IR 05000134/1986001

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Exam Rept 50-134/86-01 on 860317-21.Exam Results:Two of Four Reactor Operator Candidates Passed Exams
Person / Time
Site: 05000134
Issue date: 05/09/1986
From: Dudley N, Keller R, Kister H
Shared Package
ML20206B480 List:
50-134-86-01, 50-134-86-1, NUDOCS 8606190118
Download: ML20206B495 (50)




Examination Report No. 86-01(0L) Facility Docket N Facility License N R-61 Licensee: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Examination Dates: March 17, 1986 - March 21, 1986 Chief Examiner: [[/MM 4/ I' f-76 Noel Dudley, Ch14f Examiner date

 'iQlM   chrla Reviewed by: Robert M. Keller, Chief  date Projects Section 1C Approved by: f Harfy B. KIsTer, Chief  dyte6 /

Projects Branch No. 1 Summary: Written and oral examinations were administered to four R0 candidate Two candidates passed these examinations; one passed the oral and failed one-section of the written, however, he was an acceptable candidate in the other sections and the orals; one candidate failed both the written (two sections)

and the oral $$0NDO h!" V 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY _ OL EXAM WORCESTER - 0002.1.0 l 05/07/86 l L

   . _ . .




TYPE OF EXAMS: Initial Replacement X Requalification , EXAM RESULTS: l R0 l l Pass / Fail 1 - 1 I I I I l Written Exam 1 2/2 I I I I

 .I  I  l 10ral Exam I 3/1 I I  I  I I  I  I ISimulator Examl / l I  I  I I  I  i 10verall l 2/2 i

I I I I I i CHIEF EXAMINER AT SITE: R. Clark, PNL . EXAMINATION REVIEW MEETING / EXIT MEETING: The review and exit meetings were held at the same time on March 20, 1986, and were attended by Prof. Wilbur and Mr. Newton. Mr. Clark represented , the NRC. The individuals who clearly passed the oral examination were identifie The following observations were made concerning generic weaknesses in the training program: ,

* Candidates did not understand the effect that neutron lifetime has

on reactor control.


* Candidates were unable to identify the function or purpose of some-indicating lights and switches on the control board.


* Candidates were unaware of the purpose and operation of the fan, in the thermal column duct work which is used to dissipate Argon 4 FFICIAL RECORD COPY OL EXAM WORCESTER - 0003.0.0 r     05/07/86

Comments made during the examination review (Attachment 2) were considered during grading of the examination even though not all comments resulted in changes to the answer ke ,


ANSWER N CHANGE REASON ' B.01 Change (c.) to (b.). Fuel storage rock capacity is 1-1/8 core Some


facility references ! provide incorrect valve ; i D.04 Delete "High voltage off". Source range detector voltage is not secured at full powe L D.05 Add " Safety blade cannot Additional optional ; be raised if reg blade is answer identified off IN limit". in startup checklis E.02 Add " Failed area monitor Provides additional and Ar 41 if power greater correct answer than 1 KW".

E.05 Change " campus security" Recent equipment , to "ADT security". modificatio ' i F.07 Add " close self latching Provides additional door as you exit", correct answe G.0 Change "over the pool Identifies plant surface, above the reactor" specific locations

to "from beam port and for where Ar thermal column cavitites". collect G.0 Add "due to small quantities Provide additional , involved". correct answe , , G.03 Add " Accept No if answer Reg red speed would considers time of movement not match positive of reg rod". reactivity addition rate given in proble :



. - - _  . . _ _ _ __ .. . . _ . -

n j

'4 4   ,

G 06 Change "Two" to "Three". There are three small rooms , directly above ' '


control rod drive : G.07 Accept (c), (e), or (h) Distinction between i for " Snoopy". neutron detectors : ' and/or neutron dosimeters either thermal or fast, is not made, i I


l .

i  : i  ! i  :



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i . f ^ Attachments: - l 1. Written Examination and Answer Key-

2. Facility Comments on Written Examinations made during Exam Review


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I + ATTACHMENT 2 Facility Comments On Written Examination Made During Exam Review ' The following were raised by Prof. Wilbur relative to the written exa L


A.04 The words " initially estimated" if replaced by the word " required" would make a more correct question. Granted, but candidates did not question it during the exa ! 8.01 Answer should be (b) - Granted - Reference material gave conflicting , informatio : C.03 The answer should be "No". The time used to describe the ramp ; addition is marginally short. Does not permit a clear "Yes" for an ! answe C.06 Other possible cautions that were asked for exist in the reference cited that should be accepted options for correct answers. Grante D.04 In the answer "The high voltage to counter does not go off". Answer OK as give .05 Another item should be included in the answer as an option, namely, verification made that safety blade cannot be raised if regular blade is off the IN LIMIT position. An acceptable option not included-in specific reference. Grante .06 The answer given is cited in the Tech Specs as the acceptable minimu However, the Log N Recorder scale actually covers 1 Mw and a percent of full power. Question did not ask specifically for Tech Spec valu Should consider either answer. Grante E.05 ADT security not campus police. A change in equipment. Grante G.01(a) Radioactive Argon from beam port and thermal column cavities NOT from air over poo Not given in reference material. Grante (c) A reasonable answer is," because of small quantities." Also cited by Newto Grante G.06 For answer (1) there are in actuality 3 not 2 rooms. Grante G.07 The answer to #2 Snoopy could be (c), (e), or (h) at the level of instruction given these candidates and considering use made of the instrument. Grante The following were raised by Mr. T. Newto F.07 Add as an additional option to answer-Close self locking doo Given in the response. Grante OFFICIAL RECORD COPY OL EXAM WORCESTER - 0005. /21/86

 - - , _  - -  . .

g Arrnehmeirt / '. - _ _ ;


e. y/> ~.4



")) 'n 3 /j~ ! / ",,. _
  " [Euf Facility: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Reactor Type: Test

Date Administered: March 18, 1986 Examiner: ,R. G. Clark Candidate: ANSWER KEY INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE:

Use separate paper for the answers. Write. answers on one side only. Staple question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours af ter the examination start Category % of Candidate's % of Value Total Score Cat. Value Category 1 .5 A. Principles of Reactor Operation 1 .0 8. Features of Facility Design 1 1 .0 C. General Operating

Characteristics 1 .0 D. Instruments and Controls 1 .5 E. Safety and Emergency Systems i 1 .0 F. Standard and Emergency

Operating Procedures 1 .0 G. Radiation Control and


Safety 10 TOTALS Final Grade 1 All work done on this exam is my ow I have nefther given nor received afd.

