L-2002-064, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure

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Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2002
From: Mcelwain J
Florida Power & Light Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-2002-064 0-EPIP-20104
Download: ML021000229 (25)


FPL APR 0 8 2002 L-2002-064 10 CFR 50.54(q) 10 CFR 50 Appendix E U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 Revision: Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure The following document has been revised:

0-EPIP-20104, Emergency Response Organization Notification/Staff Augmentation Implemented March 13, 2002.

Pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(q) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, one copy of the revised document is enclosed. A summary of changes to the document is attached. FPL has determined that the changes described do not result in a decrease in the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan.

Very truly yours, John P. McElwain Vice President Turkey Point Plant CLM Enclosure NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2001-05 waived the requirements that multiple copies of documents be submitted to the NRC.

an FPL Group company

Attachment to L-2002-064 Page 1 of 1 SUMMMARY OF CHANGES 0-EPIP-20104, Emergency Response Organization Notification/Staff Augmentation

1. Add Attachment 2, FPL Emergency Recall System (ERS) Activation Checklist (Pages 23 and 24)
2. Add definition to section 4.0, describing the Autodialer and its intended function. Add Fitness For Duty (FFD) instructions/requirements to section 3.4 for emergency plan call-outs. (Page 6)
3. Realign the Duty Call Supervisor's responsibilities in section 5.2.2 to include direction to activate the autodialer and ensure its performing its intended function (using new Attachment 2). (Page 12)
4. Added direction to section 5.2.4, Transfer call responsibilities of the TSC Security Supervisor to the On Shift Security Captain and add instructions for him/her to contact G.O. Security Operations and inform them of the event and to take appropriate actions. (Page 17)
5. Other minor corrections and improvements were made throughout the procedure.

" Changes 1, 3, and 4 describe the changes to the procedure necessary for the implementation of the PTN Autodialer System (FPL Emergency Recall System (ERS)).

"* Change 2 describes the inclusion of FFD requirements during Emergency Plan call-outs.

"* Change 3 describes the transfer in call responsibilities from the TSC Security Supervisor to the On Shift Security Captain and add direction to the On Shift Security Captain responsibilities to ensure contact is made to the General Office. Security Operations informing them that the EOF is being activated and their assistance will be required.

The autodialer is a computerized method that may be used to activate the emergency response organization in lieu of the manual call-out method. It will be used to page and call members of the ERO using a pre-established scenario based on data input and priorities assigned. The Autodialer (software and hardware) is not considered safety, quality, technical specification, or operating license related in that its only function is to expedite the process defined in the Emergency Response Directory.

The Duty Call Supervisor (DCS) will now be responsible for activation of the PTN Autodialer system. The new Attachment 2 to 0-EPIP-20104 is a checklist intended to document and walk the DCS through the Autodialer activation. Once the Autodialer has been activated the DCS must verify that the Audodialer is performing its intended function using the methods described in attachment 2. After verifying that the autodialer is functioning properly he can then suspend the manual call-out process.

Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Emergency Response Organization Notifications/Staff Augmentation Safety Related Procedure Responsible Department: Emergency Preparedness Revision Approval Date: 3/6/02 RTSs 96-0772P, 00-0248P, 01-0590 W97:WDJ/dt/evlev

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2 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

O-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Revision Page Date 1 03/06/02 2 03/06/02 3 03/06/02 4 03/06/02 5 03/06/02 6 03/06/02 7 03/06/02 8 03/06/02 9 03/06/02 10 03/06/02 11 03/06/02 12 03/06/02 13 03/06/02 14 03/06/02 15 03/06/02 16 03/06/02 17 03/06/02 18 03/06/02 19 03/06/02 20 03/06/02 21 03/06/02 22 03/06/02 23 03/06/02 W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev

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3 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 P U R P O S E ..................................................................................................................... 4



COMMITMENT DOCUMENTS ............................................................................... 4 3.0 RESPO N SIB ILITIES .................................................................................................. 5 4.0 D E F IN ITION S ............................................................................................................. 6 5.0 P RO CE D U R E ............................................................................................................... 7 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form ........................................ 20 Attachment 2 FPL Emergency Recall System (ERS) Activation Checklist ............................. 22 W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev

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4 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for activation of the Emergency Response Organization and implements the Turkey Point Plant Radiological Emergency Plan.

1.2 When the Emergency Plan is activated, certain notifications should be made. This procedure outlines the call structure to be used to ensure these notifications occur.

