsu.i acomordus it0C~OWM A.

Ridiwwalwhuao Plm*e ed sm O simmnaln ma to ft ovmlt mwd adds, s bflows:

Wr. Daw MoftK, Mta, mg - Opwron TrmafV Lmer ia.tmninsCerilr Lknwi*~

LLn Cn-3148 SowAtogs Plud Polttulow, PA 1946 J~Z(4

If you hawe an questions, pleas cOMW W. Molin at (610) 718-4040.

OperatonsTrakiin Me Lage

-U rck Generafti StatOn VxOW Genertin Mo LL loacw nit Appliceta for ft OnE at WOS cc: D. Jaclsmn USAC ReinI (W Afttacwit)

E. DIPoio, WNRC Senio Wiftteh~isetr LOS(W~ Mtm*,er NRC Doouwies Coteol Desk (w/o Alcwet Chidf, Operatin Uoeneba and Trainin Drnich, NRR U.& thicW PWReg UXoy Cosunwison Irn RIm p~tpow MaN Sop (ow 073 Plodkvl, MD 20852-2M3