, Candidate's Signature

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Page 1 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available PRINCIPLES OF REACTOR OPERATION (14.5) 00ESTION A.01 How is a chain reaction described quantitatively, i.e., define k, the multiplication factor? (1.0) ANSWER A.01 No. of neutrons in one generation k = a ratio = No. of neutrons in preceding generation [+1.0] Reference (s) A.01 Introduction to Nucitar Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, p.10 Section A Continued on Next Page-

, e s


Page 2 WPI March 18, 1986


Points Available , , OUESTION AJ12 ' for the Reactor X is 0.55% instead of ~0.77%


Assumethatpffeacto asfortheWPI Select the proper answer and briefly exclain your choic Compared with the WPI Reactor, Reactor X would: respond faster respond the same respond slower because . (1.0) Thelowerp,ff in Reactor X is due to: 23s uranium uranium fuel fuelwith withlower enrichmentofof88U an enrichment U ogPu 23e uranium fuel with higher enrichment of U because . (1.0) AliS] DER A.02 (1) - respond faster [+0.5] because of fewer thermal neutrons or average neutron lifetimes are shorter [+0.5] 233 (2) - fuel enriched with U or Pusas [+0.5] as p for any fuel is e constant for that fuel, essentially independent of enrichment [+0.5] Reference (s) A.02 Introduction to Nuclear Energy, J. R. Lamarsh, pp. 72, 73, 104, 105, and 10 Section A Continued on Next Page-i l



Page 3 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available 00ESTION A.03 How much reactivity is necessary to take the reactor to prompt critical (theoretically) from a critical condition in the WPI Reactor? (1.0) ANSWER A.03 , 0.65% AK/K [+1.0] Reference (s) A.03 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, p. 25 OUESTION A.04 , Giya three (3) reasons why. the reactivity _added to the WPI reactor is greater than initially estimated'to achieve criticalit N~ A ,


a. C . , ., I *. ,


fcc c,6

    . . ? y, .: s
        , ,,

ANSWER A.04 I~ ' ' '

  ,. <. .

fo{v'< s.< n...a ;v .,,. _ ; y :. r S . ,

       - To overcome neutron losses due to leakage and poison . To overcome negative temperature and void coefficient . To accommodate negative reactivity of experiment . To give operating flexibilit [+1.0 each, +3.0 max]

Reference (s) A.04 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, Chapters 6 and Section A Continued on Next Page-I l

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Page 4 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION A.05 If reactor power at the WPI reactor increases steadily from 1 kW to about 10 kW in 100 seconds, what is the approximate period? Shnu calculatio (1.5) ANSWER A.05 , P = Po e t/r ' p = 10 kW Po = 1 kW t = 1CO sec [+0.5]

k .

 =eh fS=eh in 10 = t/r [+0.5]
100 7"

> In 10

' r = 43.4 sec [+0.5] Reference (s) A.05 WPI, Operator Exam Questions, Category 1.

i ,

  -Section A Continued on Next Page-

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Page 5 WPI March 18, 1986


Points tvailable


OUESTION A.06 , What reactivity (p or AK/K) is associated with the following


values of K,ff?

        ' K,ff = 1     (0.5) K,ff = 0.995     (0.5)  l

ANSWER A.06 e i [+0.5]  ! .005 [+0.5] l


Reference (s) A.06 l l Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, p. 25 f


OUESTION A.07 , Why is the pool temperature coefficient negative in the WPI , reactor? (2.0) l i ANSWER A.07


As pool water temperature increases, the water becomes less dense, ' reducing H2 per cc, resulting in less thermalization, the neutron , spectrum hardens, leakage increases reducing K . The change in p is i to make it smaller and the Ap is negativ [$2!0] l ! Reference (s) A.07 . . WPI, Examination Question, Category 1, Problein 1 [ l-Section A Continued on Next Page-

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Page 6 WPI March 18, 1986 Points i Available f OUESTION A.08

     . Given an initial count rate of 100 cps at start-up, sketch !

a typical 1/m plot for the next three (3) reactivity changes + in which the counting rate doubles each tim (1.5) Assume that the first of the three (3) reactivity changes !


made above was an addition of 0.02% AK/K. Wai the next reactivity addition MORE THAN, THE SAME AS or IFSS THAN  ! 0.02% AK/K? Briefly exolain your answe (1.5)






t t


P I-Section A Continued on Next Page-  ! i


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Page 7 WPI March 18, 1986 i Points Available ANSWER A.08

 ,,  /o ;,


[+0.75] for  pg  ,

AM s

N *'

  ,,y .    . for projection
      's N

i, s

   [+0.75] for  - A/ >

1. 5 j +fr)

 [$] LESS THAN.[+0.5] Equal to or more than could have made the reactor critical and supercritical.[+1.0]

Reference (s) A.08 WPI, Operator Exam Questions, Category . WPI, SAR, Section 6.3.2, Core Alterations, p. 3 End of Section A- ,


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Page 8 WPI ! March 18, 1986 Points Available FEATURES OF FACILITY DESIGN (15.0) OUESTION B.01 Select the best answe (1.0) The total capacity of the underwater exposed fuel storage racks will accommodate (assume a nemal core load): A

(a.) 1/2 Core    ,
  ' '
    "' '
(b.) 1-1/8 Cores
(c.) 1-1/2 Cores  /* * f. j' p-:- (c ') I (d.) 2 Cores ANSWER B.01 (c.) [+1.0]

Reference (s) B.01 . .. .. g . WPI, SAR, Section 4, Facility Description, p.17 or hidhMcal $pecifRitions, p.13, paragrapn o.6 or Appendix B, Technical Specifications, Figure 1 Section B Continued on Next Page-I