  • NOTE SAlthough the Emergency Coordinator is responsible for specific notifications, his I notifications are not outlined in this procedure. Emergency Coordinatornotifications are I outlined in O-EPIP-20101,Duties of the Emergency Coordinator.


/RECORDS REQUIRED/COMMITMENT DOCUMENTS 2.1 References 2.1.1 Plant Procedures

1. 0-ADM-0 18, Fitness for Duty
2. 0-ADM- 115, Notification of Plant Events
3. 0-EPIP- 1102, Duties of the Recovery Manager
4. 0-EPIP-1211, Duties of the Corporate Communication Emergency Response Organization for Turkey Point
5. 0-EPIP-1212, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation and Operation
6. 0-EPIP-20101, Duties of the Emergency Coordinator
7. 0-EPIP-20132, Technical Support Center (TSC), Activation and Operation
8. 0-EPIP-20133, Operations Support Center (OSC), Activation and Operation W97:WDJ/dtlev/ev

2.1.2 Miscellaneous Documents (PC/M, Correspondence etc.)

1. Turkey Point Plant Radiological Emergency Plan
2. Emergency Response Directory
3. Security Force Instruction 6307, Emergency Evacuation 2.2 Records Required 2.2.1 None 2.3 Commitment Documents 2.3.1 None 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES I NOTE Fitness for Duty Responsibilities for Emergency Responders are identified in O-ADM-018, Fitness for Duty.

3.1 The following individuals are responsible for initiating notifications to personnel specified in the Emergency Response Directory outlined in this procedure.

3.1.1 The Duty Call Supervisor 3.1.2 Shift Technical Advisor 3.1.3 TSC Security Supervisor (Security Shift Specialist) 3.1.4 Assistant to the Duty Call Supervisor 3.2 Emergency Response Organization members who report to the Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, or the Emergency Operations Facility are responsible for the following:

- --- NOTE Emergency Response personnel should have available, at all times, the relevant sections of the Emergency Response Directory, their callout lists, or call out card for their L augmentationresponsibilities.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -J . . . ..-. ..-

3.2.1 Making notifications, if applicable, to personnel specified in the Emergency Response Directory as outlined in this procedure.

3.2.2 Assembling promptly at the appropriate Emergency Response Facility.


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6 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 3.2.3 Notifying the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator when a change pertinent to information appearing in the Emergency Response Directory occurs.

3.2.4 Maintaining a copy of pertinent sections of the Emergency Response Directory or their call out card available during off-normal hours.

3.3 The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator is responsible for quarterly verification and updating of the Emergency Response Directory.

3.4 Fitness For Duty 3.4.1 Emergency Plan Responders are responsible for informing callers of their Fitness For Duty.

3.4.2 Consumption of alcohol during 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> prior to an Emergency Plan call-out shall not, by itself, preclude the use of individuals needed to respond to an emergency.

3.4.3 If an individual called in for Emergency Plan response has consumed alcohol within the 5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> abstinence period, his/her fitness for duty must be determined by breath analysis or other means.

3.4.4 Normal call-out documentation does not apply during an Emergency Plan call-out.

4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Emergency Response Directory (ERD) - The directory containing names and phone numbers of Emergency Response Organization personnel.

4.2 On Call Roster - Weekly schedule of plant management who are on call. This schedule is issued in the Plan-of-the-Day on Fridays.

4.3 Normal Business Hours - Hours between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

4.4 Off-Normal Business Hours - Hours between 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, all day during holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

4.5 Call Out Card - Emergency Response Call out Card containing the necessary information for responders to make their required call outs for activating the Emergency Response Facilities. These cards are usually a reduced version of the notification pages in the Emergency Response Directory. A date should appear at the top of each card for verification of the most current information as listed in the current quarterly revision of the Emergency Response Directory.

4.6 AutoDialer/FPL Emergency Recall System (ERS) - A computer based automated call-out system used to activate the Emergency Response Organization.


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7 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 5.0 PROCEDURE NOTE Subsection 5.1 defines activities to be performed if the emergency plan is being activated and the Emergency Response FacilitiesARE NOT being activated.

The Shift Technical Advisor and Duty Call Supervisor, have responsibilities defined in both Subsections 5.1 and 5.2.

I . Phone numbers necessary to complete the following call outs can be located in the I Emergency Response Directoryor on the Plant On Call Roster.

