IR 05000131/1989001
ML19332C365 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05000131 |
Issue date: | 11/09/1989 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19332C363 | List: |
References | |
50-131-89-01, 50-131-89-1, NUDOCS 8911280026 | |
Download: ML19332C365 (7) | |
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.NRC Inspection-Report: 50-131/89-01 Operating License: R-57;
Docket: 50-131
Licensee:. Omaha Veterans Administration
- Medical Center (OVAMC)
a 4101 Woclworth Avenue'
0maha, Nebraska (68105
. Facility Name: '0VAMC TRIGA Researd Reactor t
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Inspection At:. OVAMC Site',' Omaha, Nebraska n.
. Inspection' Conducted: October 16-18, 1989
. Wilbor. Radiation Specialist, Facilities Dates
Radiolo cal Protection Section
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JApprov d:
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' B. Murraf, Ch1'ef, Fady1 ties. Radiological Ddte/
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Protection Section /
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Inspect' ion Summar'y
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i Areas inspected:- Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's program L'
e ; including: -reactor, operations,= radiological controls, emergency plans, i
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.' security / safeguards, audits / reviews, and procedures.
Results: The inspector. determined that the licensee's overall performance had
j,(w been adeouate. No significant problems were identified in the areas inspected.
The reactor program is,a small program with the reactor supervisor responsible
for most'activitiet associated with cperatiag the-facility. The hospital
- director provides the necessary oversight and support to ensure that reactor activities are performed in a proper manner.
No significant program or e
H nfacility changes have occurred since the previous inspection.
N Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations'were identified.
8911280026 891117 PDR ADOCK 05000131
. 9, ~,
Persons Contacted GVAMC
- R.
L Turcotte, Hospital Director
- A. J. Bletcky, Reactor Supervisor, Senior Reactor Operator J. P. Claassen, Senior Reactor Operator Trainee The NRC inspector also interviewed several other licensee employees including operations, security, and administrat1ve personnel.
- Denotes those present during the exit interview on October Jd, 1989.
Followup on Previously Identified Inspection Findings (92701)
(Closed) Violation (131/8701-01):
Failure to Conduct 0perator Requalification program This violation was identified in NRC Inspection Report 50-131/87-01 and involved the failure to conduct an operator requalification p ogram which, as a min: mum, meets the requirements of
Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 55.
The licensee had completed the operator lecture series and placed a record in the training requalification file.
The manipulation of reactor controls had been completed and documented.
On-the-job training had been completed to demonstrate understanding and operation of all apparatus and knowledge of operating procedures.
-Facility design, procedures, and facility ch5nges had been reviewed as they occurred.
Abnormal and emergency procedures had been reviewed on a quarterly basis and documented.
The monthly checklist for documenting observation and evaluation of the performance of the senior reactor operator was documented monthly. A written requalification examinatici had been prepared.
(Closed) Violation (131/8701-02):
Failure to Measure tne pH of the Primary Coolant Water at the Required Frequency - This violation was identified in NRC Inspection Report 50-131/87-01 and involved the failure to measure the pH of the primary coolant water at least once every 2 weeks as required by Section 4.4 of the Technical Specifications (TS).
The licensee had revised the standard operating procedure to reflect that the pH will be measured weekly and an entry will be made in the reactor log.
The inspector noted weekly entries of pH measurements in the reactor log.
Oraanization The inspector reviewed the licensee's organization to determine agreement with TS 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4.
The facility organization was reviewed and verified to be consistent with the TS. The minimum staffing requirements were verified to be present during reactor operation, fuel handling, and refueling operations.
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Ouring this inspection period, the licensee had terminated one senior
reactor operator (SRO), and added n. SRO trainee to the staff who is acquiring the' experience and training necessary to become a SRO.
The licensee had scheduled this individual for the NRC license examination during December 1989.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Reactor Operations a.
Facility Status The inspector reviewed the facility including design changes to
determine compliance with TS 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, and 5.7.
An active program continues to-exist concerning operation of the reactor. The reactor is mainly used to support research work performed by other departments at the hospital and the University of Nebraska.