 . _

' Page 9 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available

OUESTION B.02 Briefly exolain why, when at power (10 kW), the ratio of , the fast flux to thermal flux in the reactor is greater than on (1.0) Briefly exolain why, when at power (10 kW), the ratto of


fast flux to thermal flux is reversed in the beam port (i.e., the thermal flux is greater than the fast flux). (1.0) ! ANSWER B.02 i The core is small and undermoderated, with insufficient volume of H2 O (H2 ) present to slow down the fast neutron population to thermal neutrons, resulting in the fast

 ..thermal flux being flux greater throughout is greater than one).(i.e.,[the
    +1.0] ratio of fast to i Additional moderator H2O in the space between the core and face of the beam port thermalizes neutrons prior to their reaching the beam por [+1.0]

Reference (t) B.02

! WPI, Appendix B, Reactor Facility Data, Figure . WPI, SAR, Appendix B, Figures 8 and 13.

! l l-Section B Continued on Next Page-

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! Page 10 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION B.03 Wnere are the three (3) area radiation monitors located? (1.0) Why are the area radiation monitors located in these areas? (0.5) ,

ANSWER B.03 . At the bridge [+0.34] Near the thermal column [+0.33] Near the beam port [+0.33] These areas are where potentially significant radiation fields can exist that personnel can acces [+0.5] Reference (s) B.03 , WPI, SAR, Section 4.3.9, p. 24.

i !

  -Section B Continued on Next Page-

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Page 11 WPI

March 18, 1986 , Points Available OUESTION B.04 The fissionable material in the fuel package at WPI is about 3.4 kg of fully enriched U-235. Hnx much U-238 does the fuel contain? Exoress your answer in atoms per cc of U-238 (238.05 gm-atoms). The atom density of the U-235 in atoms /cc is given by: l

  *U 6.02 x 10 atoms 93% x 1 cc x 100% cc 235 " 235.04 gm (gm-atoms of U235)


 = 455 x 10-3 x 10 atoms /cc   (1.5)




 % x 19.1 cm(U)

cc x 6.02 x 10 100% cc 238 * 238.05 gm (gn-atoms of U235) f < 3 [+0.5]

 = 34 x 10-3 x 10 24 atoms /c [+0.5) -

4 Reference (s) B.04 ! Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, p. 3 l l-Section B Continued on Next Page- ,


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Page 12 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION B.05 Assume the first safety element withdrawn has a uniform (constant) control worth throughout the active portion of the core of 6% AK/K during its withdrawal. What would be the maximum rate of withdrawal if the reactivity change over the active portion of the core were not to exceed 0.5% AK/K/ min. Shan your i calculations and assumption (1.5) ANSWER B.05 Control worth per inch = 6% AK/K

  =f%AK/K/in. [+0.5]

Let Y = max. rate of withdrawal = in./ min Then Yx II4* nK/E = rate of change [+0.5]


0.5% AK/K min 1/2% AK/K Yx 1/4%in.AK/K " min y , 1/2% AK/Kj 1/4% AK/K min i Y = 2 in./ min [+0.5] Reference (s) B.05 WPI, SAR, pp. 10 and 1 Section B Continued on Next Page-

    . .

Page 13 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION B.06 ! Ifeachoneofthethree(3)safetybladesisworth approximately 4% AK , briefly exolain why their total combinedworthis1%I[8%K,f (1.0) ANSWER B.06 The blades shadow each other; 1.e., overlap in their regions of effectiveness thus reinforcing each others effectiveness l


Reference (s) B.06 1 WPI, Reactor Operating Characteristics, Section 5 of SAR, p. 2 i l 4 l ! l

 -Section B Continued on Next Page-l

Page 14


WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available

OUESTION B.07 Hatch the following items for each definition or description given in Column A below with the reactivity given in Column B

that it represent For example write (1.5)



., a 4 b etc c


et ~



    (all in % AK/K) Total shutdown worth of 3 safety .0 blades .5 Maximum allowable excess reactivity  .

above cold clean critical .65 Maximum allowable reactivity insertion under accident conditions from experiments .0 Maximum allowable worth of moving .6 component under irradiation .163

  -Section B Continued on Next Page-
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Page 15 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available ANSWER B.07 A B a 4 (examplegiven) b 2 [+0.5] c 6 [+0.5] d 7 [+0.5] Reference (s) B.07 WPI, SAR, pp. 11, 17, 20 and 3 QUESTION f ,QR , Whan is the Source, and gire the nuclear reaction that produces the Source neutrons, at the WPI reacto (2.0) ANSWER B.QS A Pu-Be source [+1.0] I 2a +4e B

 ---> 6C 12 + on [+1.0]

Reference (s) B.08 Principles of Reactor Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, p. 4 . WPI, SAR, Section 4.4, p. 2 Section B Continued on Next Page-i






Page 16 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION B.09 Answer TRUE or FALS Ventilation intake as well as exhaust are both filtered with fiberglass filter (0.5) The exhaust duct flowrate of 3000 cu ft/ min results in at least 6 reactor room changes per hour (0.5) ANSWER B.09 TRUE [+0.5] FALSE [+0.5] (3 reactor room air changes /hr) Reference (s) B.09 1. WPI, SAR, Section 3, pp. 15 and 1 . WPI, SAR, Section 7.4, p. 4 .