  • During Off-Normal Business Hours, notifications should be made by contacting the
  • responder using home phone number first, and if no response is received, the I responder'spager number should be used. I I
  • During Normal Business Hours, the primary means for notification of the Emergency I Response Organizationfor activation of the Emergency Response Facilitiesis by Plant Page. If requested by an Emergency Coordinator to make notifications, the I responder's office phone number should be called first, and if no response is received, I the responder'spagernumber should be used.

5.1 If the Emergency Plan is being activated and the Emergency Response Facilities are not being activated (Unusual Event), the following steps should be performed:

5.1.1 The Shift Technical Advisor or designee should perform the following:

NOTE If long distance access is needed, an FPL ITN Number can be obtained from the NPS. I

1. Obtain a copy of the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form (Form similar to Attachment 1) completed by the Emergency Coordinator or designee.


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8 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 5.1.1 (Cont'd)

CAUTION The Duty Call Supervisor is required to make additional notifications to Plant I Management as required by O-EPIP-20104, therefore, it is necessary for him/her to I be notified as quickly as possible.



  • Duty Call Supervisor phone numbers are listed in the ERD in Section 1, Immediate Notifications. I
2. If the emergency has occurred during normal business hours, contact to a Duty Call Supervisor should be made by calling his office phone number first.
3. If the emergency has occurred during off-normal business hours, contact to a Duty Call Supervisor should be made by calling his/her home phone number first.
4. If no answer, use beeper.
5. If no answer, use cellular phone number, if listed.
6. If no answer, notify the Emergency Coordinator to acquire additional support to make the Duty Call Supervisor notifications.
7. If the Duty Call Supervisor answers, relay applicable information from the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form (form similar to Attachment 1).
a. Instruct the Duty Call Supervisor to make notifications to personnel using this procedure as listed in the Duty Call Supervisor Call List No.

2 in the Emergency Response Directory.

8. When requested by the Emergency Coordinator or designee, notify the Duty Call Supervisor of changes in plant conditions or upon termination of the event.


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9 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 5.1.2 The Duty Call Supervisor should perform the following:

CAUTION If a Plant Event has occurred,not requiring Emergency Classification the Duty Call Supervisor shall use O-ADM-115, NOTIFICATION OF PLANT EVENTS, for making notifications.

1. Fill out the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form (form similar to Attachment 1) from the information given by the Shift Technical Advisor or designee.

NOTE I The Duty Call Supervisor should make notifications for each position by contacting I responders, in the order given in the Emergency Response Directory or for On Call

  • positions, the person designated on the On Call Roster may be contacted.
2. If the emergency has occurred during normal business hours, contact to one responder for each position listed in the Emergency Response Directory Duty Call Supervisor Call List No. 2 should be made by completing the following steps:
a. Call the office number of the first responder.
b. If the responder answers, relay applicable information from the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form.
c. If no answer, go to the next responder.

(1) Call the office number of the next responder.

d. Repeat the preceding Substeps and until one responder for each position has been notified or all office numbers have been attempted.
e. If the position has not been notified using office numbers, attempt contact by beeper.

(1) When a responder for the position calls back, relay applicable information from the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form.

vvU .VVLAJIU UVfvý (Cont'd)

f. Repeat the preceding Substeps through, until all positions listed in the Duty Call Supervisor Call List No. 2 and Nuclear Division Duty Officer Call List No. 1 have been notified.
i. Ensure that the Emergency Coordinator is informed of any positions that could not be notified.
3. If the emergency has occurred during off-normal business hours, contact to one responder for each position listed in the Emergency Response Directory Duty Call Supervisor Call List No. 2 should be made by completing the following steps:
a. Call the home number of the first responder.
b. If the responder answers, relay applicable information from the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form.
c. If no answer, go to the next responder.

(1) Call the home number of the next responder.

d. Repeat the preceding Substeps and until one responder for the position has been notified or all home numbers have been attempted.
e. If the position has not been notified using home phone numbers, attempt contact by beeper.

(1) When a responder for the position calls back, relay applicable information from the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form.

f. Go to the next call out position.

(1) Repeat the preceding Substeps through, until all positions listed in the Duty Call Supervisor Call List No. 2 have been notified.

g. Ensure that the Emergency Coordinator is informed of any positions that could not be notified.

m ~NOTE If the Technical Support Center has been activated, and if directed by the Emergency

  • Coordinator,it may not be necessary to perform the following steps.
4. Remain accessible by telephone for further updates unless directed otherwise.
5. When notified that the emergency condition has changed or no longer exists, contact previously notified personnel as listed in the Emergency Response Directory.