Additionally, the reactor is used for training Fort Calhoun power
reactor operators. The reactor functions as a neutron source for neutron activation analysis of biological samples and for hot atom chemistry research. When in use, the reactor operates at a steady-state power level of 17.5 kW..The reactor operated 1003 hours0.0116 days <br />0.279 hours <br />0.00166 weeks <br />3.816415e-4 months <br /> in 1987, 1262 hours0.0146 days <br />0.351 hours <br />0.00209 weeks <br />4.80191e-4 months <br /> in 1988, and 656 hours0.00759 days <br />0.182 hours <br />0.00108 weeks <br />2.49608e-4 months <br /> in 1989 for the period ending October 16, 1989.
No violations or deviations were identified.
.0peration Logs and Records The inspector reviewed the operation logs and records and verified
that they contained the required entries, including significant l
problems and maintenance activities that may affect reactor safety,
which indicated the' facility was being properly maintained in accordance with the TS and the administrative procedures that govern the activities. The inspecter also verified that records were available for inspection.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Surveillances The inspector reviewed the surveillance results to determine agreement with License Condition 2.0 and TS 2.1, 3.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.8, 4.0,
4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.4.
The inspector discussed the surveillance program with responsible personne' and reviewed surveillance test l
records and test schedules, and determined that surveillances had been completed within the required time schedule. The inspector
noted that procedures were avtilable to support the surveillances and that test records were completed and available.
No violations or deviations were identifie w,
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Experiments The inspector reviewed the experiment program to determine compliance with TS-3.6, 3.7, 4.2.5, and 6.8.
The inspector reviewed experiment
records and determined that proposed experiments were properly reviewed, prepared, conducted, and documented. The licensee's administrative controls with respect to experiments, experimental
procedures, and apparatus were sufficient to ensure compliance with TS experiment limitations. The inspector found that no new
experiments were proposed / performed since the previous inspection.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Fuel Handling P
- The inspector reviewed fuel handling activities to determine agreement'with TS 4.3.
The inspector reviewed the licensee's facility fuel handitag program and noted that the only fuel handling during the period of this inspection was for quarterly fuel elsment inspections (four elements each quarter).
The inspector determined that those fuel handling activities were performed in accordance with the licensee's approved procedures and the TS.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Requalification Training
The inspector reviewed the licensee's operator requalification
activities to determine agreement with the NRC-approved program dated May 10, 1979. Tne inspector reviewed training records of the current SR0 and the SRO who terminated employment with the licensee about October 1988, and determined that the licensee's reactor operator requalification training program was being conducted in accordance with the approved reactor operator requalification program.
The inspector interviewed the SRO trainee and noted the trainee was-scheduled for the NRC SR0 examination in December 1989.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Radiological Controls The inspector reviewed the licensee's program to determine agreement with License Conditions 1.I, and 2.B.3; 10 CFR Parts 19 and 20; and TS 3.4, 3.5, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 5.4, and 5.6.
The inspectcr reviewed records, interviewed personnel, made observations, and conducted independent surveys and determined that radiclogical controls were being conducted in accordanca with NRC requirements.
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-5-The areas inspected included:
(1) Records of exposure; (2) Posting and labeling nf stricted areas and radioactive materials;
'(3) Control of irradiated s
' is;-
(4) Calibration of radiatior cection instruments;
(5) Radiation and contamination surveys;
(6) Records of gaseous effluents; and (7) Radiation protection training.
No violations or deeiatiors were
'on ified.
Radwaste Management The inspector reviewed radwaste activities to determine compliance with 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, and 10 CFR 20.301 and 20.303. The inspector reviewed the licensee's records for solid vaste and liquid and. airborne effluents to verify compliance with the TS for releases to the environs beyond the control of-the licensee. The inspector determined that there had been no solid waste or liquid effluents released to the environs beyond the control of the licensee. The inspector noted that the airborn?
effluents from the reactor consisted primarily of. Argon-41.