 -Section B Continued on Next Page-

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l Page 17 WPI l March 18, 1986 Points Available i OUESTION B.10 Answer each item TRUE or FALSE and briefly exolain your choic If the pool drained instantaneously uncovering the core, no fuel melting or dangerous release of radioactive fission products are anticipate (1.0) Flooding the Beam Port with water would likely result in an approach to prompt critica (1.0) ANSWER B.10 TRUE [+0.5] because loss of water would shut reactor down, and rate of internal heat generator would rapidly decay to minor levels (air convection cooling sufficient to prevent loss of clad integrity etc.) [+ b. FALSE [+0.5] the amount of excess reactivit manner would be ~0.1% and effects minimal +0.5][y added in this Reference (s) B.10 1. WPI, Safeguard Evaluation-Loss of Coolant, p. 40, paragraph 7. . WPI, Safeguard Evaluation-Flooding Beam Port, p. 42, paragraph 7. End of Section B-l

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Page 18 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (14.0) OUESTION C.01 Answer TRUE or FALSE and justifv your answe A mercury thermometer is an acceptable monitor of pool temperatur (0.75) Explosives can be irradiated in or near the reacto (0.75) The maximum allowable bulk water temperagure of the reactor pool at extended 10 kW operation is 120 (0.5) l ANSWER C.01 FALSE [+0.25] To prevent Hg from possibly getting to attack Al fuel plates and other Al in the reactor structur [+0.5] TRUE [+0.5] If less than 25 mg of TNT [+0.5] FALSE [+0.5; Limit is 100UF [+0.25] Reference (s) C.01 WPI, Technical Specifications, Appendix A, pp. ~3, 4, and Section C Continued on Next Page-

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. w Page 19 WP! March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION C.02 Explain why during a core loading, the Log N channel is likely to be more representative of reactivity changes due to fuel additions than the linear detector (3.0) ANSWER C.02 Because the detector for the Log N channel " sees" more directly neutron multipitcation of Source neutrons due to added fuel being more nearly between source and detector [+1.5] whereas fuel additions between the source and the CIC linear detectors "see" scattered and reflected neutrons from each fuel additions which are more diffuse effect [+1.5] Reference (s1 C.02 WPI, Technical Specifications, Figure 1 QUESTION C.03 With the regulating rod essentially full out, assume a slow positive change in reactivity of one dollar ($1) is occurring (such as a 180 sec ramp). Exolain if the regulating rod would theoretically be adequate to control this additio (2.0) ANSWER C.03 Yes, [+0.5] a reactivity change of $1 is 0.0065 AK/K [+0.5] whereas the worth of the regulating rod is 0.007 AK/K and the speed of the rod is sufficient to overcome this addition. [+1.0] f

+ Apl p . . a, x , t .', ,,w: f;  ,_,,n,,, _. , . . . b ~

u~. > Reference s1 C.03 Rf"a *~ "'I ol /hr, e el & [. ,, w , S ?>#r e lcb bLu WPI, SAR, Section 2.3, p. 1 x], g . f g g, , ,) ,J[,j

   [ ng[  p;' h bOm ~l rr3, ,


   ,l C $ CO .M : r pm\r: , - > 'S dat e f. d a~,

I .I ]t'e 'J-Section C Continued on flext Page- -ily c e e --

     . .y 4w tu . N '
- -  _  . . , _ _ .. - -.

Page 20 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION C.04 Briefly exolain why no dashpot is required at the end of a regulating blade assembl (1.0) ANSWER C.04 The regulating blade does not scram (drop) by gravity as it is direct coupled to a motor driven mechanism. No deceleration dashpot is neede [+1.0] Reference (s) C.04 WPI, SAR, Sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4, p. 1 .

 -Section C Continued on Next Page-

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Page 21 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available ', OUESTION C.05 Answer TRUE or FALSE.

j For the small WPI reactor, p,ff is equal to (0.5) 10 The average thermal flux at the WPI is about 9 x 10 n (0.5) The fuel loading to go critical with the control blades

in place would have to be about twice the fuel (reactivity)
:  of the normal loa (0.5) Negative temperature and void coefficients add instability to normal reactor operatio (0.5)

ANSWER C.05 . FALSE [+0.5] TRUE [+0.5] ' TRUE [+0.5]

. FALSE [+0.5]

Reference (s) C.05 WPI, Typical Operator Exam Questions, p. 2 and 1 . WPI, SAR, Section 5, p. 28 and 2 ! l l-Section C Continued on Next Page- !

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Page 22 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION C.06 Every experiment must be designed and installed in such a manner that it does not significantly shadow the instrumentation , monitor Name three (3) other important cautions for experiment (3.0) ANSWER C.06 , Its failure must not interfere with insertion of the control blad . Its failure must not damage the reacto . Its failure must not release excessive airborne contaminatio [+1.0] each Reference (s) C.06 WPI, Technical Specifications, Section 2.3, p. .* * 'G i a ( e, ju .- [ - ,. ; n ,n




i a e. L-n i ' , ~ . :o .s

. A t< a r e N x. zed /

J (W) { f!, N' $)

 .vi-m-Section C Continued on Next Page-i
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Page 23 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available



Complete the following by inserting the proper terms to make a correct statemen A normal fuel loading is elements seated and arranged

, in a by arra (1.0)


ANSWER C.07 24 [+0.5] 5 by 5 [+0.5] i Reference (s) C.07 WPI, Operating Procedures, Section 1, p. End of Section C-


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Page 24 WPI March 18, 1986


Points Available INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS (15.0) OUESTION D.01 Answer TRUE or FALS During a reactor start-up, flux indications are available from the Log N Channel Chart recorder (comes on scale) prior to usable flux indications from the safety channel (0.5) The manual scram initiates a " fast" scra (0.5) Instrument and control power switches are normally left


on at all times (24 hrs + weekends). (0.5) ANSWER D.01 FALSE [+0.5] FALSE [+0.5] TRUE [+0.5] Reference (s) 0.01 WPI, SAR, Section 6.3.1, p. 33; Section 3.10,.p. 2 . WPI, Operating and Test Procedures, Section 10, p. Section D Continued on Next Page-


Page 25 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION D.02 Exolain hag a CIC operates, including its detectors, sensitives, limitations, and operating parameter (2.5) ANSWER D.02 A CIC consists of two (2) concentric chambers with essentially equal volumes. One chamber is sensitive to neutrons and gamma energy because its walls are coated with B-10 and it contains a counting gas [+0.5] and the other chamber is sensitive only to gamma as it contains counting gas only [+0.5]. Voltages applied to the chambers are such that the currents resulting from gamma energy in each chamber are opposed and subtract

[+1.0.. The remaining chamber current due to neutrons only is amplified for power and period determination. [+0.5]

Reference (sl D.02 WPI, Operator Examination Questions, Category 5, No. 3.