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11 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 NOTES Subsection 5.2 defines activities to be performed if the Emergency Plan is being activated Sand the Emergency Response FacilitiesARE being activated.

I . The Shift Technical Advisor, Duty Call Supervisor, and Assistant to the Duty Calll I Supervisor have responsibilitiesdefined in both Subsections 5.1 and 5.2.

I Phone numbers necessary to complete the following call outs can be located in the j Emergency Response Directoryor on the Plant On Call Roster.

During Off-Normal Business Hours, notifications should be made by contacting the I responderusing home phone No. first, and if no response is received, the responder's pager No. should be used.


  • During Normal Business Hours, the primary means for notification of the Emergency Response Organizationfor activation of the Emergency Response Facilitiesis by Plant Page and beepers. I L -J 5.2 If the Emergency Plan is being activated and the Emergency Response Facilities are being activated (Alert or higher classification or at the discretion of the Emergency Coordinator),

the following steps should be performed:

rFNO ----- -TEl 3 The STA is to make these notifications unless these actions will interfere with his/her

  • accident assessment responsibilities. If the STA is not available to make these I I notifications, the Emergency Coordinatoris responsible for ensuring these notifications are I delegated to anotheron shift individual.

5.2.1 The Shift Technical Advisor or designee should contact the positions as listed in the Emergency Response Directory Shift Technical Advisor Call List by completing the following steps:

1. Obtain a copy of the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form (form similar to Attachment 1) completed by Emergency Coordinator or designee.


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12 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 5.2.1 (Cont'd)

NOTE The Duty Call Supervisor is required to make additional notifications to Plant Management as requiredby this procedure; therefore, it is necessary for him/her to be notified as quickly as possible.

2. Contact the Duty Call Supervisor by performing the following:

I NOTE l The Duty Call Supervisoris listed on the Plant On Call Roster. If a rosteris not available,

  • any Duty Call Supervisor, as listed in the Emergency Response Directory, Section 1, Immediate Notification, can be contacted.
a. If the emergency has occurred during normal business hours, use office number first, then beeper, if necessary.
b. If the emergency has occurred during off normal business hours, use home number first, then cell phone, then beeper, if necessary.
c. Relay Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form information to the Duty Call Supervisor.
d. If requested by the Emergency Coordinator or designee, notify the Duty Call Supervisor of changes in plant conditions or upon termination of the event.
3. Contact the On-Shift Security Captain.
a. Instruct the On-Shift Security Captain to perform responsibilities using this procedure.


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13 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 5.2.2 The Duty Call Supervisor should perform the following:

1. Fill out the Florida Nuclear Plant Emergency Notification Form (form similar to Attachment 1) from the information given by the Shift Technical Advisor of designee.


  • Itis the responsibilityof the Duty Call Supervisor to understandthe event as classifiedand I whether the ERFs will be activated (EC discretion at Unusual Event, required for Alert and higher).
2. Verify that an Emergency Plan Activation has been declared (Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency) and that the Emergency Response Facilities are being activated.

NOTE I The Duty Call Supervisor should make notifications for each position by contacting I responders, in the order given in the Emergency Response Directory or for On Call I positions, the On Call Roster may be used.

3. As directed by the Emergency Coordinator, initiate call-out of Emergency Response Members (ERO) using Attachment 2, FPL Emergency Recall System (ERS) Activation Checklist.
4. If emergency has occurred during normal business hours, then activate the appropriate autodialer scenario. Notifications to the NRC Resident Inspector, Nuclear Division Duty Officer, and the EOF HP Manager are the only other requirements unless otherwise instructed by the Emergency Coordinator.
5. If emergency has occurred during off normal business hours, then begin call-out of ERO members, as directed in the ERD (after initiating the autodialer).
a. Call the home number of the first responder.


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Page: 14 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 (Cont'd)

NOTE Responders are responsible for informing callers of their fitness for duty.

b. If the responder answers, relay a message similar to the following:

(1) This is/is not a drill, a/an (state emergency classification) has been declared at Turkey Point Nuclear. The Emergency Response Facilities are being activated. You are requested to fill the position of (state position) and make your required notifications as listed in the Emergency Response directory or Call Out Card, then report to your designated facility. This is/is not a drill.

c. If no answer, go to the next responder.

