IA-88-409, Summary of 880712 Meeting W/State of SD to Discuss Proposal to Dispose Approx 270,000 Tons of Sewage Ash at TVA Edgemont U Mill Site

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Summary of 880712 Meeting W/State of SD to Discuss Proposal to Dispose Approx 270,000 Tons of Sewage Ash at TVA Edgemont U Mill Site
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/12/1988
From: Fliegel M
To: Lohaus P
Shared Package
ML20153C000 List:
FOIA-88-409 NUDOCS 8810130400
Download: ML20155F842 (5)


b 4

MEMOPANDUM FC6: Paul Lohaus, Chief Operations Branch Division of Irw-level Waste Manageront and Deccanissioning FRCt!: Myron Flievel, Imder Uranium Recovery Section Operations Branch, IDti


StttiARf N7TES OF MEETING WIDI JGDi J. SMIDI Date/ Time: July 12, 1988 - 4:00 P.M.

Ixcation: NBC, White Flint North, Rockville, MD Robert Fonner, OGC, Cardelia 11aupin, GPA, and I met with John J. Smith, Secretary of the Scuth Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources.

Be meeting was held at Mr. Smith's request to discuss South Dakote's proposal to dispose of approximately 270,000 tens of sewage ash at TVA's Edgencnt uranium mill site. Mr. Smith had writt.cn to mainnan Zeck on June 14, that NBC =' ' ~' 2 L:. d! p= 1. my e o v e +4e peeyors/,

Mr. Smith discussed scoe of the teets perfonned to date on the material. He said that teet resulta indicate that the material is clean and suitable for disposal at the TVA Edgement site. He said that he understoed that NBC must receive a muent free cur licensee, TVA, before we cculd consider such a proposal, he signed meeting agreement is attached for your information.

Myrrn Fliegel, Leader Uranium Recovery Section Operations Branch, LLWM i


! 8810130400 080907 1 PDR FOIA PAY 88-409 PDR

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ITDi 0F ItfrEREST m.t4rw with hith hhnta wretarv ef Watar and St+nral 9-im Ch July 12, 1988. M. Fliegel, itES, R. Fonner, COC, and C. Maupin, GPA me with John J. Smith, Secretary of the Scuth Dakota Department of Water and Natural Beecuroes. Mr. Smith din'rM Scuth Dakota's pmposal to dispose of approximately 270,000 tens of sewage ash at WA's Edgemont site, an NBC licensed mill in the pmcess of being doccenissioned. Mr. Smith had written tc Chairman Ze:k en June 14, requesting that NBC allow this disposal. NBC staff told Mr. Smith that a reopense to his letter was being finalized and that it wcold state that in on$er for NRC to consider such a pmpceal, the request must ocee inn our licensee, WA.

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  • U.S. NUCLF A3 CEOULA703Y COMMIL810N "CE 1 - 08 2 i _1 SAlel l MATERIA!.S LICENSE Amen n No. 09 f 4

I Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy ReorganizatNn Act of 1974 (Pubhc Law 93 -438), and Title 10, !

Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,30,3),34,35,40 and 70, and in rehance on statements and representations y heretofore made by the bcensee, a heense is hereby issued authoridag the hcen:ee to recene, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct. 1 I source, and special nuclear material deugnated below; to use such material for the puiposeQ) and at the place (s)deugnated below;to !

1 1 dehver or transfer such material to persons authorned to reeene it m accorfance with the regulations of the appheable Part(s). This l l

l heense shall be deemed to cont 4n the enditwns specified m Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is '

l subject to all applicule rules, regvlationi and orders ef the Nuclear Reguhtory Commisuon now or hereafter in effect and to any p conditions specified below

., l beens"

-1 l In accordance with letter dated June 1, 1988  ;

[ l

)3- Northern States Power Cornpany 3. Upnse number 22-08L99 02 hmeM

) Nuclear Support Services Departrnent a g[gg h l 1

C/ I J 2. 414 Nicollet Mall --"


!y Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 4. Espiration date Februa ry 28, 1990 I

5. Docket or j Reference No. 030-05004
6. Byprc4uct, source, and/or
7. Chemical and/or phyucal


8. Masimum amount that bcensee ~ 'I special nwlear matenal form may possess at any one tyne .I


under tha heense j A. Any byproduct material A. Meterials and corrosion A. Not to exceed 1 products activated by 17,000 curies I Pathfinder nuclear total reactor oper"ation 'l g


q 9. Authorized use: I q l H

A. Possession 6nd storage at site of previously operated Pathfinder Atomic Power Flant. l a y



CONDIT10N5 I l i


10. Licensed :naterial shall be possessed and stored only at Pathfinder Generating Plant.

Route 2, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, l )

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I 11. Licensed material shall be possessed and stored under the supervision of M. P. I l I Hernandez, Plant Superintendent. I I l I l I 'I I l 1 h l I 4 I 'I I I 'I I l I


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2?-08799-02 l l

MATERIA 13 LICENSE g, ,g,,,,,,,, ,


Amendment No. 09 lI l

I h l l l 1. 4

! 12. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall t j q conduct its prograin in accordance with the stat?ments, representations, and h I procedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. -

I The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the  ;

statewnts, representations, and procedures in the licensee's application and '

l correspondence are more restrictive than the regulations.