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 -Section'D Continued on Next Page-

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I Page 26 WPI i March 18, 1986 l Points Available OUESTION D.03 Exolain the difference between a relay (" slow") scram  ! and an electronic " fast" scra (2.0) ANSWER D.03 A slow scram alarm actuates the Scram Relay which drops power 1 to the current amplifiers to the rod holding magnets causing I the rods to be released and dropped.[+1.0] A fast scram alarm l directly cuts current to the scram magnet allowing the rods to l dro [+1.0] Reference (s) D.03 WPI, SAR, Section 4.3.12, p. 2 OUESTION D.04 Exolain the operation of the startup channel, including its detector, sensitivity, limitations and operating parameter (2.0) j

ANSWER D.04 The detector is a movable chamber operating in the proportional region, on the (n a) reaction to its counting gas BF3 [+0.5] . l Its sensitivity extends from counting source neutrons to fluxes resulting from about 1 W [+0.5]. It must be fully withdraw nches above startup position) at full power (Hi-#eltage '

 [+0.5] An audible signal and count rate are rom this channel. [+0.5]

Reference (s) 0.04 C/)F 1 WPI, SAR, Section 4.3.8, p. 2 J' # ~' f? e' 'I . ,, l v g a t,, / . l V . i l Cww,-

 -Section D Continued on Next Page-l
   . - _ _ _ _  -

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Page 27 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION D.05 During the rod permissive check, what is being verified? (Give three (3) items being verified). (3.0) ANSWER D.05 B-10 is in proper operation [+1.0] Source is in proper location [+1.0] Instruments on the console are reading source neutrons in reactor shutdown condition [+1.0] Reference (s) 0.05 WPI, Operating and Test Procedures, Section 10, p. '

 : , '

y c lu G: .N'e 'J

    ( C~ -< o Y N 'r t' <Y -
        , . e k l-z ? c [l\. .4 , , . Y, ( - .


    :. g g N,,Y< bui I
     . l !,). Os < /t nc; i l         l

~ !  !

   -Section D Continued on Next Page-
,, , _ . _ _ _ _ -  , - , . -  - __ . . , -

Page 28 WPI Maren 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION D.06 The Log N period channel covers what range? Give the answer in power terms (watts or kW) etc. and in percentage of powe (1.0) ANSWER D.06  ; 0.2 W to 15 kW [+0.5] 2 x 10-3% to 150% full power [+0.5] Reference (s) D.06 WPI, Technical Specifications, Section 4, Instrumentation, p. _ Y

    ,I :, , b'; ,h
'y,).I!. - : , <u !' ,

L,.J'I ,




L , ,

 ( rR u , !A ., 'o .' u

71 l/VY vi pw- '

       ' "


   {. - ]7 m c0!n

zr ()

  ' rw , -
    ,  s .- L"'
   -   .

J * * Pt' yj ' _ * *f' n . .' $ .) /

     ' ~* 'W^ ***'
  <   ,  s

Msm f'p w T,}

  -Section D Continued on Next Page-    i

! l l l l





Page 29 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION D.07 Sketch the Log N channel in block diagram form from the CIC through the scram relay. Shan major components and output (3.0) ANSWER D.07 ELEc7AONM N1'*? S4At' > 5 S 4 [+0. 5]

[+0. 5]  --

I [+0. 5] j.4 k l $mo')

 ; 8#WM   lEnd/  [+0. 5]
  -- - -

l J.ftytna C/l

  [+0. 5]   [+0 3] = $"*41 1  3  Sca w i
    /rh N  l / l Ass:

na -

   / . a,wzi lEMMA -l- -- . 3d44/1


    '12wy piwrx

Reference (s) D.07 WPI, Block diagram of Safety Instrumentation, Figure 21, Appendix B to Technical Specification i-End of Section D-  ; l l _ _ - _ - - - - _

     - - - ,  , _ - - , _ ,

Page 30 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS (14.5) OUESTION E.01 Describe the safety system and required res with the pool water level alarm, giving (1)ponse detector, associated (2) the set point range and (3) the action (response) require (1.5) ANSWER E.01 Level switch [+0.5] foot drop in pool water level [+0.5] Building evacuation [+0.5] Reference (si E.01 WPI, Tech Specs, Table 4.1, p. 1 I l l

l-Section E Continued on Next Page- . y.---. .- _ - , - . - - , - - - . - , . . , ,w,.,,-#.-- .- . e-yr

_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ -_


Page 31 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION E.02 Two (2) of the safety system functions may be bypassed. Identify them and the conditions for each that must be satisfied in order to bypas (2.0) ANSWER E.02 i Function Condition for Bynass 1. Neutron count rate When K,ff f 0.9 [+0.5] s set point [+0.5] 4 2. Pool water level A licensed SRO is present s set point [+0.5] in the facility [+0.5] Reference (si E.02 WPI, Technical Specifications, Section 4, Table 4.1, p.1 i


J l t


f -

  -Section E Continued on Next Page-

_ . - - _ __ _ . . . ~__ . , _ _ _ _ _ - _ .


Page 32 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION E.03 Complete the following table for the selected safety and alarm system given these four (4) conditions. As an example, the table is completed for condition (3.0) Condition Set Point Action 1. Reactor power 150% Electronic 2 set point (power full nower scram + alarm level safety channel) 2. Reactor period i set point 3. Neutron count rate s set point 4. Area radiation monitor, pool area

  -Section E Continued on Next Page-L , _ _-_ ._  _ _ _ , _ _ . _ - -

__ .




Page 33 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available ANSWER E.03 Condition Set Point Action 1. Reactor power 150% Electronic (example 2 set point (power full power scram + alarm given) level safety channel) Reactor period 2 +5 see Relay scram [+1.0] s set point and alarm Neutron count rate 50 cps Safety blade [+1.0] f set point withdrawal inhibit Area radiation monitor, 50 mr/hr Building [+1.0]


pool area evacuation Reference (si E.03 WPI, Technical Specifications, Section 4.5.4, p.1 .

 -Section E Continued on Next Page-
  .. - .