(1) Call the home number of the next responder.

d. Repeat the preceding Substeps and until the appropriate number of responders for the position has been notified or all home numbers have been attempted.
e. If the position has not been filled by using home phone number, call the beeper of each responder.

(1) When responders for that position call back, relay a message similar to the preceding message.

(2) If other responders for that position call back, inform them that the position has been filled and that they are not needed at this time.

f. Go to the next call out position.

(1) Repeat the preceding Substeps through until all positions listed in the Duty Call Supervisor Call List No. 2 and No. 3 have been filled.

6. Verify that the Autodialer system has activated, use one of the following:
a. Open the "Communicator!" program. Click on "Activate", then select "Activation Status Monitor
b. Report received on printer in the Control Room, TSC, or EOF.
c. Report of appropriate pager activation from the FPL Pager.


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15 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 5.2.2 (Cont'd)

NOTE If autodialer activation is indicated, then notify any previously call ERO members contacted, with call out responsibilities, to suspend the manual call-out and respond as appropriate.

7. Ensure that the TSC Supervisor, (DCS), is informed of any positions that could not be filled.

I - ........ .......- .NOTE I If the Technical Support Center has been activated, and if directed by the Emergency Coordinator,it may not be necessary to perform Substeps or

8. Remain accessible by telephone for further updates unless directed otherwise.
9. When notified that the emergency condition has changed or no longer exists, contact previously notified personnel listed in the Emergency Response Directory.

5.2.3 The Assistant to the Duty Call Supervisor or designee should perform the following:

1. If the emergency has occurred during normal business hours, no action is required unless requested by the Emergency Coordinator or designee or the TSC Supervisor.
2. If the emergency has occurred during off normal business hours, perform the following steps:
a. Contact to the appropriate number of responders for all positions listed in the Emergency Response Directory, Assistant to the Duty Call Supervisor Call List should be made by completing the following steps:

(1) Call the home number of the first responder.

(2) If the responder answers, relay a message similar to the following:

(a) This is/is not a drill, a/an (state emergency classification) has been declared at Turkey Point Nuclear. The Emergency Response Facilities are being activated. You are requested to fill the position of (state position) and make your required notifications as listed in the Emergency Response Directory or Call Out Card, then report to your designated facility. This is/is not a drill.

W97:WDJ/dtlev/ev (Cont'd)

(3) If no answer, go to the next responder.

(a) Call the home number of the next responder.

(4) Repeat the preceding Substeps and until all positions are filled or all home numbers have been attempted.

(5) If the position has not been filled by using home phone number, call the beeper of each responder.

(a) When one responder for that position calls back, relay a message similar to the preceding message.

(b) If other responders for that position call back, inform them that the position has been filled and that they are not needed at this time.

(6) Go to the next call out position.

(a) Repeat the preceding Substeps through until all positions listed in the Assistant to the Duty Call Supervisor Call List have been filled.

3. Ensure that the TSC Supervisor, (DCS) are informed of any positions that could not be filled.

5.2.4 The On-Shift Security Captain should perform the following:

1. Send 1 Security Officer to the Technical Support Center with the TSC Key.
a. Instruct the Officer to perform his duties as outlined in SFI 6307.
2. Send 1 Security Officer to the Operations Support Center with a set of keys for all vital areas and access gates.
a. Instruct the Officer to perform his duties as outlined in SFI 6307.
3. Contact GO Security Operations and inform them of the following:
a. EOF will be activated.
b. Ensure doors are unlocked to the EOF and ENC.
c. Post a guard at the EOF entrance.
d. Access is granted to individuals presenting a valid PTN, NRC, State or County ID.


5.2.5 All emergency responders should perform the following:

1 If an Emergency Classification of Alert or higher is declared or if the Emergency Coordinator uses discretion for activation, all emergency responders shall immediately report to their designated Emergency Response Facility (ERF).

a. Upon arrival at the ERF, responders should perform their duties as outlined in the appropriate procedures:

(1) 0-EPIP-1 102, Duties of the Recovery Manager (2) 0-EPIP-121 1, Duties of the Corporate Communication Emergency Response Organization for Turkey Point (3) 0-EPIP-1212, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation and Operation (4) 0-EPIP-20 101, Duties of the Emergency Coordinator (5) 0-EPIP-20132, Technical Support Center (TSC) Activation and Operation (6) 0-EPIP-20133, Operations Support Center (OSC) Activation and Operation

-.. . . . . NOTE

.. . .. I No phone calls are requiredif contacted by the autodialersystem. I

2. If the Emergency has occurred during off normal business hours, the following steps should be performed:
a. Upon receiving notification to activate the ERFs and if you are responsible for further notifications, contact the appropriate number of responders for each position listed in the appropriate ERD call list in the Emergency Response Directory or callout card.