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IlI i i A. Letter dated April 17, 1984 h I B. Letter dated June 1, 1988 'l 1 i

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g 22\16 Ortcinal sl0Md W lIL pcn f WHITTS I h(

i Date By ,

g, Nuclear Paterials Licen.ing Section [

j q Region IV i

! 4 Arlington, Texas 7(C11 i I I I l


f. .~T.T.T;T.T.T.TY.'T
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Northem States Power Company l

414 Neonet Vas 1 Meneapons V.neescia $$401 TeWphone (612) MO 5500 l

June 1,1988 _

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Canission ,

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Region IV  ; ,

Material R.adiation Protection Section 7"'~~

611 Ran Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 '

- ~ " "

Arlington, TX 76011 L_

Byproduct Material License No 22 08799 02 Anendment Request Dated May 27 1988 l

l Enclosed please find two copies of Application for Amendment No. 9 to the above referenced Byproduct Material License and a check in the amount of

$60,00 as payment of the n=endment application fee, as determined l applicable from 10 CFR 1/J 31.P.

l This amendment would replace Mr R T McKaughan with Mr M P Hernandez as l

the Plant Superintendent and Radiation Saf ety Of ficer. Mr Hernandez' I training and experience suraaries as well as outlines of addittunal training requirements are ar.tached.

l h u~. . 1


David Musolf Manager Nvclear Support Services DMM/PJM/rja

( c: NSS file (C NRC BYPROD & SNM LICENSF PATHFINDER - 22 08799 02)

J V Closs i G M Mathiason M R Vhalen I l

l Attachmetts : l l

( 1. NRC Form 313. "Application for Material License" l l 2. Supplemental Inforaation for Proposed Amendment No. 9 to Byproduct l Material license No, 22 08799 02.

l l

3. Qualifications and Experience for Mr M P Hernandez l
4. Radiation Safety Associates Inc. Training Outlines l 5. Pathfinder Radiation Protection Officer Qualifications l


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    • ooaemius euca.uomatpin u uwmocancmen o Pathfinder Generating Plant 1 l

Route 2 Sioux Falls. SD  :

I o, ,s n= to u contacno **ovv tw **ucanoa I David M. Musolf. Manager - Nuclear % pport 'Lervices I the-o.e .v.o12) 337-2035 '

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s Supplemental Information for Proposed Amendment No. 9 to Byproduct Materisi License No. 22 08799 02 i

License Item Number 12 shall be amended to read as follows: {


12. Licensed material shall be possessed and stored under the j 2

supervision of M. P. Hernandes, Plant Superintendent.

i l

) The responsibilities of Plant Superintendent and Radiation Safety [

Of ficer for the Pathfinder Generating Station vill be transferred from Mr.  !

R. T, McKaughan to Mr. M. P. Hernandez effective June 6, 1988. Mr.

! Hernandez requires additional training to fully take over the i resporsibilities of Radiation Safety Officer. For this reason, Mr.  !

Hernandez will assume Radiation Safety Officer responsibilities with the

, support and supervision of personnel from the Northern States Power Company i (NSP) General Office Radiological Protectic.n Department and by radiation safety personnel from NSP's operating nuclear generating stations  :

(Monticello, Prairie Island) until such time as Mr. Hernandez meets all  !

l required qualifications. l J

i Mt. Hernandez' training is scheduled to be completed on September 16, 18. 8 %


Attached is a description $< Mr. Hernandez' current qualifications, a '

description of course work which has already been completed (Radiation >

Associates Inc. "Health Physics Technician Level I Basic" completed March l' 20, 1988), a descriotion of course work to be completed by September 16, 1988 (Radiation Associates Inc. .

  • Radiation Safety Officer"), and a  :

qualifications checklist sheet "Pathfinder Radiation Protection Officer  !

Qualification" developed by NSP Special Nuclear Programs Department. All  !

covrse work and tasks identified on the qualif' cations checklist will be {

complete on or before September 16, 1988. Certification of training and i

qualification will be forwarded to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, j l Region IV; Material Radiation Protection Section upon full completion. i l i 1

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EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE: Plant Swerintendent UCENSE: Chief Engineer - Grade A CAPA31tI!TD 50 P ERVISION_

- Supervbed new epprentices, and trained plant operators to synchrontze four high pressure boilers;

- scheduled woric crews, and prepared time schedules;

- set up overtime and called in replacements; -

- supervh.d coal crew;

- when necesar1, provided supervision to outside repair Socialists;

- stpervised activities of teenagers in classroom and summer esmo settings.