Page 34 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION E.04 Select the proper answer. The poison section of the safety blades are composed of (1.0)

 (a.) stainless steel plates (b.) boron carbide and stainless steel plates (c.) boron carbide and nickel plates (d.) boron carbide and aluminum plates ANSWER E.04 (d.) [+1.0]

Reference (s) E.04 WPI, SAR, Section 4.1.1, p. 1 l l-Section E Continued on Next Page-

     , _ _ _ _
. _ - - . _ _ ._ . _ . _ - .__
      .- ___

Page 35 WPI , March 18, 1986 ) Points i Available l OUESTION E.05 Eill in the blanks with the correct word A high level alarm for an area radiation monitor is located in the Control Room and in . (1.0) Portable area monitors capable of detecting gama radiation may temporarily replace fixed area monitors provided that

  .    (1.0)

ANSWER E.05 the campus security office (external to Washburn Laboratory)

 [+1.0] the required alarms are operational [+1.0]

Reference (sl E.05 WPI, SAR, Section 4.3.9, p. 2 . WPI, Technical Specifications, Section 3.3, p. fg) km m - .

  -,n j]'f/.o  1. s , . .
    . ....
 .s g .3 . - , 7 - ch


  -Section E Continued on Next r' age-t l       <

l j

     . -_ _ __ __ ____-

Page 36 WPI March 18, 1986


Points 1 Ayailable OUESTION E.06 Safety-blade (control-blade) drive motors are interlocked against withdrawal of blades when the reactor is in the scram condition plus four (4) other conditions. Ifame three (3) of the (3.0)


ANSWER E.06 Durin a 7 second delay subsequent to reactor startu [+ . With the log CRM count below 50 cps. [+1.0] If re ulating blade is withdrawn from its lowest positio [+ . If the flux rises above a preset level before the safety blades are completely withdraw [+1.0] Any three (3) [+1.0] each Reference (s) E.06 WPI, SAR, Section 4.3.10, pp. 24 and 25.


  -Section E Continued on Next Page-
    ,- , . - - - . _   -,n.---.
. -  .

Page 37 WPI

!       March 18, 1986 Points Available

OUESTION E.07 , t State two (2) ways the reactor staff may manually set-off the  : , emergency evacuation alar (2.0) i



         , Switching off a fail safe radiation station at the console    j
 [+1.0] .        i Tripping bridge [a low water alarm device adjacent to the reactor
  +1.0]       l Reference (s) E.07        l
- WPI, SAR, Section 6.5.4, p. 3 l
   -End of Section E-i i









.,  ; l

 , -..% -- -, , - , - --w-- ._ry - , ,,,, , - - , . - , , n 3.--7 . ,ww-y-~ p,.. 3



Page 38 WPI March 18, 1986 l Points l Available STANDARD AND EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES (14.0) i OUESTION F:01 Exolain the purpose of each of the following steps in the i


regeneration of the dimeneralize Backwash . - -.

    - Caustic soda treatment (NaOH )     (0.5) Acid solution treatment (H 2 SO 4 ) j'   (0.5)

ANSWER F.01 Removes sediment which has collected in the resin bed [+0.4] and to separate cations and anions [+0.1] Regenerate the anions [+0.5] Regenerate cations [+0.5] Reference (s) F.01 WPI, Operating and Test Procedures, Demineralizer Regeneration, p. 31.



it i. ' i . f. C 4f s- . w M~ ar re - u .. i a , L- a j u

      /j n ,_. ,, ; , ,,, [3 ,
 / /. h- . I p .c ' . ?  u & Lv rut, G)-   .

dc, _.Auu,_ ., f,t k f d '* )*- [ ~ ~M u ' / s - et J

  /9 C p c_s _ t .w .
     .J s v . . . .
  ,p . riv '

t:<- LY J t-Section F Continued on Next Page-  !

.. ._ .  ,._ . - - - . _ - - - _ _ _ . _

Page 39 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available 00ESTION F.02 The three (3) basic premises of all proposed operating standards j (procedures) are . Gign any two (2). (2.0) ANSWER F.02 Safety of the reacto . Safety of operating personne . Safety of the immediate surroundings.

I [+1.0] each [+2.0] max


Reference (s) F.02 WPI, SAR, Section 6.3, p. 3 . l-Section F Continued on Next Page- .

. , - . - - . . , . , ,, .-- . - . . - - , y. -. -
     ,y-,- ,. .. -. _ , - , - - ,
 . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _   ._  ____





Page 40 WPI ^ March 18, 1986  ! i Points .! Available . l OUESTION F.03 i l Relative to fuel loading and core alteration, select the term that correctly completes the procedur . During the actual loading of fuel into the core, the rods shall not be withdrawn more than  % (50, 60, 80). (0.5) 1, If it becomes necessary to remove one (1) control rod for inspection,  % (60, 80, 100) of the fuel must be first remove (0.5) I To provide the required fast safety scram during core alterations, (1, 2, 3) control blades must be cocked approximately inches (5, 10, 15). (1.0) ! , ANSWER F.03 [+0.5] [+0.5] [+0.5],15 [+0.5] Reference (s) F.03 WPI, SAR, Section 6.3.2, p. 3 : ! i i

i J

! )


   -Section F Continued on Next Page-

_ . . - . . . . . _ , _ . .