(1) Call the home number of the first responder.

W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev (Cont'd)

NOTE Responders are responsible for informing callers of their fitness for duty. Refer to O-ADM-018, Fitness for Duty: Call-out of Personnel,For Cause Testing, and Reportability, for requiredFFD Activities if anotherqualified responderis not available.

(2) If the responder answers, relay a message similar to the following:

(a) This is/is not a drill, a/an (state emergency classification) has been declared at Turkey Point Nuclear. The Emergency Response Facilities are being activated. You are requested to fill the position of (state position) and make your required notifications as listed in the Emergency Response directory or Call Out Card, then report to your designated facility. This is/is not a drill.

(3) If no answer, go to the next responder.

(a) Call the home number of the next responder.

(4) Repeat the preceding Substeps and until the appropriate number of responders for each position has been notified or all home numbers have been attempted.

b. If the position has not been filled by using home phone number, call the beeper of each unfilled responder.

(1) When responders for that position call back, relay a message similar to the following message:

(a) This is/is not a drill, a/an (state emergency classification) has been declared at Turkey Point Nuclear. The Emergency Response Facilities are being activated. You are requested to fill the position of (state position) and make your required notifications as listed in the Emergency Response directory or Call Out Card, then report to your designated facility. This is/is not a drill.

(2) If other responders for that position call back, inform them that the position has been filled and that they are not needed at this time.


5.2.5 (Cont'd)

3. After each position has been filled or if all numbers have been tried and the position is not filled, report to the designated ERF.
a. If a position could not be filled, re-attempt to fill the position after arrival at the designated ERF.
4. If a position could not be filled, ensure that the appropriate supervisor (TSC Supervisor in the TSC, OSC Manager in the OSC or Recovery Manager in the EOF) is notified of the unfilled position.

5.3 Emergency Response Directory (ERD) 5.3.1 The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator shall ensure the ERD is updated at least once per calendar quarter.

5.3.2 All emergency responders should notify the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator or designee when changes to their phone numbers or other pertinent information listed in the ERD has occurred.

5.3.3 All emergency responders who have notification requirements should maintain a copy of pertinent sections of the Emergency Response Directory or their call out card at their disposal during off normal business hours.

5.3.4 Supervisors responsible for the filling of ERO positions should notify the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator or designee when emergency response personnel changes are necessary.

END OF TEXT W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev

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0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 ATTACHMENT 1 (Page 1 of 2)


2. A. Time/Date contact made B. Reported by: (Name/Title)_

C. Message Number D. Reported from: E] Control Room El TSC E] EOF

8. INJURIES REQUIRING OFFSITE SUPPORT: A. E-No l]Yes ElUnknown B. Contaminated: ElNo E]Yes ElUnknown
9. WEATHER DATA: A. Wind direction from degrees.

B. Downwind Sectors Affected (minimum of 3):.-,

10. RELEASE STATUS: A. El No Release (Go to Item 12) C. El A Release occurred, but stopped B. El A Release is occurring

A. El Information not available at this time B. El Release within normal operating limits (_<2.8 ci/sec noble gas, < 3.7 E-4 ci/sec iodine)

C. El Non-Significant Fraction of PAG Range (release is > normal limits and < 500 mR TEDE and 1000 mR CDE)

D. E] PAG Range (>500 mR TEDE or >1 000 mR CDE)




14. SUPPLEMENTAL FORM IS ATTACHED?: A. [] NO B. El YES EC or RM Approval Signature Time Date
15. MESSAGE RECEIVED BY: Name Time Date F-439:113 W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev

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21 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 ATTACHMENT 1 (Page 2 of 2)