- On call 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a daf, seven days a weeW, to Rice Street and Wabasha Street NSP Business Offices, and Third Street Steam Hasting P! ant fer both coal and boikr equipment prcelems;

- made major operating decisions in the absenca of management and supervisory per sonnel; coordinatad participation of City, Northwestern Bell and UttIty statt's for lin{-

locations in steam Ifne breaks;

- respor.ded efficiently to evacuate plant personnel and order buiWing search on receipt of bomb threats.


- Made permnal contact with Foremen and Supervisors of all NSP departments to ,

Ittsure smooth geration of all power plant and office buildlig maintenance;

- learned procedures for discipline in a Union setth(, and how to work with diffleult emplojees;

- elected by co-workers to serve two terms representing Union employees from Op erating, Mahtenance and Coal Crew at NSP Third Street Steam Plant;

- as Union Steward, negotiated with management on pay raiset, crew additions and hirtig of a.m union employees

- wrote briefkt used by 1st Class Engineers in preparation for Chief !!certse test.


- Gained a thorsqh working knowledge of all building systems through diagrams and on cite hgoetions;

- established wort schedules for daily anu overtime work;

- documented cou9)eted maintenaned, and tpdated logs on turbine generators, bollari, and pumps;

- anahzad machine operations to establish maintenance schedules for machinery and magower needs;

- organized clas structure for, and taught mathematks to St. Pault first class for bilingual students, and prepared and administered tasts;

- evaluated coalateds and was repensble for ordering supply on a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> basis;

/. ,


  • E .

-/ MICHAEL P. HERN ANDEZ 2-ADMINISTRATION / INVENTORY CONTROL (continued) identified inventory needs for boiler operation and placed orders as necessary; evaluated existing parts and supp!Ied, disposed of obsolete . items, identified inventory needt, and organized parts and supply depots.

EDUCATION Certifleste, Supervision and Foremanship:

Tecnnmal-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Minnesota,1981.

Certificate, H!rh Pressu:e Steam Engineering:

Tecnnmal-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Minnesota,1974.

Certificate, Eleettfeity:

On-going class wcrs, TecMical-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Minnesota,1982.

Certifieste, Principles of Refrigeration and Electricity:

Ticnnmal-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Minnesota,1980.

l Certi?!cata Machine Tool and Precess: I Tecnnmal-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Minnesota,1978. l Certifleatd, Gas and Are Welding:~ 1 Tecanical-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Minnesota,1977. I l

Certifieste, Heating, Ventilatirr and Air Conditioning:

916 - Vocational Institute, hhite Bear Lake, Mn - 1983 i

Certifiesta, Electricity and Maintenance I:

Tcchnmal-Vocational Institute, St. Paul, Mn. -1982 Company Computer Operator"Training Course - Human Relations & Sipervision:

Dffice Supervision cour.,e througn Inver Hills College.

Experience in expansion and renovation of residential and commercial structure:, l including plumbing, electrical, masonry werk and insulating.

Significant Employmerit Activity Foreme.n of Bldg. Malatananed, NSP, St. Paul, Minnesota, Januarf,1982 - Present; I.ead Plant Operator, NSF Steam Utility, St. Paul, Minnesotd, 1977 - 198 2; Plant Operator, NSP High Bridge Generation Plant, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1972 - 1977; l Mathematics Teacher of Bilingual Student?, Guadalupe Area Project, St. Paul, Minne-  ;

sota,196 9 - 1971.


Non-Compensated Activity l Union Steward, tocal 23,1hird Street Steam Resting Plant, NSP, St. Paul, Minnesotd, 1979 - 1M1.

Counselor, NSP Summer Carr#,1980 and 1981.

Safety Adviscry Boan! Merreer. ,


Associa ted with United Tund Drive.

Member of Safety Advisory Committee.

Miscellaneous company evening classes.

References available on request. '

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1:aining Course ..