   . - _ , , - _
    . _ _ . . , . , _ . _ - . . , _ . _ , . - . _ . _ . . , _ _ _ . - _ . . . . . _ , . . - , - . - , , . - . . , _





Page 41 WPI March 18, 1986


Points ; Available

OUESTION F.04 In case of sudden illness that appears serious, with victim ,


collapsed and unconscious, heart attack suspected; what must the nearest staff member's responses be? List two (2). (2.0) ANSWER F.04 Call for Worchester Police Department Ambulance Render CPR, first aid treatment, i.e., treat the victim Notify Campus Police as soon as possible Any two (2) [+1.0] each Reference (s) F.04 WPI, Emergency Plan, Personal Injury or Sudden Illness, p. 38 ESTION F.05 Relative to reactor check-out, the purpose of the start-up check , list is to verify that . E11e two (2) reason (2.0) l l ANSWER F.05 the reactor is in minimal safe operating condition prior to approach to criticality [+1.0] proper security precautions have been taken relative to all restricted areas [+1.0] Reference (s) F.05 WPI, Operational Procedures, Checkout and Operation, l-Section F Continued on Next Page-

 - _ . _

_ -- . - -. --


Page 42 WPI l March 18, 1986


Points Available


OUESTION F.06-During start-up procedures, the operator, turns the MASTER Switc to the Operate position and accidentally'screms-the reacto Gire three (3) steps the operator must follow to get an indication of magnet curren . (1.5) ANSWER F.06 , Wait 8 seconds [+0.5] Acknowledge the horn with red button [+0.5]' # Press the Reset button again [+0.5] Reference (s) F.06 ' WPI, Reactor Checkout Procedurei No. Master Switch to On, p. 3.



A-Section F Continued on Next Page-

  . , . , , ,. . - - - , , - .- - - , - ,



. i


l Page 43 WPI < March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION F.07 In a general evacuation procedure, the reactor operator (or Facility Director) must complete several actions, &tne four(4). (3.0) ANSWER F.07 Open Master power switch to reacto . Turn room ventilation to ON in case of a spil . Turn room ventilation to 0FF in case of fir . Evacuate the building immediatel . Evacuate other persons seen as they themselves evacuat Any four (4) [+0.75] each Reference (si F.07 WPI, SAR, Reactor Emergency, Section 5.5.4, p. 38 . WPI, Nuclear Reactor Evacuation Procedures, p. End of Section F-

'.  -
   - 2 (pt. 's s'p r 'N . ' .- Ok *' (. A 1'i- r t* C l b

f,, C,.,.. ,. i~. 2,< n n-Y

 . ,
  +<.r =- '


{}g p, [+ r

V _ _ _ _ _

    . _ _ _ _




Page 44 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available RADIATION CONTROL SAFETY (13.0) 00ESTION G.01 A radioactive isotope is routinely generated and discharged in the ventilation effluent during normal operation of the WPI reacto (2.0) Where does this radioactivity come from? Eire the nuclear reaction that results in its formatio Eire the primary reason why this radioactive isotope is easily manage ANSWER G.01 ~ - ___

   . . _

y Non-radioactive argon in ai er the pool surface, above d [+0.7]

   ' I A40 + on ---> A41 + 7 [+0.7] Because of its short half-life (1,83 hrs) [+0.6]

Reference (s) G.01 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, J. R. Lamarsh, pp. 471 and 47 c fo~lvm,- lAd u. ) [ll,,,, {,le_,,;,, C w M 1- f M 7 w ~ .-... -c , , . %,,/) c, /w, , a~ a.~ f IS on

  ~ -

p CC % _ )L~d.-L>~<wuw/-~,,.w,// 4,n b/ .

      . ;

I -Section G Continued on Next Page-


Page 45 WPI March 18, 1986 Points l Available j i


l OUESTION G.02 A point gamma source gives a dose rate of 150 mr/hr at 10 ft,  ! with a known average energy of 1.25 MeV. Box strong ,


is this source in curies? (2.0) l




Di (in R/hr at 1 ft) = 6 Ci * E where Ci is in curies, E is the ! gamma energy (Ave)' of the source ! in Me l t D j

Ci =6Eg * 6 (1.25) * { i


D D 1E  !

  (D10 = dose rate mR/hr at 10 ft) [+1.0]
 (10)2 = -(1)g    ,

1 f D1=DIO x =150gR*100

  = 15 R/hr Ci=ffg=2 curies [+1.0]



i Reference (s) G.02 WPI, Radiation Regulations Survey Instrument Calibration, p. 1 .




i-Section G Continued on Next Page-


t v w ,


Page 46 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION G.03 Eire the normal maximum permissible whole body dose for WPI personnel for a calendar quarte (0.5) Eiye the once in a lifetime dose and the condition for receiving this dos (1.0) ANSWER G.03 .25 rem [+0.5] rem [+0.5] if a life threatening situation is present


Reference (s) G.03

      ' WPI, RHSC Radiation Regulation . WPI, SAR, Section 380, p. 38d.

l l-Section G Continued on Next Page-i

. - - . . --- , __ _ .-_ . _ . . , . . _ . , _ .. ,  _ _. _ _ ,
      - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





Page 47 WPI Harch 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION G.04 Is the " rule of thumb" of 2 mrem /hr for a 40-hour work week as given in the WPI Radiation Regulations consistent with the

" rule of thumb" given by the Laboratory Safety Rules, the total gamma irradiation of any part of the body should not exceed 100 mrem / week. Justify your answe (1.0)

ANSWER G.04 . Two mrem /hr for 40 hr week = 80 mrem / week which approximates 100 mrem / week. Thus the two guides are about the same. [+1.0] Reference (s) G.04 WPI, Safety Rules for Operation, paragraph 7, page 17,

~ WPI, Radiation Regulations, Max Permissible Radiation Dose, p. Section G Continued on Next Page-

_ -. . .

   . _-
     - -. _ _ _ _

Page 48 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available OUESTION G.05 Relative to RESTRICTED AREAS, giye the proper classification for each of the followin An area where level of radiation is such that an individual (1.0) spending two (2) hours in the area receives 50 mre spending ten (10) minutes receives 20 mre spending five (5) consecutive 4-hour days in the same area receives 10 mrem /hr each da ANSWER G.05 Radiation Area [+0.34] High Radiation Area [+0.33] Radiation Area [+0.33] Reference (sl G.05 WPI, Radiation Regulations, p. 2.

  -Section G Continued on Next Page-l
  . . _ . . _ . , . .

Page 49 WPI March 18, 1986 , Points , ' Available




Where are the RESTRICTED AREAS at the WPI reactor when the reactor is operating at levels above one (1) kilowatt and what  ! are the normal precautions associated with these area (1.5)


ANSWER G.06 , i reactor room [+0.5] and the two small rooms directly above control rod drives on 2nd and.3rd floor of Washburn , Hall [+0.5] i Posting with normally locked doors [+0.5] { Reference (s) G.06

      ; WPI, SAR, Site and Design Features, Section 4,   '

paragraph 4.2, p. '


lI j.: , *


a: 3 ,; , , f l' , , . ..- I


t [c I i



  -Section G Continued on Next Page-

I l

 . - - - , .- . .
      . . _ .