FLORIDA NUCLEAR PLANT EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET The following supplemental data is to be completed after the TSC or EOF is declared operational at Alert of higher Supplement to Message Number PLANT CONDITIONS INFORMATION CRITICAL SAFETY FUNCTIONS A. REACTOR SHUTDOWN? E: YES E] NO B. CORE ADEQUATELY COOLED? [- YES LI NO C. ADEQUATE EMERGENCY POWER AVAILABLE (DIESELS) [: YES Fl NO ImczczINIm rImnni IrT PAPPII=P CZTATI ICZ"(rh,=r-,- nna ýnnnlitlnn fnr mnrh hnrriorr, dWamLage. subcooling, water level, indicated by high further degradation etc. temps., high expected containment rad, etc Leakage is within normal Leakage is within safety Leakage exceeds safety Leakage reduced charging or makeup injection capacity injection capacity to within injection pump capacity capacity (system repaired)

No evidence of No leakage but Evidence of Repair Efforts have containment leakage or containment pressure is containment isolated leak or tube rupture release is at or above safety leakage (known containment only through condenser system actuation points release path or rad pressure has surveys) reduced to stop leakage COMPLETED BY: TIME: DATE:


1. RELEASE STATUS: A. El No Release (no further data required) C. [] A Release occurred, but stopped B. El A Release is occurring

A. El NOBLE GASES: Curies per second El Measured El Default B. El IODINES: Curies per second El Measured El Default


A. E] AIRBORNE: Time/Date started: B. E] LIQUID Time/Date started:

Time/Date stopped: Time/Date stopped:


DISTANCE THYROID DOSE RATE (CDE) TOTAL DOSE RATE (TEDE) 1 Mile (Site Boundary) A. mrem/hr B. mrem/hr 2 Miles C. mrem/hr D. mrem/hr 5 Miles E. mrem/hr F. mrem/hr 10 Miles G. mrem/hr H. mrem/hr

5. WEATHER DATA (used for the above data):

A. Wind Direction from degrees.

B. Wind Speed MPH C. Stability Class COMPLETED BY: TIME: DATE:

Emergency Coordinator or Recovery Manager Approval F-439:2/3 W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev

ATTACHMENT 2 (Page 1 of 2)


Date: / / Time:

1. Prior to making the call, determine the appropriate scenario to activate.

Normal Working hours use scenario 1030 After hours:

  • Use scenario 1050 for an actual emergency

"* Use scenario 1051 for a response drill (report to ERFs)

"* Use scenario 1052 for a telephone test only

2. You will be requested to enter the four digit scenario number during the call.

Scenario to be used:

3. Call the Emergency Recall System at 305-246-7107.
4. Enter the password as soon as you are instructed to do so.

WHEN THE SYSTEM STATES YOU SHOULD ENTER... Circle One This is remote activation module. Your password Enter your scenario activation password followed by the # symbol.

Enter the scenario id followed by the # Normal Working hours use scenario sign? 1030 After hours use scenario:

  • 1050 for an actual emergency
  • 1051 for a response drill (report to ERFs)
  • 1052 for a telephone test only
  • ,A/Q7'*'ff*. llHflAvl*v W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev

Procedure No.: Procedure



23 Emergency Response Organization Approval Date:

0-EPIP-20104 Notifications/Staff Augmentation 3/6/02 ATTACHMENT 2 (Page 1 of 2)

FPL EMERGENCY RECALL SYSTEM (ERS) ACTIVATION CHECKLIST WHEN THE SYSTEM STATES (cont.) YOU SHOULD ENTER (cont.) Circle One Then it will use a repeat back where you 9 - to confirm the scenario will be asked to press 9 for yes or 6 for no. 6 - to cancel

  • To listen to the current scenario Enter 3 to start the scenario unless you have message press 1, been instructed to custom build a message.
  • To re-record the message press 2, Note: This is an optional message. If you
  • To start the scenario press 3. choose to use it, you should make a single statement regarding the status of the emergency. Example: Alert based on greater than 50 gallon per minute Reactor Coolant System leak. If a significant radiological release could affect site access, a message should be recorded similar to: Enter the plant from the (north/south).

The scenario is running now

5. Activation is performed during off normal working hours, initiate the manual call-out process in accordance with this procedure.
6. To verify that the system has activated, use one of the following:

- Open the Communicator! Program. Click on Activate, select Activation Status Monitor, or

- Report received on the printer in the Control Room, TSC, EOF, or

- Report of appropriate pager activation from FPL pager.

7. IF verification is not received within 5 to 10 minutes, continue the manual call-out in accordance with this procedure.

FINAL PAGE W97:WDJ/dt/ev/ev