Training Course '-


(5 Dayd OVERVIEW TOPICS OVE RVIEW TOPICS Thiscourse is designed to provkle Review of Radiation this is a basicIntroduction to the Math and Science Review the technical and practicalinfor- Iundamentals

, [a on p, mation ret uired to prepare a Units of Radiation and g ysics a i At and Nuclear Structure students should have some know- Nuclear Forces and Energy reasonably experiencen persori Radioactivity IceIce of nuclear phenomeria to Relations to be an effective Radiation 5alety Deteccan and Measurement utstain maximum t>enefit."Eund. Radioactive Decay Officer. The course reviews the Use of Radiation Detectors amentals of Radist&on Protectioef" Types of Radiation basic scientific principles of radi- Biological Effects described on the previous suge lealf-Ofe ation and radeoactivity, its detection Wosker Safety of thiscatalog,wouldbeadaquate Chart of the Nuclider t> Separation. Laboratory sessions Natueel Decay Chains and contro( but the main thrustis Protection of the General Public supplernent lectures arid discus- Decay Schemes "" '"I'"SIV' *I'* 'ai stic appl 8- The Nuclear Regtiatory sion. Dailyquines and a Rnalemarrt Paesicle Interactions willi Matter cable segulations and suggestions Comm!ssion Photon Interaction with Matter for setting up and running a Agscement State Regulators Wito SilOULD ATTEND Sources of Radiation meaningful radiation protection 10CFR Siological Effects program at a licensed facility. 49CfR E9

,'g,,'g g Prerequisite: llealtle Physics Tech- The Radiation Safety Program fundmnenta: understanding of nician Level i Basic Course or Personnel Dosimetry mathematics and science, who Gas-Elli * "*

  • Midir!id Detectors "*N ' ' "
  • E Preparing the tkense a want or need structured training Solid 5 tate Detectors in the pelociples of radiatfori pro- External Exposure Conteol' " "" "


sci tion.1 hose considered"Junta Internal Exposure Control licahh Physics Technicians" o' $usvey Methods Those seeking the necessary Instrument Cahbration

~~tontrol Point Monitoes" would - Tontamination Control trainingIo act as RadiationSafety Pregnant fema!e Radiation ide this as an Initial training Posting Offkers on an NRC or Agreement Workers Ba cCountingStatistics State radioattive materials ikense, Packaging and Shipping iei s fli sor x& o in healtis physics ~

a those who are cunently Radi- Radioactive Material au n alety en w want en Solving 5essions DATES scisesher training will benerst from AtCREDITATION May16-20, and November 14-18, this course.

Pmti< lpants who successfully 19081o New Beltain, Connectkut DATES cuenplete the cousse will be MarcI 7-11, ant}3eptember 12-awauled 4.0 Continuing Education ACCREDITAllON 16,1988 in New 8eitain, Con-EEE: 1995 t init5 and a Certificate of A(hieve- Partklpants who successfully necticut.

snent. Two academic credits are complete the course will be

(,$, yy y awarded 4.0 Corwinuing Education

Units and a Certificate of Achieve. $995 ON-5ITE PROGRAAe5 3 -

avaitable fromCentralConnecticut

  • Ihis (ousse can be peesented at your facility. It may be structured in i State University.

the same lormat as the public presentation oc customized to meet the i sperilic sequisements of your organization. Call 1203) 228-0487 for  ! -

huther Information.

  • l- n

N2rthern Sectes Pov:r Comp m y Pathfinder Radiation Protection officer Qualification Employee Number:


Title or Position:

1. Formal Training: Attach a brief description for each course attended.

The description should include the topics covered.

Duration Instructor Providing (classroca Title Trainine DAIA1 hournt

a. NSP nuclear plant Ceneral "

Employee Training.

b. Introduction to principles and practices of health physics and radiation. .


c. Radiation Safety Officer (approximately 40 hour4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> course).
2. Voric Experience: Perform (or simulate) the follovirg activities under the direct supervision of a Health Physicist or Radiation Protection Specialist.

Activity QAIA HP/RP Si mature

a. Participate in day.co day radiation safety operations at a nuclear facility (20 hour2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br /> minimum). ,
b. Demonstrate the ability to properly contain and control material with loose surface contamination,
c. Demonstrate knowledge of proper A1JUtA (as low as reasonably achievable) cachniques.
d. Demonstrate proficiency in monitoring techniques (including meter surveys, smear surveys, and air samples). ,

,s. Damonstrate the ability to measure i

radioactivity, i l

f. Complete a tour of the decommissioned Pathfinder nuclear facilities with a l knowledleable and experienced person.



3. Discussion: Discuss tho falicwing etpics with o 3:cith Physicist er Radiation Protection Specialist familiar with operotions at the Pathfinder plant.

Iys.1 Dit.t liFA Z Sirnature

a. Recognizing potential hazards ,
b. Safety practices applicabla to -

protection from radiation.

c. ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) considerations,
d. ' raining workers in safen work


e. P schfinder security requiremencs.
f. Emergency procedures,
g. Survey and personnel exposure record requirements,
b. Inspection requirements.
4. Required reading: Read the following material.

Document DA1.1 Initials

a. Pathfinder By product Material


b. Code of Federal Regulations Title 10 Part 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation,
c. Code or Federal Regulations Title
10. Part 19; Esticee, Instructions, ,

and Reporta to Verkers; Instructions,

d. NSF Safety Nmmaal.

9 i