_ , - _ ____ -____ _ _________ .


Page 50 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available

OUESTION G.07 Match the type of radiation monitoring as listed in column B below to the most appropriate radiation monitor given in column A below. As an example, for (1), a GM monitor (d) is correc (2.0) A B Radiation Sensitive Monitor . Type of Radiation Monitor (1) G-M counter (a) alpha monitor (2) Snoopy (b) beta-gamma-neutron dosimeter (integrated)

(3) Film badge   (c) thermal neutron dose ratemeter (4) Pocket dosimeter (d) gamma (beta) count rate (5) B-10 counter   monitor (e) fast neutron dose ratemeter (f) garuna dosimeter (integrated)
    (g) gamma-beta ton chamber dose ratemeter (h) neutron detector

! l l

  -Section G Continued on Next Page-     f

' l

-. _ - _ - _ _ _ - - - _ -  _ _ _ - . _ - . .  . . - .. .
.      - - .      .

i .


Page 51 WPI March 18, 1986 '

Points Available ANSWER G.07 A B (1) (d) (examplegiven)

 (2) (c) [+0.5] o--4() w b i
 (3) (b) [+0.5]
 (4) (f) [+0.5]
 (5) (h) [+0.5]

ReferenceIs) G.07 WPI, Radiation Regulations, Safety Rules for Operation in Reactor Laboratory, p. 17 to 21.




  ,, w   , l ,
      '     ~
; ._ n c a . .


  .        ,
 ,f.- , ,
   (-',,.,   A4 c - w -s . Lt j) $ ),  Db ]   / dCweLq  ~.; [ ] y g
  +-  J   t/ c;.i it
 , . *.,,.,  l i-, n 6. . ~1 ' t ," nr ,,.i  .el s.,,

b % + l y) fm WY % / (

   -Section G Continued on Next Page-


-.-- .,-.   ,_ _ , _ _ _ . , . _ . _ , - . _ . , . . _ . _ - - - - - - -



Page 52 WPI March 18, 1986 Points Available 00ESTION G.08 Eill in the blank spaces with the proper words (terms) to correctly complete the following: The maximum radiation intensity at any accessible place on the outside of a shielded storage space provided for radiation sources shall not exceed . (0.5) What are two (2) of the three (3) factors that can be used to minimize radiation dose to personnel? (1.0)


! Skin contamination should not exceed backgroun (0.5) ANSWER G.08 mrem /hr [+0.5] time or distance or shielding (any two of three for [+0.5] each twice [+0.5] Reference (si G.08 WPI, Radiation Regulations, pp. 4 and End of Section G-

  -End of Exam-
.o i* -
- ,
...._____.._____________...__.____.... ____....____.... ____. ____________


...__..__________ ._______________... _______.....________________________

P = Po et /T T= i ak/k i = 1* + (B-ak/k)/A _____...__________.....________.._______ .________________________________ delta K = (Keff-1)Keff CRi (1.K,ffi) = CR2(1-Keff2) CR = S/(1-Keff) l M = (1-K,ffi) SDM = (1-Keff) x 100%

 (1-Keff2)    Keff

decay constant = in (2) = 0.693 A 1 = Ag e @ ecay c e a W Q t 1/2 t1/2 l ____..._____________ ..________________________..._______ ________________ Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions 1 Curie = 3.7 x 10 10


1 gallon = 8.345 lbs dps i i gallon = 3.78 liters 1 kg = 2.21 lbs 1 ft3 = 7.48 gallons I hp = 2.54 x 103 Btu /hr Density =62.4lbg/ft

1 MW = 3.41 x 106 Btu /hr Density = 1 gm/cm i Btu = 778 ft-lbf Heat of Vaporization = 970 Btu /lbm Degrees F = (1.8 x Degrees C) + 32 Heat of Fusion = 144 Btu /lbm I inch = 2.54 centir.eters 1 Atm = 14.7 psia = 29.9 in Hg g = 32.174 ft-lbm/lbf-sec 2 ____________ ..________.... .._________________________________ ..________ Dose in R/HR at 1 ft = 6 CE when ' C = No of curies E = Energy of Gamma Source in MEV _________....__________________________...._________....__.. _____________

8 9 h



o i ' ATTACHMENT 2 Facility Comments On Written Examination Made During Exam Review The following were raised by Prof. Wilbur relative to the written exa A.04 The words " initially estimated" if replaced by the word " required" would make a more correct question. Granted, but candidates did not question it during the exa B.01 Answer should be (b) - Granted - Reference material gave conflicting informatio C.03 The answer should be "No". The time used to describe the ramp addition is marginally shor Does not permit a clear "Yes" for an answe C.06 Other possible cautions that were asked for exist in the reference cited that should be accepted options for correct answers. Grante D.04 In the answer "The high voltage to counter does not go off". Answer OK as give D.05 Another item should be included in the answer as an option, namely, verification made that safety blade cannot be raised if regular blade is off the IN LIMIT position. An acceptable option not included in specific referenc Grante D.06 The answer given is cited in the Tech Specs as the acceptable minimu However, the Log N Recorder scale actually covers 1 Mw and a percent of full power. Question did not ask specifically for Tech Spec valu Should consider either answe Grante E.05 ADT security not campus police. A change in equipment. Grante G.01(a) Radioactive Argon from beam port and thermal column cavities NOT from air over poo Not given in reference material. Grante (c) A reasonable answer is," because of small quantities." Also cited by Newton. Grante G.06 For answer (1) there are in actuality 3 not 2 rooms. Grante G.07 The answer to #2 Snoopy could be (c), (e), or (h) at the level of instruction given these candidates and considering use made of the instrument. Grante l The following were raised by Mr. T. Newto F.07 Add as an additional option to answer-Close self locking doo Given in the respons Granted. }}