Received the following information was obtained via fax:
Columbiana HI Tech, LLC is performing an evaluation to determine a potentially reportable condition per 10 CFR Part 21 requirements. Description of Noncompliance: A review of NDE certifications revealed discrepant training and work experience records from previous employment provided by a Columbiana HI Tech, LLC employee at the time of certification. This condition was first discovered on 11/14/13. The employee was certified under the Columbiana HI Tech, LLC Qualification & Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel Procedure passing all written and practical examinations required for Visual (VT) and Liquid Penetrant (PT) Inspection methods. The discrepant experience and training records from a previous employer were used to help fulfill the training and experience requirements for certification.
Items affected: Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC Licensed components: Package USA/9196/B(U)F-96; certification number 9196 Rev. 26 UX-30 Overpack. A list of units affected will be compiled.
Columbiana HI Tech, LLC CUSTOMER components: A list of components manufactured and inspected during the effected time is being reviewed to allow CUSTOMER Notification. Full disclosure will be made to all effected customers as soon as identified and within the reporting requirements of 10 CFR Part 21.
Columbiana Hi Tech, LLC has concluded that the extent of the issue associated with this inspector is limited to his certification and did not negatively impact his competency for performance of Nondestructive Examination.
Columbiana Hi Tech has determined this is not a reportable condition per 10 [CFR] Part 21.
Notified R2DO(Hopper), Part 21 Group, and
NMSS EO(Silva) via email.