In accordance with the TS annual reporting requirements, the licensee reported the Argon-41 equivalent releases for periods ~ January 1-.throuah December 31, 1987, and January 1 through. December 31, 1988, as less than 0.1 curies each.
The inspector also noted that radioactive wastes can be collected and disposed of under the OVAMC byp sduct material license, if necessary.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Transportation i
The inspector reviewed radioactive materials transportz. tion activities to determine compliarce with 10 CFR 71. There had been no shipments during-the period covered by this inspection.
No violations or deviations were identified.
_ Emergency planning The inspector reviewed the licensee's emergency prop % m to determine compliance with the emergency plan dated October 3,1984.
The inspector reviewed the licensee's emergency plan and discussed the equirements in the plan with licensee personnel.
The inspector determined that the requi-'ements such as procedures, training, biennial area alert exercises (conducted during the period of this inspection on May 31,1988),
emergency equipment, and testing of aiarms, had been conducted.
Changes to the emergency plan had been reviewed by the Reactor Safeguards Committee'(RSC) who determined that the changes did not constitute an unresolved safety question or decrease the effectiveness of the plan.
No violations or deviations were identifie m
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Physical Security / Safeguards a.
Security The inspector reviewed. the licensee's physical security program
to determine compliance with the physical security plan (PSP) dated i
May 10, 1979. The inspector reviewed the implementation of the licensee's PSP through discussions with appropriate facility H
personnel, visual examination, and review of records. Tne inspector noted that the PSP had been well inplemented, responsibilities and-M response requirements were defined clearly and understood,-and appropriate test procedures were being used. The inspector also noted that several changes had been made to the PSP, These changes had been reviewed by the RSC who determined that the changes did not constitute an unreviewed safety question or decrease the effectiveness of the plan.
'No violations or deviations were identified.
The inspector reviewed safaguards activities to determine agreement with License Conditions 2.B.2 and 2.C.3; 10 CFR 73 and'10 CFR 70 reouirements.
The inspector reviewed the licensee's accountability records, material' status reports, and procedures to control and account for the special nuclear material and cetermined that the licensee had-implemented an adequate program to ensure that physical and administrative control of special nuclear mateiial is maintained.
The inspector discussed safeguards events with licensee personnel and noted that the licensee had neither experienced a case in which he I
had to conduct a trace investigation for lost o-unaccounted for j
shipments, nor an incident where an attempt had been t,ade, or believe i
to have been made, to commit a theft or unlawful diversion of special-nuclear material.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Committees, Audits, and Reviews:
The inspector reviewed the licensee program to determine compliance with TS 6.5.1, 6.5.2, 6.5.3, and 8.6.
The inspector reviewed records for the licensee's review and audit program and verified that reviews of facility changes, operating and maintenance procedures, design changes, and unreviewed experiments had been conducted by the RSC as required by the TS.
Annual audits were conducted in June of 1987, 1988, and 1989 by a RCS member who was not a part of the reactor staff.
The results of these audits were documented by letters to the RS._
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-7 The RSC met on a quarterly basis during the period of this inspection (April 18, 1987,- through October 18,1989) as required by the TS.
RCb meeting concluded with an inspection of the logs and a facility tour.
No violations or deviations were identified.
procedures The inspector reviewed procedu'es to determine compliance with TS 6.6.7.
The inspector reviewed the licensee's procedures and determined that the procedures had been issued, reviewed, changed or updated, and approved in accordance with TS requirements. The procedure content appeared adequate to accomplish the intended purpose in relation to safely operating and F
maintaining the facility.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Reports, Notification, and Records-The inspector reviewed reports, notifications, and records to determine agreement with TS 6.5.4, 6.9,, 6.9.2, and 6.10.
The inspector noted that the licensee had prepared and distributed reports, notifications, and records in accordance with the TS' requirements.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee's representatives denoted in paragraph I at the conclusion of the inspection on October 18, 1989, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection as presented in this report.- The licensee did not ider,tify as proprietary any of the materials provided to, or reviewed by, the inspector during the inspection.